i ! Numerical Procedure for Predicting the Effects of Distorted Inflow Conditions on the Performance of Axial Flow Fans Dissertation presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) at the University of Stellenbosch. Promoter: Professor T.Y. von Backstrom G.D. Thiart November 1990

!Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

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Page 1: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


!Numerical Procedure for Predicting theEffects of Distorted Inflow Conditions on the

Performance of Axial Flow Fans

Dissertation presented for the Degree ofDoctor of Philosophy (Engineering)at the University of Stellenbosch.


Professor T.Y. von Backstrom

G.D. ThiartNovember 1990

Page 2: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



I the undersigned hereby d~clare that the work contained inthis dissertatiort is my own original work ~nd has notpreviously in its entirety or in part been submitted

at any university for a degree .

..~~ ..Signature

2=1 - 11- \9'9'0......................Date

Page 3: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



A numerical procedure for predicting the effect of inlet flow distortions on theperformance of axial flow fans is proposed. The study is aimed specifically atfans of low solidity and low hub-to-tip ratios, which have attained someimportance with the advent,ot large directly air-cooled power stations incertain arid regions of the world. The numerical model is an extension tocylindrical polar coordinates of the SIMPLEN algorithm that has been developed


by the author previously.

The algorithm is implemented in a computer code, FLOVAX, which solves theincompressible Navier-Stokes equations, augmented by the k-f model ofturbulence, on a computational domain that is aligned with the cylindrical polarcoordinate system. Several relatively simple flow problems are solved to verifythe code: laminar stagnation flow, laminar flow near a rotating disk, turbulentflow near a propeller, turbulent flow through an abrupt axisymmetric expansion,and turbulent swirling flow in an annulus. Good agreement is obtained betweenthe numerical solutions and the corresponding analytical, empirical or publishedexperimental and numerical results.

Some experimental results are also presented: measurements of shaft power,volume flow rate and static pressure rise were taken in a setup comprising anaxial flow fan mounted in the wall of a wind tunnel. The wind tunnel was usedto provide flow across the fan intake, thus establishing distorted inflowconditions. Detailed measurements of the velocity and static pressuredistributions in the duct downstream of the fan rotor were also performed. Itis clear from the results that flow across the intake of the test fan has adetrimental effect on its performance in that an increased amount of power isnecessary to deliver the same flow rate as with no crossflow.

In the numerical predictions, blade element theory is used to model the thrustand torque exerted by the fan blades on the air. The'numerical resultsgenerally confirm the results of the experiment, although the increase in poweris underestimated: an increase of only approximately half of the measuredincrease is predicted. Several recommendations for improvement of the numericalprocedure are made.

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'n Numeriese prosedure vir die voorspelling van die invloed van versteurings ininlaatvloei op die werking van aksiaalwaaiers word daargestel. Die studie isspesifiek gemik op waaiers van lae soliditeit en lae lempunt-tot-naaf-verhoudings. Vaaiers van hierdie tipe het belangrikheid verwerf sedert dieonlangse totstandkoming van groot lugverkoelde kragstasies in sekere droewerelddele. Die numeriese model is 'n uitbreiding na silindriese poolkoordinatevan die SIMPLEN-algoritme wat voorheen deur die skrywer ontwikkel is.

Die algoritme word gelmplementeer in 'n rekenaarkode, FLOVAX, wat dieonsamedukbare Navier-Stokes-vergelykings, aangevul deur diek-E-turbulensiemodel, oplos op 'n berekeningsgebied wat saamval met diesilindriese poolkoordinaatstelsel. Verskeie relatief eenvoudige vloeiproblemeword opgelos ter verifikasie van die kode: laminere stagnasievloei, laminerevloei op 'n roterende skyf, turbulente vloei deur 'n propeller, turbulente vloeideur 'n aksiaalsimmetriese vernouing, en turbulente roterende vloei in 'nannulus. Goeie ooreensternrningtussen die numeriese oplossings en dieooreenstemmende analitiese, empiriese of gepubliseerde eksperimentele ennumeriese resultate is verkry.

Eksperimentele resultate word ook aangebied: metings van asdrywing, volumevloeien statiese drnkstyging is geneem in 'n opstelling wat bestaan het nit 'naksiaalwaaier wat in die wand van 'n windtonnel gemonteer is. Die windtonnel isgebruik om versteurde-invloei-toestande te genereer in die vorm van dwarsvloeioor die waaier-inlaat. Snelheids- en statiese drukverdelings in die kanaalstroom-af van die waaierrotor is ook gemeet. Dit blyk duidelik uit dieresultate dat die dwarsvloei oor die inlaat van die toetswaaier 'n nadeligeuitwerking het op die werking daarvan in die opsig dat meer drywing nodig is omdieselfde vloeitempo te handhaaf as wat die geval is sonder dwarsvloei.

Vir die numeriese voorspellings word van lem-element-teorie gebruik gemaak omdie stukrag en draaimoment wat deur die waaier op die lug uitgeoefen word, temodelleer. Die numeriese resultate bevestig oor die algemeen die eksperimenteleresultate, alhoewel die drywingstoename onderskat word met sowat die helfte vandie gemete toename. Verskeie aanbevelings ter verbetering van die numerieseprosedure word gemaak.

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I would like to thank my promoter, Professor T.V. von Backstrom, for his soundadvice, moral support and seemingly endless patience throughout the four yearsof this study. Then also Professor D.G. Kroger, for suggesting the subject ofthe thesis.

Special thanks are also due to fellow students S.J. Venter and J.G.J. Visser,for assistance with the instrumentation for the experimental work, and theCenter for Mechanical Services (SMD) personnel, especially Mr. F. Zietsman, forassistance with setting up the experiment.

Finally, I would also like to thank my employer, the Bureau for MechanicalEngineering, for making available the time and computer resources for theresearch, and the Armaments Corporation of South Africa (ARMSCOR), for theirfinancial support.

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Chapter 1 - INTRODUCTION1.1 - Scope and Objectives1.2 ~ Calculation Methods1.3 - Closing Remarks

Chapter 2 - NUMERICAL MODEL2.1 - General2.2 - Governing Equations2.3 - Solution Procedure2.4 - Discretization of the General Transport Equation2.5 - Discretization of the Continuity Equation2.6 - Velocity Correction Procedure2.7 - Solution Algorithm2.8 - Boundary Conditions2.9 - Closing Remarks

Chapter 3 - TURBULENCE MODEL3.1 - General3.2 - The Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations3.3 - The Eddy Viscosity Concept3.4 - The k-f Model of Turbulence3.5 - Vall Functions3.6 - Modifications to the k-f Model for Swirling Flows3.7 - Closing Remarks

Chapter 4 - COMPUTER CODE4.1 - General4.2 - Computational Domain4.3 - Boundary Conditions4.4 - Computational Grid4.5 - System Files and Devices4.6 - Program Structure4.7 - Closing Remarks



1- 3

1- 9


2- 22-42- 5

2-172- 212- 232- 242- 27


3-13-13- 33-43- 63-103-12

4-14-14-14- 24- 24- 34- 34- 8

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Chapter 5 - VERIFICATION 5-15.1 - General 5-15.2 - Stagnation in Three-Dimensional Flow 5-15.3 - Laminar Flow Near a Rotating Disk 5-35.4 - Turbulent Flow Near a Propeller 5-45.5 - Turbulent Flow Through an Abrupt Axisymmetric Contraction 5-85.6 - Swirling Flow in an Annulus 5-115.7 - Closing Remarks 5-13

Chapter 6 - EXPERIMENT6.1 - General6.2 - Flow System6.3 - Measurements and Instrumentation6.4 - Experimental Procedure6.5 - Results6.6 - Closing Remarks

Chapter 7 - NUMERICAL PREDICTIONS7.1 - General7.2 - Computational Domain and Grid7.3 - Blade Element Model7.4 - Boundary and Initial Conditions7.5 - Prediction of Fan Performance - Axisymmetric Inflow7.6 - Prediction of Fan Performance - Distorted Inflow7.7 - Closing Remarks

Chapter 8 - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS8.1 - Conclusions8.2 - Recommendations for Future Work

Appendix A - SPECIAL FUNCTIONSA.l - The Function A(P)A.2 - The Function R(P)A.3 - The Function e(p)A.4 - The Function D(P)A.5 - The Function E(P)A.6 - The Function F(P,k,m,a)

6-16-16-16- 2

6- 66-7


7-17-17-17- 27- 67- 87-10



A-lA-lA- 2A- 3A- 4A-4A- 5

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Appendix B - DISCRETIZATION OF SOURCE TERMSB.1 - Axial Momentum EquationB.2 - Moment of Momentum EquationB.3 - Radial Momentum EquationB.4 - k- f Model Equations

Appendix C - DISCRETIZATION OF CROSS-FLUXESC.1 - DefinitionsC.2 - Discretization

Appendix D - INPUT FILE FORMATD.1 - Program Control VariablesD.2 - Geometrical SpecificationsD.3 - Fluid PropertiesD.' - Boundary Value Indicators for Open Boundaries

Appendix E - CALIBRATION OF ELECTRIC MOTORE. 1 - GeneralE.2 - Determination of LossesE.3 - InstrumentationE.4 - ResultsE.5 - Summary

Appendix F - FAN BLADE GEOMETRYF.1 - GeneralF.2 - Blade Angle and ChordF.3 - Blade Camber and Thickness




B- 2

B- 2

C-1C-1C- 2




D- 2

D- 2



E- 3

E- 4

E- 5








N- 3



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Chapter 1


1.1 Scope and Objectives

The purpose of this dissertation is to contribute towards the understanding ofthe influence of distorted inflow conditions on the performance of axial flowfans, in particular for the low solidity/low hub-to-tip ratio fans commonly usedin air-cooled heat exchangers. The emphasis is on the development of anumerical prediction procedure, but some experimental work is also presented.

A typical forced draught air cooler installation is shown schematically infigure 1.1: cooling air is forced by a set of axial flow fans through a tubebundle in which the process fluid flows. The tube bundles need not behorizontal as shown here; 'A'-frame configurations are used frequently (see forexample North, 1980).

There are several factors that can cause the inflow to the fans to benon-uniform. Examples of these are as follows:

(a) The proximity of solid surfaces. Figure 1.2(a) shows a transverse sectionthrough the configuration of figure 1.1 located in the proximity of abuilding. The inflow to the fan is obstructed in one direction, and istherefore non-uniform. The proximity of the ground surface can furtherexacerbate the situation.

(b) The proximity of other fans. Figure 1.2(b) shows a longitudinal sectionthrough the configuration of figure 1. The situation is very similar tothat depicted in figure 1.2(a); the inflow to either fan is obstructed bythe presence of the other. For three or more units mounted in a row, someof the fans may experience a substantial amount of flow across theirintakes, as shown in figure 1.2(c).

(c) Cross-winds. Winds blowing across an installation will distort the inflowto the fan(s) if the unit is not placed in a sheltered location, seefigure 1.2(d) .

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Usually a combination of these effects is encountered. One, maybe extreme,example is that of the South African Electricity Supply Commission's (ESCOM)Matimba power station, depicted schematically in figure 1.a. Low pressure steamfrom the turbines, which have a power-generating capacity of 6x665 MV, iscondensed in finned tube bundles mounted in A-frame configurations. Thecondenser units span an area of approximately 500 m long by 70 m wide and arelocated about 45 m off the ground. Air is forced through the tube bundles by288 (six rows of 48) eight-bladed axial flow fans, each of which has a diameter,of 9.145 m and is driven at 125 r.p.m. by an electric motor rated at 275 kV.Everyone of these fans experiences distorted inflow conditions to some extent,either due to the proximity of the turbine house, ground surface or adjacentfans, or due to prevailing winds in the area which can reach strengths of morethan 8 m/s (N 30 km/h).

The performance of a power station such as Matimba depends crucially on theperformance of the cooling system; it is therefore important to be able topredict how the cooling fans perform under adverse inflow conditions. Thesuccessful prediction of fan performance in turn hinges on a sound understandingof the flowfield in the fan system, the provision of which is the main objectiveof this dissertation. The specific objectives are as follows:

(a) Formulate and implement a suitable calculation procedure to simulate theflow through an axial flow fan of the type commonly used in air-cooled heatexchangers. The specific problem is depicted schematically in figure 1.4.A single ducted fan draws in air from the environment, which consists oftwo infinite flat surfaces perpendicular to the fan axis, and discharges itthrough a circular duct. The fan characteristics are prescribed throughits geometry and rotational speed. The inflow distortion is provided bythe external flow across the fan intake.

(b) Test the calculation procedure by using it to simulate flow situations thatare similar to, but better understood than, the fan problem.

(c) Use the calculation procedure to predict how the performance of a fan isinfluenced by inflow distortions; specifically, how the mass flow rate,power consumption and efficiency are affected by the strength (velocity) ofthe external flow across the intake.

(d) Verify the results of the performance predictions experimentally.

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1.2 Calculation lethods

It can be accepted (see for example Schlichting, 1968) that the Navier-Stokesequations form the basis of the science of fluid mechanics. Exact solutions ofthese equations (or simplifications thereof such as the Euler equations forinviscid flow or the Laplace equation for ideal flow) are generally not possiblefor anything but the very simplest of problems; numerical methods are thereforeoften used to investigate flow problems of engineering interest. Beforeproceeding with a review of such methods applicable to the fan problem, it isinformative to consider some of the main features of the flowfield underconsideration:

(a) Incompressible flow. Density variations are usually very small in the typeof axial flow fan considered here. The blade tip Mach number for aMatimba-type fan, for example, is about 0.175, which implies that densityvariations are less than 27., assuming isentropic flow.

(b) Turbulent flow. Reynolds numbers are usually high for the type of fanunder consideration. The Reynolds number based on fan diameter and theaverage axial flow velocity for a Matimba fan, for example, is of the orderof 5x106 under normal operating conditions.

(c) Isothermal flow. The temperature rise that the air undergoes as itproceeds through the fan is usually negligible. If, for example, all ofthe 275 kV supplied by the drive motor of a Matimba fan were converted intoheat, the temperature rise of the air would be less than 0.5 K.

(d) Three-dimensional flow. Industrial cooling fans usually have relativelylong blades and low chord-to-pitch ratios; the hub-to-tip ratio of aMatimba fan, for example, is less that 0.16, while the solidity varieslinearly from about 1.0 near the hub to less than 0.16 at the blade tips.The flowfield through such a fan operating under distorted inflowconditions will therefore generally vary in both the radial and azimuthaldirections; by comparison a compressor rotor of high solidity and highhub-to-tip ratio will (per definition) only experience azimuthaldistortions. Consequently, because axial variations are always present,the fan flowfield must be treated as three-dimensional.

The calculation method that is required here must therefore be able to predict

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three-dimensional, incompressible, isothermal, turbulent flow, which effectivelymeans that the three-dimensional, incompressible form of the Navier-Stokesequations, augmented by a suitable turbulence model, has to be solved.Unfortunately, there appears to be no solution method that has been developedfor the problem at hand. Methodologies that have been developed for similarproblems must therefore be considered with the view to adapting them for thepresent problem. These can be classified broadly as follows:

(a) Methods in which individual fan blades are considered as wings of infiniteaspect ratio (i.e. airfoils), each experiencing a time-dependent approachflow.

(b) Methods which attempt to model the overall behaviour of a high hub-to-tipratio rotor (or several stator/rotor stages), usually a cascade of closelyspaced airfoils in an annular channel.

(c) Methods which attempt to model the overall behaviour of a low hub-to-tipratio rotor, usually an un shrouded propeller/helicopter rotor of lowsolidity.

1.2.1 lethods Based on Airfoil Theory for Non-Uniform lotion

The description of airfoil theory for non-uniform motion (or equivalently, astationary airfoil experiencing a non-uniform approach flow) in terms of thebasic conceptions of vortex theory familiar to engineers, originated with VonKarman and Sears (1938). The main assumptions are that the flow istwo-dimensional, inviscid and incompressible, that the airfoil can berepresented by a flat plate, and that its motions perpendicular to the meanflight path are small compared to the chord. Specifically, a flat plate airfoilat zero angle of attack is considered. It is shown that the lift and moment onthe airfoil consists of three parts: the quasi-steady contributions, whichrepresent the force and moment which would be produced it the instantaneousvelocity and angle of attack were permanently maintained; the apparent masscontributions, which are due to the accelerated fluid masses; and the influenceof the wake, which represents the effect of the vortices that are shed with eachchange in velocity or angle of attack.

Von Karman and Sears applied the theory to the cases of an airfoil oscillatingtransversely to the flow direction and in pitch, and for an airfoil entering asharp-edged transverse gust. Sears (1941) subsequently investigated the case of

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combined heave and pitch, and applied the results to the calculation of theamplitude of torsional oscillation of a fan blade operating in the wake of a setof pre-rotation vanes. Kemp and Sears (1953) used the theory to calculate theaerodynamic interference between two blade rows moving relative to each other,such as a stator and rotor in a typical turbomachine. The representation ofblade wheels as infinite cascades of two-dimensional airfoils is adopted,assuming that for a stator blade there are no unsteady effects transmitted fromother stator or rotor blades, and for a rotor blade that there are no unsteadyeffects transmitted from other stator or rotor blades except for the vortexwakes shed by the stator blades. Later Kemp and Sears (1955) also included theeffects of the viscous wakes of the upstream blade row by modeling the wakes asinviscid shear flows.

Horlock (1968) analysed the lift fluctuation on an airfoil (at non-zero angle ofattack) due to a gust parallel to the mean flow, and combined this analysis withthe Von Karman and Sears theory for transverse gusts in order to obtain thefluctuating lift on a fan or compressor blade moving through a flow disturbance.Naumann and Yeh (1973) extended the analysis to cambered airfoils, andcalculated the unsteady lift on a blade moving through periodic wakes in anaxial-flow turbomachine .. Graham (1970) solved the problem of the liftfluctuations on a thin airfoil in an arbitrarily yawed sinusoidal gust, which isrelevant for rotating machinery with large aspect ratio blades.

A different approach was followed by Henderson and Horlock (1972) in theiranalysis of the unsteady lift on airfoils in moving cascades subject todisturbances in the inlet axial flow. The lift on a blade in the cascade isdetermined by the integration of the instantaneous pressure difference acrossthe blade. The pressure difference is found by application of the equations ofcontinuity and momentum, averaged across the blade pitch.

Extensions to airfoils of arbitrary shape executing arbitrary unsteady motionshave been presented by Giesing (1968), Basu and Hancock (1978) and Vezza andGalbraith (1985). The nonlinear unsteady potential flow problem is solved withpanel methods similar to that used for the calculation of steady potential flowabout arbitrary bodies (see for example Hess and Smith, 1967, and Hess, 1974);no applications for turbomachinery flows were reported, however.

Although a high degree of sophistication has been reached with the theory ofairfoils in non-uniform motion, it is not adequate for the fan problem. Theinflow distortion must be prescribed, whereas for the fan in cross-flow the

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characteristics of the combined fan/duct system determines the characteristicsof the distortion. Also, neither the effect of three-dimensional shape of thefan blades nor of the number of blades can be dealt with by the theory.

1.2.2 lethods for Axial Flow Turbomachinery

The performance of axial flow turbomachinery operating with distorted inflowsare usually analysed by taking into account the known characteristics of themachine operating with uniform inlet conditions. Probably the simplest methodis the small perturbation analysis of Plourde and Stenning (1968). Theyanalysed the attenuation of a circumferential inlet distortion (axial velocitycomponent) in a multistage axial compressor, assuming that the amplitude of thedistortion is small, that the hub-to-tip ratio is high, that the pressure riseproduced within any stage is a function of the local mass flow rate only(specifically, equal to the pressure rise for uniform inflow), and that thestatic pressure at the exit is uniform circumferentially. Additional losses(due to the distorted inflow) and hence the change in performance of thecompressor can be estimated using the predicted flowfield within the compressor.A simplified version of this analysis has been presented by Stenning (1980).

The inability of the small perturbation analysis to describe the influence oflarge inlet distortions is surmounted in another relatively simple technique,the parallel compressor model. The compressor is subdivided into separatecompressors, each operating with uniform inflow; it is assumed that there is nocross flow between the compressors, that each of the parallel compressors havethe same characteristics as the real compressor operating withundistortedinflow, and that .the static pressure is uniform at the exit of the compressor.The average pressure rise through the compressor is found by application of theprinciples of conservation of mass and momentum. Doyle and Horlock (1966)pioneered the parallel compressor model; modifications have been proposed by anumber of authors, e.g Korn (1974), Colpin (1977) and Lecht (1986) for theinclusion of unsteady effects, and Mazzaway (1977) for allowing circumferentialvariations in exit static pressure.

Although the parallel compressor model is useful for the prediction of theoverall compressor performance, it is not suitable for a detailed analysis ofinlet distortion. Such an analysis must include the effects of the distortionon the local performance of the blade rows (Stenning, 1980), and is usuallycarried out using the actuator disk approach. Here the main assumptions arethat a rotor or stator stage consist of an infinite number of blades (i.e. high

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solidity), that the hub-to-tip ratio is close to unity (i.e. blades are straightand the flow can be treated as two-dimensional), and that the flow is inviscid.Representative examples of the application of actuator disk (or cascade) theoryfor the prediction of the attenuation of inlet distortions are those of Ehrich(1957), Yeh (1959), Yocum (1978), Hawthorne et al. (1978), Colpin (1979) and Minand Ju (1985).

One of the major restrictions of actuator disk analyses is that only theflowfield outside the cascade is resolved - the characteristics of the actuatordisk, and therefore its influence on the flowfield, has to be determinedexperimentally. With the advent of high speed digital computers it has now alsobecome possible to calculate the flowfield within the blade rows. Examples arethe numerical analyses of Rai (1987), who solved the unsteady, thin-layerNavier-Stokes equations for a rotor/stator configuration of an axial turbine,and Giles (1988), who solved the unsteady Euler equations for unsteadywake/rotor interactions.

The methods described here appear to be less restrictive than those for airfoilsin non-uniform motion, but are still inadequate for the fan problem. The majorobjection remains that a detailed description of the inflow distortion isrequired in all cases.

1.2.3 lethods for larine Propellers and Helicopter Rotors

A marine propeller is almost always subject to inflow distortions, because it islocated in the wake of the ship it is propelling, and also because a ship'spropeller shafts are usually inclined with respect to the direction of travelfor practical reasons. The rotor of a helicopter in forward flight is likewiseinclined with respect to the direction of travel and therefore also experiencesnon-uniform inflow conditions.

Calculation methods for the determination of periodic blade loading in anon-uniform inflow are summarised by Schwanecke and Laudan (1973). Theyidentify the following three groups of calculation procedures:

(a) Quasi-steady methods using extended steady lifting line theory or liftingsurface theory (only applicable for distortions of long wavelength comparedto blade chord).

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(b) Calculation procedures for flow conditions of "slight" unsteadiness (i.e.distortions of medium or long wavelength compared to blade chord) based onextended unsteady lifting line theory.

(c) Calculation procedures for arbitrary unsteady flow conditions, based oneither the two-dimensional unsteady airfoil theory described in section1.3.1, or unsteady propeller lifting surface theory.

A review of calculation procedures that roughly covers groups (a) and (b) isgiven by Pitt (1981). Unsteady lifting surface theories are discussed by,amongst others, Van Gent (1975) for marine propellers and Runyan and Tai (1986)for helicopter rotors. These calculation procedures all involve the use ofeither the velocity potential or acceleration potential, and require theexistence of a predominant flow direction throughout the flow field. Such apredominant flow direction does not exist for the fan problem, however. Theinfluence of recirculation zones caused by the ducting system can also not beaccounted for by potential flow methods.

It seems therefore that the only viable approach for the fan problem is thesolution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Several studies reporting numericalsolutions of these equations for propeller flows have appeared in recent years.Pelletier and Schetz (1986) simulated the flowfield near a propeller in shearflow, modeling the propeller as an actuator disk with prescribed thrust andtorque distributions, and turbulence by an one-dimensional turbulent kineticenergy equation. The same approach was used by Schetz, Pelletier and Mallory(1988) and by Thomas and Schetz (1988) for a propeller operating in the wake ofa slender axisymmetric body with a slender planar appendage, the differencebetween the latter two studies being in the turbulence model. Stern et al.(1988) calculated the flowfield near a propeller operating in the wake of bothan axisymmetric and a three-dimensional body, also modeling the propeller as anactuator disk, but using the k-f turbulence model (see Chapter 3).

An important extension in the context of Navier-Stokes simulations is the workof Pericleous and Patel (1986), who simulated the flowfield in a stirredchemical reactor. They modeled the impeller with blade element theory, thuscoupling the thrust and torque distributions to the flowfield. The flowfieldand thrust/torque distributions are calculated iteratively: the direction andmagnitude of the fluid velocity within the impeller region of the flowfield areused to calculate the lift and drag coefficients of the blade elements and hencelift and drag forces; these are then used as body forces in the Navier-Stokes

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equations to recalculate the flowfield. This method is considered to have the'greatest potential for adequately representing the interaction between the fanand the duct system, while retaining some simplicity in that the detailedflowfield between and on the blade surfaces do not have to be resolved.

1.3 Closing Remarks

In this dissertation, the method of Pericleous and Patel (1986) will be extendedfor the calculation of the effects of distorted inflow conditions on theperformance of an axial flow fan. The numerical method for the solution of thegoverning equations is described in Chapter 2, followed by a description of theturbulence model in Chapter 3. The implementation of the numerical method in acomputer program is described in Chapter 4, and the validation of the method andcomputer program in Chapter 5, where the results from a few relatively simplecase studies are reported. Experimental results are presented in Chapter 6,and the corresponding fan performance predictions (including details of theblade element modeling) in Chapter 7. Finally, conclusions and recommendationsfor future work are given in Chapter 8.

- - - 00000- --

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Tube bundle

Figure 1.1 Typical forced draught air cooler

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Legend: + Fun


(0.) PrOXIMity of Buildings (b) ProXIMity of other fo.ns

\,.,lInd--------(c) Cross-dro.ughts (d) Cross-winds

Figure 1.2 Factors causing distorted inflow conditions

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~ Direct Air Cooled SystemMATIMBA

6.665 MW power Station


CD Boiler house @ Turbine house @ Condenser units

Figure 1.3 Matimba power station

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Air flow

~---- Fo.n rotor


Fo.n Motor

Figure 1.4 Idealised problem

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Chapter 2


2.1 General

It is beyond the scope of this dissertation to provide a comprehensive reviewall the methods that are available for the computation of viscous flows. Thesubject has been given in-depth treatments in various texts, for example thoseof Roache (1976), Patankar (1980), Baker (1983) and Anderson et al. (1984).

In recent years, methods based on the SIMPLE (~emi-Implicit Method forfressure-linked ~quations) algorithm of Patankar and Spalding (1972) have beenused successfully to solve a wide range of flow problems. Numerous examples areavailable in the literature, especially in the journal Numerical Beat Transfer.Commercial software that employ the SIMPLE method is also available, the mostwell known perhaps being the PHOENICS-code. Some achievements of PHOENICS havebeen described by Singhal (1985).

In the original SIMPLE algorithm separate grids, staggered in space, are usedfor the calculation of scalar properties such as pressure, and each of thevelocity components. Thus four grids are used for a three-dimensional flowproblem, which complicates the implementation of boundary conditions. If allvariables are located at the same grid points, on the other hand, a checkerboardpressure field may result. This has been described by, amongst others, Patankar(1980), Rhie and Chow (1983) and Perie (1985).

Several methods that have been proposed to overcome the checkerboard problem onnonstaggered grids, are described by Patankar (1988) in a recent review paper.Thiart (1990a) subsequently presented a new finite difference method that alsoeliminates the need for staggered grids. The method was incorporated in analgorithm called SIMPLEN: the "N" attached to SIMPLE being an indication that anonstaggered grid is used.

The finite difference scheme on which SIMPLEN was originally based, has beenrefined by Thiart (1990b) recently. It was shown that the new scheme is capable

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of producing numerical solutions of comparable or superior accuracy to that ofother numerical methods. In this dissertation, application of the newdifferencing scheme is extended to a cylindrical polar coordinate system.

2.2 Governing Equations

It has been shown in Chapter 1 that, for the problem under consideration, theflow can be treated as incompressible and isothermal. Under these conditions,the energy equation and the equation of state disappear from the problem, aspointed out by Schlichting (1968), and the Navier-Stokes equations can besimplified as follows:

Conservation of mass:

1 a 1 a a- --(prv) + - --(prw) + --Cpu) = 0r ar r ao az

Conservation of axial momentum:

a 1 a 1 a a--Cpu) + - --(prvu) + - --(prwu) + --(puu)at r ar r ao az



ap + ~ !!"-[rp,au] + ~ ~[~ au] + ~[p, au]az r ar ar r ao r ao az az

ap,av ap,aw ap,au+----+----+---

ar az ao az azaz (2.2)

Conservation of radial momentum:

a 1 a 1 a a--(pv) + - --(prvv) + - --(prwv) + --(puv) - prw2at r ar r ao az


avap + ~ ~[rp, av] + ~ ~[~ av] + ~[p, av]ar r ar . ar r ao r ao az az

ap,av ap,aw ap,au+----+----+----

ar ar ao ar az ar~[~ + 2 aWlr r ao (2.3)

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2- 3

Conservation of moment of momentum:

a 2 1 a 9 1 a 9 a 2--(pr w) + - --(pr vw) + - --(pr ww) + --(pr uw)at r ar r ao az


ara~ av a~ aw a~ au 2 a

+ -- -- + -- -- + --.-- + - --(~v)ar ao ao ao az ao r ao


Equation (2.4) expresses Newton's Second Law in the form "time rate of change ofmoment of momentum is equal to the sum of external moments", rather than themore usual "time rate of change of momentum is equal to the sum of externalforces" (see for example Schlichting, 1968). The w-equation has been found toperform better in swirling flows than the UI- equation, which contains a term-~w/r2 that appears to have adestabilising effect on the numerical solutionprocedure.

The three momentum equations can be written in the general form

a 2m 1 a 2 1 1 a 2m+l a 2--(pr ~) + - --(pr m+ v~) + - --(pr w~) + --(pr mu~)at r ar r ao az

where ~ denotes a general variable representing either u, v or w, and

m = {o for ~ = u, v

1 for ~ = w



Equation (2.5) can be regarded as a transport equation for the general variable~, with transient and convective terms on the left hand side being balanced by asource term S~ and diffusion terms on the right hand side. The source terms areas follows:

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aT ap ap, av ap, afJ ap, auSu = - +--+ --+av az ar az au az az az

aIR 2 ap ap, av ap, afJ ap, au~[~ + 2 a"]SV = - +prfJ - - +--+--+ ---

av ar ar ar au ar az ar r r au

aq ap ap, av ap, afJ ap, au 2 asfJ = - +--+ --+ --+ - -(p,v)av au ar au au au az au r au

2.3 Solution Procedure




The governing equations are solved by converting them to discretized equationsfor the dependent variables u, v, fJ and p. A discretization equation is writtenfor each of the variables at each of the grid points in the computationaldomain, and has the generic form


where the subscripts P, Y, E, S, N, Band T refer to a typical cluster of gridpoints as shown in figure 2.1; the subscript 7 refers to the temporal influence.Thus four sets of algebraic equations are set up; these are solved subject tothe boundary conditions, stepping forward in time from the initial conditions.

The computational domain is subdivided into a number of non-overlapping controlvolumes, one control volume per grid point, as shown in figure 2.2. Thediscretization equations are obtained by integrating the differential equationsover these control volumes. The control volume faces are-located midway betweenthe grid points in the axial and azimuthal directions, and at the geometric meanradii in the radial direction (i.e. rs=~rSrp and rn=~rprN ) .

•Locating the control volume faces midway between grid points in the axial andazimuthal coordinate directions is fairly conventional, the other obvious choicebeing to locate grid points midway between the faces. Patankar (1980) discussedthe issue, pointing out that the first method provides greater accuracy in thecalculation of gradients across control volume interfaces, while the secondmethod provides greater accuracy in the calculation of mean values over controlvolumes and at the control volume faces. The decisive feature for choosing thefirst procedure here, is that it allows the finite difference coefficients to bewritten in a very compact form, as illustrated by Thiart (1990b).

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The radial location of control volume faces likewise allow the finite differencecoefficients for the radial direction to be written in compact form. A furtheradvantage is that control volumes surrounding the symmetry axis (r=O) have zeroradius and hence zero volume. It is therefore not necessary to apply theconservation principles at the centerline, which is convenient since theconservation equations contain several singularities of the type Ifr. In thisway, the singularities are removed numerically.

It is not known whether this approach is entirely novel; another, less elegant,method is given by Roache (1976): "One clumsy but apparently acceptable approachis to revert to Cartesian coordinates near 'the centerline, patching ingeometrically to the rest of the problem".

2.4 Discretization of the General Transport Equation

2.4.1 Basic Philosophy

Equation (2.5) can be expressed in terms of fluxes as

a 2 1 a ~ 1 a o~ a ~ ~--(pr m~) + - --(rJr~) + - --(J ~) + __ (JZ~) = s~at r ar r ao az

where the J's are convection-diffusion fluxes, defined as

~ 2m[ a~]JZ~ = r pu~ - p, az





Equation (2.11) is now integrated over the control volume shown in figure 2.2:

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The integrals are evaluated with the aid of the following assumptions:


(a) The term containing the temporal derivative is constant within the controlvolume, and can be approximated with sufficient accuracy by differencingbackward in time, i.e.

{a 2m}-(pr ~)at p

pr;m(~p _ ~~)~-----At

owhere ~p denotes the value of ~p at the previous time step.

(b) Within the control volume, the fluxes Jr~, JO~ and JZ~ vary only in theradial, azimuthal and axial directions respectively.

(c) The source term is constant between grid points in the axial, radial andazimuthal directions for ~ = u, v and w respectively, and does not vary inthe other two coordinate directions.

Subject to these assumptions, equation (2.15) can be written explicitly asfollows:

2Ar, AZ[ O~+--J -erp


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~r,aOAz[ornS~ + orss:] for ; :: v

S;~Ar2Az[ 00 eS~ + OOwS:] for ; (2.17)p = ::w

1 2 [; ;] for ;2Ar AO OZtSt + oZbSb - U

The motivation for the assumption that source terms are constant between gridpoints, which is at variance with the more traditional assumption that sourceterms are constant within control volumes, lies therein that pressure gradients,which usually constitute a major part of the source terms for the momentumequations, are expressed more readily as being constant between grid points thanbetween control volume faces. If ;::u, for example, then

which is of course constant between grid points. Expression of the pressuregradients as constant between grid points is also instrumental in the preventionof pressure checkerboarding on nonstaggered grids, as discussed byThiart (1990a). More details about the discretization of the source terms aregiven in Appendix B.

It remains to find explicit expressions for the interface fluxes in equation(2.16). From the definitions of the fluxes, equations (2.12) through (2.14), itis clear that information is required about the way in which ; varies betweengrid points. In the SIMPLEN algorithm, this information is obtained through thesolution of a one-dimensional, steady state boundary value problem for each ofthe main coordinate directions. The boundary. value problems are derived fromthe general transport equation, so that the physics of the flow is incorporatedin the determination of the fluxes.

2.4.2 Axial Fluxes

The boundary value problem for the axial variation of ; between grid points Pand T in figure 2.2 is derived from the general transport equation by writingequation (2.5) in the steady state, quasi-one-dimensional form

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2- 8


The SX-terms are the so-called cross-fluxes, given by

xz; {1 6 [2m+l 6; 2m+l] 1 6 [ 2m P 6; 2m+l]}SP T = - - r p - - pr v; + - - r - - - pr fJJ;, r 6r 6r r 60 r 60 P T,

where the operators 6/6r and 8/80 represent any convenient numericalapproximation (e.g. central differences) to the partial differentiationoperators D/Dr and D/DO. More details about the discretization of thecross-fluxes are given in Appendix C.

The corresponding one-dimensional form of the continuity equation is

d-(pu) = 0dz



which integrates to pu = constant = PUt. If it is now further assumed that p isalso constant between the grid points P and T and equal to Pt' then the exactsolution of equation (2.19), subject to the boundary conditions

; = ;P at z = 0,

and the additional constraints that; and d;/dz must be continuous at the theinterface t, can be found:


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2- 9

),__ OZt ( 1£ ) [s~ SXZ~] -2mY' ~t + -- Z - 2UZt t + T rp



1for 20Zt~Z~OZt. Here Pt=put/P,t'the grid Peclet number, while ~t is theinterface value of ~, given by


The Peclet number dependent functions C(P), D(P) and E(P) are defined anddiscussed in Appendix A.

The axial flux JZ~ at the interface t can be found by back substitution of theexact solution given by equations (2.21) through (2.23) into equation (2.14).The algebraic manipulations involved in this procedure are simple but tedious,and will therefore not be presented here. The result is as follows:

J~~ = r;m{PUt~p + ~ A(Pt)(~p - ~T)}OZt

+ ~5z t{[ S~ + ~ZfI]D(- ~Ptl C(-¥ tl - [s~ + s~ZfI] D(¥ tl C(¥ tl} (2.24)

The two additional Peclet number dependent functions A(P) and B(P) that appearhere are also defined and discussed in Appendix A. A similar expression can bederived for the flux through face b of the control volume:

Jbfl = r~m{p'bflp + 5:: J(-Pbl(flD - flpl}

+ ~5Zb{[St + S;ZfllD(-¥blC(-¥bl - [st + s;ZfllD(¥blc(¥bl} (2.25)

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The values of the interface viscosities Pt and Pb are found by harmonicinterpolation, as described by Patankar (1980):


2.4.3 Azimuthal Fluxes

The derivation of the azimuthal flux expressions is similar to that for theaxial fluxes. The boundary value problem for the azimuthal variation of ~between grid points P and E in figure 2.2 is obtained by writing equation (2.5)in the steady state, quasi-one-dimensional form

The cross-fluxes are given by

£60 < 0 ~ 60e2 e-


The corresponding one-dimensional form of the continuity equation is

d-(prlJJ) = 0dO



which integrates to prlJJ = constant = prplJJe• Assuming that P is also constantbetween the grid points P and E and equal to Pe' the exact solution of equation(2.27), subject to the boundary conditions

~ = ~p at 0 = 0,

and the constraints that ~ and d~/dO are continuous at the the interface e, isas follows:

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The azimuthal flux JO~ at the interface e is obtained by back substitution ofequations (2.30) through (2.32) into equation (2.13):

Similarly for the interface w:

[s~+ SxO~]B(£p )c(£p )}e E 2 e 2 e (2.33)

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Here the grid Peclet number is Pw=pr~~w60w/~w' Interface viscosities are againevaluated by harmonic interpolation:

2.4.4 Radial Fluxes

2~p~y~ =---w

~p + ~y(2.35)

The derivation of the radial flux expressions follows along the same lines asfor the axial and azimuthal fluxes, although the algebra is somewhat morecomplicated. The boundary value problem for the radial variation of ~ betweengrid points P and N in figure 2.2 is obtained by writing equation (2.5) in thesteady state, quasi-one-dimensional form

1 d [ 2m+1, 2m+1 d,] !~r, rp ~ r ~ rnS~ +- - pr v - ~r - =

r dr dr n Sxr~ r < r ~ rNN n -

The cross-fluxes are given by

The corresponding one-dim~nsional form of the continuity equation is

d-(prv) = 0dr




which integrates to prv = constant = prnvn. Assuming thatbetween the grid points P and N and equal to ~n' the exact(2.36), subject to the boundary conditions

~ is also constantsolution of equation

and the constraints that ~ and d~/dr are continuous at the the interface n, isas follows:

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s~ + s~r~+ -----

2J1.n(Pn+2nr 2)


a - 1nP !2+ma n _n


Pn/ 2+nr 1 - 2a _ 1[r ]np !2+m -a n - 1 rNn .


for rn~r~rN. Here Pn=prnvn/J1.n, an=rN/rp' and the interface value of ~ is givenby

~n = a~mC{_(~Pn+m)lnan}~P + a:C{(~n+m)lnan}~N

r2- 2mlna 1+ n 4 n O{(¥n+m)lnan}[F(-Pn,-m,-l,an)[S~ + s~r~]


+ F(Pn,m,l,an)[S~ + s;r~]] (2.41)

The Peclet number and radius ratio dependent function F(P,m,l,a) that has beenintroduced here is defined and discussed in Appendix A.

The radial flux Jr~ at the interface n is obtained by back substitution ofequations (2.39) through (2.41) into equation (2.12):

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r Jr; = r~m[ [pr v + 2mit ]; P +2 A{(P +2m) Ina H;P - ; Jf'2m)]n n n n n Ina n n nn .

+ ir~[[s: + Sr;]F(-Pn,-m,-l,an)C{-(¥n+m)lnanJ

- [s: + ~r;] F(Pn,m, 1,an) CH¥ n+m)lnanJ]

Similarly, at the interface s:

r Jr; = r~m[[pr v + 2mit ];p + ~ A{-(P +2m)lna Ha-2m;s - ;p)]s s s S s Ina s s ss

+ ir~[ [s: + SSr;] F(- Ps'- m,-l ,as) C{- (¥s+m)lnasJ

- [s: + s;r;] F(Ps ,m, 1, as) CH¥ s+m)lna sJ]

where Ps=prsvs/its and as=rp/rS. Here also, the interface viscosities areevaluated through harmonic interpolation:



it =n(1 + a~) itpit N

itP + itJf'~(2.44)

2.4.5 Discretization Equations

The discretization equation for; is now obtained by back substitution of theflux expressions, equations (2.24), (2.25), (2.33), (2.34), (2.42) and (2.43),into equation (2.16):

; ( - 2m ); ( 2m) ; ( ); ( )aN an ;P - ;N - as ;S - as;p + aE;p - ;E - af;f - ;P

+ a~(;p - ;1) - a$(;B - ;p) + a~(;p - ;;)

+ r~m[~O~z(prnvn - prsvs) + ~r2~z(PUle - pUlW) + ~r2~0(pUt - PUb)];p

;+ 2m(itn - its)r~m~O~z;p = {3S + {3r; + {30; + {3z; (2.45)

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2~ 2m Ar AOAza = prp ---r At

pr; = ~U~+~[[s~ + s5';] F( - Ps'- m,-l, as) C{- (¥s+m)Inas}- [s: + S~r~]F(Ps,m,1,as)C{(~ps+m)lnas}]








- r2[[s~ + Sxr~]F(_p -m -1 a )C{- (£p +m)lna }n n P n'" n 2 n n

- [s~ + 1r;]F(P n,m, 1, an) C{(¥n+m)lnan}] ] (2.53)

po; = ¥r2~+0 .{[s~ + ~O;]D(_ ¥.) C(c¥.) - [s~ + s;O;] D(¥.) C(¥.)]

- 50e{[S~ + S;O;]D(-¥e)C(-¥e) - [s~ + SiO;]D(~Pe)C(¥e)}] (2.54)

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flZ; = iar2~o[ 6zb {[sf + S;Z;]B(- Yb) C(-Yb) - [st + ~Z;] B(Yb) C(Yb)}

- 6Zt{[S~ + SV;]B(-Yt)C(-Yt) - [S~ + S~Z;]B(Yt)C(~Pt)}] (2.55)

The second last term on the left hand side of equation (2.45) can be eliminatedby means of the discretized continuity equation, which is obtained byintegrating equation (2.1) over the control volume:

MJAz(pr '/J - pr '/J ) + Ar2Az(plJJ - PlJJ ) + Ar2AO(put - pUb) = 0n n sse w (2.56)

Equation (2.45) can therefore be written in the general form given by equation(2.10), with



It was found during the verification of the numerical procedure (see Chapter 5)that it was not always possible to obtain convergent solutions with theformulation described here, unless some of the "extra" source terms (pr~, pO~

and pz~) were "switched off". Interaction between the cross-fluxes contained inthese terms can apparently cause divergence, especially for turbulent flowproblems, in a way that is not fully understood. It was found, however, thatresults of sufficient accuracy could be obtained for all the test cases byretaining only those cross-fluxes which arise when determining the controlvolume interface flux in a direction parallel to the velocity component forwhich the discretization equation is being set up (i.e. pZu for ~=u, pr'/J for~='/J, and pOlJJ for ~=lJJ). This seemingly arbitrary choice can be motivated bynoting that a discretization equation, just as the differential equation fromwhich it is derived, represents a balance between effects due to convection,diffusion (shear stresses in the momentum equations) and source terms. Aspointed out by Thiart (1990b), the formulation presented here has the followingcharacteristics:

(a) Convective effects are "upwinded", that is, the momentum changesrepresented by the discretized equations are momentum changes over control

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volumes shifted in a direction upstream from the "real" control volumes;

(b) Effects due to the conventional source terms are upwinded, thus bringingthem into balance with the upwinded convective effects;

(c) Effects due to the cross-fluxes are upwinded, thus bringing them intobalance with the upwinded convective and source term effects. Inparticular, shear stresses are upwinded.

The present formulation is therefore more consistent than conventional schemesin which only convective terms are upwinded. Now, since the pressure gradientis usually the most important part of the source term in the momentum equations,it is particularly important that the upwinding procedure be consistent in thedirection in which the pressure gradient acts. This part of the upwindingprocedure is contained in the source terms prv, pO~ and pZu, which are thereforeretained in the formulation.

2.5 Discretization of the Continuity Equation

2.5.1 Basic Philosophy

Static pressure is not governed by a transport equation, but is prescribedindirectly through the continuity equation. The discretized continuityequation, equation (2.56), is written in terms of interface velocities; thepressure dependency is brought explicitly into it by expressing the interfacevelocities in terms of the nodal pressures.

It is assumed that the values of the velocity components calculated by means ofthe discretized momentum equations do not satisfy the continuity equation, andthat the correct values (for conservation of mass) are given by

u = u* + U I ; v = v* + Vi; ~ = ~* + ~' (2.59)

Similarly, the correct pressures are given by

p = p* + pi (2.60)

The asterisks in equations (2.59) and (2.60) denote the nodal values at anyparticular stage of the calculation procedure, while the primes denote the

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corrections that have to be applied to obtain the correct values.

It is now further assumed that the following relationships exist between thevelocity corrections at the interfaces of the control volumes and the pressurecorrections at the neighboring grid points:

Ut = dt (pp - PI) u' = db(PB - pp)b

v' = d (p' - p') v' = ds(PS - pp)n n P N s

w' = d (p' - p') w' = d'(p' - p')e e P E w w 11 P




Substitution of equations (2.61) through (2.63) into equation (2.59), and theninto equation (2.56), yields the discretization equation for pressurecorrections:


aP' = AOAzr dN n n

aP' = AOAzr dS s s

I 2a~ = Ar Azde

I 2 .a). = Ar Azdw

pp' = AOAz(r v* - r v*) + Ar2Az(w* - w*e) + Ar2AO(u'f - u*t)s s nnw 0

It remains to find expressions for the d's in equations (2.65)as well as for the interface velocities in equation (2.72).









through (2.70),

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2.5.2 Axial Direction

The axial interface velocity at the interface t is obtained by setting ~=u inequation (2.23):


It is convenient to write equation (2.73) in the form




and ut is a so-called pseudo-velocity, defined as


Here S~-P denotes that part of S~ that does not contain the pressure gradientterm. When the interface velocity ut is calculated with equation (2.73), thevalues of uP' uT' Pp and PT are not known exactly, so that ut instead of ut isevaluated:


Equation (2.77) is now subtracted from equation (2.74) to yield:


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Equation (2.78) shows that the assumption regarding the relationship between thevelocity and pressure corrections, equation (2.61), is valid, except for thepseudo-velocity correction that appears on the right hand side. As a result, anadditional term, involving differences between pseudo-velocity corrections, isintroduced in equation (2.72). The extra term is generally small and istherefore simply neglected. No error is introduced in the final convergedsolution because, as pointed out by Patankar (1980), the pseudo-velocitycorrections tend to zero as the converged solution is approached.

The expression for db is similar to that for dt:


2.5.3 Azimuthal Direction

The angular velocity at the interface e is obtained by setting ~=w in equation(2.23):

1 1we = C(-~e)wp + C(2Pe)wE

+ (;::)2{E(_~e)~OM+ E(~e)SiOM+ D(~e)S:} (2.80)

The remainder of the derivation is similar to that for the axial direction. Theexpressions for the coefficients in the pressure correction equation are

60de = e o(£p )

1 2 e~~e

60d = ~ o(£p )w 1 2 w~~w

2.5.4 Radial Direction



The radial interface velocity at the interface n is obtained by setting ~=v inequation (2.41):

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The remainder of the derivation is similar to that for the axial and azimuthaldirections. The expressions for the coefficients in the pressure correctionequation are



2.6 Velocity Correction Procedure

The expressions describing the relationships between the velocity correctionsand the pressure corrections, equations (2.61) through (2.63), cannot be used toupdate the velocity field, because it is the nodal values of the velocities thathave to be corrected, not the interface values. Expressions relating the nodalvelocities with the pressure corrections are obtained in a manner similar tothat relating the interface velocities with the pressure corrections.

Consider for example the correction of the axial velocity component. Thediscretization equation for u is obtained from the general discretized transportequation by setting ~=u; it is convenient to write the resulting expression inthe form

u u u 0 U-Papup = Eanbunb + a7up + P

+ ar2aO{B(-Pb)(PB - pp) + B(Pt)(pp - PT)} (2.86)

where the subscript nb refers to the grid points neighboring on P. The pressureoperator part of SU and SXZU has been separated from the rest of the source termfor obvious reasons. In reality, the correct pressure values are not known when

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equation (2.86) is solved; "starred" pressures are used to obtain "starred"velocities:


Subtraction of equation (2.87) from equation (2.86) yields an expressionrelating nodal velocity corrections to nodal pressure corrections:


The value of the first term on the right hand side is not known explicitly; inthe original SIMPLE algorithm it is simply neglected when the velocity field isupdated. A more consistent approach has been proposed by Van Doormal andRaithby (1984): equation (2.88) is first rewritten. in the form

[ u ~ u] , _ ~ u [ , ,]ap - ~anb up - ~anb unb - up

+ Ar2A(}{B( -Pb)(PB - pp) + B(P t)(pp - PT)} (2.89)

Then the first term on the right hand side of equation (2.89) is neglected: itshould clearly be an order of magnitude smaller than the first term on the righthand side of equation (2.88). Thus a more accurate velocity correction equationis obtained:


The procedures for the other two velocity components are similar:



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2.7 Solution Algorithm

The formulation described in the paragraph 2.5 is implemented in the SIMPLENalgorithm:

(a) Obtain initial values for the pressure and velocity fields p*, u*, v* andw*j use guessed values if initial values are not known or if it is not arequirement to model the transient behavior of the flowj

(b) Set up and solve the discretized momentum equations {generic form, equation(2.10), with coefficients and source terms as defined in equations (2.46)through (2.55) and equation (2.17)} to obtain new estimates of u*, V* andW* •,

(c) Set up and solve the pressure correction equation for p' {equation (2.64),with coefficients as defined in equations (2.65) through (2.71), and thesource term as defined in equation (2.72) using control volume interfacevelocities calculated by means of equations (2.73), (2.80) and (2.83)}j

(d) Update the pressure field by adding the pressure corrections to the"starred" pressuresj

(e) Calculate the velocity corrections {equations (2.90) through (2.92)}, andupdate the velocity field by adding the velocity corrections to the"starred" velocitiesj

(f) Set up and solve the discretization equations for other field variables1;

(g) Treat the corrected velocities and pressures as "starred" values, return tostep 2 and repeat steps (b) to (f) until convergence is obtained.

The SIMPLEN algorithm is identical to the original SIMPLE algorithm, except forthe emphasis that is placed on the calculation of interface velocities (step c).In the SIMPLE algorithm, where staggered grids are used, velocity interpolationsare also required. Velocities are only available at the control volumes of themain grid, where scalar variables (such as pressure) are defined. Sinceinterface velocities appear in the discretization equations for the velocity

1The turbulence kinetic energy k and its decay rate f for the work reported inthis dissertation. The modeling of turbulence is discussed in Chapter 3.

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2- 24

components themselves, which are defined on grids staggered with respect to eachother and with the main grid, interpolations onto grid points and onto cornersof the main grid control volumes are necessary. A major difference here isthat, on a staggered grid, these interpolated velocities are not used in thesource term for the pressure correction equation, so that simple geometricinterpolation techniques can be used to determine them. On a nonstaggered gridthe use of geometrically interpolated velocities in the pressure correctionsource term leads to checkerboardingj the interpolation procedure described hereeliminates the checkerboarding problem, as explained by Thiart (1990a). Notehowever that all Peclet numbers for use with the Peclet-number dependentfunctions are calculated with linearly interpolated velocities to save (CPU-)time.

2.8 Boundary Conditions

2.8.1 Solid Boundaries

Implementation of velocity boundary conditions on solid surfaces isstraightforward. The no-slip condition is assumed to be valid, therefore thevalues of the velocity components at the boundaries are known and the momentumequations need not be discretized at the "half" control volumes around gridpoints at solid surfaces. Thus the principle of conservation of momentum is notused to solve for the values of velocities on boundaries. Conservation ofmomentum still holds, howeverj it can be used to determine the (unknown) shearstress at the wall, for example.

Conservation of mass, in the form of the pressure correction equation, muststill be applied at solid boundaries however. Consider for example the(two-dimensional) boundary control volume shown shaded in figure 2.3(a). If noprovision is made for flow through the southern and northern boundaries of thiscontrol volume, the pressure correction equation would be simply


with a~' as defined in equation (2.69). On convergence both Pr and Pp would bezero, and therefore also ui. It has been found that in general more accurateresults are obtained if allowance is made for flow through the northern andsouthern boundaries, that is,

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Appropriate values for v~ and v~ are found by linear interpolation between thewall and the first interface velocity inside the flow domain; for the exampleunder consideration these values would be

1v* - -v* .8 - 2 18' (2.95)

2.8.2 Open Boundaries

Open boundaries are, for the purpose of this dissertation, those boundariesthrough which fluid can enter or leave the computational domain. Fieldvariables at such boundaries are usually determined through a zero gradient (orzero traction) boundary condition, due to lack of better information (see forexample Schrelider et al., 1989). This does not mean that, for example, ~P isset equal to ~1at such a boundary control volume depicted in figure 2.3(b).Instead, the zero gradient is applied in the expression for the flux of ~ at the,grid point P, i.e.


As a result, the "bottom" coefficient in the discretization equation is exactlyzero, as is the contribution to the source term from the "bottom" flux.

2.8.3 Centre Line

For axisymmetric flows, the centre line (i.e. the symmetry axis of thecoordinate system) is also a boundary of the computational domain. The valuesof the flow field variables at grid points on the centre line are established bymeans of the following boundary conditions: the radial velocity component v isby definition zero on the centre line for axisymmetric flows, whilezero-gradient boundary conditions apply for all the other variables (also bydefinition).

Complications arise for non-axisymmetric flows, especially in cases where thereis a flow component in a direction across the centre line. The situation isdepicted in figure 2.4, which shows a grid point on the centre line surroundedby twelve (for illustrative purposes) neighboring grid points (radial direction

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2- 26

only). If the flow direction is from left to right on the figure, then thevalue of a general variable ~ at grid point P1 should be strongly influenced bythe value of ~ at grid point P7. This strong dependency is not realized by thediscretization equations, however: the influence of ~ at grid point P7 istransmitted to grid point P1 via grid points P6 through P2 and grid points P9through P12. In this way the solution downstream of the centre line grid pointcan (and does, depending on the strength of the crossflow) become decoupled fromthe upstream solution to some extent.

It was found that this problem can be circumvented by treating the controlvolumes bordering on the centre line as one global control volume: it is assumedthat the value of ~ is the same for all the individual segments, and one globaldiscretization equation (involving only radial and axial fluxes) is set up forall the segments. For all ~'s other than v and w this discretization equationis simply the sum of the individual discretization equations, minus allazimuthal influences (there are of course no "southern" influences):


The same approach cannot be used for v and w, since these two variables varyharmonically in a uniform flow across the centre line, that is:


where U and U are the Cartesian components of the crossflow velocity. Vithx ythe assumption that Ux and Uy are constant within the global control volume, thefollowing two discretization equations are obtained by summation of theindividual v- and w-equations:

U ~apwcos(O.)y.. 1,1, 1,

= rp{~a~.wN. + ~a;.wB. + ~a~.wT.1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,

+ ~a~ y; + ~fJ~}1, 1, 1,



Page 48: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


These two equations can be solved simultaneously for U and U , after which thex yvalues of v and w at the individual grid points within the global control volumecan be determined.

2.9 Closing Remarks

Although the discretization procedure for the general variable ~ has beenderived in the context of the Navier-Stokes equations, the procedure can also beused in connection with any other variable for which the governing equation issimilar in form to that of the general transport equation (2.5). In the nextchapter, for example, it will be shown that the governing equations for theturbulence kinetic energy k, and its decay rate f, can also be expressed in theform of equation'(2.5), with ~ replaced by appropriate diffusion constants.


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2- 28

Figure 2.1 General grid point cluster

Page 50: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


-t--- ..•--- -- -- --







TS I T TN• ITs. ITn.

tS I t I tN____ .J L _

Sip I N• Is. In.

I IbS I b I bN-----,----r----

I I• IBs• IBn.




tV I t I tE_ .J L _

V I piE• Iw• Ie.

I IbV I b I bE-----,----r----

I I• IBw• IBe•


I 8

(j)---. -T----

Figure 2.2 Control volume

Page 51: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

2- 30

/ IN .TN .N••

v fro V-~t~ •..

p I •.. .T fP .T•• ••I u Up I ur~t fr> F I


•• _--l

IS .TS •• 'sI

(a.) Solid boundQry (b) Open boundQry

Figure 2.3 Boundary control volumes

\ /j,-----I-

/- \ / '- ../ ""

"/ \ / ,,/>" \ p. / /</ \ .4 / n / \.

I " Ps .~ / \" . \ /I" / \/ ~,,\ / / F.: \

--r-_ ." \ / / .2 __ ---I __ ,,/ \

I --_ ,,\// _ -! ~. -:~:- .~\ - - -/ / / \ ",-----.1-- • / / \ '" • --1..

\ Pg / / / \ " " ~2 /

\\ / / • / \." II\. / ~ / • \ ~l " /> / ~ \ "</ ", / \ / "

............ / \ /./

'- -/""-----'-(I \

Figure 2.4 Centre line control volumes

Page 52: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Chapter 3


3.1 General

It was shown in Chapter 1 that the fluid motion for the problem underconsideration in this dissertation is highly turbulent. While it is generallyaccepted that the Navier-Stokes equations can describe the highly disordered,intermittent motions characteristic of a turbulent flow, it is not yet possibleto solve these equations directly. The computer time and storage that would berequired for the solution on a grid fine enough to resolve the details of theturbulent motions exceed even that of the so-called super-computers that areavailable today. Instead, the averaged Navier-Stokes equations, augmented by asuitable model of turbulence, are usually employed for the solution of practicalflow problems.

3.2 The Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations

The averaged Navier-Stokes equations are obtained by separating the fluid motioninto a mean motion and a (turbulent) fluctuating motion. The mean motion neednot necessarily be time-independent; the fluctuating motion refers to (random)oscillations about a mean motion that can be changing relatively slowly withtime. Thus, denoting by an overbar the mean value of a dependent variable andby a prime the fluctuation in its value about the mean, the instantaneous valuesof the dependent variables are given by

u=u+u'; v = v + v' ., iJJ = iJJ + iJJ'; p = p + p'; (3.1)

These relationships are now substituted into the governing equations given inChapter 2. The resulting eguations are then averaged with respect to the meanmotion, using the following rules for two general variables ~ and ~:

WJ = 0; ( ~ + ~) = 1+ ~; (3.2)

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3- 2

In this way the averaged form of the Navier-Stokes equations are obtained:

Conservation of mass:

1 a 1 a a- -(prv) + - -(pr"W) + -(pu) = 0r ar r ao az

Conservation of axial momentum:

a 1 a 1 a a-(pu) + - -(prvu) + - -(prwu) + -(puu)at r ar r ao az



a-p +~ !!'-[rJj aUl +~ !!.-[~aUl + !!'-[Jj aUlaz r ar a;J r ao r aoJ az a~JaJj av aJj a"W aJj au

+--+--+--ar az ao az az az1 a 1 a a

+ - -(rr' ) + - -(ro ) +-(u')r ar rz r ao z az. z (3.4)

Conservation of radial momentum:

a 1 a 1 a a-(pv) + - -(prvv) + - -(prwv) + -(puv) - pr"W2at r ar r ao az

aIR= --


aJj av aJj a"W aJj au+--+--+---ar ar ao ar az ar

~[~ + 2 aWlr r aoJ

u'o1 a 1 a a+ - -(ru') + - -(r'o) + -(r' ) -r ar r r ao r az rz r

Conservation of moment of momentum:


Page 54: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

3- 3

a 2- 1a 9- 1a 9- a 2-(pr w) + - -(pr vw) + - -(pr ww) + -(pr uw)at r ar r ao az



ap,av ap,aw ap,au 2 a _+ - - + - - + - - + - -(p,v)

ar ao ao ao az ao r ao

1 a 2 1 a a+ - -(r r'0) + - -(rue) + -(rre )

r ar r r ao az z(3.6)

Equations (3.3) through (3.6) have the same form as their original counterparts,equations (2.1) through (2.4), except for the extra terms involving theso-called Reynolds stresses. The Reynolds stress tensor is defined as

u' r' r' -pv'v' -prw'v' -pu'v'r rO rz

r' u' r' = -prw'v' 2- -prw'u' (3.7)rO 0 Oz -pr w' w'

r' .rez u' -pu'v' -prw'u' -pu'u'rz z

The determination of the Reynolds stresses is the main problem in calculatingturbulent flows, as pointed out by Rodi (1980). Expressing the stresses interms of mean flow quantities or other characteristics of the flow that can bededuced experimentally ~r numerically is necessary; the character of turbulenceis therefore simulated or modeled rather than determined directly.

3.3 The Eddy Viscosity Concept

It is beyond the scope of this dissertation to provide a comprehensive review ofturbulence models used for the computation of turbulent flows. Such reviewsappear regularly in the literature; see for example Launder and Spalding (1974),Rodi (1980,1982), Lakshminarayana (1986), Markatos (1986) and Nallasamy (1987).

Most turbulence models are based on Boussinesq's eddy viscosity concept (Rodi,1980): it is assumed that Reynolds stresses are proportional to mean-strainrates, analogous to the assumption for Newtonian fluids that viscous stressesare proportional to instantaneous strain rates. For a polar cylindricalcoordinate system, the eddy viscosity concept may be expressed as follows:

Page 55: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


(J' =r

(J' =zau 2

2J.tt- - -9k;az


where J.tt is the eddy, or turbulent, viscosity, and k is the turbulence kineticenergy

1- - 2-k = 2(u'u' + v'v' + r w'w') (3.9)

The ~k-terms appearing in equation (3.8) have been introduced so that the sum ofthe normal stresses (J~, (JO and (J~, is equal to -2k (as it should be) and notequal to zero as it would have been without these terms. Back substitutionof equation (3.8) into the averaged Navier-Stokes equations yield theoriginal form of the Navier-Stokes equations, now written in terms of meanquantities, and with p and J.treplaced by p+~k and J.t+J.ttrespectively. Thenumerical procedure described in Chapter 2 can therefore also be used to solvethe averaged Navier-Stokes equations, provided J.tt can be modeled adequately.

3.4 The k-f. lode 1 of Turbulence

The most popular (and well-tested) turbulence model being used for general flowsituations is the k-E model. Transport equations for the turbulence kineticenergy k and the decay rate of k, defined as


r - + w'ar

1 av'r an .' 2 + [8Vraz


are solved in addition to the averaged Navier-Stokes equations. The eddy

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3- 5

viscosity is related as follows to k and f:


Here Cp is an empirical constant, usually taken as 0.09. The reasoning thatleads to equation (3.11) is given by Rodi (1980). The standard forms of the kand f-equations are as follows (for the sake of convenience, the overbars whichdenote mean quantities are dropped from now on):

Turbulence kinetic energy:

a 1 a 1 a a--(pk) + - --(prvk) + - --(prwk) + --(puk)at r ar r ao az


Turbulence kinetic energy decay rate:

a 1 a 1 a a--(pf) + - --(prvf) + - --(prwf) + --(pUf)at r ar r ao az


These equations are derived from the Navier-Stokes equations; several modelingassumptions are introduced to obtain the final expressions. The derivations andmodeling assumptions are given by, amongst others, Rodi (1980) and Schrelider(1986). The empirical constants that appear in equations (3.12) and (3.13) areusually assigned the following values:

(J = 1.9;f

C2 = 1.92

Gk is the turbulence kinetic energy production term, given by (see also Gupta

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3- 6

and Lilley, 1985):

+ [~ av + r aUl]2 + [~ au + r aUl]2]r ao ar r ao az

3.5 Vall Functions


The empirical constants in the k-f model given in the preceding section are onlyapplicable if viscous stresses are negligible compared to their turbulentcounterparts. At a solid boundary viscous effects are important, so that theconstants have to be adjusted if the equations must be solved within a regionclose to a solid wall. Fortunately this is not necessary, as the universal lawof the wall (see for example Schlichting, 1968) can be used to relate the shearstress at the wall to that just outside the viscous layer.

Flow near a wall has three distinct regions: the laminar sublayer, where viscousstresses predominate, the buffer layer, where both viscous and turbulentstresses are important, and the outer layer, where viscous stresses areoverwhelmed by turbulent stresses. The k-f model is therefore only validoutside the laminar and buffer layers, where the law of the wall is given by:

for 90 S y+ < 100 (3.15)

Here u is the magnitude of the velocity component parallel to the wall, and uw Tis the so-called friction velocity,


based on the shear stress at the wall, TW' y+ is a dimensionless distance basedon the distance yw perpendicular to the wall:

y+ =1/


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The constant B is approximately equal to 9.0 for smooth walls (Launder andSpalding, 1974), while K is Von Karman's constant, equal to 0.4. Equation(3.15) can therefore be used to determine the shear stress at the wall if thevelocity parallel to the wall at a grid point in the outer layer is known.Also, the boundary conditions for k and f are applied at this grid point. Theseboundary conditions are obtained by assuming that convection and diffusion ofturbulence kinetic energy are negligible in the near-wall region, so that theproduction and dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy is in equilibrium (Rodi,1980). It then follows that

J1.t [au] 2 ~ 1"~

ay w J1.t(3.18)

Substitution of the definition of J1.t' equation (3.11), into equation (3.18)yields the boundary condition for k:

The law of the wall is used to derive the boundary condition for f: fromequation (3.15) it follows that


pu2 = 1" =1" W

J1. [au] =t By w

2kw upC _-.!..

J1. f KyW W


Substitution of the expression for kw' equation (3.19), into equation (3.20)yields the boundary condition for f:


It is clear that the grid point at which the boundary conditions on k and fareapplied should lie in the region 30Sy+Sl00. For practical reasons, it isconvenient if this grid point is always the first one away from the wall. It iscommon practice (see for example Burns and Vilkes, 1987) to ignore thelimitations insofar as the boundary conditions on k and f are concerned, and to

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3- 8

compute the wall shear stress from a two-segment representation of the law ofthe wall:



U+ -- 1"In (Ey+ )


Here the laminar sublayer (represented by the u+=y+) is assumed to extend "up"from the wall to a point y~ within the buffer layer; similarly the outer layeris assumed to extend "down" to this point. The value of y~ where the twosegments meet, is approximately equal to 11.6 for the quoted values of ~ and E(0.4 and 9.0 respectively).

Violation of the y+~90-limitation should not present a problem, since forreasonably high Reynolds numbers and affordable (CPU time-wise) grids y+ willgenerally always be greater than 90. Exceptions are the regions in the vicinityof separation and reattachment points for recirculating flows; effects shouldnevertheless be fairly localized.

The y+~100-limitation is more severe, as close spacing of grid lines may berequired to enable the correct placement of a grid point. Furthermore, eventhough the correct value of y+ may be achieved at some grid points along a solidwall, it may not be achieved for other points due to acceleration or retardationof the flow. It would therefore be instructive to obtain an estimate of theerror involved if the y+-limitations are not strictly adhered to.

Such an error estimate can be made by considering the case of fully developed,turbulent pipe flow. The governing equations then reduce to a set of ordinarydifferential equations:

1 d { dU} dp- - (# + #t) r- - -- 0r dr dr dz

~~[# + #t r dk] [dT+# - Pf. = 0r dr uk dr t dr

~ ~[# + #j r dE] < { [dT pC2< }+ k C1#t dr = 0r dr !Ff. dr




Page 60: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


The pressure gradient that appears In equation (3.23) is constant, and given by

dp 0 2:::f - pU

dz 2(3.26)

where f is the friction factor, 0 is the pipe diameter, and U is the mean axialvelocity. The friction factor can be determined from Prandtl's universal law offriction (Schlichting, 1968):

f = {2.0Iog(BefJ) - 0.a}-2 (3.27)

where Be is the Reynolds number based on the pipe diameter and the mean axialvelocity. For comparison purposes, the friction factor for a given Reynoldsnumber can be determined numerically with the following procedure:

(a) Solve equations (3.23) through (3.25), using the techniques outlined inChapter 2, and the pressure gradient given by equations (3.26) and (3.27);

(b) Obtain the mean axial velocity by integrating the resulting velocityprofile;

(c) Calculate the Reynolds number based on the mean axial velocity determinedin step (b), and adjust the friction factor if the calculated Reynoldsnumber does not correspond with the specified Reynolds number;

(d) Return to step (a), and repeat the whole procedure, using the new frictionfactor in the solution of equations (3.23) through (3.25).

These calculations were carried out for Reynolds numbers of 104, 105, 106 and107, using successively finer grid spacings. An expansion ratio (that is, theratio of successive 6r's) of 1.15 was used throughout, expanding from the wallinwards towards the pipe axis. The percentage errors in the friction factorwith respect to that of equation (3.27) are shown in figure 3.1, as function ofthe y+-value at the first grid point from the pipe wall and the Reynolds number.

As expected, erroneous results are obtained if y+ is less than about 90, for allof the Reynolds numbers tested. More important though, the results alsoindicate that the y+5100 limitation need not be rigorously adhered to,especially for higher Reynolds numbers.

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3.6 lodifications to the k-f lodel for Swirling Flows

For flows with streamline curvature, which can be caused by surface curvature,swirl, rotation or a combination of these, the standard form of the k-f model isno longer adequate (Nallasamy, 1986). The model has to be modified so that the'destabilizing effect of rotation on turbulence is correctly represented. Thereare two such modifications in use for flows with swirl, both involving changesto the constants in the f-equation.

Launder et al. (1977) modified C2 by multiplying it with a factor (1-0.2Big),where Biis a gradient Richardson number given by


2. k fJJ a 2Bz = ~ - --(r fJJ)

9 f r ar(3.28)

This definition of Big is similar to that of Bradshaw (1969), and can beinterpreted as the ratio between forces due to streamline curvature and inertiaforces.

Rodi (1979) modified C1 by multiplication with a factor (1+0.9Bif), where Bif isa flux Richardson number defined as


Bif represents the ratio of turbulence kinetic energy production due tostreamline curvature and Reynolds stresses (Bradshaw, 1969).

It can be shown that the two modifications are equivalent to the addition of thefactors

. fJJ a 2O.2C2Pk - --(r fJJ)

r ar

a 2O.9C C1pkr --(fJJ )

J1. ar

(Launder et al.), and


respectively to the right hand side of the f-equation.

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The effectiveness of these modifications can be evaluated by considering theproblem of a round cylinder of diameter 0 rotating with constant angularvelocity n in an infinite fluid. The shear stress Twat the surface of thecylinder can be defined in terms of a friction factor Cj:


where f is the circumferential velocity of the surface of the cylinder.Theodorsen and Regier (1944) have presented the following empirical expressionfor the friction factor in terms of the Reynolds number based on f and theradius of the cylinder {i.e. Be=pn(D/2)2/~}:

for Be > 1000 (3.31)

The governing equations reduce here also to a set of ordinary differentialequations:

dp 2- = prwdr

_1_d [~ + ~t dk] [dW]2--- r - + ~ r - - pf. = 0r dr uk dr t dr


d 2- O. 9C C1pkr -(w )

~ dr

w d 2~ 0.2C2Pk - -(r w)

. r dr





Equations (3.33), (3.34) and (3.35) were solved for Reynolds numbers of 109,104, 105 and 106, using the techniques outlined in Chapter 2. Computations werecarried out on successively finer grids, again using an expansion ratio of 1.15(but this time expanding outwards from the cylinder surface). The outer radiusof the computational domain was always chosen so that the circumferentialvelocity at the outer radius was less than 17. of f, the circumferential velocity

Page 63: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


at the surface of the cylinder. The results are depicted in figure 3.2, showingthe errors in the friction factors with respect to that of equation (3.31) asfunction of the value of y+ at the first grid point away from the cylindersurface. Several observations can be made from these results:

(a) The standard model always yields poor results, over the range of Reynoldsnumbers tested, although its performance improves somewhat with increasingReynolds numbers.

(b) The modification of Launder et al. yields consistently better results thanthat of the standard model, although its performance is also poor at lowerReynolds numbers.

(c) The modification of Rodi yields slightly better results than that ofLaunder et al. It must be noted, however, that it was difficult to achieveconvergence with Rodi's modification for Re=105 and 106 - all variables hadto be heavily underrelaxed.

It can therefore be concluded that the C2-modified k-f model is more robust thanthe C1-modified one, albeit slightly less accurate. Hence it was decided toincorporate the C2-modified k-f model in the solution procedure.

3.7 Closing Remarks

The governing equations for k and f are similar to that of the general transportequation (2.5), with P replaced by (P+Pt)/uk and (P+Pt)/u

frespectively, and the

source terms given by



The numerical procedure described in Chapter 2 for the solution of the generalvariable ~ can therefore also be used for the solution of k and f. Detailsabout the discretization of the source terms, equations (3.36) and (3.37), aregiven in Appendix B.

- - - 00000- --

Page 64: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


E9 Re=10,000~ Re=100,000A Re=1,000,000~ Re=10,000,000




1 2 3

logCy+)4 5

Figure 3.1 Errors in friction factor (f) for fully developed pipe flow

Page 65: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


~ Standard C1,C26 Modified C1A Modified C2

Re=l,OOO Re=10,OOO

c;;) c;;)N NI I

L L0 0L c;;) L c;;)

'" '"L I L I(]) (])I I~ ~

c;;) c;;)(!) (!)I I

c;;)coI1 2 3


c;;)coII 2 3


Re=100,OOO Re=l,OOO,OOO

c;;) c;;)N NI I

L L0 0L c;;)

L c;;)'" '"L I L I

(]) (])I I~ ~

c;;) c;;)(!) (!)I I

c;;)coI1 2 3


c;;)coII 2 3


Figure 3.2 Errors in friction factor (Cf) for a rotating cylinder

Page 66: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Chapter 4


4.1 General

The numerical model described in chapters 2 and 3 has been implemented in acomputer code named "FLOWAX". The program listing is too long to be includedhere, therefore the source code is provided on two diskettes on the inside backcover of this manuscript.

The code is written in single preCISIon FORTRAN 77. Initial development of thecode was done on the VAX 785 computer of the University of Stellenbosch, but aconsiderable amount of the numerical results that are reported in chapters 5 and7 were generated on the CONVEX 120 computer of the Bureau for MechanicalEngineering.

4.2 Computational Domain

An azimuthal section of the geometry on which FLOWAX can be used for flowcalculations is shown in figure 4.1. All the boundaries are aligned with themain coordinate directions of the polar cylindrical coordinate system. Threeseparate outer radii can be accommodated, the center one of which must be asolid boundary. A solid object of arbitrary length at the symmetry axis is alsoallowed for.

Although the computational domain is axisymmetric, three-dimensional flowproblems can be solved, because azimuthal variations in flow and fluidproperties are allowed.

The primary reason for choosing this geometry was that it is an idealizedrepresentation of the geometry of the flow problem that is the main subject ofthis thesis, as discussed in chapter 1. As will be shown in chapter 5, however,many other flow problems can also be solved on this computational domain.

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4.3 Boundary Conditions

The boundaries of the computational domain that are hatched in figure 4.1 aretreated as solid boundaries, so that the no-slip boundary conditions on velocitycomponents are always applied there. Provision is made for the boundaries torotate about the sy~etry axis, however. The circumferential velocity of theobJect on the symmetry axis can be specified, for example.

The remaInIng four boundaries, designated by Zi (Z-direction inlet), 'i(I-direction inlet), Zo (Z-direction outlet) and '0 (I-direction outlet) infigure 4.1, can be specified either as open or solid boundaries by the user.The subscripts "i" and "0" are used here purely for convenience. Inflow maytake place over an outflow boundary, and vice versa.

Either the velocity component normal to an open boundary or the static pressureat the boundary must be specified as a Dirichlet boundary condition. If avelocity component tangential to an open boundary is not specified, azero-gradient boundary condition is applied there. Zero-gradient boundaryconditions are also applied for the turbulence model variables, k and f, ifthese are not specified as Dirichlet boundary conditions. At solid walls, thewall functions are used to determine k and f (see Chapter 3).

4.4 Computational Grid

The computational domain is divided into five zones for the purpose of definingthe computational grid for the code. The five zones are shown in figure 4.2.Any of these zones, except number 3, can be specified to have either zero length(axial direction), zero thickness (radial direction) or both zero length andthickness.

Zone 3 must have both nonzero length and thickness. Its length must be equal toor greater than both the sum of the lengths of zones 1 and 2, and of zones 4 and5. Its outer radius must be larger than that of the solid object on thesymmetry axis.

The number of radial and axial control volumes in each zone, as well as theactual spacing between successive grid lines, are specified by the user. Thenumber of control volumes in the azimuthal direction is likewise specified bythe user.

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4- 3

4.5 System Files and Devices

The program uses the following system files and devices:

Unit File/DeviceVAX CONVEX





FOR001.DAT fort.1FOR002.DAT fort.2FOR003.DAT fort.3FOR004.DAT fort.4

KeyboardVisual Display Unit

FOR007.DAT fort.7FOR008.DAT fort.8FOR009.DAT fort.9

(Input data file)(Restart file)(Continuation file)(Preprocessed output data file)

(Convergence history data file)(Flowfield output data file)(Flowfield plot file)

A description of the way in which these files are used, is contained in thedescription of the program that follows.

4.6 Program Structure

The main program structure is shown in figure 4.3. The subroutines which readand process the input data, control the calculation procedures and write theoutput data, are called from the main program, FLOVAX. The sequence in whichthese subroutines are called, depends on whether the solution procedure for aproblem is to be started from scratch, restarted, or continued using previouslycalculated results, or whether the program is used to generate plotting datafiles.

4.6.1 Subroutine DINPUT

The basic data required to define a flow problem is read from an input file(unit 1) in subroutine DINPUT. The format of the input file is given inAppendix D. Basic data includes program control variables, physical propertiesof the fluid, zone size and subdivision specifications and boundary valuespecifications.

A certain amount of preprocessing is also done in this subroutine. Arrays are

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set up with information on the location of every grid point with respect to theorigin of the coordinate system, and on the numbers of the neighboring gridpoints. Geometrical factors are calculated and stored for later use; also theconstants that appear in the special functions described in Appendix A.

All the input data, as well as most of the data that are generated during thepreprocessing stages, are written to unit 4.

Three other subroutines are also called by subroutine DINPUT, as shown in figure4.4: Subroutine DIAGNO

The input data is checked by subroutine DIAGNO for obvious errors such asnegative program control variables and fluid properties, overlapping ofboundaries, and inconsistencies in boundary conditions .. More than fifty suchchecks are made, and error messages are written to unit 4. If any of the errorchecks fail, program execution is halted on return to subroutine DINPUT. Subroutine DOIAIN

This is one of four "empty" subroutines in the program (the other three areFIELDS, BFORCE and POSTPR). It is called by DINPUT before geometrical data suchas control volume sizes are calculated. The user can specify the distancesbetween neighboring grid lines by inserting the necessary FORTRAN code, orsimply by means of DATA statements. If nothing is specified, the grid lineswill be spaced uniformly within the zones. Subroutine FIELDS

The user must set up the boundary values in subroutine FIELDS by specifyingvalues for variables at the grid points on the boundaries. Initial values mayalso be set up for the remaining grid points, but it is not necessary to do so.

4.6.2 Subroutine RSTART

It is possible with FLOVAl to restart a solution procedure without having toreread and reprocess the input data. For this purpose, the processed input datais written to an unformatted file (unit 2) in subroutine RSTART.

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4.6.3 Subroutine ITERAT

The SIMPLEN-algorithm for setting up and solving the discretized equationsdescribed in chapter 2 is implemented in subroutine ITERAT. In addition tothis, output files are written and convergence checks made. On convergence, orafter the specified number of time steps have been completed, the current valuesof the ,flow field variables are written to an unformatted file (unit 3) tofacilitate continuation of the calculation at a later stage.

Calculations are carried out in the fourteen subroutines shown in figure 4.5,not in Subroutine ITERAT itself: Subroutine ISOURC

The conventional source terms for the momentum equations are calculated. Subroutine BFORCE

The body forces due to the fan rotor are evaluated and added to the conventionalmomentum source terms. Subroutine TSOURC

The turbulence kinetic energy and decay rate production terms are calculated, aswell as the effective viscosity (using the latest values of k and €) and theboundary values (solid walls) of k and € (using the latest values of thevelocity field). Subroutine VELINT

Velocity components are interpolated onto the control volume faces. Subroutine UCOEFF

The discretized equations for the axial momentum equation are set up. Subroutine VCoEFF

The discretization equations for the radial momentum equation are set up.

Page 71: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

l Subroutine WCOEFF

The discretization equations for the angular momentum equation are set up. Subroutine PCOEFF

The discretization equations for the continuity equation, that is, for thepressure correction equation, are set up.

4.6:3.9 Subroutine ICOEFF

The discretization equations for the turbulence kinetic energy transportequation are set up. Subroutine ECOEFF

The discretization equations for the turbulence kinetic energy decay ratetransport equation are set up. Subroutine CENLIN

The discretization equations for control volumes bordering on the centre line(or axis) of the coordinate system are adapted - if required by the user - toyield global instead of individual values of the flow field variables (seeChapter 2 for details). Subroutine SOLVER

This subroutine is used to solve the discretization equations set up bysubroutines UCDEFF, VCDEFF, WCDEFF, PCDEFF, KCDEFF and ECDEFF. Two options areavailable: point-Jacobi and line-by-line substitution. The line-by-line solverscans the computational domain - first in the positive axial direction, secondlyin the negative axial direction, then in the outward radial direction, andfinal~y in the inward radial direction - using the Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithmin the manner described by Patankar (1980). Subroutine VELCOR

The pressure corrections obtained from the solution of the discretizedcontinuity equation are applied to correct the velocity field obtained from the

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solution of the discretized momentum equations. Subroutine TOLREL

A check is made on whether the solution has converged to the required tolerance,the convergence parameter that is calculated at each time step being

( = P~ax

Pmax - Pmin(4.1)

The merits of this convergence parameter has been discussed by Schrelider (1986);values of order 10-:1 -to 10- 5 are considered to be adequate for most problems.

The convergence history is written to an output file (unit 7) in the form of atable of log(() versus the number of iterations. This file can be used later togenerate a graphic representation of the convergence history.

4.6.4 Subroutine RINPUT

When a calculation is restarted or continued, the previously calculated datathat is required is read in from the relevant files (units 2 and 3) insubroutine RINPUT.

4.6.5 Subroutine DATEDT

Provision is made to change some of the program control variables when acalculation is restarted or continued. This option is carried out in subroutineDATEDT through a menu-driven interaction between the user (unit 5) and theprogram (unit 6).

4.6.6 Subroutine YRITER

On completion of the specified number of time steps, or when the solution hasconverged to the specified tolerance, the newly calculated values of the flowfield variables are written to an output file (unit 8).

4.6.7 Subroutine POSTPR

This is the last of the "empty" subroutines, and is called just before program

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4- 8

execution is halted. It can be used to process the output data, for example tocalculate the shear stress on a surface or the volume flow rate through asection of the computational domain.

4.6.8 Subroutine PLOTTR

FLOWAX can also be utilised to generate data (in tabular form) for plotting ofthe computational grid, the velocity vectors, or contours of any of thedependent variables by means of other software available locally. Options areprovided in subroutine PLOTTR to obtain tables for any axial, azimuthal orradial section through the computational domain. These options are exercisedthrough a menu-driven interaction between the user (unit 5) and the program(unit 6); the data is written to an output file (unit 9).

4.7 Closing Remarks

It should be clear from the description of the program structure that, to usethe code efficiently, a good working knowledge regarding the program variablesis required from the user. It is beyond the scope of this dissertation toprovide a full description of all variable names that occur in the program;cryptic descriptions of the more important variables (specifically, those thatare common to all the subroutines) are given in the source code of the mainprogram.


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4- 9


Rz -~- -

Figure 4.1 Computational domain


Figure 4.2 Zones in the computational domain

Page 75: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


I ~DINPUT t---< DINPUT Subroutines )




\J ITERAT ITERAT Subroutines




Figure 4.3 Main program structure






Figure 4.4 Substructure for subroutine DINPUT

Page 76: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

, 4-11















Figure 4.5 Substructure for subroutine ITER!T

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Chapter 5


5.1 General

The numerical procedure and computer code were verified on the basis of fivetest problems. The first two problems involve laminar, axisymmetric flows forwhich analytical solutions are available, so that the errors introduced by thenumerical procedure can be estimated. The performance of the numerical andturbulence model for flow through a thrust- and torque-generating device isevaluated in the third problem, turbulent flow through an unshrouded propeller,for which experimental data are available. The performance of the turbulencemodel with wall functions is tested in the fourth and fifth test problems -turbulent flow through an abrupt contraction and turbulent swirling flow in anannulus - for which experimental data are also available.

5.2 Stagnation in Three-Dimensional Flow

The analytical solution procedure for flow near a three-dimensional stagnationpoint on a flat plate, figure 5.1, is outlined by Schlichting (1968). TheNavier-Stokes equations for laminar, incompressible flow can be written in termsof the dimensionless variable (=[a7Vz (a is an arbitrary constant) as twoordinary differential equations:

~/(() = 4~"(() + 8~(()~/(()



The velocity components and the static pressure (relative to the static pressureat the origin of the coordinate system, z=r=O) are related to the dimensionlessfunctions ~(() and ~(() in the following way:

v = ar~/(();

Page 78: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


The boundary conditions for equation (5.1) are

( = 0: tp= 0, tp'= OJ ( = lD: tp' = 1

The analytical solution was obtained by numerical integration of equations (5.1)and (5.2) in double precision FORTRAN 77, using a very fine grid spacing(100,000 intervals between (=0 and (~:dO). The "exact" thickness 8 of theboundary layer (defined as the (-position where tp'=0.99) that forms on the platewas found to be equal to 1.94440[V7a (to six significant figures). Numericalvalues of the solution are given in table 5.1, for 05z/852.

The problem was subsequently solved with FLOVAX on a computational domain of28x28. Four uniform (2n+1)x(2n+1) meshes, with n taking the values 1, 2, 3 and4 corr~sponding to grid spacings of 8, 8/2, 8/4 and 8/8 respectively, were used.The boundary conditions used for the numerical solution were as follows:

avz = 0: u = 0, v = O. z = 28: u = -2faVtp(2faTV8), - - O., ,

azau au

r = 0: = O. v = O. r = 28: - - O. v = artp'(faTVz), , ,ar ar

The constant a was set equal to 1, and all pressures were calculated relative tothat at the origin of the coordinate system. In order to obtain an estimate ofthe accuracy of the numerical solution, the normalized root mean square error ofeach of the dependent variables, defined as

E~ = (5.3)

was calculated. The summations in equation (5.3) are taken only over those gridpoints for which the value of the relevant variable has not been prescribed by aDirichlet boundary condition. Excellent agreement between the analytical andnumerical solutions was obtained, as illustrated in figure 5.2. The dashedlines in this figure, which have slopes of exactly 2, illustrate that thenumerical method is essentially second-order accurate for this particularproblem - not only for the velocity components, but also for the staticpressure.

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5- 3

5.3 Laminar flow Near a Rotating Disk

The analytical solution procedure for laminar flow near a disk rotating withangular velocity 0, figure 5.3, is also outlined by Schlichting (1968). Herethe governing equations can be written in terms of the dimensionless variable(=fIT7Vz as four ordinary differential equations:

2F(() + H'(() = 0

2F(OC(O + C'(OH(() - C"(O = 0

P' (() + H( () H' (0 - H" (0 = 0


v = rOF((); (J1 = OC(O; u = [VIrH(O; P = plIOP(O

The boundary conditions are as follows:





( = 0: F = 0, C = 1, H = 0, P = 0; ( = 00: F = 0, C = 0

The analytical solution was obtained by numerical integration of equations (5.4)through (5.7) in quadruple precision FORTRAN 77, again using a very fine gridspacing (128,000 intervals between (=0 and (~23). The "exact" thickness 0 ofthe boundary layer (defined as the (-position where the resultant velocityparallel to the disk surface is equal to 17. of the'velocity at the disk surface)that forms on the disk was found to be equal to 5.67328fV7IT (to six significantfigures). Numerical values of the solution are given in table 5.2, for O~z/o~l.

The problem was subsequently solved with FLOVAX on a computational domain ofOxo. Four uniform (2n+1)x(2n+1) meshes, with n taking the values 2, 3, 4 and 5corresponding to grid spacings of 0/4, 0/8, 0/16 and 0/32 respectively, wereused. The boundary conditions for the numerical solution were as follows:

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Ou 8fJ}

Z = 0: U = o. v = 0, fJ} = OJ r = 0: - - 0, v = 0, = OJ,Or Or

Ovz = S: U = -fV[8(fIT7VS), - - 0, fJ} = OC(fIT7VS) j


r = 8: - - 0,Or

v = rOF(fIT7Vz), fJ} = OC(fIT7Vz)

Here also, the normalized root mean square errors calculated for each of thedependent variables show that good agreement is obtained between the numericaland analytical solutions. Second order accuracy is obtained for u, v and p, butnot for fJ}, figure 5.4. The solution for the (indirectly calculated) azimuthalvelocity component w=fJ}r does, however, exhibit second-order accuracy.

5.4 Turbulent Flow Near a Propeller

The three-dimensional turbulent flow near a propeller was simulated by Pelletier(1984), using a finite element method with a relatively simple turbulence model(compared to the k-f model): the eddy viscosity is assumed to vary only in theaxial direction, the variation being described by a first order ordinarydifferential equation. The propeller and flow characteristics used for thesimulation corresponded to those of the wind-tunnel experiments of Kotb (1984).

The propeller was modeled as an actuator disk of constant thickness anddiameter. The following radial distribution of thrust per unit volume was used:

0 for o S 10 s 1/8

5tm(8r-l) for 1/8 S 10 S 7/20OT- - tm for 7/20 S 10 S 17/40 (5.8)or

20t m(1- 210)/9 for 17/40 S 10 S 1/2

0 for 10 ~ 1/2

where r=r/D is the dimensionless radius, D is the diameter of the actuator disk,and t is the maximum value of the thrustj see figure 5.5. The radialmdistribution of the swirl force per unit volume, i.e. (oq/On/r, was the same asthe thrust distribution, with a maximum value of q. The total thrust andmtorque produced by the propeller are found by integration of the respectivedistributions:

Page 81: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

5- 5

- 129 2T = 800 dO tm

- --.llil. 9q = 64000 dO qm

where A is the thickness of the actuator disk.



Two cases were considered by Pelletier and Kotb: one for uniform flow into thepropeller, and one for a shear flow. These two cases were solved with FLO~AXusing the same computational domain and, as far as possible, the same boundaryconditions as for the calculations of Pelletier.

5.4.1 Uniform Flow

The propeller and flow characteristics are as follows:

Propeller diameter: 0 = 0.492 mPropeller thickness: A = 0.04070 = 0.020 mAir density: p = 1.177 kgfm3Relative air velocity: U = 8.52 mfsTotal thrust: T = 9.80 NTotal torque: 1= 0.948 Nm

The computational grid is depicted in figure 5.6. In the axial direction, thecomputational domain extends two diameters upstream of the propeller face andthree diameters downstream of the rear face of the propeller. The rear face islocated at z=O, thus locating the inlet plane at z=-2.04070 and the outlet planeat z=90. Radially, the computational domain extends from the propeller axis tor=1.20.

The computational grid has 94 stations in the axial direction and 22 stations inthe radial direction, giving a total of 748 grid points. The grid has beendesigned so that expansion ratios (that is, the ratio of successive.Sz's orSr's) never exceed 1.9. Other constraints were that one radial grid line had tocoincide with each of the following axial stations within the computationaldomain: z=-0.04070 (propeller face), z=O (rear face of propeller), and z=0.0250and z=0.290 (locations where velocity components and static pressure weremeasured by Kotb). Similarly, in the radial direction, one grid line had tocoincide with each of the radial stations r=0.4250 (location for which axialdistributions of velocity components and static pressure are given by Pelletier)

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5- 6

and r=0.50 (outer radius of propeller).

Boundary conditions for the numerical solution (other than those of thezero-gradient type) were as follows:

z = -2.04070: u = 71, v = 0, 0, -2 2000p Cp,k2;w = k = 0.0095TJ , f =

z = 30: p = p = 0;o r = 1.20: u = 71

The free-stream value of k is one commonly used with the k-f model, while thefree-stream value of f was chosen so that the free-stream value of eddyviscosity corresponds to that used by Pelletier.

The numerical solution was done with a time step of 0.0125 seconds, a relaxationfactor for pressure correction of 0.4, and 5 point-Jacobi substitutions per timestep. The thrust and torque distributions were "wound up" from zero in thefirst 100 time steps. Approximately 14 minutes of CPU time (1941 time steps) onthe CONVEX was required to reduce the convergence parameter ( to a value of10-6. Results are presented in figures 5.7 through 5.18.

The axial distribution of the axial velocity component at r=0.4250 (figure 5.7)appears to have a lower peak value compared to that of Pelletier; the decay ofaxial velocity component also seems to be much slower. This is not the case,however; at r=0.4250 the thrust and torque distributions and therefore thevelocity components change rapidly with radius so that small differences inradial profiles appear as large differences in axial distributions.

The axial velocity profiles at z=0.0250 and z=0.230 are compared with those ofPelletier and Kotb in figures 5.8 and 5.9. Values shown at a negative radius infigures 5.8 and 5.9 (and in subsequent figures) correspond to the measurementsof Kotb on a vertical plane, and values at a positive radius to measurements ona horizontal plane. The numerical procedures do of course yield identicalresults for the vertical and horizontal planes. The predicted axial velocity

.profiles are almost identical for the two numerical solutions, and show goodcorrespondence with the measured velocity profiles.

The corresponding axial distributions of the azimuthal velocity component isshown in figure 5.10. Here also a lower peak value and a slower decay withaxial distance is observed. In this case, however, there is a real difference,as borne out by the azimuthal velocity profiles, figures 5.11 and 5.12. The

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current calculations seem to yield better correspondence with the experimentalresults. Note also in figure 5.10 the absence of "wiggles" upstream of thepropeller compared to the substantial oscillations produced by thefinite-element calculations.

Axial distributions of the radial velocity component, figure 5.13, are almostidentical for the two sets of numerical results, as are the radial velocityprofiles, figures 5.14 and 5.15. Correspondence with the experimental resultsis reasonable at z=0.0250, and poor at z=0.230. The latter result is to beexpected, however, since the upstream end of the propeller drive train housingis located at z=0.230.

Finally, axial distributions and profiles of the pressure coefficientC =(p-p )/0.5pU2 are shown in figures 5.16, 5.17 and 5.18. Evident in figurep 05.16 is the pressure jump associated with thrust provided by the propeller. Theaxial distributions are almost identical, with the current calculations showingslightly higher peak value on the upstream face and a slightly lower peak valueat the downstream face of the propeller. Correspondence with the experimentalresults is again reasonable at z=0.0250 and poor at z=0.230.

5.4.2 Shear Flow

The propeller dimensions and aIr density are the same as for the uniform flowcase; the other characteristics being as follows:

Relative air velocity: lJ= lJ(O) = 8.52- O.67cosOm/sTotal thrust: T = 4.00 NTotal torque: q = 0.332 Nm

The computational grid is the same in the axial and radial coordinatedirections, but now has twelve equispaced azimuthal planes instead of only one.The boundary conditions used here are similar to those for the uniform flowcase:

r = 1.20: u = lJ( 0)z = 30: p = p = 0;o

z = -2.04070: u=lJ(O), v=O, fJJ=O, -2k = 0.0035lJ ,

Note that the inlet boundary condition on k (and therefore also on f) is basedon the average inlet velocity U.

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The numerical solution was done with the same control variables (time step,relaxation factor, etc.) as for the uniform flow case. Initial conditions weretaken from an axisymmetric (uniform flow) solution, with the axial velocityfield suitably adjusted to produce the shear flow boundary conditions.Approximately 50 minutes of CPU time (407 time steps) was required to reduce (to 10-5 and a further 105 minutes (937 time steps) to reach (=10-6. Someresults are presented in figures 5.19 through 5.28.

Axial distributions of the axial velocity component at rjD=0.425 are shown infigure 5.19 at four azimuthal sections through the computational domain.Pelletier's results differ from these in the same way as for the uniform flowcase and are therefore not reproduced here. The nonsymmetrical behaviour of the0° and 180° curves reported by Pelletier is clearly evident in figure 5.19.

Corresponding axial distributions of the azimuthal velocity component arepresented in figure 5.20. Once again no "wiggles" can be observed upstream ofthe propeller, and the near-perfect axial symmetry reported by Pelletier is alsoevident.

Radial profiles of axial and azimuthal velocity components are compared withthose of Pelletier and Kotb in figures 5.21 through 5.28. Values shown atnegative radii in these figures correspond to results at 0=180° and 0~2700, andvalues at positive radii to results at 0=0° and 0=90°. The same comments as forthe uniform flow case apply generally.

Distributions of radial velocity and static pressure for the shear flow case arenot presented here due to lack of space; the results are similar to those forthe uniform flow case and generally confirm the predictions of Pelletier.

5.5 Turbulent Flow Through an Abrupt Axisymmetric Contraction

The actuator disk type flow analysed in the previous section represents one ofthe major components of the fan problem, that is, the flow through the fanrotor. The other main component is the duct system which (for the idealised fanproblem) is simply an abrupt axisymmetric contraction. Simulation of the flowthrough such contraction is therefore an ideal test problem.

A major problem in setting up such a problem is to decide on the extent of thecomputational domain, both upstream and downstream of the contraction. In orderto make the results directly applicable to the experimental work described in

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Chapter 6, the computational domain was chosen to correspond to the geometry ofthe experimental setup. The dimensions of this computational domain are shownin figure 5.29.

Boundary conditions other than those of the zero-gradient type are as follows(with the origin of the coordinate system located at the contraction, and thediameter of the pipe section denoted by D):

z = 0, 0.50 ~ r ~ 1.968150: u = 0, v = 0, M = 0

r = 0.50, 0 ~ z ~ 1.59540: u = 0, v = 0, M = 0

z = -1.59490, 0 ~ r ~ 1.968150: p = p.~

r = 1.968150, -1.59490 ~ z ~ 0: p = Pi

z = 1.59540, 0 ~ r ~ 0.50: P = Po = 0

In this way, the flow rate through the contraction is specified indirectlythrough the static pressure difference Pi-Po' The pressure difference requiredfor a specified flow rate can be estimated by means of a simple hydraulicanalysis: application of Bernoulli's equation between the upstream anddownstream boundaries of the computational domain yields the followingrelationship between the pressure difference and the mean velocity U in the pipesection:

1 2{ Lp. - P = 2-pTJ 1 + k. + f - -~ 0 zo 0 (5.11)

Here k. is the loss coefficient for an abrupt contraction, f is the pipe~ofriction factor, L is the length of pipe and Ai and Ao are the throughflow areasof the inlet and outlet boundaries respectively. It is convenient to expressequation (5.11) in dimensionless form, in terms of a pressure coefficient Cp:

p. - P L [A] 2C = ~1 /=l+k. +f-- ..!l.P 2PU ~o 0 Ai


For the geometry under consideration, L/O and Ao/Ai are equal to 1.5954 and0.0401 respectively. The value of kio for an abrupt expansion of the typeconsidered here has been determined experimentally by Benedict et al.(1966) andcan be taken as equal to 0.5781. The value of f is Reynolds number dependent

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and has also been determined experimentally; it can be calculated from Prandtl'suniversal law of friction, equation (3.27).

The problem was solved for two flow rates, corresponding to Reynolds numbers of105 and 106. For these Reynolds numbers, f is equal to 0.0180 and 0.01165respectively, resulting in pressure coefficients of 1.6041 and 1.5944respectively. Specification of these pressure differences, together withappropriate values of 0 (1.0), P (1.0) and ~ (10-5 and 10-6) for the twoReynolds numbers, makes the problem one of predicting the mass flow rate throughthe contraction.

Initial conditions were as follows for both flow rates:

(a) Inside the pipe section, the axial velocity component was taken as uniformand equal to U, the radial velocity component was put equal to zero and thestatic pressure equal to the static pressure at the outlet boundary.

(b) Outside the pipe section and for (r2+z2»(D/2)2, the flow field of apotential source located at the origin was used for the velocitycomponents; the static pressure was taken as uniform and equal to thestatic pressure at the inlet boundaries.

(c) In the region between those described in (a) and (b) above, values for thevelocity components and static pressure were interpolated to givecontinuous transitions.

(d) The turbulence kinetic energy (k) and its decay rate (f) were put equal to0.0095U2 and 0.002205pU4 respectively, so that the initial value for theeddy viscosity was equal to 5xI0-4 everywhere, as for the propellerproblem.

The computational grid is depicted in figure 5.30. It has 49 axial stations(expansion ratio of 1.08) and 94 radial stations (expansion ratio of 1.15), witha total of 1294 grid points. Both cases were solved with a time step of 0.005seconds and pressure correction relaxation factor of 0.4, using 5 point-Jacobisubstitutions per time step. Convergence to (=10-4 was obtained in 2591 timesteps (17 minutes CPU time) for Re=105 and in 1894 time steps (12 minutes CPUtime) for Re=106. At this stage both flow rates were predicted correctly towithin 0.257., which was difficult to believe. The calculation was therefore

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continued to 100,000 time steps for both cases. The differences betweenpredicted and "specified" mass flow rates as function of the number of timesteps (N) are shown in figures 5.31 and 5.32. In both cases, the mass flow rate"stabilizes" at approximately 67. below the specified mass flow rate. Theoscillatory behaviour of these curves are attributed to the shedding of vorticesfrom the sharp edge at the inlet of the pipe section (observed during thecalculation), as a result of which the shape of the velocity profiles and hencethe shear stress on the walls vary continually.

Streamlines for the two cases are presented in figures 5.33 and 5.34respectively, showing the contraction and subsequent expansion of the flowthrough the inlet plane of the pipe section. The streamlines are almostidentical for the two cases, indicating independence of Reynolds number, exceptfor a thin separation zone just downstream of the contraction. The separationzones are too thin for adequate graphical representation; they also varycontinually in size as vortices are shed from the sharp edge. Radial profilesof the axial velocity component at seven axial positions between the inlet andoutlet planes of the pipe section are presented in figure 5.35. Values shown atnegative radius are for the Be=105 case, and values at positive radius forBe=106. These velocity profiles are also almost identical except for the secondstation shown, where the reverse flow in the separation zone close to the wallis evident for the Be=106 case.

Pressure contours are presented in figures 5.36 and 5.37, showing that theminimum pressure occurs a short.distance downstream of the sharp edge (potentialflow theory would of course locate the point of minimum pressure at the edge).Contours of effective viscosity are presented in figures 5.38 and 5.39, showingthat the effective viscosity is essentially independent of Reynolds numberwithin the range under consideration. This is consistent with mixing lengththeory applied to fully developed pipe flow (see for example Schlichting, 1968).

5.6 Swirling Flow in an Annulus

In the fan problem, an annulus is formed by the fan motor and the pipe wall.Although this annulus is relatively short, there exists a strongly swirling flowfield which the numerical and turbulence models must be able to simulate.Experimental data for swirling flow in an annulus have been presented recentlyby Clayton and Morsi (1984, 1985) for various combinations of inner-to-outerradius ratio, inlet flow angle and Reynolds number. One of these combinations,

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that is, the one for a radius ratio of 0.51, inlet flow angle of 45 degrees andReynolds number of 28700 (based on the outer radius Bo) was chosen forcomparison purposes.

The computational grid is shown in figure 5.40 (not to scale: radial dimensionshave been multiplied by 2). The computational domain is 15.19 hydraulicdiameters long (the hydraulic diameter Dk is equal to the difference between theouter and inner diameters of the annulus), and have been divided into 59 axialsections and 18 radial sections for a total of 1140 grid points. In the radialdirection, an expansion ratio of 1.15 was used from both walls to midway betweenthem. In the axial direction, the grid was designed to coincide with sixstations at which velocity profiles were measured by Clayton and Morsi.

At the inlet plane, the experimentally determined values of the velocitycomponents and turbulent kinetic energy (~ 0.006642U2, where U denotes theaverage axial velocity) were prescribed as boundary conditions. The value of f

at the inlet plane was prescribed to make the eddy viscosity equal to 0.0005,the same value as for the propeller problem. Initial conditions for theremainder of the flow domain were taken as equal to the boundary conditions atthe inlet plane. At the walls of the annulus, all three velocity componentswere put equal to zero (no-slip condition). At the outlet plane the radialequilibrium boundary condition on static pressure was prescribed, i.e.

8p= prul


The problem was solved with a time step of 0.0975 seconds and a pressurecorrection relaxation factor of 0.4, using 5 line-by-line substitutions per timestep. Approximately 99 minutes of CPU time (590 time steps) was required toreduce the convergence parameter [ to 104, and a further 116 minutes (1866 timesteps) to reach [=10- 6.

Results are presented in figures 5.41 (axial velocity profiles) and 5.42(azimuthal velocity profiles). The decay of the azimuthal velocity component isfairly well predicted, as are the axial velocity profiles over the outertwo-thirds of the annulus. At the inner wall, the predicted values of the axialvelocity component are approximately two times lower than the experimental ones.This discrepancy can possibly be attributed to inadequacies in the k-fturbulence model.

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5.6 Closing Remarks

It is evident that the numerical and turbulence model are able to simulate flowsituations similar to, but simpler than, that for the fan problem. The nextobvious step is therefore to solve the fan problem itself; for that, however,comparative data are required. In the next chapter, the experimental work whichwas undertaken to obtain the relevant data will be described.


Page 90: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Table 5.1 Analytical solution for stagnation in three-dimensional flow

z/6 ~(() ~'(O ~"(O 11(0

0.000 0.000000 0.000000 1.311938 0.0000000.125 0.036958 0.289947 1.069255 1.1626760.250 0.135902 0.520138 0.831418 2.1544280.975 0.284696 0.694752 0.609149 3.1030810.500 0.469498 0.818587 0.415698 4.156059

0.625 0.679111 0.900030 0.261591 5.4448860.750 0.904391 0.949257 0.150559 7.0687290.875 1.138760 0.976409 0.078758 9.0927391.000 1. 977991 0.990000 0.097268 11.55477

1.125 1.619402 0.996150 0.015898 14.474441.250 1.861868 0.998658 0.006099 17.860841.375 2.104722 0.999577 0.002099 21.717791.500 2.347713 0.999880 0.000648 26.04654

1.625 2.590746 0.999969 0.000179 30.847741.750 2.899791 0.999999 0.000044 96.121471.875 9.076840 0.999999 0.000010 41.867772.000 9.319889 1.000000 0.000002 48.08666

Page 91: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Table 5.2 Analytical solution for laminar flow near a rotating disk

z/o F(O C(O - B( 0 - P( 0

0.00000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.0000000.09125 0.075855 0.891650 0.014279 0.1518120.06250 0.126671 0.787667 0.050897 0.2546950.09975 0.158055 0.690756 0.101816 0.9212990.12500 0.174795 0.602912 0.161189 0.962461

0.15625 0.180609 0.522897 0.224456 0.9869960.18750 0.178786 0.452252 0.288960 0.9991470.21875 0.171742 0.990121 0.95062p 0.4049540.25000 0.161961 0.995807 0.409760 0.406679

0.28125 0.149060 0.288576 0.464894 0.406156.0.91250 0.195878 0.247679 0.515964 0.4045560.94975 0.122549 0.212960 0.561177 0.4025570.97500 0.109575 0.181947 0.602914 0.400540

0.40625 0.097280 0.155802 0.698964 0.9986970.49750 0.085858 0.199957 0.671404 0.9971080.46875 0.075406 0.114108 0.699966 0.9957890.50000 0.065955 0.097615 0.724998 0.994722

0.59125 0.057490 0.089491 0.746855 0.9998760.56250 0.049965 0.071401 0.765879 0.9992160.59975 0.049919 0.061055 0.782992 0.9927060.62500 0.097478 0.052205 0.796694 0.992916

0.65625 0.092967 0.044695 0.809056 0.9920200.68750 0.027911 0.098161 0.819725 0.9917970.71875 0.024098 0.092626 0.828919 ' 0.9916900.75000 0.020680 0.027892 0.896899 0.991505

0.78125 0.017774 0.029845 0.849698 0.9914110.81250 0.015265 0.020985 0.849484 0.9919420.84975 0.019101 0.017427 0.854504 0.9912910.87500 0.011297 0.014898 0.858811 0.991259

0.90625 0.009694 0.012796 0.862504 0.9912250.99750 0.008256 0.010888 0.865670 0.9912040.96875 0.007079 0.009908 0.868982 0.9911891.00000 0.006057 0.007957 0.870705 0.991178

Page 92: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 5.1 Stagnation in three-dimensional flow


E9 v




4 53






















r\LoLL N(1) I



Figure 5.2 Root mean square errors for stagnation in three-dimensional flow

Page 93: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 5.3 Laminar flow near a rotating disk







'- ....•...


'- ....'- ....







"LoLL N<l) I


n n

Figure 5.4 Root mean square errors for flow near a rotating disk

Page 94: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the






z------ -

Figure 5.5 Thrust distribution for turbulent flow near a propeller


L ActuQ tor diSK

z-Figure 5.6 Computational grid for turbulent flow near a propeller

Page 95: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN




- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er )

- -


-3 -2z/D

2 3 4

Figure 5.7 Axial distribution of u at r=O.425D (propeller in uniform flow)

------ SIMPLEN

El Exper i ment. (Kat-b)

---------- FEM (Pellet. ier)


I::>,J ~


-15 -1 -.5 oriD

.5 1.5

Figure 5.8 Profiles of u at z=O.025D (propeller in uniform flow)

Page 96: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

[1J Exper i ment (Kat-b)

5- 20

- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let i er )




J -

[1J[1J [1J


- --


-1.5 -1 -.5 oriD

.5 1.5

Figure 5.9 Profiles of u at z=O.23D (propeller in uniform flow)

------ SIMPLEN - - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let i er )lJ)(\J

(\Jf •.••I "-I,

lJ) ,I "-





I-3 -2


z/D2 3 4

Figure 5.10 Axial distribution of w at r=O.425D (propeller in uniform flow)

Page 97: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

~ Exper i ment. (Kat.b)



5- 21

- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er )

I-1.5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.11 Profiles of w at z=O.025D (propeller in uniform flow)

------ SIMPLEN

~Experiment. (Kat.b)



- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er)


I-1.5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.12 Profiles of w at z=O.23D (propeller in uniform flow)

Page 98: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

5- 22

- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er)

lJ)I:) (S)



I-3 -2 -1

z/D2 3 4

Figure 5.13 Axial distribution of v at r=O.425D (propeller in uniform flow)

------ SIMPLEN

~ Exper i men!:. (Kol:.b)


- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er )

- - -'


I-1.5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.14 Profiles of v at z=O.025D (propeller in uniform flow)

Page 99: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

[Q Exper i men!:. CKo!:.b)


5- 23

- - - - - - - - - - FEM CPe I Ie!:' i er)

----- - -- ------


I-1.5 -1 -.5 (3

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.15 Profiles of v at z=O.29D (propeller in uniform flow)

------ SIMPLEN - - - - - - - - - - FEM CPe I Ie!:' i er )





I-3 -2 -1

z/D2 3 4

Figure 5.16 Axial distribution of p at r=O.425D (propeller in uniform flow)

Page 100: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

[!] Exper i menr (Kerb)




- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I I e r i er )



I-1 5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.17 Profiles of p at z=O.0250 (propeller in uniform flow)

------ SIMPLEN

[!] Exper i menr (Kerb)

- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I I e r i er )




[!]'t"I-1.5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.18 Profiles p at z=O.230 (propeller In uniform flow)

Page 101: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

5- 25

o degrees - -- -- - 90 degr ees

180 degrees - - -- - - 270 degrees



---- --- - --




-=---- -----------




Figure 5.19 Axial distribution of u at r=O.425D (propeller in shear flow)

o degrees - -- -- - 90 degr ees

180 degrees - - -- - - 270 degrees




I-3 -2 -1 oz/D

2 3 4

Figure 5.20 Axial distribution of w at r=O.425D (propeller in shear flow)


Page 102: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

I:!JExper i ment. (Kat.b)


- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er)


I:J -,....:J

co-1 5 -1 -.5 10

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.21 Profiles of u at z=0.025D and 0=0/180° (propeller in shear flow)

------ SIMPLEN

I:!JExperiment. (Kat.b)

- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er )


I:J -,....:J

co-1.5 -1 -.5 10

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.22 Profiles of u at z=0.025D and 0=90/270° (propeller In shear flow)

Page 103: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

Q] Exper i ment. (Kat.b)

5- 27

- - - - - - - - - - FEM (Pe I let. i er )



co-1.5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.23 Profiles of u at z=0.290 and 0=0/180° (propeller in shear flow)

------ SIMPLEN

Q] Exper i ment. (Kat.b)

----------FEM (Pellet.ier)



co-1 5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.24 Profiles of u at z=0.290 and 0=90/270° (propeller in shear flow)

Page 104: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

~ Exper i men I:. CKotb)


5- 28

- - - - - - - - - - FEM CPe I I e I:. i er)

I-1.5 -1 - 5 '3

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.25 Profiles of w at z=0.025D and 0=0/180° (propeller in shear flow)

------ SIMPLEN

~ Exper i men I:. CKotb)



- - - - - - - - - - FEM CPe I I e I:. i er )

I:J _"'-3

I-1.5 -1 -.5 '3

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.26 Profiles of w at z=0.025D and 0=90/270° (propeller in shear flow)

• -L •. '__ 'A

Page 105: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------ SIMPLEN

~ Exper i men\:. CKol:.b)

5- 29

- - - - - - - - - - FEM CPe I leI:. i er)


I-15 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.27 Profiles of w at z=0.23D and 0=0/180° (propeller in shear flow)

------ SIMPLEN

~ Exper i men\:. CKol:.b)



- - - - - - - - - - FEM CPe I Ie\:. i er )

I-1.5 -1 -.5 o

riD.5 1.5

Figure 5.28 Profiles of w at z=0.23D and 0=90/270° (propeller in shear flow)

Page 106: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

5- 30



Figure 5.29 Computational domain for flow through an abrupt axisymmetriccontraction


II •Z- ~ ~ ~

Figure 5.30 Computational grid for flow through an abrupt axisymmetriccontraction

Page 107: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

5- 31

-(l) IU( N(l) 1

L(l) (Y)


4-._ v-01

I,. If)•.••••• 1


"1o 20 40N/1000

60 80 100

Figure 5.31 Mass flow rate error for flow through an abrupt axisymmetriccontraction (Be=105)

-(l) 1

UC N(l) 1

L(l) (Y)

4-'4-._ v-01

I,. If)•.••••• 1


"Io 20 40N/1000

60 80 100

Figure 5.32 Mass flow rate error for flow through an abrupt axisymmetriccontraction (Be=106)

'"", .. "'.-"

Page 108: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 5.33 Streamlines for flow through an abrupt axisymmetric contraction(Be=105)

Figure 5.34 Streamlines for flow through an abrupt axisymmetric contraction(Be=106)

Page 109: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the




5- 33

z/D=0.1036--~--- z/D=0 .4364

z/D=l 0524



t z/D=1.5354


I13 2 3 456

u/U (staggered zero)7 8

Figure 5.35 Axial velocity profiles for flow through an abrupt axisymmetriccontraction (Be=105 at negative riO, Be=106 at positive riO)

Page 110: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



Figure 5.36 Static pressure contours for flow through an abrupt axisymmetriccontraction (Be=105)

Figure 5.37 Static pressure contours for flow through an abrupt axisymmetriccontraction (Be=106)

Page 111: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 5.38 Effective viscosity contours for flow through an abruptaxisymmetric contraction (Be=105)

Figure 5.39 Effective viscosity contours for flow through an abruptaxisymmetric contraction (Be=106)

Page 112: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


-------L '-z/Dh=1.72. - --- ---



'- z/Dh=5.10 z

Figure 5.40 Computational grid for swirling annulus flow

------- Numer i ca I (SIMPLEN)

~Experiment (Clayton & Morsi) - z/Dh=0.00

L:J. z/Dh=5. 10 + z/Dh=8. 46 x z/Dh=11 .83

C9 z/Dh= 1 . 72

~ z/Dh= 15 . 19

coo .0:::"t'L .


o 2 3 4 5u/U Cstaggeredzero)

6 7

Figure 5.41 Profiles of u for swirling annulus flow

Page 113: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

5- 37

------- Numer i ca I (SIMPLEN)

l!J Exper i ment (C layton &. Mors i) - z/Dh=0. 00

.<!l. z/Dh=5. 10 + z/Dh=8. 46 x z/Dh=11 .83

C) z/Dh= 1 . 72

~ z/Dh= 15. 19

coo .~'I"'-L .


o 2 3 4 5

w/U (staggered zero)6 7

Figure 5.42 Profiles of w for swirling annulus flow

Page 114: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Chapter 6


6.1 General

The objective of the experiment was to obtain data for the verification of thenumerical performance predictions; specifically for the degradation (orimprovement) under crossflow conditions of the performance of a typical axialflow fan used in air cooling applications. The main features of the fan used inthe experiment are as follows:

Diameter: 620 mmNumber of blades: 7Average blade chord: 86 mm (89 mm at the hub, 76 mm at the blade tips)Hub diameter: 168 mmHub length: 69 mmDesign speed: 1400 rpmFree discharge flow: 5 m3/s

6.2 Flow System

The subsonic windtunnel of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universityof Stellenbosch, was used for the simulation of the cross-flow conditions. Theflow system in which the test fan is mounted is shown schematically in figure6.1. The intake is located in a hole in the floor of the wind tunnel testsection, and the system exhausts to atmosphere outside the wind tunnel building.Three different duct sizes are used in the system, to facilitate the use ofexisting equipment. The other main components of the flow system are thefollowing:

(a) Test fan. The test fan is mounted with the upstream surface of the rotorhub (which is flat) flush with the wind tunnel floor. The fan unit issupported within the duct by means of four pairs of (symmetrically spaced)steel rod struts, bolted to the motor casing.

(b) Auxiliary fan. A detailed description of the wind tunnel has been given by

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Du Buisson (1988); the main features of importance here are that it is anopen loop, draw-through tunnel. The static pressure in the test section istherefore always below atmospheric pressure, which necessitates the use ofan auxiliary fan to obtain realistic flow rates through the system.

(c) Venturi tube. A venturi tube, consisting of a conical nozzle section (halfincluded angle of 10.50), a constant area throat section (inner diameter of265 mm) and a conical diffuser section (half included angle of 9.50), isprovided for the measurement of volume flow rate. A swirl attenuator and aflow straightener are located upstream of the venturi tube to provide theessentially uniform axial flow necessary for its proper functioning.

(d) Throttle valve. The volume flow rate through the fan system can beregulated with a throttle valve consisting of a flat plate mounted on athreaded spindle at the outlet of the system.

(e) gOo-bend. Due to limited space below the tunnel, the duct system had to beturned through 900 so that it could run out horizontally through a door inthe wall of wind tunnel building. A 900-bend with turning vanes isprovided for this purpose.

6.3 leasurements and Instrumentation

Two main types of measurements were performed during the experiment: globalmeasurements of fan power, pressure, volume flow rate and cross flow velocity,and detailed measurements of the static pressure and velocity distributionsdownstream of the fan. In addition to these measurements, atmosphericconditions were also monitored. Details of the measurements and instrumentationare as follows:

6.3.1 Atmospheric Conditions

A conventional mercury-column barometer was used to measure atmospheric pressureP t (in mm mercury) and a conventional mercury-in-glass thermometer to measurea mthe atmospheric temperature tatm (in degrees Celsius). Both these instrumentsare located in a laboratory which is about twenty metres away from, but atessentially the same elevation as, the flow system. Conversion of the barometerreading to N/m2 is done with the density of mercury taken as 19550 kg/m3 andusing the local value of 9,796 m/s2 for the acceleration of gravity.

Page 116: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


The atmospheric temperature and pressure are used to determine the air density pat any location in the flow system where the static pressure is known, using theideal gas law (and -assuming isothermal flow):

p = P + P atm

Il(ta tm + to)(6.1)

Here P is the measured pressure relative to atmospheric pressure, Il is the gasconstant for air, 287.08 JjkgK, and to=-273.15 °C is absolute zero temperature.

6.3.2 Pressure

The instrumentation for pressure measurements is shown schematically in figure6.2. Static pressures are measured at three positions: at the roof of the windtunnel test section (Pi)' approximately one duct diameter length downstream ofthe fan unit (po)' and just upstream of the venturi tube (pvent). A single walltapping is used for p., and four symmetrically spaced tappings each for P andz 0Pvent. Another set of four symmetrically spaced tappings located at the throatof the venturi facilitates the measurement of the static pressure differenceacross the nozzle of the venturi (Ap )vent .

The dynamic pressure in the wind tunnel corresponding to the cross-flow velocityacross the fan (Ycr) was measured with a Pitot-static tube (specifically, aPrandtl tube) located near and parallel to the roof of the test section,pointing upstream. The mouth of the tube is located approximately 30 mm belowthe static pressure wall tapping in the roof of the test section. This positionwas found by trial and error to be outside the boundary layer on the roof of thetest section for all values of cross-flow velocity of interest, yet far enoughaway from the fan intake for the tube to be aligned with the cross-flow.

All the pressure leads are connected to an inductive pressure transducer (range-10 to +10 kPa) through a differential pressure scanning valve, as shown infigure 6.2. One channel of the scanning valve (number 4) has been left open toatmosphere so that the zero-reading of the pressure transducer could be obtainedat any time.

The output signal from the pressure transducer is relayed to one channel of asix-channel bridge amplifier, where the input signal is amplified over a rangefrom -10 to +10 Volt. The output signal from the bridge amplifier is

Page 117: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

---------- -------,


transmitted to a personal computer fitted with an analog to digital interfacecard. The computer is used to "drive" the scanning valve: it sequentiallyselects the required channels on the scanning valve; for each channel it waitsfor 5 seconds for the pressure reading to stabilize, then reads 9600 voltages at5 millisecond intervals, calculates the average voltage, converts it to pressureunits using the calibration constants of the pressure transducer, and displaysthe result. The software for this application was developed by Visser (1989);the channels to be selected, waiting time, sampling number and interval, andcalibration constants are selected by the user.

6.3.3 Volume Flow Rate

Volume flow rate was measured by means of the venturi tube. The relationshipbetween the volume flow rate q through a venturi tube and the pressuredifference APvent across the nozzle, as given by Bass (1971), is as follows:

q =~

vent'-1-- -(-A--/A--)-2 P~ vent duct


Here Avent is the cross-sectional area of the throat of the venturi, Aduct isthe cross-sectional area at the inlet of the nozzle, and Cd is a dischargecoefficient close to unity.

The venturi was calibrated in a test installation consisting of the horizontalpart of the flow system shown in figure 6.1 connected to a calibrated inletbellmouth. The venturi calibration results are depicted graphically in figure6.3; the discharge coefficient was determined by means of a linear regressionanalysis (correlation factor of 0.9999) and is equal to 0.917.

6.3.4 Shaft Power and Jotor Speed

Shaft power was measured indirectly by means of the motor calibration describedin Appendix E. The same instruments that were used during the calibrationexercise for the measurement of input power, line current and voltage, and forthe temperature of the stator windings, were used during the experiment. Motorspeed was measured with a magnetic pickup mounted in the duct wall. The pickupis connected to a pulse counter, which monitors the blade passing frequency.The fan rotor is made of aluminium, which is non-magnetic; a thin strip of steelwas therefore glued to each of the seven blade tips to provide the required

Page 118: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


pulses in magnetic flux.

6.3.5 Static Pressure and Velocity Distributions

Distributions of static and dynamic pressure were measured approximately one fandiameter downstream of the rear end of the fan motor. .A five-hole probe wasused; a description of the probe and its calibration are given by Venter(1990b). The probe, which has a diameter of 16 mm and is about 20 mm long, wasscrewed onto a probe holder, which is simply a 16 mm diameter stainless steeltube. The probe holder was clamped onto a manual traversing mechanism. Asemi-circular brass block was bolted to the probe holder: the flat surface ofthis block was set up to be parallel to the plane of the five holes in theprobe, thus providing a reference surface for determining the orientation of theprobe. A digital inclinometer was used for the latter purpose.

The instrumentation for the five-hole probe is also shown in figure 6.2. Eachof the pressure leads is connected to an inductive pressure transducer (range -1to +1 kPa). The output signals from these pressure transducers are relayed tothe remaining five channels of the six-channel bridge amplifier, where the inputsignals are amplified over a range from -10 to +10 Volt. The output signalsfrom the bridge amplifier are transmitted to the personal computer. Thecomputer, when prompted by the user, reads 500 voltages for each transducer at asampling interval of 20 milliseconds, calculates the averages, converts th~results to pressure units using the appropriate calibration constants, anddisplays the result. The software for the five-hole probe was developed byVenter (1990a, 1990E)j the sampling number and interval and the calibrationconstants are selected by the user.

Venter (1990b) also developed software for processing the raw data obtained withthe five-hole probe. This was used to obtain the final results: staticpressure, absolute velocity (Vabs)' and direction of the velocity vector withrespect to the reference plane of the probe, expressed in terms of a yaw angle(a) and a pitch angle (A). The velocity components normal to the referenceplane of the sensor (the axial velocity u), parallel to the axis of the probe(the radial velocity v), and parallel to the reference plane and normal to theaxis (the azimuthal velocity w) are given, respectively, by

u = Vabscosp)cos(a)

v = Vabssinp)



Page 119: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

w = VabsCOs(A)sin(a) (6.5)

The calibration curves built into this software are only valid for Reynoldsnumbers (based on the probe diameter) above 5125 (corresponding to approximately5 m/s in air at atmospheric conditions) and yaw and pitch angles less than 90degrees from an axis normal to the reference plane of the probe.

Access for the probe was provided by eight 17 mm diameter holes, spacedsymmetrically around the duct at the same axial position as the static pressuretappings. Provision was made at these holes for bolting the traversingmechanism to the duct.

6.4 Experimental Procedure

Exploratory measurements with the five-hole probe showed that the staticpressure measurement downstream of the fan (channel 5 on the scanning valve) didnot give the correct average static pressure at this location: a strong radialpressure gradient existed due to the swirl caused by the test fan. It wastherefore decided to measure the system pressure drop between this point and theone just upstream of the venturi tube, with the test fan rotor removed. Then,when the test fan is running, the average static pressure at the fan outlet canbe estimated by measuring the static pressure at the venturi and adding thesystem pressure drop.

The system pressure drop as function of the dynamic pressure at the venturi tubeinlet was determined during a test involving channel 4 (zero-reading), channel 5(system pressure drop), channel 6 (pvent' for determination of air density atthe venturi tube inlet) and channel 7 (APvent' for determination of the volumeflow rate) on the scanning valve. The results are depicted in figure 6.4; theslope of the linear regression line is equal to 1.268 (correlation factor of0.999).

The main experiment was carried out for no flow across the fan inlet, and for anominal crossflow velocity of 10 m/s. The maximum flow rate that could beobtained with the help of the auxiliary fan was approximately 507. of the freedischarge flow of the fan; this volume flow rate was kept nominally the same forthe two tests. The mean axial velocity through the fan (blade area only) wastherefore also approximately 10 m/s.

Page 120: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


The experimental procedure for each of the tests was as follows:

(a) Switch on all instrumentation, set up the bridge amplifier to give zeroreadings on all the channels and set up the computer program for thescanning valve measurements (to read channels 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7). Switchon the test fan, auxiliary fan and wind tunnel fan (last two tests only).

(b) Take readings of the atmospheric pressure and temperature. Use thethrottle valve on the flow system to set up the required volume flow rate,and the wind tunnel controls to set up the required crossflow velocity.

(c) Take the readings for fan power and speed, also the six differentialpressure readings selected on the scanning valve.

(d) Set up the computer program for the five-hole probe, and carry out theeight traverses. Readings were taken at 20 mm intervals between the ductcentreline and the last point 11 mm from the duct wall. (For each of thesepoints, the digital inclinometer was used to set up the probe so that theyaw angle was within 15 degrees of the axis normal to the reference planeof the probe: this setting was noted and added to the measured yaw angleafterwards. Unfortunately no control could be exercised to ensure that thepitch angle was within range.)

(e) Repeat the measurements for fan power and speed, for the six pressuredifferentials selected on the scanning valve, and also for atmosphericconditions.

6.5 Results

The "before" and "after" measurements of atmospheric conditions, pressures,etc., taken two to three hours apart, were always very close, indicating a highdegree of repeatability. In what follows, therefore, only averages arereported; variations between the "before" and "after" measurements are givenwhere appropriate. The two tests are identified by the codes "00" for theno-crossflow case and "10" for the (nominally) 10 mls crossflow case.

6.5.1 Crossflov Velocity

Measured and calculated values relevant to the determination of crossflowvelocity are given in table 6.1. Here Appit represents the dynamic pressure

Page 121: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


measured with the Pitot-static tube, and Ppit the local air density; thecrossflow velocity is determined from

2 P 'tp't



The static pressure measurement at the roof of the test section is used withequation (6.1) to determine the air density. The "before" and "after"measurements of crossflow velocity differed by less than 0.57. from the averagevalues indicated.

6.5.2 Static Pressure and Velocity Distributions

Distributions of static pressure and the three velocity components at theposition downstream of the fan are depicted graphically in figures 6.5 through6.12 in the form of contour plots of ufU, vfu, wfu and C =(p -p.)fO.5pU2 (U isP 0 1,the mean axial velocity in the duct). The crossflow velocity direction is fromleft to right; the fan rotation is clockwise. The "holes" in the contour plotsrepresent those areas for which no measurements within the range of validity ofthe calibration curves of the five-hole probe could be obtained.

The distributions for case 00 are fairly symmetric. The presence of the fourpairs of fan support struts is clearly evident in the axial and radial velocitydistributions (figures 6.5 and 6.7). The maximum azimuthal velocity isapproximately equal to the mean axial velocity (figure 6.7).

The asymmetry caused by the flow across the fan intake is clearly evident in thedistributions for case 10, although the degree of distortion of the staticpressure distribution (figure 6.12) is markedly less than those for the velocitycomponents. The axial velocity distribution (figure 6.9) exhibits a maximumvalue of approximately two times the mean axial velocity, while the radialvelocity distribution (figure 6.10) exhibits a maximum negative value ofappoximately three-quarters of the mean axial velocity at approximately the sameposition as the maximum axial velocity. The maximum azimuthal velocity is againapproximately equal to the mean axial velocity (figure 6.14).

6.5.3 Volume Flow Rate

The measurements and calculations relevant to the determination of the volume

Page 122: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


flow rate are presented in table 6.2. qvent is the volume flow rate determinedby means of equation (6.2); the density Pvent is determined with equation (6.1)using the pressure reading at the venturi tube inlet. "Before" and "after"readings of qvent differed by less than 0.27. from the average values for allthree cases. qpr is the volume flow rate determined by numerical integration ofthe axial velocity distributions measured with the five-hole probe (the axialvelocities at the "holes" in the distributions were taken as zero). q agreesprsurprisingly well with qvent' being only 0.47. high for case 00 and 1.97. low forcase 10.

6.5.4 Fan Static Pressure

The results for the static pressure difference across the fan - defined for thepurpose of this dissertation as the mean static pressure at the measuringstation downstream of the fan minus the static pressure at the roof of the testsection - are given in table 6.3. APsf,sys is the static pressure differenceobtained by the procedure outlined in section 6.4; Ap f is the statics ,prpressure difference obtained by numerical integration of the static pressuredistributions measured with the five-hole probe (values in the "holes" of thestatic pressure distributions were obtained by interpolation in the azimuthaldirection).

Correspondence between the results obtained by the two methods is reasonable.Differences are probably due to two effects which are not accounted for by the"system" method: the regain of static pressure due to the straightening of theflow by the flow straightener and the swirl attenuator between the fan outletand the venturi tube inlet, and increased pressure drop due to thenon-uniformity of the flow caused by the cross flow conditions. On the otherhand, the effect of the "hole" in the pressure distribution on the acCuracy ofthe "probe" method is not known. Nevertheless, the "probe" method is consideredto be more accurate, since the "hole" represents an area of relatively lowvelocity and therefore probably of low pressure gradients also.

6.5.5 Fan Pover and Efficiency

Measurements and calculations relevant to the determination of the fan powerrequired to deliver the required flow rate are presented in table 6.4. Thecalculation procedure is outlined in Appendix E. "Before" and "after" readingsof P t differed by less than 0.57. from the average values for both cases.. ou

Page 123: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


In order to compare the power requirement for the three test cases, it isnecessary to scale the volume flow rate, fan static pressure and fan power to acommon density p' and fan speed H'. The scaling rules, as given by BritishStandard 848: Part 1: 1980 for the testing of fan performance, are as follows:

H'q' = q -


p' H,9P' = P -;;7




Scaled values are presented in table 6.5, for p'=1.2 kg/m3 and H'=1400 rpm. Thescaled values of volume flow rate are almost identical for the two test cases;the power requirement, however, is 297. higher for case 10 compared to that forcase 00. The fan static pressure is 967. higher. Also presented in table 6.5are values of fan static efficiency, defined as

q'Ap' sfP'


The efficiency values are almost identical for the two test cases: this seems toindicate that the performance of the fan is not influenced by flow across itsinlet. Equation (6.10) does not, however, take into account the energy which isavailable in the crossflow .. The need for a more appropriate indicator of fanefficiency is obvious, but was not pursued because it is beyond the scope ofthis thesis.

The fan efficiency is very low (N227.) for both cases. Voollen tufts attached tothe test section floor in the vicinity of the fan inlet were observed to beblown outwards during the experiment for case 00, indicating that the fan bladesexperienced reverse flow to some extent and were therefore relativelyinefficient. Also, the pressure loss associated with the abrupt contraction-type inlet is large compared with that of a more conventional bellmouth-typeinlet. Brand (1990) tested the fan in a ducted inlet/ducted outlet typeinstallation; even under these more favourable conditions the efficiency wasonly about 407. for the volume flow rate under consideration.

Page 124: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


6.6 Closing Remarks

It is clear from the data presented in this chapter, that flow across the intakeof the test fan has a detrimental effect on its performance in that an increasedamount of power is necessary to deliver the same flow rate. Furthermore,reverse flow conditions at the fan blade tips cause the fan efficiency to be loweven without crossflow. In the next chapter, numerical predictions arepresented to'support these observations, and to provide more insight with regardto the cause of the deterioration of fan performance under crossflow conditions.


Page 125: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

Table 6.1 Crossflow velocity


Case 00 10

Patm (kPa) 100.196 100.282

tatm (DC) 24.55 29.602 0.2 58.0Appi t (N/m )

p. (N/m2) -1.2 - 79.4~

p. (kg/m3) 1.172 1.176~

Vcr (m/s) ~ 0 9.99

Table 6.2 Volume flow rate

Case 00 10

2 1497.7 1402.1APvent (N/m )p ven t (N/m2) - 88. 7 -108.0

Pven t (kg/m3) 1.171 1.176

qvent (m3/s) 2.627 2.590

qpr (m3/s) 2.697 2.557

Page 126: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

Table 6.3 Fan static pressure


Case 00 10

APi,vent (N/m2) 85.9 95.5

APo,vent (N/m2) 154.2 150.92 68.9 114.9APsf,sys (N/m )

2 79.0 101.6Apsf,pr (N/m )

Table 6.4 Fan shaft power

Case 00 10

N (rpm) 1409 1969tstat (DC) 56.4 69.9

'stat (ohm) 19.271 19.859Istat (A) 2.459 2.909

'stat (V) 119.8 175.2

Vin (V) 996.7 986.7

'core (V) 61.1 58.1

'fw (V) 8.4 8.4

'in (V) 1291.0 1605.0

,out (V) 981.9 1164.9

Page 127: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Table 6.5 Comparison of power requirement

Case 00 10

q' (m3/s) 2.610 2.649vent

Ap~f,pr (N/m2) 79.8 108.4

P~ut (V) 985 1272

17sf (7.) 21.1 22.6

Page 128: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


CD \..lind i:unnel i:esi: seci:ion <1435 MM wide X 992 MM high)

@ Tesi: fo.n (j) 482 MM ID duci:

@ 622 MM ID duci: @ Flow s i:ro.ighi:ener

@ Turning vo.nes @ Veni:uri i:ube

G) 560 MM ID duci: @ AUXilio.ry fo.n

@ Swirl 0. i:i:enuo. i:or @ Throi:i:le vo.l ve

/////p'/ab CD


Side elevo. i:ion

-$8=--- --_---.---<EJ:3= ~--3_~fu /-

Plo.n view

Figure 6.1 Flow system

Page 129: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



/Pitot-sto. tic tube

'w"ind tunnel test section

, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,


Test fo.n

Five-hole probe

SCo.nning vo.lve

Pressure tro.nsducer

Bridge o.Mplifier


Figure 6.2 Instrumentation for pressure measurements

Page 130: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the





(Y)< NE



10 20 30 40J-2-flp-IJ-p [ m/ s J

50 60

Figure 6.3 Venturi tube calibration

[!] Data ------- Regress i on

nN<E (S)




25 50 75 100

0.5f't'2 [N/m"'2J125 150

Figure 6.4 Determination of system pressure drop

Page 131: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 6.5 u/ U- contours - case 00

Figure 6.6 v / U- contours - case 00

Page 132: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 6.7 wi lJ- contours - case 00

Figure 6.8 Cp-contours - case 00

Page 133: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

6- 20

Figure 6. 9 '/1,1 U- contours - case 10

Figure 6.10 vi U- contours - case 10

Page 134: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

6- 21

Figure 6.11 wi U- contours - case 10

Figure 6.12 Cp-contours - case 10

Page 135: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Chapter 7


7.1 General

The main objective of this thesis, as stated in Chapter 1, is to predict how theperformance of an axial flow fan is influenced by external flow across itsinlet, and to compare the predictions with experimental results. The numericalpredictions presented in this chapter are those of shaft power and fan staticpressure, for prescribed values of volume flow rate through the fan andcross-flow velocity. All numerical values correspond to those of the experimentdescribed in Chapter 6; a summary is presented in table 7.1.

7.2 Computational Domain and Grid

The idealised computational domain corresponding to the experimentalconfiguration described in Chapter 6 is shown in figure 7.1. Severalidealisations are incorporated due to the limitations of the computer codedescribed in Chapter 4:

(a) The wind tunnel test section is modeled as two parallel plates of diameterequal to 1702 mm, which is the length of the test section measured betweentwo static pressure wall tappings located at either end of the section.The spacing between the plates is equal to the height of the test section,992 mm. No account is taken of the sidewalls of the test section, whichare 1435 mm apart.

(b) The duct section (diameter equal to 622 mm, as for the experiment) extendsfrom the test section to the five-hole probe measuring position, that is,to the position in the flow system where the 900 bend is located. Thelength of the duct section is therefore modeled as 955 mm.

(c) The fan rotor hub and fan motor is modeled as a round cylinder of length350 mm and diameter 168 mm. The length corresponds to the combined lengthof the hub and motor, while the diameter corresponds to the hub diameter -the motor is actually slightly smaller in diameter than the hub. The small

Page 136: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

7- 2

gap between the hub and the motor is not modeled; neither are the coolingfins on the motor surface.

(d) The fan blades are not modeled directly as rotating solid surfaces, butindirectly, through the forces which they impart on the air; details aregiven in the next section.

The computational grid for axisymmetric inflow is shown in figure 7.2. Thereare 67 axial stations and 45 radial stations, for a total of 2901 grid points.Expansions ratios of 1.08 in the axial direction and 1.15 in the radialdirection are used throughout.

The computational grid for distorted inflow is the same as for axisymmetricinflow, but now has sixteen equispaced azimuthal planes instead of only one.The total number of grid points in this case is 96,096.

7.3 Blade Element lode1

The influence of the fan blades are modeled as body forces by means of the bladeelement theory commonly employed for aircraft and ship propeller calculations(see for example Von Mises, 1959). In the present context, the theory isapplied as follows:

(a) Each blade element between two radii r and or experiences a lift force oLand a drag force 00 (there are assumed to be no radial forces). Thedirections of the lift and drag forces are, respectively, normal andparallel to the vector of relative velocity VB of the fluid against theelement, figure 7.3.

(b) The relative velocity vector is composed of an axial component u which isthe average value of the axial velocity components at the leading andtrailing edge positions, and an azimuthal component r(fi-w), which is theazimuthal velocity component of the fluid relative to the blade element,also averaged between the leading and trailing edge positions.

(c) The magnitudes of the lift and drag forces are given by, respectively


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7- 3


where CL and Co are the lift and drag coefficients, and C is the chord ofthe blade element.

(d) The thrust oT and torque oq exerted by the blade element on the fluid (andvice versa) are obtained by decomposing the drag and lift forces into axialand azimuthal components:

oT = OLcos(f3) - oOsin(f3)

oq = {oLsin(f3) + oOcos(f3)}r

f3 is the angle between the relative velocity vector and the plane ofrotation of the blade element, as shown in figure 7.3.



The actual body forces, which appear in the Navier-Stokes equations as forcesper unit volume, are obtained by taking into account the number of blades Nandthe axial "thickness" fl of the fan rotor:

av 27frorfl Corfl

av 27frorfl Corfl=------









Here (J=NC/27fr denotes the solidity of the rotor. Substitution of equations(7.1) through (7.4) into equations (7.5) and (7.6) yields the final expressionsfor the body forces, which can also be written in terms of the thrust and torquecoefficients CT and Cq:



Assuming that the direction and magnitude of VB is known, it remains to specifythe lift and drag coefficients to complete the model. These coefficients are,

Page 138: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


in general, dependent on the geometry of the blade elements, the local angle ofattack a=1-p (1 is the angle between the chord of a blade element and the planeof rotation, figure 7.3), and the blade Reynolds number Be=pVBC/p.

There are three possibilities for determining CL and CO: experimentally (e.g.wind tunnel testing), theoretically (e.g. thin airfoil theory and boundary layertheory), or using empirical correlations available in the literature. Thegeometrical features of the fan blades under consideration are presented inAppendix Fj it was unfortunately not possible to determine the geometry of theblade elements with the necessary degree of accuracy required for experimentaltesting or theoretical calculations. The four parameters necessary for use withmost empirical correlations, that is, blade angle 1, chord C, camber ratio c/Cand thickness ratio t/C, could however be determined sufficiently accurately forpractical purposes. It was therefore decided to use empirical correlations, inparticular those of Hoerner (1965) and Hoerner and Borst (1975). Details are asfollows:

(a) For small angles of attack (below stall), the lift coefficient is given by


where ~ is the so-called blade efficiency expressing the deviation of thelift-curve slope from the ideal value of 2~, and aO is the zero-lift anglej~ is taken as 0.9 and aO is calculated from (Hoerner and Borst, chapter II,equation 18)

caO = -115 - degrees


which is representative for airfoils with circular-arc camber lines.


(b) The maximum value of the lift coefficient, CLmax' which is attained justbefore stall, depends on many factorsj here it is assumed that it is onlyinfluenced by the camber and thickness ratios, and that it can bedetermined by linear interpolation amongst the following four values takenfrom figure 13, chapter IV of Hoerner and Borst:

Page 139: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

7- 5

1.234 for t/ C=O. 06; e/ c=o. 0451.297 for t/ C=O. 06; e/ C=O. 065

C - (7.11)Lmax - 1.586 for t/ C=O. 09; e/ c=o. 0451.657 for t/ C=O. 09; e/ C=O. 065

(c) The drag coefficient for small angles of attack is given by (Hoerner,chapter VI, equations 6, 13 and 15)


Here Cf is the skin friction coefficient for one side of a flat plate withlength equal to the blade element chord, and which can be approximated, forturbulent flow, by the equation (Hoerner, chapter II, equation 26):

Cf = {3.46Iog(Be) - 5.6r2 (7.13)

The second and third terms within the brackets in equation (7.12) arecorrections for thickness and circulation respectively; the last two termsrepresent the pressure drag of the blade element (the last term ismeaningless if t/C<CL/5; a minimum value of zero should be used then).

(d) Beyond stall, particularly for angles of attack larger than about 20°, theblade element behaves like a flat plate in separated flow: it experiences aforce per unit area of magnitude 0,5PV~COmaxsin(a) in a direction normal toits surface. Here COmax is the drag coefficient of the plate when it isperpendicular to the flow direction; in the present context the lift anddrag coefficients are therefore given by, respectively,

CL = COmaxsin(a)cos(a)

Co = COmaxsin2(a)



The value of COmax for a flat plate with sharp edges is 1.98; it is lessfor plates with rounded edges and is also influenced by factors such ascamber and aspect ratio.

These correlations have been used in the following manner to obtain the lift and

Page 140: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

drag characteristics:

(a) Lift. Equation (7.9) is used between aO and an angle of attack a1corresponding to CL=0.6CLmax' A third degree polynomial is used torepresent CL between a1 and a2, where CL=CLmax' Equation (7.14) is usedfor a>a3, and another third degree polynomial between a2 and a3. Much thesame procedure is used for angles of attack less than aO: equation (7.14)for a<-a3, a third degree polynomial between -a2 and -a3, and so on. Thereare two minor differences (which are necessary because aO is not equal tozero): equation (7.9) is used between aO and aO-a1 and the maximum negativevalue of CL is taken as -CLmax-2~~aO'

(b) Drag. Equation (7.12) is used between aO and a1, a third degree polynomialbetween a1 and as' and equation (7.15) for a>aS' The procedure for anglesof attack less than aO is similar.

The actual values of a2, as and COmax are taken as 15°, SOo and 1.4respectively. These values were found to yield the best results for theprediction of the fan performance for the case of axisymmetric inflow. Theresulting variations with angle of attack of the lift, drag, thrust and torquecoefficients of the fan blade under consideration are depicted in figure 7.4,for the midspan position.

7.4 Boundary and Initial Conditions

The boundary conditions for the fan performance predictions are as follows: atthe solid surfaces, the no-slip conditions (u=v=w=O except at the rotor hub,where w=fi) and wall functions are used; at the duct outlet plane zero-gradientboundary conditions are used for all variables except static pressure, for whichthe radial equilibrium boundary condition BpjBr=pw2 is used; at the inlet andoutlet planes between the parallel surfaces zero-gradient boundary conditionsare used for k and f, while the velocity components are fixed to provide thecorrect flow rate through the fan.

The velocity profiles to be used as boundary conditions between the parallelsurfaces (representing the wind tunnel top and bottom walls) posed a problem:these boundaries are not sufficiently far removed from the fan for uniform flowvelocity profiles to be used. The following procedure was used to overcome thisproblem:

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(a) Axisymmetric inflow. The inlet velocity profiles (u and v only - w isequal to zero) are determined from a potential flow solution on part of thecomputational domain, excluding the duct section but extended in the radialdirection, as shown in figure 7.5.

(b) Distorted inflow. Uniform flow equal to the required crossflow velocity,that is, v=Vcrcos(O); w=Vcrsin(O)/r, added to the potential flow solutionfor the axisymmetric inflow case, is used to provide the required velocityboundary conditions.

The governing equation for the axisymmetric potential flow solution is Stokes'stream function equation (see for example Karamcheti, 1966):


Boundary conditions for the stream function ~ are also shown on figure 7.5;these correspond to uniform inflow conditions between the parallel surfaces, andalso uniform outflow into the duct section. Equation (7.16) is readilydiscretized using central differences, the result being as follows for a generalgrid point P with neighbors S, N, Band' T:


The discretized problem was solved on three different grids: the first onecorresponding to the computational domain shown in figure 7.2, but extendedradially to approximately twice its size; the second one similar to the firstone but extended radially to approximately three times the size of the originalcomputational domain; the third one the same as the second, but refined byinsertion of a grid line between every pair of grid lines of the second grid.

For each of the three solutions, the axial velocity u=(a~/ar)/r and radialvelocity component v=(a~/az)/r at r=Di/2, the outer radius of the originalcomputational domain, were determined; the three sets of results are too closefor graphical comparison, indicating that the potential flow solution isgrid-independent. The velocity profiles (non-dimensionalized by means of themean radial velocity q/2~DiH) are shown in figure 7.6. It is clear that theflow direction at the inlet boundary differs significantly from that of a

Page 142: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


uniform flow, which would have been purely In the inward radial direction.

The potential flow solutions are also used as initial conditions for the fanperformance predictions; static pressure conditions are readily obtained fromBernoulli's equation. In the duct section the initial values for v and waretaken as zero, while the axial velocity component u is taken as uniformeverywhere between the inlet and outlet planes of the duct.

7.5 Prediction of Fan Performance - Axisymmetric Inflow

The axisymmetric inflow problem was solved with a time step of 0.0005 secondsand a pressure correction relaxation factor of 0.4, using 5 point-Jacobisubstitutions per time step. A relaxation factor of 0.001 was used for the bodyforces during the first 1000 time steps, and 0.01 thereafter.

Convergence to (=10-5 was achieved in approximately 90,000 time steps (6 hoursCPU time on the CONVEX). At this stage the numerical predictions differed fromthe experimental results by -7.57. for the fan static pressure, and by 1.57. forfan power. The calculation was continued to 90,000 time steps (18 hours CPUtime), at which stage ( had stabilized at around 2x10-7, and the fan staticpressure and fan power at -57. and N07. respectively compared to the experimentalresults.

A similar calculation was done for uniform inflow boundary conditions - in thiscase the predictions differed from the experimental results by -87. for the fanstatic pressure, and by +47. for the fan power. The introduction of the inflowboundary conditions calculated from the potential flow solution is thereforeconsidered worthwhile. The calculation was also repeated for other values ofa2, a9 and CDmax: it was found that the results were not very sensitive to a2and a9, but quite sensitive to CDmax. Fan power was underpredicted and fanstatic pressure overpredicted for 1.5~CDmax~2.0, and vice versa for CDmax~1.4.

The general features of the flow field are depicted in figures 7.7 through 7.10.The reverse flow at the outer part of the fan blades observed during theexperiment is clearly evident in figure 7.7, which shows the streamlines in anazimuthal plane. Another zone of recirculatory flow is predicted downstream ofthe fan motor, extending beyond the outflow boundary. The reverse flow at theoutflow boundary was not observed during the experiment; possible reasons forthe discrepancy are: inadequacies of the turbulence model (a similar discrepancyoccurred for the swirling annulus flow problem discussed in Chapter 5) and the

Page 143: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


influence of the bend and turning vanes just downstream of the outflow planewhich are not accounted for in the numerical predictions.

Static pressure contours are shown in figure 7.8, and contours of the azimuthalvelocity component (w) and effective viscosity in figures 7.9 and 7.10respectively; the rapid increases in the values of all three these variables atthe fan rotor are clearly evident.

The effect of the reverse flow at the outer part of the fan blades is depictedin figures 7.11 and 7.12. Figure 7.11 shows the local angles of flow onto thefan blades: separated flow (beyond stall) prevails over the outer quarter of theblade span and attached flow over the inner three-quarters. The correspondingthrust and torque distributions, non-dimensionalized by means of the mean thrustand torque respectively, are shown in figure 7.12. There is a sharp drop inthrust, and a corresponding but smaller drop in torque (and hence powerrequirement) at the outer quarter of the blade span. This is considered to bethe main reason for the low efficiency of the fan; under normal conditions (forexample with a bellmouth-type inlet) the flow would be attached over a fargreater portion of the fan blade span.

Predicted profiles of velocity and static pressure at the outflow boundary arecompared with experimental measurements in figures 7.13 through 7.16. As can beexpected from the foregoing discussion, the predicted axial velocity profile(figure 7.13) does not compare very well with the measured one: the reverse flowregion at the centreline has to be compensated for by a higher maximum value ofaxial velocity in the outer region. Also, the predicted radial velocities atthe outflow boundary are close to zero (figure 7.14), in accordance with thezero-gradient boundary condition on the axial velocity component, whereas theexperimental results indicate a significant inward radial flow. Anothercalculation with a computational domain two duct diameters longer than theoriginal one was also performed: the results were almost identical, indicatingthat the discrepancies cannot be ascribed to the zero-gradient outflow boundaryconditions.

The results for the azimuthal velocity (w) and the static pressure (figures 7.15and 7.16) are better; both these variables are fairly well predicted over theregion excluding the reverse flow zone. The good prediction of w is to beexpected to some extent, because the amount of swirl is essentially proportionalto the power input by the fan, and the constants in the blade element model havebeen chosen so as to give the correct power. Also, the static pressure at the

Page 144: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


outflow boundary is related to w through the radial equilibrium boundarycondition, so that if w is predicted correctly, the static pressure must also bepredicted correctly. It is nevertheless encouraging that the shapes of thepredicted profiles are also essentially correct.

7.6 Prediction of Fan Performance - Distorted Inflow

It was clear from the start of the numerical investigation for the distortedinflow case that the numerical procedure was not able to simulate the crossflow- the angular velocity (w) field tended to checkerboard in the ~direction,causing the solution to diverge after a small number of time steps. The reasonfor this behaviour could not be found, and it was therefore decided to suppressthe problem by application of the fourth-order one-dimensional linear filterdeveloped by Shapiro (1970): at each time step the newly calculated w-values aresmoothed azimuthally by means of the following equation

1= --- [186W(B.) + 56{w(B. 1) + w(B. 1')}- 28{w(B. 2) + w(B. 2)}256 z z+ z- z+ z-

+ 8{w(Bi+3) + w(Oi_3)} - {w(Bi+4) + w(Bi-4)}] (7.18)

The filter removes two-grid interval waves (i.e. chequerboarding), but restoresall other wave components with slightly damped amplitudes but without changes inphase. The amount of damping introduced by a fourth-order filter is as follows:three-grid interval waves - 327.; four-grid interval waves - 67.; five-gridinterval waves - 17.; waves of six or more grid intervals - less than 17..

The introduction of the filter introduced a second problem: the convergenceparameter { was now meaningless, because the pressure correction equation andthe filter must, per definition, adjust the grid point values of w in oppositedirections during each time step. It was therefore decided to use thedifference between the volume flow rate at the duct outlet and the specifiedvolume flow rate as convergence parameter.

The same control parameters (time step, relaxation factors, etc.) as for theaxisymmetric inflow case were used to solve the distorted inflow problem, exceptthat the center line control volumes were now treated "globally" (see Chapter2). The crossflow was introduced gradually during the second thousand timesteps. The calculation proceeded extremely slowly, at approximately 200 timesteps per hour of CPU time on the CONVEX. Intermediate solutions (restart

Page 145: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


files) were saved at every thousand time steps.

At approximately 16,000 time steps the volume flow rate at the duct outlet hadconverged to within +2.57. of the specified volume flow rate, but thereafter itstarted to diverge again. The calculation was then restarted from the 16,000time step intermediate solution with a pressure correction relaxation factor of0.1 and a body force relaxation factor of 0.001. This seemed to have thedesired effect in "stabilizing" the solution: the volume flow rate at the ductoutlet oscillated with an amplitude of %37.near the specified volume flow rate,while both the fan static pressure and fan power tended to a value of -11.57.with respect to the experimental values. The calculation was eventually stoppedat 23,500 time steps (125 hours CPU time); the volume flow rate convergencehistory up to that point is shown in figure 7.17 (the dashed line represents the"divergent" stage of the calculation).

Figure 7.18 depicts the azimuthally averaged streamlines of the flow field. Itshows that there is, on average, a small separation bubble downstream of the fanmotor, and also thin recirculation zone at the blade tips and roots. The lattertwo recirculation zones can also be seen in figure 7.19, which shows the localangles of flow onto the fan blades (the crossflow is from left to right; the fanrotation is clockwise): the blade tip angle is approximately 30°, thereforethere must be reverse flow between 135° and 180° near the duct surface;similarly, because the blade root angle is approximately 55°, there must bereverse flow between 225° and 315° at the hub surface.

It is evident from figure 7.19 that the flow onto the fan blades is highlydistorted, both radially and azimuthally, and that separated flow prevails overa large fraction of the fan blade area. This means that the blade loading isvery much non-uniform, and that the stresses in a blade can vary considerablyduring a revolution. The non-dimensionalized distributions of thrust and torqueover the fan blade area are depicted in figures 7.20 and 7.21 respectively: bothdistributions show maxima of more than twice their mean values.

Examination of the numerical solution revealed that the predicted value andposition of the maximum axial velocity at the duct outlet compare very well withthe experimental values: approximately 2.2 times the mean axial velocity at8=225° and rjD=0.4 (see figures 6.9 and 7.22). Comparisons between thenumerically predicted and experimentally determined profiles of the velocitycomponents and static pressure at the duct outlet are therefore presented forthe 8=45j225°-section through the calculation domain, and for the section

Page 146: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


perpendicular thereto, i.e. 0=135/315°.7.23 through 7.30, where negative values270° .

These comparisons are shown in figuresof r/O represent angles between 90° and

The axial velocity profiles (figures 7.23 and 7.24) compare very well with themeasured profiles, while the correlations between the predicted and measuredradial velocity profiles (figures 7.25 and 7.26) are once again poor.Correspondence between the predicted and measured azimuthal velocity profiles(figures 7.27 and 7.28) is fair in the sense that the maximum values arepredicted correctly. The static pressure distributions (figures 7.29 and 7.30)also compare favorably.

7.7 Closing Remarks

It can be concluded that the numerical predictions confirm the results of theexperiment in the sense that more power is required to deliver the same volumeflow rate under crossflow conditions as under axisymmetric inflow conditions.The numerical procedure underestimates the increase in power, however: anincrease of only 147. is predicted versus a measured increase of 297. (scaledvalues). The predicted increase in fan static pressure is also slightly low:277. versus 367.. As pointed out in Chapter 6, fan static efficiency cannot beregarded as a true indicator of fan efficiency under crossflow conditions; it isnevertheless interesting to note that the predicted value of efficiency is only17. lower than the experimental value for the axisymmetric inflow case, andexactly the same as the experimental value for the crossflow case.

- - - 00000- --

Page 147: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Table 7.1 Summary of input and comparative data for numerical predictions

Case 00 10

P (kg/m3) 1.172 1.1765 1.896 1.892JL (kg.m/sx10 )

Vcr (m/s) 0.00 9.99q (m3/s) 2.627 2.590

2 79.0 101. 6Aps! (N/m )N (rpm) 1409 1369P (V) 981.9 1164.9Tis! (7.) 21.1 22.6

Page 148: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


~ \Jincl tunnel test section

Duct section

Figure 7.1 Computational domain


Figure 7.2 Computational grid

Page 149: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



6Q/r (Sl,- w)r

Figure 7.3 Forces on a blade element







" I-.JU


-I-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30

0< [degrees]



Figure 7.4 Lift, drag; thrust and torque characteristics at midspan

Page 150: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



- 'I'=q/2n

-------------------- r=D, /2I

'1'=0 _

_______ r=Dhub/2

z=O z=H

Figure 7.5 Computational domain and boundary conditions for potential flowsolution




-I fa ,25 ,5





Figure 7.6 Velocity profiles at the inlet boundary

Page 151: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 7.7 Streamlines - case 00

Figure 7.8 Contours of static pressure (N/m2) - case 00

, ::t,

Page 152: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



Figure 7.9 Contours of angular velocity (m/s) - case 00

Figure 7.10 Contours of effective viscosity (non-dimensionalised with respectto laminar viscosity) - case 00

Page 153: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



n(J) (S)

a> Na>LlJ)0>-a>-0LJ~


.1 .2 .3riD

.4 .5

Figure 7.11 Relative flow angles onto fan blades - case 00

E9 Thrust.

C) Torque1J)


.1 .2 .3riD

.4 5

Figure 7.12 Thrust and torque distributions - case 00

Page 154: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

7- 20

------ Numer i co I

(!) Exper i men t


.1 .2 .3

riD.4 .5

Figure 7.13 Profiles of u at outflow boundary - case 00

------ Numer i co I

(!) Exper i men t



~ ill iii i!iII!I I Im ~ i

-Io .1 .2 .3

riD.4 .5

Figure 7.14 Profiles of v at outflow boundary - case 00

Page 155: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

7- 21

------- Numer i co I

(9 Exper i men t






.1 .2 .3

riD.4 .5

Figure 7.15 Profiles of w at outflow boundary - case 00

------ Numer i co I

(9 Exper i men t


.1 .2 .3

riD.4 .5

Figure 7.16 Profiles of p at outflow boundary - case 00

Page 156: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the








o(\JIa 5 10




20 25

Figure 7.17 Convergence history - case 10

Figure 7.18 Azimuthally averaged streamlines - case 10

Page 157: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 7.19 Relative flow angles (degrees) onto fan blades - case 10

Figure 7.20 Non-dimensional thrust distribution - case 10

Page 158: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Figure 7.21 Non-dimensional torque distribution - case 10

Figure 7.22 u/ l/- contours - case 10

Page 159: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------- Numer i co I

7- 25

C9 Exper i men l:






-.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 121

riD.1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Figure 7.23 Profiles of u at 8=45/225° - case 10

------- Numer i co I C9 Exper i men l:





::::)"'- C9:J C9




-.5 -4 -.3 -.2 -.1 121

riD. I .2 .3 .4 .5

Figure 7.24 Profiles of u at 8=195/915° - case 10

Page 160: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

7- 26

------- Numer i co I Q) Exper j men\:.



::JQ)Q)""'- Q)

Q) Q) Q) Q)> C9 C9

IJ) Q) <:)<:) <:) Q) Q)


<:)<:) Q)

<:) Q) Q) Q)

I-.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 10 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5


Figure 7.25 Profiles of v at 0=45/225° - case 10

------- Numer i co I Q) Exper i men \:.




-I-.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 - 1 10

riD.1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Figure 7.26 Profiles of v at 0=135/:115° - .case 10

Page 161: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------- Numer i co I


7- 27

(9 Exper i men t.


<Sl-.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 0

riD.1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Figure 7.27 Profiles of w at 0=45/225° - case 10

------- Numer i co I


(9 Exper i men t.



<Sl-.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 - 1 0

riD. I .2 .3 .4 .5

Figure 7.28 Profiles of w at 0=195/915° - case 10

Page 162: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------- Numer i co I


C) Exper i men 1:.



-I-.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 0

riD.1 .2 .3 .4 .5

Figure 7.29 Profiles of p at 0=45/225° - case 10

------- Numer i co I C) Exper i men 1:.



-I-.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 0

riD.1 .2 .3 .5

Figure 7.30 Profiles of p at 0=135/315° - case 10

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Chapter 8


8.1 Conclusions

All the objectives stated in the first chapter have been reached. Thecalculation procedure that has been formulated for the flow simulation has beenshown to yield good results for a number of flow situations: not only for theflow through axial flow fans, but also for related flow situations. Thenumerical predictions of distorted inflow effects on the performance of axialflow fans are good, considering the complexity of the problem. The experimentalwork that has been carried out provided sufficient data for verification of thenumerical predictions.

8.2 Recommendations for Future York

Although all objectives have been reached, there are still a number of areaswhere improvements can be made. The most important of these are the following:

(a) Numerical model. The numerical model should be generalized to a generalcurvilinear coordinate system, so that more practical flow situations canbe analysed. An important example in this respect is that of a fan with abellmouth-type inlet. The problem that was encountered with simulating theflow across the cylindrical polar coordinate system should also beinvestigated.

(b) Turbulence model. Consideration should be given to the implementation of aturbulence model that performs better for swirling flows than the k-E modelused here. Obvious candidates are the Reynolds stress models that takeinto account the anisotropy of the apparent viscosity.

(c) Computer Code. The FLOVAX-code has one major deficiency: that of excessiveCPU time requirements for the more complex problems. Possibilities forimprovements in this respect are the following: the implementation of moreefficient matrix solvers, the implementation of a multigrid scheme to speedup convergence, and the parallellization of the code. Processing time can

Page 164: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

8- 2

be reduced significantly, for example, by setting up and solving the threemomentum equations simultaneously on three different processors, followedby simultaneous solution of the pressure correction and k and f equations.

(d) Experimental data. The need for more, better and more completeexperimental data is obvious. Detailed distributions of velocity, pressureand turbulence intensity, both upstream and downstream of fans in practicalflow situations are required, especially for the purpose of selecting thebest turbulence model for the calculation of such flows.

(e) Blade element model. The blade element model can be refined in many ways,for example the use of more sophisticated correlations for lift and dragcoefficients, inclusion of tip clearance effects and inclusion of effectsdue to radial flow on the fan blades.

- - - 00000- --

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Appendix A


Five Peclet number dependent functions appear in the differencing scheme usedwith the SIMPLEN algorithm of Thiart (1990a,1990b). Application of the schemein a cylindrical polar coordinate introduces a sixth function. In thisAppendix, some important properties of the six functions are highlighted.

A.l The Function J(P)

All the special functions used in the numerical procedure are related to thefunction

PA(P) =--

eP - 1(A.l)

which appears in the coefficients of the discretization equations for thedependent variables. This function has been discussed in detail by Patankar(1980), its main features being as follows:

A ( - P) = A (P) + P

A(P) ~ 0

A(P) ~ -P

for P > 10

for P < -10




Patankar has also shown that A(P) can be calculated with sufficient accuracy forpractical purposes by the computationally efficient approximation

A*(P) = MAX{O, (1 - 0.1IPI)5} + MAX(O, -P) (A.5)

where MAX represents the FORTRAN function AMAX1(X,Y), which returns the maximumvalue of its arguments X and Y.

The functions A(P) and A*(P) are shown graphically in figure A.l, from which itis clear that A*(P) is indeed a good approximation to A(P).

Page 166: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


A.2 The Function 8(P)

Conventional source terms in the discretization equations are weighted by thefunction


= - -P


P 1e -(A.6)

which is related to A(P) as follows:

_ 1 { P } _ 1 - A(P)B(P) - - 1 - P - ---P e - 1 P

The function B(P) can be approximated with sufficient accuracy by


1 - A*(P)for IPI > 0.001

B*(P) P (A.8)=1 1 for IPI ~ 0.0012(1 - 5P)

Equation (A.8) can also be written as a single line FORTRAN-type expression:

1 1B*(P) = 2(1 - 5P) - MAX[O, SIGN{l, (IPI - 0.001)}]

[1 1 1 - A* (P) ]

x -(1 - -P) - -------2 5 SIGN{MAX(O.OOl, IPI), P}


Here SIGN represents the FORTRAN function SIGN(X,Y), which returns the absolutevalue of X multiplied by the sign of Y.

The functions B(P) and B*(P) are shown in figure A.2, to illustrate the validityof the approximation. It is also clear from the figure that

B(-P) = 1 - B(P) (A.l0)

Page 167: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

A- 3

A.3 The Function C(P)

The coefficients in the discretization equations for interpolation of variablesonto control volume interfaces are written in terms of the function


=---eP + 1


From equation (A.l) we have

P Pe =1+--


so that equation (A.ll) can be written as

.4(P)C(P) =

2.4(P) + P

This function can be approximated accurately by

.4* (P)C*(P) =

2.4*(P) + P



as illustrated in figure A.3. Other properties of C(P) that are apparent fromfigure A.3, are the following:

C( - P) = 1 - C( P)

C(P) ~ 0

C(P) ~ 1

for P > 10

for P < -10




The following Gombinations of .4(P) and C(P), and of B(P) and C(P) are also usedin the numerical procedure:

111.4(2P)C(2P) = 2.4(P)

1 1 1 1.4 (2P) C(- ¥) = .4(2P) - 2.4(P)

1 1 1 1.4 ( - 2P) C(¥) = .4 (- 2P) - 2.4 (- P)

B(~P) + C(~P)= 2B(P)





Page 168: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


!.4 The Function D(P)

The source terms in the discretization equations for interpolation of variablesonto control volume interfaces (also the coefficient~ of the discretizationequation for pressure correction) contains the function

1 eP - 1O(P) = - , (!.21)

P e + 1

as a multiplicative factor. The relationship between O(P) and A(P) is asfollows:

O(P)C(P) 1

= -- = ----A (P) 2A (P) + P


which can be approximated by

O*(P) =1

2A*(P) + P(!.23)

Figure !.4 illustrates the validity of this approximation, and also that O(P) isa symmetric function, i.e. that

O( - P) = O(P)

!.5 The Function R(P)

!combination of the functions B(P) and O(P) that appears frequently, is



E(P)Pe - 1 - P

=p2( e'+ 1)

1[ P ] eP- 1

= P 1 - e' 1 P(e' + 1)


E(P) = B(P)O(P) (!.26)

Page 169: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

A- 5

This function and its approximation

E*(P) = B*(P)D*(P)

are shown in figure A.5, once again illustrating the validity of theapproximation. From equations (A.10) and (A.24) it also follows that

E(-P) = {1 - B(P)}D(P) = D(P) - E(P)

Useful combinations of E(P) and A(P) are the following:

!.6 The Function F(P,m,k,a)





The last special function is the counterpart of B(P) in a cylindrical polarcoordinate system:

. _ 1[ k A{(~P+m)lna} 1]F(P,m,k,a) - - a 1 -k A{(:2P+m-k)lna}

Note that



1 { aP/2+m _ ak= ----- (~P+m)lna ----k(~P+m-k)lna aP/2+m - 1

1- , 1 [A{-(~P+m)lna} - iA{(~P+m)lna} - (~P+m-k)lna]k( :2P+m-k) Ina

Page 170: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


A- 6



= i [Ina _ i ~1 A{(¥+m)lna}](~P+m- k) Ina


F(-P,-m,-k,a) =i [-k A{-(~P+m)lna} ]- a - ik A{- (~P+m- k) Ina}


a-k (~P+m)lna a-(P/2+m-k) -Ii}

(~P+m- k)lna a- (P/2+m) -

(~P+m) Ina aP/ 2+m- k -Ii}

(~P+m- k)lna aP/2+m_

F(-P,-m,-k,a) = ~k [1 _ . A{(~P+m)Ina} ]A{(~P+m- k)lna}

From equation (A.31) we have

-k A{(~P+m)lna}{kF(P,m,k,a) + i}a = ---~i----------

A{(]l+m- k)lna}

Thus, equation (A.33) can be written as

i [ -k]F(-P,-m,-k,a) = k i - {kF(P,m,k,a) + i}a



-ki-aF( - P,- m,- k, a) = -----

kF(P,m,k,a)a-k (A.34)

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Two combinations of m and k appear in the numerical procedure, i.e. (m=O, k=l)and (m=l, k=l). For these two combinations, the function F(P,m,k,a) can becalculated with sufficient accuracy outside the interval IP+2~21<2, thatis, outside the interval I(P/2+~1)lnal<lna, by the approximation

F*(P,m,l,a) =Ina - (a - l)A*{(~P+m)lna}

dp+~1)Ina (A.35)

Inside the interval I(P/2+~1)lnal<lna, a straight line fit between the.extremities of the interval, that is, between P=-2m and P=4~2m, also yields goodresults, i.e.



1= OFFsET(m,l,a) + GRADIENT(m,1,a)x(2P+m)lna (A.36)

a - 1


OFFSET(m,l,a) = F*(-2m,m,1,a) =---1Ina (A.37)

F*(4-2m,m,1,a) - F*(-2m,m,1,a)GRADIENT(m,l,a) =


which reduces to, approximately,

1 [ a-1 ]GRADIENT(m,l,a) = --- 1 - ---- {1 + (1 - O.2Ina)5}Ina 2lna



The single line FORTRAN-type expression for F*(P,m,l,a), similar to equation(A.9) for B*(P), can be written as

Page 172: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

A- 8

1 .F*(P,m,l,a) = OFFSET(m,l,a) + GRADIENT(m,1,a)x(2P+m)lna

- MAX[O, SIGN{l, (I¥+m-11Ina - Ina)}]

X[OFFSET(m,l,a) + Ga'DIENT(m,l,a)x(i'+m)lna

Ina - (a - l)A*{(~P+m)lna} ]

- SIGN{MAx(lna, liP+m-lllna), (~P+m-l)lna}

The functions F(P,O,l,a) and F(P,l,l,a) are compared graphicallyand A.7 with their respective approximations for three values ofis once again seen to be good.


in figures A.6a. Agreement

A useful combination of the functions C(P) and F(P,m,l,a), is the following:

F(-P,O,-l,a)C(-¥lna) - F(p,O,l,a)C(¥lna)

a - 1= ---

a2a{l - F(-P,O,-l,a )}

- - - 00000- --


Page 173: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------- Exact.

* Approx i mat.e

A- 9




-10 -5 op

5 10

Figure A.1 The function A(P)


* Approx i mat.e






-40 -20 op

20 40

Figure A.2 The function R(P)

Page 174: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


* Approx imat.e



'"0...VU .••



-10 op

5 10

Figure A.3 The function C(P)


* Approx imat.e





-4121 -2121 121P

20 4121

Figure A.4 The function D(P)

Page 175: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------- Exact

* Approx i mate




<S>-40 -20 op

20 40

Figure A.5 The function E(P)

Page 176: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


* Approx i mate [a=2J

C)Approx i mal:.e [0= 1 .5J

~ Approx i mal:.e [0= 1 .333J





-40 -20 op

20 40

Figure A.6 The function F(P,O,l,a)

Page 177: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

------- Exact.

* Approx i mat.e [0=2J

C!lApproximat.e [0=1.5J

~Approximat.e [a=1.333J


r\<Do .,,,





-40 -20 op

20 40

Figure A.7 The function F(P,l,l,a)

Page 178: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Appendix B


B.l Axial lomentum Equation

The definition for the axial momentum equation source term is given in equation(2.7). The source term is considered to be constant between grid points in theaxial direction; gradients are evaluated assuming piecewise linear variationsbetween grid points. Between grid points P and T in figure 2.2, for example,the result is as follows:

S~ = [a ~ _ Pt - PP + UT - up fl.T - fl.p

avJ t 8zt 8zt 8zt

+ vT - vp _1 {(fl.p + fl.T)f; + (fl.H + fl.TH)

8z t 2/1r Ja;; + 1

_ (fl.S + fl.TS) r-; + (fl.p + fl.T)}

~ + 1

WT - wp (fl.B + fl.TB) - (fl.TI + fl.TTI)+ ---------- (B.l)

6zt 4AO

B.2 loment of lomentum Equation

The definition for the azimuthal momentum equation source term is given Inequation (2.9). The source term is considered to be constant between gridpoints in the azimuthal direction; gradients are evaluated assuming piecewiselinear variations between grid points. Between grid points P and B in figure2.2, for example, the result is as follows:

Page 179: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

B- 2

PEVE - Ppvp2----

rpSO e[aaqv] PE - PP + 6JE - 6JP PE - PP +

e SOe SOe SOe

+ vE - vp _l_{(PP + PE)5 + (Pu + PUE)

SOe 2/lr ~ + 1

UE - up (PT + PTE) - CPO + POE)+ --- ----------

SOe 4/lz(B.2)

B.3 Radial lomentum Equation

The definition for the radial momentum equation source term is given in equation(2.8). The source term is considered to be constant between grid points in theradial direction; gradients are evaluated assuming piecewise linear variationsbetween grid points. Between grid points P and U in figure 2.2, for example,the result is as follows:

i(r:: r~) {#P[:; + "E ~o"Y](rn -

Uu - up (PTU - POU)an + (PT - PO)+ --- ----------

Srn 2/lz(an + 1)

Vu - vp Pu - Pp

Srn Srn

Pu - Pp---+p



6JU - 6Jp (PUE - PU/I)an + (PE - P/I)+ --- ----------

Srn 2/l0(an + 1)(B.3)

B.4 k- f. lode 1 Equations

B.4.1 Production Term

The production term that appears in both the k- and f-equations, is defined inequation (3.14). This source term is considered to be constant within allcontrol volumes; gradients are evaluated assuming piecewise linear variations

Page 180: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


between grid points. At grid point P in figure 2.2, for example, the result isas follows:

J1. [2{[UT - UB]2 + J [~ + VJNtP 2Az (Ar)2 ~ +

+ [WE - W 11 + vp] 2}2AO rp


B.4.2 lodification to f-Equation

The modification to the f-equation for swirling flows is the last term on theright hand side of equation (3.33). It is discretized under the sameassumptions as the production term:


- - - 00000- --

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Appendix C


C.l Definitions

The derivation leading to the discretization equations starts with theconservative form of the general transport equation, but ends with thenon-conservative form when the continuity equation times the grid point value ofthe general variable ~ is subtracted from the left hand side of equation (2.45).It would therefore be consistent to discretize the non-conservative form of thecross-fluxes used in the numerical procedure.

The non-conservative form of the general transport equation is obtained by\

expanding the convection terms on the left hand side of equation (2.5), and thensubtracting the continuity equation times r2m~ from the result:

{fJ fJ fJ fJ m}p __ (r2m~) + v __ (r2m~) + w __ (r2m~) + u __ (r2 ~)fJt fJr fJO fJz


The non-conservative forms of the cross-fluxes are therefore as follows:

Axial direction:

xz~ fJ 2m fJ [2m fJ~]u = -pu --(r ~) + -- r ~--fJz fJz fJz

Azimuthal direction:

fJ + _1 __fJ [r2m ~_ fJ~]uxO~ = -pw __ (r2m~)fJO r fJO r fJO



Page 182: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

C- 2

Radial direction:

~ 8 2m + _1 _8[r2m+1/l 8~]ffxrf = -pv -(r ~) ~8r r 8r 8r


The relationships between the ffX,S used here and the SX's used in the main text,are as follows:




C.2 Discretization

The discretized versions of equations (C.2) through (C.4) are obtained under thefollowing assumptions:

(a) The value of the velocity component that appears in the convective part ofthe cross-flux, is constant and equal to its value at the grid point wherethe flux is being calculated.

(b) The general variable ~ varies linearly between grid points.

(c) Interface viscosities are qetermined by harmonic interpolations.

The discretized cross-fluxes are therefore as follows for the grid point P infigure 2.1:

Axial direction:

ffXZ~ = r~m{[p, ~T - ~P _Az t. OZt


Page 183: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

Azimuthal direction:

Radial direction:

c- 3


- - - 00000- --


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Appendix D


Input data values are expected by program FLOWAX in the following sequence(program variables starting with the letters i,j,k,l,m and n are integers, whileall the others, with the exception of the title, are single precision realnumbers; the data can be provided in free-format form, however):

D.l Program Control Variables

lturb = indicator for laminar (0) or turbulent (1) flowlsolv = indicator for point-Jacobi (0) or line-by-line (1) solution of

equationslaxis = indicator for individual (0) or global (1) treatment of control volumes

on the axis of the coordinate systemdtime = time step (At)nstep = number of time stepstoler = convergence tolerancerelax = relaxation factor for pressure correctionniter = number of iterations per time step

D.2 Geometrical Specifications

nrad1 = number of layers In the radial direction, zone 1nzet1 = number of layers in the axial direction, zone 1radi1 = outer radius of zone 1zeti1 = axial length of zone 1nrad2 = number of layers in the radial direction, zone 2'nzet2 = number of layers in the axial direction, zone 2radi2 = outer radius of zone 2zeti2 = axial length of zone 2nrad3 = number of layers in the radial direction, zone 3nzet3 = number of layers in the axial direction, zone 3radi3 = outer radius of zone 3zeti3 = axial length of zone 3nrad4 = number of layers in the radial direction, zone 4

Page 185: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

D- 2

nzet4 = number of layers in the axial direction, zone 4radi4 = outer radius of zone 4zeti4 = axial length of zone 4nrad5 = number of layers in the radial direction, zone 5nzet5 = number of layers in the axial direction, zone 5radi5 = outer radius of zone 5zeti5 = axial length of zone 5ntsec = number of layers in the azimuthal direction

D.3 Fluid Properties

fdens = fluid density (p)fvisc = fluid viscosity (~)

D.4 Boundary Value Indicators for Open Boundaries

Ibvzi(1) = axial velocity (u) on Zi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzo(l) = axial velocity (u) on Zo-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvri(l) = axial velocity (u) on Bi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvro(l) = axial velocity (u) on Bo-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzi(2) = radial velocity (v) on Zi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzo(2) = radial velocity (v) on Zo-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvri(2) = radial velocity (v) on Bi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvro(2) = radial velocity (v) on Bo-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzi(3) = angular velocity (w) on Zi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzo(3) = angular velocity (w) on Zo-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvri(3) = angular velocity (w) on Bi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Page 186: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

Ibvro(3) = angular velocity (w) on Do-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zerogradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzi(4) = pressure (p) on Zi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient(0) boundary condition

Ibvzo(4) = pressure (p) on Zo-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient(0) boundary condition

Ibvri(4) = pressure (p) on Di-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient(0) boundary condition

Ibvro(4) = pressure (p) on Do-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient(0) boundary condition

Ibvzi(5) = turbulence kinetic energy (k) on Zi-plane subject to Dirichlet (1) orzero gradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzo(5) = turbulence kinetic energy (k) on Zo-plane subject to wall function(2), Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvri(5) = turbulence kinetic energy (k) on Di-plane subject to wall function(2), Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvro(5) = turbulence kinetic energy (k) on Do-plane subject to wall function(2), Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient (0) boundary condition

Ibvzi(6) = turbulence kinetic energy decay rate (E) on Zi-plane subject towall function (2), Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient (0) boundarycondition

Ibvzo(6) = turbulence kinetic energy decay rate (E) on Zo-plane subject towall function (2), Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient (0) boundarycondition

Ibvri(6) = turbulence kinetic energy decay rate (f) on Di-plane subject towall function (2), Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient (0) boundarycondition

Ibvro(6) = turbulence kinetic energy decay rate (f) on Do-plane subject towall function (2), Dirichlet (1) or zero gradient (0) boundarycondition


Page 187: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Appendix E


E.l General

The purpose of the motor calibration is to determine the efficiency of themotor, that is, the relationship between the electrical input power p. absorbedznby the motor and the mechanical output power Pout delivered at the motor shaft.

The motor is a conventional three-phase squirrel cage induction motor with asynchronous speed of 1500 r.p.m. and rated at 1.9 kV. The calibration was doneaccording to IEEE Standard 112-1984 for the testing of polyphase inductionmotors and generators. The segregated-loss method, where the output power isdetermined by subtracting losses from the input power, was used. There arethree types of losses:

(a) Constant losses. These consist of mechanical losses due to bearingfriction and windage, and core losses, which are the losses in active ironat no load.

(b) Load losses. These are ]2B losses due to the electrical resistance of therotor and stator windings.

(c) Stray losses. These are all the losses that are not accounted for by theconstant and load losses, and consists of stray losses in the iron core andeddy-current losses in conductors.

E.2 Determination of Losses

E.2.l Constant Losses

The constant loss, Pconst' is determined by running the motor at rated voltageand frequency with no load connected to the shaft. The input power is measured,and from this is subtracted the stator ]2B loss (the rotor ]2B loss isnegligible when operating at no load) to yield P t. The friction and windageconsloss, Pj is separated from the core loss, P , by plotting P. t againstw core cons

Page 188: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

E- 2

the input voltage (Yin) squared and extrapolating the curve to zero voltage: theintercept with zero voltage is the friction and windage loss and the remainderthe core loss as function of input voltage.

E.2.2 Load Losses

The stator loss Pstat is given by

(E .1)

where Istat is the measured line current (average of the three line currents),and Bstat is the (average) direct-current resistance between any two lineterminals at the temperature of the stator windings for which the line currentmeasurements are taken. The relationship between Bstat and the "cold"resistance Bstat,O is given by

tstat + 234.5= Bstat,O -------

tstat,O + 234.5(E.2)

where tstat and tstat,O are, respectively, the temperatures (in degrees Celsius)for the operating condition and for the measurement of Bstat,O. Note that theconstant of 234.5 that appears in equation (E.2) is valid only for copperwindings.

The rotor loss Prot is given by

where s is the motor slip, defined as

H - Hss=---

with Hs the synchronous speed of the motor and H the actual speed.

E.2.3 Stray Losses



The stray loss Pstray is determined by carrying out a load test. A dynamometeris mounted on the motor shaft, and the output torque qout is measured for at

Page 189: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

least six load conditions between 257. and 1507. of rated power. The output poweris obtained from equation (E.5):

2~HP - --- q (E.5)out - 60 out

The procedure for calculating the stray load is as follows:\

(a) Measure the input and output power for each load point, and calculate theapparent total loss by subtracting the measured output from the measuredinput.

(b) Calculate the apparent stray load loss for each load point by subtractingfrom the apparent total loss the appropriate values of P t' P t t and

cons s aProt.

(c) Smooth the apparent stray load loss data by using a linear regressionanalysis of the form

P t (apparent) = Aq2 t + Bs ray ou (E.6)

If the slope A is negative, or if the correlation factor is less than 0.9,delete the worst point and recalculate A and B. If this increases thecorrelation factor to 0.9 or larger, use the second calculation; if not,the test is unsatisfactory and must be repeated. The smoothed value ofstray load loss is

Pstray = Aq2out

E.3 Instrumentation


The no-load and load tests were performed at the Department of ElectricalEngineering of the University of Stellenbosch. The motor was mounted on a testbench, and connected to a 50 Hz three-phase power supply through a variablevoltage regulator.

The cold resistance of the stator windings was measured with a Wheatstone bridgetype galvanometer. The temperature of the stator windings was measured by meansof three copper-constantan thermocouples placed between the stator windings (i.e

Page 190: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


at three different locations) and a multi-input process monitor ("Digi-Link").

Line currents were measured with three digital multimeters, and line voltageswith a fourth digital multimeter. Input power was measured with twoconventional movable coil type wattmeters (see for example Yard, 1952, for adescription of the two-wattmeter method of measuring electrical power in athree-phase circuit).

The shaft speed of the motor was measured with a digital tachometer of thephoto-electric type. The dynamometer used for the load test consists of adirect current generator connected to a variable load cell, which in turnconsists of a number of electric heaters. The load on the generator (and henceon the motor) is varied by switching individual heater elements on or off. Thegenerator is suspended on its bearings, and prevented from rotation by a leverarm of 500 romconnected (at right angles) to the test bench through a calibratedspring balance; the force indicated on the spring balance multiplied by thelever arm length is equal to the torque exerted by the motor on the generatorshaft. The accuracy of the spring balance was checked by removing it from thetest bench, and calibrating it against a set of standard weights. Near perfectcorrelation was obtained, as shown in figure E.1.

EA Results

E.4.1 Constant Losses

The results of the no-load test are summarized in table E.1. A linearregression of Pconst versus V~n (correlation factor of 0.998; see also figureE.2 for a graphical representation), yielded the following expressions for thefriction and windage and core losses respectively:

- 6 2Pcore = 388.5x10 Yin Yatt (with V. in Volt)l.n



E.4.2 Load Losses (Stator Resistance)

The values of the stator winding resistances, measured at tstat 0=27.0 °C, were,equal to 11.92, 11.95 and 11.92 respectively, giving an average value ofBstat,0=11.93 ohm. Substitution of these values into equation (E.2) yields thefollowing relationship between stator temperature and stator resistance:

Page 191: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

E- 5

Bstat = 0.04562(tstat + 294.5) ohm

E.4.3 Additional Losses

(with tstat in DC) (E.l0)

The results of the load test are summarized in table E.2. The linear regressionanalysis yielded values of A=0.809 and B=22.88, with a correlation factor of0.512. The worst point, that is, the second last one in table E.3, was deleted,and the regression analysis repeated. The correlation factor improved to 0.977,with A=1.190 and B=17.96 (see figure E.3 for a graphical representation). Thesmoothed value of stray load losses as function of output torque is therefore

P = 1.190Q2out Wattstray

E.5 Summary

(with Qout in Newton-metres) (E.l1 )

The output power of the motor is given by


Substitution of equations (E.3), (E.5) and (E.7) into equation (E.12) yields

or, explicitly,

Pont - ~ [:~2[[1+ [:t+1 - s)(p in - Pcore Pstat) - Pf.}] 1/2 1](E.13)

- - - 00000- --

Page 192: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

E- 6

Table E.1 No-load test data

y. Istat tstat Bstat Pstat p. P constzn zn[VJ [AJ [OCJ [ohmJ [llJ [llJ [llJ90.7 0.280 92.8 12.195 1.4 12.5 11.1118.9 0.950 92.8 12.195 2.2 15.5 19.3161.7 0.489 32.7 12.190 4.3 22.5 18.2

208.0 0.640 99.5 12.227 7.5 33.0 25.5250.0 0.789 99.6 12.231 11.9 46.0 34.7279.7 0.900 94.4 12.268 14.9 54.0 39.1394.9 1.147 . 35.7 12.927 24.9 75.0 50.7379.7 1.399 98.7 12.464 96.9 100.0 63.7420.9 1.750 40.3 12.537 57.6 135.0 77.4

Table E.2 Load test data

y. Istat tstat llstat N s Qoutzn[VJ [AJ [OCJ [ohm J [rpm J [NmJ

982.9 1.523 48.7 12.920 1474 0.017 2.00981.0 1.650 49.9 12.975 1463 0.025 3.00380.0 1.899 50.8 19.016 1446 0.036 4.25978.7 2.173 59.3 13.130 1429 0.047 5.35989.0 2.473 54.5 13.185 1412 0.059 6.50980.0 2.907 57.4 13.917 1985 0.077 8.00981.7 9.619 62.6 19.554 1341 0.106 10.00979.7 4.950 68.7 19.832 1282 0.145 11.50

p. Pfw P P Prot Pout Pstrayzn core stat[llJ [llJ [llJ [llJ [ll] [llJ [WJ

450.0 8.4 56.8 45.0 6.0 908.7 25.1605.0 8.4 56.4 53.0 12.2 459.6 15.4845.0 8.4 56.1 70.0 25.9 643.6 41.0

1065.0 8.4 55.7 93.0 43.4 800.6 63.91285.0 8.4 57.0 121. 0 64.9 961.1 72.61585.0 8.4 56.1 168.8 104.3 1160.3 87.11930.0 8.4 56.6 265.4 170.4 1404.3 24.92470.0 8.4 56.0 392.6 293.8 1549.9 175.3

Page 193: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the





()) (S)

(j N




-4.lo (S)




5 10 15 20 25 30

Appl ied Force [N]

Figure E.l Spring balance calibration

[::J Dat.a Regress i on



o (S)




-4.l1J)(J) NCoU

.05 .1 .15

Line Voltage Squared [kVA2]

Figure E.2 No-load test results


Page 194: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

[!] Data

E- 8

------- Regr ess i on




J:Lf)u-(f)(1)(f) (S)

(f) (S)

o --.J

>-0L (S)




0 25 50 75 100 I 25 150Torque Squared [NmA2J

Figure E.3 Load test results

Page 195: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


Appendix F


F.1 General

The geometrical parameters required by the blade element model described inChapter 7 are the blade angle (1), chord (C), maximum camber (c) and maximumthickness (t). A set of coordinates on the surface of one of the fan blades wasobtained with a numerical drilling machine: the fan rotor was clamped onto theturning table of the drilling machine and a sharp steel spike was used in thedrillhead to determine coordinates on the blade relative to a fixed point on thehub of the rotor. Measurements were taken at twelve radial sections (20 mmintervals) between the root and the tip of the blade; the results are depictedin figure F.1.

F.2 Blade Angle and Chord

The radial variation of blade angle and chord, calculated from the measureddata, are shown in figures F.2 and F.3 respectively. Also shown in thesefigures are the following curve fits:

1 = 192.926 - 1.80485r + 15. 6549x10-9r2 - 71.9291x10-6r9

+ 166.709x10-9r4 - 154.895x10-12r5 degrees (with r in mm) (F.l)

C = -269.491 + 9.10529r - 86.4997x10-9r2 + 999.699x10-6r9

- 878.461x10-9r4 + 779.060x10-12r5 mm (with r in mm) (F.2)

These expressions represent the measured data fairly well, and are used in theblade element model to determine the blade angle and chord, respectively.

F.3 Blade Camber and Thickness

The radial variation of maximum blade camber and thickness, as percentage of thelocal chord length, are shown in figures F.4 and F.5 respectively. The results

Page 196: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

F- 2

were obtained in the following manner: sixth degree polynomials were fittedthrough the coordinates for both the "lower" and "upper" surfaces of each bladesectionj expressions for the mean camber lines and the thickness distributionswere derived from the curve fitsj the maximum camber and thickness were thenobtained by determining the maxima of these expressions.

There is considerable scatter in the data, therefore it was decided to usestraight line fits for calculation purposes. These lines are also shown infigures F.4 and F.5j the algebraic expressions are as follows:

c= 6.341 - O.003544r 7-


t= 8.325 - O.006863r 7-


(with r in mm)

(with r in mm)

- - - 00000- --


(F .4)

Page 197: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the










-50 or8 [mmJ


F- 3

Figure F.l Blade sections

Page 198: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

[!] Dolo


------- Curve F i l


n(f) (S)

(I) lf)(I)

L lf)0>"(I)-0u(S)


513 1513 21313r [mmJ

2513 31313 3513

Figure F.2 Blade angle

[!] Dolo ------- Curve f i l




513 11313 1513 21313r [mmJ

2513 31313 3513

Figure F.3 Blade chord

Page 199: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

[2] Dal:a




F- 5

-------Sl:raight I ine fit



o 50 100 150 200r [mmJ

250 300 350

Figure F.4 Blade camber

[2] Data


n'0 (S)0•••• -


Straight line fit

50 100 150 200

r [mmJ250 300 350

Figure F.5 Blade thickness

Page 200: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

N.1 Symbols

a -A -B -c -C -

C1,C2,Cp, -

Cd -Co -Cf -CL -CpCq -CT -( -

o -E -

f -F -o -

Ok -H -z -I -

J -k -kwL -m -n -N -

Nsp,Ap -



radius ratio, Hiemenz flow constantinterpolation function, area, constantinterpolation function, constantmaximum camber of fan bladeinterpolation function, fan blade chordconstants in the k-f turbulence modeldischarge coefficientsectional fan blade drag coefficientfriction factor for a rotating cylinder and for a flat platesectional fan blade lift coefficientpressure coefficientsectional fan blade torque coefficientsectional fan blade thrust coefficientconvergence criterioninterpolation function, diameter, drag forceinterpolation function, constant in near-wall description ofuniversal velocity profilefriction factor for pipe flowinterpolation function, rotating disk flow functionrotating disk flow functionturbulence kinetic energy production termrotating disk flow function, distance between parallel surfacesindexelectrical currentconvective plus diffusive fluxturbulence kinetic energy, exponent, pressure loss factorturbulence kinetic energy at near-wall grid pointlength, lift forceexponentexponentnumber of time steps, rotational speed, number of bladessynchronous speedstatic pressure, static pressure difference

Page 201: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the

p -

q -q -mq -r -

8r,Arfl -

flofle -

flij'flig -IR -s -s -t -

At -tmT -

lJ lJ -x' Yv -

II -

Y'Yw -z -

8z,Az -Z -

a -

ao -a1,a2,a9 -

f3 -

1 -8 -A -

N- 2

Peclet number, rotating disk flow function, powervolume flow ratemaximum value of swirl force per unit volumetorqueradius, radial directionradial distance between grid points, control volume facesradial coordinate, electrical resistance, universal gas constantouter radiusReynolds number

Jflux and gradient Richardson numbersradial forcedistance in general direction, slipsource termtime, temperature, maximum thickness of fan bladetime incrementmaximum value of thrust force per unit volumethrustaxial velocity componentcomponent of a velocity vector parallel to a solid wallfriction velocitymean axial velocity in a pipe or annulus, free stream velocity forpropeller flowx- and y-direction components of a velocity vectorradial velocity componentvolume, voltageabsolute velocity, relative velocityazimuthal velocity componentcircumferential velocity at surface of rotating bodydistance, distance from wall in direction normal to the wallaxial directionaxial distance between grid points, control volume facesaxial coordinatediscretization equation coefficient, five-hole probe yaw angle,angle of attackzero-lift angle of attackspecific angles of atack on fan blade lift and drag curvesdiscretization equation source term, relative velocity anglefan blade angleboundary layer thicknessactuator disk thickness, fan rotor thickness

Page 202: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


1/ -

o -80,AO -


p -(J -


'T,'T W -

~ -1fJ, -D -

~ -

fJJ -



turbulence kinetic energy decay rateturbulence kinetic energy decay rate at near-wall grid pointerrorindependent variable for Hiemenz and rotating disk flowefficiencyazimuthal directionangle between grid points, control volume facesazimuthal coordinateVon Karman's constantpitch angledynamic viscosity, turbulent dynamic viscositykinematic viscositydensitynormal stress, cross flux, solidity of fan rotorSchmidt numbers in turbulence model equationsshear stress, shear stress at a wallgeneral dependent variableHiemenz flow functionsgeneral dependent variable, stream functionangular velocity of fluid particlesangular velocity of rotating body

N.2 Superscripts

k -o

p -r -s -x -u -v -z -€

o -~ -

fJJ -


* *,

turbulence kinetic energy .previous time steppressureradial directionsource termcross fluxaxial velocity componentradial velocity componentaxial directionturbulence kinetic energy decay rateazimuthal directiongeneral dependent variableangular velocitydimensionlessnon-dimensionalized by means of v and u'Tapproximate

Page 203: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the


correction, fluctuation, ordinary derivativepseudoaverage

N.3 Subscripts

an -atm -b,B -

constcore -cr -

ducte,E -fw -h -


in -min,max -

n,N -nb -

num -o -

out -pit

pr -p -

rms -rots, S -sf -

statstray -

syst, T -


w,'" -o'T -

analyticalatmosphericbottom interface, grid pointconstantcorecrossflowducteastern interface, grid pointfriction and windagehydraulicrotor hubinletinputminimum, maximumnorthern interface, grid pointneighbouringnumericaloutletoutputpitot-static tubefive-hole probecentral grid pointroot mean squarerotorsouthern interface, grid pointfan staticstatorstraysystemtop interface, grid pointventuriwestern interface, grid pointreference valuetime

Page 204: !Numerical Procedure for Predicting the



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