Morimitsu Tanimoto Niigata University March. 7, 2018 PPAP Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 1 Non-Abelian Discrete Groups and Neutrino Flavor Symmetry

Non-Abelian Discrete Groups and Neutrino Flavor Symmetry2 1 Introduction 2 Examples of Finite Groups 3 Flavor Symmetry with non-Abelian Finite Groups 3.1 Towards non- Abelian Discrete

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Page 1: Non-Abelian Discrete Groups and Neutrino Flavor Symmetry2 1 Introduction 2 Examples of Finite Groups 3 Flavor Symmetry with non-Abelian Finite Groups 3.1 Towards non- Abelian Discrete

Morimitsu Tanimoto Niigata University  

March. 7, 2018

PPAP Hiroshima University, Hiroshima 


Non-Abelian Discrete Groups and

Neutrino Flavor Symmetry

Page 2: Non-Abelian Discrete Groups and Neutrino Flavor Symmetry2 1 Introduction 2 Examples of Finite Groups 3 Flavor Symmetry with non-Abelian Finite Groups 3.1 Towards non- Abelian Discrete


1 Introduction 2 Examples of Finite Groups 3 Flavor Symmetry with non-Abelian Finite Groups 3.1 Towards non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetry 3.2 Direct approach of Flavor Symmetry 3.3 CP symmetry of Neutrinos 3.4 Indirect approach of Flavor Symmetry 4 Prospect



Page 3: Non-Abelian Discrete Groups and Neutrino Flavor Symmetry2 1 Introduction 2 Examples of Finite Groups 3 Flavor Symmetry with non-Abelian Finite Groups 3.1 Towards non- Abelian Discrete


1 Introduction

C, P, T are well known fundamental symmetries in particle physics: Abelian Discrete Symmetry On the other hand, recent experimental data of neutrino flavor mixing suggest Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetry for flavors.

The discrete symmetries are described by             Finite Groups.

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Finite groups are used to classify crystal structures, regular polyhedra, and the symmetries of molecules. The assigned point groups can then be used to determine physical properties, spectroscopic properties and to construct molecular orbitals.

Johannes Kepler The Cosmographic Mystery

More than 400 years ago, Kepler tried to understand cosmological structure by the symmenty of five Platonic solids. Scientists like symmetries !

Symmetry is a powerful approach if the dynamics is unknown. We investigate the flavor structure of leptons by Discrete Symmetry.

The classification of the finite groups has been completed in 2004, (Gorenstein announced in 1981 that the finite simple groups had all been classified.) about 100 years later than the case of the continuous groups.

Thompson, Gorenstein, Aschbacher ……

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2  Examples of Finite Groups Ishimori, Kobayashi, Ohki, Shimizu, Okada, M.T, PTP supprement, 183,2010,arXiv1003.3552, Lect. Notes Physics (Springer) 858,2012

Finite group G consists of a finite number of element of G.

・The number of elements in G is called order. ・The group G is called Abelian if all elements are commutable each other,i.e. ab = ba. ・The group G is called non-Abelian if all elements do not satisfy the commutativity.

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order Sn : S2 = Z2, S3, S4 … Symmetric group N ! An: A3 = Z3, A4 =T , A5 … Alternating group (N !)/2 Dn: D3 = S3, D4, D5 … Dihedral group   2N QN(even): Q4, Q6 …. Binary dihedral group 2N Σ(2N2): Σ(2) = Z2, Σ(18), Σ(32), Σ(50) … 2N2

Δ(3N2): Δ(12) = A4, Δ(27) … 3N2

TN(prime number) ZN   Z3 : T7, T13, T19, T31, T43, T49   3N Σ(3N3): Σ(24)=Z2 × (12), Σ(81) … 3N3

Δ(6N2): Δ(6)=S3, Δ(24)=S4, Δ(54) … 6N2

T’ : double covering group of A4 = T 24


Familiar non-Abelian finite groups

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Some examples of non-Abelian Finite groups with triplet representation, which are often used in Flavor symmetry

S4, A4, A5 ……

For flavor physics, we are interested in finite groups with triplet representations.

S3 has two singlets and one doublet: 1, 1’, 2, no triplet representation.

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The elements g−1ag for g ∈G are called elements conjugate to the element a. The set including all elements to conjugate to an element a of G, {g−1ag, ∀g ∈ G}, is called a conjugacy class. When ah = e for an element a ∈ G, the number h is called the order of a. All of elements in a conjugacy class have the same order.  

Elements of G are classified by Conjugacy Class

The number of irreducible representations is equal to the number of conjugacy classes. Schur’s lemma

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Even permutation group of four objects (1234) 12 elements (order 12) are generated by S and T: S2=T3=(ST)3=1 : S=(14)(23), T=(123) 4 conjugacy classes C1: 1 h=1 C3: S, T2ST, TST2 h=2 C4: T, ST, TS, STS h=3 C4’: T2, ST2, T2S, ST2S h=3 Irreducible representations: 1, 1’, 1”, 3   The minimum group containing triplet without doublet.


Symmetry of tetrahedron

A4 group

For triplet

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S4 group All permutations among four objects, 4!=24 elements 24 elements are generated by S, T and U: S2=T3=U2=1, ST3 = (SU)2 = (TU)2 = (STU)4 =1

Irreducible representations: 1, 1’, 2, 3, 3’

Symmetry of a cube

For triplet 3 and 3’

5 conjugacy classes C1: 1 h=1 C3: S, T2ST, TST2 h=2 C6: U, TU, SU, T2U, STSU, ST2SU h=2 C6’: STU, TSU, T2SU, ST2U, TST2U, T2STU h=4 C8: T, ST, TS, STS, T2, ST2, T2S, ST2S h=3

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Discrete Symmetry and Cabibbo Angle,Phys. Lett. 73B (1978) 61,  S.Pakvasa and H.Sugawara

S3 symmetry is assumed for the Higgs interaction with the quarks and the leptons for the self-coupling of the Higgs bosons.

There was no information of lepton flavor mixing before 1998.

In Quark sector

3 Flavor Symmetry with non-Abelian Finite Group

3.1 Towards non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetry

S3 doublet S3 doubletS3 singlets

2 generations

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A Geometry of the generations, 3 generationsPhys. Rev. Lett. 75 (1995) 3985, L.J.Hall and H.Murayama

(S(3))3 flavor symmetry and p ---> K0 e+ , (SUSY version) Phys. Rev.D 53 (1996) 6282, C.D.Carone, L.J.Hall and H.Murayama

fundamental sources of flavor symmetry breaking are gauge singlet fields φ:flavons

Incorporating the lepton flavor based on the discrete flavor group (S3)3.

(S(3))3 flavor symmetry for quarks Q, U, D

Top quark was discovered in 1995

1st and 2nd generations are 2 of S3, 3rd one is 1Aof S3

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First clear evidence of neutrino oscillation was discovered in 1998

Atmospheric neutrinos brought us informations of neutrino masses and flavor mixing.

1998 Revolution in Neutrinos !

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Before 2012 (no data for θ13)  Neutrino Data presented sin2θ12~1/3, sin2θ23~1/2

           Tri-bimaximal Mixing of Neutrinos motivates to consider  Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetry.

Harrison, Perkins, Scott (2002) proposed


Tri-bimaximal Mixing of Neutrino flavors.

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Tri-bimaximal Mixing (TBM) is realized by the mass matrix

Mixing angles are independent of neutrino masses.

in the diagonal basis of charged leptons.

Integer (inter-family related) matrix elements suggest Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetry.

A4 symmetric

A4 symmetry E. Ma and G. Rajasekaran, PRD64(2001)113012

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In 2012 θ13 was measured by Daya Bay, RENO, T2K, MINOS, Double Chooz Tri-bimaximal mixing was ruled out !

Rather large θ13 suggests to search for CP violation !

Challenge for flavor and CP symmetries for leptons

0.0327 sinδ

JCP (quark)~3×10-5

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Suppose Flavor Symmetry Group G at high energy G breaks down to subgroups of G, which are different in Yukawa sectors of Neutrinos and Charged leptons, respectively.

3.2 Direct approach of Flavor Symmetry


arXiv: 1402.4271 King, Merle, Morisi, Simizu, M.T

S, T, U are generators of Finite groups

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Suppose S4 is spontaneously broken to one of subgroups: Neutrino sector preserves (1,S,U,SU) (K4) Charged lepton sector preserves (1,T,T2) (Z3)

Consider S4 flavor symmetry: 24 elements are generated by S, T and U: S2=T3=U2=1, ST3 = (SU)2 = (TU)2 = (STU)4 =1 Irreducible representations: 1, 1’, 2, 3, 3’ It has subgroups, nine Z2, four Z3, three Z4, four Z2×Z2 (K4)

For 3 and 3’

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Tri-bimaximal mixing

C.S.Lam, PRD98(2008) arXiv:0809.1185

Neutrino and charged lepton mass matrices respect S, U and T generators, respectively:

Independent of mass eigenvalues !

Mixing matrices diagonalize mass matrices also diagonalize S,U, and T, respectively !


which digonalizes both S and U.

The charged lepton mass matrix is diagonal because T is diagonal matrix.

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If S4 is spontaneously broken to another subgroups, Neutrino sector preserves (1,SU) (Z2) Charged lepton sector preserves (1,T,T2) (Z3),     mixing matrix is changed !

Tri-maximal mixing TM1

Θ is not fixed by the flavor symmetry.

Mixing sum rules

includes CP phase.

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Inputting the experimental data of 3 mixing angles, mixing sum rules predict δCP

Shimizu, Tanimoto, Yamamoto, arXiv:1405.1521

The sign of δCP

is not fixed.

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T2K reported the constraint on δCP Nova reported the preliminary data.  August 4, 2017 January, 2018

Exciting Era of Observation of CP violating phase @T2K and NOvA

3.3 CP symmetry in neutrinos

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Consistency of CP symmetry and Flavor Symmetry Example: Impose A4 symmetry for leptons

A4 transformation

Out (A4)=Z2 outer automorphism

CP transformation: (S ,T) ⇒ (S,T2) 

4 conjugacy classes C1: 1     h=1 C3: S, T2ST, TST2    h=2 C4: T, ST, TS, STS   h=3 C4’: T2, ST2, T2S, ST2S h=3


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Generalized CP Symmetry in the flavor space


gFlavor Symmetry

CP Symmetry

G.Ecker, W.Grimus and W.Konetschny,   Nucl. Phys. B 191 (1981) 465 G.Ecker, W.Grimus and H.Neufeld,   Nucl.Phys.B 229(1983) 421

Finite groups inconsistent with CP symmetry Δ(27), T7 ……. Explicit CP violation Finite groups consistent with CP symmetry  A4 , A5 , T’ …… non-trivial CP symmetry                                       S3 , S4 ,  ……. trivial CP symmetry Spontaneous CP violation CP can be predicted

Chen, et al: arXiv 1402.0507

Investigation in Finite group theory class-inverting automorphism�

Is CP symmetry consistent with Flavor symmetry ?

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Mixing angles CP phase

Suppose a symmetry including FLASY and CP symmetry at high energy:

is broken to the subgroups in neutrino sector and charged lepton sector, differently.

CP symmetry gives

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Generalized CP Symmetry

Xr must be consistent with Flavor Symmetry

Consistency condition



Holthhausen, Lindner, Schmidt, JHEP1304(2012), arXiv:1211.6953

Mu-Chun Chen, Fallbacher, Mahanthappa, Ratz, Trautner, Nucl.Phys. B883 (2014) 267-305

Flavour Symmetry

CP Symmetry


G.Ecker, W.Grimus and W.Konetschny,   Nucl. Phys. B 191 (1981) 465 G.Ecker, W.Grimus and H.Neufeld,   Nucl.Phys.B 229(1983) 421

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An example of S4 model

One example of S4: Gν={1,S} (Z2) and X3ν=U , X3

l =1

α, β, γ are real, ε is imaginary.

satisfy the consistency condition

Commutative with S

Impose CP symmetry on mνLL

Ding, King, Luhn, Stuart, JHEP1305, arXiv:1303.6180

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δCP=±π/2The predicton of CP phase depends on the residual generators of FLASY and CP symmetry. Typically, it is simple value, 0, π, ±π/2 .  A4, A5, Δ(6N2) …

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    Direct Approach  ☆ Flavor Structure of Yukawa Interactions are directly related with the Generators of Finite groups. Predictions are clear.         ★ One cannot discuss the related phenomena without Lagrangian.    Leptogenesis, Quark CP violation, Lepton flavor violation

Go to Indirect Approach ! ☆ Introduce flavons (gauge singlet scalars) to discuss dynamics of flavors, so write down Lagrangian. Flavor symmetry is broken spontaneously.   Also investigate the vacuum structure in the broken symmetry. ★ The number of parameters of Yukawa interactions increases. Predictivity of models is less than the Direct approach.

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1’ × 1” → 1

3L × 3L × 3flavon → 1 , 3L × 1R(’)(“) × 3flavon → 1

Flavor symmetry G is broken by flavon (SU2 singlet scalors) VEV’s. Flavor symmetry controls Yukaw couplings among leptons and flavons with special vacuum alignments.

Consider an example : A4 model

A4 triplets

A4 singlets

Leptons flavons

Model building by flavons

couple to neutrino sector

couple to charged lepton sector

3.4 Indirect approach of Flavor Symmetry

Mass matrices are given by A4 invariant couplings with flavons

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Suppose specific Vacuum Alingnments, which preserve S or T generator.

3L × 3L × 3flavon → 1 3L × 1R (1R’, 1R”) × 3flavon → 1

Flavor symmetry G is broken by VEV of flavons


Then, preserves S and preserves T. mE is a diagonal matrix, on the other hand, mνLL is

two generated masses and one massless neutrinos ! (0, 3y, 3y) Flavor mixing is not fixed !

Rank 2

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There appears a Neutrino Mass Sum Rule.

Flavor mixing is determined: Tri-bimaximal mixing.θ13=0

3L × 3L × 1flavon → 1

Adding A4 singlet in order to fix flavor mixing matrix.

, which preserves S symmetry.

This is a minimal framework of A4 symmetry predicting mixing angles and masses.

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A4 model easily realizes non-vanishing θ13 .

○ ○

Y. Simizu, M. Tanimoto, A. Watanabe, PTP 126, 81(2011)

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Both normal and inverted mass hierarchies are possible.

Additional Matrix

Tri-maximal mixing: TM2

Normal hierarchy Inverted hierarchy

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4 Prospect

☆How can Quarks and Leptons become reconciled ?  

T’, S4, A5 and Δ(96) SU(5) S3, S4, Δ(27) and Δ(96) can be embeded in SO(10) GUT. A4 and S4 PS For example: quark sector (2, 1) for SU(5) 10 lepton sector (3) for SU(5) 5 Different flavor structures of quarks and leptons appear ! Cooper, King, Luhn (2010,2012), Callen,Volkas (2012), Meroni, Petcov, Spinrath (2012) Antusch, King, Spinrath (2013), Gehrlein, Oppermann, Schaefer, Spinrath (2014) Gehrlein, Petcov,Spinrath (2015), Bjoreroth, Anda, Medeiros Varzielas, King (2015) …

Origin of Cabibbo angle ?

See references S.F. King, 1701.0441

Quark Sector ?

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☆ Flavour symmetry in Higgs sector ? Does a Finite group control Higgs sector ? 2HDM, 3HDM … an interesting question since Pakvasa and Sugawara 1978

☆ How to test Flavor Symmetry ?

* Mixing angle sum rules

* Neutrino mass sum rules in FLASY⇔ neutrinoless double beta decays

* Prediction of CP violating phase up to sign Takagi’s talk

Example: TM1

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Backup slides

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3.2 Origin of Flavor symmetry

Is it possible to realize such discrete symmetres in string theory? Answer is yes !

• Heterotic orbifold models (Kobayashi, Nilles, Ploger, Raby, Ratz, 07) • Magnetized/Intersecting D-brane Model (Kitazawa, Higaki, Kobayashi,Takahashi, 06 ) (Abe, Choi, Kobayashi, HO, 09, 10)

Superstring theory on a certain type of six dimensional compact space leads to stringy selection rules for allowed couplings among matter fields in four-dimensional effective field theory. Such stringy selection rules and geometrical symmetries result in discrete flavor symmetries in superstring theory.

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Stringy origin of non-Abelian discrete flavor symmetries T. Kobayashi, H. Niles, F. PloegerS, S. Raby, M. Ratz, hep-ph/0611020 D4, Δ(54)

Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetry from T2/ZN Orbifolds A.Adulpravitchai, A. Blum, M. Lindner, 0906.0468 A4, S4, D3, D4, D6

Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetries from Magnetized/Intersecting Brane Models H. Abe, K-S. Choi, T. Kobayashi, H. Ohki, 0904.2631 D4, Δ(27), Δ(54)

Non-Abelian Discrete Flavor Symmetries of 10D SYM theory with Magnetized extra dimensions H. Abe, T. Kobayashi, H. Ohki, K.Sumita, Y. Tatsuta 1404.0137 S3, Δ(27), Δ(54)

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42 H.Ohki

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43 H.Ohki

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Alternatively, discrete flavor symmetries may be originated from continuous symmetries

S. King

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Restrictions by mass sum rules on |mee|

King, Merle, Stuart, JHEP 2013, arXiv:1307.2901


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King, Merle, Stuart, JHEP 2013, arXiv:1307.2901 King, Merle, Morisi, Simizu, M.T, arXiv: 1402.4271

Mass sum rules in A4, T’, S4, A5, Δ(96) …

Different types of neutrino mass spectra correspond to the neutrino mass generation mechanism.

MR structre in See-saw

MR in inverse See-saw

MD structre in See-saw

Χand ξare model specific complex parameters

Barry, Rodejohann, NPB842(2011) arXiv:1007.5217

(Χ=2, ξ=1) (Χ=-1, ξ=1)

(Talk of Spinrath)

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The A5 group is isomorphic to the symmetry of a regular icosahedron and a regular dodecahedron. 60 elements are generated S and T .

A5 group (simple group)

Irreducible representations: 1, 3, 3’, 4, 5

S2 = (ST)3 = 1 and T5 = 1

For triplet 3

S= T=

Golden Ratio

5 conjugacy classes

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Suppose A5 is spontaneously broken to one of subgroups: Neutrino sector preserves S and U (K4) Charged lepton sector preserves T (Z5)

Mixing pattern in A5 flavor symmetry It has subgroups, ten Z3, six Z5, five Z2×Z2 (K4) .

F. Feruglio and Paris, JHEP 1103(2011) 101 arXiv:1101.0393

S= T=

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Golden Ratio:


Neutrino mass matrix has µ-τ symmetry.

sin2θ12 = 2/(5+√5) = 0.2763… which is rather smaller than the experimental data.

