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by Savoy

Magic Bullets has been called the Bible for teaching men how to succeed with women. Written by the Love Systems President Nick Savoy, this book gives a step-by-step breakdown of how to approach, attract, build a connection and get intimate with the women you want. Make this the first book to read as you im-prove your skills with women.

Daytime Datingby Jeremy Soul

The definitive resource on day game, Jeremy Soul’s Daytime Dating teaches you how to meet and attract women on the sidewalks, in coffee shops and at the malls. If you’re too busy to go out at night, don’t enjoy bars or want to make fast connections, this book is the one you want to read. I recommend reading it be-fore taking a Day Game Workshop.

The Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Gameby Braddock and Mr M

Without a doubt, this guide is the most comprehensive resource on phone and text. It contains real examples of texts from Braddock and Mr M, and it has breakdowns of how to deal with different types of girls. If you’re getting phone numbers yet lots of flakes, the strategies in this book are something you need to read. Best book on any single subject out there.

The Gentleman’s Guide to Online Datingby Derek Cajun

A long time coming, The Gentleman’s Guide to Online Dating gives real, proven strategies for getting girls off the Internet. This book is not some fluffy bookstore how-to book. You’ll get real chat logs, step-by-step setups for a profile that gets girls messaging you, plus there is Derek Cajun’s famous question game. This game alone is worth the price of the book in my opinion. See my full review here.

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Beyond Words: The Art of Body Language and Physical Escalationby Derek Cajun, Vercetti, Mr M, Keychain and 5.0

Great resource for guys who know the basics of pick up and want to take their game to the next level. On this DVD you’ll view tons of live classroom demon-strations and see the instructors speak. Tips, tricks and secrets from the world of theater, acting and years of experience by the best pick up minds in the business go into this top seller.

Social Circle Masteryby Braddock and Mr M

This DVD set was created by two of the most well-connected men in the Hol-lywood and London night-life scenes. All of the strategies are tried and tested, developed from years of trial and error. If you’ve got decent game and want to develop a lifestyle with coolest dudes and the hottest women, these DVD set the course.

DATE! The Complete Home Study Courseby Nick Hoss, Vercetti and Mr M

The perfect course for the guy who is getting phone numbers but not suceeding on dates. You get textbooks, a workbook with excercises and audios to guide you through them. Learn on your own, work on parts of your date game or start from scratch and learn the entire system for having the perfect date. A great value.

Inside the Black Box: 11 Essentialsby Love Systems

This 13-hour DVD set contains the best speeches from the 2010 PUA Super Conference in Las Vegas. On top of that, there is extra video and lessons inserted by Savoy that you can use instantly to meet women. There really is something for everybody in this DVD set, and I’ve posted the a full review of it here.

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Love Systems Routines Manual, Vol. 1by Love Systems

The Love Systems Routines Manual – offers the very best and most effective openers, conversation starters, stories and routines from all of the very best guys out there. Includes routines from Savoy, The Don, Mystery, Sinn, Brad P., Fader, Jeremy Soul, Mr. M, Braddock, Cajun, Captain Jack, Badboy, Tyler Durden and more!

Love Systems Routines Manual, Vol. 2by Love Systems

This the second volume of Rountines. Building on the knowledge contained in Routines Manual Vol. I, this book gives you even more brand new, concrete, ac-tion oriented tactics that you can go out and use with beautiful women tonight.

Love Systems Interview Series Subscriptionby Love Systems

Each month you’ll receive an audio file containing a 60-90 minute interview with world-class Love Systems instructors and/or special guests. Each interview will be jam-packed with powerful strategies and tactics for meeting and seducing attrac-tive women that any man can use.

Interview # 68Social Intelligence (How to be Cool)

Nick Hoss and Savoy

Interview #78How to Meet Higher Quality Women

Nick Hoss and Jeremy Soul

Interview #77Overcoming Shyness

Nick Hoss, Von Pounders, Gil Rio

NickHoss.com Love Systems

RECOMMENDED CLASSIC WRITINGSThe Attraction Forums contains all of the best posts from past and present Love Systems instruc-tors. You’ll find my Nick Hoss classic writings there as well.

Here are classic writings from other instructors that I recommend:


“Owning the Interaction” – About being unphased by tests and dead-end responses. Short and sweet.


“Sunk Cost Applied to Dating and Relationships” – If I had applied this earlier in my life, I could have cut some bad relationships before they turned bad.


“Braddock’s Inner Game” - Nice reading list in here. Also, it helped me to ride through the on and off cycle of inconsistency when I started in cold approach.

“Girl has a boyfriend, but I know she likes me” - Don’t let the title fool you. This article’s un-derlying message can be applied to any hot/cold relationship.

“Golden Rule of building a social circle” – This article came out as the Social Circle Mastery DVDs were being released. The list of social circle rules to live by is a pretty gangster one that I can tell come from other proven resources. I printed them out and put them on my bulletin board when I was networking in college. They work.

“How do I date hotter girls? ‘Proximity is Power’ ” - If you want to date hotter girls, you have two choices: beat your head against the wall like I did or read this article.

“Oneitus?” - Quit pitying yourself and stop whining about your ex. She’s not coming back... or so it says here.

“Q and A on Love” - If you’ve been dumped, this is worth a read. If you feel yourself “falling in love,” this is worth two reads.

NickHoss.com Love Systems


“Advanced Body Language” Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 - Best body language articles out there, in my opinion. My non-verbals hit a new level after implementing some of the stuff mentioned in these posts.

“Inner Game: Experience and Mindset” – One of the most underrated parts of building inner game is the trials by fire you must go through to build it. Derek nails it here. I had a paradigm shift about after reading the mindset part a couple of times.


“Beliefs – Gold” – Successful beliefs create successful thoughts create successful actions.

“Desire = Lower Value” – Remember when reading this article that value is relative, not abso-lute… If you don’t understand what that means, come back to this one later.

“How to Get More 10’s” – There are very few guys in this business who get true 10s, like bill-board model 10s… Dahunter writes this article from experience.

“Right Action, Right Emotion” – An integral concept to masculine control of the self. Also very hard to do day after day after day. Start here to begin operating by this rule.

“Sexual Hoops” – At damn near every bootcamp I’ve sat in on, the students are told to read this article when they get home. It gives a roadmap to turning things sexual. Classic, a must-read.


“Ingraining New Beliefs (Beliefs – Gold post by DaHunter Continued)” – If you think that you’re going to take a weekend bootcamp and then start dating 10s, you’re sadly, sadly mistake. However, this post lays the framework of how to build the resquisite inner game over time to date hotter women. FADER

“The Victim Mentality (How to Rewrite Our Stories and Change Our Roles)” – This is a re-quired reading for beginners. If you sat down with Fader for a half-hour, you’d be blown away by his ability to relate and empathize with your story. This article will help you write its future chap-ters.

NickHoss.com Love Systems


“A Superior Way to Demonstrate Value” – If you read this one closely, you’ll see that this article is the beginning of what we now call “mastery topics” for day game.

“Day Walking: The Differences between Day and Night Game” – The beginners intro to day game and the most highly read day game article on TAF.

“Dealing With Jealousy, Envy and Other Bad Emotions” – The mark of masculine maturity is being able to control your emotions. Jeremy is one of the most centred people I’ve met. This article is one that I continue to re-read.

“Quality vs. Quantity in Love, Sex and Relationships” - How your standards change as your social skills improve. This one may only make sense if you’ve been going out for a while.

“Stop Hanging Out with Unsuccessful People” – I only truly began to re-examine my social circle after reading this article. Some real talk in here.


“Keychain’s Daygame Primer” – Good start to day game. The trap of seeking reactions off of direct openers really resonated with me when I was beginning in day game.


“Comprehensive Guide to Attraction” – Such a solid roadmap to the different types of attrac-tion. This one will benefit intermediate/advanced guys who know when it is the right time/place to pump certain types of attraction or the beginners who want to know the different types.

“Guide to Qualification” – I’m linking to this article not only because Jim gives a solid analy-sis, but also because there is a link to a great article written by Sinn years ago that I learned a lot from. Sets are won and lost in qualification, and if you’re getting flakes, you’re qualification prob-ably needs work.

“INNER GAME – The Secret of Attractive Reactiveness” – If you want to get good, you need to know the proper way to react during conversation. Natural game stuff.

“Truth About Routines - Revealing the Natural’s Way of Being” – Jim shoots it straight about whether or not routines work, and if and when you should use them.

NickHoss.com Love Systems


“Common Day Game Mistakes” - I wrote this article while lying in bed one night answering a student’s day game question in the Love Systems Lounge. I just kept thinking of the most com-mon things I see guys do wrong when I teach them day game. It’s a must for day game beginners and my most popular.

“Does Eye Contact Matter?” – Eye contact can be difficult to hold if you’re not used to it, but it’s probably not as big of a deal as you may think.

“How to build Pre-Selection and Social Proof with 9s and 10s” – This is as close as you’ll ever come to seeing me write a field report (which are pretty much non-existent nowadays anyway). Don’t let the title fool you, the concept will work with any woman in the bar; it just happens to be a little more pertinent to meeting the hottest women. (I don’t make the rules!)

“How to Maximize your Facebook Profile” – I got insanely good at utilizing Facebook for pas-sive social proof while in university. College guys will benefit from this the most, but everybody who uses Facebook will get something out of it.

“Indirect Day Game vs. Direct Day Game” – There are times you should go direct and times you should go indirect. I outline them here and give examples you can use as openers.

“Nick Hoss’ Mixed Set Openers” - There is so much outdated and contradictory advice on how to open mixed sets. If you have a little balls and use these tips, you’ll have no problem busting into sets that have guys in them.

“Putting Social Circle Mastery into context” – You run social circle game different depending on what context you are in. The same principles apply, but you utilize them in different ways. This article breaks down the differences between SCM for clubs and SCM for more casual con-texts.

“The Guide to Proper Cold Reading” – Cold reading isn’t difficult, but many guys misunder-stand how to complete a cold read properly. I simplify it in this article.

“Transitioning from a Direct Opener” - This answers a very common question from both day and night game beginners.

NickHoss.com Love Systems


“Lifestyle Design: Integrating Your Interests into your Lifestyle” – Jesse gave a great speech at the 2011 Super Conference on this topic. A stepping stone to building a great lifestyle.


“I don’t want a relationship right now” – If you have ever wondered how to properly frame a non-committed relationship this is the way to do it. Great understanding of female psychology.

“Rock Solid Inner Game!” – I’ve always respected Chris because he, like me, detests the super-hero marketing within the industry that always tells guys they need to do more of this and more of that. This article proves that if you enhance your best self, you’ll succeed most of the time and never all of the time. Honest, refreshing, before its time.

“The Video Camera” – After reading this article, my confidence around people shot up quite quickly. You’d be surprised how many people are self-concious.


“Q&A Session with Venture: Same Night Lays” - This was made a classic post after Project Rockstar 2011. Andy does a ridiculously comprehensive public Q & A on SNLs, his specialty. These are Lounge quality answers and I picked up a few things from it for sure.


“Approaching the Mixed Set – Keys to Success” – My favorite article by V, and it’s my default way to open mixed sets.

NickHoss.com Love Systems

RECOMMENDED ARTICLES“Adopt a Philosophy of Abundance” by DeadEyeDick. The Attraction Forums – My dating life opened up when I learned how power an abundance mindset can be; so did the other areas of my life. A concept key to success.

“Carbeau does Day Game Seduction” by Carbeau. Life With Soul – I’ve read surprisingly few FRs in my time, but I lapped up everything when learning day game since there wasn’t much out there. Carbeau is a former LS instructor and this in-depth FR of his provides incredible detail of a day game approach and what follows. Originally from the Lounge.

“Clarity and Purpose – Making Sure You Know What You Want” by Sheriff. The Attraction Forums – Ironically, you’ll increase your success if you narrow down your focus. If you’re look-ing to date a certain type of woman but aren’t finding her, read this one.

“Connecting the Dots (by Steve Jobs) & Introducing Nick Hoss” by Jeremy Soul. Life with Soul – This article resonated me particularly well, mostly because it is written about me and how I became a Love Systems instructor! The original speech is definitely worth a read if you’re going through disappointing times.

“Direct Qualifying… which meanders into a Field Report” by Savoy. The Real Savoy – The bulk of guys in pick up are beginners, so there are tons of articles for newbies. However, there are few advanced ones out nowadays. This is a good one for intermediate guys looking to amp up their qualification skills.

“Flaking Never treat somebody like a priority when they treat you like an option” by Ten-magnet. Tenmagnet’s Blog – A solid, oft-cited post about what level of investment to approach your dates with. You’ll save yourself a lot of anguish and flakes by reading this one.

“Focus on Fundamentals” by Sinn. The Attraction Forums – Ironically, we don’t teach routines anymore, but this old school article by Sinn highlights a common problem I notice with boot camp students. For the new guys.

“Future’s Big 10, Part 8: Everything I say is Right, and Everything is going According to Plan” by Future. Futuristic Words – Although he probably doesn’t remember it, I had a 15 min-ute phone call with Future in 2010, and it was this piece of advice that helped me realize I didn’t have to be perfect when talking to women.

NickHoss.com Love Systems

“Inner Game” by Savoy. The Real Savoy – I’ve always liked this short one full of reminders.

“Kill Beatrice” by Future. Futuristic Words – Best written article in the industry. Read once. Read twice.

“Microcalibration” by Sinn. The Attraction Forums – Sinn used to be thee lead instructor of LS before my time. I learned a lot from reading his stuff. This article is old school, but it does break down the hard-to-break down topic of calibrating.

“[Dating Coach Braddock] On Going Supernova” by Braddock. Braddock’s Blog - This post echoes the sentiment that a lot us instructors live by, and the lifestyles we are working on. Always liked Braddock’s inner game stuff.

“Playing Hard to Get” by Tyler Durden. The Attraction Forums – Another good one for new guys. It should produce some “ah-ha” moments when you think about your past successes.

“Social Vibing” by Tyler Durden. The Attraction Forums - One of my all-time favorites about how to just be a chill dude during conversations.

“Supernova” by Dahunter. The Attraction Forums – Want to know the one thing nearly every LS instructor is working on right now??? Click it.

“Ten Uncomfortable Truths” by Lucifer214. The Attraction Forums – New guys should def-nitely have a look at this one about the facts of dating and sex. It’s real talk and all true.

“The Most Important Trait of Being an Alpha Male” by Sheriff. The Attraction Forums - Sheriff was one of the original LS instructors. In this article, he explains that the most dominant guys are leaders and sociable.

“The Price of Mastery” by Future. Futuristic Words – Future dishes some real talk about what it takes to reach a level of mastery and some of the unforseen social hurdles that can pop up along the way to it.

“Value and Active Disinterest” by Tyler Durden. The Attraction Forums – Read this with a grain of salt since it’s pretty old school, but there is some gold about how high value people in-herently act in high value venues.

“Value Sub-communication” by Sinn. The Attraction Forums - We have tons of products on subcommunications, but this was the article that introduced me to how they work. As such, I now always think “What am I subcommunicating?” not “What am I communicating?”

NickHoss.com Love Systems

“What Makes a Great Dating Coach” by Braddock. Braddock’s Blog - If you’re going to do live training read up on this article. There are some many charlatain, small-time operators out there. Do you research.

“Why ‘Nice Guys’ are often such LOSERS” by Heartless Bitches International - Somebody sent me this article to check out. Usually I disregard stuff outside of the PU industry, but man, this one really nails it dead on. Title says it all.

“Why You Don’t Have Advanced Game... Yet” Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 by Nick Hoss. Braddock’s Blog – Maybe my favorite writing and its not even on my blog! Once you reach a certain tipping point on the path to getting great, you’ll be stuck at the oasis of be-ing good. It’s a tricky and frustrating place to be at, and if you feel you’re stuck at 7s and 8s, this article will help you move up.

“2011 Up to Date Community and Guide” by Surffreak. The Attraction Forums – This should be a required reading for every newbie! Written by one of my former mini-seminar attendees who knows what he’s talking about.

“25 Point Checklist of things NOT to do” by Tyler Durden. The Attraction Forums – New guys will get a lot of value out of this one. The fundamentals always ring true.

NickHoss.com Love Systems


“10 Game Audio” by Braddock and Mr M - Want the 9s and 10s Interview Series for free? Here ya go. Great info, half the length of the 9s and 10s IVS.

“Advanced Day Game - Audio” Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 by Nick Hoss and Stryker - Stuff on here you won’t hear elsewhere. You have to be able to hold down sets to use this one.

“Appearance and Wealth” by Nick Hoss - Real content from a day game mini seminar about the titled subjects and their importance in meeting women.

“Day Game Approach Q & A” by Nick Hoss - I answer some of the most common questions I receive. This is from a New York mini-seminar.

“Day Game Beginner Audio” Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 by Nick Hoss - This is a one-hour call for guys who are new to day game. Gives an intro to mini-seminars too.

“Day Game Mindsets” by Nick Hoss - This one has become an inner game favorite of day gam-ers.

“Dating Coaches Interview” by Future and Braddock - If you’re having rough nights, think club girls are air-heads or are trying to have more fun, this interview puts things in perspective.

“Introduction to the Love Systems Triad Model” by Nick Hoss - I recorded this for the 2011 PUA Super Conference. If you don’t know what the Triad is, watch this. It’s step one to success.

“Love Systems on College Game Pick Up” by Nick Hoss - Straight from a college game mini seminar. This is my own spin on college game, recorded only months after I finished college.

“PUA 9s and 10s Game” Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 by Nick Hoss and Helicase - Helicase is one of the few instructors in the community who can consistently get 9s and 10s. We dediced to combine forces to give 9 and 10 info that you won’t find in previous material.


NickHoss.com Love Systems


“Nick Hoss Day Game Infield Video” by Nick Hoss - Watch me get a phone number from a pretty Swedish girl... with commentary breaking down how I do it.

“Nick Hoss Client Day Game Phone Number Infield Video” by Nick Hoss - My client Matt from Project Rockstar gets a girls phone number. This video first shows his words then has a breakdown by me just like on a program. There is also a written breakdown afterward in the post.

“Nick Hoss Client Direct Day Game Video” by Nick Hoss - My client Adam gives a really smooth direct opener and witty transition in this one. It’s a solid example. There is also a written breakdown afterward in the post.

“PUA Cajun Pickup Interview Advanced – Part 1” w/Cajun. Mark Sparks. The Mens Room TV - Derek Cajun talks about throwing in (sexual) statements of intent or “SOIs” in this video. Inserting these into my game sling-shot most of sets into qualification.

“Tenmagnet and Cajun’s Low Budget Podcast - On Approach Anxiety” by Tenmagnet and Cajun - The guys break down the reality of approach anxiety and give strategies to overcome it.

NickHoss.com Love Systems

Love Systems Dating Advice (i.e. Past Love Systems Insider newsletters) - These are some of the most polished articles a newbie could read.

Love Systems YouTube Channel - We have a plethora of videos on here. Savoy gives tons of quick tips and there are videos of past current instructors infield approaches.

Uncensored: The real story of The Real Savoy by Savoy - Savoy made an e-book of all his best blog posts. I like reading the old stuff. Nice resource written by a legend of this business.

@LS_NickHoss - Nick Hoss Twitter - I’m constantly tweeting one-line tips. It’s a real rave amongst my clients.


Nick Hoss Infield Video - July 2012 - Stockholm, Sweden

NickHoss.com Love Systems


Doors, The, starring Val Kilmer. 1991 - I’m an insane Jim Morrison fan, and you can learn a lot about body language from watching him on stage. However, most of his clips on YouTube are quite short or have him humping a microphone. This movie gives great scenes of him poeticizing and sexualizing his presence. (The real Jim Morrison self-taught all of his stage moves.)

Fight Club, starring Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. 1997 - I’ve watched this movie no less than 25 times through the metaphor of pick-up as fighting. If you weren’t an English major (like me), picture your current self as the narrator, played by Edward Norton, and your future self as Tyler Durden. The movie goes from the narrator (that nagging voice in your head that keeps you in your comfort zone of conformity) being a wuss pushed around by the world to being the self-reliant alter ego, Tyler Durden. By the end, he reachesnatural balance. It’s an inner game trans-formation played out.


Bly, Robert. Iron John. 1990 – Splendidly written book by a former U.S. poet laureate that meta-phorically traces the cycle a man must go through in order to “let down his golden hair” and embrace true masculine essence. The cornerstone book of the mythopoetic men’s movement of the early nineties... It’s easy and fun to read. I couldn’t put it down.

Carnegie, Dale. How to Win Friends and Influence People. 1936 – Absolute classic on building social connections. Can serve you well when working on your comfort game, but it’s more of a must for understanding how to build long-term rapport with people.

Deida, David. The Way of the Superior Man. 1997 – BUY THIS BOOK. Before any other book tangental to game, buy this one. The 21st century depth of understanding Deida has on this sub-ject is unreal. I always recommend guys buy this book after my seminars.

Dispenza, Joe. Evolve Your Brain. 2006 – A lot of science goes into this book of how the brain works. I found it interesting that we can slowly pave the (neuro) pathways our thoughts take. Science backing up theory abounds in this one.

Dyer, Wayne. Pulling Your Own Strings. 1978 – This book is all about boundary function. Good for beginners and good to read again when you reach higher levels of game.

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Dyer, Wayne. Your Erroneous Zones. 1976 – Back before Wayne Dyer turned soft, this book shook the foundations of the self-help industry. This is another one that helps you kick your own ass.

Ferrazzi, Keith. Never Eat Alone. 2005 - Jeremy Soul turned me on to this one. Great book about building social connections. It’s as relevant to game as it is to business. A more intermedi-ate/advanced read.

Gallwey, W. Timothy. Inner Game of Tennis. 1973 – This is the book that coined the term “in-ner game.” As an athlete, it really resonated with me, helping to prove that you are not your results and other basic NLP talk applied to any skillset. Give it a gander.

Gladwell, Malcolm. Blink. 2005 – I’d actually recommend this one along with The Tipping Point and Outliers. Blink more than covers the concept of thin slicing. It’s not a necessary read, but it will be one of the most enjoyable and engaging on this page.

Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. 1937 – The original self-help book. It’s a good starter that I’ve read through a couple of times. The story behind how the book came to fruition is a testa-ment to its message, and the anecdotes are priceless.

Keen, Sam. Fire in the Belly. 1992 – “A man must know where he is going and who is com-ing with him. If he get’s those two things out of order, he is in trouble.” Another gem out of the mythopoetic men’s movement, this is a therapeutic read and has some good advice littered throughout.

Leonard, George. Mastery: The Keys to Success an Long-Term Fulfillment. 1992 – This book has kind of become forgotten, but it made a lot of sense to me and really clarified the importance and necessity of plateaus in the learning process as a means of attaining true mastery in any dis-cipline.

Maltz, Maxwell. Psycho-Cybernetics. 1960 – Maltz was a plastic surgeon who noticed that his patients dispositions didn’t change after surgery — they still felt low self esteem, despite their ex-terior problems being fixed. From there, he wrote this book that teaches you how to reprogram the mental programming holding you back. A must for beginners.

NickHoss.com Love Systems

DATE HOME STUDY COURSEIn the summer of 2012, Love Systems will be releasing a complete home study course on running great dates. To find out more information or to get on the pre-release for this program of 3 playbooks, a giant workbook (with exercises), audios with Playboy models and female dating coaches, and interviews between authors Mr. M, Ver-cetti and Nick Hoss (with stories of their own dates), visit the Love Systems Dates Home Study Course page.

While you’re waiting for this home study course to be released, check out these free audios:

Date Ideas by Hoss and Intrigue

Date Logisticsby Hoss and Pounders

Date Venuesby Hoss and Keychain

Advanced Date Tipsby Hoss and Mr M

Framing and Non-needinessby Hoss and Helicase

Turning Things Sexualby Hoss and Vercetti

UPDATED: JUL 22/2012

NickHoss.com Love Systems

Voted Love Systems #1 instructor in 2011, Nick is the leading authority on day game, worldwide. He is also the co-author of the Dates Home Study Course and creator of the modern Love Systems mini-seminar.

Nick regularly teaches Day Game Workshops around in ma-jor cities around throughout the world and also offer private 1 on 1 training to select clients.

Check out his full biography here.