r JL jCm Hj Vol IV ni i HCO FOE STOVES I For Wood or Coal The Universal Stoves and Ranges A Large Invoice Just to ETa nci Tbo Castings of thin Factory are so for away suporior to all other makes that t COMPARISON IS FUTILE Tho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho Faoifio HarciWir Oo Iimiteci Call and examine their dock or writo them for anything you want It has tnlcon soveral yoars to satisfy users of WIND MILLS that thoro is nothing made which equals the J 0ST03LOISr HI Orders aro coming in faster than wo can fill thorn but we are doing tho best- - wo can - Pacific Hardware Go Ld HONOLULU II 1 tiUiiiftA M P i i Bib MwiiGS ylJaj L SUGAR FACTORS IMPORTERS OF G oneral Merchandise and COMMISSION HHFLOESAJSrTe Agonf for Lloyds Canadian Australian Steamship Lino British Foreign Marine Insurance Oo iSorthern Assurance Co Fire and Life Canadian Pacific Railway Co Pioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool Telephone 92 HLE McINTYKE BRO Bast corner fort king Sts Box IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries Provisions and Feed New and Fresh Goods rccotved by every packet from California Eastern States and Europenu Markets Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables Fruits and Fish Q8u Goods dollverod nny part the City -- qKl IRfANn iw RnrrriTTRn oTWUAnTinM oita kantptth akaainana printing House P M TESTA ISAAC TESTA - k n jm s v P 1 to of Ti Propriotor Suporintondont BOOK AND JOB WORK OF EVERY KIND Executed in the Neatest and Best Style NEWSPAPER MAGAZINE and PAMPHLET Work of Evory Description- - o Tho only First class Hawaiian Printing Establishment conductod on a Strict Business Basis and Employing only Hawaiian Hand Labor Printing House Eonia Street ABOVE THE NORTH CORNER OF KING Business Offlcot 327 King Street E B Thomas former office faravwa inHaressm bsbptov iKwasary btoi fcicprw Mfttt aajj HONOLULU II I FRIDAY APKIL 9 1897 O 15 OOIUtESlONDENOE Ed The Independent Tho iutolorauco and hypocrisy of our missionaries aro getting moro and more pronouucedand aro adding constant fuol to the bitter feolings against tlioso antiquated Bourbons who cannot or will not understand that tho world moves on aud that girls to day aro uot tho Bubtnijslve ignorant slavos of tho strougor sex as they wore in ancient times Profeor Berger who has always Bhown his friendly feelings towards tho pupils of tho Kawaiahao Semi- nary ¬ invited a number of them to be present at tho matiueo given by tho Jordan troupe yesterday The management wai pleased to assist the professor and kindly extondod an invitation to tho whole seminary The toanbers I am told were glad to accept the invitation but in con sequoneo of tho rules of tho school could not do so without consulting the directors Although several teachers lrad witnessed tho show and considered it suitable and interesting to their pupils tho directors declined to grant permission assorting that the show was uuolean Tho kind professor and the troupe wero snubbed the children wero disappointed aud tho many mothers who took their children to tho Opera House wore insulted I have as much oxporience I pre- sume ¬ as have tho virtuous matrons who rulo our female seminaries I visiUil the Opera Hotuo with my dsughtors and I certainly saw noth- ing ¬ or heard anything that could corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish that tho bicycle bloomers and bathing suits must be tabooed And 1 for one hopo some day to see all tho young girls of tho country ride their wheels wearing bloomers aud frisking at Waikiki in thoir bathing suits Honi soit qui raal y pouse is a motto to be studied by those who denied a number of children an innocent pleasure Thanking you for tho space you allow Mr Editor I subsoribe my- self ¬ b Mother op Ten Gwls Take a Doso Ed The Independent Beoauso sonio hayseed representa- tive ¬ from tho backwoods of Michi- gan ¬ brings into tho House a bill to annex Hawaii tho Star man loses his head aud winds up with au Irish jig while tho Advortisor man is try- ing ¬ to auuex Amorioa to Hawaii by raising tho Stars and Stripes over Rowells mule Thoso poor un- fortunates ¬ s0 far away from homo should take liboral Uosos of opouiug Pills nightly boforo retiring Thoy are a splendid soother for shattered nerves aud bilious attacks Tho Queens visit aud grand entertain ¬ ment at Washington will yot bo the death of some of thoso poor follows Soiutow Tho Devil and the Soon Saa W H City Tho origin of tho phraso Botweon tho devil and tho deep sea is not certain It has been traced back to 1G37 in a work priut od in London bearing tho title Ex- pedition ¬ With MaoKays Regimont That regiment was with tho army of Qtistur Adolph and eugagod in battle with tho Austrians Tho Swedish gunners failed to olovate their guus properly so thoir shot fell into tho ranks of their allios Tho Scotch regimont with tho enemy on one sldo and the blunder- ing ¬ gunnors on tho other says tho writer of tho book woro botwoon tho dovil and thj deep soa It is thought that tho expression had boon usod before that time S F Call TjiATnn Huwnil and tho United States While we aro oppoed to tho an- nexation ¬ of Hawaii for many and cogont reasons wo aro equally op ¬ posed to any limitation of itn com ¬ mercial intercourse with tho United States such as seems to bo implied in a joiut resolution introduced into tho House by Evans D of Ken ¬ tucky a member of tho CommitUo of Ways aud Moan requesting tho President to givo notice of tho de ¬ sire of tho United Stato3 to tormi nato tho existing commercial agrot mcut with that country Wo are opposed to this not only on general free trado grounds but boeausotho nearness of tho islands to the Pacific Coast is peculiarly favorable to the mainteuanco of mutually profitable commercial relation and while such relations cannot possibly dam ¬ age the East even viewed from a protectionist standpoint thoy aw of marked bouofit to this cuat But there are also inernationnl roasons which male it politic ns well as just to strengthen our com ¬ mercial ties with Hawaii Whilo the United States would bo politically damaged as to its internal affairs bj the admission of a couutry with so largo an Asiatic population whore cheap labor i regarded as a fundamental necessity and the gov ¬ ernment dominated by pious land thieves our foreign lelations lequire that these islands shall uot becomo a protectorate or colony of some European or Asiatic power thoro being danger in both thoco direc- tions ¬ It is of tho first importance to avoid Biich a possibility by peace- ful ¬ means aud the only peacoful moans is to strengthen the ties of commercial intercourse thus aid ing to maintain its independence We boliovo that in an indopendeut nationality Hawaii has a bright fuluro boforo it Eduoatiou and that to a largo extent in the English language is going forward vbry rapidly There aro no ingredients of raco in the islands that aro ob- jectionable ¬ in themselves oxcopting tho Chinese and Missionaries and a rigid exclusion law for both is all that is needed to gradually oblitor ate the cheap labor programme S F Star BUSINESS LOCALS Dimities nnd Figured Muslins at your own price at Kerrs Lace Curtains just to baud in whito or ecru at Kerrs Fishtail forus for sale in quanti- ties ¬ to suit Apply at this otlioe Honey Comb and Marcolja Bod sproads in all qualities at Korrs Homo fed pork turkoys aud poultry at Jos Tinkers City Moat Market Telephone 2S9 Twenty five ynrds of Unbleached Cotton for 100 15 yards of Whito Cotton yard wide for 100 at N S Sachs Ladies Shirt Waists for 25 cents Best Ginghams 18 yards for 100 at S N Saohf Historioal Trutln may be had at 827 King street if applied for early Although tho oditiou was considered largo enough for all do mauds the books are already be ¬ coming rathor scarce AMUSEMENTS Tho Godcl ml Lectures Tho second of the Goddnrd lectures was given last night boforo an niullenco which was thoroughly in iccord with tho lectur- er ¬ and listened to his splendid descrip ¬ tions of tho art of brewing Italnior beer ire remarked that only tho best of hops and malt were used thus in ¬ suring a healthful bcicrage On tap or in bottles at tho Criterion saloon A Now Soal Mr OharlosjW Androw aud Mr Archibald Turner havo boon placed in charge of tho Empire Saloon and expect to moot their numerous friends at thoir now stamping grounds Both gentlomeu aro woll and favorably known hero and will undoubtedly causa a rush to tho old tavern tho Empire JS tfo 551 Wilders Steamship Co siM 3sm TIME TABLE O L WIGHT Pros 8 II KOSK 8co Cnpt J A KING lort Supt Stmr KXNAU ULAIUCE Commander Will env Honolulu at 10 a m touching nt Lolinlrin Mnnlarn Hay nnd Makona ihe same day Malmki mn Knwnlbaoand Lau imlio hoo tho following day arriving nt Hilo the sninn afternoon LBVK8 HONOLULU ARIUVB8 HONOLULU Irllliv Afnr m Tuenlay April H Friday April in Tuesday Atirll 27 lrllav Mnv Tuesday May 18 Iriuay May 98 Tnoidny Juno 8 Krlrlnv Tnnn 1H Tuesday Juno 20 -- rriuny juiy u Tuesday July 20 Friday July SO Tuesday Auk 10 Friday Aug SO Tuesday Aug 31 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Septal Friday Oct 1 Tuesday Oct 12 Friday Oct 22 Tuesday Nov 2 Friday Nov Id Tuoiday Nov 23 Friday Deo 3 Tuesday Dec 11 Thursday Deo 23 Tuesday Mar 23 Friday April 2 Tuesday April 13 iriduy April 23 Tuesday May 4 Frldny May It Tuesday May 25 1rlday juno j Tuosdny Juno IB Friday Juno 25 Tuesday July o Friday July 10 Tuesday July 27 Friday Aug 0 Tuesday Auk 17 lrldny Aug 27 Tuesday Eopt 7 1ridav Soptl7 Tuosdny 8opt28 Friday Oat 8 Tuesday Oct 10 Friday Oct 29 Tuesday Nov 0 Friday Nov 10 Tuosdny Nov 30 Friday Deo 10 Tiisday Deo 21 1Hdny Deo 31 Itotunilng will lenvo Hilo nt 8 oclock a m touching nt Laupnhoohoo Wnbn konu and Kawaihao same dny ilakenn Mnalaoa Bay and Lahahia the lollowJnc dny arriving at Honolulu the ofternoonB of Tuesdays and Fridays Mr- - Will call nt lohoiki Puna on trips marked OUT- - No Freight will be received after J a m on day of tailing Tb popular route to tho Volcano is via Hilo A good carriage road tho entiro dis ¬ tance Hound trip tickets coverinc all oxpeiises 5000 Stmr CXiATJDINE CAMEKON Commander Will leave Honolulu Taosdays at 5 r m touching at Kahului liana Hnmoa and Klpnhnln Jlnnl Itetnrnlng arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings Will call at Nun Knupo onco each month U9 No Freight will bo received nfter 4 r m on day of sailing This Company will reserves the nghtto make changes in tbo time of departure and arrival of Its Steamers without notice and it will uot be responsible for any conse quences nrlaing therefrom Consignees must bo nt the landings to receive their freight this Company will not hold itself responsible for frolght nfter It tins been landed Live Stock received only at owners risk ibis Company willnot be responsible for Jfoney or alunbles of passengers unless placed in tho care of Pursers txr Passengers nre requested to pur ehase Tiokots before embnrking Those failing to do so will be subject to nn addi- tional ¬ charge of tw entyflvo por cent 0LAU3 SrHEQKELS WM O IltWIN Clans Spreckels Co BA2STK1ERS HONOLULU Sun Francisco Agents THE NEVADA DANK OF SAN FllANCISCO DJUW rXCKANCIE ON 8AN FKANOISCO Tho Nevada Bank of Ban Francisco LONDON Tho Union Hank of London Ltd NEW YQHK American Exohange Na ¬ tional Bank OHIOAaO Jterchants National Bank PABIS Comptoir National dEscompte de Pnris BEHL1N Dresdner Bank HONQ 1CONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong KongHhnngltalBnuklnuCorporntlon NEW ZEALAND AND AUSrltALIA- - Bnnk of Now Zealand VIOrOlUA AND VANCOUVEK Bnnk of Montreal v Tiamact a General Dunking and ICiehanqe Dusiness Dopot Its ltccolvod Loans made on Ap proved Hccurity Commercial nnd Travel ers Orodit Issued bought nnd sold Bills of Exonngo Oolloctions Promptly Accounted For lUl tf t 1

nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish

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Page 1: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish

rJL jCm Hj

Vol IV

ni i

HCO FOE STOVES IFor Wood or Coal

The Universal Stoves and RangesA Large Invoice Just to ETa nci

Tbo Castings of thin Factory are so for away suporior to all other makesthat t

COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho

Faoifio HarciWir Oo IimiteciCall and examine their dock or writo them for anything you want

It has tnlcon soveral yoars to satisfy users of WIND MILLS that thoro isnothing made which equals the J

0ST03LOISr HIOrders aro coming in faster than wo can fill thorn but we are doing tho

best- - wo can -

Pacific Hardware Go LdHONOLULU II 1

tiUiiiftA M P


i Bib MwiiGS ylJaj L


G oneral Merchandiseand


Agonf for LloydsCanadian Australian Steamship Lino

British Foreign Marine Insurance OoiSorthern Assurance Co Fire and Life

Canadian Pacific Railway CoPioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool

Telephone 92

HLE McINTYKE BROBast corner fort king Sts



Groceries Provisions and FeedNew and Fresh Goods rccotved by every packet from California Eastern

States and Europenu Markets

Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables Fruits and FishQ8u Goods dollverod nny part the City --qKl

IRfANn iw RnrrriTTRn oTWUAnTinM oita kantptth

akaainana printing House


k n jm s


P 1

to ofTi



Executed in the Neatest and Best Style


Work of Evory Description- -


Tho only First class Hawaiian Printing Establishmentconductod on a Strict Business Basis and Employing onlyHawaiian Hand Labor


Business Offlcot 327 King Street E B Thomas former office

faravwa inHaressm bsbptov iKwasary btoi fcicprw Mfttt aajj


O 15


Ed The Independent

Tho iutolorauco and hypocrisy ofour missionaries aro getting moroand more pronouucedand aro addingconstant fuol to the bitter feolingsagainst tlioso antiquated Bourbonswho cannot or will not understandthat tho world moves on aud thatgirls to day aro uot tho Bubtnijslveignorant slavos of tho strougorsex as they wore in ancient times

Profeor Berger who has alwaysBhown his friendly feelings towardstho pupils of tho Kawaiahao Semi-nary


invited a number of them tobe present at tho matiueo given bytho Jordan troupe yesterday Themanagement wai pleased to assistthe professor and kindly extondodan invitation to tho whole seminaryThe toanbers I am told were gladto accept the invitation but in consequoneo of tho rules of tho schoolcould not do so without consultingthe directors

Although several teachers lradwitnessed tho show and consideredit suitable and interesting to theirpupils tho directors declined togrant permission assorting that theshow was uuolean

Tho kind professor and the troupewero snubbed the children werodisappointed aud tho many motherswho took their children to tho OperaHouse wore insulted

I have as much oxporience I pre-sume


as have tho virtuous matronswho rulo our female seminaries IvisiUil the Opera Hotuo with mydsughtors and I certainly saw noth-ing


or heard anything that couldcorrupt or lower tho morals of anyyoung girl Auyono statiDg thattho Jordan show was uncleanmust be vory evil minded indeed orso prudish that tho bicycle bloomersand bathing suits must be tabooedAnd 1 for one hopo some day to seeall tho young girls of tho countryride their wheels wearing bloomersaud frisking at Waikiki in thoirbathing suits

Honi soit qui raal y pouse is amotto to be studied by those whodenied a number of children aninnocent pleasure

Thanking you for tho space youallow Mr Editor I subsoribe my-


b Mother op Ten Gwls

Take a Doso

Ed The Independent

Beoauso sonio hayseed representa-tive


from tho backwoods of Michi-


brings into tho House a bill toannex Hawaii tho Star man loseshis head aud winds up with au Irishjig while tho Advortisor man is try-


to auuex Amorioa to Hawaii byraising tho Stars and Stripes overRowells mule Thoso poor un-


s0 far away from homoshould take liboral Uosos of opouiugPills nightly boforo retiring Thoyare a splendid soother for shatterednerves aud bilious attacks ThoQueens visit aud grand entertain ¬

ment at Washington will yot bo thedeath of some of thoso poor follows


Tho Devil and the Soon Saa

W H City Tho origin of thophraso Botweon tho devil and thodeep sea is not certain It has beentraced back to 1G37 in a work priutod in London bearing tho title Ex-


With MaoKays RegimontThat regiment was with tho armyof Qtistur Adolph and eugagod inbattle with tho Austrians ThoSwedish gunners failed to olovatetheir guus properly so thoir shotfell into tho ranks of their alliosTho Scotch regimont with thoenemy on one sldo and the blunder-ing


gunnors on tho other says thowriter of tho book woro botwoontho dovil and thj deep soa It isthought that tho expression hadboon usod before that time S FCall


Huwnil and tho United StatesWhile we aro oppoed to tho an-


of Hawaii for many andcogont reasons wo aro equally op ¬

posed to any limitation of itn com ¬

mercial intercourse with tho UnitedStates such as seems to bo impliedin a joiut resolution introduced intotho House by Evans D of Ken ¬

tucky a member of tho CommitUoof Ways aud Moan requesting thoPresident to givo notice of tho de ¬

sire of tho United Stato3 to torminato tho existing commercial agrotmcut with that country Wo areopposed to this not only on generalfree trado grounds but boeausothonearness of tho islands to the PacificCoast is peculiarly favorable to themainteuanco of mutually profitablecommercial relation and whilesuch relations cannot possibly dam ¬

age the East even viewed from aprotectionist standpoint thoy aw ofmarked bouofit to this cuat

But there are also inernationnlroasons which male it politic nswell as just to strengthen our com ¬

mercial ties with Hawaii Whilo theUnited States would bo politicallydamaged as to its internal affairsbj the admission of a couutry withso largo an Asiatic populationwhore cheap labor i regarded as afundamental necessity and the gov ¬

ernment dominated by pious landthieves our foreign lelations lequirethat these islands shall uot becomoa protectorate or colony of someEuropean or Asiatic power thorobeing danger in both thoco direc-


It is of tho first importanceto avoid Biich a possibility by peace-ful


means aud the only peacofulmoans is to strengthen the tiesof commercial intercourse thus aiding to maintain its independence

We boliovo that in an indopendeutnationality Hawaii has a brightfuluro boforo it Eduoatiou andthat to a largo extent in the Englishlanguage is going forward vbryrapidly There aro no ingredientsof raco in the islands that aro ob-


in themselves oxcoptingtho Chinese and Missionaries and arigid exclusion law for both is allthat is needed to gradually oblitorate the cheap labor programmeS F Star


Dimities nnd Figured Muslins atyour own price at Kerrs

Lace Curtains just to baud inwhito or ecru at Kerrs

Fishtail forus for sale in quanti-ties


to suit Apply at this otlioe

Honey Comb and Marcolja Bodsproads in all qualities at Korrs

Homo fed pork turkoys audpoultry at Jos Tinkers City MoatMarket Telephone 2S9

Twenty five ynrds of UnbleachedCotton for 100 15 yards of WhitoCotton yard wide for 100 at NS Sachs

Ladies Shirt Waists for 25 centsBest Ginghams 18 yards for 100 atS N Saohf

Historioal Trutln may be hadat 827 King street if applied forearly Although tho oditiou wasconsidered largo enough for all domauds the books are already be ¬

coming rathor scarce

AMUSEMENTSTho Godcl ml Lectures Tho second

of the Goddnrd lectures was given lastnight boforo an niullenco which wasthoroughly in iccord with tho lectur-er


and listened to his splendid descrip ¬

tions of tho art of brewing Italniorbeer ire remarked that only tho bestof hops and malt were used thus in ¬

suring a healthful bcicrage On tapor in bottles at tho Criterion saloon

A Now Soal

Mr OharlosjW Androw aud MrArchibald Turner havo boon placedin charge of tho Empire Saloon andexpect to moot their numerousfriends at thoir now stampinggrounds Both gentlomeu aro wolland favorably known hero and willundoubtedly causa a rush to tho oldtavern tho Empire


tfo 551

Wilders Steamship Co


O L WIGHT Pros 8 II KOSK 8coCnpt J A KING lort Supt


Will env Honolulu at 10 a m touching ntLolinlrin Mnnlarn Hay nnd Makona ihesame day Malmki mn Knwnlbaoand Lauimlio hoo tho following day arriving ntHilo the sninn afternoon


Irllliv Afnr mTuenlay April H

Friday April inTuesday Atirll 27lrllav Mnv

Tuesday May 18Iriuay May 98Tnoidny Juno 8

Krlrlnv Tnnn 1H

Tuesday Juno 20-- rriuny juiy uTuesday July 20Friday July SOTuesday Auk 10

Friday Aug SOTuesday Aug 31Friday Sept 10

Tuesday SeptalFriday Oct 1

Tuesday Oct 12Friday Oct 22Tuesday Nov 2Friday Nov Id

Tuoiday Nov 23Friday Deo 3Tuesday Dec 11

Thursday Deo 23

Tuesday Mar 23Friday April 2Tuesday April 13iriduy April 23Tuesday May 4Frldny May ItTuesday May 251rlday juno jTuosdny Juno IBFriday Juno 25Tuesday July oFriday July 10Tuesday July 27Friday Aug 0Tuesday Auk 17lrldny Aug 27Tuesday Eopt 71ridav Soptl7Tuosdny 8opt28Friday Oat 8Tuesday Oct 10Friday Oct 29Tuesday Nov 0Friday Nov 10Tuosdny Nov 30Friday Deo 10Tiisday Deo 211Hdny Deo 31

Itotunilng will lenvo Hilo nt 8 oclocka m touching nt Laupnhoohoo Wnbnkonu and Kawaihao same dny ilakennMnalaoa Bay and Lahahia the lollowJncdny arriving at Honolulu the ofternoonBof Tuesdays and Fridays

Mr- - Will call nt lohoiki Puna on tripsmarked

OUT- - No Freight will be received after J

a m on day of tailingTb popular route to tho Volcano is viaHilo A good carriage road tho entiro dis ¬

tance Hound trip tickets coverinc alloxpeiises 5000


Will leave Honolulu Taosdays at 5 r mtouching at Kahului liana Hnmoa andKlpnhnln Jlnnl Itetnrnlng arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings

Will call at Nun Knupo onco eachmonth

U9 No Freight will bo received nfter 4r m on day of sailing

This Company will reserves the nghttomake changes in tbo time of departure andarrival of Its Steamers without notice andit will uot be responsible for any consequences nrlaing therefrom

Consignees must bo nt the landings toreceive their freight this Company willnot hold itself responsible for frolght nfterIt tins been landed

Live Stock received only at owners riskibis Company willnot be responsible for

Jfoney or alunbles of passengers unlessplaced in tho care of Pursers

txr Passengers nre requested to purehase Tiokots before embnrking Thosefailing to do so will be subject to nn addi-tional


charge of tw entyflvo por cent


Clans Spreckels Co




8AN FKANOISCO Tho Nevada Bank ofBan Francisco

LONDON Tho Union Hank of LondonLtd

NEW YQHK American Exohange Na ¬

tional BankOHIOAaO Jterchants National BankPABIS Comptoir National dEscompte de


KongHhnngltalBnuklnuCorporntlonNEW ZEALAND AND AUSrltALIA- -

Bnnk of Now ZealandVIOrOlUA AND VANCOUVEK Bnnk

of Montreal v

Tiamact a General Dunking and ICiehanqeDusiness

Dopot Its ltccolvod Loans made on Approved Hccurity Commercial nnd Travelers Orodit Issuedbought nnd sold

Bills of Exonngo

Oolloctions Promptly Accounted ForlUl tf



Page 2: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish






Kxuipt Hunilny

At Brito Hall Konia Htntet

8j Telephone 841 jqCB

8aB80iinTION BATE3Per Month nnywhcro In tho Ha ¬

waiian Islands t MPer Year 0 00Per Year postpaid to Foreign Conn

trios 8 00

Payablo Invnvinbly in Advanco

Advertisements unaccompanied by spocltln Instructions Insorted till ordered nut

Advertisements discontinued beforooxplratlon of specified porlod will bo ulmrgedas II continued or did term

Address all Communication mid IltiMness Letters to F J Testa lroprlctor andInbllslior

P J TESTA- - Proprietor aud Pub- -


EditorHolding In Honolulu




It is pleasing to sou that some of

our great land owuors hnvo adoptedtho policy of oponiup their land toto tho use of the small capitalistswho doBiro to invest their monojs in

coffeo plantations aud farms

Most of tho lands heretofore set ¬

tled by coffeo planters wore thoproporty of tho Oovornment andwero sold under certain regulationsand conditions nob always acceptablo to tho purchasort These landswore furthermore not of tho bestclass or thoy would have boon undercultivation long ago


The districts of Kona and Qilo

on Hawaii have turned out goodcrops of coffeo for tho planters in

those districts Hamakua has ovor

beon superior and there is probablynot a bettor coffoo plantation in thoworld than tho ono owned by thoHorner family in that district

Mr Samuel Parker has recoutlydecided to soil a portion of his broadlands at Kukuihnole which will

ovontually provo tho most fnrtiloand finest coffeo lands in the groupSurveyor Wall has beon nt work

staking out tho lands which will bo

offored to intending ooffoe plantorsOno thousaud acres have so far boon

set aside and over 800 acres wero

purchase even bofore tho maps wero

ready If thoso thousand acres

which aro tho choice of that parcelof land are taken up tho neighbor ¬

ing lands may bo offored by Mr

Parker to coffeo plantors and farmers

These lands have abundance of

water can easily bo oloaned for cul-



and are situated in tho im-



proximity of good roadsand fair landings This ia tho kindof land on whioh tho small farmerwith a little capital can thrive andprosper Tho parties now purchas ¬

ing these lands aro not importedhere under false pretences from

California but are whito men who

have mado thoir homos hero tnndo

thoir monoy here and fully under ¬

stand tho conditions and circum-



under whioh to livo hero

In fact thoy know what they aro

about and will strike camp in tli08o

nowly opened districts with thoiroyos fully opened to tho businessinto whioh thoy enter

Thero aro other lands to bo open ¬

ed in Hawai and also on Maui suit-



for coffoo cultivation to which

-- w - i vnT

we shall shortly tnako referenceTho exports who havu oxaruiuod tholands to which wo niter especially in

this iaui havu given a unanimousverdict that tho KiiktiilriIo landsfor coffeo cultivating are the cream

of those gloriou idantN


Our Dicky Bird tells us that theassemble wisdom of Doles funnylittle republic ha decided on a di-



masterstroke Tho Kaonahaa left with a Government com-



the Marshal aud a dozen

police officer She is the navy of

Hawaii and her destination is San

Francisco or San Diego At one of

the places the commodore will bo

met by Dolun upeclal emissaries and

a big pow wow will be held Thurs ¬

ton Harlwell Kinney ArmstrongSmith Judii Giluiau Alexaudeiaud the ret of the ilk iueludiuE Id id ilotius will be prmmtt andthe bust methods to annex tinUnitod States to Q twaii will bo de ¬

cided on If the people of theUnited Status decline to bo annexoil it in understood that Marshal

Brown has orders from --Ministor-of

War Jooper to laud the mu underh if command aud take forcible pos ¬

session of America If Sau Diego

is to bo tho point of operation of tho

Hawaiian forces certain propertywill be placed at the disposal of ourauthorities at a reduced reutalApply to Doles Pooh Bib TheSlates will be annexed at all hazards


The ol garchy of adventurer whoaro now usurping the functions ofgovernment in Hauaii appear to boseeking to raise some trouble withtho Japatioo government in regardto Japanese immiKratiou with thointention ol creating an interna-tional


situation that will compel ourgovorumont to iutorforo in such away as likely to lead to annexationTho scheme is based upon the sametricky idias that hnvo marked theconduct of tho missionary govoru-


all the way through Theyare likely to overreach themselves iuthis that if tho United States gov ¬

ernment again iutorforo in Hawaiianaflftirs it may bo to undo the wrongwhich the B talons marines per ¬

petrated in 1893 aud by restoringthe popular government whioh forbo many yoars admin i terod theaffairs of the inlands without quar-reling


with its neighbor so to re ¬

store pearce Those who think thatthe American government is goingto sacrifice its traditional foreignpolicy on the altar of missionarygreod because tho republicans are iupower will I fancy bo very muchmistaken The republican party inpower and out of power differ fromeach other a3 radically as Philipcober dffor fiotn Philip drunkTown Talk

EducatOnul Ohtefa

Ministor of Public InstructionCooper presided ovor yoBterdayHmeeting of tho O unmissiouers ofEducation

Tho position of S Briorly teachernt Kauunkakai Molokal was declared vacant aud B D Mitchellwhs appointed iu his stead Minn

Louise K Brownrt resignation fromthe Waiakea school was accopted

Osmor Abbott of Lahninaluuawas granted a years leave of absoncoto Btudy pedagogy in Germany audMr Ripocraus was appointed to hisposition temporarily

Mrs Estop was appointed tem-porarily


as teacher at Honokaa andMr B Brightwoll as assistaut ThoPalama eohool matter was disoussedbut no final action taken

Tho chief proofreader of tho Lon ¬

don Times is a Cambridge graduatewho has a salary of 5000 but thouhe Is a great suholar not ouly in thoEuglish language but iu all an ¬

cient and other tongues not oicoptiug Asia la ottos Ho is permittedto quory and suggest oxcisions oradditions to tho work of writers andeditors


Got on to Lnrrin A Thurstonseyes iu his alleged portrait on theForeigu Office stamps and thru ro-


on tho Italian mil occhio

The Independent is pleased toloam that the President of thoUnitod States has shown tho cus-


diplomatic courtesy to thoHawaiian Ministor nt Washingtonand was very cordial on the momorablo occasion of the privato din-


party Had not propor respectbeen paid to tho Ropublics repre-


tho Opposition would havejoined it growl to Qio Annexation-ists


yell Country Grst politicsnext is tho Oppositions motto

Thero was a very startling reportin town this morning It was statedthat the Road Supervisor had de ¬

cided to order the sidewalk on thecorner of Hotel and Kouia streetnrepaired As Minister Hatch is theowner of the building to whioh thesidewalk is annexed and wouldhave to foot tho bill The Indepen ¬

dent refuses to bolieve tho reportThat broken sidewalk will staybroken

Persons who can see anythinguucleau in tho Jordan show at tho

Opera House ought to go somewhereand have thoir tniuds whitewashedif not purified Thoy remind us ofLeslies Weekly in which a fewweeks ago appeared numerous illus-


and editorial remarks abiubtho indecencies of tho concerthalls That issue was highly ap-


by all tho numerous read ¬

ers of the Weekly who hadnt beento a concert hall aud it ws an ex-


advertisement for tho art-


Now all the childreu in thatseminary wonder what au uncloaushow is to which they cannot go buttheir preceptors do go

A Curious Oat

The Hngoy Social Club is thohappy owner of a very curious catwhioh in tho courso of its ovolutingprocess of past generations musthave at one lime belonged to ono ofthoso charming hags we see repre-sented


in childrens story books andold mens almanacs as ridingthrough tho murky midnight sluesa s raddle of a broomstick and wear-ing


a Welsh conical hatThere aro as many Btorios about

the arrival of this beautiful petblack cat of tho masoulino gondor ashero aro tho proverbial nine lives

accredited to ono of ils specioi Hois generally supposed to havo desortod from some doomed ship thoprey of tho wind and the waves

Ouo fact howover is definitelyknowu and that is that on tho veryfirst aftornoon that tho Hagey In-


opened its hospitable doorsfor the medical students of tonicsand injections Grimalkin sedatelymarched up the front steps sniffedaround Lowus extended tho rightpaw gave him a knowing look and acongratulatory aud expressive griuand camly took possession aud hasremaiued in control over since

Decorated with a most gorgeouscollar hecaltnly inspects all the stu ¬

dents iu turn as thay enterthe portalant reeogulzes new comers fromthe old but invariably insisting uponmakiug the acquaintances of alllie wanders around limiting uponthe derelicts vif iting Dr Wayson iuhit den and is Equally insistent thathis tank t hall be kept full from thobust restaurants His favorite bovorage when he ispormitled to haveit is a touiu and this ho must havoat least ouce a day Ho also has agreat fauoy for the mandolin andguitar but has uot yet learned thopiano It is well knowu that as arulo oats object to wator but thisextraordinary oat directly a showoroommouces to fall goos out on tothe lawu in front of tho Club andpoacofully roclinlng on tho dampgrass apparently delights In Hoavens showor bath Ho has other in-


traits which do not as arulo belong to Gat dom and what ¬

ever ho may ohooso creates muchmerriment but uosurpriso


To E L FrczoEnALD Labor Com-


of CaliforniaSir Before concluding tho sub ¬

ject of Asiatic competition with thewhite ractB iu Honolulu I ask youto make an impartial examinationiuto tho number of Ohineso andJapanese employed by the variousbusiness concerns owned by wealthyforeigners You will find Chineseor Japs occupying responsible posi-


iu all of our drug stores em ¬

ployed as clerks aud picturo framnmakors by our leading hardwaroand art goods stores As Balosmen

in Haberdasher shops and clerks iulaw and roal estato offices and ob

tailors by tho largest aud mostfashlouable tuilor shops owuod by

whito men iu Honolulu After ascertaining the number so employedin the various lines mentioned sotmuseful data cm be nequired by tak-


a solitary ramble through thesuburbs arouuil Puuolibuwl slopesand aln through tho GovernmentNuWry on Tantalus ant ThomasSquaro on Beretauia and Kingstreets lit the Nursery aud Squareyou will find Japs aud Chinese out ¬

played by this Government that isso very anxious to encourage Am-


While ecareoly germane to thesubject under discussion I wish tocall your attention to tho fact thatin the Knmehnmeha Schools wo hnvoau institution founded by Mrs andMr diss R Bishop for the expresspurpose of educating young Hawaiiaun iu mechanic arts Americansare the nominal heads aud directorsof these splendid schools and mem-bers


of tho American Board of For-eign


Missions are in tho Board ofDirectors Naturally ouo would ex¬

pect that these would givo the nativo Hawaiian craftsman tho prfor- -

nee iu such skilled work as theypersonally have tho power to givoivftor ho has graduated from thotechnical school and thus oncour

go him to profit by his skill Butvou will find tho reverso is tho case

he ubiquitous Jap or Chinese isJouud crowding every avonuo thatthouldbo as a matter of abstractjustice occupied by tho uativo Ha-waiian It is left for those outsidethe pale of tho church to employ aa few of them in tho tradesclways at a lower stipend than thewhite man receive1 who works byhis side As laborers tho kanakasfind roady employment You willfind them working in the lumberyards for sevon dollars per week audas stevodores and general beasts ofburdou This is one phase of thoAsiatic invasion that bIiows plainlyhow the native has boon degradedby such competition Tho youngmen of tho Kamohamoha Schoolsaro booing turuod out year after yeartechnical not perhaps practicalmechauics and finding no oppor-tunity


iu this their hereditary homofor profitable employment at theirvarious trades gradually drift intoidleness and tho slums the knowl-edge


they havo gained serving onlyto unfit them for tho position oflaborers

I am sir your obedient servantVolunteer

Mr Paul Jjrrott will return toWaiinea to morrow by tho HnlonoMrs Jarrett who is very much improved in health will remain intowu for the next few weeks



Holdors of Water Privileges or thosopaying water rate uro horeby notified thatthe hours for Irrigation purposes are from

I to 8 oclock a M Hiid from 1 to 0 oclockp m ANDItBW JJItOWN

Supt Honolulu WntorWorksApprovod

1 A KinoMinister of Interior

Honolulu H 1 April 0 1697 651 tf


TOTI0E IS IIEUEBY GIVEN THATJ1 all accounts duo tho undersigned of1OUU MONTHS or longer standing willI o placed In tho lunula ol our attorneys for

oil ol Ion unless Immediate settlement isundo



Honolulu April 0 1897

Tlio nrrival of tho lust Australia was greeted with a siglof relief from tho whole com-


Tho umisuully long in-


between mniln had madopeoplo quito anxious and ru-


of war and other politicaldisturbances wero flying as thickas loavos in Vallambrosa Thoencouraging news of tho probablepassugo of tho Dingloy bill im-


a duty on all foroignSugars whilo preserving for Ha-waii


noi tho advantages of thoReciprocity Treaty gladdonedtho hearts of all plantors as wellas morchunls who predict a nowera of prosperity and progressfor these beautiful Isles of thoPacific News was also broughtof tho knocking out of ChampionJim Corbett by his sturdy oppon ¬

ent FitzsinunonsTho TRIBUNE BICYCLE

knocks thorn all out Like thoRoman tribunes of old it standson a pinnaclo of fame elevatedabovo all others and liko Fitzsimiiioiis it beats all tho othorChampions

Tho 97 MODEL is tho acmeof perfection in whcols it hasno equal Wo received a num ¬

ber of them by this Australiaand can furnish them in BlackRoyal Bluo or Maroon

Tho Sagor Pnoumatic Saddlois recognizod as tho best for easoand comfort no djsoaso of thospino or jar to your nerves ifyou rido this saddle

Tho STODDER PUNCTURELESS TIRE is impenetrable byglass nails thorns pins etcand yet it retains all its olasticond resilient qualities EveryTiro guaranteed for ono year

Comri and inspect our newstock

Tun Hawaiian Hardware Co Lii

307 Fort StkeetOpposite Spreokols Itnnk

Benson Smith k Co



Hollister Drug Co


Iort StreetTTONOInTn H T


General Business Agent


Convoyancinrj in AU Its Branched

Oollooting rind All Uuolnoos

Muttore of Trust

All baelnesH entrusted to lilui will receiveprompt and caroful intention

Ollleo Ifonnknn Himmkim Itnwnll


PKltSONB AltB BTMOTIjY FOILblddon from onterlng and cutting tinything growing upon tho land of KDiuanu

ikl nt Knlllil wlthont flrtt obtainingpermission from eitlior of tho undoragnodIf found contrary tn thla notice thoy willbo prosecuted according to law


Honolulu April 1 1807 17 Iw


Page 3: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish





ArrivnlnTnoimnAY April 8

Am 4 mnMed sell Allro Coohc Ponhiilloiv I

ir in IMRoi sounaFmiiAV April 0

Htinr Llko lko lVcouinn from HawaiiStiii J hup Make Tnllott from KnunlB H Klnau Mam from KobeBttnr Mimua loa Slmurson from Hnwnil

and M ut


Piiiuay April I

Ilk flallao Kostor for Now York

VosboIo Loavinc To morrow


For Japn nnd China per 8 S CopticMr find Mrs W F Allen Air Hal ton Missllinilo Ah Sum

Foreign VosBhla in Port


USB Mnrlon Qruono San DIcro


sthrT U Tnllant llolHinii fort GiunbloHark Martha Davit boulu San Franc sj o

Am chip V K llahooslr Urnlmm SanKranolsco

Hawn hark Diamond Head War PortJownenil

Am ship aeorgn Curtis Sproiil from hn- -

nasukiAm bk Mohleiiu 8numlors from an Fran- -

olicoUk Somlnolc Wrcdon from Newcastle

IorolRn Stpnmor Mulls

From an Franciscoor Vanoonver

1807On or about

Coptlci April 8

Malpia April 8Warrlmoo prll 10

KIo Janolro April 17

Australia April 21

For San Franciscoor Vancouver

18U7On or about

Australia Apr 7

Dorio Apr 2M low era Apr J

Alamnia Apr UJ

Foroifn Vosels Expected

Vessel From DatnHhln Knhn NnwtnstlH DllO

ilktno Nnwsboy NowcaUlo DuoSohr tvoveliy jNowrastle DuoShip KlrcmlbrlKluahlro Duollrlg1 D Spreckols iJtahukonaJ ftcb 17

SobrOlira Nowcastlo April 1 J

fler bK lttiil Isonb rc Livcrpiol May 30Bk Iolanl Now York Juno 20

Hawaiian Idols

It is of interest to inspect thoSpencer collection of Hawaiian idolB

at tho auction rooms of SeabornLuce

Tho lato Minister was a collectoro Hawaiian curios for a numberof vears aud the stone- idols aro Baid

to have been tho favorite gods of

Kaili Nanakolo Kuinaunu Nihuluaud other Hawaiians famous in an-



timeSome of tho idols havo aludicrotiB

resemblance to some of our local

statesmen aud follow citizens andwill bo appreciated by thoso who

micooed in securing ono of thobeautios beauties from a very

hoathenish poiut of view

And Btill Xhuy Ooruo

Tho Kinai Maru arrived fromKobo this morning with G82 Japaneso passengors all froo mon Thesteamer is consigned to tho KobeImmigration Co and tho passengora will bo kept in Quarantine untilMonday noxt when the usual in-


will tako place It is

expected that moro than one halfwill bo rofuaod landing No fightin this instance will bo shown on

tho part of tho Agouts who havoBubmitted their recent difficulties totho Imperial Government of Japan

Another Error Nailod

Tho Japanese passougors who ar¬

rived by the Sakura Maru and wore

refused permission to laud and woreeventually shipped bade to Japanby tho Coptic did not ranko any dis ¬

turbance or dofy tho legal authori-



Through a misunderstandingtho boow which wa to carry thorn

to thoBtoamer did not arrive at thoappointed time and- - a natural fool ¬

ing of uuoasinoss was oreatod amongtho people Through tho coolness

of tho authorities no friotion oc ¬

curred and tho mon woro ovoutuallyput on board without tho good of-



of tho Diplomatic Agent forJapan beiug oallod into effect

Artificial ears aro raado of aipeoially preparod rubbar Fleshcolorotl Ui tho rough they ro paiuted by hand in exact imitation of thoremaining ear of tho unfortunatecustomor aud as carofully touch ¬

ed and marked over as an artistspicture Tho maker gets 100 apiocofor thorn



Tho Lilanis nru to hnvo n nowbont hnuEc

Tho Sharpshooters Company meetat 730 this n oni ti

New Glove in Mlnuk White andTan at L B Kerrs

White Cream and Butler Lacesin endless variety at Kerrs

Tho Hawaiian liardwaro Co Lavoa very interesting notice for thoboneGt of all indebted to them

Dont fail to visit Sachs storoj andsee tho startling bargains that arooffered

Col W F AlWn left by tho Copticflterilav for a vovneo

oa account of ill health

Tho ship George Curtis and thobark Mohican aro alongside thoRailroad wharf loading sugar

Tho Booial at tho Ceutral UnionChurch school rooms last eveningwas very suci ostiil nnu enjoyable

Crhkot practico thN afternoonand a match at the old Recreationgrounds between Married and Singleto morrow afternoon

Tho Stars and Katnohatuohai willhave a good game of baseball to ¬

morrow afternoon No admission leesand both sidxs confident

The oxcelleut program of I heOaliu College concert will probablyattract a very large attendance thisnvouing Special car a will bo run

American packers ore sending outcotton seed oil with olive oil labelsupon them This tho stuff wo gotat nine resjaurants out of en

Mr Robert Swan Scriuigeour hasbeeou elected a Director and theAuditor of tho Honolulu Hagey In-


vice L O Abies resigned

Lot us have an energetic andhonest food inspector There aroplenty of good aud reliable menpacking Runs out of employment

No lesK than 03 per emit of themanufactured food products of thoUnited States are adulterated andyot tho prefer them to those of theirrowu countrys manufacture

Rev Aloxauder Mackintosh aud anumber of Hoyal School boys visitedtho U S S Marion yesterday afternooii and pased a most interestingtime in inspecting tho vested

Early birds and anxious would-be-voter- s

may register to mortnw at 7a ui j just tho hour when the labor-ing


uiaii goes to work It suits thoAnnexation Club clerks to n dothowover

The battalion drill aud march outtvith the baud last ovouiug was wellattended and tho populace highlydelighted with Borgers martialstrains Tho second battalion turnsout this evening

Otto Graef is still at tho MidOcean Billiard Parlorp comer Hotelaud Nuuanu Btroots opposito thoEmpire Soloon and would bo pleasedto see his old friends call He haslately added a now billiard table

The Union Art Gallery has pur ¬

chased a National Cash Register forthe special benefit of visitors to thefamous iusiitutiou Tho now rgis- -

tors oi wlncn the nrm oi j rWaterhouso is agents is a great luiproYemeiit on tho old stylo

Invitations dated Sau Frauoiscoaro out for tho wedding of MissAlice Noami Kimball to Mr AlexJames Campbell of Honolulu whiohhappy oveut will tako place on the21st iust at the Baptist ChurchTenth Aveuuo Eat Oakland Col

Aocordiug to the sporting fratern-ity


rules tho pugilistic weights areliantams 105 pounds feather 105to 118 pounds light 118 to 1U3

pounds welter lUu to itu middleHO to ICO pouuds usually 1C0

pinmd hoavT over 151 poundsand catch is weight at disaretiou

Whatovor may havo been thofinancial results of irof BristolsHulertainmoiit ho may rest nsurodthat he carries away with him thobest wishes of all aud vety pleasantremombraucos of his excellent ani-


and of the courteous audpainstaking associates and assistants

Tho Call saysHOO IliLhlauders

Tho lauding ofat Oroto noarly

roiiBcd the Moslems to madness andif thoy wore tho regulations kiltsthe rage of tho populace is not to bewoudorod at Tho garb is fittedonly to exoito a fight or a frolio andtho Turk is not frolic some just now

Among othor refroshing delicaciesat Juan Gomanohos dinner

will bo flhiokon curry and asuporilno soup On Sunday a splen ¬

did tablo will be sot and at break ¬

fast ho will give his famous home ¬

made Boston Club brown bread andBoston baked boatil Gorman pan- -

cakes and otuelottos


No signs of tho Mariposa at 3 pui- -

The Manna Loa uas coming intoport this afternoon as wo go topress

There am ho signs of tho Ksenayot Wo hopo thatlho pirato hastaken the lnior lland steamer withthe Marshal police ollicors aud thocrow

Tho Radiu Betinet opium casowas called iu tho District Court thismorning and a furthor postpone ¬

ment grautod till Mouday tho 12thinstant

During tho noxt four months thomail address of Dr St D G Wal-ters


of Kauai will bo loyotonnear Haverfordwest PembrokeshireGreat Britain

Tho Roil Estate Register is issuedto day It is now issued on Mon-days


Wednesdays and Fridays ofeach week instead of on Tuesdaysand Saturdays as formerly

Thoro will bo a jolly excussion onSunday noxt undor tho managementof Jim Ohnpmau The destinationof the party which will comprisemore than fifty ladies and gentle-men


is tho Camarinos premises atKalihi

J T Waterhouse

The only rest wo hnvo lmd in

a year was during tho timo wo

woro Inking stock That timo

is over and now wo aro buck at

work hustling to keep up with

our customers Low prices

bring tho crowds whon tho

goods aro lull valuo tlioy

wouldnt if thoy woro not Every

thing wo ndvortiso is as ropro- -

sontcd and ono wordJBest ox

presses nil

Porculcs beautiful pattorn 3G

inches wido iino for drosses

Twin Star and Fluttor Duck

noat figures

All shades of split Zephyr

and Gonnautown wool Saxony

wool in plain and shaded colors

Largo assortment of whito

Turkish towols cheap and of

good quality

Hammocks of superior quality

for suminor uso

Elogant assortment of lightwoight blankets

Wo havo romnants to burnthoyro choap enough if youwant to put them to that usoi

Tho business tido flows into ourstoro becauso thoro is no highprico to obstruct it


Lomnrcbnnds bonoloss snrdiuos go well at lunch wovohail such a continuous run onthorn that wo hnvo boen forcedto duplicnto our last largo ordorOur prosont slock may not lastuntil tho noxt arrives

Tho wholo world boasts of thojams preserves and pickles putup by-- Crosso Bluokwoll andJ T Morton Our stock contains ovorything put up by thosewoll known firms Tho last lotarrivod by tho Routonbook andaro absolutory fresh

AVo havo goods from thoFrench factories that commandthomselvos Lomarchands highgrado mackorol in oil is ono ofthorn Thoso aro tinnod in thosamo manner as his famous sar-dines


and aro a raro dolicacy

LEWIS COFort Street G ROGERS Tol 210


Established 1850 Capital lfi00ft0tInsurance effected ou Buildings Good Ship and Merchandise


Insurance Company of North AmericaOf ihiludelphla ta

Founded 1792 Cash Capital 8fi00000Oldest Piro Inourancfc Company in tho United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

U For lowest rates apply to

Goneral Agent for the Hawaiian Islands


Flanuolottos 1G yards for S100Victoria Lawns CO cents a piece atN S Sachs

If you want to join a watch clubjoin tho Waltham Watch Club Ithas tho host Comer Fort and Mer ¬

chant streets

Buffalo Beer half and half withtho best of ambrosial brouH rule atthe Pacific Saloon The cheeks arotransferable at tho Royal aud Cos-mopolitan

Klinkou Sie Drinkou S eBofk BeerTake me make- meAnchor dearTwo drink tuo chinksAnchor BeerPrattle SeattleUock

Statistically inclined NPW flnative What is death WUlJilJlhere Native as H is every-where


else one death for every inhabitant Dodds EnterpriseBook at tho Pantheon is a better lifopreservative for rate is two for aquartor


FnANK Brown Mauager

9Nml Wl MnMlinnQtMAi Mnnnltlli U T


ATTKH APItlL 1st 1RSONCoopor and ltoyniond will ociiipy thooUlec of Dr iModrnw on lintel atreot

Illlce llourn from 830 to 10 t m 1 0 toS and 7 to 8 r M Tcltiphonc No lot

ft 1S 1 in

China waro in England is

crockery in tho United States

and mighty good waro in Hono-



Our advertisomont last

weok brought us an abundanco

of ordors it will bring moro

this wook

Tho pricos wo quote aro mis

loading bocauso thoy givo you

tho impression that thd waro is

choap Oonvinco yourself

Sots 23 piocosS2C0Tea Sets 32 pioi es S3 12Tea Sots 11 pieces 3 70Tea Sets f0 pioco

You havo three shades to

solcct from and if tho pieces in-



in tho sot aro not to your

liking you may havo others

Tho breakfast sots aro charm

ers25 pieces at 82 7387 pioces at 1 0119 pieces ntfit O

73 pioeea at 783

Tho dinnor sots cannot bo

described too much for so littlo

Road thoso pricos

Diuuor Sots 31 pieces 1 5 11Dinner Sets 50 pieces 1100Dinner Sets 05 pieces 12 10Diuuor Sett 83 pioces 15 00

V 4


FOR SufLLEJJA LOTH KAllII COxlfO HJET BA0KtU if KaiiK-liiuiii-l- DoyH Hi midfiiclng Kalihi Itimil Biihublo Jorrtsidenccs


In ipiUi Ittus to suit

aw Tor terms and t articular applyto AJlltAIIVM FnitNAXnEZ

OrtoN HhinandfzOnico Xo EOS Mprcliunt Street CamphMl

lllo krearuf J O Cai tors othcoTtlophoue aSO lS5 tf


tourist to V

the rate iU UOulUUIUUlsame







80S Merchant Street near Alakea


Ills tablo excels any in Honolulu

Caters for Ballj DlmiprsWeddlBKS and Picnic Parties

F O CJ Xa T R 5TSeveral times a week


Otkn Daily from 0 a m to 8 i m

G58 3m

Established 1883

CITY MEAT MARKETNuuanu St opposito Chaplain Lane

J TINKER Practical Batcher


tteef Mutton Lnmb and VealIn tho market

Homo fed Pork and PoultryTho Celebrated

O ATxEBRIDO Hl S ATJS AOKHfor breakfast

535 TKItKPIIONE 281 fim

A Balo of linyChanced ono day

HTo stop a horse and sayit it comes my way lor you to

- stay v

My gooso is cooked straightway

City Feed StoveL II DEE CO

Corner Punchbowl aud iieretanla Strcot


I 1IEI1EI1Y OIVKN TO THENOTICE People thatnll Soaoininu-latim-- d

and od by tho Honolulu SoapWuriH Co has marked on each piect asfollows

lion- lulu So p Works GoM W McChu noy Sons

Many Honolulu Morchinls nro ImportliifCiilllornlH Soip and hafiK it markoii

Honolulu Soap and Hawaiian SoapTnko uo sop uulcsH our nauio Is on oacliV CCM W McOHESNEY SONS

531 in Agonti

Professional Horseslioer

Has Oponod Ills Shop at No 32 on KingStreet T II Murrays Promises


Horee Owners will And it to their ndvanJtago to atronl2o tho now shop

wheru tliu best worK laQuaranteed

Teleplion JSTo 57e137 ti

Page 4: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish










J DST AllJEUV idA now lot of tllO Finest

iQSical Instnimeai

Autohftrpa Quttnrs Violins Kte

Also a now Invoice of the Oolebratcd

Westerineyer Plan osSpecially manufneturfd for tha Irnplctl

clttuntQ Bcoonil to none


On tho Hawaiian Islands during the Instyears

mmnii riiTnii



General Merchandise

Also tho choicest Kuropean awl Ameri ¬


Beers Ale Wines Uciuorsat most ncA8oiunir rntciw


Corner King t JJothol Streets

321 fc 323 King Street

The Leading


Carriage and

agon Manufacturer


furnish everything outside steamhoats and boilers

Horse Shoeing a Specialty


Telephone G07 PO Box 821


Carriage Manufactory128 180 Port Btrcot


Blacksmitliing in all Its Brandies

Orders from tho other Islands In BuildingTrimming Painting Etc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorBuccessor to G West

Metropolitan Meat Co


G J Waller

Wholesale andKetall



STXTOKESNavy Contractors

Hawaiian GrownOysters

Tho abovo delicacy in now bo

proourod in suoh qutuititios na requirodupon leaving orders with

H E McMyre t BroS97 tf


The Pioneer BakeryBread PIom Cakos of all kinds fresh

every day

Fresh let Uicaiu juado of tho Best Woodlawn Cream In nil Flavors

The finest Home made Confectionery178 If

Oceanin Steamship Co

Mm ftil imm

Fs Saa Francis cu

The New and Flno Al Steel Steamship

ALAMEDA01 tho Oceanic Steamship Cotnpuny willhe duo at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

April 3ttileavo for the nboveAnd will pi

Malls nnd Passengers on or nudate


For Sydney AucklandNow and Flno Al Steel Steamship

MARIPOSAOf tho Ooeanlo Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Ban Francisco onor about

Ajpril Stliwill prompt despatch Mnlls

and Pis ongoM for no above ports

undersigned aro now preparedto issuo

Through Tickets to Points in tho

United EtBlBs

tffir- - For further particulars regardingFreight and IaKsiigo npply to

Wm G IRWIN LdflpnHral AKnla

OcudIc Steauisliip Co



S S AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu

from S FLeavo


March CO April 7April 27 MayGMay 25 Juno 2JuuoJ2 Juno SO

July 20 July 28Au 17 AngTSSoptlK BoptWOct 12 Oct 20

7Deo 7 Dec 15

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco

for Byduoy

lmt JlonoluluMariposa Apr 8 07Moan- - May 0 1607Alameda Juno 3 07M riposu July 1 07Moana July 20 1807Almiicdn AngaJ07Mariposa Sept 2 07Moana Oct 21 107Alameda Nov 18 07




And have with




HonoluluB F

Nov Nov

From Bydnoy forSan Francisco

Ieaxe HonoluluMoana AprAla oiia Apr20 07MHriposaMav27H7Moulin Juno 21 17AianiedaJuly2H7

Aug 10 H7

voana Sept io 07Al modn Oct 11 07

MoaiiH Deo 0 1897

In Respons- e-

To Several Inquiries Why tho

3Ealama 3 roceryDont Keep FEED

II 0 CANNON is pleased to stato that hois now prepared to supply





And hopes giving Honest Weight atLOWEST POSSIBLE KATES to

merit a Bharo of PublioPatronage



433 TELEPHONE Every Time l aOpposlto Kail way Dopot tf



Manufacture andkinds of Jewelry


Love BiilUlluK Fort St tf







bv tho







IPamily jrlotelKHOU3E Prop

Per Day 200Por WooV 1200


Tho Best of Attendance tho Bost SituationnJ H llo l fnBl lltv

YttiralVeiettW v - - w





TwHnty Boys Desort From tho Ap-


Ship Adams

San Diego Gal March 20 Whonthe United States gunboat Adauiaarrived rt on Sunday morningit had 110 naval nppronticoboyB be ¬

tween tho ages of 14 and 18 yoarsaboard all apparontly in good healthand spirits When tho roll wascalled this morning but eighty fouranswered horo At taps tonightfour morn woro missing so twentyof thoco boys are no longer in theUnitod Statos navy

On Suuday night a number of thoboys were allowed shore liberty andfailed to return Last evening avisiting party of officers was madeupf in response to an invitation fromofficers on Lho Moutorey Elovonapprentice boys woro taken alongto man their launch On the wayover a atop was mado at tho SantaFo wharf for tho mail Thoughtlessly one by ouo tho officers left tholaunch and strolled about tho wharfwaitiug for their mail Whon tkeyreturned the launch was desertedEvery boy had taken tho first op ¬

portunity to skip and the balanceof tho voyago had to be mndo with-


a crow A search was institutedbut without awail and tho usual to ¬

ward of 10 a head is now offeredfor tho youngsters rottirn aboardship An officer who was seen ashorothis morning expressed gravo doubtsas to whother they would ever bocaptured

What is tho reason tho boys de ¬

sert ho was asked Dont theyget enough to oat

1hats not it replied tho officerIt is really all a question of princi-


Tho navy is not tho bot placofor boys no indeed Iu tho firstplace it destroys homo and homo iniluoncos tho society of mothorsister girl playmatoi youthfulsweethearts aud all the little influ-ences


that surround the home audneighborhood many of thornfoolish perhaps but sweet and

n for all thatSome of tho boys aro sout into thonavy to reform them But it is apoor reform school that simply dis-

ciplines and toaohes nothing higherin lifo than obedience to ordersAgain somo parents put their boysinto the navy to got rid of themSuch poor lads aro undoubtedlybetter off aboard ship than on landfor howovor unsympathetic UncleSam may seoin at times ho alwaysprovidos plenty of the necessaries oflife to tho lads aboard his ships

But Im moralizing too muchThe real facts are the boys worospoiled They woro enlisted somofour or fiVe months ago and placedaboard tho old battle ship Inde ¬

pendents in tho nary yard at MaroIsland The Independence is amonster old liue-of-batt- shipbuilt in 1810 with four covereddocks aud all fitted up like a groattraining school Here tho boys worofed clotbod and takon caro ofmaterially speaking hotter thanthoy had ever been in tlioir livesboforo

But from this Elysian droamthere came a rude awakeuing OnFebruary 4 tho Adams was orderedto sea and tho boys found them ¬

selves uudor strict naval disciplinewith plenty of work to do for thofirst time in their livos An awfulrevulsion of feeling set in and somoof the lads have novor recoveredfrom tho first shock whilo others arodetermined to stick it out I fearhowovor that by tho time of oxpiratimi of tho torm of enlistment thorowill bo uo apprentices loft S FCall

To Properly Address tho President

Ex Presidout Harrison who dotails A Day With tho Presidout atHis Desk in the Ladies HomoJournal rolatos somo of the amus-ing


solutions of tho porplexingproblem as to tho proper way toaddross tho President Soraotimoshois addrossod by lotter writers asplain Mis tor somotimos as HisMajesty J or His Lordship and veryfrequently as His Excellency ThoHigh Qovornment at Washingtonwas thought to bo au appropriateaddress by one writing from Austria


and a letter addressod to the WhiteOffice was rightly assiguud by theintelligent mail clork to tho WhitoHouso The official title of tho headof the Executive Department is

The President All propositions toadd adorning but superfluous titloswere rejected in Washingtons timeTho correct letter addross is thorofore To tho Presidont and tho oraladdrosp Mr Prosidont




Rovised and Priutod in

Boing an Accurato and Oonciso

Account of tho

Overthrow Monarchy

To bo had only at tho Publishers Offico 327 King Street


Bueinoaa Cards


Attoiiney-at-La- w

Office Kaahumanu StreetHonolulu



Kaahumanu Btreot Honolulu


Dralebs in Lumber and Coal andBaiLDINO MATZMAL3 OP

Am Kinds

OnAAn HtAf Wsmnlnln


Surveyor and Real Estate Agent

Oflico Bcthol Street over tho Now10 Modol Kcstaurant ly


Pluubino Tin Coiteb ANn SiieetIron Work

King Street Honolulu


Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants

225 Queen Street Honolulu

r - MMiW

Wm B Irwin ColiMiTi n

Wm O Iiwln ProRidotib ManagerClans Spreckels Vlce PrcslilontW M QIMHrd Secretary Treasurerrheo C Portor Auditor



Oceanic Steamship GoinpyOf Ran Vrmiilnon Cn

Bruce Waring Co

Real Estate DealersP03 Fort St near King




KW ParlliN wishing to dispose of tbnirlmttMrHpt hw Invited t prII nil n



Iu Quarts and Pintp




Morcliaots Ixcliaiijft

8 I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King ana Miuann Street s

Choice liquorsAND

Find Beers



Empire SaloonCornor Nuuanu and Hotel Bts

William Oarlvle - - Manager

GHoicb Wiiies Liauors aibs


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP

Ralnior in Boltlos

Handmade Sour MashA SPECIALTY



Fancy Work and Dressmaking

PARLOES401 West King Strcot near Lililia

447 tf


JOHN PHILLIPSHas rpmovd lila Plumbing Uusinesh fromKing Btreot to the premises on

Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Wnmn

- i

i 1


Page 5: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish

rJL jCm Hj

Vol IV

ni i

HCO FOE STOVES IFor Wood or Coal

The Universal Stoves and RangesA Large Invoice Just to ETa nci

Tbo Castings of thin Factory are so for away suporior to all other makesthat t

COMPARISON IS FUTILETho Australia brought a largo invoice of assorted goods to tho

Faoifio HarciWir Oo IimiteciCall and examine their dock or writo them for anything you want

It has tnlcon soveral yoars to satisfy users of WIND MILLS that thoro isnothing made which equals the J

0ST03LOISr HIOrders aro coming in faster than wo can fill thorn but we are doing tho

best- - wo can -

Pacific Hardware Go LdHONOLULU II 1

tiUiiiftA M P


i Bib MwiiGS ylJaj L


G oneral Merchandiseand


Agonf for LloydsCanadian Australian Steamship Lino

British Foreign Marine Insurance OoiSorthern Assurance Co Fire and Life

Canadian Pacific Railway CoPioneer Line of Packets from Liverpool

Telephone 92

HLE McINTYKE BROBast corner fort king Sts



Groceries Provisions and FeedNew and Fresh Goods rccotved by every packet from California Eastern

States and Europenu Markets

Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables Fruits and FishQ8u Goods dollverod nny part the City --qKl

IRfANn iw RnrrriTTRn oTWUAnTinM oita kantptth

akaainana printing House


k n jm s


P 1

to ofTi



Executed in the Neatest and Best Style


Work of Evory Description- -


Tho only First class Hawaiian Printing Establishmentconductod on a Strict Business Basis and Employing onlyHawaiian Hand Labor


Business Offlcot 327 King Street E B Thomas former office

faravwa inHaressm bsbptov iKwasary btoi fcicprw Mfttt aajj


O 15


Ed The Independent

Tho iutolorauco and hypocrisy ofour missionaries aro getting moroand more pronouucedand aro addingconstant fuol to the bitter feolingsagainst tlioso antiquated Bourbonswho cannot or will not understandthat tho world moves on aud thatgirls to day aro uot tho Bubtnijslveignorant slavos of tho strougorsex as they wore in ancient times

Profeor Berger who has alwaysBhown his friendly feelings towardstho pupils of tho Kawaiahao Semi-nary


invited a number of them tobe present at tho matiueo given bytho Jordan troupe yesterday Themanagement wai pleased to assistthe professor and kindly extondodan invitation to tho whole seminaryThe toanbers I am told were gladto accept the invitation but in consequoneo of tho rules of tho schoolcould not do so without consultingthe directors

Although several teachers lradwitnessed tho show and consideredit suitable and interesting to theirpupils tho directors declined togrant permission assorting that theshow was uuolean

Tho kind professor and the troupewero snubbed the children werodisappointed aud tho many motherswho took their children to tho OperaHouse wore insulted

I have as much oxporience I pre-sume


as have tho virtuous matronswho rulo our female seminaries IvisiUil the Opera Hotuo with mydsughtors and I certainly saw noth-ing


or heard anything that couldcorrupt or lower tho morals of anyyoung girl Auyono statiDg thattho Jordan show was uncleanmust be vory evil minded indeed orso prudish that tho bicycle bloomersand bathing suits must be tabooedAnd 1 for one hopo some day to seeall tho young girls of tho countryride their wheels wearing bloomersaud frisking at Waikiki in thoirbathing suits

Honi soit qui raal y pouse is amotto to be studied by those whodenied a number of children aninnocent pleasure

Thanking you for tho space youallow Mr Editor I subsoribe my-


b Mother op Ten Gwls

Take a Doso

Ed The Independent

Beoauso sonio hayseed representa-tive


from tho backwoods of Michi-


brings into tho House a bill toannex Hawaii tho Star man loseshis head aud winds up with au Irishjig while tho Advortisor man is try-


to auuex Amorioa to Hawaii byraising tho Stars and Stripes overRowells mule Thoso poor un-


s0 far away from homoshould take liboral Uosos of opouiugPills nightly boforo retiring Thoyare a splendid soother for shatterednerves aud bilious attacks ThoQueens visit aud grand entertain ¬

ment at Washington will yot bo thedeath of some of thoso poor follows


Tho Devil and the Soon Saa

W H City Tho origin of thophraso Botweon tho devil and thodeep sea is not certain It has beentraced back to 1G37 in a work priutod in London bearing tho title Ex-


With MaoKays RegimontThat regiment was with tho armyof Qtistur Adolph and eugagod inbattle with tho Austrians ThoSwedish gunners failed to olovatetheir guus properly so thoir shotfell into tho ranks of their alliosTho Scotch regimont with thoenemy on one sldo and the blunder-ing


gunnors on tho other says thowriter of tho book woro botwoontho dovil and thj deep soa It isthought that tho expression hadboon usod before that time S FCall


Huwnil and tho United StatesWhile we aro oppoed to tho an-


of Hawaii for many andcogont reasons wo aro equally op ¬

posed to any limitation of itn com ¬

mercial intercourse with tho UnitedStates such as seems to bo impliedin a joiut resolution introduced intotho House by Evans D of Ken ¬

tucky a member of tho CommitUoof Ways aud Moan requesting thoPresident to givo notice of tho de ¬

sire of tho United Stato3 to torminato tho existing commercial agrotmcut with that country Wo areopposed to this not only on generalfree trado grounds but boeausothonearness of tho islands to the PacificCoast is peculiarly favorable to themainteuanco of mutually profitablecommercial relation and whilesuch relations cannot possibly dam ¬

age the East even viewed from aprotectionist standpoint thoy aw ofmarked bouofit to this cuat

But there are also inernationnlroasons which male it politic nswell as just to strengthen our com ¬

mercial ties with Hawaii Whilo theUnited States would bo politicallydamaged as to its internal affairsbj the admission of a couutry withso largo an Asiatic populationwhore cheap labor i regarded as afundamental necessity and the gov ¬

ernment dominated by pious landthieves our foreign lelations lequirethat these islands shall uot becomoa protectorate or colony of someEuropean or Asiatic power thorobeing danger in both thoco direc-


It is of tho first importanceto avoid Biich a possibility by peace-ful


means aud the only peacofulmoans is to strengthen the tiesof commercial intercourse thus aiding to maintain its independence

We boliovo that in an indopendeutnationality Hawaii has a brightfuluro boforo it Eduoatiou andthat to a largo extent in the Englishlanguage is going forward vbryrapidly There aro no ingredientsof raco in the islands that aro ob-


in themselves oxcoptingtho Chinese and Missionaries and arigid exclusion law for both is allthat is needed to gradually oblitorate the cheap labor programmeS F Star


Dimities nnd Figured Muslins atyour own price at Kerrs

Lace Curtains just to baud inwhito or ecru at Kerrs

Fishtail forus for sale in quanti-ties


to suit Apply at this otlioe

Honey Comb and Marcolja Bodsproads in all qualities at Korrs

Homo fed pork turkoys audpoultry at Jos Tinkers City MoatMarket Telephone 2S9

Twenty five ynrds of UnbleachedCotton for 100 15 yards of WhitoCotton yard wide for 100 at NS Sachs

Ladies Shirt Waists for 25 centsBest Ginghams 18 yards for 100 atS N Saohf

Historioal Trutln may be hadat 827 King street if applied forearly Although tho oditiou wasconsidered largo enough for all domauds the books are already be ¬

coming rathor scarce

AMUSEMENTSTho Godcl ml Lectures Tho second

of the Goddnrd lectures was given lastnight boforo an niullenco which wasthoroughly in iccord with tho lectur-er


and listened to his splendid descrip ¬

tions of tho art of brewing Italniorbeer ire remarked that only tho bestof hops and malt were used thus in ¬

suring a healthful bcicrage On tapor in bottles at tho Criterion saloon

A Now Soal

Mr OharlosjW Androw aud MrArchibald Turner havo boon placedin charge of tho Empire Saloon andexpect to moot their numerousfriends at thoir now stampinggrounds Both gentlomeu aro wolland favorably known hero and willundoubtedly causa a rush to tho oldtavern tho Empire


tfo 551

Wilders Steamship Co


O L WIGHT Pros 8 II KOSK 8coCnpt J A KING lort Supt


Will env Honolulu at 10 a m touching ntLolinlrin Mnnlarn Hay nnd Makona ihesame day Malmki mn Knwnlbaoand Lauimlio hoo tho following day arriving ntHilo the sninn afternoon


Irllliv Afnr mTuenlay April H

Friday April inTuesday Atirll 27lrllav Mnv

Tuesday May 18Iriuay May 98Tnoidny Juno 8

Krlrlnv Tnnn 1H

Tuesday Juno 20-- rriuny juiy uTuesday July 20Friday July SOTuesday Auk 10

Friday Aug SOTuesday Aug 31Friday Sept 10

Tuesday SeptalFriday Oct 1

Tuesday Oct 12Friday Oct 22Tuesday Nov 2Friday Nov Id

Tuoiday Nov 23Friday Deo 3Tuesday Dec 11

Thursday Deo 23

Tuesday Mar 23Friday April 2Tuesday April 13iriduy April 23Tuesday May 4Frldny May ItTuesday May 251rlday juno jTuosdny Juno IBFriday Juno 25Tuesday July oFriday July 10Tuesday July 27Friday Aug 0Tuesday Auk 17lrldny Aug 27Tuesday Eopt 71ridav Soptl7Tuosdny 8opt28Friday Oat 8Tuesday Oct 10Friday Oct 29Tuesday Nov 0Friday Nov 10Tuosdny Nov 30Friday Deo 10Tiisday Deo 211Hdny Deo 31

Itotunilng will lenvo Hilo nt 8 oclocka m touching nt Laupnhoohoo Wnbnkonu and Kawaihao same dny ilakennMnalaoa Bay and Lahahia the lollowJncdny arriving at Honolulu the ofternoonBof Tuesdays and Fridays

Mr- - Will call nt lohoiki Puna on tripsmarked

OUT- - No Freight will be received after J

a m on day of tailingTb popular route to tho Volcano is viaHilo A good carriage road tho entiro dis ¬

tance Hound trip tickets coverinc alloxpeiises 5000


Will leave Honolulu Taosdays at 5 r mtouching at Kahului liana Hnmoa andKlpnhnln Jlnnl Itetnrnlng arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings

Will call at Nun Knupo onco eachmonth

U9 No Freight will bo received nfter 4r m on day of sailing

This Company will reserves the nghttomake changes in tbo time of departure andarrival of Its Steamers without notice andit will uot be responsible for any consequences nrlaing therefrom

Consignees must bo nt the landings toreceive their freight this Company willnot hold itself responsible for frolght nfterIt tins been landed

Live Stock received only at owners riskibis Company willnot be responsible for

Jfoney or alunbles of passengers unlessplaced in tho care of Pursers

txr Passengers nre requested to purehase Tiokots before embnrking Thosefailing to do so will be subject to nn addi-tional


charge of tw entyflvo por cent


Clans Spreckels Co




8AN FKANOISCO Tho Nevada Bank ofBan Francisco

LONDON Tho Union Hank of LondonLtd

NEW YQHK American Exohange Na ¬

tional BankOHIOAaO Jterchants National BankPABIS Comptoir National dEscompte de


KongHhnngltalBnuklnuCorporntlonNEW ZEALAND AND AUSrltALIA- -

Bnnk of Now ZealandVIOrOlUA AND VANCOUVEK Bnnk

of Montreal v

Tiamact a General Dunking and ICiehanqeDusiness

Dopot Its ltccolvod Loans made on Approved Hccurity Commercial nnd Travelers Orodit Issuedbought nnd sold

Bills of Exonngo

Oolloctions Promptly Accounted ForlUl tf



Page 6: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish






Kxuipt Hunilny

At Brito Hall Konia Htntet

8j Telephone 841 jqCB

8aB80iinTION BATE3Per Month nnywhcro In tho Ha ¬

waiian Islands t MPer Year 0 00Per Year postpaid to Foreign Conn

trios 8 00

Payablo Invnvinbly in Advanco

Advertisements unaccompanied by spocltln Instructions Insorted till ordered nut

Advertisements discontinued beforooxplratlon of specified porlod will bo ulmrgedas II continued or did term

Address all Communication mid IltiMness Letters to F J Testa lroprlctor andInbllslior

P J TESTA- - Proprietor aud Pub- -


EditorHolding In Honolulu




It is pleasing to sou that some of

our great land owuors hnvo adoptedtho policy of oponiup their land toto tho use of the small capitalistswho doBiro to invest their monojs in

coffeo plantations aud farms

Most of tho lands heretofore set ¬

tled by coffeo planters wore thoproporty of tho Oovornment andwero sold under certain regulationsand conditions nob always acceptablo to tho purchasort These landswore furthermore not of tho bestclass or thoy would have boon undercultivation long ago


The districts of Kona and Qilo

on Hawaii have turned out goodcrops of coffeo for tho planters in

those districts Hamakua has ovor

beon superior and there is probablynot a bettor coffoo plantation in thoworld than tho ono owned by thoHorner family in that district

Mr Samuel Parker has recoutlydecided to soil a portion of his broadlands at Kukuihnole which will

ovontually provo tho most fnrtiloand finest coffeo lands in the groupSurveyor Wall has beon nt work

staking out tho lands which will bo

offored to intending ooffoe plantorsOno thousaud acres have so far boon

set aside and over 800 acres wero

purchase even bofore tho maps wero

ready If thoso thousand acres

which aro tho choice of that parcelof land are taken up tho neighbor ¬

ing lands may bo offored by Mr

Parker to coffeo plantors and farmers

These lands have abundance of

water can easily bo oloaned for cul-



and are situated in tho im-



proximity of good roadsand fair landings This ia tho kindof land on whioh tho small farmerwith a little capital can thrive andprosper Tho parties now purchas ¬

ing these lands aro not importedhere under false pretences from

California but are whito men who

have mado thoir homos hero tnndo

thoir monoy here and fully under ¬

stand tho conditions and circum-



under whioh to livo hero

In fact thoy know what they aro

about and will strike camp in tli08o

nowly opened districts with thoiroyos fully opened to tho businessinto whioh thoy enter

Thero aro other lands to bo open ¬

ed in Hawai and also on Maui suit-



for coffoo cultivation to which

-- w - i vnT

we shall shortly tnako referenceTho exports who havu oxaruiuod tholands to which wo niter especially in

this iaui havu given a unanimousverdict that tho KiiktiilriIo landsfor coffeo cultivating are the cream

of those gloriou idantN


Our Dicky Bird tells us that theassemble wisdom of Doles funnylittle republic ha decided on a di-



masterstroke Tho Kaonahaa left with a Government com-



the Marshal aud a dozen

police officer She is the navy of

Hawaii and her destination is San

Francisco or San Diego At one of

the places the commodore will bo

met by Dolun upeclal emissaries and

a big pow wow will be held Thurs ¬

ton Harlwell Kinney ArmstrongSmith Judii Giluiau Alexaudeiaud the ret of the ilk iueludiuE Id id ilotius will be prmmtt andthe bust methods to annex tinUnitod States to Q twaii will bo de ¬

cided on If the people of theUnited Status decline to bo annexoil it in understood that Marshal

Brown has orders from --Ministor-of

War Jooper to laud the mu underh if command aud take forcible pos ¬

session of America If Sau Diego

is to bo tho point of operation of tho

Hawaiian forces certain propertywill be placed at the disposal of ourauthorities at a reduced reutalApply to Doles Pooh Bib TheSlates will be annexed at all hazards


The ol garchy of adventurer whoaro now usurping the functions ofgovernment in Hauaii appear to boseeking to raise some trouble withtho Japatioo government in regardto Japanese immiKratiou with thointention ol creating an interna-tional


situation that will compel ourgovorumont to iutorforo in such away as likely to lead to annexationTho scheme is based upon the sametricky idias that hnvo marked theconduct of tho missionary govoru-


all the way through Theyare likely to overreach themselves iuthis that if tho United States gov ¬

ernment again iutorforo in Hawaiianaflftirs it may bo to undo the wrongwhich the B talons marines per ¬

petrated in 1893 aud by restoringthe popular government whioh forbo many yoars admin i terod theaffairs of the inlands without quar-reling


with its neighbor so to re ¬

store pearce Those who think thatthe American government is goingto sacrifice its traditional foreignpolicy on the altar of missionarygreod because tho republicans are iupower will I fancy bo very muchmistaken The republican party inpower and out of power differ fromeach other a3 radically as Philipcober dffor fiotn Philip drunkTown Talk

EducatOnul Ohtefa

Ministor of Public InstructionCooper presided ovor yoBterdayHmeeting of tho O unmissiouers ofEducation

Tho position of S Briorly teachernt Kauunkakai Molokal was declared vacant aud B D Mitchellwhs appointed iu his stead Minn

Louise K Brownrt resignation fromthe Waiakea school was accopted

Osmor Abbott of Lahninaluuawas granted a years leave of absoncoto Btudy pedagogy in Germany audMr Ripocraus was appointed to hisposition temporarily

Mrs Estop was appointed tem-porarily


as teacher at Honokaa andMr B Brightwoll as assistaut ThoPalama eohool matter was disoussedbut no final action taken

Tho chief proofreader of tho Lon ¬

don Times is a Cambridge graduatewho has a salary of 5000 but thouhe Is a great suholar not ouly in thoEuglish language but iu all an ¬

cient and other tongues not oicoptiug Asia la ottos Ho is permittedto quory and suggest oxcisions oradditions to tho work of writers andeditors


Got on to Lnrrin A Thurstonseyes iu his alleged portrait on theForeigu Office stamps and thru ro-


on tho Italian mil occhio

The Independent is pleased toloam that the President of thoUnitod States has shown tho cus-


diplomatic courtesy to thoHawaiian Ministor nt Washingtonand was very cordial on the momorablo occasion of the privato din-


party Had not propor respectbeen paid to tho Ropublics repre-


tho Opposition would havejoined it growl to Qio Annexation-ists


yell Country Grst politicsnext is tho Oppositions motto

Thero was a very startling reportin town this morning It was statedthat the Road Supervisor had de ¬

cided to order the sidewalk on thecorner of Hotel and Kouia streetnrepaired As Minister Hatch is theowner of the building to whioh thesidewalk is annexed and wouldhave to foot tho bill The Indepen ¬

dent refuses to bolieve tho reportThat broken sidewalk will staybroken

Persons who can see anythinguucleau in tho Jordan show at tho

Opera House ought to go somewhereand have thoir tniuds whitewashedif not purified Thoy remind us ofLeslies Weekly in which a fewweeks ago appeared numerous illus-


and editorial remarks abiubtho indecencies of tho concerthalls That issue was highly ap-


by all tho numerous read ¬

ers of the Weekly who hadnt beento a concert hall aud it ws an ex-


advertisement for tho art-


Now all the childreu in thatseminary wonder what au uncloaushow is to which they cannot go buttheir preceptors do go

A Curious Oat

The Hngoy Social Club is thohappy owner of a very curious catwhioh in tho courso of its ovolutingprocess of past generations musthave at one lime belonged to ono ofthoso charming hags we see repre-sented


in childrens story books andold mens almanacs as ridingthrough tho murky midnight sluesa s raddle of a broomstick and wear-ing


a Welsh conical hatThere aro as many Btorios about

the arrival of this beautiful petblack cat of tho masoulino gondor ashero aro tho proverbial nine lives

accredited to ono of ils specioi Hois generally supposed to havo desortod from some doomed ship thoprey of tho wind and the waves

Ouo fact howover is definitelyknowu and that is that on tho veryfirst aftornoon that tho Hagey In-


opened its hospitable doorsfor the medical students of tonicsand injections Grimalkin sedatelymarched up the front steps sniffedaround Lowus extended tho rightpaw gave him a knowing look and acongratulatory aud expressive griuand camly took possession aud hasremaiued in control over since

Decorated with a most gorgeouscollar hecaltnly inspects all the stu ¬

dents iu turn as thay enterthe portalant reeogulzes new comers fromthe old but invariably insisting uponmakiug the acquaintances of alllie wanders around limiting uponthe derelicts vif iting Dr Wayson iuhit den and is Equally insistent thathis tank t hall be kept full from thobust restaurants His favorite bovorage when he ispormitled to haveit is a touiu and this ho must havoat least ouce a day Ho also has agreat fauoy for the mandolin andguitar but has uot yet learned thopiano It is well knowu that as arulo oats object to wator but thisextraordinary oat directly a showoroommouces to fall goos out on tothe lawu in front of tho Club andpoacofully roclinlng on tho dampgrass apparently delights In Hoavens showor bath Ho has other in-


traits which do not as arulo belong to Gat dom and what ¬

ever ho may ohooso creates muchmerriment but uosurpriso


To E L FrczoEnALD Labor Com-


of CaliforniaSir Before concluding tho sub ¬

ject of Asiatic competition with thewhite ractB iu Honolulu I ask youto make an impartial examinationiuto tho number of Ohineso andJapanese employed by the variousbusiness concerns owned by wealthyforeigners You will find Chineseor Japs occupying responsible posi-


iu all of our drug stores em ¬

ployed as clerks aud picturo framnmakors by our leading hardwaroand art goods stores As Balosmen

in Haberdasher shops and clerks iulaw and roal estato offices and ob

tailors by tho largest aud mostfashlouable tuilor shops owuod by

whito men iu Honolulu After ascertaining the number so employedin the various lines mentioned sotmuseful data cm be nequired by tak-


a solitary ramble through thesuburbs arouuil Puuolibuwl slopesand aln through tho GovernmentNuWry on Tantalus ant ThomasSquaro on Beretauia and Kingstreets lit the Nursery aud Squareyou will find Japs aud Chinese out ¬

played by this Government that isso very anxious to encourage Am-


While ecareoly germane to thesubject under discussion I wish tocall your attention to tho fact thatin the Knmehnmeha Schools wo hnvoau institution founded by Mrs andMr diss R Bishop for the expresspurpose of educating young Hawaiiaun iu mechanic arts Americansare the nominal heads aud directorsof these splendid schools and mem-bers


of tho American Board of For-eign


Missions are in tho Board ofDirectors Naturally ouo would ex¬

pect that these would givo the nativo Hawaiian craftsman tho prfor- -

nee iu such skilled work as theypersonally have tho power to givoivftor ho has graduated from thotechnical school and thus oncour

go him to profit by his skill Butvou will find tho reverso is tho case

he ubiquitous Jap or Chinese isJouud crowding every avonuo thatthouldbo as a matter of abstractjustice occupied by tho uativo Ha-waiian It is left for those outsidethe pale of tho church to employ aa few of them in tho tradesclways at a lower stipend than thewhite man receive1 who works byhis side As laborers tho kanakasfind roady employment You willfind them working in the lumberyards for sevon dollars per week audas stevodores and general beasts ofburdou This is one phase of thoAsiatic invasion that bIiows plainlyhow the native has boon degradedby such competition Tho youngmen of tho Kamohamoha Schoolsaro booing turuod out year after yeartechnical not perhaps practicalmechauics and finding no oppor-tunity


iu this their hereditary homofor profitable employment at theirvarious trades gradually drift intoidleness and tho slums the knowl-edge


they havo gained serving onlyto unfit them for tho position oflaborers

I am sir your obedient servantVolunteer

Mr Paul Jjrrott will return toWaiinea to morrow by tho HnlonoMrs Jarrett who is very much improved in health will remain intowu for the next few weeks



Holdors of Water Privileges or thosopaying water rate uro horeby notified thatthe hours for Irrigation purposes are from

I to 8 oclock a M Hiid from 1 to 0 oclockp m ANDItBW JJItOWN

Supt Honolulu WntorWorksApprovod

1 A KinoMinister of Interior

Honolulu H 1 April 0 1697 651 tf


TOTI0E IS IIEUEBY GIVEN THATJ1 all accounts duo tho undersigned of1OUU MONTHS or longer standing willI o placed In tho lunula ol our attorneys for

oil ol Ion unless Immediate settlement isundo



Honolulu April 0 1897

Tlio nrrival of tho lust Australia was greeted with a siglof relief from tho whole com-


Tho umisuully long in-


between mniln had madopeoplo quito anxious and ru-


of war and other politicaldisturbances wero flying as thickas loavos in Vallambrosa Thoencouraging news of tho probablepassugo of tho Dingloy bill im-


a duty on all foroignSugars whilo preserving for Ha-waii


noi tho advantages of thoReciprocity Treaty gladdonedtho hearts of all plantors as wellas morchunls who predict a nowera of prosperity and progressfor these beautiful Isles of thoPacific News was also broughtof tho knocking out of ChampionJim Corbett by his sturdy oppon ¬

ent FitzsinunonsTho TRIBUNE BICYCLE

knocks thorn all out Like thoRoman tribunes of old it standson a pinnaclo of fame elevatedabovo all others and liko Fitzsimiiioiis it beats all tho othorChampions

Tho 97 MODEL is tho acmeof perfection in whcols it hasno equal Wo received a num ¬

ber of them by this Australiaand can furnish them in BlackRoyal Bluo or Maroon

Tho Sagor Pnoumatic Saddlois recognizod as tho best for easoand comfort no djsoaso of thospino or jar to your nerves ifyou rido this saddle

Tho STODDER PUNCTURELESS TIRE is impenetrable byglass nails thorns pins etcand yet it retains all its olasticond resilient qualities EveryTiro guaranteed for ono year

Comri and inspect our newstock

Tun Hawaiian Hardware Co Lii

307 Fort StkeetOpposite Spreokols Itnnk

Benson Smith k Co



Hollister Drug Co


Iort StreetTTONOInTn H T


General Business Agent


Convoyancinrj in AU Its Branched

Oollooting rind All Uuolnoos

Muttore of Trust

All baelnesH entrusted to lilui will receiveprompt and caroful intention

Ollleo Ifonnknn Himmkim Itnwnll


PKltSONB AltB BTMOTIjY FOILblddon from onterlng and cutting tinything growing upon tho land of KDiuanu

ikl nt Knlllil wlthont flrtt obtainingpermission from eitlior of tho undoragnodIf found contrary tn thla notice thoy willbo prosecuted according to law


Honolulu April 1 1807 17 Iw


Page 7: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish





ArrivnlnTnoimnAY April 8

Am 4 mnMed sell Allro Coohc Ponhiilloiv I

ir in IMRoi sounaFmiiAV April 0

Htinr Llko lko lVcouinn from HawaiiStiii J hup Make Tnllott from KnunlB H Klnau Mam from KobeBttnr Mimua loa Slmurson from Hnwnil

and M ut


Piiiuay April I

Ilk flallao Kostor for Now York

VosboIo Loavinc To morrow


For Japn nnd China per 8 S CopticMr find Mrs W F Allen Air Hal ton Missllinilo Ah Sum

Foreign VosBhla in Port


USB Mnrlon Qruono San DIcro


sthrT U Tnllant llolHinii fort GiunbloHark Martha Davit boulu San Franc sj o

Am chip V K llahooslr Urnlmm SanKranolsco

Hawn hark Diamond Head War PortJownenil

Am ship aeorgn Curtis Sproiil from hn- -

nasukiAm bk Mohleiiu 8numlors from an Fran- -

olicoUk Somlnolc Wrcdon from Newcastle

IorolRn Stpnmor Mulls

From an Franciscoor Vanoonver

1807On or about

Coptlci April 8

Malpia April 8Warrlmoo prll 10

KIo Janolro April 17

Australia April 21

For San Franciscoor Vancouver

18U7On or about

Australia Apr 7

Dorio Apr 2M low era Apr J

Alamnia Apr UJ

Foroifn Vosels Expected

Vessel From DatnHhln Knhn NnwtnstlH DllO

ilktno Nnwsboy NowcaUlo DuoSohr tvoveliy jNowrastle DuoShip KlrcmlbrlKluahlro Duollrlg1 D Spreckols iJtahukonaJ ftcb 17

SobrOlira Nowcastlo April 1 J

fler bK lttiil Isonb rc Livcrpiol May 30Bk Iolanl Now York Juno 20

Hawaiian Idols

It is of interest to inspect thoSpencer collection of Hawaiian idolB

at tho auction rooms of SeabornLuce

Tho lato Minister was a collectoro Hawaiian curios for a numberof vears aud the stone- idols aro Baid

to have been tho favorite gods of

Kaili Nanakolo Kuinaunu Nihuluaud other Hawaiians famous in an-



timeSome of tho idols havo aludicrotiB

resemblance to some of our local

statesmen aud follow citizens andwill bo appreciated by thoso who

micooed in securing ono of thobeautios beauties from a very

hoathenish poiut of view

And Btill Xhuy Ooruo

Tho Kinai Maru arrived fromKobo this morning with G82 Japaneso passengors all froo mon Thesteamer is consigned to tho KobeImmigration Co and tho passengora will bo kept in Quarantine untilMonday noxt when the usual in-


will tako place It is

expected that moro than one halfwill bo rofuaod landing No fightin this instance will bo shown on

tho part of tho Agouts who havoBubmitted their recent difficulties totho Imperial Government of Japan

Another Error Nailod

Tho Japanese passougors who ar¬

rived by the Sakura Maru and wore

refused permission to laud and woreeventually shipped bade to Japanby tho Coptic did not ranko any dis ¬

turbance or dofy tho legal authori-



Through a misunderstandingtho boow which wa to carry thorn

to thoBtoamer did not arrive at thoappointed time and- - a natural fool ¬

ing of uuoasinoss was oreatod amongtho people Through tho coolness

of tho authorities no friotion oc ¬

curred and tho mon woro ovoutuallyput on board without tho good of-



of tho Diplomatic Agent forJapan beiug oallod into effect

Artificial ears aro raado of aipeoially preparod rubbar Fleshcolorotl Ui tho rough they ro paiuted by hand in exact imitation of thoremaining ear of tho unfortunatecustomor aud as carofully touch ¬

ed and marked over as an artistspicture Tho maker gets 100 apiocofor thorn



Tho Lilanis nru to hnvo n nowbont hnuEc

Tho Sharpshooters Company meetat 730 this n oni ti

New Glove in Mlnuk White andTan at L B Kerrs

White Cream and Butler Lacesin endless variety at Kerrs

Tho Hawaiian liardwaro Co Lavoa very interesting notice for thoboneGt of all indebted to them

Dont fail to visit Sachs storoj andsee tho startling bargains that arooffered

Col W F AlWn left by tho Copticflterilav for a vovneo

oa account of ill health

Tho ship George Curtis and thobark Mohican aro alongside thoRailroad wharf loading sugar

Tho Booial at tho Ceutral UnionChurch school rooms last eveningwas very suci ostiil nnu enjoyable

Crhkot practico thN afternoonand a match at the old Recreationgrounds between Married and Singleto morrow afternoon

Tho Stars and Katnohatuohai willhave a good game of baseball to ¬

morrow afternoon No admission leesand both sidxs confident

The oxcelleut program of I heOaliu College concert will probablyattract a very large attendance thisnvouing Special car a will bo run

American packers ore sending outcotton seed oil with olive oil labelsupon them This tho stuff wo gotat nine resjaurants out of en

Mr Robert Swan Scriuigeour hasbeeou elected a Director and theAuditor of tho Honolulu Hagey In-


vice L O Abies resigned

Lot us have an energetic andhonest food inspector There aroplenty of good aud reliable menpacking Runs out of employment

No lesK than 03 per emit of themanufactured food products of thoUnited States are adulterated andyot tho prefer them to those of theirrowu countrys manufacture

Rev Aloxauder Mackintosh aud anumber of Hoyal School boys visitedtho U S S Marion yesterday afternooii and pased a most interestingtime in inspecting tho vested

Early birds and anxious would-be-voter- s

may register to mortnw at 7a ui j just tho hour when the labor-ing


uiaii goes to work It suits thoAnnexation Club clerks to n dothowover

The battalion drill aud march outtvith the baud last ovouiug was wellattended and tho populace highlydelighted with Borgers martialstrains Tho second battalion turnsout this evening

Otto Graef is still at tho MidOcean Billiard Parlorp comer Hotelaud Nuuanu Btroots opposito thoEmpire Soloon and would bo pleasedto see his old friends call He haslately added a now billiard table

The Union Art Gallery has pur ¬

chased a National Cash Register forthe special benefit of visitors to thefamous iusiitutiou Tho now rgis- -

tors oi wlncn the nrm oi j rWaterhouso is agents is a great luiproYemeiit on tho old stylo

Invitations dated Sau Frauoiscoaro out for tho wedding of MissAlice Noami Kimball to Mr AlexJames Campbell of Honolulu whiohhappy oveut will tako place on the21st iust at the Baptist ChurchTenth Aveuuo Eat Oakland Col

Aocordiug to the sporting fratern-ity


rules tho pugilistic weights areliantams 105 pounds feather 105to 118 pounds light 118 to 1U3

pounds welter lUu to itu middleHO to ICO pouuds usually 1C0

pinmd hoavT over 151 poundsand catch is weight at disaretiou

Whatovor may havo been thofinancial results of irof BristolsHulertainmoiit ho may rest nsurodthat he carries away with him thobest wishes of all aud vety pleasantremombraucos of his excellent ani-


and of the courteous audpainstaking associates and assistants

Tho Call saysHOO IliLhlauders

Tho lauding ofat Oroto noarly

roiiBcd the Moslems to madness andif thoy wore tho regulations kiltsthe rage of tho populace is not to bewoudorod at Tho garb is fittedonly to exoito a fight or a frolio andtho Turk is not frolic some just now

Among othor refroshing delicaciesat Juan Gomanohos dinner

will bo flhiokon curry and asuporilno soup On Sunday a splen ¬

did tablo will be sot and at break ¬

fast ho will give his famous home ¬

made Boston Club brown bread andBoston baked boatil Gorman pan- -

cakes and otuelottos


No signs of tho Mariposa at 3 pui- -

The Manna Loa uas coming intoport this afternoon as wo go topress

There am ho signs of tho Ksenayot Wo hopo thatlho pirato hastaken the lnior lland steamer withthe Marshal police ollicors aud thocrow

Tho Radiu Betinet opium casowas called iu tho District Court thismorning and a furthor postpone ¬

ment grautod till Mouday tho 12thinstant

During tho noxt four months thomail address of Dr St D G Wal-ters


of Kauai will bo loyotonnear Haverfordwest PembrokeshireGreat Britain

Tho Roil Estate Register is issuedto day It is now issued on Mon-days


Wednesdays and Fridays ofeach week instead of on Tuesdaysand Saturdays as formerly

Thoro will bo a jolly excussion onSunday noxt undor tho managementof Jim Ohnpmau The destinationof the party which will comprisemore than fifty ladies and gentle-men


is tho Camarinos premises atKalihi

J T Waterhouse

The only rest wo hnvo lmd in

a year was during tho timo wo

woro Inking stock That timo

is over and now wo aro buck at

work hustling to keep up with

our customers Low prices

bring tho crowds whon tho

goods aro lull valuo tlioy

wouldnt if thoy woro not Every

thing wo ndvortiso is as ropro- -

sontcd and ono wordJBest ox

presses nil

Porculcs beautiful pattorn 3G

inches wido iino for drosses

Twin Star and Fluttor Duck

noat figures

All shades of split Zephyr

and Gonnautown wool Saxony

wool in plain and shaded colors

Largo assortment of whito

Turkish towols cheap and of

good quality

Hammocks of superior quality

for suminor uso

Elogant assortment of lightwoight blankets

Wo havo romnants to burnthoyro choap enough if youwant to put them to that usoi

Tho business tido flows into ourstoro becauso thoro is no highprico to obstruct it


Lomnrcbnnds bonoloss snrdiuos go well at lunch wovohail such a continuous run onthorn that wo hnvo boen forcedto duplicnto our last largo ordorOur prosont slock may not lastuntil tho noxt arrives

Tho wholo world boasts of thojams preserves and pickles putup by-- Crosso Bluokwoll andJ T Morton Our stock contains ovorything put up by thosewoll known firms Tho last lotarrivod by tho Routonbook andaro absolutory fresh

AVo havo goods from thoFrench factories that commandthomselvos Lomarchands highgrado mackorol in oil is ono ofthorn Thoso aro tinnod in thosamo manner as his famous sar-dines


and aro a raro dolicacy

LEWIS COFort Street G ROGERS Tol 210


Established 1850 Capital lfi00ft0tInsurance effected ou Buildings Good Ship and Merchandise


Insurance Company of North AmericaOf ihiludelphla ta

Founded 1792 Cash Capital 8fi00000Oldest Piro Inourancfc Company in tho United StatesLosses paid since organization over - - - 90000000

U For lowest rates apply to

Goneral Agent for the Hawaiian Islands


Flanuolottos 1G yards for S100Victoria Lawns CO cents a piece atN S Sachs

If you want to join a watch clubjoin tho Waltham Watch Club Ithas tho host Comer Fort and Mer ¬

chant streets

Buffalo Beer half and half withtho best of ambrosial brouH rule atthe Pacific Saloon The cheeks arotransferable at tho Royal aud Cos-mopolitan

Klinkou Sie Drinkou S eBofk BeerTake me make- meAnchor dearTwo drink tuo chinksAnchor BeerPrattle SeattleUock

Statistically inclined NPW flnative What is death WUlJilJlhere Native as H is every-where


else one death for every inhabitant Dodds EnterpriseBook at tho Pantheon is a better lifopreservative for rate is two for aquartor


FnANK Brown Mauager

9Nml Wl MnMlinnQtMAi Mnnnltlli U T


ATTKH APItlL 1st 1RSONCoopor and ltoyniond will ociiipy thooUlec of Dr iModrnw on lintel atreot

Illlce llourn from 830 to 10 t m 1 0 toS and 7 to 8 r M Tcltiphonc No lot

ft 1S 1 in

China waro in England is

crockery in tho United States

and mighty good waro in Hono-



Our advertisomont last

weok brought us an abundanco

of ordors it will bring moro

this wook

Tho pricos wo quote aro mis

loading bocauso thoy givo you

tho impression that thd waro is

choap Oonvinco yourself

Sots 23 piocosS2C0Tea Sets 32 pioi es S3 12Tea Sots 11 pieces 3 70Tea Sets f0 pioco

You havo three shades to

solcct from and if tho pieces in-



in tho sot aro not to your

liking you may havo others

Tho breakfast sots aro charm

ers25 pieces at 82 7387 pioces at 1 0119 pieces ntfit O

73 pioeea at 783

Tho dinnor sots cannot bo

described too much for so littlo

Road thoso pricos

Diuuor Sots 31 pieces 1 5 11Dinner Sets 50 pieces 1100Dinner Sets 05 pieces 12 10Diuuor Sett 83 pioces 15 00

V 4


FOR SufLLEJJA LOTH KAllII COxlfO HJET BA0KtU if KaiiK-liiuiii-l- DoyH Hi midfiiclng Kalihi Itimil Biihublo Jorrtsidenccs


In ipiUi Ittus to suit

aw Tor terms and t articular applyto AJlltAIIVM FnitNAXnEZ

OrtoN HhinandfzOnico Xo EOS Mprcliunt Street CamphMl

lllo krearuf J O Cai tors othcoTtlophoue aSO lS5 tf


tourist to V

the rate iU UOulUUIUUlsame







80S Merchant Street near Alakea


Ills tablo excels any in Honolulu

Caters for Ballj DlmiprsWeddlBKS and Picnic Parties

F O CJ Xa T R 5TSeveral times a week


Otkn Daily from 0 a m to 8 i m

G58 3m

Established 1883

CITY MEAT MARKETNuuanu St opposito Chaplain Lane

J TINKER Practical Batcher


tteef Mutton Lnmb and VealIn tho market

Homo fed Pork and PoultryTho Celebrated

O ATxEBRIDO Hl S ATJS AOKHfor breakfast

535 TKItKPIIONE 281 fim

A Balo of linyChanced ono day

HTo stop a horse and sayit it comes my way lor you to

- stay v

My gooso is cooked straightway

City Feed StoveL II DEE CO

Corner Punchbowl aud iieretanla Strcot


I 1IEI1EI1Y OIVKN TO THENOTICE People thatnll Soaoininu-latim-- d

and od by tho Honolulu SoapWuriH Co has marked on each piect asfollows

lion- lulu So p Works GoM W McChu noy Sons

Many Honolulu Morchinls nro ImportliifCiilllornlH Soip and hafiK it markoii

Honolulu Soap and Hawaiian SoapTnko uo sop uulcsH our nauio Is on oacliV CCM W McOHESNEY SONS

531 in Agonti

Professional Horseslioer

Has Oponod Ills Shop at No 32 on KingStreet T II Murrays Promises


Horee Owners will And it to their ndvanJtago to atronl2o tho now shop

wheru tliu best worK laQuaranteed

Teleplion JSTo 57e137 ti

Page 8: nisex as they wore in ancient times ... corrupt or lower tho morals of any young girl Auyono statiDg that tho Jordan show was unclean must be vory evil minded indeed or so prudish










J DST AllJEUV idA now lot of tllO Finest

iQSical Instnimeai

Autohftrpa Quttnrs Violins Kte

Also a now Invoice of the Oolebratcd

Westerineyer Plan osSpecially manufneturfd for tha Irnplctl

clttuntQ Bcoonil to none


On tho Hawaiian Islands during the Instyears

mmnii riiTnii



General Merchandise

Also tho choicest Kuropean awl Ameri ¬


Beers Ale Wines Uciuorsat most ncA8oiunir rntciw


Corner King t JJothol Streets

321 fc 323 King Street

The Leading


Carriage and

agon Manufacturer


furnish everything outside steamhoats and boilers

Horse Shoeing a Specialty


Telephone G07 PO Box 821


Carriage Manufactory128 180 Port Btrcot


Blacksmitliing in all Its Brandies

Orders from tho other Islands In BuildingTrimming Painting Etc Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHT ProprietorBuccessor to G West

Metropolitan Meat Co


G J Waller

Wholesale andKetall



STXTOKESNavy Contractors

Hawaiian GrownOysters

Tho abovo delicacy in now bo

proourod in suoh qutuititios na requirodupon leaving orders with

H E McMyre t BroS97 tf


The Pioneer BakeryBread PIom Cakos of all kinds fresh

every day

Fresh let Uicaiu juado of tho Best Woodlawn Cream In nil Flavors

The finest Home made Confectionery178 If

Oceanin Steamship Co

Mm ftil imm

Fs Saa Francis cu

The New and Flno Al Steel Steamship

ALAMEDA01 tho Oceanic Steamship Cotnpuny willhe duo at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

April 3ttileavo for the nboveAnd will pi

Malls nnd Passengers on or nudate


For Sydney AucklandNow and Flno Al Steel Steamship

MARIPOSAOf tho Ooeanlo Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Ban Francisco onor about

Ajpril Stliwill prompt despatch Mnlls

and Pis ongoM for no above ports

undersigned aro now preparedto issuo

Through Tickets to Points in tho

United EtBlBs

tffir- - For further particulars regardingFreight and IaKsiigo npply to

Wm G IRWIN LdflpnHral AKnla

OcudIc Steauisliip Co



S S AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu

from S FLeavo


March CO April 7April 27 MayGMay 25 Juno 2JuuoJ2 Juno SO

July 20 July 28Au 17 AngTSSoptlK BoptWOct 12 Oct 20

7Deo 7 Dec 15

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco

for Byduoy

lmt JlonoluluMariposa Apr 8 07Moan- - May 0 1607Alameda Juno 3 07M riposu July 1 07Moana July 20 1807Almiicdn AngaJ07Mariposa Sept 2 07Moana Oct 21 107Alameda Nov 18 07




And have with




HonoluluB F

Nov Nov

From Bydnoy forSan Francisco

Ieaxe HonoluluMoana AprAla oiia Apr20 07MHriposaMav27H7Moulin Juno 21 17AianiedaJuly2H7

Aug 10 H7

voana Sept io 07Al modn Oct 11 07

MoaiiH Deo 0 1897

In Respons- e-

To Several Inquiries Why tho

3Ealama 3 roceryDont Keep FEED

II 0 CANNON is pleased to stato that hois now prepared to supply





And hopes giving Honest Weight atLOWEST POSSIBLE KATES to

merit a Bharo of PublioPatronage



433 TELEPHONE Every Time l aOpposlto Kail way Dopot tf



Manufacture andkinds of Jewelry


Love BiilUlluK Fort St tf







bv tho







IPamily jrlotelKHOU3E Prop

Per Day 200Por WooV 1200


Tho Best of Attendance tho Bost SituationnJ H llo l fnBl lltv

YttiralVeiettW v - - w





TwHnty Boys Desort From tho Ap-


Ship Adams

San Diego Gal March 20 Whonthe United States gunboat Adauiaarrived rt on Sunday morningit had 110 naval nppronticoboyB be ¬

tween tho ages of 14 and 18 yoarsaboard all apparontly in good healthand spirits When tho roll wascalled this morning but eighty fouranswered horo At taps tonightfour morn woro missing so twentyof thoco boys are no longer in theUnitod Statos navy

On Suuday night a number of thoboys were allowed shore liberty andfailed to return Last evening avisiting party of officers was madeupf in response to an invitation fromofficers on Lho Moutorey Elovonapprentice boys woro taken alongto man their launch On the wayover a atop was mado at tho SantaFo wharf for tho mail Thoughtlessly one by ouo tho officers left tholaunch and strolled about tho wharfwaitiug for their mail Whon tkeyreturned the launch was desertedEvery boy had taken tho first op ¬

portunity to skip and the balanceof tho voyago had to be mndo with-


a crow A search was institutedbut without awail and tho usual to ¬

ward of 10 a head is now offeredfor tho youngsters rottirn aboardship An officer who was seen ashorothis morning expressed gravo doubtsas to whother they would ever bocaptured

What is tho reason tho boys de ¬

sert ho was asked Dont theyget enough to oat

1hats not it replied tho officerIt is really all a question of princi-


Tho navy is not tho bot placofor boys no indeed Iu tho firstplace it destroys homo and homo iniluoncos tho society of mothorsister girl playmatoi youthfulsweethearts aud all the little influ-ences


that surround the home audneighborhood many of thornfoolish perhaps but sweet and

n for all thatSome of tho boys aro sout into thonavy to reform them But it is apoor reform school that simply dis-

ciplines and toaohes nothing higherin lifo than obedience to ordersAgain somo parents put their boysinto the navy to got rid of themSuch poor lads aro undoubtedlybetter off aboard ship than on landfor howovor unsympathetic UncleSam may seoin at times ho alwaysprovidos plenty of the necessaries oflife to tho lads aboard his ships

But Im moralizing too muchThe real facts are the boys worospoiled They woro enlisted somofour or fiVe months ago and placedaboard tho old battle ship Inde ¬

pendents in tho nary yard at MaroIsland The Independence is amonster old liue-of-batt- shipbuilt in 1810 with four covereddocks aud all fitted up like a groattraining school Here tho boys worofed clotbod and takon caro ofmaterially speaking hotter thanthoy had ever been in tlioir livesboforo

But from this Elysian droamthere came a rude awakeuing OnFebruary 4 tho Adams was orderedto sea and tho boys found them ¬

selves uudor strict naval disciplinewith plenty of work to do for thofirst time in their livos An awfulrevulsion of feeling set in and somoof the lads have novor recoveredfrom tho first shock whilo others arodetermined to stick it out I fearhowovor that by tho time of oxpiratimi of tho torm of enlistment thorowill bo uo apprentices loft S FCall

To Properly Address tho President

Ex Presidout Harrison who dotails A Day With tho Presidout atHis Desk in the Ladies HomoJournal rolatos somo of the amus-ing


solutions of tho porplexingproblem as to tho proper way toaddross tho President Soraotimoshois addrossod by lotter writers asplain Mis tor somotimos as HisMajesty J or His Lordship and veryfrequently as His Excellency ThoHigh Qovornment at Washingtonwas thought to bo au appropriateaddress by one writing from Austria


and a letter addressod to the WhiteOffice was rightly assiguud by theintelligent mail clork to tho WhitoHouso The official title of tho headof the Executive Department is

The President All propositions toadd adorning but superfluous titloswere rejected in Washingtons timeTho correct letter addross is thorofore To tho Presidont and tho oraladdrosp Mr Prosidont




Rovised and Priutod in

Boing an Accurato and Oonciso

Account of tho

Overthrow Monarchy

To bo had only at tho Publishers Offico 327 King Street


Bueinoaa Cards


Attoiiney-at-La- w

Office Kaahumanu StreetHonolulu



Kaahumanu Btreot Honolulu


Dralebs in Lumber and Coal andBaiLDINO MATZMAL3 OP

Am Kinds

OnAAn HtAf Wsmnlnln


Surveyor and Real Estate Agent

Oflico Bcthol Street over tho Now10 Modol Kcstaurant ly


Pluubino Tin Coiteb ANn SiieetIron Work

King Street Honolulu


Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants

225 Queen Street Honolulu

r - MMiW

Wm B Irwin ColiMiTi n

Wm O Iiwln ProRidotib ManagerClans Spreckels Vlce PrcslilontW M QIMHrd Secretary Treasurerrheo C Portor Auditor



Oceanic Steamship GoinpyOf Ran Vrmiilnon Cn

Bruce Waring Co

Real Estate DealersP03 Fort St near King




KW ParlliN wishing to dispose of tbnirlmttMrHpt hw Invited t prII nil n



Iu Quarts and Pintp




Morcliaots Ixcliaiijft

8 I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King ana Miuann Street s

Choice liquorsAND

Find Beers



Empire SaloonCornor Nuuanu and Hotel Bts

William Oarlvle - - Manager

GHoicb Wiiies Liauors aibs


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP

Ralnior in Boltlos

Handmade Sour MashA SPECIALTY



Fancy Work and Dressmaking

PARLOES401 West King Strcot near Lililia

447 tf


JOHN PHILLIPSHas rpmovd lila Plumbing Uusinesh fromKing Btreot to the premises on

Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Wnmn

- i

i 1
