Newsletter summer 2014 [online]

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Welcome to Ormiston Bushfield Academy's online newsletter. With a new publication every half term, this is the ideal way to find out what kind of events students and staff have been involved in throughout the term.

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Year 11 PromOBA said goodbye to yet another year group this term when the Class of 2014 met up at the Marriott Hotel for their annual Leavers’ Prom in June. Find out how the night went.page 6

Sporting SuccessThis term has witnessed yet more OBA sporting success. We celebrate both individual and team achievement in this latest edition of the newsletter.page 4


I hope you like the new look newsletter. This is my final editorial as Principal of OBA. In September I will be returning as Executive Principal for 3 days a week and Mr Kirwan will begin his role as Operational Principal along with the new Leadership Team. I am delighted to be handing over to a strong team with enormous potential and working alongside and supporting them until December. The final few weeks have been as hectic as ever and the celebration of students achievements has been at the centre of our events. The KS3 Celebration evening once again saw students from KS3 receive awards reflecting their academic success, their commitment to the Academy and Houses and those whose attitude to learning has been truly outstanding. The whole Academy assembly provided an opportunity for students and staff to applaud a range of achievements from sport to performing arts, mathematics, reading and a whole host of activities students have engaged in over the academic year. This is an important event as it allows all of us to gather together and recognise the hard work and tremendous range of activities that take place in OBA over the year. In September we return to a number

of changes, for example the lesson times will alter slightly and some operational changes in the organisation of lunchtimes will be introduced. All of these will ensure that the Academy continues to evolve and meet the needs of our students. Can I say a huge thank you to you all for your support especially to those families who seem to have had children at the Academy in all of my past 13 years as Principal. It as been a pleasure to work with so many dedicated and talented staff and to witness so many students exceed their expectations and move on to university and employment. Finally a huge thanks to my Leadership Team all of whom now face their own new challenges and also to Maureen Roberts who is an outstanding PA and has been a loyal friend and confidante to me over my time as Principal. I look forward to my new role and my final term at OBA meanwhile have a restful and relaxing summer break.


Food RevolutionWe feature OBA’s involvement on a day where Jamie Oliver set his sights on a record breaking live cooking demonstration to millions of schools worldwide. page 2

Boulogne TripIn the first of two continental visits made by OBA language students this term, we look at the activities undertaken by Year 8 students on their day trip to Boulogne.page 5

John BentleyRead about OBA students’ recent opportunity to take part in workshops run by former England, British & Irish Lions Rugby International John Bentley. page 3

Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected]

July 2014


“The Academy continues to evolve and meet the needs of our students”

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 2


“ By teaching children about food, we are equipping them with the skills they

need to lead healthier lives ”Jamie Oliver’s Food

Revolution Day is a day dedicated to global change. It is about celebrating the importance of cooking good food from scratch and raising awareness of how it impacts our health and happiness. This starts with getting

kids food smart, making cooking fun and inspiring a love of food that will last a lifetime. The knowledge of how to prepare healthy, nutritious meals used to be passed down from generation to generation, but with many people relying on unhealthy convenience foods, the skills and confidence to cook are being diminished. By teaching children

about food we are equipping them (and future generations) with the skills they need to lead

healthier lives. Jamie Oliver did a live broadcast cookery demonstration where he showed millions of children worldwide how to prepare ‘Rainbow Salad Wraps’, a healthy, nutritious and different snack. His goal, ultimately, was to break the world record for the largest live cookery demonstration. Schools from over 74 countries took part in the day and ‘cooked with Jamie’.

What did OBA do?

It all started at 7.45 am. Three Year 7 students and OBA’s food technology teacher Miss Smith, came into the school and were interviewed by Paul Stainton from BBC Radio, Cambridgeshire for his

‘Bigger Breakfast Show’. After Miss Smith explained what the day was about and why OBA were getting involved, the students were asked about their own cooking: what do they like to cook, why do they like to cook and how they felt about being involved in the Food Revolution Day. Brandon, Asha and William did an excellent job and represented OBA very well. Good job!At 1.45 pm, Eighteen Year

7 students arrived at the food technology room and prepared themselves for the cookery demonstration. Whilst Jamie showed the students what to do, they prepared vegetables and salad dressing. Assembling the wraps proved messy, but each student successfully completed a Rainbow Salad Wrap. At the end of the day,

after cleaning the kitchen, each student was awarded with a certificate to show that they completed the Food Revolution Day live cookery demonstration to try and break the world record!

Key InfoLocation: Food TechnologyWhen: 16th May 2014Attendees: Year 7Staff: Miss Smith

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 3



This term, Ormiston Bushfield Academy

were treated to a visit from former England, British and Irish Lions rugby international John Bentley. Students were given the rare opportunity to take part in a series of afternoon rugby workshops led by the former rugby union star and later that day he attended OBA’s annual Sports and Performing Arts Awards Ceremony as one of two special guest speakers.

In a motivational speech, John highlighted “sport is an important part of life and a great outlet for young

people”. He went on to say that “you only get one shot at the game, the game in this instance being life. You have to make it count”. John spent the remainder of the night handing out trophies to the deserving sports awards winners. Some of the winners included sixth former Jamie-Lee Howarth who the won the PE Curriculum Award and Best Male and Female Sportsperson Awards went to Justas Albavicius and Natalie Durham.Before he left, John paid tribute the the staff here at Ormiston Bushfield Academy. “Staff have been given a tremendous opportunity to make a difference in a young persons life and clearly it’s working here at OBA”.

“ Sport is an important part of life and a great outlet for young people ”JOHN BENTLEY

“You only get one shot at the game...you have to

make it count”

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 4

Year 7Chloe Rymill - 800m Nathan Rudman - 100mLana Proudlock - 200mAndzej Smirnov - 300/400mEndeavour boys - 4 x 100m

The superstitious amongst us might say that hosting a sports day on Friday the 13th would be unlucky; but OBA students took no notice and conicidentally broke 13 Academy records throughout the course of the day.

Year 8Luke Davis - High Jump Marcello Fernandes - 300/400mEndeavour - 4 x 100m

Year 9Lydia Brant - 200m Alan Borett - DiscussKayleighLynch-Graham - 100m

Year 10Ben Foster - High Jump

Spor ts Day 2014A very sunny Friday 13th June saw Bushfield hold its annual Sports Day. All students in Years 7, 8 and 9 took part in field events and in the afternoon the whole Academy came

out onto the sports field to either spectate or participate in a range of track events. For the first year in the history of OBA the Year 10s also took part in the track events

and high jump. After some excellent performances and all the points collated, a new House Team won the trophy. Congratulations to Enterprise on an emphatic victory.

Record Breakers

SPORTING SUCCESSOrmiston Bushfield Academy students are generally used to sporting success; but the pick of the achievements made by our students this term deservedly go to the Year 10 girls’ rounders team who were crowned champions in the Peterborough Schools Rounders Competition. Congratulations go to the following students who all played their part in the competition: Kate Sinclair, Natalie Durham, Bryony Fox, Kyra Findlator, Eva Amaoade, Tino Muchina, Gina Davis, Rose Adams, Bianca Houston.


students attended an outdoor adventurous activity residential at PGL Caythorpe. Students had the opportunity to experience numerous different activities that not only challenged their physical skills but also their ability to work as part of a team. Due to the variety of high risk activities involved students also were faced with the challenge of

conquering many fears that they had. Mr Anderson and Miss Sansby, ably assisted by PGL group leader Adam, were delighted at the positive attitudes and contributions that all students demonstrated throughout the weekend. Highlights included both teachers being thrown into the lake during the raft building exercise, many students conquering their fear of heights to take part

in the high ropes activities and the general positive relationships built within the group. All the PGL staff and activity instructors commented on the brilliant attitude and behaviour of our students. A thoroughly enjoyable weekend was had by all and we look forward to returning next year.

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BOULOGNEDAY TRIP EXPERIENCE“ It was about opening the

students’ eyes to another culture ”

It was a bleary eyed 4.30am in the morning

when we set off for Boulogne-sur-Mer. Thirty five minutes later we were in France, heading off on small roads through the rolling countryside to our first stop: the bakery. First we were to learn the ingredients necessary to make a croissant, then we were going to have a go at making them. The session was led by

a very stern looking baker with a big stick, used to whack any croissants that weren’t up to scratch. At first we were all terrified but we soon realised that this Frenchman was hilarious, despite his rather unusual teaching methods. From croissants we moved to bread; loaves made by this bakery, take four hours from start to finish and are

cooked over wood in a fifty year old oven. Baking makes you hungry so it was very welcome to see a pile of croissant and pain au chocolat glistening in the sunlight; they may have taken hours to make but they only took a minute to eat.

Next stop was the Boulogne Sea Life Centre, situated on the town’s lovely arc of sandy beach. It’s an absolutely stunning collection; as soon as you walk in you are confronted by a huge brilliantly lit glass cylinder, filled with pulsating jellyfish, it’s like

an enormous lava lamp. All the tanks had underwater viewing areas where you could sit and watch the fish in perfect clarity; I could have watched those shoals of piranhas all day.We ate lunch on the

beach; shoes and socks came off and tired feet had a reviving paddle in the sea before we headed off for our final stop at the Cite Europe, the spectacular shopping centre close to the channel tunnel. It was a chance for our students to put their French into action, because if they wanted to buy something and of course they did, the only way was to ask for it in French. The trip was not

just about having a great day out, which we did; it was about opening the students’ eyes to another culture and making a subject studied in the classroom relevant to the world in which we live. Well done Madam Oboh

for organising such a rich and rewarding experience.

Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 5

Key InfoLocation: Boulogne, FranceWhen: 20th June 2014Attendees: Year 8Staff: Madame Oboh

“It was a chance for our students to put their

French into action”

Paris Residential

Boulogne was not the only French city to

be visited by Ormiston Bushfield Academy students this term. A combination of Year 8 and 9 students also visited

the magnificent French capital, Paris, for a week long residential. Students visited landmarks and tourist locations including; the Louvre museum, Eiffel Tower, took a cruise on the Seine river and even

spent a day in Park Asterix. Both students and staff had a fanstastic time and were fortunate enough to be treated to some glorious european weather throughout their stay. Read more in the next issue.

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 6

Ormiston Bushfield Academy yet again say goodbye to another year group. The Class of 2014 met up at the Marriott Hotel for their Leavers’ Prom. From 7.00pm onwards students began to arrive in a cornucopia of vehicles ranging from stretched limos to high performance cars, from a double decker bus to a tandem bicycle. As well as nearly 100 students in attendance a good number of staff joined the party; some even got the chance for a first dance with some of the students. The winners of the ‘first dance ‘ competition were Aaron Oliver and Mr

Kirwan – the member of staff chosen was solely the responsibility of the student competing! The evening was full of dancing, food and merriment and the all-important awards ceremony. A number of students won various accolades in a number of categories, voted by the Heads of Houses. The evening finished with the competition for Prom King and Queen won this year by Claudia Harrison and Kane Farrington. Kane’s style of dancing can only be described as

progressive! The evening was enjoyed by all, including the teachers from the maths department (who were the last to leave), and Mr Wicks again left the prom with no voice and completely worn out. Everyone wishes to thank Mrs Julie Marchant for her hard work in organising the event. All staff from the Academy hope that the Year 11 students have a great summer break, receive the result that they need and that they have great success in the future.


For the third consecutive year, OBA students have taken part in the Tall Ships expedition, a joint project with Cross Keys Homes. The project saw students travel down to Portsmouth to help sail the impressive yacht and also be taught how to cook, clean and tie knots. Students return home with a RSA Level 1 Certificate and Cross Keys hope to send some students on another voyage next Easter to gain a Level 2 Certificate. This is a fabulous opportunity for our students to experience something completely different. Since they have to share all chores and work as a team they learn many life skills during their time away. The students were once again a credit to the Academy.


MATHS IN BUSINESSOn Monday 7th July a number of students travelled to Mattonis Italian restaurant and took part in a variety of activities designed to demonstrate the use of maths in business and everyday life. The students, who were chosen because of consistent effort and

attainment throughout the year, were wowed by demonstrations of pizza making and were shown the importance of maths in the workplace. They took part in a discussion about the mathematics involved in running a business and were treated to a 3 course Italian meal. Georgia and

Shannon in Year 9 were buzzing with excitement on their return, saying:“Everyone had loads of fun, the people in the restaurant were really nice and helpful. It was interesting to look at the menus and see maths being used in a different perspective.” From the new academic

year students who demonstrate consistently good behaviour, engagement and progress in mathematics may be nominated by their class teacher to take part in one of the half termly trips.

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Ormiston Bushfield Academy, Ortongate, Peterborough, PE2 5RQPhone: 01733 233014 Fax: 01733 371524 Email: [email protected] 7

Telephone Absence Line - 01733 404351Please remember to use the Ormiston Bushfield Academy absence line. if your child is absent from the Academy, please ring 01733 404351 between 8:00am and 9:00am and leave your message on the voicemail. The message should include your name, the student’s name and tutor group, the reason and likely duration of the absence. Please confirm in writing when your child returns to the Academy.

Academy UniformThe Academy uniform is available to order online direct from our providers at www.yourclothingshop.com. Uniform can also be purchased from the shop at: Unit 9 Botolph Bridge Trading Estate, Oundle Road, Woodston, Peterborough, PE2 9QP


Summer ProgrammeDuring the summer there will be a Youth Club run by the YMCA. This will take place at Matley Community Centre between 12 noon and 5:00pm on Monday 29th July and every Monday in August. DJ skills and sport are just two of the exciting acitivites on offer. Contact 01733 373183 for more information

Important Dates 2014Last day of Summer Term - Friday 18th JulyProfessional Development Days - Monday 1st September - Tuesday 2nd SeptemberAutumn Term Starts - Wednesday 3rd SeptemberYear 6 Prospective Parents Evening - Tuesday 23rd SeptemberHalf Term - Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October





When staff and students walk through the doors of Ormiston Bushfield Academy (OBA) in September, a new era will begin. Current Vice Principal Dennis Kirwan is taking over from Mr Winstone as Operational Principal, he gives us his views.

I am extremely proud to be leading OBA at this exciting time in its development. I am totally committed to raising the aspirations of our students by shaping the future of learning for the young people at OBA. I am passionate that they become valuable and active members of communities in which we all live.

We are so fortunate at OBA that the building has helped create a positive learning environment which allows all students to reach their potential. I believe in valuing the traditional and yet I am keen to embrace innovation, I know that if every student is given the correct support and challenge they have the potential to achieve great things.

I feel that the key to our future success is based on ensuring that we develop an effective partnership between students, staff and parents. My staff always work hard to ensure that they get to know each and every one of our students as individuals.

I hope that students will notice a difference in September in terms of some of the alterations to the building and the systems we use around the Academy. I see me taking over as a process of evolution as opposed to revolution. I can’t wait for September and I am looking forward to the challenge of leading such a great Academy.