EANET newsletter # 41 25 November 2016 In this newsletter: Partner in the spotlight: Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University (KhNAHU) Alumni Entrepreneur(s) in the spotlight: Ilia State University alumni Reflection on Global Entrepreneurship Week Alumni & Startup at UC Berkeley News from Network Upcoming events: 1214 December 2016 PSC 5 Meeting for EANET Partners KROK, Kiev 2327 January 2017 Sustainability Training for EANET Staff FUB Berlin 2022 February 2017 Strategy Workshop for Ministries HvA Amsterdam 1517 May 2017 International Highlight Event ISU Tbilisi 2123 June 2017 PSC 6 Meeting for EANET Partners ISU Tbilisi 2628 June 2017 Sustainability Workshop for EANET Staff & Ministries ISU Tbilisi Do you have an interesting story to share with (other) alumni entrepreneurs and EANET partners? Please send it to us at [email protected]

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EANET  newsletter  #  41                                                                                            

     25  November  2016    In  this  newsletter:  

 Ø Partner  in  the  spotlight:  Kharkov  National  Automobile  and  Highway  University  (KhNAHU)  Ø Alumni  Entrepreneur(s)  in  the  spotlight:  Ilia  State  University  alumni  Ø Reflection  on  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  Ø Alumni  &  Startup  at  UC  Berkeley  Ø News  from  Network  

     Upcoming  events:    12-­‐14  December  2016     PSC  5  Meeting  for  EANET  Partners       -­‐  KROK,  Kiev  23-­‐27  January  2017   Sustainability  Training  for  EANET  Staff       -­‐  FUB  Berlin  20-­‐22  February  2017   Strategy  Workshop  for  Ministries     -­‐  HvA  Amsterdam  15-­‐17  May  2017   International  Highlight  Event     -­‐  ISU  Tbilisi  21-­‐23  June  2017   PSC  6  Meeting  for  EANET  Partners     -­‐  ISU  Tbilisi  26-­‐28  June  2017   Sustainability  Workshop  for  EANET  Staff  &  Ministries   -­‐  ISU  Tbilisi          

   Do  you  have  an  interesting  story  to  share  with  (other)  alumni  entrepreneurs  and  EANET  partners?  Please  send  it  to  us  at  [email protected]      

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Kharkiv  National  Automobile  and  Highway  University,  Ukraine    




June  2016  Kharkov   National   Automobile   and   Highway  University   (KhNAHU)   hosted   the   Forum   of  Alumni-­‐Entrepreneurs   who   had   studied   at  various   faculties   to   get   different   specialities.  Prof.   George   Tokhtar,   the   Pro-­‐Rector   of  university,  addressed  the  participants  and  guests  of  the  Forum  and  informed  them  about  the  first  results   of   the   International   Association   of  Alumni-­‐Entrepreneurs   in   higher   education  institutions  of  Kharkov  that  had  been  established  in   the   framework   of   the   EANET   project.   He  announced   the   Association   tasks,   perspectives  and  lines  of  development.  Moreover,  the  alumni  familiarised   themselves   with   innovations   in  entrepreneurship   and   the   possibilities   of   their  training   to   become   successful   in   complicated  economic  situations.    

 The   representatives   of   Vasyl   Karasin   Kharkov  National  University,  Kharkov  National  University  of   Radio   Electronics,   the   KROK  University   from  Kiev  took  part  in  the  Forum.      Mrs  Svetlana  Zaripova  (below),  a  representative  of   the   KROK  University,  provided  a  presentation   of   the  association   of   alumni,  which  is  housed  in  her  university,   and   a  successfully  developing   business-­‐league   KROK.   The  Forum  was   addressed  by   the   Head   of   the  Business   School   in  Vasyl   Karasin   Kharkov  National   University  and   Prof.   Alexander   Kuzemin   from   Kharkov  National   University   of   Radio   Electronics.   In  addition,   the   participants   and   guests   of   Forum  had  online  greetings  from  Michael  Tuguntke,  the  Head   of   EANET   project,   the   Netherlands,   Mrs  Nino   Khazaradze,   a   representative   of   the   Ilia  State   University   from   Tbilisi,   Georgia,   and  Mrs  

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Valentina  Pritnan  from  the  university  in  the  city  of   Beltsy,   Moldova.   New   alumni   became   the  members   of   the   Association   and   received  membership  cards.  It  was  unanimously  decided  to  hold  the  forum  annually  in  June.  The   Forum   elected   the   Board   of   alumni-­‐entrepreneurs   in   KhNAHU   to   coordinate   its  activities.        ENTREPRENEURS  AND  TRANSPORT  OFFICIALS  MEET  AT  KhNAHU  By  Prof.  Tokhtar  Georgi  ,  Prorector  of  KhNAHU    Kharkov   National   Automobile   and   Highway  University   (KhNAHU)   hosted   a   meeting   of  alumni-­‐entrepreneurs,   this   time   it   was   at   the  Faculty  of  Transport  Systems  (FTS).  There  were  directors,   managers,   forwarding   agents   of  transport   enterprises   of   Kharkiv   and   Kharkiv  region   that   transport   various   goods   and  passengers.   Each   alumni   briefly   told   guests  about   their   life   of   work,   their   enterprises,  achievements  and  problems,  their  activities.    

 An   alumnus   of   the   Faculty   of   Transport  

Systems   of   2009   joined   the   meeting   on   the  Skype.  She  had  been  working  in  Austria  in  one  of  the   large   automobile   companies,   dealing   with  the  prototypes  of  automobile  parts.   It   is  worth  noting   that   the   Heads   of   the   leading  departments  of   the  university   tend   to   improve  their   communication   with   alumni   to   find  constructive   and   mutually   beneficial   ways   for  joint  interaction  with  ALMA  MATER.    

 All  the  participants  were  informed  about  

the  participation  of  the  university  in  the  EANET  project,   its  perspectives,  aims  and  tasks  as  well  as   activities   of   the   Association   of   the   alumni-­‐entrepreneurs  of  higher  educational  institutions  in  the  city  of  Kharkov.  The  alumni-­‐entrepreneurs  highly   appreciated   information   about   the  creation   of   an   advanced   platform   that   would  enable  them  to  communicate  and  promote  their  transport   services   to   the   participants   of   the  project,   supporting   automobile   transportation  of   various   cargoes   from  Moldova,  Ukraine   and  other  countries  of  Europe.  

   Встреча  с  предпринимателями  транспортниками  В   Харьковском   национальном   автомобильно-­‐дорожном   университете   состоялась   очередная  встреча  с  выпускниками-­‐предпринимателями,  на  этот   раз   факультета   транспортных   систем   (ФТС).  Среди  них  –  директоры,  менеджеры,  экспедиторы  транспортных   предприятий   города   и   области,  осуществляющих   перевозки   различных   грузов   и  пассажиров.   Каждый   из   выпускников   кратко  рассказал   о   своем   трудовом   пути,   своем  предприятии,   достижениях   и   проблемах,   роде  своей  деятельности.    По   Skype   к   участникам   встречи   присоединилась  выпускница   ФТС   2009   года,   в   последнее   время  работающая   в   Австрии   в   одной   из   крупных  автомобильных   компаний   и   занимающаяся  вопросами   прототипирования   автомобильных  деталей.  Важно,  что  во  встрече  приняли  участие  и  заведующие   выпускающих   кафедр   факультета,  укрепляя  свои  контакты  со  своими  выпускниками  в   поисках   конструктивных   и   взаимовыгодных  направлений  совместной  работы  с  ALMA  MATER.    Все  участники  встречи  были  проинформированы  об   участии   университета   в   проекте   EANET,   о   его  перспективах,  целях  и  задачах,  а  также,  о  работе  Ассоциации   выпускников-­‐предпринимателей  вузов   города.   С   особым   удовлетворением  выпускники-­‐транспортники   воспринимали  информацию   о   создании,   таким   образом,  расширенной  платформы  для  коммуникации,  что  позволит   им   еще   активнее   продвигать   свои  транспортные  услуги  между  участниками  проекта,  обеспечивая   автомобильные   перевозки  различных  грузов  из  Грузии,  Молдавии,  Украины  и  других  стран  Европы.      

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IMPRESSIONS  AND  EFFECT  OF  EANET  THROUGH  THE  EYES  OF  A  STUDENT    By  Karen  Davtian,  Khardov    In   June   2016   I   and   the   team   of   my   university  together  with  14  teams  from  six  countries  took  part  in  the  meeting-­‐seminar  in  the  framework  of  the  EANET  project   in  Kishinev.  The  participants  of   the   meeting   were   project   executives,  entrepreneurs  and  students.      It  was  the  first  time  I  took  part  in  the  meeting  like  that.  At  first,  I  felt  excited,  shy  and  not  sure  of  my  strength.   However,   at   the   beginning   of   the  meeting  a  special  interactive  exercise  was  done  to   familiarise   ourselves   with   each   other,   after  that   I   felt   like   a   full-­‐fledged   member   of   the  project.   Communication   in   English   with   new  people,   by   the   way,   was   very   valuable  experience   and   helped   me   develop  communicative   skills.   Having   completed   the  exercise,   I  was  asked  to  say  a  few  words  about  my   personal   impression   in   an   interview,   and   I  had   a   happy   opportunity   to   give   the   first  interview  in  my  life  in  English.  These  impressions  and  experience  I  brought  back  in  Kharkov  I  would  keep  in  mind  for  a  long  time.    

 In  addition,  at  the  first  day  the  organisers  held  a  very   interesting   and   important   action.   Each  participant   of   the   project   could   stick   a   paper  containing   brief   information   about   oneself   on  the   large   board,   and   then   people   pointed   by  arrows  the  paths  from  their  stickers  towards  the  other   project   participants’   stickers   whom   they  wanted  to  get  acquainted  with.  Later,  the  board  was   placed   on   the   wall   in   the   hall   of   the  academy,  where  it  was  up  to  the  last  day  of  the  seminar.  

 However,  the  most  interesting  event  for  me  took  place  the  next  day  when  a  stranger  came  up  to  me   and   asked   me   to   see   him   to   Ushenko  Alexander   Grigorievich,   the   professor   from  Chernovtsy   National   University.   The   matter   is  that  he  deals  with  information  technologies  as  it  was   written   at   the   sticker.  When   the   stranger  had   seen   it,   he   had   had   an   idea   to   meet   the  professor   and   discuss   some   issues   with   him  because   he   was   interested   in   information  technologies  as  well.  I  remembered  that  event  as  it   clearly   demonstrated   how   the   network  worked.      Having   come   back   home   after   numerous  contacts   with   foreign   peers,   entrepreneurs,  organisers  of  the  project,  I  started  my  training  as  a  student  of  a  third  year  in  September.  I  became  better  motivated  and   inspired,   started   treating  my   time   with   care   and   planning   it   correctly,  studying   more   seriously   to   gain   knowledge  about   my   future   profession   and  entrepreneurship.   In   total,   the   expertise   will  enable  me  to  set  up  my  own  automobile  service  centre  and  develop  my  own  business.      


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Впечатления  и  эффект  ЕАNЕТ    

Карен  Давтян  

Харьков,  Украина  

 Я  студент  ХНАДУ,  мне  19  лет.  В  июне  2016  

года   в   составе   команды   своего   университета   я  

стал   участником   встречи-­‐семинара   в   рамках  

проекта  ЕАNЕТ,  в  г.  Кишиневе,  куда  приехали  все  

14  команд  из  6  стран  Европы.  В  их  составе  были  

исполнители   проекта,   предприниматели   и  


Я   впервые   был   на   такой   встрече   и   в  

начале   испытывал   определенное   волнение,  

робость   и   неуверенность.   Но   тут   же   было  

объявлено   специальное   интерактивное  

упражнение   для   знакомства   друг   с   другом,  

после   которого   я   уже   чувствовал   себя  

полноценным   участником   проекта.   Общение   с  

совершенно  незнакомыми  людьми,  к  тому  же  на  

английском   языке,   стало   для   меня   очень  

хорошим   опытом   и   помогло   развить  

коммуникативные   навыки.   Сразу   после  

упражнения,  меня  попросили  сказать  несколько  

слов   о   том,   насколько   оно   было   интересным  

лично   для   меня,   а   также   предоставили  

возможность   дать   первое   в   моей   жизни  

интервью,   да   ещё   и   на   английском   языке.   Эти  

впечатления  и  опыт  я  привёз  с  собой  в  Харьков  и  

сохранил  их  на  долгие  годы.  

А   еще   в   первый   же   день   встречи,  

организаторы   провели   очень   интересную   и  

важную,   на   мой   взгляд,   акцию.   На   большом  

полотне   каждый   участник   проекта   приклеивал  

небольшой   стикер   с   краткой   информацией   о  

себе,  а  затем,  стрелочками  указывали  от  своего  

к  стикерам  всех  участников  проекта,  с  которыми  

успели   познакомиться   или   были   уже   знакомы.  

После,  его  повесили  на  стенку  в  холле  академии,  

и  провисело  оно  там  до  последнего  дня  встречи.  

Но,  пожалуй,  самым  интересным  для  меня  было  

то,  что  на  следующий  день  ко  мне  подошёл  один  

незнакомый   мужчина   и   попросил   помочь   ему  

найти  профессора  Черновецкого  национального  

университета  Ушенко  Александра  Григорьевича.  

Дело   в   том,   что   Александр   Григорьевич  

занимается  информационными  технологиями,  о  

чем  он  написал  на  своём  стикере.  Увидев  это  на  

полотне,   мужчина   захотел   познакомиться   с  

профессором   и   обсудить   с   ним   несколько  

вопросов,   поскольку   тоже   интересуется  

информационными  технологиями.  И  этот  случай  

я   запомнил,   поскольку   именно   тогда   наглядно  

увидел  принцип  работы  сети.  

Вернувшись   домой,   после  

многочисленных   контактов   с   зарубежными  

сверстниками,   предпринимателями,  

организаторами  проекта  и  приступив  к  учебе  

с  сентября  уже  на        курсе,   я   стал  

относиться   к   ней   с   большей   мотивацией   и  

вдохновением,   бережливо   относиться   к  

своему   времени   и   стараться   правильно   его  

планировать,   серьёзней   учиться   и   своей  

будущей   профессии,   и  

предпринимательству.   Ведь   эти   знания,   в  

совокупности,   позволят   мне   в   дальнейшем  

не   только   открыть   свою   автомобильную  

сервисную  станцию,  но  и  добиться  успешной  

её  работы.  

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INITIATION  at  KhNAHU  emphasizes  Entrepreneurship  as  a  Career  opportunity    By  Tokhtar  Georgi,  ProRector  KhNAHU  Kharkiv,  1  September  2016  


   On   1   September,   Kharkov  National   Automobile  and   Highway   University   (KhNAHU)   had   a  knowledge   celebration  –   the   First   Year   Student  Day   –   the   day   of   the   initiation   of   university  applicants   into   students   of   KhNAHU.   The  scenario   of   the   celebration   was   traditional   –  Rector  addressed  students  and  told  them  about  the   history   and   traditions   of   the   university,  scientific  schools,  famous  scholars  and  teachers,  contemporary   research   where   students   were  often  involved.  Rector  emphasized  that  this  year  KhNAHU   was   the   fifth   university   among   the  higher  education  institutions  of  Ukraine  in  terms  of  the  number  of  students’  awards  and  victories  in  national  contests,  Olympiads  and  conferences.  Then   first   year   students   were   addressed   by  distinguished  guests:      • the   President   of   the   administration   of   the  

joint-­‐stock  company  Kharkov  Autotransport  Enterprise  –  Mr.  Strelianyi  M.B.,  

• the   Director   of   the   private   joint-­‐stock  company  Automotive   Enterprise   –   19364  –  Mr.  Stepko  A.I.,    

• the  Chairman  of  the  corporation  of  the  bus  stations   in  Kharkov   region  –  Mr.  Guznenko  G.A.  and    

• the   Head   of   the   Transport   Department   of  Kharkov  Regional  Council  –  Mr.  Dulfan  S.B.    

     They  mentioned   that   each   student  would   start  their   career   through   their   careful   attitude   to  time,   responsibility   for   curriculum   projects   and  self-­‐study   exercises,   self-­‐dependency,   initiative,  being   keen   to   acquire   more   skills.   They   spoke  about  a  necessity   to   study  entrepreneurship  as  the   majority   of   their   alumni   started   their   own  businesses   and   were   quite   often   successful   if  they  had  been  properly  trained  in  the  university.    Rector  presented  the  best  students  to  a  symbolic  student’   card   and   a   key   to   unlock   knowledge.  Everybody   enjoyed   an   amusing   concert  performed   by   senior   students.   The   celebration  was  concluded  by  singing  the  university  anthem  and  bright  fireworks.      


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ENTREPRENEUR  ALUMNI  IN  THE  SPOTLIGHT   By  Anoesjka  Timmermans    Tbilisi,  18  November  2016        Tamta  Gvelesiani,  “Hero”,  Tbilisi,  Georgia    

Tamta  Gvelesiani,  Alumni  of  ISU,  member  of  ISU  EANET  is  co-­‐founder  of  the  life-­‐saving  mobile  application  “Hero”.      Hero  connects  patients  in  need  of  blood  with  blood  donors  with  via  a  convenient  mobile  app,  giving  personality  to  an  otherwise  anonymous  life-­‐  saving  “transaction”.      The  many  accidents  that  happen  on  the  roads  between  Batumi  and  Tbilisi  lead  to  a  severe  shortage  of  blood.  Newspapers  have  given  attention  to  this  problem  last  summer,  which  gained  nationwide  awareness  yet  not  enough  

stimulation  for  people  to  register  at  blood  banks.  In  Georgia  the  blood  bank  needs  approx.  70  blood  donations  per  day  to  meet  the  demand  for  blood,  whilst  they  only  get  an  average  of  30  donors  per  day.  Tamta  dug  into  this  problem  and  came  up  with  the  idea  to  create  an  app  to  stimulate  people  to  become  blood  donor  by  making  blood  donation  more  personal.  Blood  donors  register  at  the  app  with  their  blood  group  and  type.  Donors  come  to  the  app  with  a  profile  and  blood  type  needed.  If  someone  is  in  urgent  need  of  blood,  his/her  donors  can  easily  been  found.    Tamta  with  her  team  are  working  on  the  application  right  now  and  will  launch  it  end  of  November  2016.  “Hero”  partners  with  GPI  Holding,  Georgia’s  one  of  the  largest  health  insurance  companies  as  well  as  some  blood  banks.  The  focus  group  for  the  customer  orientation  consisted  of  ISU  students  (Tamta  is  also  a  part  time  lecturer  in  Marketing  &  PR  in  ISU’s  business  school).  Currently  approx.  100  people  have  signed  up  to  the  app  in  the  test  phase  to  become  a  “Hero”  and  will  be  the  first  donors  in  the  execution  phase  of  the  company.    Being  an  alumni  of  ISU  gave  access  to  lecturers  of  the  business  school,  and  being  part  of  the  university  gives  access  to  the  “creathons”  and  “makathons”  organized  by  the  FabLab,  helping  to  structure  the  idea  into  a  business.  Creathons  and  makathons  are  intensive  24  hr  sessions  in  which  students  and  start  ups  create  and  make  something  from  scratch,  whether  it’d  be  games  or  high  tech  prototypes.    ISU’s  EANET  network  has  helped  Tamta  through  the  organization  of  various  trainings  of  business  skills.      ISU’s  EANET  frequently  organizes  “EANET  talks”  in  which  entrepreneurs  talk  to  students  and  trainings  in  social  media  for  marketing  communication.  Entrepreneur  alumni  with  established  businesses  are  invited  to  talk  about  certain  business  subjects  to  help  students  and  start-­‐ups  professionalize.      The  network  now  contains  roughly  100  members.        

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 Sandro  Kandelaki    Co-­‐Founder  of  Augep  &  Director  of  FabLab  Tbilisi    And  Zurab  Pertaia  Co-­‐Founder  of  Augep  &  Teacher  Entrepreneurship  at  ISU    Alumni  Entrepreneurs  at  Ilia  State  University,  Tbilisi,  Georgia    

   Sandro   (left)   is   Director   of   the   FabLab,   an  independent  start-­‐up  incubator  located  in  Tbilisi,  and   co-­‐founder,   with   partner   Zurab   Petaia  (right),  of  Augep,  an  augmented  reality  app  for  restaurant  menu’s.    Entrepreneurship   runs   in   Sandro’s   veins,   as   at  the  age  of  16  Sandro  already  started  venturing  by   importing   and   reselling   products   from  Amazon,  later  helping  companies  and  individuals  with  making  websites  and  creating  a  platform  for  so   called   “thons”,   like   “make-­‐athons”   and  “creathons”,  to  connect  students  with  business  related   training   events   about   design,   product  development,   programming,   branding,   sales,  etc.   organized   by   companies   and   universities.  When   government   sponsored   “Edulab”   proved  too  strong  a  competitor,  Sandro  chose  to  expand  his  experience  in  a  government  job,  working  at  the  Georgian  Technology  and  Innovation  Office,  helping  start-­‐ups.  Back  at  Ilia  State  Universtiy  to  complete   his   Bachelor’s   program,   he   got  involved  in  Gamelab  and  joined  FabLab.  Now  he  heads  this  dynamic  incubation  lab  for  start  ups,  where  those  with  aspirations  to  start  a  business  can  get  to  work  on  business   ideas,  create  their  (often  technical)  prototypes  and  minimum  viable  products   and   test   their   market.   Anyone   who  

wants  to  create  something  can  come  in  with  or  without  an  idea  for  a  business,  go  on  a  problem  discovery   journey   during   one   of   FabLabs  “observation   tours”   and/or   work   out   ideas  during   their   “board-­‐days”.   During   the   “board  days”   ideas   are   created   and   blossomed   out   in  interactive  ideation  sessions.  The  many  high  tech  facilities  offered  by  FabLab  enable   the   start-­‐up  entrepreneurs   to   create   working   prototypes,  using  either  3D  scanning  and  printing,   (plaster,  plastic  and  steel  molding,  micro  electronics  and  laser  cutting.    Sandro  and  his  team  of  technical  and   business   mentors   (from   corporates   and  university)   assist   the   start   ups   with   their   R&D  and  their  business  models,  getting  them  ready  to  make  a  successful  launch.    

 FabLab   currently   counts   roughly   100   start   ups,  each  of  which  can  book  space  via  a  schedule.  It  is  accessible   to   everyone   by   simply   signing   up.  Members   pay   a   symbolic   price   for   using   the  

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equipment.   Its  co-­‐working   is   free  to  use,  which  helps   to   promote   the   culture   of   working  

together.    Besides   his   position   at   FabLab   Sandro   is   co-­‐founder   of   Augep.   His   co-­‐founders   are   Zurab  Pertaia   and   Tamta   Gvelesiani,   both   alumni  entrepreneurs  of  ISU.      Augep   is   an   augmented   reality   app   for  restaurants  to  display  the  meals  on  the  menu  in  holistic   3D   imaging,   displaying   the   meal   as   it  would   look   when   served,   and   listing   its  ingredients,  calories  and  allergen.  Started   half   year   ago,   as   he   was   in   a   Chinese  restaurant  with  friends.  The  menu  looked  like  a  Chinese   diary   and   they   had   no   idea   what   to  order.  When  they  ordered  and  got  their  meals,  it  was   horrible   and   they   ended   up   paying   for  uneaten   food   and   getting   out   for   hot   dogs  afterwards.   This   is   an   experience  many   people  tend   to   have  when   visiting   restaurants   serving  exotic  meals  or  dining  abroad.    Sandro  and  Tamta  went  to  a  startup  bootcamp  in   Istanbul   to  get  started.  Back   in  Georgia   they  joined   a   accellorator   to   create   the   prototype.  Zurab   was   visiting   the   EANET   International  Highlight   event   in   Chisinau,   Moldova   to   share  experiences   with   other   EANET   alumni  entrepreneurs.    The   prototype   was   made   and   tested   with  gourmet  critics.  The  problems  encountered  were  adding  titles  to  the  meals,  getting  restaurants  to  upload  images  in  the  app.  Restaurants  are  now  

registering  with  the  app  and  are  now  paying  to  get  their  menu’s  in  the  app.    The   business   is   supported   with   a   back-­‐end  website  on  which  the  restaurant  has  an  account  to  upload  the  menu  and  3-­‐4  pictures  per  meal.  The   company   then   turn   the   photos   into   3D  images  that  can  be  displayed  in  the  app.  Now  in  testing   phase   and   ready   to   roll   out   across  Georgia  and  Armenia  in  January  2017.    Zurab   ,  besides  being  the  co-­‐founder  of  Augep,  runs   a   hostel   for   Zurab   likes   to   mingle   with  foreign   people   and   thus   wanted   to   open   a  guesthouse  in  which  he  can  welcome  guests.  The  guesthouse   is   approx.   1  hour  outside  Tbilisi,   in  the   old   German   village   of   Asureti.   In   1817  German   settlers   built   this   village,   then   called  Elizabeth   Town.   The   village   is   special   for   its  cultural  heritage  and  vinyards,  left  behind  when  they   were   deported   to   Siberia   by   Stalin.   The  unique  taste  of  the  Shala,  the  wine  originating  in  Asureti,  is  must  try  in  the  region  says  Zurab.      Being  a  member  of  the  EANET  network  allowed  Zurab  to  join  the  highlight  event  in  Moldova.  He  shared   that  one  of  his   friends,  Georgi,   another  entrepreneur   who   joined   the   International  Highlight  Event  at  ASEM  in  Chisinau,  managed  to  expand  his  business  through  the  network.    Being   in   Moldova   brought   him   insight   in   how  other   people   make   their   businesses   and   what  their   vision   is   on   creating   a   business.   He  benefited  especially   from  learning  from  others’  experience.  Today  he  is  still   in  contact  with  the  international  networks  in  the  Facebook  group.    When   asked   these   entrepreneurs   what   their  ministries   can   mean   for   the   entrepreneurship  ecosystem  in  Georgia,  they  answered:    è Availability  of  grants  and  financing  of  start  up  

programs.  è Facilitation  of  networking  events  for  startups,  

and   international   meetings   with  entrepreneurs  from  other  countries.  

è More   attention   for   Entrepreneurship  teaching  and  training.  


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 Global  Entrepreneurship  Week  2016    By  Martin  Haring  

  GEW November 14-18 2016 November 15 Ilia State university organized a makeathon in which students could develop board games and maybe later bring them to the market. During the session we connected from Amsterdam to Tblisi to show the students over there what we were doing the same time during the launchparty of the prototypes of the students of the minor entrepreneurship. We were connecting by skype. Afterwards Nino Dvalidze from Ilia Stat university reacted on this encounter: “Many many thanks for the virtual session you arranged for our GEW Makeathon group yesterday. As I have followed up to this activity, it was very well perceived by the youngsters who are quite inspired and fascinated by the activities captured through the LaunchParty in Amsterdam. Thank you very much for doing this that is very encouraging and supportive from your side.”

Images from the Launchparty in Amsterdam.

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November  18  Entrepreneurial  Learning  Experience  

 In  the  Beatrix  building  in  Utrecht  about  200  teachers  and  students  gathered  to  talk  about  entrepreneurial  education.  From  1-­‐5  p.m.  a  diversity  of  workshops  were  offered  about  topics  like,  design  thinking,  business  model  canvas,  Lego  serious  play,  business  model  you,  effectuation  and  so  on.  We  also  organized  a  session  about  graduating  in  your  own  company  and  how  the  university  can  facilitate  students  who  start  their  own  company  during  their  Bachelor  studies.      

 Prototype  party  At  the  studio  HvA  in  Amsterdam  during  the  evening  eleven  student  companies  from  all  over  Holland  showed  their  prototype  to  the  public  during  a  prototype  party  organized  by  the  design  thinking  university  from  Hannover.  All  companies  got  an  investment  of  40.000  euros  to  bring  their  idea  to  the  next  level.  A  group  of  experts  and  interested  people  gave  their  feedback  so  the  companies    were  helped  with  their  questions.  This  session  was  sponsored  by  the  ING  bank,  SIA  and  HvA.  


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EANET  Trainer  provides  workshop  and  lecture  at  GEW’s  “Women  in  Entrepreneurship”  conference  in  Tbilisi,  Georgia  

By  Anoesjka  Timmermans  Tbilisi,  18  November  2016  

 During  the  Global  Entrepreneurship  Week,  I  was  honoured  to  join  Ilia  State  University  to  provide  a  workshop   on   entrepreneurship   and   a   public  lecture   on   my   experience   as   a   female  entrepreneur,   having   built   a   firm   with   global  coverage  in  the  recent  past.  

 An   interesting   group   of   of   students   and  entrepreneurs   gathered   in   the  morning   for   the  workshop.  A  round  of  introductions  revealed  that  the   participants   were   all   very   actively  participating   in   the   Global   Entrepreneurship  Week,   working   out   their   ideas   into   prototypes  during   the   “make-­‐athon”   and   “creathon”  organized   for   this   week   and   now   engaged   in  thinking   through   the   business   model.   The  workshop  was  adjusted  on  the  spot  to  meet  their  most   current   needs,   so   the   most   important  elements   of   the   “Lean-­‐Start-­‐up”   approached  were   explained   and   discussed.   Next   the  participants   were   asked   to   map   out   their  assumptions   regarding   their   customers’  experiences   sought   and   how   their   wants   and  needs  were  currently  met,  as  well  as  what  they  assumed  would  be   fears   in   relation   to  adopting  the   solution   brought   by   these   start   ups.   With  assumption   being   the  mother   of   all   failure,   the  

participants   were   then   sent   out   to   test   their  assumptions   by   talking   to   and   observing   real  customers.   This   session   was   followed   by   an  explanation   of   the   Business   Model   Canvas,   its  origins   and   its   practical   purpose,   and   the  afternoon  was  well  spent  working  out  the  various  components   of   their   business   models   to   get   a  complete   insight   in  what   it  would   take   to  make  and   market   their   envisioned   businesses.  Mentoring   this  diverse  and   fascinating  group  of  people  was   a   vastly   enriching   experience.  Who  could  have  thought  that  the  Bitcoin  will  end  up  in  our  wallet  sometime  soon,  or  that  donating  blood  will  be  a  social  happening,  or  what  to  think  of  a  fun  and  integrative  board  game  that  enables  deaf  kids   to   play   with   hearing   kids   without   the  frustration   of   not   being   able   to   participate  because  of  their  hearing-­‐handicap?      

   Late   this   afternoon,   after   a   series   of   interviews  with  the  alumni  entrepreneurs  presented  above,  it  was  time  to  give  a  lecture  about  my  experience  with  building  a  global  firm.  


 Do  you  have  an  interesting  story  to  share  with  (other)  alumni  entrepreneurs  and  EANET  partners?  Please  send  it  to  us  at  [email protected]    DEADLINE  for  next  issue’s  input:  Monday  5  December  2016