NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBÜNE. VOL. XÎT.NO. 3,691. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1853. PRICE TWO CENTS. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. fT!. NClY.'i HUH DA1LT ??????? a ·ß»_?»?·? EVERY MORJtlNO, t-t-atur ixctrTRO,) BT OREELET A McF.LRATB, ratai »-'»?«» ttiLDieic:», coarib or Brarco in a ahat· it», orronn ras cut ball. anaVrt-ered te City -eUtxiber» for 1_, Cent» per »nte K, when t_ey prater, Ükry cea pay ia advance at tho tfera ? iix mooib· or a y»e» at the mm rate- Stafje cofttrn, fee Out» Ma.1 ¿V-ecnb«·:·, F.ve Dollar« per am IP« \ecuut raara*· erakY _e_k_i ? -ra, a »e«. an-,.-.- ,- .«__ tau-it ri-__l«1»,oo_i take-· tar «a aeaU^f^^H' Zm*h*.*l St.. rtr^IsoUwraa-vaiMai-n^·»^·«- sjBW,re«·» th C«oag;«ry Ne»»if»prra Dady F*?m*^mTiSZ tt th_*-.«~, Waera terxna ¦»· a_gher taaa ttae· «'« Pte.t are net a-iewe-J any <_*erei>ce t-|lE *FW.VORK WRKKFeY TK"L.K> A vT.EY LARNE PATTA, FOI THE COTOTRY, b oab-tbed every ß·t?·»??? Mo«·*:·»·, at the low pnce 5ß^^_?_7 ¿t avance K_*_^ *L? S _! awa-tycee-eteoD· ·_«· ta« A»«. ll,.teWw.,n Ä«.Ä£yoti thetic·*^^Ä____T__r _____ nte-tiu for dStantl wiU e»_««- » e«oU fiw line for (Mb its« TtlbO. m TiiK vEtr-roBK tp?p???. r»· BiaoraA» ciaccLA-nort. i,_,h4., «h» daeertare of each Mail Pteerrv-T for »f 335 B·»te or W ¦* Coi.aae.nt, pnute inclined. ??? NEvV-VOUK Tttînt'NE. »t>a eAi.ro·»··> oBreon. *RD t?? sai«i.*Ich ? »la ¡vos, «ao-hltatirr oa the departure of each Mail Steamer (or Oltaeráa Frira *i oreta per copy. the ¦un-wnau.Y thibunk. .seeM_he~«3-er»Tt.-r5.r>«T and Kainar i_i»niin·,. frire P per acn-im. Two crp-e· for BV Ton for Ai·· Adver- M_rasueccntaa line fi r--· ^^ OREELET A »«'.KLRATH, PnMkhen Spmal UToliffe. UT 1.« riere oa Henry (¿rattan and the Iriah t'aler.lrere ·? I7ìn_..In lelol-oeni of a prooi.ito .jaeie to lb« ( "iiiuiiute on the OCC..urn of hi» last dlsCOUkV) taPRW-Trak.THOMAU F MEAOHER *»..! d-liv»ra Lec- anot the above unbject at M». Irotm'.itati Hall, on MON¬ DAI E'· tXtXti. tbe 14t ? inst, ·? 8 ? loe· P.M. Ticket· tacei.Uto be had at the Iriatti American and Truth-Toiler Otace«, 'In· 11 ¡? ', il Bootfltocee, and at the door, on the .venmg of ine. Lecture. tf franktli, lifrturea. -The Eighth and i-tLec- iBte ol ti. pn»»«it »«nee, will be ?·?··!? hy PfoCTOC- NANλ. it (be Tab. iwacie.oti MONDAY EY EN I NO, Beb. 14,at « o'clock. Subject.'"The Cbeiniatry of Food· and Digi«4.on J, tereít.« c toa'1 *)¦ ?·· « Admis».on. 1-| eta. J& Ivlri-liiinlr·,' laMHutr-NOTirE OF ELEC¬ TION.A O'i.eral Meeting of the member» of the aixive Iri i.-.'e v.-ill in» K.« .ri ,t their room·. No. I Bowery, on TVFSIiAY EVENING rent Feb. IA f.r th» el-ction of IBM Il ci I'.rinity with th·· IlvLst,« of the Invtitut», .adkgrie».* ? to a rwolotion to that effort passed at a m -et- lag of ti.« Loan' of Directors. THOMiVS SMI".L.Pfeeident. ?f Cnliimbin t'ellrae..i'e Infortì «diate F.xain »ano« w'il !.»g ? at 10o'clock on MONiMY, 7'h last., and kt ?.t" t/· tu,lowing order Pr- Mefari i.l'r.' An Prof, lien- Frei H«ik Vhmilt, II. . (If k, Nat. l-v. Main (¿..rmaii Alk».. A lu.i. i'liJ.,Cl.e_. A atro. Hetil·-. 7 IDI" II tetan.u H is in n PopboTuorrr..l7 II 19 21 22 »rertiuen.23 20 Prof Dual« r, Ore»k end Latin, 24 Ike Regem« of the Univereity. Parenta and Onardiana, tbe tnimtera of tlw Hoard ol BSBtaHon, Trutte»! tarait Tetvl « of Pablic School·, ai.'l of otter «??????», tbe Alum- ta ol the College, and »11 lnleie»t»d in Education, are iuvit- id ti» »n CHA·-. KINO. I,!. I». Fremi!.-ni Culutiibi· College. ?? Little Nt'cli Aaaorlation..A meet.nrof thia AwocatiOi. wUl he h.l.lori 'l'I K-HYY' EV K.NINO. Feb. IS, al ? ? liK'k, «t the W. ««.eh« «'or Huno, cornet Bowery tad tir, oui, at (.. ut nit«, within· to join are invited to taptotcLf JAMES OlLMOltE, Secretary. t%T Wmritin-H Tempiranre .flrcllnx »t the In- ant«· in Wu«'i r rfot tt i.iar Concord, in Brooklyn on rFliNKSOAY EVENINO, Kth inet, kt7J o'clo-k..Mr». AMFLIA HLOil.MKll.ol Sevieca Fai«, N Y.; Rev. AN- fOl.v KITE L. 1ÎKOVY N. ol lleurieta. ?. ? and SUSAN I. ANTHONY, of Rochester, N. Y., w III be the «¡«teXer» of taeevrntng. All fiieinle of the Temperance Cuuar·, both Men and Women, are refet tfully uviti ,1 to attend. "Tlcketi ¡¿V cents.«an lie had of Mr. Wild-r, No. 51 I'ul- tw-et., Biooklyii, or at tbo door on the etti.ingoi the Meting. ~%?· riirUtliin Ilo· trio«· II II. Society-H Cfjlll.-E OF CATHOLIC LECTURES..JOHN H, BONBON, of Boston, will deliver tbe laat ed fui tetrraol Lecture» on MONDAY EVENING, K- b 14, kt Hoi. ? ?,, pei, Broadway, botare·» ith «?, »ini Aa'.or-ploce. A.Cii. I. (frrgory the Hrvrrth and the Ga;???? Power, l'rice ¦ tMket· 26 centi l!yori«r, R. CODDINOTON. Cbiiiruian. Ja.»ii» Uh tv, ilaaililBlJ IF l'roi.le'a Lirlurr».-Im m ?\ ?«.·.·:·??.· m thu Ceni,, will ?. ?», u ni', rabriiiacle, TUESDAY EVEN. ?p?,.'.?. rvffoo Hi NJtV .1. It \ '.. .(' Ttelirn Yolk G???» Hllbjocl ?'«·? ??.· lit Le»».tn· from Ik· Pol ti. al Lile ol il.iti,un,I Hut ko I.e. tur« will cOIu- R-RMat H u'Cltn'K. 'lickt' a .e.ly One S..llliU|. Cfr*· ??? l'olnln .?1 Union.-Dt HOLTON will de- Irfrr ?. in».· of tl it·, lectui« · mi I'Lvt» .. n, tl.e Meta ,. te F.pi'ti.pal ('In ?. Ii la :*V.-t oath· t-viluiiigi of MON- BAV, 14th. WEDNESDAY Ulli, and FRIDAY, lath iiiat., toe. irincnr» el T\ o'l lock Tie proceed» for ben· Five l'oint· Mim'oii of thi Ladie·' Home M «· Tieki ti for tl.e eoarw, centi «ingle le. tute, ¿X'., to bo bad ni the Lmlr Mani·«et» nei al the Charab. !_· roDiitiir Lrcmrie at Hi«· TnUrrnarle.. MSmShtm· ?·». RICHARDS STOBRS, Jr.ol Brook- lya, e ill deliver the Third Leetara of iheCoaira on WED· BESDAY EVENINO Feb St.h, ct of his discourse- "Thel'aat, our ilrncla " Lecture at H ..'clock. Doors aero at 7. Tick« ti 2* cent». May if had »t the TtonV«torce and at Outdoor. Aito of J I." Shnwood, tit No. 17 ilrovfway, »nd at The It depende!.t Oftiie, No I* He.-kinan-it. Mein- ran of the ?? rcat til«· Library Astwtation «illohtain tbeir nei. at the drik ·? the Library at thi umal ratee. rar ?. Y. >eaemrln· Morlrty. . The Fifth Boi.thli Me ??« will he held THIS iMou.ìav) SVENINO, H7| o'clock, at No. IS Uiiht-»t. Mrs. YY illi.H G anil dt,- bvrr bu addret·. ..fief v-lecli the tabjoot of Diet will he dii- MaMvt. All iut.rr»t. du- ?,ivit·.11.< .tt-ndaitd participate. R ? TIIAI.L. I JOHNS HOYDEN, C.H. LK BARON, .El Comjiitiee. C. C M Y ?. A. CALKINS. I W* CoMIcia ·G Ihr Witr of ÎMJ-Ali tho»e .bowivid in Ihr art.: tv atid nii'itia et tin« Slit« and ttaàr dearatit.ai t·. and Ml who are in favor ot the Boanty ted Art ptaaod MM ?, awaniiug -it1 k··!«·«, 1«extended to Itlacir» to all, will m«e t at American Hal, rorner Uroad way end tiraudat.. THIS EYENlNtl at 7 o'clock. Re t,«..·: , M YNY SI RV1VORS. HP' I.ail Ir» ¡abonu.· aa_M ditene« or weakneaa cau be afted' > kl ¦¦¦>· cur«tl w tin ni tn. Jiciue. «tipports .e«jr\ ,1 |be o»kinl tiralii-rut oi li.'· day, by call.ug on Ii. RAL.-'li P. Ml»., or li.dv, St Niobote Hotel, belweeu lie k«. ? of . ami 10 A. M and 4 and Y 1' M until Friday Istilli »t. An rxp._iUi.it 01 Motel path v, a tien »válelo .I»ariiii: di»ei»c by ..aliiiiiinatlt.g ?.tali/mg viotion, ran be tad·! tl.e.ulhor. ?»»???\,·, i.i ot BTRINOEB I ItlYV'NS EKD. No. .'. ot WILEY., No. 1Ö7 Broadway, »N Y loi -*C«Bt«t ?G??.????? !. «HU they ooiih·, tbrrcyrt la roon. at tl.e luaguiu. vui Acadeoiy and Uyi.aaMtua, N,4.«ud M tal.-a»., Be.ir VV aah.iigtoi. » luai. For part..-tilara ad¬ direi 8 J. SEDO WICK, A M. \'..·«· I'ut.deut aud Sec· «taaVry af the K««ulty Amaecmcuie GKWI) FAREWELL CcONCEHT-PlUL Jl'l.lK N, V io u t«t. reepevffYilly a: i.i that hi« FARrWKi.!. CONCERT will take place ? PCKSDAY EV FNlNll, February ti, at Mctrofjbt&n Hal! oa whtah mmmUmm he will «_wt«-d lv Moie HI SKI ? .i SONTtv! CARL ECKHERT, Oignor 0. BADIALI, »tue PO/.ZOL1V7, Si|«iog(.A^!'l BOM ___. .._;.. S «nr R.H't?». .a· ba». ,n tbe kind·»4 manner, «tt-ted tiieir yaluahie .tee I'antcti'.ar· to futur· aiuiouac ???? 0"· Q AEin.N -L. M. GOTTSCHALK I i»*pe« nuli, eau .un»· la the public that fee will g:v« BtHeaei? «ad ta« Urand Coocert (p-evtoaa to hu depar- ne tor the South)oa THl'RSDAY EVENINO, Beb. 17 Nilo«·'» Oaideui. On which oocasiv.a L. M (? rrsOHALK « ill be se«iBt»ai by ¦¦0.10-1 M VRIF.S, S t 1·0/.'.·?.1??, Ut RICHARD HOFFMAN, And a (»tend Orcheafra auder the directioa of WM VINti NT WALLACE. E»J, Sklectedfrt a tike beet rnideat talent. tVket» (h · «i.«i T*o UtUar«, accord ng to Uvatien. The ¦Bol ttaket·*-) «~__eeteoDTCV-»l>\Y ??????;:. .»AW, at tbe M«tac Stole ef Win. Hal a Sea. No.»· .wadway. Boviicici· ai Is« Cvr.cert to at S oV.o.1. VTBLC· (íARPKS.-_Mn«l. II. SONTAG'* ¿JI FiFTEF > "H NHJHT. THIRD SERIES -Ou MON- "Aï. Kfc ¡I. wi be rertornied, anttitn- t ? «e_aia ¦ ».. LITI A Pi: LAMMElUaOOR. ^ a_l'A.¿. ...Madame SONTA«» *-^R*eo-S.«·* t F irelii.i Aehtoi..Saie»Ba«i.*ii _AHn_RÎLAY _M " '^ ,!""*- --a^»Ta_dí». JK'NDAY jl.rBi «?, #.»,.,«..okar^taa^dratfi.Oratoa, vktttetitattonei« 8t.»rroi »í«w«t». Van Norim A Ring y* VV'eet. A_u at ibe Box Otawe oath· cTrrnag of »^tea commeaco· »t 7} o'clock. Cerna«re at \?\. IfAÏUME ????1???8?>???(.?- NO- 2*T1CE._Holders if S-Mudee Tk-cto w_o could an i~*i**-*--«aaa. cu tbe Tínrd Nighiot S«.>._tai_l>u_, last ? -"F·*'**' «*Ai.»_ that tb· tickeuare go,»! tw Luaiaui .-?.*«_i_, CI mt {Aeraat eight oi LaSouaamb-e. WaU ACK* TIIE_VTER-BrTied»a-a> «-J ."" *.', * »! la, «. Les-ar.J. VV. LriTca. Suge Mao. .m.tH ? a L V EN l Nl ?. k r 14. wi br r«»«-n rj. .. *'LD MEADS YN1' YOCNO ? KARTA nwReraL.. jir.Biaàe, Lady A ..«·.Mae Ke«_e »ec Rocket. Mr Brvagham L Kate Rociet.klra Stepii«-» ra^a. AFKACilC.VLMAN. i£***y.Mr VY_,ot .Yira M.:du_y.. Mr», tremor aJÍ**11 "i*··,*· *t o c.'«»e_ ! pertanaance to" oonuaeoce at 7. "te»»R_l DmtOkx^ymfottt fvuiiCute>» nan li BROADWAY TnEATER-E. A. Marjball, Soie Ltsaxtee.-THIá EVENINO. Fek tt. tste te perfonneri Donala» Jtrrrold'i stew »Comedy. enCHtost ST. CIPID, Or DOROTHi'S FORT ./NTS. Sir v»Irritine Mtv.MrConwsy Qaetjn ?·«...Mr i^vvxg·» Dorothy Bodd.Mm Emma Fitepatrics To be followed two ORAND DlVERT^MENTa Tocxinclutta with" MARRIED AND SETTLED. Ooor· op*n »t bj ; «-emiren«·*» »t7. Boxes and Ft/Ttrt, »cent»; I ??*t Circle, Zie U.^TON'» Til ? ATE R^Ämtrare-st.-- Tins EVENING, Peb- 11 »nil be p!»v-d. ST. CUPID. Or DOROTHY á FORTUNE. Qu« en Bee_Mr. Burt/n Dorothy ? add.. .Mr», rJkerreU PARIS AND LONDON Jean Jacejits.Mr. Placide Le¿y Volali!. ...Mia» tT*«t.Ti Thomas Trot._Mr. Bnrton SeJly Trot.Mrs. Hag»»· Doors corra »t »>J o'el.vîk ; parfera«»«*· ß?>??»?«5?«ß ·: 7. Boxes ano Parquet, 5?> cru'* ; Sterni C.rcJa, ¿> oenu. Pri- .?a·???««?5; OtcÍWt» Chair», 75 cents. BARXn.1·8 AMERICAN MUSEUM . Benefit »f tiie WIDOW of the Iste H. HENKIN3.- MONDAV EVENINO. at 7. o>.«'ck. trie new. comic, moral dren.·, OLD FOLKS AT HOME. THIM AFTERNOOf, tt S o'ckck, THE DEAD .»HOT »nd THF. LADY OK LYONS. The INFANT LEOPARD TAMER «nttears w.ih : e LEOPARD AUMENTA. Tbe PETRIFIED HOUSE and RIDFR. fis· Laving aYniina:·. kc-, ara to be se· n »t »il ??.er». Adrn.ttaxce lo the whole '.laaenrn, Enter· tauri· ..'s «k«., 25 et uta Parquet »nd First Balcony, li» ctLta extra. CI R C Us7 e w-yor ?" ami p??hëâ*· TKR. No. ft Barwery R. 8««io» k «Co., Proprietor» MONDAY. Feb. Il-The Entertainment» eomrrmnea with elegant ttii diversified .»enfi in tbe Circle. D j'nor HttTSe- tunahip. Filiseli Sjieririiri Act« in the C rc>. Ts er,·,. ? in), v. i:h the Orard ^pectteie of ST. GEORGE ai.«i THI'. DRAflON. Pnc.-ir,fadmttaion.Bi»T<»», 25 cents; Pit, Li». Door» opeo st '»$ Performance to commence «t 7, o'c'ocr. Perform »ne· Wivlne«d»j »ud Saturday ».terooous. WOOD » "MINSI KELS -NrTT44~B^âd» Tf way. «hove How»rd-»t-OPKN EVKRY EVEN. G??.H, WOOD MaMftr Mi ?p.-t? .r.-T-.e -nt-r- tainmert« offered by tins c^lebratrtd eo'fjpany of Mnvician« and Fr>; opmn I). linetti.'· »annot be tv aaled by env <,·.:,· r ?.ß United Sute·. 4«-e prograrara»»« Door» open at»·»/·, fVnt^rt ennimrnee« »t 7j o'clock. Ad-?:· e>nt». The public a»· resr.er»rV!y 'nfonnec. that »he After- toon fOncers Art discontinued. HELLER' SALOON of WONDERS·. NEW ¡»ERIES! IUB I m BUS! M. ROBERT HELLER, th.» WIZARD oi WIZARDS, »ni the (treat origio»! Pro!e«eor of Nerrorrenry, has commenced s new »nd brilliant Scr.e· o< WONDERS »od MIRACLES, at hi» »plendid Saloon. No X'J Bn*.;.«»^, Clriiese Buldiags, aad wliit-h will be cot.tinuf ? ur --<·. Anotg »Sten m ii-iu. ? xperinirnt» will be prrn'irel those very astoui-L.ng and ? xtraortl.nary one», the oniatii» SECOND SIGHT »nd MYSTERIOUS RAFFINO·: reifoiii.siicia to commence »t 7$ o'clock P.M., and on Sktotday Atl»rrii<on at 3. Adrnijiion 50 cents. ChiMraa half price. For toll | artsvssvltfa, f"e programm* N.B.. Grane exit»attraction fit SATURDAY AKJT.RNOON. METROPOLITA* HALL CON'.TLSED WITH LAI f.MIER-Prof. MORTON will «ne» Grand Ertini.ii.ment of Nitron» Oxide, or LAl'UillNO GAB, »t the above-D»nied »ii'f i.did Hall, ? ¡»ATURDAY EVENING, Feh 19. Sever»! hoEilred saltona of the Or« will be prepared for on. in order that all who may desire the luxury tt tel ?.,; tlie »aine, and ia'i|h unt.l their ».tie» ache. t»ñ do so. This Gas it tasB c'ljr pure and harmlesa, »nd ,n»y be btcmli'd freely hy all wi¡ Vmt the least ??????a» effect. stjs> erali» fl'"ilopitn the leixüng trail» of charnier.«irat«,rjr, rasstef. a»·.. * «·. Tlef.rst circle will he reserved fct ladiM and children, .cromi »nieri ty »ertiemen. Siniie tickets, or ticket» admitting ¦ gentleman »nd lady, if -st tutte) Ii cents. Tickets lor other parts of the hot··, ¿5 cent» Doors open »t Cj commence 7J o'< lek. ? ALL'1 MOI >EL of SAN IRANCJSCO.- This elegant and interesting model (in carved wood, ke ) i* low on exnibitionat No. «tl» Hrotvlu-sv. Duor» open freni in A.M. to in ? .M. aaa«t»B»aaM Mtttäa It coven ¦ »pace of neat h ?,??? square fret, and co»; the laboro! about twenty a.-tirt« for one year. ?. ? .This 'mc«l«l will g've ss »ceniate know¡«Vge of San Francisco s a vint to that city itself Every lion»· trilli- lully representiil. in form, color and proportioual »ize, every sin < I »nd hill, the »hipp-.nr. Ac 1? rsoiis laving friend· in San Fnncisro c»n behold on tho model Hie house they reside in. Full expUnetioni given visitor·. The Last 1 hai ce io See RISE ? Y'· ILLLSTKATED RIVER ? BAMBA »nd the whole »f the CITY of LONDON, at No. «y»3 Hrnadwav. Commencing: Ever» Evening at 1·) o'clock, tad ot .ATUBDAT API KKNt/?? »t ¿o'clock. Adniissinn rHuctd to only ¿? centi. APOLLO ROOate -THEODORE Ê» FEI.D'esi eclln. ly »iinouiices that Uis neitCLASSI- CAL Ul????G??? SOUIEE. th» Fifth ol the Third Sea- eon uill Uke lisce at tie Apollo Rooms, No. IIS Ur...»«l w»y, on PATrilDAY Feh 19. 1853. Sec iui»ll bill». l>.W)KAMA.~N«>»v open at Meuofwlitaa I Hall, the MAMMOTH PANORAMA of the MIS- IBSIPI ?? 1 It ft .in It» ? ooth lo the Fall· of St. Ai.thonv. ?? ERY ?? KMNtl. nt7J o'clo»k; on SATIRDAVS at a} o'clock. Adiuitsieu iOcti.t·. Cinidiru half pr.«*·. BaAHVJLBD·· riLGRIMAGE to JERUSA. LV.M »nd the HOLY LAND is now open at tbe OKORAMA. No 5?ß hroaimaj, »dj.iiiing th» 5ietropo!ltar. Hotel P»mled from authentic Drawing» made upon the ipot by Mr BAN» ARD in MB Piotxxrt move· every earning ¦I 7|. and ot We3ne«d»y »nd Sat'iirl'v »fternooos U 3 o'clock. Adinifsion Mieta..«ïhiliirea half price. rpiïL BRYAN GALLERY ef CHRISTIAN Jl .\LT-Coi.tt.ninx»SenMof Al'THENTIC PAIN ? NOt, bv Ik· in«*· lelebrate i Mas'er«, in chnnoligi .1 or- d.r, rrern GUIDO 1 SIENNE, (A D.122I.) down to HORACE YERN'KT. it ?«·? op.-n for Fxhibiiiou, at tlio SOCIETY LIBRAUY >nMS. No «?? Broadtvay, fr .m 9, A M. in .">, IV ? »nd 7 t,< lc P. M. Admiaaiou ? cent». Nctt Pnblicatione. ltfOW 1.G???.Tl« I.l;iL'kv»..<xl Ikf Itelfl il c»-(¡RAH.\MS MAGA/INE lor MARCII.I» ei- Ir» p»ges, IX in «U of the very highest order of periodica1 lilcratuir. There » tone eminent.? national In Orahim wbici inake· it the leaditg migaiinc of Auie-'.ca.pra.ti, ai. pr·. STtaaivc «tid .evereiy mdepeodent. The "old f, um" of uikgaiUi-iioui will have to wake tp an«', put on fresh armoi- S.ihtiriptioo, #? ; 2? cent» p»rr copy. New Book*. THE CIRSE OF CLIFTON-A tile of Espianta »od Real«·? puoi·, by Emm» D N. Seutbwc.th. autiior of ti.« Discaided Daughter, Ac. Pnce 75 can t*. Rl TH-By tin- author of Mary Baitoa ???ß, 60 tr...» psper 75 ctiit» c'oth. t OLY EFF1B: Or, Ths Ncri.tcTtD 0*1 *Nt»THt Pit Bsaity, and other tele·.By M.u Caroline Le Hentr. aathor ot R.-ua, Ac. G??«·' »Ocent». THE CONFESSIONAL OK THE BLACK PENI¬ TENTS Or, Tit« ItaLiak-Bv Mis» R»delifTe. Pncs5ir cclis. DEWITT «V DAVENPORT. No 15Ü Naswa si Jnst l*-.b''.»l »-.i. DICaULXS'1 NEW ( HKLSTMAS STO¬ RIE»« A ROUND Of STOR-iá BY THE ci;r:stma8 fifk. Ciuta.t.irig Ttu Btorx·· By Clixtle· Dickens, E»¡. Price 12f cents. A Book 4X]mI to " Disry of s PhyaKian," MY SCR Ali S AND ESCAPES, or. Tat Advsm- tiki.» or 4 Stidl.it. By one of ths Facelty. laxntain- ìng three hniialied baaatifuily printed ntxge·. Illostxateai Price 50 rents. BRAlTIi·. AITE 'S RLTROÍPECT. P»rt XXVI. For Jannarv THE ADVENTURES Of AN AID-DECAMP. Bv '.-.ri-.stJri.i-t Author of " ¦omanr* of War," kc- Third Edibon Pr.ce 50 cert». STRJNOER k TOWNSEND, No 222 BrocJtray. KKW BOc>Ks»-NE\V EOOKS.KMTII OARNETT'? Or. The Le»«» or RocH«»T*a-50cu COLT PFEIF. Bv Mra Caroline Lt»s Honu. 5Ccfs. THE Ol TLAWS OF NEW.YORK. By EiutneraDQ Benntrt 25 cts. ( l S.HOWARD; Or. How TO wix a AVirt. eta. AD\ENTUBES OF MICK COSTIOAN. *»cU. ROI ?D OF STORIES. By Charlr» Dick**», Hcta. LOH, MIO LOWLY. By Mis» Mclnaxth. tl. LIGHT AND SHADE. By Mm A HDrary. »Wcts. Nearly Ready: THE SPITFIRE; A ¡TtelBll Romauci By the aclltorof Tom ?«/» line, Jack AAasB», Ben Brace, kc-, A.c. l^tstaiecu. BINCE A BROrHF.av,Pnkha*ht»re, No. IWNi To tk· IShlsc. OWING to tbe ewAt d"iiiM, 1 for the BEC.I EL to I'MCLX T\>M'i CABIN, or INCLE TOM IN ENGLAND Or. a Pa»r that Blaca'i Whits, tea «a-c will «t «topneu aat.1 Weaices- «tay. FeV 15, to enakle ike »t»»i;»4»er ta i«l présent oréer» is tbecou- ··«¦ A D FAILING. No. » Asia. \rALrNTINES'-Tbi» epleodid Valentine». t anutacraxT-l by the AMERICAN VALENTINE CO.. «nil be kite ea view, ¿ana| tk» tns»n.fcr Iba »c.-siin- tx. «.»«.at... of re-si) fMstetete «' ii* Osto· No. M Sststxxa- t»pp4>»»t· tkr Bun i^aissatags. ap ittirs. TV ektsctst Vtsttv Utes are ? f!r r»^ in»'7 st ths »t«Sf8 pr»*· -*¦* 9i ? »l t( »U I \f EDICAL MORALS. ill-iitrattNlwifh plat«?» ITA aad extract» from Medical work» ; d_rig_ed to »bow the peraieioo·. eoe«! aad mora] ¡nf.uenee of the preeent »vatem ef medical practice, »ad the importance of ratab- liabiaf, Fttnak Medical CcJV'ee, and edacaäag aad eaiploy- itg Feme!« Phyiiean« for their owa aex. By Coorte Gre¬ gory. New York ? For múe it US Nwaea-et. Pr.oe 25 eta Tra a t.aieey andrai._> »-·?_ It.,«.arta «t.tad ar~_- ii.at'e itaWrwy wB»b krw mtm hay. tW kardikstil _ «Wart. Tan »'.tin* bt· drae a err».«. te kar.taty ht wkar. e paire afe »ni tkztk t _,.í ;k»»rrv».t lo*« »ut. R«t are na»eatia J Ittm yart RBM away krlue pnUac «rauneat i* «an«jase oa .«a Rsiat. P«_ul» r«r.ew«a w_ faaad ? rtrrj rwy aad «.a·».·· a«?»«e« laOuttrl .e «In a «ork «« Oae I j ara, We *t to' aa.»Ir «ha.he »a« pene. «ai ir««.a of mrdnraJ pratr-ica _ tho·· mi io ._.·» eae .efter ha. re.rrare, bat wr «Mor rt «I » tua«imi «a «alar», tt ·« l*>flvt_·. ltcaaeet br derwird. tad nata« str-. te WmJt»·»_ la Ih» miller, n-rdr tir· ·»·« ·>¦.-»<» r. i.gkt u inra.io, :kr «aartrt» «Jome··. 'Wjre/e»««r~ .u> do .·' la .e aUv»» \ !- «a-* p»·»» a«- ·,?»? l'.-em tb« hi ,»-t telVa-r-or«,aad ear kr.p.«ujred.i. as ?·..? ¦ beli.a» enarrar t ·* !k«t ai » »? Sri rey ara u ? nd-edafee-jB·:?·.»».·!;· «Mb· ta»v ebed .'· B.m -n Chrutaa k ·????·«_ VI.V. S( lENiIFIC HOOKS.-A TREAT- Il 18E ON SCREW PROPELLERSan-lth-j-Sreem En¬ fine·, with Practical Raies end Example« how to Calculate and Cmvmtne' V ·??_ß tor iny Description cf Veara!·, Vc . t c.( By J. W. Nyr-rotu. Hlas-ated by .? large p! »te». Ivo. THE ART* OF TANNICO. lAUfelllWi AND I.EATIIrR DRF.SsIN'O Theoretically -3d Pi cor,»id« r»d in _i ti. ir Detail·.brio« a T'eatiae oi. tr.» Mmufactnre of tb· vanou« kind* of Lenih»r. IQaatratH by -(¦ Enmviog·. Edited from tbe ntaeb bv Curpbrll Mo'r.'t. Predicai and Ai«_Ijllfl Charata«. Ito. #1 THE ANALYTICAL CHi¡MISTS ASBISTABT-A Marnai«/ Chemical AnaJji a both Qualität,.. adQean· titatne. Fiom tue t«erniirj .t F. Wtrhler, by Li I er. lihurkfrd. Lavo. 4-1 l'¬ Ili HAL CHEMISTRY and _i»m«utarv 1 ·- Rclat i. to Arrieiiltiire a_d _w A-y of L'ft. litro. Si 25 THE COJCPLETE F1ACTICAL B?.KWER. By M. L Bvm. M.D i:io«rrttrd. Kmo. fl. TllE I", ROTECHNIST5 COMPAXION. Ii'ratratod. limo. «">r«i,t». ELF.C1ROTYPE ?.?????.????? B»ia»» the The- ' «:,<! ???? I..I'~tio_. .·. tl _1 I W 'rking io Metal« l'j Tr«. i'atir g thtin fron ili- r S. ur.ons through the Agency o: Oalvanic ',r Volute Electricity, kc. By C. V*. Walker. A new edition, lìmo. 7Y renta' HENRY CAREY PAIi" " .iladelphia. rWadtkl JOHN WII.EV, No-·«»- Broadway. \i:W ITRLICATIONS. - CALIFORNIA If Il.LOTRATED. ir. lurf'ng a Description of the Nie- ararua and Panama Route«-. 48 tine tint ???????ß???μ Bv J M Letu. Pnce tí. ' \ ARTHUR'S TALES BOI RICH AND Poo it. Prve 3e cent» per volume. Irin lowing I. K'rpirir up Appranrc". lPrr->. clou -it. J II. R.rheahave VY inga 18ino,clothgi:t. Ill Ruing m the World. lSuio, cloth gilt 1 V Maki: g ?_?· to be Rich. t-te. elodi g.lt. Y l.t-r a: .1 ('»··«.....· I '.n- c.oth giit- ».I Retiring from Huaii'»·. 1 .o.. clo YOl v'..> FlBST LESSO IN CIVIL OOVE-lf MENT, with new Apien.n. c·' ? ? u»ntery RuleR.tYr I Mb rdit.oii..reviaed. Ilaliurah-'aiui·. ti; c. ?··. G?? ET_ BOOR OF ANIMALS. Boyal M ... M i.iuttrattbUf. new edition. .Vi cet.ta R. T. YOl'NO. No. 140 Ftiltouet. NEW ite VALUABLE SCHOOL HOOK. -A Ol'IDE TO ROMAN HISTORY, from-he Ear- heit Peti« d to tl.e ( lo··· of ti·» YV'»«r,rti Ein; ·¦ ? Dr hrrwer. Autliof of a "Cuide to the Scieatiiic Kno-rl- edge of Things Familiar." re· M »rrs»«nni«at. s»d ¡u arcara«» of detail, rarea m»a<l it ? tl.» petr·..,: te., t·.. · N«»r. iwra'eta ki»«raSffaof· »"Ji» ptinird.ea . l'I». 'J-rror Prcparinc roa Pirlicatio». ? ?G??? To ENGLISH COMPOSITION: or. One ?entire d ai.d 'lwet,ty Sabéwti Analysed an,i liluatraled frt«n Analogy. Hietory, ai.d tl.e Writ.iigs et celi brated An- cent and .Modem Author·, to teach the Art of Argum -nta- tion _od the Development ol Thought. By Rev. Dr. Brewer. CHAS S 1 RANCIS k Co, Pubmhera, Oi Broadway. CHEAPEST ami MOST ELBQA11T IL LI'-TRATFD WORKS EVER«PCHLISHED-THE Il.LCUTRATKO MAOA-INE OF ART Meacbly pane. Price .> cri Coûtait.mg a neh variety of _ttere«ti_fj Literature «nd beantifnl Illustration· from the ¡uotrt il.itiu- gutthed author, in the tao.ld THE HISTORY OF THE PAINTERS Or ALL NA- TIONS Mouth y part». Price in reute A gilde book to the Art«, cet.taibin« «penmen» of tb« choice«: PaiuiMg« aid t" rtii.it» ot ''ion aatbe»« Till. LAIHEe' WORK BOOK. Puce 7Y c.n·« ( n- taibuig lb. m»trtictioi« ai.d «tit fai dt-tgn« for eve-' k.n.i wo-k, produced io a «tyle perir» tly unii B-ABDBB MO.NTOO.MERY.i'utlelier. No. 17 Sprnce ft. CAP.IM.T ??ß???- of NEW-YOIiK- Volume 4 t,f Lippiocott'i Cabinet Hutorte« of the State« THE HISTORY ?G NEW VORK-Fmra i·« EArütwt Settlement to the Preeeot Tuno. By W il t _-r>-m-. ;uid T. S. Aithur. 1 vol., 1- " The Hutorv of New-York, tbe wealthiest, and, from :·» happy grogt.) fi. .1 puaitioD, the mo»t important of all the .raled Sutea, ha· kilh-rto been but lmperfcetly ki.oau evento its ovil citireia. To «tip« y this want.to .n, reader a clear, aectiíu. t a_d ? iiptt* t.?,? hittor·. ct il.o Sta'e from it· earlirat ··'t-ment to tho prêtent day, it the ci-tret of ih-t volvim·- Brief u It ie.it y«t root&ioa evtry event of mark'd h.t'oncal imnonaure, aod.ag mt ii.'n'-d bat tbeee obtn J ms ana d:v i giilativc dttaili wliirh. in a work intén.ied I nitVreeting " ¡mm ..ublishtti. hy LIPFENCOTT, OBAMBO ? C I't ladewbia, and for Mie by all t ,e pr_w;ml Bo ? il New-York kcd elsewhere. KS HENTZ' NEW BOOK.UGLY KFF1E. ir piibluhed »nd to' lale thu murtuni it th· Cbtip BViok. Mag-iioe ? d Pal »lung Estti.i <hm»et ef T. B. PI·. PERSON. No. 93 Chemut-.t.. Pluladelphia. 1 (¡I.Y EFFHt, or Tl.e Neglertrd One and The Pet Beauty and oh« r Tai. « Bv .Mr» (mo..ne Lee Hentx The volati»« contain· l'g>) Eltt», or Th« -Neglected On· .i.d (he P»t B-autv; Negl'tirg a Fee r Y | «,i and Hi« Fertuues The V'JIage Paator'· YV ted AuLt Merry Tue Stranger at the Banquet. 'lb-Tat o I t., ,.» ? thr coujplrte wer», ronfv-ing the wliole of the above. '( centa ? ?. PETERSON te jiwt pul>l'sbrd another volerne o f Mr», llrt.tr» pope-ax woik« Ita·.?.M Tu» Mob Cep Tbe Pedlar : Mur Her. theme Thaukagivi'it Day Dmak- .til'» Dkugbtcr ; Tl.e Cwh lir Lfgeadi ot S.lvrr Wa.e The Premature Dec.jration Tbe Phantom, etc. Enee« for tbr whole, complete .·. 1 t< ., o -avo fV» cents or thi· ii.'.uf and tb» edv.rt.rd «bove will be «cut tj aay, fu. ol roataxr. for oi.e dollar. TI:r twee» work» are for «ale by alt Brmk·»'.'»- aod Newi Age-l» to New-Y oik, and l_roiiiboit tbe I '¡..led Stale« Al HOMEOPATHIC DOMESTIC PRAC¬ TICE -Jnttpubluh« 1 -ll.i-irareahtaateMatic Prac¬ tice, 'v Batel (juei.iev, M.D. Pncr tl >·. Thu u the moat compiete work on Domestic Practice vrrt ? pubbihed. In addition to the ?-·?; on tb» treetmmt ot «.t¬ eiaa · il ontk,nt chap« ri od Aoa'.otuy and Piiytio'oiy, tl.a«- tratet! with ? letat.t -¡.late*. A.?, · chapter ou Hyiieo». an alitiJied Mitri ia Medica, knr! a dieertath'n on the Trae Ibeoraoti WM RADDE, No .ZU Broadway. ATHOl'SANl) ACDfl -WLEDOMEN i - I be ? btaimd to the m*t that the beat urue'i« in aw forpreaetvuig Leti, .a lavo en, or other paper» to wh eli ready ref»r.nce tt oetired. it YOI'NOS IMPROVED ADHESIVE FILE. (Cavea: tiled ? Price, fl, or #9 per deern. kt re'ai .ci· H - .'-ave». For aale by tta- ttoneri generally, . nd manutarrared by R T. YOCNii. No. 1*)Faltón* ?. ?.Every Mie needed may be obtained or mad·. \ "AT.ENTINES VALENTIN}- BINO. S V ALEN »INE EMPORIUM. No 1*4 Hf- «uet. oe« «tool belew beeki-ta-it. where the votar.»· of St. \ eleutine eaa find Valentine· at all pnce· to rait «ay de- pee of aSrction. We offer cone bat Valen-era o:' chrate leat-neat and dniga rick r*it aad elegant, wbi-h authmi na eeaal tar »raaty a»i taste. Come early and make your e lectio·. BCNCE A BROTHER, Ne 134 Naaaaoet No Co_tic· QTBO ? O* VALEN ITNES . VALEN- »Cf TINES All tboee wb.· have arty interMt ia V_e_f.ee· aad tr* Soir»of tb-· bul· God inpid, and -io·· w. be»· a* Rut are food ol the ??_G art» get: -ra'lv. ar- innted to dree ? M 8TRo.NO S OREAT VALENTTNE DEPOT, No.« Naewoet.. and examine hineeUta-de af aeeei_ie_e For m-ty vean pota Strotijt b_i bee· tb· tar»e*t Va.eat_e mai.'ufaa.ta>rr ? Amanca _i.tn« everbody tb· t_i.«t Rial »at Uta tu ? Hi» a_K*t_-»l Uu· yera _, be ··»_»· ra far nntten EBB ui» preMoa· k-e. _Bd,wt>d wora tee exaii :_i:.r. «.1 'From his factlity of aiacetartai-il tbrm. «ad me rxteat ol bis Imiterai ni that hue.. » mom- .bled to oner tl.«»·: ibe vrry loweetaro-k Ca-..·*·! ·«· fog youieelyo« Dralere «r- re<q^^tttd to tell b*»or· par- chasir-i tira·bare A Uberai d.coaat to the txaoe- \VALENTINES ! VALENTINE* I- SPECÎAI. NOTICE TO Bt^·«: Ail Valet tin-· ? irrberad at tbe Broad w»t Po* OÄra mmt Ban kstcw. No- <è| Braadwey, i*er C«atJ_t wiD be de- bvered to _ny pert of the City, aoatb of «»*. "»* ·¦ powage. · Arai»^._«*-_a_ Ommfjmm^mÂjHmfrg POLKA DI BiîAVTRA Uv ?G??-_;-?« .eb_-»dia«W_rtai^i«»tó_e»%lebyF. ?. WEI- ZEL, Braokly» «nd tb«pt-c.pal Matta Btrara.-» Bbaed· .iv Truii.tm*«a,**raoatkr_l_3t_BÍatfcnveP*^ ever tawed tba melody u «parkji-» aad ^e_.. come« witk-a tbe capaL-fy «f -¿¿.a-r» |tenn__ LA N D L O R D · AGREEMENTS ani HOC SE BILLS of tbe _cr «pproyed *?<*·*-**t*<- ^P^^"»*«^?LL£ttml%: ternB_trat>y taa aaeaai1 íarraa-aaaae arara.·?^»-"?- __ra __"rraraiWatwr..ra«__ee_ Cirage«eaA^ra , C-_ee ; H«b»» rararaa-at wita tearr«aa» taeara Aw racent» oírr_t Al«.C-paedEa_._«r«^vr_itke^taJb«. »i^cial Cerrr___ Coveaaat of Rgaewali aira nr tarpan» ? umt¡: -_IHoaerBiIta«rfraary«»»--rv*rae. G-OROE ? BELL, Uw S__oara. 1* WANTEP-A f«'·*1 ra^î^tab-î. ?«·t to ? f tel d n Pairt Stai». -k-U 13 «w «^,*^G_.,*'~ pi» te WM L. titmíS. Ne Oraadet-AVni· lap Vi Fa??ß. A S Cool. Washer and Ironer. lor a email Xa. fcrxaly for ether citv or coaatrv. an Am«eicen. (.ertieitv r»*er-nce can be given. Wou.'d «is tk» sxvtse- wnrkjrr · ima., family. Would pre«« a pises it th? C.ty. npoai.Ue. d: at No at Moiirt**-«»». AS Cook, in a respects··!«* private farailv. or «Ua»jj^«r»^lryeyoainf Wotsiia. Can bs »Ma f»r Ovo day», and ciry rekrenx*aiW Call »t No. ß 1*-·»., p?tat? Moni, »eetnxd fleer A8 OuenaTMBaaB an«! Plain Si»w.»r. bv a r»«:.eet»k!« yoac» Woman, m a f rvate ramilv ha» ro of- ect.on» to4akmg east cf » baby ; ha» Mod r««AstMCM A; ply at No. 36 Oreenwiab-ct AS G??\"»«£? SlRTAVT, or f,, ; r!i :dr»r. bva rtt-pex-rxMr yuan* Wo·.. is. O r-fenncc. Call at Be 7J W.st tftts-st, be: veen 5th »ud a»MB,(MMj C»a be seen for th.. AS NiR-t sTmI BtMastatress, or Chambonn ii«! ai <i paitar, by a hishly respectable yoaog ?.a.t??? QU, ..-..I :ake moiier. te wage» with »" tuce taauilv. ¡a citycr.- «·-txTifactorr referen-- Wtl befotnd w.r.ing »id obLt-:nf. Tboee in »V»nt or' »ach call »: Ne 20Bowery. A\m ve. Wo !4>- withe· a litu.ition as Cook ina rt.riectable nr.rit* farci:», or L-x-indrn»»'»place. ( «r,1 e »»»?? lor two day» City r-'.'mi-r.. e c»·: be given. Cx.T ¦.: N-. « Cuurt place, on the tnt :i.»or in I. niveraty place. WANTED.By a reaj»»Mtabl«e | Tseng Woman. « «xtntticn a* Chsrnbarvind »nd to do pitia? srwia». or to «set ? the washing »nd irouit« in · .rnsJ ;r.v.·.,. fassil] I .:. be »eea tor two day» at No. ß Ataos.ou-piece, (Troyat) Good city reference. 'ANTED.? go«·] Cook I pre- i\ 94.9) M · 0-4T. WANTED.Ev a reaptsctabla Womui. a situation, in » privile f.-.nn'v. to cook, wash »n.l iron, or «a Cueniheru'svd and I »uudx ·»· Irj,u:re at her last piace. No. 41 baicl«y-«t. A IADY. who Itti « -?· riocooa in taacUag Mos.r. w-,.r·'· to ob" «-.? ? -,. 57 Orchard-et. Ter- I er, tiire·· (·ß»????? « week, pay half inaii. ? ii Kr-u-, ¦gat Woo! Kluwer» Uug.'.r or. jqsally ij-r terms C»n be seta ftcrx two till 5, MMtiaya »A edncsdivs, and Fridxyi. AMATE ami FEMALE TEACHER ?*· A.NTF.D..Want· «1. »» eiity as Mttihk a Ma.e and Bmiaïc T-arh-r ro tak.. riar»· t1-tti.r.h Crr.e Iron Werks) l.e -igh Co, l'enti., w.iich kept »per. «¡«ring the whole ye»·, with aha nana! The pitee healthy, the wh«*»l-rx>oti»» large «nd airy. A ¦· i tiernas and Li» Wif« find thig a deairahle ·???»?:?.?. AmlsCaboM to i»",iade.n writii.·. .cc.ni| xnifd with latisfact.iry rvirrence to rn»l ¦nd ? oral ita;..: / O HUA HUNT, Jr, ( kiasnti ios. Fenn , »rill tpre:ve »iti utioo. ?'????. tran Ma«» u-lm»· r<. who has had several year»' expérience in the Ir. « « a »iuari..? in »n K'ii'.sh Dfpa.-tuiexit. iu or n«sr .V. «« ». li.-· h ,h «t t.siirnonitUof emi¬ ne«.! men. Adl.-rni MAI.I.»¡TU, Uro. Iwsy ¡>. U. AGENT« WANTED-T·· eta alata« C»bb.n'* -nptive Testament, itaned in ???·?· ber». l'Ina work highly ». commenti· d hv il «pimi. Rcv Dr 8 S uno« ter. Rev. Hr Cock.. Chief 'Difice Hnriib'oaer. I » Prelingmyaen, »ud oihen. Addirà* (>????·? !'it ? IT. No. Ilpil·· at, AMERICAN V/OMAN WANTED-'.'.. L.> into ·'< C Mtry One that ci'i taks the rva ot a amali Dairv, and imorntan·!· doing «.! tin '»of tsSMMss Apr-ly st So 238 Water-«t. ANY TAILOR or (TUER will ..l.'À'.» IGE ? Ff)X, Tailor, by «eiidiif THIS DAT, M »xtr» Fti,»ali on rind V rat Cutter, to »ppiy pirtoMÍTJ to No. SII Broednay. corner of Ant^ouy-jt. BOY WANTED-Honeerand indaatriôa to learn tbe Drag ?..:;?«-» Apply »t Nj. 3&1 Bu»very. sorter uf «th-it. /.i-I ? ? ?;.»????·> WANTED-Tìir·"» potai tab) ?·t???$ (HyrwK FACTORY OPERATIVES . J Wantrd. a aoodMule SntBttaTJ atBMMMl to earn #1 Î7 t .r dav. «rr 3 with family coutauiii!,» piet-t* preterroiL A dreeser tei.¿er to e»m $1 ii per day, nía tiw men we.kv.-r« t.. t, cd I statt» tact, and » ani from <$t J5 to tl*«1 ,»er day. 1 ????- w::h luiii'.it* (to whom ciipio),jf.it will fur- t..iLid> w.ll leccivc the pn-terenci». Apr>|v mimelxtely IS JOHN LUC!»W(»OD, No iJ, Dey it. EV ? ? I ? Q EMPLOYMENT . A Book- Km per down-town would like to empio» ht· even-nn» in any kind oi writing. Reif rence ,-tven. AdilrotM B. D. W. Tr U.UI.· diti«· H0Ü8EKEEPEB WANTED. .A fajmn wi .;>i»lifl»«l »» a BsMalsxaSMB who iaralari » «tre··, nmy fimi · ásBranls « t'-«t¡on in » ·?»11 fair ily by npplyiiig »t No, il Writ 1 .th-st. M Et HAN K "S WANTED.-A few Tin plat.» WairkeriecdM. h ira', lis rig «.1>0 ro «kV»· to inveì*, aid wl o would Is*-· to i«·,·«!»· ·?? tas cn.intry vrr. c»n clear frctn #2.?«?? t0 ty,ni, per yc»r. ra-i learr .if ? i-ortiinit\ bv a!«ir»»tinf, with re»! üaiik-, ?????G»!» ?' o.reof He Dat.'y Tr k S.\I.r.-«MAN WANTED-In a W.n.li an«! Jewclr» firore. Km need »Ppiy bot thn»·· who have ? M Mrs tonasd t·. n-lling w*:cn.».u h , th« .-onghiy tga. lier·-an«; tt.·- Luîmes», uni can give good ¡?ferunwe. Apply at ?... 11 \V nil ít.up-«:air» ?.'\ \M» WANT PLAiT.··. Km·. IL-it ._' Cool». None» 8«»»j.i»tre«SfS. Cfi'inbcriaadt,Wtttatt»· ea. Hoiisruoi» Oír!«. I.a.indr. tos. kc, ir. want plac«·. ... n* Ws.tei«. I.vrxui-r», Coackmen, S.«-. k.·. Rvtt ? .<! Sei.ai is. Ntw-Voxk ? Uli-e, Nu 47«. bioaawaj. T.f SAU.'·: TO DRESSMAKERS.Wante.l. to uke chtrge of iirpvtri erit ? t t»» ? .1 «i».a*»iit establish- menf aïeul lu i-c .t-.trj ri -.own. an eir-r.ciiced Catter and Fitter of Liu: »s' and Cli Wren's Cloiha.g. »l.«l«ry B"»>t, aad umstirin permanent. (»<xid refer»nc«»sr· it;ir«-d. Apply at No 71' L> «.rwrd-at. between I and I o'. ? ? I: wl tie entirely jet'lesstuojiply at any otifer bone. as tlie advertnxrr will net be tbcie. TO PL'üEI>!Ii:i:» .??. r. » Proof reaiirr. wiic is »»so »toon.irli li « ?? ti.iaa-ij.ent- Mu»: ttntfactirv ?- gmà Addir·» PROOF-RKAJKU «t atti «Se«. TO SHOK líEBCfl VNIS-Waiitt««!, by a Man well icrjaai'.tirtl wi'h the Shoe i.niii.·»«». · »itaa- tion u Salesman in a who'esale store, whereatair «alarv will be given. Adaües· SA/.U »MA ?C '.tat iiawi\ raaxe Fust OtVs. «.ila,.···».·«!*· ,,...·.«.,- .«..a·. ?\-·?. .~* Coprerstn'h* can tin.) eiee/iv cuipl'iyme.it in »n e·- * ir!>s fnini dill ntv, iSv ?- ·p?< ..f roKES at llRdillhR.«, «inner Faltón »ni Cini-ita, S" TO PIANOFORTE KEY-MAKER- a: ' OTHtRâ.Wtuted lnimediatelv, one or t* I »rccitoned to wcrkini .or», tuul wellac].!»!!.' nie of circular e»w» and w£o ur.4eratainl keeping the u kg order. Steh may Ltd cocscsnt em/, lymeut and liieral wage», bait they «n.i»t come well rtx«>miser.<le«l. Appiy t.i J. l-NI'tlir?:. Nt. 4kfaitaaat. TO WHOLESALE CLOTHIEBS- .Vaotfjil. » ·?? -»tion M Fore-nan in a respectable C H cune by a n.an wbj Ut had U year» experience in.Cn·. ting and Mu.iitactur.ns Cloth ng fur the .Saautkern ani Waakna »aaatet, aad B s ¥·*¦:-¦¦ TtBmt. Xiàram A R. o&Ve tf ibi» psper IñtTTED STATES SCHOOL AOElf, V !vF. H. WILCOX, No îrj Broui*»». ' r.j-e, Fait.lie«. Teack ra, kUr.u kz. in.cat $«., ?>. §; «a stxora. ud »hare the beten: of a Cornaaon Fan-t. and perrvtt.»: tri ntxMooa thrasAgatrat tks Caiuo. at t1» ra·.; ot one iK.r cent, on th· rciuired cooipei^ation. year. Securtd 1/ s cefc,t.t.b.< ch-.x. ? th raaaSBMM "lyASHIN.. and IRONINO.A Wutaf.n f ? wt.hcs'o do tht Washing and Ircninf of tnree or I'unr gentle tr en and .»lie». Best of city referen»» can be ,-»tt ?»..·-.» ? .at ap in the best otsrv!»- Apply at Su. 1(4 West lAh-·!., is ths baaemiB: ????'? G.?».A ? Man - torto act m ' » bnlrt-i-ui »ad Oeiier». Clerk. On· t-it M corns niaendedeayaip:« at WATKilL' ??ß?ß-?a' t Stvie. No. ki u;ist¿way. "WANTED-At N.». 114 Nai^aiMt. Teacher·, » ? CsMha Salesri.ee. Men on RtXtrrt»«xda, Ftwter», B»r- ?»e-.er», B. to Learn Trade» Apstac»»«» »axcltxeirig 9', fit« of poataae, xrtT be srompüy »arjled ? SPINK. As:. WANTED-A Eirenun or ?--··--.· ?t»?- tetr. Also, a tua m iabener ta a mana »Jury, a »kort ¿lsraatre in iba coaxtry. Marni it atta prarfcrreti. A«i»i»a» h«n No. Uta Fete OÄoe. W'ANTED-A nrron« \>,une Man. la er 1J v* ve-r» of «f·, tóearrv »ardita, »r Appi»·* aVAKER, UC'IJ'V'.N a Cs »Frmtuig OtBc«. Trikatts Btilding» T\,'ANTED---Tito gixtd t»ip»-rienct<»il Pi»ui«j " » ¥ » «Lex» '. I·. te l'ideato. ··"-·. «Vaste» ?>· ?».-, r L NrwTtukassi BMM3. »»tsar to V ? rAUCCsVEski, Ari-trtu-ng Ag nt,Nt»w Yji«. C k»XAC£a k SOX, C^ii»M4»». ? ? -A .-«»»tntjr «ranted ky Am advertiser «-»»/:¦£·* Pan· maxuiicraring «vnjBStts», with » oaptttl ft 9*9*1, »:^a «'.¡I he an eicsileat in»s«tnxe»i. as tjs »sasi.it») a r»pi»i.y iscuMnag. _ *?ü tDbora it mag Concern. BY .'.fjJ.iv #1. bf mall, to CHAS. KYLE, F-.tSTtoc. Krw-Jemiy, s viiiask^ re«««ne »oi atakiSB titkcwa. work Jar ts\*rsirg 5«»«?ßß asti Falera, irrora woìritaeUree..»»»tJB»x.a.v?twt»s»»al iw-, Miocvtvsded tj rnxxKaktu. i^sMassMslMS»¦ PI 9-t*f*«a-·¦ INFORMATION WANTED of JOIÏV or SAML. PCROIN. aat.vee of New Derbem. Mara- Sboald thi« be noticed by -hem, or anv nth«? iwi'maa that know« tbem, a Ime addretaed to their tu«er, SABAH A G? RC.IN. No 15«J Jay »L. Brook.!· i. L- ?, »rdl BetAa-h- felly received. K'OTICE..V.ie public an. her»? Sy «.autioQcJ .gairat rantiaritaCR Dote drawn by W B. A A Bar. ton in »ver of Andrew Ward dated Feb. T. !«-VJ. a: th.ree nonti?«, tag Two ??odred end Tb ? ?-eagh: De.aia and Fifty -nine creta, (?_- 30.) the aune having been ¡o«! and payaient thereof ttopped. VOTICE «if ASSIGNMENT -N.«¡c·«* It her«·- lf bv giver, that ?????* ORAM and ROBERT F. ORA.M. of the rot.o.hip R.edoiph. m ite Co «rat» of Mon.« and Stale of Nt w-Jereev, compwuif the firm at T. h R f. ORAM have tin» day'made aa aaatgnmeat to the reoscrtber of their -ertiterihip «»tate for tV e ¡nal benefit el th. crediten. of »aid rinn, and th.-.t tho creditor· of «aid firm must -.ir.:; ùiojr mpeenteciaim· to the fitlwtmb-r, .ade» oath or ifjirmalin. »viiliia tJ>· termo: three u-.o.t « - rcb 3,1855. WM. H l'fit ì Dnrite-M Ntw-Yark. ON thi· rocoipr of $3 I will *>:a? r<» an- part o l'uited ntl.l » valnabie Recipe for Itera:vingt Egg», warranted good for ux mou.i« It not wiat repre- -·:·..' .......: I .. ratereirj, New-Jenev. Cfjuiuce for Baeiiuofl ítlcn. AC FMI IMAN. Ire.i an Architect, who ha·!:· !- « ? meet w th a I'ntiier ta tl.e MBtontea...?. o: » .uici be ¦« iJlBgtn rrc»ive »« Parenrr, a Builder, who ...tía 'tiüvtioi. ? »til .i are .f hkiain«·»«. Adilrera (r-repaH) A F o Br.-id.viy l'catOlBee. A SMALL BUSINESS Wan ???- CHASE. Bj ? Ijidv who row («cr-ipt-« tun» r rhh m W ii.iani may he »xchan«ed 'or a i.te uaniber of rex tn» ai.d », Ibi» tb» «tr. « - ··. ticoiBi»tain- wret of Broadeay · na ?? \ H. Palme· kir..; »ed ? ?!??» ol «tock '.od · ig to B«tii Febrvarv. inet.. »' t. Other ??) I FÎMEKS.A RARE (MANCE br . aaENTERPRlSINO FEBSON.-Tb· Batan · ·· a Pr >·· tafOfltaa propose» to ?·· hi» Tt»r tt m? a i.aige ß???. Newipaper and Ornerai Job Pristiug Itti · win h ·?;·)?· a .f cm um, and ariti whiei· * Moothlv ? ,·· »xîenfve pel wl'tio vt.ri,d Vere'«iiitd ?' iratrrd · ·| tbejetbea the ««me gam t.. t'.o p.t cha.-r.it aeni ;>-oe or if pre*rrre.1. the wbo'e will netc.'on rnasoti» kta tema pro- pn teat propri« tor . ation as ne..furortyei.fant. of -1 work; ! iawbieb can tmnt parch·»» m«»ney would be trtierrd to r-if.a ¡; u moti will be ··¦ . n, buime·· «taallSe·· noca, he, ? o. Fot ocatioa, attui a »fina lineimi »lupi nia. term·«· · a peraoe,«tta» Tbr Tnbure, or .revea hue add.»ee.1 to INVALID at the ««ire place, which will meet w lii pto.r.pt alt DESHLABLE BUSINESS STAND SALE, SITI »TED al SINO SINO-? STORE ate DYY'FLLINO..It ia oa· ni Iba ui»«t Muir.«hing an.l h»»l;Iiy vi liage« on the 1!???«..:? Rirrr. .I utile«· c'ty. It ·· tb.· beat «Und in th.· place to: »ay bind of Nbb- lies»; atptarraal oi capied «».firmly »r eery, with k gi>'>d .- BiBiB.lena «tor· and « .:«b,e in ? r « cepaal about to en- g- g« m ether ·- uewi the busi- he in· he- rotlt» M Im «CTI DRUG -???? for sale.On sftko brnX ttaad· tn the ct urtry. bent« i:< \t door ·> a tir»:-clai» Hot« I. and en a I. adtug bu-ice*» street: n now J,.itig an ear« lient basini m. which csn much increased by proper attintilo. Acuii·« J W. S. No. HT7 N»iv..aveu Posi- Ollice. DIM'«'. STOKE te S U.E. -An».«.1.1 Ntab* iny d ni a good binine«·, a .libo «old low forcr A Apply t No 11 (.rand-It 1¡V)B BALE, t«· LET, or EXCHANGE Mr CITI PROPERTY-The va'iiab'¦· Water-pea Flouring Mill at Matta»an, Fitbktl'. Duihena Co. ? Y «.?»('.er »· li tire ?.?»,.o alt ached, af ti at· A li Sebeack The propert»coiit.lri7 acrradl Lan it g ti.» Mattawnn Machine Co, ago:.· ß Ilude". Il«, ? ?. lüoed. The Battford lad Fi»! kill ita '.ioni will run »?. the lu ? of lb· prerperty. 1 ? tty very rieur»1!, ti ? it« pre··.t buaii.'«·, er M au .iVMtn t* ivintr wtabn »eli ou «crouiit of ie»· tn; the place, ni«· own l>> the own«.-on Ih» pro »eriy WM II YVVLSH. i'nh U, Miftnwan. G Oh SALE..A valuable« livratien for militi· f»e:unng Pig Iron, R.linn«! Iron, Ac. -Th» ..ihscriber odori tor «nie avaluabl· lot itt.ui tor the iron ba_aera «ituat- rd oa the Delaware Re. Ii set, o¡)oo«i·.· Eait >i, Pron. Thia pUre ha« ela»V woteri « .n to the h i.. ili. I'tr'atvr.re aud Morn« tft'ial, ; a«. .??¬ ? on the line Of tLe? Deluder·· a..·. load aad ?.» ait' ¦·· I6¿«to: v (Outrai Kail- ] aa All these cniauidti''it mi· can · tptdy iron ore aud I C( ilk. the !.-¦ t«.i ·· Thu ple-e » ? lioa of c«pit«hsts wiib'Og m engage m fl:·· non b»i«'n»·«. JO:< llfJWCLL r;««toa. Pena. ÍXm SAJ.L-A KOI.I.INO .MIL(», i.i ? · opta») Rbra a wi'iE MILL, with «h.minai wit-r, « ihr»e miiee'rom Prrkik Li Apply to Jos» VU STH Y NO ., of to E.H. BIB BY, King« Brtd«e IV) BUSINES- ?? \-lor Salt·, an ?·.:.t est of Ont-Hail ir, a (»ruponitieQ Decorating Es.,ib- lisbment te 'he M«nulsct'ire ? f Ornainenial P r RR : (enter Tablrs, l.«x aing (ilase. Portrait and Fraine«. lutei: ? D>. oialirif nt In fl ,«·. BtRORth»it*. M N'.nr .«ar» eatabliibed eu .«es. l.av.ng an eiteLM·. e coi.niry and city connection. Apply -'. No- 13. ( ...tonili «t RRHjn lloor. TO MA( HIMS'IS.- F..r S.I.·, a Machiuf» io.. Staat ? : ',»'. ¦·«¦..'...·· La.· ira, ???\ ?? -? ne » lease of ibop tur tire vnaf«. No h..r»e («» lOod-will of bii.ioe··. Ap^ly te J ? MILU, hiiiiiwiy or of JOHN MlLLS/fNo 11» Yth-«. To B-ERC HAN i S and TRA DEBfl .? .'fri- r.RiiT year» re·:·!«.* of ? Putì Btgb, Pa, the bay to the «vrai VY -t lb« »rawtara of tvtogr.at Kai lreail«, «nd «ill en·, irta.ran uni' ' w.York«rrFAH- e lio » onid with to ektabtiah » teaaft bon·» in thk'C'y. lb» i.-lvertis» ' of p»r»e. ·« l.abii· pr»riir_ ki.oa'edg·. .Id », . , .. th th- e. · ai u rnetchart« of the . «r ·?· It «' leattfl ta . v irginia and 0 liimabie r«fnr· »re««rv"i a tie City of Nrw-Yorfc And Pitubn gh. Ap- r'jly ictutto ? /,?? I«Selllv_j.it,New-Y««*. ?^?? ¡ EIT8ICIAN- »ml I»!M;i;i;ists -For Sale, ?? e ut 'he flteta ratei u«hrd Drig Store« ri ih· |l .. .1 beuueae. R>.t low, wit t a e paoiiRiiiij ta laialj lo ht aaa4 .ab For t.rtt.er pnet-uaia c»ii ou lite .erraer of'«?··? m weh »v. and C. nstoi beret. FIX) PRINTERS m DLI8H£R&.r« ! JL sale, a Plinto· OtSce, e mta.r.u.g two doub'»-r'»y«l Amjoet P,-tsr»(i. .e ueftenii Sta.aia« Press, ProwBoard·, and a . the .nu. »? ? ·« « \:mt -. ..»^? Pnwui on tbe ; r-t nt«. Tbe whole ur part wul be told el»e«p. Aleo, · Single Cylii~er Napier, jtlg.i4. Tbe pnnea· may \a ***n »ork. Ap-i» betweeo i.'ai-d 1 faiO-t, to R J. R1CM- AADS, No rpo WA'K II.MAKERS au.l .JEWELERS. X .For Sal-, tb« Stexk a-.d F.xt-ires «u a J-weJry Store a · ?trai part of the city, ear ag ureo estahi-shed lor the ..t St ye*"* witboieodiaa «laleeak.rbbmb·.S watch re- t'i Dwei..ng, will tat oa lease Ibr i,ce ra a rare» fi ira F .r Fui liier p_rtuiukr· apply to M'iara PLaTT A bB'>l.tE!u·. No *> Yt___»-i»i_. ??~ To L»· a funi not) Roar Ba.u.ing. auiiahta Cor any kiiit or a···.aaanl "·a.·???-«» hfta· ehw·. -AÍ.E.- lag moi· be_*MB 'in It etti aw« nd to. vr.il «ell a p.rtara of it to · peaaea who woaid travel, aad eaa A) b.nn««· with ta'ffi»»» («a mu« 4l0.tr« to f-v ,??? _ cae year. Ad-f«es RICHARD¬ SON, ihtaof-ee. <_ I (\ iíííií TO $15,.**)..Aii «ipfjorto- V 1 IftUUU RMj RIB lite ~r th· ¡nvete-aaet ot the «bove rem. e.tber «l-R« or «t? ve p-rtaer, -.a «rae of the oliera reaae-r-a aa» Machara Oboe· ia ta-i S«t« H ? ??0 -BükSmEBg ft> *W J e'll'a/VF, Tb» ..»«tuer taviai t .1)11 < , . .e- - » »«»I .... .·. ¦-- - -. _ ,vt, ral tbe rafab_ta_raet «ewy· A »«* f»**»*«-»- rreiiC ffrod refereeee« e.·. « a «ad leewed. Add com oj*. »aid O VV H.,No ? John-*-. New-tura_ (joorò fri- Eüomt. A ccOMMODA'nONS for FAMILIES and J\_ jajiB (iiKliaiia ria Yr cb__ed et Un Bnt.OttA BOARD at No. t-3 FuIïwu-.«..CoinfortAbU» aMoa-woAatMae ? ?__. pncea, fut »-¦-,· Day, ß- Ferra-M-t Beardeta. BOÁELING. Lar_f· _u«I éie^tat Roomt to Let M Qrakwi and tbetr Wive«, or tete Oaav I »-.th fall or partial Board, at the el-gatt M«r_..», Hen.· Ne. 4i Orov»-*t^ comer <tf BleeckereL BOARD.A Oetu'lr-maa _mi hi« \VUe e_o fiad a r Badarne«-y Farai.ted Rooaa, or ter»_? aad Badmr. « N«. 171 Etra 17_?-? Tmt hiura · fara__ed w-.th aa.a t*tk bet air, Ac BOARD.lr9 E4«t 15t_-ti.,inapriv_tfi fam¬ ily A «aite r~t_i oa tb« aaco-d £cor, for « y»ra'»- Kaa kid b_ wife.»r · fow eaota ra·.«-*-. Tbe hoe.? ta ara', with ai« *_i__ úcpRovui__ta Ruft Ü.i ·»- :r_x;<.oi OAPD.For râ$i> (ìirtuÌPtDen, aari Boom* k .:·.·-1 I_ar-ra ai SU- il Enst Bioadway. B OARlv_p!,.W)U,t R,»,«,,,. Wlta ß»μ?, can M bad U Ne. ii \ eaey-st ¡lì IÎOARD-A Parlor ami IMrooñ. wrinki«. «TT e,ÏÎ? «..^aed. to let wi-h Board An·! ? »t No. ST W-» 9*·»7?* lioxaw^eîi »t????? ? ecu m Rcf«BsMBB sBtjtBBl BOAKD can be obtain»*! in a lar~ .vmrniv «Loe» kxtsss trow »3 to 93 »n, at No. iti fsJtsM at BOARD.Koom· for Familie· and Sitvrte OtMtltcneti, at No 154 Kaat labal.. Ujsaat» new wik ai. tfcen.oaifmiaipro«cmeti». »»"-¦.t? rtfLtaMaa, BOARD. A Cent lemán may obUin boar»!, wi h ? ? easavLt mob, at ¡tt tt West "ti'iiiigt. pi»c»>, aear «ttk-av. The hot·· la coavsaueal to th« sxaM rattttsTsj sani hat a kssk raow. BOAKD iu a PRIVATE EAMlLY^AIarfe .Unnon rocai on first rlavr, (w.th boairuooa oa third t'Ct,)taratabeior »nltmittkti¿»«sreail.: e iet, w In li. arti, to a gratieu-aa ana wile. Ai»·», tw«, rjeatlv fnroisstt«. sVwat ta» lei to tw* tang!· r ntàeiaen. Apply »I No. 94 vY*st tid-at OAKD ami ROOMS ,,t lira. HARNES*. No. 19 I a atr><«,aUkre. Rererenor* exchanged ? lìOAKl.lNGat UNION HO ESE. N.M. 17?, a * 01 aad »l Hn«W«»i , iMareiCwa: «sad Spsaan sa».. A si.i»,>t Ku«mt, kt»ndivnae:« farniilv-d tor · »-uav'l iMstry. insy beb».i»tt!ij », .,· »i.,»a» Ilota·«·«hi r»»a»iña»hU tenus. Asr^twoairiatreeiuigiVRviiigMCiSntieMM IÎOAKD in ????????-? batkltoiu,· »uito b J'ai1' ^îî.0," "*oai î^?.' e»f«nk.»hed can be ba-f wan Pc.rd by · Cteni »maa and Wife, tt » ama:! privare ratai!» lAtabam, Ttty tta^uahto. Any!y to IU U^TtMld-SL, tatti Fulton «». F lEMSHED ROOMB ^«»»otliinwanuitine n!< ixsant, rxmishe.i tiavrtuieni» w.taov u«t»aaa« atan 3 tain tlteiu at No 47 White st. 1'be iocitkoa vecv .tnnr«. hie, htuif near Brotdwsy. ari Le tosas clean sad animi. FURNISHED LolHilNivS for GENTLE¬ MEN, with Breakfast and Tea. ot ht Fanti:··, with ful! B«.«rd. at No. 1 lnring-pla« tv cor of '.«th at. »ORAMElirY HO, SE. BROADWAY aad .''i1 »t..The proprie'« beg to «ttoa>ai>oe to their na- troci an«: lie tr» .. at they have inet ,????». frd »n estensive , » ,,«·. «rid canoow actom » » «ut sutes ol »partirsi·!». xt-.th or withaut ? nate la.» '». DOsMH *. io. HOTEL.Cortitr ot' Wil i,im and ErAiikfort- ila-C ''Vn'»ri cx-i hav* well-fitrxusbed alasiV- I l">i.'.n». »Mit privt- legecfan« ·.-·.¦. tor *l ·«> rf per week, *r 8<tr»sie .. il' vce oi» a al. night «a. - !-rn»»«,h T»»xab«.»»ee laaa.uia, aad daiing a »».i businea·. Cali asad»··. THREE «r POI J. i.ENTEEMEN can bo L.oi'aied with i«x«J K.Hitn«, Br-akfutt and Tea, »« » :.<!»«-«, iq a private family. I.e. ati<ta on ndat let«« as ttt and .?1·»?». Ra-f-rttx«»à re.iaxire«l, Ad¬ di*.« ? ? . Box No. ¦*« G??: ?«, e. . WAN 1 ElV.Tiii) fr nt LVom·» ami two Bi»d ? * r«»u a. utifern i'i, ,1. m » p' «lint neighSorksvid, and n.-ar Rm».iw»y, with «>- witt-ott board. raid in advance at dcairaMe, -?, t iS,ve Itrcm-i «· »t on the wen enie Ad- «Itci· » W A Tribune Office. G Masut. «""-peri s. ha» over .- «? rttuiu. tjúnocí} (DanUb. I:\VM W.VMED-OI H M 81 acres ol Lsriit. situated not over »»< mile» Irò» tlie ai y Ad- CüLMTEY, Ti In.-.--?'inf. Hol SI-. WANTED -Ih»» ? hi»rfi«.»r trt»nta ??? aitatati a »!i or i story l>w.-liit|- It msxB k* · ni «tanti» 11 i>-si\and loca'c.l iuartxi|>ectab.et»>i»h«»urbiM>.l, w.>t mie ol the city. To ta« e mineceeaary lumble, tht IoweM i>r.ce. fnatthefaith th·· ß????» fc,·, V - «hicsatd Mttttsd. AddreawC. StTIUl. il No ill Broadway H OEM. \\ ANTED -To Ku.rl.a o. t ine« two atorv and attic or three-s'oiy Hoase, suiiable lo» tao imall f., .¡?«··, in a good ? .'rib-.rh.xMl. Location ba» twren 1st and Vh avi t s'l Addrv·« RUB- F.KT. »t..tiug loa-ation uud iriuis, »t this «tuce H< >! 6E \\ AN 1 El ». Frinii ilo tir t <»G May ir, a MM lwo or tìitre story ì.ri.k Iloti»·, Witt the iiixirm ·nipmvriiie'it. pieterred. laxatlaMi Us'tweeu CttJ II ili and «éth tt. Ail.l.irt il i.ole U> 4) J. »l ihnolflce. \V AM KI'i,. HI l.i:. lumi the first of May V » MSi « two story 1 riet House a «,iiiet »ni reepso- tal'l·· tiriiM'.'iioni!. One «inatti cu ihe eaat aule of Ite tv ami in w Kent net to enee.l |.a»J Ati.lt»«a» U , log Ns l.iwì l'osi Oli'ce, »tstiikg location »nd teiin·. ? Y'AN l ED.A «unii l'unii te rvnt l'or n terni » » of M«r», xvith ih·· ,. .··· ni buyiu» »I a stated puce »t any t.ine beiure tie ev^i'aiinn of the lease. It is ? iv ?! »ii. d lb»! tl.e linpr.iveiiir in» b», «I tl." lirat i-r.l*r A Fiwti' oatsii.ing S' m I" «rr«·«, w lb a »lievi.? ?? ionie line of rxileaad etvlitg ·· M ., Ifvik City, would he piateti·*«», a»,.l f». wtiieh a ¦«.nd tent would be offered- A·:.: ea» AlillIC«T.T'UKK, A bau) t'««t 09mm, Alt any. ?. , iìcneift lo Cet. TUE MODEL DWKLLLN.id in ÙTOIT . ftth «v Th· num. roo« »palie uit· fur «Ute» of Roajtvia »aid llnlditig», are lnuniud that they will be rsavly fut rispedì un in · fsw day». Ira» notice wnl he tu »?, i,i tbj ptMB M wh»t day flit hetseam«y be in»i«.ied A. F »M il ?.?, ?... 41« If ii a». ANEW ROTEL to l.::¡-Al.rK<ia.i».l i-olí- \.n .ut lioii»e. Mali i-i«Ir.«!ai»»d f.ir tin« re.ee|iltaai of mu.et '.«iirders rnd »liter company. It la s'tuatnd ai Ih« Fatrtraoi rk t of Ü e HswUat ¦¦Ihtad. Tbak,iusi, wul bsx lei ? aitiv ¡»mashed if delire 1 It baa ?.? ?.· hu'iae etttxai »·? l-urn» .tables, Ac. Tin· .tari m .s healthy aiid l'Iaaiast Forp«itie>ii«rs, inpire of JONATHAN ? TIBKR. Fat trnoti, or JAMr I U If Al . k OS N. *1 Stmna at. AUCTION ¡ñOBI t., LET.-???? hri/f», Xa well Hsbtsd .»t re, row nempied by the «nltserib··» snd »drnirably s.mio d, iui ? -r« siiualion and site. Sir a Urge Ai-e", n »'ore will botet lor a term of vers Armi» to Nr>AUTI!*Co.N..MUi4TM.»fc1 I So M B.W. BROADWAY ??,??:???-?.,?G.?», fora na sin »?», a »iiiaal.le piece ol ?'??;????.·»| |>r ,p»rtj, sitaate.1 u liaedway, . ·· test IV.suiegUiu- |>!«i-e, ha- ras » fHnt of over »? t*m» as Hioadtray «nd ron- moi il.un i. io M ir« rat. ¦ ß-..it. ot «?* feat« Tita above ir. is.·, f.iiulingan Mercer si. itasi tt of two Uwmitìan Honte, ?. .«m No» Ai »ad .'II Mere«r M., »rid having a ft'i.ti.f ; ' G? - .«I r. ·., · «re »tiered tor ka·« rruontbl.· t'fiiis. Aptly ?·· K. K'.VKN, No. «4 Johaat. LM I.'NISDFD HOU. to LET-Thfiftr«t- J. cUa» ibree-tt. ry and attts I.'ous- No. *»7 West l<iat>tt. Iw twat-ri Sih and istli »v» ta let wi-b Fiiroitxire t.i · prient· Tne loner· very pleasantly ».? .titirl, aud siandiag ? u a .ot of go by lit it \i»t iti« ·· « iuta», «il a »pact'ia« gar- .Not lo he .et for a lloanli.i, liuu a. Ian be «wV- .nel.i.iirsof S vid "< » For fnrt'wr parttaislar· »ppiy to V\ ILLAUD. ->WF,\ ? k ANI,r.R*>N, An .p.· v«, Nti.Sl Ch^iubais it. O El It 1 .-» M I.EI . Dm »It'll« lint ??t .nd t · sèment of the ino.t'-m niarkl« laaseineut h.Mtse No IStet'reet., next t.. the M nlkwest cerner «t'Cba-n- lena;.»hi« tor a»· insxiraixc. f'ouipaay. Ai.u » ·' I.KLCÍ, No.UtWi·«.. "T 0? II ES aa I.ET n .r WALLÏT-Th«» Ria«'iii<n,».fl.«r in b,.lHiiigN«. IW Fe»rl-·· pjnn.ng a nu B»avérât The room« aie light and f? «?.?» iati it.« d ?. ,1h Crutuu w at· r 1 i-,uire on the tr»iiniav-· of CLARK v JtililF. ROOMS ti.EET.aith ?··-mI «»«.??/ POWBB, »t tie Ks.lem Railroad V >·¦ t iitait»! m Wfrite-st, betwi·:!! Fba « nd Cerner et«. Tl.e two* tory in *,tr frs·» ZSxVito Inox^J, ire well ilgiil»d H tan let a> ????? uUtaxd .aih lay a. .i/net o'jHiaer. Tuerasrs also good hoisf arty», w iter Li'tkct», Crt/ton water, gai ri» riga·, 1? .mm diaiely ciLCecied v..-. ih· ? iei.-nl roaiiki». Apply «U.ly to W A AL/.I.N coiner uf F.lni aad Fia-ikii st*. SI EAM POWER to LI!T.-ß.s.iii· in baüa ina Heg 77 »ad 11 Duatv» st with tower F'.antta- .aaa beUdFefc. 1. ? FAL»dKB,No MÜ1» tíTEAM rOWEIi to LKT.-SevenJ »f!l O Rdhted rtxnn«. «t-llii conau-.t .i.dttstiiy power. 4 in* ntrwr Kl.aal.»-th «od Ileat. r-tt* Appi/ tu AIO&TUM a (.«ir.J..S I. Ha. .'·. I'.. -.-... »stras* fi*td,mt. TO EFT -Tv EW..' f Mrtrt)!« front Bollii» in«*, citner tvf Coen ai aid V l'ae·, laaving ail »Midem in prevvmr..ts ami Just lu »bed rOafta m, saw or lat Mar f^et t^M»j totaiivai. Ayylj go A. J ?'? áJIlTH, »ß, ß TO LET -r LIBASE -m f^oreW« t«îrm«--A ·»'¦;. -r.iFrojier·.» .. I,r. a.l»ay. AxMlCatM»- it. Lo·, a. "Sita, wi:h a l'I*· ai. ' U Jo./ ».:. ..V uattU- Ivifclflg »trtet, forn.itig ,u « . 01 füajao Ti.* »tx.Ji.ag on gtMfSMM can fa aiutai mtu,tfjtr* a».d ???.«·at a rt»" 4»na»tLaed pay »large «d »n*. o··.,/ lie «reaent reel Tua Frenai»».» »d> fang »re VU :te atBek c»o he hid w:ti ths »bote ifde/ired Tùie property ? wtfl calgo'»ted tot s arg· ctrraae or fWrc.iurer.rp-» »xrv », ¿ ,,^^, ini umm-mu tur Tattljiu be net wfb If rot let or '»aaed «oa*. it will bs> altered U. toil: ray kiitd of t isj-er»,. r r M»k awiy »t No. 11 Jal»ii»a^ or ta f.. M ATTWATek, Sa m\ UcD^í^tt. from W Ut Í2 ami i to i. ??«) IXT.T be Store and iJ^elliBaj No. MI ?. ink-·»., corner of Waw* 3Bü.-«t.. Cbsfav-a-· {aara. «??ß .tore is cce r.f tbe best stai.·:s ? ti^t part sf tne «sly lor · fturuiy giix-ery A»*o. tats aarge two-siv.ry Uwailiag Ulti» 5o .31 ¦« ? oetr Chtlstt ? /Jar·. Tb.« kaum » sataieta with txery ctw»«rnitvnc« »nd la fine order. A^so, avrfsrai otUr Uñase* aui !?*?* to 1er. Atnly t* A. B. ClJfiMAS, «n Î37 Broadway. TO BENT-Honae No. «tO Cliffit IfiwB May 1, IU9, «sutaxkl» ter a ·?? elagt fcM^«niaa>ri«»avt» Ii »« M stetp.ii-."«*!.·. 2sviar». I ut«a»tM, 1 bava· i*at sad «.ilar, ·¦· in s r:· ct .r«ur IdAAC -MITH ? aoiJ· B Ce t?. LET or LEA8E.-E011F Left· No. ItW Faítoxi-«. Aleo, the baienxert. Tk« hntm ara watt icw, «a tl- -«»· *m**._Am¡¡Ttx t- ?. »tXI-LOCeO, FT·· mm raìtoaytt. TO LET .??: ß 3-???t atue aad Irnâveaunc X fleas/. No. i*77th«w,M«»a»»4»it»e,MawOeW TasM G rexr.i»e. are in pria»· orimi, wi*B OolMM 4»sck isas, ·-«· *n!lU^tto*t**pKUma truss*,ktf9*att*r fastmat t«rt 1....» en Uxt^iiiM at STILLMAVd ìms Icore, Be. Ml t»:· t»»»«a>S


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a ·ß»_?»?·? EVERY MORJtlNO, t-t-atur ixctrTRO,)BT OREELET A McF.LRATB,

ratai »-'»?«» ttiLDieic:», coarib or Brarco inaahat· it», orronn ras cut ball.

anaVrt-ered te City -eUtxiber» for 1_, Cent» per »nteK, when t_ey prater, Ükry cea pay ia advance at tho tfera

? iix mooib· or a y»e» at the mm rate- Stafje cofttrn,fee Out» Ma.1 ¿V-ecnb«·:·, F.ve Dollar« per amIP« \ecuut raara*· erakY _e_k_i ? -ra, a »e«. an-,.-.- ,- .«__

tau-it ri-__l«1»,oo_i take-· tar «a aeaU^f^^H'Zm*h*.*l St.. rtr^IsoUwraa-vaiMai-n^·»^·«-sjBW,re«·» th C«oag;«ry Ne»»if»prra Dady F*?m*^mTiSZtt th_*-.«~, Waera terxna ¦»· a_gher taaa ttae· «'«

Pte.t are net a-iewe-J any <_*erei>ce


b oab-tbed every ß·t?·»??? Mo«·*:·»·, at the low pnce5ß^^_?_7 ¿t avance K_*_^ *L?S _!awa-tycee-eteoD· ·_«· ta« A»«. ll,.teWw.,n "·

Ä«.Ä£yoti thetic·*^^Ä____T__r _____nte-tiu for dStantl wiU b· e»_««-» e«oU fiw line for(Mb its« TtlbO. m

TiiK vEtr-roBK tp?p???.r»· BiaoraA» ciaccLA-nort.

i,_,h4., «h» daeertare of each Mail Pteerrv-T for

»f 335 B·»te orW ¦* Coi.aae.nt, pnute inclined.

??? NEvV-VOUK Tttînt'NE.»t>a eAi.ro·»··> oBreon. *RD t?? sai«i.*Ich ?»la ¡vos,«ao-hltatirr oa the departure of each Mail Steamer (orOltaeráa Frira *i oreta per copy.

the ¦un-wnau.Y thibunk..seeM_he~«3-er»Tt.-r5.r>«T and Kainar i_i»niin·,. frireP per acn-im. Two crp-e· for BV Ton for Ai·· Adver-M_rasueccntaa line fi r--·^^ OREELET A »«'.KLRATH, PnMkhen

Spmal UToliffe.UT 1.« riere oa Henry (¿rattan and the Iriah

t'aler.lrere ·? I7ìn_..In lelol-oeni of a prooi.ito.jaeie to lb« ( "iiiuiiute on the OCC..urn of hi» last dlsCOUkV)taPRW-Trak.THOMAU F MEAOHER *»..! d-liv»ra Lec-anot the above unbject at M». Irotm'.itati Hall, on MON¬DAI E'· tXtXti. tbe 14t ? inst, ·? 8 ? loe· P.M. Ticket·tacei.Uto be had at the Iriatti American and Truth-ToilerOtace«, 'In· 11 ¡? ', il Bootfltocee, and at the door, on the.venmg of ine. Lecture.

tf franktli, lifrturea. -The Eighth and i-tLec-iBte ol ti. pn»»«it »«nee, will be ?·?··!? hy PfoCTOC-NANλ. it (be Tab. iwacie.oti MONDAY EY EN I NO, Beb.14,at « o'clock. Subject.'"The Cbeiniatry of Food· andDigi«4.on J, tereít.« c toa'1 *)¦ ?·· « Admis».on. 1-| eta.

J& Ivlri-liiinlr·,' laMHutr-NOTirE OF ELEC¬TION.A O'i.eral Meeting of the member» of the aixiveIri i.-.'e v.-ill in» K.« .ri ,t their room·. No. I Bowery, onTVFSIiAY EVENING rent Feb. IA f.r th» el-ction ofIBM r» Il ci I'.rinity with th·· IlvLst,« of the Invtitut»,.adkgrie».* ? to a rwolotion to that effort passed at a m -et-lag of ti.« Loan' of Directors.

THOMiVS SMI".L.Pfeeident.

?f Cnliimbin t'ellrae..i'e Infortì «diate F.xain»ano« w'il !.»g ? at 10o'clock on MONiMY, 7'h last., andkt ?.t" t/· tu,lowing order

Pr- Mefari i.l'r.' An Prof, lien- Frei H«ik p» Vhmilt,II. . (If ?µ k, Nat. l-v. Main (¿..rmaii

Alk».. A lu.i. i'liJ.,Cl.e_. A atro.Hetil·-. 7 IDI"IItetan.u H is in nPopboTuorrr..l7 II 19 21 22»rertiuen.23 20Prof Dual« r, Ore»k end Latin, 24Ike Regem« of the Univereity. Parenta and Onardiana,

tbe tnimtera of tlw Hoard ol BSBtaHon, Trutte»! taraitTetvl « r« of Pablic School·, ai.'l of otter «??????», tbe Alum-ta ol the College, and »11 lnleie»t»d in Education, are iuvit-id ti» »n CHA·-. KINO. I,!. I».

Fremi!.-ni Culutiibi· College.?? Little Nt'cli Aaaorlation..A meet.nrof thia

AwocatiOi. wUl he h.l.lori 'l'I K-HYY' EV K.NINO. Feb.IS, al 7· ? ? liK'k, «t the W. ««.eh« «'or Huno, cornet Bowerytad tir, oui, at (.. ut nit«, within· to join are invited totaptotcLf JAMES OlLMOltE, Secretary.t%T Wmritin-H Tempiranre .flrcllnx »t the In-

ant«· in Wu«'i r rfot tt i.iar Concord, in Brooklyn onrFliNKSOAY EVENINO, Kth inet, kt7J o'clo-k..Mr».AMFLIA HLOil.MKll.ol Sevieca Fai«, N Y.; Rev. AN-fOl.v KITE L. 1ÎKOVY N. ol lleurieta. ?. ? and SUSANI. ANTHONY, of Rochester, N. Y., w III be the «¡«teXer» oftaeevrntng.All fiieinle of the Temperance Cuuar·, both Men and

Women, are refet tfully uviti ,1 to attend."Tlcketi ¡¿V cents.«an lie had of Mr. Wild-r, No. 51 I'ul-

tw-et., Biooklyii, or at tbo door on the etti.ingoi theMeting.

~%?· riirUtliin Ilo· trio«· II II. Society-HCfjlll.-E OF CATHOLIC LECTURES..JOHN H,BONBON, F· of Boston, will deliver tbe laat ed fuitetrraol Lecture» on MONDAY EVENING, K- b 14, ktHoi. ? ?,, pei, Broadway, botare·» ith «?, »ini Aa'.or-ploce.A.Cii. I. (frrgory the Hrvrrth and the Ga;???? Power, l'rice¦ tMket· 26 centi l!yori«r,

R. CODDINOTON. Cbiiiruian.Ja.»ii» Uh tv, ilaaililBlJIF l'roi.le'a Lirlurr».-Im m ?\ ?«.·.·:·??.· m thu

Ceni,, will ?. ?», u ni', rabriiiacle, TUESDAY EVEN.?p?,.'.?. I» rvffoo Hi NJtV .1. It \ '.. .(' I·Ttelirn Yolk G???» Hllbjocl ?'«·? ??.· lit Le»».tn· fromIk· Pol ti. al Lile ol il.iti,un,I Hut ko I.e. tur« will cOIu-R-RMat H u'Cltn'K. 'lickt' a .e.ly One S..llliU|.Cfr*· ??? l'olnln .?1 Union.-Dt HOLTON will de-

Irfrr ?. in».· of tl it·, lectui« · mi I'Lvt» .. n, tl.e Meta ,.

te F.pi'ti.pal ('In ?. Ii la :*V.-t oath· t-viluiiigi of MON-BAV, 14th. WEDNESDAY Ulli, and FRIDAY, lath iiiat.,toe. irincnr» el T\ o'l lock Tie proceed» for ben·Five l'oint· Mim'oii of thi Ladie·' Home M «·

Tieki ti for tl.e eoarw, A· centi «ingle le. tute, ¿X'., to bobad ni the Lmlr Mani·«et» nei al the Charab.!_· roDiitiir Lrcmrie at Hi«· TnUrrnarle..MSmShtm· ?·». RICHARDS STOBRS, Jr.ol Brook-lya, e ill deliver the Third Leetara ofiheCoaira on WED·BESDAY EVENINO Feb St.h, ct of his discourse-"Thel'aat, our ilrncla " Lecture at H ..'clock. Doorsaero at 7.Tick« ti 2* cent». May if had »t the TtonV«torce and at

Outdoor. Aito of J I." Shnwood, tit No. 17 ilrovfway,»nd at The It depende!.t Oftiie, No I* He.-kinan-it. Mein-ran of the ?? rcat til«· Library Astwtation «illohtain tbeirnei. t« at the drik ·? the Library at thi umal ratee.

rar ?. Y. >eaemrln· Morlrty. . The FifthBoi.thli Me ??« will he held THIS iMou.ìav) SVENINO,H7| o'clock, at No. IS Uiiht-»t. Mrs. YY illi.H G anil dt,-bvrr bu addret·. ..fief v-lecli the tabjoot of Diet will he dii-MaMvt. All iut.rr»t. du- ?,ivit·.11.< .tt-ndaitd participate.


W* CoMIcia ·G Ihr Witr of ÎMJ-Ali tho»e.bowivid in Ihr art.: tv atid nii'itia et tin« Slit« andttaàr dearatit.ai t·. and Ml who are in favor ot the Boantyted Art ptaaod MM ?, awaniiug -it1 k··!«·«, 1«extended toItlacir» to all, will m«e t at American Hal, rorner Uroadway end tiraudat.. THIS EYENlNtl at 7 o'clock. Ret,«..·: , M YNY SI RV1VORS.

HP' I.ail Ir» ¡abonu.· aa_M ditene« or weakneaa cau beafted' > kl ¦¦¦>· cur«tl w tin ni tn. Jiciue. «tipports.e«jr\ ,1 |be o»kinl tiralii-rut oi li.'· day, by call.ug on Ii.RAL.-'li P. Ml»., or li.dv, St Niobote Hotel, belweeulie k«. ? of . ami 10 A. M and 4 and Y 1' M until Friday.· Istilli »t. An rxp._iUi.it 01 Motel path v, a tien »válelo.I»ariiii: di»ei»c by ..aliiiiiinatlt.g ?.tali/mg viotion, ran betad·! tl.e.ulhor. ?»»???\,·, i.i ot BTRINOEB I ItlYV'NSEKD. No. .'. ot WILEY., No. 1Ö7 Broadway, »N Y loi-*C«Bt«t?G??.????? !. «HU they ooiih·, tbrrcyrt la roon.

at tl.e luaguiu. vui Acadeoiy and Uyi.aaMtua, N,4.«udM tal.-a»., Be.ir VV aah.iigtoi. » luai. For part..-tilara ad¬direi 8 J. SEDO WICK, A M. \ '..·«· I'ut.deut aud Sec·«taaVry af the K««ulty


GKWI) FAREWELL CcONCEHT-PlULJl'l.lK N, V io u t«t. reepevffYilly a: i.i r« that hi«

FARrWKi.!. CONCERT will take place ? PCKSDAYEV FNlNll, February ti, at Mctrofjbt&n Hal! oa whtahmmmUmm he will t» «_wt«-d lv


Oignor 0. BADIALI,»tue PO/.ZOL1V7,

Si|«iog(.A^!'l BOM___. .._;.. S «nr R.H't?»..a· ba». ,n tbe kind·»4 manner, «tt-ted tiieir yaluahie.tee I'antcti'.ar· to futur· aiuiouac

???? 0"· Q AEin.N -L. M. GOTTSCHALKI i»*pe« nuli, eau .un»· la the public that fee will g:v«

BtHeaei? «ad ta« Urand Coocert (p-evtoaa to hu depar-ne tor the South)oa THl'RSDAY EVENINO, Beb. 17

Nilo«·'» Oaideui. On which oocasiv.a

L. M (? rrsOHALK « ill be se«iBt»ai by¦¦0.10-1 M VRIF.S,

S t 1·0/.'.·?.1??,Ut RICHARD HOFFMAN,

And a (»tend Orcheafra auder the directioa ofWM VINti NT WALLACE. E»J,

Sklectedfrta tike beet rnideat talent.tVket» (h · «i.«i T*o UtUar«, accord ng to Uvatien. The

¦Bol ttaket·*-) «~__eeteoDTCV-»l>\Y ??????;:..»AW, at tbe M«tac Stole ef Win. Hal a Sea. No.»·.wadway.Boviicici· ai Is« Cvr.cert to at S oV.o.1.

VTBLC· (íARPKS.-_Mn«l. II. SONTAG'*¿JI FiFTEF > "H NHJHT. THIRD SERIES -Ou MON-"Aï. Kfc ¡I. wi be rertornied, anttitn- t ? «e_aia¦ ».. LITIA Pi: LAMMElUaOOR. ^

a_l'A.¿. ...Madame SONTA«»*-^R*eo-S.«·* t F irelii.i Aehtoi..Saie»Ba«i.*ii_AHn_RÎLAY _M " '^ ,!""*- --a^»Ta_dí».JK'NDAY jl.rBi «?, #.»,.,«..okar^taa^dratfi.Oratoa,vktttetitattonei« 8t.»rroi »í«w«t». Van Norim A Ringy* VV'eet. A_u at ibe Box Otawe oath· cTrrnag of

»^tea commeaco· »t 7} o'clock. Cerna«re at \?\.

IfAÏUME ????1???8?>???(.?- NO-2*T1CE._Holders if S-Mudee Tk-cto w_o could ani~*i**-*--«aaa. cu tbe Tínrd Nighiot S«.>._tai_l>u_, last? -"F·*'**' «*Ai.»_ that tb· tickeuare go,»! tw Luaiaui.-?.*«_i_, CI mt {Aeraat eight oi LaSouaamb-e.

WaU ACK* TIIE_VTER-BrTied»a-a> «-J."" *.', * »! la, «. Les-ar.J. VV. LriTca. Suge Mao..m.tH ? a L VEN l Nl ?. k r 14. wi br r«»«-n rj... *'LD MEADS YN1' YOCNO ?KARTAnwReraL.. jir.Biaàe, Lady A ..«·.Mae Ke«_e»ec Rocket. Mr Brvagham L Kate Rociet.klra Stepii«-»ra^a. AFKACilC.VLMAN.i£***y.Mr VY_,ot .Yira M.:du_y.. Mr», tremor

aJÍ**11 "i*··,*· *t o c.'«»e_ ! pertanaance to" oonuaeoce at 7."te»»R_l DmtOkx^ymfottt fvuiiCute>» nan


BROADWAY TnEATER-E. A. Marjball,Soie Ltsaxtee.-THIá EVENINO. Fek tt. tste te

perfonneri Donala» Jtrrrold'i stew »Comedy. enCHtostST. CIPID, Or DOROTHi'S FORT ./NTS.

Sir v»Irritine Mtv.MrConwsy Qaetjn ?·«...Mr i^vvxg·»DorothyBodd.Mm Emma FitepatricsTo be followed b» two ORAND DlVERT^MENTaTocxinclutta with" MARRIED AND SETTLED.

Ooor· op*n »t bj ; «-emiren«·*» »t7. Boxes and Ft/Ttrt,»cent»; I ??*t Circle, Zie

U.^TON'» Til ?ATER^Ämtrare-st.--Tins EVENING, Peb- 11 »nil be p!»v-d.ST. CUPID. Or DOROTHY á FORTUNE.

Qu« en Bee_Mr. Burt/n Dorothy ?add.. .Mr», rJkerreUPARIS AND LONDON

Jean Jacejits.Mr. Placide Le¿y Volali!. ...Mia» tT*«t.TiThomas Trot._Mr. Bnrton SeJly Trot.Mrs. Hag»»·Doors corra »t »>J o'el.vîk ; parfera«»«*· ß?>??»?«5?«ß ·: 7.

Boxes ano Parquet, 5?> cru'* ; Sterni C.rcJa, ¿> oenu. Pri-.?a·???««?5; OtcÍWt» Chair», 75 cents.

BARXn.1·8 AMERICAN MUSEUM .Benefit »f tiie WIDOW of the Iste H. HENKIN3.-

MONDAV EVENINO. at 7. o>.«'ck. trie new. comic, moraldren.·, OLD FOLKS AT HOME. THIM AFTERNOOf,tt S o'ckck, THE DEAD .»HOT »nd THF. LADY OKLYONS. The INFANT LEOPARD TAMER «nttearsw.ih : e LEOPARD AUMENTA. Tbe PETRIFIEDHOUSE and RIDFR. fis· Laving aYniina:·. kc-, ara to bese· n »t »il ??.er». Adrn.ttaxce lo the whole '.laaenrn, Enter·tauri· ..'s «k«., 25 etuta Parquet »nd First Balcony, li»ctLta extra.

CI R C Us7 -ñew-yor ?"ami p??hëâ*·TKR. No. ft Barwery R. 8««io» k «Co., Proprietor»

MONDAY. Feb. Il-The Entertainment» eomrrmnea withelegant ttii diversified .»enfi in tbe Circle. D j'nor HttTSe-tunahip. Filiseli Sjieririiri Act« in the C rc>. Ts er,·,.? in), v. i:h the Orard ^pectteie of ST. GEORGE ai.«i THI'.DRAflON. Pnc.-ir,fadmttaion.Bi»T<»», 25 cents; Pit, Li».Door» opeo st '»$ Performance to commence «t 7, o'c'ocr.Perform »ne· Wivlne«d»j »ud Saturday ».terooous.

WOOD » "MINSI KELS -NrTT44~B^âd»Tf way. «hove How»rd-»t-OPKN EVKRY EVEN.G??.H, WOOD MaMftr Mi ?p.-t? .r.-T-.e -nt-r-tainmert« offered by tins c^lebratrtd eo'fjpany of Mnvician«and Fr>; opmn I). linetti.'· »annot be tv aaled by env <,·.:,· r

?.ß United Sute·. 4«-e prograrara»»« Door» openat»·»/·, fVnt^rt ennimrnee« »t 7j o'clock. Ad-?:·e>nt». The public a»· resr.er»rV!y 'nfonnec. that »he After-toon fOncers Art discontinued.


IUB I m BUS! M. ROBERT HELLER, th.»WIZARD oi WIZARDS, »ni the (treat origio»! Pro!e«eorof Nerrorrenry, has commenced s new »nd brilliant Scr.e·o< WONDERS »od MIRACLES, at hi» »plendid Saloon.No X'J Bn*.;.«»^, Clriiese Buldiags, aad wliit-h will becot.tinuf ? ur --<·.

Anotg »Sten m ii-iu. ? xperinirnt» will be prrn'irelthose very astoui-L.ng and ? xtraortl.nary one», the oniatii»

SECOND SIGHT »nd MYSTERIOUS RAFFINO·:reifoiii.siicia to commence »t 7$ o'clock P.M., and on

Sktotday Atl»rrii<on at 3. Adrnijiion 50 cents. ChiMraahalf price. For toll | artsvssvltfa, f"e programm* N.B..Grane exit»attraction fit SATURDAY AKJT.RNOON.


Grand Ertini.ii.ment of Nitron» Oxide, or LAl'UillNOGAB, »t the above-D»nied »ii'f i.did Hall, ?

¡»ATURDAY EVENING, Feh 19.Sever»! hoEilred saltona of the Or« will be prepared for

on. in order that all who may desire the luxurytt tel ?.,; tlie »aine, and ia'i|h unt.l their ».tie» ache. t»ñdo so.

This Gas it tasB c'ljr pure and harmlesa, »nd ,n»y bebtcmli'd freely hy all wi¡Vmt the least ??????a» effect. stjs>erali» fl'"ilopitn the leixüng trail» of charnier.«irat«,rjr,rasstef. a»·.. * «·.Tlef.rst circle will he reserved fct ladiM and children,

.cromi »nieri ty »ertiemen.Siniie tickets, or ticket» admitting ¦ gentleman »nd lady,

if -st tutte) Ii cents. Tickets lor other parts of the hot··,¿5 cent»Doors open »t Cj commence a» 7J o'< lek.

?ALL'1 MOI >EL of SAN IRANCJSCO.-This elegant and interesting model (in carved wood, ke )

i* low on exnibitionat No. «tl» Hrotvlu-sv. Duor» open freniin A.M. to in ? .M. aaa«t»B»aaM Mtttäa It coven ¦ »paceof neat h ?,??? square fret, and co»; the laboro! about twentya.-tirt« for one year.

?. ? .This 'mc«l«l will g've ss »ceniate know¡«Vge ofSanFrancisco s a vint to that city itself Every lion»· ?» trilli-lully representiil. in form, color and proportioual »ize, everysin < I »nd hill, the »hipp-.nr. Ac1? rsoiis laving friend· in San Fnncisro c»n behold on tho

model Hie house they reside in. Full expUnetioni givenvisitor·.

The Last 1 hai ce io See

RISE ? Y'· ILLLSTKATED RIVER? BAMBA »nd the whole »f the CITY of LONDON,

at No. «y»3 Hrnadwav. Commencing: Ever» Evening at 1·)o'clock, tad ot .ATUBDAT API KKNt/?? »t ¿o'clock.

Adniissinn rHuctd to only ¿? centi.

APOLLO ROOate -THEODORE Ê»FEI.D'esi eclln. ly »iinouiices that Uis neitCLASSI-

CAL Ul????G??? SOUIEE. th» Fifth ol the Third Sea-eon uill Uke lisce at tie Apollo Rooms, No. IIS Ur...»«lw»y, on PATrilDAY Feh 19. 1853. Sec iui»ll bill».

l>.W)KAMA.~N«>»v open at MeuofwlitaaI Hall, the MAMMOTH PANORAMA of the MIS-IBSIPI ?? 1 It ft .in It» ? ooth lo the Fall· of St. Ai.thonv.?? ERY ?? KMNtl. nt7J o'clo»k; on SATIRDAVS at a}o'clock. Adiuitsieu iOcti.t·. Cinidiru half pr.«*·.

BaAHVJLBD·· riLGRIMAGE to JERUSA.LV.M »nd the HOLY LAND is now open at tbe

OKORAMA.No 5?ß hroaimaj, »dj.iiiing th» 5ietropo!ltar. HotelP»mled from authentic Drawing» made upon the ipot byMr BAN» ARD inMB Piotxxrt move· every earning¦I 7|. and ot We3ne«d»y »nd Sat'iirl'v »fternooos U 3o'clock. Adinifsion Mieta..«ïhiliirea half price.


? NOt, bv Ik· in«*· lelebrate i Mas'er«, in chnnoligi .· .1 or-d.r, rrern GUIDO 1 SIENNE, (A D.122I.) down toHORACE YERN'KT. it ?«·? op.-n for Fxhibiiiou, at tlioSOCIETY LIBRAUY I« >nMS. No «?? Broadtvay, fr .m 9,A M. in .">, IV ? »nd 7 t,< lc P. M. Admiaaiou ? cent».

Nctt Pnblicatione.ltfOW 1.G???.Tl« I.l;iL'kv»..<xl Ikf Itelflil c»-(¡RAH.\MS MAGA/INE lor MARCII.I» ei-

Ir» p»ges, IX in «U of the very highest order of periodica1lilcratuir.There i» » tone eminent.? national In Orahim wbici

inake· it the leaditg migaiinc of Auie-'.ca.pra.ti, ai. pr·.STtaaivc «tid .evereiy mdepeodent. The "old f, um" ofuikgaiUi-iioui will have to wake tp an«', put on fresh armoi-

S.ihtiriptioo, #? ; 2? cent» p»rr copy.New Book*.

THE CIRSE OF CLIFTON-A tile of Espianta »odReal«·? puoi·, by Emm» D N. Seutbwc.th. autiior of ti.«Discaided Daughter, Ac. Pnce 75 can t*.

Rl TH-By tin- author of Mary Baitoa ???ß, 60 tr...»

psper 75 ctiit» c'oth.t OLY EFF1B: Or, Ths Ncri.tcTtD 0*1 *Nt»THt

Pit Bsaity, and other tele·.By M.u Caroline Le Hentr.aathor ot R.-ua, Ac. G??«·' »Ocent».THE CONFESSIONAL OK THE BLACK PENI¬

TENTS Or, Tit« ItaLiak-Bv Mis» R»delifTe. Pncs5ircclis. DEWITT «V DAVENPORT. No 15Ü Naswa si

Jnst l*-.b''.»l »-.i.


ci;r:stma8 fifk.Ciuta.t.irig Ttu Btorx·· By Clixtle· Dickens, E»¡.

Price 12f cents.A Book 4X]mI to " Disry of s PhyaKian,"

MY SCR Ali S AND ESCAPES, or. Tat Advsm-tiki.» or 4 Stidl.it. By one of ths Facelty. laxntain-

ìng three hniialied baaatifuily printed ntxge·. IllostxateaiPrice 50 rents.BRAlTIi·. AITE 'S RLTROÍPECT. P»rt XXVI. For


'.-.ri-.stJri.i-t Author of " ¦omanr* of War," kc- ThirdEdibon Pr.ce 50 cert».

STRJNOER k TOWNSEND, No 222 BrocJtray.

KKW BOc>Ks»-NE\V EOOKS.KMTIIOARNETT'? Or. The Le»«» or RocH«»T*a-50cu

COLT PFEIF. Bv Mra Caroline Lt»s Honu. 5Ccfs.THE Ol TLAWS OF NEW.YORK. By EiutneraDQ

Benntrt 25 cts.( l S.HOWARD; Or. How TO wix a AVirt. S» eta.AD\ENTUBES OF MICK COSTIOAN. *»cU.ROI ?D OF STORIES. By Charlr» Dick**», Hcta.LOH, MIO LOWLY. By Mis» Mclnaxth. tl.LIGHT AND SHADE. By Mm A HDrary. »Wcts.

Nearly Ready:THE SPITFIRE; A ¡TtelBll Romauci By the

aclltorof Tom ?«/» line, Jack AAasB», Ben Brace, kc-, A.c.

l^tstaiecu. BINCE A BROrHF.av,Pnkha*ht»re,No. IWNi

To tk· IShlsc.

OWING to tbe ewAt d"iiiM, 1 for theBEC.I EL to I'MCLX T\>M'i CABIN, or

INCLE TOM IN ENGLAND Or. a Pa»r thatBlaca'i Whits, tea «a-c will «t «topneu aat.1 Weaices-«tay. FeV 15, to enakle ike »t»»i;»4»er ta i«l présent oréer» istbecou- ··«¦ A D FAILING. No. » Asia.

\rALrNTINES'-Tbi» epleodid Valentine».t anutacraxT-l by the AMERICAN VALENTINE

CO.. «nil be kite ea view, ¿ana| tk» tns»n.fcr Iba »c.-siin-tx. «.»«.at... of re-si) fMstetete «' ii* Osto· No. M Sststxxa-

t»pp4>»»t· tkr Bun i^aissatags. ap ittirs. TV ektsctst VtsttvUtes are ? f!rr»^ in»'7 st ths »t«Sf8 pr»*· -*¦* 9i ?»l t( »U r»

I \fEDICAL MORALS. ill-iitrattNlwifh plat«?»ITA aad extract» from Medical work» ; d_rig_ed to »bowthe peraieioo·. eoe«! aad mora] ¡nf.uenee of the preeent»vatem ef medical practice, »ad the importance of ratab-liabiaf, Fttnak Medical CcJV'ee, and edacaäag aad eaiploy-itg Feme!« Phyiiean« for their owa aex. By Coorte Gre¬gory. New York ? For múe it US Nwaea-et. Pr.oe 25 etaTra ?« a t.aieey andrai._> »-·?_ It.,«.arta «t.tad ar~_-

ii.at'e itaWrwy wB»b krw mtm hay. tW kardikstil _ «Wart. Tan»'.tin* bt· drae a err».«. te kar.taty ht wkar. e paire afe »nitkztk t _,.í ;k»»rrv».t lo*« »ut. R«t w« are na»eatia J Ittm yartRBM away krlue pnUac «rauneat i* «an«jase oa .«a Rsiat. P«_ul»r«r.ew«a w_ b« faaad ? rtrrj rwy aad «.a·».·· a«?»«e« laOuttrl.e «In a «ork «« Oae I j ara, We *t to' aa.»Ir «ha.he »a« pene.«ai ir««.a of mrdnraJ pratr-ica _ tho·· mi.« _» io ._.·» eae.efter ha. re.rrare, bat wr «Mor rt «I » tua«imi «a «alar», tt ·«

l*>flvt_·. ltcaaeet br derwird. tad nata« str-. te WmJt»·»_ laIh» miller, n-rdr tir· ·»·« ·>¦.-»<» .· r. i.gkt u inra.io, :kr «aartrt»oí «Jome··. 'Wjre/e»««r~ .u> do .·' la .e aUv»»

\ !- «a-* p»·»» a«- ·,?»? l'.-em tb« hi ,»-t telVa-r-or«,aadear kr.p.«ujred.i. as ?·..? ¦beli.a» enarrar

t ·* !k«t ai » »? Sri rey ara u ? nd-edafee-jB·:?·.»».·!;· «Mb· ta»vebed .'·B.m -n Chrutaa k ·????·«_

VI.V. S( lENiIFIC HOOKS.-A TREAT-Il 18E ON SCREW PROPELLERSan-lth-j-Sreem En¬fine·, with Practical Raies end Example« how to Calculateand Cmvmtne' V ·??_ß tor iny Description cf Veara!·, Vc .

t c.( By J. W. Nyr-rotu. Hlas-ated by .? large p! »te». Ivo.

THE ART* OF TANNICO. lAUfelllWi ANDI.EATIIrR DRF.SsIN'O Theoretically -3d Picor,»id« r»d in _i ti. ir Detail·.brio« aT'eatiae oi. tr.» Mmufactnre of tb· vanou« kind* of Lenih»r.IQaatratH by -(¦ Enmviog·. Edited from tbe ntaeb bvCurpbrll Mo'r.'t. Predicai and Ai«_Ijllfl Charata«. Ito. #1THE ANALYTICAL CHi¡MISTS ASBISTABT-A

Marnai«/ Chemical AnaJji a both Qualität,.. adQean·titatne. Fiom tue t«erniirj .t F. Wtrhler, byLi I er. lihurkfrd. Lavo. 4-1 l'¬

Ili HAL CHEMISTRY and _i»m«utarv 1·- Rclat i. to Arrieiiltiire a_d _w A-y of


L Bvm. M.D i:io«rrttrd. Kmo. fl.TllE I", ROTECHNIST5 COMPAXION. Ii'ratratod.

limo. «">r«i,t».ELF.C1ROTYPE ?.?????.????? B»ia»» the The-

' n» «:,<! ???? I..I'~tio_. .·. tl _1 I W 'rking io Metal«l'j Tr«. i'atir g thtin fron ili- r S. ur.ons through theAgency o: Oalvanic ',r Volute Electricity, kc. By C. V*.Walker. A new edition, lìmo. 7Y renta'

HENRY CAREY PAIi" " .iladelphia.rWadtkl JOHN WII.EV, No-·«»- Broadway.

\i:W ITRLICATIONS. - CALIFORNIAIf Il.LOTRATED. ir. lurf'ng a Description of the Nie-ararua and Panama Route«-. 48 tine tint ???????ß???µ BvJ M Letu. Pnce tí. '

\ ARTHUR'S TALES BOI RICH AND Poo it. Prve3e cent» per volume. Irinlowing

I. K'rpirir up Appranrc". lPrr->. clou -it. JII. R.rheahave VY inga 18ino,clothgi:t.Ill Ruing m the World. lSuio, cloth gilt1 V Maki: g ?_?· to be Rich. t-te. elodi g.lt.Y D« l.t-r a: .1 ('»··«.....· I '.n- c.oth giit-

».I Retiring from Huaii'»·. 1 .o.. cloYOl v'..> FlBST LESSO ?ß IN CIVIL OOVE-lf

MENT, with new Apien.n. c·' ? ? u»nteryRuleR.tYr IMb rdit.oii..reviaed. Ilaliurah-'aiui·. ti; c. ?··.G?? ET_ BOOR OF ANIMALS. Boyal M ... M

i.iuttrattbUf. new edition. .Vi cet.taR. T. YOl'NO. No. 140 Ftiltouet.


heit Peti« d to tl.e ( lo··· of ti·» YV'»«r,rti Ein; ·¦ ?Dr hrrwer. Autliof of a "Cuide to the Scieatiiic Kno-rl-edge of Things Familiar."I· re· M »rrs»«nni«at. s»d ¡u arcara«» of detail,

rarea m»a<l it ? tl.» petr·..,: te., t·.. · r» N«»r.iwra'eta ki»«raSffaof· »"Ji» ptinird.ea

. l'I». 'J-rrorPrcparinc roa Pirlicatio».

? ?G??? To ENGLISH COMPOSITION: or. One?entired ai.d 'lwet,ty Sabéwti Analysed an,i liluatraledfrt«n Analogy. Hietory, ai.d tl.e Writ.iigs et celi brated An-cent and .Modem Author·, to teach the Art of Argum -nta-tion _od the Development ol Thought. By Rev. Dr. Brewer.CHAS S 1 RANCIS k Co, Pubmhera, Oi Broadway.


Il.LCUTRATKO MAOA-INE OF ART Meacbly pane.Price .> cri t« Coûtait.mg a neh variety of _ttere«ti_fjLiterature «nd beantifnl Illustration· from the ¡uotrt il.itiu-gutthed author, in the tao.ldTHE HISTORY OF THE PAINTERS Or ALL NA-

TIONS Mouth y part». Price in reute A gilde book tothe Art«, cet.taibin« «penmen» of tb« choice«: PaiuiMg«aid t" rtii.it» ot ''ion aatbe»«Till. LAIHEe' WORK BOOK. Puce 7Y c.n·« ( n-

taibuig lb. m»trtictioi« ai.d I» «tit fai dt-tgn« for eve-' k.n.iwo-k, produced io a «tyle perir» tly unii

B-ABDBB MO.NTOO.MERY.i'utlelier. No. 17 Sprnce ft.

CAP.IM.T ??ß???- of NEW-YOIiK-Volume 4 t,f Lippiocott'i Cabinet Hutorte« of the

State«THE HISTORY ?G NEW VORK-Fmra i·« EArütwt

Settlement to the Preeeot Tuno. By W il t _-r>-m-. ;uidT. S. Aithur. 1 vol., 1-

" The Hutorv of New-York, tbe wealthiest, and, from :·»

happy grogt.) fi. .1 puaitioD, the mo»t important of all the.raled Sutea, ha· kilh-rto been but lmperfcetlyki.oau evento its ovil citireia. To «tip« y this want.to

.n, reader a clear, aectiíu. t a_d ? iiptt*t.?,? hittor·. ct il.o Sta'e from it· earlirat ··'t-ment to thoprêtent day, it the ci-tret of ih-t volvim·- Brief u It ie.ity«t root&ioa evtry event of mark'd h.t'oncal imnonaure,aod.ag I« mt ii.'n'-d bat tbeee obtn J ms ana

d:v i giilativc dttaili wliirh. in a work intén.ied InitVreeting "

¡mm ..ublishtti. hy LIPFENCOTT, OBAMBO ? CI't ladewbia, and for Mie by all t ,e pr_w;ml Bo ?il New-York kcd elsewhere.

KS HENTZ' NEW BOOK.UGLYKFF1E. ir piibluhed »nd to' lale thu murtuni it th·

Cbtip BViok. Mag-iioe ? d Pal »lung Estti.i <hm»et efT. B. PI·. PERSON. No. 93 Chemut-.t.. Pluladelphia.

1 (¡I.Y EFFHt, or Tl.e Neglertrd One and The PetBeauty and oh« r Tai. « Bv .Mr» (mo..ne Lee HentxThe volati»« contain· l'g>) Eltt», or Th« -Neglected On·

.i.d (he P»t B-autv; Negl'tirg a Fee r Y |«,i and Hi« Fertuues The V'JIage Paator'· YV

ted AuLt Merry Tue Stranger at the Banquet.'lb-Tat o I t., ,.»

? thr coujplrte wer», ronfv-ing the wliole of theabove. '( centa? ?. PETERSON te jiwt pul>l'sbrd another volerne o f

Mr», llrt.tr» pope-ax woik« Ita·.?.M Tu» Mob CepTbe Pedlar : Mur Her. theme Thaukagivi'it Day Dmak-.til'» Dkugbtcr ; Tl.e Cwh lir Lfgeadi ot S.lvrr Wa.eThe Premature Dec.jration Tbe Phantom, etc. Enee«for tbr whole, complete .·. 1 t< ., o -avo fV» cents or thi·ii.'.uf and tb» .» edv.rt.rd «bove will be «cut tj aay,fu. ol roataxr. for oi.e dollar.TI:r twee» work» are for «ale by alt Brmk·»'.'»- aod Newi

Age-l» to New-Y oik, and l_roiiiboit tbe I '¡..led Stale«


HOMEOPATHIC DOMESTIC PRAC¬TICE -Jnttpubluh« 1 -ll.i-irareahtaateMatic Prac¬

tice, 'v Batel (juei.iev, M.D. Pncr tl >·.Thu u the moat compiete work on Domestic Practice vrrt

? pubbihed. In addition to the ?-·?; on tb» treetmmt ot «.t¬

eiaa · il ontk,nt chap« ri od Aoa'.otuy and Piiytio'oiy, tl.a«-tratet! with ? letat.t -¡.late*. A.?, · chapter ou Hyiieo». an

alitiJied Mitri ia Medica, knr! a dieertath'n on the TraeIbeoraoti WM RADDE, No.ZU Broadway.

ATHOl'SANl) ACDfl -WLEDOMEN i -I be ? btaimd to the m*t that the beat urue'i« in

aw forpreaetvuig Leti, .a lavo en, or other paper» to wh eli

ready ref»r.nce tt oetired. it YOI'NOS IMPROVEDADHESIVE FILE. (Cavea: tiled ? Price, fl, or #9per deern. kt re'ai .ci· H - .'-ave». For aale by tta-ttoneri generally, . nd manutarrared by

R T. YOCNii. No. 1*)Faltón*?. ?.Every Mie needed may be obtained or mad·.


«uet. oe« «tool belew beeki-ta-it. where the votar.»· of

St. \ eleutine eaa find Valentine· at all pnce· to rait «ay de-

pee of aSrction. We offer cone bat Valen-era o:' chrateleat-neat and dniga rick r*it aad elegant, wbi-h authmina eeaal tar »raaty a»i taste.

Come early and make your e lectio·.BCNCE A BROTHER, Ne 134 Naaaaoet

No Co_tic·


All tboee wb.· have arty interMt ia V_e_f.ee· aad tr*

Soir»of tb-· bul· God inpid, and -io·· w. be»· a* Rut

are food ol the ??_G art» get: -ra'lv. ar- innted to dree ?M8TRo.NO S OREAT VALENTTNE DEPOT,

No.« Naewoet.. and examine hineeUta-de af aeeei_ie_eFor m-ty vean pota Strotijt b_i bee· tb· tar»e*t Va.eat_emai.'ufaa.ta>rr ? Amanca _i.tn« everbody tb· t_i.«t Rialo· »at Uta tu ? Hi» a_K*t_-»l Uu· yera _, be ··»_»· ra far

nnttenEBB ui» preMoa· k-e. _Bd,wt>d wora tee

exaii :_i:.r. «.1 'From his factlity of aiacetartai-iltbrm. «ad me rxteat ol bis Imiterai ni that hue.. » mom-

.bled to oner tl.«»·: ibe vrry loweetaro-k Ca-..·*·! ·«·

fog youieelyo« Dralere «r- re<q^^tttd to tell b*»or· par-chasir-i tira·bare A Uberai d.coaat to the txaoe-


Ail Valet tin-· ? irrberad at tbe Broadw»t Po* OÄra mmtBan kstcw. No- <è| Braadwey, i*er C«atJ_t wiD be de-bvered to _ny pert of the City, aoatb of «»*. "»* ·¦


Arai»^._«*-_a_ Ommfjmm^mÂjHmfrgPOLKA DI BiîAVTRA Uv ?G??-_;-?«.eb_-»dia«W_rtai^i«»tó_e»%lebyF. ?. WEI-

ZEL, Braokly» «nd tb«pt-c.pal Matta Btrara.-» Bbaed·.iv Truii.tm*«a,**raoatkr_l_3t_BÍatfcnveP*^ever tawed tba melody u «parkji-» aad^e_..come« witk-a tbe capaL-fy «f -¿¿.a-r»|tenn__

LA N D L O R D · AGREEMENTS aniHOC SE BILLS of tbe _cr «pproyed *?<*·*-**t*<-^P^^"»*«^?LL£ttml%:

ternB_trat>y taa aaeaai1 íarraa-aaaae arara.·?^»-"?-__ra __"rraraiWatwr..ra«__ee_ Cirage«eaA^ra ,

C-_ee ; H«b»» rararaa-at wita tearr«aa» taeara Aw racent»

oírr_t Al«.C-paedEa_._«r«^vr_itke^taJb«.»i^cial Cerrr___ Coveaaat of Rgaewali aira nr tarpan» ?

umt¡: -_IHoaerBiIta«rfraary«»»--rv*rae.G-OROE ? BELL, Uw S__oara. 1*

WANTEP-A f«'·*1 ra^î^tab-î. ?«·t to

? f tel d n Pairt Stai». -k-U 13 «w i« «^,*^G_.,*'~pi» te WM L. titmíS. Ne S» Oraadet-AVni· lap


Fa??ß.A S Cool. Washer and Ironer. lor a emailXa. fcrxaly for ether citv or coaatrv. k» an Am«eicen.(.ertieitv r»*er-nce can be given. Wou.'d «is tk» sxvtse-wnrkjrr · ima., family. Would pre«« a pises it th? C.ty.npoai.Ue. d: at No at Moiirt**-«»».

AS Cook, in a respects··!«* private farailv. or«Ua»jj^«r»^lryeyoainf Wotsiia. Can bs »Ma f»r

Ovo day», and ciry rekrenx*aiW Call »t No.ß 1*-·».,p?tat? Moni, »eetnxd fleer

A8 OuenaTMBaaB an«! Plain Si»w.»r. bv ar»«:.eet»k!« yoac» Woman, m a f rvate ramilv ha»

ro of- ect.on» to4akmg east cf » baby ; ha» Mod r««AstMCMA; ply at No. 36 Oreenwiab-ct

AS G??\"»«£? SlRTAVT, or f,, ;r!i :dr»r. bva rtt-pex-rxMr yuan* Wo·.. is. O

r-fenncc. Call at Be 7J W.st tftts-st, be: veen 5th »uda»MB,(MMj C»a be seen for th..

AS NiR-t sTmI BtMastatress, or Chambonn ii«!ai <i paitar, by a hishly respectable yoaog ?.a.t???

QU, ..-..I :ake moiier. te wage» with »" tuce taauilv. ¡acitycr.- «·-txTifactorr referen-- Wtl

befotnd w.r.ing »id obLt-:nf. Tboee in »V»nt or' »ach call»: Ne 20Bowery.

A\m ve. Wo !4>- withe· a litu.ition as Cookina rt.riectable nr.rit* farci:», or L-x-indrn»»'»place.( «r,1 e »»»?? lor two day» City r-'.'mi-r.. e c»·: be given. Cx.T

¦.: N-. « Cuurt place, on the tnt :i.»or in I. niveraty place.

WANTED.By a reaj»»Mtabl«e |Tseng Woman. « «xtntticn a* Chsrnbarvind »nd to do

pitia? srwia». or to «set ? the washing »nd irouit« in ·.rnsJ ;r.v.·.,. fassil] I .:. be »eea tor two day» at No. ßAtaos.ou-piece, (Troyat) Good city reference.

'ANTED.? go«·] Cook I pre-i\ 94.9) M · 0-4T.

WANTED.Ev a reaptsctabla Womui. asituation, in » privile f.-.nn'v. to cook, wash »n.l

iron, or «a Cueniheru'svd and I »uudx ·»· Irj,u:re at herlast piace. No. 41 baicl«y-«t.

A IADY. who Itti « -?· riocooa in taacUagMos.r. w-,.r·'· to ob" «-.? ?

-,. 57 Orchard-et. Ter- I er, tiire·· (·ß»?????« week, pay half inaii. ? ii Kr-u-,¦gat Woo! Kluwer» Uug.'.r or. jqsally ij-r terms C»n beseta ftcrx two till 5, MMtiaya »A edncsdivs, and Fridxyi.

AMATE ami FEMALE TEACHER?*· A.NTF.D..Want· «1. »» eiity as Mttihk a Ma.e and

Bmiaïc T-arh-r ro tak.. riar»·t1-tti.r.h Crr.e Iron Werks) l.e -igh Co, l'enti., w.iich ?»kept »per. «¡«ring the whole ye»·, with aha nana! ?»

The pitee ?» healthy, the wh«*»l-rx>oti»» large «nd airy.A ¦· i tiernas and Li» Wif« find thig

a deairahle ·???»?:?.?. AmlsCaboM to i»",iade.n writii.·..cc.ni| xnifd with latisfact.iry rvirrence a» to rn»l¦nd ? oral ita;..: / O HUA HUNT, Jr,( kiasnti ios. Fenn , »rill tpre:ve »iti utioo.

A· ?'????. tran Ma«» u-lm»· r<. who hashad several year»' expérience in the Ir.

« « a »iuari..? in »n K'ii'.sh Dfpa.-tuiexit. iu orn«sr .V. «« ». li.-· h ,h «t t.siirnonitUof emi¬ne«.! men. Adl.-rni MAI.I.»¡TU, Uro. Iwsy ¡>. U.

AGENT« WANTED-T·· eta alata« C»bb.n'*-nptive Testament, itaned in ???·?·

ber». l'Ina work i» highly ». commenti· d hv il

«pimi. Rcv Dr .» 8 S uno« ter. Rev. Hr Cock.. Chief'Difice Hnriib'oaer. I » Prelingmyaen, »udoihen. Addirà* (>????·? !'it ? IT. No. Ilpil·· at,

AMERICAN V/OMAN WANTED-'.'.. L.>into ·'< C Mtry One that ci'i taks the rva ot a

amali Dairv, and imorntan·!· doing «.! tin '»of tsSMMssApr-ly st So 238 Water-«t.

ANY TAILOR or (TUER will ..l.'À'.»IGE ? Ff)X, Tailor, by «eiidiif THIS DAT, M

»xtr» Fti,»ali on rind V rat Cutter, to »ppiy pirtoMÍTJ to No.SII Broednay. corner of Ant^ouy-jt.

BOY WANTED-Honeerand indaatriôa tolearn tbe Drag ?..:;?«-» Apply »t Nj. 3&1 Bu»very.

sorter uf «th-it.

/.i-I ? ? ?;.»????·> WANTED-Tìir·"» potaitab)?·t???$

(HyrwK FACTORY OPERATIVES.J Wantrd. a aoodMule SntBttaTJ atBMMMl to earn #1 Î7

t .r dav. «rr 3 with family coutauiii!,» piet-t* preterroiL Adreeser tei.¿er to e»m $1 ii per day, nía tiw men we.kv.-r«t.. t, cd I statt» tact, and » ani from <$t J5 to tl*«1 ,»er day.1 ????- w::h luiii'.it* (to whom ciipio),jf.it will b» fur-t..iLid> w.ll leccivc the pn-terenci». Apr>|v mimelxtely IS

JOHN LUC!»W(»OD, No iJ, Dey it.

EV ? ? I ? Q EMPLOYMENT .A Book-Km per down-town would like to empio» ht· even-nn»

in any kind oi writing. Reifrence ,-tven. AdilrotM B. D. W.Tr U.UI.· diti«·

H0Ü8EKEEPEB WANTED..A fajmnwi .;>i»lifl»«l »» a BsMalsxaSMB who iaralari »

«tre··, nmy fimi · ásBranls « t'-«t¡on in » ·?»11fair ily by npplyiiig »t No, il Writ 1 .th-st.

M Et HAN K "S WANTED.-A few Tin plat.»WairkeriecdM. h ira', lis rig «.1>0 ro «kV»· to inveì*,

aid wl o would Is*-· to i«·,·«!»· ·?? tas cn.intry vrr.

c»n clear frctn #2.?«?? t0 ty,ni, per yc»r. ra-i learr .if ?i-ortiinit\ bv a!«ir»»tinf, with re»! üaiik-, ?????G»!» ?'

o.reof He Dat.'y Tr k

S.\I.r.-«MAN WANTED-In a W.n.li an«!Jewclr» firore. Km need »Ppiy bot thn»·· who have

? M Mrs tonasd t·. n-lling w*:cn.».u h , th« .-onghiy tga.lier·-an«; tt.·- Luîmes», uni can give good ¡?ferunwe. Applyat ?... 11 \V nil ít.up-«:air»

?.'\ \M» WANT PLAiT.··. Km·. IL-it._' Cool». None» 8«»»j.i»tre«SfS. Cfi'inbcriaadt,Wtttatt»·ea. Hoiisruoi» Oír!«. I.a.indr. tos. kc, ir. want plac«·.

... n* Ws.tei«. I.vrxui-r», Coackmen, S.«-. k.·. Rvtt? .<! Sei.ai is. Ntw-Voxk ? Uli-e,

Nu 47«. bioaawaj. T.f SAU.'·:

TO DRESSMAKERS.Wante.l. to ukechtrge of iirpvtri erit ? t t»» ? .1 «i».a*»iit establish-

menf aïeul lu i-c .t-.trj ri -.own. an eir-r.ciiced Catterand Fitter of Liu: »s' and Cli Wren's Cloiha.g. »l.«l«ry B"»>t,aad umstirin permanent. (»<xid refer»nc«»sr· it;ir«-d. Applyat No 71' L> «.rwrd-at. between I and I o'.? ? I: wl tie entirely jet'lesstuojiply at any otifer bone.

as tlie advertnxrr will net be tbcie.

TO PL'üEI>!Ii:i:» .??. \¡ r. » Proofreaiirr. wiic is »»so »toon.irli li «

e» ?? ti.iaa-ij.ent- Mu»: ttntfactirv ?-

gmà Addir·» PROOF-RKAJKU «t atti «Se«.

TO SHOK líEBCfl VNIS-Waiitt««!, by aMan well icrjaai'.tirtl wi'h the Shoe i.niii.·»«». · »itaa-

tion u Salesman in a who'esale store, whereatair «alarvwill be given. Adaües· SA/.U»MA ? C '.tatiiawi\ raaxeFust OtVs.

«.ila,.···».·«!*· ,,...·.«.,- .«..a·. ?\-·?.

.~* Coprerstn'h* can tin.) eiee/iv cuipl'iyme.it in »n e·-* ir!>s fnini dill ntv, iSv ?- ·p?< ..f

roKES at llRdillhR.«, «inner Faltón »ni Cini-ita,



OTHtRâ.Wtuted lnimediatelv, one or t* I»rccitoned to wcrkini .or», tuul wellac].!»!!.'nie of circular e»w» and w£o ur.4eratainl keeping the u kgorder. Steh may Ltd cocscsnt em/, lymeut and liieralwage», bait they «n.i»t come well rtx«>miser.<le«l. Appiy t.iJ. l-NI'tlir?:. Nt. 4kfaitaaat.

TO WHOLESALE CLOTHIEBS- .Vaotfjil.» ·?? -»tion M Fore-nan in a respectable C

H cune by a n.an wbj Ut had U year» experience in.Cn·.ting and Mu.iitactur.ns Cloth ng fur the .Saautkern aniWaakna »aaatet, aad B s ¥·*¦:-¦¦ TtBmt. Xiàram A R.o&Ve tf ibi» psper

IñtTTED STATES SCHOOL AOElf, V!vF. H. WILCOX, No îrj Broui*»». '

r.j-e, Fait.lie«. Teack ra, kUr.u kz. in.cat $«., ?>. §;«a stxora. ud »hare the beten: of a Cornaaon Fan-t. andperrvtt.»: tri ntxMooa thrasAgatrat tks Caiuo. at t1» ra·.;ot one iK.r cent, on th· rciuired cooipei^ation.year. Securtd 1/ s cefc,t.t.b.< ch-.x. ? th raaaSBMM

"lyASHIN.. and IRONINO.A Wutaf.nf ? wt.hcs'o do tht Washing and Ircninf of tnree or

I'unr gentletr en and .»lie». Best of city referen»» can be,-»tt ?»..·-.» ? .at ap in the best otsrv!»- Apply at Su.1(4 West lAh-·!., is ths baaemiB:

????'? G.?».A ? Man - torto actm' » bnlrt-i-ui »ad Oeiier». Clerk. On· t-it M corns

niaendedeayaip:« at WATKilL' ??ß?ß-?a't Stvie. No. ki u;ist¿way.

"WANTED-At N.». 114 Nai^aiMt. Teacher·,» ? CsMha Salesri.ee. Men on RtXtrrt»«xda, Ftwter», B»r-

?»e-.er», B. y» to Learn Trade» Apstac»»«» »axcltxeirig 9',fit« of poataae, xrtT be srompüy »arjled ? SPINK. As:.

WANTED-A Eirenun or ?--··--.· ?t»?-tetr. Also, a tua m iabener ta a mana »Jury, a

»kort ¿lsraatre in iba coaxtry. Marni it atta prarfcrreti.A«i»i»a» h«n No. Uta Fete OÄoe.

W'ANTED-A nrron« \>,une Man. la er 1Jv* ve-r» of «f·, tóearrv »ardita, »r Appi»·* aVAKER,

UC'IJ'V'.N a Cs »Frmtuig OtBc«. Trikatts Btilding»

T\,'ANTED---Tito gixtd t»ip»-rienct<»il Pi»ui«j"

» ¥ » «Lex» '. I·. te l'ideato. '¦ ··"-·. «Vaste» ?>· ?».-, r

a» L NrwTtukassi BMM3. »»tsar to V ? rAUCCsVEski,Ari-trtu-ng Ag nt,Nt»w Yji«.

C k»XAC£a k SOX, C^ii»M4»».? ? -A .-«»»tntjr «ranted ky Am advertiser «-»»/:¦£·*

Pan· maxuiicraring «vnjBStts», with » oaptttl ft 9*9*1,»:^a «'.¡I he an eicsileat in»s«tnxe»i. as tjs »sasi.it») a

r»pi»i.y iscuMnag. _

*?ü tDbora it mag Concern.

BY .'.fjJ.iv #1. bf mall, to CHAS. KYLE,F-.tSTtoc. Krw-Jemiy, s viiiask^ re«««ne »oi atakiSB

titkcwa. work Jar ts\*rsirg 5«»«?ßß asti Falera, irrorawoìritaeUree..»»»tJB»x.a.v?twt»s»»al iw-, Miocvtvsdedtj rnxxKaktu. i^sMassMslMS»¦ PI 9-t*f*«a-·¦

INFORMATION WANTED of JOIÏV orSAML. PCROIN. aat.vee of New Derbem. Mara-

Sboald thi« be noticed by -hem, or anv nth«? iwi'maa thatknow« tbem, a Ime addretaed to their tu«er, SABAH AG? RC.IN. No 15«J Jay »L. Brook.!· i. L- ?, »rdl BetAa-h-felly received.

K'OTICE..V.ie public an. her»?Sy «.autioQcJ.gairat rantiaritaCR Dote drawn by W B. A A Bar.

ton in »ver of Andrew Ward dated Feb. T. !«-VJ. a: th.reenonti?«, tag Two ??odred end Tb? ?-eagh: De.aia andFifty-nine creta, (?_- 30.) the aune having been ¡o«! andpayaient thereof ttopped.VOTICE «ifASSIGNMENT -N.«¡c·«* It her«·-lf bv giver, that ?????* ORAM and ROBERT F.ORA.M. of the rot.o.hip oí R.edoiph. m ite Co«rat» ofMon.« and Stale of Nt w-Jereev, compwuif the firm at T.h R f. ORAM have tin» day'made aa aaatgnmeat to thereoscrtber of their -ertiterihip «»tate for tV e ¡nal benefitel th. crediten. of »aid rinn, and th.-.t tho creditor· of «aidfirm must -.ir.:; ùiojr mpeenteciaim· to the fitlwtmb-r,.ade» oath or ifjirmalin. »viiliia tJ>· termo: three u-.o.t « -

rcb 3,1855. WM. H l'fit ìDnrite-M Ntw-Yark.

ON thi· rocoipr of $3 I will *>:a? r<» an- parto l'uited ntl.l » valnabie Recipe for Itera:vingt

Egg», warranted good for ux mou.i« It not wiat repre--·:·..' .......: I ..

ratereirj, New-Jenev.

Cfjuiuce for Baeiiuofl ítlcn.

ACFMI IMAN. Ire.i a» an Architect, whoha·!:· !- « ? meet w th

a I'ntiier ta tl.e MBtontea...?. o: h» » .uici be ¦« iJlBgtnrrc»ive »« Parenrr, a Builder, who ...tía 'tiüvtioi. ? »til.i are .f hkiain«·»«. Adilrera (r-repaH) A F o Br.-id.viyl'catOlBee.

A SMALL BUSINESS Wan ???-CHASE. Bj ? Ijidv who row («cr-ipt-« tun» r rhh m

W ii.iani may he »xchan«ed 'or a i.te uaniberof rex tn» ai.d », Ibi»tb» «tr. « - ··.

ticoiBi»tain- wret of Broadeay ·

na ?? \ H. Palme· e»kir..; »ed ? ?!??» ol «tock '.od · ig to B«tiiFebrvarv. inet.. »' t. ?« Other


·· a Pr >··

tafOfltaa propose» to ?·· hi» Tt»r tt m? a i.aige ß???.Newipaper and Ornerai Job Pristiug Itti · win h ·?;·)?·

a .f cm um, and ariti whiei· *

Moothlv ? ,·· »xîenfve pelwl'tio vt.ri,d Vere'«iiitd ?' iratrrd · ·| tbejetbeathe ««me gam t.. t'.o p.t cha.-r.it aeni ;>-oe or ifpre*rrre.1. the wbo'e will netc.'on rnasoti» kta tema pro-

pn teat propri« tor .

ation as ne..furortyei.fant. of -1 work; !iawbieb can tmnt parch·»» m«»ney wouldbe trtierrd to r-if.a ¡; u motiwillbe ··¦ . n, buime·· «taallSe··noca, he, ? o. Fot ocatioa, attui a »fina lineimi »lupi nia.term·«· · a peraoe,«tta»Tbr Tnbure, or .revea hue add.»ee.1 to INVALID atthe ««ire place, which will meet w lii pto.r.pt alt


DYY'FLLINO..It ia oa· ni Iba ui»«t Muir.«hing an.lh»»l;Iiy viliage« on the 1!???«..:? Rirrr. .I utile«·c'ty. It ·· tb.· beat «Und in th.· place to: »ay bind ofNbb-lies»; atptarraal oi capied «».firmly »r eery, with k gi>'>d

.- BiBiB.lena «tor· and «

.:«b,e in ? r « cepaal ?« about to en-

g- g« m ether ·- uewi the busi-he in· he- rotlt» M Im «CTI

DRUG -???? for sale.On sftko brnXttaad· tn the ct urtry. bent« i:< \t door ·> a tir»:-clai»

Hot« I. and en a I. adtug bu-ice*» street: n now J,.itig anear« lient basini m. which csn b» much increased by properattintilo. Acuii·« J W. S. No. HT7 N»iv..aveu Posi-Ollice.

DIM'«'. STOKE te S U.E. -An».«.1.1 Ntab*iny d ni a good binine«·, a .libo «old

low forcr A Apply t No 11 (.rand-It

1¡V)B BALE, t«· LET, or EXCHANGE MrCITI PROPERTY-The va'iiab'¦· Water-pea

Flouring Mill at Matta»an, Fitbktl'. Duihena Co. ? Y«.?»('.er »· li tire ?.?»,.o altached, af ti at· Ali Sebeack The propert»coiit.lri7 acrradl Lanit g ti.» Mattawnn Machine Co, h« ago:.· ßIlude". Il«, ? ?. lüoed. The Battford lad Fi»! kill ita '.ioniwill run »?. the lu ? of lb· prerperty. 1 ? tty ?« veryrieur»1!, ti ? it« pre··.t buaii.'«·, erM au .iVMtn t*ivintr wtabn t· »eli ou «crouiit of ie»· tn; the place,

ni«· k· own l>> the own«.-on Ih» pro »eriyWM II YVVLSH. i'nh U, Miftnwan.

GOh SALE..A valuable« livratien for militi·f»e:unng Pig Iron, R.linn«! Iron, Ac. -Th» ..ihscriber

odori tor «nie avaluabl· lot itt.ui tor the iron ba_aera «ituat-rd oa the Delaware Re. Ii set, o¡)oo«i·.· Eait >i,Pron. Thia pUre ha« ela»V woteri « .n to the

h i.. ili. I'tr'atvr.re aud Morn« tft'ial, ; a«. .??¬

? on the line Of tLe? Deluder·· a..·.

load aad ?.» ait' ¦·· I6¿«to: v (Outrai Kail- ]r« aa All these cniauidti''it mi· can · tptdy iron ore aud IC( ilk. the !.-¦ t«.i ·· Thu ple-e :« » ?lioa of c«pit«hsts wiib'Og m engage m fl:·· non b»i«'n»·«.

JO:< llfJWCLL r;««toa. Pena.

ÍXm SAJ.L-A KOI.I.INO .MIL(», i.i ?¬? · opta») Rbra a wi'iE MILL, with «h.minai

wit-r, « ihr»e miiee'rom Prrkik Li Apply toJos» VU STH Y NO ., of to E.H.BIB BY, King« Brtd«e

IV) BUSINES- ?? \-lor Salt·, an ?·.:.test of Ont-Hail ir, a (»ruponitieQ Decorating Es.,ib-

lisbment te 'he M«nulsct'ire ? f Ornainenial P r RR :(enter Tablrs, l.«x aing (ilase. Portrait andFraine«. lutei: ? D>. oialirif nt In fl ,«·. BtRORth»it*. MN'.nr .«ar» eatabliibed eu .«es. l.av.ng an

eiteLM·. e coi.niry and city connection. Apply -'. No- 13.( ...tonili «t RRHjn lloor.

TO MA( HIMS'IS.- F..r S.I.·, a Machiuf»io.. Staat ? : ',»'. ¦·«¦..'...·· La.· ira,

???\ ?? -? ne » lease of ibop tur tire vnaf«.No h..r»e («» lOod-will of bii.ioe··. Ap^ly te J ? MILU,

hiiiiiwiy or of JOHN MlLLS/fNo 11» Yth-«.

To B-ERC HAN i S and TRA DEBfl .? .'fri-r.RiiT year» re·:·!«.* of ?

Putì Btgb, Pa, the bay to the «vrai VY -t lb« »rawtara oftvtogr.at Kai lreail«, «nd «ill en·, irta.ranuni'

' w.York«rrFAH-e lio » onid with to ektabtiah » teaaft bon·» in

thk'C'y. lb» i.-lvertis» ' i· of p»r»e. ·« l.abii·pr»riir_ ki.oa'edg·. .Id », . , .. th th-

e. · ai u rnetchart« of the . «r ·?· It «' leattfl ta. v irginia and 0 liimabie r«fnr·

»re««rv"i a tie City of Nrw-Yorfc And Pitubn gh. Ap-r'jly ictutto ? /,?? I«Selllv_j.it,New-Y««*.

?^?? ¡ EIT8ICIAN- »ml I»!M;i;i;ists -ForSale, ?? e ut 'he flteta ratei u«hrd Drig Store« ri ih·

|l .. .1 beuueae. R>.t low, wit t ?» ae paoiiRiiiij ta laialj lo ht aaa4 .ab For

t.rtt.er pnet-uaia c»ii ou lite .erraer of'«?··? mweh »v. andC. nstoi beret.

FIX) PRINTERS m P¡ DLI8H£R&.r« !JL sale, a Plinto· OtSce, e mta.r.u.g two doub'»-r'»y«lAmjoet P,-tsr»(i. .e ueftenii Sta.aia« Press, ProwBoard·,and a . the .nu. »? ? ·« « \:mt -. ..»^? Pnwui on tbe; r-t nt«. Tbe whole ur part wul be told el»e«p. Aleo, ·Single Cylii~er Napier, jtlg.i4. Tbe pnnea· may \a ***n a»»ork. Ap-i» betweeo i.'ai-d 1 faiO-t, to R J. R1CM-AADS, No

rpo WA'K II.MAKERS au.l .JEWELERS.X .For Sal-, tb« Stexk a-.d F.xt-ires «u a J-weJry Storea · e« ?trai part ofthe city, ear ag ureo estahi-shed lor the..t St ye*"* witboieodiaa «laleeak.rbbmb·.S watch re-

t'i Dwei..ng, will b« tat oa lease Ibri,ce ra a rare» fi ira F .r Fui liier p_rtuiukr· apply toM'iara PLaTT A bB'>l.tE!u·. No *> Yt___»-i»i_.??~ To L»· a funi not) Roar Ba.u.ing. auiiahta Cor any

kiiit or a···.aaanl "·a.·???-«» hfta· a« ehw·.

-AÍ.E.-lag moi· be_*MB

'in It etti aw« nd to. vr.il «ell a p.rtara of it to · peaaeawho woaid travel, aad eaa A) b.nn««· with ta'ffi»»» («amu« 4l0.tr« to f-v ,??? _ cae year. Ad-f«es RICHARD¬SON, ihtaof-ee.

<_ I (\ iíííií TO $15,.**)..Aii «ipfjorto-V 1 IftUUU RMj RIB lite ~r th· ¡nvete-aaetot the «bove rem. e.tber a· «l-R« or «t? ve p-rtaer, -.a «raeof the oliera reaae-r-a aa» Machara Oboe· ia ta-i S«t«

H ? ??0 -BükSmEBg ft>*W J e'll'a/VF, Tb» ..»«tuer taviai

t .1)11 < , . .e- - » »«»I

.... .·. ;· ¦-- - -.

_ ,vt, ral tbe rafab_ta_raet «ewy·A »«* f»**»*«-»-rreiiC ffrod refereeee« e .·. « a «ad leewed. Addcom oj*.»aid O VV H.,No ? John-*-. New-tura_

(joorò fri- Eüomt.A ccOMMODA'nONS for FAMILIES and

J\_ jajiB (iiKliaiia ria Yr cb__ed et Un Bnt.OttA

BOARD at No. t-3 FuIïwu-.«..CoinfortAbU»aMoa-woAatMae ? ?__. pncea, fut »-¦-,·

Day, ß- Ferra-M-t Beardeta.

BOÁELING.Lar_f· _u«I éie^tat Roomt toLet M Qrakwi and tbetr Wive«, or tete OaavI »-.th fall or partial Board, at the el-gatt M«r_..»,

Hen.· Ne. 4i Orov»-*t^ comer <tf BleeckereL

BOARD.A Oetu'lr-maa _mi hi« \VUe e_ofiad a r Badarne«-y Farai.ted Rooaa, or ter»_? aad

Badmr. « N«. 171 Etra 17_?-? Tmt hiura · fara__edw-.th aa.a t*tk bet air, Ac

BOARD.lr9 E4«t 15t_-ti.,inapriv_tfi fam¬ily A «aite mí r~t_i oa tb« aaco-d £cor, for « y»ra'»-

Kaa kid b_ wife.»r · fow eaota ra·.«-*-. Tbe hoe.? taara', with ai« *_i__ úcpRovui__ta Ruft Ü.i ·»-:r_x;<.oi

OAPD.For râ$i> (ìirtuÌPtDen, aari Boom*k .:·.·-1 I_ar-ra ai SU- il Enst Bioadway.B

OARlv_p!,.W)U,t R,»,«,,,. Wlta ß»µ?, canM bad U Ne. ii \ eaey-st¡lì

IÎOARD-A Parlor ami IMrooñ. wrinki«.«TT e,ÏÎ? «..^aed. to let wi-h Board An·!? »t No. STW-» 9*·»7?* K· lioxaw^eîi »t?????? ecu m Rcf«BsMBB sBtjtBBlBOAKD can be obtain»*! in a lar~ .vmrniv

«Loe» kxtsss trow »3 to 93 »n, at No. iti fsJtsM at

BOARD.Koom· for Familie· and SitvrteOtMtltcneti, at No 154 Kaat labal.. Ujsaat» new wik

ai. tfcen.oaifmiaipro«cmeti». »»"-¦.t? rtfLtaMaa,BOARD.A Centlemán may obUin boar»!,

wi h ? ? easavLt mob, at ¡tt tt West "ti'iiiigt.pi»c»>, aear «ttk-av. The hot·· la coavsaueal to th« sxaMrattttsTsj sanihat a kssk raow.

BOAKD iu a PRIVATE EAMlLY^AIarfe.Unnon rocai on first rlavr, (w.th boairuooa oa third

t'Ct,)taratabeior »nltmittkti¿»«sreail.: e iet, w In li. arti, toa gratieu-aa ana wile. Ai»·», tw«, rjeatlv fnroisstt«. sVwat ta»lei to tw* tang!· r ntàeiaen. Apply »I No. 94 vY*st tid-at

OAKD ami ROOMS ,,t lira. HARNES*.No. 19 I a atr><«,aUkre. Rererenor* exchanged?

lìOAKl.lNGat UNION HOESE. N.M. 17?,a * 01 aad »l Hn«W«»i , iMareiCwa: «sad Spsaan sa»..A si.i»,>t Ku«mt, kt»ndivnae:« farniilv-d tor · »-uav'l iMstry.insy beb».i»tt!ij », .,· »i.,»a» Ilota·«·«hi r»»a»iña»hUtenus. Asr^twoairiatreeiuigiVRviiigMCiSntieMMIÎOAKD in ????????-? batkltoiu,· »uitob J'ai1' ^îî.0," "*oai î^?.' e»f«nk.»hed can be ba-f wanPc.rd by · Cteni »maa and Wife, tt » ama:! privare ratai!»lAtabam, Ttty tta^uahto. Any!y to N· IU U^TtMld-SL, tattiFulton «».

FlEMSHED ROOMB ^«»»otliinwanuitinen!< ixsant, rxmishe.i tiavrtuieni» w.taov u«t»aaa« atan 3

tain tlteiu at No 47 White st. 1'be iocitkoa a» vecv .tnnr«.hie, htuif near Brotdwsy. ari Le tosas clean sad animi.

FURNISHED LolHilNivS for GENTLE¬MEN, with Breakfast and Tea. ot ht Fanti:··, with

ful! B«.«rd. at No. 1 lnring-pla« tv cor of '.«th at.

»ORAMElirY HO, SE. BROADWAY aad"» .''i1 »t..The proprie'« r» beg to «ttoa>ai>oe to their na-

troci an«: lie tr» .. at they have inet ,????».frd »n estensive ,

» ,,«·. «rid canoow actom»» «ut sutes ol »partirsi·!».

xt-.th or withaut ? nate la.» '». DOsMH *. io.

HOTEL.Cortitr ot' Wil i,im and ErAiikfort-ila-C ''Vn'»ri cx-i hav* well-fitrxusbed alasiV-

I l">i.'.n». »Mit privt-legecfan« ·.-·.¦. tor *l ?» ·«> rf per week, *r 8<tr»sie

.. il' vce oi» a al. night«a.- !-rn»»«,h T»»xab«.»»ee

laaa.uia, aad daiing a »».i businea·. Cali asad»··.

THREE «r POI J. i.ENTEEMEN can boL.oi'aied with i«x«J K.Hitn«, Br-akfutt and Tea,

»« » :.<!»«-«, iq a private family. I.e. ati<ta onndat let«« as ttt and .?1·»?». Ra-f-rttx«»à re.iaxire«l, Ad¬di*.« ? ? . Box No. ¦*« G??: ?«, e.


WAN 1 ElV.Tiii) fr nt LVom·» ami two Bi»d? * r«»u a. utifern i'i, ,1. m » p' «lint neighSorksvid, and

n.-ar Rm».iw»y, with «>- witt-ott board. raid in advanceat dcairaMe, -?, t iS,ve Itrcm-i «· »t on the wen enie Ad-«Itci· » W A Tribune Office.

GMasut. «""-peris.

ha» over .- «? rttuiu.

tjúnocí} (DanUb.

I:\VM W.VMED-OI H M 81 acres olLsriit. situated not over »»< mile» Irò» tlie ai y Ad-CüLMTEY, Ti In.-.--?'inf.

Hol SI-. WANTED -Ih»» ? hi»rfi«.»r trt»nta??? aitatati a »!i or i story l>w.-liit|- It msxB k* ·

ni«tanti» 11 i>-si\and loca'c.l iuartxi|>ectab.et»>i»h«»urbiM>.l,w.>t mie ol the city. To ta« e mineceeaary lumble, thtIoweM i>r.ce. fnatthefaith th·· ?» ß????» fc,·, V - «hicsatdMttttsd. AddreawC. StTIUl. il No ill Broadway

H OEM. \\ ANTED -To Ku.rl.a o. t ine«two atorv and attic or three-s'oiy Hoase, suiiable lo»

tao imall f., .¡?«··, in a good ? .'rib-.rh.xMl. Location ba»twren 1st and Vh avi t s'l Addrv·« RUB-F.KT. »t..tiug loa-ation uud iriuis, »t this «tuce

H< >! 6E \\ AN 1 El ». Frinii ilo tir t <»G Mayir, a MM lwo or tìitre story ì.ri.k Iloti»·, Witt

the iiixirm ·nipmvriiie'it. pieterred. laxatlaMi Us'tweeu

CttJ II ili and «éth tt. Ail.l.irt il i.ole U> 4) J. »l ihnolflce.

\VAM KI'i,. HI l.i:. lumi the first of MayV » MSi « two story 1 riet House a «,iiiet »ni reepso-

tal'l·· tiriiM'.'iioni!. One «inatti cu ihe eaat aule of Itetv ami in w ,» Kent net to enee.l

|.a»J Ati.lt»«a» U , log Ns l.iwì l'osi Oli'ce, »tstiikg location»nd teiin·.

?Y'AN l ED.A «unii l'unii te rvnt l'or n terni» » of M«r», xvith ih·· ,. .··· ni buyiu» »I a stated

puce »t any t.ine beiure tie ev^i'aiinn of the lease. It is? iv ?! »ii. d lb»! tl.e linpr.iveiiir in» b», «I tl." lirat

i-r.l*r A Fiwti' oatsii.ing S' m I" «rr«·«, w lb a »lievi.? ??ionie line of rxileaad etvlitg

·· M ., Ifvik City, would he piateti·*«», a»,.l f». wtiieh a

¦«.nd tent would be offered- A·:.: ea» AlillIC«T.T'UKK,A bau) t'««t 09mm, Alt any. ?. ,

iìcneift lo Cet.


ftth «v Th· num. roo« »palie uit· fur «Ute» of Roajtvia»aid llnlditig», are lnuniud that they will be rsavly

fut rispedìun in · fsw day».Ira» notice wnl he tu »?, i,i tbj ptMBM wh»t day flit

hetseam«y be in»i«.ied A. F »M il ?.?,?... 41« If ii a».

ANEW ROTEL to l.::¡-Al.rK<ia.i».l i-olí-\.n .ut lioii»e. Mali i-i«Ir.«!ai»»d f.ir tin« re.ee|iltaai of

mu.et '.«iirders rnd »liter company. It la s'tuatnd ai Ih«Fatrtraoi rk t of Ü e HswUat ¦¦Ihtad. Tbak,iusi, wul bsxlei ? aitiv ¡»mashed if delire 1 It baa ?.? ?.· hu'iae etttxai»·? l-urn» .tables, Ac. Tin· .tari m .s healthy aiid l'IaaiastForp«itie>ii«rs, inpire of JONATHAN ? TIBKR. Fattrnoti, or JAMr I U If Al . k OS N. *1 Stmna at.

AUCTION ¡ñOBI t., LET.-???? hri/f»,Xa well Hsbtsd .»t re, row nempied by the «nltserib··»snd »drnirably s.mio d, iui ? -r« siiualion and site. Sir aUrge Ai-e", n »'ore will botet lor a term of vers Armi»to Nr>AUTI!*Co.N..MUi4TM.»fc1 I So M B.W.

BROADWAY ??,??:???-?.,?G.?», forat· na sin »?», a »iiiaal.le piece ol ?'??;????.·»| |>r ,p»rtj,

sitaate.1 u liaedway, o» . ·· test IV.suiegUiu-|>!«i-e, ha- ras » fHnt of over »? t*m» as Hioadtray «nd ron-moi il.un i. io M ir« rat. ¦ ß-..it. ot «?* feat« Tita aboveir. is.·, f.iiulingan Mercer si. itasi tt of two UwmitìanHonte, ?. .«m s« No» Ai »ad .'II Mere«r M., »rid having a

ft'i.ti.f ; ' G? - .«I r. ·., .· · «re »tiered tor ka·«rruontbl.· t'fiiis. Aptly ?··

K. l· K'.VKN, No. «4 Johaat.

LM I.'NISDFD HOU. to LET-Thfiftr«t-J. cUa» ibree-tt. ry and attts I.'ous- No. *»7 West l<iat>tt.Iw twat-ri Sih and istli »v» ta let wi-b Fiiroitxire t.i · prient·

Tne loner· .· very pleasantly ».? .titirl, aud siandiag? u a .ot of go by lit it \i»t iti« ·· « iuta», «il a »pact'ia« gar-

.Not lo he .et for a lloanli.i, liuu a. Ian be«wV-.nel.i.iirsof S vid "< » For fnrt'wr parttaislar·

»ppiy to V\ ILLAUD. ->WF,\ ? k ANI,r.R*>N,An .p.· v«, Nti.Sl Ch^iubais it.

O El It 1 .-» M I.EI .Dm »It'll« lint ??t.nd t · sèment of the ino.t'-m niarkl« laaseineut h.Mtse

No IStet'reet., next t.. the M nlkwest cerner «t'Cba-n-lena;.»hi« tor a»· insxiraixc. f'ouipaay. A« Ai.u » t»

·' I.KLCÍ, No.UtWi·«.. "T

0? II ES aa I.ET n .r WALLÏT-Th«»Ria«'iii<n,».fl.«r in b,.lHiiigN«. IW Fe»rl-·· pjnn.ng

a nu B»avérât The room« aie light and f?«?.?» iati it.« d ?. ,1h Crutuu w at· r 1 i-,uire on the tr»iiniav-·

of CLARK v JtililF.

ROOMS ti.EET.aith ?··-mI «»«.??/ POWBB,»t tie Ks.lem Railroad V >·¦ t iitait»! m Wfrite-st,

betwi·:!! Fba « nd Cerner et«. Tl.e two* tory in *,tr frs·»ZSxVito Inox^J, ire well ilgiil»d H tan let a> ????? uUtaxd.aih lay a. .i/net o'jHiaer. Tuerasrs also good hoisf arty»,w iter Li'tkct», Crt/ton water, gai ri» riga·, 1? .mm diaielyciLCecied v..-. ih· ? iei.-nl roaiiki». Apply «U.ly to

W A AL/.I.N coiner uf F.lni aad Fia-ikii st*.

SI EAM POWER to LI!T.-ß.s.iii· in baüaina Heg 77 7» »ad 11 Duatv» st with tower F'.antta-

.aaa beUdFefc. 1. ? FAL»dKB,No MÜ1»

tíTEAM rOWEIi to LKT.-SevenJ »f!lO Rdhted rtxnn«. «t-llii conau-.t .i.dttstiiy power. 4in* ntrwr Kl.aal.»-th «od Ileat. r-tt* Appi/ tu AIO&TUMa (.«ir.J..S I. Ha. .'·. I'.. -.-... »stras* fi*td,mt.

TO EFT -Tv ?» EW..' f Mrtrt)!« front Bollii»in«*, citner tvf Coen ai aid V l'ae·, laaving ail »Midem

in prevvmr..ts ami Just lu »bed rOafta m, saw or lat Mar

f^et t^M»j totaiivai. Ayylj go A. J ?'? áJIlTH, »ß, ß

TO LET -r LIBASE -m f^oreW« t«îrm«--A·»'¦;. -r.iFrojier·.» .. I,r. a.l»ay. AxMlCatM»-

it. Lo·, a. "Sita, wi:h a l'I*· ai. ' U Jo./ ».:. ..V uattU-Ivifclflg »trtet, forn.itig ,u « . 01 füajao Ti.* »tx.Ji.ag ongtMfSMM can fa aiutai mtu,tfjtr* a».d ???.«·at a rt»"4»na»tLaed pay »large «d »n*. o··.,/ lie «reaent reel TuaFrenai»».» »d> fang »re VU :te atBek c»o he hid w:ti ths»bote ifde/ired Tùie property ? wtfl calgo'»ted tot s arg·ctrraae or fWrc.iurer.rp-» »xrv », ¿ ,,^^, ini umm-mu turTattljiu be net wfb If rot let or '»aaed «oa*. it will bs>altered U. toil: ray kiitd of t isj-er»,. r rM»k awiy»t No. 11 Jal»ii»a^ or ta f.. M ATTWATek, Sa m\UcD^í^tt. from W Ut Í2 ami i to i.

??«) IXT.T be Store and iJ^elliBaj No. MI?. ink-·»., corner of Waw* 3Bü.-«t.. Cbsfav-a-· {aara. «??ß.tore is cce r.f tbe best stai.·:s ? ti^t part sf tne «sly lor ·

fturuiy giix-ery A»*o. tats aarge two-siv.ry Uwailiag Ulti»5o .31 ¦« ? ?« oetr Chtlstt ? /Jar·. Tb.« kaum » sataietawith txery ctw»«rnitvnc« »nd la fine order. A^so, avrfsraiotUr Uñase* aui !?*?* to 1er. Atnly t*

A. B. ClJfiMAS, «n Î37 Broadway.

TO BENT-Honae No. «tO CliffitIfiwB May1, IU9, «sutaxkl» ter a ·?? elagt fcM^«niaa>ri«»avt»

Ii »« M stetp.ii-."«*!.·. 2sviar». I ut«a»tM, 1 bava· i*at sad«.ilar, ·¦· in s r:· ct .r«ur

IdAAC -MITH ? aoiJ· B Ce

t?.LET or LEA8E.-E011F Left· a« No. ItWFaítoxi-«. Aleo, the baienxert. Tk« hntm ara watt

icw, «a tl- -«»· *m**._Am¡¡Ttxt- ?. »tXI-LOCeO, FT·· mm raìtoaytt.

TO LET .??: ß 3-???t atue aad IrnâveauncX fleas/. No. i*77th«w,M«»a»»4»it»e,MawOeW TasM

G rexr.i»e. are in pria»· orimi, wi*B OolMM 4»sck isas, ·-«·*n!lU^tto*t**pKUma truss*,ktf9*att*r fastmatt«rt 1....» en Uxt^iiiM at STILLMAVd ìms Icore, Be.Ml t»:· t»»»«a>S