NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. THE NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE IS prRLISHEH EVERY MORNING. SUNDAY EXCEPTED. AT It*NAHISAC KT lOPrXlltlTI CITY HALL.IMtW-VORi.. Anil delivered to City Subscriber* for Nine ttnur*. or. when they preler. they can p»y in wlvance at tb« lor .ix month* or * your nt the vume rate. SiHfiie copies Two t eilt». MmI «ulwcnl-er» Five l»)ll«r- j-er iinnuii.. t:i nrivn.nr« .n ttie paper to m< Cltfe eonmiued oeyonri in. time for which it is pud Snl~-r.:ii'..ii«!jitlen for8is Mooth* TISSS of At'VfRl Ul.NU /ire Lmeji. or U-t..FirJ lu.eri.»Cent». tot emch »ubwegueot nwemun.13>< M Ten /.island ovei six.Fiirtmeeftioo.50 m ¦* For each su'"«o,uent iuiertinn.« m " For ore yveck.J jj{ M M ** For one mouth .j...o CO Siarr.n-e», Funerul .Notice., tic. not cirecd nr net lint*. Yettrtp Jifotrtutrt.oc* to exceed IS line* » Ui pri vdege ol reoewioc niivemiroicnu nt pleHture. Ipnyobre.pwiterly. or hull yeurly m advance,I 40 tA) try- \ idveroeemen*» in*..' ithuvp rappear both in thuMorn.i.c und in the bvcnins edlUous. XKAV-VOKK WEEKLY TKIBt'NK, A VERY LARGE PAPER. FOR THE COUNTRY. Is FOaUSFIICCD tvuRY *ATTRi>Ay MORinMO. At the Ion- price ofTWI I TM 'I.I.A Us oer ennum. in advam-, f II E T H I IMj i\ K News by the Brltiutiiia. Wc brii fly announced Hit: arrival uf the Dritnrt- nia in our Thursday morning's piper. Sin reached Boston at 6i>"clticR tin Wednesday morn, ing, and brought Liverpool dates in the 11* h "it. Tin- news possess* s sc trcelv average inten st.. Tin- mosl imp irtant news is the tremendous gym. pathy in favor of O'Connell produced by his itn. prisontnent, und the unparalleled increase of the Repeal nut.the amount collected during*, sin. (fie week being over thru- thousand guineas. .Mr. O'Connell had been prohibited addressing the [njriplt; from his prison yard, although in other re spectshc Hue" courteously treated. In the mean, tune the writ of error is nein"; carried before trie House of Lords, und Thursday, July the 4th, i? fixed for the opening of the case. The Cotton marke' is slowly but steadily re covering from the depiession it has lung experi¬ enced, and the opinion of seine ol the liest prac tical men is, that the corner hits been turned, ihc staple hau »ceti its lowest point, and the f«tt'jr.- i> full of hni>c and promise. [European Times, The Etiipernr of Russia, after a week's stay in England, t'x>k leave of tfie royal circle on Sun- day the 9th inst, and arrived nt Ji >tlerdam Tuesday, en route for his own dotnifiiotis. II' was g ized at, feted, ami treated to «1! the sight seeing which the wealth of the aristocracy and the power of the Ooivn had at their disposal [lb Parliamentary..Few measures introduce'; into Parliament have given rise to ".-cater heart, burnings than the Dissenter's Chapels Bill. It was brought forward by the Government, in tip upper house, for the avowed purpose of putting in end to the unseemly litigation which has longcx istcd between the Unitarians on the one hand, and the Presbyterian and Independent bodies on the other, respecting the legal right to certain chapciB where Socinian doctrine* are now taught, but which, according to the assertions of the op. positc party, have been diverted from the purposes of the original founders. It was just the measur. calculated to evoke the acrimony which too oft« Ii accompanies religious zeal; and,accordingly, tin " unco righteous" in every part of the country have been up in arms against it. The "drum ecclesiastic" had sounded the alarm from orthn dox pulpits.petitions, numerously signed, wen presi ni cd against it.and the House of Commons was to be the arena where the rival religionist* were to light the battle. But the speech of th' Attorney-General, from its coolness and great ar guinctiiative power, had an emollient effect on the passions of the heated partisans. He showt i' th«t manv of the petitions presented againbt tin measure were founded in ignorance of its provi. sioiis : and, tracing very clearly the justice and necessity of the measure, he piovcti that when ever a trust lor a particular faith appeared on the title deeds of the chapel, the bill was inapplicable, and that it went no lurther than giving posses¬ sion on a prescriptive enjoyment of twenty-five years. A long discussion followed, in which the arguments were all on one side, and the dec]ama. tion on the other, and a majority of 19U in favoi of the bill gave the coup de grace to its opp ncnts. A great Ministerial crisis had just been pas.-i through by Sir Robert Peel and his Iriends in tin Commons. After a protracted and angry debatt on the sugar duties.the Government insisting on the first named duty, 24s and refusing to listet to any compromise.they were beutmon ihc first vote, by a majority of twenty. After Consulting and drumming, however, for a day and night, Sii Robert's rirmness prevailed and tno second vote resulted in giving him a majority of twenty-two. thus securing the passige of this favorite Minis, isterial measure, with which, it was boldly de> clarcd, they were prepared to stand or fall. Great Western Steamship..A curious dis¬ pute has arisen between the Peninsular Company, and the Great Western Company. The former, it appears, purchased the ship, the Great West, em, lor S3"J,()l)li, the owners undertaking to do whatever the Admiralty Surveyors might deem necessary to qualify the vessel for the mail s. r vice. A considerable delay taking place in com. pitting a set of new boilers on the tubular priii ciple, some tune was requested ami granted. a!: being ready, a trie.l was had down the Severn, un. der the inspection of the Admiralty Surveyors ho found all right with tiie exception of the supply of titcain, on which he declined to p;iss the sar. vey. Some alterations having been made in th. boilers, the vessel was announced as ready fur u second trial, at the request of the owners. Some delav occurring in the appointment of thesecond trial, the Great Western Company declared the bargain oil* and advertised her to s.iil to New- York on the '22d inst. Nkw York Packets..Since our last publica¬ tion there have Iveen numerous arrivals from New Yotk. The Columbus reached on the 4th, antl the Ashhurton on the 5th inst., the Stephen Whit¬ ney and the Yorkshire ou the 6th, followed by the Queen of the West on the 9th. On the 12th the Onio arived, making a quick voyage of eighteen day?, and bringing us dates to the ~lih ult. inclusive. The Britannia stcamrr from Bos- Boston, arrived at midnight on the 13th, alter a very quick voyage of I2j days, including her slopping at ILililax. The Sheridan, from New York, arrived <>n the 11th. [European Times. Death of Campbell..Thomas Campbell, the Poet, died at Boulougnc, France, on the l5:h inst. It is expected that the accouchement of Her Majesty will take place in the month of July. His Majesty Louis Phillippc is expected to visit England during the month ol September. The weather throughout England was favora¬ ble and crops very promising. Public Feeling Toward* Mr. O'Connell. The demonstrations of sympathy with O'Connell havu been strongly evinced* tbroucbout the country. The repeal button has been uuive'rsally adopted, and puhlie meetings; have been called und held :,.r Hie purpose of expressing opinions on the Slnlo Trials, and on the incarceration of " the martyrs," in Glasgow, Binninehatn, Dublin nml Liverpool. Addresses to-Mr. O'Connell have been voti d by t!io corporate bodies in Dublin, Kilkenny, Newry and Limerick, and public prayers have tuen recom¬ mended by the prieitts to In- put up for the protec¬ tion ol Heaven on the " Liberator,'' und fur nis de¬ livery. The repeal papers have appeared in mourn¬ ing. The contributions le the repeal tent have gieat- ly increased. TtseCorporation of Dublin, on the Gthinst. adopt¬ ed an address to iho Queen on ihc subject of Mr. O'Cwunell'a itnpriMoniiietit, and an address of R\ni- pathy to Mr. O'Connell himself. A petition to the noune of Commons was h1»o agreed to, praying that Mr. O'Connell may he liberated. A very large rnreting v«a» held at Belfast on the 7th inst. in the Theatre, to adopt resolutions and vote an address to Mr. O'Connell. The greatest enthusiaKin prevailed. The meeting was addreRSed by several who were not repealers, but considered the incarceration ol the conspirators, as they are called, waa unjust. Similar meetings have also been held in the dis¬ tricts of Kaxiiif, stepney, and Limehouse, London, and in the Amphitheatre at Liverpool; al ihc hitler, Mr. IllundeU, ugentleman ol lar^e landed property, presided. Ki.n sal To admit Ufc.PCTATin.is..A number ol deputations lioiu various placed to present addresses to Mr. O'Connell and his lsllow pmouers have been HV GREELEY & Mr EL RAr VOL. BV. sro. 77. refused nilmission; then- lias been no attempt Jo pn vent iridii n!u :!. h v ing inti men s with them. A deputation ft m IJruff. County of Limerick, huvine attended at Richmond Bridewell ui present nn art* d . ms tu Mr. O'Connell on Tuesday, were n fured admittance. .Mr. Smith O'BriVn, o«.e or their num¬ ber, addressed the following ).-ti..'r lo Sir Jamee Graham:. '"TO Till RK.HT HOK. SIR JlMr^ ORaHiM. U*RT. "In bli.. June 11.1944. "Sir..Hanne been railed ttonn, on tin part nfa p inmni I myc**nvutiien4>.to s'-coinp.ov arienutatioii witnavew t, lire-lit mi 'idiire-a 1.» Mr t i'1'..in.e h-S day, win formell hythe .'-ver> r f Rie m ml iv.,. tcntuiry that t e bV-ard. o< Sui>etintenitenre hail eiren direction* ihut no llcpiit-itimi Ik admitted to pre<eM* mill eihe< to ihe Si.te prt«o«er> Taking fir ^ruined thai ih" II.. mi of .-'u;>e'iiiir"tleiice Mr«Mjld, in regit re ii'-ucn pi -eeedinr. fie w lloig t Conform to ine iloire o u t -ecetnry fStne. Itakethe Ti^ny t., ..k whether tue «.». cluoouof persons v. idlingto tealilj t'ie re-neei ami nfLVtoi .tili ir fellow countrymen to Mr UConnell ano the nihei .-'t .'e i r Kmrr« hai yonr aancti in. I may. peehap*. tie permitted t»a<ta.ihatthelocalarraneetneo««»f Uie Prism are -ueh n- .o.dlowoftbe rcceptimiul Deputat im«, without m mi. decree inteileiing »ith f e ordinary uinciolitw 61 toe priton. "1 have the honoi to !<.. your ohediei t *r> unt "W. r-. O'BRIEN " Tkorwaldben's Statc/e of BrRO.f..A case nf ¦in extraordinary nature, mul in which the names ol i*i, nt the greatest crinracterg of the use will figure, tibiiui to e brought before the London tribunals I'horwaldsen, as it is weil known, had executed :. colossal statue ol Lord Bvron, which he Ceuisiden d tiae ol his lm»t works, nun pretenttxt to the chap¬ ter ol V\ eelminsier, on enni ition of its being placed hi i':;* cathedral, beside the monuments .»! oti er poets The chapter, al first, accepted the offer; .'mi ii is equally well known that some scruples w ere raised afterwards against placing ths author ol Don Juni, in Ulis uatiunnl mausoleum; and the case containing the precious marble w:is never claimed by the chapter. I lie testamentary execu¬ tor of Thorwaldsen being informed of tin's" state ol things, milde some inquiries, und the masterpiece 01 1 horwaldsen was (bund ly ing on ibe floor of a cellar in a state of extreme deterioration, amongst the frag- ineiiisiif the l ese, which the humidity ol the plao- bud reduced to a state o: perfect rottenness. Con¬ sequently, a person duly uut!inri-r ri bt the executor addressed u formal reelninatinn to the authorities, nut when the Custom-House officers went with him to me cellar it wax found thai the statue had disap¬ peared, nud nothing but Iresm-iiis of the case r>- inuined behind. The executors then addressed to tiie Custom-House a demand lor indemnity. This, however, was refused, under the pica that it cannoi be answerable for goods refused by the parties 10 whom they are addressed, and that such goods re¬ main in their stores solely at the expense and risk ol the parties to whom they belong. At this stage, in line, tbeexecutors have resolvi d on bringing an ac¬ tion lor damages against the Custom-House ol London. The sum claimed is £30,000 (750,000f.) ¦it which the statue was valued by lim arti-ls ol Rome on its being shipped to London. Repeal Association..The weekly meeting ol the Repeal Association was held in the Conciliation Hall on Monday, the 3d of June. Mr. Caleb Powell, H. I*, in the chair. The meeting was addressed b\ the chairman. Mr. W. S. O'Brien, M. P. Air. M'Ne- via, Mr. l>. O'Connell, J;. ntid 1.there Resolutions were passed expressive of a Rtrong determination in favor of repeal and ol sympathy with O'Connell, and numerous sums of money from America and elee- where, including £1000 from Boston, U. S. wen handed in. The t- peal rent for the week was an¬ nounced to he £25% lös. Ctl. On Tuesday un adjourned meeting was held, Cnpt. Seaver in the chair. It was determined to d ite theii proceedings, in future, from the 1st, 2d, 3d, »fcc weeks of the captivity. It was also resolved. hat an address to ihe Queen, on the subject of" O'Cou- lell untl Iii« fellow-martyrs," should be transuiiitci ¦'in tlie ihird week ol [lie captivity." The. usual meeting of the Repeal Association was held in the Conciliation Hall on the 10th June. |i was one of tin- til 1 lest ever witnessed. Lord Flrench, If. Grartan, Esq. M P Sir F.Blake, Mr. O'Gor .nan and other influential persons were prespm Lord French took ihe chair. The meetinc was s-'- IresBed by Lord Flrench, Mr. Smith O'Brien, Mr. Daniel O ConuelI. Jr who read a letter from Lord Stoiirton, and Mr. H. Grattan. The meeting »a .nost enthusiastic, and received the statements ol lunations to the repeal rent with loud ch'-ere. Ai -ix o'clock the meeting adjourned, when the totu. «UM sum rec^ive.il was announced to he £3*239. The usual meet ng of thai Association w»,s held ni i.« 17tn June. The proceedings commenced ai one .'clock, and five hours were ulmo-t entirely OCCU iiied in handing in money to swell the amoQiit of tip repeal rent: many nf ttu- announcements were te eived With loud clieers. and the « hole meeting wn- nost enthusiastic. The precise amount 01 tb- ....,-k's rent was nut precisely ascertained, hut it cun- -idcrably exceeded three thousandpuutuis. General Tom Thumb..The career of General 'Tun Thumb, wlich uns been so triumphant al ih- Egyptian Hall, London, is drawing ma close at ihii fashionable rendezouz. The Court Circular shows thut he has been visited by the l>»ke of Devisnshiri nd other distinguished personages since our last.. So great has been his atteaction, mar one of the primary features ol the Hnv .Market Theatre yvn- .hc introduction of a rival General, almost an infant, some three or four inches taller than ihn Airierii ai tvnnder, in it piece called the " Drama at Home.'-. I'he illusion was most strikinc produced by the similarity of dress ami other artificial means iirndii ced to pass ihe counterfeit lor the, real " General.' \t present the real Simon Pure is givine; a series ol .'iiinr'ris nt the Adelaide Gallery in the Strand, n ilneeof fashionable resort, assisted by the poptilut Vmerican vocalist, Mr. Sherman. Heye the Gene¬ ral has his songs . neon d. Mr. Bamuin is. we ob¬ serve, nbout visiting Paris, ho tin- purpose it is stu- ted, of adding additional aitrai lions to iii< American museum. Having an eve I'm-tin marvellous in tin- works of nature, he is about shipping to that estab¬ lishment the lurge-i gintu i'i creation.somo "fault¬ less monster whom Uie-world ne'er sayv." tin run Brunnow, the Russian Ambassador, during the sim of the Emperor Nicholas in this country, seal for tip' immortal 1 out Thumb, t" present to his Imp rial Majesty. Thus the smallest and the creaiest personages in existence met vis-a cts, and tin' inter¬ view is described as being.at no doubt in realiiv it was.a strange encounter. Ii is now positively announced that his excellen¬ cy Earl de Grey, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, a'cd the Countess de Grey will tuke their departure In.in Dublin within a fortnight; and it is added upon competent authority, that thai departure wi'l be final, as it is not his lordship's inteutiuti to resume the government of this country. At Berlin the report is revived that a grr-nt eon- eress ni sovereigns yvil! shortly take place in Ger¬ many, at which lie* Emperors of Russia mid Ans- tii-.i rtnd the Kinu nf Prussia will take pan. Curis- bad is spoken of as the place of meeting. Leieh Hunt has recently received an income for life of £150 annually, from the father of Shelly, the pyet. Mr. Henley, nn American artist, is at present in London, executing a commission for the King of the French. In lull the total quantity of foreign snunr expott- e(\ from Great Britain was.unrefined, 425,473 cwi.; refined, in bond, 312,75. Mr. Hood, ihe comic writer, has been luboring under severe and danjerous illness. We rejoice to lcara thai he is convalescent. Mr. Villiers's motion for a repeal of the com !a>vs stands, til present, for Tuesday, the i!5ih inst. Lieut. Parsons, formerly her Majesty's mail ncent in the British and iN'orth American Koyul 31ml Steamer Britannia, has received a more lucrative «p- pninitnent on ihe mail route between Liverpool and Dublin. I'he Eosl India Company have agreed to the rein- troduction of corporal j unisliHicnt iuthe native army ol India. The Newcastle Chronicle states, thut the Earl ol Carlisle intends to rebuild Naworth Castle in a style of princelv magnificence. On the 5th inst. an estate of 12,470 acres, situated in Maryland, I' S. was put up lor sale by auction, in London. Thcri was not a single bidder. france..It is announced in the French journals thai the Empi ror of .Morocco has proclaimed a holy war against France, ami, in conjunction with Ab¬ del-Kader, is making active preparations for invad¬ ing the territory claimed by the la:ter country. It uppears, from despatches just received from Algiers, that actual hostilities have already commenced on ihe frontiers of Morocco. The suspended departure of the Prince de Join- ville tu laku command of the squadron to net against Morocco, had been the occasion of much surprise. Loiii« Phillippe gave a splendid feie »t Versailles on the 8th to 1,000 of the expositors of .National In¬ dustry. Spain..There is nothing of much interest in ihe accounts received from Spuin since our last publi¬ cation. Tne journals are nearly occupied with the details of the royal tour. PoktcgaI... Advices from Lisbon of the 10th in- stnnt have lieen received. We perceive, that the change of Minislrj nnuouncid in our last, on the HUile ri v of the Frei eh |, legrn'ih, is a hoax, con¬ cocted by some Portuguese wu^s. Italy..Tue Cologne Guzeie assures us thnt the Papal Government has atldrt ssed a note to the Ca¬ binets ol Loudun. Vienna and Paris, on the subject TH. new-vor . >t th" late disturbances in it* territories. Th* note .lec!hri>a thai there h <- been no real cause fi-r p>*liti- chJ discontent, and thai the dn-aflection is ohiefly .<.. ascribed to the machinations of anarchUtt in France and Englai d. Tne Jiitirtihl o' the Two Siciliec (Uinnunres that several steamers left Naples un the "il-t ul». with Uimpu de-tuied to relieve the parrisons cf Sicily. he Riilroad b-tweenTorre- tnnuucinta to NtHjers, '¦v roni|M, Scafati. Augri. and Pag' ni, ii is j isi h«-eti i|H>urd in iiif 1,1111110. The Knit wa> present at the n ¦ugnpstiou. tsKEKCK.. Vv> learn via Paris thiii the President ¦f the Greek Mini-try, H. »Invroc rdntu, hid re- -igued, ami ihut ail bin colleagues were auout tu ¦oliiiw Ins example. TühKr.Jf..trivices from Constantinople to the ."2d .if Hay report lint i|ik Tu kieh forces spin i»Hiiii-t the Alimnian p bt-lahad twicedefeated th>-i)i fi»wn the 13ili anil 17th. I>bia..The Supreme Government had adopte- Hi lher men SU-es lur frine il'g the n< ¦ 11,y . In Ii sense \, anil ihrdr*antisiaction *ii oh1 ie ai od biiiuD2*-i the troop* had di-appvarrd < lie r< vimeiit bad heei disband* il »jib disgrace, and ihe ort.et» hud proceed¬ ed in Scinde. FJv»! regiments h-d. however, n wili be retiietiibered, gained theirdeiiutud förbnitn betöre iiey consented to go 10 Se nde. A it-Volt il ni hern i<j:jvIn alio'ui 10 the north «.f .Sink ir|>ore. by n chiei named Bejcc Khan, who, having placed himself m the bead of .-Mine cavalry, a tempted t" plunder ih- country. A party of horse, under the t-o'iimniid nt Captain I'aite, was seul to t ;ke him prisnner, bin repulsed thein arid cut down ten and wounded toty of ihe ilniirii troops. This event hud taken ce near PooSujee, and had awakened all the en¬ ergies of Sir C. .Napier, who waa determined to put l.jM. ti the disturbance in ihe bud. The news from the Punjaub represents that coun¬ try in a* disturbed n state ever. Another membci ol tha Dografamily baa füllen, ihe victim ofbiaown nephew, China..The news frum China extends to the 19th ofMurch. A . !. if> was seized with opium on board :n the; port oi ähanghnn, and sent down tu Victori whereshe wan subsequently liberated nniliepay- rneni of a tine uf five buiidn1! dollars. I hi*seizur appears to hnve been brought about by u Briii-h inercbunl, « ho comp tiled both i!ie Chinese autboi ties and ihe British Consul 10 lake official notice ui .lie opium being on board. Several chests were thrown inlo the ecu, and other-; injured. This siej' ims brought the question of ihe treaty and ul thi opium smuggling into discussion. Tue total proceeds of the opium sale at Calculi i, on the 15th of April, whs 5,268,2/9 rs., or over halt ¦i million sierlinc, leaving u clear profit to the Com¬ pany of about four hundred thousand pounds sterl- ing. Comment: waft in a very depressed state in the ports of China, Raw cotton and opium were parti- cularly dull. REPORT OF THE COTTON MAKKET-Jcne 18. There were symptoms ofreaction in tbeCutUin marke! ntthe -late ofoar lasl publication; the improvement hnssinre heroue- more npparent. and we have now nctive demand from tin 'rtolc, wr.n have allowed their stork, to iliiiuni.il very coaxal. eruble. in anticipation ol price* la Hint Mill further. Thai. trary has, however, nccurred, and the quotations are advanced, 'hough the import., nf'he past Iwo weeks have proved exceed- ing y heavy. It ii understood thai manufacturers have mam 'Xtensive nrders tn execute, and the altered feeling ofthe mar¬ ket therefore likely tu continue. be -a'e since Frid iy having comprised 29.K0hales, ofwhich lO.IXa) were soul yt-ter ay. nod SkiO to day. We do not nUe. In-quotations this week, nui the uiiuketcHjsesextremely tirm. with un npward tendency. Cheap Postage in England. Prof. E. »» right now on a visit tu EnolrinH 'ins tiio following remarks on Ciicap Postage in ire of his Letters published in the Buston Chronicle: " You may fend a letter of no mntter how man» pieces of paper, or containing no mutter w hat dr» -ullS ance, il it does not weigh over half an ounce ni any part of the kingdom for n penny or ttroccnix ; if it weighs Ipks thnn nil ounce, lour cents, mid ro on This hits wonderful consequences. It sets nil tin ii-ople to corres|>onding, re-uscitates old friendshipH ¦reales new ones, fticilitHtev nil tnnnuer nf trnffie. .nt/ pays the pWeTumttU a clear profit of$3,000 Ol.'C per annum '. It may be mlbd ihe grand civilize. ml nnivershl educator of the people. The poorer :irl that can exprefs her ideas) by pothooks, now Corresponds with her poor pur. nie while mil at vice; and if she wishes to remit mem n lew shilling' ul her PHrnitigs, she lins only to pay three |ietn -ix cents nt ihc post-office fur a money order und in- .lose it in |p r letter, mid ihe giivernnienl then !.> - tiimes noi milv the hearer, hut the insurer of tin nones,. It cannot he lost, and ihepany tu whom n is sent is as sure to net ii us it it were liuin.'ed nvei ¦i silver. The convenience of this Hrramieineni Ii" naking little purchases, coikcting liitlc debt.-. &c iiiisi lie telt to he c.nd'-rstood. " In connection with the great enrrier0, whose nr- raugemexts for the delivery of parcels, alter the man¬ ner of Harnden it Co, rnmifv oil over ihe kingdom the cheap postage and money order syeiem sive tin ouiury all the advantages 01 ihe city. '1 hey give n liie-hlooil circulation, which ihmUh people strong *ise and happy. I wish I could blow a trumpet nn this subject that" would reach every log-house be¬ yond the mountains." Fellow-countrymen, we bavi die power in ihe. United States to have a sysleni h.- itnod and cheap. For Heaven's sake, Ju not lei ns pick our own pockets any loncpr for the benefi if people who will mo ever thank us. If our Federn Government cannot do ihis lor us, it is not won! having. This postage system i< the best ihing 1 have seen in England. For the sake of i». I conU1 ilmost [un up with the monkey tricks "ti 1 the mem, tricks of ihe nrieincracy. A od ihe aristocracy ar< cutting anliest about ilnuse times, I assure you. A- tu dinners und halls, these are ' very tiny mailers, in rather every night. Pur instance, tin Uukeol'Wel- lington lia> ii ball nt Apr-lev House. The company hegin to assemble at 11 o'clock. P. ,M..«JrO of ihe highest nobility, all riding in lhcir coaches, wpltS or 1 liveried flunkies npiece, nil loaded with <lin- monds uml enriched with fandango inconceivable.. ritey p.is- through gorgeous rooms hung with paintings mid perfumed wiih tropical hot-house plants; they look at each other's diamonds, dance the polka, or see it done, sip bead-aches or guzzle ihe gout, in the shape of champaigne, and it is one. [*d, three, or lour o'clock, und ihry go back as they came. This is their ordinary business, the every day work of these 900 highest nubility, for which they arc truly to he pitied. The head-aches and the heart-idles, (if they have any hearts.) and ih-- toe-aches they have lo hear, but as to the expenses, they do not have to bear them ; liir they really come out of the tea-pots and the bread trays of the com¬ mon people. Progress ok a Lie..We notice in ihn last Charleston Mercury, copied from the New York Evening Post, an account of Gen. Waddy Thoinp -on's speech in this city a fortnight since in which that gentleman is represented as bavins taken strop-: ground in favor ol Annexation. This falsehood originated with the Albany Arcus. We exposed the fabrication at the time. Instead id* i»vor,..j; an¬ nexation Gen.Thompson took ihe strongest and most decided stand against the Polk aad Tyler project. [Mb. E»f. Journal. TRIBUNE JOB PRllN'riNU OFFICE, No. lt» NASSAsU-STTREET. All kinds uf Job I'riming. >uch as Pamphlets, CsTAUieexs. Che» ks. Carps, utsexAxeä roucns< Bills or 1-aiumo. Circi'Laes. Mammoth Show Hills Lectchk Hills. Concert Bills. Plain and Fancy. Political Bills. ClRtl'lars, ineatltlic Promptly executed at the Office of Oie Tribune, No. 1ÜU Nassau street.opptmt.? the Park. TRIBUNE COOK BINDERY, No. " Srattci ftRSKT. GATLOR »" st" ALEXANDER, Are prepared to exeeute Biudiog for IIUOKSEI.LERS. PUBLIC LIBRARIES and private individuals, N. B. I'art.cuiar attention pa;d to rebmding Old Bonks. Pe¬ riodicals, Music, ate, in good style and at reasonable rates. Persons vi»iUn; the city can have their books relsouud at .Itort no:ico. _ 3"'li f£7~Jauies T. Ilotl«;e, who u practically (amiliar with Manne operations and the working, of i ires in the failed States and Cuba, may be consulted on the value of mining- lands, nres, and minerals, at his room.No. 22 Granite Building, comer of Broadway and Chambcrs Sl reel. He wdl analyze Minerals, äoik Waters, and articles of Com¬ merce, as Potash. Barilla: White Lead, i.e. k.c. Soecunens of Minerals, Oros and EnrSke, may lie sent to him from the coun¬ try, and he will either stale their value and uses at once, or lubmil them to an exact analysis, as may be required ; and Iiis charges will vary accordingly. Kelereoces: Gtinnrll, Minium Ai Co.. Prüf. J. Revere. M. D..W.C. Redfield. Eso.. We have employed Mr. Hodge to perform tome chemical analyses torus, and form the exact manner in which they were exeruteii. vie can cheerfully recommend Ins services to those reuuiriog such work. A. B. SANIS <X>. New-York. June 1.1S4L >e2eodtf KT- Hardware. Cutlery, <fcc.LEWltt BENE¬ DICT & CO. rejswcllully inform their friemis and tiie public eeretnlly that they have removed to tms city, and hare token the Stor* si Pearl-street, (oppoa.te the Pearl-street House.] where 'hey are now opening a large and weli-*electe»! assort¬ ment ol Co.nU, both Foreign and Domestic, to which ey would cull the altentinn of thisw wishing to purchase apälll JET Graham Hottse, 63 Bat clay-street, by ROS- WeLL LrOtsS. lee u OFFICE NO. 160 NASSAU-STREE K. SATURDAY fttOBlVflYO, J? I Polk again*! Abolishing| iir Lfrfc-in Slave » rr.t!c! The benevo'enf molntSnn of Mr. Msrcrr. ofYfrsnaia. mit arith «tat nnannnoO" n;i irov '. Mar 13, 1811, Air Merceriutrudared Um follow nemala- th-n: HtßolottL Thnt th- President oft»« United States be re. queued reisew.aad tu pfo^ecnte. fr-"» time runt, saeh iteeorihHon« with ihe -ever«' inintime p.-».cr- pf Eun ar.j Anatfteaa» he ntaydeen expedient -..« THC EITKrTCAl. ab mov np.tni lratr.S SLaVS r«de a-d UulUmau dniTiri ''um tut PlMACY. r.ler the ia*s of ieUou>, by tue con .en' ..f the rv lire >. orld. hi ..11-.1 c th - resoluttoa, th* \ye« »f| 'IS. N«es a. .M- P'IK V'»rtD IN 1'fcE N EGATIVE..G»«r. h,bMt p &jo. Mr Junes K Pülk is l'ke'v to Drove, in all re spects, eminentlv wnnrij <>t the c-inrirlrnce and sitiTrageoi Leico Fociostn He onnttnued to von | as long as he h-d a sc-.t in Congress, steadies against every iffirt to protect Amenctn Menu failures and to erie>">uriv;e ilot-ne Industry. iL cored, while ih«r-. as u ufoTinly und obstinately itninst. «I i> . p< .-i'loiis in 61 vor of tne surviving ier-r»i rhu Revolution. He voted a'si, -s |i b* se< n bj this extract from the Con^ressinn ..' Ii bite*, against a Rctvdunon directing the ''rcsidci t t i persevere in alleff ns for the efiectu. I al A311UTION OF the Slsvu i'haok! This last vote should even startle that distinguished pbilaii. tnropist mid pious man 15 niiium F. Butler. wnt< .11 nt e.|l the way to the llemi tige tor the our pnse nl communing with Gen. Ja -ksoii Yes. it Vir. Bulb r he the saint he passes lor. he will hrsi. late about voting .or a man who is in fnv»*r ol » iraltie so hellish Ih -t almost every civilised nation has prohibited it But Mr. Butler will not hesi. täte. He would support Polk if in addition t<< voting against 11 Resolution to abolish iher Slave Trade, be had commanded a Baltimore clipper engaged in that infernal traffic How is tt with otner citizens ? Will hones', patriotic men confide in a pt rson who, riurmg ilie Len years he was in Congress, voted constantly igainst a larifT, constan'ly »gsinst the S«ldie'S it ttic Revolution, agaiuet a Resolution for ibi ficctual suppression of the Aincm Slave Tradi ¦ltd who now avows himself in favor ol extend mg the American Stripes and Stars over Slavery n Texas '. [Alb. Eve. Jour. .Mor.r Factories It Viboisia..The Richrnnnd Pompilei ¦ays Wn leama company is about betas organized intake the Spring property in hand underihecharter ahead] eoniieri by the Legislature, tn embark in manutacturing, 1 t.e Spnns liiil property a vatedon the nppost is «nie ..!" the river, immediately beyond Helle Isle, and commands the extensive «ratet posrer nl the upper fells of the rn.tr As far as we inn leam, tltatcnns and plan upon which the company 1. formed, are nieh 11s to .eeurv for them « sale un profitable in vestment." It is thus thai, under Ihe assurances given ny ins- Whig Tariff, that American capita] and American industry will i,ol be left altogether nl the mercy in he abundant menus of foreign manufacturers, am! the cheap labor of Europe, that factories lor the con- sumption, at home, of the raw materihl, a-o piling up in all sections of the country to the Morth of us. It gratifies us, beyond measure, in note these facts; for an iis-urai ce is thus given, thai * home markei will in due time be afforded for a hug- portion ol be great staple oftheäouth, nnd that the cotton- growers will not be compelled to await ihe move¬ ments of I he cotton spinners nnd cotton factors or ¦he other siiie of the nine, In fore thev (..¦a real- ze tie' products ol their planlatiuns. Politicians .«Im have a pai licular object to atiain, relating sole- y to their own personal ndvaninge, may preach up ¦be doctrine that it would he i-r better to have boi .ne market for the leading article nf the Planting: States ; hu; our ideas are, the mom ihe markets no Multiplied ihe greaierwill be ihe chances liirselliuj: o gosuj advantage.especially, as ii reunites juet as nuch cotton to iniike 11 yard of clotti ut home ar .hroail. iSucli being our notions, we cannot but feel pleasure whenever we heur of a cotton factory la* ngerected in anv ol ihe States. It sounds ol or- lers fur cotton, 10 say nolhimz of the general goon hai is connecied whit it. [Augusta Chruiucle. The Juntos Tracts. No. I. Tux Tsst : or Parties Tried by their Ac.l«. No. 11. The Ccrrxscv. No. III. the Tarifs. No. IV. Lire or HcnrvClat. No. V. Pnf.ll 11 »t. Abolition. No VI. Dbmocract. No. VII. Labor asp Capital. No. VIII Tin Prni.tr. LaSOS. No. IX. AmtcXATtov or Texas. Prtee Kestuced, The Pnre ol the JUNIUSJ TR ACTS lor Lha Prasidenus iJampaien will Is- 515 n thousand. THE WHOLE SERIES, lsiun.1 toeetheT. compmin: 1* .ace i* published at § 10 n hundred. Acic- York, April SI. IHM SO" 1 Inters muni lie accompanied with cu*h. 6REELEV u MeELRATH, anitlctaw Pubbshers Inrthe Author. CT" Sylvanla Association..This Asaociatinn.- 'ocatad nt Darlincaville, nenr Miliord. PiLe Co. Pa. 1S1 m le Vom New York direct, Jl hours hy way of the Erie Railroad to Middletowa. 5 mile- from the Delaware nnd lludsoc Canal, aid from tne route nf the Ere Railroaili de«irua« ol e.tiili li-hins *ome liranchexifMunuhicrure wh'eh will rive employ .nent e-pecmlly to Women ami hudren.nnd pi this end soli. in advice unit coönernoon trimi all friends of Social Return and Inim philanthropic nmctieol men. I.ucrnliveemploymeni not expected nut a fan reward ol Labor it, TheCiMincii vmild like to treat with any just innun uhle nnd disposed n ^tnblish .'nne proiier iimnrh or bn:nciie-< of Manufacture, line ..h. does not considet Money the sols object ol life. I'lens. .ddresi"S. Kluxer, Iht'liuxsville, Pik«Co Pa" The A..ociiit on n ready to receive prooooil.1 post'Pnid Iron .-r-ons desmws ol uiiilme in tha al'empt to ei«.«ie mil im "uve the ramdhiim ol the Labafflf. TIP» member* re.-rei Ihn) eir nectw-itie- will nut aunble them to receive nt pre-eni .. -idem aa'octale who cannot take -toc» to U»e amount ol al , i«t «tu', und tlitsonly li>r imcle men idTenpoeity for immedi ate usetulcess. Foe laintties. and e«peeially those eompnsins many ejiiidren, a considembly Inruer lubsenption woubi b* requaüe. tn *i<- means orempkiyin« profitably the labor of wo men and e'i'W*en lien have mil i-een perfected. Subscnpt ikh n.tr.eir -t.s-k net ti'i from aon.iesioent members, are earn esdy Miliciteil and nn ii.ir.ual dividend ofat least »ix per cent 1-u'linrtiiiieeil. Inquirers m New.Vork ami vicinity are re¬ in, tied to call oa Mr K. Purdy. !.'»-, Uowety. who will sis '- e impiirt uifonnation and answer inoiunes. faStawWtl ECJ- North American Phalanx, Monmouth Co N. J. (Addre>. Laedsville, 1* < >.. 35 nrle« Irom New-York, via ¦teamboat l IRLS. Irom Pulton Marketto Rcl Bunk rimy ilur. inn the «Ummer. Mr. EDWARD (III.ES » the nccreditnl Axent of the Phalanx in New Y- rk, and mny Iw consulteii on :i« liii»ine«« fruui3.S to ö o'clock P. M. at hu residence. No. 123 Walker-rt. jjl 3m KT" The TarltT ns IV Is, i*mv<ind Kith the. Suijf 'ute pT>'l»>'ed bti its ../drer.nnr.. in the Hdl irpirrtrit 'a u, United State* ll.iute.af Kevrejenlalirej b-j tien. McKay 01 .V. C. By ILf.KEBt.srr. The nlsive Tract w rendy and li>r sale at The Tribune olhce I'rire Slo per ll>«._ |}ry Wnirr Cure.- J ?new, M l>. an author on Wa¬ tet t ure, 2fl Foiirth-.t. is ready to rhat hn friends and othtts who eare to be Ircated mothcnlly ictihout drvt.i Water Cure lorctlicncy is a sr»tem wiinnut ~ e«,-.lel m Uie lienlin, m-.- Mo-t ci.se». if not all. enn lie as well trenled in private dwell- incs as el«ewhere. The poor ndviv^i (trntuito jsly. j>"J3m* {XT' The Books of Subscription totheCnpiu.1 Spick of the New.York ami Eric Railroad Co. aw now oiien ai the Office of the Company. No. 34 Wall-nreet, between the hoiim oflO and 5. WM. M. GOl'LU. Secrelnry. New-York. April 34th. 1S44 _ adb- Pevestb V.'arp Bask, New-York, June s. 1M4. 03* Divide od..The President and Din?ctiirs have the day declared a dividend of two and one hall ü%> per rent from die profits of the lastnx mon'hs. payanleonand alter Lhe 2d ofJuly. by order of the Board. jeüUw A. S. FRÄSER. Caihier. CT" Mntnal Life Insurance Company of New- York..This InstiajUon. dunne the montii ol June, na* .-..iie.1 Glty-one policies, vat: To Merchsnts.20 To Clergymen . 2 " .Mnnulucturers. 1 " Phyi""iani. 3 " Cleric.. 5 " As-n:.I " Gns-er.1 " Student. I " Cen:lernen. 3 " Watchmaker. 1 " Statiooet. 1 " Irnurri.t. l " Farmer. 1 " Indies. 2 " Bniker. 1 " Mi ier. 1 " Auctioneer. 1 " Porter. I " Jlenti.i. 1 " Tailor. 1 " Publisher. 1 " Cooper. 1 ;tl 15 jyl lm Total Lives In'ured....51 KU- Dr. Felix tiournad'i Italian Metlicnted Soap..For curing freckles, pimple,, eruptiotu, bbitehes, .curvy, morphew, heatspots, mu.kelo lilies, nmt all irntatsan nnd roushrssi ami snliownesk Mini d&rknes, ol the ikm. Thi. Soap uomi of the most remarkable of recent chemical diaCov. eriet. Its emollient and healms uuulitie» «rs ipoken of in all direcuons, and every one who u*j, recommend rt. One cake oOcenpi. We warrant it to aniwer all ordinary purposes, «na ii to be had genuine only al 6*7 Walker street, one disir Iron: the corner of Bnsidwny. Aean's.3 Milk srieet, Boaton: 76 Chesnut »treet. PhdaJephui: Grny, Puuzbksep.ie. Tnusey. Rochester Mven, New Haveu: Dyer, Providence; Carleion. Lowell: and Tripp. Newark._jel" Ln b3- Dr. Felix Gonrand'l Pond re Snbtile will completely and permanently eradicate superfluous auman ban fnim females' upper lips, tne hair conrewlinc a broad and eit- vated Inreh-a". the stubborn beard »I man. or any kind nl »upertiiniu» ha-r. Be .ure to gel the genuine at the orieir.r.l office, b"7 Walker rtreet. one d'ior from BnHtöway. Si lier t'otile : direcuons French nnd Kngiah. Agents.Guthrie. 4 Maiden lj«ne, Albany Myers. New- Ha«en: Brown, Tri Che-nut street. Philadelphia: Jordnn. ! Milk street, BoUtm; tlniv, Pouirhkeepsie: l.reeo, Worcester l"«r!etun. Uiwell: C. Prer. Jr. I'rcviilence; ManhewssHi. Norwich. Tonsey. Rochester. N. Y: Guild. B-.nror: Whi'e. Calais. I an lie seen and tested !>elire buyin*. Proof posrtire ihis, and no mistake._ jtll lm CT" Dr. Pblnney'a Family Pills constantly for sale by A. B. 4. D. SANDS, Fulton street, 373 Broad- way. and 77 East Broadwayjes tan* - T. SAINDS'S SA SAP A ILL A HEALTH AMI H tPPl*.BSS AT HOME..Itamlmi*. perhaps th <!¦).'«, .¦' "ü; ciliar» gnannlly n.ort tu for¬ eign Hirne* in iKirrort "i henIth Ri n Umeii use »fthe pnu. . r mean*at hssTse, m a Inree prop rmn «»f en-*», this etu^r. v ton would unneces>nrri and health e u d l-e 'e e-'anlisjaat, ami thee ns't'uii '. burist up n- «rell here as abroad; i; i. a ra>-t generalis admitted thai rou-t rlaeases hare irieir nrnfin in an impure -tare of 'he blood, «¦ r Causes irnre-aHhy -eC'e- ti..n-. aisd thai mnn produce* a raimtdefe .luaarganiznttsM ut trie wholesystem. Weieke i.|-a-ure in ratling thealient.i.mr re-rle'S l" a v-liiulil- men ci..e i-alb-d Basil's ***a*«t>aeiLI.«. which «pi »ftectua l«eradi-at-,all loipantie* from tbe-y-icm: ml n>r Scsdula and 1 "hron r mahld es it i. eno-iderad an uti failing means nl'rel.e' .nd cure. [v V.l Vim. Advertiser. June K 15.4. Sand*' SaRsaPaR lla. a pire'y r«ateahle prenaratlun. ha. leren thtir.iUgh'y 'e-ted in a .air'-iv of lueases. and is from experience, known r . he a «a'e an eifeetu il eure f..r Scri-lii i ..r snlnre »eil ul rise <;ia'd>. e:im-y. Satt Rheum, Seoul heart, Eczema. Id eumati-m, Palpitathrtts of tne heart, and other douses nriginatina in .n impure or dettraved state of the blood of deraaeeins-nl ul tne diawtive organs, I he pro- nris-tor* »I*.tasityr 'ereivitig wnlten testimonial., giving inter eJine detail« «if it* extraordinary virtues, 'Inai-ml manor -cr:;.tj of varisMl- cert (Scale*, le'ter- ..! tne clergv, aiaai-tmtes isjnI private eit zsHts, all Conrtrmme me prrvpnis ¦rnurment*. are Cuostantiy received aa will !>.. eh. erlnlly exhibited mi ao plication Pact* ani reenrrted suiflc entlj eleurmid eonvi' ei .g .-.I -Mtisfy the ..!.«* incredulous of tne real merits «t tin* tnva! nab e medicine. BO* The following truncates ill I* read with interest pa. I c.iiurly by ail .oiieriig in u-miliar manner: Baltimore. June 1". 'tm. Met-r*. Ssxp.GrstTt M«aeheaft" llv do I »dd to the BU- neri us testimonials .'¦ vmi lite uo-x-rv .live S r- ip .r. I-. I waseOacked in 'h- yr.r ;»J. with ascrutnl »ffectl«m on mv um»' I.e. ami OHitiuiloK uuward tn-ing no o .>¦ in- na*»taa .urruumline part*, until the pa-s-ig**. for ronveytng tear* ft«Mii r.e p\e. it, iii-- no*a - ere .1-. soyed. whieh eaiiietl an uncetss ng H-.w of tear* It al-" aAected my cum*. cuu«uw a di« chanre vTi unpleasant, and my teeth b-eameto l<Np*e th.,i t would iw* Have been a bardt sk to pull them mil wit" a si ." . ierlt.<ueh weie my feelings and .nrr.-r.ue at thi, trme.ihal I aus reiidereit ierr"a-t', miserable. I Cms-olted 'he tir.t l*h-. - ciaiMiutnei rty, tmt with lit'le bens-rit. Kver> Unna I beard .1'was Tied, tint alipnieeitol no sendee, ami as a la*tl»a<'rl win recu.i mersCed cbanire id air; but this, hie 'Iwr re rede-. .IhI res giM*j, the disease continuen emdun'ly lu issstr asa um .ny whole iifiy was urtected lint thank* til hunuuiitr. my Physician rersummemted your preparation id Sanuspnrilbi. pnscured fmm youregent in thi*¦ My. Ilr. Jamas V. Reel, ( ..itt1».. aod in 'e»> Pine than Uirre mooihs was re-t..red In .lenl'h and hnpuinen. Your S rs ip-.rilla nl.ne ed'-e'ed 'he rare, and with a de-i « thai 'h'- nfflicted mny no longei «uif r. ail ii«c 'he r cht medicine and le- 're» fo,m d sen«>. with he. nut "i joy and eraiituda l rem iin your fre»ud Ii V.MEL Me' IV.VIKAX, Any onede.j».ui« to snow farther pan eulars will Bml me my res'i'e- ce in Kroni -tr-et. wners n .viii if.'-1 um iiisa«;: e communicate any (bina in relatH'n t.. tu. ,-. e i'\.MI-:i. HcO»\.\tK »'N Persnnaily appeared before me I he araire nniirrsl laiinel M 'mi-¦ ihitn. and madeoaUl ol tha laets c**otaiued in the lure;; uc sluteius.it. JlMI.V CL"L"lJ. Justice ol the Peace of the . 'ay »I Baltimore. VVaasTKR. Monroe Co. Peb 10. IS44. Messrs SA^P^: t.cntle.i en .It is dithcult to rind Wonts to express the er .tituiie wlnca I feel towards yini for me uaete*>i that you have taken toielieve me in my di-tre... Fourteen an r- since, there appeared a small -ore on my undet hp. * h cn mv physicians informed me was Hiel M"cer; it remained « :h IUI much chnnfe until within 'he la-t two ye .r«. Wi en n coin .nenceil e time. At the same t.rue .even hard lumsf* aupeared under the .urliiee on my t'eht lee. w hich Ii ally became run j woes My thront .mi! neck were much atteclart. and ab my oralerjaw waesodneasesl that the teeth led out. My un¬ der lip is now nearly en'eno^ftr. and the aside "I my ri^ht cheek >sereatly afiecred. The ilartiint paiasthnaieh my iacehas'e Iseen very severe. Fur Ihe pa*! year my wfferinrs have hee;i nlense, beyond my poweruf dascriptiuii. I have taken many liflerent kinds of mclinnes. all of which have failed to relieve me. Iitirinemostot this time, I have been nttende.1 hy niav> ifour best physicians. al*o by one cancer doctor, who all de elded that my iHrense «as beyond the reach id medicine, and that cmild live but a «hört wire Fortunately, however, >; me. 1 was mf rated ofysdir vaiuaale pntnarnttun. whteh i.r..- cured of your asents, » e..r«. l'..-i at VVillh, of rtoehester.. \ithoueh, nt the lime i commenced mine rour t*ar-pnrilln. was en lunne the immi «ev^re pant, aial there appenresl to be no hope, -till the virtues ofthis incdseiM were Slich, that while was U»tna 'he lir-t b- tile, the lores on mv lejr h^n'eil : and by dsntinuinethe u-eof the Airspanlla, my face, mouth and hn.at have bees! eradu'illv healins. And mos. gent leinen, amlrast my tnusttion hut a shortlime "inee. enduring the nn -t -eiere pu'u. weh my present happy csnatibut*. fr-v from pa ... ind enjoying lile once mote shall no- take much pi-a-nr. a reCAsmmendmg «ahers similarly afflkted, to obtain this batst id medic:tie. to efTcci tiimr cure. I nm. with giatnude your-, ate. AARON BUCK. I [.lam full.ih !o...-e in the biatement made by Aaron Buck. laving known him the past six yean WILLI Ul RICHARD i place, lull cnnnMence in ihe itatemeui made by Aai m Buck, having known htm the pas' six'een your*. ii ii. RANDOLPH. I know Anron Back, und beleve what he s'ules tn thtxd"CU- .nent to he iserfecllv true. b'EORGE HEART. The writer of the above. a. Buck, being a meinlmr of m> tiiinily, I know his statement to be currect in eve<y n-»peet. _ L. WHEELJiR. For farther particulars and conclusive evidence of its snperi ?r value and ellicncy, sea pamphlets, w hicn may l-> ublatnr-l iratia. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by . B. Ät t*AN'd. Ilriicgisu. 79 Fulton -treei.2'2 Broadway, TT East Broadway. Brdrl also by lirueei-ts eenem l. tnniughout the I m'.ed -tntes. Price, ill ler iM.ttle: -is bidtlas for is IX?" he public are respectfully icipie>le'i Ul remember ihu' t i-r-ands's Snpapanlla thnt has and is con-tiuit v achieving uch remarkahl« cures of ihe mo-l dilficult c'a.s i f ili-eas« p. -htek^wlm-win i'.sne r. suhjSSCS", Uutialuta M«H for dan ls*s Sarsapardla. and take no other. je^j imtiA^vs" IMPORTANT DtrH*OVER \ It Icliardson &. Co.'a Celebrated a vikkii.'an Panacea. I^HIS Mediane, oompounded solely Irnm reaewhle mauei free from adultemtlon, and warranted tree trmn any n.-'tv liant*detr inetitii! to liealtn, ami ill-Covered about one yen .nice, by an iialividual sorely afflk ted with IJIjCERA'I Kl -t.'lt''1 I LA. and who hnsbeen umrer the trentmenlol il» OTOStemmenl physicians in the IJmtedtStiitcs t.*r e.eii*. year-. Authout the lea.-t apparent hone of restoration to health, a. viu by them uronoiinccd incurable, hm who. after taking th* ibove named rneriicine for flve weeks, wro, re-toreii to perleci '¦ealtli. That meila iiie ha- been sohl with unprei oilenteil -i,c- ..*»«. mid has never faileil in any instance when In ken ;n accord¬ ance with direCUons) Pi erTect u pertect cure of the lollovving ii-ea-e.. to witt-SAXT RHEUM,r-CltoFDLA. liLCER- vTEH SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS, FKVKR SURES hllNC'S EVIL. THIäTBLO INFLAMMATORY. AN I CHRONIC RHEUMATIS5I, PILES, ERYalPEIw\3, MILES, st'l/RVY. CHRt »NIC Cri Ht K EVES. ttU rTCHES. PIMPLES ON Till: FACE. SCALD IIEAD AND ALI TANEOUS DISEASES OR PAINS i)R UIX'ERr IRISING FROM AN INJUDICIOUS USE OF MERCL'tt^ DR an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD. Theelfica- ey ol this medicine has Iseen tested in all the diseases abovs .nuniernted. and us eltecLs are truly asionishtng. < ally ana ta ile sp.aiuful to be tuketi by an rtrliilt eneh morning before eat ng. which usuully pruduces a tonic orTnct, while [in m.»t .-a-e- t also acts asa gentle rnihartic, increasing the appetite am* .-eneriil health ol the patient, causme all ulcerateil sore- Ui dis .Imree more profusely, and prislu'ine an etfectual alhtnit)/! d*the whole system, purifying and nroducing a rserfeet actio: .,f the bhaat Person«, whiletakiluj it, should relrain from the itaeofal .ttrnulaline drinks ..r liiehly seasoneil luod. Lor-ale br i ii.none.l .t wholesale ..f THOS. G. TALMAGE General acent, '£> Pine-street, opposite the Custom Hotiae, Ne« York ; and-o 10 A-'m llou-e ; 110, --H) and TT1 Hma.twa> -..rner Broadway um. I 'I amber.tr«vl No. .£' Front..'-eel Vo. We-i-creet N.... a ltd :»i How erv No. - PulUat street .No. l£T and Hudsi n. Tie! '«, llainmond..'reel, cor Hudson ; No.iUtiGraiMj s-.r.ei So. 13T .I IT- Greenwich >:ri-se .No. Its and S3 Cherrj street; N... !.>: Walker.treet \... Cnthanne-itreet: Nob. 351 and 421 Pestrl.itree!: .No. in i'«nal-.treet. Brooklyn. J. »V. Smith.Comet of Fulton and Cranberr) streets; and VV'm. Bbutruve, Stiuire's Builiiiiigs. comei Wr- low und Atlaauertts,, and hy all the urmr ipal druggists in thi 'nitial States. Dr.V. II. Ustkrow. No. iA Beaver / CIlDtoO Buildings i^enenil IVhosesale and Retail Aeent Ci: Albany. T. W. DyoUiSt Son. N... 143 No .n Secmid-t.. Genera vVholesnle Aeeiit f<'r riiiladelpma. Instructions lor taking the urt'c.e. and a great number ol cei Uheatssand testimomalj may ue -een and oblnineil at any ol the above places. nilemllin ly ALL IIEALI\G OfIVTItlEIVT~ (M)CU EEirr. t>JLH FEET. COLD FEET. COLI VvFEcT.fold Ii et and Co siimp'ion, t 'o'd FeetaO'l Hy«p«p oa. Cold Feat ami Snk Headache, ddd Fess and Ih-en-e ol the Langs an Liver, old Feet and Asthma. Cold feet aie iichloe»» of the Breath. <'"ld Fret ami failing off ..i ihe liar. Cold Feet awl Rbeninatsm, fold Feet ami Pain* <n the Eni and Head Cold Feet. OiU Feer. u ho h.., ->! got fold Ftei It is a. prevalrni n- tvater mibe -ein JUcjtHgt' ». AH- Healnst O'ttim^it i- a soven-ien rem»-ily foresibl foal under ever) 'lugency of libt. Lei it e warmed into ti.e-oi«- oftnaleei ml we oleileeour word and honor thai it win restore t^e .-u euattiennl ihe blood, irslueea healthy perspirnt'on and bnna them back to thair natural cnod tbai; When uns it insnelei neeilve lie ptaeed unm. the epe>' or head where the utile i hifiruuy lies, whether it he a eonsiimirtioo, or a-thma nr dj- oep.ia. r lo. iifhajr. it wtl' eure them a'«o S- Id I3H l)ivi*i"i tree*.329 Bleer.ker. 10 \»uh* House, John. IUI Cherry. Iii ehslliean. 18». CSmmI, ieif rtwnsuo. eu^ Sil street. jv-'J tf f A IVONDEÄ.A BLE<SI.N(;-A MIRACLE. LNDEED has tieen discovered t-r curing AH Distigurenient* ol the Skin. Fieck e-. Sunburn. Msarpbew, Tan, Bite, of Miwuottoes, line-. Insects, Atec. The above or any ile'ect ol ti^: skiii Cau-eil by 'he sun, heat pi 'he bisiy, wi.id ehnnee o! climate, 4ic. «te. It also cures in the most permanent and benntilul manner all Diseases ¦.! the Face or Skin. Pimple.. Blot. hes. Salt Rheum, Scurvy, Erysipelas, Sire llend«. Ringworm, ate. This remedy is culled asind reader, he particular in the nnm« or you'll be cheated by a swindling counterfeit; J'l.N'ES'S ITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP, and in cinseguence of its surprising efficacy.in fnrt us «urpnsine and wonder, working ertect in any ol the above diseases, it has been cminterleitjii and 'iniiateil hy a host of scumps and rascals, »wir.dlers and fools, who care not for the rn..chief and harm they may do. us man* of their art el** are really poisonous and dtneeroo«. but wi«h to live mi the fame and cha ucter of Jones's Soap, theieliire I* particular, buy only at the Mhiwine pbicee «r.u always >«.» for Jones' Soap, at the Americsn Eaele, -S Chatham «treei. S£i Broadway. N. V.! Keildine. 8 State st. Boston: Zedier,3 Leticer BuildlOass, Philadelphia I'e.i^e. Hr.euivvuy. Altiany. e-21 lin _ \ FIN E HEAD OP H WR T' i BE HAD PORTHKEt sT. SHILLING!)..By the UM ol a three «hilhng tssUle -I Jones's Coral Hair Ite-t .rative. The price w ill prove it is im humbug. Give it one trial. Here are it. real qualities; Il will 'orce the tl«. hair to emw on the head, tace, body or nnr part wliere nature'ntendwl ha'r to grow; >t..p it falling Ott make the -ru!p be:.iti:y. tr-etehy ctirtre dandrufT, «nu gtvt li/hl ml orgrey burr a nne dark Im.k. and in time make it gross naturally durk from the pH.ts ami has been tr ed by hutidreib ol our n«»t respectable ntizens. amone ¦ bom it lias jiven en¬ tire «nti«faction. Amone them are tiie'allowing; Mr. IV. Hopkins.s-J Ring-et. New York. Mr. Phillip-. 414 Bro.ime.eor. Woosler st_ Judre Edwanis. of Philadelphia. Mr J. Pennon, Navy Yard. Charleston. T. Power, grocer. Ful'on-sL Brooklyn. We could offer fifty ntlicr names of persons who have found this all it was represented ; but if the above s not enough, no- thing will convince exceet one tral. I- is sold quite reasona¬ ble, indeed cheap.nnlv 3, 5 or 8 shillings a bottle, by Jones, sign of the American Ea: le. 82 fhnthain «t nr 223 Broad w-y N. Y. or US Fulion iL Brooklyn; Pease. Broadway, Albany Reading, 8 State-st. Boston; Zeiber, 3 Ledjer Buildings. THE BEST SOAP IN THE WORLX>.-Rnbertsx Imnrn ved Brown Statp is an article that hn» become verv gener ally in use in this city, and if housekeepers would long pi it n little more and not heed their grocers, who do not keep it, nui rather put their customers offwitn a more inferior article, !o] pale Soap, would find economy in using it, as those who hav< tried it pronounce it to he the best and cheapest to the consu mer of any thing ofUse kind made. Bear in mind it is a Brow r and not a Pa'e Soap, and every bar is stamped ' Koben,'- Im proved BrownSnap.' Forsak? by musl ot 'he principal rroct r in thklcity am! Brooklyn. Manufactory 2-iO fhem -t. jS_TRUMAN R] »H ERTS FIRST RATE SHAVING SOAP, to make a tme'^ _rich. easv. lasririg ither. lo soften tiie beam and the ski t s th-preparation of old Naples Soap.sold lor 3 shillings a in a' 323 Broadway, or 9 Chatham street. Gents, only try thi once- jekw lm A J1 I FIVE DOLLARS A VF AR. u'tsirLi: wo. 100* J k. v»ru s Jt « o MANI . V"TUBERS OFCRANKS PATE.VTTWEX.VI MO.VTtl GLOkE PENDULUM CIXMTK& A". 109 FxdVm-St, .Vrnr Yurk, llnv 'C a-1!.:-ii- J t'icfr establishment am n-» p-epanad t. fotrttsnau) mr n. mier, .nd wssue« leapectfiiliy call Um atienti-.n nf he publ e Ui the na..'ir.ilclM iniuruvcsnent tiv drchied advantages lutaCluck bus over a.i ,thcr Ti nf K«fri er> n. wr in u«* p,r fit ! mprovenwnl in the Tun» P,it ron«i«'« pr-c pall) in Ihe K-c'i'ni-it. whi.-h may be called i rwi «de> keeapenamt. nnd in ihe Kcrnl-nm M»tn>0, whadi ¦< ealted a R.a'y or T< cum Paoduluiw. The Ball i* fixn and a-n»| iticbes in dsaine»e*-»<d a rbdHibtr form and h .|i.,w, mu sn-p'oded a >teel -pting; nea' n « uyi- r emi .! ine ipnn«: an «"ii in the Etna id a < rsn«: Iii» revolving nftne lmll lavtJ the -yi.ui and causes itw arm tu pe'i'.-rn. a art aeti -g up and receiving fr>e impulse 'rmn ihe Swine.WHeel i»» menui a 'nrr c mi**!ted witn me Ami and the P.i.1 -c?«. i Eaeapcaiein wh .!i imputei» eitrneil through the ~urin< 11 the Bad, ai keep* k iu moii-n I he su ing n * qua.cent «ai# i. |..n»-e-' pr it. tie -e-w «f' either *«» from tnal täte»-ho tened Um laid made to n-e. retnrniix hi the reärtiou of the serifs ami "et" ee of gi'.viiy reoeieinaj the impure Irum trie mail ta ein« ."'»er at each return. The r a ir eaularil) rytine in the common Pendnluti by, kaasul ii iwes arising loan an -ncea-eot frietsosi, thereti lessening Ute impube ihren t.i t, ei»l »wsneMUiethe aie . t it vi'im' :> liiitiMMauie linetimeinaearc«d fioirdeete« will gain t^n .ec.nu, a day b- Vlbmt *.»«..., ... titat by an incrcuse offiiei w lea u n'wa»>thee-i-a itwitlgauiii e Anv difference of Irl or muni nun* po*er in lh G .- k »i ma ctfe t 'a- riven i.y ihr. Peminlaa ; ri, <i ii-.,,ii. ,,r rihraUn « »r- lendered v'ec " i~« I" nal by '. tin r Ui'.tt'Hsti»i»iun«il-ihe>pnn*ha i'» ie5eti"ii theförreol <eir v,,f ihe ball. I l.e'liMrre.it d gl e> ..t tei ii itiu ni.t ifleetiheiiiiiearireii by iha larndu urn. .< tine won d i««e by the expan.i«n »t the ann»e lewatb ,.irately c u 'enie o1 bi tue t me i ea n> b- it< exp.in.ti i'. w ii'n i .i ihiekiaUM The mprtwement mh, Sn k r r.,i..,.t. prine pa n the appften'iim nf a Hn'-ry llaiiimi Barl pan of the Cl Ck.i* r »..i liy u »pniiR ««Iii '.. .»»¦ »nn . m| w.-ete. ttr about6 ly.fiur .\e. ». withonea « in.-up. THE lliVANTAGrS \t! P, I.'.. Thi.l rery littlee re e I i re>l ....t ng up, in e tequen e ol it, nut keine w l abi ¦ b< In? put <<u .<' b . I a., n c c>ck* ., . , .-' .1 Itrenuirea 0"-lllnnthe Pall»tai,r le.th.,1 lh* , VVhae-l. in-re nr Inet « n b w- en n. in. ami he nun.'.- ..i pie .>.>¦.in ii. .it' .ha t?w na Wheel - re -a y u i ea > .«. n i.thrr wont, i 'in |rs m ni .nik.iif n. mmy r«».i ul it« thethi'ty. nine inch *arafen**d Pendulum i ¦ Ami it reqirre*ato'ethati mty 'imes l»»» nciu tainu iM,wen eianeqiieiiily a very latin*" it"i haw of trie-ion nr cent, than ,i. .''her Clock and ttierrf.ee tne in t un nil) I, reeulur. 3.1 It » II run one pit with ivee w n.l.n.' u,.; .* -iVi t tI nil .inkin- t'.e lu.iir: i. -inp' , en.i y a.|»l t-d ul .if. ; und when tb tune a di lar .it-re a*in ¦..b r -. In tlieditTireN .. f le-i'peratore ihed mite ..fibe ¦) .inereaae.il in ia»".a»n pe.fjrui»it. m»vament« > w.i>4 tn ihea-meoreqiii t me etat -k-have n w lavn in npemti-m ab ut ituee r*m I them wh-p n -d a the r i. m. He Auawcan ln> tute, in the ITi T of New.Wirk, hi nay. Sl!-wa» exh.h li «..he Fail in Dei..'er mi.t your, and a Medal aw pled the iiuamiMtion iIihi t waaa very ineeakiu pii'ee «,| mecaani n I- wni then left with ate ntthe e.tami in* C.liter.I the iwxt Annual Fair id the lu.tnuP in iK.-ilK.-r IM. and a«n n exhib ted at the Fair ami exam tied hya Comm .ee ni' »c entir: t em in. and nwarded a >ecuud Medal wit tlie uucriptrun lh.it t had be U tu..y terteil. .r. K. M. is. in, Have nn hand and i:'e d ke- piua a ennrtant Mtnp'y ol Ma' tel I l..ck« nfa vMriety nf panem», *hh ami with,an flu h .lie-, runntnc from idlentnnth or thi'ty three day*. io in ie:i in in ee hundred and -eveni, tue day*, wi'lt iHtee wim .ni:; Iii«. In'tfe 'Pone Ke-p-r- Co Hank«, t.'hurehe«. Pohl Hiiutea, ttm. runnine a year with once windioe. An »i ¦Imimanuiactuietoonler, Purrrt. Steepe. or 1'own Clark ru nine tVoii. ..lie munth to u year. .Io. " 3rd, IftM. _jy.llm Pric e 6 1-4 Cta.-37 I-Ü Cta. for 1*4 Coutt» Can Ihprf be h Churrli withuui ü Bi>bo) Controversy tietwi-on Rev. I'r.. Wainwrirhl und Putt., stou me mil ol the incalental a.«ertinn ul tlie tiirmer Unit Tbei Cannot lien IJhurch withoul a Bishop." The aboveCimtnireny a printed in n ratal Pamphlet an i.i ir hi. won nrititp.1 rovesa. For «nie at the *l nlmne i urna- PvTT TKAOE.Sf>lrTII AN'i»WE8T..Advertiieme are recetveil li»r S.'ii'i.,-rn and \\'r«*ern ^ell.le.t'^e., i.n liirwn ded by iii- A «ein. V B. Palmer, at 'he on 11 irlii e. Ni luj Nassau street, Tribui-e Buib inn npiMtMte iheCuy IIni Ilia Aitencs embracea niost of the princpal newapapera in t:. followinK placet: AIron. Fr»J»riek»burc, New-Orleans, liieusfn, lluntsvilaj. Peoria. II rlinsino, |nd.apt Iis. Pittsbnnc, 1'haroUM, Knoxeuie, Quincy, Chcaxo, Lexmeliai, Kmeish, . 'incieiiati, i-i.iii-v !e, Pavaonah, Ci iil.c-.'he. May-vie, Pt. Louis, C"luu.bui. Mempli s, ^leu'L'iieU, Rr e. M.ih.le. Wheetuie, Payrtta. Na h. lie. Zaiassvflfe, Frauklort NatelieX, &.C SiC Stc. Ui .ides most of the principal towns in New- York. U«e Ka« em Suite*. New-Jertey. Penissylvania, Delaisaie and Mar) 'and, Rvaiy information ;iven at the "ffice, where the papei mas be«een. V. B. PAi.Ml.lt jeiSeodif Aeent for Country Newspapers, 160 vassiic st Pi il'DHF.'lTF...A cnoice article ol thu valuable Ferti ixar.CVte Miinuf'icfurnl.Suoi: «I the Jrr.icti M'/litm.- s.'urea Mttfid Mud Material. Fi r «nie at 12 t'humher..sirec HeairmbtT tlie numtw-r, '£i I rpunllsllS-ftrSrUt, hiiw*e.i the Ru nwid «...I I'hImi .'.. ....I ...... Um I".i-'illl.t mUDRETTE may i* upii''eil to <«»rw. ant mostoth< crisps dressed w.lh ihe mal. With nearly as el'eci at ii li-si, and crrn at tne nr.id marine, a.- il applied ai pmm t ami urhen uaed ai the lusema, it will mature ihe 'on u wet ir ten dav. earlier than any other manure in m in o ... When applied at planting, the dillerence in mat*'i is a full two weeks over ontilinry manure. Une iiirmer. la-1 sea iimal ten barrels mi Ijiiu; Island : this year ne ha- hsulovi .l ire') l.ariel«. Tlie article prepared by the Nltv-YoRM ' on pany. oi the . 'itjr. has bm.d will sull lie Ksund ««pcei,.r any .ither prepaiäd m t.ie niernitp. Ii .s tu u mattei course.a»theyeollectthe-materiuiin TsuVsnnd Casks, whiU ¦ahrrs odleet it in Boabi, into whieh is thrown ihe materta Mad and ivntwr, aa taken from tha «:nk. al night, when nn .. critnii nfion ran tie u.eil.hut iiol so wuh this Company, ml lave day, light to select tiay giarsd and discard the wortna*. t. they have dona more than 100 load. th:« seaam. He euren, t ien,'o call ut ihe nght place, 21 I.'hambers street, where can be hud immnlmirlu.3 barrels Kir 85. nt I'1 barrels lot Gl .or at the Manufactory. 13s.ii mreet. corner of Avenue B, b; the lixid at 30 cents u bu.hel. liiüfiifi D.K MINOR. POISONS' POISONS TI IF. soin.tcm'nxirn.v- I i >t the lamou« Poi.h>os lor the ile-.truction ol liedhiurs.ral- aot«. mnths, coerniiches.insec.U on rluwert, plaint, grupe vines ate. Aie. The Bedbug Extflrminntor is a valuable and infallible reme dy which needs but a proper nnpl caiion. and the bedbugii svi| *hun their ti.rnier nleale forever; tins preparation is in a lii|UH and p<iwdere.l state, the powdered to be useil in the Wbipfwasl orpainL The Kat Poison is entin«ly free from ratslsana or ar-en .: and n eompisied of several ingredienu, whieh is attractive t. them, alter being eat will cau-e ihem to leave the premises The Patchoulis Compound, by keeping il i**i Ifannels, eai taji . Wiajllen», hair-e itiiig. furs. &c in »h eh the modis a:1 generating, it'* waiwtitedin esterminatethe ecn«. ami stroy ihe animal in i.'l is stages, 1'he romiioiunl Chemical Whale Oil Siaip.This piepamti iMsrieeahsiladvairtages over even other heieb.fora bnuighl "-e a. it not only destroys ill the vermin panotrie noon tne see etnhies, hut also eeMitrilaites to their.tettilitv und eleaiihnes. inst ts 11 ettkctunll) pneeet all descriataai oftrees, fljweta.sk from the a'-aek- of inserts. I'heeeiebruted lit paper will <1i-|a,l tli -% an.I nn~|in'ie-> fectually. int. LEWIS rEI.'C'IITWANtii K, rij Manien lane ami 21 ljlanty-«l N. Ii. . leeches, ('opaiva I aii.i: e-. A .".a sinoWlla !?p Nure. Wmai Nnimtha. Velhit» a-re. Pipeclay, Suh n Ik mi monta. itc tte nr. naistaotly nn h.I. ielj line, c CslIK 0> rOSTAI.K.-i'VI RTOV C » 'S t}\U.\ 'LETTER EXPRESS. TO |t"STo\. f ..m N . 3 Boa -i red. New-Votk, ivnce e't rs will be reeeiv. il until mill w 4 P.M. I'o-i 'ge 5 cent. e»ch, ifay I«? paul h reonndi very . tamns. fit pei humlreii. B ii> lor tne l'e^..site. l-e ters, hef.r«4 o'clock, P M. are t i~ s-ii.th «irsei. laWd'iam straer. 43 Pen!-irre'. OiP.ne-at. cor. VVilbam-u. No. Fr nkl n .quare, Ba'l'salarstreet, No. 4 I hathaoi Kpiar», A.lnr Molls*. l'nlninr i itfice. L'nain nest ExurSM 'tfice. I12 B oadwai Nn 7 Coalllien »I p. e. rner V\ -ter-stteet. r>4 Wallatfeet, corner P"ari «irr.t Northern Hsantl, cm«» l\'e»i and Courtlandtstr.ets. 20' S..ieh -ireer, enrnef Hntge-s. iVEKT' \N ai I.'' >. tru by a fa lliful discbarg* of 'he hit. n<v, In receive a »Iis en' p b!.c patronage j.3 J'* u'IKTH «X IIALI*. No. ¦ Fr«nR!m-,iiiiint. navt essasiatii f ..i Hand an exteisHve aswartmsni ..' vlTs*IC ami Ml' Ii 'A NstrrnrMENTSol -i' u. PIAN'n F»iHTKf»..fdirt rr e. and finish: 'iCITAKS. tisen the l^e Simm.h neuen wb ch they navr ws-ve' [HVmionM from tne Ametteaii i -ite av.r a!' .»Iber maker., and are ..I very sunerioi loo« gj it) - ifrinish PLIPTEs». ofall Itimfc ami Ifnath. jht whselittw aavealsn receive,; reteaiieil isremiunis: CLAKI' IN tro. h N BI?GLIV.t:oRNttPI/>NS.TRtWIV»NES, etc. all id tin iwn rnaaulneriire ami warmntasl: irnii..rTer- ..f SlCJrflC .mi kindsorMirsiCAL l.NSTiit MEN S. A KW ML'SICrecco -! as «k.n as published JUST PCBLlSIIEH. a!! the *.ng.. the HCTCHINrHlN FAMILY: eiw.. BERTINTS MBIT 'ii f.r the PIANO: .il*.,. the ORPHEUS GLEE BOfiK, l- ips a C4iIUm-.ii-»n ..I ilecs Air four male vmee*.. wilh piano accan iia.umeni, Mriecterl and compiled irom tne far.1 German ami |v dish auihorv. by AUSTIN PHILLIPS. Priet' hie IVdlar |a -e'.. MerchimL,. and'he Vutiral e,,mmnnitT e-mernlly. are f avaetaillv 'nvii^f rneall mhav- YlrTlAL. K'Mirv. tJCARA.NTEKti WATER TIGH* «II F"R FIVE YEARS WHICH I- F<»I R YEAR: UINGER TH \.N f'SCAI.-Tlie.ulssrril«;r> hiivcinveiite.1 .nethod ifcovennr naifs with plain m rnlvaeired sin pbtte which they gtinmnlia- Pi remain water tight rtvt YSsas. wh- yul on by them. The inetjil ts si |«ut on that rt ennnm b itfecte,' by the shrink ing or swelling of the planks on which n laid, or by the contnieüon or expans»m of the metal. Tne following gentlemen have had their dwelling booses aa Roles ip this city, covered by this method to dscr satrsfacUon rienry llrevort. Esq., comer ofnthavenue ami Uth st. JoMri S. Schermnrhorn. Esn No. <JU Broadway. UaviC Ai.-"in. Esn, cot. ofExchange piece and William-s j nmen Pearum. Est)* Merchants' Exchange. Wall st fleo. B. Butler, Her,.. No.81 .Na-wiu-st Franrui Hurntt. Eaq.. f!J Broad-a!. Nutios eiven ihai a,» the improvement Is piitaoted. ai: pse ¦na» in ihr traile wi.hmif to eov»r r.n.f. by the .oWril^rs' yt- fihti -ibtAin permael-iii on m.-lemir t^rni.. miilltf P. NA YU )H b O ). TI and Tit Bniajl st. FA TR HANKS'." PATENT PI.ATF' Ut.M Si :.M.FÄ-TTv BittnufweXurets have brought theae Balanoes to a »e'y grer. ''.'trsv ofpeHecthai, atuL in tiaur vamais modifications, havi ad.tpfeil tlietnPi t(!l r.'.c ,.i rjK.-i-. li.r winch lienvy tr.i;..ai tn" are re«.iiire,l by weight In the mechanical e.in-trnetion, esoi a taken to secure STKENliTH.IlCUAUILrrV.and Ac < L' RACY.accuracy not merely as a spec-tic point and ai amount, hot uniform accuracy at ever; angle of the PlatKirn and Uiroughout the enl:re ranye, f'rum the lowest Ui the high est capacity ol tlie Balance. Thei>e scales keep their adjustment perfertly, are never liabi, to demneement. ami seldom Pi any expense Inr reiaiirs. The) ate in use >n most of the RaiiriHuls in die t'nited Slates, and u some ot them they have been long in use. the operation betni pertecl. So also in the iJormunt and Portable Scale tor weigh ing merchiindise. Merchant' and others who have had tr.eu in constant use lor a succession of yean, testify to their tinifom accuracy, and to !h* fact thnt they appear unnfTected by wear The*e scales have teen patented in England, where they are extensively used, 11 lh in private warehouses and public rail wrap. EDWARD FIELD, No. 1 Plait street, and oäOcodly J. W. 'I lk iRNE. No. 113 Broad street, N. Y. THE TEETH..A REUCCTION OF 30 PERCENT, lull sets on Atmospheric pressure principle; also mule Teetn Sets or parts of sets inserted in the neatest style, I y .1. B.'SKEY, Denii.t, Z Murruj-ureet, next door to t.ie Chur n. Best Mineral Teeth used and vsariar-ted. jal. ömeod* _ Cl IMMON CHALK it poisnn ius to ti«7Skin, but Ihe Soan i«h Lily V\ hue imparts to the lace, neek er arms of ladio a pure. Irvine. Iife-hke aiahststet wnitenes..nnt diseidnring am makinr the ikm roush aller use. but en thecoptrary hnptovint and clenrng it. It is sold onis genuine ul 323 Itosiilway. 8. I'I athntn st. N. Y.. 8 Sta'e iL K<«t. n. mid l3y Fulton str.e« Brooklyn._ jjl lm GREASE Spi 'TS ' iN YOt'R CLOTIIEs'. OR S"l A INS. ute eia-ed.and ilw appeumnc* a:at tenure .-t iheamcle nnpTovod, by the Magic EnisiveSoap.told at 323 Broadway- and a Clisuiuuu Unset, Price 8 cents. jeati lro LD«T. a POTKrrr ..r Memorandum Rook, cnnta rdmr Bii|«and..ther ua:.eT«....v/f « \ ->e..r handHni*n l-yj*rr>e* .V,.d n'.r $10U Th* n;-r. - .. ,.. , «. ev 'P''" »rvr A »u table rew».,| ,,.,« ,?>. t' »nk* of U"» OWIfctf ml Se given on lenvo-t o* It soft ,t T'-» I nl un« ofSr». i»f at ¦r . 1 .* DAVID T Al'lM VS. 44J Gran.i--i'«vt. 4 GENTS WANTED-T»*eHav»| awnrkfhn ehool A 'h* l'aited ctate*. AiMre. St lie «.nre"e < iAW. T'en- Thi *tw.Jer»cy. I fnTTrttr*}- mMt *sstimoninbiif ran.vtt wil' .»¦'_Jl4.t* i i\ OTED.Ob n itcatreH a.very rV*ir*ke> im» g / *i.r..»..i .)',.,»rtr wssrth ihr*« tint**-that mm,*** ..m..i .. ft !.'- F-f» -. '.. k* rsftbe II .tw.n. spply :0 ANTHONY BLEE! Kl R A. CO. No * *....«.)..'. ,,«. i ear V.. Isi'.et. Ur ANTED.By a young maa «»ho ha* had rminn »». I. v , ... -.1 as '»fk ma IVh i'o«>l'..nim.. S'..re or I .aw ' ffi e. II» ""ouWI n.e *s-rs .srrt>on ...f t, . ...,,.,-,. r.'- .,t«-re-I The l*»' o' reference* » v-o. A i r ahbswrd tu II UlS'-ai 'h *i.nVe. *dl freci»'«irnn »tj ittaiaBna. If* 3* 1 I "Nt: RH AVH BÖARDIVG HOUSE. ' ...«">» t-e At- I j bin.. rW .i fhatf (r-isrCifuIt) »form" «.*. uhi.r. ..¦.>. ti... House ¦> . e '. i "< rrci-'.-- . g m- ¦an». oraler tba nnnaf want. f Vir« F"rus n. If Mltatn .f. .i *.r.-g i. u rjT«ri h,»..««?. and *t> d .ccoinmi-!sli-in«, .re ..'w.d .t uns.'he pub ic m.y I* wo-*1 ... ß"dl»f "ecu ,. rh«»¦'.>.' John ih'ppbk. I., it- Itr-neb. N. J Jnly 3. '844 In,* HOARDING \\ \At\U f<R W II .1 he nil* r Itr in. I > !*.-;.. c- ft e .'. and rjerwu i who w..h ... ..... ad tSe .om- er h ¦h«*»twintiy, lh,-t t*r Ko »» 14 ""w "0»o ><>rt -e r»>-rp- ..Mi.d'B. iir 'er.. Tht-ltuatMMI if e^fnaudiac .rid wirh^n if eard«»i*the ' ><-e .n. « b> rr ladt» « ill be wwefad r«r Dath. n/ iree-t"»»yen^» Tba *.».. large snd BW. wtlB tuie Prcma^^mu. |)EM.R^ SAtR3. BMKl|\i;-\- r. C ut d1-;'«-.' -S .. ..¦neu ... centae' 'in.,I.e. run hearc mrrii.l t*d w ÜI **A ..i.rf..fi.i.lr ni... i. eanm irie of aartoea, .no f required. '!*»-" roOlttttbli aninc. at iT ( ou;:::n.i!t «t-eel. .New Y" »¦ MRS i.ERE. Tip Ffnrh intu«re . ».».k#. In the Ian <- 1 ttrial* .pCv-i HR TMREECE.VTI.EMKN can beae«iram .<at»i I m th Umnl. |w ui itr wubout moma.J at «v» '»» mber» at ;.po i< Ihe Purk -»* _ pitM >ti E. \ lark ba% " lae.rhätha« alwarj A _L b.^-1 ..' 'j' we .i-.'...<*¦ "«*. tu ¦' .. :. e nt^l Ij±.<.*. ¦"'¦'.v' ie-lle.il tt iii. Iiu) reo! ..<¦..'tt.t. J. »'.... \t. I.. ;f^« VV.. -t eet. j-i .|: « » l.K. « !wi.f It" it-re I., t ..n tu» ...nth oileof l? !i!h.l-,ll,l«».rL''' . >'. - Aiv » '.. AM'n"x YJ «I.EK< Kt.K ft ft, \Tt\w ' R ... neat VViii.i. N Y. l- FOR "AI.E.A .'' .-. MitrJantiHl l.'oorrtre V V VVaeon. 'i ¦alteatli alenl .te.i >Tir rre.etnf » fiiai n .. -..,i.-h ..^.,|.' .e.,»-. ly \|... i ... the Phen « Raeanr. Vier ., mi >l.i.4i Tiitf" jTE\'.i ENGINE ?*¦"'' !*AI E1.A «mirat-haad En* no |j bur** .....«ei hr».|«e. h a'1 e...|,|. i'e ..".t n_«-««l let ...,«¦.-"i' Im« ¦.".. >».' i.'~.v .... '".iinre .il'J r, IIMM4 V ri»v>*.MIia{r< M >\ ...... .r-.» n!'..'.»* AW L'AKI>.JuH« » ». i.o. .! N » ii - «t. lli«»J«up. «(M, »ill h'ieii.| t.. Imi liuMiur*. 'hal'nMi lap ejuilale«! "' *itni >IIa»(Jiirua l'. ort».#Adanw mal 'he aiuaeente»Hintaa,>and the Sii.«r-. r I ¦...!"-..i nie ». .. » .' hie iii.ireMM«naJ .Mine. th.iMi. I Jim« ana anil enable htm atland to tttaaaaBI in the Pan«t«e. ..r-^«» -».te ..# .. Nat- h«o He re.er. or. . int #; Bee i. Van _Vrv,Ui- i'»u«1«nu and ..b.i 'iRthntn. .rent Km Kr..w ,. Warnoek. Rnitherv«V Cn Maletitni at ''sui mo .ft eJirna Kann jn-n* Vlllbtm Veto Or <K\I IV AI..ThTötriee anil !*nbM>Ri iMn ol the \ew-Vnfi ¦ ard MauuUu-tirr) u. rei ..«. inun IKnlbaa-stiear liS nn-t^-el .i., . te lid >i'.t ,p- . fall IUI u i*»ll ph. iiUJ..nu-a, > EM'iVAl-.J«»HN lj"VEJOV. Hernia, re,,,...,*' * no V <. r.e .t. ?if*lln«olw»r.ew..d..o>!>e. It!e«ktw «vi13 dm* af !«. D«»NN'EI.I.Y fcCO.. No Äff Gmnd-«treei e..ioer.it N Al en. have ..ii liand au exMluNve av*"iti»Mfiil id me nil- iwiar hou«e-keettiiw I'B\ i;iai|»e. tu wlitcbiitej mi.iath* 'leiitmn ..I BUtct»>er», vr.: " I to 14-4 lon er d ami Halsanlaa.Uuilta it 4 lo UM hv .'4 4 lliaoera nn.i nu.sk Tahle t'L.tha all »V4. w 4. I'M mill rd-4 Irish. Kannlav. Kuw a. and bileara i.e-ting.. K Seeich and Iruh lowelina liiM'.asri. b 3 4 and 4-1 Inatiei and Ihium** Nuokiaa. Gnrth, Hiickabär» ami Birdeye linper. »4 ami ü-t S iltlll* and im.w l UM UlUHl ot ad iTOAllUei. l-l hei.vv ni'ieiaH men Preneli Eml«"»ei' OhilbT bat and Pmnwl oven Colureil i ntt..... vv mviml «ml Emen I aide Ch-the. .nd a»nane»u»ae.ve BMUMviiMrnl ut Gbdlm ami I aanmere*. .mp Ii'Ete», Gaiubnuna. Ijnen Uriilnut. ami otbei --t«ii»a nd Kane, ltr> UiM.b _ A vi KCPINEII SUGAH r OOLHEY AND vVtuLS'Ei from thai date nffer laeii Slai.dnrd" IMUBI.E REFINED SI G AKS at the lot- .wine bmj eure-, rta. ..til II renu pet uticnd. , Wlmn levs than hv« |iaekae«»> are rushed 11 do do 7 uiircrutsed. halfa oem pouud ¦.witer'd UJfJdo do )ea*.:Uonal I'l.e above are >aiekisl a* Rdliivs* oaves, in bxs id 301) ibs / nwhedm Idibol All " 5 .No. harce tor parkarra. 'owdered in do ofkfiO " ) \pply toiiieNew York I'm. ut Sueai Refinery.cor.ol tMCMa ad Motil.oinei, sts. or at 91 \\ ill »t N II i >rders mil ol the City must be a. ri.iiipanied by a retnitr ie« '?. I'F.AS ayiehiwis Soiiehon» Jrt' halfr^ieiti do. liO .mil.-. i^:» Nina \ ..in Souehoiij. St do I 'uiwi Sou.'--ne 4u Che»u hue Mobee Ihiwcnnna-. .J) fancy bös« fine IMiihaf SoOCbgil.. IDu clients HyaMi. |0 fancy tmtes Hyson, fine. !UU chest. \'..nt H»*in. Isüi hull chesir do tW chests Hyson Skin. äO huil cfu3U >ui>>enr Gnnposvdot. 33 do lo lumens!. Ali country pankeil and of hue imysination. "or mie bv GKI v v EEL, MINTURN as CO. d7 tf__7oS..utn»irn««t COMMISSION FAPrR WAREHUUSE, No. b4 John-afreet. «,¦» D CUAVTV ..v *, M\\? .ro ,o c.o.mr.i rareipt ol Pa* i_s. eiKa adapted to every hranenid the -raiie.emi.rvciny; n unuiunlb large maiMlmem >.t Uli. k Bona. Cap ami etter «rritii«g. lugeilier with r«er> deäerip'ii. Newsaai H.mk - lailig, l.'..lore.l i'aiier ..1 Medium :,ait >'tner ../e.. Kioeloin, ntaicoi». Shoe ana Ten. Straw ami Kne vVrappjog t Hard- are and I'kiih m great var.r<| Sda nrnl I jrg, I i»ur, plain ,nl euloreil. air ate Re.le >tr::» Mom.el. Trims and litrydboi Hoards. Pres» Paper» Ike -"s-i" _atWU COUTHIiU. \ -b. Kti>. Wl DfiuAiissst, ANCFACIURERS or LAMPS, GIRANDOLES. CANDELABRA, are. and Dealers in HOL'SE-FURs; sISHING GOODS generalli . Beins connected vsiinuneigf .e liuee-i manolaetunea in t-e I mteo State*, liny areena- iled lo urlei Lamps, i nodebib a tbc lor < burclias, Halb. Ikr "1«. Pnvata Invailma., Summboats mid Packet., on the msMt trsJonabla term*, and of a «juaUt| nut In be stupoeted in ilo* '* ny uthssr country. E-peCial nlleritmn is invited to their Solar um Shin l^iinpt. f.e eroiioMiy and light, »upersestine all others -lore lie public. No le.t t-oi-r oold and Two dlLvea seDAL.ri have, within the line seven years, been awardssl lo tbo eanuliicturen lor their tupertorrty m this class of good. The mldic are respecU'ully invited to call and examine lor theiu- elves. CooaTRV TRAneae supplied at factory price*. PHREAD, NEEDLE AND FANCY ST'»KE. Broad- 1 way, lietween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets..Tbo He tum ol tiie public is respectfully inviesl to the new store u«t openei! a- above It contain, an et tensive ntsoitmeni ol small ¦rticles ol dally ore in the luiuily. wall a var.ely ol t.uicy goods, vir.:.Pin*. .Neeifles. II ..... .! E>e-. siitienur Sewine C. '.ten. .nd Silk. Bubnoa,Tapes, Hoi.m... Pprse I'wui, xapliyr VYon- 'ed. Canvase and Patxeros, p^nonited Biiibd Board. Hiohins. liova.. Milts, l.aihes Cravntt and up*, l.eiitleinen's < ollan, brHMn*. G'ose* HaiMikerchiefs, So«ueitden, 4cr Hosiery, daadln Gras* Cl'tli, Imha Nankeen, I aiasot*. Sun Saadet, ...Inad and Traveling V a let*. Pain and Fancy linskrls, d/ax and other Dolls, ti- Hair, .Nail aid IVetfi Mrnihes, v r> and -lieii comb-. Plain Blld fine, Stationery, Note Pa¬ ct, five Steel I'm.. Gold -nd SKer Pencil* I'ertume- ,. Fancy -*.iii». i.uerla. n*s Shaving i ie in. and oilier cboica .tides lor the Toilet, splend .1 Vinaigretta, Smell "* H«'ttle>¦ it *te -'I ie stock ha- been «elecle.1 with graut care, and .11 la- -ol.l at the l.me.l Ca*h prn e», l,y .elT't:_ C. ULI M. CHEAP OKV i.d'iUS. v v\ EMPLE. No ot tslai. one d.eir Irom Nns^iu «t.. fASnuS reeeivesl from kuctnm megnil'cent Fiench prtntad .I Mtuliir.. nch KriHtlie Plaid ami <rn|ied PiiuN de So.*, of inerioi ipmbiy. black striped Barrrge. New Style II. It *. ae I" 4. sni ii -iti,*>d Kaneire *>hawl*, Ijidles' Cra»ati, .h llai and Cap Kildein*, Itrusi«. I'hread aral Ashbttl« I juts*, while ami lilack CirdinaU, rolore.1 Silt Shawls, arn-le) -heel nj H.Ai.ery, i.lii\r>. tut Person* putelia' ng > cash a d .1" well to rail uid examine t e <iock tefore pur. ia-ine 'heir gimda. iiiij M A.'KiE i LEVERETT, C O M .M I«. yj I .* ft si EttCHAVTSi No in; WtTSri STHgsT. Below V\ all srsrl.i lOHa F.Mai'KIK. lata Mackia. . Inkle) at lenmson. ) u w loeiAii S Lmrgam late '.eveseli 6 Tmatuit S Dealer» m cut ami lYrooghl Nail* ami Sp k<. /ties. Tax ale, Hnoca Tin I e...i. i'ntniei /.me. Speilei tV o En^ n Anarncnn ami RuSMa SI.- -t lr. I|.... Iron lira ...r** .Is. Hand lr II, Nail anil !>pike K.-I-. -im.els. Spade.. Cast .*el. Krad-. Tack-ami S....rr..w... ... Bra*. Keit.e.. I inner*1 I. h. English «, \ni«i Pia Io n Ssr '.""¦' 1*1'»»» ami lr..n I >..-!. ..i .11 . /es m|S 3m JOSHIJA 11 it CO. ENOLisl] \i .\ nl i sCTUKERS \F PATENT THREADS, -n. Tbrwi.i*. ,.t*, ftrpj L/rwiiw Giiloig 'I wine. i urpet Warp, uml F as and Tow urn* JvYJ 7 Ht'HI.UrO SI.If. jYF.iy i'o/rrY^iacSnj* 1*0 Till. I.' ALU- l IP loMF'Kl. MALE AND FE. 1 M A I.E.- Tl c ...i.-cr l.-rs are um a red t.. k- .i.e.suiaa feel and .". y l.:.it* ihat will lit precisely P.. utt and Ihnai mnita on them a e peilectl, etp,> w ben tint put i n. t* n lit-hoe I h»eii»»i.seo| l.aifw bnl tnflp f. «ral eve'y lor-on shoulg, .*ve la-U I., m then leet 'I lh»f axpeel r,aj emminr c.nl.^t. urh iis hi. ltri*t la/i/cu/au. ever esie-iieuce i wrtlmud uum- orpp.le B-1,13 ..r SIumm Kr.-.kly and Lirng I.land Bool »ni'Shoe Store. ITC Foil..n-st. je»_SMITH at II AKT.-HOKN. ROOK LYN Bo'i |t- a Nl> .-H' iEH.--.The sobserihäg« .re now lUpplymg lhem-el.es w all I'm CnUmnesa tools aiul Sluo Gentlemen and Ijntie» can ha ve I Ji««, mad* o fit 'hem by Uairtne the .hai^ of their leet. *t Uio Krmiklya Ixme Llinid Sloie. I'<U Fulton-tree* ..4 SMITH it IIARTSHORNE. L,'Af-rt.K.s SIM ifc.-..The subscrilsm hnveon hand* ierasj Li Motdy of Eastern B..e> mid Sbo*, wawai which are tat eipenorto the " Neplus Ultra" " French tlm.es" bir lalei* 'time Mi>reson one block, in Fulton ureei. Ad at not e"ki utat rnstens. Syll'IH ü Ii A K'l'SIl'ihNE. m4_1701- ilton sireel r.rm.klya. I'o MKRi -HANTS, or fiissler. in rb.it.and Sh-sss..The .ois-.-rii»»r. f,r« piep.ircj l. ^-!l |Um4* and Sn.«r. bv ras* IA8E or DOZEN. VLL KINDS kept constantly on h*ad or VVHOLRSALING ..r RETAILING, al 170 Fulloo st_ Bmoblvn SMITH at HAHTSHoNE, ra4 rl.A.Ni i Foh l ES rha -ui*eriiM;rs are n"W finishing an enl rely new article of nsirumeot*. ; a » rr^'v h en nre « armniud superior m lone to any ut It f I ! : ¦!.<.. "' d to keep in tune much longer. The inpriivemeiit COttststsin.g HaaP ritssr, peculiar 10 rsrnjslruc- UoO, obviating every objection Iveretofon cnuaed by ihe lie of neUl ic plate*, as mjunag the c.s.- and tone. Pimcaaori aod IViich-rs are invited to 1111 examiaalhm of these ite-liunients. jyl lr_GLENN, RoGEKS at CO. ltd Fvdiors-s*. . IM a so FORTES..I'iie *iib*cnu«K offers for wile an assortment ot Rosewmid and Slahoff- any Cigtnge und HoriziMitnl Piano Eulas of every vn-iety of pattern*, fnim six Uj ,<v*o ictaves, with all live mooe-n impnivements. 7'heae tnslru ments are made ol ihe best sen«oned raatariais, with the French Grand Action, and are warranted in »und iq any elirrmle. Per« .. an wishing 10 purchase a xood and cheap lOAtrument are ta¬ inted to call. N. It. < ltd Piano* >aken in exchange. JAM ES Tili l.MPrM 'N. Ute I'allman at lUndgd, jel7 las*_ No. 7 Burclay-*f_ opposite the A*or houaa. CHEAP SUMMER HATS, 178 Broadway..Thes«ih- scr tier has now on hand acompleiea«urlreent ol Purn- mer Hats, whtrh he öfter* for wile rbsfip. They are fta- ..h.dotrin o style of elegance unsurpas>ed b) aeyolher esiab- l .hmtrit. Gentlemen wtshl ir a neat, comfortable Hit. and one that combine* elei-ance with economy, .re ropecllully in¬ vited ro call. Light black b»ls, .intal.U. lor »umn er wear, oiistaolly on hand. Also .-porting Ha's; ern.rtiinr Cape rraveling Caps, and l.n.!ie*-mi«' Cent'emen . hidme . aps. DAVIDS. MILLS. 17» Brmolvirav je2P2w* Ho-Aiiirl i HoteL rTD~JÜST FINL^HKir^Elerant Nutna Fur Hau lordioa- M rily termed Heaseri al. the low price ^V^""*.* itfkh short naool Prussian .Mole.k., at »3. The-Olsu «m ecj ial in ilurubdity and lu»tre to those sold at 84. Also aa as-1 ^ir?.* " "LsRÄCPr^cal Ilaa-r. WC^aal-.


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try- \ idveroeemen*» in*..' ithuvp rappear both inthuMorn.i.c und in the bvcnins edlUous.


Is FOaUSFIICCD tvuRY *ATTRi>Ay MORinMO.At the Ion- price ofTWI I TM 'I.I.A Us oer ennum. in advam-,

f II E T H I IMj i\ KNews by the Brltiutiiia.

Wc brii fly announced Hit: arrival uf the Dritnrt-nia in our Thursday morning's piper. Sin

reached Boston at 6i>"clticR tin Wednesday morn,

ing, and brought Liverpool dates in the 11* h "it.

Tin- news possess* s sc trcelv average inten st..

Tin- mosl imp irtant news is the tremendous gym.pathy in favor of O'Connell produced by his itn.

prisontnent, und the unparalleled increase of theRepeal nut.the amount collected during*, sin.(fie week being over thru- thousand guineas. .Mr.O'Connell had been prohibited addressing the

[njriplt; from his prison yard, although in other re

spectshc Hue" courteously treated. In the mean,

tune the writ of error is nein"; carried before trie

House of Lords, und Thursday, July the 4th, i?fixed for the opening of the case.

The Cotton marke' is slowly but steadily re

covering from the depiession it has lung experi¬enced, and the opinion of seine ol the liest practical men is, that the corner hits been turned, ihcstaple hau »ceti its lowest point, and the f«tt'jr.- i>

full of hni>c and promise. [European Times,The Etiipernr of Russia, after a week's stay in

England, t'x>k leave of tfie royal circle on Sun-day the 9th inst, and arrived nt Ji >tlerdamTuesday, en route for his own dotnifiiotis. II'was g ized at, feted, ami treated to «1! the sightseeing which the wealth of the aristocracy andthe power of the Ooivn had at their disposal [lbParliamentary..Few measures introduce';

into Parliament have given rise to ".-cater heart,burnings than the Dissenter's Chapels Bill. Itwas brought forward by the Government, in tipupper house, for the avowed purpose of putting in

end to the unseemly litigation which has longcxistcd between the Unitarians on the one hand,and the Presbyterian and Independent bodies on

the other, respecting the legal right to certainchapciB where Socinian doctrine* are now taught,but which, according to the assertions of the op.positc party, have been diverted from the purposesof the original founders. It was just the measur.

calculated to evoke the acrimony which too oft« Ii

accompanies religious zeal; and,accordingly, tin" unco righteous" in every part of the countryhave been up in arms against it. The "drumecclesiastic" had sounded the alarm from orthndox pulpits.petitions, numerously signed, wen

presi ni cd against it.and the House of Commonswas to be the arena where the rival religionist*were to light the battle. But the speech of th'Attorney-General, from its coolness and great ar

guinctiiative power, had an emollient effect on

the passions of the heated partisans. He showt i'

th«t manv of the petitions presented againbt tinmeasure were founded in ignorance of its provi.sioiis : and, tracing very clearly the justice andnecessity of the measure, he piovcti that whenever a trust lor a particular faith appeared on thetitle deeds of the chapel, the bill was inapplicable,and that it went no lurther than giving posses¬sion on a prescriptive enjoyment of twenty-fiveyears. A long discussion followed, in which thearguments were all on one side, and the dec]ama.

tion on the other, and a majority of 19U in favoiof the bill gave the coup de grace to its oppncnts.A great Ministerial crisis had just been pas.-i ;¦

through by Sir Robert Peel and his Iriends in tin

Commons. After a protracted and angry debatt

on the sugar duties.the Government insistingonthe first named duty, 24s and refusing to listetto any compromise.they were beutmon ihc first

vote, by a majority of twenty. After Consultingand drumming, however, for a day and night, SiiRobert's rirmness prevailed and tno second vote

resulted in giving him a majority of twenty-two.thus securing the passige of this favorite Minis,isterial measure, with which, it was boldly de>clarcd, they were prepared to stand or fall.Great Western Steamship..A curious dis¬

pute has arisen between the Peninsular Company,and the Great Western Company. The former,it appears, purchased the ship, the Great West,em, lor S3"J,()l)li, the owners undertaking to dowhatever the Admiralty Surveyors might deemnecessary to qualify the vessel for the mail s. r

vice. A considerable delay taking place in com.pitting a set of new boilers on the tubular priiiciple, some tune was requested ami granted. a!:

being ready, a trie.l was had down the Severn, un.

der the inspection of the Admiralty Surveyors hofound all right with tiie exception of the supplyof titcain, on which he declined to p;iss the sar.

vey. Some alterations having been made in th.

boilers, the vessel was announced as ready fur u

second trial, at the request of the owners. Somedelav occurring in the appointment of thesecondtrial, the Great Western Company declared the

bargain oil* and advertised her to s.iil to New-York on the '22d inst.Nkw York Packets..Since our last publica¬

tion there have Iveen numerous arrivals fromNewYotk. The Columbus reached on the 4th, antlthe Ashhurton on the 5th inst., the Stephen Whit¬ney and the Yorkshire ou the 6th, followed bythe Queen of the West on the 9th. On the 12ththe Onio arived, making a quick voyage ofeighteen day?, and bringing us dates to the ~lihult. inclusive. The Britannia stcamrr from Bos-Boston, arrived at midnight on the 13th, alter a

very quick voyage of I2j days, including her

slopping at ILililax. The Sheridan, from NewYork, arrived <>n the 11th. [European Times.Death of Campbell..Thomas Campbell, the

Poet, died at Boulougnc, France, on the l5:hinst.

It is expected that the accouchement of Her

Majesty will take place in the month of July.His Majesty Louis Phillippc is expected to visit

England during the month ol September.The weather throughout England was favora¬

ble and crops very promising.Public Feeling Toward* Mr. O'Connell.The demonstrations of sympathy with O'Connell

havu been strongly evinced* tbroucbout the country.The repeal button has been uuive'rsally adopted,and puhlie meetings; have been called und held :,.r

Hie purpose of expressing opinions on the SlnloTrials, and on the incarceration of " the martyrs,"in Glasgow, Binninehatn, Dublin nml Liverpool.Addresses to-Mr. O'Connell have been voti d by t!io

corporate bodies in Dublin, Kilkenny, Newry and

Limerick, and public prayers have tuen recom¬

mended by the prieitts to In- put up for the protec¬tion ol Heaven on the " Liberator,'' und fur nis de¬livery. The repeal papers have appeared in mourn¬ing. The contributions le the repeal tent have gieat-ly increased.

TtseCorporation of Dublin, on the Gthinst. adopt¬ed an address to iho Queen on ihc subject of Mr.O'Cwunell'a itnpriMoniiietit, and an address of R\ni-

pathy to Mr. O'Connell himself. A petition to thenoune of Commons was h1»o agreed to, prayingthat Mr. O'Connell may he liberated.A very large rnreting v«a» held at Belfast on the

7th inst. in the Theatre, to adopt resolutions andvote an address to Mr. O'Connell. The greatestenthusiaKin prevailed. The meeting was addreRSedby several who were not repealers, but consideredthe incarceration ol the conspirators, as they are

called, waa unjust.Similar meetings have also been held in the dis¬

tricts of Kaxiiif, stepney, and Limehouse, London,and in the Amphitheatre at Liverpool; al ihc hitler,Mr. IllundeU, ugentleman ol lar^e landed property,presided.

Ki.n sal To admit Ufc.PCTATin.is..A number ol

deputations lioiu various placed to present addressesto Mr. O'Connell and his lsllow pmouers have been


VOL. BV. sro. 77.

refused nilmission; then- lias been no attempt Jo

pn vent iridii n!u :!. h v ing inti men s with them. Adeputation ft m IJruff. County of Limerick, huvineattended at Richmond Bridewell ui present nn art*d . ms tu Mr. O'Connell on Tuesday, were n furedadmittance. .Mr. Smith O'BriVn, o«.e or their num¬

ber, addressed the following ).-ti..'r lo Sir JameeGraham:.

'"TO Till RK.HT HOK. SIR JlMr^ ORaHiM. U*RT."In bli.. June 11.1944.

"Sir..Hanne been railed ttonn, on tin part nfa p inmni Imyc**nvutiien4>.to s'-coinp.ov arienutatioii witnavew t,

lire-lit mi 'idiire-a 1.» Mr t i'1'..in.e h-S day, win formellhythe .'-ver> r f Rie m ml iv.,. tcntuiry that t e bV-ard. o<Sui>etintenitenre hail eiren direction* ihut no llcpiit-itimi Ikadmitted to pre<eM* mill eihe< to ihe Si.te prt«o«er> Takingfir ^ruined thai ih" II.. mi of .-'u;>e'iiiir"tleiice Mr«Mjld, in regit re

ii'-ucn pi -eeedinr. fie w lloig t Conform to ine iloire o u t-ecetnry fStne. Itakethe Ti^ny t., ..k whether tue «.».

cluoouof persons v. idlingto tealilj t'ie re-neei ami nfLVtoi.tili ir fellow countrymen to Mr UConnell ano the nihei.-'t .'e i r Kmrr« hai yonr aancti in. I may. peehap*. tie permittedt»a<ta.ihatthelocalarraneetneo««»f Uie Prism are -ueh n-

.o.dlowoftbe rcceptimiul Deputat im«, without m mi. decreeinteileiing »ith f e ordinary uinciolitw 61 toe priton.

"1 have the honoi to !<.. your ohediei t *r> unt"W. r-. O'BRIEN "

Tkorwaldben's Statc/e of BrRO.f..A case nf¦in extraordinary nature, mul in which the names oli*i, nt the greatest crinracterg of the use will figure,

tibiiui to e brought before the London tribunalsI'horwaldsen, as it is weil known, had executed :.

colossal statue ol Lord Bvron, which he Ceuisiden dtiae ol his lm»t works, nun pretenttxt to the chap¬ter ol V\ eelminsier, on enni ition of its being placedhi i':;* cathedral, beside the monuments .»! oti er

poets The chapter, al first, accepted the offer;.'mi ii is equally well known that some scruplesw ere raised afterwards against placing ths author olDon Juni, in Ulis uatiunnl mausoleum; and thecase containing the precious marble w:is neverclaimed by the chapter. I lie testamentary execu¬tor of Thorwaldsen being informed of tin's" state olthings, milde some inquiries, und the masterpiece 011 horwaldsen was (bund ly ing on ibe floor of a cellarin a state ofextreme deterioration, amongst the frag-ineiiisiif the l ese, which the humidity ol the plao-bud reduced to a state o: perfect rottenness. Con¬sequently, a person duly uut!inri-r ri bt the executoraddressed u formal reelninatinn to the authorities,nut when the Custom-House officers went with himto me cellar it wax found thai the statue had disap¬peared, nud nothing but Iresm-iiis of the case r>-

inuined behind. The executors then addressed totiie Custom-House a demand lor indemnity. This,however, was refused, under the pica that it cannoibe answerable for goods refused by the parties 10whom they are addressed, and that such goods re¬

main in their stores solely at the expense and risk olthe parties to whom they belong. At this stage, inline, tbeexecutors have resolvi d on bringing an ac¬

tion lor damages against the Custom-House olLondon. The sum claimed is £30,000 (750,000f.)¦it which the statue was valued by lim arti-ls olRome on its being shipped to London.Repeal Association..The weekly meeting ol

the Repeal Association was held in the ConciliationHall on Monday, the 3d of June. Mr. Caleb Powell,H. I*, in the chair. The meeting was addressed b\the chairman. Mr. W. S. O'Brien, M. P. Air. M'Ne-via, Mr. l>. O'Connell, J;. ntid 1.there Resolutionswere passed expressive of a Rtrong determination infavor of repeal and ol sympathy with O'Connell, andnumerous sums of money from America and elee-where, including £1000 from Boston, U. S. wenhanded in. The t- peal rent for the week was an¬nounced to he £25% lös. Ctl.On Tuesday un adjourned meeting was held, Cnpt.

Seaver in the chair. It was determined to d ite theiiproceedings, in future, from the 1st, 2d, 3d, »fccweeks of the captivity. It was also resolved. hatan address to ihe Queen, on the subject of" O'Cou-lell untl Iii« fellow-martyrs," should be transuiiitci¦'in tlie ihird week ol [lie captivity."

The. usual meeting of the Repeal Association washeld in the Conciliation Hall on the 10th June. |iwas one of tin- til 1 lest ever witnessed. Lord Flrench,If. Grartan, Esq. M P Sir F.Blake, Mr. O'Gor.nan and other influential persons were prespmLord French took ihe chair. The meetinc was s-'-IresBed by Lord Flrench, Mr. Smith O'Brien, Mr.Daniel O ConuelI. Jr who read a letter from LordStoiirton, and Mr. H. Grattan. The meeting »a.nost enthusiastic, and received the statements ollunations to the repeal rent with loud ch'-ere. Ai-ix o'clock the meeting adjourned, when the totu.«UM sum rec^ive.il was announced to he £3*239.The usual meet ng of thai Association w»,s held ni

i.« 17tn June. The proceedings commenced ai one

.'clock, and five hours were ulmo-t entirely OCCU

iiied in handing in money to swell the amoQiit of tip

repeal rent: many nf ttu- announcements were te

eived With loud clieers. and the « hole meeting wn-

nost enthusiastic. The precise amount 01 tb-....,-k's rent was nut precisely ascertained, hut it cun--idcrably exceeded three thousandpuutuis.General Tom Thumb..The career of General

'Tun Thumb, wlich uns been so triumphant al ih-

Egyptian Hall, London, is drawing ma close at ihiifashionable rendezouz. The Court Circular showsthut he has been visited by the l>»ke of Devisnshirind other distinguished personages since our last..So great has been his atteaction, mar one of theprimary features ol the Hnv .Market Theatre yvn-

.hc introduction of a rival General, almost an infant,some three or four inches taller than ihn Airierii ai

tvnnder, in it piece called the " Drama at Home.'-.I'he illusion was most strikinc produced by thesimilarity of dress ami other artificial means iirndiiced to pass ihe counterfeit lor the, real " General.'\t present the real Simon Pure is givine; a series ol

.'iiinr'ris nt the Adelaide Gallery in the Strand, n

ilneeof fashionable resort, assisted by the poptilutVmerican vocalist, Mr. Sherman. Heye the Gene¬ral has his songs . neon d. Mr. Bamuin is. we ob¬serve, nbout visiting Paris, ho tin- purpose it is stu-

ted, of adding additional aitrai lions to iii< Americanmuseum. Having an eve I'm-tin marvellous in tin-works of nature, he is about shipping to that estab¬lishment the lurge-i gintu i'i creation.somo "fault¬less monster whom Uie-world ne'er sayv." tinrunBrunnow, the Russian Ambassador, during the sim

of the Emperor Nicholas in this country, seal fortip' immortal 1 out Thumb, t" present to his Imprial Majesty. Thus the smallest and the creaiestpersonages in existence met vis-a cts, and tin' inter¬view is described as being.at no doubt in realiivit was.a strange encounter.

Ii is now positively announced that his excellen¬cy Earl de Grey, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland,a'cd the Countess de Grey will tuke their departureIn.in Dublin within a fortnight; and it is addedupon competent authority, that thai departure wi'lbe final, as it is not his lordship's inteutiuti to resume

the government of this country.At Berlin the report is revived that a grr-nt eon-

eress ni sovereigns yvil! shortly take place in Ger¬many, at which lie* Emperors of Russia mid Ans-tii-.i rtnd the Kinu nf Prussia will take pan. Curis-bad is spoken of as the place of meeting.

Leieh Hunt has recently received an income forlife of £150 annually, from the father of Shelly, thepyet.Mr. Henley, nn American artist, is at present in

London, executing a commission for the King of theFrench.

In lull the total quantity of foreign snunr expott-e(\ from Great Britain was.unrefined, 425,473 cwi.;refined, in bond, 312,75.Mr. Hood, ihe comic writer, has been luboring

under severe and danjerous illness. We rejoice to

lcara thai he is convalescent.Mr. Villiers's motion for a repeal of the com !a>vs

stands, til present, for Tuesday, the i!5ih inst.Lieut. Parsons, formerly her Majesty's mail ncent

in the British and iN'orth American Koyul 31mlSteamer Britannia, has received a more lucrative «p-pninitnent on ihe mail route between Liverpool andDublin.

I'he Eosl India Company have agreed to the rein-troduction of corporal j unisliHicnt iuthe native armyol India.The Newcastle Chronicle states, thut the Earl ol

Carlisle intends to rebuild Naworth Castle in a styleof princelv magnificence.On the 5th inst. an estate of 12,470 acres, situated

in Maryland, I' S. was put up lor sale by auction,in London. Thcri was not a single bidder.france..It is announced in the French journals

thai the Empi ror of .Morocco has proclaimed a holywar against France, ami, in conjunction with Ab¬del-Kader, is making active preparations for invad¬ing the territory claimed by the la:ter country. Ituppears, from despatches just received from Algiers,that actual hostilities have already commenced on

ihe frontiers of Morocco.The suspended departure of the Prince de Join-

ville tu laku command of the squadron to net

against Morocco, had been the occasion of muchsurprise.

Loiii« Phillippe gave a splendid feie »t Versailleson the 8th to 1,000 of the expositors of .National In¬

dustry.Spain..There is nothing of much interest in ihe

accounts received from Spuin since our last publi¬cation. Tne journals are nearly occupied with the

details of the royal tour.

PoktcgaI... Advices from Lisbon of the 10th in-stnnt have lieen received. We perceive, that the

change of Minislrj nnuouncid in our last, on theHUile ri v of the Frei eh |, legrn'ih, is a hoax, con¬

cocted by some Portuguese wu^s.

Italy..Tue Cologne Guzeie assures us thnt thePapal Government has atldrt ssed a note to the Ca¬binets ol Loudun. Vienna and Paris, on the subject



. >t th" late disturbances in it* territories. Th* note

.lec!hri>a thai there h <- been no real cause fi-r p>*liti-chJ discontent, and thai the dn-aflection is ohiefly.<.. ascribed to the machinations of anarchUtt inFrance and Englai d.Tne Jiitirtihl o' the Two Siciliec (Uinnunres that

several steamers left Naples un the "il-t ul». withUimpu de-tuied to relieve the parrisons cf Sicily.he Riilroad b-tweenTorre- tnnuucinta to NtHjers,

'¦v roni|M, Scafati. Augri. and Pag' ni, ii is j isi h«-etii|H>urd in iiif 1,1111110. The Knit wa> present at then ¦ugnpstiou.tsKEKCK.. Vv> learn via Paris thiii the President

¦f the Greek Mini-try, H. »Invroc rdntu, hid re-

-igued, ami ihut ail bin colleagues were auout tu¦oliiiw Ins example.TühKr.Jf..trivices from Constantinople to the

."2d .if Hay report lint i|ik Tu kieh forces spini»Hiiii-t the Alimnian p bt-lahad twicedefeated th>-i)ifi»wn the 13ili anil 17th.I>bia..The Supreme Government had adopte-

Hi lher men SU-es lur frine il'g the n< ¦ 11,y . In Ii sense

\, anil ihrdr*antisiaction *ii oh1 ie ai od biiiuD2*-ithe troop* had di-appvarrd < lie r< vimeiit bad heei

disband* il »jib disgrace, and ihe ort.et» hud proceed¬ed in Scinde. FJv»! regiments h-d. however, n wilibe retiietiibered, gained theirdeiiutud förbnitn betöreiiey consented to go 10 Se nde. A it-Volt il ni hern

i<j:jvIn alio'ui 10 the north «.f .Sink ir|>ore. by n chieinamed Bejcc Khan, who, having placed himself m

the bead of .-Mine cavalry, a tempted t" plunder ih-

country. A party of horse, under the t-o'iimniid nt

Captain I'aite, was seul to t ;ke him prisnner, bin

repulsed thein arid cut down ten and woundedtoty of ihe ilniirii troops. This event hud takence near PooSujee, and had awakened all the en¬

ergies of Sir C. .Napier, who waa determined to putl.jM. ti the disturbance in ihe bud.The news from the Punjaub represents that coun¬

try in a* disturbed n state h« ever. Another membciol tha Dografamily baa füllen, ihe victim ofbiaownnephew,China..The news frum China extends to the 19th

ofMurch. A . !. if> was seized with opium on board:n the; port oi ähanghnn, and sent down tu Victoriwhereshe wan subsequently liberated nniliepay-rneni of a tine uf five buiidn1! dollars. I hi*seizurappears to hnve been brought about by u Briii-hinercbunl, « ho comp tiled both i!ie Chinese autboities and ihe British Consul 10 lake official notice ui

.lie opium being on board. Several chests were

thrown inlo the ecu, and other-; injured. This siej'ims brought the question of ihe treaty and ul thiopium smuggling into discussion.Tue total proceeds of the opium sale at Calculi i,

on the 15th of April, whs 5,268,2/9 rs., or over halt¦i million sierlinc, leaving u clear profit to the Com¬pany of about four hundred thousand pounds sterl-ing.Comment: waft in a very depressed state in the

ports ofChina, Raw cotton and opium were parti-cularly dull.

REPORT OF THE COTTON MAKKET-Jcne 18.There were symptoms ofreaction in tbeCutUin marke! ntthe

-late ofoar lasl publication; the improvement hnssinre heroue-more npparent. and we have now nctive demand from tin'rtolc, wr.n have allowed their stork, to iliiiuni.il very coaxal.eruble. in anticipation ol price* laHint Mill further. Thai.trary has, however, nccurred, and the quotations are advanced,'hough the import., nf'he past Iwo weeks have proved exceed-ing y heavy. It ii understood thai manufacturers have mam'Xtensive nrders tn execute, and the altered feeling ofthe mar¬ket t« therefore likely tu continue.

be -a'e since Frid iy havingcomprised29.K0hales, ofwhichlO.IXa) were soul yt-ter ay. nod SkiO to day. We do not nUe.In-quotations this week, nui the uiiuketcHjsesextremely tirm.with un npward tendency.

Cheap Postage in England.Prof. E. »» right now on a visit tu EnolrinH

'ins tiio following remarks on Ciicap Postage inire of his Letters published in the BustonChronicle:

" You may fend a letter of no mntter how man»

pieces of paper, or containing no mutter w hat dr»-ullS ance, il it does not weigh over half an ounce

ni any part of the kingdom for n penny or ttroccnix ;

if it weighs Ipks thnn nil ounce, lour cents, mid ro on

This hits wonderful consequences. It sets nil tin

ii-ople to corres|>onding, re-uscitates old friendshipH¦reales new ones, fticilitHtev nil tnnnuer nf trnffie..nt/ pays thepWeTumttU a clear profit of$3,000 Ol.'Cper annum '. It may be mlbd ihe grand civilize.ml nnivershl educator of the people. The poorer

:irl that can exprefs her ideas) by pothooks, now

Corresponds with her poor pur. nie while mil at

vice; and if she wishes to remit mem n lew shilling'ul her PHrnitigs, she lins only to pay three |ietn-ix cents nt ihc post-office fur a money order und in-.lose it in |p r letter, mid ihe giivernnienl then !.> -

tiimes noi milv the hearer, hut the insurer of tinnones,. It cannot he lost, and ihepany tu whom n

is sent is as sure to net ii us it it were liuin.'ed nvei

¦i silver. The convenience of this Hrramieineni Ii"

naking little purchases, coikcting liitlc debt.-. &ciiiisi lie telt to he c.nd'-rstood." In connection with the great enrrier0, whose nr-

raugemexts for the delivery of parcels, alter the man¬ner of Harnden it Co, rnmifv oil over ihe kingdomthe cheap postage and money order syeiem sive tinouiury all the advantages 01 ihe city. '1 hey give n

liie-hlooil circulation, which ihmUh people strong*ise and happy. I wish I could blow a trumpet nn

this subject that" would reach every log-house be¬yond the mountains." Fellow-countrymen,we bavidie power in ihe. United States to have a sysleni h.-

itnod and n» cheap. For Heaven's sake, Ju not leins pick our own pockets any loncpr for the benefiif people who will mo ever thank us. Ifour FedernGovernment cannot do ihis lor us, it is not won!

having. This postage system i< the best ihing 1have seen in England. For the sake of i». I conU1ilmost [un up with the monkey tricks "ti 1 the mem,

tricks of ihe nrieincracy. A od ihe aristocracy ar<

cutting anliest about ilnuse times, I assure you. A-tu dinners und halls, these are ' very tiny mailers, in

rather every night. Pur instance, tin Uukeol'Wel-lington lia> ii ball nt Apr-lev House. The companyhegin to assemble at 11 o'clock. P. ,M..«JrO of ihehighest nobility, all riding in lhcir coaches, wpltSor 1 liveried flunkies npiece, nil loaded with <lin-monds uml enriched with fandango inconceivable..ritey p.is- through gorgeous rooms hung with

paintings mid perfumed wiih tropical hot-houseplants; they look at each other's diamonds, dancethe polka, or see it done, sip bead-aches or guzzleihe gout, in the shape of champaigne, and it is one.

[*d, three, or lour o'clock, und ihry go back as theycame. This is their ordinary business, the every

day work of these 900 highest nubility, for which

they arc truly to he pitied. The head-aches andthe heart-idles, (if they have any hearts.) and ih--toe-aches they have lo hear, but as to the expenses,they do not have to bear them ; liir they really comeout of the tea-pots and the bread trays of the com¬mon people.Progress ok a Lie..We notice in ihn last

Charleston Mercury, copied from the New YorkEvening Post, an account of Gen. Waddy Thoinp-on's speech in this city a fortnight since in whichthat gentleman is represented as bavins taken strop-:

ground in favor ol Annexation. This falsehoodoriginated with the Albany Arcus. We exposedthe fabrication at the time. Instead id* i»vor,..j; an¬

nexation Gen.Thompson took ihe strongest and most

decided stand against the Polk aad Tyler project.[Mb. E»f. Journal.


All kinds uf Job I'riming. >uch as

Pamphlets,CsTAUieexs.Che» ks. Carps,utsexAxeä roucns<Bills or 1-aiumo.Circi'Laes.

Mammoth Show HillsLectchk Hills.Concert Bills. Plain and

Fancy.Political Bills.ClRtl'lars, ineatltlic

Promptly executed at the Office of Oie Tribune, No. 1ÜU Nassaustreet.opptmt.? the Park.


GATLOR »" st" ALEXANDER,Are prepared to exeeute Biudiog for IIUOKSEI.LERS.

PUBLIC LIBRARIES and private individuals,N. B. I'art.cuiar attention pa;d to rebmding Old Bonks. Pe¬

riodicals, Music, ate, in good style and at reasonable rates.

Persons vi»iUn; the city can have their books relsouud at

.Itort no:ico._


f£7~Jauies T. Ilotl«;e, who u practically (amiliar withManne operations and the working, of i ires in the failedStates and Cuba, may be consulted on the value of mining-lands, nres, and minerals, at his room.No. 22 Granite Building,comer of Broadway and Chambcrs Sl reel.

He wdl analyze Minerals, äoik Waters, and articles ofCom¬merce, as Potash. Barilla: White Lead, i.e. k.c. SoecunensofMinerals, Oros and EnrSke, may lie sent to him from the coun¬

try, and he will either stale their value and uses at once, or

lubmil them to an exact analysis, as may be required ; and Iiis

charges will vary accordingly.Kelereoces: Gtinnrll, Minium Ai Co.. Prüf. J. Revere. M.

D..W.C. Redfield. Eso..We have employed Mr. Hodge to perform tome chemical

analyses torus, and form the exact manner in which they were

exeruteii. vie can cheerfully recommend Ins services to thosereuuiriog such work. A. B. SANIS <X>.New-York. June 1.1S4L >e2eodtf

KT- Hardware. Cutlery, <fcc.LEWltt BENE¬DICT & CO. rejswcllully inform their friemis and tiie publiceeretnlly that they have removed to tms city, and hare tokenthe Stor* si Pearl-street, (oppoa.te the Pearl-street House.]where 'hey are now opening a large and weli-*electe»! assort¬ment ol Co.nU, both Foreign and Domestic, to which ey

would cull the altentinn of thisw wishing to purchase apälll

JET Graham Hottse, 63 Bat clay-street, by ROS-WeLL LrOtsS. lee u



Polk again*! Abolishing| iir Lfrfc-in Slave» rr.t!c!

The benevo'enf molntSnn of Mr. Msrcrr. ofYfrsnaia. mitarith «tat nnannnoO" n;i irov '.Mar 13, 1811, Air Merceriutrudared Um follow nemala-

th-n:HtßolottL Thnt th- President oft»« United States be re.

queued reisew.aad tu pfo^ecnte. fr-"» time t» runt, saehiteeorihHon« with ihe -ever«' inintime p.-».cr- pf Eun ar.jAnatfteaa» he ntaydeen expedient -..« THC EITKrTCAl.ab mov np.tni lratr.S SLaVS r«de a-d UulUmaudniTiri ''um tut PlMACY. r.ler the ia*s of ieUou>, by tue con.en' ..f the rv lire >. orld.

hi ..11-.1 c th - resoluttoa, th* \ye« »f| 'IS. N«es a..M-P'IK V'»rtD IN 1'fcE NEGATIVE..G»«r. h,bMt

p &jo.Mr Junes K Pülk is l'ke'v to Drove, in all re

spects, eminentlv wnnrij <>t the c-inrirlrnce and

sitiTrageoi Leico Fociostn He onnttnued to von

| as long as he h-d a sc-.t in Congress, steadiesagainst every iffirt to protect Amenctn Menufailures and to erie>">uriv;e ilot-ne Industry. iLcored, while ih«r-. as u ufoTinly und obstinatelyitninst. «I i> . p< .-i'loiis in 61vor of tne surviving

ier-r»i rhu Revolution. He voted a'si, -s

|i b* se< n bj this extract from the Con^ressinn..' Ii bite*, against a Rctvdunon directing the''rcsidci t t i persevere in alleff ns for the efiectu.

I al A311UTION OF the Slsvu i'haok! This lastvote should even startle that distinguished pbilaii.tnropist mid pious man 15 niiium F. Butler. wnt<.11 nt e.|l the way to the llemi tige tor the our

pnse nl communing with Gen. Ja -ksoii Yes. it

Vir. Bulb r he the saint he passes lor. he will hrsi.

late about voting .or a man who is in fnv»*r ol »

iraltie so hellish Ih -t almost every civilised nationhas prohibited it But Mr. Butler will not hesi.täte. He would support Polk if in addition t<<

voting against 11 Resolution to abolish iher SlaveTrade, be had commanded a Baltimore clipperengaged in that infernal trafficHow is tt with otner citizens ? Will hones',

patriotic men confide in a pt rson who, riurmg ilieLen years he was in Congress, voted constantlyigainst a larifT, constan'ly »gsinst the S«ldie'Sit ttic Revolution, agaiuet a Resolution for ibificctual suppression of the Aincm Slave Tradi¦ltd who now avows himself in favor ol extendmg the American Stripes and Stars over Slaveryn Texas'. [Alb. Eve. Jour.

.Mor.r Factories It Viboisia..The Richrnnnd Pompilei¦ays Wn leama company is about betas organized intakethe Spring property in hand underihecharter ahead]eoniieri by the Legislature, tn embark in manutacturing, 1 t.eSpnns liiil property a vatedon the nppostis «nie ..!" the river,immediately beyond Helle Isle, and commands the extensive«ratet posrer nl the upper fells of the rn.tr As far as we inn

leam, tltatcnns and plan upon which the company 1. formed,are nieh 11s to .eeurv forthem « sale un profitable investment."

It is thus thai, under Ihe assurances given ny ins-

Whig Tariff, that American capita] and Americanindustry will i,ol be left altogether nl the mercy in

he abundant menus of foreign manufacturers, am!the cheap laborofEurope, that factories lor the con-

sumption, at home, of the raw materihl, a-o pilingup in all sections of the country to the Morth of us.

It gratifies us, beyond measure, in note these facts;for an iis-urai ce is thus given, thai * home markeiwill in due time be afforded for a hug- portion olbe great staple oftheäouth, nnd that the cotton-growers will not be compelled to await ihe move¬ments of Ihe cotton spinners nnd cotton factors or

¦he other siiie of the nine, In fore thev (..¦a real-ze tie' products ol their planlatiuns. Politicians.«Im have a pai licular object to atiain, relating sole-y to their own personal ndvaninge, may preach up¦be doctrine that it would he i-r better to have boi.ne market for the leading article nf the Planting:States ; hu; our ideas are, the mom ihe markets no

Multiplied ihe greaierwill be ihe chances liirselliuj:o gosuj advantage.especially, as ii reunitesjuet as

nuch cotton to iniike 11 yard of clotti ut home ar

.hroail. iSucli being our notions, we cannot but feelpleasure whenever we heur of a cotton factory la*ngerected in anv ol ihe States. It sounds ol or-

lers fur cotton, 10 say nolhimz of the general goonhai is connecied whit it. [Augusta Chruiucle.

The Juntos Tracts.No. I. Tux Tsst : or Parties Tried by their Ac.l«.No. 11. The Ccrrxscv.No. III. the Tarifs.No. IV. Lire or HcnrvClat.No. V. Pnf.ll 11 »t. Abolition.No VI. Dbmocract.No. VII. Labor asp Capital.No. VIII Tin Prni.tr. LaSOS.No. IX. AmtcXATtov or Texas.

Prtee Kestuced,The Pnre ol the JUNIUSJ TR ACTS lor Lha Prasidenus

iJampaien will Is- 515 n thousand.THE WHOLE SERIES, lsiun.1 toeetheT. compmin: 1*.ace i* published at § 10 n hundred.Acic- York, April SI. IHMSO" 1 Inters muni lie accompanied with cu*h.

6REELEV u MeELRATH,anitlctaw Pubbshers Inrthe Author.

CT" Sylvanla Association..This Asaociatinn.-'ocatad nt Darlincaville, nenr Miliord. PiLe Co. Pa. 1S1 m leVom New York direct, Jl hours hy way of the Erie Railroadto Middletowa. 5 mile- from the Delaware nnd lludsoc Canal,aid from tne route nf the Ere Railroaili 1« de«irua« ol e.tiilili-hins *ome liranchexifMunuhicrure wh'eh will rive employ.nent e-pecmlly to Women ami hudren.nnd pi this end soli.in advice unit coönernoon trimi all friends of Social Returnand Inim philanthropic nmctieol men. I.ucrnliveemploymeni

not expected nut a fan reward ol Labor it, TheCiMinciivmild like to treat with any just innun uhle nnd disposed n

^tnblish .'nne proiier iimnrh or bn:nciie-< of Manufacture, line

..h. does not considet Money the sols object ol life. I'lens.

.ddresi"S. Kluxer, Iht'liuxsville, Pik«Co Pa"The A..ociiit on n ready to receive prooooil.1 post'Pnid Iron

.-r-ons desmws ol uiiilme in tha al'empt to ei«.«ie mil im

"uve the ramdhiim ol the Labafflf. TIP» member* re.-rei Ihn)eir nectw-itie- will nut aunble them to receive nt pre-eni ..

-idem aa'octale who cannot take -toc» to U»e amount ol al, i«t «tu', und tlitsonly li>r imcle men idTenpoeity for immediate usetulcess. Foe laintties. and e«peeially those eompnsins

many ejiiidren, a considembly Inruer lubsenption woubi b*requaüe. tn *i<- means orempkiyin« profitably the labor ofwomen and e'i'W*en lien have mil i-een perfected. Subscnpt ikh

n.tr.eir -t.s-k net ti'i from aon.iesioent members, are earn

esdy Miliciteil and nn ii.ir.ual dividend ofat least »ix per cent

1-u'linrtiiiieeil. Inquirers m New.Vork ami vicinity are re¬

in, tied to call oa Mr K. Purdy. !.'»-, Uowety. who will sis '-

e impiirt uifonnation and answer inoiunes. faStawWtl

ECJ- North American Phalanx, Monmouth CoN. J. (Addre>. Laedsville, 1* < >.. 35 nrle« Irom New-York, via¦teamboat l IRLS. Irom Pulton Marketto Rcl Bunk rimy ilur.

inn the «Ummer. Mr. EDWARD (III.ES » the nccreditnlAxent of the Phalanx in New Y- rk, and mny Iw consulteii on

:i« liii»ine«« fruui3.S to ö o'clock P. M. at hu residence. No. 123Walker-rt. jjl 3m

KT" The TarltT ns IV Is, i*mv<ind Kith the. Suijf'ute pT>'l»>'ed bti its ../drer.nnr.. in the Hdl irpirrtrit 'a u,

United State* ll.iute.af Kevrejenlalirej b-j tien. McKay 01

.V. C. By ILf.KEBt.srr.The nlsive Tract w rendy and li>r sale at The Tribune olhce

I'rire Slo per ll>«._|}ry Wnirr Cure.- J ?new, M l>. an author on Wa¬

tet t ure, 2fl Foiirth-.t. is ready to rhat hn friends and othttswho eare to be Ircated mothcnlly ictihout drvt.i Water Curelorctlicncy is a sr»tem wiinnut ~ e«,-.lel m Uie lienlin, m-.-Mo-t ci.se». if not all. enn lie as well trenled in private dwell-incs as el«ewhere. The poor ndviv^i (trntuito jsly. j>"J3m*

{XT' The Books of Subscription totheCnpiu.1Spick ofthe New.York ami Eric Railroad Co. aw now oiien ai

the Officeof the Company. No. 34 Wall-nreet, between thehoiim oflO and 5. WM. M. GOl'LU. Secrelnry.New-York. April 34th. 1S44



Pevestb V.'arp Bask, New-York, June s. 1M4.03* Divide od..The President and Din?ctiirs have the

day declared a dividend of two and one hall ü%> per rentfrom die profits of the lastnx mon'hs. payanleonand alter Lhe2d ofJuly. by order of the Board.

jeüUw A. S. FRÄSER. Caihier.

CT" Mntnal Life Insurance Company ofNew- York..This InstiajUon. dunne the montii ol June,na* .-..iie.1 Glty-one policies, vat:To Merchsnts.20 To Clergymen. 2" .Mnnulucturers. 1 " Phyi""iani. 3" Cleric.. 5 " As-n:.I" Gns-er.1 " Student. I" Cen:lernen. 3 " Watchmaker. 1" Statiooet. 1 " Irnurri.t. l" Farmer. 1 " Indies. 2" Bniker. 1 " Mi ier. 1" Auctioneer. 1 " Porter. I" Jlenti.i. 1 " Tailor. 1" Publisher. 1 " Cooper. 1

;tl 15jyl lm Total Lives In'ured....51

KU- Dr. Felix tiournad'i Italian MetlicntedSoap..For curing freckles, pimple,, eruptiotu, bbitehes,.curvy, morphew, heatspots, mu.kelo lilies, nmt all irntatsannnd roushrssi ami snliownesk Mini d&rknes, ol the ikm. Thi.Soap uomi of the most remarkable of recent chemical diaCov.eriet. Its emollient and healms uuulitie» «rs ipoken of in alldirecuons, and every one who u*j, recommend rt. One cakeoOcenpi. We warrant it to aniwer all ordinary purposes, «naii to be had genuine only al 6*7 Walker street, one disir Iron:the corner of Bnsidwny. Aean's.3 Milk srieet, Boaton: 76Chesnut »treet. PhdaJephui: Grny, Puuzbksep.ie. Tnusey.Rochester Mven, New Haveu: Dyer, Providence; Carleion.Lowell: and Tripp. Newark._jel" Lnb3- Dr. Felix Gonrand'l Pond re Snbtile will

completely and permanently eradicate superfluous auman banfnim females' upper lips, tne hair conrewlinc a broad and eit-vated Inreh-a". the stubborn beard »I man. or any kind nl»upertiiniu» ha-r. Be .ure to gel the genuine at the orieir.r.loffice, b"7 Walker rtreet. one d'ior from BnHtöway.Si lier t'otile : direcuons French nnd Kngiah.Agents.Guthrie. 4 Maiden lj«ne, Albany Myers. New-

Ha«en: Brown, Tri Che-nut street. Philadelphia: Jordnn. !Milk street, BoUtm; tlniv, Pouirhkeepsie: l.reeo, Worcesterl"«r!etun. Uiwell: C. Prer. Jr. I'rcviilence; ManhewssHi.Norwich. Tonsey. Rochester. N. Y: Guild. B-.nror: Whi'e.Calais.

I an lie seen and tested !>elire buyin*. Proof posrtire ihis,and no mistake._ jtll lm

CT" Dr. Pblnney'a Family Pills constantlyfor sale by A. B. 4. D. SANDS, 7» Fulton street, 373 Broad-way. and 77 East Broadwayjes tan*




perhaps th <!¦).'«, .¦' "ü; ciliar» gnannlly n.ort tu for¬eign Hirne* in iKirrort "i henIth Ri n Umeii use »fthe pnu. . r

mean*at hssTse, m a Inree prop rmn «»f en-*», this etu^r. vton would b» unneces>nrri and health e u d l-e 'e e-'anlisjaat,ami thee ns't'uii '. burist up n- «rell here as abroad; i; i. ara>-t generalis admitted thai rou-t rlaeases hare irieir nrnfin inan impure -tare of 'he blood, «¦ r Causes irnre-aHhy -eC'e-ti..n-. aisd thai mnn produce* a raimtdefe .luaarganiznttsM ut triewholesystem. Weieke i.|-a-ure in ratlingthealient.i.mrre-rle'S l" a v-liiulil- men ci..e i-alb-d Basil's ***a*«t>aeiLI.«.which «pi »ftectua l«eradi-at-,all loipantie* from tbe-y-icm:ml n>r Scsdula and 1 "hron r mahld es it i. eno-iderad an uti

failing means nl'rel.e' .nd cure.[v V.l Vim. Advertiser. June K 15.4.

Sand*' SaRsaPaR lla. a pire'y r«ateahle prenaratlun.ha. leren thtir.iUgh'y 'e-ted in a .air'-iv of lueases. and is fromexperience, known r . he a «a'e an eifeetu il eure f..r Scri-lii i

..r snlnre »eil ul rise <;ia'd>. e:im-y. Satt Rheum, Seoulheart, Eczema. Id eumati-m, Palpitathrtts of tne heart, andother douses nriginatina in .n impure or dettraved state ofthe blood of deraaeeins-nl ul tne diawtive organs, I he pro-nris-tor* »I*.tasityr 'ereivitig wnlten testimonial., giving intereJine detail« «if it* extraordinary virtues, 'Inai-ml manor-cr:;.tj of varisMl- cert (Scale*, le'ter- ..! tne clergv, aiaai-tmtesisjnI private eit zsHts, all Conrtrmme me prrvpnis ¦rnurment*.are Cuostantiy received aa will !>.. eh. erlnlly exhibited mi ao

plication Pact* ani reenrrted suiflc entlj eleurmid eonvi' ei .g.-.I -Mtisfy the ..!.«* incredulous of tne real merits «t tin* tnva!nab e medicine.BO* The following truncates ill I* read with interest pa.

I c.iiurly by ail .oiieriig in u-miliar manner:Baltimore. June 1". 'tm.

Met-r*. Ssxp.GrstTt M«aeheaft" llv do I »dd to the BU-neri us testimonials .'¦ vmi lite uo-x-rv .live S r- ip .r. I-. IwaseOacked in 'h- yr.r ;»J. with ascrutnl u« »ffectl«m on mv

um»' I.e. ami OHitiuiloK uuward tn-ing no o .>¦ in- na*»taa.urruumline part*, until the pa-s-ig**. for ronveytng tear* ft«Miir.e p\e. it, iii-- no*a - ere .1-. soyed. whieh eaiiietl an uncetssng H-.w of tear* It al-" aAected my cum*. cuu«uw a di«chanre vTi unpleasant, and my teeth b-eameto l<Np*e th.,i twould iw* Have been a bardt sk to pull them mil wit" a si ." .

ierlt.<ueh weie my feelings and .nrr.-r.ue at thi, trme.ihal Iaus reiidereit ierr"a-t', miserable. I Cms-olted 'he tir.t l*h-. -

ciaiMiutnei rty, tmt with lit'le bens-rit. Kver> Unna I beard.1'was Tied, tint alipnieeitol no sendee, ami as a la*tl»a<'rlwin recu.i mersCed cbanire id air; but this, hie 'Iwr re rede-..IhI res giM*j, the disease continuen emdun'ly lu issstr asa um.ny whole iifiy was urtected lint thank* til hunuuiitr. myPhysician rersummemted your preparation id Sanuspnrilbi.pnscured fmm youregent in thi*¦ My. Ilr. Jamas V. Reel, (..itt1».. aod in 'e»> Pine than Uirre mooihs was re-t..red In.lenl'h and hnpuinen. Your S rs ip-.rilla nl.ne ed'-e'ed 'herare, and with a de-i « thai 'h'- nfflicted mny no longei «uif r.ail ii«c 'he r cht medicine and le- 're» fo,m d sen«>. with he.nut "i joy and eraiituda l rem iin your fre»ud

Ii V.MEL Me' IV.VIKAX,Any onede.j».ui« to snow farther pan eulars will Bml me

my res'i'e- ce in Kroni -tr-et. wners n .viii if.'-1 um iiisa«;: e

t» communicate any (bina in relatH'n t.. tu. ,-. ei'\.MI-:i. HcO»\.\tK »'N

Persnnaily appeared before me Ihe araire nniirrsl laiinel M'mi-¦ ihitn. and madeoaUl ol tha laets c**otaiued in the lure;;uc sluteius.it. JlMI.V CL"L"lJ.

Justice ol the Peace of the . 'ay »I Baltimore.VVaasTKR. Monroe Co. Peb 10. IS44.

Messrs SA^P^: t.cntle.i en .It is dithcult to rind Wonts to

express the er .tituiie wlnca I feel towards yini for me uaete*>ithat you have taken toielieve me in my di-tre... Fourteenan r- since, there appeared a small -ore on my undet hp. * h cnmv physicians informed me was Hiel M"cer; it remained « :h

IUI much chnnfe until within 'he la-t two ye .r«. Wi en n coin

.nenceil e time. At the same t.rue .even hard lumsf* aupearedunder the .urliiee on my t'eht lee. w hich Ii ally became run

j woes My thront .mi! neck were much atteclart. and abmy oralerjaw waesodneasesl that the teeth led out. My un¬

der lip is now nearly en'eno^ftr. and the aside "I my ri^ht cheek>sereatly afiecred. The ilartiint paiasthnaieh my iacehas'eIseen very severe. Fur Ihe pa*! year my wfferinrs have hee;inlense, beyond my poweruf dascriptiuii. I have taken manyliflerent kinds of mclinnes. all of which have failed to relieveme. Iitirinemostot this time, I have been nttende.1 hy niav>ifour best physicians. al*o by one cancer doctor, who all deelded that my iHrense «as beyond the reach id medicine, andthat cmild live but a «hört wire Fortunately, however, >;

me. 1 was mf rated ofysdir vaiuaale pntnarnttun. whteh i.r..-

cured of your asents, » e..r«. l'..-i at VVillh, of rtoehester..\ithoueh, nt the lime i commenced mine rour t*ar-pnrilln.was en lunne the immi «ev^re pant, aial there appenresl to beno hope, -till the virtues ofthis incdseiM were Slich, that whilewas U»tna 'he lir-t b- tile, the lores on mv lejr h^n'eil : and

by dsntinuinethe u-eof the Airspanlla, my face, mouth andhn.at have bees! eradu'illv healins. And mos. gent leinen,amlrast my tnusttion hut a shortlime "inee. enduring the nn -t

-eiere pu'u. weh my present happy csnatibut*. fr-v from pa ...

ind enjoying lile once mote shall no- take much pi-a-nr.a reCAsmmendmg «ahers similarly afflkted, to obtain this batstid medic:tie. to efTcci tiimr cure.

I nm. with giatnude your-, ate. AARON BUCK.I [.lam full.ih !o...-e in the biatement made by Aaron Buck.

laving known him the past six yeanWILLI Ul RICHARD

i place, lull cnnnMence in ihe itatemeui made by Aai m Buck,having known htm the pas' six'een your*.

ii ii. RANDOLPH.I know Anron Back, und beleve what he s'ules tn thtxd"CU-

.nent to he iserfecllv true. b'EORGE HEART.The writer of the above. a. Buck, being a meinlmr of m>

tiiinily, I know his statement to be currect in eve<y n-»peet._

L. WHEELJiR.For farther particulars and conclusive evidence of its snperi

?r value and ellicncy, sea pamphlets, w hicn may l-> ublatnr-liratia.Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by

. B. Ät I» t*AN'd. Ilriicgisu.79 Fulton -treei.2'2 Broadway, TT East Broadway.

Brdrl also by lirueei-ts eenem l. tnniughout the I m'.ed-tntes. Price, ill ler iM.ttle: -is bidtlas for isIX?" he public are respectfully icipie>le'i Ul remember ihu'

t i-r-ands's Snpapanlla thnt has and is con-tiuit v achievinguch remarkahl« cures of ihe mo-l dilficult c'a.s i f ili-eas« p.-htek^wlm-win i'.sne r. suhjSSCS", Uutialuta M«H for dan ls*sSarsapardla. and take no other. je^j imtiA^vs"

IMPORTANT DtrH*OVER \It Icliardson &. Co.'a Celebrated

a vikkii.'an Panacea.I^HIS Mediane, oompounded solely Irnm reaewhle mauei

free from adultemtlon, and warranted tree trmn any n.-'tv

liant*detr inetitii! to liealtn, ami ill-Covered about one yen.nice, by an iialividual sorely afflk ted with IJIjCERA'I Kl-t.'lt''1 I LA. and who hnsbeen umrer the trentmenlol il»OTOStemmenl physicians in the IJmtedtStiitcs t.*r e.eii*. year-.Authout the lea.-t apparent hone of restoration to health, a.

viu by them uronoiinccd incurable, hm who. after taking th*ibove named rneriicine for flve weeks, wro, re-toreii to perleci'¦ealtli. That meila iiie ha- been sohl with unprei oilenteil -i,c-

..*»«. mid has never faileil in any instance when In ken ;n accord¬ance with direCUons) Pi erTect u pertect cure of the lollovvingii-ea-e.. to witt-SAXT RHEUM,r-CltoFDLA. liLCER-vTEH SCROFULA. BRONCHITIS, FKVKR SUREShllNC'S EVIL. THIäTBLO INFLAMMATORY. AN ICHRONIC RHEUMATIS5I, PILES, ERYalPEIw\3,MILES, st'l/RVY. CHRt »NIC Cri Ht K EVES. ttU rTCHES.PIMPLES ON Till: FACE. SCALD IIEAD AND ALITANEOUS DISEASES OR PAINS i)R UIX'ERr

IRISING FROM AN INJUDICIOUS USEOF MERCL'tt^DR an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD. Theelfica-ey ol this medicine has Iseen tested in all the diseases abovs.nuniernted. and us eltecLs are truly asionishtng. < ally ana taile sp.aiuful to be tuketi by an rtrliilt eneh morning before eatng. which usuully pruduces a tonic orTnct, while [in m.»t .-a-e-

t also acts as a gentle rnihartic, increasing the appetite am*.-eneriil health ol the patient, causme all ulcerateil sore- Ui dis.Imree more profusely, and prislu'ine an etfectual alhtnit)/!d*the whole system, purifying and nroducing a rserfeet actio:.,f the bhaatPerson«, whiletakiluj it, should relrain from the itaeofal

.ttrnulaline drinks ..r liiehly seasoneil luod. Lor-ale bri ii.none.l .t wholesale ..f THOS. G. TALMAGE

General acent, '£> Pine-street, opposite theCustom Hotiae, Ne«York ; and-o 10 A-'m llou-e ; 110, --H) and TT1 Hma.twa>-..rner Broadway um. I 'I amber.tr«vl No. .£' Front..'-eelVo. I« We-i-creet N.... a ltd :»i How erv No. - PulUatstreet .No. l£T and Hudsi n. Tie! '«, llainmond..'reel, corHudson ; No.iUtiGraiMj s-.r.ei So. 13T .I IT- Greenwich>:ri-se .No. Its and S3 Cherrj street; N... !.>: Walker.treet\... Cnthanne-itreet: Nob. 351 and 421 Pestrl.itree!: .No. ini'«nal-.treet.Brooklyn. J. »V. Smith.Comet of Fulton and Cranberr)

streets; and VV'm. Bbutruve, Stiuire's Builiiiiigs. comei Wr-low und Atlaauertts,, and hy all the urmr ipal druggists in thi'nitial States.Dr.V. II. Ustkrow. No. iA Beaver / CIlDtoO Buildings

i^enenil IVhosesale and Retail Aeent Ci: Albany.T. W. DyoUiSt Son. N... 143 No .n Secmid-t.. Genera

vVholesnle Aeeiit f<'r riiiladelpma.Instructions lor taking the urt'c.e. and a great number ol cei

Uheatssand testimomalj may ue -een and oblnineil at any olthe above places. nilemllin ly

ALL IIEALI\G OfIVTItlEIVT~(M)CU EEirr. t>JLH FEET. COLD FEET. COLIVvFEcT.fold Ii et and Co siimp'ion, t 'o'd FeetaO'l Hy«p«poa. Cold Feat ami Snk Headache, ddd Fess and Ih-en-e olthe Langs an Liver, old Feet and Asthma. Cold feet aie

iichloe»» of the Breath. <'"ld Fret ami failing off ..i ihe liar.Cold Feet awl Rbeninatsm, fold Feet ami Pain* <n the Eniand Head Cold Feet. OiU Feer. u ho h.., ->! got fold FteiIt is a. prevalrni n- tvater mibe -ein JUcjtHgt' ». AH- HealnstO'ttim^it i- a soven-ien rem»-ily foresibl foal under ever)'lugency of libt. Lei it e warmed into ti.e-oi«- oftnaleeiml we oleileeour word and honor thai it win restore t^e .-u

euattiennl ihe blood, irslueea healthy perspirnt'on and bnnathem back to thair natural cnod tbai; When uns it insneleineeilve lie ptaeed unm. the epe>' or head where the utile i

hifiruuy lies, whether it he a eonsiimirtioo, or a-thma nr dj-oep.ia. r lo. iifhajr. it wtl' eure them a'«o S- Id I3H l)ivi*i"itree*.329 Bleer.ker. 10 \»uh* House, John. IUI Cherry. Iiiehslliean. 18». CSmmI, ieif rtwnsuo. eu^ Sil street. jv-'J tf

f A IVONDEÄ.A BLE<SI.N(;-A MIRACLE.LNDEED has tieen discovered t-r curing

AH Distigurenient* ol the Skin.Fieck e-. Sunburn. Msarpbew, Tan,Bite, of Miwuottoes, line-. Insects, Atec.

The above or any ile'ect ol ti^: skiii Cau-eil by 'he sun, heat pi'he bisiy, wi.id ehnnee o! climate, 4ic. «te. It also cures in

the most permanent and benntilul manner allDiseases ¦.! the Face or Skin.Pimple.. Blot. hes. Salt Rheum, Scurvy,Erysipelas, Sire llend«. Ringworm, ate.

This remedy is culled asind reader, he particular in the nnm«or you'll be cheated by a swindling counterfeit; J'l.N'ES'SITALIAN CHEMICAL SOAP, and in cinseguence of itssurprising efficacy.in fnrt us «urpnsine and wonder, workingertect in any ol the above diseases, it has been cminterleitjii and'iniiateil hy a host of scumps and rascals, »wir.dlers and fools,who care not for the rn..chief and harm they may do. us man*of their art el** are really poisonous and dtneeroo«. but wi«hto live mi the fame and cha ucter of Jones's Soap, theieliire I*particular, buy only at the Mhiwine pbicee «r.u always >«.»

for Jones' Soap, at the Americsn Eaele, -S Chatham «treei. S£iBroadway. N. V.! Keildine. 8 State st. Boston: Zedier,3Leticer BuildlOass, Philadelphia I'e.i^e. Hr.euivvuy. Altiany.

e-21 lin_

\ FIN E HEAD OP H WR T' i BE HAD PORTHKEtsT. SHILLING!)..By the UM ol a three «hilhng tssUle -I

Jones's Coral Hair Ite-t .rative. The price w ill prove it is imhumbug. Give it one trial. Here are it. real qualities; Ilwill 'orce the tl«. hair to emw on the head, tace, body or nnr

part wliere nature'ntendwl ha'r to grow; >t..p it falling Ottmake the -ru!p be:.iti:y. tr-etehy ctirtre dandrufT, «nu gtvtli/hl ml orgrey burr a nne dark Im.k. and in time make it grossnaturally durk from the pH.ts ami has been tr ed by hutidreibol our n«»t respectable ntizens. amone ¦ bom it lias jiven en¬

tire «nti«faction. Amone them are tiie'allowing;Mr. IV. Hopkins.s-J Ring-et. New York.Mr. Phillip-. 414 Bro.ime.eor. Woosler st_Judre Edwanis. of Philadelphia.Mr J. Pennon, Navy Yard. Charleston.T. Power, grocer. Ful'on-sL Brooklyn.We could offer fifty ntlicr names of persons who have found

this all it was represented ; but if the above s not enough, no-thing will convince exceet one tral. I- is sold quite reasona¬ble, indeed cheap.nnlv 3, 5 or 8 shillings a bottle, by Jones,sign of the American Ea: le. 82 fhnthain «t nr 223 Broadw-yN. Y. or US Fulion iL Brooklyn; Pease. Broadway, AlbanyReading, 8 State-st. Boston; Zeiber, 3 Ledjer Buildings.

THE BEST SOAP IN THE WORLX>.-Rnbertsx Imnrnved Brown Statp is an article that hn» become verv gener

ally in use in this city, and if housekeepers would long pi it n

little more and not heed their grocers, who do not keep it, nuirather put their customers offwitn a more inferior article, !o]pale Soap, would find economy in using it, as those who hav<tried it pronounce it to he the best and cheapest to the consu

mer of any thing ofUse kind made. Bear in mind it is a Brow r

and not a Pa'e Soap, and every bar is stamped ' Koben,'- Improved BrownSnap.' Forsak? by musl ot 'he principal rroct r

in thklcity am! Brooklyn. Manufactory 2-iO fhem -t.


FIRST RATE SHAVING SOAP, to make a tme'^_rich. easv. lasririg ither. lo soften tiie beam and the ski t

s th-preparation ofold Naples Soap.sold lor 3 shillings a in

a' 323 Broadway, or 9 Chatham street. Gents, only try thionce- jekw lm



u'tsirLi: wo. 100*

J k. v»ru s Jt « o


A". 109 FxdVm-St, .Vrnr Yurk,llnv 'C a-1!.:-ii- J t'icfr establishment am n-» p-epanad t.

fotrttsnau) mr n. mier, .nd wssue« leapectfiiliy call Umatienti-.n nf he publ e Ui the na..'ir.ilclM iniuruvcsnent tiv

drchied advantages lutaCluck bus over a.i ,thcr Ti nf K«frier> n. wr in u«*

p,r fit ! mprovenwnl in the Tun» P,it ron«i«'« pr-c

pall) in Ihe K-c'i'ni-it. whi.-h may be called i rwi «de>keeapenamt. nnd in ihe Kcrnl-nm M»tn>0, whadi ¦< I«ealted a R.a'y or T< cum Paoduluiw. The Ball i* fixn anda-n»| iticbes in dsaine»e*-»<d a rbdHibtr form and h .|i.,w, musn-p'oded h» a >teel -pting; nea' n « uyi- r emi .! ine ipnn«:an «"ii in the Etna id a < rsn«: Iii» revolving nftne lmll lavtJthe -yi.ui and causes itw arm tu pe'i'.-rn. a art aeti -g upand receiving fr>e impulse 'rmn ihe Swine.WHeel i»» menuia 'nrr c mi**!ted witn me Ami and the P.i. 1 -c?«. i Eaeapcaieinwh .!i imputei» eitrneil through the ~urin< 11 the Bad, ai

keep* k iu moii-n I he su ing n * qua.cent «ai# i. |..n»-e-'pr it. tie -e-w «f' either *«» from tnal täte»-ho tenedUm laid made to n-e. retnrniix hi the reärtiou of the serifsami "et" ee of gi'.viiy reoeieinaj the impure Irum trie mailta ein« ."'»er at each return.The r i» a ir eaularil) rytine in the common Pendnluti

by, kaasul ii iwes arising loan an -ncea-eot frietsosi, theretilessening Ute impube ihren t.i t, ei»l »wsneMUiethe aie . t itvi'im' :> liiitiMMauie linetimeinaearc«d fioirdeete«will gain t^n .ec.nu, a day b- Vlbmt*.»«..., ... titat by an incrcuse offiieiw lea u n'wa»>thee-i-a itwitlgauiii eAnv difference of Irl or muni nun* po*er in lh

G .- k »i ma ctfe t 'a- riven i.y ihr. Peminlaa ; u» ri,

<i ii-.,,ii. ,,r rihraUn « »r- lendered v'ec " i~« I" nal by '.

tin r Ui'.tt'Hsti»i»iun«il-ihe>pnn*ha I» i'» ie5eti"ii m«theförreol <eir v,,f ihe ball. I l.e'liMrre.it d gl e> ..t teiii itiu ni.t ifleetiheiiiiiearireii by iha larndu urn. .<

tine won d i««e by the expan.i«n »t the ann»e lewatb,.irately c u 'enie o1 bi tue t me i ea n> b- it< exp.in.tii'. w ii'n i .i ihiekiaUM The mprtwement mh, Sn k :« rr.,i..,.t. prine pa I» n the appften'iim nf a Hn'-ry llaiiimiBarl pan of the Cl Ck.i* r »..i liy u »pniiR ««Iii '.. .»»¦

»nn . m| w.-ete. ttr about6 ly.fiur .\e. ». withonea «

in.-up. THE lliVANTAGrS \t! P,I.'.. Thi.l rery littlee re e I i re>l ....t ng i» up, in e

tequen e ol it, nut keine w l abi ¦ b< In? put <<u .<' b . I a., n

c c>ck* .,.,

.-' .1 Itrenuirea 0"-lllnnthe Pall»tai,r le.th.,1 lh* e« ,

VVhae-l. in-re nr n« Inet « n b w- en n. in. ami he nun.'.-..i pie .>.>¦.in ii. .it' .ha t?w na Wheel - re -a y u i ea > .«.

n i.thrr wont, i 'in |rs m ni .nik.iif n. mmy r«».i ulit« thethi'ty. nine inch *arafen**d Pendulum i ¦

Ami it reqirre*ato'ethati mty 'imes l»»» nciu tainuiM,wen eianeqiieiiily a very latin*" it"i haw of trie-ion nr

cent, than ,i. .''her Clock and ttierrf.ee tne in t un nil)I, i« reeulur.

3.1 It » II run one pit with ivee w n.l.n.' u,.; .* -iVit tI nil .inkin- t'.e lu.iir: i. -inp' , en.i y a.|»l t-d

ul .if. ; und when tb tune a di .« lar .it-re a*in ¦..br -. In tlieditTireN .. f le-i'peratore ihed mite ..fibe ¦)

.inereaae.il in ia»".a»n pe.fjrui»it. m»vament« >

w.i>4 tn ihea-meoreqiii t meetat -k-have n w lavn in npemti-m ab ut ituee r*m

I them wh-p n -d a the r i. m. He Auawcan ln>tute, in the ITi T of New.Wirk, hi nay. Sl!-wa» exh.h li

«..he Fail in Dei..'er mi.t your, and a Medal aw pled >«

the iiuamiMtion iIihi t waaa very ineeakiu pii'ee «,| mecaani n

I- wni then left with ate ntthe e.tami in* C.liter.Ithe iwxt Annual Fair id the lu.tnuP in iK.-ilK.-r IM.and a«n n exhib ted at the Fair ami exam tied hya Comm.ee ni' »c entir: t em in. and nwarded a >ecuud Medal wittlie uucriptrun lh.it t had be U tu..y terteil.

.r. K. M. is. in,Have nn hand and i:'e d ke- piua a ennrtant Mtnp'y ol Ma'

tel I l..ck« nfa vMriety nf panem», *hh ami with,an fluh .lie-, runntnc from idlentnnth or thi'ty three day*. io in

ie:i in in ee hundred and -eveni, tue day*, wi'lt iHtee wim.ni:; Iii«. In'tfe 'Pone Ke-p-r- Co Hank«, t.'hurehe«. PohlHiiutea, ttm. runnine a year with once windioe. An »i¦Imimanuiactuietoonler, Purrrt. Steepe. or 1'own Clarkru nine tVoii. ..lie munth to u year.

.Io. " 3rd, IftM. _jy.llmPric e 6 1-4 Cta.-37 I-Ü Cta. for 1*4 Coutt»

Can Ihprf be h Churrli withuui ü Bi>bo)Controversy tietwi-on Rev. I'r.. Wainwrirhl und Putt., stou

me mil ol the incalental a.«ertinn ul tlie tiirmer Unit TbeiCannot lien IJhurch withoul a Bishop."The aboveCimtnireny a printed in n ratal Pamphlet an

i.i ir hi. won nrititp.1 rovesa. For «nie at the *l nlmne i urna-

PvTT TKAOE.Sf>lrTII AN'i»WE8T..Advertiiemeare recetveil li»r S.'ii'i.,-rn and \\'r«*ern ^ell.le.t'^e., i.n

liirwn ded by iii- A«ein. V B. Palmer, at 'he on 11 irlii e. Niluj Nassau street, Tribui-e Buib inn npiMtMte iheCuy IIniIlia Aitencs embracea niost of the princpal newapapera in t:.

followinK placet:AIron. Fr»J»riek»burc, New-Orleans,liieusfn, lluntsvilaj. Peoria.

II rlinsino, |nd.apt Iis. Pittsbnnc,1'haroUM, Knoxeuie, Quincy,Chcaxo, Lexmeliai, Kmeish,. 'incieiiati, i-i.iii-v !e, Pavaonah,Ci iil.c-.'he. May-vie, Pt. Louis,C"luu.bui. Mempli s, ^leu'L'iieU,

Rr e.M.ih.le. Wheetuie,Payrtta. Na h. lie. Zaiassvflfe,Frauklort NatelieX, &.C SiC Stc.

Ui .ides most ofthe principal towns in New- York. U«e Ka«em Suite*. New-Jertey. Penissylvania, Delaisaie and Mar)'and,

Rvaiy information ;iven at the "ffice, where the papeimas be«een. V. B. PAi.Ml.ltjeiSeodif Aeent for Country Newspapers, 160 vassiic st

Pi il'DHF.'lTF...A cnoice article ol thu valuable Fertiixar.CVte Miinuf'icfurnl.Suoi: «I the Jrr.icti M'/litm.-

s.'urea Mttfid Mud Material. Fi r «nie at 12 t'humher..sirecHeairmbtT tlie numtw-r, '£i I rpunllsllS-ftrSrUt, hiiw*e.i the Runwid «...I I'hImi .'.. ....I ...... Um I".i-'illl.tmUDRETTE may i* upii''eil to <«»rw. ant mostoth<

crisps dressed w.lh ihe mal. With nearly as el'eci at ii

li-si, and crrn at tne nr.id marine, a.- il applied ai pmm t

ami urhen uaed ai the lusema, it will mature ihe 'on u wet

ir ten dav. earlier than any other manure in m in o ...

When applied at planting, the dillerence in mat*'i is a

full two weeks over ontilinry manure. Une iiirmer. la-1 sea

iimal ten barrels mi Ijiiu; Island : this year ne ha- hsulovi.l ire') l.ariel«. Tlie article prepared by the Nltv-YoRM ' on

pany. oi the . 'itjr. has bm.d will sull lie Ksund ««pcei,.rany .ither prepaiäd m t.ie niernitp. Ii .s tu u matteicourse.a»theyeollectthe-materiuiin TsuVsnnd Casks, whiU¦ahrrs odleet it in Boabi, into whieh is thrown ihe matertaMad and ivntwr, aa taken from tha «:nk. al night, when nn ..

critnii nfion ran tie u.eil.hut iiol so wuh this Company, mllave day, light to select tiay giarsd and discard the wortna*.t. they have dona more than 100 load. th:« seaam. He euren,

t ien,'o call ut ihe nght place, 21 I.'hambers street, wherecan be hud immnlmirlu.3 barrels Kir 85. nt I'1 barrels lot Gl.or at the Manufactory. 13s.ii mreet. corner of Avenue B, b;the lixid at 30 cents u bu.hel. liiüfiifi D.K MINOR.

POISONS' POISONS TI IF. soin.tcm'nxirn.v-I i >t the lamou« Poi.h>os lor the ile-.truction ol liedhiurs.ral-aot«. mnths, coerniiches.insec.U on rluwert, plaint, grupe vines

ate. Aie.The Bedbug Extflrminntor is a valuable and infallible reme

dy which needs but a proper nnpl caiion. and the bedbugii svi|*hun their ti.rnier nleale forever; tins preparation is in a lii|UHand p<iwdere.l state, the powdered to be useil in the WbipfwaslorpainLThe Kat Poison is entin«ly free from ratslsana or ar-en .:

and n eompisied of several ingredienu, whieh is attractive t.

them, alter being eat will cau-e ihem to leave the premisesThe Patchoulis Compound, by keeping il i**i Ifannels, eai

taji . Wiajllen», hair-e itiiig. furs. &c in »h eh the modis a:1

generating, it'* waiwtitedin esterminatethe ecn«. ami

stroy ihe animal in i.'l is stages,1'he romiioiunl Chemical Whale Oil Siaip.This piepamti

iMsrieeahsiladvairtages overeven other heieb.fora bnuighl"-e a. it not only destroys ill the vermin panotrie noon tne seeetnhies, hut also eeMitrilaites to their.tettilitv und eleaiihnes.inst ts 11 ettkctunll) pneeet all descriataai oftrees, fljweta.skfrom the a'-aek- of inserts.

I'heeeiebruted lit paper will <1i-|a,l tli -% an.I nn~|in'ie->fectually. int. LEWIS rEI.'C'IITWANtii K,

rij Manien lane ami 21 ljlanty-«lN. Ii.. leeches, ('opaiva I aii.i: e-. A .".a sinoWlla !?p

Nure. Wmai Nnimtha. Velhit» a-re. Pipeclay, Suh n Ik mi

monta. itc tte nr. naistaotly nn h.I. ielj line, c

CslIK 0> rOSTAI.K.-i'VI RTOV C » 'S t}\U.\'LETTER EXPRESS. TO |t"STo\. f ..m N . 3 Boa

-i red. New-Votk, ivnce e't rs will be reeeiv. il until mill w

4 P.M. I'o-i 'ge 5 cent. e»ch, ifay I«? paul h reonndivery . tamns. fit pei humlreii. B ii> lor tne l'e^..site.

l-e ters, hef.r«4 o'clock, P M. are ti~ s-ii.th «irsei. laWd'iam straer.43 Pen!-irre'. OiP.ne-at. cor. VVilbam-u.No. Fr nkl n .quare, Ba'l'salarstreet,No. 4 I hathaoi Kpiar», A.lnr Molls*.l'nlninr i itfice. L'nain nest ExurSM 'tfice. I12 B oadwaiNn 7 Coalllien »I p. e. rner V\ -ter-stteet.r>4 Wallatfeet, corner P"ari «irr.tNorthern Hsantl, cm«» l\'e»i and Courtlandtstr.ets.20' S..ieh -ireer, enrnef Hntge-s.iVEKT' \N ai I.'' >. tru by a fa lliful discbarg* of 'he hit.

n<v, In receive a »Iis en' p b!.c patronage j.3 J'*

u'IKTH «X IIALI*. No. ¦ Fr«nR!m-,iiiiint. navt essasiatiif ..i Hand an exteisHve aswartmsni ..' vlTs*IC ami Ml' Ii 'ANstrrnrMENTSol -i' u. PIAN'n F»iHTKf»..fdirt rr

e. and finish: 'iCITAKS. tisen the l^e Simm.h neuenwb ch they navr ws-ve' [HVmionM from tne Ametteaii

i -ite av.r a!' .»Iber maker., and are ..I very sunerioi loo« gj

it) - ifrinish PLIPTEs». ofall Itimfc ami Ifnath. jht whselittwaavealsn receive,; reteaiieil isremiunis: CLAKI' IN tro. h NBI?GLIV.t:oRNttPI/>NS.TRtWIV»NES, etc. all id tiniwn rnaaulneriire ami warmntasl: irnii..rTer- ..f SlCJrflC .mi

kindsorMirsiCAL l.NSTiit MEN S. A KW ML'SICrecco-! as «k.n as published JUST PCBLlSIIEH. a!! the *.ng..the HCTCHINrHlN FAMILY: eiw.. BERTINTS MBIT'ii f.r the PIANO: .il*.,. the ORPHEUS GLEE BOfiK, l-

ips a C4iIUm-.ii-»n ..I ilecs Air four male vmee*.. wilh piano accaniia.umeni, Mriecterl and compiled irom tne far.1 German ami |vdish auihorv. by AUSTIN PHILLIPS. Priet' hie IVdlar |a-e'.. MerchimL,. and'he Vutiral e,,mmnnitT e-mernlly. are f

avaetaillv 'nvii^f rneall mhav-

YlrTlAL. K'Mirv. tJCARA.NTEKti WATER TIGH*«II F"R FIVE YEARS WHICH I- F<»I R YEAR:UINGER TH \.N f'SCAI.-Tlie.ulssrril«;r> hiivcinveiite.1.nethod ifcovennr naifs with plain m rnlvaeired sin pbttewhich they gtinmnlia- Pi remain water tight rtvt YSsas. wh-yul on by them. The inetjil ts si |«ut on that rt ennnm bitfecte,' by the shrink ing or swelling of the planks on which n

laid, or by the contnieüon or expans»m of the metal.Tne following gentlemen have had their dwelling booses aa

Roles ip this city, covered by this method to dscr satrsfacUonrienry llrevort. Esq., comer ofnthavenue ami Uth st.JoMri S. Schermnrhorn. Esn No. <JU Broadway.UaviC Ai.-"in. Esn, cot. ofExchange piece and William-sj nmen Pearum. Est)* Merchants' Exchange. Wall stfleo. B. Butler, Her,.. No.81 .Na-wiu-stFranrui Hurntt. Eaq.. f!J Broad-a!.Nutios i» eiven ihai a,» the improvement Is piitaoted. ai: pse

¦na» in ihr traile wi.hmif to eov»r r.n.f. by the .oWril^rs' yt-fihti -ibtAin permael-iii on m.-lemir t^rni..

miilltf P. NAYU )H b O ). TI and Tit Bniajl st.

FA TR HANKS'." PATENT PI.ATF' Ut.M Si :.M.FÄ-TTvBittnufweXurets have brought theae Balanoes to a »e'y grer.

''.'trsv ofpeHecthai, atuL in tiaur vamais modifications, haviad.tpfeil tlietnPi t(!l r.'.c ,.i rjK.-i-. li.r winch lienvy tr.i;..ai tn"are re«.iiire,l by weight In the mechanical e.in-trnetion, esoia taken to secure STKENliTH.IlCUAUILrrV.and Ac < L'RACY.accuracy not merely as a spec-tic point and 0» ai

amount, hot uniform accuracy at ever; angle of the PlatKirnand Uiroughout the enl:re ranye, f'rum the lowest Ui the highest capacity ol tlie Balance.Thei>e scales keep their adjustment perfertly, are never liabi,

to demneement. ami seldom Pi any expense Inr reiaiirs. The)ate in use >n most of the RaiiriHuls in die t'nited Slates, and u

some ot them they have been long in use. the operation betnipertecl. So also in the iJormunt and Portable Scale tor weighing merchiindise. Merchant' and others who have had tr.euin constant use lor a succession ofyean, testify to their tinifomaccuracy, and to !h* fact thnt they appear unnfTected by wear

The*e scales have teen patented in England, where they are

extensively used, 11 lh in private warehouses and public railwrap. EDWARD FIELD, No. 1 Plait street, andoäOcodly J. W. 'I lk iRNE. No. 113 Broad street, N. Y.

THE TEETH..A REUCCTION OF 30 PERCENT,lull sets on Atmospheric pressure principle; also mule

Teetn Sets or parts of sets inserted in the neatest style, I y.1. B.'SKEY, Denii.t, Z Murruj-ureet, next door to t.ieChur n. Best Mineral Teeth used and vsariar-ted.jal. ömeod*


Cl IMMON CHALK it poisnn ius to ti«7Skin, but Ihe Soani«h Lily V\ hue imparts to the lace, neek er arms of ladio

a pure. Irvine. Iife-hke aiahststet wnitenes..nnt diseidnring ammakinr the ikm roush aller use. but en thecoptrary hnptovintand clenrng it. It is sold onis genuine ul 323 Itosiilway. 8.I'I athntn st. N. Y.. 8 Sta'e iL K<«t. n. mid l3y Fulton str.e«

Brooklyn._ jjl lm

GREASE Spi 'TS ' iN YOt'R CLOTIIEs'. OR S"l A INS.ute eia-ed.and ilw appeumnc* a:at tenure .-t iheamcle

nnpTovod, by the Magic EnisiveSoap.told at 323 Broadway-and a Clisuiuuu Unset, Price8 cents. jeati lro

LD«T. a POTKrrr ..r Memorandum Rook, cnnta rdmrBii|«and..ther ua:.eT«....v/f « \ ->e..r handHni*n l-yj*rr>e*

.V,.d n'.r $10U Th* n;-r. - .. ,.. , «. ev 'P''"»rvr A »u table rew».,| ,,.,« ,?>. t' »nk* of U"» OWIfctf

ml Se given on lenvo-t o* It soft ,t T'-» I nl un« ofSr». i»f at

¦r . 1 .*DAVID T Al'lM VS. 44J Gran.i--i'«vt.4 GENTS WANTED-T»*eHav»| awnrkfhn ehoolA 'h* l'aited ctate*. AiMre. St lie «.nre"e < iAW. T'en-

Thi *tw.Jer»cy. I fnTTrttr*}- mMt *sstimoninbiif ran.vttwil' .»¦'_Jl4.t*

i i\ OTED.Ob n itcatreH a.very rV*ir*ke> im»g / *i.r..»..i .)',.,»rtr wssrth ihr*« tint**-that mm,***..m..i .. ft !.'- F-f» -. "» '.. k* rsftbe II .tw.n. spply

:0 ANTHONY BLEE! Kl R A. CO. No * *....«.)..'.,,«.

i ear V.. Isi'.et.

UrANTED.By a young maa «»ho ha* had rminn »».

I. v , ... -.1 as '»fk ma IVh i'o«>l'..nim..

S'..re or I .aw ' ffi e. II» ""ouWI n.e *s-rs .srrt>on

...f t, . ...,,.,-,. r.'- .,t«-re-I The l*»' o' reference* » v-o. Ai r ahbswrd tu II UlS'-ai 'h *i.nVe. *dl freci»'«irnn »tjittaiaBna.

If* 3* 1

I "Nt: RH AVH BÖARDIVG HOUSE. ' ...«">» t-e At-I j bin.. rW .i fhatf (r-isrCifuIt) »form" «.*.

uhi.r. ..¦.>. ti... House ¦> . e '. i "< rrci-'.-- . g m-

¦an». oraler tba nnnaf want. f Vir« F"rus n. If Mltatn.f. .i *.r.-g i. u rjT«ri h,»..««?. and *t> d .ccoinmi-!sli-in«, .re

..'w.d .t uns.'he pub ic m.y I* wo-*1 ... ß"dl»f "ecu

,. rh«»¦'.>.' John ih'ppbk.I., it- Itr-neb. N. J Jnly 3. '844 In,*

HOARDING \\ \At\U f<RW II .1 he nil* r Itr in.I > !*.-;.. c- ft e .'. and rjerwu i who w..h ... ..... ad tSe .om-

er h ¦h«*»twintiy, lh,-t t*r Ko »» 14 ""w "0»o ><>rt -e r»>-rp-

..Mi.d'B. iir 'er.. Tht-ltuatMMI if e^fnaudiac .rid wirh^nif eard«»i*the ' ><-e .n. « b> rr ladt» « ill be wwefad r«r Dath.

n/ iree-t"»»yen^» Tba *.».. i» large snd BW. wtlB tuie

Prcma^^mu. |)EM.R^ SAtR3.

BMKl|\i;-\- r. C ut d1-;'«-.' -S .. ..¦neu

... centae' 'in.,I.e. run hearc mrrii.l t*d w ÜI **A..i.rf..fi.i.lr ni... i. eanm irie of aartoea, .no f required. '!*»-"

roOlttttbli aninc. at iT ( ou;:::n.i!t «t-eel. .New Y" »¦

MRS i.ERE.Tip Ffnrh intu«re . ».».k#. In the Ian <- 1 ttrial*

.pCv-i HR TMREECE.VTI.EMKN can beae«iram .<at»iI m th Umnl. |w ui itr wubout moma.J at «v» '»» mber» at

;.po i< Ihe Purk -»*

_ pitM >ti E. \ lark ba% " lae.rhätha« alwarjA_L b.^-1 ..' 'j' we .i-.'...<*¦ "«*. tu ¦' .. :. e nt^l

Ij±.<.*. ¦"'¦'.v' ie-lle.ilttiii. Iiu) reo! ..<¦..'tt.t. J. »'.... \t. I..

;f^« VV.. -t eet.

j-i .|: « » l.K. « !wi.f It" it-re I., t ..n tu» ...nth oileofl? !i!h.l-,ll,l«».rL''' . >'. - Aiv » '..

AM'n"x YJ «I.EK< Kt.K ft ft,

\Tt\w' R ... neat VViii.i. N Y.

l-FOR "AI.E.A .'' .-. MitrJantiHl l.'oorrtreV V VVaeon. 'i ¦alteatli alenl .te.i >Tir rre.etnf » fiiai n

.. -..,i.-h ..^.,|.' .e.,»-. ly \|... i ... the Phen « Raeanr. Vier.,mi >l.i.4iTiitf"

jTE\'.i ENGINE ?*¦"'' !*AI E1.A «mirat-haad En* no

|j bur** .....«ei hr».|«e. h a'1 e...|,|. i'e ..".t n_«-««llet ...,«¦.-"i' Im« ¦.".. >».' i.'~.v .... '".iinre .il'J r,

IIMM4 V ri»v>*.MIia{r< M >\ ...... .r-.» n!'..'.»*

AW L'AKI>.JuH« » ». i« i.o. .! N » ii - «t. lli«»J«up.

«(M, »ill h'ieii.| t.. Imi liuMiur*. 'hal'nMi lap ejuilale«! "' *itni

>IIa»(Jiirua l'. ort».#Adanw mal 'he aiuaeente»Hintaa,>andthe Sii.«r-. r I ¦...!"-..i nie ». .. » .' hie iii.ireMM«naJ

.Mine. th.iMi. I Jim« ana anil enable htm I« atland to tttaaaaBIin the Pan«t«e. ..r-^«» -».te ..# .. Nat- h«o He re.er. or.

. int #; Bee i. Van _Vrv,Ui- i'»u«1«nu and..b.i 'iRthntn. .rent Km Kr..w ,. Warnoek.

Rnitherv«V Cn Maletitni at ''sui

mo.ft eJirna Kann jn-n*

Vlllbtm Veto Or

<K\I IV AI..ThTötriee anil !*nbM>Ri iMn ol the \ew-Vnfi¦ ard MauuUu-tirr) u. rei ..«. inun IKnlbaa-stiear t» liS

nn-t^-el .i., . te lid >i'.t

,p- . fall IUI u i*»ll ph. iiUJ..nu-a,

> EM'iVAl-.J«»HN lj"VEJOV. Hernia, re,,,...,*' * no

V <. r.e .t. ?if*lln«olw»r.ew..d..o>!>e. It!e«ktw«vi13 dm*

af !«. D«»NN'EI.I.Y fcCO.. No Äff Gmnd-«treei e..ioer.itN Al en. have ..ii liand au exMluNve av*"iti»Mfiil id me nil-iwiar hou«e-keettiiw I'B\ i;iai|»e. tu wlitcbiitej mi.iath*

'leiitmn ..I BUtct»>er», vr.:" I to 14-4 lon er d ami Halsanlaa.Uuiltait 4 lo UM hv .'4 4 lliaoera nn.i nu.sk Tahle t'L.tha all

»V4. w 4. I'M mill rd-4 Irish. Kannlav. Kuw a. and bileara

i.e-ting..K Seeich and Iruh lowelina liiM'.asri.b 3 4 and 4-1 Inatiei and Ihium** Nuokiaa.

Gnrth, Hiickabär» ami Birdeye linper.»4 ami ü-t S iltlll* and im.w l UM UlUHl ot ad iTOAllUei.

l-l hei.vv ni'ieiaH men

Preneli Eml«"»ei' OhilbT bat and Pmnwl oven

Colureil i ntt..... vv mviml «ml Emen I aide Ch-the..nd a»nane»u»ae.ve BMUMviiMrnl ut Gbdlm ami I aanmere*.

.mp Ii'Ete», Gaiubnuna. Ijnen Uriilnut. ami otbei --t«ii»a

nd Kane, ltr> UiM.b _



KCPINEII SUGAHrOOLHEY AND vVtuLS'Ei from thai date nffer laeii

Slai.dnrd" IMUBI.E REFINED SI G AKS at the lot-

.wine bmj eure-, rta...til II renu pet uticnd. , Wlmn levs than hv« |iaekae«»> are

rushed 11 do do 7 uiircrutsed. halfa oem p« pouud¦.witer'd UJfJdo do )ea*.:UonalI'l.e above are >aiekisl a* Rdliivs*oaves, in bxs id 301) ibs /nwhedm Idibol All " 5 .No. harce tor parkarra.'owdered in do ofkfiO " )\pply toiiieNew York I'm. ut Sueai Refinery.cor.ol tMCMa

ad Motil.oinei, sts. or at 91 \\ ill »t

N II i >rders mil ol the City must be a. ri.iiipanied by a retnitr

ie« '?.

I'F.AS ayiehiwis Soiiehon» Jrt' halfr^ieiti do.liO .mil.-. i^:» Nina \ ..in Souehoiij.St do I 'uiwi Sou.'--ne4u Che»u hue Mobee Ihiwcnnna-..J) fancy bös« fine IMiihaf SoOCbgil..IDu clients HyaMi.|0 fancy tmtes Hyson, fine.

!UU chest. \'..nt H»*in.Isüi hull chesir dotW chests Hyson Skin.äO huil cfu3U >ui>>enr Gnnposvdot.33 do lo lumens!.

Ali country pankeil and of hue imysination."or mie bv GKI v v EEL, MINTURN as CO.

d7 tf__7oS..utn»irn««tCOMMISSION FAPrR WAREHUUSE,

No. b4 John-afreet.«,¦» D CUAVTV ..v *, M\\? .ro ,o c.o.mr.i rareipt ol Pa*i_s. eiKa adapted to every hranenid the -raiie.emi.rvciny;n unuiunlb large maiMlmem >.t Uli. k Bona. Cap ami etter

«rritii«g. lugeilier with r«er> deäerip'ii. Newsaai H.mk- lailig, l.'..lore.l i'aiier ..1 Medium :,ait >'tner ../e.. Kioeloin,ntaicoi». Shoe ana Ten. Straw ami Kne vVrappjog t Hard-are and I'kiih m great var.r<| Sda nrnl I jrg, I i»ur, plain,nl euloreil. air ate Re.le >tr::» Mom.el. Trims andlitrydboi Hoards. Pres» Paper» Ike -"s-i" _atWUCOUTHIiU. \ -b. Kti>. Wl DfiuAiissst,ANCFACIURERS or LAMPS, GIRANDOLES.CANDELABRA, are. and Dealers in HOL'SE-FURs;

sISHING GOODS generalli .Beins connected vsiinuneigf.e liuee-i manolaetunea in t-e I mteo State*, liny areena-

iled lo urlei Lamps, i nodebib a tbc lor < burclias, Halb. Ikr"1«. Pnvata Invailma., Summboats mid Packet., on the msMttrsJonabla term*, and of a «juaUt| nut In be stupoeted in ilo* '*

ny uthssr country. E-peCial nlleritmn is invited to their Solarum Shin l^iinpt. f.e eroiioMiy and light, »upersestine all others-lore lie public. No le.t t-oi-r oold and Two dlLveaseDAL.ri have, within the line seven years, been awardssl lo tboeanuliicturen lor their tupertorrty m this class of good. Themldic are respecU'ully invited to call and examine lor theiu-elves.

CooaTRV TRAneae supplied at factory price*.

PHREAD, NEEDLE AND FANCY ST'»KE. Broad-1 way, lietween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets..TboHe tum ol tiie public is respectfully inviesl to the new store

u«t openei! a- above It contain, an et tensive ntsoitmeni ol small¦rticles ol dally ore in the luiuily. wall a var.ely ol t.uicy goods,vir.:.Pin*. .Neeifles. II ..... .! E>e-. siitienur Sewine C. '.ten..nd Silk. Bubnoa,Tapes, Hoi.m... Pprse I'wui, xapliyr VYon-'ed. Canvase and Patxeros, p^nonited Biiibd Board. Hiohins.liova.. Milts, l.aihes Cravntt and up*, l.eiitleinen's < ollan,brHMn*. G'ose* HaiMikerchiefs, So«ueitden, 4cr Hosiery,daadln Gras* Cl'tli, Imha Nankeen, I aiasot*. Sun Saadet,...Inad and Traveling V a let*. Pain and Fancy linskrls,d/ax and other Dolls, ti- Hair, .Nail aid IVetfi Mrnihes,v r> and -lieii comb-. Plain Blld fine, Stationery, Note Pa¬ct, five Steel I'm.. Gold -nd SKer Pencil* I'ertume-,. Fancy -*.iii». i.uerla. n*s Shaving i ie in. and oilier cboica.tides lor the Toilet, splend .1 Vinaigretta, Smell "* H«'ttle>¦it *te -'I ie stock ha- been «elecle.1 with graut care, and

.11 la- -ol.l at the l.me.l Ca*h prn e», l,y

.elT't:_C. ULI M.


No ot tslai. one d.eir Irom Nns^iu «t..

fASnuS reeeivesl from kuctnm megnil'cent Fiench prtntad.I Mtuliir.. nch KriHtlie Plaid ami <rn|ied PiiuN de So.*, ofinerioi ipmbiy. black striped Barrrge. New Style II. It *.

ae I" 4. sni ii -iti,*>d Kaneire *>hawl*, Ijidles' Cra»ati,.h llai and Cap Kildein*, Itrusi«. I'hread aral Ashbttl«

I juts*, while ami lilack CirdinaU, rolore.1 Silt Shawls,arn-le) -heel nj H.Ai.ery, i.lii\r>. tut Person* putelia' ng> cash a d .1" well to rail uid examine t e <iock tefore pur.ia-ine 'heir gimda. iiiij

M A.'KiE i LEVERETT,C O M .M I«. yj I .* ft si EttCHAVTSi

No in; WtTSri STHgsT.Below V\ all srsrl.i

lOHa F.Mai'KIK. lata Mackia. . Inkle) at lenmson. ) u w

loeiAii S Lmrgam late '.eveseli 6 Tmatuit SDealer» m cut ami lYrooghl Nail* ami Sp k<. /ties. Tax

ale, Hnoca Tin I e...i. i'ntniei /.me. Speilei tV o En^n Anarncnn ami RuSMa SI.- -t lr. I|.... Iron lira ...r**.Is. Hand lr II, Nail anil !>pike K.-I-. -im.els. Spade.. Cast.*el. Krad-. Tack-ami S....rr..w... ... Bra*. Keit.e.. I inner*1

I. h. English «, \ni«i Pia Io n Ssr'.""¦' 1*1'»»» ami lr..n I >..-!. ..i .11 . /es m|S 3m

JOSHIJA 11 it CO.ENOLisl] \i .\ nl i sCTUKERS

\F PATENT THREADS, -n. Tbrwi.i*. ,.t*, ftrpjL/rwiiw Giiloig 'I wine. i urpet Warp, uml F as and Towurn*

JvYJ 7 Ht'HI.UrO SI.If. jYF.iy i'o/rrY^iacSnj*1*0 Till. I.' ALU- l IP loMF'Kl. MALE AND FE.1 M A I.E.- Tl c ...i.-cr l.-rs are um a red t.. k- .i.e.suiaa

feel and .". I» y l.:.it* ihat will lit precisely P.. utt andIhnai mnita on them a e peilectl, etp,> w ben tint put i n. t*n lit-hoe

I h»eii»»i.seo| l.aifw bnl tnflp f. «ral eve'y lor-on shoulg,.*ve la-U I., m then leet 'I lh»f axpeel r,aj emminr c.nl.^t.urh iis hi. ltri*t la/i/cu/au. ever esie-iieuce i wrtlmud uum-orpp.le B-1,13 ..r SIummKr.-.kly and Lirng I.land Bool »ni'Shoe Store. ITC Foil..n-st.

je»_SMITH at II AKT.-HOKN.ROOKLYN Bo'i |t- a Nl> .-H' iEH.--.The sobserihäg«.re now lUpplymg lhem-el.es w all I'm CnUmnesa

tools aiul Sluo Gentlemen and Ijntie» can ha ve I Ji««, mad*o fit 'hem by Uairtne the .hai^ of their leet. *t Uio KrmiklyaIxme Llinid Sloie. I'<U Fulton-tree*

..4 SMITH it IIARTSHORNE.L,'Af-rt.K.s SIM ifc.-..The subscrilsm hnveon hand* ierasjLi Motdy of Eastern B..e> mid Sbo*, wawai which are tateipenorto the " Neplus Ultra" " French tlm.es" bir lalei*'time Mi>reson one block, in Fulton ureei. Ad at not e"ki utatrnstens. Syll'IH ü Ii A K'l'SIl'ihNE.

m4_1701- ilton sireel r.rm.klya.

I'o MKRi -HANTS, or fiissler. in rb.it.and Sh-sss..The.ois-.-rii»»r. f,r« piep.ircj l. ^-!l |Um4* and Sn.«r. bv ras*

IA8E or DOZEN. VLL KINDS kept constantly on h*ador VVHOLRSALING ..r RETAILING, al 170 Fulloo st_Bmoblvn SMITH at HAHTSHoNE, ra4

rl.A.Ni i Foh l ES rha -ui*eriiM;rs are n"Wfinishing an enl rely new article of nsirumeot*.

; a » rr^'v h en nre « armniud superior m lone to any ut

It f I ! : ¦!.<.. "' d to keep in tune much longer. Theinpriivemeiit COttststsin.g HaaP ritssr, peculiar 10 rsrnjslruc-UoO, obviating every objection Iveretofon cnuaed by ihe lie ofneUl ic plate*, as mjunag the c.s.- and tone. Pimcaaori aodIViich-rs are invited to 1111 examiaalhm ofthese ite-liunients.jyl lr_GLENN, RoGEKS at CO. ltd Fvdiors-s*.

. IM a so FORTES..I'iie *iib*cnu«K offers forwile an assortment ot Rosewmid and Slahoff-any Cigtnge und HoriziMitnl Piano Eulas ofevery vn-iety of pattern*, fnim six Uj ,<v*o

ictaves, with all live mooe-n impnivements. 7'heae tnslruments are made ol ihe best sen«oned raatariais, with the FrenchGrand Action, and are warranted in »und iq any elirrmle. Per«.. an wishing 10 purchase a xood and cheap lOAtrument are ta¬

inted to call. N. It. < ltd Piano* >aken in exchange.JAM ES Tili l.MPrM 'N. Ute I'allman at lUndgd,

jel7 las*_ No. 7 Burclay-*f_ opposite the A*or houaa.

CHEAP SUMMER HATS, 178 Broadway..Thes«ih-scr tier has now on hand acompleiea«urlreent ol Purn-

mer Hats, whtrh he öfter* for wile rbsfip. They are fta-..h.dotrin o style of elegance unsurpas>ed b) aeyolher esiab-l .hmtrit. Gentlemen wtshl ir a neat, comfortable Hit. and

one that combine* elei-ance with economy, .re ropecllully in¬

vited ro call. Light black b»ls, .intal.U. lor »umn er wear,

oiistaolly on hand. Also .-porting Ha's; ern.rtiinr Caperraveling Caps, and l.n.!ie*-mi«' Cent'emen . hidme . aps.

DAVIDS. MILLS. 17» Brmolvirav

je2P2w* Ho-Aiiirl i HoteL

rTD~JÜST FINL^HKir^Elerant Nutna Fur Hau lordioa-

M rily termed Heaseri al. the low price ^V^""*.*itfkh short naool Prussian .Mole.k., at »3. The-Olsu «m

ecj ial in ilurubdity and lu»tre to those sold at 84. Also aa as-1

^ir?.* " "LsRÄCPr^cal Ilaa-r. WC^aal-.