gM|||¿.lWli ***M M.... ¦ ¦¦ .^__y__»_l____f_»MM_«f.ll»rrt«iï|T1 B:inliruj>t«-Dccember 9. jîâltar.iel S Doân, ci< rk. N. Y- gôward J. Sheldon, ruercnant, N. Y. jí. R Silmw.ii, (latte horn Stinuoa, Richardson k Co.,) N Y. * William Dietrich, clerk, N. Y. t.L. Halsted.cleik.N. Y. C. S. Saroni, (firm of Saroni »k Hollander,) farrier, N. Y. RadclirTCarMian, painter and glazier, Huntington, L. 1. Fred'k C. Loomis, N. Y. Tbornas Brook", (late hrra Tho«*. Brooks Si Son,) leather teilen. Henrv Brooks, do do do Kickird Watrott«, mercbaiit, N. Y. Palmer Sumn«r, tin and i-on dealer, (late firms Sumner k Staylor and Sumoer k Slovens ) S*anioei B. Knapp, lead dealer. N. Y. Henry' J. Seaman, (late firm Seaman ¿-.Norton,) N. Y. Edward Molían, hatter, N. Y. Patrick R. Cox, Brooklyn, late druggist, i Willi:»«*J Tyack, burr millstone manufacturer, N. Y. A.o* Aogens, viciaaller, N. Y. William H. Culver, (firm Ripley &. Culver,) merchant, s ^i*»CDael B. Walters. cleTk, Huntington, L. I. Wilil-rra Dunning, (firm W. Dunning it Co.) N. Y. Chirles D. Rho'i.s. (firm J. BaleMierit Co) N. Y- Noah Ripley, merrl.a-.t, N. Y. Richard F. bedwhfa, Brooklyn. BnuJiruptM December l «Î- Eiitha G. Greely, broker, N. Y. r.Wm.H. Chester, N. Y. Igrael A Cromwell, (late firm Palmer it Cromwell.) N. \ Caleb Hye.it. carpenter, N. Y. A. Gooding, meréiiant, N. Y. Palmer Cleveland, Wüliarn-burgh. Henry L. Ki.-g, carpenter, N. V. W. B W»Me;v»¡t,Iiav.istrnw. L'enry G Norton, (of late linn Norton Knight and No - ton k Co ) N. Y. William H. Stinernets, N. Y. CITY I N T K L I G E N C E. L-WYkks' Diary..Tb_ Day, December 13.. «IPERIOR Coi'RT..Nos. G4, 4f:,70, B7, 88, 90, 103, 104, 105, Ifjr?, 112, 115, 1, 45, 20, 52. Common Plkas . Part L.Nos. 63. CI, 12*1,125, 131, 133, 137.ÎS'J, 113. il, 7, 15.39, ... Purl 2 al 10 ».'clock..Nos. 122, 128,130, 0,52, 02, 132, 13«, 142. Board ok Aldkrmkn..The minutes of the Iss. meetine; were read and approved. Pktitio-s PkESENTF.tj and RRfERRED..Of the Farmers' I__ and Trust Co. lor remieiion of tax. Ol" the Captains of« Disu Watch, for 4 additional pos's. Of H. C. Douglas-, tc lease premise«), corner Beaver anil Hanover-;.!«». Of K. Hart and G. H^rt, against erectinr- buildinffon Pier near Jersey Ci'y Ferry. Memorial of lb« Mechanics' and Trad- err" Bank, for the correction of assesment% for building pier between Pike and Market-slips. Ol Mr. J. Pit:kney, to be relieved irom an ns.*»si«aeHl. Of James Hooker, for reJie.- frorn an erroneous tax. Of David ButTum, for leave to re. move hin child to Greenwood Cemetery.granted. Of E Domi'*liy, to be paid lor fencing vacant lots in Sixteenth Ward. Ad invitation was received from tbe American Institut' KjvL»itand examine the Planetarium, a new invention, on Saturday next. accepted. An inv¡union wns received from Wm. B.Ripl«y,toatlen*l hall, to be given in honwr of .1. S. Brownell, on Thursday evening, the 29th instant.accepted. Ol Walter Co.tello, for reduction of lax. Of sundry hatchers, complaining of tbe monopoly of the butshersin the market an erjojed by them. Application ofH.Storm ('unim'.i'ary General, for the payment for fixing ammunition lor the military on the 35th day of November, 1842. Of the Mechanics Bank, lor relief from tax. Of HuVert Van Wagenon for permis ion to remove the remains of lib wife from a vault in 8t. Mark«'church yar*i.also, of a brother- two sisters, and a brother-in-law, from the vaults in tie Dutch church yard in Houston street, lo the Greenwood Otnetry.gran'.ed. Of Jacob Hoppock and John C. Tucker lor permission to remove remains of triends Irom the buriaj .rronnds corner of Chryst.c and Uount. n street.»:, to Green, wood Ceuietry ;.granted. Of sundry persons to repeal ihe la*»*» proiiibitiiir; the ¡».»le of fret.b meats at places other than the public miukeit*, and to pet mit or license the shoo butcher« to .*.(I iresh meats. OLE. Lord and 100 others, for the repeal of part of Ihe market laws. Reports.«.Of tbe Special Committee on the contract for cleanirij- ureett. Laid on the table and ordered printed. Of the Finance Committo on p«. tilion of Thomas J. Car- >'i;l and oihers, lor lease of location for baih al Castle Oar den, and in favor of the petition. Laid on tbe table. Of the Committee on Police, »tc. recommending a concur¬ rence with the re»olution of ihe other Board lor n clock on Ihe 4th Dintrict Watch House. Concurred in. Of the committee on Wharves. _c. in favor of deepening flip al the foot of Delancy street. Adopted. Of the Finance Committee, on the communication of thé Street Coromii»»ioiicr in relation to an assessment erroneously paid by Jones k Graham, in favor thereof. Adopted. A report of the Committee on Wharves, Ike in favor ol building a pier into the East River, toot of 5lb street, and which i.-j«! wanted the Board of Assistant)», was concorred in. Pate** fboh the Board i$p Assistahts..A Report ol tbe Committee on La ws.iic in favor of paying Win. Beard a <im i.fmni,cv expended by hin. in a sail in the Court ol Common Pleas, in which the Corporation were concerned. Referred to Cemmitlec on Laws. A Report of the Committee on Police, iic. in ravor of cre¬ ating additional watch posts in the 4th und 5th Districts.. Referred. A Report of the bume Committee in relation to a bill ol D. Stewart, M. D. for medical services rendered at the 2d District Watch House.Referred. Report bl the Slrest Couiniliee in favor of compensât ng George G il lather for digging a well.Reterred. Ol the ««une in favor ol paving 19th street, between the Blooming-ale Road und the sib Avenue, and flagging u »pace four feel wide through Ihe Northeasterly sidewalks between ihe I'.h and 5th Avenues.Relerred. Ol the same, in lavor ol flagging side-walks in King-«*.. Referred. An apportionment ol assessment on lots for open. ing Sixih Avenue Irom Thirtylounh-st. to One-hundied- anJ-twentyiiinth-st.Concurred in. An assessmunt for pav ing the Wmth Avenue from Twentyeij-bth to Thirtysixlli- streei.Concurred in. An assessment for regulating tlie Fifth Avenue from Tweniyfirst to Tweiityeightl:-st.Cr.n curred in. An nssessmenl lor regulating, 4ic, the Ninth Avenue from Thirty su th 10 Fortysecond street.».Concur¬ red in. ÜNrt'UíHKi» Business..On motion of Aid. Jonee, Docu¬ ment No. 31, an Ordinance in relation to the Market Lav»«, was broutiht up. This document proposes empowering ihe Mayor to i«suc Licenses to such persons as shall be recom¬ mended by the Market Committee to sell fresh meats in othsr places than the Public Markets, which shall be desig¬ nated in such recommandai ¡on, «~c. «kc. lo the course of tbe discussion on this document the pe¬ titions of sundry botchers, complaining of the present mo¬ nopoly of sundry persons, to repeal the luw prohibiting the sale of fresh meat* elsewhere lhan in Markets, ami of £. Urd and others, lor the repeal ol a part of the Market Laws, were read.aII <>f which had been temporarily laid on the tnble in an early pith of Ihe meeting oi the Board life evening. Aid. Leonard moved to lay the document or» the table lor the parpóse Of offering :i preamble and resolutions relative lothe Market Laws, which was, after dobate, lost by the voieol 4 in the affirmative lo 11 in the negative. AfUra long debate several amendments were proposed in the vuiiou.s section« and passed, sonw of them altering materially tii«* tenor of the original document. The Ordinance, as amended; passed. Adjourned till Wednesday afiernoou next. Saturday, December 10. I". S. Circuit Court..-Before Judge Thorap*' sou. George Peuice vs. Grinnell, Minturn «V Co..The plain- litT(adry-goods merehuot in William-street) imported, in the ship Patrick Ue.ury, from Liverpool, in February last, 15 packages metchaodise, among lueai a box of superior ace». The lauer never came to hand, and ihe present action is ..icaiusl the defendants, as owner*, of ihe ship, lo recover tne value. Tito mité of the ves.sel that super« iDteutie.i lúe car^j is a.»ay, hut « carman testified mat he had every reason to believe he delivered the whole oi the gooi!siöplüint;iJ".aiiil one oi the receipts signed by plaintiffs clerk Lad ihe words " four cases" marked on it. lliis appeared, however, to have been written by the mate, wLilethe sail.« receipt had only the marks ol three pack^ ages. The Custom-Uouse otlicer testified W the packa^t tlludeti to never having Ikvii landed from the ship Tht Jury gave a verdict lor plaintiffo! §7<lJ 10, hem«; the valut el the ¿OOvl.». U. S. District Court..In Bankruptcy..Bo« loir Judge Betts. Amorj if Leeds..After ihe parties had petitioned,and exhibited their assets, tiu*y assigned to Mr. Waddeil, in hi* private capacity, ail th^ir proper.y in trust for their credi tors. Mr. W. now declines making a report, on the groan»! that ibeussei«. have never beeu rxi-uie ovet to him as feaer..] assigner, ami that lie c<»nno» proceed against himself. Tb« Couii overrmed Uie tecbicai point. Ordered, lhat whei the bankrupts place in ihe hands of the General Assigne« all their property, he may repart the facts, and Uiat will a sufficient compliance with Rule61. tf .itam H. /r_A_The individual creditor, in this case, to be paid pro raía. Andriw Nixon,. Decree of bankruptcy allowed. Tht objecting parues are at liberty to trv« UT.iin.ouy bhould ihe) see lit in oppose a discharge. John W. Loison,.The opposinj*- creditor should hav* tende-red the tateti cast, wliich rule must be observed the same as in the Courts. If not tendered by Monday, privi lege granted to creditor will be revoked. Police Office.Shoplifti»no..A man name» Samuel Yonntr was arrrsted on Friday night, by privat watchman C»-¡.\ as he came out tbe store of Meisr Freeman k C-\ No. 113 ?t ar!«street. He was committed. i 'itoNK't's Office..Accidentally Drownei .Thv Coroner held an inquest to-day, at No 273 Souih-sl on the iKXly ofAndrew Jackson Ifasbrouck, aged 24, a n; live of tht-*- State. Tne deceased was a fireman on hoa.- the steamboat Crotón, lyini; at Catharine slip, and about o'clock on Thurst'ay morning, alter having fired up, wei on shore, took some coffee aud £Oon after itarttd to go c board, bul fell into the water. A splash was h*°ard and a rope was thrown over to him, bat it being dark be sank and was drowned. His body wa« found between 10 aud tl this day. Verdict, accidentally drowned. Sunday. Dwisraber 11. Police Office..Charged with Burcilary. .In the month of August last Uie store of Sidney P. Iogra- ham, auctioneer, No. 123 Fuliou-street, was broken open and robbed. A man, Thomas Thompson, a colored porter, was rubsequently d-sired sleep in tbe store, and »on af¬ ter discovered a «îolored man.named Joba Henry Fullman. attempting to break in by ene ot ibe rear winoows. He ef¬ fected bis escape, but was yesterday arrested and tally com¬ mitted on the charge. A Nest or Gamblers Routed..Last evening a colored man named 0«car Snawdea. withsome 8 or Mother darkies, were arrested for being engaged in gamblirg in a cellar. No 45 Centre-sireeu Snowden. U»e keeper of tbe premi¬ ses, was held to bail to answer, r,n«l tlie oUier« discharged on protriie of ß«?od behavior. Arrest or a Burclar..Officers Stephen«, Lowe and J L. Smith, last night arrested Atlas Frazee, a young man who stands charged with committing a burglary m Fair" field county. Conn., on ibe 5th inst., ¡n company with his brother Lewis, who is now In ¡ail there for th* crime. It is somewhat singular that since the arrest of this young man. it has been cluarly ascertained that the brothirî were en gaged in firing a number of our Public Schools in 1839, at which time a reward of $1,000 » «. étfered for ibe arrest ol the oflender«. Atlas Fraz*r will be «enfon to Connecticut to be tried tor the burglary. Coruskr's Office..-Death from Suefoca- TlOH..The Coroner lately held an inquest, at No. 212 Twenty-first street, in the rear, ou ti e body of a male infam about 4 months old, which was «¡ulTbcated in bed with its parewti last night, hong at the time, as was supposed from previous symptoms, "convulsed. Verdirt, " aeath by acci¬ dental suflocation." Tbe child'- name was Charles Draddy and his paren:» respectable. Monday, December 12. Common Pí.eas.. Wm. B. Jacobs vs. Barthol¬ omew Blanco..Tbe plaintif)*, on passing the defendant's house in Dover-street, on a dark rainy evening some month» since, accompanied by his wife in a wagon, was thrown out, in contequenre of the. horse stumbling over a quantity of old brick and rubbish which had been left in tbe street, and was consequently bruised and injured. He now bring« action lo recover damages. [His wife was al>o thrown out, and obtained a verdict fur a small amount, in an action a few weeks since. J The case is «till on. Court ok Sessions..Before the Recorder and Judge Lynch. Defaulting Jurors..Five Petit Jurors were fined $5 each for default in atiee.dance to serve. Nolle PaosEui-i..In the case of William Barrand Mi¬ chael Redmond, a nolle proseguí wuj entered and the ca>e discharged. Trial for Perjury..William Stewart was put upon hi« trial for perjury, charged lo have sworn falsely lo ihe valu" of his property in offering himself for bail for William E. Ross in August last» Tlie Jury found a verdict of guiltv and he was remanded f«r sentence. Forfeited Recognizance..Alfred Wattle, indicted for obtaining 81,043 worth of goods of Messrs. McDouga!, Si- monson k Knapp by false pretence, failing to appear his recognizance was forfeited. Trial for Grand Larceny..Wiliiam Morrow was put upon his trial lor gran« larceny, In stealing a leather trunk containing coats ve«ls, pantaloons, shirts, kc, worth £Gu, from Mathias V. Halstead, of No. SI Nassau-street, on the 24th May. The Jury brought in tbe prisoner guilty, and tbe Court sentenced him to "the State Prison ior4 years and 10 months. He was confined in Uie Penitentiarv when ar¬ reste«!. Discharge..Alexander Dauforlb, a most accomplished young thief, who was indicted for grand larceny iu stealing $76 from Caleb C. Baldwin, at the Commercial Hotel, was discharged by proclamation. Insuring Lottery Numbers..Lafayefte Green was tried for a misdemeanor in insuring numbers in the Pro\* idence aud Alexandria Lotterief, on the 8th October last, for John Brinbrongb, colored roan. He gave 20 cents lor the insurance to be drawn in one lottery of $20 and of $5 in theothwr. The witness-' made a hit," and defendant re¬ fused to pay him. Mr. Phillips, of counsel for accused, con¬ tended that the case was not made out as Ibe indictment charged the lotteries to b<; the Providence nn«i Delaware, whereas they were lhf» Providence nnd Alexandria. The District Attorney said if the incicinient set forth one of the lotteries correctly it was sufficient. The Jury found him ííuilty. This abominable traffic must lie brokeu up.. Why do n't our officers take up more of the.«« rascals and have them indicted .' Trial for Burglary..Thomas Stephens, impleaded with Thrmim Thomas, Francis Thuinas and George Mor¬ ton, in breaking into Ihe store of Messrs. Mops St Spi«?s, in Pearl-street. Tbe evidence being insufficient the Jury found him not guilty. Trial for Avaui.t-and Battery..William Evans wa« tb«m tried for au assault and battery on Henry Williams. Not guilty. Forfeited Recognizances..Mitchell Milchen, indicted for perjury, William McGatry, Mary Manen, Patrick Mc Graban, Michael Dougherty, William McCarty and Abra¬ ham Moses, for assault and battery, failing" to appear iheir rri^CTgniKu»«!«.- »¦>-¦«, «-.rfoiieil. Indictments- for Murder..M.iry Kennedy alia« Mr, Donald and Ellen Conned, indicted for the murder of their infants, were brought into ihr Court and their cases sent m the Oyerand Terminer for trial. Plea of Guilty..Joseph Smith, colored, indicted for «grand larceny, stealing clothing worth $44, from Charles Riker, pleaded ßuilty and was sentenced to the Stale prison two years. Police Office..Theft ok a Trunk Cloth¬ ing and Money--James McCreedy was arrested for hav¬ ing stolen n trunk, cloths and 20 sovereigns in gold, from the premises of Terance Burns, No. 40 Orange-street.the property Of two Ol his boarders, named Patrick Keaney and James Dobfon. He was yen to cary it or!" and was com¬ mitted. Larcenies.Joanna Sweeny was arrested and commit¬ ted for stealing a beer barrel, worth $2 2~>, Irom John Me- Knight, corner City-Hall place and Pearl-street. Adeline Slewart was arrested ami committed lor stealing a Kob Roy shawl from S3 Oak-street. Charles Whitney was arrested and commuted for steali.ii; cloth and cajiimere, worth $0 60, from Joel Behorar.d, 51 Chapel street. Thomas Stewart was arresled with a quantity of table and other linen, shpposed stolen, and was committed. An owner ii wanted (or the linens. XT To Editor* of Whig Ncw-xpapera.-A Wbig Newspaper, Which enj >ys h good p-tronnge, si.it is every way a desirable establishment, located in à wtal by county on the Hudson river, and the only Whig paper in the county, is offered for »ale to any sound Whig of talenl aud energy. Tosuchaaone the location is a promising fiel«! for usefulness, and ihe establishment will secure a pro. Stable return (or the labor and capital employed. The presses nnd types arc nearly r.ew. The net profits ol tin- es tnblisliiuent have averaged lor the last three years over $1500 per year. Tlie present i ditor and proprietor wish« to retire from active political lite, and will give favorable terms to a purchaser. Apply to II. Greeley, Ksq , atihf Tribune.or of T. Weed, K«q.. Editor of the Albany Even iug Journal. dlSBtdltW XT Ward's Bakery..The subscriber informs old customer« and the public in generafilbathe has remnvet! bit well known Baking Establishment from No. 179 Green wich sL to the commodious situation No. 219 Fulton >t. en« door above Greenwich >t. Having enlarged his Bakery he is now enabled to supph ail orders sent l«> him for bis celebrated Cakes und Crackers which ure so well known as to require no puffing. He in lends to bake for the Holidays Cakes of every deseript'ioii the quality and cheapness of which «hall be unsurpassed.- The following is a list of prices of some ol his articles Plumb Cake.Is. 9tL p<*r pound Do. do. plain iced.8s. 0d. Do. do.ornamented, best style..2.*. 6d. A linond Cake.{*. W. Citron ilo.«s. "I. Currant do.Is. 6 l. Macaionies.-*¦y<-'- Scotch Cuke.¦*¦ *J. New.Year's Cakes, first quality.Os.lOd. Some may think the above prices too low lor a good arli ch»¡ to such he would sav call and lodge t»r yourselves at No. 219 Fulton si. one ib>nr above Qrctnmck st. N.B. All orders thankfully received, aud purchases sen lo i.ny part of the city. (2) dl3Ul' MAR Pa ED : D.cember 19. by Rev. Dr. Milnor, Lloyd L. Britton t Mary Au rusta 11."Ming, daughter of AlexanJer Ming, Jr al! of Ud* city. Dec. 8. by Rev. Dr. Spring, James M. Motley, of Ih cilv, to Ellen W. Riddle, of Boston. Át Tudor PUce. Hights of Georgetivwn, D. C.< Dec. ! Capt. Beverh-y Kennon, V. S. Navy, io Britannia Wellinj ton Peler, daughler of tbe iate Thorn'S Peter, Esq. At Philadelphia. D»-c. 8, by Rev. John Kennedy, Re' C. J. Ciouch.ol the Philadelphia Conference, to Hanual daughter of Hon. M H. Jenks, of Newtown, Backs Co., P; At Vera Cruz, Nov. 12. by the American Consul, Jam« Butter a ortii to Car.-line Olio, both resiuing al Jalapa. . DIED: On Sunday, the 11th instant, James Keating, of ibe fin of Keaiing ii Farr, aged 20 years, after a short but sevei illness. .... . , . ^ His friends and those ot his brothers-in-law, Owen V Brenan, Timothy Brenan and Maltbew T. Brenun. it members of Fire Engine Co. No. 21, the members of U F.re Department generally, and the members of the Marie Lodge 1. O. Of O. F. are respectfully inwlled to attend h funeral, from bis late resilience. No. 135 Cedar-street, t Tuesday afternoon, Ihe 13ih instant, at 2 o'clock. On Monday moraine, December 12, of typhus fever, Mi Henrietta Townsend, daughter of the late Henry 1 own end, aged 15 vears and 2 mouths. - The friends of the family are respectfu.lv invited to a tend the funeral this afl*riK»on at S o'clock, irom the re ! dence of her step father, J. K. Sayre. No. 522 Graud-stret «corner of Lewis. , ... Dec 11, Beal N. Lewis, son of the late Roswell Lew Esq , »gej 25. _ Dec. 11, Margaret Julia, wife of Alexander Crawlor aged 27. Dec. 11, Abraham Houseman, aged 43. Dec. 10, Henry Palmer, aged 53. D«c. 10. Allx-rt Otvew, ag«rd 13. Doc 10, Mrs. Ja»e'Wißsbip. aged 33. At Newark. N. J., Dtc. 8, Isabella Murray, aged 90. At Shel'.y, Indiana, Nov. 29, Dr. Kennedy, U. S. Senat elect for thai Slate. Al Keene, N. H., Nov. 27, Hon. El(jah Knight, aged 83 MONEY^IARKET. Satea at tue Stock Exchange. Dec. 12. 8l,i0(i State 5s, 1853.... £5i|'_ North Am. Trust Co. tLf-OO N. Y. 7_ 1843... .1033 &>&» Ohio Sixes, 1860.. 73 $1.200 rJo- 1850.75 $700 do 1S50.73* IS Franklin Bk Cin.50 3o JacJtsen M. Las. Co.. 40 I«X> Looff Island.48. 1W Hariem.b60d 16 $7.f>00 K'ky »Sixes.78 f 75 do. 15$ 3 Bank or* New Vork.. 108 50 do. 16 28 Mechanics Bank.57 100 do.s30d 153 10 Del k Hnd. 34i 50 do.«4&ri 15] 70 Bk of Cora.scrip 92 !' SECOrîD BOARD. 150 Long Island.«tt. 100 Harlem. 16 Commercial and money ."îlatî-r*. Moxday P. M. The salt-s were not so large to-day as on Satnrday. but Ibe market was generally firm. Bank ef Cornraei-ce scrip, and New-York Sevens closed at an improvement of i. and Harlem Railroad ? per cent up*-d our ñnal quotations of Saturday. Ohio Six«, 1260 declined Í and New-York Five«: ÍSSB, \ percfnL There is a moderate enquiry tor Sterling at 6 a 6V, and Francs at ó 45. The Miles are very light and the higher rate is only obtained lor leading bills. Sales of Mobile are reported to-day as low as ?*, but the supply is so small that rates are merely rom mal. Letters from Albany sute that the Lewis County Bank will probably resume on Wednesday next. The Cashier:* in Albany making arrangements, and said to be only waiting tor a certificate from the Commissioners that the injunction bas been removed. The $-180,000 Massachusetls Fives, «old at Boston for ac¬ count of Western Railroad, brought 87 a 44j, clwing at 85. Western Railroad shares «old ai 46} a 17. At Philadelphia, the past week has exhibited upon the whole rather more firmness in the prir»* of sl«cks. Penn¬ sylvania 5 and G per cents towards the latt.-r part ol it were in more demand. The only transactions deserving of notice are sales of «orne 20 or 50,000 doll.irs of the United States 6 percent at 99$ per cent, the purchaser paying for the inter¬ est accruing sinre the issuing of the stock by the Treasury. There is, however, so little doing that the market wouid be very essentially affected by any order either to purchase or sell to any amount which, in former times, would have scarcely attracted attention. The Governor of Ohio in his Message states that bethinks the Charters of the solvent Basks ought to be renewed. He acknowledges the receipt of $54,000 hnd money Irom the General Government, and is in favor of a continued distri¬ bution. Virginia has received 37,000 for her share of the land mon- ey. Her debt appears to be rather larger lhan she can pay just now. and her expenditures exceed her income. The receipts into the Tieasury of North Carolina for the. year ending October 80 were $209,605 57, and the disburse¬ ments $198,244 36.balance in the treasury S107,4;0*62. At Ndshvi.le, Exchange on the East was at 2 a 2¿ prera. At St. Louis-, abundant at 1 a i per cent. Supply greater than demand. Indiana paper was improving. Sales at 3 a 4 per cent discount. The Bank of Mobile reduced rates on the 2d for N York checks to 13 per cent; out-dom*«. 12J a 13, and 10} for 60 days. The transactions are very moderate. Specie heavy at 14. .At New-Orleans, Specie par; Union Bank, Louisiana Bank, Mechanics' and Traders' Bank, City Rank.and Lou¬ isiana State Bank notes par; Consolidated 1Í» a 20 per cent discount; Commercial par; Canal J a ljdiscount; Cnrroll- ton 'all discount; Citizens' 14 a 16 do; Improvement 55 a 60 do ; Atchafalaya 74 a 76 do ; Exchange 52 a 55 do ; Or¬ leans 57 a 60 do. Exchange.a further improvement. Ster¬ ling woull now command 3.} a 4 per cent prem. Francs 5 57} a 5 55. Bills on New-York at 60 days sight cannot be obtained better lhan 2} a 2J per cent discount, and short sglht ja 1J per cent discount. Import« of specie from 1st September to dale, ,*>3p]5,80L The New-Orleans Courier ¿rive«; the following «laiemeni of the condition ol the Banks of that city on the 26ib ulL. Tbe first six, viz: The Louisiana, City, Commercial, Lou¬ isiana Slate, Mechanics' and Traders', and Union Bank pay specie : Banks. Liab'litirs. Assets. Circulation. Specie. Louisiana.. 1,808,409 02 3^209,04987 313,746 50 1,513,587 51 City. 466,800 26 602,7*><i 64 LI9^65 00 :»l.573 72 Commercl. 36.1,12187 380.551 S»'J RÜ.810 00 1.54.117 83 State. 508.312 14 7S6.417 23 1Ö1.64H00 2.-»l,74'i 'XI Mechanics' 116.470 03 1,225,386 24 247,190 CO 1/32 428 ?6 Union_ 890.620 23 974*905 96 128.695 00 452,562 22 "*7Í53,7-.3 5j" G, 108.."»ol 48 17*»'*7,7.V.'on :;,7-t4~X2Î~ 22 Canal...."77 ¿>i).5ô7 09 92,275 ,,7 126,840*00 40,729 14 Carrollton. 79,435 41 23.353 23 13.29-5 00 '.1,014 14 Citizens'... 896,918 71 253,870.56 377 850 00 27 11 Cou.A.sso'u 355.492 45 114-590 64 281,455 00 2,083 11 1 bOÏ.-KKJ OO 13t»,»«uO *»J Tir-,,-»"««. .<"-" 7»». «h>j Ci5 T.-i ..c/7.<i5,lß7 il 6,627,65168 1,857,195 50 3,807,873 75 ftlarketa. Carefully reported for The Tribune. Monday, Dec 12. ASH BS.The market was rather quiet to-day, but hold¬ ers are firm nt Friday's rates. We notice wiles about 15n hb». Pou at $5 37J. Pearls are held at $6 35 and above, but we cnuld be-r of nn transactions. The whole amount n| Askes received since the opening «fnavigation is 44,031 bbls. The stock on hand is Pots, first sort, 1,694 bbi» ; second «ort, 675; third sortS05; condeained 175.Total 2,789; Pearls,first son, 720; second sort 178; third sort 29; condemned 22. Total 549 Mils. The stnck of Pearls, it will be seen, is very small. The shipment? from 5lh to 10th Dec. were 478 Pols 53 Pearls. COTTON.The business ol" the we^k ending Friday evening adds up 3,550 hales, of which 210 were Upland and Florida at 5J a 7J ; 500 Mobile at 6i a 8, and 9V) N Orleans at 6 a S. The receipts hare been in the same period 11,856 bales. Sellers have appeared freely during the week and prices are easy tor the buyer. We quote Upland lair 7 a 7$; goodiniddlin?f*>i a 6J ; New Orleans and Alabama fair 7} n 7-J ; good middling 6} a 6*j. Export Imm 1st to ""th Decem¬ ber, 1184 bales. The sales on Saturday reached about 600 bales without marked change in price«, and to-day abiut 500 balen. FLOUR.The market continues ¿»elcre reported.. Sales quite limited and dealers ««-llii*[_r freely lari-e or retail quantities al *3*> 00 for Gerie>ee, and 4 &7\ a 5 00 for Ohio Michigan. Buyers will only lake small supplies still hoping for la wer pnces. Occasional sales we hear of at $4 81 lor Michigan and 4 91 for Genesee, hut the bulk of thesalesare nt the higher quot.iti mis. Some small lots New-Orleans are in market, and we notice a sale of 2t»nb!>ls at $4 81 Land 100 bbls at 4 75. The New-Orleans Flour now arriving is a good Hrticle and worth as much as some of the inferior brands of Genesee which aie sellinj» ai $5 00 a 4 94. In Southern de¬ scriptions the tr;.n«aciioiis*are limited to retail parcels.. Georgetown §4 S7A ; 150 Wbls Brandy wine nt less tliaa 5 00; Petersburg, Alexandria, Richmond Country ond Baltimore City $4 69 and 4 75 ; Richmond City 5 75. For Rye Flour there is a moderate inquiry at $3 12£ a S '_, out ol store, for North River; 3 57} for Jersey. Small «ales Jersey Meal ;*t $2 t2J fur good ; Brandywine bbls 2 75 ; 3(J hhds sold prob¬ ably nt $1 ¡ 00, 4 months. Buckvvheat as before -reported. i*". 85 for pi une ; 2 75 a 3 im» for good. The export of Flour from l«l to 7th in».»- was 7,H;41 bbls. GRAIN.We Lear of no further sales vf Wheat and the quantity offering to-day was not very large. The last sale« were al97c Com is not abundant, and if the demand was better would advance. We notice sales 250V bushel.« new Northern at 49c,for ihe East. Old is held at 53, weight,and 56, measure. A .«mail lot of new Jersey brought 50c Sales 1500 Delaware new at 48, measure. No arrivals or sales of Barley. Sales 2000 bushels Rye, in the slip,at 58c, and lt'nu bushels, delivered, at 60c. The supply here is good gener¬ ally bul he!«i above Ihe views of buyers. Oats are in mod¬ erate demand; and 28 a 30c for River, and SO a 32c lor Ca nal. Sales 500 bushels Jersey at28c, The last sales of South- em. B few days s-uce. 700 bushel*», was al 21*c. Sales "JWO bushels Shorts 9c,and 2000 do Ship Stulfs ai lie. alioat and for storing. WH \LEBONK.We notice further sales So/HM) His at 29. This includes all iu first hands with die exception of oue parcel held higher. SEEDS.Some small sales Clover Uave been made, of primequalitvnew,aite]a 7c, but bayers genera ly reiu«e to trive aver «H- 25 bbls new Pennsylvania »©»id brought tha' p--;ce. Tiie export of Clover this season to 7th was 372 tiercKS. Sales 50 tierces clean Flax Situ at §10 50. HAY.Bund les continues at SO a 55, with little demand except for storing. Supply small. LEAD. Within a day or two 1100 pigs Missouri have l»een sold at $3 38 a 3 35, cash, and 500 al a shade abovt» 3 50, s months. N _V \L STORES.Verv little doing in consequence p! die iacrease in the rale of freight. A sai.- ot 70 bDis i-pinis Turpentine was made from the wharf a, 4ác, t mo?. br hear ^^aloweS^^ßetorf Whale is worth abeot45c. Lard Oil G., a 65. Fbh Oil scarse ana wanted. TALLOW.Sales have been made of 50,000 lbs at 8c. for I export, and 20,000 lbs Head do at 6jc. WHISKY.We notice sales nbout 200 bbls, gart Western and pan City at 21* a 22c A lot of 30 bbls Pennsylvan.a brought 21.. SUGAR.A sale of 71 hhds new N Orleans was rrutie at auction tt»-day at $5 87J 6 0#. rVe-sr-York Cattle Market-Dec. 12. [Reporte.1 f*r Thejrribune.l Al Market. 52-5 head fresh Caille, 20 Cows and Calve«, and 1200 Sheep and Lambs. Pricks.Beek Cattle.The offerings were small-r lhan for a long time, and prices quickened a little. **"".'"¿k?^°,a'e extent at $5 50, bat ihe balk of the sales wei e '.rum ff4 00 to $5 25. COWS AND CALVES-Sales of 12 at last week'3 prices, S_)a §55. SHEEP AND LAMBS.Allai market sold bot HO,at $1, $2 50, $3 a $4 50, and 75c a $2 for Lambs. HAY. Supplies large and prices a little lower, sales 50 a 55c per cwt- _ _ XT G ood Board and pleasant Rooms can be obtained at No. 26 Cliff-tree. (2) nl6tt MARINE JOURNAL. PORT OF NKW-YORK. DECEMBER 13,1H2. ItWIATtTBJt ALMAJíAC.THIS DAT J" gc." > ma «soon ¡rcLL sea ft1**.J_ill**** 4 33jSets.. 3 04 | Evea_8 44¡Morn.4 36 Latest Dates. Loxvox.Nev. StHA^s.Nov. i LivcaeooL.Nov. 4inew-orleaní.Dec 2 cleared on satvrd*y. Ships Sarah i. Arsilia, Fletcher, Havre. Boyd it Hincker- Georg«, Prewcnt, Buenos Avres via Boston. S Broom ; Oc- mnl¿ee, Peet. N Orleans, E K Collins 4. Co ; Aas a«». Us- lev. «JO, l" lire k Co: Ceylon, Rand, do. Newboid k Craft Bn-« M£«e« Loveianri. CharlesWn. G Bulklev ; Leila Conepm, PoriLeo.n \v w pnn. Growler. L'lme'r, Mobile, J Elwel! ; Camnn, Pettinrrill.do, .SV<niiih. Leeds i. Co Schrs Mary Bngbt, Bn¿nt, Balnmore. A B Cooiey i. Co; Mary Jane, McMaih,Nonoík, Siurges k Cleannac; Glide. Swan, do; C H Hooper, Tyler, Richmond, A B Cooiey k Co; Commerce. Prag*. Fredencksbunr, do; J F Crouch. T.imlin, Philadelphia. do¡ Palestine, Stepheruon. do, do; Gea Mot«. Beaty, St Augustine, do; Bocntv. Darling, New- bem. N C. cleared yesterday. Shins Virginian, Allen, Liverpool, R K-rmit; Angélique, Edwards, Amsterdam, Schmidt. Favre i. Co. Bark Mary i. Jane. Fhtner, N Orleans, N'esm'ub, Leeds ii C«. Br.^s Clinton, Lyon. Savannah, Sturges ii Clearrnau- Ktrunan. Branscoai, N Orleans, Nesnnth, Leeds At C». Scbrs Julia. Slioeruaker, Apalachicola, John Ogdeni Ti- 05a. ryl.-r. Wilmington, do: A M Hale. Bearse, Bostom Ch*s Pitman, Townsend, Philadelphia, A B Cool, y i. Ce. ARRIVED. Ship Hi-irii Allen, WiLson. 6 days from Charleston, with mdz-. t«> Suttou. Scbráan penman. Howe, 11 days from Bermuda, In baiiast, in Middletou k Co. Seht William W Wier, 30 days from Kingston, Jamaica. »chrChiet Sachem, M a thews 10 days from East port. with plaster and lath, to Neboafc Brown. Sehr Lucy. Mean«, in days ¡rorn Portland, with molasses, to lb»* master. Sehr Copy, 2 days from Nantuckrt, wiüi oil. Br sehr Catharine, Cro.by, 14 days from Yarmouth, N S, with wood, to J fl Braine. Scbr Cornelia, Davis, firm Boston, with mdte, to John Si'-Vril«. Sciir Pocasset, Tucker, fl days from Eastport, with lath. ate, tn the master. Sehr Mary Elizabeth. Clark. G davs from M il ford, Del. wiih corn. Sch Jab« L White, Rogers, 3 davs from Philadelphia. with mdie. Sehr Helen Redmond, Shepard,2 days from N Bedford. with oil and candle», to the master. Sehr Vesper, Smith. 2 days from N Be«iford, with oil. SchrDimon, Haliett, ti davs from Newbern, N C, wiih naval stores, to M PlatL BELOW.Sehr New-York, from the West Indies ; also, 2 brigs..Wind light, N E. DISASTERS. Bark Si Clair, from Havre for New-Orleans, was blown ashore on the morning of the 14th u!t on the N. E. end of Cut.n, be ween Neavita« and Puerto Principe- The cap¬ tain, passengers and crew ¡eft the vf-«*el about dirk, and about six hours nftf r she was seen in llames,and is lupposed to have been wholly destroyed. Briir Edward k Kaland, arrived ai N Orleans, sprung aleak when 5 days out from Antigaa, and is now nearly wa¬ ter lowered. Il was reported at Halifax, Sth instant, tint the bris Ladv Huntingi in, Stone, from N York -or Yarmouth, N. S., had been cast away on ihe Novn Scotia coast. At Bass Harbñr, s-br Swift, ofand from Calais for Ros- ion, before reported bilged and filled, was jrot ntF alter dis¬ charging. Sehr Panama, Mi'ler, from Boston, of and ;or Sulnvan, was driven ashore high up, and badly injured. Sch Velocity, Montgomery, from Calais for N York, was at L f«lnnd. Me., 4th, with Inssof d*ck load on 3d. Halifax; N. S., Dec. 6..Sbio Orient, of Falmoulb, John Duty, from Quebec for London, with timber, was towed into Georgetown, P. E. L,Stkh ult., in a very lenkv state. Briir Emerald, Sponagle, from Antigua for Lun'enbur», put in at Harrington 16th ult,out S4 days, was h«ve on her beam r-nds in the g*leof the Sth ulL, cut away mainmast to riç'it her, decks swept, ¿¿c. Bri? Thomas fc Edward; Parker, 3S days from Antigua for Liverpool. N. S , dragged from her anchors m Port La¬ tour Harbor ou the night of 18th ult. in a gale, and wouhl probably be lost. '_ DCT .Tlcrcnntile Library Anaocintion..The Fifth Lecture of the coarse will be delivered by Elutu BuaniTT, Ksq.. of Worcester, Mass., on Tuesday evening. 13lh inst.,at balf-past »even o'clock, at the Broadway Tab¬ ernacle. Subject."The indispensable character and ne¬ cessity of popular Lectures in view of the present and pro¬ spective want« of the community.'' Tickets, 25 cent«, 10 b«? obtained at the Library or at the door during the evening Doors open at a quarter before 7 o'clock. By order. «Ii:2. ISAAC;H. BAILEY, Kec. Secretary. Office of the New-York Bowery Fire Insurance Co. J No. 124 Bowery, corner Grand. \ XT Thin Compnuy continues to insure against Loss and Damage by Fire at reduced rates of premium from firmer char^esl Officenoors from S o'clock,A. M.to sunset. JAMES LOVETT, President. pen. O....-.~., «.-..-y. (.> OO 111, ANTED.A place by a nice young girl for charaberwork or nurse, at No. 199 ilester- stieci._1V WANTED.A situation by a capable Protestant girl for cooking or housework, at N ». 6 R««e ,tn et._dl3 31* ANTED.A 9ituatiou by a smart, in¬ dustrious girl for housework, at No. 115 Orange- It' ANTED.A place by an industrious Girl for housework at 120 Molt it._dlS It» ;NTED.A situation by a nice Pro¬ lestant girl tor housework or chainberwork. at 95 John street. dl3 It* 7 ANTED.A place by a good English v Cook, no excellent washer and ironer. Apply at 12 Ri-» 10¿ton street. dl33t* ANTED.A place by a good steady trirl for housework, 4tc. Apply at 14 Marion street. .H It' WANTED.A place by a good plaiu Cook, vasher and ironer. Apply ai 112 Lauren» si reft. dlS 2i* W^AÑTÉTOSy a middle~aged Lady~a situaüon in a private family where, in consi«l<*ra- tion «ii her services w.th ner needle, a small compensation besides her board will be allowed. Address W. S, Tribune offise. _d 132i * WANTED.-Sornetbiog to do..-The «ei viees ot a gentleman of education, «address and 1> perience in business, ure offered to any Merchant, Law¬ yer, PiiV-ician, Institution or incorporation i for the winter orfor a longer period, for the small sum offen dollars per week. The advertiser is able to produce satisfactory testi¬ monials of b"«capacity to keep boaks of aecnnnt md re¬ cord, to condncl correspondence, to report proceedings, \i, .Ir.ilt, 10 copy, 10 superintrnd merc.-intil" or mechanical busine**, to í«*i ai aeent or assistant in editorial dutiei. Mr also possesses ihe physical ability and constitution 10 an¬ swer any requirements ot occupation, a character to iruai- antee rectitude ol conduct.acquaintance to cive him ir.iiu- .-nee in many things, and a disposition to da ihe duty ol ins station to the sadslaclion of bis employer, tor the above iiii-iiii.-.iie«< «mall support for his small family. Address '. Valentine," at this office. _«¡l« 3t TVTATIONAL GUAKD ReCTuiia..-A J. n member of the ¿7tii Regiment, about Icavuig the city; desirous of dùposlng.ol fus equipments-, cansitliogrf a lull dress and faii^ue, many articles of wh.ch are nearly or quite -rood as new, ami will be sold cheap. Can be seen at40aj Broadway. _'113 Iw« ^XTKA CHEAP ROOMS..Warm, _A cum fortab le an«! well-furnishe.t rooms, with Stove n them, can be obtained at 60 West Broadway, from $1 to $1 2."> p»-r week. Persons about changing iheir lod«;iii«rs will .¡o weil 10 call and see the««; rooms before engaging elsewhere. dl82t* CeM^TÖtI overshoes.-- DAY'S India Rubber Establishment. 4.5 Maiden lane, is selünc; the Gentleman's Leather Soled Water Proof warranted Moleskin Over-Shots.same as always sold by this establishment, Itoxbary make, at retail, at the ex» tretnejy low price of *ix shillings. In addition to the »hove. we oner lb* largest stock and greatest variety of Rubber Shoes and Over-Shoes, including oil our premium Over- Shoes, at wholesale and reui!, and every pair sold with .ur name will be warranted, ami may be returned if the soles loosen Irom uppers, aiu odiers given in exchange or money refunded- <H3 TO PRINTEKS..One super Hóyal Hand Press, Washington Patent, H«-*-* make, and one Standing Press, will be sold al public vendue at 10 o'clock, A. M.. this day, a: 7\ Go!d-strett, by virtue of a mort:_'u"«\ dJ3 ]*__'_ SAXTON & MILES. Booksellers and Stationers, 2«5 Broad wav. New York.Wholesale and Rriaii Dealer* in Staudard, Theological. Classcal, Mi»cel- ianeoos and School Books- C. M. SAXTON, dlS _K E. MILES. TTOLIDAY PRESENTS.Just impor- L^L ted Fancy Work and o'.her Boxes, Watch and Tuer- niometer Stands, Card Case-, ««x. tc. of ornamental Mosaic work a kind cevrr before offered in ihis city. Por saie by dis'lw» O. WICKE%'i>.^2U Hudson streeL FASHIONABLE STOCKS, SCARFS CRAVATS. GLOVES, be..Old Establishment. PMtSÉLLS k AGATE, esuhlished in 1823..In addition to their eneasjre assortmen: of Fasbiaaable Goods, the sab- s-rbers are rec-iving by every arrival Irom London and Paris a iresh supplv of fashionable Scarfs and Crevais.. Thrfr a»ruiient of fashionable Stocks, Scarfs, Cra»ate, ready made Linen, (lor which Use 5rst premium was award- e' hem at theia-efair of ihe American Institute) Glove«, Sunders Hoslerv, Silk, Menoo, lambs woo and buckskm SnSTnnd Drawerí, and all articles appertaining to a gen- ' between Park place and Murray street. P i.A. coulinue the manafactore of their celebrated 1 Sbouídír' SSStd genJemens Rassia.ltiding Betts. dfilm*_- fVIDEND..The Board of Directora of-The Howard Insarance Company" have de- : Sied °a D,TvidenS -f TEJTper e«L on the new captul, I payable on an after N°T^ *^LUP3, Secretary. 1 November 15, MC. «I$2aia 75 A MERICAN MÜSEÜM-Marble build- _T_L ing. Broad*.ay, opposite St, PaaPs Cbtarc__.r>aT v-nter- ai.mitîtxi tbe same evening Free. Tbe Manager is happy to lnnoance that be has. at an ex- »rittjrdmary expense en'gag-xi General TOM THUMB. Jr. Tbe most woi_ertul Dwirf in the World. Heâbatoor foot and ten inches hitch, and weighs only "ifieeo pounds TSat being precisely bis weight -»hen thiee months old. He is lively and talkative, of une sy.mieoical proponkm, and is ucqn«rsno dv the greatest "living car'ooitv in th*? world. Ao engagrd. the LILL1PUTHX FAMILY oi tea p*ribr_er« ; Mr. C. Saerman. the beut Comic Singer in America Cei»-*»te, the admtmi Danseuse ; Miss Hrxw, tbe charniinç Sou,sues», the Fortune-Teding Gipsev Girl,-.«-, Abo exhibiting, ihe Fac Simile of tbe *»reai picture or Chris: Healirx? the Sill in the Terocie. bv Ben". * est. E«q. : the Albin»« Lidy. and.500.«)0 Canousitw-s. Admjaara to all 26 ce-u; children half price. SPL_Ñ1)ID ATTRACTION^. MÂÎJ N1FICENT NOVELTIES': NEW-YORK Ml SEUM AND PICTURE GALLERY. Broadwav,oppovt»- the City HalL Mr. H. B cx.nstt, Manager, has the bo.i*>r to announce thai he ha-s at a very ¡jreat expense obtained the Dresses* worn by Queen Victoria and the Ditches» or Kent on lb»- ocrasion of Her Majesty's Marriage and Coronation. Sicxor Blitt. Magician. Plate Dancer ami YentnkxjuU; Miss Clémence, the Dan$eu«e; Mr. Wricht. the Faisettn *. oculist; Mr. Brows, the Comic Staffer; Mr. Dklari'i. tbe Mimic: Magnificent Dresses, Menuaui. Museum. Picturr G.iüery.Perforni.tnc-t.Livt« Albino Deer.an.1 HALF A MIL LION OF CURIOSITIES.ALL FUR ONE SHILLl.N. M" ILIÏARY BALL..-The Livingston «nards will give a Ball on Friday evening, Dec. 23. IS42. U the Apollo a iloo». TickeLs can !*e bad a* follow«. Of£ns!$a J. J. Dillon, No. C_ Pearls»., or «i»" l'olton-«; Brooklyn : Sei-geant P. H. Valham. 19 Bedlont-st.; Jam»*-. Hunter, 4w* Greenwich-st. »-or. of Hubert ; J. N. Wells, jr.. !«tb Avenue, cor. of 20th street; or of the Treasurer, No. 1 Vandara, cor. of Mc Domral-st, W. H. DKMAREST. »*M*cretary. IT" Military gentlemen are requeued lo appear in uni- form. _«113 It* COLT( >X\S MEDICATED CANDY.-- Fleas,* a low me. through llie columns of your pup«*:, to call the attention ol those \vh*> are satfering rrt»m cough-, CHldi, k.c. to a preparation for the relief of difficulties oi Ibis kind by C. F. Cotton of this city. I have made frequent use of Cotton's Medicated Cough Candy, and in all cases to my entire satisfaction. Alio, I have been personally acquainted in ri_.es of others who have used it with likeresulLs. It is evidently an a_reeab!e ami efficacious medicine, an»1 may be taken freely without prejudicialelfectsupon ihe sys¬ tem. In this last respect particularly it is decidedly supe¬ rior to the generality of articles of the kind now oflTered in the market as safe and «¡armies« medicine, ami is thereby, in connection with its medicinal merits, justly entitledl»*» the first and hiebest confidence of ihose who may wish tbe re¬ lief which it claims to afford. II is confidently believed one trial thi* CaHiiy can bardly tail to secure for it all lutore patronage. It is for sale at the store of C. F. Coltonj Druggist, No. 2iH Main-street, and by other Druggists in thecitw H. T. WELLS. Hart'ord. Nov. SO, IS42. [N. E. V.'e-klv Review. Sold by A. B. 4 D. Sands, Druggists, Nos. 79 "and 100 Fut- ton-sireeL at wholesale and retail; also sold by A. B. Sands _ Co., 273 Broadway, corner of Chainlvecs street ; David Sands it Co., 77 East" Broadway, corner of Mark t- »ire.-t. dl3 Im CHRISTMAÖ PRESENTS .-.It was found in many families last season that Geologi*:»! Cabin-is and Children's Bricks were more entertaining and instructive, more durable, cheaper and better present» for children than any or all others that were procured for then;, they can be had at the Exchange Lyceum, No. 348 Broad« way. dlS 11* P^lcWRÏAXnïbB iN-öNcHtWoir. Reduced in Price..The Life and Adventures of Rob- ius»-»n Crusoe. By Daniel De Foe. With a Memoir of the Author and Kssay on hi« Writing, illustr:ue<l with nearly 560 spirited Engravings, by the* celebrate«. French art'?!. Grand-ville, forming one elegant »oíame, octavo, of £00 pages Price reduced from .*j*2 50 to $1 75. D. APPLKTON k CO. 200 Broadway. D. A. Co. have reduced the prices of the following popu¬ lar works : Pictorial Life of Napoleon, 500 pint«, 2 vols, from $5 to $4; Pictorial Vicar of Wakefield, 200 plates, from $1 75 to $1 25; A Gift from Fairy Land, by J. K. Pnulding, illu«- trate.l by Chapman, from $2 50 to $1 50; Spring and Sum¬ mer and Autumn and Winter, capital Juveniles,* illutirnir-l, 2 vols, either separate, from75 to 50 cents. A trreit variety of popular and valuable Juvenil»«« forsale as above. dt:; LANDS IN MTCHIGAÑT3Th"o"üiuler signed has been for nearly three years past constantly encag-ed in the payment of taxes and other matters con¬ nected with the titles of Real Estate la Michigan, North* ern Ohio, Indiana, be. For the greniei convenience ol persons owning landsnn I wbhtafr correct information with regard lo quality of null, timber, streams, i»e. and al«o their proximity to or remote¬ ness from towns, villages, mills, public roads, Ate See, he has «fn-j*»^e«l tf:r servlcm r»t n »-»»»trp«-»...,,' practical t¡urve>l.r to make a thorough examination of any lands of which he may be furnished with schedules for that purpose. li is oaufideoily believed iu.it the inibrmation thu« to be acquired cannot fail to be highly important and valuable to landholders, inasmuch as they wilt be enabled to jadgt fir mon> eoirectly of ihelr present and p»*ospective value. Correct maps or plat's of all tracts thus examined will be kept by the undersigned, (and furnished, If desired,> as well as accurate notes of ihe quality, value, Itc, the proba- ble expense of which will not, when the quantity is con¬ siderable, an«! lying contiguous, exceed one and a half to two cents per acre. The most satisfactory references given, Tbe undersigned may be found lora few days at ihe Franklin House, or" a i- wav. from 10 «'clock, A. M. in 2 P. M. d*13 Iw« J. L. WHITING, of Detroit, Michigan. THE WORKS OF BURNS & COW PER, complete.-D. APPLKTON k CO. 200 Bread way, have now ready the complete Poetical Works of Ro¬ bert Bum«, with explanatory and elo«sarinl Notes, and a lif»/of the author, by J.uues Curriv, M. D , one eleiÀnt volume of G00 pages, lömo., with a beactlfu! fronteipi'-e»«. SI 25. This is the most complete American edition, it contains tï.e whole of the poetry comprised in the edition lately edll«Hl by CunniHgham, as well as some additional pieces, and lach notes have been added *s are calculated to illustrate the manners and customs of Scotland, so as to render the whole more intelligible to the English reader. D. A it Co. have just published, uniform with the ab >ve. The complete Poetical Works of William Cnwper, E«q. in¬ cluding the Hymn» and translations from Madams Guion, Milton, Itc, and Adam, a Sacred Drama, from the liaban of Battista, Audreini, with a Memoir of'.be author, by the Rev.' H«*nrv Stehbing, A. M. One elegantly printed volume, ÜuO pages, lomo, with 3 beautiful frontespiece. % 130, or iotwo vols. $175._ BAKERY..'Jhe subscriber, haviug re¬ moved his old established Bakery from 179 Greenwich «treet t». the commodious building No. ÜJ19 FULTON- STREET, one door above Greenwich street, informs hi« friends and old customers that he continues the baking ol Cakes and Crackers in every variety, fresh ever*,' day Th» well-known quality of his articles requin-s no r«*comm»*nda« t'ion.his Crackers,in particular, can be scarcely equade*'.. Sliinperssupplie«! in any quantity (at short noticed neatly pncKeH, to go any distance. New-York", Dec. 1,1U42 iir-wis _IJ. P. WAUÍ) LOST.Last evenins; (Monday) in com¬ ing from the College ot Physicians and Surge».im in CrOfcby-Stréet, along Spring to Broadway, as far as Hou«ion, tbe Cape ol B Lidy's <;oat the material silk and worsted, lignrea or sba/lad brown, writh a small greenstripe* ned witli gri*en silk, and trimmed with brown fringe. The lin»4»=r will receive a «uitahle reward, and the thaiik« oi the owner, by leaving it at Dr. J. Kvarney Rodger-,St, No. HO Bleecker-street. I* NEW POEM.THÜL1A*: A Tale of the AnUUCtiO. By J- C. PALM-It, I '. S. N. " Audax niunumqui fréta primus, Kate tarn Iragih perßdrepll.** [Seneca. With twelve Illustration*., by A. T. Agate, on«- of the Ar- tisis of the Exploring Expedition. Thisdiy published by SAXTON* MILKS, dl2 '.''-> Broadway. HIGHLY IMPORTANT..Deafnew Cured.. Soapa's Acoustic Oil..For the cure 61 Deafness, palas, and the d>.«charee of matter from the Ear»; ;i! so, all those disagreeable noises, like the buzying ol In-I «ects, fnllmt* of water, whiiring of--.team, k<:., which are symptoms ol approaching Deafne««, and also generally a>- léndedw Üb disea.«e. The subjoined certificate will he read withmtere.-t. - PfIlf_t)ELPHU, Oct. I, Ifftl. Messrs. Editors. Deafne«is a disease which ha« hiüjertn been considered incurable, bat I ca» inform ihe pobhc wat it is a mistaken idea. I have been deaf for ten year», and concluded that 1 must remain s«; but not many i.vmiUi» since I saw in your paper anadverii*vmei\t «M Scarpu . OU for Dealness. As tbe last resort I cyiciuded to iry It. I am n»w happy to say I can hear as well m I ever d;_ i »'.'> of my friends likewise ui«rd it. One of them was so dea thai he used aa <-ar trumpet ; now he hears perfectly we,I without it- The other was very much troubled with uoueJ in the ears and Lead, and he at once found nfliaf, «..¦"«d w well. Two bottles cured m.\ which 1 '."aisght gfttin-r well pretty cheap. Silas Bccpef.. Secoal st,. below I we Sold, at who'.çsne and retail, by A. B. it D.Sand*«. Dru*,'- gi-ts. No. 7'J l?"ulton-s;.-eet, corner ot Gold, and 100 i alto«- rtreet. Also, s»j',d by David Sands Ai Co.. No. 11 East- Breadwar; A. B. Sands it Co , No. 273 Bn.adway, «rtv r of Cha-> bers-suest. Price, $2. Al*o sold by Dr. David Jayoe, No ai »rjaüi Third-itreet, Pliilyleipfaia, dU 1m Tpo LET at 47ÍÍ Broadway, a handsome JL front Room --r.-i ?_*.ry on 2d rloor.rent %2 ner week. _S8t*_ ¿?& TO BE LËT~The_House No. 215 -_i-aL Pearl-sire«!. Brooklyn..A hantis:;me new Hc>u«e, built in the modern style, with basement and attics, and a two story tea room back, and an excelltnt cellar kitchen, with cistern water introduced by a pipe, pomp, coal vaults, and every appurtenance complete, all finished off in th* neatest and mo»t permanent ti-.dr.ner by clays' work.will he let to a good solvent UfBVn for a term of years at a very low rent, In<*a.Je No. 21a Peari-street, Brooklyn, next door, or at. -i Ann-street, New-York._ d.lw gÄFOR SALE OR TO LET.A val- ___. aable Farm on Lon»; Island, conveniently *itn»»ed to ixe city, about two miles from Grand-street Ferry, <or> lainicg about forty acres. Upon i*. are a large and comfor¬ table d'relling bouse, good barn and other oui-hou-j-»-« Oo the piace are two docks, upon which vessels land rr.a.-.ure. If no; sold previous to the first of January, it will then Ix* to let. Also, one lot of about nine acre», to be soUl or let separately. For panicalars, '».jaire at ihe office of J. J. A. Ebben, No. _ Wall -street._!_______ S g^ "t>"F0R HUDSON. CATS- *^"^5^^_g_KILL and COXSACK.oras lar as '.ue ice will permiL Stages will be in readiness. The »team- boil SUPERIOR, Capl. J. Gould, will l*_v . the Pier foot of Chambers-street, this (Mom lay) afurrnoon, at 5 o'clock. For passage or freight, apply on beard or to J. B. Nicr-ol- st*o. 135 West-street. U.B-.Ail persons are forbid trust s? any one oo account of Ui« »ü»ve boatt capuio ox owners. dl AUCTION SAI,: * Josrah Kxharda. Aaciuiceer. BY BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT. Stare î*> Rrwutwa». libes«) cast« astvaacea made on «*oí*«¿i;*!¡i*v-r.u tor 10t llOJ1 sat«. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY J- FRIDAY KVKNLNOs Dec. 14. 15 and Iiî. Valuable Pr-aats LiBa^av..Tbe remaining portioc of the valuable library of ihe laie S. O. Lung tree. E«q.w>ui several collections selected from other Libraries, including an extewive collection of stvriin** authors in Civil and Kc- C '^-».«tical History and Biograpfcy, wwks >>. Eine Ait*.. an extraordinary collection rare works on Amen»-a ; w.irks on Chess,'Heraldry, Angling. Typography,Bibhog*. rapby. Penmanship, Architecture. Antiquities. Cli<a¿ca| P.... «.»phy. Civil aa.1 Military- Engineering and Tactics; ».¡jsir «vóras in the Oriental ..¿«inguiMíes. -Vo\ag«-s and Travels, work* on Medals ana Coins, elegant anil em¬ bellished books, together with a large varvty of valut bo miscellaneous work* in standard Engti-4) Literature. Among the Colieoúoii for WEDNESDAY (FIKST) EVEXIXü-S S.VLE. ARK Bayle*s Great Hbtorical Dicuoaary S vofc. fol»; Abercrooa- bie's Martial Achievements o: the Sect i Nation 2 es foli Parker1« Chronicle o! the Ku>e\oi England fol'o; hue folio copy of Josepho*'» Work«; C .ciimerN Btaory tbe Otto¬ man jKmpire lolio; PeUvius's H-siorv ot the'World iclw HaÀkeswo th's Voyages 3 vols quarto ; Drake's Vovnge* an Travels 3 vols tolo; »revel'« Tr¿»e(« *»d Hisuwv or the Antiquities Of Europe S v.ts; (irret. Tesum* i ; Sic - pbec«-s celebrated ard rare ed:n< not IMS: Crome*.N R. UO.UV« ol Robert Bums ; OldharuS Wot Rscsson'« Work« 10 vs; The Brills.-. Martial 2 ». 1«; RklotYt Kn*lacd's Champions; PurtendorfN History 7 v..- RicMh.na'sWorU ö >o s ; BaríouN History of -.he House of Omngv qcarto ; Hone"' Mysteries ot Relicta» Miows; The Golde« Aas and Metamorpb«-ses of Apuleus 2 vsSn» ; Savage'» Dicttou- sry ol theArt of Printing; LuckombeN History of tbeOrigm and Progress ot' Printing; Boccaccio's D-Cameron 5 vs gvo. VW engravings, CarrnccioliS Lift of Clement Hih; Me- meirsoTCoentessd'AlvaSvs; History of t.'ie Suniatrans 2 vs; Sully'* Memoirs 5 vols ; Koch's Hi«torv Kurof*«; Hi«io- rv Ol the Popish Plot; Memoirs Pius tjih ¿\o's : Lord Clarendon on Popish Miracles; Shirley « Work« ai d Poem* tJvid«; Pelham's Chronic.'«*« ot Crime J ».« Sro History 01 ihe Ara -aus 4 vs; JuMauiond's Private Life ol" LouiVl.St.lt » vs; Clarendon's Uisterv of the Rebellion «5 v«; Wanta4t'*a Works Mirabeau's System ot Nature-, vs; B- lifeaa^Work- Ovid's Meuunorpbosts Ane mho capv; Oçilbyfs Virgil fblto; l»ambado's Academy tor i-rowti llarsen-.en quarto copy wiih plates; Stanley's History OfPbllOOphy 2 %i lobo; Tal«-s am! Jests of Hugh Peters quart.kc. Are. ¡Mm Bonks of Medals ami Cuin*.; curious olit Works «>n Fencing; Voyages and Travel»; Dei«tical Works and a number of very scarce works on Penmanship, Painting and Architec¬ ture. Am^ng the Collec-i«>n for THURSDAY (SECOND) EVENING'S SALE. ARK Pyae's History of the Royal Residence*, ion elegant color¬ ed plates, 2 v$ quarto, richly bound in Turkey Morocco - Boy-dell's Shakspeare Gallery; IW atlas folk*.*plates, balt' mnrocco ; ShnkspenreN Works, 12 v«, Longman's beautiful edition; British Poeis, 50 vs, calf hinding; Swift's Wotk». 13 vs; Hinton's History ol the United S,ate*. 2 vj quarto ; Grotius «u War and Peace, folio ; Goldsmith's Works, 4 vs ; Johnson's Works,6 vs; Thompson's «to, 4 vs; Byron's do. 8vs; Brown's do. 4 vs ; McCullock's Dictionary. 2 vs i Beaumont and Fletcher's Work», i«J ts, line copy; Boling- broke's do, 6 v$; Hume and Smollett's England, with Hughes'« continuation, Paris edition, folio; Scapulae Lesi- con, quarto; Berkeley's Naval History, folio; Burnett'*: History of his own time, 2 vs, folio ; Hard's History' of Re¬ ligious Rites, folio, many curious pin es: Travel's of Cyrus, quarto; Cibber's Works, quarto; Wilson's Ornithology; Manor's Voyages and Travels, 4 vs; Wariug on Archery. i.e. J.C ANo, works relating to Shaksneare, a valuable collection of English Catalogues and works on Typography, works on Heraldry, Ciic«s Angling:, Sporting, kc. IT Catalogues are now rendy and the books arranged for examination. Y S. DRAPER, Jr.-^tortT 54 W il - liara-street. corner of Pinr-«treet, TUKSDAY, Dec. IS. At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room. Cloths AMD Cassimercs.Frem the shelves.on a credit of MX months, for improved endorsed notes.2*0 pteces su¬ perior West of England Cloths and Cassimeres,just im« ported. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14. At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room. Package Sale ok Fancy Goods, Tovs. i.e. inc..LOO cases of French nnd German Goods udapie«! to the coming season. AUo, 200 sets of splendid Chinese carved ivory (;.»-«¦.- Men. AL<o, 20 packages Chinese Chinchín haskeL«. Ais.,, ó cases Chinese Ucqucied bncktfitmmon itoarit.«. Also, an insoice superior Papier Munde Card Basken, 8, 10 and 12 incls.very rich, with bra« ImuiMe«. Also, an invoice of fine India Lacquered Tea Cuddle« .with and without Tea.mid Backgammon Bounls. Ato, an invoice of rich Kait India bou<e-furnishing ar- tiei>s, consisting of rich China Punch Bowl, Silver Basket« curious Ten Pot. laeqaered Centre Tables, ttc. fee. Also, I cases assorted Tovs. THURSDAY, Dec. 15. At 10 o'clock, at the auction room. Fke.ncii Goons.By CataJo«u«i. For a oproveti endorsed notes at ts months.too enses French Silk Goods, comprisnig an extensive assortment of fancy and -!¦.:¦ '¦¦¦ articles 8f r«s- cent importations. At 12o'clock, at the Merchant»' Exchange. Ba.ik Stock.For tbe benefit of whom It may concern.- 25 shnres of die capital stock of the North River Bank of ibis city. SATURDAY. Dec. 17. At 10 o'clock, at the nveiion mom. Cloths akd Cashmcrî'.s.From tbe &heiv«.on «crédit of six months, for approved endorsed notes.2u0 pieces su¬ perior West ot Kurland Cloths and Canimerea, just im¬ ported. AT PRIVATE SALE. 400 pjec»*s4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 red and while Canton Malting. "V ALBA* KMî^Ile^ffiM"f^l Bread, corm?r of Wall-street A. K. will «give bis attention to the sale of Real Estate, Slocks, Fnrniture and Out-Door Sales generally. Money procured on mortgage in sums to suit applicants. AT PRIVATE SALE. One ot (!>«. imm[ desirable Pews in the middle side of St. Bartholomew's Church (Lafaycue PUce.) A new 3 »tory dwelling house ami lot In University Place, the 4th house abMve Eleventh »irent. The 2 »tory «fwelling house and lot No. 2H0 Fourdi-sueet overlooking "Washington Square. _Thea suiry dwelling house and lot No.J72 D'Wnejtreet. L^AÏÏÏK^ÎNDIA RUBBER ÖVER- SHOES, at J. B, Miller', La«lles' Shoe Store. 142 Canat-sC. 1 havenowonhnml,and constantly receiving from the celebratml manufactory of Horace H. Day, India rubber Overshoes of all the styles, as gwod In quality and as low in price as can be obtained al and store in New-York. Li- dies' Gaiter Boots, of ¡ill the fashionable colors, on hand or made to order ai short notice. Whit* and black Satin Slippers ibr balls, parlies, weds «fings, ir.. undress«*d and blick morocco tin and buskin ^double soles) ot 10 shillings per pair, warranted 50 per cent handsomer»«».! buitcr than ib'^e sold al the cheap stores a I one dollar per pair. Ladies are particulaily requested m mil, -v-«, and )U<J/<» for themselves, ai J. B. .MILLER, 142 Ca«aUl., d3 6t eod'ic between Thompson and Sullivan-sts. GOLDSMITH'S WRITING and Book- KKKPING ACADEMY, 254 Broadway,directlv op- -ite thv City Hail, entrance at the door ol the New York Museum. M G. respectfully iulornm the citizens ol New \oik and Brook vu thai his spacious apartments for Ihe instruction of PBNNMANSHlPand BOOKKEEPING are now open during the day and evening lor the reception ol pupils and visitor«. Mr. G.'s »pecimriis of oT-han«! Penman-hip have won the i/iRST hrkmh-'m ihr«?' consecutive year* at the great Fair» ol ihe ^riKricon institute. Mr. íí. pledges him¬ self to impartió all in 10 lessons of one hour each. Ins mil«:, admired system of Mercantile and Kpidolary Writing, or «rum the money al the expiration of the lessons. The gen¬ tlemen are laugbt a bold, free and dashing slyle ol mern»- tilr penmanship, written with ihe greatest rapl.lity. II«* ladies acquire n beautiful style of Epistolary Wr.ting-ai- invaluanl«; accomplishment Ul Hie sex. Book-keeping by «touble ami single entry taught by Mr. W. 'I. Plummer, a practical Accountant. ., . , Terms for a coursetf Mercantile and Epidolarv writing nv?. uoixaks, inclndlng itattomnry. Bonk-keeping 910 ior an unlimited attendance, payable in advance. Stranger» vi«itlng the City mav receive a course ol writ¬ ing lessons in two or three days- The Ladies C rasse» meet daiiy from II to 1 o'clock; Gentlemen at 9 A. M. ami .1, 7 ami 8 P. M. Private instruction given. Fon Sale at the Academy, u superior article of »5*»»-«- Pens. dS3t"r<VM_ ULSON'SiNßWJLY IMVEiVl'lüW PATENT SAFETY-LOCK-TkU Lock w m- ie¡..ied as a Safetv L<jck for Stores, Ottices, Bank», haurs, Hall D:,ijr,, kc. 'The p«-cnliar merits ot th« l^ock eor.«st in ts simple metho<i of nutrudion, posses#.ing ail the se¬ curity of die most expensive Combination Lock, at ihcf*m* time being very durable and n*.t at all likely to get out 01 order. These »jualit«/«, with the «v>roparatively low price at whiçW li is sold, cannot fail of recommending ¡t to all Who wish to avail themselves of the most perfect security aguin-t burglars. They are manufacturees-Jby TnsHoE Printing Press.Ma¬ chine and Saw Manufactory, 2Í) ano 31 Gold street, where ail orders from the C-ty or any part of the United States will be promptly supplied. The Locks will be fornubed with or willioui knob« and latches as mav be desired- The palcr.lte may be found al th»- »aid establishment and w"1 attemi W putting on the locks in any part ol the city. The following gentlemen of the ftr»t mechanical talent bave examined the Lock, an«i given c«rrtificates to the in- verxor, commendatory of its superior merit«. Minard Lefever. Architect, No. «>1 Merchants' Exchange C. Pollard, Architect, No. 6 Broad »t. E. J. Webb, Architect, corner of John and Nassau sts. Itbi»l Town, Archiva, Na 93 Merchants' Kxr.hange. Richard Upjobn, Architect, Trinity Cbnrch- H. W. Sawyer, Architect. 129 Ftxlton »r. Johnson k Jones, Architects, corner of Chamber« It and 3roadway._«>7 lwi< ATCHES lower than ever..In con- seqneaee of the re«Suciion of duties by the late lower than they can t>e I*ö0^!il ior at any ouir, r~- ihe city II Watches « low W to $25 *£?" ïat^' «à /.weiry e«h«»ge<l or bought. M***» warranted to keep tr«x>l. tune or die money *&**£. Watches and Clocks repaired in the best manner, auo war ranted.'at muchlW than ihe usual price*. j ¡^ (l r Alt Dl Importer of Wairw «a'1 Jewetery, oirg-tf- A WholS S««atatL»Wag^^s«m¿t. «TNDIA RUBBER SHOES^.We con- 1 tiuue to sHl this necessary article a|¦ P/^n»n*^,»g« ever knowa, ,K, by lb, csm or dozen ¦»'?»¦ f^Sr^t per pair; figured, -JTJc. Terms caw. KW "gg^« Uned aorf Fur trimmed. Mens tue only sold at retail Price for tbe »Wquahty 75<*eats. w,-.- .-.^ Ï- CORDING k SO?t,j« « Jtef ««SL." dJ¡2 6Ü»* 2d «loor below^Matden ***>*' rLK'BL^îrâWXnRGS, aewrted S numbers, ¡art r«wi»ed and f->r -ale ty WILLIAMS, RANKIN it PK-N'»U'it'í' dîô 3tis» 63 Wiliiam-ïtreet, coc- Ce«lar,

New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1842-12-13. › lccn › sn83030213 › 1842... · 2017-12-20 ·

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1842-12-13. › lccn › sn83030213 › 1842... · 2017-12-20 ·

gM|||¿.lWli ***M M.... ¦ ¦¦ .^__y__»_l____f_»MM_«f.ll»rrt«iï|T1

B:inliruj>t«-Dccember 9.jîâltar.iel S Doân, ci< rk. N. Y-gôward J. Sheldon, ruercnant, N. Y.jí. R Silmw.ii, (latte horn Stinuoa, Richardson k Co.,)

N Y.*

William Dietrich, clerk, N. Y.t.L. Halsted.cleik.N. Y.C. S. Saroni, (firm of Saroni »k Hollander,) farrier, N. Y.RadclirTCarMian, painter and glazier, Huntington, L. 1.Fred'k C. Loomis, N. Y.Tbornas Brook", (late hrra Tho«*. Brooks Si Son,) leather

teilen.Henrv Brooks, do dodoKickird Watrott«, mercbaiit, N. Y.Palmer Sumn«r, tin and i-on dealer, (late firms Sumner

k Staylor and Sumoer k Slovens )S*anioei B. Knapp, lead dealer. N. Y.Henry' J. Seaman, (late firm Seaman ¿-.Norton,) N. Y.Edward Molían, hatter, N. Y.Patrick R. Cox, Brooklyn, late druggist,

i Willi:»«*J Tyack, burr millstone manufacturer, N. Y.A.o* Aogens, viciaaller, N. Y.William H. Culver, (firm Ripley &. Culver,) merchant,

s y«^i*»CDael B. Walters. cleTk, Huntington, L. I.Wilil-rra Dunning, (firm W. Dunning it Co.) N. Y.Chirles D. Rho'i.s. (firm J. BaleMierit Co) N. Y-Noah Ripley, merrl.a-.t, N. Y.Richard F. bedwhfa, Brooklyn.

BnuJiruptM December l «Î-Eiitha G. Greely, broker, N. Y.

r.Wm.H. Chester, N. Y.Igrael A Cromwell, (late firm Palmer it Cromwell.) N. \Caleb Hye.it. carpenter, N. Y.A. Gooding, meréiiant, N. Y.Palmer Cleveland, Wüliarn-burgh.Henry L. Ki.-g, carpenter, N. V.W. B W»Me;v»¡t,Iiav.istrnw.L'enry G Norton, (of late linn Norton i» Knight and No -

ton k Co ) N. Y.William H. Stinernets, N. Y.

CITY I N T K I» L I G E N C E.L-WYkks' Diary..Tb_ Day, December 13..

«IPERIOR Coi'RT..Nos. G4, 4f:,70, B7, 88, 90, 103, 104, 105,Ifjr?, 112, 115, 1, 45, 20, 52.Common Plkas . Part L.Nos. 63. CI, 12*1,125, 131, 133,

137.ÎS'J, 113. il, 7, 15.39, ... Purl 2 al 10 ».'clock..Nos. 122,128,130, 0,52, 02, 132, 13«, 142.Board ok Aldkrmkn..The minutes of the

Iss. meetine; were read and approved.Pktitio-s PkESENTF.tj and RRfERRED..Of the Farmers'

I__ and Trust Co. lor remieiion of tax. Ol" the Captainsof« Disu Watch, for 4 additional pos's. Of H. C. Douglas-,tc lease premise«), corner Beaver anil Hanover-;.!«». Of K.Hart and G. H^rt, against erectinr- buildinffon Pier near

Jersey Ci'y Ferry. Memorial of lb« Mechanics' and Trad-err" Bank, for the correction of assesment% for building pierbetween Pike and Market-slips. Ol Mr. J. Pit:kney, to berelieved irom an ns.*»si«aeHl. Of James Hooker, for reJie.-frorn an erroneous tax. Of David ButTum, for leave to re.move hin child to Greenwood Cemetery.granted. Of EDomi'*liy, to be paid lor fencing vacant lots in SixteenthWard.Ad invitation was received from tbe American Institut'

KjvL»itand examine the Planetarium, a new invention, onSaturday next. accepted.An inv¡union wns received from Wm. B.Ripl«y,toatlen*l

hall, to be given in honwr of .1. S. Brownell, on Thursdayevening, the 29th instant.accepted.Ol Walter Co.tello, for reduction of lax. Of sundry

hatchers, complaining of tbe monopoly of the butshersinthe market an erjojed by them. Application ofH.Storm('unim'.i'ary General, for the payment for fixing ammunitionlor the military on the 35th day of November, 1842. Of theMechanics Bank, lor relief from tax. Of HuVert VanWagenon for permis ion to remove the remains oflib wifefrom a vault in 8t. Mark«'church yar*i.also, of a brother-two sisters, and a brother-in-law, from the vaults in tieDutch church yard in Houston street, lo the GreenwoodOtnetry.gran'.ed. Of Jacob Hoppock and John C. Tuckerlor permission to remove remains of triends Irom the buriaj.rronnds corner of Chryst.c and Uount. n street.»:, to Green,wood Ceuietry ;.granted. Of sundry persons to repeal ihela*»*» proiiibitiiir; the ¡».»le of fret.b meats at places other thanthe public miukeit*, and to pet mit or license the shoo butcher«to .*.(I iresh meats. OLE. Lord and 100 others, for the repealof part of Ihe market laws.Reports.«.Oftbe Special Committee on the contract for

cleanirij- ureett. Laid on the table and ordered printed.Of the Finance Committo on p«. tilion of Thomas J. Car-

>'i;l and oihers, lor lease of location for baih al Castle Oarden, and in favor of the petition. Laid on tbe table.Of the Committee on Police, »tc. recommending a concur¬

rence with the re»olution of ihe other Board lor n clock onIhe 4th Dintrict Watch House. Concurred in.Of the committee on Wharves. _c. in favor ofdeepening

flip al the foot of Delancy street. Adopted.Of the Finance Committee, on the communication of thé

Street Coromii»»ioiicr in relation to an assessment erroneouslypaid by Jones k Graham, in favor thereof. Adopted.A report of the Committee on Wharves, Ike in favor ol

building a pier into the East River, toot of 5lb street, andwhich i.-j«! wanted the Board of Assistant)», was concorred in.Pate** fboh the Board i$p Assistahts..A Report ol

tbe Committee on Laws.iic in favor ofpaying Win. Beard a<im i.fmni,cv expended by hin. in a sail in the Court olCommon Pleas, in which the Corporation were concerned.Referred to Cemmitlec on Laws.A Report of the Committee on Police, iic. in ravor of cre¬

ating additional watch posts in the 4th und 5th Districts..Referred.A Report of the bume Committee in relation to a bill ol

D. Stewart, M. D. for medical services rendered at the 2dDistrict Watch House.Referred.Report bl the Slrest Couiniliee in favor of compensât ng

George G il lather for digging a well.Reterred.Ol the ««une in favor ol paving 19th street, between the

Blooming-ale Road und the sib Avenue, and flagging u

»pace four feel wide through Ihe Northeasterly sidewalksbetween ihe I'.h and 5th Avenues.Relerred.Ol the same, in lavor ol flagging side-walks in King-«*..

Referred. An apportionment ol assessment on lots for open.ing Sixih Avenue Irom Thirtylounh-st. to One-hundied-anJ-twentyiiinth-st.Concurred in. An assessmunt for paving the Wmth Avenue from Twentyeij-bth to Thirtysixlli-streei.Concurred in. An assessment for regulating tlieFifth Avenue from Tweniyfirst to Tweiityeightl:-st.Cr.ncurred in. An nssessmenl lor regulating, 4ic, the NinthAvenue from Thirtysuth 10 Fortysecond street.».Concur¬red in.ÜNrt'UíHKi» Business..On motion of Aid. Jonee, Docu¬

ment No. 31, an Ordinance in relation to the Market Lav»«,was broutiht up. This document proposes empowering iheMayor to i«suc Licenses to such persons as shall be recom¬

mended by the Market Committee to sell fresh meats inothsr places than the Public Markets, which shall be desig¬nated in such recommandai ¡on, «~c. «kc.lo the course of tbe discussion on this document the pe¬

titions of sundry botchers, complaining of the present mo¬

nopoly ofsundry persons, to repeal the luw prohibiting thesale of freshmeat* elsewhere lhan in Markets, ami of £.Urd and others, lor the repeal ol a part of the MarketLaws, were read.aII <>f which had been temporarily laidon the tnble in an early pith of Ihe meeting oi the Boardlife evening.Aid. Leonard moved to lay the document or» the table lor

the parpóse Ofoffering :i preamble and resolutions relativelothe Market Laws, which was, after dobate, lost by thevoieol 4 in the affirmative lo 11 in the negative.AfUra long debate several amendments were proposed

in the vuiiou.s section« and passed, sonw of them alteringmaterially tii«* tenor ofthe original document.The Ordinance, as amended; passed.Adjourned till Wednesday afiernoou next.

Saturday, December 10.I". S. Circuit Court..-Before Judge Thorap*'


George Peuice vs. Grinnell, Minturn «V Co..The plain-litT(adry-goods merehuot in William-street) imported, inthe ship Patrick Ue.ury, from Liverpool, in February last,15 packages metchaodise, among lueai a box of superiorace». The lauer never came to hand, and ihe presentaction is ..icaiusl the defendants, as owner*, of ihe ship,lo recover tne value. Tito mité of the ves.sel that super«iDteutie.i lúe car^j is a.»ay, hut « carman testified mathe had every reason to believe he delivered the whole oithe gooi!siöplüint;iJ".aiiil one oi the receipts signed byplaintiffs clerk Lad ihe words " four cases" marked on it.lliis appeared, however, to have been written by the mate,wLilethe sail.« receipt had only the marks ol three pack^ages. The Custom-Uouse otlicer testified W the packa^ttlludeti to never having Ikvii landed from the ship ThtJury gave a verdict lor plaintiffo! §7<lJ 10, hem«; the valutel the ¿OOvl.».

U. S. District Court..In Bankruptcy..Bo«loir Judge Betts.Amorj if Leeds..After ihe parties had petitioned,and

exhibited their assets, tiu*y assigned to Mr. Waddeil, in hi*private capacity, ail th^ir proper.y in trust for their creditors. Mr. W. now declines making a report, on the groan»!that ibeussei«. have never beeu rxi-uie ovet to him as feaer..]assigner, ami that lie c<»nno» proceed against himself. Tb«Couii overrmed Uie tecbicai point. Ordered, lhat wheithe bankrupts place in ihe hands of the General Assigne«all their property, he may repart the facts, and Uiat will b«a sufficient compliance with Rule61.

tf .itam H. /r_A_The individual creditor, in this case,to be paid pro raía.Andriw Nixon,.Decree of bankruptcy allowed. Thtobjecting parues are at liberty to trv« UT.iin.ouy bhould ihe)

see lit in oppose a discharge.John W. Loison,.The opposinj*- creditor should hav*

tende-red the tateti cast, wliich rule must be observed thesame as in the Courts. If not tendered by Monday, privilege granted to creditor will be revoked.

Police Office.Shoplifti»no..A man name»Samuel Yonntr was arrrsted on Friday night, by privatwatchman C»-¡.\ as he came out oí tbe store of MeisrFreeman k C-\ No. 113 ?t ar!«street. He was committed.

i 'itoNK't's Office..Accidentally Drownei.Thv Coroner held an inquest to-day, at No 273 Souih-slon the iKXly ofAndrew Jackson Ifasbrouck, aged 24, a n;

live of tht-*- State. Tne deceased was a fireman on hoa.-the steamboat Crotón, lyini; at Catharine slip, and abouto'clock on Thurst'ay morning, alter having fired up, weion shore, took some coffee aud £Oon after itarttd to go c

board, bul fell into the water. A splash was h*°ard and arope was thrown over to him, bat it being dark be sank andwas drowned. His body wa« found between 10 aud tl thisday. Verdict, accidentally drowned.

Sunday. Dwisraber 11.Police Office..Charged with Burcilary.

.In the month of August last Uie store of Sidney P. Iogra-ham, auctioneer, No. 123 Fuliou-street, was broken openand robbed. A man, Thomas Thompson, a colored porter,was rubsequently d-sired t» sleep in tbe store, and »on af¬ter discovered a «îolored man.named Joba Henry Fullman.attempting to break in by ene ot ibe rear winoows. He ef¬fected bis escape, but was yesterday arrested and tally com¬mitted on the charge.A Nest or Gamblers Routed..Last evening a colored

man named 0«car Snawdea. withsome 8 or Mother darkies,were arrested for being engaged in gamblirg in a cellar.No 45 Centre-sireeu Snowden. U»e keeper of tbe premi¬ses, was held to bail to answer, r,n«l tlie oUier« dischargedon protriie of ß«?od behavior.Arrest or a Burclar..Officers Stephen«, Lowe and J

L. Smith, last night arrested Atlas Frazee, a young manwho stands charged with committing a burglary m Fair"field county. Conn., on ibe 5th inst., ¡n company with hisbrother Lewis, who is now In ¡ail there for th* crime. It issomewhat singular that since the arrest of this young man.it has been cluarly ascertained that the brothirî were engaged in firing a number of our Public Schools in 1839, atwhich time a reward of $1,000 » «. étfered for ibe arrest olthe oflender«. Atlas Fraz*r will be «enfon to Connecticutto be tried tor the burglary.Coruskr's Office..-Death from Suefoca-

TlOH..The Coroner lately held an inquest, at No. 212Twenty-first street, in the rear, ou ti e body of a male infamabout 4 months old, which was «¡ulTbcated in bed with itsparewti last night, hong at the time, as was supposed fromprevious symptoms, "convulsed. Verdirt, " aeath by acci¬dental suflocation." Tbe child'- name was Charles Draddyand his paren:» respectable.

Monday, December 12.Common Pí.eas.. Wm. B. Jacobs vs. Barthol¬

omew Blanco..Tbe plaintif)*, on passing the defendant'shouse in Dover-street, on a dark rainy evening some month»since, accompanied by his wife in a wagon, was thrownout, in contequenre of the.horse stumbling over a quantityof old brick and rubbish which had been left in tbe street,and was consequently bruised and injured. He now bring«action lo recover damages. [His wife was al>o thrown out,and obtained a verdict fur a small amount, in an action afew weeks since. J The case is «till on.Court ok Sessions..Before the Recorder and

Judge Lynch.Defaulting Jurors..Five Petit Jurors were fined $5each for default in atiee.dance to serve.Nolle PaosEui-i..In the case of William Barrand Mi¬

chael Redmond, a nolle proseguí wuj entered and the ca>edischarged.Trial for Perjury..William Stewart was put upon hi«

trial for perjury, charged lo have sworn falsely lo ihe valu"of his property in offering himself for bail for William E.Ross in August last» Tlie Jury found a verdict of guiltvand he was remanded f«r sentence.Forfeited Recognizance..Alfred Wattle, indicted for

obtaining 81,043 worth of goods of Messrs. McDouga!, Si-monson k Knapp by false pretence, failing to appear hisrecognizance was forfeited.Trial for Grand Larceny..Wiliiam Morrow was put

upon his trial lor gran« larceny, In stealing a leather trunkcontaining coats ve«ls, pantaloons, shirts, kc, worth £Gu,from Mathias V. Halstead, of No. SI Nassau-street, on the24th May. The Jury brought in tbe prisoner guilty, andtbe Court sentenced him to "the State Prison ior4 years and10 months. He was confined in Uie Penitentiarv when ar¬reste«!.Discharge..Alexander Dauforlb, a most accomplished

young thief, who was indicted for grand larceny iu stealing$76 from Caleb C. Baldwin, at the Commercial Hotel, wasdischarged by proclamation.Insuring Lottery Numbers..Lafayefte Green was

tried for a misdemeanor in insuring numbers in the Pro\*idence aud Alexandria Lotterief, on the 8th October last,for John Brinbrongb, colored roan. He gave 20 cents lorthe insurance to be drawn in one lottery of $20 and of $5in theothwr. The witness-' made a hit," and defendant re¬

fused to pay him. Mr. Phillips, of counsel for accused, con¬tended that the case was not made out as Ibe indictmentcharged the lotteries to b<; the Providence nn«i Delaware,whereas they were lhf» Providence nnd Alexandria. TheDistrict Attorney said if the incicinient set forth one of thelotteries correctly it was sufficient. The Jury found himííuilty. This abominable traffic must lie brokeu up..Why do n't our officers take up more of the.«« rascals andhave them indicted .'Trial for Burglary..Thomas Stephens, impleaded

with Thrmim Thomas, Francis Thuinas and George Mor¬ton, in breaking into Ihe store of Messrs. Mops St Spi«?s, inPearl-street. Tbe evidence being insufficient the Juryfound him not guilty.Trial for Avaui.t-and Battery..William Evans wa«

tb«m tried for au assault and battery on Henry Williams.Not guilty.Forfeited Recognizances..Mitchell Milchen, indicted

for perjury, William McGatry, Mary Manen, Patrick McGraban, Michael Dougherty, William McCarty and Abra¬ham Moses, for assault and battery, failing" to appear iheirrri^CTgniKu»«!«.- »¦>-¦«, «-.rfoiieil.Indictments- for Murder..M.iry Kennedy alia« Mr,

Donald and Ellen Conned, indicted for the murder of theirinfants, were brought into ihr Court and their cases sent mthe Oyerand Terminer for trial.Plea of Guilty..Joseph Smith, colored, indicted for

«grand larceny, stealing clothing worth $44, from CharlesRiker, pleaded ßuilty and was sentenced to the Stale prisontwo years.Police Office..Theft ok a Trunk Cloth¬

ing and Money--James McCreedy was arrested for hav¬ing stolen n trunk, cloths and 20 sovereigns in gold, fromthe premises of Terance Burns, No. 40 Orange-street.theproperty Oftwo Ol his boarders, named Patrick Keaney andJames Dobfon. He was yen to cary it or!" and was com¬mitted.Larcenies.Joanna Sweeny was arrested and commit¬

ted for stealing a beer barrel, worth $2 2~>, Irom John Me-Knight, corner oí City-Hall place and Pearl-street.Adeline Slewart was arrested ami committed lor stealing

a Kob Roy shawl from S3 Oak-street.Charles Whitney was arrested and commuted for steali.ii;

cloth and cajiimere, worth $0 60, from Joel Behorar.d, 51Chapel street.Thomas Stewart was arresled with a quantity of table

and other linen, shpposed stolen, and was committed. Anowner ii wanted (or the linens.

XT To Editor* of Whig Ncw-xpapera.-AWbig Newspaper, Which enj >ys h good p-tronnge, si.it isevery way a desirable establishment, located in à wtal bycounty on the Hudson river, and the only Whig paper inthe county, is offered for »ale to any sound Whig of talenlaud energy. Tosuchaaone the location is a promisingfiel«! for usefulness, and ihe establishment will secure a pro.Stable return (or the labor and capital employed. Thepresses nnd types arc nearly r.ew. The net profits ol tin- estnblisliiuent have averaged lor the last three years over

$1500 per year. Tlie present i ditor and proprietor wish«to retire from active political lite, and will give favorableterms to a purchaser. Apply to II. Greeley, Ksq , atihfTribune.or of T. Weed, K«q.. Editor of the Albany Eveniug Journal. dlSBtdltW

XT Ward's Bakery..The subscriber informs hüold customer« and the public in generafilbathe has remnvet!bit wellknown Baking Establishment from No. 179 Greenwich sL to the commodious situation No. 219 Fulton >t. en«door above Greenwich >t.

Having enlarged his Bakery he is now enabled to supphail orders sent l«> him for bis celebrated Cakes und Crackerswhich ure so well known as to require no puffing. He inlends to bake for the Holidays Cakes of every deseript'ioiithe quality and cheapness of which «hall be unsurpassed.-The following is a list of prices of some ol his articles

PlumbCake.Is. 9tL p<*r poundDo. do. plainiced.8s. 0d.Do. do.ornamented, best style..2.*. 6d.

A linond Cake.{*. W.Citron ilo.«s. "I.Currant do.Is. 6 l.Macaionies.-*¦y<-'-Scotch Cuke.¦*¦ *J.New.Year's Cakes, first quality.Os.lOd.

Some may think the above prices too low lor a good arlich»¡ to such he would sav call and lodge t»r yourselvesat No. 219 Fulton si. one ib>nr above Qrctnmck st.N.B. All orders thankfully received, aud purchases sen

lo i.ny part of the city. (2)dl3Ul'

MAR Pa ED :D.cember 19. by Rev. Dr. Milnor, Lloyd L. Britton t

Mary Au rusta 11."Ming, daughter of AlexanJer Ming, Jral! ofUd* city.Dec. 8. by Rev. Dr. Spring, James M. Motley, of Ih

cilv, to Ellen W. Riddle, of Boston.Át Tudor PUce. Hights of Georgetivwn, D. C.< Dec. !

Capt. Beverh-y Kennon, V. S. Navy, io Britannia Wellinjton Peler, daughler oftbe iate Thorn'S Peter, Esq.At Philadelphia. D»-c. 8, by Rev. John Kennedy, Re'

C. J. Ciouch.ol the Philadelphia Conference, to Hanualdaughter of Hon. M H. Jenks, of Newtown, Backs Co., P;At Vera Cruz, Nov. 12. by the American Consul, Jam«

Butter a ortii to Car.-line Olio, both resiuing al Jalapa..

DIED:On Sunday, the 11th instant, James Keating, of ibe fin

of Keaiing ii Farr, aged 20 years, after a short but seveiillness.

.... . , . ^His friends and those ot his brothers-in-law, Owen VBrenan, Timothy Brenan and Maltbew T. Brenun. itmembers of Fire Engine Co. No. 21, the members of UF.re Department generally, and the members of the MarieLodge 1. O. Of O. F. are respectfully inwlled to attend hfuneral, from bis late resilience. No. 135 Cedar-street, t

Tuesday afternoon, Ihe 13ih instant, at 2 o'clock.On Monday moraine, December 12, of typhus fever, Mi

Henrietta Townsend, daughter of the late Henry 1 own

end, aged 15 vears and 2 mouths. -

The friends of the family are respectfu.lv invited to a

tend the funeral this afl*riK»on at S o'clock, irom the re

! dence of her step father, J. K. Sayre. No. 522 Graud-stret«corner of Lewis.

, ...

Dec 11, Beal N. Lewis, son of the late Roswell LewEsq , »gej 25. _

Dec. 11, Margaret Julia, wife of Alexander Crawloraged 27.Dec. 11, Abraham Houseman, aged 43.Dec. 10, Henry Palmer, aged 53.D«c. 10. Allx-rt Otvew, ag«rd 13.Doc 10, Mrs. Ja»e'Wißsbip. aged 33.At Newark. N. J., Dtc. 8, Isabella Murray, aged 90.At Shel'.y, Indiana, Nov. 29, Dr. Kennedy, U. S. Senat

elect for thai Slate.Al Keene, N. H., Nov. 27, Hon. El(jah Knight, aged 83

MONEY^IARKET.Satea at tue Stock Exchange. Dec. 12.

8l,i0(i State 5s, 1853.... £5i|'_ North Am. Trust Co. 2±tLf-OO N. Y. 7_ 1843... .1033&>&» Ohio Sixes, 1860.. 73$1.200 rJo- 1850.75$700 do 1S50.73*

IS Franklin Bk Cin.503o JacJtsen M. Las. Co.. 40

I«X> Looff Island.48.1W Hariem.b60d 16

$7.f>00 K'ky »Sixes.78 f 75 do.15$3 Bank or*New Vork.. 108 50 do. 16

28 Mechanics Bank.57 100 do.s30d 15310 Del k Hnd. 34i 50 do.«4&ri 15]70 Bk of Cora.scrip 92 !'

SECOrîD BOARD.150 Long Island.«tt. 100 Harlem. 16

Commercial and money ."îlatî-r*.Moxday P. M.

The salt-s were not so large to-day as on Satnrday. butIbe market was generally firm. Bank ef Cornraei-ce scrip,and New-York Sevens closed at an improvement of i. andHarlem Railroad ? per cent up*-d our ñnal quotations ofSaturday. Ohio Six«, 1260 declined Í and New-York Five«:ÍSSB, \ percfnLThere is a moderate enquiry tor Sterling at 6 a 6V, and

Francs at ó 45. The Miles are very light and the higher rateis only obtained lor leading bills.Sales of Mobile are reported to-day as low as ?*, but the

supply is so small that rates are merely rom mal.Letters from Albany sute that the Lewis County Bank

will probably resume on Wednesday next. The Cashier:*in Albany making arrangements, and i« said to be onlywaiting tor a certificate from the Commissioners that theinjunction bas been removed.The $-180,000 Massachusetls Fives, «old at Boston for ac¬

count of Western Railroad, brought 87 a 44j, clwing at 85.Western Railroad shares «old ai 46} a 17.At Philadelphia, the past week has exhibited upon the

whole rather more firmness in the prir»* of sl«cks. Penn¬sylvania 5 and G per cents towards the latt.-r part ol it werein more demand. The only transactions deserving of noticeare sales of «orne 20 or 50,000 doll.irs of the United States 6percent at 99$ per cent, the purchaser paying for the inter¬est accruing sinre the issuing of the stock by the Treasury.There is, however, so little doing that the market wouid bevery essentially affected by any order either to purchase or

sell to any amount which, in former times, would havescarcely attracted attention.The Governor of Ohio in his Message states that bethinks

the Charters of the solvent Basks ought to be renewed. Heacknowledges the receipt of $54,000 hnd money Irom theGeneral Government, and is in favor of a continued distri¬bution.Virginia has received 37,000 for her share of the land mon-

ey. Her debt appears to be rather larger lhan she can payjust now. and her expenditures exceed her income.The receipts into the Tieasury of North Carolina for the.

year ending October 80 were $209,605 57, and the disburse¬ments $198,244 36.balance in the treasury S107,4;0*62.At Ndshvi.le, Exchange on the East was at 2 a 2¿ prera.

At St. Louis-, abundant at 1 a i per cent. Supply greaterthan demand. Indiana paper was improving. Sales at 3 a

4 per cent discount.The Bank of Mobile reduced rates on the 2d for N York

checks to 13 per cent; out-dom*«. 12J a 13, and 10} for 60days. The transactions are very moderate. Specie heavyat 14..At New-Orleans, Specie par; Union Bank, LouisianaBank, Mechanics' and Traders' Bank, City Rank.and Lou¬isiana State Bank notes par; Consolidated 1Í» a 20 per cent

discount; Commercial par; Canal J a ljdiscount; Cnrroll-ton 'all discount; Citizens' 14 a 16 do; Improvement 55 a

60 do ; Atchafalaya 74 a 76 do ; Exchange 52 a 55 do ; Or¬leans 57 a 60 do. Exchange.a further improvement. Ster¬ling woull now command 3.} a 4 per cent prem. Francs5 57} a 5 55. Bills on New-York at 60 days sight cannot beobtained better lhan 2} a 2J per cent discount, and shortsglht ja 1J per cent discount. Import« of specie from 1stSeptember to dale, ,*>3p]5,80LThe New-Orleans Courier ¿rive«; the following «laiemeni

of the condition ol the Banks of that city on the 26ib ulL.Tbe first six, viz: The Louisiana, City, Commercial, Lou¬isiana Slate, Mechanics' and Traders', and Union Bank payspecie :

Banks. Liab'litirs. Assets. Circulation. Specie.Louisiana.. 1,808,409 02 3^209,04987 313,746 50 1,513,587 51City. 466,800 26 602,7*><i 64 LI9^65 00 :»l.573 72Commercl. 36.1,12187 380.551 S»'J RÜ.810 00 1.54.117 83State. 508.312 14 7S6.417 23 1Ö1.64H00 2.-»l,74'i 'XIMechanics' 116.470 03 1,225,386 24 247,190 CO 1/32 428 ?6Union_ 890.620 23 974*905 96 128.695 00 452,562 22

"*7Í53,7-.3 5j" G, 108.."»ol 48 17*»'*7,7.V.'on :;,7-t4~X2Î~ 22

Canal...."77 ¿>i).5ô7 09 92,275 ,,7 126,840*00 40,729 14Carrollton. 79,435 41 23.353 23 13.29-5 00 '.1,014 14Citizens'... 896,918 71 253,870.56 377 850 00 27 11Cou.A.sso'u 355.492 45 114-590 64 281,455 00 2,083 11

1 bOÏ.-KKJ OO 13t»,»«uO *»J Tir-,,-»"««. .<"-" 7»». «h>j Ci5T.-i ..c/7.<i5,lß7 il 6,627,65168 1,857,195 50 3,807,873 75

ftlarketa. Carefully reportedfor The Tribune.Monday, Dec 12.

ASHBS.The market was rather quiet to-day, but hold¬ers are firm nt Friday's rates. We notice wiles about 15nhb». Pou at $5 37J. Pearls are held at $6 35 and above, butwe cnuld be-r of nn transactions. The whole amount n|Askes received since the opening «fnavigation is 44,031 bbls.The stock on hand is Pots, first sort, 1,694 bbi» ; second «ort,675; third sortS05; condeained 175.Total 2,789; Pearls,firstson, 720; second sort 178; third sort 29; condemned 22.Total 549 Mils. The stnck of Pearls, it will be seen, is verysmall. The shipment? from 5lh to 10th Dec. were 478 Pols53 Pearls.COTTON.The business ol" the we^k ending Friday

evening adds up 3,550 hales, of which 210 were Upland andFlorida at 5J a 7J ; 500 Mobile at 6i a 8, and 9V) N Orleansat 6 a S. The receipts hare been in the same period 11,856bales. Sellers have appeared freely during the week and

prices are easy tor the buyer. We quote Upland lair 7 a 7$;goodiniddlin?f*>i a 6J ; New Orleans and Alabama fair 7} n

7-J ; good middling 6} a 6*j. Export Imm 1st to ""th Decem¬ber, 1184 bales. The sales on Saturday reached about 600bales without marked change in price«, and to-day abiut500 balen.FLOUR.The market continues a» ¿»elcre reported..

Sales quite limited and dealers ««-llii*[_r freely lari-e or retailquantities al *3*> 00 for Gerie>ee, and 4 &7\ a 5 00 for OhioMichigan. Buyers will only lake small supplies still hopingfor lawer pnces. Occasional sales we hear of at $4 81 lor

Michigan and 4 91 for Genesee, hut the bulk of thesalesarent the higher quot.iti mis. Some small lots New-Orleans are

in market, and we notice a sale of 2t»nb!>ls at $4 81 Land 100bbls at 4 75. The New-Orleans Flour now arriving is a goodHrticle and worth as much as some of the inferior brands ofGenesee which aie sellinj» ai $5 00 a 4 94. In Southern de¬

scriptions the tr;.n«aciioiis*are limited to retail parcels..Georgetown §4 S7A ; 150 Wbls Brandy wine nt less tliaa 5 00;Petersburg, Alexandria, Richmond Country ond BaltimoreCity $4 69 and 4 75 ; Richmond City 5 75. For Rye Flourthere is a moderate inquiry at $3 12£ a S '_, out ol store, forNorth River; 3 57} for Jersey. Small «ales Jersey Meal ;*t

$2 t2J fur good ; Brandywine bbls 2 75 ; 3(J hhds sold prob¬ably nt $1 ¡ 00, 4 months. Buckvvheat as before -reported.i*". 85 for pi une ; 2 75 a 3 im» for good. The export of Flourfrom l«l to 7th in».»- was 7,H;41 bbls.GRAIN.We Lear of no further sales vf Wheat and the

quantity offering to-day was not very large. The last sale«were al97c Com is not abundant, and if the demand was

better would advance. We notice sales 250V bushel.« new

Northern at 49c,for ihe East. Old is held at 53, weight,and56, measure. A .«mail lot of new Jersey brought 50c Sales1500 Delaware new at 48, measure. No arrivals or sales of

Barley. Sales 2000 bushels Rye, in the slip,at 58c, and lt'nu

bushels, delivered, at 60c. The supply here is good gener¬ally bul he!«i above Ihe views of buyers. Oats are in mod¬erate demand; and 28 a 30c for River, and SO a 32c lor Canal. Sales 500 bushels Jersey at28c, The last sales of South-em. B few days s-uce. 700 bushel*», was al 21*c. Sales "JWObushels Shorts 9c,and 2000 do Ship Stulfs ai lie. alioat andfor storing.WH \LEBONK.We notice further sales So/HM) His at 29.

This includes all iu first hands with die exception of oue

parcel held higher.SEEDS.Some small sales Clover Uave been made, of

primequalitvnew,aite]a 7c, but bayers genera ly reiu«e

to trive aver «H- 25 bbls new Pennsylvania »©»id broughttha' p--;ce. Tiie export of Clover this season to 7th was 372

tiercKS. Sales 50 tierces clean Flax Situ at §10 50.

HAY.Bund les continues at SO a 55, with little demandexcept for storing. Supply small.LEAD. Within a day or two 1100 pigs Missouri have l»een

sold at $3 38 a 3 35, cash, and 500 al a shade abovt» 3 50, s

months.N _V \L STORES.Verv little doing in consequence p!

die iacrease in the rale of freight. A sai.- ot 70 bDis i-pinisTurpentine was made from the wharf a, 4ác, t mo?.


^^aloweS^^ßetorf Whale is worth abeot45c.Lard Oil G., a 65. Fbh Oil scarse ana wanted.

TALLOW.Sales have been made of 50,000 lbs at 8c. for I

export, and 20,000 lbs Head do at 6jc.WHISKY.We notice sales nbout 200 bbls, gart Western

and pan City at 21* a 22c A lot of 30 bbls Pennsylvan.abrought 21..SUGAR.A sale of 71 hhds new N Orleans was rrutie at

auction tt»-day at $5 87J 6 0#.

rVe-sr-York Cattle Market-Dec. 12.

[Reporte.1 f*r Thejrribune.lAl Market. 52-5 head oí fresh Caille, 20 Cows and Calve«,

and 1200 Sheep and Lambs.Pricks.Beek Cattle.The offerings were small-r lhan

for a long time, and prices quickened a little. **"".'"¿k?^°,a'eextent at $5 50, bat ihe balk of the sales wei e '.rum ff4 00 to

$5 25.COWS AND CALVES-Sales of 12 at last week'3 prices,

S_)a §55.SHEEP AND LAMBS.Allai market sold bot HO,at $1,

$2 50, $3 a $4 50, and 75c a $2 for Lambs.HAY. Supplies large and prices a little lower, sales 50 a

55c per cwt-_ _

XTG ood Board and pleasant Rooms can be obtainedat No. 26 Cliff-tree. (2)nl6tt


ItWIATtTBJt ALMAJíAC.THIS DATJ" gc." > ma «soon ¡rcLL seaft1**.J_ill**** 4 33jSets.. 3 04 | Evea_8 44¡Morn.4 36

Latest Dates.Loxvox.Nev. StHA^s.Nov. iLivcaeooL.Nov. 4inew-orleaní.Dec 2

cleared on satvrd*y.Ships Sarah i. Arsilia, Fletcher, Havre. Boyd it Hincker-Georg«, Prewcnt, Buenos Avres via Boston. S Broom ; Oc-mnl¿ee, Peet. N Orleans, E K Collins 4. Co ; Aas a«». Us-lev. «JO, l" lire k Co: Ceylon, Rand, do. Newboid k CraftBn-« M£«e« Loveianri. CharlesWn. G Bulklev ; LeilaConepm, PoriLeo.n \v w pnn. Growler. L'lme'r, Mobile,J Elwel! ; Camnn, Pettinrrill.do, .SV<niiih. Leeds i. CoSchrs Mary Bngbt, Bn¿nt, Balnmore. A B Cooiey i. Co;Mary Jane, McMaih,Nonoík, Siurges k Cleannac; Glide.Swan, do; C H Hooper, Tyler, Richmond, A B Cooiey kCo; Commerce. Prag*. Fredencksbunr, do; J F Crouch.T.imlin, Philadelphia. do¡ Palestine, Stepheruon. do, do;Gea Mot«. Beaty, St Augustine, do; Bocntv. Darling, New-bem. N C.

cleared yesterday.Shins Virginian, Allen, Liverpool, R K-rmit; Angélique,Edwards, Amsterdam, Schmidt. Favre i. Co.Bark Mary i. Jane. Fhtner, N Orleans, N'esm'ub, Leedsii C«.Br.^s Clinton, Lyon. Savannah, Sturges ii Clearrnau-

Ktrunan. Branscoai, N Orleans, Nesnnth, Leeds At C».Scbrs Julia. Slioeruaker, Apalachicola, John Ogdeni Ti-05a. ryl.-r. Wilmington, do: A M Hale. Bearse, BostomCh*s Pitman, Townsend, Philadelphia, A B Cool, y i. Ce.

ARRIVED.Ship Hi-irii Allen, WiLson. 6 days from Charleston, with

mdz-. t«> 1» Suttou.Scbráan penman. Howe, 11 days from Bermuda, Inbaiiast, in Middletou k Co.Seht William W Wier, 30 days from Kingston, Jamaica.»chrChiet Sachem, M a thews 10 days from Eastport.with plaster and lath, to Neboafc Brown.Sehr Lucy. Mean«, in days ¡rorn Portland, with molasses,

to lb»* master.Sehr Copy, 2 days from Nantuckrt, wiüi oil.Br sehr Catharine, Cro.by, 14 days from Yarmouth, N S,with wood, to J fl Braine.Scbr Cornelia, Davis, firm Boston, with mdte, to John

Si'-Vril«.Sciir Pocasset, Tucker, fl days from Eastport, with lath.

ate, tn the master.Sehr Mary Elizabeth. Clark. G davs from M il ford, Del.

wiih corn.Sch Jab« L White, Rogers, 3 davs from Philadelphia.with mdie.Sehr Helen Redmond, Shepard,2 days from N Bedford.

with oil and candle», to the master.Sehr Vesper, Smith. 2 days from N Be«iford, with oil.SchrDimon, Haliett, ti davs from Newbern, N C, wiih

naval stores, to M PlatLBELOW.Sehr New-York, from the West Indies ; also,2 brigs..Wind light, N E.

DISASTERS.Bark Si Clair, from Havre for New-Orleans, was blown

ashore on the morning of the 14th u!t on the N. E. end ofCut.n, be ween Neavita« and Puerto Principe- The cap¬tain, passengers and crew ¡eft the vf-«*el about dirk, andabout six hours nftf r she was seen in llames,and is lupposedto have been wholly destroyed.

Briir Edward k Kaland, arrived ai N Orleans, sprungaleak when 5 days out from Antigaa, and is now nearly wa¬ter lowered.

Il was reported at Halifax, Sth instant, tint the bris LadvHuntingi in, Stone, from N York -or Yarmouth, N. S., hadbeen cast away on ihe Novn Scotia coast.At Bass Harbñr, s-br Swift, ofand from Calais for Ros-

ion, before reported bilged and filled, was jrot ntF alter dis¬charging. Sehr Panama, Mi'ler, from Boston, of and ;orSulnvan, was driven ashore high up, and badly injured.Sch Velocity, Montgomery, from Calais for N York, was

at L f«lnnd. Me., 4th, with Inssof d*ck load on 3d.Halifax; N. S., Dec. 6..Sbio Orient, of Falmoulb, John

Duty, from Quebec for London, with timber, was towedinto Georgetown, P. E. L,Stkh ult., in a very lenkv state.

Briir Emerald, Sponagle, from Antigua for Lun'enbur»,put in at Harrington 16th ult,out S4 days, was h«ve on herbeam r-nds in the g*leof the Sth ulL, cut away mainmastto riç'it her, decks swept, ¿¿c.

Bri? Thomas fc Edward; Parker, 3S days from Antiguafor Liverpool. N. S , dragged from her anchors m Port La¬tour Harbor ou the night of 18th ult. in a gale, and wouhlprobably be lost. '_DCT .Tlcrcnntile Library Anaocintion..The

Fifth Lecture of the coarse will be delivered by ElutuBuaniTT, Ksq.. of Worcester, Mass., on Tuesday evening.13lh inst.,at balf-past »even o'clock, at the Broadway Tab¬ernacle. Subject."The indispensable character and ne¬cessity of popular Lectures in view of the present and pro¬spective want« of the community.''Tickets, 25 cent«, 10 b«? obtained at the Library or at the

door during the evening Doors open at a quarter before7 o'clock. By order.

«Ii:2. ISAAC;H. BAILEY, Kec. Secretary.Office of the New-York Bowery Fire Insurance Co. J

No. 124 Bowery, corner Grand. \XT Thin Compnuy continues to insure against Loss

and Damage by Fire at reduced rates of premium fromfirmer char^eslOfficenoors from S o'clock,A. M.to sunset.

JAMES LOVETT, President.pen. O....-.~., «.-..-y. (.>OO 111,

ANTED.A place by a nice younggirl for charaberwork or nurse, at No. 199 ilester-


WANTED.A situation by a capableProtestant girl for cooking or housework, at N ». 6

R««e ,tn et._dl3 31*

ANTED.A 9ituatiou by a smart, in¬dustrious girl for housework, at No. 115 Orange-


ANTED.A place by an industriousGirl for housework at 120 Molt it._dlS It»

;NTED.A situation by a nice Pro¬lestant girl tor housework or chainberwork. at 95

John street. dl3 It*

7 ANTED.A place by a good Englishv Cook, no excellent washer and ironer. Apply at 12

Ri-» 10¿ton street. dl33t*

ANTED.A place by a good steadytrirl for housework, 4tc. Apply at 14 Marion street.

.H It'

WANTED.A place by a good plaiuCook, vasher and ironer. Apply ai 112 Lauren»

sireft. dlS 2i*

W^AÑTÉTOSy a middle~aged Lady~asituaüon in a private family where, in consi«l<*ra-

tion «ii her services w.th ner needle, a small compensationbesides her board will be allowed. Address W. S, Tribuneoffise. _d 13 2i*

WANTED.-Sornetbiog to do..-The«ei viees ot a gentleman of education, «address and

1> perience in business, ure offered to any Merchant, Law¬yer, PiiV-ician, Institution or incorporation i for the winterorfor a longer period, for the small sum offen dollars perweek. The advertiser is able to produce satisfactory testi¬monials ofb"«capacity to keep boaks of aecnnnt md re¬

cord, to condncl correspondence, to report proceedings, \i,.Ir.ilt, 10 copy, 10 superintrnd merc.-intil" or mechanicalbusine**, to í«*i ai aeent or assistant in editorial dutiei. Mralso possesses ihe physical ability and constitution 10 an¬

swer any requirements ot occupation, a character to iruai-antee rectitude ol conduct.acquaintance to cive him ir.iiu-.-nee in many things, and a disposition to da ihe duty ol insstation to the sadslaclion of bis employer, tor the aboveiiii-iiii.-.iie«< «mall support for his small family. Address'. Valentine," at this office. _«¡l« 3t

TVTATIONAL GUAKD ReCTuiia..-AJ. n member of the ¿7tii Regiment, about Icavuig the city;i« desirous of dùposlng.ol fus equipments-, cansitliogrf a

lull dress and faii^ue, many articles of wh.ch are nearly or

quite a» -rood as new, ami will be sold cheap. Can be seen

at40aj Broadway. _'113 Iw«

^XTKA CHEAP ROOMS..Warm,_A cum fortab le an«! well-furnishe.t rooms, with Stoven them, can be obtained at 60 West Broadway, from $1 to$1 2."> p»-r week. Persons about changing iheir lod«;iii«rswill .¡o weil 10 call and see the««; rooms before engagingelsewhere. dl82t*

CeM^TÖtI overshoes.--DAY'S India Rubber Establishment. 4.5 Maiden

lane, is selünc; the Gentleman's Leather Soled Water Proofwarranted Moleskin Over-Shots.same as always sold bythis establishment, a« Itoxbary make, at retail, at the ex»

tretnejy low price of *ix shillings. In addition to the »hove.we oner lb* largest stock and greatest variety of RubberShoes and Over-Shoes, including oil our premium Over-Shoes, at wholesale and reui!, and every pair sold with .urname will be warranted, ami may be returned if the solesloosen Irom uppers, aiu odiers given in exchange or moneyrefunded- <H3

TO PRINTEKS..One super HóyalHand Press, Washington Patent, H«-*-* make, and oneStanding Press, will be sold al public vendue at 10 o'clock,A. M.. this day, a: 7\ Go!d-strett, by virtue of a mort:_'u"«\dJ3 ]*__'_SAXTON & MILES. Booksellers and

Stationers, 2«5 Broad wav. New York.Wholesale andRriaii Dealer* in Staudard, Theological. Classcal, Mi»cel-ianeoos and School Books- C. M. SAXTON,

dlS _K E. MILES.

TTOLIDAY PRESENTS.Just impor-L^L ted Fancy Work and o'.her Boxes, Watch and Tuer-niometer Stands, Card Case-, ««x. tc. of ornamental Mosaicwork a kind cevrr before offered in ihis city. Por saie bydis'lw» O. WICKE%'i>.^2U Hudson streeL


PMtSÉLLS k AGATE, esuhlished in 1823..In additionto their eneasjre assortmen: of Fasbiaaable Goods, the sab-s-rbers are rec-iving by every arrival Irom London andParis a iresh supplv of fashionable Scarfs and Crevais..Thrfr a»ruiient of fashionable Stocks, Scarfs, Cra»ate,ready made Linen, (lor which Use 5rst premium was award-e' hem at theia-efair of ihe American Institute) Glove«,Sunders Hoslerv, Silk, Menoo, lambswoo and buckskmSnSTnnd Drawerí, and all articles appertaining to a gen-


between Park place and Murray street.

P i.A. coulinue the manafactore of their celebrated1 Sbouídír'SSStd genJemens Rassia.ltiding Betts.

dfilm*_-fVIDEND..The Board of Directoraof-The Howard Insarance Company" have de-

: Sied °a D,TvidenS -f TEJTper e«L on the new captul,I payable on an after N°T^ *^LUP3, Secretary.1 November 15, MC. «I$2aia


A MERICAN MÜSEÜM-Marble build-_T_L ing. Broad*.ay, opposite St, PaaPs Cbtarc__.r>aTv-nter- ai.mitîtxi tbe same evening Free.Tbe Manager is happy to lnnoance that be has. at an ex-

»rittjrdmary expense en'gag-xi General TOM THUMB. Jr.Tbe most woi_ertul Dwirf in the World. Heâbatoorfoot and ten inches hitch, and weighs only "ifieeo poundsTSat being precisely bis weight -»hen thiee months old.He is lively and talkative, of une sy.mieoical proponkm,and is ucqn«rsno dv the greatest "living car'ooitv in th*?world. Ao engagrd. the LILL1PUTHX FAMILY oitea p*ribr_er« ; Mr. C. Saerman. the beut Comic Singer inAmerica Cei»-*»te, the admtmi Danseuse ; Miss Hrxw, tbecharniinç Sou,sues», the Fortune-Teding Gipsev Girl,-.«-,Abo exhibiting, ihe Fac Simile of tbe *»reai picture or Chris:Healirx? the Sill in the Terocie. bv Ben". * est. E«q. : theAlbin»« Lidy. and.500.«)0 Canousitw-s. Admjaara to all 26ce-u; children half price.


SEUM AND PICTURE GALLERY. Broadwav,oppovt»-the City HalLMr. H. B cx.nstt, Manager, has the bo.i*>r to announce thai

he ha-s at a very ¡jreat expense obtained the Dresses* wornby Queen Victoria and the Ditches» or Kent on lb»-ocrasion of Her Majesty's Marriage and Coronation.Sicxor Blitt. Magician. Plate Dancer ami YentnkxjuU;Miss Clémence, the Dan$eu«e; Mr. Wricht. the Faisettn

*. oculist; Mr. Brows, the Comic Staffer; Mr. Dklari'i.tbe Mimic: Magnificent Dresses, Menuaui. Museum. PicturrG.iüery.Perforni.tnc-t.Livt« Albino Deer.an.1 HALF A MILLION OF CURIOSITIES.ALL FUR ONE SHILLl.N.

M"ILIÏARY BALL..-The Livingston«nards will give a Ball on Friday evening, Dec. 23.

IS42. U the Apollo a iloo». TickeLs can !*e bad a* follow«.Of£ns!$a J. J. Dillon, No. C_ Pearls»., or «i»" l'olton-«;Brooklyn : Sei-geant P. H. Valham. 19 Bedlont-st.; Jam»*-.Hunter, 4w* Greenwich-st. »-or. of Hubert ; J. N. Wells, jr..!«tb Avenue, cor. of 20th street; or of the Treasurer, No. 1Vandara, cor. of Mc Domral-st,

W. H. DKMAREST. »*M*cretary.IT" Military gentlemen are requeued lo appear in uni-form. _«113 It*

COLT( >X\S MEDICATED CANDY.--Fleas,* a low me. through llie columns of your pup«*:,

to call the attention ol those \vh*> are satfering rrt»m cough-,CHldi, k.c. to a preparation for the relief of difficulties oi

Ibis kind by C. F. Cotton of this city.I have made frequent use of Cotton's Medicated Cough

Candy, and in all cases to my entire satisfaction. Alio, Ihave been personally acquainted in ri_.es of others whohave used it with likeresulLs.

It is evidently an a_reeab!e ami efficacious medicine, an»1may be taken freely without prejudicialelfectsupon ihe sys¬tem. In this last respect particularly it is decidedly supe¬rior to the generality of articles of the kind now oflTered inthe market as safe and «¡armies« medicine, ami is thereby,in connection with its medicinal merits,justly entitledl»*» thefirst and hiebest confidence of ihose who may wish tbe re¬lief which it claims to afford.

II is confidently believed one trial oí thi* CaHiiy canbardly tail to secure for it all lutore patronage.

It is for sale at the store of C. F. Coltonj Druggist, No.2iH Main-street, and by other Druggists in thecitw

H. T. WELLS.Hart'ord. Nov. SO, IS42. [N. E. V.'e-klv Review.Sold by A. B. 4 D. Sands, Druggists, Nos. 79 "and 100 Fut-

ton-sireeL at wholesale and retail; also sold by A. B.Sands _ Co., 273 Broadway, corner of Chainlvecs street ;David Sands it Co., 77 East" Broadway, corner of Mark t-»ire.-t. dl3 Im

CHRISTMAÖ PRESENTS.-.It wasfound in many families last season that Geologi*:»!

Cabin-is and Children's Bricks were more entertaining andinstructive, more durable, cheaper and better present» forchildren than any or all others that were procured for then;,they can be had at the Exchange Lyceum, No. 348 Broad«way. dlS 11*

P^lcWRÏAXnïbB iN-öNcHtWoir.Reduced in Price..The Life and Adventures of Rob-ius»-»n Crusoe. By Daniel De Foe. With a Memoir of theAuthor and Kssay on hi« Writing, illustr:ue<l with nearly560 spirited Engravings, by the* celebrate«. French art'?!.Grand-ville, forming one elegant »oíame, octavo, of £00pages Price reduced from .*j*2 50 to $1 75.

D. APPLKTON k CO. 200 Broadway.D. A. Co. have reduced the prices of the following popu¬

lar works :

Pictorial Life of Napoleon, 500 pint«, 2 vols, from $5 to$4; Pictorial Vicar of Wakefield, 200 plates, from $1 75 to

$1 25; A Gift from Fairy Land, by J. K. Pnulding, illu«-trate.l by Chapman, from $2 50 to $1 50; Spring and Sum¬mer and Autumn and Winter, capital Juveniles,* illutirnir-l,2 vols, either separate, from75 to 50 cents.A trreit variety of popular and valuable Juvenil»«« forsale

as above. dt:;

LANDS IN MTCHIGAÑT3Th"o"üiulersigned has been for nearly three years past constantly

encag-ed in the payment of taxes and other matters con¬nected with the titles of Real Estate la Michigan, North*ern Ohio, Indiana, be.For the greniei convenience ol persons owning landsnn I

wbhtafr correct information with regard lo qualityof null,timber, streams, i»e. and al«o their proximity to or remote¬ness from towns, villages, mills, public roads, Ate See, hehas «fn-j*»^e«l tf:r servlcm r»t n »-»»»trp«-»...,,' practical t¡urve>l.rto make a thorough examination of any lands of which hemay be furnished with schedules for that purpose.

li is oaufideoily believed iu.it the inibrmation thu« to beacquired cannot fail to be highly important and valuable tolandholders, inasmuch as they wilt be enabled to jadgt firmon> eoirectly of ihelr present and p»*ospective value.Correct maps or plat's of all tracts thus examined will be

kept by the undersigned, (and furnished, If desired,> aswell as accurate notes of ihe quality, value, Itc, the proba-ble expense of which will not, when the quantity is con¬siderable, an«! lying contiguous, exceed one and a half totwo cents per acre.The most satisfactory references given, Tbe undersigned

may be found lora few days at ihe Franklin House, or" a i-wav. from 10 «'clock, A. M. in 2 P. M.

d*13 Iw« J. L. WHITING, of Detroit, Michigan.

THE WORKS OF BURNS & COWPER, complete.-D. APPLKTON k CO. 200 Bread

way, have now ready the complete Poetical Works of Ro¬bert Bum«, with explanatory and elo«sarinl Notes, and alif»/of the author, by J.uues Curriv, M. D , one eleiÀntvolume of G00 pages, lömo., with a beactlfu! fronteipi'-e»«.SI 25.This is the most complete American edition, it contains tï.e

whole of the poetry comprised in the edition lately edll«Hlby CunniHgham, as well as some additional pieces, and lachnotes have been added *s are calculated to illustrate themanners and customs of Scotland, so as to render the wholemore intelligible to the English reader.D. A it Co. have just published, uniform with the ab >ve.

The complete Poetical Works of William Cnwper, E«q. in¬cluding the Hymn» and translations from Madams Guion,Milton, Itc, and Adam, a Sacred Drama, from the liaban ofBattista, Audreini, with a Memoir of'.be author, by the Rev.'H«*nrv Stehbing, A. M. One elegantly printed volume, ÜuOpages, lomo, with 3 beautiful frontespiece. % 130, or iotwovols. $175._

BAKERY..'Jhe subscriber, haviug re¬moved his old established Bakery from 179 Greenwich

«treet t». the commodious building No. ÜJ19 FULTON-STREET, one door above Greenwich street, informs hi«friends and old customers that he continues the baking olCakes and Crackers in every variety, fresh ever*,' day Th»well-known quality of his articles requin-s no r«*comm»*nda«t'ion.his Crackers,in particular, can be scarcely equade*'..Sliinperssupplie«! in any quantity (at short noticed neatlypncKeH, to go any distance. New-York", Dec. 1,1U42

iir-wis _IJ. P. WAUÍ)

LOST.Last evenins; (Monday) in com¬ing from the College ot Physicians and Surge».im in

CrOfcby-Stréet, along Spring to Broadway, as far as Hou«ion,tbe Cape ol B Lidy's <;oat the material silk and worsted,lignrea orsba/lad brown, writha small greenstripe* nedwitli gri*en silk, and trimmed with brown fringe. Thelin»4»=r will receive a «uitahle reward, and the thaiik« oi theowner, by leaving it at Dr. J. Kvarney Rodger-,St, No. HOBleecker-street. I*

NEW POEM.THÜL1A*: A Tale ofthe AnUUCtiO. By J- C. PALM-It, I '. S. N.

" Audax niunumqui fréta primus,Kate tarn Iragih perßdrepll.** [Seneca.

With twelve Illustration*., by A. T. Agate, on«- of the Ar-tisis of the Exploring Expedition.Thisdiy published by SAXTON* MILKS,

dl2 '.''-> Broadway.

HIGHLY IMPORTANT..DeafnewCured.. Soapa's Acoustic Oil..For the cure 61

Deafness, palas, and the d>.«charee ofmatter from the Ear»;;i! so, all those disagreeable noises, like the buzying ol In-I«ects, fnllmt* of water, whiiring of--.team, k<:., which are

symptoms ol approaching Deafne««, and also generally a>-

léndedw Üb disea.«e.The subjoined certificate will he read withmtere.-t.

- PfIlf_t)ELPHU, Oct. I, Ifftl.Messrs. Editors.Deafne«is a disease which ha« hiüjertn

been considered incurable, bat I ca» inform ihe pobhc watit is a mistaken idea. I have been deaf for ten year», and

concluded that 1 must remain s«; but not many i.vmiUi»since I saw in your paper anadverii*vmei\t «M Scarpu . OUfor Dealness. As tbe last resort I cyiciuded to iry It. I

am n»w happy to say I can hear as well m I ever d;_ i »'.'>

of my friends likewise ui«rd it. One of them was so deathai he used aa <-ar trumpet ; now he hears perfectly we,Iwithout it- The other was very much troubled with uoueJin the ears and Lead, and he at once found nfliaf, «..¦"«d wwell. Two bottles cured m.\ which 1 '."aisght gfttin-r well

pretty cheap. Silas Bccpef.. Secoal st,. below I weSold, at who'.çsne and retail, by A. B. it D.Sand*«. Dru*,'-

gi-ts. No. 7'J l?"ulton-s;.-eet, corner ot Gold, and 100 i alto«-rtreet. Also, s»j',d by David Sands Ai Co.. No. 11 East-Breadwar; A. B. Sands it Co , No. 273 Bn.adway, «rtv r

of Cha-> bers-suest. Price, $2. Al*o sold by Dr. DavidJayoe, No ai »rjaüi Third-itreet, Pliilyleipfaia, dU 1m

Tpo LET at 47ÍÍ Broadway, a handsomeJL front Room --r.-i ?_*.ry on 2d rloor.rent %2 ner week.

_S8t*_¿?& TO BE LËT~The_House No. 215-_i-aL Pearl-sire«!. Brooklyn..A hantis:;me new Hc>u«e,built in the modern style, with basement and attics, and atwo story tea room back, and an excelltnt cellar kitchen,with cistern water introduced by a pipe, pomp, coal vaults,and every appurtenance complete, all finished off in th*neatest and mo»t permanent ti-.dr.ner by clays' work.will helet to a good solvent UfBVn for a term of years at a verylow rent,

In<*a.Je a» No. 21a Peari-street, Brooklyn, next door, orat. -i Ann-street, New-York._ d.lw

gÄFOR SALE OR TO LET.A val-___. aable Farm on Lon»; Island, conveniently *itn»»edto ixe city, about two miles from Grand-street Ferry, <or>

lainicg about forty acres. Upon i*. are a large and comfor¬table d'relling bouse, good barn and other oui-hou-j-»-« Oothe piace are two docks, upon which vessels land rr.a.-.ure.If no; sold previous to the first of January, it will then Ix*to let. Also, one lot of about nine acre», to be soUl or letseparately. For panicalars, '».jaire at ihe office of J. J.A. Ebben, No. _ Wall-street._!_______S g^ "t>"F0R HUDSON. CATS-*^"^5^^_g_KILL and COXSACK.oras lar as '.ue

ice will permiL Stages will be in readiness. The »team-boil SUPERIOR, Capl. J. Gould, will l*_v . the Pier footof Chambers-street, this (Mom lay) afurrnoon, at 5 o'clock.For passage or freight, apply on beard or to J. B. Nicr-ol-st*o. 135 West-street.U.B-.Ail persons are forbid trust s? any one oo account

of Ui« »ü»ve boatt capuio ox owners. dl

AUCTION SAI,: *Josrah Kxharda. Aaciuiceer.

BY BANGS, RICHARDS & PLATT.Stare î*> Rrwutwa».

libes«) cast« astvaacea made on «*oí*«¿i;*!¡i*v-r.u tor 10t llOJ1sat«.WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY J- FRIDAY KVKNLNOs

Dec. 14. 15 and Iiî.Valuable Pr-aats LiBa^av..Tbe remaining portioc of

the valuable library of ihe laie S. O. Lung tree. E«q.w>uiseveral collections selected from other Libraries, includingan extewive collection of stvriin** authors in Civil and Kc-C '^-».«tical History and Biograpfcy, wwks >>. Eine Ait*..an extraordinary collection oí rare works on Amen»-a ;w.irks on Chess,'Heraldry, Angling. Typography,Bibhog*.rapby. Penmanship, Architecture. Antiquities. Cli<a¿ca|P.... «.»phy. Civil aa.1 Military- Engineering and Tactics;».¡jsir «vóras in the Oriental ..¿«inguiMíes. -Vo\ag«-sand Travels, work* on Medals ana Coins, elegant anil em¬bellished books, together with a large varvty of valutbomiscellaneous work* in standard Engti-4) Literature.

Among the Colieoúoii forWEDNESDAY (FIKST) EVEXIXü-S S.VLE. ARKBayle*s Great Hbtorical Dicuoaary S vofc. fol»; Abercrooa-bie's Martial Achievements o: the Sect i Nation 2 es foliParker1« Chronicle o! the Ku>e\oi England fol'o; hue foliocopy of Josepho*'» Work«; C .ciimerN Btaory e« tbe Otto¬manjKmpire lolio; PeUvius's H-siorv ot the'World iclwHaÀkeswo th's Voyages 3 vols quarto ; Drake's Vovnge*an Travels 3 vols tolo; »revel'« Tr¿»e(« *»d Hisuwv orthe Antiquities Of Europe S v.ts; (irret. Tesum* i ; Sic -

pbec«-s celebrated ard rare ed:n< not IMS: Crome*.N R.UO.UV« ol Robert Bums ; OldharuS Wot k« Rscsson'« Work«10 vs; The Brills.-. Martial 2 ». 1«; RklotYt Kn*lacd'sChampions; PurtendorfN History 7 v..- RicMh.na'sWorUö >o s ; BaríouN History of -.he House of Omngv qcarto ;Hone"' Mysteries ot Relicta» Miows; The Golde« Aasand Metamorpb«-ses of Apuleus 2 vsSn» ; Savage'» Dicttou-sry ol theArt of Printing; LuckombeN History of tbeOrigmand Progress ot' Printing; Boccaccio's D-Cameron 5 vs gvo.VW engravings, CarrnccioliS Lift of Clement Hih; Me-meirsoTCoentessd'AlvaSvs; History of t.'ie Suniatrans 2vs; Sully'* Memoirs 5 vols ; Koch's Hi«torv Kurof*«; Hi«io-rv Ol the Popish Plot; Memoirs oí Pius tjih ¿\o's : LordClarendon on Popish Miracles; Shirley « Work« ai d Poem*tJvid«; Pelham's Chronic.'«*« ot Crime J ».« Sro History 01ihe Ara -aus 4 vs; JuMauiond's Private Life ol" LouiVl.St.lt» vs; Clarendon's Uisterv of the Rebellion «5 v«; Wanta4t'*aWorks Mirabeau's System ot Nature-, vs; B- lifeaa^Work-Ovid's Meuunorpbosts Ane mho capv; Oçilbyfs Virgil fblto;l»ambado's Academy tor i-rowti llarsen-.en quarto copywiih plates; Stanley's History OfPbllOOphy 2 %i lobo;Tal«-s am! Jests of Hugh Peters quart.kc. Are. ¡MmBonks of Medals ami Cuin*.; curious olit Works «>n Fencing;Voyages and Travel»; Dei«tical Works and a number ofvery scarce works on Penmanship, Painting and Architec¬ture.

Am^ng the Collec-i«>n forTHURSDAY (SECOND) EVENING'S SALE. ARKPyae's History of the Royal Residence*, ion elegant color¬ed plates, 2 v$ quarto, richly bound in Turkey Morocco -

Boy-dell's Shakspeare Gallery; IW atlas folk*.*plates, balt'mnrocco ; ShnkspenreN Works, 12 v«, Longman's beautifuledition; British Poeis, 50 vs, calf hinding; Swift's Wotk».13 vs; Hinton's History ol the United S,ate*. 2 vj quarto ;Grotius «u War and Peace, folio ; Goldsmith's Works, 4 vs ;Johnson's Works,6 vs; Thompson's «to, 4 vs; Byron's do.8vs; Brown's do. 4 vs ; McCullock's Dictionary. 2 vs iBeaumont and Fletcher's Work», i«J ts, line copy; Boling-broke's do, 6 v$; Hume and Smollett's England, withHughes'« continuation, Paris edition, folio; Scapulae Lesi-con, quarto; Berkeley's Naval History, folio; Burnett'*:History of his own time, 2 vs, folio ; Hard's History' of Re¬ligious Rites, folio, many curious pin es: Travel's of Cyrus,quarto; Cibber's Works, quarto; Wilson's Ornithology;Manor's Voyages and Travels, 4 vs; Wariug on Archery.i.e. J.CANo, works relating to Shaksneare, a valuable collection

of English Catalogues and works on Typography, workson Heraldry, Ciic«s Angling:, Sporting, kc.IT Catalogues are now rendy and the books arrangedfor examination.

Y S. DRAPER, Jr.-^tortT 54 W il -

liara-street. corner of Pinr-«treet,TUKSDAY, Dec. IS.

At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room.Cloths AMD Cassimercs.Frem the shelves.on a credit

of MX months, for improved endorsed notes.2*0 pteces su¬perior West of England Cloths and Cassimeres,just im«ported.

WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14.At 10 o'clock, at the Auction Room.

Package Sale ok Fancy Goods, Tovs. i.e. inc..LOOcases of French nnd German Goods udapie«! to the comingseason.AUo, 200 sets of splendid Chinese carved ivory (;.»-«¦.-

Men.AL<o, 20 packages Chinese Chinchín haskeL«.Ais.,, ó cases Chinese Ucqucied bncktfitmmon itoarit.«.Also, an insoice superior Papier Munde Card Basken, 8,

10 and 12 incls.very rich, with bra« ImuiMe«.Also, an invoice of fine India Lacquered Tea Cuddle«

.with and without Tea.mid Backgammon Bounls.Ato, an invoice of rich Kait India bou<e-furnishing ar-

tiei>s, consisting of rich China Punch Bowl, Silver Basket«curious Ten Pot. laeqaered Centre Tables, ttc. fee.

Also, I cases assorted Tovs.THURSDAY, Dec. 15.

At 10 o'clock, at the auction room.Fke.ncii Goons.By CataJo«u«i. For a oproveti endorsed

notes at ts months.too enses French Silk Goods, comprisnigan extensive assortment of fancy and -!¦.:¦ '¦¦¦ articles 8f r«s-cent importations.

At 12o'clock, at the Merchant»' Exchange.Ba.ik Stock.For tbe benefit of whom It may concern.-25 shnres of die capital stock of the North River Bank ofibis city.

SATURDAY. Dec. 17.At 10 o'clock, at the nveiion mom.

Cloths akd Cashmcrî'.s.From tbe &heiv«.on «créditof six months, for approved endorsed notes.2u0 pieces su¬perior West ot Kurland Cloths and Canimerea, just im¬ported.

AT PRIVATE SALE.400 pjec»*s4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 red and while Canton Malting."V ALBA* KMî^Ile^ffiM"f^l

Bread, corm?r of Wall-streetA. K. will «give bis attention to the sale of Real Estate,

Slocks, Fnrniture and Out-Door Sales generally.Money procured on mortgage in sums to suit applicants.

AT PRIVATE SALE.One ot (!>«. imm[ desirable Pews in the middle side of St.

Bartholomew's Church (Lafaycue PUce.)A new 3 »tory dwelling house ami lot In University Place,

the 4th house abMve Eleventh »irent.The 2 »tory «fwelling house and lot No. 2H0 Fourdi-sueet

overlooking "Washington Square._Thea suiry dwelling house and lot No.J72 D'Wnejtreet.

L^AÏÏÏK^ÎNDIA RUBBER ÖVER-SHOES, at J. B, Miller', La«lles' Shoe Store. 142

Canat-sC. 1 havenowonhnml,and constantly receiving fromthe celebratml manufactory of Horace H. Day, India rubberOvershoes of all the styles, as gwod In quality and as lowin price as can be obtained al and store in New-York. Li-dies' Gaiter Boots, of ¡ill the fashionable colors, on hand ormade to order ai short notice.Whit* and black Satin Slippers ibr balls, parlies, weds

«fings, ir.. undress«*d and blick morocco tin and buskin^double soles) ot 10 shillings per pair, warranted 50 per centhandsomer»«».! buitcr than ib'^e sold al the cheap stores a Ione dollar per pair.Ladies are particulaily requested m mil, -v-«, and )U<J/<»

for themselves, ai J. B. .MILLER, 142 Ca«aUl.,d3 6t eod'ic between Thompson and Sullivan-sts.

GOLDSMITH'S WRITING and Book-KKKPING ACADEMY, 254 Broadway,directlv op-

-ite thv City Hail, entrance at the door ol the New YorkMuseum.M G. respectfully iulornm the citizens ol New \oik and

Brook vu thai his spacious apartments for Ihe instruction ofPBNNMANSHlPand BOOKKEEPING are now openduring the day and evening lor the reception ol pupils andvisitor«. Mr. G.'s »pecimriis of oT-han«! Penman-hip havewon the i/iRST hrkmh-'m ihr«?' consecutive year* at thegreat Fair» ol ihe ^riKricon institute. Mr. íí. pledges him¬self to impartió all in 10 lessons of one hour each. Ins mil«:,admired system of Mercantile and Kpidolary Writing, or

«rum the money al the expiration of the lessons. The gen¬tlemen are laugbt a bold, free and dashing slyle ol mern»-tilr penmanship, written with ihe greatest rapl.lity. II«*ladies acquire n beautiful style of Epistolary Wr.ting-ai-invaluanl«; accomplishment Ul Hie sex. Book-keeping by«touble ami single entry taught by Mr. W. 'I. Plummer, a

practical Accountant. ., . ,Terms for a coursetf Mercantile and Epidolarv writing

nv?. uoixaks, inclndlng itattomnry. Bonk-keeping 910 ioran unlimited attendance, payable in advance.

Stranger» vi«itlng the City mav receive a course ol writ¬

ing lessons in two or three days- The Ladies C rasse» meetdaiiy from II to 1 o'clock; Gentlemen at 9 A. M. ami .1, 7ami 8 P. M. Private instruction given.Fon Sale at the Academy, u superior article of »5*»»-«-


ie¡..ied as a Safetv L<jck for Stores, Ottices, Bank», haurs,Hall D:,ijr,, kc. 'The p«-cnliar merits ot th« l^ock eor.«stin ts simple metho<i of e« nutrudion, posses#.ing ail the se¬

curity of die most expensive Combination Lock, at ihcf*m*time being very durable and n*.t at all likely to get out 01order. These »jualit«/«, with the «v>roparatively low priceat whiçW li is sold, cannot fail of recommending ¡t to allWho wish to avail themselves of the most perfect securityaguin-t burglars.They are manufacturees-Jby TnsHoE Printing Press.Ma¬

chine and Saw Manufactory, 2Í) ano 31 Gold street, whereail orders from the C-ty or any part of the United Stateswill be promptly supplied. The Locks will be fornubedwith or willioui knob« and latches as mav be desired- Thepalcr.lte may be found al th»- »aid establishment and w"1attemi W putting on the locks in any part ol the city.The following gentlemen of the ftr»t mechanical talent

bave examined the Lock, an«i given c«rrtificates to the in-

verxor, commendatory of its superior merit«.Minard Lefever. Architect, No. «>1 Merchants' ExchangeC. Pollard, Architect, No. 6 Broad »t.E. J. Webb, Architect, corner of John and Nassau sts.Itbi»l Town, Archiva, Na 93 Merchants' Kxr.hange.Richard Upjobn, Architect, Trinity Cbnrch-H. W. Sawyer, Architect. 129 Ftxlton »r.Johnson k Jones, Architects, corner of Chamber« It and

3roadway._«>7 lwi<

ATCHES lower than ever..In con-seqneaee of the re«Suciion of duties by the late

lower than they can t>e I*ö0^!il ior at any ouir, r~-ihe city G« II Watches « low a« W to $25 *£?"ïat^' «à /.weiry e«h«»ge<l or bought. M***»warranted to keep tr«x>l. tune or die money *&**£.Watches and Clocks repaired in the best manner, auo war

ranted.'at muchlW than ihe usual price*. j ¡^(l r Alt Dl Importer of Wairw «a'1 Jewetery,oirg-tf- A WholS S««atatL»Wag^^s«m¿t.«TNDIA RUBBER SHOES^.We con-

1 tiuue to sHl this necessary article a|¦ P/^n»n*^,»g«ever knowa, ,K, by lb, csm or dozen ¦»'?»¦ f^Sr^tper pair; figured, -JTJc. Terms caw. KW "gg^«Uned aorf Fur trimmed. Mens tue only sold at retailPrice for tbe »Wquahty 1« 75<*eats. w,-.- .-.^Ï- CORDING k SO?t,j« « Jtef««SL."dJ¡26Ü»* 2d «loor below^Matden ***>*'

rLK'BL^îrâWXnRGS, aewrtedS numbers, ¡art r«wi»ed and f->r -ale tyWILLIAMS, RANKIN it PK-N'»U'it'í'

dîô 3tis» 63 Wiliiam-ïtreet, coc- Ce«lar,