New Gods Collected

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  • 7/31/2019 New Gods Collected


  • 7/31/2019 New Gods Collected


    New Gods #1

    "Exodus", Part I of II

    Written by Kevin Feeney

    Cover by Craig Cermak

    Edited by Charles Wilkins

  • 7/31/2019 New Gods Collected


    Previously, in the DC2-

    The Gods lived on two worlds- one Heaven, the other Hell. Heaven was despoiled by the Dark Side. Hell brought

    war to Earth. Earth won. Now, with Darkseid and his nemesis Highfather imprisoned beyond the end of space, the

    dark legions are scattered and the just New Gods rule over the once-foul Apokolips. It is a new dawn for the Fourth


    Three Days after the Battle of Armagetto

    If a planet could be said to be weeping, then that was what Earth was doing. The green and blue worlds orbit seemedmournful to match the hearts and minds of its people. In many ways, they should have been rejoicing- they had won a

    great victory scant days ago, and liberated their planet. But victory could not wipe away the many losses sustained, both

    by the orbs inhabitants and its protectors. And as wins went, this had been a steep one, with uncountable casualties

    spiralling well into the millions. There were few cities left untouched by the global war that had ravaged its surface-and that went for cities both ordinary and extraordinary.

    Because for the last three days, a city unlike any other had been hovering over the United States.

    Even to one who had travelled the length and breadth of the universe, seen star-spanning empires encompassing trillions

    of sentient beings, crossed dimensions, witnessed the evolution of species from single celled organisms to theconquerors of galaxies, there could still be found no greater glory or splendour in the universe than the golden spires of

    the floating city. The hovering metropolis contained a thousand buildings of a thousand different shapes and structure.Here in what had once been the capital of the world named Genesis, art was prized almost above function, and the

    fantastic, almost impossible architecture of the citadel in the sky bore testament to that priority. Even now, in theaftermath of a brutal and terrible war, it remained demonstration of the capabilities of its residents. When one asked

    what made the residents of the Fourth World Gods rather than aliens, Supertown was all the answer that wasnecessary. And now smoke rose from the ruins of what had once been its most prestigious structures.

    Three figures stood atop the tallest standing tower, at the centre of the gleaming citadel, gazing out on the devastation

    below. The youngest of the figures wore a torn white bodysuit broken by golden gauntlets and red trunks. His handsomeface did not bear its customary smile; instead, for once in his life, Lightray was grim. Beside him was a figure who was

    his opposite in almost every way- where Lightray was young and fit, Himon was much older, as his receding grey hair

    and his lined face could attest. Even his garb was darker- he wore a tattered green and black robe which was too large- aremnant from happier days when the now thin New God had been able to fill out the clothes with ease. He too bore a

    frown. And finally, there was Orion. The Dog of War, like his companions, was far from merry on this day despite his

    peoples victory, but for him, it was a near constant. Few indeed were the smiles that had ever crossed his lips. Clad inhis traditional red uniform, he carried his infamous silver helm, with its emblem of a glowing star, under one arm, and

    his eyes betrayed unaccustomedly emotions the warrior would never admit to possessing. Loss. Pain. And perhaps evena little fear.

    It has been a long week, Himon murmured, breaking the silence that had pervaded since they came to stand there

    hours ago. It will only get longer.

    We won, Lightray objected weakly, though there was little optimism in his voice, which only served to underminejust how bad things had become. We can thank the Source for that.

    And it only took a few million deaths and the destruction of our home-world to do it, Orion snarled in response. Yes,

    we won. My father, curse his blasted name, is sealed away forever, and his dark legions scattered. But at what cost? Heturned to fix his glare on Himon. Genesis is still dead. And now Highfather is gone too. Its twilight for our people,

    Himon. The elder God shook his head, placing a hand on Orions shoulder.

    No, he spoke calmly, confidently, though not without some sadness. This is not an end, Orion. Its a new beginning.A chance to start fresh. Darkseid is sealed away, Virman Vunderbarr, Kalibak, Steppenwolf and the rest of his loathsome

    old guard are in our custody, or that of Earth, and besides that foul witch Granny Goodness and some of her minions,

    our enemies are defeated or dead. Supertown may have been decimated in the war but we shall rebuild her, greaterthan before. And then we shall rebuild Apokolips, and make it good, and pure, as it should always have been.

    Lightray nodded energetically, his spirits restored somewhat by Himons words. He added his own, to break his best

    friends customary scowling demeanour.

    Highfather Izaya may have passed on, but his wisdom is still with us, Orion. Superman presented me with his staff to

    hold until we can find Scott and

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    Scott Orion murmured. Hes abandoned his duties to his home-world, to his people! He was Highfathers son, its

    his duty to take up his role and

    No, my young friend, Himon broke in. Scott has spent his entire life trying to attain freedom from his past. Now thathe has it, it would be wrong to take it from him again. You know that as well as we do. No, the truth of the matter here

    is that youre afraid.

    In another time, another place, Orion would have roared a response and challenged Himon to a battle right there andthen. But things changed, and instead, he merely turned his head away for a long moment.

    Im not the right choice he muttered at last, but at that Lightray gave a whoop and clapped him on the back.

    So thats whats been bothering you! he exclaimed. Well, thats a load off my mind. He laughed at the bewilderment

    on his old friends face. Of course you are. He began to tick off on his fingers. Youre the foster son of Highfather.Youre the best war leader the New Gods have ever had. Your speeches can stir up a persons blood like no one else Ive

    ever seen, and though you dont like to show it, youre one of the most intelligent New Gods there is. Orion, youre theperfectchoice.

    You leave out one little detail, snapped Orion, goaded and enraged by his friends levity- even Himon was smiling

    softly now. Im the scion ofDarkseid. I know more evil than any other God in the city!

    And that, Himon pointed out softly. Is precisely why youre the best possible candidate to lead us. Because no oneelse knows our enemy as well as you do. A long silence fell over the three as Orion simply stared between them,

    shoulders heaving as he took deep breaths and considered his friends words for a long moment.

    The future we will build on Apokolips, Himon said at last, gazing intently into Orions eyes with his own gleamingblue ones. Will echo down through the ages. We will extinguish the fire-pits and replace them with fields and rivers

    and valleys- we will build a kingdom of conscience, a paradise, a Heaven. What we do, Orion, will be told on athousand worlds formillennia to come. For a moment, Orion looked back at him uncertainly. Then his gaze slipped to

    Lightray, who nodded slowly, an encouraging smile on his face. At last, his shoulders sagged and he relented.

    Alright, he conceded. Lets do it. With a crackle of energy, Lightray hopped into the air and hovered alongside the

    two, his grin widening now.

    Okay then, Highfather Orion. Lets go greet your people!

    Right Now

    Steam poured into the air above the planet formerly known as Apokolips. Colossal billowing clouds hot enough to

    utterly consume any being and leave no trace at all, reaching temperatures literally reaching thousands of degreespoured expanded ever outwards from a massive crater in the ground, filling the horizon, visible for hundreds of miles

    around. With the dark smog reaching high like some terrible black hand clawing from the ground, it was as though

    Darkseid was in power again and wreaking his evils.

    Only one being remained within a hundred miles of the crater, floating in a golden harness. His entire body glowed withenergy and it was taking the combined might of the mysterious Astro-Force he wielded, the power of the Source he

    could call upon and all the shields his Mother Box could throw up to prevent him from being atomized by the massivetemperatures at hand. But Highfather Orion was well content. Far above the steam, huge turbines mounted in Genesian

    battleships helped cool the scalding gas- not enough to condense it, but enough that it no longer proved quite so lethal.On the contrary, within days, it would provide rain to regions which had never known such a weather system. Beneath

    his helmet, Orions eyes squinted through the smoke, unconsciously activating Mother Boxs filters to allow him to see.

    He could see no flame above the crater any more- it was time to move on.Phase Alpha is complete, he barked crisply into Mother Box, knowing she would pass it on to the massed New Gods

    waiting beyond the declared 100 mile radius. We have managed to douse the flames above surface level- move in withphase two now. This was the most important stage. It had taken months to gather and harvest sufficient water supplies

    for this purpose. Once, Apokolips had blossomed with massive firepits, miles wide- belching foul tongues of flame intothe noxious sky and easily visible from space. It had taken many months, but the New Gods of Genesis had devised a

    means to quench them, and one by one, the fire pits were extinguished. Now, only this last one remained. Orions eyes

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    narrowed further- soon, the last remnant of his fathers foul reign would be swept away.

    Even as he watched, the flow of steam choked and suddenly the amount bursting forth began to lessen. That meant theBug engineers had done their work- the vacuum field was now in effect. The flames of the firepits sprang from the

    worlds molten core. In order to douse them, the New Gods had to first pour colossal amounts of water onto the outerflames. It was obviously impossible to completely extinguish them- there was simply not enough water, and the flames

    simply incinerated any liquid further down, but they had been able to pour on enough to force down the massive

    columns of flame which bursted up over a hundred kilometers high from the surface of the world back down into theircraters. Now they activated a specially installed vacuum field which took over a month to prep. It would suck out all theoxygen from the column of flame for Source knew how deep into the planetary mantle. Without air, the flames were

    unable to feed, and gradually went out.

    Time went by, and the steam cleared still more. Over an hour passed, and Orion waited ever more impatiently, shooting

    frequent glances at Mother Box to ensure he wasnt missing a communication. Waiting had never been his strong point.

    At last, when enough of the steam had passed up to the cooling ships, the final phase began. An entire convoy ofbehemoth transport ships passed low to the planets surface, hauling an absolutely enormous circular plate of metal. So

    huge was the plate that it seemed as though even this flotilla could not sustain its weight, but just when Orion fearedthey would need more ships, they got into position and released their cargo.

    With a thump which echoed across the planet, the plate crashed down over the hole which had once been a firepit,

    sealing the crack in the surface like a giant cork. The Dog of War finally allowed himself to relax back in his harness,removing his helmet and wiping a brow he had not even known was sweating. For the first time in a long while, he

    allowed a smile to disturb his misshapen face.

    This is Highfather to Himon, he said into his Mother Box, allowing some relief to enter his voice. Im cominghome.

    Yes, lord, came his old allys response immediately. And may I say well done, sir!

    Thank you, Himon, he responded genuinely. And the same to you. I think we can finally make the announcement

    weve talked about. If you would, please call the Gods together. For the first time since he had assumed theleadership of the world which had once been called Apokolips, Orion, ruler of New Genesis, felt that all was well.


    This displeases me,

    I know, dear.

    These mortals have no respect for one another- shoving and pushing endlessly

    Weve both experienced worse,

    That was from fellow Gods! These are mortals! What gives them the right.

    I know, dear, youve said this before.

    .Are you patronizing me, Scott?

    I, my dear Barda? Never!

    They made an odd couple as they pushed their way through the crowds in the Iowa shopping mall. He was a man ofordinary stature, with dark hair and unusually quick blue eyes- fairly ordinary-looking in his jacket and jeans. She, on

    the other hand, was anything but. She was far taller and more muscular than any other person present, dwarfing hercompanion. Her expression was haughty, with a trace of arrogance, and she looked distinctly out of place in a skirt and

    blouse it had taken Scott over an hour to talk her into. In short, Scott decided, going underground as normal Americanswas probably not the best idea hed ever had.

    Remind me again why were here, Scott?

    Yes, dear, he kept his voice controlled as they kept walking, attracting the stares of almost everyone they passed.

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    Scott tried to ignore them- Barda kept looking disdainfully around her. She was a good woman- kind, compassionate,and caring. But all the same, it wasnt that long ago shed been a captain among Darkseids vicious female furies, and

    traces of her old arrogance- her old self, still lingered. Still, he reflected, it kept a partnership interesting! We need tostock up on food supplies again.

    We did this last week, she responded. It was not a question. He nodded.

    And now its time to do it again. Her eyebrows flickered.

    I continually forget how regularly people here require sustenance. Though I have to say, given the standard of food, its

    hardly surprising they eat more regularly here than Apokolips! Scott nodded, hiding a smirk. Despite her surfacecomplaints, Barda was a bigfan of the Big Mac. Well, of several Big Macs at once, to be precise. Etiquette was not

    prized on Apokolips.

    Not that Scott himself could claim to be any expert either. He had lived most of his life as a prisoner on Apokolipsbefore he escaped, traveled across America, and then in the midst of battle, met Barda. She had saved his life in the

    invasion, and they had been together here on Earth ever since. Scotts father, Highfather Izaya, had been a casualty ofthe battle, and though he had no intention of taking on his fathers role- Mister Miracle was not meant to rule- the young

    New God still maintained occasional Mother Box communications with his friend Orion on New Genesis, as Apokolipswas now known.

    I have to say, Barda interrupted his reverie. I could get used to a life on Earth. He turned to her with a surprised


    Really? Youre not just saying that?

    She smiled back at him, some amusement in her eyes. Of course not. The mortals can be quite interesting, in theirown way. And of course Im with you, Scott. The young New God suddenly felt a rush of affection which was

    difficult to contain, and offered a silent prayer of thanks to the Source in his mind. Thank you. For her. Despite all thatshappened to both of us, despite all the adversity and torment and horror thank you for her

    I just wish I didnt make us stand out so much, Barda reflected, shaking her head as more astonished locals ducked

    out of their way- they were now approaching the food court.

    Relax, Scott reassured her. Well be fitting right in before you know it!

    And that was precisely when shouts sounded from several directions at once and the crowd began to rapidly move. Inconfusion, the two turned, Scott placing a hand on his mother box and Barda instinctively reaching for where her Mega

    Rod should be, if it was not back at their house. Suddenly, armoured soldiers burst out of the crowd, training their rifleson the pair. In mere seconds, they were completely surrounded. Two officers in great coats- one of them quite large with

    blonde hair and glasses, one of them smaller with a goatee which was losing its battle against grey, pushed their waythrough to the front of the crowd- both had drawn pistols.

    Id say we found them, Clev, the smaller one mused.

    Looks like it, Bill. Unless you see anyone else around here looking like the damn statue of liberty just took up and ran

    away. He paused, as though to think about it. Do you, by any chance? Because I am once again, in the revolving doorwhich is my love life, looking for someone special, and I imagine Lady Liberty to be one hell of a girl.

    Unique, Ill grant you that. I thought you swore off swearing?

    I thought you gave a damn whether or not we completed our assignment. The taller man nodded, conceding the point,

    and turned back to the bewildered pair.

    Barda of Apokolips, he barked, sounding more serious- and a shiver ran up Scotts spine as he realized the

    implications of what had just been said, just as a murmur began to run through the crowd. Were with the DEO. Youreunder arrest for crimes against humanity. The other agent leant forwards, tapping the barrel of the pistol he was aiming

    at her.

    Id suggest you come quietly.


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    New Genesis was a planet in balance.

    There was a time, before the invasion of Earth, when it was still known as Apokolips and ruled by dread Darkseid,when the planet had represented the ultimate evil. It was darkness to the planet Genesis light. When men on Earth

    spoke of Hell, their descriptions would not have felt at all out of place to the denizens of Armagetto, the massive

    sprawling capital of Apokolips, or to the slaves who had toiled endlessly to work its flame pits in order to cater for theiroverlords war machine.

    Now the world represented neither evil nor good, instead showcasing an almost entirely equal and yet uneasy trucebetween the elements of light and dark.

    The skies did not blaze as red as tongues of flame, nor the dark of blackest night as once they had but nor did they yet

    reflect the bright, shining blue of the skies that had once been over Genesis. It was a grey sky that hung over thechanged world, a sky in transition- though what it was transitioning to was in the hands of the immortals who walked

    the worlds surface. No more fire gushed forth from the worlds surface now, and the New Gods who tried to tend theworld had even managed to coax a small but expanding ocean on the planets southern pole- but the waters were dull,

    grey and lifeless. They might yet evolve, given time, into lush seas- but equally so, they could easily be scalded fromthe planet by a malevolent force.

    Even the urban metropolis of Armagetto was radically changed by the planets change of ownership. Darkseids palace

    had been razed to the ground, and in its place had been placed a giant hospital, the very antithesis of all the dark onehad stood for. It had been Lightrays idea- few places needed more care than the centre of the slave town. All statues of

    the overlord had been dismantled and melted down, and the Genesians had tried hard to supply the confused andbewildered former slaves, many of whom had never known any lives but their current ones. There was plenty of work

    to be done, but most of the former slaves were frightened and at a loss at the idea of having a choice of whether or notto do it, and food and drink whenever they wanted. With expanding water systems, sanitary facilities and even schools

    and hospices across the vast city, it was slowly becoming less of a city of the damned and more of a city with potentialyet to be tapped.

    And then there were the once barren deserts, now half seeded with life. For every acre which was still a rocky

    wasteland, there came another which was now being used as the beginnings of a seedling farm- for every abandoned

    resource mine there was now a water digging facility. Despite how much was still wrong with the world, for the firsttime in its history, there seemed the potential that Apokolips could be saved.

    And for Virman Vunderbar and Desaad, that was simply unacceptable.

    Fools, spat Desaad from beneath his voluminous, tattered purple robe as he peered out of the secluded rock-cave in

    one of the planets remaining wastelands. Mindless cringingfools! Do they have any idea how much work we put intochannelling the planetary core into those pits? The gaunt, thin figure who had once been Darkseids chief torturer

    wrung his withered hands, a look of contempt crossing his ugly face. It could take years before we can harness thatenergy again.

    I have heard this all before, Desaad, sneered the New God standing behind him. Und ve are no closer to stopping it

    now than ve vere then. Desaad whipped around to glare harshly at the taller figure, still clad in a faded red uniformwith gold embroidery which had long since lost its gleam. Virman Vunderbar still wore a monocle, although it was

    cracked, and he still insisted on slicking back his dark, greasy hair- as though appearance mattered now.

    Not true, Vunderbar, he responded silkily. We are closer ever closer. Were just not moving fast enough Thefire-pits temporarily forgotten, he considered for a moment.

    Und the responsibility is onyourhead. You guaranteed us you could provide us vith a being who was strong enough

    for our purposes!

    Desaads eyes narrowed- it had been a bone of contention for weeks.

    You know my answer. These New Gods know nothing- we need to capture someone higher up in their hierarchy to tellus where they are. And where they go, he goes.

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    Vunderbar scowled again, deeper than before.

    I vill not risk more troops. Ve have lost most of our parademons in this var already, and the new breed will not be ready

    for some time. Desaad merely shrugged.

    Then send in the Furies. Even without Granny, that should be sufficient, particularly under your so-called strategic

    genius, the torturer snorted. But you know we cant proceed without Steppenwolf and Kanto, who despite all yourpromises continue to reside in their prisons.

    Ja, that is true. But I am not so sure about you Vunderbar stepped closer to Desaad, anger etched on his face onehand on the pistol clipped into his belt.

    Please, Desaad spat. We both know you needme to control him. And without him, you have nothing. He turned his

    back on the fuming military commander, walking deeper back into their extensive cave network. Ill expect fresh meatby nightfall.

    Vunderbar glared after him, trembling in rage, but he forced himself to let go. Vengeance on that odious little worm

    would come after he had restored the pride of Apokolips. And there would be plenty of time to torture the torturer whenhe was lord overallthe New Gods.


    Mother of Moses! came the voice of Agent Bill Nodel as he flew several metres to crash into a nearby wall. Screamssounded in the crowded mall as the crowd threw themselves to the floor and the soldiers- all from the local National

    Guard unit and specially commandeered for this mission- opened fire.

    No! shouted Scott over the commotion, but Bardas battle rage had been ignited and she would not stop. Ignoring thebullets which shredded her clothes to expose the Apokoliptian battle armour she had never ceased wearing despite

    Scotts recommendations, she grabbed the nearest rifle and ripped it in two with ease, eyes flashing with rage.

    Come quietly? she shouted, punching a hole straight through the riot shield held my another guard. COME

    QUIETLY? Several guards tired to rush her but she simply threw them backwards with a shrug of her shoulders. Scottwas a hero of the war! We fought to overthrow Darkseid! And now you mortals wish to judge the Gods for what we didto save your planet?

    Cursing very colourfully with words even he had not known were in his vocabulary, agent Clevenger fired off another

    shot or two at the rampaging Apokoliptian before conceding that pistols were probably not going to do the job. He ran

    over to where Nodel had fallen, but his friend was alright, if a bit shaken.

    Wasnt sure you could survive a throw like that at your age!

    Cant say I was that sure either, replied Nodel shakily.

    Well, now we know,

    That we do.

    They both stood and watched as Barda tore through the Guards- always non-lethally, throwing them on all sides. Behind

    her, her partner had abandoned his attempts to discourage her and had instead shed his own ordinary clothes for someridiculous red-and-green outfit, with what appeared to be a hovering silver discus under each foot. He too was currently

    in the process of destroying their carefully picked team, zipping in and out of their blasts and distracting them enoughfor Barda to take them out. They were one hell of a team.

    So, we were most definitely given bad info on this one

    You think so, Clev?

    Yup, Id say the powers-that-be royally screwed this one up. They paused for a second, as Nodel scratched the back of

    his head.

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    Ill say this though yknow when I was thrown?


    When the really, really big woman threw me across the room?

    Yeah, I know what you mean

    Ive had dreams like that.


    Just saying, man.

    Thank you for that, Bill. That is absolutely an image I needed to be loaded up with. But if youre done fantasizingClev advanced, his mind made up. I think its time for Plan B.

    Barda grabbed the next agent and threw him against the nearest wall. As he reeled, she brought both fists together and

    raised them into the air when.

    Wait! Wait! It was the two numskulls who had started this whole thing. They were both waving their hands. The bigone spoke first.

    Look, we didnt.

    Not interested, Barda responded curtly, and pummelled the man she had been fighting. The two shared a glance, but

    Mister Miracle suddenly appeared in front of them, atop his hover discs.

    I am, he told them sincerely. What is it, officers? Clev spoke first, his voice a harsh whisper.

    Listen, we didnt its not.

    We need your help, supplied his partner. Even beneath the mask, Scotts scepticism was clear.

    No, seriously, we we couldnt be seen asking aliens for it, so we were told to take you in under the pretence of

    arresting you. Its important!

    Very important, Clev nodded.

    Extremely important! Scott was, for some reason, less than convinced.

    You were told to take us in? He whistled. Whoever gives you your orders knows absolutely nothingabout my

    partner, do they?

    It would appear not, conceded Clev as a battle cry sounded from behind them and another man flew through the air.Look, we know you wont believe us, and I dont know what I can say to convince you. Except. We overheard these

    two words.

    He told Scott the words. Scotts face was suddenly deadly serious.

    Barda! he called out. Things have changed. Lets go with the officers.


    Metron the Chronicler sat on his floating green mobius chair, fingers customarily knit before a face which was

    constantly impassive. Below him, Supertown had gathered. Almost every New God who was not a renegade hadgathered in the main plaza, with the exceptions of Mister Miracle and Big Barda. Every inch of the square, and a

    significant chunk of the sky above it, was full of New Gods- old, young, male, female, all sorts. It was the first timesince the aftermath of the invasion that Highfather Orion had announced a grand gathering, and rumor ran rampant as to

    what he would announce. A new policy to hunt down Vunderbars rebels? Or simply a self congratulatory speech about

    the extinction of the last fire pit? Orion was not given to small talk, if he had ordered them gathered, it had to be for

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    something big. Of course, Metron knew exactly what. He had observed the New Gods for millennia, he was a master oftime itself, he knew all that transpired on this world and most others. Today, he knew, would be momentous.

    His reverie was interrupted as he heard a whizzing noise behind him.

    Lightray, his heavy voice pronounced softly, without turning his head at all. I would have thought youd be with

    Highfather Orion. After all, this is going to be one of the most important days in the remaining time the Fourth World

    has Sighing, Lightray flew forwards to hover beside him.

    Some day, Metron, Ill work out how you always know its me,

    No, Metron stated simply. You will not. A brief silence fell, but Lightray was not

    one to have his spirits dampened for long.

    So you know exactly what Orions about to say, right?

    Of course, Metron nodded his head a fraction.

    And why are you here, Metron? You only show up to record significant things, right? Metron hesitated for a longmoment before responding slowly.

    The path Orion begins today will be cataclysmic to not only our reality, but all realities, and it will quite possibly bring

    the Fourth World to its dnouement. He said it all in a precise, matter of fact tone, as though discussing some minorchange in the climate. I think that qualifies as significant. Lightray simply stared at his companion for a moment,

    stunned. He was interrupted by a loud bleeping from his Mother Box. He glanced down at it, then back at Metron, andthen down at the Mother Box again.

    Orion just wanted to know why you were here he murmured. Id better get back there With one last glance

    at the utterly impassive Chronicler, he turned and zipped away.

    Orion looked out at the assembled throngs of Gods beneath him and felt a surge of pride in his breast. It had been adifficult year indeed, but it was over. There had been many times where his frustration and rage had threatened to seizehim, but with the help of Himon and Lightray, he had mastered them, he had managed even to partially discard them,

    though they would always be part of him. But these were good times. They were finally making progress at throwingback the shadow of Darkseids reign on this planet, and today would mark a turning point to be remembered in all

    history. Let Virman Vunderbarr cower in despair, wherever he was. Today, Orion made history.

    My people, he called out over the masses, hovering high above in his astro-harness ,his image projected by MotherBoxes to every corner of the square. Today, we have made the greatest step yet in destroying the remnants of

    Darkseids reign over this world! He allowed a slight smile onto his face below the helmet, and thought of whatHighfather would say if he were there now. The fire pits are extinguished! No more does their noxious stench pollute

    our world; no longer do they spew forth ugly flames to dominate our surroundings! They are gone, and with them gothe last trace of Apokolips! The Gods burst out in cheers, and Orions eyes scanned the crowd. He knew Bekka,

    Himon and Lightray were floating proudly behind him, his smile widened as he basked in their approval. Once an

    outcast, a renegade, a mere Dog of War, now he was a leader!

    So weak The whip curled backwards, and the God it had ensnared fell dead to the floor. Clearly they left onlytheir stupidest warriors to guard the prisons. Your brothers intelligence was right- the majority are in that golden

    monstrosity they call a city.

    Hah. These fools breed them from the wrong stock. Lord Darkseid would never have permitted such weaklings tostand guard over the prisons! Another New God whimpered slightly as he attempted to crawl away unnoticed, but a

    massive foot crashed down on his skull, crushing it ruthlessly.

    You got that right, Bernie!

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    Its Bernadeth, yousimpleton, came the curt response. Are we in?

    Hahahahahahahahaaha another voice giggled inanely. Not you, Harriet, spat the God named Bernadeth.Gilotina, are we in?

    Despite your fondest wishes,Bernie, came a smooth, deadly and silken voice, softer than the others. I am the leader

    here, not you. I shall command. There was a brief pause.

    Were in, Lashina, came the impossibly sweet, seemingly soft voice of another figure, this one blonde. All theseboys have decided to take a very, very long nap

    Excellent, The female named Lashina snapped her whip back over her shoulder.

    Bernadeth, Gilotina, Harriet, Stompa, come. A smile came to her sadistic face.

    Their prison lies virtually open. Its time for the Female Furies to hunt

    Once, our world was named Genesis, Orions voice resounded over the plaza.

    Apokolips destroyedthat world, and all we held dear. But we won our war with them in the end, and we claimed theirworld as our own, and now it is truly Apokolips no more! And for a time, we called our home New Genesis, but this is

    not appropriate either. Genesis is the past, and we must look ahead to the future. We may never be Genesis, we shall be

    our own world! Our own people! That is why I am taking the step I take today

    Lashina cracked her knuckles, a cruel smile coming to her face as she surveyed the entrance to the New Genesis prisoncomplex. They had snuck through the secret ways to reach it, and now the last of the guards were defeated. Stealth

    would serve them no longer- they needed something loud now. But that was fine by her- stealth bored the leader of theFemale Furies.

    Blow them up, she instructed her charges, indicating the huge doors. That should get the sanctimonious fools

    attention, She unfolded her whip from her shoulder, running her tongue across her lips in anticipation of the battle tocome.

    Let us show theDogof War how true GODS do battle!

    Orion raised both hands, and behind him, Lightray held Highfathers staff high. This world of balance, once named

    Apokolips, until now named New Genesis, shall be given a new name again! One to symbolize a new beginning, andyet to remind us that we came from somewhere else before! Henceforth, this planet shall be named

    He hesitated for a long minute, remembering when Himon had first suggested the idea. They had all approved- Orionhimself had done so grudgingly, not wanting to abandon their age-old name. But in the end, they had convinced him, as

    now he must convince the rest. He looked up at last, straightening his back, head held high.

    Our world in exile. Our paradise reborn. Our next step from Genesis. He paused for one last second and then.

    Our EXODUS!

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    New Gods #2

    "Exodus": Part II of II

    Written by Kevin Feeney

    Cover by Craig Cermark

    Edited by Charlie Wilkins

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    Dont like this, I know, dear. Scott Free gave his lover Barda a wan smile. I dont like it either. But if this is

    connected to what those agents told me, then were all in danger.

    Those agents are both contemptuous fools.

    You know I agree, but this is more important than that.

    You do know were sitting right here, yeah? Agent Bill Nodel asked. In response, Barda gave him a glare sowithering that he actually gulped and lowered his head. The two New Gods were sitting in the back of an armored van,

    one of a small convoy. They had left Iowa in two unmarked Department of Extranormal Operations Choppers and, 1400

    or so miles later, set down seemingly in the desert, where the vans- also unmarked- had been waiting for them. Needless

    to say, when it was two Gods, several armed soldiers and two of the most irritating men on Earth crammed into first ahelicopter and then a van, things were never going to end well. If anything, Scott Free thought, the biggest miracle

    here was that apart from one of the soldiers who was currently unconscious after he made a remark about Bardasheaddress, the DEO forces were still mostly intact.

    My knowledge of Earth geography isnt good but this this looks like the middle of nowhere, he commented,

    glancing out the window.

    You were holding out in Iowa, Agent Clevenger responded. You dont get the right to talk.

    Where is it were going in any case? asked Barda yet again. The agents had learned some time ago it was not wise topoint out her redundancy- as Scot could have warned them, it was best to do what Barda wanted.

    Hasnt changed, lady. One of a few less well known locations of the DEO.

    This is a secret base? Scott raised his eyebrows. If youre planning a trap, I warn you officers, the name

    isnt for nothing, we know, finished Nodel. Its not a trap.

    Scott nodded absently, and narrowed his eyes as he stared out the window of the van again, looking for any sign oflocation beyond the endless rolling desert. But he did not see it first- no, instead he heard it, even over the hum of the

    engine and the rolling wheels.

    What what is that noise? he asked with a frown.

    Oh God breathed Agent Clevenger.

    Now entering your favorite part of the trip, Clev, Nodel commented. He turned back to Barda and Scott. You might

    want to hunker down. This areas pretty wild.

    The great gates housing the entrance to the Armagetto Prison lay in ruins, crumpled steel and smouldering rubble wherethey had once been, broken by the corpses of fallen guards. As he surveyed the chaotic scene with some of the chosen

    elite of Exodus, Highfather Orion frowned deeply beneath his war-helmet.

    Vunderbar, he pronounced at once. He and that worm Desaad playing again- it has to be.

    We wont let them get away with it this time, Himon pronounced- the old God was looking unusually angry, andOrion was reminded of the years he had spent cut off from all aid leading the Hunger Dogs. To finally defeat their arch-

    foe and yet still find themselves at war must have been bitterly disappointing for him.Such a flagrant attack onArmagetto? It cant be tolerated.

    We need to move quickly, urged Highmother Bekka from Orions side- as wise as her father Himon and as fierce as

    her husband. If they break out Steppenwolf and Kanto, well have havoc on our hands. We cannot led the admiral or

    the assassin escape- not to mention the others we have locked away.

    Not for the first time, Orion reflected on whether or not they should have moved the prisons as they had. The old

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    prisons were far more secure, to be certain- but on the other hand, they were also the dark dungeons where Scott and somany others had been brutalized. No, their decision had been for the best- those prisons were sealed now, a memory of

    twisted evil.

    Youre right, he said to Bekka. Himon, I want you to hold back. Make sure nothing leaves the prison- and watch foranother attack. Your number one priority must be the safety of the children- make sure this isnt a diversionary strike.

    Bekka, Lightray, Fastbak, Magnar, Lonar- youre with me. We go in, we finish this quickly.

    Highfather, I must protest, Magnar responded- the voice of Supertowns protector was loud and deep, his browcreased in worry. We have many more Gods, we should be flooding the prison with numbers

    Numbers are useless here, Lightray responded swiftly. These are no mere parademons- look He pointed to the

    nearest body. There were deep scratches and slashes all over it, as though savaged by some rabid dog and most

    tellingly of all, there were red coiled marks on the poor Gods neck, signaling that he had been choked to death by a

    cord or a whip.

    The Furies hissed Lonar as he snapped his golden-winged helmet into place. Even for the reclusive New God whospent his time hunting in the wilds and came rarely to Armagetto, the names of the Furies were all too familiar, and


    Well split into two groups- Lightray, you, Magnar and Lonar will find Steppenwolfs cell and ensure they dont freehim. Fastbak, Bekka and I will defend Kantos. He saw Himon about to object and raised a hand authoritatively. We

    dont need any more Gods, Himon. Besides He pulled his helmet on and headed for the entrance, eyes hardening asthey passed over the dismembered remains of the guards. theyd just get in my way.

    Barda scowled in pain as the screeching sounds continued, but she steadfastly shook her head as Scott held out theearplugs the others were all wearing in a plea.

    I will not give in to this assault on the senses! she roared over the deafening racket.

    Dont think shes going to budge, Nodel offered helpfully, though his advice could not be heard over the roar fromoutside.

    What in the name of the Firepits is this they attack our ears with anyway? she bellowed again- her lungs at leastcarried her voice clearly.

    Me, I say its rubbish. Shouted back Nodel. These guys would call it music.

    Whats going on out there anyway? Scott shouted back- they couldnt hear him of course, but they got the gist as he

    gestured to the windows, which had been blackened as they approached this area. Clev gestured with his thumb at thebutton that would untint them, mouthing Be My Guest. Scott took a deep breath and depressed the button, looking


    The convoy was passing down a road through what looked like, for all intents and purposes, a small town- but it was

    not like any other town Scott had seen on Earth. Every building seemed to blare with light and the ear-shattering din

    that was assailing them. Most of them had open windows and doors, with the noise pouring out- inside, more flashinglights could be seen. Now that he was concentrating, he could also hear the sounds of people- shouting, talking, milling,

    laughing, even singing. And the people themselves- he could see some walking in the streets around him- many of themstaggering out of the way of the cars, almost all lurching awkwardly as though not fully in control of their senses- but,

    he had to admit, they did all look extremely happy. And scantily clad, at that, the females in particular- Scott had towonder if it was a particularly warm night for them to be wearing so little. The other striking thing was how young they

    all were- everyone he could see was a human youth. He was no expert on age, but hed place the oldest of them in theirearly twenties at most. Their progress was slow as they seemed to have to avoid hitting youths who showed no urgency

    in getting out of their way, but Scott continued to stare, fascinated by this strange place, as they drove on. At last, afterover ten minutes, they had left the epicenter behind and could make themselves heard again.

    Where where is this place? he turned to ask the DEO agents.

    This worlds version of the torture chambers of Armagetto murmured Barda- wisely, Clev and Nodel ignored

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    Its nicknamed Mini-Vegas, Nodel replied. Course the real Vegas is a few miles to the south east

    As well you know, supplied Clev.

    Vegas? Barda asked with a frown.

    Big city famed for the er. Gambling, alcohol and um.. the sex, I guess, Nodel replied awkwardly.

    As well you know, supplied Clev.

    One time, Clev. It was one time.

    We go there to investigate the woman for possible contact with metahuman terrorists, I find you in a hotel room

    I was scoping out the scene

    You were scoping out something alright

    Agents? Scott cleared his throat. You were saying

    Right, Nodel nodded. The point is this is basically an area set up by the kids. Its like a smaller version of Vegas,where there are even less rules, where theres no taboo, where they can live every day like a party. Word is, older folk

    who come here are shunned- or worse. The government was pretty concerned for a while but he shrugged. Theyretechnically legal, they pay their taxes and the sight of kids being tear-gassed isnt the best one on the air waves.

    So why station your base near it anyway? asked Barda, frowning. It does not seem to make a great deal of tactical


    Truth is, its just a coincidence, shrugged Clev. We were here first. But its an advantage, really- makes it even lesslikely anyonell bother looking.

    Why is that an advantage? Scott asked at once. But by way of response, Clev and Nodel just smiled.

    Darkness ruled in the depths of the Armagetto Prisons- all the power had been cut, which was no surprise to thereconnoitering Gods. Lightray could solve that problem for his party, but Orion, Bekka and Fastbak had to proceed

    alone towards the cell of Kanto, the infamous assassin of Apokolips. Despite the absence of light, all three of them hadone hand on their Mother Boxes, allowing sight beyond that of the eyes to guide them through the twisted corridors.

    Every so often, they passed over the ruins of doors or the bodies of more guards, but they knew they were comingcloser. At last, Orion paused and his Mother Box gave a silent message to the others to do the same.

    The cell is not far, he breathed, as quietly as he could while still being heard. There is every chance they have

    already freed the assassin, and we do not know whether all or some of the Furies came this way. Be prepared for

    anything. As the Mother Boxes hummed quietly in assent, the three stepped forwards, straining their ears for anything.

    Ill scout ahead Fastbak whistled cheerily without warning, and before the others could say a word, he had dashed

    forwards silently. Orion restrained himself from cursing- the younger God was impetuous and could ruin everything ifhe made even a single sound. Still, there was nothing that could be done, and as a hunter and scout, Fastbaks skills

    were beyond compare. Which, he reflected, was the only reason the young God was not still at school right now. Intimes of war, desperation overrode all else.

    There was a faint crack from ahead, and Orion was alert at once. Unwilling to risk a voice in the darkness, he sent a

    message via Mother Box- Fastbak? For several seconds, he waited for a response. Then it came- and threw him back, aswith a hideous blood-curdling cry, Fastbaks Mother Box screamed in agony.

    Bekka! he snapped. We. But before he could say another word, something was upon him, screeching rabidly,

    tearing and biting at him. With a grunt of pain, he fell back, trying to grapple with it, but his rabid attacker was too fast,too unpredictable. His helmet was knocked from his head and rolled away, and they began to slash at his head.

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    Grimacing, he gave a strong kick with both feet, dislodging his attacker and sending her away. To one side, he couldhear Bekka give a shout and hear strange, soft noises of impact which he recognized almost at once- his wife was in

    hand to hand combat That means Gilotina, he reflected. And Harriet was the one who attacked

    There came another high-pitched shout, but this time he was ready, and threw out his fist in the direction of the sound.Somehow though, the Fury saw it even in the dark and avoided it, because she was throwing herself at him again.

    Bowing his head to defend his face from the slash of her talons, he threw seemingly wild punches, co-ordinating them

    to try and force her into a defensive pattern, to throw her off, but Harriet somehow avoided them all. They must be ableto see in this darkness he realized suddenly, but then he was distracted as she landed her first direct hit, a long nailpiercing his side. With a grunt of pain, he brought his elbow around hard and was rewarded with a cry and a crack, but

    as soon as the moment came, it was gone, and she had faded back into the shadows again. Shes fast VERY fast hereflected, stationing himself in battle position, desperately trying to see into the darkness around him. But theres only

    two of them- a distraction?

    He tried to move but suddenly felt something come swiftly towards him- instinctively, he turned to strike but aBEEEEEEEEEPof objection from his Mother Box told him it had to be Bekka, so he broke off. She had been thrown

    backwards, and he could hear the mocking sound of Gilotinas laughter. Silently, like a deadly jungle beast, he threwhimself towards the sound and felt his fists meet flesh- with a startled cry, Gilotina fell and he began pounding her,

    trying to knock her out. The youngest of the Female Furies did not have the raw tenacity or lethality of Mad Harriet, butshe was almost without match in weaponless combat, as many a God had discovered to their peril. He had to take her

    out before.

    A single chop to the back of his neck sent him arching back in pain, and then another dug straight into his stomach,causing him to double over. It was more than enough for her to roll aside so that he no longer pinned her, and for her to

    vanish back into the blackness again- from behind him, he heard Bekka gave a snarl which doubtless indicated she hadbeen wounded, and he heard an inane war cry from Harriet. They were getting nowhere- he could only hope the others

    were faring better.

    Pathetic little toy, Lashina mocked, cartwheeling out of the way of Lightrays energy burst. You really think you can

    defeat us in an even combat? The Young God did not reply, expression unaccustomedly grave as he sought an opening,

    circling his foe. The Furies darkness advantage had been lost- the moment their ambush had been sprung, he hadopened himself up fully, easily illuminating the entire cavern with his inner light. They were not far from Steppenwolfscell, but the battle was not going well.

    To his right, a battle of sheer force was underway as Magnar, the strongest of the Gods, wrestled with Stompa, the

    strongest among the Fury ranks. With a roar, Magnar grabbed his foe by the waist and swung her to smash through thenearest rock wall. As he charged to strike another blow, Stompa reached out, barely hurt, to pick up the nearest piece of

    shattered masonry and throw it at him. In the second it took Magnar to dodge, she was able to regain her footing andbrace for his charge so that their shoulders crashed together and the room shook with the sheer force of impact.

    Lightray allowed his attention to be diverted by that battle for a single instant, and it was all Lashina needed. She

    pounced, her whip snaking forwards to curl around Lightrays ankle. He tried to turn in time, but with a single jerk shethrew him to the ground.

    Lying at my feet Lashina hissed with a smirk. Just the way I want you. The whip slashed down again and

    Lightray tried to throw a desperate energy burst to block it, but he mis-judged her trajectory and she avoided it withease, the cord instead cracking against his face, leaving a deep red scar. Refusing to show pain, he rolled aside, trying to

    jump up, but Lashina kicked his body violently and brought down the whip again. This time, he did not try to take it outbut reached out with a hand to snatch it. Pain seared through him as it slashed a colossal cut into his outstretched hand,

    but gritting his teeth, he ignored it and clenched, pulling violently. With a slight hiss of dismay, Lashina fell forwards ontop of him, and at once, he punched her directly in the face- this was no time for being a gentlegod.

    Behind where the two combatants battled, Lonar and Bernadeth circled each other warily. Every so often, one would

    lunge forwards and a brief struggle would ensue, but always they each fell back, evenly matched. The God of Genesiswas generally removed from his fellows, preferring solitude and exploration to working with the other Gods, but he had

    come for Orions Conclave and was notorious in battle. Bernadeth, the sister of Desaad, was no stranger to combatherself- and these factors allowed each of them to hold their own.

    Lonar leapt forwards again, grappling with Bernadeth, but she matched him in speed, if not in strength, and moved to

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    one side, aiming a blow low at his gut. He blocked it swiftly and struck out with a foot- a blow which struck home atlast, causing her to fall. Triumphantly, he tried to bring both hands down on her in a single colossal blow, but she rolled

    aside. A smirk of triumph on her face, she slid a dagger from her sleeve and in a single quick jerk, implanted it inLonars thigh. He gave a hiss of pain, but reaching down, drew it out and tossed it aside.

    Youll have to do better than that, witch.

    I already have, fool. She responded deftly, scrambling backwards as he moved towards her. He seemed about torespond when he instead froze and looked down at his leg. He began trembling, eyes widening, and then he looked up.

    What what have you? He looked back in horror and then gave a shout of pain and clutched his leg, falling inagony. Bernadeth slowly climbed to her feet, a smile of triumph etched into her face. The dagger was known as a

    Fahren Knife, and when someone was stabbed in it, they burned from the inside out. Without any hurry, languishing in

    her foes pain, she crossed to pluck the dagger from the ground and moved towards Lonar, twirling the cursed blade in

    her hands. The first strike, in the leg, would not prove lethal but another, in the heart now that would be somethingto see. She tensed to strike the fatal blow as her opponent let out another cry of pain, oblivious to the world, and then.

    Magnar flew through the air to crash into her, sending her flying backwards against the wall, where she collapsed,unconscious. Without even noticing her existence, the burly God picked himself up again and ran at Stompa like an

    angry bull, lowing his head for the charge. In response, she gave a huge stomp of her foot, causing the entire room totremble and sending a crack slashing through the Earth away from the point of impact and towards her golden-clad foe.

    Undeterred, he rolled to one side. As Stompa came at him, he seized the fallen form of Bernadeth and threw it bodily ather.

    Bernie! she shouted, reaching up to catch her fellow Fury, seemingly forgetting about the battle. As she did, Magnar

    charged her full-on, sending his fists crashing once, twice, three times into her gut, and then bringing his elbow downon her head for good measure. Swaying, the large Fury first dropped Bernadeth and then, after a dazed attempt at a half-

    step forwards, collapsed onto the ground herself, stone cold.

    The Gods and DEO agents alike lapsed into silence as their vehicle continued to drive, soon leaving the glittering mini-city behind, and even the music slowly died out. It was then that Scott glanced idly out the window and noticed theyappeared to be driving straight towards the cliff-face of a sheer rocky bluff.

    Officers he began, half standing, but Clev waved a hand nonchalantly. Hang on, there.

    Man, I dont blame him, Nodel grumbled. I hate this part.

    We sure as hell smelt that the first time we made this trip.

    That is twice- twice you have sworn now in less than a day since saying you would not.

    But Scott tuned out whatever the retort was as the vehicle approached the cliff ever faster- they appeared to be gainingspeed now. Barda was gripping his shoulder, her iron clad grasp growing tighter by the second so that he literally felt

    his shoulder was about to break, but he was too intent on calculating angles to ask her to remove her hand before she

    removed his shoulder. He was an escape artist by trade, it would not be easy to slip himself and Barda out before the

    inevitable crash, but he felt he could

    Scott, Barda told him icily. Stop trying to work it out, were staying in the van.

    But Barda, honey, if theyre lying and this is a trap

    Then theyll be surprised to learn just how poor a record cliffs have against my shoulder, Barda pointed out, eyebrowsraised. After a moment, Scott relented, sitting back in his chair- though he was still uncertain. He couldnt help but

    wonder if hed made a mistake as the cliff loomed closer. And closer it was mere meters away now, less- hewinced, closing his eyes instinctively

    and then they effortlessly passed through the holographic cliff in an instant. Realizing that he was not in fact dead, his

    eyes snapped open and he stared out the window- and even for a God, he felt they were about to burst out of theirsockets at what he saw outside.

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    They had emerged on a high rocky outcrop of some vast underground cavern which seemed to stretch on and on as far

    as even Scotts enhanced eyes could see, in all directions. Directly ahead of them was a vast underground river- it had tobe half a kilometer wide!- flowing around a huge central island ringed by cliffs. On the river, there was a massive US

    Naval Battleship, bigger than any other Scott had seen. It appeared to be patrolling the river, and he could just aboutmake out the ships name- the U.S.S. Judgement- on its prow. But that was merely the start.

    On the island which dominated the cave, there was a massive, sprawling complex unlike any other Earthly buildingScott had seen. A huge domed roof covered the center, but there were dozens of other outcroppings and buildings, allclustered on the same bluff of rock. A large sphere floated above the complex, orbited by a dozen smaller ones, and a

    dozen or so strange aircraft buzzed through the air above it all. The scale and spectacle of it all made it astonishing thatthe entire thing had been kept secret. The only connection from their bluff to the main complex was via a fairly narrow

    strip of rock wide enough for only two vehicles at a time which stretched down to a narrow port by the river- he

    assumed the Judgement was designed to carry newcomers to the island itself. All in all, he felt his jaw drop as he

    surveyed it- this was truly built by Earthling hands?

    Welcome, Nodel said proudly. To The Project.

    Orion drove one fist into Mad Harriets head and then ducked onto the ground to avoid a chop from Gilotina to his side.

    While on the ground, he gave a vicious kick in the general direction of Harriet, but the lithe Fury avoided it and gave areturn slash with her claws which missed his face by mere inches. To one side, he heard Gilotina shout in pain- clearly

    Bekka was far from out of the battle, but he concentrated on his own situation, rolling to one side and standing. Enough

    was enough- he tired of this game. He would not use the Astro-Force, for the situation did not require it yet, but therewere other things to be done.

    Bekka, he said. I think we Then he felt something slash past his face more rapidly than even the fastest assaultfrom Harriet, followed by a brief cry and then the sound of something hitting the ground.

    Well, he heard Bekka murmur. Fastbaks back. With a smile, Orion reached out to try and find whoever was left

    but even as he did, there was a loud whirring sound from across the entire complex, and then the power returned. After

    so long in the dark, the sudden stream of light flooding from the walls seemed almost blinding, and Orion had to raise ahand to protect his eyes for a moment. After a few seconds, he lowered it, ignoring the pain of his screaming retinas,and looked around for their foes, but there was no sign of either of them, only a heavily panting Bekka and Fastbak with

    a deep scar on his face and blood spilling down it.

    Are you alright? he asked the younger God, shoving aside instincts screaming to find the fleeing Furies.

    I they just took me by surprise, thats Fastbak responded, eyes darting around wildly, distress on his face. Orionnearly wanted to shout at him- didnt he realize their enemies were getting away? He was the fastest of all of them, why

    wasnt he wasnt he. Then Orion suddenly noticed something. Or rather, the absence of something. MotherBox mumbled Fastbak, eyes watering. I Highfather, its not he took a deep breath. ShShes dead.

    Steppenwolf remains secure, Lightray nodded, hand unconsciously brushing against the scars left by Lashinas attack.The Gods who had participated in the battle had gathered with Himon in the aftermath- like Orion, Lightray and

    Magnar had found their adversaries gone once their eyes had adjusted to the return of power. Hows Fastbak?

    As can be expected, Bekka frowned. Hes taking the loss of his Mother Box hard.

    Yes. It is always the young who are hit hardest- it cant be easy to lose something hes had since he was a boy. We canget him a new one of course, Himon nodded, face drawn in worry. It wont be the same but He sighed, looking

    away for a moment. You should have let me go down there with you. I

    You did your part, Lord Himon, grunted Magnar. You were able to restore power- without that, we might have takengreater casualties.

    It would unfortunately appear Orion noted, speaking for the first time in the conference. That we were mistaken.

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    Kanto and Steppenwolf were never the target. As he spoke, only Bekka noticed that his eyes were smoldering in angerand his fists were tightly clenched. Orion had learnt to control his legendary temper ever since assuming the role of

    Highfather, but she feared this new loss had taken him to breaking point. It was just a trap to lure some of us down toface them in a dark environment. Himon nodded, seemingly unaware of Orions barely restrained fury.

    They knew we would only send a few Gods down, even if they were our best fighters. We should have been ready for

    them to Boom Tube back to wherever they came from after making their escape. They all turned to look at Orion

    expectantly. What is our next move, Highfather? Himon finished softly. As Orion seemed to deliberate, Bekka slippedher hand through his under the table to give it a reassuring squeeze, but he shook her off.

    Well need to find them, of course he breathed. Virman Vunderbar and Desaad have just become my top priority.We cannot let them loose for much longer, not after. He took a breath. not after what they did today. He thought

    for a moment- all of them knew that his regular pilgrimage to the Source Wall was tomorrow, there to spend the day in

    prayer to the Source, reflecting on the wisdom of Highfather Izaya. Exodus is a new beginning- its our world, not

    theirs.As soon as I get back, he told them gravely. Were taking them down. Once and for all.

    Screams echoed through the cave fastness of the objects of Orions wrath, and Vunderbar reveled in them as he stood

    over his makeshift map table, enjoying the familiar sounds. Just like the old days, he thought mournfully. A war for theplanning and the hideous screams of some unfortunate wretch as his background music. The Furies were out on the

    prowl after their triumphant return, continuing to ensure they were not tracked back here. He thought again of the newsfrom Supertown and could not help but sneer- that whelp thought he- he- could simply rename Apokolips upon his will?

    No matter what name those False New Gods gave it, to Vunderbar, to the universe, it would always be Apokolips, the

    throneworld of the Greatest God of them all.

    Bedlam is in position, he noted aloud. Und vith Orions absence, ve are primed for the strike on that sanctimonious

    fool, Himon. All in all, he thought to himself, with the success of that days mission and the good news from his co-conspirator elsewhere, all was going perfectly. Now, there was just one last detail.

    Striding out of the 'War Room', as he had optimistically christened the run-down cavern, he made his way towards

    another area of the cave labyrinth, and as he came, the screams sounded ever louder. At last, he came to the place he


    Vell? he snapped as soon as he saw the hunched, purple-cloaked form of Desaad over the operating table. Have ve

    got the information ve seek?

    Hmmm? Desaad responded, not looking up from his work, mouth half open, eyes gleaming with joy and pleasure.Oh, yes, that. A proud and strong one, this Lonar my sister and her companions brought back- but even he finally

    broke an hour ago. It had, Vunderbar been reflected, been at least fourteen hours since the operation had begun.

    Vell? he demanded indignantly. Vhy are you still torturing him?

    Desaad gave a dry chuckle, still not looking away from his handiwork. To see how much more he can take, he hissed.Because of the sweet, sweet sound of the blood dripping to the ground, that beautiful gleaming red as skin is separated,

    the smell- so cloying, so very pure and the screams- the screams, Vunderbar, in all their intoxicating glory. The

    cloaked Gods eyes were half closed as he inhaled in pleasure. As he spoke, he twisted a dial, another silver spiked

    instrument descended onto the table and the screams became ever louder, near deafening. Vunderbar had no problemwith his allys hobbies but he did not like when they distracted from their purpose.

    Und? he snapped, cutting the fool off. Ve have the location?

    We do, confirmed Desaad, his smile widening. Hes as good as ours. Vunderbar let out a breath and smiled himself,

    stroking his chin as he did.

    Ve can act on it after ve take care of Himon tomorrow. Vith his power, ve shall finally have the means vith vhich tovreak Lord Darkseids ultimate revenge.

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    Issue Three: Evil Factory

    Written by Kevin Feeney

    Cover by Craig Cermark

    Edited by Charlie Wilkins

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    Never invoke the gods unless you really want them to appear,-Gilbert K. Chesterton

    The Gods had come to Earth.

    It might, perhaps, be more accurate to say that they never left. After the Skies boiled and shadow blotted out the Sun

    and the armies of Evil descended upon the world, the planet had suffered grievously. While that attack had been

    repelled by the Earths Greatest Heroes and their allies from beyond the stars, it was understandable that the peopleharboured bitter resentment towards all who were associated with the Hell that had briefly consumed their world- eventhose who had forsaken their former home and betrayed the forces of darkness.

    It was a conundrum Scott Free had brooded upon many times in private, and it was what he thought of now as he and

    his partner Barda stood on an Earth vessel that was transporting them to the enigmatic Project. Instead of beingwelcomed as liberators, he and Barda had been treated as criminals- as monsters- when they wanted only a normal life.

    These mortals could never understand the sacrifices both had made, could not leave them in peace even in their mortalbodies- and so they had been forced deep undercover, where they had finally etched out a life. And now all of it was

    threatened because these humans with the government had tracked them down and brought them here, here beneathabandoned desert in the western United States, to the massive complex established in this underground cavern. His

    thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

    Were approaching the island now, it seems, Barda observed, her jaw set. She had to be thinking, as he was, abouthow they would have to start over after the DEO had publicly exposed them as Gods raised on Apokolips, she had to be

    wondering if they could ever have a life of their own, but she did not let it show for an instant. That was Barda-determined, resolute and focused on the moment at hand, as he should be.

    Theyve certainly ensured security is high enough, He looked pointedly around. The underground river- which did nothave a real name, though according to the crew it had gained the nickname the Zoomway for its unbelievably rapid

    current- separated the main Project facility from the entrance, which was holographically disguised from the outside.The only way across was on the Battleship, U.S.S. Judgement, which they were currently aboard, and the river

    continued around a sharp bend into another cavern which they could not see. To take the place, one would have to findthe entrance, storm the guards, somehow take the Judgement and bring it across, even before facing security from the

    Project itself. But is it to keep others out He wondered aloud. Or to keep us in?

    If it is, they picked the wrong people, Barda retaliated scornfully. Even if you werent the best escape artist on thisplanet, -She stated it as though it were irrefutable fact, which Scott supposed, modesty aside, it was- they have to

    know noEarth-basedfacility can possibly hold a God. That was true, Scott supposed- the humans couldnt possiblythink they could contain a deity here in any case- he was worrying over nothing.

    Your concerns, while understandable, are meritless, came a soft voice, and both turned to see a man standing justbehind them on the deck, dressed in a tight uniform with his appearance entirely neat and orderly, right down to his

    well-trimmed blonde beard. Captain Jude, who they had briefly seen when they embarked and left their DEO guides

    behind- something Scott could not help but be thankful for. While the facility is designed to keep some things withinits walls, you are here as guests. Scott did not bother asking, knowing he would not get a response, though he could not

    help but wonder what they kept penned up here.

    Scotts dark feelings stayed with him as they debarked from theJudgementonto the dock of the Project. When auniformed soldier- one of a score that he could see- informed him that they would not be kept waiting long, he

    expected, as appeared to be customary on Earth, that it would be hours before anyone saw to them, but instead theywere greeted almost at once by a balding man in a loose white uniform. His face dripped with sweat and was even

    yellowing somewhat, and he hurriedly explained that he had just come straight from an experiment, and introducing thetwo pale, white-clad men with him as Doctor Stromm and Doctor Donovan.

    Moe Carrie, director of this establishment, He introduced himself and extended a hand, and Scott noted that he didnot flinch as Barda grasped his hand. Clearly, he was made of sturdier stuff than his appearance would attest. Still, he

    wanted little more than to get finished and out of there so as Carrie led them into a large, pristinely white reception hall,he cut straight to the point.

    Director Carrie, I dont know what this is or why weve been asked to come here, but He spoke quickly, hoping to

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    provoke a quick reaction, and Carrie did not disappoint, cutting him off with a tone of surprise.

    The Project, he explained, as though shocked that they did not already know this. Is a facility jointly run by DEOand DOD as a top secret headquarters for research, experimentation, development- we conduct investigation on all

    frontiers of science, with new discoveries by the. His enthusiasm was cut off slightly as Barda fixed him with acompletely expressionless look, and he dabbed his head. Yes. Well Ahem, your purpose. Quite. They were

    now standing in what Scott took to be the main lobby- he had already noted how far away the exit was, as well as

    approximate distances to the other three exits, and how best to escape if they had to come back here. .I take it thatthose sent to fetch you mentioned.

    They mentioned Granny Goodness, Barda said bluntly. And if that old hag is involved in this, then it cant be good.But I dont see what any of this has to do with her Carrie was now wiping his head more fervently and looking

    nervous, exchanging looks with his fellow scientists. It was Stromm who stepped forwards meekly.

    She isnt at least that is to say, we dont know that erm. Ms Goodness is directly involved, though theres apossib. He tailed off in the face of the cold fury on Bardas face. Though he didnt speak, Scott folded his arms,

    rolling his eyes. He wished he could say he was surprised, but it seemed this entire exercise was merely wasted time. Hewas known for his gentle disposition- especially compared to his friend Orion- but he did not take kindly to their lives

    being torn apart for

    The Evil Factory, Donovan intoned in a deep voice, causing them all to turn to him. He spoke plainly as though itwere simple, expressionless, uncowed by Bardas fury- which was also pretty impressive, thought Scott. Seeing Bardas

    expression, he elaborated. For over five months now, the Project has been under siege. Files stolen. Data lost. Samplesgone missing- even occasional sabotage, raids, dead guards. Someone is stealing equipment and information- enough to

    build a Project of their own. Its already been nicknamed- the Evil Factory. Okay, Scott thought, that was probably bad,but hardly catastrophic.

    Well, I can see how thats a problem but what exactly do you have thats so terrible for this. Evil Factory to have?

    And what does this have to do with us? At that, Donovan gave a flicker of a smile and seemed about to respond whenCarrie cut him off roughly.

    Thats not important right now. I I apologize that we lied to you about that woman, but we were told it was the best

    way to get your attention, and youre the only aliens of your kind we could find on Earth! We need your help. We

    need you to contact your people. Scott bit his lip beneath the mask at the way he said the final words- with a pause,almost with a hint of disgust or contempt. Barda, not quite as reserved as he, noticed the same and was about to voice

    her displeasure when Donovan nodded his head towards one of the immaculately white corridors.

    Perhaps its best we show them, Moe. Shall we?

    In another place, another time, another dimension entirely- connected to the rest of the universe only through chance-

    the Gods ruled. But it was not paradise, though one day, perhaps, it might be. It was not Hell either, not anymore. It wasmore like an eternal purgatory, caught in the balance, torn between light and shadow, a world of grey that might yet be

    lush green or might once again be fire and ash. It was Exodus. And there, among the mounds of slag in the vast reaches

    of nothingness on the planet, was the Kingdom of the Damned that was the domain of Virman Vunderbar and Desaad.

    Ingrates, spat the purple-cloaked form of Desaad. He stood facing the Female Furies, who stood in a perfectly straight

    line at attention, not flinching at any of the words- Granny had trained them well. You useless wretches have failed,losing to pathetic, soft humans! And from that.

    And you ver more successful? came a cold, mocking voice in a thick accent, and Vunderbar was there, as always in

    his tarnished red uniform, epaulettes hanging and sadly neglected. Had I not rescued you from that Radiation

    Chamber* then you vould be dead. Have the noble Gods of Apokolips really sunk to this? Desaad snarled at therebuke, but accepted it.

    *See New Outsiders #30 for this! Though shame on you if you werent reading it anyway!

    Our powers have been waning of late, he admitted ruefully. And on this plane of reality, even humans can nearlyoverpower us now It was a minor setback at worst, but we can ill afford any losses now, and Doctor Bedlam was a

    powerful asset to lose to the traitor Gods. Though you mustalready know this, master planner, He sneered the finalwords and Vunderbars scowl deepened. They all knew how short of manpower they were, and with rumours of a new

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    push from Armagetto, they would need all the assistance they could get.

    Vith the information extracted from Lonar, ve have a target, Vunderbar said airily. Und ve shall have more alliessoon enough enough to drown the Earthlings, and the traitor Gods, in blood. He smiled. The third member of our

    group has been contacted, action vill be taken- und the Evil Factory vill strike at their hearts. Today ve may be few, buttomorrow. He tapped his monocle knowingly. Tomorrow, ve shall be legion.

    The Project went on for many levels, far deeper into the ground than most people would ever set foot. Even within the

    Maximum Security facility, some areas were more secure than others, and as the foolish little Director Carrie insisted on

    telling Barda and her partner a dozen times during their descent, this was of paramount importance. She followed the

    stooping fool through another corridor- they all looked the same, an uncomfortable reminder of the uniform darkcorridors of Grannys barracks and Darkseids palace- and exchanged another look with Scott. He was frustrated,

    though he masked it far better than she, but even that knowledge didnt stop her from grinding her teeth as theydescended down yet another stairwell... which appeared to end in a dead end, with nothing in the corridor except a tiny

    pedestal. Just as she felt on the verge of snapping something, Stromm waved a hand nervously.

    Here we are, He swallowed hard, and Bardas scowl deepened. More of their trickery? Was nothing straightforwardwith these mortals? They took a perverse delight in trickery and theatrics.

    More holograms? she asked Carrie, but it was Donovan who replied with a humorless chuckle that made Barda turnher ire to him.

    Not exactly, he retaliated. Welcome to the Worlds most secure prison. She and Scott exchanged a glance of

    disbelief as Donovan appeared to be gesturing to the pedestal. With a sigh, she stepped forwards and looked down.There was nothing there. Just a small steel pedestal which supported nothing on it at all. She was about to say as much

    when with a nervous smile, Carrie held out a small cylindrical device. For your eye, Donovan explained. Slowly,Barda placed it over her eye and looked again. And gasped. On the pedestal, at such a microscopic size it could

    hardly be seen, was what appeared to be a grid, with over a dozen spaces in it. And inside each one. Her eyes

    widened further as she kept staring.

    in he first, a green-clad hulking body appeared to be frozen, covered in a soft icy sheath that protected it and

    prevented it from even moving. It was larger than many of the other forms, but even through the covering and at such asize, Barda could see the familiar animal-like features, the dark mane, the feral expression. Kalibak, the son of

    Darkseid. And in the next, she saw the helmeted form of the Dark Lords chief hunter, the brutal Devilance the Pursuer.Grayven, another son of Darkseid, equally deadly. Justeen and Gilotina, two of the newer but deadly Female Furies

    the Deep Six, Darkseids underwater lieutenants The so-called Glorious Godfrey who had supposedly beenexecuted in the crisis- Darkseids master of propaganda

    .You dared to imprison the Gods? she whispered, too shocked even to express anger, too outraged for words. Did

    these mortals know what blasphemy they had commited? Had they got any idea how catastrophic this was? They stoodthere and beamed with their idiotic smiles and had no idea how close to destruction they had brought their world

    through such blinding unmitigated arrogance! She passed the device to Scott so that he could observe himself- no doubt

    his reaction would be similar, if better concealed. Do you have any idea what youve done? she asked coldly,towering over the scientists.

    Why we.this was where theyve been held since the invasion! Stromm stuttered. They were monsters!They they killed hundreds, thousands! You think we should have let them go.? Barda scorned that notion- it was

    becoming rapidly clear that these fools really didnt understand a thing about what risks were involved.

    You should have given them to us, Scott spoke now, radiating with calm resolve, trying to take control of the

    situation- that was her Scott. You cant. you cant possibly. Why on Genesis would you think that mortals couldjail aNew God? He was trembling, she saw, not with fear, but with anticipation, because they both knew that this

    facility did not have long left. You must evacuate the Project at once. Get everyone out of here, I dont know how long

    we have but.

    You dont understand! Carrie raised both hands. They were shrunk down to microscopic level, no-one but us evenknows theyre here! Their strength is proportionally reduced, even if they could escape the freezing and their cells,

    theyd be stuck at that size! Please, He offered a weak smile and spread both his hands, increasing Bardas contempt.I know you purport to be Gods, but theres no immediate danger. We asked for you because wed like you to take

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    them back to your world, until the present danger of the Evil Factory is passed! Slowly, Barda stepped towards him ashe cautiously scurried back, and she briefly pondered the many ways upon which she could inflict physical harm on

    him. Scott did not even move to stop her- either he knew shed restrain herself or he didnt care. She put out a hand and,as Carrie flinched, placed it on his shoulder, forcing him to look into her eyes.

    We are not aliens, human. We are Gods. We do not manifest in full power here because it would tear your little reality

    apart, but make no mistake, your trap will not last one second should any of them choose to escape. They are here

    because they wish to be. There is no taking them back to our world, they will destroy us all if we even try. They canuse the laws of physics of your universe foroffal, now sound the alarm and evacuate this facility while we call in otherGods to deal with this. Carrie was shaking and seemed about to stammer a positive response- a wise choice- but

    Donovan stepped forwards, shaking his head angrily.

    And abandon decades of ground-breaking work? You arent Gods, youre frauds. I dont think you have any idea what

    weve done in this facility- Weve made living, breathing clones by the dozen, weve pushed the boundaries of DNA

    further than anyone knew, weve even begun experimentation with primitive new forms of life! Life! Were closer tobeing Gods than you arrogant off-worlders will ever be- and you want us to turn our facility over to your friends so they

    can plunder our secrets?. Sweet Source It took every inch of Bardas restraint not to punch the man with a blow thatwould shatter mountains. They had gone far, far deeper than she had suspected, and from the look on Stromms face,

    she suspected Donovan had shared information he was not supposed to. Creating life? Clones? New species? Thesehumans were playing God. And the Gods were taking notice. But Donovan was not done. Do what we brought you

    here for, He waved a hand dismissively. Ship them back to your world- we dont want the Evil Factory getting nearthem. Just go. It was Scott who replied before Barda could.

    If I may. Why did you not do this before? That threw Donovan off somewhat.

    What? He scratched behind his head somewhat lamely- Stromm and Carrie were nearly cowering behind him now.

    You said the Evil Factory began attacking months ago. Why only come to us now? Donovan seemed suddenly

    uncertain, exchanging a glance with the others, but then his defiance returned and he stuck out his chin and spoke again.

    Because we were still using them. Tissue samples, DNA, we.

    You were experimenting with the Gods themselves, werent you? Scott murmured, suddenly comprehending. Tryingto find out how to hurt us. To kill us?

    You killed my wife, and my son in your war, Donovans eyes glinted as he kept speaking, hands balled into fists. Ifyou aliens come again, you have to be stopped. I refuse to believe there are Gods that cruel- and if you are Gods,

    well, He chuckled bitterly. Then I guess Im guilty of deicide, because I killed one of the prisoners to ensure it allworked. Silence fell over the corridor, a long silence in which Stromm and Carrie looked terrified, Donovan still

    appeared resolute and neither Barda or Scott could talk. Barda wondered belatedly how likely it was that she couldleave here without breaking something. But there was one last question to be asked, before they had to deal with the

    enormity of so many Dark Gods potentially unleashed, and what had been going on here. They had learnt to kill a God.That could only mean one thing- they had found. And then suddenly all other thoughts were brushed aside as the door

    above burst open and a soldier ran in, bleeding heavily from the arm and breathing raggedly. The moment he saw Carriehe gestured wildly, with a shout.

    Sir! Were under attack! Some kind ofcreatures, unfamiliar! At once, Barda and Scott sprinted to follow the soldier-

    they may not agree with what was happening here, but they would not abandon these humans, no matter how degraded,to an attack.

    Where are they attacking? barked Carrie as he scampered up to follow them, and somehow, Barda knew the answer

    before it had been said.

    Theyve targeted the Radion supply! the soldier yelled. Radion. The one substance that was toxic- lethal- to New

    Gods. She gave Donovan a murderous glance as she left, then, with Scott, she went to keep the power to kill Gods in thehands of men she despised.

    A world away, on the planet where good and evil blended into the grey world that was not yet paradise and not quiteHell and where Gods walked freely as though they were mere mortals, a small group of Gods sat in council. They were

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    the finest that the now-dead paradise of Genesis had to offer, the best of their kind, the elite. Their names were knownon a thousand worlds by a thousand names. Highfather Orion, Lightray, Himon, Bekka, Magnar, Teledar, Seagrin

    they were the proud, the powerful. And at this moment, they were also locked in bitter argument.

    With all due respect, Magnar, Seagrin, a quiet New God who was most at home in water and had been instrumental inseeding the first cold grey seas on Exodus, spoke up against his golden-armoured comrade. I cannot see how the two

    are weak. Orion sat impassively at the head of the table. Once, not that long ago, he would have been bellowing his

    case and forcing them to listen, but he had learnt restraint and patience- though a wry look from Bekka suggested sheknew exactly what he was thinking as Seagrin continued. While I understand your role is to protect Supertown, anattack now would be foolish. We have peace, as unstable as it is, and

    This is not peace, Orion spoke out for the first time, clenching and unclenching his fist under the table. He was NOT

    that God anymore. The Dog of War he may still be, but he was also Highfather now, and he must listen to all of them.

    Its the deep breath before the plunge. There is no discussion here- we cannot coexist with the Evil Gods any longer.

    No-one here wants war, least of all me, but when they took Lonar, they crossed the line- weve allowed them to existtoo long. He slammed a fist on the table- not forcefully, as the old Orion would have done, b