Nazi Propaganda. This poster from 1936 emphasizes the role of students for the "Führer and People."

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  • Nazi Propaganda
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  • This poster from 1936 emphasizes the role of students for the "Fhrer and People."
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  • An antisemitic poster published in Poland in March 1941. The caption reads, "Jews are lice; They cause typhus." This German-published poster was intended to instill fear of Jews among Christian Poles.
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  • "Behind the enemy powers: the Jews" Nazi propaganda often portrayed Jews as engaged in a conspiracy to provoke war.
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  • Money is the God of the Jews Money was and is his God! Through money he hopes to lord it over us, And achieve the mastery of the world.
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  • How To Tell A Jew Would we from the Jew be free, Again be cheerful and happy, Then must youth fight with us To get rid of the Jewish Devil.
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  • One page of an antisemitic coloring book. In the upper left hand corner is the Der Strmer logo featuring a Star of David superimposed over a caricature of a Jewish face. The caption under the star reads: "Without a solution to the Jewish question, there will be no salvation for mankind."