8/14/2019 Nature's Paint Box Premier eZine Sampler http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/natures-paint-box-premier-ezine-sampler 1/9 Premier Issue FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE THE ART OF SILK PAINTING techniques and inspiration WEBSITES TO SELL AND PROMOTE YOUR WORK the best sites for artists and photographers to sell online COMPUTER SOFTWARE for artists and photographers RECOMMENDED BOOKS of wildlife, art and photography Garden Guests Diary A photographic journal of backyard flora & fauna in Queensland, Australia Capturing Critters through the Lens by Australian artist Lesley Smitheringale Featured Wildlife Artists, Photographers & Crafters interviewed with examples o their work FEATURED ARTIST – Eric Wilson one of Britain's leading wildlife artists, a multi-award winner. FEBRUARY 2009 FEATURED ARTIST – Ernestina Gallina’s gorgeous hand painted rocks 2009 WILDLIFE ART AND PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITIONS & EXHIBITIONS AUS $7.50

Nature's Paint Box Premier eZine Sampler

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Premier Issue


WEBSITES TO SELL ANDPROMOTE YOUR WORKthe best sites for artists and

photographers to sell online

COMPUTER SOFTWAREfor artists and photographers

RECOMMENDED BOOKSof wildlife, art and photography

Garden Guests Diary A photographic journal of backyard flora & faunain Queensland, Australia

Capturing Crittersthrough the Lensby Australian artist Lesley Smitheringale

Featured Wildlife Artists,Photographers & Craftersinterviewed with exampleso their work

FEATURED ARTIST – Eric Wilsonone of Britain's leading wildlife artists, amulti-award winner.


FEATURED ARTIST – Ernestina Gallina’sgorgeous hand painted rocks


AUS $7.50

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Welcome..to a brand new eZine for professional and aspiring wildlife artists,photographers, crafters and nature lovers.

A very warm welcome to this premier issue of the officialNature’s Paint Box eZine produced and published by Lesley Smitheringale Fine Art.

This quarterly eZine aims to inspire, instruct, promote, educate and acknowledge theoutstanding talent of nature artists, photographers and crafters throughout the world

who are inspired by the wonderful array of animals, birds, insects and flowers with whom we share our world.

Even if you are not an artist or maybe want to learn how; all nature lovers will enjoy

seeing our flora and fauna observed and then created by artists in a range of mediaincluding paintings onto canvas, watercolours onto paper, screen and lino prints,scratch art, illustration, digital art, sculpture and jewellery, polymer clay and ceramics,photographic prints and many more..

This eZine is chock full of goodies to download as well plus lucky draw prizes forsubscribers and a quarterly competition.

Please let us know what you think of this eZine!

Lesley Smitheringale

Lesley Smitheringale, Editor, Designer,Producer & Writer

[email protected]://www.lesley-smitheringale-fine-art.com


by subscribing to Nature’s Paint Box tocelebrate the launch of this new eZinefor wildlife artists, crafters,photographers and nature lovers.

Interested in advertising, being a featuredartist, guest writer or contributor in Nature’s

Paint Box eZine? Drop me an e-mail with linksto your product, site or work.

[email protected]

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The Art of Silk Painting by Lesley Smitheringale

“Legend has it that theChinese Empress Hsi-Ling-Shi, (who is still honoured asthe Yuanfei, the patron of silk), was in her palacegarden one day andhappened to notice the'fruits' of the mulberry treemoving. On closerinspection, she observedthat they were not fruits, butsilkworms spinning finethreads which had a uniquesheen.”

l to r: silkworm larvae munching Mulberry leaves, adult silkworm with eggs, silkworm cocoon

I first discovered the art of silkpainting whilst browsing the art &craft section in a book store when Ilived in Scotland. I was flickingthrough a book on the technique and was very inspired by the art form which I had never heard of. Ipurchased the book “ A CompleteGuide to Silk Painting” by SusanneHahn and was keen to try it out formyself. After purchasing a woodenframe, silk, silk dyes, a pressurecooker (for steaming) brushes & guttaI began experimenting from the book,made lots & lots of mistakes buteventually got the hang of it.

A very young “me” with one of my silk paintings

“Birds in Flight Silk Scarf” –my most popular design


Books on Silk Painting – from l to r: “A Completer Guide to Silk Painting” by Suznne Hahn, “Beginners Guide to Silk Painting” by Mandy Southan, “Silk Painting: The Arists Guide to Gutta and Wax Resist” by Susan Moyer

I bought Suzanne Hahn’s Guide – it got me hooked

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Featured Artist

An interview with...

Ernestina Gallina

Ernestina Gallina

Website http://www.pietrevive.it/en/index.html

e-mail [email protected]

Job Title Rock Painter

Preferred Medium AcrylicCountry of Birth Italy, Cesenatico

Country of Residence Italy

Available for commissions Yes

When did you realise that arthad to be part of your life?

Since I was a child I dreamed of becoming an artist, but I thoughtthat I wasn't good enough tomake a living from it. So I decided to study education and became ateacher.

I discovered rock painting bychance in 1998; it fired myimagination and my enthusiasm.I absolutely had to try it! I still remember my first painted rock,it was a cow and

I was fascinated by how paintcould transform an ordinary rock into a life-like looking creature.

From that moment rocks took ona new meaning and became a

significant part of my life.I have painted thousands of themand continue to find this art formirresistible and magical.

What or who has inspired you throughout your artistic path?

The beauty of nature and rocks. I am a careful observer. I watch animals,study their anatomy, draw sketches, and collect photos. That is one wayof learning how to see an animal in a rock.

What is your favourite media and why have you chosen to work with these media and techniques ?

I work exclusively with acrylics. These are incredibly versatile; they taketo the most unusual surfaces and work wonderfully on rocks.

Ernestina Gallina

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Shot 1 is the very first photograph I took (outside my bathroom window) simply to show you that this is a real photo shoot. This is what I consider to be a “snap shot” and a picture that is taken quickly, without any thought, simply to capture the moment or evidence of what you saw. The only bonus is that he happens to be looking rightat the camera. I was using an additional macro lens to take thesephotographs.

The second shot is an improvement as I have zoomed in to get rid of the ugly, unnatural background of the window but there is still thehorrible man-made brick background with some strong shadows

which detract from the mantid. He is looking up at the camera whichis good and his head is a focal point but still not the ideal shot.

Shot 1

Shot 2


Equipment used: Canon EOS 400D (10.1 mp) EF100mm f/2.8 MacroUSM, Canon Speedlite 430zEX Flash


by Lesley Smitheringale

I often think that there is a misconception out there that photography as an art form is easy, especially as there is an excellent range of cameras which do a remarkably good job even set to auto where we can just shoot away to our heart’s content.

Now, it’s true, in my opinion, that the top of the range digital camerasdo a fantastic job but I also feel that the photographer needs to know what they are trying to actually achieve in the photograph and it is

another form of art after all where the person looking through the lenshas to consider composition, lighting, focal point, background, colour,texture, mood, personality, focus etc before pressing the shutter. You will understand that I’m not talking about quick snapshots in thisarticle but photography as an art form.

I have included this post due to my current photography competition which I am running entitled “New Year Garden Guests” (link at theend of this article) which is open to amateur photographers like me. Iam not a photography expert but I do have professional training in artand design. I thought that these examples I am about to show you anddiscuss might give you some tips and inspiration for the competition.

Ok, this is a real example of a mini photo shoot I had with a garden guest - the fantastic stick mantid which has personality plus! I haveonly ever seen two and this series is from my second sighting and heappeared quite out of the blue when I was in the bathroom, believe it ornot, and I happened to see him on the outside of the window. Now, Ihave to confess at this point that I am particularly “obsessed” with any form of wildlife in my garden since I purchased my camera and it hasopened up a whole new world that I never knew existed to the point where I do not want to weed my yard for fear of killing some of thesecritters I have photographed. How’s that for the ultimate excuse in not working in the garden!


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Featured Artist

Website http://www.ericwilsonwildlifeart.com

Job Title Professional Artist

Preferred Medium Oils/Pastels

Country of Birth United Kingdom

Country of Residence United Kingdom

Available for Commissions Yes

An interview with...

Eric Wilson When did you realise that art had to be part of yourlife?

I was born with a powerful conviction that I was meant todo something special with my life. Many people feel thisway I'm sure, and for me it goes back to my earliestmemory, when I was still a baby in my cot. I had a very powerful dream, believe it or not about my own brain and it made such an impact on me that I have never forgottenit. It drives my ambition to this day. I'm still puzzled athow a baby could dream about, or even conceive its ownbrain but believe me, that’s exactly what happened and I came away from the experience with the powerful conviction that I was to use mine.

I could always draw well, it just came easily to me and I can clearly remember even in the nursery, arguing withother infants who painted the mandatory blue strip alongthe top of their painting to represent a sky, that the sky in fact should come all the way down to meet the strip of green that represented the land. I just couldn't understand why the other kids didn't get it. More than just havingability though, I really felt a love for art and that art wassomething I both understood, and would be able tocommunicate with.

What or who has inspired you throughout your artistic path?

Rolf Harris made quite an impression on me back in the mid 60's. He had a TV show where he would paint a picture live and I would be sat in front of the TV with paper and pencil frantically trying to keep up. My firstexperience of a real artist. He was a hero to me - and still is. After that I was very inspired by the fantasy art of Frank Frazetta and then the incredible realism of Norman Rockwell. In the field of wildlife art I greatly admireRobert Bateman, Carl Brenders and for sheer oil painting technique, Anthony Gibbs.

I am inspired by powerful subjects, and having a lifelong passion for wildlife has led me to paint the predators and other large impressive mammals, they have that primal quality of fear and awe that appeals to me. I love all wildlife, and can delight at seeing a robin on a branch, but it doesn't particularly call out for me to paint it in theway the predators do.

e-mail [email protected]

‘Nambian Elephant Dusting’ , Pastel, 17 x 25 inches

© Eric Wilson

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Featured Artist

Website http://www.bullockphotos.com

e-mail [email protected] Job Title Travel Agent

Preferred Medium Digital Photography

Country of Birth AustraliaCountry of Residence Australia

Available for Commissions Yes

An interview with... Steve Bullock

When did you realise that art had to be partof your life?

Probably when I was about 10 years of age. I started drawing and painting, turned to clay and other mediums then finally I could afford acamera when I was 20 and never looked back!

What or who has inspired you throughoutyour artistic path?

Many artists, but I love Steve Parish and KenDuncan's work. Who doesn't right!

What is your favourite media and why haveyou chosen to work with these media andtechniques ?

Photography, probably because I figured I couldn't draw or paint that well! But I love thecreativity you can explore, the moments you cancatch, and the ease of the digital world.

Why have you chosen wildlife as a subjectmatter in your work ?

I've always loved animals, watching National Geographic and World Around Us every week,seeing the documentaries on Africa and

everywhere else in the world. Just so manyanimals to see, so little time!

‘Water dragon and youngster ’ by Steve Bullock

© Steve Bullock

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Featured Artist

Website www.creatingnaturejournals.com\ www.pamjohnsonbrickellart.com

e-mail [email protected]

Job Title Nature Artist

Preferred Medium watercolour, watercolour pencils, acrylicCountry of Birth USA

Country of Residence USA Available for Commissions Yes

An interview with...

Pam Johnson Brickell When did you realise that art had tobe part of your life?

I started taking art lessons, from aprofessional artist, at the age of 12.When it came time for college Iknew my education had to centeraround art. I was so focused onbeing able to study art that I choseone school to attend, the School of the Worcester Art Museum inMassachusetts. What a rush it wasto be accepted into their program.At the time, SWAM was one of thetop 10 art schools in the country.My freshman class had 33 students.

Three years later, 16 of usgraduated.

© Pam Johnson Brickell

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Some Joy among the Heartache of the Victorian Fires in Australia Wednesday, February 11th, 2009 by Lesley Smitheringale

I would like to offer my sincere condolences and prayersto the families in Victoria, Australia who have beenaffected by the fires, lost loved ones, their homes andeverything they treasured. Australians and the rest of the world cannot begin to come to terms with the enormity of this disaster and I personally find it impossible toimagine what it would be like to be left with nothingapart from the clothes you are wearing. Everyone isshocked and grieving but like true “Aussies” , the nationhas acted by fund raising like crazy, in any shape or formto help these poor, now homeless people who must becompletely shattered.

My College has stepped in by fund raising as well and if we can all chip in and financially help these fire victimsin any shape or form then it is a good thing.Unfortunately, we cannot even begin to mend theemotional trauma some families are experiencing.Perhaps putting the “alleged” serial arsonists behind bars will be a start…

I certainly do not intend, for a second, to place the welfare of wildlife as being more important in this articlethan the life and rehabilitation of a person but it is only intended as a bit of light relief and a tiny glimmer of hope in the whole scheme of this horrendous devastationto both human and wildlife welfare. I sincerely hope thatthis article will be viewed in this light.http://www.wildlifevictoria.org.au/cms/index.php?option=com_wrapper&view=wrapper&Itemid=43

This image on the left has engaged the nation of wildlife lovers becausea totally, wild and traumatised young koala, nick named Sam , entrustsa volunteer fireman to give her water and she is resting her paw on thefireman’s hand which is quite extraordinary for a wild animal. Thisimage epitomises the Australian icon of the koala as being vulnerablein the fires and totally loved by all Australians to the point where we would do anything to help and save this dearly loved marsupial. Inother circumstances, this same koala, would be lashing out in fear atthe fireman with her very sharp claws. That’s why this scene is so very special and heart wrenching.Sam the fortunate koala

Bellerine the possum in good hands

The koala (above) wandered in to a family’s home in desperate need of water and he ended up actually sitting in the bucket – just gorgeous!