NADCAP Audit Criteria for Nondestructive Testing Facility Magnetic Particle Survey

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NADCAP Audit Criteria for Nondestructive Testing Facility Magnetic Particle Survey

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  • PRI operating procedures provide that "This report is published by PRI to advance the state of technical, engineering, and quality sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising there from, is the sole responsibility of the user." PRI values your input. To provide feedback on this document, please contact the appropriate commodity staff engineer. (Contact information is located at under Contact Us.) Copyright 2013 Performance Review Institute. All rights reserved. t-frm-15 2-Jan-13

    161 Thorn Hill Road Warrendale, PA 15086-7527


    AC7114/2 REV. G

    Issued 1997-07 Revised 2013-7 Superseding AC7114/2 Rev F



    1 SCOPE These Audit Criteria define the requirements for suppliers seeking Nadcap accreditation in Magnetic Particle and

    are to be used as a supplement to PRI AC7114. These criteria and the applicable User Prime Supplemental Checklists will ensure that NDT suppliers meet the requirements for Nadcap accreditation in Magnetic Particle. Note: This checklist is not applicable to the Yoke or Permanent Magnet techniques.


    In completing this assessment, auditors are instructed to respond with a "Yes or No" to address compliance with each statement of requirement. For any negative responses, the auditor must clearly indicate in the NCR if the No" reflects noncompliance with respect to existence, adequacy, and/or compliance. Existence relates to evidence of a documented procedure or policy, adequacy relates to the completeness of the procedure or policy, and compliance relates to evidence of effective implementation. This checklist includes the use of the word shall which indicates a clear requirement that must be met at all times. The word, may indicates a possible resolution to a requirement or one recommended method to achieve a given requirement but does not represent the only way to meet that requirement. In addition the checklist includes the term Compliance Assessment Guidance. This term is used to reflect the Task Groups expectation when answering the checklist question as YES or N/A. The auditor must verify the list of procedures provided by the supplier at the time of the audit. Any corrections or updates to the list must be identified using notes, inserted at the applicable criterion.

    All negative responses require a Nonconformance Report (NCR). Not Applicable (N/A) responses do not require an explanation unless otherwise noted. There is only one plausible reason for an N/A, which is, that a particular operation or issue is not being used at the supplier. There are no N/As simply for a lack of a customer requirement. If a system is in use, then all questions pertaining to that system are applicable. If verification of results require documentation it shall be so noted in this checklist.

    The audit results shall not include any customer proprietary information. Technical information on parts which have been designated Export Controlled License Required (EC-LR) cannot be input into eAuditNet. If auditors have any questions about this, they should contact the Staff Engineer for directions.

    GO FORWARD PLAN Any new or revised procedure made after 4 December 2006 requires compliance to the following requirements. Procedures written prior to this date shall be acceptable; however a system needs to be in place to ensure that changes reflect the current Nadcap requirements.

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    2.1 References

    SAE Publications: Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15086-0001, USA.

    AS4792 Water Conditioning Agents for Aqueous Magnetic Particle Inspection

    AS5282 Tool Steel Ring Standard for Magnetic Particle Inspection

    AS7003 Nadcap Program Requirements AMS2641 Vehicle, Magnetic Particle Inspection

    ASTM Publications: Available from ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, USA.

    ASTM-E-1444 Standard Practice for Magnetic Particle Examination


    3.1 Materials, Equipment Listing and Information

    The supplier shall complete and the auditor shall review, the Supplier's provided Materials and Equipment Listing, for adequacy, content and correctness. Attachments are for information only but shall be completed fully. NCRs shall not be written against attachments. (Attachment AC7114/2-A).


    3.2 Material Certification 3.2.1 Is the manufacturers certification available for the magnetic particles used and is there

    evidence that they conform to the applicable AMS? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The supplier shall have traceability to the manufacturers certification.

    YES NO

    3.2.2 Is the manufacturers certification available for the suspension carrier, and/or conditioning agents used, as applicable, and is there evidence that it conforms to the applicable standard? If so, identify the applicable standard met.

    Light petroleum distillate [ ] AMS 2641 (Type 1 or 2) [ ] A-A-59230 [ ] Other (list) Suitable conditioned water (conditioning agents) [ ] AS 4792 [ ] Other (list)

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: The supplier shall have traceability to the manufacturers certification. Suspension carriers not listed above shall require documented customer approval.

    YES NO


    4.1 NDT Facility Written Procedures

    4.1.1 Is there a procedure, general or specific, for processing and inspection using the magnetic particle method?

    YES NO

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    4.2 Approval

    4.2.1 Does the procedure(s) indicate approval by the applicable Level 3? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The applicable Level 3 may be the Nadcap User, Nadcap User qualified or approved Level 3, internal Level 3 and/or external Level 3.

    YES NO

    4.3 Procedure / Technique

    Does the written procedure, general or specific, contain the following information as a minimum?

    Compliance Assessment Guidance:

    The term, procedure may be synonymous with a traveler or a route card, etc. All non-technical requirements that have been flowed down solely by the

    baseline will only be required to be met if that in-use technique or process has been revised since the inception of the baseline on December 4, 2006.

    4.3.1 Traceability to the name and address of the facility performing the inspection?

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: In some cases it may not be necessary for the actual address as long as the facility is traceable to a unique identifier.

    YES NO

    4.3.2 Procedure identification number and the date the procedure was approved?

    YES NO

    4.3.3 A requirement that all personnel are qualified and certified to the required level for the activity undertaken and the applicable contract requirements?

    YES NO

    4.3.4 Identification of the part(s) to which the procedure applies, including the material, alloy and dimensions of the part when used for technique development? Compliance Assessment Guidance. Material and alloy. Where the supplier is working directly to a maintenance manual or cannot ascertain the material type from the customer the definition ferromagnetic steel is an acceptable alternative.

    YES NO

    4.3.5 Equipment to be used for magnetization?

    YES NO

    4.3.6 Type of magnetizing current (e.g., half wave rectified, three phase, single phase, AC, etc.)?

    YES NO

    4.3.7 Directions of magnetization to be used, the order in which they are applied and any demagnetization procedures to be used between shots?

    YES NO

    4.3.8 Magnetic particle application method used, (continuous / residual)?

    YES NO

    4.3.9 Pulse duration, type (AC, DC), and quantity (pulses/shot)? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The minimum considered acceptable is 2 shots each at a minimum of second.

    YES NO

    4.3.10 Magnitude of current, direction of all magnetic fields, the magnetic field strengths, the types of magnetic field strength indicators, ampere turns, etc?

    YES NO

    4.3.11 Magnetic field strength and location of Gauss/Tesla measurements if QQIs are not used?

    YES NO N/A

    4.3.12 Directions for positioning the item with respect to the magnetizing equipment?

    YES NO

    4.3.13 Complete pre-examination and post-examination demagnetization, cleaning and YES NO

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    preservation requirements or reference to procedures containing such instructions?

    4.3.14 Areas of the part(s) to be examined including an illustration; either a drawing or a photo?

    YES NO

    4.3.15 Method of establishing the magnetization (e.g., head, coil, cable wrap, etc.)?

    YES NO

    4.3.16 Type of records and/or method of marking parts after examination?

    YES NO

    4.3.17 Identification of test parts used for system performance verification?

    YES NO

    4.3.18 Sequence of the magnetic particle examination relative to manufacturing operations, if applicable?

    YES NO N/A

    4.3.19 Type of magnetic particle material (dry or wet, or fluorescent, etc.)?

    YES NO

    4.3.20 Acceptance requirements to be used for evaluating indications and disposition of part(s) after examination?

    YES NO

    4.3.21 All required process controls and calibration checks called out in Section 5 & 6 of this checklist?

    YES NO

    4.3.22 Reporting of arcing and actions taken to prevent overheating of the parts? Compliance Assessment Guidance: N/A applies only when direct contact methods are not used.

    YES NO N/A

    4.3.23 Address inspection of hardware which has a coating or plating applied in accordance with the standard? (if applicable)

    YES NO N/A


    Compliance Assessment Guidance:

    If a particular system is not used by the supplier, i.e. water based suspension, then questions pertaining to that system are N/A and no explanation is required. Where equipment is not used for a period in excess of the check frequency, the check shall be performed immediately prior to use.

    If the following process control checks are performed at the supplier, adequate procedural coverage and documentation of said tests and results are expected to be evident and are to be reviewed by the auditor. If the tests are performed by an external source, the auditor is expected to review evidence of flow-down (i.e., a Purchase Order) with the appropriate information to include at a minimum, traceability to the required test and the standard used. In addition, an adequate certification or other document is required to document the results of the tests.

    5.1 Suspension Concentration Checks N/A

    5.1.1 Is the suspensions wet particle concentration tested at the start of every shift? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The suspension concentration check is not applicable to aerosol spray cans.

    YES NO

    5.1.2 Is the suspension agitated at least 30 minutes prior to performing the concentration check?

    YES NO

    5.1.3 Is the suspension sample demagnetized and allowed to settle for at least 60 minutes for petroleum based suspension or 30 minutes for conditioned water suspension, prior to performing the concentration check?

    YES NO

    5.1.4 Is the magnetic particle concentration within the following limits? YES NO

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    Fluorescent 0.1 - 0.4 mL per 100 mL sample

    5.1.5 Are records of the concentration check on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The actual concentration value shall be recorded; OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    YES NO

    5.1.6 Did the facility properly demonstrate the required suspension concentration check?

    YES NO

    5.1.7 Is a centrifuge vessel with a stem graduated in 0.05ml increments used for the concentration check? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Certification/calibration is not required.

    YES NO

    5.2 Suspension Contamination Checks N/A

    5.2.1 Is the reference sample of unused suspension retained for the contamination check and is it stored properly? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The sample of unused particle suspension shall be stored in such a manner as to be free of exposure to light and shall only be brought into the inspection area for comparison against the in-use suspension. The suspension contamination check is not applicable to aerosol spray cans.

    YES NO

    5.2.2 If the sample shows reduced fluorescence and/or loose agglomeration rather than a solid layer of particles, is the suspension drained, machine cleaned and refilled with fresh suspension? Compliance Assessment Guidance: If this condition has occurred, then there must be documented evidence of corrective actions taken.

    YES NO

    5.2.3 Is the suspension evaluated for contamination at least weekly?

    YES NO

    5.2.4 Is the maximum acceptable volume of contaminate 30% or less of the volume of magnetic particles?

    YES NO

    5.2.5 If the suspension shows bands or striations of contamination exceeding 30% of the volume of magnetic particles, is the suspension drained, machine cleaned and refilled with new suspension? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Examine the graduated portion of the tube, under both black light and visible light, for striations or bands, difference in color or appearance. Bands or striations may indicate contamination. If this condition has occurred, then there must be documented evidence of corrective actions taken.

    YES NO

    5.2.6 Are records of contamination checks on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The test results shall indicate a percentage or simply state acceptable or some other term that denotes acceptance.

    YES NO

    5.2.7 Did the facility properly demonstrate the required suspension contamination checks? YES NO 5.3 Water Break Test (Water Based Vehicles) N/A

    5.3.1 Is the water break test of water based vehicles being performed at least daily in accordance with ASTM-E-1444?

    YES NO

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    5.3.2 Are records of this test on file and do they provide acceptable results?

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Records indicating OK or some other check mark are acceptable for this test.

    YES NO

    5.3.3 Did the facility properly demonstrate this check? YES NO

    5.4 Black Light (UV) Meters and Measurements

    5.4.1 Is a digital meter, with a spectral sensitivity from 320-400 nm, utilized to verify black light intensity?

    YES NO


    Is calibration of the meter being performed at least semi-annually or, with adequate documentation, extended as allowed by the governing standard but not to exceed 12 months when 4 consecutive acceptable calibrations and adequate documentation is available to support the decreased frequency?

    YES NO

    5.4.3 Is the calibration performed at a minimum of three points to establish linearity? Compliance Assessment Guidance: No specific values need to be used.

    YES NO

    5.4.4 Is the black light meter accurate to within +/- 5% of the standard reading? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The value of 5% is in reference to a comparison of the light meter being calibrated to another calibrated (traceable to NIST or other National Standard) light meter. It is not meant to represent a true 5% calibration tolerance.

    YES NO

    5.4.5 Is the black light meter traceable to calibration data? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The meter shall be serialized, stickered or otherwise identifiable to the calibration data.

    YES NO

    5.4.6 Is the calibration current?

    YES NO

    5.4.7 Is the black light intensity of the inspection light(s) checked at least daily, prior to use or after equipment maintenance?

    YES NO

    5.4.8 Is the minimum acceptable limit 1200 W/cm2 at a fixed distance of 15 inches (38 cm)? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Borescope intensity shall be a minimum of 1000 W/cm2 at the inspection surface as measured from the inspection distance.

    YES NO

    5.4.9 Are records of this check on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The actual light intensity shall be recorded for this check; OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    YES NO

    5.4.10 Did the facility properly demonstrate this check?

    YES NO

    5.4.11 Are the black light reflectors and filters clean and in good condition?

    YES NO

    5.4.12 Where battery powered lamps are used does the procedure address consistency of U/V output and the controls used to ensure adequate output during all inspection activity Compliance Assessment Guidance: The procedure shall address the check requirements for battery powered sources.

    YES NO N/A

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    5.5 White Light Meters and Measurements

    5.5.1 Is calibration of the meter being performed at least semi-annually or, with adequate documentation, extended as allowed by the governing standard but not to exceed 12 months when 4 consecutive acceptable calibrations and adequate documentation is available to support the decreased frequency?

    YES NO

    5.5.2 Is the calibration performed at a minimum of three points to establish linearity? Compliance Assessment Guidance: No specific values need to be used.

    YES NO

    5.5.3 Is the light meter accurate to within 5% of the standard reading? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The value of 5% is in reference to a comparison of the light meter being calibrated to another calibrated (traceable to NIST or other National Standard) light meter. It is not meant to represent a true 5% calibration tolerance.

    YES NO

    5.5.4 Is the white light meter traceable to the calibration data? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The meter shall be serialized, stickered or otherwise identifiable to the calibration data.

    YES NO

    5.5.5 Is ambient white light in the inspection area controlled for fluorescent magnetic particle inspection, not to exceed 2 ft-candles/20 lux, as measured at the examination surface? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This measurement is taken in the darkened inspection area to include the examination surface with the black lights operating in the fixed position of 15 inches (38 cm).

    YES NO

    5.5.6 Is this check being performed at least weekly or prior to use or after equipment maintenance?

    YES NO

    5.5.7 Are records of this check on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The actual light intensity shall be recorded for this check, OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    YES NO

    5.5.8 Did the facility properly demonstrate this check?

    YES NO

    5.5.9 Is 100 ft-candles/1000 lux, or more, available at the part surface for visual verification of magnetic particle indications? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This question shall be applicable where accept/reject decisions rely on the use of white light. (otherwise N/A)

    YES NO N/A

    5.5.10 Is the white light checked and documented at least weekly or prior to use? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The actual light intensity shall be recorded for this check; OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    YES NO N/A

    5.5.11 Did the facility properly demonstrate this check? YES NO N/A

    6 EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION CHECKS 6.1 Magnetic Field Strength

    6.1.1 Is the magnetic field strength determined by an appropriate method?

    Identify the applicable method(s):

    YES NO

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    a. Testing parts having known or artificial discontinuities, including AS5371 notched

    shim indicators, of the type, size and location specified in the acceptance requirements.

    b. Using a Hall-effect probe gauss meter capable of measuring the peak values of

    the tangential field. c. Use of the formulas in conjunction with another field strength monitoring method (a

    or b). Compliance Assessment Guidance: Magnetic field strength shall be determined by a, b or c. If c applies then this shall be in conjunction with either a or b. If using AS 5371 notched shim indicators the protective coating shall have been removed prior to use and they shall be correctly fastened on the component

    [ ]

    [ ]

    [ ]

    6.1.2 If Hall Effect Gauss meters are used, are they calibrated at a minimum of three points within the range of use and at least semi-annually? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Calibration example: The calibration points for a meter used at 1 Gauss to 85 Gauss could be calibrated at 0.5/50/100 Gauss to meet the requirement. These are not absolute points; the auditor must use discretion when determining if the data points are adequate.

    YES NO N/A

    6.1.3 Are instruments used only for residual field measurement calibrated at a minimum of three points in their range of use at least semi-annually? Compliance Assessment Guidance: For instruments measuring positive and negative values the three points could be the maximum residual field level and zero.- for example +3, 0 -3 Gauss N/A only if a Hall Effect Gauss meter or other acceptable device is used in place of the residual field indicator.

    YES NO N/A

    6.1.4 Is the magnetic particle machine ammeter checked at least semi-annually at a minimum of three points encompassing the range of use? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The ammeter/shunt combination and magnetic particle machine ammeter shall not differ by more than 10%, or 50 amperes, whichever is greater, of the units output. Note: The calibration points for a meter used at 100 amps to 3000 amps could be calibrated at 100 / 1000 / 3000 to meet the requirement.

    YES NO

    6.1.5 Are records of this check on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The actual values shall be recorded for this check; OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    YES NO

    6.1.6 Is there evidence that a repeatability check has been carried out to set a minimum usable output? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The lowest useable current is determined by setting the equipment and carrying out a number of successive shots to ensure the output does not vary more than 10% or 50 Amps whichever is greater.

    YES NO

    6.1.7 Is the equipment marked with the lowest useable output values determined by the output repeatability check?

    YES NO

    6.1.8 For equipment using a timer to control pulse duration, is the pulse duration of the magnetizing current flow controlled so that at least 0.5 seconds can be achieved?

    YES NO N/A

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    6.1.9 For equipment using a timer, is the pulse timer calibrated at least semi-annually to be

    within 0.1seconds?

    YES NO N/A

    6.1.10 Are records of this check on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The actual values shall be recorded for this check; OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    YES NO N/A

    6.1.11 If the magnetic particle machine is equipped with the quick break feature, is the quick-break feature being checked at least semi-annually? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This check is to be conducted in the coil.

    YES NO N/A

    6.1.12 Are records of this test on file and do they indicate acceptable results in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Records indicating OK or some other check mark are acceptable for this test. The manufacturers guidelines shall indicate acceptance criteria.

    YES NO N/A

    6.2 System Performance

    6.2.1 Is a device used to monitor the system performance? (Identify applicable method used)

    AISI 01 Ketos Ring [ ] AS5282 Ring [ ] TP 1-4 [ ] Known Defective Part [ ] Other approved standard [ ] (list)____________________________________ Compliance Assessment Guidance: One or more of the above devices shall be used to monitor the system performance. Any other standard approved by the customer shall have documented evidence of approval.

    YES NO

    6.2.2 Is a Ketos tool steel ring used for the system performance test and is there documentation available which provides evidence that it is certified to Ketos tool steel ring requirements?

    YES NO N/A Is the Ketos tool steel ring free of damage or corrosion which would affect its use?

    YES NO Is the magnetic particle system performance checked at least daily or prior to use by testing the Ketos tool steel ring showing the required holes per maximum allowable amperage setting? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The maximum amperage values specified in the table shall not be exceeded.

    AISI 01 Ketos

    Maximum Amperage Indicated Results # of Holes

    #3 Hole @ 1400 Amps #5 Hole @ 2500 Amps #6 Hole @ 3400 Amps

    YES NO Are records of this test on file and do they indicate acceptable results? YES NO

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    Compliance Assessment Guidance: Records of this check shall be on file. The actual number of holes shall be recorded for this check; OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    6.2.3 Is an AS5282 steel ring used for the system performance test, and is there documentation available that provides evidence that it is properly certified to AS5282 requirements?

    YES NO N/A Is the AS 5282 steel ring free of damage or corrosion which would affect its use?

    YES NO Is the magnetic particle system performance checked at least daily or prior to use by testing the AS 5282 steel ring showing the required holes per maximum allowable amperage setting? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The maximum amperage values specified in the table shall not be exceeded.

    AS 5282 Maximum Amperage Indicated Results # of Holes

    #3 Hole @ 500 Amps #5 Hole @1000 Amps #6 Hole @1500 Amps #7 Hole @2500 Amps #9 Hole @3500 Amps

    YES NO Are records of this test on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The actual number of holes shall be recorded for this check, OK or some other mark is not acceptable.

    YES NO


    Is an alternate test device (TP 1-4, known defective part or other standard listed in 6.2.1) used to monitor the system performance? Compliance Assessment Guidance: If a Ketos tool steel ring or AS 5282 steel ring is not used to monitor the system performance, then an alternative test device, such as TP 1-4, known defective part or other standard listed in 6.2.1 shall be used.

    YES NO N/A Is the magnetic particle system performance checked at least daily or prior to use?

    YES NO Does the performance of the test device used meet or exceed the original defined baseline? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Test devices shall have pre-determined current values for the indications/defects, acceptance criteria defined and approval by customer.

    YES NO Is the device used free of damage or corrosion that would affect its use?

    YES NO Are records of this test on file and do they indicate acceptable results? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The recording of the results of this test shall be in accordance with customer requirements.

    YES NO

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    6.3 Processing Area

    6.3.1 Is the inspection performed following all processes that could adversely affect the part (Heat Treat, Forming, Machining, Welding, etc)? Compliance Assessment Guidance: N/A for independent test facilities.

    YES NO N/A

    6.3.2 Are all parts cleaned prior to inspection as applicable to remove paint, scale, oil, dirt and other foreign materials that may interfere with the inspection process?

    YES NO

    6.3.3 Are parts plugged or masked if required? YES NO N/A

    7 COMPLIANCE Compliance Assessment Guidance: The supplier shall perform representative inspections from current production

    to determine compliance with these requirements. These parts shall be selected to represent a variety of Nadcap participating customer requirements and several different types of processing equipment if more than one magnetic particle machine is in use at this facility. Borrowing hardware from one company to another to demonstrate compliance is not acceptable; unless there is objective evidence the design authority has authorized movement of the hardware to the company undergoing the audit. Investigate the purchase order specifications to identify any customer unique acceptance, process control, or procedure requirements applicable to these parts. Witness the facility's ability to perform inspection of these parts in accordance with the requirements. If there are trainees being utilized by the facility, it is expected that the auditor makes every attempt to witness them performing in a compliance job.

    It is expected that the auditor shall review and follow traceability from the purchase order to completion of the NDT process or final certification by reviewing as a minimum the items listed below. The auditor shall verify that the process applied complies with the procedural system established by the company in terms of flow down, customer specification retrieval (as applicable), inspection identification, etc. a) Purchase Order b) Drawing (if applicable) c) Work Order d) Process Specifications and Revision e) Internal Procedures and Revision f) Lot / Batch / Serial Number: g) Applicable Procedures / Techniques / Work Instructions h) Travelers / Route Cards i) Inspection Log

    7.1 Provide the following documentation for auditor review for each of the parts being tested during the compliance

    portion of the audit: Note: EC-LR materials shall not leave the suppliers facility. a. Copy of completed technique card or supplier procedure with evidence of customer approval if required. b. Copy of completed shop traveler or work order. c. If neither a or b above indicate the process and acceptance standard and their revision status, then the document that shows the link to this data shall also be reviewed. . A. Compliance YES NO

    Customer End User

    Purchase Order Number:

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    Work Order Number:

    Lot / Batch / Serial Number:

    Process Specification(s): Revision(s)

    Internal Procedure(s): Revision(s)

    Acceptance Specification(s) / Drawing Notes: Revision(s) Class and/or Grade

    (if applicable)

    Part Description:

    Part Number: Revision

    Inspectors Level(s):

    B. Compliance YES NO

    Customer End User

    Purchase Order Number:

  • PRI AC7114/2 Rev. G - 13 -

    Work Order Number:

    Lot / Batch / Serial Number:

    Process Specification(s): Revision(s)

    Internal Procedure(s): Revision(s)

    Acceptance Specification(s) / Drawing Notes: Revision(s) Class and/or Grade

    (if applicable)

    Part Description:

    Part Number: Revision

    Inspectors Level(s):

    C. Compliance YES NO

    Customer End User

    Purchase Order Number:

    Work Order Number:

  • PRI AC7114/2 Rev. G - 14 -

    Lot / Batch / Serial Number:

    Process Specification(s): Revision(s)

    Internal Procedure(s): Revision(s)

    Acceptance Specification(s) / Drawing Notes: Revision(s) Class and/or Grade

    (if applicable)

    Part Description:

    Part Number: Revision

    Inspectors Level(s):

    7.2 If applicable and in conjunction with the preceding, the supplier shall also provide an additional

    three paperwork compliance jobs across the Nadcap User base. Provide the following documentation for auditor review for each of these jobs: Note: The goal is to provide at least one set of compliance documentation for each of the suppliers Nadcap User customer base. If all of the suppliers Nadcap customers were represented in the actual compliance audits, then this section is N/A. Note: EC-LR materials shall not leave the suppliers facility. a. Copy of completed technique card or supplier procedure with evidence of customer approval if required. b. Copy of completed shop traveler or work order. c. If neither a or b above indicate the process and acceptance standard and their revision status, then the document that shows the link to this data shall also be reviewed. .


    A. Compliance YES NO Customer End User

  • PRI AC7114/2 Rev. G - 15 -

    Purchase Order Number:

    Work Order Number:

    Lot / Batch / Serial Number:

    Process Specification(s): Revision(s)

    Internal Procedure(s): Revision(s)

    Acceptance Specification(s) / Drawing Notes: Revision(s) Class and/or Grade

    (if applicable)

    Part Description:

    Part Number: Revision

    Inspectors Level(s): Date Performed:

    B. Compliance YES NO N/A

    Customer End User

    Purchase Order Number:

  • PRI AC7114/2 Rev. G - 16 -

    Work Order Number:

    Lot / Batch / Serial Number:

    Process Specification(s): Revision(s)

    Internal Procedure(s): Revision(s)

    Acceptance Specification(s) / Drawing Notes: Revision(s) Class and/or Grade

    (if applicable)

    Part Description:

    Part Number: Revision

    Inspectors Level(s): Date Performed:

    C. Compliance YES NO N/A

    Customer End User

    Purchase Order Number:

    Work Order Number:

  • PRI AC7114/2 Rev. G - 17 -

    Lot / Batch / Serial Number:

    Process Specification(s): Revision(s)

    Internal Procedure(s): Revision(s)

    Acceptance Specification(s) / Drawing Notes: Revision(s) Class and/or Grade

    (if applicable)

    Part Description:

    Part Number: Revision

    Inspectors Level(s): Date Performed:

    7.3 Customer Specifications

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor shall verify compliance to each of these requirements by direct observation.

    7.3.1 Is the facility using the appropriate specification(s) and revision(s) as required by the

    contract document? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This shall be confirmed by the auditor by reviewing the customer P.O. and End User drawing if available.

    YES NO

    7.3.2 If the facility is working to any deviations, have they been approved by the customer? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor shall confirm documented customer approval, this may be in the form of a written communication, technique approval or by a formal deviation from the End User.

    YES NO N/A

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    7.3.3 Were the applicable work instructions/routings/shop travelers/techniques/procedures,

    acceptance criteria and unique customer requirements, made available to the magnetic particle inspectors? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The term available means that these documents are within easy access by the technicians. These documents are available and are used to perform the inspections, not used from memory.

    YES NO

    7.3.4 If written procedures and/or techniques require review and/or approval by the Cognizant Engineering Organization, is that approval evident? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This shall be investigated and confirmed by the auditor by reviewing the last ten part numbers shipped.

    YES NO N/A

    7.3.5 If applicable, are part specific drawing inspection and/or acceptance notes being flowed down and followed by the inspectors? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This shall be investigated and confirmed by the auditor.

    YES NO N/A

    7.3.6 Was there evidence of compliance to the document control procedure?

    YES NO

    7.3.7 If applicable, were any and all specification, drawing, procedure or technique changes authorized? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Auditor to confirm approval.

    YES NO N/A

    7.4 Inspection Process

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor shall verify compliance to each of these requirements by direct observation. 7.4.1 Do applicable Work Orders/Shop Travelers and Technique Cards contain or provide

    traceability to the following as a minimum? Part number / material identification?

    YES NO Specification reference?

    YES NO Inspection acceptance requirements?

    YES NO Correct sequence of operations? YES NO

    7.5 Part Processing

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor shall verify compliance to each of these requirements by direct observation: 7.5.1 Did the inspector(s) review, as applicable, the specification(s), technique sheet, and

    procedure(s) prior to inspecting the part?

    YES NO

    7.5.2 Are parts being cleaned in accordance with applicable work instructions/procedure prior to inspection?

    YES NO

    7.5.3 Were all parts clean? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor shall confirm the cleanliness of the parts prior to inspection by whatever means are available and reasonable.

    YES NO

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    7.5.4 Was the magnetic particle suspension properly agitated?

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: The magnetic particle suspension shall be agitated throughout to provide a uniform concentration of particles in suspension as demonstrated via the concentration result.

    YES NO

    7.5.5 Were parts properly magnetized in accordance with the procedure or technique sheet?

    YES NO

    7.5.6 Was suspension properly applied to the parts? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The suspension shall be applied to the surface of the part(s) in a manner providing total coverage. The suspension shall not be applied using pressure of such magnitude that would cause excessive splashing.

    YES NO

    7.5.7 Did the inspector(s) adhere to the requirement of not wearing photo chromatic eye glasses or permanently darkened lenses? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This is not intended to prohibit the use of eyeglasses with lenses treated to absorb ultraviolet light.

    YES NO

    7.5.8 Did the inspector(s) accustom their eyes to darkness for at least one minute before performing any inspection requiring the use of black light? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Inspectors shall allow at least 1 minute to condition their eyes to the darkness when coming in from ambient lighting. Adaptation time during inspection and evaluation is not required unless otherwise specified by the customer. A timing device is required for eye adaptation monitoring, but evidence of calibration is not required.

    YES NO

    7.5.9 If required, were parts demagnetized between each operation? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Parts shall be demagnetized between each operation where the strength of the magnetizing field is not sufficient to overcome the residual field of the previous magnetization.

    YES NO N/A

    7.5.10 If applicable, when current is passed directly through the part (direct head shot) was care exercised to prevent burning/arcing of the part at the contact areas? Compliance Assessment Guidance: When current is passed directly through the part (direct head shot), burning/arcing between the contact areas of the machine and the part shall not occur.

    YES NO N/A

    7.6 Inspection Evaluation Process

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: The following evaluation process shall be determined by direct observation and by researching the specifications, procedures and other customer documents that are applicable and required to reach an educated answer to each question. 7.6.1 Was the black light intensity measured at the time of this survey, at least 1200 W/cm2

    at the inspection surface?

    YES NO

    7.6.2 Were all areas of the part inspected per the technique sheet or procedure? YES NO

    7.6.3 If applicable, did the inspector(s) properly evaluate every relevant indication in accordance with the customer standard?

    YES NO N/A

    7.6.4 Was the specific acceptance criteria properly understood by the inspector(s)? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor is expected to confirm understanding by whatever means are required. This may be possible by observation or in some

    YES NO

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    cases may require the auditor to ask the inspector(s) questions regarding the criteria and how it is to be used.

    7.6.5 Were precautions taken when parts were handled during inspection not to smear or obliterate indications?

    YES NO

    7.6.6 If applicable, were indications not meeting the acceptance criteria marked on the part and/or appropriately documented? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor is expected to validate that the appropriate marking materials are utilized in accordance with customer requirements.

    YES NO N/A

    7.6.7 After evaluation, were all parts demagnetized and exhibit no more than an absolute value of 3 gauss or 240 A/m as determined by the use of a field indicator on the surface of the part?

    YES NO

    7.7 Post Cleaning

    Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor shall verify compliance to this requirement by direct observation. 7.7.1 Were parts properly cleaned after magnetic particle inspection to remove magnetic

    particle residues from holes, crevices, passage ways, etc? Compliance Assessment Guidance: Cleaning shall be done with a suitable solvent or by other means with all plugs, masking, or other processing aids removed with care as they may affect the intended use of the part.

    YES NO

    7.7.2 After inspection and appropriate cleaning, were parts properly protected from corrosion or damage?

    YES NO N/A

    7.8 Inspector Qualification

    7.8.1 Were the inspection personnel certified to the correct levels for the work they were performing? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This shall be verified by review of the certification records.

    YES NO

    7.8.2 Were all non-certified or in-training personnel observed performing magnetic particle process operations properly supervised? Compliance Assessment Guidance: This shall be determined by direct observation.

    YES NO N/A

    7.8.3 Were all personnel who require near vision correction to pass the visual acuity exam wearing vision correction for detection and evaluation purposes during testing/inspections? Compliance Assessment Guidance: The auditor shall verify that corrective lenses were used if required. N/A only where none of the inspection personnel witnessed working required correction lenses.

    YES NO N/A

    7.9 Inspection Status

    7.9.1 Were symbols and/or marking methods used to denote magnetic particle inspection status?

    YES NO

    7.9.2 Were all inspection results properly recorded and traceable to the parts? YES NO