Moving Buyers Through the Sales Process Faster by Selling to the Old Brain TODAY’S DATE MY NAME CONTACT [email protected] | O: (202) 469-7489 | C: (703) 625-4321 www.asherstrategies.com

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Moving Buyers Through the Sales Process Faster by Selling to the Old Brain




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SELLING TO THE OLD BRAIN Using Neuroscience Principles

The Old Brain Responds To


ME! ME! ME! FOCUSEDThe Old Brain does not care about your product. It only cares about its needs and what your product can do for it.


BEGINNING AND ENDINGALWAYS begin and end with emotion.

CLEAR DISTINCTIONTo make a difference, you, your product, and/or your company must be different.

VIVID IMAGESUse more pictures and videos in your presentations, proposals and on your websites. Your pictures and videos should be self-explanatory.

ACTIVE ENGAGEMENTThe biggest generator of engagement is a customer story. The buyer’s Old Brain can feel itself in your story.







“Wake Up” the Old Brain and Shorten Sales Cycle Times

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Asymmetric Dominance



Base Rate Neglect

Choice Supportive


Emotional Connection

Expensive Equals Good


False Consensus



Hyperbolic Disadvantage

In Group


Loss Aversion

Motivational Language


Obeying Authority


Physical Attraction





Rhyme or Reason



Self-serving Attribution


Social Connection

Social Influence

Social Proof

Sunk Cost

COGNITIVE BIASES Practical Applications To Sales and Marketing


COMPLIMENT BIASCompliment the buyer about a video on their website, their facilities, or how you were treated by their receptionist.

RECIPROCITY BIASBring the buyer a gift (book, white paper, article).Provide useful content with every interaction.

SIMILARITY BIASResearch buyers using LinkedIn and CrystalKnows. Use NLP techniques to appear similar to the buyer.

ANCHOR BIASAlways be the first to present.

STATUS QUO BIASThe competition is not your biggest competitor.Understand what it takes to get the buyer past their last step; deciding when to buy.

SINGLE OPTION AVERSION BIASNever offer just a single option.

CHOICE PARADOX BIASIf you offer more than 3 options, the buyers old brain becomes confused.

RATIONALE BIASGive the buyer a reason to do what you want them to do.

CONSISTENCY BIASFor every next step that you propose, ask a question to get the buyer to say “yes.”

COMMITMENT BIASEncourage sales people to take the 5 steps to ensure quota attainment.

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1. Product Knowledge

2. Aptitude*

3. Selling Skills

4. Motivation

5. Sales Process

*A “meta-analysis” of correlation studies show that 50% of the results for outside salespeople are due to their natural talent (aptitude).


Know their business, their customers’ business and their customers’ competitors’ business extremely well

Are born with a natural talent for sales

Knowing and using the top-ten sales skills and the 15 shortcuts

Have the grit (purpose, passion, priorities and perseverance) to follow through

Are working in companies that have best-practice marketing, sales, and customer service processes to support them

The Elite Salespeople...

“Spend more time hiring and less time managing”

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1. Focus on a few top prospects• Use LinkedIn’s advanced search technique to identify new prospects

2. Thoroughly research prospects and their organizations prior to first contact

• Use LinkedIn to research prospects and their companies• Use the challenger sales technique to add significant value to prospects

3. Use coaches (insiders) to fully understand prospects and their requirements• Go after opportunities where you have an inside coach• Use LinkedIn to get inside coaches and do “political mapping”• Use “Crystal Knows” to determine personality styles of buyers• Match/mirror personality styles to prospects with a high level of EQ to quickly build relationships• Use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) techniques

4. Sell yourself by building rapport• Know how to get buyers to talk about their interests, passions and subjects they love to talk about• Use LinkedIn InMail to build rapport prior to first meeting

5. Ask the right questions, listen and guide the conversation• Use the three active listening techniques to be the "perfect listener"

6. Use powerful marketing messages• Customer stories with return on investment data• Ghosting discriminators (why they should choose us and not the competition)

7. Act as a business consultant and solution provider• Provide two or three simple similar options• Know how to overcome objections (feel/felt/found)

8. Recognize when the buyer is ready to buy (Buyer's Shift) and know how to close the sale

• The six closing principles

9. Build long-term relationships with customers

10. Ask for referrals— “The Top Ten Selling Skills of the Elite Salespeople

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1. Totally focus on the buyer’s point of view – Before you describe what you can

do for the buyer

2. Ask permission to take notes and take notes

3. Summarize and repeat back to get agreement

Eight Reasons to Take Notes

NS based on Neuro-science (how the brain works)

Three Keys to "Perfect" Listening

1. It makes the seller use 80% of their brain to listen, process and write it down – As opposed to 20% when not

taking notes

2. Taking notes communicates that you are actively listening – Lets the buyer know that their words

are valuable enough to write down – Makes you appear like you are a caring,

interested, engaged professional

3. It causes buyers to take you more seriously and treat you more professionally

4. It slows down the needs analysis process – Gives the buyer more time to

think and share more info – Gives you more time to process the

information and devise follow up questions

5. Writing down what you hear increases retention by 40-70%

6. Most people cannot remember more than three main points if they do not write it down

7. It reduces anxiety most buyers feel when salespeople do not take notes – They are worried that you will not be

able to respond with a targeted proposal

8. It gives you the information to put into CRM






The Elite Salespeople will not just start taking notes; they will ask permission.

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NS based on Neuro-science (how the brain works)

Six Reasons to Ask Permission to Take Notes

1. It is polite and shows respect

2. It gives control ("illusion of control") of the conversation to the buyer

– If the buyer sees you struggling to keep up, the buyer will slow down

3. But, since you are asking questions, guiding the conversation where you need it to go and extracting the information you need, you are actually in control of the conversation

4. It lets skeptical buyers know exactly what you are doing

5. You get your first “YES” in the “staircase” to YES – Research shows that, the more "yes's" you get up front, the higher the probability

of getting the "yes" to the deal you want

6. 100% of the buyers will agree to let you take notes – The buyers want you to get it right – Buyers do not want to waste time on salespeople who do not take notes,

and offer solutions that are not the right fit and totally waste their time





The buyer’s comfort level is now 70 to 80%— University of Toledo Sales Lab

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Summarizing Buyer’s Requirements

• Just prior to offering solutions, summarize the buyer’s requirements back to them – Use your notes – Summarizing shows that you totally understand

• Your summary results in one of two outcomes: – You have it exactly right, having a great

impact on the buyer – You do not have it exactly right, allowing the

buyer to correct you (and allowing you to avoid suggesting an offering that does not respond to the buyer’s issue)

• When you summarize and feed it back to the buyer, you get even more information, 77% of the time – The additional info is almost always important (they want you to get the business

or at least submit a competent proposal)

• Here is the information buyers will tell you as they listened to your summary – Information that they forgot to tell you – The priority of their requirements / specs – Information about the incumbent – Information about your competition – Internal politics

• As a last question, ask the buyer – What is in it for them personally (WIIFM)

• If you show empathy, you are WAY closer to the sale (90%)

• The buyer’s comfort level is now at 80-90% – To the buyer, the discussion feels like a total collaboration – You have clarified the buyer’s needs in their mind – You have built a new incipient “inside coach”

— “You Are Working Too Hard to Make the Sale”; Carnegie Institute

– Their decision-making process – The personality styles of the buyers – Their time frame – Their budget (60% of the time) – Increased scope of work







— University of Toledo Sales Lab

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1. Using sales aptitude assessments to get the “right people in the right seat on the bus”

2. Account-management/ customer-service policies

3. Customer-feedback process

4. Strategic planning/vision/WHY

5. Strategic marketing (what new markets?)

6. Digital marketing (outbound and inbound)

7. Using CRM strategies to become customer-centric

8. Management of salespeople• Recruiting, interviewing, goal setting and compensation plans

9. Customer-focused newsletters / Blogs

10. Marketing messages• Killer arguments, ghosting discriminators and ROI stories

11. Prioritization of opportunities

12. 20-step new-business capture process (for large opportunities)

13. Sales process

14 Sales presentations

15. Proposals

The 15 Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Processes Used by Successful Larger Companies


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Revolutionary Automated Marketing Process (RAMP)

• Internet Marketing (engage prospects)– Outbound (Email/Social Media/LinkedIn): Your messages and stories pushed out– Inbound (SEO/SEM/Paid Social): Engaging prospects based on search and interest

• Blog (engage prospects)– Perfectly built for search engines to raise your SEO level– Marketing and branding benefit by offering timely content and perspective

• Integrated Social Media Campaign

• Interactive Website– Content rich website to help buyers know what they can buy from you– Prospects educate themselves and understand why you are different and better– Lead generating (landing pages with enticing content offers)

• Marketing Automation Software– Artificial intelligence techniques– Multiple nurture tracks (different content for different types of buyers)– Send the right information to prospects at exactly the right

time in their customer journey– Lead scoring metrics (to evaluate prospects and qualify them)

• CRM– Fully populate the CRM file for salespeople– Automatically notify salespeople about new sales qualified leads– Turn the lead into a customer – Cross-sell and up-sell

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Sales Gene Discovered

Identify Sales Talent with the Advanced Personality Assessment (APQ), and Get the “Right People in the Right Seats on the Sales Bus”

-”Good To Great”

Do your sales people have it?


APQ is the ONLY personality assessment tool that has all five of the following important attributes:

• It is both a hiring and development tool.

• Large scale correlation studies make it predictive of job success.

• Questioning methodology and design discourages “gaming” by candidates and the company is notified of the attempt.

• Specifically tuned to help current employees develop higher levels of emotional intelligence (EQ

• Has an associated Intelligence (IQ) assessment

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Over 200 correlation studies show natural aptitude is the most significant factor in predicting sales success!

RECENT CASE STUDIESThe APQ has consistently been shown to identify peak performers. Examples include:

• In three major studies (n=931), sales personnel scoring high vs. low on the APQ had an average of 50% higher sales commissions.

• In a large Mid-western financial services company (n=67) individuals scoring high vs.. low on the APQ had 740% higher sales commissions.

• In an analysis (n=461) based on revenues, it was found that hiring APQ “high” scorers would generate increased sales revenue of over $20,000,000.


Intensity/Drive Measures “fire in the belly” and results-orientation

Independence Measures team player vs. entrepreneurial spirit

Need to Analyze Measures intuition vs. “analysis paralysis” in decision making

Need to Serve Measures on-task behavior vs. service orientation

Assertiveness Measures level of confidence to confront or control others

Self-Protection Measures ability to handle feedback or rejection

Drive For Recognition Measures social motivation and versatility

Trust Measures skepticism vs. belief in others

Optimism Measures attitude (victor vs. victim)

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SALES POSITIONS:Outside Sales (Long Sales Cycle Time)Outside Sales (Short Sales Cycle Time)

Account ManagerSales Engineer

Inside SalesLead Generation Associate

Customer SupportPersonnel Manager (Recruiting Focus)

Retail Sales



VP of Sales and MarketingSales Manager

Operations ManagerMarketing ManagerProgram Manager

Human Resources ManagerAdministrative/Office Manager

NON-SALES POSITIONS:Training Coordinator

Administrative AssistantReceptionist

Validated APQ Job Positions

Need to format and add images

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Name Sales (LC)Account Manager

(Farmer)Inside Sales

Customer Support

Sales Manager (SF)

Personality Type

Tom Jones 94 84 82 66 75 Communicator

Hans Karisson 92 16 64 17 75 Driver

Jane Doe 90 16 69 12 20 Driver

Sophia Johnson 88 12 18 13 17 Communicator

Salme Okeke 88 51 64 13 82 Communicator

Linda Wiliams 87 61 89 36 49 Driver

Thato Farkeen 81 74 75 52 60 Communicator

Mary Smith 75 37 35 10 81 Communicator

LiWei Tan 57 64 35 21 60 Communicator

Morin James 41 47 35 52 17 Supporter

Alex Chen 32 19 14 68 29 Thinker

James Miller 11 24 20 61 24 Thinker


Team Aptitude Overview

Personality Trait Overview



Need to Analyze

Need to Serve


protectionDrive for



Alex Chen 40 25 5 24 35 58 19 6 38

Jane Doe 95 74 5 14 56 22 89 5 44

Thato Farkeen 78 75 49 95 84 84 36 95 69

Morin James 5 21 43 95 5 5 19 84 95

Sophia Johnson 95 86 5 15 23 74 5 95 7

Tom Jones 95 74 17 86 70 43 35 95 95

Hans Karisson 95 86 25 15 84 58 54 15 5

James Miller 40 25 95 95 84 40 19 36 7

Salme Okete 78 86 15 50 84 95 5 95 69

Mary Smith 69 74 5 23 95 62 95 30 95

LiWei Tan 67 75 75 73 84 95 19 95 43

Linda Williams 91 57 66 67 70 22 76 41 44

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EQ LEVEL 1.0: Psychologists tell us that the first step to self-improvement is self-awareness. The APQ personality traits show us who we are compared to everyone else based on our nine personality traits.

EQ LEVEL 2.0: The APQ shows us which of the personality traits are extremely high (over 80%) or extremely low (under 20%). These extremes can show us why we are so successful, but in many cases can be a “blind spot”. The APQ coaching reports shows us how to stretch from these “blind spots” when we need to for greater personal and/or professional success. These “blind spots” are independent of our job.

EQ LEVEL 3.0: The APQ job compatibility chart compares applicants and employees to peak performers in numerous positions. The Sales Builder report shows the employee where they can stretch for better performance in their job.

EQ LEVEL 4.0 (the highest level): The APQ shows us which personality type we are: Driver, Communicator, Thinker, Supporter. The APQ Sales Builder Profile report shows us how to “stretch” towards the other personality types to have better relationships with teammates and customers and to sell more effectively to prospects.


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Understanding The Four Personality Types



LOW EMPATHY HIGH EMPATHY(people/feeling oriented)

(impatient, extrovert)(fast-paced)

(patient, introvert)(slow-paced)

(task/fact oriented)

To figure out the prospects’ personality type, ask your coach two questions:

1) Are they fact or feeling-oriented? (Empathy Level)

2) Are they fast or slow-paced? (Level of Ego Drive)



Support and help others

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1. Product KnowledgeDo your salespeople have it? 1 2 3 4 5Can they answer all reasonable questions about your products and services? 1 2 3 4 5Does their product knowledge give them a sense of power and confidence? 1 2 3 4 5

2. Sales AptitudeDo your salespeople have it? 1 2 3 4 5Do you have the right people in the right seat on the bus for all sales and marketing positions? 1 2 3 4 5

Have they developed all four levels of emotional intelligence (EQ)? 1 2 3 4 5

3. Selling SkillsCan your salespeople execute the top ten sales skills with mastery on a continuing basis? 1 2 3 4 5

Do they use the three techniques to become a perfect listener? 1 2 3 4 5Do they know how to adapt to all four personalities types? 1 2 3 4 5Do they know the 15-shortcuts to closing deals faster? 1 2 3 4 5Do they know how to sell to the buyer’s Old Brain? 1 2 3 4 5

4. MotivationAre your sales people self-motivated? 1 2 3 4 5Do they have the sales tools needed to be successful? 1 2 3 4 5

– Mobile CRM 1 2 3 4 5– Tablet/laptop/phone with videos of your offerings and appropriate apps 1 2 3 4 5– Premium level on LinkedIn (business plus or sales navigator) 1 2 3 4 5– Crystal Knows 1 2 3 4 5

5. Sales and Marketing ProcessesAre your sales people supported with customized sales and marketing processes? 1 2 3 4 5Is your company currently using the following technologies together in an integrated lead generation system? (RAMP) 1 2 3 4 5

– Search engine optimization (SEO)/Search engine marketing (SEM) 1 2 3 4 5– Blog 1 2 3 4 5– Integrated social media campaign 1 2 3 4 5– Interactive, content rich, lead generating website 1 2 3 4 5– Marketing automation software 1 2 3 4 5– CRM 1 2 3 4 5


Company Growth Strategy (Self-Evaluation)