MONTHLY GRIND MAY & JUNE 2021 Founded in 1979. Hastings Auto Restorers Society Inc. PO Box 1131 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Website: harscarclub.weebly.com.

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MAY & JUNE 2021

Founded in 1979.

Hastings Auto Restorers Society Inc. PO Box 1131 Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Website: harscarclub.weebly.com.

HASTINGS AUTO RESTORERS SOCIETY INC. Meetings held on the first Wednesday of every Month at 7.30pm in The Lion’s Den Hastings River Drive Port Macquarie N.S.W. 2444


President: Chris Whalley 0409 421 411 Vice President: David Spokes 6556 5072 (H) Secretary: Cindy Whalley 6559 9844 Assistant Secretary: Tricia Newman 0408 651 841 Treasurer: Steve Stewart 0419 253 426 Committee: John Gunn 6559 5264

Virginia Stewart 0419 253 426 David Hayes 6586 4259 Col Shaw 6559 6695 Peter Denham 6585 3939

Club Captain: Dennis Marks 6583 5110 Membership Secretary: Tricia Newman 0408 651 841 Registrar: Peter Denham 6585 3939 Registration Officers: Bruce Wilson 6559 7865

Walter Higgins 6559 4660 David Spokes 6559 9167 (W) Ron Turnbull 6585 2051 Graeme Branch 0421 024 834 John Gunn 6559 5264 Henri Finlay 0473 895 047

Movements (Day Book): Peter Denham 6585 3939 Swap Co-ordinator: Chris & Cindy Whalley 6559 9844 Swap Committee: David Spokes 6559 9167 (W)

Ron Turnbull 6585 2051 Len Colbert 6585 1216 Henri Finlay 0473 895 047

Events Director: HARS Committee 0409 421 411 Magazine Editor: Tricia Newman 0408 651 841 Welfare Officer: Robyn Bushell 6585 4147 Publicity Officer: Chris Whalley 6559 9844 Property Officer: Rick Bushell 6585 4147 Regalia Officer: Ian Newman 0492 984 071 Public Officer: Cindy Whalley 6559 9844 Raffles: Dorothy Branch 0402 549 497 Mid-Week Lunches: Garry & Lois Hogan 0405 192 490 Suppers: Ron Turnbull 6585 2051

Norma Dwyer 6586 4322 Official Photographer: Col Shaw 6559 6695 Web Master: Col Shaw 6559 6695 Club Correspondence Magazine Correspondence HARS Inc. Tricia Newman PO Box 1131 1083 Comboyne Rd Byabarra 2446 Port Macquarie NSW 2444 0408 651 841 [email protected] [email protected]


JUNE 2nd Meeting Lion’s Den Hastings River Dr Port Macquarie 7.30pm.

JUNE 6th Run to Ellenborough Reserve – BYO everything for Morning Tea. Then back to Long Flat for lunch. Meet at Billabong Drive 9am for 9.30am departure. Contact David Hayes 0438 864 259

JUNE 13th Motorfest display organized by Great Lakes Historic Car Club at John Wright Park Tuncurry. Make own way down. Need to arrive early as event only goes from 8.30am-1pm. Contact David Hayes 0438 864 259

JUNE 16th Mid-Week Lunch Beechwood Hotel 12pm. Contact Robyn Bushell 6585 4147

JUNE 30th Committee Meeting Laurieton United Services Club 7pm

JULY 7th Meeting Lion’s Den Hastings River Dr Port Macquarie 7.30pm.

JULY 10th Camden Haven Festival and display at North Haven boat ramp area.

JULY 18th Fourth Annual Cundletown Motorshow Market Square Cundletown free entry. 8am –2pm Community Markets. Prizes on offer. Covid safe precautions will be in place. Members to make their own way there. Contact David Hayes 0438 864 259.

JULY 21st Mid-Week lunch. Telegraph Point Sports Club. Contact Robyn Bushell 6585 4147

JULY 25th Christmas in July luncheon Beechwood Hotel 12.30pm. Meet at Billabong Dr 11am. Depart 11.30am for 12pm at Beechwood Hotel for 12.30 lunch. Club Members have subsidized cost of $25. Visitors/non-members cost $35.

JULY 28th Committee meeting Laurieton United Services Club 7pm

AUG 4th Meeting Lion’s Den Hastings River Dr Port Macquarie 7.30pm

AUG 8th Soup Run to Phil & Jennifer Lucey. Meet at Cowarra Dam Picnic area 9.30am for BYO morning tea. Then to Lucey’s home at 66 Bunderra Drive, Beechwood for soup. Ladies are asked to bring something sweet for share dessert.

AUG 10th – 15th Lismore 60th Year Anniversary Rally. Entry Forms available at monthly meeting. Contact Narelle Middleton 6628 1207, 0412 299 393

AUG 18th Mid-Week lunch TBA. Contact Lois Hogan 0405 192 490

AUG 20th Display at Emmaus Residential Care, 6 Colonel Barney Dr. Greenmeadows Port Macquarie. 10am- Noon.

AUG 25th Committee meeting Laurieton United Services Club 7pm

AUG 27th – 30th Winter Woolie Run at Historic Dorrigo Hotel. Ph 6657 2016 (Rooms $130/night) Contact David Spokes 6556 5072, 0400 594 000

SEPT 1st Meeting Lion’s Den Hastings River Dr Port Macquarie 7.30pm

SEP 4th-5th Rusty Iron Rally, Macksville Showground, 111 Rodeo Dr, N. Macksville. SEPT 15th Mid-Week lunch TBA. Contact Lois Hogan 0405 192 490

SEPT 19th Port Macquarie Swap Meet. Phone 0427 640 779. portmacquarieswapmeet.com.au

SEPT 29th Committee meeting Laurieton United Services Club 7pm


JUL 18th Coffs Harbour Swap Coffs Harbour Showground

JUL 25th Nabiac Swap at National Motorcycle Museum (AUTOMOTIVE ONLY NO BRIC A BRAC)

SEP 11-12 Northwest Swap Meet, Gunnedah. (To be confirmed)

An important Update about the Camden Haven Festival - See details further in THE GRIND

General Meeting of HARS held at Lion’s Den Port Macquarie Meeting held: Wednesday 5th May 2021. Meeting opened: 7.30pm. Members present: as per attendance book. 41 Apologies: as per attendance book. 9. Visitors: Chris Hatch. Minutes from previous meeting: Moved Robyn Bushell Seconded Mike Chard. Business arising from minutes: nil Correspondence In: *Invitation to Northern Rivers Vintage and Veteran car Club Lismore Rally 2021 10th August 15th August. * Numbers required for Great Lakes Motor Fest 13th June 2021 * Invitation to Cundletown Community Markets Sunday 18th July 2021 7pm start. * Numbers required for Heritage display Day 16th May to Alf Scotting (have been unable to contact, have left message) * Request from Port Macquarie Heritage car club to have Port Torque magazine e-mailed to club? * CHMC The Dinkum Oil #14 * Invitation from KMARC to their outing celebration 25 years at Kempsey Sunday 2nd May7.30pm need numbers by Tuesday 27th April!! *Received thankyou email from Port Macquarie RSL sub-branch regarding ANZAC Day participation. *Rotary Club Guinness World Attempt Fundraiser guess number of socks! *Reply from Marsh Sport regarding Swap Insurance Public Liability Large Events- 1000-1500 people. * Thank you from Michelle McVerry regarding members visit to Arthur Blackburn VC Gardens. * Invitation to join Kempsey Club on a run to Bellbrook Sunday 16th May including BYO morning tea lunch at Pub. * Newsletters from-Coffs Harbour Veteran & Vintage Car Club Inc. Kempsey Macleay Auto Restorers Club Inc., Namoi Valley Antique Vehicle Club Inc. Northern Rivers Vintage & Veteran Car Club Inc. The Classic & Specialist Car Club of Northern NSW Inc. Correspondence Report: moved to be accepted Dorothy Branch. Treasurers Report: Moved to be accepted Steve Stewart. Membership: Club Captain Dennis Marks welcomed new members Wayne & Margot Russell to the membership of HARS. Events: List of upcoming events presented by Events Spoke Person David Hayes all details printed in The Grind and also available on the Club web site. Motion moved by David Spokes-” Club to subsidise the Christmas In July luncheon on the 25th July held at Beechwood Pub by $10 per Member.” Seconded Col Shaw, Carried. General Business: * Club Rules revised and passed all members to receive a copy. * Chris, after discussion with Port Macquarie Race Course informed members present the possibility of holding 2021 Swap Meet may be possible due to – restrictions have eased, Port Macquarie Race Course will support with the use of QR coding, service of food is now possible following COVID-19 guidelines, and the insurance issue has been addressed. A motion was moved by Dennis Marks –Discussion on the 2021 Swap Meet be deferred to the June meeting and matter be referred to the Swap Committee for discussion and report results back to June general meeting. Seconded Phil Constable. Carried. Birthday: Peter Denham. Lucky Door: Cindy Whalley, Rocket Turnbull. Raffle: David Spokes. Meeting Closed: 8.55pm. Next Meeting: Wednesday 2nd June 2021.



BSB 932 000 ACCOUNT: 500034272

Please put your name for identification

Membership fees $40

General Meeting of HARS held at Lion’s Den Port Macquarie Meeting Held: Wednesday 2nd June 2021 Meeting Opened: 7.30pm. Members Present: as per attendance book 36 Apologies: as per attendance book 13 Visitors: Connor Newell. Welfare: Club was notified of the passing of founding member and passed President Max McKinnon our sympathy and best wishes to the Family Minutes from previous meeting: Moved David Spokes Seconded Colleen Sydenham Business arising from minutes: nil Correspondence: Camden Haven Festival registration forms, * Insurance quote adding Public Liability coverage 1000 – 1500 * Membership Application from Connor Newell *Letter from Marilyn Moore (Temora Rally) requesting letter to be read at next Members Meeting *Motorfest poster sent by Great Lakes Automobile Club Inc. * Newsletters from-Vauxhall Bedford Opel Club, Port Macquarie Antique and Classic car Club Inc., Port Macquarie Heritage Car Club Inc., Coffs Harbour Veteran & Vintage Car Club Inc., Northern Rivers Vintage & Veteran Car Club Inc., *Invitation to visit Emmaus Aged Care Hostel- possible Friday morning between 10am-12noon? * Thank you to the HARS Crafty Ladies from Liberty Domestic & Family Violence Specialist services for the donations received *Invitation to Club Governance workshop run by CHMC. Correspondence Report: Moved Jen Lucey Seconded Tricia Newman. Treasurers Report: Moved Steve Stewart Seconded Ian Newman Membership: Membership application from Connor Newell, Club Captain Dennis Marks welcomed new Members Rowena Meers and Alan Fenwick into the Club. Events: Club members thanked Phil & Gloria Constable, Laurie & Marcia McGrath and Graeme & Dorothy Branch for their recent hospitality. Full details on upcoming events will be found on the Events page printed in the Grind. Registrars Report: Discussion on wheel size allowable by RMS rulings. General Business: * Request to have float for Regalia Motion “Club to supply $50 float to be used by Regalia Officers” Moved John Luckman Seconded Dorothy Branch. * Card to be sent to the family of the late Max Mackinnon on behalf of HARS. * Club to indorse Motion to plan Port Macquarie Swap Meet 18th-19th September 2021. Moved Dennis Marks seconded Wayne Holstein. * Great write up on Phil in the current Focus Magazine, *Regalia available at Club Meetings. Birthday: Colleen Sydenham Lucky Door: Ian Spraggon, Mike Chard. Raffle: Jim Daulton, Jen Lucey. Meeting Closed: 9.05pm. Next Meeting: Wednesday 7th July 2021.


By now most of you will have received your copy of the Updated Club Rules.

Do You Still Have Your Copy of the HARS Constitution? Do You Want a Copy of the HARS Constitution?

See Tricia at our monthly meeting. Send her an email – [email protected] Or give her a phone call – 0408 651 841. Tricia will get a copy to you.

“WOW”, Robyn Robyn has been faithfully compiling & constructing “The

Grind” and maintaining the Member’s Register for many

years (as well as lots of other things that we may or may

not know about). I think you will agree that we will miss

her little touches and her comments that have kept us

up to date with what was happening with the club as well

as introducing new members. She was always diligent on

reporting all the events and making sure that we didn’t

forget to submit our reports on time. Because of Robyn

being so creative in all that she does, any one taking on

what use to be “Robyn’s job”, has excessively big shoes

to fill. Robyn’s new pastime

Job Well Done!!!!! – Thank You


You must be a financial member of Hastings Auto Restorers Society at all times, renewing your Membership on or before Registration Day, irrespective of when your registration expires, as your vehicle registration and CTP Insurance will not be valid. On an organised club run, you do not have to fill in the Log Sheet or Book, PROVIDED you have a copy of the events sheet or a copy of the ‘Grind’ magazine for proof of use on that day.


If you are not on a Club organized event and using your vehicle for Hobby, Recreational purposes, or Mechanical repairs you must fill in your Log Book Sheet for each daily activity. NOTE: each driver MUST enter their details on the Log Sheet.


If you are not on a Club organised event, then follow the Instructions on page 4 in the ‘NEW’ LOG BOOK.

Points to note are: Before the start of each days use, the driver MUST record the date, the drivers FULL name and the drivers signature. Only one entry per day is required, regardless of how many drivers or trips taken that day.


If you choose not to be on a log book Scheme and you are registered on the Conditional Registration Scheme and want to attend a NON-Club Organised event you must have the movement recorded in the Movements Day Book by phoning Peter Denham 0265853939 and, if not answered, leave your name, reason for movement and the destination on the answering service.


You must carry at all times your HARS membership card and a current ‘Certificate of Approved Operations’ (Purple Copy) issued by NSW Transport, as well as your Registration papers.

Hi All,

I commence this report with the sad news our founding President

Max McKinnon has passed away late in May. Max was the driving

force behind the establishment of Hastings auto Restorers Society

Inc. and will be sadly missed by those who knew him. Max is

survived by his wife Colleen and family.

We have finalized and passed the Club Rules recently and all

Members will receive a hard copy through the postal system.

Please keep them and refer to these when you require information.

Events are commencing from all over and I thank our new Events Spokesperson

David Hayes together with help from fellow Committee members who are all trying

to establish a good social events calendar. If any member has a suggestion for an

event or know of a good eatery, please contact any Committee member. The

popular Christmas in July Dinner on the 25th July is fast approaching please contact

David spokes ASAP. Coming up is the Winter Woolley Weekend at the Historic Hotel


Good to see Rick Bushell who has had major surgery back on his feet again with

good results and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Also, at last some good news, after twelve months of chasing our Public Liability

insurance cover for our Swap Meet we now have cover for large event of up to

1500 people (this being the limit of the racecourse at this stage) “Boy has this been

an ordeal”.

At the June meeting our Club members decided to go ahead with Sunday 19th

September as our swap date for 2021, currently I am contacting all existing site

holders and so far, very positive results with carry over bookings!

Please members if you can help out, mark your name on the list so we can prepare

a roster. At the Swap Committee meeting held at the racecourse recently

everyone came out with positive comments and John & Dellis Gunn have come

forward to co-ordinate the food which is a huge commitment and our Club thank

them for this.

We have had several new Members join our Club, Wayne & Margot Russell,

Rowena Meers and Alan Fenwick, we hope you enjoy your Membership and look

forward to seeing you at our Events.

I look forward to seeing this Edition of the Grind and wish our new Editor Tricia

Newman all the best for taking on an important job.

Safe Motoring and take care. Chris Whalley.

Camden Haven Festival - Laurieton Vintage Motor Club event: Saturday July 10th, 2021 - Invitation to HARS

As entries are required by July 1st and our meeting is well after that, how to get the word out and receive entries on time? John Gunn has put up his hand to receive entries and pass them on. As we have only 10 places allotted to us it will have to be “First In. Best Dressed” This is the plan, and we must have a plan! When members receive The Grind and wish to enter their car/bike, they need to ring John. He will complete an entry form on their behalf and pass it on. As previously mentioned, it will have to be “First In”. Therefore, the first 10 to contact John will be the HARS entries. This should be a great day. Cheers. Contact John Gunn on (H) 6559 5264. (M) 0408 646 792.

CONTACT Ian Newman – 0492 984 071


SWAP MEET MOBILE NO. 0427 640 779


WEBSITE: portmacquarieswapmeet.com.au

Bookings must be made on the phone number and information can be obtained on the web.













– Prices yet to be determined


• Mid-Week Lunch held at Wauchope Country Club on 12th April was well attended. Those who attended commented – Lovely meal, great company; Very nice day out; Great to catch up with members; We have looked forward to our outing & thoroughly enjoyed it; Members attending: Norma Dwyer – Modern; Colleen & Mike Chard – Magnette; Ian & Tricia Newman – Modern; Robert & Lesley Johns – Holden; Margot Russell – Modern; Susan & Brian McEwan – Modern; David & Margaret Hayes – Modern; Gary & Lois Hogan – Modern; Colleen Sydenham & John Toohey – Kombi; Ray Thurling – Modern.

• Mid-Week Lunch held at Coopernook Hotel on 19th May. It was a beautiful day. The members sat in the Beer Garden and enjoyed a great meal. The variety of food was excellent and plenty to choose from the menu. Fantastic Day had by all. 15 members attended in 5 Heritage and 5 modern vehicles.

Future Dates for Mid-Week Lunches ❖ June 16th – Beechwood Hotel 12pm – Contact Robyn Bushell ❖ July 21st – Telegraph Point Sports Club – Contact Robyn Bushell ❖ August 18th – Contact Lois Hogan ❖ September 15th – Contact Lois Hogan


May: Yvonne Smith, Marion Dalton, Bruce Wilson, Kathleen Hayes, Amanda

Wilson, Jason Deakin, Laurie Wickings, Ethel Colton, Jennifer Lucy, Terry Bell, Garry

Kelly, Peter Denham, Phil Lucey, Gordon McWhirter, Sandra Waters, Michael Chard,

Ian Spraggon, Elizabeth Wickings, Jennifer Smith, Graeme Gill.

June: Ken Collins, Mick Watts, Alison Lockey, Colleen Sydenham, Terry Hill,

Fay Colbert, Kerry Riordan, Jim Dalton, Gloria Constable, Leonie Phillips, Howard

Hurlstone, Leanne Finlay, Fred Bridge, Marcia McGrath

May all the joy you have spread around

come back to you a hundredfold.

Happy Birthday.






7th July, 4th August, 1st Sept, 6th Oct,

3rd Nov,1st Dec


A reduced march for 2021 was held with perfect sunny weather. I can pass onto our members a very appreciative thank you from the Port Macquarie RSL sub branch for again looking after 10 of their WW2 vets now all in their nineties. The cars all looked great and with a couple of new faces this year. All went very well. I would like to thank Dennis Marks (Buick), Dave Knowles (Desoto), Rocket (Jag), Len Colbert (Graham Paige), David Box (Rover), Dave Blackwell (Valiant), Ian Newman (Austin), Gary Kelly (Fordson), Jim Dalton (Austin), Phil Constable (Holden) and Stuart Armstrong being in reserve. A very emotional morning for all and again thank you to all members that attended.

Norm Dunn

Two best friends in the old car hobby make a pact. Whoever dies first has to let the

other one know if there are old cars in heaven.

A few years later Harry dies and comes back to his best friend Steve. Steve asks him,

"Harry, do they have old cars in heaven?"

"Well, there's good news and bad news about that", says Harry. "The good news is

there are old cars in heaven, the bad news is you are going to be the Chief Judge at

next week's show."




MGTF X 1 RIMS 5.15”


ANZAC DAY LAURIETON 2021 It was a beautiful morning with quite a large contingent

of servicemen and women on parade however the

crowds in the street were not quite to that of previous

years. The service at the cenotaph was an abridged

version to minimise possible COVID

transmission. The roll up of our club was brilliant and

we had more than enough to transport those who could

not manage the march.

Those members who attended were Gary Henderson;

Brett and Amanda Wilson, John Gunn, Bruce Wilson,

Col Shaw, John Toohey, Rick and Robyn Bushell,

Michael Chard, David Spokes, Brett & Dianne Lodge.


HARS Members with Historic Rego must

attend at least 3 Events per year.

HARS Crafty Ladies Female members of HARS meet 4th Wednesday of the month at Norma Dwyer’s home. Call NORMA on6586 4322 for details. Future dates for 2021 are June 23rd, July 28th, Aug 25th, Sept 22nd, Oct 27th, Nov 24th. No get-together in Dec. The rugs pictured were delivered to Wauchope Hospital and the staff were very grateful. They thanked the HARS Crafty Ladies very much as they only had a couple of rugs left in the cupboard. The knitted dolls are given to the Women’s Shelter. Often when women leave an abusive relationship, the children’s toys etc. are left behind. They bring comfort into a child’s life. The HARS Crafty Ladies made 120 little chooks with an Easter Egg inside. These were delivered to Bundaleer Care Services for residents and to Wauchope Hospital. The residents were really pleased to receive them.

Kempsey Macleay Auto Restorers Club Sunday 2nd May saw us heading to Hat head to join Kempsey and other visiting clubs to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the formation of the Kempsey Macleay Auto Restorers Club This anniversary was of particular significance to us as this club was formed from members of Hastings Auto Restorers all those years ago and the two clubs have always maintained a close relationship. We met at the undercover area at Hat Head adjacent to the caravan park. A quick morning tea, then off on an 80k mystery drive. “Follow the leader” as no one knew the route. “Keep an eye on the car in front and the car behind” so no one gets left behind, was the instructions. Unfortunately, the field of approximately 50 cars became a little spread out, and what became the leader of the group that we were in, decided to call in home at South West Rocks and change his car. About 20 cars followed missing a vital turn, ending up in South West Rocks all needing to do a “U” turn, when the mistake was realized. All good and adding to the interest of the day. The drive was scenic taking us down both sides of the river and terminating at the Kempsey Bowling Club. Our lunch at the Kempsey Bowling Club was tremendous. A beautiful baked dinner followed by a serving of very tasty sweets. A random pick of interesting vehicles was made, they being. “That lovely looking EK Holden wagon out there and that cute little Hillman wagon.” You guessed it. Two of our members, David Spokes and Peter Denham, both receiving a handy car washing kit. It was an enjoyable day, Kempsey members pleased we made the journey. Our club was represented by John and Dellis Gunn, Rick and Robyn Bushell, Peter Denham, David Spokes and our president, Chris Whalley.

Arthur Blackburn VC Gardens Aged Care Home Ten of our vehicles took part in the visit to the Arthur Blackburn VC Gardens Aged Care Home in April. It is a very pleasant living community and is part of the RSL LifeCare Group which also takes in the Pozieres Retirement Village. Though many of the residents are quite frail, they enjoyed the opportunity to look over the old cars that probably brought back a few memories of days gone by. We were then invited in for morning tea and a chance to chat. The staff thanked us for the effort and said it was one of the best visits they have had.

A GT6 pulled alongside a Rolls-Royce at a traffic light.

"Do you have a car phone?" its driver asked the man in the Rolls.

"Of course I do," was the haughty reply.

"Do you have a fax machine?"

The Rolls driver sighed. "I have that too."

"Do you have a double bed in the back?" the GT6 driver wanted to know.

Ashen-faced, the Rolls driver sped off.

That afternoon, he had a mechanic install a double bed in his car.

A week later, the Rolls driver passed the same GT6, parked on the side of the road with its back

windows fogged up and steam pouring out. The arrogant driver pulled over, got out of the Rolls

and banged on the GT6's rear window. "I want you to know that I've had a double bed installed,"

bragged the Rolls driver.

The GT6 driver rolled his window down and frowned at the Rolls driver. "You got me out of the

shower to tell me that?"

GARAGE CRAWL – 9TH MAY 2021 Mother’s Day started with Morning Tea at Phil & Gloria Constable’s home. Phil’s Coke Cola Collection, 1928 Chev restoration and his collection of memorabilia was a surprise to most members and worth seeing. Then off to the McGrath’s shed to inspect some of his cars. We then walked over to the Branch’s for lunch and a view of his old gear. Being Mother’s Day Dorothy brought plants as gifts to the mothers of our club. A big thank you to the Constable’s, McGrath’s and Branch’s opening up their collections to us. Present were David & Margaret Hayes with Margaret’s mum Ribina (a past

member), Ben & Jacob Hollis, John & Dellis Gunn, Len Colbert, David Blackwell, Norm Dunn, Wayne & Margot Russell, Laurie & Marcia McGrath, David Box, Neville and Yvonne Smith, Laurie & Francis Knight, Ian & Tricia Newman, John Toohey & Colleen Sydenham, Bernie & Fran McMahon, Gary & Lois Hogan, Stewart & Kerrie Armstrong, David Spokes, Graham & Dorothy Branch, Terry & Rhonda Hilton, Royce Jago, Chris Whalley, Garry Hollis and Peter Lanford. 38 members. One of our best roll ups. I hope I haven’t left anyone out. David Spokes

Five surgeons are taking a coffee break... 1st surgeon: "Accountants are the best to operate on because when you open them up, everything inside is numbered." 2nd surgeon: "Nah, librarians are the best. Everything inside them is in alphabetical order." 3rd surgeon: "Try electricians! Everything inside THEM is colour coded." 4th surgeon: "I prefer lawyers. They're heartless, spineless, gutless and their heads and their butts are interchangeable." 5th surgeon who has been quietly listening to the conversation: "I like British car restorers... they always understand when you have a few parts left over at the end."


A Lucas horn button/ indicator switch fitted to many British cars

CONACT - Laurie Knight 6584 9194 M: 0409247776

Q: How do you double the value of a Triumph

A: Fill it up with gas!

Q: Know why the British don't make computers?

A: They couldn't figure out how to make them leak oil!

Q: What do you call an MG with dual exhaust?

A: A Wheelbarrow!


After starting Wolseley in 1901, Herbert Austin split

from his partners in 1905 to create a company to

build luxury motor vehicles. Their customer list

included Russian Grand Dukes, Princesses, Bishops,

numerous government officials and a large

percentage of British nobility!

The Austin Motor Company suffered through highs

and lows over the years and has often been likened

to Ford in bringing motoring to the British masses.

Follow along with me as I show you some of the

vehicles that Austin built over the years, with some

timely information about the company along the way! 1907 - Austin 40hp York Landaulette

In 1907 there were 270 Austin employees, and they

built 180 cars.

By 1911 Austin had 1500 employees and was

producing 1,000 cars a year.

During the First World War Austin built Aircraft,

shells, heavy guns, gen-sets and 1,600 3-ton trucks -

most of which were sent to Russia. Staff had grown

to 22,000 by the end of the war!

1922 - Austin Twenty

1922 also saw the release of possibly the most famous Austin - the Seven! 1922 - Austin Seven

In 1930 every personal car was taxed by its engine

size, which in American dollars was $2.55 per square

inch of piston displacement. As an example, the

owner of an Austin 7 in England, which sold for

approximately $455, would have to pay a yearly

engine tax of $39. In comparison, the owner in

England of a Ford Model-A would have to pay $120

per year in an engine tax. And this system of engine

displacement tax was common in other European

nations as well in the 1930s. At one point, the "Baby

Austin" was built under licence by the fledgling BMW

of Germany (as the Dixi); by the Japanese manufacturer Datsun; as the Bantam in the United

States; and as the Rosengart in France. And in England the Austin was the most produced car

in 1930.

Also in the early 1930s, Datsun built cars infringing Austin patents. From 1934, Datsun began to

build Sevens under licence and this operation became the greatest success of Austin's

overseas licensing of its Seven. It marked the beginning of Datsun's international success. This

was not to be the end of the relationship between Austin and Datsun. 1952 - Austin Champ

During the Second World War Austin continued

building cars but also made trucks and aircraft,

including Avro Lancaster bombers.

In 1952, Austin entered into another agreement with

Datsun for assembly of 2,000 imported Austins from

"knock-down kits", to be sold in Japan under the

Austin trademark. The agreement called for Nissan to

make all Austin parts locally within three years, a goal

Nissan met. Nissan produced and marketed Austins

for seven years. The agreement also gave Nissan

rights to use Austin patents, which Nissan used in

developing its own engines for its Datsun line of cars.

In 1953, British-built Austins were assembled and

sold, but by 1955, the Austin A50 – completely

assembled by Nissan and featuring a slightly larger

body with 1489 cc engine – was on the market in

Japan. Nissan produced 20,855 Austins between

1953 and 1959.

In 1952 Austin merged with Morris Motors.

Also in 1952, Austin did a deal with Donald Healey,

leading to a new marque, Austin-Healey, and a range

of sports cars. 1955 - Austin A90 Westminster

At this point the author of the above article said - I'm

going to stop here, as we're about to enter the British

Leyland era - and nobody wants to see that, right?

1956 - Austin A30

1957 - Austin Westminster

1959 - Austin se7en - the first Mini! 1956 - Austin A40 Cambridge