mmmi hrc- V* % m W £ *s £ .r Villag &. J. ^^Mik^EJSft, 0FKCI3, PALLBirjAt BGlfeDINGS, Comer 5(aiB and Catherine ftreeut, Malone, N . Y . TEI^'^ ' Sulwcrtbers, served Ay carrier $2 25 Mail and Offloa SuhscriborsJ i 00 TheWHlishersWpeet andlrerralre alf subscriptions te be paid strictly in advance t ; , BATES OF ADVERTISING: [Twelve- Lines or Jess make a Square.] 1 square 1 »eeK«.?.? s .Stf s «te*|9M#fyea* '-..' $8 00 Ejah.aubseg.ueal ina'a Sp.$£coIaauil year ....... 25 00 1 sqnqn G months 3 OWl column T year 80 00 L e n t *t>«-E*Ttsinisri*s, at'the rate* provided by Law. Yearly advertisers are untitled to three changes daring it-e wir iI! changes lo excess or tbi* will be charged extra. ku»i.\«sa UABUS not. exceeding fiv.eline3, $5 ner year—for cvt-r.v ariditiouaiJIiae. i&ctMili per line. KoiToaiiL fJotficfcS—when) admissible, —designed- to pro- mote Individual Ifirereste, will be subjected to a charge of 10 cents per line for each insertion, but no aucb notice will be Insert?.! for les4tUaJo.$f.00., Ordinary aD^oflnee'mehts OTtaafria'ses and deaths, gratis; bat all-remarks, communications, and obituary poetry* 5 cents petlifle. , , All ae'iwaSts f>r idVertUiae are due at the time of the Srswnsertfon nf tve advertisement. Advertisementssboold t>&marked the length of ttaej to be Inserted, otherwise they will be continued till forbid,!or st the option of the publish- ers, and charged accordingly B u si n e s s ID i Rectory, D. H. s-f ANTDN, MAtONfcVv, 8 '. X. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. G. W. LEWIS, Attorney* and CouHselar at Law, Port Covington, Franklin County, N. V. FLETCHEr} & WIL8ER, Attorneys and cionnselors at Law, Main Street, Chateaugay, N. 1 Y., over Clark & Soper's store. <X T. Fletcher. { B. wither. , FtJCH & rjARfViELEE, Attorneys aud ;C<»iiiisefoi*s, Mo. 28, Nassau Street, New York. EDWAttD FlTCn. ' A. B. PAittlELEE. _ _J ._ DONIHEE &JSAUNDERS, Attorneys and Cojunsclors at Law, Elm Street Opposite the Bank.Malono, N. T. Special atten- tion given to claims for Pensions, Bounties, 4c W. B. Ooswge. ' J.ftBiosoaas. V UNION HOUSE. i-* (rormerly Roberts* Hotel,) S. W. HATCD, Proprietor. Chateaugay, N . Y . This Home hu been newly fitted up and re-furnished thronghout. Carriages in waiting at the Depot, and Guests carried to and from the House fre* of charge. Parties conveyed, to Chateaugay Lake,and other, places of resort on reasonable terms. aprlllmS MERRJTT HOUSE. (Formerly Clinton House,) ' ALBUBGH 8PBDYGS, - - • - VEBMOHT. E. Am K E E L E B , having purchased the above named Bouse, and refitted and refurnished the same, and associ- ated with him In business II, Ji MANZBB, well known to all visitors to the Springs, would Invite those seeking health or pleasure to this POPULAR WATERING PLACE. Carriages will convey guests to and from the Depot free of charge. 018m jpmRA HOUSE, Moira Corners, N. Y. U. C. SABLSBITUTT, P r o p r i e t o r . The Subscriber having recently leased this House, Intends to keep as good a place of entertainment a* can be found In this pan of the State, tan excellent Livery attached to this House.—Nov.SJm6* VERMONT CENTRAL AND SULLIVAN mmm MILROAOS. mam < Spring adi'j'rtH^cmcttf. CommencinC C^sirtT &„ 1S68. TRAINS GOING 80DTH JftVD SAST. Mixed Train leaves Route's PoIntatJ.OOp. m., for At. Albans. Day Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 5.80 a. m., Rouse's Point 10.40 a, m.^for Boston, 4 c , connecting .at Burlington With ButMnd-Rdad for Troy, Albany Shd Ke**orm arriving In Boston, vis. Lowell at iu.au p. nv,, , ., ,. , . Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.60 A. m.. Boose's Po!ntat5«p.m.,erririog.a»-Boslon\.*t.&0 a. jJ.,co.q., necting at. Bellows Falls with Cheshire Railroad for Boston and Worcester, and with Vermont Valley Eallrbkd for Spring^ field, Ac., and arrtvjpg in New i'ort. af 14^0fi.o . , TRAINS GOINft NORTH AND WE^T. Day Express leaves Boston via Lowell 8.00 a, m. for Bur- lington, St. Albans, tloritrni} arriving at Ogdenshurgh-at 1.00 a. m. AccAmmodatibn Tralu leaves Northneld at 6.1ft a. «>., and Burlingtona.t8.15a.m.,for St. Albans, Route's Palm, and "-'--iburgh B, R. sketMh, -iaUo«mdineear>dt»k»eniStl^«ghO«£Ui«Sta«Ki %,eb«KrI,P^atdfttia»SW»Vl*WM «-*».">,' r,-,!" ,y,t. C E TS2 ta Z ,0 !»»«»«««In t K » * ' e *»P w, tn*jr Be read to eyWenceTro»i''S(j pkpef InWfiteb IllsMIb Jcontsuoed.E all the courts of JosUcotathls^Sute, andtaaUnroceedl;— before any officer, body orboaTrd^^HehlfehmUtietiioUi r'flxlnttl^f^.of e*i'eace'ana t Consls>' i44M.rc*s #tilqrnn» ,d for ol bits In.eJvU ana jirialnal-cjistsii and witnesses to Justices', Courts, L _ P»sJ«-a AprnS9t<lMf>tlOTt2ff1nsVeai^raM»n ate _ Section 1. Jtisae«eiVtlnj»eiiico1io;iWi aatBiUjaH^Wh artrr be allowed and entitled {9 receive llip. fees itereiaafter stated fcrrthe Wlowlnglnainea tervic- ftn ightsxpreuleavea Bellows Falls at 10.00 p. m., receiving engers from Vermont Valley B, R,; leaving Sew York at ftlfip; m.. and from Cheshire B, R. leaving llasron at 6.80 SEYMOUR HOUSE, (Formerly St. Lawrence Hotel,) F. J. Tallman, Proprietor, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. This House is eligibly situated on the corner of Ford and State streets. It haa recently been refitted and refurnished, and In, all its appointments. Is a first class hotel. Charges reasonable. PARK HOTEL, Corner of Beekman and Nassau Streets, N. Y., * - George Wright, Proprietor. One of the most convenient Hotels In the city to Business. Stage and Car Routes-antf Placed of Amusement. Board $2.50 per day. - 15C9yI PROF. T. A. (JONWAY, Teacher of Piano ione, Slelodeon, Organ, &e. TERMS—Piano, Melodeon or Cottage Organ, per Quarter, (24 Lessons,} Organ, per Quarter, (24 Lessons,) .. ::::.«tr 60: Pupils attended at their residences or at the ttoomfof Prof. C0BWS.V, Elm Street, opposite R. R. Depot. Applica- tions made at Music Room or p. O. Box 11, will receive Im- mediate attention. feb8y Miss Ail. JP. O^LJAit.vM:. DRESS & CLOAK MAKER! West side of the river, over G. N. Kussell'd brocery Store. Dresses and Cloaks made In the Latest and most Fash- ionable Styles, and on short notice. March 1, 1866.—8m m., {connecting at White River Junction with train leaving Boston at 5.00 p. m., for Burlington, Rouse's Pofht, and Ogdensburgh, connecting at Ogdensbunsli with Grand Trunk trains for the West Sleeping cars.are attached to night Trains. " the West ,Ch MERRILL, Punt.. Through Tickets for Chicago and the West fof rale at the prlndpaTstaUona. ~ St, Albans^ April 7, ISCG^ Ogdensburgh and Lake tuamplain R. R. 1866} . a 11866 Running TjmeJEwelve illpu«te3 fasten Ui»n Local Time. TXriMTEB AJEIBAMOBItCENT.t-US AND AV- •f ter Monday, January 1st, I860, Trains will run on (his Road'as follows: , GOING EA,9T. MAIL.—Leave Ogdensburgh at 11 30 a. m., dine at Brush's Mills, arrive at Maioue a 44 p, «>., Rouse'* Point 5.88, slip- per at St. Albans, reaching Burlington 9.0U, Troy 4 60 a. m., New York 10.80 a. m., Boston at 1 a. m. Passengers Bythls train take Sleeping Cars at at. Albau- for llostoo, Troy, Al- bany and Hew fork. PASSCBQEB AXD War FKKIUUT.—Leaves Ogdensburgh at 4 p.m., arrive at ^lalonu at II) 45, It-avlng at 1^0 a.m., reach- ing Rouse'* I'uint at 1.5o p. m,, connecthig with Trains on Vt. Central ItaltroaJ. r GuUNO WBST. Ujuu-^£eaves Rome's t'nint at 7 15 a. m., receiving pass- engers from Vt; tVdtrai K. B_, leaving New York IS 1ft p. nj. and Boston 6.80 p. m , arrive at JUaione 10 a. nu, reaching Ogdensburgh at 1 p. ui., connecting with Grand'1 runk trains far the West. PASSKSOKB «» WAV I'RKIOUT.—I^jave Rouie'siPointst 8 p. m , anlve at Malone at 10 p. m., leaving at« a. in,, reach- ing ogdensburgh it» p. m. : ' ilalone, Jan. 1,1SW. IIARVEV 1UCE, Sup't. TAYLOR & HOBpS, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, *Np. 9 Union Block—over & X. Heath's Drug Store, II. A. TAYLOR.] Malone.iN. Y. 1 [A. HOBBS. 1. A. DAfU-!NG. P h y s i c i a n anj^tl S u r g e o n , Office and Residence on Park Street, Sd. dper from Elm St. aprl»/ p- . MALONE; 1J. Y." jl S. P. BATES, Physician and Stir. reou, Residence, first house East of| the Methodist Church, Ma lone, N.|Y. c. w. CRARY, sleian ai*a SiSrtirg-eoii, Who formerly practiced mededne! at Fdrt Covington, and for the past three years a Surgeon in the 0. S. Army, would announce to tho,people of Malone and vicinity that he has permanently-located in Ulia place, and fiplisits a share of . pubac.patronsge; •• tBesIdence at Dennlson WQlard's, two doors south of the Brick Church. - - . Blool^-ap-stafa^ Office No. 1, Phoenix 1601 H. CRARY, DENTISTS. G. H. &. W SURGEON Rooms oveaFarUfers' National Bank, Malone, N. Y. Dr. G, H. CaiBV would say to his jold friends and patrons, that he hag formed la copartnership with his "brother, ffu. II.' CE.tEY,*Trbp Bus just graduated at-the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgery, and that'tbey wUl conjinne the HentaJ buslnessln alHts brSnefife, aCBls •old 1 KoSms'over the Farmers* "National Bank. TJiey ate prepared to per- f-irm ill Dental operations fn a ^uperief manner and at most .reasonable prices. Splendid Teeth Inserted on all the Bases now in use. f f». H. CB>BT, D . D . S . ! W , H . CBABT, D. D. S. PR. J. H 4- WI(«SLOW, DENTIST. viain street, Malone, N. Y. Office to Palladium Buildings, Sd story, ^"ront Room. All operations performed In the most satisfactory manner, Teetli filled, extracted or in- serted. Particular attention paid to Sets on Plate. Sla>one,,Jan. 10,1866. 1 S. J..HARW00D,' GENERAL AGESlr FOR ?FraiisaJ^Jo!ii|!^aad Canada East, £XSA LIKE IRSUEASCE COMPANY Of Hartford Ooan^ and-Agent for ''frtTHtZft J? n W w 3!S e ' } 9«>«»Ba?y. Usr. 83,1866. < , l^laJoneiS. T. iy ' HEATH & BREED, Drags, l^dicinfisvPaiate.i OHi^DythgJpfi, P:rfumery, Stationery and Fancy fioods, Ac_ No. S,Union Block, Malone, S , Y . P. W. TULLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Brandies, Wine* and Whiskies, A e and Lager Beer, Poteen and. Scotch Whisky, Nuts. ofihtt4«b%e/Hi. _ { '- ^ •'• -•'Manufacturer of • ' : - DRESS & CLOAK MAKING. MRS. JOHiVIMEH & AIRS. Tit HUB If LL Would Inform the Ladies of Malone and vlginlty that they are prepared to execute all orders for DRESS and CLOAK MAKJNG, on Short Notice and In the latest and most approved styles. They have a Gaovn * B u m Sewing Machine and warrant all their work, Rooms in Horton's Block, near the Bridge. Malone, March 28,1866.—mS. H. S. GAl, MCMILLAN, —WITH— RANDALL «fe CO., Commission Merchants, 98 and 100 Franklin Street, <• New York, 162 Devonshire Street, Boston. W. B. 8. GAT, [1578] n. T. RAHOAU. 1 I , - . ., E. A. HYDE, North Bangor, N. Y., Dealer in Frait & Ornamental Trees, Shra&s, &c, From Ellwanger A Barry's Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. PANGBORN, DAVIS &HAYDENS, Importer* and Jobbers of Fancy Goods, Yankee fictions, &c. NO. 353 BROADWAY, JOHH W. |^»M08», 1 N Y fc t ALVHSB P. BUron, WnxuM W. DAVIS, f ew Iorjt -J EOJIXBI P.HATDJUT. SACKETT, BELCHER & Co. Wholesale Grocers and Importers', ~ 28 and 80 Reade Street, 8 Doors East of Broadway, N. Y. AMOS M. flCIUSTT, JtBWS BAUH BAOlwTI, WILLIAM K. BELCDEB, Wn$ B. TOWJBEJD,, W«t. SWASSBOBO. , JOHN D, Fl^K, '" —WITH— » BALDWIN, FISHER & Co., Wholesale Dealers In Boots,, Shoes, tUther, *o» No. 25 Park Row, opsoslte the Astor House, firmer location bfthe Park Theatre, New York. ^.M.BAU)WI»,- NA*H'I« I BBBH, ! . HaasvDix. NATHAN & J. WsBEMAN, LICEx\SED AICTIOKEEKS., ' For the ounty of Franklin. AuctionSaJes attended toand Bills furnished when required.- io Building near Wbillelsey's Pot •MkBooai andjpm%«anstantlyi •flll&^roniptfy »ttepjPl,t6.".% og Machines has been added .Hhop, and'the proprietor is now : r._ >*f 'ntrVf*' on aaors.notice,.and." ates: Also^jt Tongueing and ' v io«eplBjtJo<Sboj&d»i^^j,;r,-Jf , JHalons, ft. T. nhand, and all orders oTWoodworttr. Kan> the machinery tothls y i o plane kll kind* A the most reasonable "btfBjf Machine for 'ef'Mtti-i'J ;xT . »ntlnae the business. HewJH k^enWrtbtsVof^TorntWts. »t Reasonable Prices, and ho»esT to merit and receive a 1 b«ral patronage.—afatonej Sept. 28,11 AMWl •**-^f"Je«.*Jrf, AU06. ' : a-.« ' " • rtfTT '' ^^-AJ :EBT 1 MISS L A W D^N^.O^, f Large and Fashionable'8ttck»f Millinery -•M®@m$ Attheoiastand lately oeciiplid tsj^4m ViOc '-ItM* StoelteonaI»t»of->| ..••' J»t» .1' Bonnets, Hats, Ribbon*, Flowef»v The Ladles are invited to ealIand*aL ;'" offloodsfOTthemielf^jjarShr^S^ . .cannot '&it.. to\<et'i\^SiiOu0mM quality, price.'andl^ »or|maj)anJlp^a will ccmstaatjjr implor^ thebertjof oeljn,. r < MbsJUUiatANOMH,/ Mrfc4».LATfl«0P. 4 i '.jjJta-i Home, Wuteriowu & Ocdeusburgli 181)5] Rnilroad. , £1805 L'liaiMKIl ABRANGBnENX-OS AND AJf- O ter Monday, May 23d, Passenger Trains will run on this road as follow*: Nsw Yomt Exrstss.—Leave Ogdensburgh at 8.45 a.m., S rrJ K* t . W *^' rt ? w o T ' B< J nle V *. m " wmnecUpg w)th «ew: V ork Central trains, arriving New VorS 10 p. ni,ftuflalb8 p. m.. Suspension Bridge 8.80 p. m. • > - . NIOBT ilxnuB*.—Leave Ogdensburgh (it 4.20 p. m„ ,con- necting at Dekalb Junction with train leaving Potsdam Junc- tion at 8^0 a. m., arrive at Watertownat I.40p. BL,dlooiB 11.65, connecting with N. Y. Oentral trains, arriving at Alba- ny 6 a: m., New York 1L15 a. m., Boston 4 p. m. New and elegant Bleeping Cars are atUcbed to this train and run 0 m^^m^ a f^i^^&m^& herein, tn ij^illtfgP ten, cenls '.SMt s eirer^ : '5api ; admlnls tceaeary 'i \&j^w a i^m^n^!s^^ v|L ten, eeat* 7 di»wIpg.»»jr.bopl,,t* Celvtng_and entering. verdict of jury. meftt, tWetoty-aTa.centitJul>pc»n«.lil^umg»UUiena«ja« inserted.Uierefetwentr-Jbrj. ffP^^f^U^Pf^n^ f,mcaa- of f«f, twrjoty<Sr> cents cents .•'., «4*«nnJ^re- . ^. ......... twenty-five cents; r*nfie,| twenty-five ceritej dr*»u)g attdavUsj apjilicattons and notices in cases required by law, five cent* per folio; execution, twenry-flve Wou; 1 renewalV execnlldni'twenfyf ttve cents; rnikipg* return to an a:>)^*l,two.doU*rs: war- rant for the apprehension of any person charged with aify riohaion At Out law* concerning thq intemaLpsKceof lbs any^e'wn 0 ?oirg\u^wuVb^il^ef*fte/o?^ cents i,.(nd«rslng any mmwp Issued from another-county, twenty-live cents; summons for any offense relating to (he internal police of the State, or in caw oT'inj apodal pro. ^v? c^fynmtftW&?&&$z contempt and otkrx.spacixleasis, flftjf bejtta; 'forian execa tlon upon any such, conviction, twentyfflve cent*; warrant of commitment Jac Aoyjoausej tuspfy-flve oeats; for a pre- cept to summon ajfiry in ope'cikl easel, Wty cents; swear- ing such Jury, twenty-five cent*; heating the matter con- cerning which said jury i» jaramoned, fifty centum reeaiybig and entering the verdict of saidJury, twenty-five cents: for a view Of premise* alleged to be itserted, fifty cents; bear- trading, qettiine and cettlTyWe Intorrofaloria*, tfty. cent*; taking depositions of witnesses upon an order or commission Issued by Some eburt til this Br * ferelgb State or territory, ten cent* per folio;;for making tha necessary return and certificates thereto, fifty cents; indorsement on an affidavit to an action to recover potsctalga of) penon*lrprop*rtyv twenty-five cent*. f % Whettever A'j adgment Shall bV rendered In' k Court o l Juatlcaoftfte1peacp<toclFfla^tlp»lt*liaU,btwlt)i cost* of the suit; but the whole amount of the items of such costs, to be included! In the entry ofJudgment »xoept«herg*s <far ^tf££w7iiia*^^ shall be afljourned njoreshan oaceyJlj thVrenueabaSdpn motion of the party against whom judgment shall be finally rendered, snd In Suck caib' the coist afauen iddlUonal'ad- r «f judgment, and [and trial had, and through to Albany without charge. DD1S0N DAY, {Superintendent. .• i • , r , TO ALL GOING WEST. 3P. H. 6,HjnrSJL.I>S*, ' Whois>8gentfortne ' CBAIVD TR1TIVK RAEf,VtTAY 8ELLS TICKETS TO , ALL POINTS WEST! AND ALSO TO ' ' NEW ¥ 0 R K , B0STOK TROY & ALBANY. fie may now be found at the shire of , Opposite the rmn* of the "old Franklin Hotel. •' All going West, or East to the points named, are invltad to give him a call, as be can furnish them tickets, on term* that will be to their advantage, andean also give toem val- uable Information In regard to the several routes, j i All pureha»er*BfTIckrjU Witt wUihlavethelrj - t Wtagfgatg4& C h e e k e d CTIiroTiig-Jk^ Matone,'»?eb. WavlSfiii-tf. j,.. , «f ( . , , ; .. ,j ,. THE QUICKEST TIME OMREPOBD •i*V~ Vla^and'Truh^/^eat Western and 1**4' tfoWRUl. .. . ,;, roadsjandy;*Steamboats, (, uHU,.„,. Persons golbg West can nave tfielr choice''of Bdit'or'iRaii; Who Is alway* ready to wait on all thoso going West, lie <t i aitJ'M •! *L«taUUi»ow*. i-^fe tf&nt ® fe-,j 'Mu.lh^tran^c^^ iirOrTKaPlB^thwaican Bif rJuVchasediofiay <Hh.n AiMfe s J4aIc*^li*^l,lS«ife*^!. ^iffy.L Uwkii-- tjiun ——Oi—.^li.ii.n^Vi. t'«i"»" >"i i>Hl.J 'I'll lifiiilji-iliLi., tmms : tit •nuttf'yit •%$iV«$^t d»^ -Mi ui sLmtill /-«.SO* :nl(tn W!i5asssr«>l!H^ .'. <.f.K»,*Jl' :*rt JUL ra VENTOR AND^^^Ni»iB*rrf3ta6> P-TEHf BREECH-L0A0IN8 FIRE-/IRHI STABLE. Double and Single Battel Wfism, MAfiB TO ORDER. Coiutox Goa Wo*ai». and WoaKSf.r SPmsonxLD R u n g . G. D ; OAS* t^Wk« JkSauL •Hiro'a CAPS for SHAXFS, HJ^O^^mS^S^L fwttB, [*vmw and CoiS, «tnr^iiui^hwS3E|»? Baa. Go» Tauunxos, the best quality of 8mTpo«eir£ eon»t*ntly «n hand. S » i n t « o tfail « * B « a J n ^ , T* At the MUier House, Mala Streit, Malone, N. .'%, .'"••, .;-:-0 ; R:EN .JMf=0$f 6 ''''"•'- ^'atclicsvifloclk'i dfc JFew-4*lry, - ( li«ir,'.and.SUvi , r Plated Ware,fc*ancvG0.-3d3._-Ac. tVatcnes, '-''docks an3 JswelrSs fletWIre'd.- Ii)o. jj liurion/s Block. Uilone.N. X. ,\ •'-.;- ..•;.-.'.,-. ' .•..'" ;. r I'.f-i /.-i,tv'*'£i *< U.'*'~<.JI} - K M*tonj*,N8*.x»,iSia, Sliop au Dttsui* Strwet. - > ,1U the plac* ta-get all kinds of • • i&jmux aisr w xtar«i ••••&&.&U €?£»?#.$> ttna QuioU. 1.- P*lladfum:Buaalog3,*cpru» Main" and 'c«l»erla# «r««t> -.•••• ••••- ";Uaran«,,8;X'' •";-•' -< • ' i wi't'G'Oab'ii lift , ", ,.UnderP»y#.:*l»«e^wNatioWo*l!»^^ " ( | ;,''%&% 1* o 4 asr^', "isf:.sfg\.". f ^Tc^rhYwh'rcntf^u. M & the ««n>»gfi« T*?"*? 1 ^ ,ft *" 9^^ Bfty.*>U*i», eiiWe plaintiff shall claim In His complaint A sum exceedlog fifty dollars, and the defeadaht shall Mcovepjadfmerit, Iheipr*- r.lllug natty shall bo entitled to cssU not exceeding the sum or ten dollars, exclusive of witnessd' bk*. comptroller Is heredytaatborlred' and r«- inljjsd, Instead or the bondtprpvided to be Issued under cbaplcr three hundred and twenty-five, law* of eighteen hundred and «Ixty-flve, to Issue registered «l6ck c* the-form no«Si use In this state, to any of tbelioltlenof the revenue bond* iaiiiedItapunnance otchtptee fifty-six, laws of elght- teen.hundred aad sixty-five, whotaay elect to reedvesuch registered stock. Such stoclrto b r Issued subject to all'the ralea and regulations of the laws now in foroe, relating to Omteue regtatratlonand transfer of the stocks.of this at»te. The bond* to b* Usued under said acUbair Be caoveitlble toto the regUteredktoekofthe«tag,'W'iai6' i oJl3on' of the holders and under such rsguliWonsas lbs comptroUer sbaU prescribe. I f S.'^or the purpese of enabling the leonptraBer to carry outithe provisions of said chapter thnie hundred sad tsren- ''V»* e > laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, be' Is here- by authorized to adopt such regulation* for the Issue of Ihe bo»dsthatmty»*ls*a*4obdersaiaaci,as b* shall deem uegatsary and proper, to appoint one or more persons to to sign the coupons to be af—-•—* -•-—-•- -- '-- - • nature* to be engraved t t*fi «t)hed theileJo^.<ir cause *h«iame*j>r.tlie ilg- *n» ;«-Manhattan so kpVolnted. to b*tu»|MiB*r'.thwT*i coaipanytothe city of NewTOrk.^ljoItonblJc notice of I (' "^•PPO^^'n'pi^lbe^C^MWqomBtrpBsrnttyco"-« ,a] ilder requisite and necessary. ' 1 i , « n r . ( 7 i 3 T b * sum ofJen thousaad.dollars c c &o moth thereof.as may be requlrsd, Is hereby appropriate! to pay the expenses that may b* Incurred in carrying out th i prdvttioti* of' the act, Including engraving and compensat Ion,of paid by the treasttref "on ine warni it of the comptroller oat»f any moneys'IlSthetresiUry' not ol hexwls* appropriat- ed; ,14. Tula-act sh*U take effootlmmedlstely. S r * f « ^ Na^YbJiV Ofllce ofthe Secretary of State.—I have compared thepreceding with" the orlgihn:! taw orr Olo In this offlce,and do herrty Certify that he (amfels a correct ' na ^ ,bm PSS^tg&&» % \ •OBAmarSU. AN ACT to. aathorlxs the Canal Oomrnla loner* farm bridge overJie^Chjemunjf canal feeder, on <hefarm of Mason the conn' •aid original law. cretary of State. to bhUd . in the far_ of Big Flats, in _ being present. . The people of Ihefltateof New York, represented In Sen- ate and Asssmbly, do enaqtas follow*; ' Section'!. The canal commissioner* are hereby authorized lason P. and Lewis lUcb, lb the town nfity or Ocesmng. ' X i PassedMarch 23,18691 three-flflhs' to balldfefarm bridge, over the? Chemung Hereby canal feeder, on dollar* to be paid by tba treasurer, on the warrant or the auditor of the canal department, out of any money appro- priated, or to Tte appropriated, to th* ordinary or exfraor- didtry repalrMf the middle OITIJIOD of the canals; provldsd however, that Rafter idTeStlitatronthoy shall be of opinion that theataScongkt equitably to build said bridge ;*nd pro- vided, also, that said Mason P. and Lewi* Pitch ahaU, before said bridge be commenced, severally executetothis state a release of all claims for damage* which may arise or be 00- caslonedtoconsequence of the; building of such bridge and it* approaches, Jl; This act shall take effect immediately. BTAW pr N«w Yoik, Office pf the Secretary of State.—I have compared the preceding'with the original law oh file Jn. ihi* office, and do hereby eertlfy tkM the same hi a cor- rect transerTpt therefrom and of'the wlbleof said original law. IRANGI8 0. BABLOW.BecrtUry pf«tale. rats l» caunUL olSsS. 18. Justices of the peace In thp Stale iball, hereAfter, be allowed and entitled to receive the fees hereinafter itat- ed, for the followlugnapieiljervlces In criminal case*: " ' Per administering an oath, ten cent* warrant (but no justice of toe peace shall be obliged to,Issue a warrant on any complaint for assault and battery, ittnles* the person making such complaint and requiring such warrant shall pay the fee therefor), twenty-fir* cent*; k boodVor «cogtB- saoce, twenty-five, cent*; a snbpccna,,, Including all. tjw came* Inserted therein, twenty-fiVe beau: a commitment tor want-ot bail,,tweptjrfive cents; an «x*i«lnati»n of th» accused, where such examination. Is required by .law, for •each dsy'beceWsrfiy spent/ontf delUr!; : «very neOeitiry adjournment of the hearing or.*s*mlnat)on( twenty^lve cenf*. VXSB or ceo«Trf (freout, sri&roxs.' 14. For * venire, twenty-five' bent*; swearing «aca wlt- S jury, ten rSnt**; g^opttna^incuialne sorted thereto, twenty.five center. fenintrSiilfeev one jloOkr per day during me necessary and actual continuance ofthe trial;' receiving' and entering vcrdloti of Uory,' twenty-*.vs cents; entering tha sentence of-thccBurt^jrenty-flve cents; warrant of commitment on sentence, twenty-five cent* : for Teeord of coavlcUon aad'flnBf th*sam*,*CT«nty Ive elnts; but aUfoch charges Jn ,apy one ^ase. shall not exceed fire dollars, unless such-court contlnu'i mdre than one day; In such case the costs 4of such a.ddlij*nal. T _ thereto; for return to any writ of certlon the county, " " -••*'•- .another Ji day acta r.bsri*i*ted two dolhtrj^Tfbts aeTvie** when'ktioelaWd'with ilee ofithejRiaceita -<?as»» of»bMt»rdy, f#r each f& Whoever a^^foSrshab bo 8Jdntany court of special aMilons/fotl knjf dmMmiilU{'* Teeord KEbereol '1 Bio; office 0! t i e cMon sbjdl. be had, lrtsh^l be paldVslfd bll*Z shall, be jnade ,by such courtj tad eta* ofthe .Munty .where, such, cpi wISMn thirty daWoflhetintsW *dr !W*'lmiio»ea b3r*«aoil oett . . . th* same (hail b» piidto ths] treaaulrrofaaloj countywlthhi the period aTBretald, SBsU^etieeinea«inBiIemeat»r'. r " rr .•••i- -...'7»il "IfcdiWi*i*#i*sfe''m' i rs.|»'; 1. /.' J"» «. Co'iftAfe»!il?aUn^eaKef De^o#ealfeVlserv?c8s'ren dered in civil*ctlnns,r|h»tf»llQwuigtreex;i i p c u d i ">•; For serving A warrant ox summons Jwjentj-flve cents; for cony Qf summons on request of defendant or left at de- ' "laSiSiW^IH^ceh^^rtervr I,—*- .^ ..-. y .T. - J«"nn^,»ddltlonaABonipen- & 2iS1EJj ) K! nc V J?° eaJe^daryear elgntjeU hund- fendant'i duelling Iht residep-qe oTthe 4eTei - • - AU.execo.tIoa, Tor evi ttf^oIlliwfWePnl*!: ' 'irfctwoandonr' ' )W*erW*J*lniaioi <h ,l*»en.»!ftTe ssnt* ,*ntae»Y{pg illar collected to the amount of :f<hfcev»y4lD«ar aAlltcteduSveT'flfty abode of the defendant br where Be shaU I >e fontnl to the ^Utce wherettbprej&lM* *BnraaW»,J?eTlJce^i**;t«)r!y»ttfj;- ing the plalntlif or the service of * warrant, twenty five cents; for going to plaintiff's residence or where he shall be found to serve such, notice, for each mile (raveled (going only) te^tte»***br-Swbpott»gfWltfctts»^t exceeding four, twenty-fire cent*: fox.summonlng a jujy, seventy-Ive from 4ho*et . _ lance of the „ ^ re'd luM'liitty.fiveJ after, September thirtieth,, and also for tbe'caloddal* y*ar«omtaeocIng;JanMryflrit, eighteen hund-. •rs«»j«l;4lxty*x»»'ta We id*p«iesiassUtant», clerk* and messengers pertn«nenyy employed infte bfibje of the sec : rotary of state, cottrttrdller, treasurer, clerk of-tho femtrVof iiBpJeal(^tt«»ey genital, departsqsat of.pubil^ustrucMon, state engipeer and surveyor, to the Ubrarlans and their as- sUti*l*l' an* janitora In the (tat* library, the private) seore- t*ry;pfiXhe.governor, aad clerk* and messengarrin the ex- ecnjjredepartments, go, the secretary of the regent* pf the udlVerslfy, and to ihi* superintendents ofteertitecapitol and afate? hall, a* the following rates of advance on the sal- aries mieiveS by them, .or a propprtlonate amanntabtjft 'ess Hf5r.t£f>! ,;erT JS es 0n*Jl*alarIeaundetn8eenhmidred,ar. Increase or. .thirty fire per cent; on *U salaries of,fifteen hundred, and less than two thousand dollars, an Increase of twenrytttre-per cent; on all salaries, of two tnousaiS dol- Igsrel Mice personal notice and summon* in an action to reconr^psM.easioByif al property, fifty cents; for a copy of l»uoh 4tffio»vl<, distance"!* ,bo computed . whefoWe prkbept is S»^«bl8«6Vtt^face summons, th aKhaftWf*' de- 'etSfg?*oft ^mw^nt'Mi>t«Bim;my ems $ 7. Con*tablea»hall hereafter be allowed lUsti^tmiui-, luntet aUited^TOtJhe Jblrtwidj service* in cu?s of sncelil fj " " ^-uhti- ' - ' sou pursuant to process, one dollar; for ever*mR, »ar*led (going only) la each case, ten cents. ' •••-"• lS*C,nit*I.ttS sJAU^sgaftqriwjdlo^. ,,er it'atedfpr the fplIowuJgservTces In ci /cVtertMg f alwarra«r>ia^»^»yiIve-^>^ traveled (going only),'ten cetflfjrfcr fak; into cusnJdj on A mlttlmua, twenry'-nre dehl Mt^^ktta^oMnli^ h*rein- '^VUrJaiil*' t«*o;a!no*lce' from .the «h'ferlff for that-purpose, two • 'slndlive cbots sDnttf ^ ' e t c * WteUWWell lni garig^W and fees shall: be eharceable the treasurer thereof on '"" ''mm*'*?* < ^Ifc Jiiror* s f c * s ^ r e a ^ * e ^ i a ^ | ^ f t | » J S e r ^ ^ - "' JhdfjBVrx._ . . ._ .--.-. returning from such court; which fees shall be eharg to the counly, aud shall be paid b; " - tbCBrpduetiont" '•"" ' ' stated for services rendered Injur •^J irj.'WU , neWes J .h*n¥ere«f«T*k^ beKfln. ,afW«'wt*^^r!«he;t*||*l*lMn^*|si^^^ * ft j. I{ j.;.., lorAitendlngWirore. »TqWoexr fli(ef%e»ee, In? * ju»Uoe»' eenrL ar befor* .n com»I»*\o«*»-»»rJdlittdibjt*ia«l»t{»e'of the peace, or before aJuttlce «f t b * peace, .tkaHir rfepo»l ^o*iblWi 1 i*«'di|a^urVitfo»eiatSlrt f( ............ . _ . . .. ,. —..'cent*" -" B «o:^ V Lniimmnvinn ^*^tft«gay^^ 'TbstV^l.ortheBaUofSewYorTVepV^tS'k." spring* b iertby authorised W tea** t»Jj^l«ssVlti»|,laa*: i^g*»^^«l*»tiaks^^|*aMl*e»iAjstJ^ I* atitn»rii*4 to Isase land* for salt manufaettirmg ptirpoata -a*d npottweb t*VWa^eoWI*«t», In/sffird JrVntlana 'r» .'|»rTei, 1«ET« 1 vjbolcest Brands of Ale* and Ciprse«wt«ht!ycfl hand, B*KI»Jore*^»*kha»«aOyst«wfor*aIe( by*»tJ»swtor Gallon. 1 -,... ,-. : .» , , • .j. 1 ,, , f«ptoyl* ..-.. 1 i -—. L . , 1 •- ;•— -ir '-..».- . . ! . ' [ fw r,-. proper *ndtarth*b*s* _ right* an* powtrs j i p e a 111* 4.-4*.*& K.SEAVER, PrlatKsofaadpaalersI* said Ka», a* cald ot-^haB just aad in this office, and doherrtyMrtlfy th*»U)»saw»»*i»e«*T»<* traascrlpt-iharefrom and of the whole of said orlgbial taw. 1 - - i \ T '• tMNOtf ttsTAJ|«Hr,*Htt^ry*S**t«: - '" . * GaAn'u'Mt. ' ' ' ''~\'-' : ' AN ACT«*r*ustUaWU>*>*sa«»fSUt« * t a * kstd brads tutdec thapUrOirM hundrH «l*>W*nh»Bdrwaand«1xty- Chapter 814. f ' * AN ACT ta\anlhorisetlie.CoDlmon Council of the dty of Rochester to purchase grounds for an Armpry for th. state ofNew York, In said city, and to raise money to pay for :)b* aemo. Passed March 22,1660; three fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented In ann- ate and Assembly,, do enact as follow.: Section 1. The common Council of the city or Rochester is hereby authorised to borrow upon the faith and credit of said city, a sum of money not exceeding eighteen thousand 59J^iff. r t no PO^o*c«rj>u«hatlng grounds within the •IarfU f tf*id clty.-firfanaftaoryforthe statsi lnpuouahce of an act entitled," An.ao>.t r3,r)r»vId« for the building o. an armory hi the city of Rochester, and for the building of a fence around the arsenal at Ballston Spa," passed April seventeenth, eighteen hundredaadsixty.flve, and tojaUo *u<Ji sum with Interest, by general tax, at the aame tbae and in th* same manlier as the general tax Is Imposed and coUectod; and the said sum, when so collected, shut ne ap- pUad .In payment, or the Indebtedness treated by virtue hereof.' r ..•,-. $ 4 Itaald common council can pay wholly or lunari for such grounds by conveyingtoexcoange therem'r any' real property now bwned by said city, which 1* not; In the 'judg- ment of said common council, required to be jeeps fox* the use pt such, city; thesame common council Is hereby author- used to m*ke.*ucn exchange and conveyance'; and U case such exchange ihall be elected, the power to borrow;-given In th* first section of this act, shall be exercised only to the extent which may be necessary to pay the surplus cejt-o* the armory grnunds which may be purchased, beyond the vatn» of ine lands conveyed In exchange therefor. • f %- This a*t shall take effect Immediately; . _ ; oixTAQf N*W rpxk t Offlc* of the Secretary of State.—I have compared the preceding with the original law on fie hi tub otllce, and do hereby certify-that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and-of the whole .f Mid original law. . I FRANCIS O. BARLOW, Secretary or State. Ax A'crVoriaW lb'*ddiaonal compeasxUon to depiities, derks and assistants In the various departments of the 8taMgov*rament. PSSJI „. . ,edMarch84,1866; three-fifth* Beingpreaent. Thp People of the State of New York, represented In Sen- ate kpd Assembly, do eaaet a* follews: " < Bectisnl. lite treasurer shall pay, upon the warrant of lend " thl pcoYem^nta qn said division as s'aail be tfyoti- mended by the rward of canal comrnissronenr arid approved by the canal'bfmpd, a/o. estimate of which is now or*fflotothe ^aqal departtpunt, tha sum qf, sixty-two .thousand two hundred dpUars,orso muSu thereof tiSTnaybenecessaify. For the payment of the expanses of such ex- traordinftry repairs and improvemeots as have beers directedtobe done on the middle division ,of the canals by the legislature or such as shall be recommended by the board of cabaj comniis- sioneraand approved by tun cana1«B6ar<3, and for Constructing guard gates'andfanprovingthe. approaches thereto at tho head of the Bald wins- sille canal, a- schedule and. estimate o^' which is how'on file in the canal department, the 'srttn of ninety-eight thousand nine hnndred dollars, OB so- much iiiereof as-tnay be necessary. For the payment of such extraordinary, .r^ pairs and improvements on the western divis- tipns Uaye/Hiled to meet the expenses incurred; for tlie payment of the tntJreasba' eompensarton tfWarded to contractors upon their-fcoBtraoU, for wocfc.Btlier thanfopordinary repairs, by the carjalboard under Bpecial acts ot the ieastature; and for the payment of the cps' of BtfcBf'iotfter extraordinary repairs and improveffieuts-wn the completed canals of the said division as m*y ,be recominpnded by- the board of canal commis- aionerg and, approved by thje. canal board, the sum 6f One hundred arid fifty-Sight thousand one hundred and forty-six dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. A schedule of the work and, thq estiniate |of cost of the worif, in- tended tofbe paid for by the appropriatfon u'n- denthis subdivision, is on file in the canal de- partment.' * For awards made by the .canal board, J.be contracting board and canal appraisers r bet ween the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and thefirstday of January, eighteen hundred and sixtv-elx, where the said boards have made awards far specific amounts, with the interest thereon as now allowed by existing statutes, the sum of three hundred and thiVty- seven thousand dollars, or so mich thereof as may be necessary for that Object. § 8. To meet the .appropriations made in this actof the moneys to ber collected by and upon the said tax, with as little delay, as practicable, the cammissioners-oflhe canal fnnd may from time to time invest in the said tax any surplus moneys of the -principal of the sinking futids under article seven ofthe constitution, asum or sums nob. exceeding in all the amenntto be realized ftom said tax hereby authorized; and the moneys so invested shall be applied to pay the appropriations under this act; and so-much of the moneytariaing from the said tax as may be necessary when paid, into the -treasury^ is lierebyipledged, and shall be applied'in the first instance to reimburse the said sinking funds for the-amount invested in said ta*Vtadfor ; the interest on the same at a rate not exceeding five per cent per annqm from the time of invest- ment to the.day(t>f.Bs i 5B«^nt, ; .-25 { 4. This act ahJ l take effect immediately. Btate.of New Tprk, Office.of the Secretary of State.—I hive compared the prtoedutf with the origiaal law on file , in *hl* offlc, and da hereby certify.that thessuuei»# exmect transcript therefrom aad or the whole ororlginal law. L FaAN01BCLItAaiX>W,8*<retai?of State. •' * r •' •^Hi5s^fe•'' i '•'' f ' , ,iiii - '••• AIT'ACT to authorize" the'.Boarti oMadfeatlon a£tbe!village of Fort.fDosriagtoni^to sail the i'sites. ^ft.PFefn^spbpol.b.puseft in, aaid , village, ana iot other purposes. '' ^sssSMAVeh'SS.leBof'thSe-nfths being present. _. BiileoftheStaJeofNew X»rk,-repre*«nt*d ln-8an- ate and issembly, do enact as follows: 'Section 1'. The' board of educaUon of the vil- lage of Fort Covington, is hereby authorized to sell and convey that portion o£.0u(, lot number seven in, the.BJtewuaw ijM»j&|Ulage, hereto- fore used as a site for schoor house number one 1 $n. said town, together wjtb the school h©us& thereon erected, and the commissioners of the land office ate hereby required to issue* letters- patent to the pnrchaser of fcaid'lot. --. u I §13, The said board of education Jaalsoau- iho^ized to sell and convey the site of district school house number two in said town, and nse the proceeds df both the said lotsli theerectfon of more commodions schooi heusetv . e,t, g S. Chapter oca Jiundred and twenty-seven of, the laws, of Q'ne, thousand, eight bnndred and tukty-two^are heref *-**—' a,majaritx,pf the persons present at the meetihg, and. proceed to form an association by determ- ining Upon a corporate name by which the as- sociation shall be called and known, by deter- mining on the number of trusteestomanage the'eoncerna of .the association, which number shall not be less thin siam6r*more than twelve in addition to the supervisor and justices of the peace'oftheftown in whichauchjassociation shall be formed, and rflaytheieqpon, proceed to elect by baUot the number of trustees so determined on, and the supbrvlsdr' and justices ofthe peace of the said town forjthe time being, shall respect- ively be ex-offlclo trnstees of the. said associa- tion. . .; 1 § 2. The chairman and secretary ofthe meet- ing shall within six days after such meeting, make a written- certificate and alga their names thereto and acknowledge the same before an (officer, authorized to .take the proof and ac- knowledgment pf conveyances m the comity where such meeting shall b*ve been held, which certificate shall state the names of theJissociates who attended such meeting, the corporate name ofthe association determined upon by the ma- jority of the persons who met, the number of trustees fixed, on to manage the affairs of the - assbCuttionyes'her 4han the ex-ofBaio trustees, thfijoames of th^trusteeschosen at the meeting, which certificate, the chairman and secretary of such meeting shall cause to'be recorded in the clerk's office of the County in which the meeting wasJheid, in a book to be. appropriated for the recording of certificates of incorporation. . & %.,Upon auch certificate.dnly acknowledged asfaforepaid'being recorded, the association -mentioned therein shall be°deemed legally in- corporated^nd shall have and possess the gen- eral powers and privileges and be subject te the liabilities and restrictions contained in the third title ofthe eiehteenth chapter of partfirstof the Revised Statutes, except that each subscriber shall 'be- boundtojgay only to the amount sab- scribed by him, The .affairs and property of such, naaqriialiQu shall be managed by the trus- tees who'shalt appoint from among their num- ber a president, vice-president, secretary and a treasurer, who shall hold their places during the pleasure of f the board of trustees; and the trustees niav require the treasurer to give secu- rity for the faithful performance ofthe duties of his office, and if a vacancy shall occur in said board'of trustees or in any of its officers by . death, resignation, refusal to act or otherwise ot any trustee, or officer pf said board, the then re- maining trustees at any legal meeting of said trustees; shall and may and they are hereby au- thorized and required to elect and choose a fit person or persons to fill up and supply such va- cancy or vacancies, provided, however, that the then remaining members of said board of trus- tees shall have been notified that such vacancy ' or vacancies in'Sochi board or its officers will . then be filled; and a majority ot the then trust tees shall be necessary to form a quorum for the transaction of business, and the services of said trustees shall be gratuitous. § 4. 'Anyassociation incorporated under this act may take by purchase or devise, and hold within the county in which the certificate of their incorporation is recorded, not exceeding Ave acres of land, to be held and occupied ex- clusively for the erection of a suitable monu- ment or nionumenteto perpetuate the memories of the soldiers from tub town in Which such monument or mwhuments shall be erected, who died in actual service during the late war for tim defense ofthe Union„and such association may erectrsuch monument or 1 monuments upon any public square, or grounds of any city or village'with?the legal coment-ofthe proper offi- •cers of said city or village, or may purchase or accept the donation of. any lands suitable for ;tuat purpose; and may take and hold any property, real or'personal, bequeathed or giyen> upon trust, to apply the same or the income or the proceeds thereof, under-the direction of the trustees of snob association, for the improve- ment or embelishment of such monument or monuments'' or the erection or preservation of any structures, fences or walks ereeted upon the lands of 6Uch association, or for the repair, preservation, erection or renewal of such monu- ment or monuments, fence or other structure in, around or upon said lands, or for planting and cultivating-trees, shrubs, flowers or plants, in, 'Around or upon such lands, or fot improving or >'*ji5 r0 ±SlSA er ^ ^ffi? n 9P , rfS M u ?., Wi or ' tunbeiishing the.earoo in any manner or form nd empower" toe said boara' 'of education consistent, with the design and purposes of the the laraan increase of fifteen per cent. The sum of twenty-two thpusand dollars, .or so much thereof a* may be neeUsary, Is'he^byAppfopriated from th.general'furid- ti pay ' advancesitoridedfor In this section. - -i.i u S3AippjB increased compensation hereinbefore, given to. lho.deputy.and clerk* ]n the' raOroaa'depairtmentjIn the o(I16eprtb;e>t*te engineer and surveyor, shall be'repkld by the: several'rallroatl. campanie*, pursuant to.chapisf five hundrffjjnpdiwentjr-slx ofthe tarn of elghtee^onilrjil and S^ e ^sABre; : .h*U pay'trtoi t^^can'»f : ffiri*/upou tkeWarrahtbf the f audltor of the -canjtrdeparttnb'ni'addl- tIo»i||.<!#mp;«nwpoOitP the deputy and to eacaSM•**• fclerit* of Ih'efejntraetlDgboard, for the balance 'OPtne^elfendtr ybarid»)bAtenhBndredana.«Ixtyrave,,»fter gijptejgthii tbb> rles under fifteen hnndred dollar*, an increase ofi«blrty*flve per cent; on all salaries of fifteen hundred dollars and let* The sum of five lhous«hd-=dollar*ror so much thereof as* .. anaylbfhitOiasnryitifliiiMs^^ i*a*t*x»-tw^«laif»tfotiir"--- : --*—^--' •—- --"*- --' "•I r _.' plant "on, the lands of said association, shall U••. viH— .wss'-aoi.ti..,!.-*!, ^ i •• be aeerhed^uil^fa'misdemeanor; ana •Buch AN ACT to amendatacTe^etf^in^W' S^fiSSJRlI^^ i ^ u. . .^. iWl ?' ttoe ^ ;to '' B ^ l ^ 1 nBS^ua'fioife*' i w a e » retsoVerM ahalt bo 'Ineflfeople'3rthe«*t<ofWew»orl| l r*p*ew«»Wla i >! ^flmfiim^ BUT dred and forty-si»«bT»es4wfofidnbWoMand ^Ui-kandffid^dfSrx^tlireeiiswrjjbr^ijtoena" ,e,^*r0^eir^a^ljpiy-?'*</-r 1.J » ^ ' s ' stednf'te u ^ t r ^ h S ^ o f v l ^ i y s f d *S& ao|* to cOmhn^stoaSuoh^piii'n^rr.vdri'pertoosv^ag. the said coi&ai^i«% j n i ^ ^ ^ policemen for said corporation r but .no ro«» ,. %%At tax-may be imposed, levied anrLcol- . . . . , , . -, thau one poh'cemen ahaU be topdinted at any'i^aob'tfife'Sable property in any town in thlitllBcea^rshft'lAiltaa»*«erali ana(rlfermast«^ene^ I'TB®! .Wetlpwii tnreev;a(I,-5«»«I bl*W)Iixnjlred!*n<l-'»lxty»fiTe, or emenoIngranuar^y-flrVt, eighteen tbi;«ac«^rwie'*j^iitsi.»**iera^^i BTAn orNkw Yokk, OiBce of th* Seersiary or Biat*;—i Po*aUei«Dg j to.>«e,M in th.Uofflce.and do hereby e«r^that •^samftlsaopnw'; 'trazaciijpt^cttrretn:im-m^(imM^^vm^ii»<' '••-'"-^jdjt.toejiig^iJMgfif eexp?n»atoi wu^fX^iamM^pW* „Hdiiitp%v?meiitt-|dfU 1 <ibomiMe{ed : c^^ i this S u » nW<*#«t»M«rjQi otfoi^feptfird. and to pay tholncreMad»ppjEtoa^ contractow awarded under special acts of the ber,jeighte4»bus»drtKl»urt»ixty-slx,'m.*a to ar>y other tax levyforthe aawie y«tr»*4-f.x ber,jeighte4»bus»drtKl»urt»ixty-slx,"m.«d*H seven-sixteenths of » mill on each dollar ofthe Valiiiatlbn of tho teal and perwaalprdperty rax- abI«ln4bU w«teto W %mtMtij Mitted, Iwried- *nd r^leoLad. upon. *wd by^a<»npl*«ipt» r meot«and collection of taxes for the ^said; fiscal year In manner MeaOribep! bylaw.lobo paid •oyilie county treasurera 'xeso&ilk&f tht5 r We* treaimry of tUU sUt« : \m n*tfcw^Tec«*fed,'iield and appUedttO tUuobjecl#iuidpii/i>o»«i ftimed inthiisct. - •= •,. */ t ,. , •:- >- " § 8.' The whole of tbe tax levied and collccu- ed under the firat section of this adt shall bo oaid into th* traaailryortbls Slate to thecrcdit: of tbtv cahilftind,audi i» neivbyr«bnropVlitt'aI and .hall be -p^ted ma follow..- i •;• ' *; / r Fortbttp»ynw»t•oftiiecostfif-jucli pxirjikv dinary repairs Andimrxovcraeawon ihecaatirn division of the Erie canal where the appropria- drt* and twsaivi.fc buriaf tions have failed to mett the bxbeii*«incurred, i lueoi. »t autu pi»o SrS GFSffTlyhVrf- and wtU oibet/-isixira«iliMtiat^ ^oinafee «"salect!Onnofw portion of the public 'square in-said, village, tbrrti site for anew acad-. cmy,4nd frea «ra4e.school building,or bulld- l.ngs^aud to enclose and use such portion of the) said public square as they may select and deem ptopBrandnecessary for- the purpoiest of thd 6aid•academyi»nd«rade>echopJ(s. - > . ->'i - $, &., All portion,a,<}f; the acta qf eighteen bun,' dred and twenty-one and eighteen hundred and thirty-two, above referred to, 'iacontlsteiif with t %be ppdviBjbns oUthstactvare hereby repealed. association, according to the terms of such grant, devise or beqiiest; but the annual income ot such estate, over and above the amount that may be expended, in the purchase of grounds and in the erection'of said monument or monuments, 'and id enclosing laying out and ornamenting tiie same";''shall not exceed the sum of five tbonsanrLdolhurs. h >„ •-. •-.<.-•..' •••<<&fy^JB$®?*'Vi!p>$>aX, wififnUy destroy, mutilate, "deface, injure or remove.any monu- men't'of an/assdeiation incorporated under this , K nlentot anyassdeiatfon incorporated under this >. i? ' 1 ^ 'J'M^iW Hi^^SPstS*- 11 »te«uyte«iBiliD^orWlier work for the >^i\*^SS!^^V*SS!?S^lSJ^m.«r««!.ToStfecUon or ornWeutTthewofior shall willful- lntM*«bfiii»,'*»*«Uier*bycejrary!tbjt^a»iii*tt»o^ . . . . . . i^jojatjonof^o^reper^r so .injured, or de- te'Tlie-'priiperiy "of''any R&saciation formed itiaatHtJ tlhWafJt, shaU ! be'ixem 1 pt from levy ar^/8alsjqK*^cecutibir;i|ml fronr;aU;i>uhli(X'tax- es, ,yat,s»aidfas3essments,,and^o, stre,et, : r^ad, avenue pr thproughfee shall be.laid thrqngh the, lands of B^i'ch ussdeiation held for th'e pur- •poSeT ator*sftidf > wTthout 'the consent of the UMsttWJofiiMch'asswrfatibn; except by special jiTtlcleiiib&nlRsfxionsthu'Aon ;-Bhcb>yoaili;iwi»n *i,., satw-s-J^flH -——=*** *^- _...,*,- ..,_* ... ..... havafiomnarefltlsi itndao _^ a_^. ^ s ^iucbf^u^temwa-sK^iifoiiTu&B^ be •%F^.s»*«eby,-l ewct^'foi^thepnipoae ofjepairihgior improv- ";sttch s tax _^ vnas l«atH? fru SecreUrypfiSUte.—I - original Hw on file tte same f**c*rrect of (aid prjglqal law. T«lfi'o*<a ,J pr i t'J :»u os &iS'»") iu.'t2.g ^uii^Jii^s&i ifi^. edrmay ruu,an4^Wfa|p^ |$.ht£Mn#«»«S, i^W3^S^^llS^Stl^SSTt. said policeman snail act: and such policeman l '«wno'rneIoott'dej^tju*the'JtnsmtocBJJe- shall severally possess allthe powers of police'• '^ jtWKrnwt fin4rn«*'E»or Mfe JiiiHtrnncisClbm* &h'iri^hfegeTeTattdWr^-cW*S pa.aisavei^tadriwdej, Jbe.law*;«f; Pther Slates mrvwt .wt*&t^i|»ba4tarAj.i^^ irfthel?ii|te4S^»%,> -^^^i^,..., 4 ^^ji^W-MrtWISt7:'r/'::C.^'3tul<«'»J„Kfet^at>«l^;. <am>*tMnfi1t* •j«»t*i«*j[^ 1 x^Oep»*ttt5Ste^ r ed so.aa.to read as foliows: ., • , Section 1. ETCry-eompany or association fweir-iametalioSlrlelrJivw'iUirthe-sTOrds^ .JM«|jiDr^^'|ipa^ of p%f&zm*>Mmimt mW^m^j^m-jm, \jmmk «%fitaw r *M»ew eifi^tjjDl^jates jfe-anaihBm«ii5J,9f ma.^m^mmam^Mtatsu "^c¥ti»3Jie^f6re,fn psjrs%nc«of thripro^ IwpfMin™ %is»bf mm^^^^mmmZ shall always be worn in plain-Tiow; ftrttp-. WlooorpasJes t r ^ ^ U i ^ tlwobainwai^lrJein- when emrrioyed as detectives. _ y,-. 4ma^^0^^j^^mgStMW^S^ sire tb'-ftrm' an'assrjciatlori' for tfie jrifepnlo 1 * of ertrctllil; a jnOhaineot or monumeats, to perpet- uate the niemory of tbs soldieni who Wl or died of wounds rccelrod in. the defense «i iho Union, or who died whilst in actual aeryice during the late ^war for the said dertnso of the Union, ma meet at rochpl*«» wrthwrnTf^ f—* t ! : *trm|n wfa mmwmm^mm^^^&^s^^^^s ,.. '^pj^pn fi gplirlne.wiUi- theprpvU- ibftr •-' * tfi, fia^.y.iiKtf- 'Ik l/wty\} w 'U' •-/'!« L -,mut,,r. Passsd March 80, l b « ; three-fiflhsbiiiigprweafc-' toM&B^&Wb fiMa^ni^?, PSSMd-JnnO demand of any such company, or asaociauon as aforesaid, arid upo- satisfactory proof being made to him of sack compliance as aforesaid. |a. Tlu^ act than WM^wslaiaiwalately. STAM of Nw YoSToSsee of th* Secretary of Sut*.-I baraeeaMHUrMtk* p»cA<i»gwto tits orsgtnaltawa*SI* . *••«• - *". .1——--• ' "• -"•—^ --'irrr^- ii. mm- ^^l*»s*Q •&4\ : i ,-iif*- -j« ; i'-i^r w> »I«»|I mi., m m "WLWn •&**2jfg# l( ;53fc5Mi -ata'is**^ « "

mmwmm^mm^^^&^s^^^^s - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1866-05-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · • CETS2 taZ!»»«»«««I,0 n tK»*'e *»P w, tn*j r Be read

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Page 1: mmwmm^mm^^^&^s^^^^s - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1866-05-17/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · • CETS2 taZ!»»«»«««I,0 n tK»*'e *»P w, tn*j r Be read

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&. J . ^ ^ M i k ^ E J S f t , 0FKCI3 , PALLBirjAt BGlfeDINGS,

Comer 5(aiB and Catherine f treeut , Malone, N . Y.

• T E I ^ ' ^ ' Sulwcrtbers, served Ay carrier $2 25

Mail and Offloa SuhscriborsJ i 00 TheWHlishersWpeet andlrerralre alf subscriptions te be

paid strictly in advance t ; , B A T E S O F A D V E R T I S I N G :

[Twelve- Lines or Jess make a Square.] 1 square 1 »eeK«.?.? s .Stf s«te*|9M#fyea* '-..' $8 00

Ejah.aubseg.ueal ina'a Sp.$£coIaauil year . . . . . . . 25 00 1 sqnqn G months 3 OWl column T year 80 00

L e n t *t>«-E*Ttsinisri*s, at'the rate* provided by Law. Yearly advertisers are untitled to three changes daring

it-e w i r iI! changes lo excess or tbi* will be charged extra. ku»i.\«sa UABUS not. exceeding fiv.eline3, $5 ner year—for

cvt-r.v ariditiouaiJIiae. i&ctMili per line. KoiToaiiL fJotficfcS—when) admissible, —designed- to pro­

mote Individual Ifirereste, will be subjected to a charge of 10 cents per line for each insertion, but no aucb notice will be Insert?.! for les4tUaJo.$f.00.,

Ordinary aD^oflnee'mehts OTtaafria'ses and deaths, gratis; bat all-remarks, communications, and obituary poetry* 5 cents petlifle. , ,

All ae'iwaSts f>r idVertUiae are due at the time of the Srswnsertfon nf tve advertisement. Advertisementssboold t>&marked the length of ttaej to be Inserted, otherwise they will be continued till forbid,!or s t the option of the publish­ers, and charged accordingly

B u si n e s s ID i Rectory,

D. H. s-f ANTDN,


G . W . L E W I S , Attorney* a n d CouHselar a t L a w ,

Port Covington, Franklin County, N. V.

FLETCHEr} & WIL8ER, Attorneys a n d cionnselors a t L a w , Main Street, Chateaugay, N.1 Y. , over Clark & Soper's store.

<X T . Fletcher. { B. wither.

, F t J C H & rjARfViELEE, Attorneys aud ;C<»iiiisefoi*s,

Mo. 28, Nassau Street, New York. EDWAttD FlTCn. ' A. B. PAittlELEE.


Attorneys and Cojunsclors at Law, Elm Street Opposite the Bank.Malono, N. T. Special atten­

tion given to claims for Pensions, Bounties, 4 c W. B. Ooswge. ' J. ft Biosoaas.

V UNION HOUSE. i -* (rormerly Roberts* Hote l , )

S. W . H A T C D , P r o p r i e t o r . Chateaugay, N . Y . This H o m e h u been newly fitted up

and re-furnished thronghout. Carriages i n waiting a t the Depot, and Guests carried to and from the House fre* of charge. Parties conveyed, to Chateaugay Lake ,and other, places of resort on reasonable terms. aprlllmS

MERRJTT HOUSE. (Formerly Clinton House,) '

ALBUBGH 8PBDYGS, - - • - VEBMOHT. E . Am K E E L E B , having purchased the above named

Bouse, and refitted and refurnished the same, and associ­ated with him In business II, J i MANZBB, well known to all visitors to the Springs, would Invite those seeking health or pleasure to this POPULAR WATERING PLACE.

Carriages will convey guests to and from the Depot free of charge. 018m

jpmRA HOUSE, Moira Corners, N. Y.

U. C. SABLSBITUTT, P r o p r i e t o r . The Subscriber having recently leased this House, Intends to

keep a s good a place of entertainment a* c a n b e found In this p a n of the State, tan excellent Livery attached to this House.—Nov.SJm6* „


mmm MILROAOS. mam < Spring adi'j'rtH^cmcttf.

C o m m e n c i n C C^sirtT &„ 1 S 6 8 . TRAINS GOING 80DTH JftVD SAST.

Mixed Train leaves Route's PoIntatJ.OOp. m., for At. Albans.

Day Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 5.80 a. m., Rouse's Point 10.40 a, m.^for Boston, 4 c , connecting .at Burlington With ButMnd-Rdad for Troy, Albany Shd Ke**orm arriving In Boston, vis. Lowell at iu.au p. nv, , , ., ,. , .

Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.60 A. m.. Boose's Po!ntat5«p.m.,erririog.a»-Boslon\.*t.&0 a. jJ.,co.q., necting a t . Bellows Falls with Cheshire Railroad for Boston and Worcester, and with Vermont Valley Eallrbkd for Spring^ field, Ac., and arrtvjpg in New i'ort. af 14^0 fi. o . ,


Day Express leaves Boston via Lowell 8.00 a, m. for Bur­lington, St. Albans, tloritrni} arriving at Ogdenshurgh-at 1.00 a. m.

AccAmmodatibn Tralu leaves Northneld at 6.1ft a. «>., and Burlingtona.t8.15a.m.,for St. Albans, Route's Palm, and "-'--iburgh B, R.

sketMh, -iaUo«mdineear>dt»k»eniStl^«ghO«£Ui«Sta«Ki

%,eb«KrI,P^atdfttia»SW»Vl*WM «-*».">,' r,-,!" ,y,t. • CETS2 taZ , 0 !»»«»«««In t K » * ' e *»P w, tn*jr Be read to eyWenceTro»i''S(j pkpef InWfiteb IllsMIb Jcontsuoed.E all the courts of JosUco ta thls^Sute, and ta aUnroceedl;— before any officer, body orboaTrd^^HehlfehmUtietiioUi

r'f lxlnttl^f^.of e*i'eace'anatConsls>' i44M.rc*s #tilqrnn» ,d for ol

bits In.eJvU ana jirialnal-cjistsii and witnesses to Justices', Courts, L _

P»sJ«-a AprnS9t<lMf>tlOTt2ff1nsVeai^raM»n ate _

Section 1. Jtisae«eiVtlnj»eiiico1io;iWi aatBiUjaH^Wh artrr be allowed and entitled {9 receive llip. fees itereiaafter stated fcrrthe Wlowlnglnainea tervic- ftn

ightsxpreuleavea Bellows Falls at 10.00 p. m., receiving engers from Vermont Valley B, R,; leaving Sew York at

ftlfip; m.. and from Cheshire B, R. leaving llasron at 6.80

SEYMOUR HOUSE, (Formerly St. Lawrence Hotel , )

F . J . T a l l m a n , P r o p r i e t o r , Ogdensburgh, N. Y. This House is eligibly situated o n the

corner of Ford and State streets. I t haa recently been refitted and refurnished, and In, a l l its appointments. Is a first class hotel. Charges reasonable.

PARK H O T E L , Corner of Beekman and Nassau Streets, N . Y., * -

George Wr igh t , P r o p r i e t o r . One of the most convenient Hotels In the city t o Business.

Stage and Car Routes-antf Placed of Amusement. Board $2.50 per day. - 15C9yI

PROF. T . A . ( JONWAY, T e a c h e r of P i a n o i o n e , S l e lodeon ,

Organ , &e . TERMS—Piano, Melodeon or Cottage Organ, per Quarter, (24 Lessons,}

Organ, per Quarter, (24 Lessons,) . . ::::.«tr 60: Pupils attended at their residences or a t the ttoomfof

Prof. C0BWS.V, Elm Street, opposite R. R. Depot. Applica­tions made at Music Room or p. O. Box 11, will receive Im­mediate attention. feb8y

M i s s Ail. JP. O ^ L J A i t . v M : .

DRESS & C L O A K M A K E R ! West side of the river, over G. N. Kussell'd brocery Store.

Dresses and Cloaks made In the Latest and most Fash­ionable Styles, and on short notice.

March 1, 1866.—8m

m., {connecting a t White River Junction with train leaving Boston a t 5.00 p . m., for Burlington, Rouse's Pofht, and Ogdensburgh, connecting at Ogdensbunsli with Grand Trunk trains for the W e s t

Sleeping cars.are attached to night Trains. — • " the West

,Ch MERRILL, Punt . . Through Tickets for Chicago and the West fof rale a t the

prlndpaTstaUona. ~ St, Albans^ April 7, ISCG^

Ogdensburgh and Lake tuamplain R. R. 1866} . a 11866

Running TjmeJEwelve illpu«te3 fasten Ui»n Local Time.

T X r i M T E B AJEIBAMOBItCENT.t-US AND AV-• f ter Monday, January 1st, I860, Trains will run on (his

Road'as follows: , GOING EA,9T.

MAIL.—Leave Ogdensburgh at 11 30 a. m., dine at Brush's Mills, arrive at Maioue a 44 p, «>., Rouse'* Point 5.88, slip­per at St. Albans, reaching Burlington 9.0U, Troy 4 60 a. m., New York 10.80 a. m., Boston at 1 a. m. Passengers Bythls train take Sleeping Cars at at. Albau- for llostoo, Troy, Al­bany and Hew fork.

PASSCBQEB AXD War FKKIUUT.—Leaves Ogdensburgh at 4 p.m., arrive at ^lalonu at II) 45, It-avlng at 1^0 a.m., reach­ing Rouse'* I'uint at 1.5o p. m,, connecthig with Trains on Vt. Central ItaltroaJ. r

GuUNO WBST. Ujuu-^£eaves Rome's t'nint at 7 15 a. m., receiving pass­

engers from Vt; tVdtrai K. B_, leaving New York IS 1ft p. nj. and Boston 6.80 p. m , arrive at JUaione 10 a. nu, reaching Ogdensburgh at 1 p. ui., connecting with Grand'1 runk trains far the West.

PASSKSOKB « » WAV I'RKIOUT.—I^jave Rouie'siPointst 8 p. m , anlve at Malone at 10 p. m., leaving at« a. in,, reach­ing ogdensburgh i t » p. m. • : '

ilalone, Jan. 1,1SW. IIARVEV 1UCE, Sup't.

T A Y L O R & HOBpS, A t t o r n e y s a n d C o u n s e l o r s a t L a w ,

*Np. 9 Union Block—over & X. Heath's Drug Store, II. A. TAYLOR.] Malone.iN. Y. 1 [A. HOBBS.

1. A . DAfU-!NG. Physic ian anj tl Surgeon,

Office and Residence on Park Street, Sd. dper from Elm St. a p r l » / p- . MALONE; 1J. Y." j l

S. P. BATES, Physic ian and Stir. reou,

Residence, first house East of| the Methodist Church, Ma lone, N. |Y.

c. w . C R A R Y , s l e i a n a i * a SiSrtirg-eoii,

Who formerly practiced mededne! at Fdrt Covington, and for the past three years a Surgeon in the 0 . S. Army, would announce to tho,people of Malone and vicinity that h e has permanently-located in Ulia place, and fiplisits a share of

. pubac.patronsge; •• tBesIdence at Dennlson WQlard's, two doors south of the Brick Church. — — - - . Blool^-ap-stafa^

Office No. 1, Phoenix 1601



SURGEON Rooms oveaFarUfers' National Bank, Malone, N. Y.

Dr. G, H. CaiBV would say to his jold friends and patrons, that h e hag formed la copartnership with his "brother, ffu. II.' CE.tEY,*Trbp Bus just graduated at-the Philadelphia College of Dental Surgery, and that'tbey wUl conjinne the

• HentaJ bus lness ln a lHts brSnefife, aCBls •old1 KoSms'over the Farmers* "National Bank. TJiey a t e prepared to per-f-irm i l l Dental operations fn a ^uperief manner and at most .reasonable prices. Splendid Teeth Inserted o n all the Bases now in use . f

f». H. C B > B T , D . D . S . ! W, H. C B A B T , D . D . S.

PR. J . H 4-


viain street, Malone, N. Y. Office to Palladium Buildings, Sd story, ^"ront Room. All operations performed In the most satisfactory manner, Teetli filled, extracted or in­serted. Particular attention paid t o Sets on Plate.

Sla>one,,Jan. 10,1866. 1

S. J . . H A R W 0 0 D , ' GENERAL AGESlr FOR

?FraiisaJ^Jo!ii|!^aad Canada East,

£ X S A LIKE IRSUEASCE COMPANY Of Hartford Ooan^ and-Agent for

''frtTHtZft J?nWw3!Se' •}9«>«»Ba?y. Usr. 83 ,1866. < ,

l^laJoneiS. T. iy

' H E A T H & BREED,

Drags, l dicinfisvPaiate.i OHi DythgJpfi, P:rfumery, Stationery and Fancy fioods, Ac_ N o . S ,Union

Block, Malone, S , Y .

P. W . TULLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

Brandies , W i n e * a n d Whiskies , A e and Lager Beer, Poteen and. Scotch Whisky, Nuts.

o f iht t4«b%e/Hi . _

• { '- ^ •'• - • 'Manufacturer of • ' : -

DRESS & CLOAK MAKING. MRS. JOHiVIMEH & AIRS. Tit HUB If LL Would Inform the Ladies of Malone and vlginlty that they are prepared to execute all orders for DRESS and CLOAK MAKJNG, on Short Notice and In the latest and most approved styles. They have a G a o v n * B u m Sewing Machine and warrant all their work,

Rooms in Horton's Block, near the Bridge. Malone, March 28,1866.—mS.

H. S.



R A N D A L L «fe CO., Commission Merchants, 98 and 100 Franklin Street, <• New

York, 162 Devonshire Street, Boston. W. B. 8. G A T , [1578] • n. T. R A H O A U .

— — 1 I , - . .,

E. A. HYDE, North Bangor, N . Y., Dealer in

Frait & Ornamental Trees, Shra&s, &c, From Ellwanger A Barry's Nurseries, Rochester, N . Y.

PANGBORN, DAVIS &HAYDENS, Importer* and Jobbers of

Fancy Goods, Yankee fictions, &c. NO. 353 BROADWAY,

JOHH W . | ^ » M 0 8 » , 1 N Y fc t ALVHSB P. BUron, WnxuM W. DAVIS, f ™ew I o r j t -J EOJIXBI P.HATDJUT.

SACKETT, BELCHER & C o . Wholesale Grocers and Importers', ~

28 and 80 Reade Street, 8 Doors East of Broadway, N. Y. AMOS M. flCIUSTT, JtBWS BAUH BAOlwTI, WILLIAM K. BELCDEB, Wn$ B. TOWJBEJD, ,


JOHN D, F l ^K , ' " —WITH— »

B A L D W I N , FISHER & Co., Wholesale Dealers In Boots,, Shoes, tUther, *o» No. 25

Park Row, opsoslte the Astor House, firmer location bfthe Park Theatre, New York.

^ . M . B A U ) W I » , - NA*H'I« IBBBH, ! . HaasvDix.


For the ounty of Franklin. AuctionSaJes attended toand Bills furnished when required.-

io Building near Wbillelsey's Pot •MkBooai andjpm%«anstantlyi •flll&^roniptfy »ttepjPl,t6.".% og Machines has been added

.Hhop, and'the proprietor is now:r._ >*f 'ntrVf*' on aaors.notice,.and." ates: Also^jt Tongueing and '

v io«eplBjtJo<Sboj&d»i^^j,;r,-Jf

, JHalons, ft. T. nhand, and all orders oTWoodworttr. Kan> the machinery tothls y i o plane kll kind* A the most reasonable "btfBjf Machine for

'ef'Mtti-i'J ;xT

. »ntlnae the business. HewJH k^enWrtbtsVof^TorntWts. »t Reasonable Prices, and ho»esT to merit and receive a 1 b«ral patronage.—afatonej Sept. 28,11 •


•**-^f"Je«.*Jrf, A U 0 6 .

' : a-.« ' " • r t f T T ' ' ^ ^ - A J : E B T 1

MISS L A W D ^ N ^ . O ^ , f

Large and Fashionable'8ttck»f

Mill inery -•M®@m$ Attheoiastand lately oeciiplid tsj^4m ViOc '-ItM*

StoelteonaI»t»of->| ..••' J»t» .1'

Bonnets, Hats, Ribbon*, Flowef»v

The Ladles are invited to e a l I a n d * a L ;'" o f f l o o d s f O T t h e m i e l f ^ j j a r S h r ^ S ^

. .cannot '&it . . to \<et ' i \^Si iOu0mM quality, price.'andl »or|maj)anJlp^a

will ccmstaatjjr implor^ thebertjof oeljn,.r „ < M b s J U U i a t A N O M H , / Mrfc4».LATfl«0P.

4i '.jjJta-i

H o m e , W u t e r i o w u & Ocdeusburg l i 181)5] R n i l r o a d . , £1805 L ' l i a i M K I l A B R A N G B n E N X - O S AND AJf-O ter Monday, May 23d, Passenger Trains will run on this road as follow*:

Nsw Yomt Exrstss.—Leave Ogdensburgh at 8.45 a.m., S r r J K* t . W *^' r t ? w o T' B<Jnle V * . m " wmnecUpg w)th «ew: V ork Central trains, arriving New VorS 10 p. n i , ftuflalb 8 p. m.. Suspension Bridge 8.80 p. m. • > -. NIOBT ilxnuB*.—Leave Ogdensburgh (it 4.20 p. m„ ,con-necting at Dekalb Junction with train leaving Potsdam Junc­tion at 8^0 a. m., arrive at Watertownat I.40p. BL,dlooiB 11.65, connecting with N. Y. Oentral trains, arriving at Alba­ny 6 a: m., New York 1L15 a. m., Boston 4 p. m. New and elegant Bleeping Cars are atUcbed to this train and run

0m^^m^af^i^^&m^& herein, tn ij^illtfgP ten, cenls '.SMt seirer^:'5api

; admlnls tceaeary 'i

\&j^wai^m^n^!s^^ v|L ten, eeat* 7 di»wIpg.»»jr.bopl,,t* Celvtng_and entering. verdict of jury.

meftt, tWetoty-aTa.centitJul>pc»n«.lil^umg»UUiena«ja« inserted.Uierefetwentr-Jbrj. ffP^^f^U^Pf^n^

f,mcaa-• of f«f,

twrjoty<Sr> cents cents

.•'., «4*«nnJ^re-. ^. . . . . . . . . . twenty-five cents;

r*nfie,| twenty-five ceritej dr*»u)g attdavUsj apjilicattons and notices in cases required by law, five cent* per folio; execution, twenry-flve Wou;1 renewalV execnlldni'twenfyf ttve cents; rnikipg* return to an a:>)^*l,two.doU*rs: war­rant for the apprehension of any person charged with aify riohaion At Out law* concerning thq intemaLpsKceof lbs

any^e'wn 0?oirg\u^wuVb^il^ef*fte/o?^ cents i,.(nd«rslng any mmwp Issued from another-county, twenty-live cents; summons for any offense relating to (he internal police of the State, or in caw oT'inj apodal pro.

^ v ? c^fynmtftW&?&&$z contempt and otkrx.spacixleasis, flftjf bejtta; 'forian execa tlon upon any such, conviction, twentyfflve cent*; warrant of commitment Jac Aoyjoausej tuspfy-flve oeats; for a pre­cept to summon ajfiry in ope'cikl easel, Wty cents; swear­ing such Jury, twenty-five cent*; heating the matter con­cerning which said jury i» jaramoned, fifty centum reeaiybig and entering the verdict of said Jury, twenty-five cents: for a view Of premise* alleged to be itserted, fifty cents; bear-

trading, qettiine and cettlTyWe Intorrofaloria*, tfty. cent*; taking depositions of witnesses upon an order or commission Issued by Some eburt til this Br * ferelgb State or territory, ten cent* per folio;;for making tha necessary return and certificates thereto, fifty cents; indorsement on an affidavit to an action to recover potsctalga of) penon*lrprop*rtyv twenty-five cent*.

f % Whettever A'j adgment Shall bV rendered In' k Court ol Juatlcaoftfte1peacp<toclFfla^tlp»lt*liaU,btwlt)i cost* of the suit; but the whole amount of the items of such costs, to be included! In the entry of Judgment »xoept«herg*s <far

^ t f £ £ w 7 i i i a * ^ ^ shall be afljourned njoreshan oaceyJlj thVrenueabaSdpn motion of the party against whom judgment shall be finally rendered, snd In Suck caib' the coist afauen iddlUonal'ad-

r «f judgment, and [and trial had, and

through to Albany without charge. DD1S0N DAY, {Superintendent.

• .• i • , r ,

T O A L L G O I N G W E S T . 3P. H . 6,HjnrSJL.I>S*, '

Whois>8gentfortne '



NEW ¥0RK, B0STOK TROY & ALBANY. fie may now be found at the shire of ,

Opposite the rmn* of the "old Franklin Hotel. •' All going West, or East to the points named, are invltad

to give him a call, as be can furnish them tickets, on term* that will be to their advantage, andean also give toem val­uable Information In regard to the several routes, j i

All pureha»er*BfTIckrjU Witt wUihlavethelrj - t

Wtagfgatg4& C h e e k e d CTIiroTiig-Jk^ Matone,'»?eb. WavlSf i i i - t f . j , . . , «f ( . , , ; .. , j ,.


V l a ^ a n d ' T r u h ^ / ^ e a t Western and 1**4' tfoWRUl. .. . ,;, roadsjandy;*Steamboats, (, uHU„ , .„ , .

Persons golbg West can nave tfielr choice''of Bdit'or'iRaii;

Who Is alway* ready to wait on all thoso going West, lie

<t i aitJ'M •! *L«taUUi»ow*. i - ^ f e tf&nt ® fe-,j

' M u . l h ^ t r a n ^ c ^ ^ iirOrTKaPlB^thwaican Bif rJuVchasediofiay <Hh.n AiMfe s J4aIc*^li*^l, lS«ife*^!. ^iffy.L Uwkii-- tjiun

——Oi—.^li.ii.n^Vi. t'«i"»" >"i i>Hl.J 'I'll lifiiilji-iliLi.,

tmms : tit n» •nuttf'yit •%$iV«$^t d » ^ -Mi ui sLmtill

/-«.SO* :nl(tn W!i5asssr«>l!H^ .'. <.f.K»,*Jl'

:*rt JUL

ra VENTOR AND^^^Ni»iB*rrf3ta6>



Double and Single Battel Wfism, MAfiB TO ORDER. Coiutox Goa Wo*ai». and WoaKSf.r

SPmsonxLD Rung. G. D ; O A S * t ^ W k « JkSauL •Hiro'a CAPS for SHAXFS, H J ^ O ^ ^ m S ^ S ^ L fwttB,[*vmw and C o i S , « t n r ^ i i u i ^ h w S 3 E | » ?

Baa. Go» Tauunxos, the best quality of 8 m T p o « e i r £ eon»t*ntly «n hand. S » i n t « o tfail « * B « a J n ^ , T*

At the MUier House, Mala Streit, Malone, N..'%,

.'"••, .;-:-0;R:EN .JMf=0$f6''''"•'-

^'atclicsvifloclk'i dfc JFew-4*lry, -(li«ir,'.and.SUvi,r Plated Ware, fc*ancv G0.-3d3._-Ac. tVatcnes, '-''docks an3 JswelrSs fletWIre'd.- Ii)o. jj liurion/s Block.

Uilone.N. X. , \ •'-.;- . . • ; . - . ' . , - . ' . • . . '" ; . r I'.f-i /.-i,tv'*'£i *< U.'*'~<.JI} - K

M*tonj*,N8*.x»,iSia, Sliop au Dttsui* Strwet.

- > ,1U the plac* ta-get a l l k inds of • •

i&jmux aisr w x tar « i ••••&&.&U €?£»?#.$> ttna Q u i o U . 1.-P*lladfum:Buaalog3,*cpru» Main" and 'c«l»erla# « r « « t > -.•••• ••••- " ; U a r a n « , , 8 ; X ' ' •";-•' - < • ' i

w i ' t ' G ' O a b ' i i


, ", , .UnderP»y#.:*l»«e^wNatioWo*l!»^^ " ( |

;,' '%& % 1 * o4asr^' , "isf:.sfg\.". f

^ T c ^ r h Y w h ' r c n t f ^ u . M & the ««n>»gfi« T*?"*?1^ , f t *" 9 ^ ^ Bfty.*>U*i», eiiWe plaintiff shall claim In His complaint A sum exceedlog fifty dollars, and the defeadaht shall Mcovepjadfmerit, Iheipr*-r.lllug natty shall bo entitled to cssU not exceeding the sum or ten dollars, exclusive of witnessd' bk*.

comptroller Is heredytaatborlred' and r«-inljjsd, Instead or the bondtprpvided to be Issued under cbaplcr three hundred and twenty-five, law* of eighteen hundred and «Ixty-flve, to Issue registered «l6ck c* the-form no«Si use In this state, to any of tbelioltlenof the revenue bond* iaiiiedI ta punnance otchtptee fifty-six, laws of elght-teen.hundred aad sixty-five, whotaay elect to reedvesuch registered stock. Such stoclrto b r Issued subject to all'the ralea and regulations of the laws now in foroe, relating to Omteue regtatratlonand transfer of the stocks.of this at»te. The bond* to b* Usued under said acUbair Be caoveitlble toto the regUteredktoekofthe«tag,'W'iai6'ioJl3on' of the holders and under such rsguliWonsas lbs comptroUer sbaU prescribe. I

f S.'^or the purpese of enabling the leonptraBer to carry outithe provisions of said chapter thnie hundred sad tsren-''V»*e> laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-five, be' Is here­by authorized to adopt such regulation* for the Issue of Ihe bo»dsthatmty»*ls*a*4obdersaiaaci,as b* shall deem uegatsary and proper, to appoint one or more persons to to sign the coupons to be af—-•—* -•-—-•- - - — '-- - • nature* to be engraved t

t * f i —

«t)hed theileJo .<ir cause *h«iame*j>r.tlie


;«-Manhattan so kpVolnted. to b*tu»|MiB*r'.thwT*i coaipany to the city of NewTOrk.^ljoItonblJc notice of I (' "^•PPO^^'n'p i^ lbe^C^MWqomBtrpBsrnt tyco"-« ,a]

ilder requisite and necessary. ' 1 i , « n r .( 7 i 3Tb* sum of Jen thousaad.dollars c c &o moth thereof .as may be requlrsd, Is hereby appropriate! to pay the expenses that may b* Incurred in carrying out th i prdvttioti* of' the act, Including engraving and compensat Ion,of paid by the treasttref "on ine warni it of the comptroller oat»f any moneys'IlSthetresiUry' not ol hexwls* appropriat­ed;

,14. Tula-act sh*U take effootlmmedlstely. S r * f « ^ Na^YbJiV Ofllce ofthe Secretary of State.—I

have compared thepreceding with" the orlgihn:! taw orr Olo In this offlce,and do herrty Certify that he (amfels a correct

'na^,bmPSS^tg&&»%\ •OBAmarSU.

AN ACT to. aathorlxs the Canal Oomrnla loner* farm bridge overJie^Chjemunjf canal feeder, on <hefarm of Mason

the conn'

•aid original law. cretary of State.

to bhUd . in the far_

of Big Flats, in

_ being present. . The people of Ihefltateof New York, represented In Sen­

ate and Asssmbly, do enaqtas follow*; ' Section'!. The canal commissioner* are hereby authorized

lason P. and Lewis lUcb, lb the town nfity or Ocesmng. ' X i

PassedMarch 23,18691 three-flflhs'

to balld fe farm bridge, over the? Chemung Hereby canal feeder, on

dollar* to be paid b y tba treasurer, on the warrant or the auditor of the canal department, out of any money appro-priated, or to Tte appropriated, to th* ordinary or exfraor-didtry repalrMf the middle OITIJIOD of the canals; provldsd however, that Rafter idTeStlitatronthoy shall be of opinion that theataScongkt equitably to build said bridge ;*nd pro­vided, also, that said Mason P. and Lewi* Pitch ahaU, before said bridge be commenced, severally execute to this state a release of all claims for damage* which may arise or be 00-casloned to consequence of the; building of such bridge and it* approaches,

J l ; This act shall take effect immediately. BTAW pr N«w Yoik, Office pf the Secretary of State.—I

have compared the preceding'with the original law oh file Jn. ihi* office, and do hereby eertlfy tkM the same hi a cor­rect transerTpt therefrom and of'the wlbleof said original law. IRANGI8 0 . BABLOW.BecrtUry pf«tale.

rats l» caunUL olSsS. 1 8 . Justices of the peace In thp Stale iball, hereAfter, be

allowed and entitled to receive the fees hereinafter itat-ed, for the followlugnapieiljervlces In criminal case*: " '

Per administering an oath, ten cent* : » warrant (but no justice of toe peace shall be obliged to,Issue a warrant on any complaint for assault and battery, ittnles* the person making such complaint and requiring such warrant shall pay the fee therefor), twenty-fir* cent*; k boodVor «cogtB-saoce, twenty-five, cent*; a snbpccna,,, Including all. tjw came* Inserted therein, twenty-fiVe beau: a commitment tor want-ot bail,,tweptjrfive cents; an «x*i«lnati»n of th» accused, where such examination. Is required by .law, for

•each dsy'beceWsrfiy spent/ontf delUr!; :«very neOeitiry adjournment of the hearing or.*s*mlnat)on( twenty lve cenf*.

VXSB or ceo«Trf b¥ (freout, sri&roxs.' 14 . For * venire, twenty-five' bent*; swearing «aca wlt-

S jury, ten rSnt**; • g^opttna^incuialne sorted thereto, twenty.five center. fenintrSiilfeev one jloOkr per day during me necessary and actual continuance ofthe trial;' receiving' and entering • vcrdloti of Uory,' twenty-*.vs cents; entering tha sentence of-thccBurt^jrenty-flve cents; warrant of commitment on sentence, twenty-five cent* : for Teeord of coavlcUon aad'flnBf th*sam*,*CT«nty Ive elnts; but aUfoch charges Jn ,apy one ase. shall not exceed fire dollars, unless such-court contlnu'i mdre than one day; In such case the costs 4of such a.ddlij*nal. T_ thereto; for return to any writ of certlon the county, " " -••*'•-.another Ji day acta


two dolhtrj Tfbts aeTvie** when'ktioelaWd'with ilee ofithejRiaceita -<?as»» of»bMt»rdy, f#r each

f& Whoever a ^ ^ f o S r s h a b bo 8 Jdntany court of special aMilons/fotl knjf dmMmiilU{'* Teeord KEbereol

'1 Bio; office 0! t i e cMon sbjdl. be had,

lrtsh^l be paldVslfd bll*Z

shall, b e jnade ,by such courtj tad eta* ofthe .Munty .where, such, cpi wISMn thirty daWoflhe tints W *dr !W*'lmiio»ea b3r*«aoil oett . . . th* same (hail b» pi idto ths] treaaulrrofaaloj countywlthhi

the period aTBretald, SBsU^etieeinea«inBiIemeat»r'.r"rr

.•••i- - . . . ' 7 » i l "IfcdiWi*i*#i*sfe''m' irs. |»'; 1. /.'

J"» «. Co'iftAfe»!il?aUn^eaKef De^o#ealfeVlserv?c8s'ren dered in civil*ctlnns,r|h»tf»llQwuigtreex;i i p c u d i ">•;

For serving A warrant ox summons Jwjentj-flve cents; for cony Qf summons on request of defendant or left at de-

' " l a S i S i W ^ I H ^ c e h ^ ^ r t e r v r

I,—*- .^ ..-. y .T. - J«"nn^,»ddltlonaABonipen-& 2 i S 1 E J j ) K ! n c V J?° eaJe^daryear elgntjeU hund-

fendant'i duelling Iht

residep-qe oTthe 4eTei - • -AU.execo.tIoa, Tor evi ttf^oIlliwfWePnl*!: ' 'irfctwoandonr' '


<h ,l*»en.»!ftTe ssnt* ,*ntae»Y{pg illar collected to the amount of

:f<hfcev»y4lD«ar aAlltcteduSveT'flfty

abode of the defendant br where Be shaU I >e fontnl to the ^Utce where ttb prej&lM* *BnraaW»,J?eTlJce^i**;t«)r!y»ttfj;-ing the plalntlif or the service of * warrant, twenty five cents; for going to plaintiff's residence or where he shall be found to serve such, notice, for each mile (raveled (going only) te^tte»***br-Swbpott»gfWltfctts»^t exceeding four, twenty-fire cent*: fox.summonlng a jujy, seventy-Ive

from 4ho*et „ . _ lance of the „ ^

re'd luM'liitty.fiveJ after, September thirtieth,, and also for tbe'caloddal* y*ar«omtaeocIng;JanMryflrit, eighteen hund-. •rs«»j«l;4lxty*x»»'ta We id*p«iesiassUtant», clerk* and messengers pertn«nenyy employed i n f t e bfibje of the sec : rotary of state, cottrttrdller, treasurer, clerk of-tho femtrVof iiBpJeal(^tt«»ey genital, departsqsat of.pubil^ustrucMon, state engipeer and surveyor, to the Ubrarlans and their as-sUti*l*l' an* janitora In the (tat* library, the private) seore-t*ry;pf iXhe.governor, aad clerk* and messengarrin the ex-ecnjjredepartments, go, the secretary of the regent* pf the udlVerslfy, and to ihi* superintendents of tee rtite capitol and afate? hall, a* the following rates of advance on the sal­aries mieiveS by them, .or a propprtlonate amanntabtjft 'ess Hf5r.t£f>!,;erTJSes 0n*Jl*alarIeaundetn8eenhmidred,ar. Increase or. .thirty fire per cent; on *U salaries of,fifteen hundred, and less than two thousand dollars, an Increase of twenrytttre-per cent; on all salaries, of two tnousaiS dol-

Igsrel Mice


notice and summon* in an action to reconr^psM.easioByif al property, fifty cents; for a copy of l»uoh 4tffio»vl<,

distance"!* ,bo computed . whefoWe prkbept is S»^«b l8«6Vt t^face summons, th aKhaftWf*' de-

'etSfg?*oft mw^nt'Mi>t«Bim;my ems $ 7. Con*tablea»hall hereafter be allowed lUsti^tmiui-,

luntet aUited^TOtJhe Jblrtwidj service* in cu?s of sncelil fj

" " ^-uhti- — ' - '

sou pursuant to process, one dollar; for ever*mR, »ar*led (going only) la each case, ten cents. ' • • • - " •

lS*C,nit*I.ttS sJAU^sgaftqriwjdlo^. ,,er it'atedfpr the fplIowuJgservTces In ci /cVtertMgfalwarra«r>ia^»^»yiIve-^>^

traveled (going only),'ten cetflfjrfcr fak; into cusnJdj on A mlttlmua, twenry'-nre dehl

M t ^ ^ k t t a ^ o M n l i ^



t«*o;a!no*lce' from .the «h'ferlff for that-purpose, two

• ' s lndl ive cbots sDnttf ^ ' e t c * W t e U W W e l l lni garig^W a n d fees shall: b e eharceable the treasurer thereof o n

'"" ''mm*'*?* < Ifc Jiiror* s f c * s ^ r e a ^ * e ^ i a ^ | ^ f t | » J S e r ^ ^ - "'

JhdfjBVrx._ . . ._ . - - . - . returning from such court; which fees shall be eharg to the counly, aud shall be paid b; " -tbCBrpduetiont" '•"" ' '

stated for services rendered Injur

•^J irj.'WU ,neWesJ.h*n¥ere«f«T*k^ beKfln. ,afW«'wt*^^r!«he;t* | |* l* lMn^*|s i^^^ * f tj . I {j . ; . . ,

lorAitendlngWirore. »TqWoexr fli(ef%e»ee, In? * ju»Uoe»' eenrL ar befor* .n com»I»*\o«*»-»»rJdlittdibjt*ia«l»t{»e'of the peace, or before aJuttlce «f tb* peace, .tkaHir rfepo»l ^o*iblWi 1 i*«'di |a^urVitfo»eiatSlrt

f( . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. , . —..'cent*" -"

W ¥ B « o : ^

V L n i i m m n v i n n ^ * ^ t f t « g a y ^ ^

' T b s t V ^ l . o r t h e B a U o f S e w Y o r T V e p V ^ t S ' k . "

spring* b iertby authorised W tea** t»Jj^l«ssVlti»|,laa*:

i ^ g * » ^ ^ « l * » t i a k s ^ ^ | * a M l * e » i A j s t J ^ I* atitn»rii*4 to Isase land* for salt manufaettirmg ptirpoata

-a*d npottweb t*VWa^eoWI*«t», In/sffird JrVntlana

'r» .'|»rTei, 1«ET« 1 vjbolcest Brands of Ale* and Ciprse«wt«ht!ycfl hand,

B*KI»Jore*^»*kha»«aOyst«wfor*aIe(by*»tJ»swtor Gallon. 1 - , . . . , - . : .» , , • .j . 1 ,, , f«ptoyl*

. . - . . 1 i-—. L . , 1 •- ; • — - i r ' - . .».- . . ! . ' [

fw r , - . proper *ndtarth*b*s* _ right* an* powtrs j i p e a 111*

4.-4*.*& K . S E A V E R , • PrlatKsofaadpaalersI*

said Ka», a* cald ot-^haB just aad

in this office, and doherrtyMrtlfy th*»U)»saw»»*i»e«*T»<* traascrlpt-iharefrom and of the whole of said orlgbial taw.

1 - - i \ T '• t M N O t f ttsTAJ|«Hr,*Htt^ry*S**t«: -

'" . * GaAn'u'Mt. ' ' ' ''~\'-': ' AN ACT«*r*ustUaWU>*>*sa«»fSUt« * t a * kstd brads

tutdec thapUrOirM hundrH — «l*>W*nh»Bdrwaand«1xty-

Chapter 814. f ' * AN ACT ta\anlhorisetlie.CoDlmon Council of the dty of

Rochester to purchase grounds for an Armpry for th. state ofNew York, In said city, and to raise money to pay for

:)b* aemo. Passed March 22,1660; three fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented In ann­ate and Assembly,, do enact as follow.:

Section 1. The common Council of the city or Rochester is hereby authorised to borrow upon the faith and credit of said city, a sum of money not exceeding eighteen thousand 59J^iff . r t n o PO^o*c«rj>u«hatlng grounds within the

•IarfU ftf*id clty.-firfanaftaory for the statsi lnpuouahce of an act entitled," An.ao>.tr3,r)r»vId« for the building o. an armory hi the city of Rochester, and for the building of a fence around the arsenal at Ballston Spa," passed April seventeenth, eighteen hundredaadsixty.flve, and tojaUo *u<Ji sum with Interest, by general tax, at the aame tbae and in th* same manlier as the general tax Is Imposed and coUectod; and the said sum, when so collected, shut ne ap-pUad .In payment, or the Indebtedness treated by virtue hereof.' r . . • , - . $ 4 Itaald common council can pay wholly or lunari for such grounds by conveying to excoange therem'r any' real property now bwned by said city, which 1* not; In the 'judg­ment of said common council, required to be jeeps fox* the use pt such, city; thesame common council Is hereby author-used to m*ke.*ucn exchange and conveyance'; and U case such exchange ihall be elected, the power to borrow;-given In th* first section of this act, shall be exercised only to the extent which may be necessary to pay the surplus cejt-o* the armory grnunds which may be purchased, beyond the vatn» of ine lands conveyed In exchange therefor. •

f %- This a*t shall take effect Immediately; . _ ; oixTAQf N*W rpxk t Offlc* of the Secretary of State.—I

have compared the preceding with the original law on fie hi tub otllce, and do hereby certify-that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and-of the whole . f Mid original law.

. I FRANCIS O. BARLOW, Secretary or State.

Ax A'crVoriaW lb'*ddiaonal compeasxUon to depiities, derks and assistants In the various departments of the 8taMgov*rament.

PSSJI „. . ,edMarch84,1866; three-fifth* Beingpreaent. Thp People of the State of New York, represented In Sen­

ate kpd Assembly, do eaaet a* follews: " < Bectisnl. l i te treasurer shall pay, upon the warrant of

lend " thl

pcoYem^nta qn said division as s'aail be tfyoti-mended by the rward of canal comrnissronenr arid approved by the canal'bfmpd, a/o. estimate of which is now or* fflo to the ^aqal departtpunt, tha sum qf, sixty-two .thousand two hundred dpUars,orso muSu thereof tiSTnaybenecessaify.

For the payment of the expanses of such ex-traordinftry repairs and improvemeots as have beers directed to be done on the middle division ,of the canals by the legislature or such as shall be recommended by the board of cabaj comniis-sioneraand approved by tun cana1«B6ar<3, and for Constructing guard gates'and fanproving the. approaches thereto at tho head of the Bald wins-sille canal, a- schedule and. estimate o ' which is how'on file in the canal department, the 'srttn of ninety-eight thousand nine hnndred dollars, OB so- much iiiereof as-tnay be necessary.

For the payment of such extraordinary, .r^ pairs and improvements on the western divis-

tipns Uaye/Hiled to meet the expenses incurred; for tlie payment of the tntJreasba' eompensarton tfWarded to contractors upon their-fcoBtraoU, for wocfc.Btlier than fop ordinary repairs, by the carjalboard under Bpecial acts ot the ieastature; and for the payment of the cps' of BtfcBf'iotfter extraordinary repairs and improveffieuts-wn the completed canals of the said division as m*y ,be recominpnded by- the board of canal commis-aionerg and, approved by thje. canal board, the sum 6f One hundred arid fifty-Sight thousand one hundred and forty-six dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. A schedule of the work and, thq estiniate |of cost of the worif, in­tended tofbe paid for by the appropriatfon u'n-denthis subdivision, is on file in the canal de­partment.' *

For awards made by the .canal board, J.be contracting board and canal appraisersrbet ween the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, and the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixtv-elx, where the said boards have made awards far specific amounts, with the interest thereon as now allowed by existing statutes, the sum of three hundred and thiVty-seven thousand dollars, or so mich thereof as may be necessary for that Object.

§ 8. To meet the .appropriations made in this actof the moneys to ber collected by and upon the said tax, with as little delay, as practicable, the cammissioners-oflhe canal fnnd may from time to time invest in the said tax any surplus moneys of the -principal of the sinking futids under article seven ofthe constitution, asum or sums nob. exceeding in all the amenntto be realized ftom said tax hereby authorized; and the moneys so invested shall be applied to pay the appropriations under this act; and so-much of the moneytariaing from the said tax as may be necessary when paid, into the -treasury^ is lierebyipledged, and shall be applied'in the first instance to reimburse the said sinking funds for the-amount in vested in said ta*V tad for;the interest on the same at a rate not exceeding five per cent per annqm from the time of invest­ment to the.day(t>f.Bsi5B«^nt,;.-25

{ 4. This act ah J l take effect immediately. Btate.of New Tprk, Office.of the Secretary of State.—I

hive compared the prtoedutf with the origiaal law on file , in *hl* offlc, and da hereby certify.that thessuuei»# exmect transcript therefrom aad or the whole ororlginal law.

L • FaAN01BCLItAaiX>W,8*<retai?of State.

•' * r • ' •^Hi5s^fe•'' i '•' ' f ' , ,iiii- '••• AIT'ACT to authorize" the'.Boarti oMadfeatlon

a£tbe!village of Fort.fDosriagtoni^to sail the i'sites. o £ ^ft.PFefn^spbpol.b.puseft in, aaid

, village, ana iot other purposes. • '' ^sssSMAVeh'SS.leBof'thSe-nfths being present.

_ . BiileoftheStaJeofNew X»rk,-repre*«nt*d ln-8an-ate and issembly, do enact as follows: 'Section 1'. The' board of educaUon of the vil­

lage of Fort Covington, is hereby authorized to sell and convey that portion o£.0u(, lot number seven in, the.BJtewuaw ijM»j&|Ulage, hereto­fore used as a site for schoor house number one1

$n. said town, together wjtb the school h©us& thereon erected, and the commissioners of the land office ate hereby required to issue* letters-patent to the pnrchaser of fcaid'lot. --. u I

§13, The said board of education Jaalsoau-iho^ized to sell and convey the site of district school house number two in said town, and nse the proceeds df both the said lotsli theerectfon of more commodions schooi heusetv . e,t,

g S. Chapter oca Jiundred and twenty-seven of, the laws, of Q'ne, thousand, eight bnndred and tukty-two^are heref *-**—'

a,majaritx,pf the persons present at the meetihg, and. proceed to form an association by determ­ining Upon a corporate name by which the as­sociation shall be called and known, by deter- • mining on the number of trustees to manage the'eoncerna of .the association, which number shall not be less thin siam6r*more than twelve in addition to the supervisor and justices of the peace'oftheftown in whichauchjassociation shall be formed, and rflaytheieqpon, proceed to elect by baUot the number of trustees so determined on, and the supbrvlsdr' and justices ofthe peace of the said town forjthe time being, shall respect­ively be ex-offlclo trnstees of the. said associa­tion. . .; 1

§ 2. The chairman and secretary ofthe meet­ing shall within six days after such meeting, make a written- certificate and alga their names thereto and acknowledge the same before an (officer, authorized to .take the proof and ac­knowledgment pf conveyances m the comity where such meeting shall b*ve been held, which certificate shall state the names of the Jissociates who attended such meeting, the corporate name ofthe association determined upon by the ma­jority of the persons who met, the number of trustees fixed, on to manage the affairs of the -assbCuttionyes'her 4han the ex-ofBaio trustees, thfijoames of th^trusteeschosen at the meeting, which certificate, the chairman and secretary of such meeting shall cause to'be recorded in the clerk's office of the County in which the meeting wasJheid, in a book to be. appropriated for the recording of certificates of incorporation.

. & %.,Upon auch certificate.dnly acknowledged asfaforepaid'being recorded, the association -mentioned therein shall be°deemed legally in-corporated^nd shall have and possess the gen­eral powers and privileges and be subject te the liabilities and restrictions contained in the third title ofthe eiehteenth chapter of part first of the Revised Statutes, except that each subscriber shall 'be- boundtojgay only to the amount sab-scribed by him, The .affairs and property of such, naaqriialiQu shall be managed by the trus­tees who'shalt appoint from among their num­ber a president, vice-president, secretary and a treasurer, who shall hold their places during the pleasure off the board of trustees; and the trustees niav require the treasurer to give secu­rity for the faithful performance ofthe duties of his office, and if a vacancy shall occur in said board'of • trustees or in any of its officers by . death, resignation, refusal to act or otherwise ot any trustee, or officer pf said board, the then re­maining trustees at any legal meeting of said trustees; shall and may and they are hereby au­thorized and required to elect and choose a fit person or persons to fill up and supply such va­cancy or vacancies, provided, however, that the then remaining members of said board of trus­tees shall have been notified that such vacancy

' or vacancies in'Sochi board or its officers will . then be filled; and a majority ot the then trust

tees shall be necessary to form a quorum for the transaction of business, and the services of said trustees shall be gratuitous.

§ 4. 'Anyassociation incorporated under this act may take by purchase or devise, and hold within the county in which the certificate of their incorporation is recorded, not exceeding Ave acres of land, to be held and occupied ex­clusively for the erection of a suitable monu­ment or nionumenteto perpetuate the memories of the soldiers from tub town in Which such monument or mwhuments shall be erected, who died in actual service during the late war for tim defense ofthe Union„and such association may erectrsuch monument or1 monuments upon any public square, or grounds of any city or village'with?the legal coment-ofthe proper offi-

•cers of said city or village, or may purchase or accept the donation of. any lands suitable for ;tuat purpose; and may take and hold any property, real or'personal, bequeathed or giyen> upon trust, to apply the same or the income or the proceeds thereof, under-the direction of the trustees of snob association, for the improve­ment or embelishment of such monument or monuments'' or the erection or preservation of any structures, fences or walks ereeted upon the lands of 6Uch association, or for the repair, preservation, erection or renewal of such monu­ment or monuments, fence or other structure in, around or upon said lands, or for planting and cultivating-trees, shrubs, flowers or plants, in, 'Around or upon such lands, or fot improving or

>'*ji5r0±SlSAer^ ffi?n9P,rfS M u?., W i o r ' tunbeiishing the.earoo in any manner or form nd empower" toe said boara' 'of education consistent, with the design and purposes of the


laraan increase of fifteen per cent. The sum of twenty-two thpusand dollars, .or so much thereof a* may be neeUsary, Is'he^byAppfopriated from th.general'furid- t i pay ' advancesitoridedfor In this section. - -i.i u

S3AippjB increased compensation hereinbefore, given to. lho.deputy.and clerk* ]n the' raOroaa'depairtmentjIn the o(I16eprtb;e>t*te engineer and surveyor, shall be'repkld by the: several'rallroatl. campanie*, pursuant to.chapisf five hundrffjjnpdiwentjr-slx ofthe tarn of elghtee^onilrjil and

S ^ e ^ s A B r e ; : . h * U pay'trtoi t^^can'»f:ffiri*/upou tkeWarrahtbf thefaudltor of the -canjtrdeparttnb'ni'addl-tIo»i||.<!#mp;«nwpoOitP the deputy and to eacaSM•**• fclerit*

of Ih'efejntraetlDgboard, for the balance 'OPtne^elfendtr ybarid»)bAtenhBndredana.«Ixtyrave,,»fter gijptejgthii tbb>

rles under fifteen hnndred dollar*, an increase ofi«blrty*flve per cent; on all salaries of fifteen hundred dollars and let*

The sum of five lhous«hd-=dollar*ror so much thereof as* .. anaylbfhitOiasnryitifliiiMs^^

i*a*t*x»-tw^«laif»tfotiir"---:--*—^--' •—- --"*- - - '

"•I r _.' plant "on, the lands of said association, shall

U ••.viH— .wss'-aoi.ti..,!.-*!, ^ i •• be aeerhed^uil^fa'misdemeanor; ana •Buch

AN ACT to a m e n d a t a c T e ^ e t f ^ i n ^ W ' S ^ f i S S J R l I ^ ^

• i ^ u. . .^ . i W l ? ' t t o e ^ ; t o ' ' B ^ l ^ 1 nBS^ua ' f io i fe* ' i wae» retsoVerM ahalt bo 'Ineflfeople'3rthe«*t<ofWew»orl|lr*p*ew«»Wlai

> ! ^ f l m f i i m ^ BUT dred and forty-si»«bT»es4wfofidnbWoMand ^Ui-kandffid^dfSrx^tlireeiiswrjjbr^ijtoena" ,e,^*r0^eir^a^ljpiy-?'*</-r 1.J » ^ ' s ' stednf'te u ^ t r ^ h S ^ o f v l ^ i y s f d *S&

ao|* to cOmhn^stoaSuoh^piii'n rr.vdri'pertoosv^ag. the said coi&ai^i«% jn i^^^ policemen for said corporation r but .no ro«» ,. %%At tax-may be imposed, levied anrLcol-

. . . . , , . -, thau one poh'cemen ahaU be topdinted at any ' i^aob ' t f i fe 'Sable property in any town in

thlitllBcea^rshft'lAiltaa»*«erali ana(rlfermast«^ene^ • I'TB®! .Wetlpwii tnreev;a(I,-5«»«I

bl*W)Iixnjlred!*n<l-'»lxty»fiTe, or

emenoIngranuar^y-flrVt, eighteen


BTAn orNkw Yokk, OiBce of th* Seersiary or Biat*;—i Po*aUei«Dg j to .>«e ,M

in th.Uofflce.and do hereby e « r ^ t h a t •^samftlsaopnw';


' • • - ' " -^ jd j t . toej i ig^iJMgf i f eexp?n»atoi wu^fX^iamM^pW*

„Hdiiitp%v?meiitt-|dfU1<ibomiMe{ed:c^^ i this S u » nW<*#«t»M«rjQi otfoi^feptfird. and to pay tholncreMad»ppjEtoa^ contractow awarded under special acts of the

ber,jeighte4»bus»drtKl»urt»ixty-slx,'m.*a to ar>y other tax levy for the aawie y«tr»*4-f.x ber,jeighte4»bus»drtKl»urt»ixty-slx,"m.«d*H

seven-sixteenths of » mill on each dollar of the Valiiiatlbn of tho teal and perwaalprdperty rax-abI«ln4bU w«tetoW %mtMtij Mitted, Iwried-*nd r^leoLad. upon. *wd by^a<»npl*«ipt»r meot«and collection of taxes for the said; fiscal year In manner MeaOribep! bylaw.lobo paid •oyilie county treasurera 'xeso&ilk&f tht5rWe* treaimry of tUU sUt«:\m n*tfcw^Tec«*fed,'iield and appUedttO tUuobjecl#iuidpii/i>o»«i ftimed inthiisct. • .» - •= •,. */ t ,. , •:- >-" § 8.' The whole of tbe tax levied and collccu-

ed under the firat section of this adt shall bo oaid into th* traaailryortbls Slate to thecrcdit: of tbtv cahil ftind, audi i» neivbyr«bnropVlitt'aI and .hall be -p^ted ma follow..- • i •;• ' *; / r

Fortbttp»ynw»t•oftiiecostfif-jucli pxirjikv dinary repairs Andimrxovcraeawon ihecaatirn division of the Erie canal where the appropria-

drt* and twsaivi.fc buriaf tions have failed to mett the bxbeii*«incurred, i lueoi. »t autu pi»o SrS GFSffTlyhVrf- and wtU oibet/-isixira«iliMtiat^

^oinafee «"salect!Onnof w portion of the public 'square in-said, village, tbrrti site for anew acad-. cmy,4nd frea «ra4e.school building,or bulld-l.ngs^aud to enclose and use such portion of the) said public square as they may select and deem ptopBrandnecessary for- the purpoiest of thd 6aid•academyi»nd«rade>echopJ(s. - > . ->'i -

$, &., All portion,a,<}f; the acta qf eighteen bun,' dred and twenty-one and eighteen hundred and thirty-two, above referred to, 'iacontlsteiif witht %be ppdviBjbns oUthstactvare hereby repealed.

association, according to the terms of such grant, devise or beqiiest; but the annual income ot such estate, over and above the amount that may be expended, in the purchase of grounds and in the erection'of said monument or monuments, 'and id enclosing laying out and ornamenting tiie same";''shall not exceed the sum of five • tbonsanrLdolhurs.h >„ •-. •-.<.-•..' •••<<&fy^JB$®?*'Vi!p>$>aX, wififnUy destroy, mutilate, "deface, injure or remove.any monu-men't'of an/assdeiation incorporated under this , Knlentot anyassdeiatfon incorporated under this

> . i ? ' 1 ^ ' J ' M ^ i W H i ^ ^ S P s t S * - 1 1 » t e « u y t e « i B i l i D ^ o r W l i e r work for the >^i\*^SS!^^V*SS!?S^lSJ^m.«r««!.ToStfecUon or ornWeutTthewofior shall willful-lntM*«bfiii»,'*»*«Uier*bycejrary!tbjt^a»iii*tt»o^ . . . . . .

i^jojatjonof^o^reper^r so .injured, or de-

te'Tlie-'priiperiy "of''any R&saciation formed itiaatHtJ tlhWafJt, shaU!be'ixem1pt from levy

ar^/8alsjqK*^cecutibir;i|ml fronr;aU;i>uhli(X'tax-es, ,yat,s»aidfas3essments,,and^o, stre,et,: r^ad, avenue pr thproughfee shall be.laid thrqngh the, lands of B i'ch ussdeiation held for th'e pur-•poSeT ator*sftidf> wTthout 'the consent of the UMsttWJofiiMch'asswrfatibn; except by special

jiTtlcleiiib&nlRsfxionsthu'Aon ;-Bhcb>yoaili;iwi»n *i,., satw-s-J^flH -—•—=*** *^- _ . . . , * , - . . , _ * . . . . . . . . havafiomnarefltlsi


_ ^ a_^. ^ s ^iucbf^u^temwa-sK^iifoiiTu&B^ be •%F^.s»*«eby,-l ewct^'foi^thepnipoae of jepairihgior improv-


_^ vnas l«atH? fru

SecreUrypfiSUte.—I - original Hw on file tte same f**c*rrect

of (aid prjglqal law.

T«lfi'o*<a,Jprit'J :»u os &iS'»") iu.'t2.g ^uii^Jii^s&i ifi^.

edrmay ruu,an4^Wfa|p^ |$ .h t£Mn#«»«S, i ^ W 3 ^ S ^ ^ l l S ^ S t l ^ S S T t . said policeman snail act: and such policeman l'«wno'rneIoott'dej^tju*the'JtnsmtocBJJe-shall severally possess allthe powers of police'• '^ jtWKrnwt fin4rn«*'E»or Mfe JiiiHtrnncisClbm* &h'iri^hfegeTeTattdWr^-cW*S pa.aisavei^tadriwdej, Jbe.law*;«f; Pther Slates

mrvwt .wt*&t^i|»ba4tarAj.i^^ irfthel?ii|te4S^»%,> - ^ ^ ^ i ^ , . . . , 4g« ^ ^ j i ^ W - M r t W I S t 7 : ' r / ' : : C . ^ ' 3 t u l < « ' » J „ K f e t ^ a t > « l ^ ; . <am>*tMnfi1t* • j « » t * i « * j [ ^ 1 x ^ O e p » * t t t 5 S t e ^

red so.aa.to read as folio ws: . , • , Section 1. ETCry-eompany or association

fweir-iametalioSlrlelrJivw'iUirthe-sTOrds^ .JM«|jiDr^^'|ipa^ of p%f&zm*>Mmimt mW^m^j^m-jm, \jmmk «%fitawr*M»ew eifi^tjjDl^jates jfe-anaihBm«ii5J,9f ma.^m^mmam^Mtatsu "^c¥ti»3Jie^f6re,fn psjrs%nc«of thripro^

IwpfMin™ %is»bfmm^^^^mmmZ shall always be worn in plain-Tiow; ftrttp-. WlooorpasJes t r ^ ^ U i ^ tlwobainwai^lrJein-when emrrioyed as detectives. • _ y,-. 4ma^^0^^j^^mgStMW^S^ •

sire tb'-ftrm' an'assrjciatlori' for tfie jrifepnlo1* of ertrctllil; a jnOhaineot or monumeats, to perpet­uate the niemory of tbs soldieni who Wl or died of wounds rccelrod in. the defense «i iho Union, or who died whilst in actual aeryice during the late war for the said dertnso of the Union, ma meet at rochpl*«» wrthwrnTf^ f—* t—!

:*trm|n wfa

mmwmm^mm^^^&^s^^^^s ,.. '^pj^pn fi gplirlne.wiUi- theprpvU-ibftr •-' *

tfi, fia^.y.iiKtf- 'Ik l/wty\} w 'U' •-/'!«L-,mut,,r.

Passsd March 80, l b « ; three-fiflhsbiiiigprweafc-' toM&B^&Wb fiMa^ni^?, PSSMd-JnnO

demand of any such company, or asaociauon as aforesaid, arid upo- satisfactory proof being made to him of sack compliance as aforesaid.

| a . Tlu act than WM^wslaiaiwalately. STAM of Nw YoSToSsee of th* Secretary of Sut*.-I

baraeeaMHUrMtk* p»cA<i»gwto tits orsgtnal taw a*SI*

. * • • « •

- * " . . 1 — — - - • ' "• -"•—^ --'irrr^- i i . mm- ^^l*»s*Q


: i

,-iif*- - j« ; i ' - i ^ r w >

»I«» | I mi., m m "WLWn

•&**2jfg# l(;53fc5Mi -a ta ' i s**^

« "