»* it* mkmJOBttSTW^'' **•= JOBS AJKIKNT COMPW»^«AJ». o*I6od*b«rt v « I UyKeJadhnuchl grieve, «'rr»h-,UCncf«rordcJlhtr. - jthAt wondrous snake lliat took to tiding, j^frrtraiUnkles mother Sw, . -^ir ^ *..L«U._ •*3« £rsj4pMfA _ v - -,- J**sn- jisjta-jSr 1 ^,!*- '0 '*«'« * |7»now It w*» and why It wu, And hair the terpens went a wafting, J. E'tn n u t s wronged, ah (only wsrongsd. ttey say It w « the ttevh'a self, Stat tooVihe sernenlr *"—* ai ui ,-a f i ••{i bronchi __ jUogourflnt - Btrarge that a Mrpentsho'd bo walking, foaWwt*A«a»«ipnit»ii6'<litttaikinr, \ 1 And stranger slid that-he sfioJd cheat, Our good old aothefSre. H If 8 T . $ 3 7 T A 3 \ . - , . "• Now arterallthathas been said, t , l really do belief. "^ ' V '"** * They're all the snakes we hares' walking, •^fr^lflffiykeWba^falfclBi, '• Ah sore, and 'twas a Copperhead, >•:,,That,temptid^mojierEve. . "> JM W , I'.I > 1 ^ Bai "*«-afti-«fl __L J j t J I C E D C J » l s 5 apout founeeBiOp^rfifteeajhan^s slxlnches hie. he has got four plack legs, two peibre, and Mf© peh,#*Pl3%tislr^lRcfe r aBm o&r podyf4ii nas peen got some vite spots pon bis pack vein do skill vas rub off, but I greesed em rait sum gee^M»n5ioiK-d6Tl;e£po(a.i*hl]^! a ck»gnin, He treds and canjers. and paces, and sometime lie v-iiis, and vc'n lie valljs all his "Tegs and feet «oe«0gi!gnli^r|gb,QdiBr ftto&w jtwofaftyjAp bis boad, bolL alike, pat von ish'plackef dan de odder von, betiWtw*o*eyes,Voflf ia^ti^ont, and »toddg*i»pjn d&sj^^Jieadr-ana;TODyem goffidderside'he font see Von; venfieeatsgood deaLbejfeas *^)ig pelly, and has along- tail vat . hangs down pehind, put I cut it short fodder isb shod all around, put his pebind shoes corned off, and now be isb only got dose pefore; he bolts nn^us^eaii^dyU^^Jy.^Md, sen. Jid, isb © ifi^ol^raiIte «J^fng^ de vorld; be villridfi.mita saddl.e, or a chaise^ or a cart, or be viil go py himself mitont nopody \ now very old, ana bis bead, ven be vaflsa or jmns,goe3piraf&?^aia*wfla : BIstaastays pebintj i only ven h&dorns .round be gets mad, and 4en ibis tail eometimt pring^|)ack,de:Ue/.ifat stole em, he shall paypc- - s des$2§ and ax no questions. • • H'' »"•)'" mm ^Hrntirlii 'JH. cufeib lew *«. II W 1*0WBIX TO SOY AJTT :V?. •>.' *f *•"'- ! S •» preectTptloni •areMIycomponailed and prepared' honr»;"ftu»mdne«»f«Be4i&d<Mtofb|^ce«.hi»ri,____ tomen wlU retetrt attenilon by caUlojt for the.and«r»Ifatd Hf» Stock eomprltei'BOTPOBTlKS, TRTJ88KS, STETItE. ewPis.j^PMSOB'feBAKDAOi&'.eijM «*sno ; nt^w^gaTHErBas-aaa BooTrnC'KCBBiB an^a BlfBIITrfteof «Tery i l u , BBEABr p 6 a p * tf^ 3 ^ COHBS, ^,aIoMt,we#;MrIttyjr»DBM«~aadnOBK; EDBBEE MNB,'UOiOl and XTJBBCS PodCpfvCOMBSi eOBTED. HAfjPWBft«TKlgCW»aSaBMOT«ilB KXTRACT8 of JRt«fr pH&Mfil COCOGKKS, In fancy •tyJ«,Ur£» antl tm»<I^ii^«I«o OOLOGX* mad* at the Eton to anlt Parch»»er», A food Auortmcnt of FAROT HOAPavaJitartron-.ttaBd. Ttrttj «Hetjr »gPOttT"MOH- F I0»ACCOB0XB8,ta,*a. ^* I? RIVER, & CO., w - 7 oicter^deicrlpl ed in. fii!* market,-incladlng ^^mmiieys, Burners, Lanterns, ;^c., &c. neJFnrniture, are^Rooma! < •• aa-oow-onhaiidtfietarjteftand'JBottaertnt' ' •' ' ' Vttiorrtnent^f''^'" ' ••">«•»« ?>•« OGDE^SBURGII KAILUOAD. 1864*Chanse oi 'Xiine.-iS«4 '' BUMMER ABRANGEJIESX. 4S , , *:.«»>.• dmm&gMojij?8y,May iS^feaC^- if Tin»e, TwelveDo{nc>tes Faster than X<OOAXi TIMS. —. K»- tows, ^si-wilfnlfltol a ^ $£gtoi'J& _. Tilf«w.W«oWVBAttB^*ttT,XSuBteyWMe^ »Were\forWe'in!Kbrth1raH^^ FIRSTXRAIN, BOSTON ASP SEW TORE EXpRiESS^,, ..5 ^ ^ K o T A i b g o of cart by tht» tralo between Ogdtnaburgh •nd'BoirtonV '•' - •'f *^ ' & GIBBS' t 4Se"Mngf Machine! fiiBfflllBiWefiOBDS! THWiunnTani TUB vnrr A»IOBTMEMT PATENT . My Sto'cko'f PATESTUEBICiNESia.eomprlstl'oT nearly allthoielno»«,»tpre*ent. ., .• ,„ ^ FAMH72" EMS GGLGHS! Hotre A sTBmrs ,J *i|rttr(fi«S B cow)Ra «f nafifip PTJEE WINES & IIQUOES For MTOICTOAti PTOPQgMf ilwa; 'i-att^-Vt X«0 f* f»2T±ON Times bavc Cbanged Asmm&mxedntim te m&* wbieb 1 awk, goe»_ver^ferjo_estaWish as a fact that "the world moves?' A Tale alumnus of twenty yesutf 8tandfflftMce^lj|re^rnedj 4 aft« .a long absence, to5ill&i£eiM* mit^dad^a- very <|oti|lMpsIy.rcceived and."shown «ronnd" by teobmmB £pe?fi£iiig^hibit0r to Ijisjoest most of the modern improvements tbe P &^t>g&f^huB; t _ ,',.;.;, ' ^ u H c w now seen, I believe, all that is new M t^e'JiisitAertfon; except tb« gj'njnasinm.— Come, let's gbuptliefe, and Fit Toll a string of tenrptas<j£jttg^jia^ »»£$£<« * •» c t- "*./<- l"Wbat„ Sirr csclaimed the guest, starting |5*xp2aujDd the profissor,;".we J luive a would like c 2 -pinB : mth vAnr" . <:*.•"••> "Soil ten-pins with you, air!" cried the alum "why, sir,'/was expelledfrom the college JSr rod- *~*Xfftn&iU a»s.' 'nasi J •• " 50 ?0?t » !.! £ • . 1 * - * 1 sMimm^^ 5^Affr^WyiSWffls : fhf 8 - 8 (orj-"of a liltler boy waose cjie^jik^^ai o^aany «%era who art lured td churches and Sunday Schools by ipfaatb^Jciaestioa: *^bc5e"^ybogoto Son diySjijool, Jimmy?" tholi'ttla feilow replied mi » y*« <• art wjakta pirraaui yaw aaa •«• tba pretty thlap, real the lata* Hawa, aa< *t . . . . - -j iwaye ChoiceGonfectionery Frlelton Jtatchci, ''-' oh reaMnabo n 1 . wJ^.MKSS' 1 ? S>P£j^9 ! ?r'&,?- k«3*.Friei bar* engafed a good Plumber and wIIT attend to all calif to tbiallne prociptly, and warrant jatbfaclion. oo&ig iand Eave Sjiouts! T5ftyilt»;fartlcnlar-attention to .EoofiOf 'and patting op ," t»TO.?ponti. 'JiW* *" .AW*** SaJ Pans, Conductors and Backets! •»V»r«ready to supply to order. Sap Boilers, Conductors aniTlnBacketi, at moderate prlcea, for GASH OR, R€ADY PAY ! .,CAro«j>AID FOB Furs, Peltfi, Bags and Barter of _.f all descriptions. rarchueraar* nqaeated to call'and exaAlne our goods, •took and price* before parchajlng elsewhere.'] •iD.F.eOPEa. d S 0 . G. GCBXE7. B. 8. CLARK A CO. aSr-. CIVILLY TBKATED I Store lib. 4, "Union Block I ,-. " f ALONE FANCY DYEIMB ^STflBL!8HMEHT! J#W WARS, N c ^t, ] fe## ! Cl&m!** Befiniaher [ J , KBoveda/«wrodatothancwboUdlnfonDnanertreei bpnatlttihaTOd.nea «rAn«eaiUncoUi,and tho Proprletoi Sreald respeelfdUyJnform Hie-inhabltuniiof Ualona and TI- totytbattt^erwwadyi*. , W«;r T 'i^ .. •• c^AH,coioaAS3>riinsHi |a ttrtalt pottlbl. Btteneri-lfedfe.* Merino, Cobnrj. «tk, and Delate* fircwe*, SajMr^apaki, Hpi* straw nSnseti! CAtpelS, YATfl, «C '-* LJQ** °f* «n»wl» dyed any color that may be desfced; SIttprei»e».bjM!Iftilly.waMf»*; C^nton.-C^p^OaaRiner*; Brocha and' air other Shawl* Cleaned andflnUhed toloii tfinsHo-new. J MaiMDlit* an* LancuterQdIIU Bleached. Chiot*. Isc* _Ht=lia, DamaiVand Moreen Ourtaln* craned,dyed and On- lihed. T*bIaCov«ra,Bugt,Carpet*, Ac.,cleined. •l^ , ^ l ^^S>!8 , 25 d i< ^ e *l»• I, e n » * * wlthoat Mp. ftoe. s KerehaiiuVa«!»««i»a4»»*leabl*. . l/'B 7**l»^**»»ihto DytWnse and KnUhtor Ko»m* 4r*aiteSopwiUiaIIth*«o*dero ImnrovemenU, and a* he ^^^•^^^^•ttx^JBaWi^Wiwielf, hla, patr ^ft|^*»1«4*«Hif5aoti*y()* see? t-jbeXong*; tSlinellKeittHoo, now:"" v ny?"! p^fi^^t«1C^f^^Ufe^rw¥*t' e y a* o^aTti , e^|iU i .te|TjB. byinn books, and all that; and when they nave p k i e f ^ ^ o W c f ^ o l e of »«Jt* ,-•' JPsmnUs Miser. sbert time since an eld woman died in the rwis r%*rded by her spover^r; but shedie4 and as she d?le*Te-behrad herWs-'caSiV jij— - ™ — — fuiiJs^bftal^di^oa Bilver «f witbdr»wn and *#>•&"* «^«ncief» wJMcli had been bmlerj for y e s ^ i h e r * was a box full of Austrian and otlilrsfiir}4%i^%Vl!o\ ; c<fei^Vof'which . Mfnof^^^^^a^nm^a^or^ r/; i*Sr%Iealfj* Snan, W all ap- i^^S4?«»«^to-:tl»-einlial«ae^t-a. ??a%af^c»n'6nB> when,' iiftertaood begamtofltrfr» ; tionofirtin^ lbarroifc~Becent experiments have Shown mWmvm^'^^m^is cover is much |httfIflf fMif' tl* 1 uiKiHKunuy»«cwj. i w a 10 Knoinw jireafe* to e* .^*-"i«tt ^*v.'*l. €*LElIOIVI( & REDIi\lSrTOIV, dm iathetij. Wart-Room*-tt* PUao* aad »felod*06»of TWELTE DIFFERENT MAKERS, ' J«»*Jec^"fifofc*WetftiiStoBi«l« ; wul befoiranUea lat^. I K*- »-, ,i.i*ftetlos,^- , , . .... -. ~r - '•» "9**!? «OLB AG6KT8 FOR IH* s ly*,wat a garter Of a «n?k|~ |., wn: aJJ kladfa af Mailcal HetehaBdI»e,.tacIadlBt' -' soft*, nfnSty^wltb ilbe ae- •* my More,. KEEOSEN^'GIL! KERQ^isNMLAiP'S. ALWATS OS HAND. 1 Ify Good* are ail warranted PURE and GEITOINK, and any perjon iHjuaUiUed with them wot pleaa* return than and th*pnrcha** money will berefundei POTaoi»,")CTTTrebroary 9.1SO. TottHCUUeniof JfyVmaana Vicinity: W* th* u d d i t r i e d , Pbyiiclana of th* Tlllar* of Poudaai, <Ioherebye»nWythatw«areTrellioqualntf<J wlKTUr. MinilderaUon and natronafe. L«, al-bj. J. UamoLM.M. D. N. D. IiAWESxcE. U, D. OinzoaF.OoL*, J. K N QCjufter, r^n .• i^*W'l^ii'-r» ; e?ruary 10th, 1S4S. Irony concur lathe forefoIfagJcertlBcaW of PhyatcUn*, tlwaald B. B. Wilcox! having been In my employ about four 7*ar», And,*h«erto!yjre«oBimen<U|lB*af on* worthy oj your 0. II. PICK, Drogglat, Potidae.H. T. E. 0. WIEiCOX, Opposite auiier Houar, mtalone. - llalone Jane 9,188*, 'mJLOm, FRAKKLIN CO. -roB- — — _____ 0«l€3-IiV_kI** V MAEE'raOtt "' PITIW tjiatJLEY AND CdFtTE ! The only;Oennino, Jj^mv^etpi^d in the: United States. iFor Sale by'afi Groeert,'ttroughovtthe iaioni.Treb.^, 18(M.-«nj: itjjfeb fF 1> IS [alone, Nov. 18, '63. JSTEW GOODS. Jist Keceived a Large A ftetrant Stock of PALL & WINTER GOODS —AT— «* J?URKEE «& MEIGS'. tan* hena* been employed In Drag Store*: In thla village; we bellev* bin to be competent to compound prescription* and do _ giueral Drdg'kiiaiBeMr.a'Bd rec*mhie"nd nha tb yagrfarorableconilderatlon and patronage PiAKTICULARS NEXT WEEK. M a - n t l ^ * ^ , ^ ^ tuidCordijUInviUtion Is •a*<rid-4 io'tiht entire Coaunnnl- »• ty to O-U and EXAMINE PEICES & QU ALITY. Titei the jtttentlonior.aUpurciaiei-*:..! < Call and Kind far Yoaraclves, •' Black WalnntSofat, iWatnnt Marbl* Top Table*, ^Mahogany: . -c-a, , ;..• OakftrteBalOtt.Va-j.da Black Walnut Tele-vTetct, [Cheitnul Chamber Bete. jltrble Top Burea'a»,""What-N*ots, "ail attet,'Wa»h Sink*, JCtneawrWash Standi, Hat and Umbrella, StanO*.' Tea-Poya, Hair Mnttreue*,.. Aiahogany . Chain, LarpeP'rior Mirrors. Wal- nut Chair.', Walnut Mould- lnga, Cane Seat Chain, Serolrjng Offlce Chain, Oak Mnlng Chain, RecUDlneOfflce Chain, Office Cbairs.. Oval Frame*. alLaliei Bar.' Room Chain. Stool*, Wood Seat Dining. Chain.'Mine*' KockEn,tWbodSe_t- Jt-'-C Kitchen Chain, Chlldrva'a ,. . * nighOhalrt, Book ' '. ' ! " *' Coses, Chil- dren'* Low Chain, Desks, Black Walnut;, Carkets, Bedsteads, aB kinds, Looking Glass Plates, Bedjtexas.wltb springs, , MJeigaaiMj ,. f -4^,^ - •JO cj'-B^ar^ae __*r m ;• •. ' ' BlackWalnnt Corflns, tatternut Coffins, Cherry. CotBns. ' PABTICD1AR ATTENTION PAID TO THE 1 COFFIN •• t ?»*at!nttm£;"' * **»n v*'? A targe Stock of an^Ixea apd various Style*.copstaaly on hand. Alio constantly on hand F i s k ' s P a t e n t SJEotalio Sew3Yoit,.apd jiny boats on Lake-Cbaroplaln. 5 ISJLlH ^REte^ifss. sMu TlURDTitA.I^WlTnS/jPSPIXGCARS, . , 1 IieaVe 1 OgMisbur^na1*'ftS5''P. it" canriecilng'ot Rohs'e*s Pointjhe next roornln.'jrit& 4hrbngi *raip_for Boston and * ' ' ' a Leave Boslon at 8 A. M. (Exprew) without change of care. arriving- at OgdensburRh .at 12 nlpht, connecting with nlpbt oaprees train on Grand Trunk Railway, for all points west. c leave Boston at 6 v. n.,tad NeW^Torkat 3 r . u , arrlvlnt « t Ogdetffibiagh aU2.8pr. St., connecting with G„T. Hallway •Und Ottawa & PrescotfcRsilway. nrfd-Ontsrio, and Xorlht.ni Transportation Co. Steamen, for all points west aod-por^h. . Leave Rouse's Point at S p. M , on arrival of day boats on Lake Charopl».!n, (with sleeping car,) arriving at Oguens-: bnrgh at 6.25 A. U. • . Jifidoiie, May 18,1884. G. V. HOVLfc/gupt. ATB TIGHT ANI>mi>BSTRtrCTIBI.B, -KOR- FroUcttng & Preasi^ving Ibe Dead Tor Vaults, TBAKBPOBTAnpy.'oKOBDtKABY INTERMESTOBT" FTJTDRg REMOVAL, To which the particular attention of the Publlo is Invited, I AU 8ELUKG ALL GOODS AT Extremely' Low T^rloesJ! Malone, Aug. 11,180*. ? H. M.' TOBT." OECE9IBEB, 16, 1863. HOLIDAY GOODS —AT— -_k- B.COOIiEY'S ^ e n o o l B o o l e Depot. lust received this day, a targe stock of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS FOB THE I Photograph Albrunraitd Diaries for 1864. —ALSO— i LADIES' F0RS AT ........ D. A iTS. HOODS, NOMAS A SOSTXGS.... AT D. A MU C0XT0NTABN „AT D.A1TS. BUFFALO R0BE9 ..,AT D.AaTS. CARPETS , .„. AT.. CAM'S. Oome Cta© I - - - Come AU! No. 1 Pbcenlx Block. - DCBEGB -fc MEIGS. I #,8,10indlJ, Daniel 8t. ( x.nwia t ,H- TH5=QREAT£ST BAT^T1_E 03S:THB r left" * , T H E VK3TOUV IS 6irB8 I I ! ! THE WE3T SibE OF THE RJVErt 0 AHEAD ! I ! JT IS NOTr 1 AN ESTABLISHED FACT THAT .'"'A'A'". & CO M .'-, stABGEST^STOClt"«OF^CraOps, Era .m>of^«ria'Wn'VhtaWr^Win-a'ny oih'e^O'roTcry and •u Pro vision Houi* In Malone. Give o* a Call. W. F.AMSDEN. ' G. W. FISHER. LETTER FAPEB, SNVEW)PES, Gill Blouldfnr, Oval FramCg, •WX2STIDQ-W a?pBTTVfT^JT3SrC3-a, «ILT€«RIVERSAKDBATyDS; GILT AND PAIHTED SHADES, PICTTTRES AND BIED CAGES, And many articles which art too numerous te/ssention. A share of the pubftc patronage Is-soIIcited.' - ' ' |3w~PajrxtcaI-r autciitfon clrcn to Framlnc •11 kind* or Picture*. sod Boeion. t Leave Qgdensburgh at &.i>0 a, «:; (breakfast otHalone) arriving at Rouse's t'hlnt at 10.80 A.M.; Darlington 1 p. ... Troy *Ud Albssiy 8 Jt'-*, New Sork 6 a. «.. ^>1ilte BJver Jutct!otf*#yi£^, f C<rnt!ord''r».'»r',*oaBostni*JOffJR" *-^ -^^|^^RAJN,JHROnQp»'AII ! .:' ; .' * LeaveOgden'sbnrjth at 11.45 A, M , (dIneatMalone,)arrl- riojratitQuse'altoIntat 6.80 P. «. k St. Albans I p. u„ (sups per) Birllngton 9 p. »i., and Boston early next mornings- Splendid Sleeping-Can runi.wlth tbigi train between .Rouse's Potniand Boston. Thl%lra|«ctsnnecJ»,with JW. A O. B. R at Roqse'* Point, arriving at Mopffeal at >p. «.iAlso with night boats on Lake Cbaroplsln. VERMONT OENTBAL H§SS RAILROAD, ^m W*in#er Arrangement. INOVSmHOBER 14, 1864. TRAINS GOING SOLTil AND EAST. Day Express lenvea Ogdcnsbnrgh at S.80 a. m., for Bur- lington, Loirell and Bottun, and for-Rutland, Xroy, Albany and New York via Troy. Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.80 a. m., for Burlington. Lowell, Bostun, Worcester, Ppringfleld. New =f)aven and New YorkAliiSprlDgfltld and for Rutland,Troy. Albany and New Tirk via Troy. With sleeping can be- tween Ron>es' Point and Boston and Springfield and Rouses' Point and Troy. TRAINS GOING NORTH AND WEST. Mall Train leaves St. Albans at C.00 a. m„ for Boston, Worcester, Sprinefleld New Haven, Troy, Albany and Nem jfork. Traina leave Boston at 1.00. a. m. and MQ>-p. j n . , foi, Ogdensburgh. St. Albans, Nov. 13,1861. - G. JtlERRILL, Sopt. QUICKEST TIME ON EECOKD! jB8&BUSD9B9|3-@-_-B-i-3i--. Througli to CllIcag:o"Tu [28 BTottrs! Persons going to the West can have their cholC» of Boat or Railroad, from Ogdensburgh. Trains leave Prescott oii the arrival of the Train ftom the East. P.CLARK, AGENT, MALONE, Is always ready to wait on all persons going West. He selht Tickets to •Chicago, Blilwankee, St. Louis. Cleveland, Cincinnati and all poiois West, New Vork rut Ogdepshuxgh, Water- town and Kdnie.andN. Y. Central U.'B'a. FARE FROM OGDENSBURGH TO NKW VORK AS Co " " •* >-*--ALBANY. . . ; .... 6 46 An'd also to Montreal, -via St. Lawrence River. Malone, May 12,1864. —tf. , i . t / f T t o ff)'a This Machine took" the First prize at the reef r> exhibition In New Vork city; ?No -: ilie World's Fair at Pails, cad U universally acknowledged to be the most perfect ' FA3IIJLY SEWOiG MACHINE Yet produced. * Those In want of a 8ewing Machine will do well to call and examine It at the Store of O- XB. 33. Who is the Agentfor said Machine in Franklin Co. ... Malone, Fob. 9,1664. INSURANCE AGENCY. /ETNA INSURANCE CuStPANY, Hartford, Conn. Capital $1,000,000 00 Surplus 807,020 00—?1,867,920 00 Taos. K. Btucc, Jr., Sec'y. E. G. RIPLEY, Prest HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, New York City—Nos. 112 A114, Broadway. Capital and Surplus $1,042,482 00 J. UiLTOit SMITH, Sec'y. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Prest. PHOIX INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Conn. Capital and Surplus .4419,840 66 H. KKLLOGG, Sec'y. SIMEON L. LOOMI3, Pres't. HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, 48 WaU St,, New Tork. .Capital and Surplus $280,014 72 DORAS L. STONE, Sec'y. 8. H. ROKKNBADttH, Prest. T H E F R A N K L I N C O U N T Y * MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, alone, N. Y. Having a renewed charter far twenty yean, are now pre- pared to insore alt kinds of Farm property. Dwelling Houses and Stores,in villages, and other kinds of property to a lim- ited amonnt, upon as favorable terms as can be obtained lo any other responsible Company. W* now commence our <econd year under our renewed Charter, with a surplus suf- ficient to pay all claims sgalnn the Company, for losses dur- ing the past vear.—Malone, Jaouary, 1869. SIDNEY LAWRENCE, President. ALBERT ANDROS, V. President. D. N. HoirrrsGTpn,Sec'y. WU.ft. DicktHBOH, Treasurer. Application for insurance In any of the above named com- panies, may be made' to the undersigned, their authorised agent, who will issue Policies on buildings, merchandise, Ae. on reasonable terms,and all losses will be promptly and fairly adjusted, i Office, No. 8 Sing's Block ,up stairs. D. N. HUNTINGTON, Malone,March.lSBO. . Agent HO FOR THE WEST! n iQ'i3t.V ( PERSONS WreflWelrO PROcbritf'TICKETS'FbR THE I\ H. SHIELDS. .—AT.TBE— IflafOnc Passenger Depot! ^ ," . IS ^GENTJFQB^ |. , . AIL THE DITEERENT ROUTES Or and Trunk, Propellers, Sarnia Xine oi Steamers, l a k e Shore, &c.,.&c. BG BtTBjB AND GIVE HIH A CALL AND BE PUT OK THE RIGHT TRACE. D e c 17—tf ia. B. COOCBT. O. Mosas, Jr., Haajoit Bectlv*d«New^n*Fln»f a -r ASSOK^IEiVT OF «OOBS J 800, •JSr-c'-«o»-i ; A. dc Co's. ^i«* HAIXD WOOP, •« cnoio«f_»iftr"»* ; ' : 'A'^«oW- ., I me th* eonT^^iair p*nJiM|l», va<t reo-mnendlt»try highly. IthtokrougljttiSea judge.-fiavKg^eentnthe grocery business Wteen y e a n . . DijB. jf,OTa^M».HnpBiar, vr-jr.j: TTh*gn)centhro»!Eh()ntthe cltyflniflt the most saleable aubsUtuteforcoffs*—fwiAty Jf«r«*rjr.- riirJIIltad a food salelq th» Ttcfellyi„ . Thrmoil popular tobstllnte for th* East.Indla berry.— Y«»wjMjtjtv^ir^«n^ "A. &'Co'»". :aOXOS B VT*BB AND OHECSE, at OBVCa ANOlWBmOINES, at A. <fc Co>*. < -j(m > - •xj c^i?.g|»ir^tt.:; -y-3* %#!£ car.jjg#a»»«' r-K'jr 1* -.'«- ,-'.',-i*;il«:^ -:-•;<: - COKCMWHtmtA*, ,[.; JfTttllt, TlWa^verplatetODejjreseBtedtoCapti Win- ileir of the K ?-r^^ (he latins 6f Box OWJff* PRMK^,^^ ,, M^*^**Wtat Iwjswm A-ii t, i»?Nf*i njr ^ynhiwiaii- TBihVilla Ciaaansl' Onwt "a a Wkrto/r^nrAl nut-r-tea ilifpiut%'»stt ' »44u. __^__, . .uj^u^^~ ___^«- V ______ ' '• v - - . __•' %«iiwS«8R_tt88^^ THi,^f^1r«tMr.€«M>«rYrare, ^WI"W; *•$•*•& JAM-IW .^^**»W MP ^*T^P )||B_0 : ^ H » ^ ^ ^ o « i i » ; a « « » » » wig ^^-25aXi5_«S_-" 5*^ ^P^^»*^'.*|rasH>^--r |T*lPW*W yet to t^*'c*At»*r'JtI c^JtUi;!''' - i*f :s>-' If: *; VANNOBTRAND, Borton, K***. It.h»vi 0 r«g*er*J;s*1.to^ Into general _»».—J^ DtUy Whig. ' Th« e*ak*«tlai.i bMtofwtau-ae^fB. And 1 ! jl., TT* (ball sell Good* enough*hi_n«r nnder this Syatewi, to W*ayF«r**Wiww*WT*-'. T I^MIIta, CJiitWaU, Ohio. - _.A*ta*a^r*t<^tt»i C IBOIOK MO^VOBi* «t wboIeMle onlrat ST-ttV*?»'4s-B10 •»'-/_-,!-. *5b?»* « J » * _ , wa. 3-i-**rt i»v *•>' -*%*s *«-**• -«• •_.»-•-*- WatcHos, C?4^ola_.s, 3r7are|» ** *iij_ru._i*''._ia . i -. m -_- A. 3STOTICEJ. Pdnuant to an'Act passed by the Legislature of the State of New York, entitled an AcMo jotborise th* formation of a corporation in place of the Northern Railroad Company, dissolved, and to empower (aid corpor*tl6n to •xecot* a 3Ei.-E3_!_-[ 0*V-ALI_I —AND— . <J s * - * - ^_f. —1N-J- ^ April 8th, 1864, and to an ordsr of the Suprtm* Court of th* iState of New VnriE made punuant thereto; Notice is hereby etven to Wllllim A. Wheeler, John8. Eldredgs and WiilUun C. Bronrn, Trostee* for the holders of the Second Mortgage Bonds of the Northern Railroad Company ; George A, Kct- iell, Francis B. CroVninsbield and William O. Brown, Trus- tees for 4 he holden of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Vorlhero Railroad Company,Calvin W. .Othbs, .-executor of James G. Hopk:ns, deceased, Mary 3 Brown; administratrix of Anthony C. Brown, deceased ; Joseph W. Clark, William .Thomas, J. A. lfurnham, Israel,,(Vhltney. H. liollla Hunne- well, the Hope Insurance Company,the United States Insur- ance Company, the Nenr England Mutual Marine Insurance. Company, J. J. Abhott, Oils Daniel, Richard Olney, Peter Hotter, the Northern Railroad.Company of NeW/JUtnpihire, George R Sampson. Lewis W. Tappan, John 8. Missroon. the Northern ituilroad Company and all other penons, if any there be, who have been made parties herttoforeto iny drer< e made by the Supreme Court In respect to either or theiMortgage* heretofore execnted-by Ute Northern Bait- road Compooy, that application will be made to the Supreme C-urt, aforesaid, at a Genersl Tenri' thereof to held at the Court House in tlie city of Schenectady, In the County of Schenectady, en the first Tuesday in January next, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter «s counsel can b* heard, for an order that the Trustees la posse*»|o-4 o f ^ e s s i d tS9.rtherpJt»Uroid..WilUam A. Whee- ler, John S. Eidredge and' Wiitbvm O. Brown, transfer th<> atime and Its^ppOrtenanca lo the Ogdensburgh and Lake Chatotota RaUrnad Company, ana (hat th* petition for •aid order ibthlrmatter U'on file In the offlce of the Clerk theQountyor Stj'hawrence, where any party interested can procure a cony thereof.—Dated. Novemiier 21st, 1864. ' ' 7 CHAS. G. MYERS, . Attorney tor Ogdensburgh and LakeChattplaln Railroad Canpany. GBOCaiES AT WHOLESALEBAKD liJETAIL. ,> I wit r' • 8 "i . *J f.. 1 _* LEWIS &,.etM*R&l J^oislcal GUTTER DISHES, 8YRUP GUPS, Spoon Holders, Gpblets, Call Bells TABLE MIFES, FORKS MD SPOONS. f__«9¥e«i! r 2.A -.is.::-' v - I ; i. % Wherlcinjbatodnd thebestgtore, the-cheapest Groceries ' ^UietarpBi^oK*tf FBniib. «oSi"ty. iflfeiebek eon- WUtnparrasfollow^.^.^^^^ 200 bblsOHOlDrr WINTER ANB SPRItlG . WHEAT FiQURvr.-v^ >. j.,«njsa He wlllgivebls attention to repairing JfO HOKE CREDIT t Z r tt - W.F^Aa-AAajt^^aTaaAjp^dth* t-®ZZ&W£ ^v^J __*a t ^IM:Ui4vec_»^**^»l*M ^^^*gj^n^^^*^MitS^P^* «*t«i, ffmrl, if. f. :; -,!!:• Wil'.WrW* n**a»«^«ve*«^...k^to-.' ."J^A^S! ' * FTNCg 4 TrTOMItOW. >T*sr »vtrrWi»iltisilrH*wlo.!r*stre«*^ ithhtk.tt^ sW-iPPf J^»^r*W»W''*»W*fTW^BsWW'^»***P»(i j u Wi **"^Bp» !**^_** pi*} Aft •^n^^^^w^j ^r*** . ••••J^^*^ ^^Hl**™ "•^••tp , ^r l *^*T"^ i ^™ iB *'^^ B r ^ * ^ ^ ^ ~ *)^***r W ^ f " * ^ * / w 'v"wssT^ia*^| »^ <u*«isy. .^ -isftntfr*MO.,»*«aWf»y.r. til •!• •-*---* — a - » - . * - - . - - l i ^ . - t . _-s—A *> «lg^-*M.,fr - •r «i •«« _t*_*,tW «< . T. :1 id ,4. t|^te* , --^%^'^ w«.^il.-l*: ftro ; ; rT«.S/V«Or**fca>cit^MA^ . j'-*-5t i f y"> '• •'« rr»~V BH'II Jr's-*' r.-^ *•»-, ^'J-'.f' -;-: A'V A»..ii-t;?;'^JBvBr}»>4W'A" »* r"'>' r - •aagiv*ratlr*... , iw'trfa^at^ept Wntobca/p - '-" » '- -»-'„"* - , .*- ! -«s;* .'AArVi" >"_*a ' c?-?-'* ^ "" *££V*«0' Af^x.^ »^>k dk-> i i i i i f j ; 'r'" '.. : 3-£j'J5.T.>.^-*tI,^-.jfe ; ' T -.''-'- <-i-:.UttfliOrr" ,' :•--'.• . th^'unctiuo of,, ^ . \ HAHf^ COURT AND DUAN£ STREETS, In the vUljge of Malone; and •haTiag,thoroughly- repaired • fltr • - - - - and 4tted up the same, havo reiboved their'emlre slock of.. '.-. TT i r f O B T G A p E SAJfjE.—Default ha* been mad* In IvJL the payment jf the money secured by a mortgage dated Hie flrtt day Of/Miy, 1850, executed by John Savag*. then o.f the town *f Moira, in the -County of Franklin and fState-efNe* York, lb Martin t. SfcXan, then of the sams place, »M?b. mojttgage wsa recorded in the office of the Clerk of said County,-In Liber .14 of mortgages at nag* 89 on the With day of June, 1861, at 9 o'clock. P. M. 31»*-kl plortgage has been duly assigned to A llbcr AorliD, of tl,». town»rorea»ld,'*nif the same Is'now owned h'r him. Th* amount flsimed.to be due upon-*ald-mortgage, aUh* lime ^ t he'd rat publication of this notice. Is three hundred and flttj-onodollaraardetghty-three cents, principal and Isieratl, tthtcli is the whole amount unpaid thereon. No.sult or pro- ceedings has been (Commenced to recover th* amount secured by said 7 mortgage, or any part. Jb'ereof. Now, therefore, notice is Irareoy gWen, that by'virtoe ofth* power of s»'» in Mid mortgage contained, and recorded a* aforesaid, and in pursuance of Ihe :talute In such case made and provided, the Mid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the prem- ises,therein described, and the same will be sold, atpublio auction, itt'the^ront'dbor of the Court "House, in the town-ol Malone, in said Countv of Bwfkljnion the 2lst day of Jan- uary next;-at ten o'clockUn the forenoon. Th* said prem- Ises are describedio^sktdPitnortgSfe as follows: All thaU fract.or parcel of, land, situate In the Tc-a of Moira arore- said, besn* pa"rtt^fi_^t» nn»6er*116 and 11T and 109 of Potter Gr.tTs survey of; "" " bounded as follows, Ifce HaterTriad| _ J86It*yrfWn»- A. W»tt|ier.»iPet«rlflWgerand on the bouthbyaline drattn Kast and West acrosi mid Ldt*, fsr enough Soblh firbm ths» Slater road to contain thirty-five %_Mttt5lra*nfy of October, 1S61. fi, « ^ - - W1LBBR AC3TIN, Assign**. W. P. CAtrnrttt, Attorney. .... Jf>v7. t .Tr! ; • , T ; ' jgr * '^4#|»^ji»*^A-t»js?'«-JSa,Ie. «F THE REAL ESTATE OF *.*.--.*,^fts'J'brjh*naymrnt or^to debt*. JL —„ 1 ^- ri ,-.*'««i>«'F*.*addock,Sor«ijpi!«of -the Coun^ofFrankllnsfctateof New York.authorlaWtb. Kale of certain re«}*^tat<of Aaron BwadWell,.l*5a.«H\M*s«- . the admfnlstrator .... , i ,- 7r , „_, _ddeceased, will, -on iandMnApMnitefteMlparter descrlned, to. wit: AU that Sertaia piece, o f land, situate, lying and* .being at Honns- much of a pl^ce oeretofore conveyed to Hemin W. Tucker WOOL t. 'it Fell*, 1 m#i ii .'''iXtmm "••_•* *W; ^WVb > .JF' ^~ aJb'"' ^W'~_3_r T '"V »5* .< •fTr$i& !.'V-^ : •y-y'WS^^x^t^^^skl NOTICE TO THE CREDITOR «r m?*>*t*rm .$ih-- iQ'&V WM* SAtt, tjipv-s." v ***0.tl t . *!,«"}!£_,*,*« *>5 tt--i__e_*fi_r^ mJmM ber at their Wood Yard. cm*t' ^4^&^dW^^ Tih ^^ aiJtkuT,bli - •" *t ••' : ii" J . i>~«;*s£ii.t>. s-i^-' i!ti, -^».»«-A »i(; TOBACCO, STARCH-BY f HE BOX. •i - -J - • - ; • • • - -'--*-' - . ,»„ J .^t-! .. I the easterlv llft*»ifj;t-. »*__-,«/•_•• « _ ! • _ . • • - - • - •- ti* W THB CHEST. AND-ALt KINDS OF^ CHOICE FAHttY GROCERIES AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. MEAT MARKET AT COMMERCIAL BLOCK 1»e1«S n |rl«l^^a^aot, , •^_.0|a|r:7 'W»«m^ , Biaii^ 1 _d*ti>*itotti». W. p. CAJtiwru, Attorney. -••... i . . : -' ' • , ..." ..-i'nsK i • ffnm»tMu! iranricfno-crcditbrf. .^i . -i-«-.i»O s »w»£wBBe» K hereby given according t* I»y, to all P^&^^m]a€i^^&»Mui of Tuas- to exhibit the saw* with th* ve«chen Hieraof, to th* Sub- AIRE J *»^»»rpl»'irl^ W '* i ^'*^ :mr COITHTT . »m»^1^WlttlwP^ 8CALES. !••*** ****wa«..*tv l A., *Mty>tt^!ir* —^-^^ - •j" 1 "" 1 .. 1 ,r".~ -:.- •• fj«i'»y | rt i 'ii'M , (rj) »'• . " -" ijHVSf'F' 1 ? 1 ^ttimQTMwn 1 9_fcitiisP otw I..' II llljltl^l...! if' tw_i^MfiH' H :; ^i-**galai Aibel .fwVth^brvowch'' ittfimUw* n.n_ii"l Tiltltigi toOr«<fltor^ ."?*. N VOLl?MB! XXX : ^:: Published every Tours J. «T. *te J. 1$. OBlce, No. 9 Union Sloe T n Village Subseriben, served by car Mall add Office Subscribers The publlstiera expect and requl paldsroctlyln advance. URATES OF ADV [Ten Lines or less mal laqaare 1 week $1 00'lsq Each subsequent lns'ri. 25. Ji c 1 square 6 months 6 OOj 1 cc LEGAL AuTiKTisiolC-iTfl, at the ra. Yearly advertisen are entitled I the year. All changes In excesa of f BDSMBSS CAHOS not exceeding, si •very additional line 75 eents>per 1 All accounts for advertising are l i n t insertion of the advertisement. b* marked the length of time to be will be continued till forbid, or at tl crs, and charged accordingly. BUSINESS DIR J. C. SPEN ATTORNEY AND Ci No. 60 WaU Street, CASES IN THE U.S. COURTS j AND MARITIME JURISDICTION, t FUL ATTENTION. TAYLOR & H ? Attorneys and Connsei " No. 2 Union' Block—over F. T. Hi MALONE, N B. A. TATLOB. A. B. PARME Attorney and Connse MALONE, N. O20 Office N o . 1 , Union M. M. ROB€l Attorney and Co Cnateaassy, N. G. H. ELLI P A E L 0 E MTJSIC AND PIANO FGRFE EM Masio Publisher, Dealer irf HARPS, MELODEONS PIANO COVERS, STOOLS AND MUSICJ! OF EVERY DE3CRIPTJI All Goods Warranted. Pia «NTRANCE, 85 STATE ST., R0CHE3T G. H..EL BVV THE BE R. S. BMHX, MAL01 Is agent for the sale of T. fillbert & Co.'s Gelebrat This Is one of the oldest and best Piaoo the country, and no. arm makes a better It ORDERS SOLICITED. P I .AW O KEIODSON SHEET MUSIC AND MUSIC CLEMONS «fc 1-13DI OGDENSBURGH, N. Y. Bole Agents Tor the celebrated Hallet, Dav * Fiftes, and the unrivalled Ejtey A Green » deihlrs In sheet Music, Music Book, andI M VjuiegeneraUy. New Music regularly reccl' " sTrTiATES^ Physician and Sur : Residence, flnt house East of the Methot MALONE. N. Y. F. T. HEATH, Drogi, Hedioines, Paints, Oils, MRFOJIBBT, BTATIOSEST A*P FASCT 0 No. 8 Union Block, Malone, N. OREN MOSES, J DSAir* a Watches, Jewelry, Sliver an- SilTer Pla FASfCl" GOODS, * Watches, Cloeka *uad Jfewelry ; ' *No. 4 Union Block, Malone, S.' :NATHAN& J. W. B! XICENSED AITCTIO: For %he County of Fran! Aaeflsa-ales attended to and BiUs tarnished CHATEAUGAY, FRAN8XIN CO., ~~' P. W. TULLE\ Wholesale and Retail Dealer I Brandies, Wines and X Ale and Lager Beer, Poteen and Srotct ffKt., Fralta and ConftecHonopy West end of the Bridge, atate |fc, »al P. OLARKM LIVERY -3TA3 Af HB K«W BDItW»fl& BCIU S t r e e t , 3Mtistease> W* 14. J;&J.K.SEAV Printenaf sad Dealer* *t WAWAITIT Daws, a*TT-0Litn Bno*, tAJnOomjers, avrjMttliuci, CsAmt Mocn RkAitaAta, Ooxa»o» Bmros, huViiti! JaiUce's BI»Bka, In gnrnt '•''-• j«prtot»d,tn_«deraiiyJ*-BB(_»«tti ForsAle, who»s*al»*rre-fl,at-i* *^LA« '- ,iii>ii»'n»iii*i'.|i ' '. •' C ALL AT ?•••'% Andgat* Boa et C#Me«WTRATBD I " ' aU»»Mlrt » * ^ ) _ * ^ WOaUonsb* MAunat at AU. | m m%m>w***°ot,. - -•*.

II - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1864-12-08/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · it* mkmJOBttSTW^'' JOBS AJKIKNT COMPW»^«AJ». o*I6od*b«rt v« • I UyKeJadhnuchl

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Page 1: II - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1864-12-08/ed-1/seq-4.pdf · it* mkmJOBttSTW^'' JOBS AJKIKNT COMPW»^«AJ». o*I6od*b«rt v« • I UyKeJadhnuchl

» * „

i t* mkmJOBttSTW^'' * * • =



• I UyKeJadhnuchl grieve, «'rr»h-,UCncf«rordcJlhtr. -

jthAt wondrous snake lliat took to t iding,

j^frrtra iUnkles mother S w , . - ^ i r ^ *..L«U._ • * 3 « £rsj4pMfA

_ v - - , - J**sn- jisjta-jSr1^,!*- '0 '*«'« * |7»now It w*» and why It w u ,

And hair the terpens went a wafting,

J. E'tn n u t s wronged, ah (only wsrongsd.

ttey say It w « the ttevh'a self, Stat tooVihe sernenlr *"—*

ai ui ,-a

f i


bronchi __ jUogourflnt

- Btrarge that a Mrpentsho'd bo walking, foaWwt*A«a»«ipnit»ii6'<litttaikinr, \

1 And stranger slid that-he sfioJd cheat, Our good old aothefSre. H I f 8 T . $ 3 7 T A 3 \ . - , . "•

Now arterallthathas been said, t , l really do bel ief . " ^ ' V '"** *

They're all the snakes we hares' walking, • ^ f r ^ l f l f f i y k e W b a ^ f a l f c l B i , '•

Ah sore, and 'twas a Copperhead, >•:,,That,temptid^mojierEve. .

"> JM W

, I ' . I > 1

^B a i"*«-aft i -«f l __L J j tJICEDCJ»l s5

apout founeeBiOp rfifteeajhan s slxlnches hie. he has got four plack legs, two peibre, and Mf© peh,#*Pl3%tislr^lRcfer aB m o&r podyf4ii nas peen got some vite spots pon bis pack vein do skill vas rub off, but I greesed em rait sum gee^M»n5ioiK-d6Tl;e£po(a.i*hl]^!ack»gnin, He treds and canjers. and paces, and sometime lie v-iiis, and vc'n lie valljs all his "Tegs and feet «oe«0gi!gnli r|gb,QdiBr ftto&w jtwofaftyjAp bis boad, bolL alike, pat von ish'plackef dan de odder von, be tiWtw*o*eyes, Voflf ia^ti^ont, and

»toddg*i»pjn d&sj^^Jieadr-ana; TOD yem go ffidder side'he font see Von; ven fieeats good deaLbejfeas *^)ig pelly, and has along- tail vat

. hangs down pehind, put I cut it short fodder

isb shod all around, put his pebind shoes corned off, and now be isb only got dose pefore; he bolts nn^us^eaii^dyU^^Jy.^Md, sen. Jid, isb © i f i ^ o l ^ r a i I t e « J ^ f n g ^ de vorld; be vill ridfi.mit a saddl.e, or a chaise or a cart, or be viil go py himself mitont nopody

\ now very old, ana bis bead, ven be vaflsa or jmns,goe3piraf&?^aia*wfla:BIstaastays pebintj i only ven h&dorns .round be gets mad, and 4en ibis tail eometimt

pring |)ack,de:Ue/.ifat stole em, he shall paypc--sdes$2§ and ax no questions. • •

H'' »"•)'" mm ^Hrntirlii 'JH.

cufeib lew

* « .



•>.' *f *•"'-

!S •» preectTptloni •areMIycomponailed and prepared' honr»;"ftu»mdne«»f«Be4i&d<Mtofb|^ce«.hi»ri,____ tomen wlU retetrt attenilon by caUlojt for the.and«r»Ifatd

Hf» Stock eomprltei'BOTPOBTlKS, TRTJ88KS, STETItE. ewPis.j PMSOB'feBAKDAOi&'.eijM «*sno —;

nt w gaTHErBas-aaa BooTrnC'KCBBiB an^a BlfBIITrfteof «Tery i l u , BBEABr p 6 a p * t f ^ 3 ^

COHBS, ^,aIoMt,we#;MrIttyjr»DBM«~aadnOBK ;


eOBTED. H A f j P W B f t « T K l g C W » a S a B M O T « i l B

KXTRACT8 of JRt«fr pH&Mfil COCOGKKS, In fancy •tyJ«,Ur£» antl tm»<I^ii^«I«o OOLOGX* mad* at the Eton to anlt Parch»»er», A food Auortmcnt of FAROT HOAPavaJitartron-.ttaBd. Ttrttj «Hetjr »gPOttT"MOH-

F I0»ACCOB0XB8,ta ,*a . ^ *


& CO., w - 7

oicter^deicrlpl ed in. fii!* market,-incladlng

^^mmiieys, Burners, Lanterns, ;^c., &c.

neJFnrniture, „ are^Rooma!

< •• aa-oow-onhaiidtfietarjteftand'JBottaertnt' ' •' ' ' Vttiorrtnent^f''^'" ' ••">«•»«


OGDE^SBURGII KAILUOAD. 1 8 6 4 * C h a n s e o i ' X i i n e . - i S « 4 '' BUMMER ABRANGEJIESX. 4 S , , *:.«»>.•

dmm&gMojij?8y,May iS^feaC^-if Tin»e, TwelveDo{nc>tes Faster than

X<OOAXi TIMS. —. K » - tows, ^ s i - w i l f n l f l t o l a ^ $£gtoi'J&

_ . „ „ Tilf«w.W«oWVBAttB^*ttT,XSuBteyWMe^

»Were\forWe'in!Kbrth1raH^^ FIRSTXRAIN, BOSTON ASP SEW TORE EXpRiESS^,, ..5 ^KoTAibgo of cart by tht» tralo between Ogdtnaburgh •nd'BoirtonV '•' - • • ' f *^ '


t4Se"Mngf M a c h i n e !


T H W i u n n T a n i


PATENT . My Sto'cko'f PATESTUEBICiNESia.eomprlstl'oT nearly allthoielno»«,»tpre*ent. ., .• ,„ ^

FAMH72" EMS GGLGHS! Hotre A sTBmrs,J*i|rttr(fi«SBcow)Ra «f nafifip

PTJEE W I N E S & I I Q U O E S For MTOICTOAti PTOPQgMf ilwa; 'i-att^-Vt

X « 0 f* f»2T±ON

Times bavc Cbanged

Asmm&mxedntimtem&* wbieb 1 awk, goe»_ver^ferjo_estaWish as a fact that "the world moves?' A Tale alumnus of twenty yesutf 8tandfflftMce^lj|re^rnedj4 aft« .a long absence, to5ill&i£eiM* mit^dad^a- very <|oti|lMpsIy.rcceived and."shown «ronnd" by

teobmmB £pe?fi£iiig^hibit0r to Ijisjoest most of the modern improvements t b e P & ^ t > g & f ^ h u B ; t_ , ' , . ; . ; ,

' ^ u H c w now seen, I believe, all that is new M t e'JiisitAertfon; except tb« gj'njnasinm.— Come, let's gbuptliefe, and Fit Toll a string of tenrptas<j£jttg jia^ »»£$£<« * •» c t- • "*./<-l"Wbat„ Sirr csclaimed the guest, starting

|5*xp2aujDd the profissor,;".weJ luive a would like

c2-pinB:mth vAnr" . <:*.•"••>

"Soil ten-pins with you, air!" cried the alum

"why, sir,'/was expelled from the college JSr rod-*~*Xfftn&iU a»s.' 'nasi J •• — "

50 ?0?t » !.! £ •

. 1 * - * 1 sMimm^^ 5^Affr^WyiSWffls:fhf8-8(orj-"of a liltler

boy waose cjie^jik^^ai o^aany «%era who art lured td churches and Sunday Schools by

ipfaatb^Jciaestioa: *^bc5e"^ybogoto Son diySjijool, Jimmy?" tholi'ttla feilow replied


» y*« <• art wjakta pirraaui yaw aaa •«• tba pretty thlap, real the lata* Hawa, aa< *t

. . . . - -j iwaye


Frlelton Jtatchci, ''-' oh reaMnabo


1. wJ .MKSS'1? S>P£j 9!?r'&,?- k«3*.Friei

bar* engafed a good Plumber and wIIT attend to all calif to tbiallne prociptly, and warrant jatbfaclion.

oo&ig iand Eave Sjiouts! T5ftyilt»;fartlcnlar-attention to .EoofiOf 'and patting op

," t»TO.?ponti.

'JiW* *" .AW*** SaJ Pans, Conductors and Backets!

•»V»r«ready to supply to order. Sap Boilers, Conductors aniTlnBacketi, at moderate prlcea, for


Furs, Peltfi, Bags and Barter of _.f all descriptions.

rarchueraar* nqaeated to call'and exaAlne our goods, •took and price* before parchajlng elsewhere.']

• iD.F.eOPEa. d S 0 . G. GCBXE7. B. 8. CLARK A CO.



Store lib. 4, "Union Block I

,-. " f A L O N E


J # W W A R S , Nc^t,]fe##! Cl&m!** Befiniaher

[J , KBoveda/«wrodatothancwboUdlnfonDnanertreei bpnatlttiha TO d.nea «rAn«eaiUncoUi,and tho Proprletoi Sreald respeelfdUyJnform Hie-inhabltuniiof Ualona and TI-totytbattt^erwwadyi*.,W«;rT'i^ .. •• •

c^AH,coioaAS3>riinsHi |a ttrtalt pottlbl. Btteneri-lfedfe.* Merino, Cobnrj. «tk, and Delate* fircwe*, SajMr^apaki, Hpi* straw nSnseti! CAtpelS, YATfl, « C '-* LJQ** °f* «n»wl» dyed any color that may be desfced; SIttprei»e».bjM!Iftilly.waMf»*; C^nton.-C^p^OaaRiner*; Brocha and' air other Shawl* Cleaned andflnUhed to lo i i tfinsHo-new. J MaiMDlit* an* LancuterQdIIU Bleached. Chiot*. I sc* _Ht=lia, DamaiVand Moreen Ourtaln* craned,dyed and On-lihed. T*bIaCov«ra,Bugt,Carpet*, Ac.,cleined. • l ^ , ^ l ^ ^ S > ! 8 , 2 5 d • i < ^ e * l » • I , e n » * * wlthoat Mp. ftoe.s KerehaiiuVa«!»««i»a4»»*leabl*. • . l/'B 7 * * l » ^ * * » » i h t o D y t W n s e and KnUhtor Ko»m* 4r*aiteSopwiUiaIIth*«o*dero ImnrovemenU, and a* he ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ • t t x ^ J B a W i ^ W i w i e l f , hla, patr

^ft|^*»1«4*«Hif5aoti*y()* see? t-jbeXong*;

tSlinellKeittHoo, now:"" v

ny?"! p^fi^^t«1C^f^^Ufe^rw¥*t'ey a* o^aTti,e |iUi.te|TjB.

byinn books, and all that; and when they nave p k i e f ^ ^ o W c f ^ o l e of »«Jt* ,-•'

JPsmnUs Miser.

sbert time since an eld woman died in the

r w i s r%*rded by her

spover^r; but shedie4 and as she

d?le*Te-behrad herWs-'caSiV

j i j — - ™ — —

fuiiJs^bftal^di^oa Bilver «f witbdr»wn and *#>•&"* «^«ncief» wJMcli had been bmlerj for yes^iher* was a box full of Austrian and otlilrsfiir}4%i^%Vl!o\;c<fei^Vof'which . M f n o f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ n m ^ a ^ o r ^

r/; i*Sr%Iealfj* Snan, W all ap-

i^^S4?«»«^to-:tl»-einlial«ae^t-a. ??a%af c»n'6nB> when,'

iiftertaood begam to fltrfr»;


lbarroifc~Becent experiments have Shown mWmvm^'^^m^is cover is much

|httfIflf f M i f ' tl*1

u i K i H K u n u y » « c w j . i w a 10 Knoinw jireafe* to e*

.^*-"i«tt ^ * v . ' * l .


dm iathetij. Wart-Room*-tt* PUao* aad »felod*06»of


J«»*Jec^"fifofc*WetftiiStoBi«l«;wul befoiranUea lat^. I K*- »-, ,i.i*ftetlos,^- , , . . . . . -. ~r

- '•» "9**!?


s ly*,wat a g a r t e r Of a «n?k|~ | . , wn: aJJ kladfa af Mailcal HetehaBdI»e,.tacIadlBt' - '

soft*, nfnSty^wltb ilbe ae-

•* my More,.



1 Ify Good* are ail warranted PURE and GEITOINK, and

any perjon iHjuaUiUed with them wot pleaa* return than and th*pnrcha** money will berefundei

POTaoi»,")CTTTrebroary 9.1SO. TottHCUUeniof JfyVmaana Vicinity:

W* th* u d d i t r i e d , Pbyiiclana of th* Tlllar* of Poudaai, <Ioherebye»nWythatw«areTrellioqualntf<J wlKTUr.

MinilderaUon and natronafe. L«, al-bj. „ J. UamoLM.M. D.

N. D. IiAWESxcE. U, D.

OinzoaF.OoL*, J. K N QCjufter,

r^n .• i ^ * W ' l ^ i i ' - r » ; e ? r u a r y 10th, 1S4S. Irony concur lathe forefoIfagJcertlBcaW of PhyatcUn*,

tlwaald B. B. Wilcox! having been In my employ about four 7*ar», And,*h«erto!yjre«oBimen<U|lB*af on* worthy oj your

0 . II. PICK, Drogglat, Potidae.H. T.

E . 0 . W I E i C O X ,

Opposite auiier Houar, mtalone. - llalone Jane 9,188*,



— — — _____ •

0 « l € 3 - I i V _ k I * *

V MAEE'raOtt "'


The only;Oennino, Jj^mv^etpi^d in the: United States.

iFor Sale by'afi Groeert,' ttroughovt the

iaioni.Treb.^, 18(M.-«nj: itjjfeb

f F 1> IS

[alone, Nov. 18, '63.

J S T E W G O O D S .

Jist Keceived a Large A ftetrant Stock of


« * J?URKEE «& MEIGS'. tan* hena* been employed In Drag Store*: In thla village; we bellev* bin to be competent to compound prescription* and do _ giueral Drdg'kiiaiBeMr.a'Bd rec*mhie"nd nha tb yagrfarorableconilderatlon and patronage


M a - n t l ^ * ^ , ^ ^ tuidCordijUInviUtion Is •a*<rid-4 io'tiht entire Coaunnnl-

»• ty to O-U and


Titei the jtttentlonior.aUpurciaiei-*:..! < Call and Kind far Yoaraclves, •'

Black WalnntSofat, iWatnnt Marbl* Top Table*, ^Mahogany: . -c-a, , ;..• OakftrteBalOtt.Va-j.da Black Walnut Tele-vTetct, [Cheitnul Chamber Bete.

jltrble Top Burea'a»,""What-N*ots, "ail attet,'Wa»h Sink*, JCtneawrWash Standi, Hat and Umbrella, StanO*.'

Tea-Poya, Hair Mnttreue*,.. Aiahogany . Chain, LarpeP'rior Mirrors. Wal­

nut Chair.', Walnut Mould-lnga, Cane Seat

Chain, Serolrjng Offlce Chain, Oak Mnlng Chain, RecUDlneOfflce

Chain, Office Cbairs.. Oval Frame*. alLaliei Bar.' Room Chain. Stool*, Wood Seat Dining.

Chain.'Mine*' KockEn,tWbodSe_t- • Jt-'-C Kitchen Chain, Chlldrva'a , . . *

nighOhalrt, Book ' '. ' ! " *' Coses, Chil­

dren'* Low Chain, Desks, Black Walnut;, Carkets, Bedsteads, aB

kinds, Looking Glass Plates, Bedjtexas.wltb springs, , MJeigaaiMj , . f - 4 ^ , ^ -

•JO cj'-B^ar^ae __*r m ; • • . ' ' BlackWalnnt Corflns, tatternut Coffins, Cherry. CotBns. ' PABTICD1AR ATTENTION PAID TO THE1 COFFIN

•• t ?»*at!nttm£;"' * **»n v*'? A targe Stock of an^Ixea apd various Style*.copstaaly on

hand. Alio constantly on hand

F i s k ' s P a t e n t SJEotalio

Sew3Yoit,.apd jiny boats on Lake-Cbaroplaln. 5 ISJLlH ^REte^ifss. sMu

TlURDTitA.I^WlTnS/jPSPIXGCARS, . , 1 IieaVe1OgMisbur^na1*'ftS5''P. it" canriecilng'ot Rohs'e*s Pointjhe next roornln.'jrit& 4hrbngi *raip_for Boston and

* ' ' ' a Leave Boslon at 8 A. M. (Exprew) without change of care.

arriving- at OgdensburRh .at 12 nlpht, connecting with nlpbt oaprees train on Grand Trunk Railway, for all points west. c leave Boston at 6 v. n.,tad NeW^Torkat 3 r . u , arrlvlnt

« t Ogdetffibiagh aU2.8pr. St., connecting with G„T. Hallway •Und Ottawa & PrescotfcRsilway. nrfd-Ontsrio, and Xorlht.ni Transportation Co. Steamen, for all points west aod-por^h. . Leave Rouse's Point at S p. M , on arrival of day boats on Lake Charopl».!n, (with sleeping car,) arriving at Oguens-: bnrgh at 6.25 A. U. • .

Jifidoiie, May 18,1884. G. V. HOVLfc/gupt.


FroUcttng & Preasi ving Ibe Dead Tor Vaults, TBAKBPOBTAnpy.'oKOBDtKABY I N T E R M E S T O B T "

FTJTDRg REMOVAL, To which the particular attention of the Publlo is Invited,


E x t r e m e l y ' L o w T^rloesJ! Malone, Aug. 11,180*. ? • H. M.' TOBT."

OECE9IBEB, 16, 1863.

H O L I D A Y G O O D S —AT—

-_k- B . C O O I i E Y ' S ^ e n o o l B o o l e D e p o t .

lust received this day, a targe stock of



I Photograph Albrunraitd Diaries for 1864.

—ALSO— i

LADIES' F0RS A T . . . . . . . . D. A iTS.




CARPETS , . „ . A T . . CAM'S.

Oome Cta© I - - - Come A U ! N o . 1 Pbcenlx B l o c k .

- D C B E G B -fc MEIGS.

I # , 8 , 1 0 i n d l J , Daniel 8t. (




T H 5 = Q R E A T £ S T BAT^T1_E 03S:THB

r left" *

, T H E VK3TOUV I S 6 i r B 8 I I ! !



& CO M .'-,

stABGEST^STOClt"«OF^CraOps, Era .m>of^«ria'Wn'VhtaWr^Win-a'ny oih'e^O'roTcry and •u Pro vision Houi* In Malone. Give o* a Call.



Gill Blouldfnr, Oval FramCg,





And many articles which art too numerous te/ssention.

A share of the pubftc patronage Is-soIIcited.' - ' '

|3w~PajrxtcaI-r autciitfon clrcn to Framlnc •11 kind* or Picture*.

sod Boeion. t Leave Qgdensburgh at &.i>0 a, «:; (breakfast otHalone) arriving at Rouse's t'hlnt at 10.80 A.M.; Darlington 1 p. . . . Troy *Ud Albssiy 8 Jt'-*, New Sork 6 a. «.. ^>1ilte BJver Jutct!otf*#yi£^,fC<rnt!ord''r».'»r',*oaBostni*JOffJR" *-^

- ^ ^ | ^ ^ R A J N , J H R O n Q p » ' A I I ! . : ' ; . ' * LeaveOgden'sbnrjth at 11 .45 A, M , (dIneatMalone,)arrl-

riojratitQuse'altoIntat 6.80 P. «.k St. Albans I p. u„ (sups per) Birllngton 9 p. »i., and Boston early next mornings-Splendid Sleeping-Can runi.wlth tbigi train between .Rouse's Potniand Boston. Thl%lra|«ctsnnecJ»,with JW. A O. B. R at Roqse'* Point, arriving at Mopffeal at >p. « . iA l so with night boats on Lake Cbaroplsln.


W*in#er Arrangement. I N O V S m H O B E R 1 4 , 1 8 6 4 .

TRAINS GOING SOLTil AND EAST. Day Express lenvea Ogdcnsbnrgh at S.80 a. m., for Bur­

lington, Loirell and Bottun, and for-Rutland, Xroy, Albany and New York via Troy.

Night Express leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.80 a. m., for Burlington. Lowell, Bostun, Worcester, Ppringfleld. New =f)aven and New YorkAliiSprlDgfltld and for Rutland,Troy. Albany and New Tirk via Troy. With sleeping can be­tween Ron>es' Point and Boston and Springfield and Rouses' Point and Troy.

TRAINS GOING NORTH AND WEST. Mall Train leaves St. Albans at C.00 a. m„ for Boston,

Worcester, Sprinefleld New Haven, Troy, Albany and Nem jfork.

Traina leave Boston at 1.00. a. m. and MQ>-p. jn. , foi, Ogdensburgh.

St. Albans, Nov. 13,1861. - • G. JtlERRILL, Sopt.


Througl i t o CllIcag:o"Tu [28 BTottrs! Persons going to the West can have their cholC» of Boat

or Railroad, from Ogdensburgh. Trains leave Prescott oii the arrival of the Train ftom the East.

P.CLARK, AGENT, MALONE, Is always ready to wait on all persons going West. He

selht Tickets to

•Chicago, Blilwankee, St. Louis. Cleveland, Cincinnati and all poiois West, New Vork rut Ogdepshuxgh, Water-

town and Kdnie.andN. Y. Central U.'B'a.

FARE FROM OGDENSBURGH TO NKW VORK AS Co " " •* >-*--ALBANY. . . ; . . . . 6 46

An'd also to Montreal, -via St. Lawrence River.

Malone, May 12,1864. —tf.

, i . t / f T t o ff)'a

This Machine took" the First prize at the reef r> exhibition In New Vork city; ?No -: ilie World's Fair at Pails, cad U universally acknowledged to be the most perfect


Yet produced. * Those In want of a 8ewing Machine will do well to call and examine It at the Store of

O - X B . 3 3 . Who is the Agentfor said Machine in Franklin Co.

... Malone, Fob. 9,1664.



Capital $1,000,000 00 Surplus 807,020 00—?1,867,920 00

Taos. K. Btucc, Jr., Sec'y. E. G. RIPLEY, Prest

HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, New York City—Nos. 112 A114, Broadway.

Capital and Surplus $1,042,482 00 J. UiLTOit SMITH, Sec'y. CHAS. J. MARTIN, Prest.


Capital and Surplus .4419,840 66 H. KKLLOGG, Sec'y. SIMEON L. LOOMI3, Pres't.


.Capital and Surplus $280,014 72 DORAS L. STONE, Sec'y. 8. H. ROKKNBADttH, Prest.

T H E F R A N K L I N C O U N T Y *


Having a renewed charter far twenty yean, are now pre­pared to insore alt kinds of Farm property. Dwelling Houses and Stores,in villages, and other kinds of property to a lim­ited amonnt, upon as favorable terms as can be obtained lo any other responsible Company. W* now commence our <econd year under our renewed Charter, with a surplus suf­ficient to pay all claims sgalnn the Company, for losses dur­ing the past vear.—Malone, Jaouary, 1869.


D. N. HoirrrsGTpn,Sec'y. WU.ft. DicktHBOH, Treasurer. Application for insurance In any of the above named com­

panies, may be made' to the undersigned, their authorised agent, who will issue Policies on buildings, merchandise, Ae. on reasonable terms,and all losses will be promptly and fairly adjusted, i

Office, No. 8 Sing's Block ,up stairs. D. N. HUNTINGTON,

Malone,March.lSBO. . Agent

HO FOR THE WEST! n i Q ' i 3 t . V (



IflafOnc Passenger D e p o t ! ^ ," . • IS ^GENTJFQB^ | . , .


Or and Trunk, Propellers, Sarnia Xine oi Steamers, l ake Shore, &c.,.&c.


Dec 17—tf i a . B . COOCBT.

O. Mosas, Jr., Haajoit Bectlv*d«New^n*Fln»f a - r


800, •JSr-c'-«o»-i;

A . dc Co ' s . ^ i « *

H A I X D W O O P , • «

cnoio«f_»iftr"»*;': ' A ' ^ « o W -

., I me th* eonT iair p*nJiM|l», va<t reo-mnendlt»try highly. I thtokrougl j t t iSea judge.-fiavKg^eentnthe grocery business Wteen yean . .

DijB. jf,OTa M».HnpBiar, vr-jr.j: TTh*gn)centhro»!Eh()ntthe cltyflniflt the most saleable

aubsUtuteforcoffs*—fwiAty Jf«r«*rjr.- •

riirJIIltad a food salelq th» Ttcfellyi„

. Thrmoil popular tobstllnte for th* East.Indla berry.—

Y « » w j M j t j t v ^ i r ^ « n ^

"A. &'Co'»".


OBVCa ANOlWBmOINES, at A. <fc Co>*. < -j(m • • • > - • • •

•xj c^i?.g|»ir^tt.:; -y-3* %#!£ car.jjg#a»»«'


1* -.'«- , - ' . ' , - i* ; i l« :^ - : - • ;<: - COKCMWHtmtA*,

,[.; JfTttllt,

TlWa^verplatetODejjreseBtedtoCapti Win-ileir of the K ? - r ^ ^ (he l a t i n s 6f Box OWJff* PRMK^,^^ , ,M^*^**Wtat Iwjswm

A-ii t, i»?Nf*i njr

^ynhiwiaii- TBihVilla Ciaaansl' Onwt "a

a Wkrto/r nrAl nut-r-tea ilifpiut%'»stt '

»44u. _ _ ^ _ _ , . .uj^u^^~ ___^«- V _ _ _ _ _ _ ' — ' • v - - . _ _ • '

%«iiwS«8R_tt88^^ THi,^f^1r«tMr.€«M>«rYrare,

^WI"W; *•$•*•& JAM-IW . **»W M P ^ * T ^ P )||B_0

: ^ H » ^ ^ ^ o « i i » ; a « « » » » wig

^^-25aXi5_«S_-" 5 * ^ ^ P ^ ^ » * ^ ' . * | r a s H > ^ - - r | T * l P W * W

yet to t *'c*At»*r'JtI c^JtUi;!''' - i*f :s>-' If: * ; VANNOBTRAND, Borton, K***.

I t . h » v i 0 r « g * e r * J ; s * 1 . t o ^ Into general _»» .—J^ DtUy Whig. '

Th« e*ak*«tlai.i bMtofwtau-ae^fB.


j l . , TT* (ball sell Good* enough*hi_n«r nnder this Syatewi, to


T I^MIIta, CJiitWaU, Ohio. -

_ . A * t a * a ^ r * t < ^ t t » i

CIBOIOK MO^VOBi* «t wboIeMle onlrat

ST-t tV*?» '4s -B10 • » ' - / _ - , ! - . *5b?»*

« J»*_, wa. 3 - i - * * r t i»v *•>' • -*%*s * « - * * • - « • • _ . » - • - * -

W a t c H o s , C?4^ola_.s,

3r7are|» ** *iij_ru._i*''._ia . i -. m -_- A.

3 S T O T I C E J . Pdnuant to an'Act passed by the Legislature of the State

of New York, entitled an AcMo jotborise th* formation of a corporation in place of the Northern Railroad Company, dissolved, and to empower (aid corpor*tl6n to •xecot* a

3Ei.-E3_!_-[ 0 * V - A L I _ I —AND—

. <J s * - * - _f. —1N-J-

April 8th, 1864, and to an ordsr of the Suprtm* Court of th* iState of New VnriE made punuant thereto; Notice is hereby etven to Wllllim A. Wheeler, John8. Eldredgs and WiilUun C. Bronrn, Trostee* for the holders of the Second Mortgage Bonds of the Northern Railroad Company ; George A, Kct-iell, Francis B. CroVninsbield and William O. Brown, Trus­tees for 4 he holden of the First Mortgage Bonds of the Vorlhero Railroad Company,Calvin W. .Othbs, .-executor of James G. Hopk:ns, deceased, Mary 3 Brown; administratrix of Anthony C. Brown, deceased ; Joseph W. Clark, William

.Thomas, J. A. lfurnham, Israel,,(Vhltney. H. liollla Hunne-well, the Hope Insurance Company,the United States Insur­ance Company, the Nenr England Mutual Marine Insurance. Company, J. J. Abhott, Oils Daniel, Richard Olney, Peter Hotter, the Northern Railroad.Company of NeW/JUtnpihire, George R Sampson. Lewis W. Tappan, John 8. Missroon. the Northern ituilroad Company and all other penons, if any there be, who have been made parties herttoforeto iny drer< e made by the Supreme Court In respect to either or theiMortgage* heretofore execnted-by Ute Northern Bait-road Compooy, that application will be made to the Supreme C-urt, aforesaid, at a Genersl Tenri' thereof to b» held at the Court House in tlie city of Schenectady, In the County of Schenectady, en the first Tuesday in January next, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter «s counsel can b* heard, for an order that the Trustees la posse*»|o-4 o f ^ e s s i d tS9.rtherpJt»Uroid..WilUam A. Whee­ler, John S. Eidredge and' Wiitbvm O. Brown, transfer th<> atime and Its^ppOrtenanca lo the Ogdensburgh and Lake Chatotota RaUrnad Company, ana (hat th* petition for •aid order ibthlrmatter U'on file In the offlce of the Clerk

theQountyor Stj'hawrence, where any party interested can procure a cony thereof.—Dated. Novemiier 21st, 1864.

' ' 7 CHAS. G. MYERS, . Attorney tor Ogdensburgh and LakeChattplaln Railroad Canpany.

GBOCaiES AT WHOLESALEBAKD liJETAIL. ,> I wit r' • 8 "i . *J f.. 1 _*

LEWIS &,.etM*R&l



Spoon Holders, Gpblets, Call Bells


f__«9¥e« i ! r 2 .A - . i s . : : - ' v - I ; i. % Wherlcinjbatodnd thebestgtore, the-cheapest Groceries

' ^ U i e t a r p B i ^ o K * t f FBni ib . «oSi"ty. iflfeiebek eon-W U t n p a r r a s f o l l o w ^ . ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^

200 bblsOHOlDrr WINTER ANB SPRItlG . WHEAT FiQURvr.-v^ >. j.,«njsa

He wlllgivebls attention to repairing

JfO H O K E C R E D I T t Z rtt - W.F^Aa-AAajt^^aTaaAjp^dth* •

t-®ZZ&W£ ^ v ^ J


^IM:Ui4vec_»^**^»l*M ^^^*gj^n^^^*^MitS^P^*

«*t«i, ffmrl, if. f. :; -,!!:• W i l ' . W r W *

n**a»«^«ve*«^. . .k^to- . ' ."J^A^S! ' * FTNCg 4 TrTOMItOW. >T*sr

»vtrrWi»iltisilrH*wlo.!r*stre«*^ ithhtk.tt^ sW-iPPf J^»^r*W»W''*»W*fTW^BsWW'^»***P»(i j


Wi **" Bp»—!** _**—pi*} Aft •^n^^^^w^j ^r*** .

••••J^^*^ ^^Hl**™ "•^••tp,^rl*^*T"^i^™iB*'^^Br ^ * ^ ^ ^ ~ *)^***r W^f"*^*/w 'v"wssT ia* | » ^

<u*«isy. . -isftntfr*MO.,»*«aWf»y.r. til •!• •-*---* — a - » - . * - - . - - l i ^ . - t . _-s—A *> «lg^-*M.,fr -

•r «i •«« _t*_*,tW «< . T . :1 id ,4.

t |^te* ,--^%^'^ w«.^il.-l*: ftro;

; r T « . S / V « O r * * f c a > c i t ^ M A ^ . j'-*-5t i f y"> '• •'« rr»~V BH'II Jr's-*' r . - ^ *•»-, ^'J-'.f' -;-:

A'V A»..ii-t;?;'^JBvBr}»>4W'A" »* r"'>'r-

•aagiv* ratlr* ... , iw'trfa^at^ept


- '-" » '- -»-'„"* -,.*-!-«s;* .'AArVi" >"_*a ' c?-?-'* ^ ""


A f ^ x . ^ »^>k dk-> i i i i i f j ;'r'" '..:3-£j'J5.T.>.^-*tI,^-.jfe ;

' T - . ' ' - ' - <-i-:.UttfliOrr" ,' : • - - ' . • .

th^'unctiuo of,, ^ . \


In the vUljge of Malone; and •haTiag,thoroughly- repaired • fltr • - • - - -and 4tted up the same, havo reiboved their'emlre

slock of.. „

' . - . TT

i r f O B T G A p E SAJfjE.—Default ha* been mad* In IvJL the payment j f the money secured by a mortgage dated Hie flrtt day Of/Miy, 1850, executed by John Savag*. then o.f the town *f Moira, in the -County of Franklin and fState-efNe* York, lb Martin t. SfcXan, then of the sams place, »M?b. mojttgage wsa recorded in the office of the Clerk of said County,-In Liber .14 of mortgages at nag* 89 on the With day of June, 1861, at 9 o'clock. P. M. 31»*-kl plortgage has been duly assigned to A llbcr AorliD, of tl,». town»rorea»ld,'*nif the same Is'now owned h'r him. Th* amount flsimed.to be due upon-*ald-mortgage, aUh* lime

^ t he'd rat publication of this notice. Is three hundred and flttj-onodollaraardetghty-three cents, principal and Isieratl, tthtcli is the whole amount unpaid thereon. No.sult or pro­ceedings has been (Commenced to recover th* amount secured by said7 mortgage, or any part. Jb'ereof. Now, therefore, notice is Irareoy gWen, that by'virtoe ofth* power of s»'» in Mid mortgage contained, and recorded a* aforesaid, and in pursuance of Ihe :talute In such case made and provided, the Mid mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the prem­ises,therein described, and the same will be sold, atpublio auction, itt'the^ront'dbor of the Court "House, in the town-ol Malone, in said Countv of Bwfkljnion the 2lst day of Jan­uary next;-at ten o'clockUn the forenoon. Th* said prem-Ises are describedio^sktdPitnortgSfe as follows: All thaU fract.or parcel of, land, situate In the Tc-a of Moira arore-said, besn* pa"rtt^fi_^t» nn»6er*116 and 11T and 109 of Potter Gr.tTs survey of; "" " bounded as follows,

Ifce HaterTriad| _ J86It*yrfWn»- A. W»tt | ier.»iPet«rlflWgerand on the bouthbyaline drattn Kast and West acrosi mid Ldt*, fsr enough Soblh firbm ths» Slater road to contain thirty-five

% _ M t t t 5 l r a * n f y of October, 1S61. fi, « ^ - - W1LBBR AC3TIN, Assign**. W. P. CAtrnrttt, Attorney.

....•Jf>v7. t.Tr! ; • , T ; ' j g r

* '^4# |»^j i»*^A-t»js? '« -JSa , Ie . « F THE REAL ESTATE OF

*.*.--.*, fts'J'brjh* naymrnt or^to debt*. J L —„ 1 ^- r i , - .* '««i>«'F*.*addock,Sor«ijpi !«of -the Coun^ofFrankllnsfctateof New York.authorlaWtb. Kale of certain re«}*^tat<of Aaron BwadWell,.l*5a.«H\M*s«-

. the admfnlstrator . . . . , i , - 7 r , „_, _ddeceased, will, -on

iandMnApMnitefteMlparter descrlned, to. wit: AU that Sertaia piece, o f land, situate, lying and* .being at Honns-

much of a pl^ce oeretofore conveyed to Hemin W. Tucker

WOOL t. 'it


m#i ii .'''iXtmm "••_•* * W ; ^WVb > .JF ' ^ ~ aJb'" ' ^W'~_3_rT '"V

»5* .<

•fTr$i& ! . ' V - ^ : • y - y ' W S ^ ^ x ^ t ^ ^ ^ s k l NOTICE TO THE CREDITOR « r m?*>*t*rm .$ih-- iQ'&V

WM* S A t t , t j ipv- s ." v

* * * 0 . t l t . * ! ,«"} !£_ ,* ,*« *>5


mJmM ber at their Wood Yard.


^4^&^dW^^Tih^^aiJtkuT,bli-•" * t ••' : ii" J . i>~«;*s£ i i . t> . s-i^-' i ! t i , - ^ » . » « - A »i(; •


•i - -J - • - ; • • • - -'--*-' - . ,»„J.^t-! .. I the easterlv llft*»ifj;t-. »*__-,«/•_•• « _ ! • _ . • • - - • - •-t i * W THB CHEST. AND-ALt KINDS OF^ CHOICE


MEAT MARKET AT COMMERCIAL BLOCK 1 » e 1 « S n | r l « l ^ ^ a ^ a o t , ,

•^_.0|a|r:7 'W»«m^,Biaii 1_d*ti>*itotti». W. p. CAJtiwru, Attorney. - • • . . . i . . : - ' • ' • , ..." ..-i'nsK i • • ffnm»tMu! iranricfno-crcditbrf.

.^ i . -i-«-.i»Os»w»£wBBe» K hereby given according t* I»y, to all P^&^^m]a€i^^&»Mui of Tuas-to exhibit the saw* with th* ve«chen Hieraof, to th* Sub-


J *»^»»rpl»' ir l^W '* i^'*^


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.fwVth^brvowch'' ittfimUw*

n.n_ii"l Tiltltigi

t o O r « < f l t o r ^



VOLl?MB! XXX : ^::

Published every Tours

J . «T. *te J . 1 $ . OBlce, No. 9 Union Sloe

T E « n Village Subseriben, served by car Mall add Office Subscribers

The publlstiera expect and requl paldsroctlyln advance.

U R A T E S O F A D V [Ten Lines or less mal

laqaare 1 week $1 00'lsq Each subsequent lns'ri. 25. Ji c

1 square 6 months 6 OOj 1 cc LEGAL AuTiKTisiolC-iTfl, at the ra. Yearly advertisen are entitled I

the year. All changes In excesa of f BDSMBSS CAHOS not exceeding, si

•very additional line 75 eents>per 1 All accounts for advertising are

l int insertion of the advertisement. b* marked the length of time to be will be continued till forbid, or at tl crs, and charged accordingly.


ATTORNEY AND Ci N o . 6 0 W a U S t r e e t ,


T A Y L O R & H ? Attorneys and Connsei " No. 2 Union' Block—over F. T. Hi


A . B. PARME Attorney and Connse

MALONE, N. O20 Office N o . 1 , U n i o n

M. M. ROB€l

A t t o r n e y and Co C n a t e a a s s y , N .



Masio Publisher, Dealer irf HARPS, MELODEONS


All Goods Warranted. Pia «NTRANCE, 85 STATE ST., R0CHE3T

G. H . . E L


R. S. BMHX, MAL01 Is agent for the sale of

T. fillbert & Co.'s Gelebrat This Is one of the oldest and best Piaoo

the country, and no. arm makes a better It ORDERS SOLICITED.




Bole Agents Tor the celebrated Hallet, Dav * Fiftes, and the unrivalled Ejtey A Green »

deihlrs In sheet Music, Music Book, andI M VjuiegeneraUy. New Music regularly reccl'

" sTrTiATES^ Physician and Sur: Residence, flnt house East of the Methot

M A L O N E . N . Y .

F. T. HEATH, Drogi, Hedioines, Paints, Oils,


No. 8 Union Block, Malone, N.


Watches ,

Jewelry, Sliver an- SilTer Pla FASfCl" GOODS, *

W a t c h e s , C l o e k a *uad J f e w e l r y ; ' *No. 4 Union Block, Malone, S.'

: N A T H A N & J. W. B!

XICENSED AITCTIO: F o r % h e C o u n t y o f F r a n !

Aaeflsa-ales attended to and BiUs tarnished


~~' P. W . TULLE\ Wholesale and Retail Dealer I

Brandies, Wines and X Ale and Lager Beer, Poteen and Srotct

ffKt., Fralta and ConftecHonopy

West end of the Bridge, atate |fc, » a l

P . O L A R K M

L I V E R Y -3TA3 Af HB K«W BDItW»fl&

BCIU Street , 3Mtistease> W*

14. J;&J.K.SEAV Printenaf sad Dealer* *t

WAWAITIT Daws, a*TT-0Litn Bno*,

tAJnOomjers, avrjMttliuci ,

CsAmt Mocn RkAitaAta,

Ooxa»o» Bmros, h u V i i t i !

JaiUce's BI»Bka, In gnrnt '•''-• j«prtot»d,tn_«deraiiyJ*-BB(_»«tti

ForsAle, who»s*al»*rre-fl,at-i* *^LA« '- ,iii>ii»'n»iii*i'.|i ' '. •'


?•••'% Andgat* Boa et


" ' aU»»Mlrt » * ^ ) _ * ^ WOaUonsb*

MAunat at AU. |

m m%m>w***°ot,. - -•*..!