-- A r " TWI $ 'f ifPJ ' -- 1 frgstvp $iftvirvrn' " 'mmrwiW' .. n- - ' e JiJJJv J JlJ' VOL. V. NO. 723. HONOLULU, H. I., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 185)3. PRICE 5 CENTS. T;HE DAILY BULLETIN rniNTED AND PODLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON KXCErT SUNDAY HV TUK Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT THE OFFICE, Morchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUBSCRIPTION Six Dollars a Year. Delivered in Honolulu at Fifty Cents a Month, in advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED TUBSDAY At Four Dollars a Ykar to Domestic, and Five Dollarh to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONE IN 8UPRIU0R STYLE. 250 BOTH TELEPHONES &p- - 250 P. O. BOX 89. Address letters for tlio paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay in at- tention. DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager. Business Cards. IEWERS & COOKE, Imi'OUTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMIIER AND ALL KINDS OF BuiI.DINO MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Importers and Commission Merchants. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO., Oeneral Commission Agents. ,, H - - I Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFARLANE & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaahunmnu Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and General Business Aoent. Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii. WENNER & CO. Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers. 92 Fort Street, Honolulu. W. H. STONE, -- A.aaOTJ3STT.A.:N-T. P. O. Box 17. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch maker. Kukui Jewelry a specialty. Particular attention paid to all kinds of repuirs. Mclnerny Block, Fort Street. ATLAS ASSURANCE 00. OF LONDON. H. W. Schmidt & Bona, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Engines, Suoar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead OAbTINUri. Machinery of Every Description Made to Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' Blaoksiiiithlng. Job Work oxeeutcd at Short Notice. O. B. RIPLEY, AROHITBOT, Complete plans and spcoilleutloiiN for every description of building. Contracts drawn and careful superluiundcucu of con- struction g veil when required. Cull and ?x,iVVi'" 1,,,,I,H Xiw design. Modern uuumngs. uiiuu, lluullln,Hprel!kl!lli, Block. Mutual Tel. '.iVs. Daily ilullttin, CO venU a month, delivired free, K. S. Moors, Sujit. V. H. Taylor, l'rcs. Risk iron Works, San Francisco, Cal. BUILDERS OF Improved Sop1 Machinery BOILERS & ENGINES. Pumping Machinery For Irrigating nnd Wator Works purposes of uny capacity. Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Fluming DAVIDSON jPTTXwttr'S, MATHESON LOOK-JOIN- T PIPE, HEINE SAFETY BOILER, Etc T,n,i Etc.. Etc. gjOF- - For further particulars and cata- logues, address R-iscioi- a Iron Works, San Francisco, California. mnn DAILY AND WEEKLY Hawaiian Newspapers ARE THE Leading Journals in tlio Kingdom. The "Daily Hawaii Holomua," Has the largest Circulation on the Islands and is the Best Medium for Advertising. Mr. Tiios. K. Nathaniel will receive all advertisement!) and transact all business matters. tf Office: " Brenig Block.'J corner 51(i-- tf "beaversalooiT the Best Lunch in Town. Tea. and Ooffee AT all nouns. THE FINEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS ON HAND. T3C. J. 3STOLTE. Prop. PALO ALTO STABLES, 3 SO O'Parrell St., Two Blocks from Baldwin Hotel, S. F., Cal. BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLD I friends and patrons in the that 1 have purchaed the above Stables and intend to maintain its namesake "Second toNono" lstclu"-'- . Livery Outlltsof every description also on hand. J'orsaio: Matched Spans, Road and Draft Horn's guaranteed as represented. Correspondence invited. E. It. MILKS, 09.-t- f Proprietor. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., 81 KING ST. jES Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. G-- . J. Waller, . . . Manager. CHAS. T. GULICK, Notary Public for the Island of Oaliu. Agent to tako Acknowledgements to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant .Marriage Llcenseii, Hono- lulu, Oaliu. Agent for tint Hawaiian Islands of I'ltt X. Scott's Freight and Parcel Express. Agent for the Burlington Route. REAL ESTATE BROKER ami GENERAL AGENT. Riai. m- - TELEPHONE Mutual 130 P.O.Box 115 -- omcK- 38 Merchant it. liouolulu, 11, 1, Baldwin Locomotives. The undorslgncd having beon appointed Sole Agents for tlio Hawaiian Islands for the celebrated Baldwin Locomotives FROM THE WORKS OF Burham, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Penn., Are now prepared to give Estimates and receive Orders for these Engines, of any size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Works ABE NOW MANUFACTURING A STYLE OF LOCOMOTIVE PARTICULARLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A numlier of which have recently been received at thoso Mantis, and we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and mau.igers with particulars of same. The Superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes is known not only here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Sole Agents for tlio Hawaiian Islands. Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service. For San Francisco: The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "ALAMEDA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Companv will beducnt Honolulu from Sydney and 'Auck- land on or about June 1st, And will leave for tho above port with Mails and Passengers on or about that date. For Sydney and Auckland: The New and Fino Al Steel Steamship "MONOWAl" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolnln, from Sun Francisco, on or about June 1st, And will have prompt despatch with Mails and Passengers for the above porta. The undersigned are now prepared to issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. & Vot further particulars regarding if rcight or Passage apply to WH. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Gonoral Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Time Talole. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu from S. F. for b, j, May 17 May 21 June H ji,u ji July 12 July 19 Aug. 9 Aug. 10 fcupl. I) Sept. 13 Oct. 1 Oct. 11 Nov. 1 Xov. 8 THROUGH LINE. From San Francisco Fioiii Sydney for for Sydney. San Francisco. Arriie Honolulu, Leave Honolulu. MONOWAl, June 1 ALAMEDA, June 1 ALAMEDA, J line 20 MARIPOSA, J uno21) MARIPOSA, July 27 MONOWAl, July 27 MONOWAl, Aug. 21 ALAMEDA.Aug 21 A LAM EDA, Sept. 21 M ARI POSA,Supt.21 MARIPOSA, Oct. 11)1 MONOWAl, Oct. 1!) MONOWAl, Nov. 10 A LAM EDA, Nov. 1" t can bo proved Any day That tho Daily Bulletin lias the Largest Circulation 01' any paper In Honolulu. liusiuesH Stick a Pin Dur. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OF THE WORLD. Tickets Issned to ALL POINTS in tlio UNITED STATES and CANADA, via Portland, TacohutJSoatUo, Victoria and Vancouver. .00 .Second Class $ LKSS THAN BY MOUNTAIN RESORTS: Banff, Glacier, "Empress" Line of Steamers from Vancouver. AROUHD THE WORLD M. M. STERN, Dist. FroighUt Pas. Agent, U18 Mnrlf-- i street, Bun .Francisco, Cal. PacificlailS.S.Co.'Daily Bulletin -- AND TH- E- Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamers of the above Companies will call ut Honolulu on their way to the above ports on or about the following dates: a Stmr "BELGIC" . . . ay 11. Stmr "CHINA" . ...July ft, 1893 Stmr "OOEANIO".. .. .Aug. 7, ISO Stmr "CHINA" 18, 1893 Stmr OCEANIC".. .. .Oct. 10, 1893 Stmr "CHINA" ...Nov. 27, lb93 Stmr "OCEANIC"... ...Dec. 1893 Stmr "CHINA" ... ... Feb. S, lS'Jl Stmr "OCEANIC".. . Murch 5, 1891 Stmr "CHINA" .. . . .April 10, 1891 For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of tho above Companies will call at Honolulu on their way from Hong' ng and Yokohama to the above port on or about tho following dates: Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, 1893 Stmr "CITY OF PEKING". ... .. . JunoO. 1893 Stmr "CHINA" June 19, 1893 Stmr "BELGIC" June 27 189.J Stmr "PERU" July 7 1893 Stmr "OCEANIC" Jul v 17 1893 Stmr "CITY OFRIODE JANEIRO" July 2.-- ), 1893 Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. 0 1393 Stmr "CITY OF PEKING"......... .' Aug.15,1893 Stmr "OCEANIC" Sept, 23, 1893 Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 0 1893 Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 4 1893 Stmr "01TY OF PEKING" Jan. 2, 1891 Stmr "OCEANIC" Feb. 12 1891 Stmr "CHINA" March 20, 1891 Stmr "GAELIC" May 11 1891 RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: TO YOK0- - TO HONU-IIAM- KONO. Cabin $150 00 ?175 00 Cabin, round trip 4 months . 225 00 202 50 Cabin, round trip 12 months 202 50 310 25 European Steerage... 85 00 100 00 ,&" Passengers paying full fare will be allowed 10 percent oil' return Tare if return- ing within twelve months. For Freight and Passage apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., 207 tf Agents. Wildert Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. W. C. Wildeii, Pres. S. B. Rosk, Sec. Cai'T. J. A. Kino, Port Supt. Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. m., touching at Lahuinu, Mualaui Bay and Makrua the bumoduy; Mahukona, 'Kawaihue ami the following day, arriving at Hilo ut midnight. Returning leuves Hilo, touching at same day; Kawaihue a. m.; Ma- hukona 10 a. m.; Makeiut 4 i; a.; Mauluea BayUr. m.; Laliaina 8 i: u. the following day; arriving ut Honolulu U a, m. Wednes- days and Saturdays. No Freluht will he received after 12 noon on duy of nulling. Stmr. CLAUDINE, DAVIES. Commander, Will leave Honolulu uvery Tuesdav at S i. m., touching at Kuhului, Huelu, liana, Hamoa and Kipahulii. Returning will arrive ut Honolulu every Sunday uiurniiig. No Freiuht will bo received after I IV m. on day of sailing. 4 consignees miiHl lie ut tliu laiulinu: to receive their Freight, us we will not hold ourisoivi'H rcsponslulo ufter such Freight has been lain! fed. While the Company will ums due dili- gence in bundling Live Stock, n decline tuuxtjiiiiiu any rc3Kjuslljllty In cuhu of the lo-- s of Hauiii. The Company will not be repoiiHlhht for .Money or Jewelry unless pluced In thu care of I'urMir. , All kinds of (Jummvrclul l'rintimj jmmijilly etewted ut low rulet ut the ilullttin Oiice, First Class $10.00 OTHER T.IN'KH ----- - Mount Stephen, Fraser Canon, Etc. bo Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India. PER 0. P. K. FOR 5610. For Tickets nnd General Informa tion apply to THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., Agents for the Hawaiian Island). to Employment, House & Rooms Registry ! Iff All advertisements for this depart- ment must be paid in advance. Orders to continue should bo given the afternoon tho advertisement expires. Advertisements for the Registry must be handed in before 12 o'clock noon of the day they first appear. Tho rutos given below under each head are for advertisements not oxeceding live Unci, counting seven words to a line. Five cents linu will be added to each ligure for all above live lines. Employment Wanted. Ads. under this head, 'Jr. one ueek or less: continued, 10c. a ueek. Help Wanted. Ads. under this head, 50c. one time; con- tinued, 10c. each time. Lost and Found. Ads. under this head, 50c. one time; con- tinued, 25c. each lime. Houses To Lot. Ads. under this head, 50c. one time; con- tinued, 10c. each time. Houses Wanted. Ads. under this head, 50c. one lime: con- tinued, 10c. each time. RoomB To Lot. Ads. under this head, 25c. one time; 50c. one week; continued, 10c. each ueek. Rooms Wanted. Ads. under this head, 50c. one, lime; con- tinued, 10c. each time. c. j. McCarthy, Real Estate & Collection Agency AGENT FOR- - Cincinnati Safe & Lock Co. 35 Merchant St., : Cummins Block. DR. B. SCHNEIDER, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist Clnb Stables, Honolnln. Has arrived from Switzerland, where he had five years' experience in the Army, uml has opened an office ut the Club Stable. fl Both Telephones 477. && 715-l- m EDWIN A. JONES Has opened an ofllco for tiaiiHiictiug all business in connection with Trusts, Parcliaso and Sale of Bonds, Stock and Real Estate, And is prepared to Audit Accounts. Ollice: No. 42 Merchant street, ollico lately occupied ny inu laio juna. auhiiii. P. O. Box 65. M. Ii. MINER, D. V. S., Vr.TKitiNAiiv SriKiKo.v, Physician ami ilKM'Ihr. Ollico: Hotel Stablos. Ollico Hours: N to 10 a.m.; I::50to!):a0i-- . i. Residence with Dr. F. L. Miner, Beieto-ni- u Htreut. All culls will receive prompt attention. 712-t- f bt ILANIWAI" A FIRST- - OLABS FAMILY BATHING xjl Resort at Wuikikl. Tramcurs miss the gato, Hieclnl arrungeiiiunts can bo made for Family Picnics and Evening llntlilng Parties. ww--tf TO LET I AWN MOWERS Id LET BY THE lj day, week or month' Runulriiu!. Cleaning and Sharpening done; Duplicate riiifim iiiriiixnuii lieu rispureu. .muciiiiius called for and returned. Also, Repairing tlurilen Homi In fact, can do anything neiosMtry around the hoiifce or stable, Ring up Mtltuul Teluphouu 16'J. Wl-- tl N. K. UUItOKBB. Foroign Nowa and Gossip. Surveys nro being nuule for throe new railroads in tho Transvaal, South Attica, Queen Victoria has tnkeu 147 prizes at English cuttle shows for products ut her stock farm. Tho ship ennui across the Isthmus of Corinth will probably bu in opera- tion about next September. Capital crimes, mainly in conse- quence of oxoossivo drinking, seem to on the increase in Russia. Influenza has appeared in a viru- lent form throughout. Southern Russia, and the mortality is very great. Count Herbert Bismarck has con- sented to run for the Reichstag in tlio interest of tho Agrarian party. Twenty-liv- e ships of war of various kinds are now in course of construc- tion for tlio French Government. Franco lias submitted to the United States and Great Britain suggestions improve shipping signals. A London barber has been fined 15 for supplying beer to people who went to his shop to get their hair cut. In tho Isle of Man there arc no death duties, no income tax, and, with the exception of a small duty on beer, no excise. Four thousand working people have been thrown out of employment in Now South Wales by the stoppage of several collieries in the Khoudda Vul-le- Sheep-rearin- g is declining greatly in New South Wales. The number of sheep in tlio colony on January 1st this year was 58,(519,lilG, a decrease of 3,211,800 compared with tho your previous. The overthrown King of Dahomey lias addressed an appeal to "all civi- lized nations" for sympathy with his cause, which, ho says, is that of right and justice, in his struggle witli France. Efforts are making to reconstruct and reorganize the suspended Com- mercial Bank of Australia. A new company will be formed with a capi tal Btock of 0,000,000 to carry on tho business of the collapsed institution. Venezuela is to have a new stamp similar in form and ttizc to our Columbian isi-ue-. It will boar a repre- sentation of tho landing made by the subordinates of Columbus on the coast of Venezuela in the year Cliff railways in England grow more and more popular. Clifton has open- ed a remarkably steep line, cut in a tunnel from the gorge of the Avon to the summit of Clifton Hocks. Tho gradient is one foot in two feet, and the tunnel 27x18 feet. Telegraph lines in the Zambesi Ter- ritory have but a brief cxiBteuco, ac- cording to present experience. Ele- phants knock them down, the carriers steal tho thick lines for mending pur- poses and the Makalala ladies appro- priate tho fine wire for necklaces and bangles. According to the Frankfurter Zoi-tun- g tho Executive Committee of tho Anti-Blaver- y Company lias decided to discontinue Major von Wissman's en- terprise and to offer the Nyassa sta- tion to tlio Imperial Government. Funds are insufficient for the continu- ance of tlio new enterprise. Lord Sackville-Wes- t is not expected to bo enthusiastically active in tho re- ception that will bo accorded Ambas sador Bayard upon his arrival at the court of St. James. It was Mr. Bay ard's unpleasant duty to pack Lord Sackville-Wes- t off homo for his per- nicious activity in what became his- toric as tho "Murchison letter." TAINT CHKI'.K rntl.OMPrilY. When a river leaves its banks you should Hume it. When the banks leaves a city you should doom it. When you want to boom a river you whould dam it. When you want to damn a city you nhould boom it. Kansas City Slur. one 'iuity" to uaw.mi. Two Smiths, met in the Capitol, Lamented that the Hag should fall; Said Mottto Hoke: "Wusitu joko?" Said iloke to Mott: "Sir, it was not I The Old Flag was protecting you Protection, now, you know, won't do. The Mag must lly for revenue." A'. 1'. Iti coider. just look at him. Who is the man with tlio broad smilr on, And tho laugh that is douhle-jinted- ? Why, he's just back from Washington And is one of the app'iutcdl Atlanta Coitntitutiiiii. NKVKll hLKKI'S. Thev sav that people sleep In church; Well, let it go; it muy be; But just the sumo there's one who don't, And that one is a baby. Defiance AVu'. m DOWN TO IIUHINEhh. Now doth the ollico-seek- work, Improving every minute, In picking out an ollice ami Attempting to get in it. llrtrtiit Free I'rtu, PIKI.NI'Jt't'lATIIIN. Proiiouuciatlonisaiiart Tiiatcoineswlthwordslikethese Aiidifyoubutdlviduthemrighl Vouniayproiiouiicowltlii'ai.e. Ihtroit Free I'rtts. While Mr. T. J. Kichoy, of Alttinn, Mo., was traveling in Kansas ho was taken violently ill with cholera mor- bus. He called at a drug store to gut some medicine and the druggist recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diurrluru Remedy so highly Im concluded to try it. The result was iiiiiuodinto relief, and a few tlosus (Hired liini ciiinjilotoly. It is made for bowel complaint and nothing else. It never fails. For snlo by nil dealers, Benson, Smith & Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands, mtt Two Difloront Storios. Editoii Bulletin: In tho enso of tho vs. tho P. G., it soonia to mo that coun- sel for tho dofouso tho Star and Advertiser nro not handling tlioir part of tho enso in a very skillful mnunor. Thoso two papers aro for-ov- or telling us that tho movement that dothronod tho Quoon was tho popular uprising of indignant citi- zens hero, and that the Harrison Administration never that is, hard- ly ovor had anythiug to do with it. This talk is for homo consumption. For export wo havo something like tho elippiug 1 send you now. It is from t lie Weekly Chronicle of April 20. It is part of a lottor dated Honolulu, April f5, and signed by that distinguished member of tho ancient and honorable Smith family Walter G. After reading his let- ter in tho Chroniclo and his average editorial in tho Star, wo pause and incniiro, where aro wo atf And by tho way wo havo not seen a list of tho names of thoso wealthy Ameri- cans at tho back of tho annexation movomont yet. Since tho Star ad- mits that there were only two sugar men in the Annexation Club, 1 am more curious than over to see that list. Tho following is from Smith in the Chroniclo: "Between ten and eleven a great deal of stir and bustle was to bo noted in tho Government building. The departments bogan to empt' their ollicials into the corridors on tho ground floor. Marines hurried about making ready for doparturo. Tho Supremo Court adjourned, and Chief Justice .ludcl aim his associ- ates made a knot and talked ovor tho crisis in low tones. Colonol So- por passed rapidly out of tho build- ing with a service sword at his side and a revolver in his belt. The Cabinet Ministers were restless, and looked like men who did not know whothor tho3- - would bo in offico to- morrow or not. Tho coolest man of all was Prosidont Dole, who had left a life position to lead a movement which the United States promised to supjmrt, and who was now about to witness a relaxation of tho pledge." ANOTHEn ToomsT. Honolulu, May 9. 1893. When Jackson's Nose Was PuUod. Jatuos Carrigan, a venerable Balti-moren- u, was living in Alexandria, Va., on tho memorable occasion when Lieutenant Randolph pulled Prosidont Jackson's nose. "Lieute- nant Randolph." said Mr. Carrigan yesterday, "who was at sea in the service of the Government, was, at tho death of tho purser of tho ves- sel, appointed purser, and ho was charged with appropriating $10,000 from tho funds. Ho was tried and found guilty, and President Jackson said to him, 'You are not fit to as- sociate with tho chivalr3 of Amer- ica.' Somo time after that it hap- pened that tho President and a number of othor persons loft Wash- ington to attend tho laying of the corner-ston- e of the monument to Martha Washington. Their boat stopped at Alexandria and Lieu- tenant Randolph boarded her and walked up to the President and be- gan to tako off his glove. I wasn't there at that moment, but I was told that tho President made some remark about there being no need to remove his gloves. Lieutenant Ran- dolph suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled the President's nose. 1 saw Randolph running from tlio wiiarl as 1 was about to go on the boat to learn the cause of the commotion. 1 climbed up above tho crowd to got a look at tho Presi- dent's nose, for every one of us felt that the whole country had had its nose pulled. Just thou a man named Thomas said to Jackson, 'Mr. Presi- dent of tho United Statos, give mo permission and 1 will kill the vil- lain,' to which I heard Jackson say, 'Thank you, I can light my own bat- tles.' " Jialtimore Hun. Fowor of Influence Traveling in Eugland I was one day walking along a country road, gathering wild tlowors from tho lovely hedge-rows- . Presently 1 was overtaken by a burly old farmer, who, with his pretty daughter and t wo largo barnds of beer, was being drawn up a steep hill in a markot cart by a stout little pony. The farmer saluted mo jovially, and seeing that 1 was pulling up the hill to catch the coach, he offered me a scat on his trap. "Thank you," said I, "but it seems to me the pony has rather a rough job an it is. "Ao, yes, yes!" he said. "1 should a got dowu myself, but wo bo bo heavy behind; Hut you re welcome to rule if you like." "1 am really very much obliged to yon for your politouos&JJiii asking mo," 1 returned, "hut 1 prefer to walk." Tho first part of my sentence evi- dently "wont to tho spot." "Well, ye bee, sir," said ho, "1 bo used to meet a ninny gents up about thoj,o hills, and that's how 1 iarnt to bo so polito!"--roif- i' Companion. To Got at tho Facts Regarding Hood's Sarsapnrilla, ask the people who take this medi- cine, or read the testimonials often published in this paper, They will certainly convince you that Hood's Karsapanlia possesses uuoqunllod merit, and that Hood's Cures, - . Hooil'n Pills cine constipation by rcMoriug tin peristaltic action of tho alimentary canal. They aro thu best family oat hurtle, J V

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Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,


Morchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SUBSCRIPTION Six Dollars a Year.Delivered in Honolulu at Fifty Cents aMonth, in advance.



TUBSDAYAt Four Dollars a Ykar to Domestic,and Five Dollarh to Foreign Subscribers.


250 BOTH TELEPHONES &p- - 250

P. O. BOX 89.

Address letters for tlio paper "EditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may cause delay in at-tention.

DANIEL LOGAN, - Editor and Manager.

Business Cards.




Fort Street, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Fort Street, Honolulu.


Oeneral Commission Agents.,, H - - I

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaahunmnu Street, Honolulu.


Auctioneer and General Business Aoent.

Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii.


Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers.

92 Fort Street, Honolulu.



P. O. Box 17.


Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch


Kukui Jewelry a specialty. Particularattention paid to all kinds of repuirs.

Mclnerny Block, Fort Street.



H. W. Schmidt & Bona,

Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Steam Engines, Suoar Mills, Boilers,Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead


Machinery of Every Description Made toOrder. Particular attention paid to Ships'Blaoksiiiithlng. Job Work oxeeutcd atShort Notice.


AROHITBOT,Complete plans and spcoilleutloiiN forevery description of building. Contractsdrawn and careful superluiundcucu of con-struction g veil when required. Cull and?x,iVVi'" 1,,,,I,H Xiw design. Modernuuumngs. uiiuu, lluullln,Hprel!kl!lli, Block.

Mutual Tel. '.iVs.

Daily ilullttin, CO venU a month,delivired free,

K. S. Moors, Sujit. V. H. Taylor, l'rcs.

Risk iron Works,

San Francisco, Cal.


Improved Sop1 Machinery


Pumping Machinery

For Irrigating nnd Wator Works purposesof uny capacity.

Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Fluming




gjOF-- For further particulars and cata-logues, address

R-iscioi-a Iron Works,

San Francisco, California.



Hawaiian NewspapersARE THE

Leading Journals in tlio Kingdom.

The "Daily Hawaii Holomua,"

Has the largest Circulation on the Islandsand is the Best Medium for


Mr. Tiios. K. Nathaniel will receive alladvertisement!) and transact all businessmatters.

tf Office: " Brenig Block.'J corner

51(i-- tf

"beaversalooiTthe Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. and OoffeeAT all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


3SO O'Parrell St.,Two Blocks from Baldwin Hotel, S. F., Cal.

BEG TO ANNOUNCE TO MY OLDI friends and patrons in the that1 have purchaed the above Stables andintend to maintain its namesake "SecondtoNono" lstclu"-'- . Livery Outlltsof everydescription also on hand. J'orsaio: MatchedSpans, Road and Draft Horn's guaranteedas represented. Correspondence invited.

E. It. MILKS,09.-t- f Proprietor.



Wholesale and Retail Butchers



G--. J. Waller, . . . Manager.


Notary Public for the Island of Oaliu.

Agent to tako Acknowledgements to La-bor Contracts.

Agent to grant .Marriage Llcenseii, Hono-lulu, Oaliu.

Agent for tint Hawaiian Islands of I'ltt X.

Scott's Freight and Parcel Express.Agent for the Burlington Route.


Riai. m-- TELEPHONE Mutual 130P.O.Box 115

-- omcK-38 Merchant it. liouolulu, 11, 1,

Baldwin Locomotives.

The undorslgncd having beon appointed

Sole Agents for tlio Hawaiian Islands

for the celebrated

Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,

Are now prepared to give Estimates andreceive Orders for these Engines,

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation PurposesA numlier of which have recently been

received at thoso Mantis, and we will havepleasure in furnishing plantation agentsand mau.igers with particulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is known not onlyhere but is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,Sole Agents for tlio Hawaiian Islands.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Companv willbeducnt Honolulu from Sydney and 'Auck-land on or about

June 1st,And will leave for tho above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fino Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAl"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolnln, from Sun Francisco,on or about

June 1st,And will have prompt despatch withMails and Passengers for the above porta.

The undersigned are now prepared to issue



& Vot further particulars regardingif rcight or Passage apply to

WH. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

Gonoral Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time Talole.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for b, j,

May 17 May 21June H ji,u jiJuly 12 July 19Aug. 9 Aug. 10fcupl. I) Sept. 13Oct. 1 Oct. 11Nov. 1 Xov. 8

THROUGH LINE.From San Francisco Fioiii Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.

Arriie Honolulu, Leave Honolulu.

MONOWAl, June 1 ALAMEDA, June 1ALAMEDA, J line 20 MARIPOSA, J uno21)MARIPOSA, July 27 MONOWAl, July 27MONOWAl, Aug. 21 ALAMEDA.Aug 21A LAM EDA, Sept. 21 M ARI POSA,Supt.21MARIPOSA, Oct. 11)1 MONOWAl, Oct. 1!)

MONOWAl, Nov. 10 A LAM EDA, Nov. 1"

t can bo proved

Any day

That tho

Daily Bulletin

lias the


01' any paper

In Honolulu.


Stick a




Tickets Issned to ALL POINTS in tlio UNITED STATES and CANADA, via Portland,TacohutJSoatUo, Victoria and Vancouver.

.00 .Second Class $LKSS THAN BY


"Empress" Line of Steamers from Vancouver.


M. M. STERN,Dist. FroighUt Pas. Agent,

U18 Mnrlf-- i street,Bun .Francisco, Cal.

PacificlailS.S.Co.'Daily Bulletin

-- AND TH-E-

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.


Steamers of the above Companies willcall ut Honolulu on their way to the aboveports on or about the following dates: a

Stmr "BELGIC" . . . ay 11.Stmr "CHINA" . ...July ft, 1893Stmr "OOEANIO".. . . .Aug. 7, ISOStmr "CHINA" 18, 1893Stmr OCEANIC".. . . .Oct. 10, 1893Stmr "CHINA" ...Nov. 27, lb93Stmr "OCEANIC"... ...Dec. 1893Stmr "CHINA" ... ... Feb. S, lS'JlStmr "OCEANIC".. . Murch 5, 1891Stmr "CHINA" .. . . .April 10, 1891


Steamers of tho above Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way from Hong'

ng and Yokohama to the above port onor about tho following dates:

Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, 1893Stmr "CITY OF PEKING". ... .. .

JunoO. 1893Stmr "CHINA" June 19, 1893Stmr "BELGIC" June 27 189.JStmr "PERU" July 7 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Jul v 17 1893Stmr "CITY OFRIODE JANEIRO"

July 2.--),

1893Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. 0 1393Stmr "CITY OF PEKING".........

.' Aug.15,1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Sept, 23, 1893Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 0 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 4 1893Stmr "01TY OF PEKING"

Jan. 2, 1891Stmr "OCEANIC" Feb. 12 1891Stmr "CHINA" March 20, 1891Stmr "GAELIC" May 11 1891




Cabin $150 00 ?175 00Cabin, round trip 4

months . 225 00 202 50Cabin, round trip 12

months 202 50 310 25European Steerage... 85 00 100 00

,&" Passengers paying full fare will beallowed 10 percent oil' return Tare if return-ing within twelve months.

For Freight and Passage apply to


207 tf Agents.

Wildert Steamship Co.


W. C. Wildeii, Pres. S. B. Rosk, Sec.Cai'T. J. A. Kino, Port Supt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r. m., touching atLahuinu, Mualaui Bay and Makrua thebumoduy; Mahukona, 'Kawaihue ami

the following day, arriving atHilo ut midnight.

Returning leuves Hilo, touching atsame day; Kawaihue a. m.; Ma-

hukona 10 a. m.; Makeiut 4 i; a.; MaulueaBayUr. m.; Laliaina 8 i: u. the followingday; arriving ut Honolulu U a, m. Wednes-days and Saturdays.

No Freluht will he received after12 noon on duy of nulling.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES. Commander,

Will leave Honolulu uvery Tuesdav at Si. m., touching at Kuhului, Huelu, liana,Hamoa and Kipahulii.

Returning will arrive ut Honolulu everySunday uiurniiig.

No Freiuht will bo received afterI IV m. on day of sailing.

4consignees miiHl lie ut tliu laiulinu: to

receive their Freight, us we will not holdourisoivi'H rcsponslulo ufter such Freighthas been lain! fed.

While the Company will ums due dili-gence in bundling Live Stock, n declinetuuxtjiiiiiu any rc3Kjuslljllty In cuhu of thelo-- s of Hauiii.

The Company will not be repoiiHlhht for.Money or Jewelry unless pluced In thu careof I'urMir. ,

All kinds of (Jummvrclul l'rintimjjmmijilly etewted ut low rulet ut the

ilullttin Oiice,

First Class $10.00OTHER T.IN'KH -----


Mount Stephen, Fraser Canon, Etc.bo

Tickets to All Points In Japan, China, India.

PER 0. P. K. FOR 5610.

For Tickets nnd General Information apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.,Agents for the Hawaiian Island).



House & Rooms

Registry !

Iff All advertisements for this depart-ment must be paid in advance. Orders tocontinue should bo given the afternoon thoadvertisement expires. Advertisements forthe Registry must be handed in before 12o'clock noon of the day they first appear.Tho rutos given below under each head arefor advertisements not oxeceding live Unci,counting seven words to a line. Five cents

linu will be added to each ligure for allabove live lines.

Employment Wanted.Ads. under this head, 'Jr. one ueek or less:

continued, 10c. a ueek.

Help Wanted.Ads. under this head, 50c. one time; con-

tinued, 10c. each time.

Lost and Found.Ads. under this head, 50c. one time; con-

tinued, 25c. each lime.

Houses To Lot.Ads. under this head, 50c. one time; con-

tinued, 10c. each time.

Houses Wanted.Ads. under this head, 50c. one lime: con-

tinued, 10c. each time.

RoomB To Lot.Ads. under this head, 25c. one time; 50c.

one week; continued, 10c. each ueek.

Rooms Wanted.Ads. under this head, 50c. one, lime; con-

tinued, 10c. each time.

c. j. McCarthy,

Real Estate & Collection Agency


Cincinnati Safe & Lock Co.

35 Merchant St., : Cummins Block.


Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist

Clnb Stables, Honolnln.

Has arrived from Switzerland, where he hadfive years' experience in the Army,

uml has opened an office utthe Club Stable.

fl Both Telephones 477. &&715-l- m

EDWIN A. JONESHas opened an ofllco for tiaiiHiictiug all

business in connection with

Trusts, Parcliaso and Sale of Bonds,Stock and Real Estate,

And is prepared to Audit Accounts.

Ollice: No. 42 Merchant street, ollico latelyoccupied ny inu laio juna. auhiiii.

P. O. Box 65.

M. Ii. MINER, D. V. S.,

Vr.TKitiNAiiv SriKiKo.v, Physician amiilKM'Ihr.

Ollico: Hotel Stablos. Ollico Hours: N to10 a.m.; I::50to!):a0i-- . i.

Residence with Dr. F. L. Miner, Beieto-ni- u

Htreut. All culls will receive promptattention. 712-t- f


xjl Resort at Wuikikl. Tramcurs missthe gato, Hieclnl arrungeiiiunts can bomade for Family Picnics and Eveningllntlilng Parties. ww--tf


I AWN MOWERS Id LET BY THElj day, week or month' Runulriiu!.Cleaning and Sharpening done; Duplicateriiifim iiiriiixnuii lieu rispureu. .muciiiiiuscalled for and returned. Also, Repairingtlurilen Homi In fact, can do anythingneiosMtry around the hoiifce or stable,Ring up Mtltuul Teluphouu 16'J.

Wl-- tl N. K. UUItOKBB.

Foroign Nowa and Gossip.

Surveys nro being nuule for throenew railroads in tho Transvaal, SouthAttica,

Queen Victoria has tnkeu 147 prizesat English cuttle shows for productsut her stock farm.

Tho ship ennui across the Isthmusof Corinth will probably bu in opera-tion about next September.

Capital crimes, mainly in conse-quence of oxoossivo drinking, seem to

on the increase in Russia.Influenza has appeared in a viru-

lent form throughout. Southern Russia,and the mortality is very great.

Count Herbert Bismarck has con-sented to run for the Reichstag in tliointerest of tho Agrarian party.

Twenty-liv- e ships of war of variouskinds are now in course of construc-tion for tlio French Government.

Franco lias submitted to the UnitedStates and Great Britain suggestions

improve shipping signals.A London barber has been fined

15 for supplying beer to people whowent to his shop to get their hair cut.

In tho Isle of Man there arc nodeath duties, no income tax, and, withthe exception of a small duty on beer,no excise.

Four thousand working people havebeen thrown out of employment inNow South Wales by the stoppage ofseveral collieries in the Khoudda Vul-le-

Sheep-rearin- g is declining greatly inNew South Wales. The number ofsheep in tlio colony on January 1stthis year was 58,(519,lilG, a decrease of3,211,800 compared with tho yourprevious.

The overthrown King of Dahomeylias addressed an appeal to "all civi-lized nations" for sympathy with hiscause, which, ho says, is that of rightand justice, in his struggle witliFrance.

Efforts are making to reconstructand reorganize the suspended Com-mercial Bank of Australia. A newcompany will be formed with a capital Btock of 0,000,000 to carry on thobusiness of the collapsed institution.

Venezuela is to have a newstamp similar in form and ttizc to ourColumbian isi-ue-. It will boar a repre-sentation of tho landing made by thesubordinates of Columbus on thecoast of Venezuela in the year

Cliff railways in England grow moreand more popular. Clifton has open-ed a remarkably steep line, cut in atunnel from the gorge of the Avon tothe summit of Clifton Hocks. Thogradient is one foot in two feet, andthe tunnel 27x18 feet.

Telegraph lines in the Zambesi Ter-ritory have but a brief cxiBteuco, ac-

cording to present experience. Ele-phants knock them down, the carrierssteal tho thick lines for mending pur-poses and the Makalala ladies appro-priate tho fine wire for necklaces andbangles.

According to the Frankfurter Zoi-tun- g

tho Executive Committee of thoAnti-Blaver- y Company lias decided todiscontinue Major von Wissman's en-

terprise and to offer the Nyassa sta-tion to tlio Imperial Government.Funds are insufficient for the continu-ance of tlio new enterprise.

Lord Sackville-Wes- t is not expectedto bo enthusiastically active in tho re-

ception that will bo accorded Ambassador Bayard upon his arrival at thecourt of St. James. It was Mr. Bayard's unpleasant duty to pack LordSackville-Wes- t off homo for his per-nicious activity in what became his-

toric as tho "Murchison letter."

TAINT CHKI'.K rntl.OMPrilY.When a river leaves its banks you should

Hume it.When the banks leaves a city you should

doom it.When you want to boom a river you whould

dam it.When you want to damn a city you nhould

boom it.Kansas City Slur.

one 'iuity" to uaw.mi.Two Smiths, met in the Capitol,Lamented that the Hag should fall;Said Mottto Hoke:"Wusitu joko?"Said iloke to Mott:"Sir, it was not I

The Old Flag was protecting youProtection, now, you know, won't do.The Mag must lly for revenue."

A'. 1'. Iti coider.

just look at him.Who is the man with tlio broad smilr on,

And tho laugh that is douhle-jinted- ?

Why, he's just back from WashingtonAnd is one of the app'iutcdl

Atlanta Coitntitutiiiii.


Thev sav that people sleep In church;Well, let it go; it muy be;

But just the sumo there's one who don't,And that one is a baby.

Defiance AVu'.m


Now doth the ollico-seek- work,Improving every minute,

In picking out an ollice amiAttempting to get in it.

llrtrtiit Free I'rtu,




Ihtroit Free I'rtts.

While Mr. T. J. Kichoy, of Alttinn,Mo., was traveling in Kansas ho wastaken violently ill with cholera mor-bus. He called at a drug store togut some medicine and the druggistrecommended Chamberlain's Colic,Cholera and Diurrluru Remedy sohighly Im concluded to try it. Theresult was iiiiiuodinto relief, and afew tlosus (Hired liini ciiinjilotoly.It is made for bowel complaint andnothing else. It never fails. Forsnlo by nil dealers, Benson, Smith &Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands,


Two Difloront Storios.

Editoii Bulletin:In tho enso of tho vs.

tho P. G., it soonia to mo that coun-sel for tho dofouso tho Star andAdvertiser nro not handling tlioirpart of tho enso in a very skillfulmnunor. Thoso two papers aro for-ov- or

telling us that tho movementthat dothronod tho Quoon was thopopular uprising of indignant citi-zens hero, and that the HarrisonAdministration never that is, hard-ly ovor had anythiug to do with it.This talk is for homo consumption.For export wo havo something liketho elippiug 1 send you now. It isfrom t lie Weekly Chronicle of April20. It is part of a lottor datedHonolulu, April f5, and signed bythat distinguished member of thoancient and honorable Smith family

Walter G. After reading his let-ter in tho Chroniclo and his averageeditorial in tho Star, wo pause andincniiro, where aro wo atf And bytho way wo havo not seen a list oftho names of thoso wealthy Ameri-cans at tho back of tho annexationmovomont yet. Since tho Star ad-mits that there were only two sugarmen in the Annexation Club, 1 ammore curious than over to see thatlist.

Tho following is from Smith inthe Chroniclo:

"Between ten and eleven a greatdeal of stir and bustle was to bonoted in tho Government building.The departments bogan to empt'their ollicials into the corridors ontho ground floor. Marines hurriedabout making ready for doparturo.Tho Supremo Court adjourned, andChief Justice .ludcl aim his associ-ates made a knot and talked ovortho crisis in low tones. Colonol So-

por passed rapidly out of tho build-ing with a service sword at his sideand a revolver in his belt. TheCabinet Ministers were restless, andlooked like men who did not knowwhothor tho3-- would bo in offico to-

morrow or not. Tho coolest man ofall was Prosidont Dole, who had lefta life position to lead a movementwhich the United States promised tosupjmrt, and who was now about towitness a relaxation of tho pledge."

ANOTHEn ToomsT.Honolulu, May 9. 1893.

When Jackson's Nose Was PuUod.

Jatuos Carrigan, a venerable Balti-moren- u,

was living in Alexandria,Va., on tho memorable occasionwhen Lieutenant Randolph pulledProsidont Jackson's nose. "Lieute-nant Randolph." said Mr. Carriganyesterday, "who was at sea in theservice of the Government, was, attho death of tho purser of tho ves-sel, appointed purser, and ho wascharged with appropriating $10,000from tho funds. Ho was tried andfound guilty, and President Jacksonsaid to him, 'You are not fit to as-sociate with tho chivalr3 of Amer-ica.' Somo time after that it hap-pened that tho President and anumber of othor persons loft Wash-ington to attend tho laying of thecorner-ston- e of the monument toMartha Washington. Their boatstopped at Alexandria and Lieu-tenant Randolph boarded her andwalked up to the President and be-gan to tako off his glove. I wasn'tthere at that moment, but I wastold that tho President made someremark about there being no need toremove his gloves. Lieutenant Ran-dolph suddenly stretched out hishand and pulled the President'snose. 1 saw Randolph running fromtlio wiiarl as 1 was about to go onthe boat to learn the cause of thecommotion. 1 climbed up above thocrowd to got a look at tho Presi-dent's nose, for every one of us feltthat the whole country had had itsnose pulled. Just thou a man namedThomas said to Jackson, 'Mr. Presi-dent of tho United Statos, give mopermission and 1 will kill the vil-lain,' to which I heard Jackson say,'Thank you, I can light my own bat-tles.' " Jialtimore Hun.

Fowor of InfluenceTraveling in Eugland I was one

day walking along a country road,gathering wild tlowors from tholovely hedge-rows- . Presently 1 wasovertaken by a burly old farmer,who, with his pretty daughter andt wo largo barnds of beer, was beingdrawn up a steep hill in a markotcart by a stout little pony.

The farmer saluted mo jovially,and seeing that 1 was pulling up thehill to catch the coach, he offeredme a scat on his trap.

"Thank you," said I, "but it seemsto me the pony has rather a roughjob an it is.

"Ao, yes, yes!" he said. "1 shoulda got dowu myself, but wo bo boheavy behind; Hut you re welcometo rule if you like."

"1 am really very much obliged toyon for your politouos&JJiii askingmo," 1 returned, "hut 1 prefer towalk."

Tho first part of my sentence evi-dently "wont to tho spot."

"Well, ye bee, sir," said ho, "1 boused to meet a ninny gents up aboutthoj,o hills, and that's how 1 iarnt tobo so polito!"--roif- i' Companion.

To Got at tho FactsRegarding Hood's Sarsapnrilla, askthe people who take this medi-cine, or read the testimonials oftenpublished in this paper, They willcertainly convince you that Hood'sKarsapanlia possesses uuoqunllodmerit, and that Hood's Cures,

- .

Hooil'n Pills cine constipation byrcMoriug tin peristaltic action oftho alimentary canal. They aro thubest family oat hurtle,



I' '

fy"wyjMrff i C "ir 7 f&&m.,r?t ' ""T it!S"iriHi' - " wTr ""prV"'- -7l-- f

M Tfa) i liar' j 11

OR 4


Pledged to neither Sect vor Parly,But EntabHhcd for the Pcnefit of AH.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893.

In a lottor to-da- y will bo foundau illustration of tho difforonco

tho annexation propagandafor export and""1 for homo consump-tion.

Whothor tho ownership of thoVunchbowl erator territory is a mat-to- r

of disputo or not, it is well thattho Government has taken action tostop tho destruction of tho forestthoro. Kalakaua showed more pub-lic spirit than many traducors of hismemory in planting that forest,which is in itsolf no inconsiderablemonument for any man to have.

'What is said to bo a fair reflectionof Gorman public opinion is au arti-cle in tho Kolnischo Zoitung advo-cating tho annotation of Samoa 13Germany. Annexation, it says, would j

solve all tho uunciutios winch arothickening around tho tripaititoadministration. "One power houldbo supreme on tho islands, and beready to protect settlors, foster tnuleand kcop the natives in order."

With tho prospect of a groat in-

crease m ocean steamshop trailic atthis port, tho Bureau of Informationhas opened to it afield for unlimitedenergy. If it display the right stuff

. .! . , .iIII im I'l 1111 I If W1 I If 11) Tl 1I1HMI T MM tWllll!'- -.'"... vv..w..wgency, it ought to secuie liberal assistance from thocoiumuuity. Thereis reason to fear that it has hithertoacted on too narrow lines, and a re-

organization or rcvitalization '

necessary to its efliciency.l

When tho P. G. is indulging intho luxury of legislation it ought to j

try to avoid causing unnecessary an-

noyance. Thoie a ah cad y a icgis-tratio- n

under its charter by the Bu-

lletin Publishing Company of all itsofficer-!- , duly acknowledged by thoMinister of tho lutoiiorin writing.Yet. under tho law instigated by Mr.Emmoluth, with au admittedly classobject contrary to the constitution,tho registration has had to bo doneover again within a few weeks.

" Nordhoff Again !"

Editor Bulletin:Complaint has been that w riter.s

and newspaper coriespondonts whovisit us aro not as a rule truthful inthoir statements concerning us andthe affairs of our little kingdom.Much of this complaint is correct.For over threo months wo have hadan army of news correspondents forAmerican daily newspapers andperiodicals eager to gather informa-tion pertaining to the situation ofthe Hawaiian kingdom and thecauses which produced it. Many oftho porsous aro writers of abilityand integrity and aro familiar to thoreaders of English current literature,while a larger portion of them aroordinary and sensational writers,who aro simply unscrupulous hire-lings, void of all sense of honor andtruthfulness. To tho State of Cali-fornia wo aro indebted for a numberof the latter, who came horo underinstructions to boom up annexation,right or wrong. Thoo are to bepitied. When, however, wo do findmen of undoubted oracity and well-know- n

ability, liko Mr. Nordhoff ofthe Now York Herald, being tra-duced aud vilified for giving a reallytrue account of our allairs, I deem itas much tho duty of a citizen of thiscountry to complain of such scurril-ous attacks upon those who d writethe truth as for us to complain ofthose who do not. 1 have roa I Mr.Nordhoirs letter to the N. Y. Heialdof April 8th, republished in the Ad-vertiser of Ma 9th inst., and 1 forone can testify to tho correctness ofevery fact there stated and thesoundness of tho gentleman's ownviews. I wish that our communitywas blessed with more audi wi iters,and saying which, 1 simply spuik ofMr. Nordhoff from no othei know-ledge of him than his writing.-- , aboutus. Ho is evidently an independ-ent writer, and one who well nioiitstho credit of being au American intho true sense of the woid.

A writer in tho P. C. Advertiser,evidently au inlcilei lunl pigmyalongside of Mr. NoidholT, under-takes to beiute the latter, becauseho did not go into Jiistoriciw henho saw tho "old Hag" hung up ;iero-- s

his pathway. The wiiler e;i'otodthat '"oven the mo-- t pioiuic" t'ltizen"is apt to experience a new en-ati-

aud feel a might' moral atiuiula-tion- ,

when, fariioin home and separ-ated by thousands of milos iionioarly scones and familiar experi-ences, ho boos the flag of his ownnation floating on tho breeze." Thispoor follow had bettor go homo, asho is evidently ono of tho light-headed, Jingo kind of Americancitizens, with whom Mr. Nordhoffcan woll alio id to differ. Wo aroafraid that our Hawaiian soil isoverflowing with too man' of theabove species of Amoiican- - -- the fil-ibustering kind who believs that"old glory" is disgraced if Ameiicansdo not. uphold it in a dishonorableposition before tho world, such as itwas in when it was permitted tocover and to perpetuate a wrong acttoward a defenceless people wit iiouta cause, living on friendly formswith the nation to w horn the em-- ,

blom belongs. Every American, andovory mail of principle mid honor, inproud to know that "old glory" isnot allowed to satisfy tho ideas of afow of its vain-glorio- citizens, audto prostitute tho ''old llug," that urn- -

. feStiatefe

lilom of Just(ci:, Fukudou, andEjuautt which all horo aro gladthuy hnvo thiiB far no reason to dis-respect. .Ino. IS. Bush.

The Provisional Oovornmont Loan.EniTOIl HtjLLCTlN!

During (he prosout stagoof affairs,when the country is being run by aclique of patriots, itgoes without saying, that thoro is nouso in gn'ing abroad to endeavor tofloat the proposed Hawaiian 8750,1)00loan. Tho 1'. G. have accordinglytried to raise t ho wind horo, and inthoir present attempt to launch partof the loan, it is ovident.lv tho inten-tion of our despotic rulers, in casethey should not succeed in gettingthe loan (alum up locally at thoprice fixed by the act of tho Hawai-ian Legislature, to sell tho bonds ata discount. That it is tho design oftho P. G. to act in this manner maybo gathered from the hint given outby Mr. Damon in tho council moot-ing held a short time ago.

Now how much percont discountor commission they will bo forced toallow in order to dispose of thobonds is. at oresont. liko tho liberaldiscount at which J. T. Walorhousostates ho offered to soil his Hawaiianbonds, an unknown quantity. Butshould the L G. attempt to disposet? t tin IimiiiIc nf nut' firm tlmi aiiiltitm,m, snj at from l.Vpoioont to "20

poiconi (iiscouni. men ine taxpayersin ujiieial throughout tho ihlanusoiigul to olli-'-

i up an emphatic pro-lo- st

aBa.usl any such transaction.In other words, if this kind of liiiau-tioiiu- g

is permitted, the taxpayerswill bo called on to pay interest fora number of yeais on sums of moneyfor which they have never receivedfull value to begin with, and after-wards, when tho loans niaturo, willhave to lopay to the lender tho fullfaco wiluo of tho bonds. Tho pru--ei- it

time is certainly not a properono...lor it

. prowsioiial. government.- .'hion reliun for its toveiiucs on thehulling of suecinieu ads oi ooslaao i

stamp-- , to timrita, to saddle thocountry with a debt running for 20

jiui. Another point not to bo loatsigin of, w that tho money, that wasto n.ue been iaUcd uudor tho LoanAct ol hiat Legislature, was to boexpended on internal iinproenionts.

hat guaiauteca, howoer, does thopresent in esponsible government of--

lor to lenders that any sums raisedunder the P. G. act will be spoilt oaimpiowiir,' the cotinti? The pi- -

sent i ouiK'il being elected by nobody ,H.ipu-ibi- e to nobody for its

deed.-- , ami it ma,) In a subsequentact coolly dneit the money Irom itsoriginal purpose and waste it insupporting ita armed mercenariesor lritter it away in some equallyuniotuuuoiativo fashion.

Enslaved Taxpayeh.

"Tho Koyulist Causo."

Eniioit Bulletin:Every one not in touch, and not

expressing entire aud unqualifiedapproval of tho methods of tho tG. aro dubbed royalists or "rank"royalists. Pope's aphoflsni

"I'or forms of faithLot giui'eiiss bigots light"

applies very woll to forms of gov-ernment. There is piobably not amember of tho P. G. who, if not re-stricted in choice, would not preferresidouco or citizenship uudor con-stitutional monarchy in England orGermany to that of tho republics ofllayti or Guatemala. The troubloin Hawaii has not been from thoencroachments of monarchy, butfrom the impudent demands andpretensions of tho combination ledby the "Planters' Labor aud SupplyCo." Hardly any two of its mem-bers could agieo upon any one sub-ject apart from that of thoir ownpersonal and corporate demandsupon successive legislatures, and thopublic purse. But whenever theydo agree there, thoir unanimity iswonderful!

Witness tho appropriations whichthis cormorant corporation hasdemanded aud obtained dining themany yeais of its existence for "as-sisting immigration" aud tho pay ofiuspcctoi-- s etc., oery cent of whichhas hi i'ji expended in importingloolici lor thoir plantations, theaid toolies being on oxpiratiou of

l1i'.i contiacta turned loose in orderto lrooze out the native aud whitelaborer and mechanic aud drive thoAmoiican and his family to othershores, a- -, tho census proves. By anirony of late this same policy is nowtho chief barrier to our admission tothe L'nio i, tho United States havingenough of foolio races and to spare.

A glance at our recent sessionlaws would be conclusive as to thocapacity aud disposition of some ofour saccharine legislators to recon-cile themselves to the fieo laborlegislation of tho tinted States,oi on if we did not know that tho P.U. fomiiiisaumnts went to Washing-ton asiung foi tho perpetuation ofluou c.ji.iie labor laws. Has anyoneUiiiwii .ill. Noidholl's attention totho infamous "Pactolus" act of 181)0,drawn up b ono of tin commis-sioners, together with the dubiue(heicoul The AiUortiser might uuwpulili-,1- the saino as an illustrationof urn tin- - ''white'' legis-lat- oi

can do in the coolie buildingand lugitivo iae-la- line. It wouldproo the extent to which his heartthin yearned towards free Americaninstitutions. M kee Aui'Uni.

Fomalo Suffrage in Nova Scotia.

In the Nova Scotia House of As-

sembly, the Woman's Suffrage Hillpassed its second readiug by ID to17, and was sent to committee. Allthe members of tho Government, aswell as tuo leader of tho Opposition,voted against tho second reading.The bill will receive its quietusfrom the venerable Solons of thoLegislate o Council.

Lord Suckvillo-Woe- t i not expectedto ho enthueiiistically active in the reception tli.it will ho accoided Ambus- -

mnlur JS.iyunl upon his uriivnl at thecotiit of St. .Iiimcs. It was .Mr. bay-ard's uiijili'iiMin t duly to pack LonliSnckvillo-Wcs- t oil home for Ins per-nicious uutivity in what became his-toil- o

iib the "Miuchiboii lottor,"


Ploasant Caravansary on tho Wnl-ki- kl


As a comploto seasido resort wordsfail to convoy tho loveliness and con-vonion-

of this mairuificont establishment, worked into such attractivo and useful shape by tho Herbertfamily. Tho grounds upon whichtho hotel buildings stand front thosea. A nice sandy beach leads tostill water running dee). Non-swimme- rs

can enjoy tho luxury ofbathing in, shallow water with beachcombers rolling over thorn. Jottiesrun out into the sea upon which iserected a torraco of bathing anddressing rooms, arranged with ovorycaro and modern appointments.Uoats and canoos aro always therefor the uso of patrons of tho house.Fishing with line and rod is a popu-lar amusement in that pari of thoWaikiki bay. Cosy arbors coveredwith tropical foliago abound on thepromises, aho grassy lawns for ten-nis or croquet games, and a pleas-antly situated billiard room otrors adiversity of amusement for tho

nests. Tram cars from Honolulurun to within au easy distance oftho promises, Good roads load toaucli points of interest as the loftyand salubrious summits of DiamondlfiiMfl. Alfllltlf fPrllf nlllS mill I 11 flingieat crater of I'unchbowl hill.

au sailing snips ami ocean uouuusteamers coming into and going outot Honolulu harbor aro m lull viowto the naked eye, almost passing btho doors of Sans Souci. Passengersteamers from the city come along-side without lillicult'. And onfoto days crowds of Honoluluitcstake advantage of the outing bywater thirty minutes from tho citymail wharf.

The Sans Souci buildings aroespecially adapted to the tropics,lofty and woll vortilatod, and in thefurnishings modern ideas of comfortprevail. Meals aro served in thegigantic lanai lacin ind opening onthe great Pacific ocean, with seagulls flitting past and the roar of thesea bieaking on the piotecling coralreef. The scene is weird and grandenough to please the most fastidious.Tho fact of tho buildings being de-tached offers many advantages. Ke-volr- y

bv tho gay and festive can boenjoyed without in tho slightestmanner interfering with invalid ormc-- quietly disposod guests of thehouse. Throughout the grounds,under beautiful shade trees easychairs, settees aud lounges are inplentiful supply.

Tho Hoi belt family will travel tofoieign countiies dining this sum-mer, isiting the World's Pair atChicago, and Europe. Mr. Geo.Lycurgus, tho pic-en-t lessee of SansSouci, is a gentleman woll and favor-ably known at homo and abroad,genial to all and thoroughly under-stands catering to tho public. It istherefore safe to predict that his nowenterprise has come to stay, and issure to win popular favor, boj'ond hismost sanguine expectations. Quitoa number of tourists have alreadytaken up thoir abode at Sans Souciaud the cry is still tlioy coiuo.Equipages of every description aroon hand read' to convoy guests whenand where they will.

- m "


To be built in England by Sir W.Armstrong & Co.

.Tup.in is determined to have a navysecond to none. The Shogyo Shimposays that the Govt rnment bus decidedto place the Older for tho two iron-cl.id- s

voted for in the hibt pin lament-ar- y

session, with the English firm ofSir W. Armstiong & Co., the buildersuf the Tak.ichiho and Nunivn. Kan,(the latter at picscnt in Honoluluhai her). It ib said that the two newironclads ;uo to be built on the modelof the Uoy.d .Sovereign, a 14,000-to- n

ironclad lecenlly constructed by theArm&tiong compiny. They will bethe largest ironclads in tlus Z..l. Mr.Vui.ik.uni, Iuspii-tu- r of Machine',and Mime othw olficcis will pioceedto England to place tho older andwatch the constitution of the vow-els- .

If built on the mndi 1 of the KoyulSovi icigii the two vt - - will have adisplacement of ll,l.'i0 tons each, willbe 380 feet long and 75 feet broad.Their aimauiuut will consist of fourl.'H inch (17-lo- n guns, tenguns mid twenty-lou- r

f'liey will each have engines capableof developing l!l,0()0-hot!-- e power,which will give the battle ships aspeed of 17J knots.

What is a BabyP

Hero aro some answers sent to theLondon Tid-Bit- s:

Tho prince of wails.Au inhabitant of Lapland.The morning caller, noonday

crawler, midnight brawler.Tho only precious possession that

never oxeitoa envy.A key that opens tho hearts of all

classes, rich and poor, in all coun-tries.

A stranger with unspeakablecheek, that outers a house without a-- litch to his back, and is receivedwith open arms b everyone.

A Moxican Misor'B Will.

The .Mexican papers toll of a niisornamed Monecke, who recently died.His relatives were unwilling that hisbody should bo interred, as ho hadtattooed his will all over his ohostwith homo red pigment instead ofusing pen and ink. The Court decreedthat tho romarkablo "human docu-ment" should bo copied and tho re-presentation duly attached in theprosonco of witnesses. This wasdone and tho Court has piououucodtho queer will genuine.

Tho promptness and certainty ofits cures have made Chamberlain'sCough Remedy famous. It is in-

tended especially for coughs, colds,croup and whooping coughs, and istho most effectual rumody known forthese diseases. Mr. C. 11. Main, ofUnion City, l'a., says: "I havo a groatsale on Chamborlaiu's Cough Rumo-dy. 1 warrant every bottle mid hnvonever hoard of ono failing to giveentire satisfaction." fit) cent bottlesfor sale by all dealers. Benson,Smith & Co., agents for the Hawai-ian Islands.


Judge Uoopor Fining Tardy Suitorsand Jurors.

A batch of four appeal casos, com-prising eight defendants uudor thogaining laws, has boon filed in thoCircuit Court from tho DistrictCourt.

Nollo prosequis hnvo boon ontor-e- d

in tho following casos on the Cir-cuit Court torm calendar: Ah Sam,lottery; J. W. Gibbs, assault with adangerous weapon; Alfred Silva,

In tho caso of Young Hoy andYoung Wai. gross cheat, a foroignjury yesterday afternoon rondorod averdict of not guilty by diroction oftho Court.

The appeal of Ah Hook, from con-viction in tho District Court ofmaintaining a lottery, has boon with-drawn. Kanoaktia for defendant.

Ah Fook, lottery, was tried by aforeign jury this afternoon. Jurystill considering vordict at 2:15 p.in. C. W. Ashford for dofoudnut.Verdict of guilty has boon returned.

K. Stono is on trial this afternoonfor perverting justice Ho is tho P.G. guard arrested for perforating apoliceman with a bullet in tho Pan-theon Saloon. Deputy Attornoy- -

Geiioral Wilder prosecutes; A. S.Hart woll defends. Tho followingjury is sitting on tho caso: S. G.Wilder, S. 1. Shaw, E. W. Jordan, F.D. Wicko, S. Both, Godfrey Brown,Tom May, T. M. Starkoy, F. S.Lyman, Jr., James Stoiner, Chas.Clapp, F. West brook. It is a strik-ingly romarkablo jury to a spectator,from tho number of shining polls itcontains, besides being heavy in

business men. At 1o'clock a verdict of guilty is re-

ported.Yesterday afternoon Judge Cooper

fined tho two defendants, YoungHoy and Young Wai, $5 each for bo-in- g

late in putting in their appoar-anc-o

after recess.To-da- y T. J. Greene, keeper of

the palace, failed to auswor to hisname on the jury roll call aud wasfined S5 by the Judge.


" I have been afflictBlliousnoss, " ed with biliousness

ana constipationConstipation,! for fifteen years:" first one and thenStomach " another prepara-- "

Pains. tion was suggested"tome and tried but

M to no purpose. At last a friend" recommended August Flower. I" took it according to directions and" its effects were wonderful, relicv-- "

ing me of those disagreeable"stomach pains which I had been"troubled with so long. Words"cannot describe the admiration"in which I bold your August" Flower it has given me a new" lease of life, which before was a"burden. Such a medicine is a ben-- "

efaction to humanity, and its good" qualities and"wonderful mer-- Jesse Barker," its should be"made known to Printer,"everyone suffer- - Humboldt,

ing with dyspep-"si- a

or biliousness Kansas, oG. G. GKliEN.Sole Man'fr.Woodbury.NJ.

By Lewis J. Levey.

Land in Kan, Hawaii,


On SATURDAY, May 20,


I will sell at Public Auction, at my Sales-room,

1 Piece Land, Waialoa,Situated at Knliuku, Ivan, 1.1 Acres,well adapted for the Cultivation of Collce.

tXf l'or particulars apply to

Le'wls J. Levey,718-- AUCTION KKU.


j Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist

Club Stables, Honolulu.

Han arrived from Switzerland, wlicro ho liadlive year' experience in the Army,

uud hits opened un otliee atthe Club Stables.

Ibdr Both Telephones 477. "Su"71.1-li- u

Home-mad- e BufferFOR SAIiB I


MRS. R. LISHMAN,Mukllii.

SXT Hell Telephone 317. TM-2- s


0000 Alligator Pear Stones

Kor which $1 u Hundred will bo paidHellvurod at

II. i:. McINTVUK &. HHO.'S,717-2- Cor. Kort &. KIne; Htn.

M. L. MINER, D. V. S.,


Olllni: Hotel Ktuhles. Olllcu Ilimrn: H tolo a. .m,; !:; to;i;;tor. m,

Henidoni'o with l)r, F. h, Miner, Herein-wi- ll

ilia ittioot. All culls receive proinptlUtontioii. 715MI

Hawaiian Harto Co., L'll

Saturday, May 6, 1893.

Some time ago, a year per-haps, we made mention in thiscolumn of the enormousamount of tourist travel thatwould pass between the Colo-

nies and the United Statesthis summer and the probablebenefits that would be derivedfrom it by Honolulu's businessmen. Our prophecy has, inthe main, proven correct. Thepassenger lists on the throughsteamers have been abnormal-ly large and the number ofdollars that have dropped intothe coffers of the storekeeperswould be hard to calculate.The tourist travel may bringbenefits in other ways. Theclimate, the tropical plants andthe blight are all objects ofcuriosity and people who arelooking for a quiet peaceablehome are sure to favorablyconsider the land where revolu-tions occur and a Governmentcan be overturned withoutbloodshed. They cannot findit anywhere else and we mayexpect an increase of settlersfrom the Colonies. In anotheryear our streets may be throng-ed by individuals who habitual-ly turn up the bottoms of theirtrouser legs in rain in imitationof something the Prince ofWales did one rainy morningin London.

The advance in sugar hasadded zest to energy of thesugar men and improvementsand repairs that should havebeen made last year will nowgo on. Land which had beenalmost abandoned on accountof the low price of the productwill be cultivated and yield fivetons to the acre. We knowthis has begun from the orderswe are receiving for our Hen-dry Breakers. Managers whobought two or three last yearto try, have duplicated theirorders this year; two planta-tions each have ten. Theselittle things prove the superi-ority of the Hendry Breaker.No plow on the islands has itsreputation for strength oreffectiveness and we questionif another could be made toequal it. If you are a planta-tion manager and want areally good breaker, try it.

Throuerh the courtesy ofMessrs. Hackfeld & Co. wehave just set up a steel .Aer-mot- or

in their yard at thecorner of Fort and Queenstreets. We had one therebefore and sold it to two differ-

ent people before we had timeto take it down. Aermotortowers of steel are an innova-tion here but in the short timethey have become popular.The Aermotor, of course, is

the only windmill recognizedon these islands where wind isvariable and often light. Theirconstruction is so perfect thatthe least wind operates them.For the lawn, plantation orranch the Aermotor is thecheapest and best knownmeans of obtaining a supplyof water. We have them withfixed or tiltinsr towers, woodor steel. The one in Messrs.Hackfeld & Co's., yard is atilter.

The Mariposa brought usadvices of the shipment of acar load of Fischer SteelRanges right from the factory.The peculiar effect of the clim-

ate of the islands upon metalsprompted us to have this lotof ranges made of steel justtwice the thickness of thoseformerly sold by us or by anyother dealer in ranges in thecity. Any one with a frag-ment of brain can understandthat this adds to the life of thestove.

We have greater confidencein these ranges than we haveever had before, because a per-sonal visit to the factory inIndiana last summer enabledus to get improvements with-

out adding to the expense.People who have used a Fis-

cher Range have no hesitationin saying that it heats upquicker and with less fuel thanany stove of its size known.In this respect it is economi-cal of coal or wood just asour brand of Refrigerators iseconomical of ice.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'tlOpposite HprcukcU' Hfouk,

Wovt Street.






bedrock:tEE . --fcLl EC JEi. Zj X C2 HC ,

Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., - - - Honolulu, H. I.

Hotel StveetB.


prices i

Honolvilvi, EC. I.

-- o-




IMIost Feisticiio-u.- s Smoker!HOLLXSTER & CO.,

DRUOOISTS,109 Fort Street,

I3VEEOJT3E5IS.recent .a.r,:rj:"v.ajl. "TAOORA'


Regular Additions to Stocks Received per Sail and Steamfrom Europe, Australia, New Zealand

and the States.

White Bros. Portland Cement !

Uoclie Harbor I.imo, I'owull Dullryn Largo Rteam Coal.


Guano " Concentrado "Ohlondorli'3 Special Cane Manure, Ollendorff's Dissolved Peruvian Gnano.

Steel Ralls, 14, IS, 18&20 Dos.;HOLTS, NUTS and KLSH PLATICB TO SUIT.

HAflS ltlcn, ('mil and Paddy;W1HK (jalvaniod, VaniNhod, HIack and Galvanuud Harljedj



-rLoliors gljclcL Ctta,irLsYollow Mutal Blieathinj,', Coal Tar, Iron Tanlcn, 100 gallon;

Plain und Coirugatod Galv.micd Iron,Biiiarc and Arcli Firo Hrlck", Down Pino,

Guttering, h,mire and O. G. Vt to liln.;I'ldgiug, Galvanicd WatorPipe, from '3 to "Jin.;

Sln:t)t Lead, Blieot ine,Wildun'H Clinruonl Tin Platusi,

Hoofing Klatos, Firo Oluy.

Higgin's Fine Eureka Dairy Salt!E5S Pound Bags;

LIYICItPOOL COAIthi: HALT, lC.'ll. Imi;;HAWAIIAN (.'OAHbl-ri-.Ur- , 10l)l. l.agH;



French Iron. Bedsteads !

PAIlsTTS axid- - OILS I


Grain, Hay and Feed Stuffs Always on Hand

' "W" nw-'-wef- wjr

- ' ' wifrrtc rf --US"- J Jit.''-&--. '"Tlw : v


Time Table



Leave Honolulu. .0:16 8:15 1:15Arrive Honouliull.7:20 9:57 2:57Leave Hunoiilinli..7:S0 10:43 3:13Arrive Honolulu. .8:35 11:55 4:55

Peaiu, City Local.Leave Honolulu ...Arrivo Pearl 5:4S ...Leave Pearl 0!ty..O:55Arrivo Honolulu. 7:30

Sundays excepted, f Snturdays only.Saturdays excepted.

Tides, Sun and Moon.

nv c. 3. IA'ONH.



Tups.Weil.Tluirs.Fi-I- .



i i i





A.M. P.M.

s pi S"

fc S .gM s he. a a s a

- c. f cIP f.r--PI

ii. in. ji. in. li.iii8l0 8 11 20, B JO, 2 50

D.lllII 10 3(i U fill. 0 20 4 0

o ii :io; r. so11 12 o l no r. no, 7 ois, 2 5 15 7 40

l:t, 2 3D 1 20 7 40 814' 2 62 2 0' 8 0 10

Ii 21fi 245 2.1

S 2.1

B 22





fi 28, 1 10

0 2rt20

II 4!lII 30

t; 300 31

1 ISoii otsss

i mn o

Last qimittir of tlio moon on thuSlli :it 3h.Mm. i. in.

Time Wlilstlo blows at 111. 2Sm. 31s. p.m. ofllono iiln time, which is the siuue us lib. Dm.lis. of liieenwleh time.


WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893.



Arrivals.Wr.DNr.siiAY, May 10.

Btmr Kilauca Hon from HawaiiStnir talma from Hawaii

Departures.Wednenhay, May 10.

O & O 8 S Oceanic. Smith, for San Fran-cisco at 10 a in

Stmr Hawaii fur Maui and Hamakna ports


For San Francibco, per S S Oceanic, May10 Mrs Isabella Gedge, Hon O It Bishop,lion Aug Dreier and son, J F Hackfeld, ItO Smith, Mr anil Mrs Knudten, LieutConimander Swinburne, Mr and Mrs Lam-bert, Miss Wodohou&c, Otto Isenberc and'2 daughters, T A Pennypecker, USB Bos-ton, Louis Koch, Jno Lewis, Fugunioto, KIwomoto, T Azunia, Mesu, J Jocinth, 1McLean, M Q McLean.

Foreign Vessels Expected.H B M 8 Royal Arthur from EnglandHUMS Temerairo from EnglandBr S S Belgic, from San Francisco,

May 11

S S Australia, Hondlettc, from gan Fran-cisco, due May 17

S S Monowai, Carey, from Francisco,due June 1

S S Alameda, Morse, from the Colonies,due June 1

O V S S Miowera from Sydney, due May 25Am bk Martha Davis from Boston, due

neeAm schr W H Talbot, from Newcastle, due

j uneAm schr Lyman 1) Foster, Dreeyr,

from Newcastle, N S W, due Mav 'J2"Am King Cyrus, from Newcastle, N S

W, April 5-- 10

Br bk Ladstock from Livorpool, due July25-3- 1

Bk Koutenbeck from Newcastle, duo Mav30

Bk Sharpshooter from Newcastle, due June1- -8

Br bk Gainsborough, from Newcastle, N SW.April 25-- 30

Bk Lamorna, from Newcastle, N S W,April 25-3- 0

Bk Amy Turner, from Boston, dno May20-3- 0

Ger bk U N Wilcox from Liverpool, dueJuly

Ocrbk Paul Isenberg from Liverpool,Sept

Fr frigate Duchollault from San Francii-eo- ,

due Mav 0

Haw bk It P ititchct, Morrison, from SanFrancisco, duo May 12

Vessels in Port.USS Adams, Nelson, from San FranciscoHUMS Hvacinthe from KsquiiiialtHUMS Naniwa, Togo, from JapanV 8 S Boston, Day, from HiloAm bktno Amelia, Ward, from Port Blakc- -

iyAm bktno W It Hume, from New-

castle, N S WMis. bkt Morning Star from MicronesiaAm schr Aloha, Dabul, from San FranciscoBr sli Greta, (iarland, from Newcastle

Shipping Kotos.The British bark Greta is still discharg-

ing coal at the Fort street wharf.Tlio steamer Lehun arrived from Hilo

and way ports between 3 1 o'clock thismorning.

The four-maflt- schooner Aloha willleave on Friday for the Coast with a fullload of sugar.

Tlio Missionary steam packet MorningStar came oil' tho Marine Kalhvav thismorning thoroughly cleaned.

The d barkuntlne W U Humehas finished discharging coal. She wasmoved over to tho Oceanic dock this morn-ing to load sugar.


KAUL'LK At Waikahalulu, on Mh May,to the wife of J, K. Kulieh), a sou.

Thoro 1h nothing 1 lmvo ovor iibodfor muscular rliouinatistii that gives1110 as much roliof as Oliaiiihorlain'Ki'atn Balm duos. 1 havo boon usingit for about two yours four bottlosin nil as oooasion roquirotl, ami al-

ways koop a bolllo of it in my homo.1 boliovo I know a good thing whon1 got hold of it, and 1'aiu lialm istho bust liniiiioiit I havo ovor motwith. AV. U. Douny, dairyman, NowLoxiugton, Ohio, TU uoiit bottlesfor Milu by all doalors. Jioiihou,Smith tc (Jo., agontu for tho Hawai-ian Islands.

All kimh 0 C'ommrrciul I'tlnUtvjpromptly woutftl ut low ruttt at theJiulltHn Ojjice,


Oflluors of tho Ooltnln Sugar Co.nro mlvortiswl in this papor.

Dinmoml Head, U p. in. Woathnrcloudy, wind light northeast.

Two second-han- d bedroom sols' aro wanted through V. O. box 4G9.

Marshal Hitchcock don nod his of-- 1

ficinl cap yeslorday evening for thofirst tiino.

Tho Japanese cruiser Naniva willsail for Japan at 7 o'clock to-nio- r-

l row morning.





Mr. Chris. It. Bishon was a nasson- -



by a

hailO. O.

S. S. Oceanic this mom--1 stoamors in continuing thoir calls at Tyno, and ongiuod by thomg for Coast. this port. Tho trado botweou Japan Slipway Company, ami Doth as

at i"Vr T ir- and Hawaii was might bo oxpoctod workiin. miu iiiiM. jjiiinijcit. mill mis n :,. .,., ,i.,..i.j. ii.i wr.. i....

c:35t jWodohoiwo bjr tho S.S.OcowiiUitho sloamors' wouitl inn6M2t ;io-uiyi- ,,, f ,.,,11 linri,

Tho nuartorly "meoliuL' Walker caused to bo inUnion Feed Co. bo hold at ? prominent hotels in llongolllco at 10:!10 a. in.

Tho Post-ollic- o despatched 2GJ5lottors and 1511 papers by tho S. S.Ocoanic to-da- y for Coast.

Creditors of Jas. Nott, Jr., willmoot at tho olllco of T. H. Davies &Co. at 10 o'clock (Thurs-day).




who luteutltourists, it said, t wo'r(ona thousand dollars in ( u w M, JPa; bduring tho Oceanic s stay m so ftolighlcd the 0iiumto

tho beauties tho city,Tho P. G. band at did day

IIolol for tho at tho fair,hcncGt of tho S. S. Oceauic's pas

Mr. Oliver Stillmnn, clerk at tlioCustom Houso, loft his position

and by Mr. W.D. Schmidt.

Tho steamer Lehun which arrivedearly this morning brought twolvolepors Ililo, Hawaii. They aroat tho Kalihi

. . .

Notwithstanding that, tho S. S.Oceanic well crowded,no less than twenty-fiv- e

took passago from this port.

Joseph Tinker will appear beforothe District Magistrateto answer to a charge of violation ofhealth laws in slaughtering ill. anunauthorized place.

The Sons of St. Georgo will givesocial and dance on a largo scale,

in convenient hall to be selectedlater, on tho evening of May 21th,Queon Victoria's birthday.

Tho charge of being accessory be-foro tho fact in tho theft of thoStation opium against Mrs. MarySutherland pros'd in thoDistrict Court this

Asconsiou Day services will boin St. Andrew's Cathedral as

follows: Evensong, 7 o'clock thisevening; Holy communion. 0:150 a.in., and matins and address, 11 a.m.


Port Surveyor Saudors had anefficient corps of officers watching

S. S. Oceanic during lmr stay inport, but nary a smoll of dope didthoy catch. A number of police of-ficers with bullsoyo lanterns search-ed tho stoamor for stowaways short-ly boforo sho loft, but never a stowdid tho3r stay.

The present superintendent of thodredge, Mr. P. Smith, and his followemployees aro loud in thoir praiseof tho work done by tho dredger andaro rejoicing in tlio fact that thoharbor is open to tho largest vesselin thoso waters. They do not forgottho Bulletin, and sa3 that it is theonly paper in


Evidence of of Pro-tection for Women and Childron.

Between 12 and 1 o'clock to-da- y alittlo six-yo- ar old Chinese girl wasdrivon to tlio Polico Station in ahack by a polico ollicor. Tho oilicerstaled that he arrested tho girl attho request of a Chineso bakerwho charged her with tho theftof a loaf of bread from hisbakery this morning. Furtherinvestigation olicitcil tho lactthat tfio girl was brought fromUhina as a servant, itireo Hays agoshe ran away from tho house, cornerof King and Kckauliko streets, andhid under another houso, where shestayed three days. It is presumedshe was on one of her expe-ditions when caught.

Deputy Marshal Brown sent forthe guardian or employer, OnChong, and advised hint "to lookafter tho girl and give her medicaltreatment. little thing is in apitiable state, being covered withblotches and dirt.

Newspaper Registration.

Frank Godfrey, editor and ofthe publishers of the I'anulino oftlio Pacific, was tho first to registerhis publication under the newspaper

of P. G. D. Logan, editor,and treasurer of tho Bulle-

tin Publishing Co., was next. Uptill 2:.r) p.m. thoso were all who hadcomplied with the law. Others hadcalled at tho lutorior Ollice beforetho blanks were ready.

Whilo Mr. T. .1. of Altona,Mo., was traveling iu Kansas ho wastakon violent ly ill with eholura mor-bus. called at drug store togut bomo iiiixliuino and tho druggistrecommended C'hamberlainV Colic,Cholera aud Diarrlnea Keiuedy sohighly ho to try it. Thoresult was immediate relief, and afow doses cured him completely.It is made for bowel complaint andnothing else. It never faiU. Forsale all denier. Menson, .Smith A:

Co., Agents for the Hawaiian

According lo the I'l.uiklui'U'i' Zi-Ulil-

the (!omiinll'u of llniAuli-rluvci- Ciiiiimii,v him to

.Major mi Y'imiii.iii'i en.mi prion anil to otl'er the Nyuv.i sta-tion to the lmpt'iiul (iiiVDiiimeiil.l'umU me iiiMilliuioiil fm tliouuiuiiiu-une- u

uf thu new outoinrUu,

Mr. Walker's Working Up of TouristTravol from tho Orient.

Mr. P. G. Evton-Walke- r, ropro-- 1 Tho sistor ships Miowora and War- -

sontativo of the Hawaiian Bureau of rimoo aro now engaged inInformation, roturned by tho & botweou Australia and Vancouver,

S. S. Oceanic yesterday from a j B. 0., tho termor being tho pioneerfour and a half months' to sailing from Sydney to-da- y (May 11).Hongkong and Japan, to advertise Each ship is 357 ft. long by 42 ft.tho islands. Mr. NValkor was scon ' in. boam, with depth of

Bulletin reporter this morning 28 ft., giving a registered tonuago ofand was interrogated with rogard tohis visit. Tho envoy of tho buroaustated that ho had been vory successful, anil his visit greatly in-

fluenced tho & S. S. mailger by Wallsond

tho '

1 and from the of

loft Javaipanuso. .,.. Mr.

of tho ' had postedwill ho



kong and Japan colored viewstrativo of tho of the Paci- -fie, which were much appreciated byresidents at thoso places. Many hadavowed a desiro to visit Hawaii inthe near future, and it was hisopinion that tho noxt China boatwould bring a multitude of tourists.

Thoro were nine passougors by thoS. S. Oceanic who stayed over in

. Honolulu, alsoTho dropped j t tbover Honolulu thoir tsteamerWJro wiUl

l,or1, and of thatplayed tho thoy not mind boing a be- -

yesterday ovoinug hind


yes-terday was succeeded


was prettypassougors


was nolmorning.




Need Organized




law thesecretary


Ho a






illus- -

Mr. Walker also staled that hohad sont advertising matter and Ha-waiian views to India, and ho ox-

poctod that tourists would bo alsoattracted from that far country.Being only allowed $200 for expensesho could not possibly extend hisvisit, and consequently ho roturned.Onco successfully started tho com-bination should not drop tho goodwork. Mr. "NValkor only hopes thoy

send him again on a similar ex-

pedition, in tho same direction, asho was very successful indeed.Through passengers expressed greatadmiration for Honolulu and onlywished their stay could bo oxtonded.

Tho Paradiso of tho Pacific hasalso shown tangiblo results, from itsdistribution in distant countries andIho interest created in its contents,by tlio willing acknowledgment fromLady Herron and party (who arriv-ed by tho steamer Mariposa) thattho "Paradiso had directed thothoughts of Sir Robert Horrouhithorward as a suitable place forhealth and investment. M r. 13. F.Dillingham also mot Sir Eobortand added his personal, verbal, pow-ers to piesoiit tlio advantages in cli-

mate and business opportunities.Mr. Godfrej' during his stay in SauFrancisco obtained a list of knowntravellers to whom tho Paradise willbo now mailed regularly.

O. & O. S. B. OCEANIC.

Departure of the Big Ocean Linerfor San Francisco.

Tho O. & O. S. S. Oceanic resumedhor voyage to San Fraucisco at 10:20o'clock this morning, dipping thoBritish flag to tho United States,British and Japanese warships asshe steamed out of tho harbor. Therewas a large number of peoplo on thowharf to bid goodbye to tho largostpassenger stoamor that has overgraced Honolulu harbor.

Tho P. G. baud was in attendanceaud played tho steamer off. It waspromptly at 10:0() o'clock whenPilot Shepard gave tho command thatall linos with tho excoption of onefrom tho stern bo thrown off. Thotug then pulled tho steamship round.Mr. and Mrs. Lambert, Miss Wodo-hous- e,

and Mr. August Droier andson, and MY. J. F. Hackfeld woroamong outgoing passengers fromthis port. Thoy woro gaily decor-ated with lois and ilowors.

Some of tho crow forward did alaud ollice business while tlio steam-er was in port. Thoy had anyamount of birds, including canaries,parrots and nightingales which thoyoffered for sale. Canaries woro soldat 81.50, nightingales, at seventy-fiv- o

cents, anil parrots at a dollar a piece.These prices included the cages, andthe latter had to undergo tho Cus-toms duty of fifty-cunt- s. A wagproposed to throw tho cage over thofeuco and carry tho bird in his hand,but the proposal was not acquiescedin.


Eight Percont of Alcohol Two DozonIllicit Places,

Some of the bottlos of swipes cap-tured by roundsman David Kaapathe other day woro taken to OahuCollege on Monday to be examined.J'rof. Lyons reported this morningthat the liquor contained eight per-cent of alcohol, ample to set a manoff his pins. Thoso samples belong-ed to the twelve do.ou bottlos cap-tured on Saturday niirht, whichcreated an alarm at the Station byfour bottles exploding and burstingt ho caso.

In answer to a question this morn-ing an oilicer stated that there worono lo.ii than twenty-fou- r swipesshops in town, kept by Japanese,Chinese, natives and foreigners.Formerly they sold the stull in bot-tlo- i,

but since the recent raids thoyhave become careful and sell it intin cans, '"Another thing," the of-lic- or

said, "they sell the liquor with- -111 two or three hundred yards ofthe place it i manufactured."

Kahaiianui, the native arrested byroundsman Kaapa, was found guilty

' in the District Court to-da- y andneuleiiced to pay a iiuo of .$100 and

.'(, 10 eonis. Defendant noted an ap-peal.


Arrostod for Vailing- TrooB.

Five Portuguese Frank Alve.i, M.(J. IVdro, Alfred Froitas, .lolinAudio and .lohn Comes - were ar-- !

net I'd at 111 o'clock this morning on(he (op of I'uiichbiiwl in the act ofciiltiug some trees 011 liovoruuieiillaud. Their hewing implements,consisting of cios cut haws, a.esand knives, were brought down, andaro now iu t he custody of Clerk Zab-lu- u

nt thu Station.


Description of tho Stoamors PlyingBotwoon Sydney and Vancouver.



about 3400, or about 5000 tons cubiccapacity. Tho indicated horsopowor ol each on trial was lbou.Both woro built last year by Messrs.Swan and Hunter, Nowcastlo-ou- -





these ominont linns havo givenovory satisfaction. On thoir trialtrips thoy attained a speod of 17knots, and thoy havo boon notedand plans taken by tho Admiraltyfor subvention in caso of war. A11-kn- speed would, allowing for ashort dotoutiou at Honolulu, convoymails from Sydney to Vancouver in21 days.

A sorvico of 21 days to Vancouveris shorter by several days thau thooxistiug route to San Francisco.Tho now lino is not, howovor, in op-position to tho San Francisco service, but a competitor with tho P. &O. sorvico by the Isthmus of Suez.Tho Miowera and Warnmoo arofitted with tho latest triplo expan-sion niachinery refrigerators forship's use, dupbeato electric light-ing, special ventilation for tropicalvoyaging, and with tho other com-forts for passougors which aro to bofound in Atlantic Hues. Iu thotrado in which thoy havo recentlyboon ongaged between Australiaand Now Zealand thoy havo wonfor themselves a very high reputa-tion. TI103-- aro described as thofinest vessels in tho Australasianmercantile navy.

To Australians tho prospect isvery pleasing of having a fortnightlymail sorvico in conjunction with thoSan Francisco steamers. Tho pro-jectors anticipate that with thospeedier Atlautic sorvico now in con-templation by tho Canadians, thotime botwoon Sydnoy and Londonwill soon be reducod to 80 days, orfour days less thau that of tho Isth-mian route. And, iu tho event ofEuropean war, all that would boneeded to establish a weekly routearo additional stoamors botwoonAustralia and Vancouver. In thosotting forth of advantages to thoAustralians tho owners of tho uewlino point out tho attraction of astop at Honolulu. Tho CanadianParliament has voted a subsidy of$125,000 a year to the lino.


Firstrato Symposium of Musical Ta-

lent Last Night.

Mr. Wray Taylor, iu charge of thegreat organ in Kaumakapili Church,has reason to bo congratulated onthe result ho achieved iu last night'smusical event. He sot tosothor arare varioty of talont, instrumentaland vocal, and ovory number was atreat. Mr. Taylors own perform-ances on tho organ, ho having madethree appearances, were fine exhibi-tions of tho groat scope of that in-

strument. His quick command oftho stops aud mastery of the endlessran go of harmonies woro woll illus-trated. As a finale ho played thoAmorican, British, Japanese and Ha-waiian autumns.

Mr. H. L. Manning of H. B. M. S.Hyacinth was loudly encored for hisson-'- , "La Soronata," Dr. H. E. Southof tlio same ship accompanying ontho organ. Mrs. E. D. Tenuoy andMr. Manninc; made a groat nit intho duet, ''Oh, that wo two woroMayiug," rospouding to an oncojw. j

Miss Patch accompanied on tho' piano. Mr. Manning got another j

warm oucoro iu his song, "Whisperand I shall hoar," to which Mr.Rosen played a violin obligato. Mr.Manning is certain of an ovationovory time he contributes his richtenor to tho enjoyment of a Hono-lulu audience.

Dr. South, in a cavalina by Ra(T,showed a very familiar acquaintancewith organ keys. His solo thoroonwas a sweet one and loudly applaud-ed. Dolightfully soothing musicwas produced on two violins aud aviola by Messrs. J. Rosen, J. Breithaud A. Marquos. Messrs. Rosen, O.Wall, Marquos and Taylor gavethree quartets with two violins, aviola and a violoncello, which woroplayod 111 perfect tune and unison.

Thoro was a good-sizo- d audience,but the concort deserved a full houso.


Rooms to lot with hoard at Uaui-wa- i,


Hoot Boor 011 draiiKht at Boiison,Smith bi. Co.'s.

Aftor shaving uso Cuuumhor SkiuTonic, liunsoii, Smith k, Co., Agents.

Sunburn roliovod at onco by ur

Tonic. IJuiiboii, Smith Si Co.,Agunts.

Dr. MoLoiiiian, liil Fort struct,abovo llotol. Chronic and Sugicalcasus. .Mutual loioimoiio oaz.

Prof. P. Lombard, A. 33., will con-tinu- o

giving instruction in privateand iu classos; Pronch, Spanish,and Latin. Kusiduucu, Alaktm struol,noar Y. M. C. A.

1110 most pauuui casus 01 ruuuiii- - ;

atism may bo ruliovcd by a fow aj- -

plications of Cliamborlaiu's Pain j

Jialni; its continued uso will euroany caso, no inattur ol how longstanding. It is equally bonulioiol forInitio back, pain 111 thu sido, pain intho chost; lauiouoss, mid iu all pain-ful nHuutioiis requiring an externalremedy. A piece of Ilaiinel saturat-ed with l'aiu lialm and bound onover the seat of pain is superior toany plaster. Kor sale by all dealers,lieiihon, Smith & Co,, Agents for theHawaiian Islands.

OuriiiK 1WM thuro woro 1,(151

(ruin thu British A nny. Thnruwore 10,80.1 court-martia- l, und t!0S,-I'.K- )

minor punishment imposuil. TheKu11ur.1l conduct of the boIiHoib is im-


Rich Red BloodResults from taking Hood's


Mr. Gliam. WalkorOt Ban Francisco.

"For soveral years 1 havo been troubled withblotches and pimples on my faoe and body,which were very annoytne. I tried icycral prescriptions, and also other medicines, but tniejr

Hood's s Curesdid not seem to benefit me. Last fall a friendarivherimoto try Hood's Sarsaparllla. I wasdetermined to ctvo It

A Thorough Trial.After using two bottles, my skin returned to Itsnatural state. I still uso IU as It gives mostrength and vigor. I never had better healthIn my lite, and 1 owe It tu taking Hood's Sarsa--

Barilla." t'tus. Walkeii, with Carvill Mfg.Eighth Htreot, Ban Francisco.

Hood's Pills aro the best after-dinn-

Flits, assist digestion, cure headache. 2G&



Sets, ninrhle-top- ; Antique Oakor lllaek Walnut


ApplyBOX 409."


THE ANNUAL MEETING OKtho Ooknla Sugar Plantation Com

pany nckl tins city Tuesday, aoySlth, tho following Otlicers were dulyelected:

President Holdnt ...


rcs-- it

r. O.

m on

Alex. McKibbin..J. Dowsett... .11. W. Mist



rpHE SLOOP "WAIANAE,"JL F. Motta, master, sailsfrom Honolulu for above porton every Monday and Thurs

MeKihhinJ. Wrii-h- t


day at 10 o'clock a. m.0. PESTANA, Agent,

with Gonsalves & Co., Queen st.TlU-l-ui


PERSONS HAVING ANY OLAIMagaiitbt the Estato of Tni Lung,

Bankrupt, Honolulu, are herehy notifiedto present the same at once to vhe under-signed ut thu ollice of HymanUros. I. UUP.INSTE1N,

Assignee Estate Tai Lung, Bankrupt.71'J-l- w



ing of the Union Feed Co., (L'dl, willhe hem at the Company'!) Otllco, QuconHtroet, on THURSDAY, tho 11th nibt., at10::X) o'clock a. m.

F. It. VIDA,710-- 5t Secretary K. Co., L'd.



Horse, Frazier Cart & HarnessMAONEA LE .t URI1AN K1REPROOK

SAKE, 14xl!)xLl inside mea--Hiirement;

Antique Oak Bedroom Set,with MnttresacM and Pillowx;

Oak Cornice Poles, Piano Stand Lamps,Wardrobe, Etc., Etc.

tSf Kor further particulars apply to








GEO. W. BURGESS,Ollice of Benson, Smith it Co.


Pacific Steam Line

For Vancouver, B. C:

The New anil Magnificent Al Steam-ship

MIOWERA"Registered Tonnage 3500 Tons

Will hu duo at Honolulu from Sydney, viaBrisbane, 011 or about

HjUHT 35tilAnd will leave for above Port with Mails

and PasHeiigcrs on or aboutthat date.

Through Tickets to All Points In Canada

and the United States per C. P. R.

NOTE The abovo Steamer will beIu about Four Weeks, by her Biotor--

slilp tlio

"WARRIMOO"MW Kor further particulars regarding

Freight or Passage, apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.,7111-t- d (Jeueral Agents.

Kor Local NowsKitly prutitiiitud'Puko thuBulletinJSvury timoj

N. S. SACHS104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

Summer Dress MaterialsNewest Materials ! Latest Designs I

Cotton Pongee! Cotton ChaillelLight and Dark Ground Efl'ei'ts I'rctty I'nttcnm;

SOLID COLORS COTTON CRAPEIn Pink, Croatn, Light Illuo, Cardinal and lllnck;


SHADED & FIGURED SATEENSScotch Ginghams, Brocaded t Plain Chatnhrics,

Eider-dow- n in Pink, Cream and BabyPolka Dot MiLsllns,


In Plaids, Cheoks and Stripes.Ufe- - Come and hco the White Goods we are celling at 7, 0 and 5 yards for $ 1.

Dimities, Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns,Linen Lawns, India Linens, Etc., Etc.


Laces and Embroideries !



Chenile Portieres & Smyrna RugsINDIA DIMITY IN WHITE and COLOKED Ju-- t suitable for this climate.

KNOTTED SWISS-- A very pretty line; entirely new.


Silveliix and Drapery,Sateen Gloria and Cashmere Subline, Etc.,

ZW Dressmaking Under the Management of MISS K. CLARK. JS3

To Lot or Lease.


rpWO KUKNISHEI) ROOMSJL on Beretnnin street, nearAlakeu street. Apply at thi- -



HOUSE OK FIVErooms, on Magazine

street, with Bathroom, pat-ent . C, etc.one of the llnest views in Honolulu.to (477-t- f)



street cars, aCool and Cottage of bix Rooms,


Lot, Stahle and Chicken House. Applv toE. It. HENDRY,

at Hawaiian Hardware Co.'s vtorc.Wi7-- tf





Kinir street, latelvoccupied hy Mr. .M.S. l3Vy,containiiiL'.'t Bedrooms. Par







lor, j'liinig-roou- i, jvnciieu ami luunrooiii;Stable in yurd; Artesian Water laid on.For particulars and terms, apply to

AUK. FERNANDEZ,(M-t- f ot E. O. Hall A Suns'.



TWO PIECES OFPronertv with the

Buildings thereon, situatedon King street, anil ut pre




sent occupied hy Messrs. 8. Nowlein undJ. Downey, both being opposite the resi-dence of J. 11. Atherton; each of theo pre-mises ure bringing iu an uiiuual rental of

Ui0, and a line opportunity is herebyollered anyone who is desirous uf owninga nice comfortable home in a good loca-lity within a few minutes' walk of ourtown. For terms apply to

(iimf JOlfN F. COLBURN.


HANDSOME NEW HOUSEA cotaiuing Parlor, SmokingRoom,lug-roo- m

Laruu Bedrooms. Din- -




and Kitchen, Verandas and l.u- -

mil. Woodroom. Bathroom und Patunt W.C. Beautiful LargcUrouudscoutainingOr-liamcuta- l,

Shade und Kruit Trees, Flowersand Lurgu Grape Arbor. Outbuilding con-tains Washroom, Servant's Room, Tool-room, Chicken House and Yard, aud I .urgeCarriage House with all Improvements.In fact tho place must be heen to be appre-ciated. To a permanent ipiiet (aiiufv abargain will be made seldom ollered. Willrent with or without Carriage Huusu.House Furnished or Unfurnished. Onemile from Post Ollice; one block fromUeretauia street cars. Also, a NewCottage with all modern Improvements utlow rent. Ajiply at this otUce. 717-l-


No 41 Nuuanu St. Bet. Hotel & King




PltlUlbllll! Neat I

periunccil Workmen,

717-- tf


Kxecuted hv



Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Shoes

and Slippers

Huh removed to Nuuanu street, "Foter'slllorli," between Merchant ami

King utrects.

lhiily llullttin, 00 centsdilivtrtii (rti)












rrr;r--Wl"Hrr&- &

The iiiider-igue- d aro prepared to give in-

tending Tourists the advantage of a

Special Round Trip Rate


Chicago Return




Of Sen. FranoisooAM)


Ol' New Zealand.

W Further particulars ma hu httdUmii application.

Win. G. IRWIN 4 CO.


month, Jh PrintingI (Milted ut the

Figured Lawm.


nciify din promptlyHulUtin Office.

ifAVyrWrpfrr :S !(r H( .x'T'" fi .' I jjp "'' ? " ' W



New-Yor-k Life


JOHN A. McCALL, President.

stxm::m:.a.:ry- - oip report:BUSINESS OK 1802.

Premium luoomo 25,040,110.03Interest, Konts, ote 5,890,470.00

Total Income, - - - $30,936,590.83

Doalh Claims $7,890,589.29Endowments and Annuities 2,484,432.29Dividends, Purchased Insurances, etc 3,013,990.75

Total to Policy-holder- s, - - $13,995,012,33

Number of New Policies Issued 00,259of New Insurance "Written $173,005,070.00

CONDITION JAN. 1, 181)3.

Assets, .... $137,499,198.99

Liabilities, 4 Percent Standard $120,004,250.89Surplus 10,804,948.10Number of Policies in Force 224,008Amount of Insurance in Force $OS9,248,029.00

PROGRESS IN 1892.Increase in Benefits to Policy-holder- s $ 1,323,521.45Increase in Assets 11,551,908.18Increase in Surplus 1,003,924.79Increase in Insurance "Written 20,940,088.00Increase in Insurance in Force 00,1G5,451.00

O. O.General Agent for the Islands.


Cut GlassSalads


Insurance Co.



TumblerseoantersBuoltetsEta. Etc.

Royal WorcesterLARGE


General Crockery and Glassware !

Freiaoli Center iK.Tj.gs,French Sofa ISLvigs,

French Door Rugss,French Stair Carpets in Latest Designs, French Iron Beds, Double anil Single; Baby Cols

CHINESESets of Telescopic Card and Fancy Tea Tables !

Basket Trunks, Steamer Trunks, Wooded Trunks.


American & English



Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter


Hew Goods Received by Every

All Orders faithfully attended to.solicited and packed with care.




Island Solicited.

9- 1-



VasesChocolate Juys

Rose JarsEtc. Etc. Etc.





Steamer from San Francisco.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Island Orders

Bet. Fort and Alakei Streets.

P. O. BOX 372.

--P. O. BOX 2!J7

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

-- P. O. BOX 145.


Importers, Wholesale & Retail Grocers

Provision Sealers & Naval SuppliesFresh Goods by Every Gala. Steamer





Q-rocerie- Provisions sundi Feed.New Uoodn Received by Every i'ackot from i'ie Eastern Statu Awl Uuiu.


AJJ firdurs faithfully attended to (Mid UpodH di'llvorcrt to an;- - part f thy fflty free.

.Island Order solicited, flulljfacttoji ynrnntcfld,

HJetut Oornor T'ort & IClna Stroota,

Golden kle Bazaai


Our Optical Department slillgoes along in the even tenor of itsway despite all opposition. Everyday we fit sonubudu cither with apair of Eyeglasses for (., andonce in a while we tjet as hiqh as$2.00. We can't 'go higher be-

cause that is the best pair of crys-tals you can buy and why paymore? The reason is that we donot need any special two weeks'study of the question because ourinstrument, the EYEMETER, isso simple that Us lest is absolute.Doesn't matter if your eyes arcmyopic, astigmatic or any otheralle, thai instrument gets thereevery lime.

Typewriters' Supplies,Toilet Soaps Hair .t Cloth Brushes,

Cromtut Set", Lawn Tennis Supplies,Guitars from ft up, Banjos, Violins,


Sewing MachinesOn the Instalment Plan, also for Bent

Domestics FashionsA large supply of Popular Novels.

A well ussoitcd stock of Bound Books,

to suit nil ages at publishers' rates.

Children's Books from 5c. up,Sots Hawaiian Stamps $1.75 & $4.00.

Sheet Music Ordered by Ever; Steamer.

Are you looking for a Safe

and Profitable Investment at aSmall Annual Cost ?

Then examine the New andNovel Forms of Life Insurancenow offered by


Managers for Hawaiian Islands




Bruca & A. J. Oartwright.

To Let or Lease

At Prices to Suit the Times.


Brick JSiiildiii!;with Pleasant Grounds.formerly tbu icaldeucc of tho late H. J.Hart, situate on Nuuanu Avenue belowSchool street. Terms easy. (i'JIMf

NOTE Before seeking or closing bar-gains elsewhere, it will pay you to scanour column, and to at once consult thoundersigned at their ollice.

W We keep Property in Frst-clas- sCondition. Our terms aie moderate andas Landlords we will always be found rea-sonable in our dealings.

SP Apply in each case to


"Cartwriglit Building," Merchant street.SI'J-t- f

"The Gorman"No-- European I

100 Elegantly Furnished Rooms


Main Entrance to the Fair!310-31- 8 GVith Terraco, Chicago.

Rates: $1 per Day & Upward. 1st Class Cafe,

J. 1 GORMAN,705-3- Proprietor.


"CORAL QUEEN"With Dinghy, has Oak Frame and Bpruco

Planking, Copper rivoted throughout.Sails fast ond is a strong comfortable sea-boa- t.

Can bo Inspected at the HculaniBoat House. Apply to


P. O. Box 00, or II. E. Walker, atKing Bros.' taio-t- f"


Physician and SurgeonCan be cuii ulled at hi residence m Keo-ncul.- i,

on the iiuiuloi side uf King and Kwnnim ii l.ilijiu sttcul, mi-- ,! foriuLiK occil-l- n

in Ji.i I. )i ',i,

Vill Vaccinate from Pure Vac-

cine Blatter 1

Mr Oi i. Ilni'iu: From H tu 10 a. m,and from i to 0 v, n. MJU-Ji-

The JJuily JiulUtin h dilivered bycarriert for 60 cents per month.


Bogus Popular Indignation.

It must bo n very nouto oar indoodthnt hoars "tho rumblo of populariudiguation against President Olove-Inncr- s

action in tho Hawaiian mat-tor- ,"

about which tho Intor-Ocoa- n

roars in this morning's issuo. Thorohas boon a torriblo boating of sub-sidized tom-tom- s by tho jingo nows-tmpo- rs

ovor this Hawaiian business,but tho American people havo re-fused to bo docoivod by tho uoiso.

It has not required any very kooninsight into tho inllttoncos bohindtho upheaval in Hawaii to under-stand that annexation was not askedon bohalf of tho pooplo of thoislands, but to forward tho spocialintorosts of a lot of advonturors.Tho spirit of torritorinl acquisitionso strong in pooplo of Anglo-Saxo- n

lineage responded quickly to thoproposition to gathor in tho groupof volcanic islands in tho middle oftho Pacific Ocoau. But tho Amer-ican doctrine of avoiding ontangliugalliances or anything likoly to oxcitoforeign jealousy, while contentingourselves with our own continentalpossessions, quickly suppressed thoclamor for annexation. Tho Secre-tary of Stato under President Harri-son repudiated tho action of ourMinister at Hawaii, and doclarodthat ho exceeded his authority inusing tho flag and power of thoUnited States to fuither a local revo-lution.

When it was suggested that an-nexation was not the wish of tho rs

but a cut and dried plan ofan insignificant cliquo of Americanspeculators it became tho dutv ofour Govorumout to inform itself oftho true condition of affairs. Inpursuance of this CommissionerBlount was sout out to investigate.In ordering tho removal of the Starsand Stripes from tho Governmentbuildings iu Hawaii ho took tho firststop to obtain a free expression ofHawaiian opinion on tho subject ofself-g- o vorumont or annexation. Iftho protection of tho United Stateswas to bo asked, it must be soughtby the islanders without any actualor formal intimidation on tho partof our representatives.

Tho pooplo of tho United Stateshavo almost universally acknow-ledged the wisdom and justice oftho courso of President Cleveland.At Washington the militant spirit,which longs for anything that mayinvolvo us iu foreign complications,wants Undo Sam to pin the Hawai-ian group to the tail of his coat inorder to trail it before tho navies oftho world. But the pooplo who paytho taxes and who prosper by indus-try and tho pursuits of peace haveno desires for Hawaiian annexation,especially if it is contrary to thofree choice of tho islanders them-selves.

It is oven a matter for vory seriousdiscussion whether we should annextho Hawaiian group under any cir-cumstances. Tho sobor opinion ofour wisest statesmen is against terri-torial extension hoyond tho conti-nent. Chicago Evening Journal.

Wanted! Wanted!Some smart aleek to try and stop

my passport, as I am about to leavethe Island for somo other soaporttown. Also one good colloctor tocollect somo bills. Ho must bo hon-est, upright and sobor; only thosewho can furnish first-clas- s reference

j to the above facts need apply. Alcusn soeumy must do lurnisneu.Please call on or address Hon. A. L.Johnson, tho American Shirt Maker,corner King and Alakea streets, Ho-nolulu, between tho hours of 8 a. in.and 12 p. in., whore j'ou will alwaysfind him making all kinds of shirtsto order with all tho latest improve-ments and only for honest peoplewho pay their honest cash, and notany bluffs. All persons having badbills to collect give them to mo andI will soe to collect them. Myboard bill is now paid at Pahala.

And now look out for somo funall those who aro interested in mywelfare.

"JOHNSON,"Tho American,Tho Annexation,Tho Provisional,

And tho only good Shirt Maker intho World.

Twonty Thousand People in a Crater.Thirty miles from tho city of

Kumamoto, Japan, is tho volcano ofAso San. This volcano has tho larg-est crater iu tho world.- It is morethan thirty miles in circumforenco,and peopled by 20,000 inhabitants.Think of walking for miles amongfertile farms and prosperous villages,peering into schoolhouso windowsand sacred shrines well within thoshell of an old-tim- o crator, whosowalls rise 800 foot all about you.Hot springs abound everywhere.In one place I saw tho brick-ro- d hotwater utilized to turn a rice mill.Tho inner crater is nearly half amilo iu diameter, and a steady col-umn of roaring steam' pours out ofit. Tho last serious eruption was in18SI, when immense quantities ofblack ashos and dust wore ejectedand carried by the wind as far asKumamoto, where, for throe days, itwas so dark that artificial light hadto bo used. fym'ngjirfd, Manx., Re-publican.

Wondorful Emeralds.Cortez obtained iu Mexico five

emeralds of wondorful size andbeauty. One was cut like a rose;another in the shape of a horn; athird in that of a fish, with diamondeyes; a fourth like a boll, with apearl for a clapper; tho lifth was acup with a foot of gold and four lit-tle chains, each ending with a largopoarl. Ho had also two emeraldvases, worth 800,000 crowns each.

Thoro is nothing 1 havo ovor usedfor muscular rheumatism that givesmo as much relief as Chamberlain'si'ain Balm does, i havo boon usingit for about two s four bottlesin all - as occa.siuu required, and al- -wayb Itunp a buttle of it in my homo,1 boliovo 1 know a good thing when1 get hold of it, and Pain Balm isthe best Hiiitiiniit 1 havo ovor metwith, W. JJ, Denny, dairyman, NowLexington, Ohio, fi() emit bottles

I for sale by all doaloro. Benson,Smith A: Co,, agents for tho llnwni- -inu lblautlH.

By Jns. F. Morgan.

Mortgagao's Notice of Foreclosureand of Balo.

NOTICE 18 HEI113BY GIVEN THAT,of n Power of Salo con-

tained In a certain Mortgago executed Feb-ruary 8th, 1800. by Gcorgo V. Mncfarlnneto Charles 11. Bishop, recorded in Liber 123at pagos 130 to 137 of the Hawaiian Regis-try of Deeds, it Is the intention of saidMortcagco to foreclose said mortgage, forconditions broken, to wit: for tlio

of principal and interest t hereon whenduo. And notico is furthor givon that,upon such foreclosure, it is tho Intentionof said Mortgagco to soil tho proporty inand by said mortgago convoyed (unless'thoamount secured by such mortgage shallhavo been fully paid) at Public Auction, attho Salesroom of Jas. V. Morgan, in Hono-lulu, at 12 o'clock noon on SATURDAY,tho 3d day of Juno, 1803.

XT' For further particular apply to0. W. Ashford, Attornoy for tho Jfoftga-go- o,

Merchant strcot, Honolulu.Dated this 1st day of May, 18!)'J.


the rnomnTY to nn sot.i at the sai,eabove ADVEimsnu as follows:

AH of those tracts of land situated onNuuanu, Hotel and Bcthol streets, inHonolulu, known as tho Booth property,described as follows:

1 Survey of Lots 1,2,3, 4,5 and 0,at an iron splko at tho north cor-

ner of Lot No. 1, on Nuuanu street, 78.0feet from tho south corner of Nuuanu andHotel streets, and running:

1 S. 33 38' 15. true, 101.8 feet alongroad through this proporty.

1- 2-S. 50 00' W. truo, 45.0 feet alongBethel street.

3 N. 430' W. truo, 1.4 feet along Gov-ernment Land.

4 N. 20 30' W. truo, 18 feet along Gov-ernment Land.

5 N. 72 10' W. true, 20 fcot along Gov-ernment Land.

(I N. 00 110' E. true, 1.5 fcot along Beck.7 N. 30 10' W. true, 80 " " "8 S. 00 00' W. true, 1.5 " " "9 N. 8 45' W. true, 43.0 feet along Har-bottl- e.

10 N. 21 30' W. truo, 31.7 feet alongAustin, tliuneo

11 N. 58 40' E. true, 27.7 feet alongNnunnn street to initial point. Area,8121 scpiaro feet.

2 Survoy of Lots 7, 8, 0, 10, 11 and 12,commencing at tho west corner of Hoteland Bethel streets, and running:

1 S. 59 00' W. true, GO.'J feet alongBethel street.

2 N. 33 38' W. true, 91 feet along roadthrough tills property.

3 N. 57 35' E. truo, 00.9 feet along tho''Empire Lot," Junius Olds, to Hotel street,thenco

4 S. 33 38' E. true, 93.1 feet alongHotel street to initial point. Aiea, 0155squaro feet. 710-1-

mortgagee's Notice of Intention toForeclose and of Sale.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT,of a Power of Salo con-

tained in a certain Indonturo of Mortgagoexecuted September 5th, 1802, by WilliamC. Achi and Isabella A. Aclii, his wife, ofHonolulu, to Charles R. Bishop and Sam-uel M. Damon, partners under the linnname of Bishop it Company, of said Hono-lulu, and recorded in Liber 130 at pagos 200to 270, tho said mortgagees intend to fore-close tho said mortgage, for conditionbroken, to wit: tho nt of thoprincipal and interest secured therebywhen due. And notice is hereby furthergiven that, upon such foreclosure (and un-less said mortgago shall have been soonerpaid), it is the intention of said Mortgageesto sell the property therein and therebydescribed and mortgaged, at Public Auc-tion, at the auction rooms of James 1Morgan, in said Honolulu, on SATUR-DAY, the 20th day of May, 1803, at 12o'clock noon.

SF"For further particulars apply to C.W. Ashford, Attorney for Mortgagees,Merchant street, Honolulu.

BISHOP & CO., Mortgagees.


1 All that certain tract of land contain-ing 0 acres at Kalawahinc, Honolulu,aforesaid, conveyed to me by Bishop itCompany, by deed recorded in the Hawai-ian Registry of Conveyances in Book 112,page 307.

2 All that tract of land containing 120acres at Kealukomo, Puna, Hawaii, con-veyed to mo by Wailelria and wife, bydeed recorded in Book 113, page 281, andbeing part of Royal Patent Grant 2;J03 toICenaaulani ct al.

3 All thattractof land containing 110.74acres at Manawai, Molokui, conveyed tome by Hoopii Olepau, by deed recorded inBook 118, page 155, and being part of L. C.A. 4000 to Hoonauln.

4 All that tract of land containing 1.20acres at Soutli Konu, Hawaif, convoked tome by D. V. Kealalama, by deed recordedin Book 125, page 201, and being the landdescribed in Royal Patent 55td, L. C. A.5744 to Kaelcmakule.

5 All that tract of land containing 27.500square feet at Kapalama, Honolulu, afoie-sai- d,

conveyed to me by Lau Chong, bydeed recorded in Book , page , andbeing part of Royal Patent 101, L. C. A.8305 to Kanoa.

0 All that tract of land 150 by 150 feet,being Lot 321, Block (J, at Pearl City, Ewa,Oaliu, conveyed to mo by Oahu Railway itLand Company, by deed recorded in Book127, page 2SS.

7 One share in Holualoa, 1 and 2 NorthKona, Hawaii, transferred to me and J. K.Naliale by Kaoiwi by deed recorded inBook 127, page 421.

8 All those lands conveyed to niobyKe-aloh- a

Kalua, by deed recorded in Book130, page 100, and being a one-ha- lf interestin tho land containing 130 acres describedin Royal Patent 5170, L. C. A. 7100 to HiKauafoha at Kawanui 2, North Kona,Hawaii, and ull that land containing 49acres described in Royal Patont Giant 1597to Kalua at Kawanui 1, North Kona afore-said.

9 All that tract of land containing 00-1-

acre at Kalihi, Honolulu, aforesaid, con-veyed to me by S. Kaaiai, by deed recordedin Book 87. page 409.

11 All that tract of land containg 30-1-

acre at Kalihi, aforesaid, convoyed to meby Komo, by deed recorded in Book 90.page 380.

11 Lots 0 and 11 at Kapalama, aforesaid,being part of the land eoiivovod to mo byP. Kanoa by deed recorded in Book 91,page 353, and boing part of Royal Patent401. L. O. A. 8305 to Kanoa.

12 All of that tract of land containing702 fathoms at Keawanui, Molokui, con-voyed to me by Kaui Kaucne, by deed re-corded in Book 92. page 202, and being tholand described in Royul Patent 7081, L. O.A. 4823 to Koailopo.

13 That certain lot on the Ewa side ofmy new homestead at Kapalama aforesaid,convoyed to me by Lau Chong, by deed re-corded iu Book 133, page 12.

14 All that land eonvuved to mo by .1,Muhu by deed recorded In Book 110, page88, being part of Royul Patent Grant 'Jb'Ji.

15 All that land containing aeroat Kalawuhino, Honolulu, aforesaid, con-veyed to me by Uilu Kawau, by deed re-corded in Book 107, page 125,

1(1 All those lands conveyed to mo byChung Wiiu by deed recorded in Book 111,pugo 212, being Apunu 13 and VAX, eachcontaining 08-1- acre, moru particularlydescribed in Partition Deed inBook 110, page 395.

17 All those lands conveyed to me by C,M. Hyde and wife, by deed recorded iuBook 119, pugo 321, being Apanii 11 andHA. eueh containing 98-1- acre, more par-ticularly described in said Partition Deed.

18 That certain lease of land containing15,100 square feet at Kapahuuu aforesaid,part of Royal Patent 101 to Kanoa, fur 10years from January 1, lb!)l, made to me bvLau Chong rnd recorded In Book 128, page

10 One buggy, one express, one bavhorse, four carts, four barnesies, and fourhorses used Iu my cartage busliiCM; oue-ha- lf

interest In hi, K, Kaitl t Company, nilollieo furnltiiru iu my ollleu No. !','), '.Me-rchant street, Honolulu, aforesaid, iiImi 110hliarim of stock lu tho llcolnroeltv KmmrCompany, 30 shares in the Komi Coilce ,VJ'rulf Company, n shaies lu the Cwu Plan-tation Ooiupuny. 7U).U)i

Fine Job Muting at the JJulletin Qjjke,



JUNE 11, 1893.,


I Milo Dash. Free for all.

2n RAC- E-

Runnlng Race. Milo Dash. Krcofor all.


Trotting and Pacing for HawaiianBred Horsos. Milo Heats Best 2in 3.

4th RACE

Running Race. 3 Mile Dash. ForHawaiian Bred Horsos.


Formerly His Majesty's Cup. 1 MileDash. Hawaiian Bred Horses ownedby Members of tho Club.


3 Minuto Class. Trotting and Pacingto Harness for all Horses not having arecord for 3 minutes or hotter.


Running Race. 1 Milo Dash. Winnorto beat the record of "Angie A."1:15J. Free for all.

8th RACE KAPIOLANI PARK PURSE.Trotting and Paeing to Harness. MiloHeats. Best 3 in 5.

9th RACE KAMEHAMEHA PLATE.rRunning Race. l)i Mile 'Dasli. Ha-waiian Bred Horses.


Running Race. yx Milo Dash, Ha- -waiian Bred Hordes.


Runiiin: Race. I Mile Dash. Ha- -waiian Bred For Ponies andunder.


1 Milo Dash. Hawaiian Bred.


Running Race, lji Mile Dash. Freefor all.



JAPANESE BAZAAR,Hotel Street, - - Oppo. Bethel St.


SILK and SILK CRAPEFor Ladies Dresses,

Beautiful Embroidered and Drawn Work

SILK HANDKERCHIEFS,Lacquer Work Glove Boxes, Cabinets,

Lanterns for Fetes, Balls, Etc.,Fancy Silk Japanese Umbrellas,

Sliowy Flower Pots, Satsuma Ware,Window and Veranda Blinds,

Paper Napkins, China Ware, Etc.- Inspection cordially invited. No

trouble to show Goods.

J. M. de SA e SILVA.


Begs to announce that he has located atNo. 10 Fort street, and is prepared

to transact any business en-trusted to him. He will

Collect Rents, Let Houses,Negotiate the Purchase and Salo of


Custom House Broker.He has Ono Cottage on Beretania street

and ono on Wilder avenue, opposite Mr.Hackfeld's residence, to let at reasonableterms.

Ho has Three Fireproof Stores on Nuuanustreet, below Beretania, to let.

gjtf-- He lias also a few Shares of Stockfor bale. 718-l-




COOL, CLEAR and INVIGORATING.Also, always on hand


hot LUTsroHr:From 11 :30 a. m. to 1:30 i si. daily.


Aloha Bath HouseFirst-cla- ss Accommodation for Bathers,

jfeTowels & Bathing Suits FrwteaB giving notico through Bell Telephone157, parties are eonvuved by bo.it, free ofrhaigo, to Mini from t bo Tug Boat Wharf(P. M. S. S. Co.'s dock), thereby avoidingthe long walk or drive.

ttf" Furnished Rooms (upstaiis) to letby day, week or month.

MRS. A. HEIST,717-l- Piopriotrvns.




AT Till.

j Queen Street Shaving Parlors(Next door to Morgan's auction room)


rpJIK WEEKLY BULLET1N28 COUJL iiiiinsol interesting Heading Mutter.Islauda.Uj mulled to foreign oouutrlei, ?&,

1M. G. IRWIN & CO.



Celebrated High Grade Cano Manures.

Wo are also proparod to tako orders for

Messrs, 1ST. Olilandt Sc Oo.'sB'ertiliaors,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!..Tl.lu 1 n ..!. DtHl ntl

sutuing less pigment than Linseed Olf, andgiving a lasting brilliancy to colors.Used with drier it gives a splendid lloorsurface



Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jaruoes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Faint

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans.


LIFE and



Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $7,109,825.49.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, $4,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, $6,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, $137,499,198.99.

C. 0. BERGER,General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Wm. G. Irwin & Go.


Wm. G. Irwin. - President and ManagerGlaus Spreekels, - - - - nt

W. M. Gifl'ard, - Secretary and TreasurerTlieo. O. Porter Auditor

Sugar PaotoreAND

Commission Agents.- -


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile

Commission Agents

J.O.Carter President and ManagerO. H, Robertson TreaiiuerK. V. Hishoi SecretaryW.F.Allen AuditorHon. 0. R. Hlshop 1

S.C.Allen DirectorsH. Wiiterhnuse,, I


Z3- -

1 Family Carriage Horse, Kemie

1 Phaeton in Good Order,1 Covered Brake,1 Imported Jersey Cow.

700-t- lR. 1. LILLli:.

ut T, U. Davie & Co,',