jim fuerholzer design

Miscellaneous Portfolio

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A portfolio of print odds and ends.

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logosbookspostersweb sitesbrochuresmagazinesadvertisingnewspapers

other available


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2009–10 Advertising and Information


Barbara ThorpeDisplay [email protected]

Lynne RugglesClassifieds [email protected]

Meg [email protected]

Cary Berry-SmithSupervisor, Student [email protected]

Student MediaUniversity of Wyoming1000 E. University Ave.Dept. 3625Laramie, Wyo. 82071


Your complete resource for reaching

the University of Wyoming and

Laramie community

Visa and MasterCard now accepted!




Bridging the Gapwhat do we really know about students and what do they really know about us

Kelly F. Lowe, DirectorLearning Resouce NetworksUniversity of Wyoming

Science is everywhere you look.R e a c h F o r

M o r eS E R I E S

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jim fuerholzer design



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Satellite Subscribers Group

Motorola, Inc.

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jim fuerholzer design


Fragen zum IRIDIUM-System und zu Motorolas Produkten für das IRIDIUM-System

Was ist das globale IRIDIUM-System?

Wer wird die Technologie des IRIDIUM-Systems verwenden?

Kann das IRIDIUM-Sytem-Telephone anstatt eines Mobiltelefons verwendet werden?

© Motorola 1998 and are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. IRIDIUM is a registered trademark and service mark of Iridium, LLC

Motorola Satellite Subscriber Products Division

Ist das IRIDIUM-System-Portable-Telephone wirklich überall einsetzbar?

Ist das IRIDIUM-System-Telephone wirklich transportabel?

Bietet das IRIDIUM-System-Telephone die Möglichkeit des Datenaustausches?

Wann wird der IRIDIUM-Service zur Verfügung stehen?

Vereinfacht gesagt ist das IRIDIUM-System ein Netzwerk von 66 IRIDIUM-Satelliten in erdnahen Umlaufbahnen. Es ermöglicht die sichere und welt-weite Übertragung von Daten unterschiedlicher Art wie z.B. Voice, Paging und Facsimile.

Das IRIDIUM-System - inbesondere Motorolas IRIDIUM-System-Portable - ist ideal für jeden, der auf eine ortsunabhängige Kommunikationsverbindung angewiesen ist, sei es für geschäftliche, gewerbliche oder staatliche Zwecke, für Expeditionen oder andere Aktivitäten.

Ja. Motorolas IRIDIUM-System-Portable-Telephone ermöglicht nicht nur globale Kommunikation via Satellit, sondern ist auch kompatibel zu den meisten terrestrischen Systemen. Dies wird durch den Einsatz optionaler Module, den Terrestrial Radio Cassettes (TRC), gewährleistet.

Um einen Anruf mit dem IRIDIUM-System-Portable-Telephone zu tätigen oder zu empfangen, ist ein direkter Kommunikationsweg zwischen einem der Satelliten und dem Telefon Voraussetzung.

Gebäude oder ähnliche Hindernisse können die Kommunikation beeinträchtigen. Die Verwendung innerhalb von Gebäuden wird voraussichtlich eingeschränkt sein und ist abhängig von der Gebäudekonstruktion, dem Ort und anderen relevanten Faktoren.

Der Betrieb innerhalb von Fahrzeugen (z.B. Taxen) wird sowohl vom Fahrzeugtyp als auch von der Umgebung in der sich das Fahrzeug befindet abhängig sein. In diesen Situationen kann eine externe Antenne die Leistung verbessern.

Unbedingt. Das IRIDIUM-System-Telephone gehört zu einer neuen Generation leichtgewichtiger und transportabler Telefone, welche viele der üblichen Merkmale gegenwärtiger portabler Telefone beinhaltet. Im Vergleich zu den Vorgängern stellt das IRIDIUM-System-Telephone einen enormen technologischen Sprung hinsichtlich Kosten, Gewicht und Ausmassen dar.

Eine Datenschnittstelle wird das Senden und Empfangen von Facsimile und asynchronen Daten bis zu 2400 bps ermöglichen. Der Datenservice ist voraussichtlich innerhalb von 12 Monaten nach der kommerziellen Einführung verfügbar

Vorbehaltlich einiger Genehmigungen wird das IRIDIUM-System voraussichtlich Ende 1998 den Teilnehmern zur Verfügung stehen. Motorola Satellite Subscriber Products wird dann ein neues Zeitalter globaler Telekommunikation einleiten.

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jim fuerholzer design


R e a c h F o rM o r e


M o t o r o l a ’ s S a t e l l i t e S e r i e sA c c e s s o r i e sfor the Iridium® system

, and MOTOROLA are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Iridium is a registered trademark and sevice mark of Iridium, LLC

©1998 Motorola Inc. All Rights Reserved

Portable Dock™

C h a r g e r s :Desktop Charger

AC Travel ChargerSolar Charger

International Plug KitAuto Accessory Adapter

StarTAC Charging Adapter

L i t h i u m I o n B a t t e r i e s :

Standard CapacityHigh Capacity

Ultra High Capacity

C a r r y A c c e s s o r i e s :Soft Carry CaseLeather Holster

LanyardAccessory Carry Case

A n t e n n a s :Antenna Adapter

Portable Auxil iary AntennaMobile Magnetic/Permanent Antenna

Fixed Site Antenna

D a t a :RS232 Adapter

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For more information contact:

Motorola Satellite Subscriber Products600 North U.S. Highway 45Libertyville, Illinois USA 60048800-331-6456FAX 847-523-0409email [email protected] Messaging Systems Products Group1500 Gateway Blvd.Boynton Beach, Florida 33426-8292© Motorola 1998 and are trademarks of Motorola, Inc.

IRIDIUM is a registered trademark and service mark of Iridium, LLC.

Apple and Macintosh are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc.Windows is a trademark of Mirosoft Corp.

Copyright © 1998 Motorola, Inc. and its licensors.All rights reserved.

QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks used under license. #01173

Macintosh Windows

System Requirements- Multimedia PC level ll (Pentium 75 or higher

recommended)- 8 MB RAM (16 MB or more recommended)- 2X (4X or higher recommended)- Quicktime™ 2.1.2 for Windows 16-bit (sup-

plied) or higher.- Indeo™ Video codec 3.22 (supplied)- 8-bit color display (A resolution of 640x480,

16-bit recommended setting)

Installing QuickTime™

To install Quicktime 2.1.2 for Windows 16-bit, open the folder QTforPC and double click on the file QT16.EXE

To Run Program*Insert CD-ROM. Double click on the file FOR_PC.EXE.If you experience problems with the display of the video, make sure Quicktime™ 2.1.2 for Windows 16-bit is installed. If you do not, the installation for Quicktime™ 2.1.2 16-bit can be located inside the folder QTforPC on the CD-ROM.You may quit the program at any time by using the QUIT button or typing control-Q.

*For optimum performance, please quit all other programs before running this CD-ROM.

Never before has truly global satellite communications been possible in the form of a com-pact, personal, handheld porta-ble telephone. This family of Motorola products will deliver on-demand global communica-tions via the Iridium® system.

Motorola’s Satellite Subscriber Products Division brings you the portable telephone, pager, mobile telephone, accessory chassis for multiple environ-ments, L-band transceiver, and radio channel unit. Tools for the 21st Century.

We look forward to assisting you with your global communi-cation needs.

All information subject to change.

System Requirements- 68040 Macintosh (Power Macintosh

recommended).- 8 MB RAM (16 MB or more recommended)- 2X CD-ROM (4X or higher recommended)- Quicktime™ 2.5 (supplied) or higher.- Indeo™ Video codec 3.22 (supplied)- 8-bit color display (A resolution of 640x480,

16-bit recommended setting)

Installing QuickTime™

To install Quicktime 2.5, open the folder QTforMAC and double click on the file named Install Quicktime™. To install Indeo™ Video, simply drop the file into the extensions folder.

To Run Program*Insert CD-ROM. Double click on the file FOR_MAC.EXE.If you experience problems with the display of the video, make sure Quicktime™ extensions are turned on and that there is a file named Indeo™ Video (version 3.22 or higher) inside your extensions folder. If you do not have these required components, the installation for Quicktime™ 2.5 and the file Indeo™ Video can be located inside the folder QTforMAC on the CD-ROM.You may quit the program at any time by using the QUIT button or typing command-Q.

*For optimum performance, please quit all other programs before running this CD-ROM.

Click on any button or name to enter section. Video will automatically play at the beginning of each section.Use this button to move forward and backward page by page.

When in a section click menu to go to beginning of section. To get back to main menu click main found at the beginning of each section.

To exit click Quit. A video will automatically play and the program will quit after 15 seconds (this allows time to write down contact numbers).

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jim fuerholzer design


Bridging the Gap

12-page booklet with rivet binding

LeaRN –University of Wyoming

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Bridging the Gapwhat do we really know about students and what do they really know about us

Kelly F. Lowe, DirectorLearning Resouce NetworksUniversity of Wyoming

83% of students felt that they would take detailed notes during class.

68% of students felt that they would contribute to class discussions.

20% of students felt that they would have to write a paper of more than 20 pages.

88% of students expect to read fewer than 10 non-assigned books during the school year.

28% of students plan to attend a lecture or panel discussion.

31% of students plan to attend an art exhibit/gallery or a play, dance, or other theater performance (on or off campus).

81% of students plan to use campus recreational facilities.

17% of students plan to do off-campus volunteer or service-learning.

60% of students plan to discuss current events.

21% of students plan to discuss the ideas and views of other people such as writers, philosophers and historians.

91% of students expect to like college.


Information from the

College Student Expectations

Questionnaire [CSXQ]1

1 For more information, see Schilling, K.M. & Schilling, K.L., (1999). Increasing

expectations for student effort. About Campus, 4(2), 4-10; and, Kuh, G.D., & Pace,

C.R., (1998). College Student Expectations Questionnaire. Bloomington, IN: Center for

Postsecondary Research ad Planning, School of Education, Indiana University.

For years we have been studying student expectations. The literature in student affairs relating student behavior and student retention to un-met or un-reasonable expectations is one of the more exciting areas of study.

One area that we need to look much more closely at is the mis-match, or “gap” be-tween student expectations (however un-reasonable they may appear) and faculty expectations. Local data, as well as data provided by the CSXQ.

According to the most recent, nationally normed sample (2005), college freshmen have the following expectations about their college academic experience [n = 37,962]:

91% of students felt they would achieve grades of “B” or higher.

58% of students feel they will go on to some form of graduate education.

17% of students feel that they will spend 26 hours or more on outside-of-class work (homework, reading, writing, labs, &c.).

25% of students felt that they would work with a faculty member on a research project.

13% of students felt that they would socialize with faculty outside of class.

85% of students felt that they would complete all assigned readings before class.

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Enhancing Science Awareness

and Understanding in Wyoming

• WANTED: Science ALIVE!•  Science Event Collaboration•  Podcasting•   Exploring Science Workshop•   Professional Development  for Teachers


Jesse S. AndersonScience and Technology Program Coordinator

University of WyomingThe Graduate SchoolDept. 3108, 1000 E. University Ave.Laramie, WY 82071

Knight Hall, Room 103 (office)(307) 766-6310(307) 766-2374 (fax)[email protected]


Supported by a Science EducationPartnership Award (SEPA) from the National Center for Research Sources

Department fo Health and Human Services • National Institutes of Health

A University of Wyoming Graduate School program, funded by:

Science is everywhere you look.

• WANTED: Science ALIVE!•  Science Fair Collaboration

•  Podcasting•  Exploring Science Summer 

Workshop•  Professional Development  

for Teachers

www.SciencePosse.orgJesse S. AndersonScience and Technology Program Coordinator

University of WyomingThe Graduate SchoolDept. 3108, 1000 E. University Ave.Laramie, WY 82071

Knight Hall, Room 103 (office)(307) 766-6310(307) 766-2374 (fax)[email protected]





Supported by a Science EducationPartnership Award (SEPA) from the National Center for Research Sources

Department fo Health and Human Services • National Institutes of Health

A University of Wyoming Graduate School program, funded by:

Enhancing Science Awareness and Understanding in Wyoming


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jim fuerholzer design


2009–10 Advertising and Information


Barbara ThorpeDisplay [email protected]

Lynne RugglesClassifieds [email protected]

Meg [email protected]

Cary Berry-SmithSupervisor, Student [email protected]

Student MediaUniversity of Wyoming1000 E. University Ave.Dept. 3625Laramie, Wyo. 82071


Your complete resource for reaching

the University of Wyoming and

Laramie community

Visa and MasterCard now accepted!


2009–10 Advertising and Information


Market Profile

What’s your share worth? The university community

comprises one of the most significant buying forces in

Wyoming. An independent survey of college students has

shown that 79% of University of Wyoming students use The

Branding Iron as their primary source of information. National

surveys have shown that each college student spends an

average of $845 per month on living expenses.

University of Wyoming – Laramie campus (2008)

Undergraduates 8,203

Graduates 1,796

Faculty and staff 3,006

Total 13,005

Laramie population (2009) 27,241

RatesStudent Media reserves the right to change its rates and publication dates. Should such instances occur, Student Media will give 30 days notice to all advertisers affected.

Credit and PaymentAll advertisers are required to prepay un-less credit is established. To receive credit, a credit application must be returned to and approved by the Student Media business office. Make checks payable to Student Media. Visa and Master Card are accepted.

Billing Advertisers with approved credit are billed monthly and are due 30 days from billing date. Credit is limited to 60 days. In the event this limit is exceeded, collection action may be taken. The account may not be permitted to place more advertising until the unpaid balance has been paid. Fu-ture business advertising may be permitted only with prepayment. Accounts sent to collections will be responsible for all collec-tion costs and/or fees allowed by law.

Make Goods In case of errors or omissions, the Student Media’s liability, if any, will not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error. Student Media is not responsible for incor-rect copy submitted by the advertiser or typographical errors which do not lessen the effectiveness of an ad. The advertising co-ordinator will base any adjustments on the percentage the error detracts from the total effectiveness of an ad message, if notified before the next insertion or within five days after a single insertion.

Position Page position can not be guaranteed. Requests for page placement are charged at 25% of the total ad cost. However, all requests will be honored when possible. No display advertising will be published

upside down, sideways or in a manner not in traditional newspaper format.

Alcohol AdvertisingAll ads promoting alcohol consumption will contain the phrase “drink responsibly” at no extra charge. No ad may advertise drink prices.

Political AdvertisingPolitical advertising must be paid in advance. All applicable discounts will be given. Ads must be labeled Paid Political Advertisement and the sponsor must be clearly visible.

Edit or Rejection of Copy Student Media reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement, for any reason, at any time which does not comply with the policies and/or judgments of Student Me-dia. The right is reserved to set the words “paid advertisement” above any advertise-ment found to appear as editorial or news material.

Ad Proofs and RevisionsStudent Media provides free ad design through its Design Department. Proofs are available, upon request, to check for accu-racy of the submitted copy. Any changes in design or copy not included in the original order, will be charged at a rate of $30/hour (one hour minimum). Errors on the part of Student Media are corrected free of charge.

Indemnification Student Media will not knowingly accept or publish any ad that is in violation of the law. The advertiser or agency states that it has the authority to place the ad and agrees to assume the liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against Student Media.


2009–10 Advertising and Information


CirculationThe Branding Iron is published Tuesday through Friday during the fall and spring university sessions, excluding University holidays. The Summer Brand-ing Iron is published Thursday during the summer session.

7,000 issues of The Branding Iron are distributed to 100 locations on and off campus. In the sum-mer, 3,000 issues are distributed.

Mechanical specificationsPhoto offset reproduction

Page image: 10.25 in. x 13 in.

Standard page format: 5 column (10.25 in.) tabloid

Column width; 11p6 picas or 1.917 in.

Column depth: 13 in.

Full page: 5 columns x 13 in.; 65 column in.

Printing: 120 line per inch line screen


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Publication Calendar

Special SectionsAugust 25 – Welcome Back editionSeptember 11 – Sports PreviewDecember 1–4 – Holiday Gift GuideJanuary 12 – Welcome Back editionJanuary 15 – MLK Days of Dialogue special sectionFebruary 12 – Valentine’s DayMay 6 – Graduation special sectionOther Special editions occur during the school year and will be announced in the future.

Rate Card

Student Media –University of Wyoming

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2009–10 Advertising and Information


The Branding Iron Display Advertising Rates (per column inch)RSOs $5.60 Campus $6.80 Local $7.65 National $10.55All rates are non-commissionable.

Advertising DeadlineThe deadline is 1 p.m. two working days before publication.

Color RatesThe following charges are in addition to advertising space cost.

Full process color $400Spot color Standard colors $100 (per color) Custom colors $175 (per color)

Standard Colors

Special Sections and Publications

Fall Special SectionsWelcome Back edition Aug. 25Sports Preview Sept. 11Varsity TBAHoliday Gift Guide Dec. 1–4

Spring Special SectionsWelcome Back edition Jan. 12Martin Luther King, Jr. Days of Dialogue Jan. 15Varsity TBAValentine’s Day Feb. 12Graduation special section May 6

Additional special sections and publications will be announced throughout the year.

Special Section Advertising RatesAn additional charge for advertising within these sections is $1 per column inch.

Special Section DeadlineThe deadline for special section ads is 1 p.m. the week prior to publication.

Process Blue

Deep Purple


Process Red

Shamrock Green

Spartan Red

Vivid Orange

Royal Blue


Process Yellow

Reflex Blue

Signature Red

October Brown


DID YOU KNOW?Four-color ads have a dramatic

impact on readership over black and white ads.

It has been found that four-color ads are up to 45% more noted

than black and white ads.

2009–10 Advertising and Information


The Branding Iron Classified Advertisements

Classified Word Advertising RatesNumber of insertions On campus Off campus1 day insertion $0.23/word* $0.27/word*2 or more day insertions $0.21/word* $0.25/word**10 word minimum

EnhancementsBold, all caps $2/day/enhancement

Classified deadlineNoon, the day before publication

Additional InformationAll ads promoting alcohol consumption will contain the phrase “drink responsibly” at no extra charge.

All classified advertising will be prepaid with order unless otherwise approved by Student Media.

“Found” ads are free (up to 12 words).

Refunds or credit will not be given for cancelled classified ad-vertisements that have run, but credit will be issued for future advertisement. Failure to use credit by the end of the publish-ing year will result in forfeiture of credit.

Classified Display AdvertisingClassifieds ads that are boxed and contain special formatting or artwork (e.g., logos) are considered Classified Display Advertise-ments and cost $8.65 per column inch with a two column inch minimum. For special sections the rate is $9.65 per column inch.

CategoriesAnnouncementsCampusEntertainmentFor RentFor SaleFound

Help WantedHousing for RentHousing For SaleInstructionLostPersonals

RoommatesServicesWantedYard Sale

Owen Wister Review The literary and arts journal of the University of Wyoming

The Owen Wister Review is UW’s nationally acclaimed literary and arts journal. SpecificationsTrim size 6 in. x 9 in.Perfect bindingFull color coverFull color art pages on glossy stock

Ad sizesFull page 30p x 48p (5 in. x 8 in.) Half page 30p x 24p (5 in. x 4 in.)

Ads are printed in black and white only.

RatesFull page $110Half page $65

Publication date: April, 2010Ad deadline: TBA

Orientation GuidePublished in conjunction with the first Orientation session of the summer, this guide is an opportunity for newly arriving UW students and their families to acquaint themselves with UW and Laramie. Besides being given to incoming new stu-dents, the Guide is available to the general campus population throughout the year.

For more information, please e-mail Student Media Circulation and Sales at [email protected] or call (307) 766-6336 .



Student Media will soon be

offering online advertising

opportunities on the Branding

Iron Online and Reach and

Frontiers, our online magazines.

2009–10 Advertising and Information


Tearsheets (ROP and classified)Upon request, three tearsheets will be provided free of charge for each ad that is placed. Additional tearsheets will be provided at a charge of $2.50 per tearsheet, which includes postage.

Preprinted InsertsRates1–4 pages $4055–8 pages $4459–12 pages $48013–16 pages $50516+ pages $545

RequirementsThe advertising manager must receive one complete copy of the proposed insert for review of acceptability ten (10) days prior to proposed shipping date.

Size of insert must be tabloid or smaller.

Minimum number of inserts is equal to the circulation run: 7,000 during the school year; 3,000 for The Summer Branding Iron.

Complete preprint shipment must arrive at printer no later than seven (7) working days prior to the desired date of distribution.

Ship preprinted inserts to: Signature OffsetAttn: Branding Iron Inserts224 Commerce St.Broomfield, Colo. 80020

File SpecificationsElectronic artwork must be 300 dpi. Full-color ads must be CMYK, black and white ads in grayscale. Spot color ads must have the color specified as a spot color and not process.

Student Media prefers ads submitted electronically to be in PDF format. Editable files are preferred. In the chance that the ad must be modified, Student Media reserves the right to modify the ad to fit the published dimensions, unless specifi-cally instructed otherwise, or perform other processes that must be made to make the ad suitable for publication.

Student Media assumes no responsibility for the printed qual-ity of submitted ads that do not meet the above minimum specifications. Student Media will, however, do what it can to make your ad look its best when submitted to be printed.

Additional InformationStudent Media reserves the right to charge extra for unusual or extensive production work. Please refer to the Ad Proofs and Revisions Policy.

Special artwork and photos produced by Student Media are for use in those publications only. Arrangements may be made by the advertisers for the purchase of logos created by Stu-dent Media.

The Branding Iron does not accept half columns or half inch-es. Any ad submitted with half column or half inch dimensions will be automatically increased to the next column or inch size and will be charged that rate.

Rush charges of 100% of ad cost may be assessed if ad is received past the deadline.

2009–10 Advertising and Information



Rates1 year of The Branding Iron & Summer BI mailed to the subscriber on Fridays $100

1 year subscription to all publications $125

Owen Wister Review (single issues) Current Issue $8.95Past issues $2.50($2.00 shipping & handling per copy; 6% Wyoming sales tax)Check out current and past issues of OWR and use our online order form, at www.OwenWisterReview.info/order .

To order, send address and payment to:Student MediaATTN: Sales and Circulation University of Wyoming1000 E. University Ave.Dept. 3625Laramie, Wyo. 82071

Graphics Arts & Production (GAP) is Student Media’s in-house design studio. Headed by an industry professional, GAP offers a wide array of graphic design services. Whether it’s a Web site to any variety of print material, we can offer full-service one stop convenience.

RatesStudents and Student Organizations $25/hour*Campus $30/hour*Off Campus $35/hour**One hour minimum

ContactJim FuerholzerGraphic Designer(307) [email protected] at: gap.uwstudentmedia.info

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jim fuerholzer design

po box 1458Laramie, Wyoming 82070307•343•0264

[email protected]