Page 1 of Master Sciences of Environment, Territory and Economy Specialization Master 2 Management of Eco-Innovation CIRCULAR ECONOMY & WASTE MANAGEMENT Presented by: MERVE DOGAN In: September 2015 Under the direction of: PATRICK SCHEMBRI This report is presented in the internship: In: REEDS RESEARCH REPORT Centre International << REEDS >> Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Batiment << Aile Sud >> UVSQ a la Bergerie Nationale 15, Bergerie Nationale, 78514 Rambouillet France From 01/07/2015 to 30/09/2015 Internship’s Tutor: Martin O’CONNOR

Merve Dogan_Final Report_Circular Economy& Waste Management

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Master Sciences of Environment,

Territory and Economy

Specialization Master 2

Management of Eco-Innovation


Presented by: MERVE DOGAN

In: September 2015

Under the direction of: PATRICK SCHEMBRI

This report is presented in the internship:


Centre International << REEDS >>

Universite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Batiment << Aile Sud >> UVSQ a la Bergerie Nationale

15, Bergerie Nationale, 78514 Rambouillet – France

From 01/07/2015 to 30/09/2015

Internship’s Tutor: Martin O’CONNOR

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I am heartily thankful to my Supervisor Martin O`CONNOR whose

encouragement, guidance, patience, dedicated attitude, and continuous support, from

the beginning to the final stage, enabled me to develop a thorough understanding of

the subject.

I would also like to show my gratitude to my mother Hülya Doğan and my father

Mehmet Doğan as they continue to support me throughout my life. They always

encourage me even though they missed me a lot during my study. I would also like to

thank Liya Elizabeth Jacob, Nayla Hosny and Pierre Maleval for all your love,

continuous support and prayers.

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The main purpose of this report is understanding the circular concepts and waste management

in France for different sectors using online teaching program, which is an online collaborative

platform "ePLANETe" is an innovative approach to participatory modeling in ecological,

sociological and economic fields including sustainability challenges. The solutions indicate how

the companies and organizations have adopted the circular concept with innovative methods.

This report describes the issues of circular economy and its solution from various industrial


The concept of circular economy defines which material flows keep circulating without entering

the biosphere except, biological nutrients. The Circular Economy is one in which waste from one

production/consumption process is circulated as a new input into the same or a difference


The main purpose of circular economy is establishing products or processes from wastes in

terms of quality, property and range of use, at the same time; circular economy improve the

ways to decrease the impact on the environment.

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Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 2

Abstract...................................................................................................................................... 3

Table of figures .......................................................................................................................... 5

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 6

Definition of Circular Economy: .............................................................................................. 7

What is a circular economy? ................................................................................................... 7

Why we should choose circular economy? ............................................................................. 8

How to adopt circular economy? ............................................................................................. 8

Structure of the report ................................................................................................................ 9

Part 1 ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 1 ................................................................................................................................... 9

The Differences between Linear and Circular Economy ......................................................... 9

Green Economy ....................................................................................................................10

The circular economy principles ............................................................................................10

Redesign of waste .................................................................................................................11

Using Energy from Renewable Energies ...............................................................................11

Barriers to the circular economy ............................................................................................11

Circular Economy Loops .......................................................................................................12

Circular economy loops for technical nutrients ...................................................................12

Circular Economy loops for biological nutrients ..................................................................13

Priority Materials, Products and Sectors for EU .....................................................................14

Priority Materials; ...............................................................................................................14

Priority Sectors...................................................................................................................15

Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................................18

Circular Economy Strategy –ROADMAP- EUROPE ..............................................................18

Integrating Resource Efficiency in to Economy-wide Policies: ...............................................18

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Product-oriented initiatives: ...................................................................................................18

Strategic objectives and targets .............................................................................................19

Strategic Objectives on Resource Efficiency Reported by Countries ..................................19

Part 2 ........................................................................................................................................21

Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................................21

Case Study France ................................................................................................................21

Purpose and objectives of the case study ..........................................................................21

Scope ................................................................................................................................21

Food waste ........................................................................................................................22

Preparatory study on food waste across eu 27- European Commission (2010)..................24

Green food waste sector: ...................................................................................................26

Europe 2020 targets – France ...............................................................................................30

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................30

References ...............................................................................................................................32

Table of figures

Figure 1 - Priority Materials ( Circular Economy Scoping Study-Final Report) ...........................15

Figure 2 - Life cycle of packaging in the food industry (Teija Aarnio, 2006) ...............................16

Figure 3 - Life cycle of packaging in the food industry (Teija Aarnio, 2006) ...............................17

Figure 4 - Waste generation by economic activities and households in 2012 tons (Eurostat) ....22

Figure 5 - Total Food Waste Generation in EU MS: Best estimate by Member State ................23

Figure 6 - Life cycle steps considered for each sector ...............................................................24

Figure 7 - Greenhouse gas emissions of Food Waste by sector ...............................................24

Figure 8 - End-of-life vehicles: Total weight of vehicles ( Eurostat)............................................28

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I am pursuing my internship at REEDS, the laboratory of the UVSQ. REEDS has three main

missions, which are research, observation, and teaching. The main location of REEDS is at the

National sheepfold Rambouillet.

The main issue is increasing scarcity of raw material and increasing in prices of raw material.

This issue cause to demand economic interest in waste as a material resource, and countries

have begun to invest in the reuse and recycling of waste.

The majority of industries based on linear model, make and use, generate waste that should be

disposed of each step of the process. The easiest way for companies to meet this challenge is

by redesigning their operations from a linear model to a circular model. The circular model

focuses on value chains, and not only one component of the supply chain. The main purpose of

circular economy for companies is making, improving and renewing. The waste coming from

industries should be replaced by the idea of resource flows; thus nothing is lost in industrial

processes, which means that everything should be reused and transformed as a resource.

Companies that engage in the concept of circular economy follow four principles to change their

linear model to a circular one.

Use less: minimize the use of inputs (raw material) to eliminate waste and pollution

Do more: maximize the value of material at each step.

Manage resources: manage flows bio-based resources from and back into the biosphere, and

recovery and retention of flows of non-renewable resources in the closed loops.

Work together: found beneficial relationships between companies within each circular chain.

The circular economy has created new opportunities from sharing ownerships of production to

use and renewal of goods and services.

Circular economy and sustainability become significant solutions for decreasing impacts on the

environment and managing scarcity of raw materials, and these concepts also have been

discussed at great length as an integral component of major international policies.

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Additionally, I prepared a case study on circular concepts in several industries such as food,

packaging, automotive, construction, textile, plastic recycling, and fertilizers in France.

Definition of Circular Economy:

There are several ways to explain a circular economy, however, the best definition is `the

materials which produce from an industrial economy, flows keep circulating such as; reusing,

recovering and redesigning without the materials entering the biosphere, except biological


In the past, many scientists were worried about a growing world population and economy

present to our planet. The most significant view occur from Thomas Malthus who is an English

scholar in demography and political economy, Thomas Malthus noticed that ―The population

growth was more powerful than the earth‘s ability to produce and sustain its population‖ in 18th

century. After Thomas Malthus‘s opinion, people realize that businesses need to ‗do better

things‘ by creating new steps in productivity through the redesign of processes. This new steps

in processes will focus on eco-effectiveness where waste is occur as resources to biological or

technological processes. For businesses, the new steps in processes can apply individually and

collectively to all companies, and the waste from industries should be replaced by the idea of

resource flows; as resources for other industries, thus, all wastes are reused and transformed

without losing their value for industries. The easiest way for companies to change their

operations from linear model to a circular model. Linear model is based on take the raw

material, make and use, which produces waste that should be disposed of at each step of the

process. The circular economy model is opposite of linear model which is about based on

value chains rather than focusing on one component in a chain. In circular model, companies

improve and renew their process to reuse their wastes.

What is a circular economy?

In the past five years, prices of raw material and resources such as minerals, metals and energy

have increased significantly. This is the most significant reason that circular concept become a

good solution for scarcity of resources. A circular economy is an alternative to a linear economy

in which material flow keep using for as long as possible with maximum value from material. In

our traditional economic system, we utilize resources from our planet as a raw material and turn

them into a product that we mostly dispose after use. From the perspective of an individual or

organization, that seems efficient. However, a global level demonstrates that linear economic

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concept is unsustainable and we need an economic system that operates with new processes

which is innovative and environmental. A circular economy is one that is waste-free and flexible

by design. It is a new economic model that is ambitious as well as practical. Designing the

economy in a way that is of ecosystems, ambitious with its innovation and impactful for society.

Circular economy is all about closing resource loops, natural ecosystems in the way we

organize our society and businesses.

Why we should choose circular economy?

The last 150 years of industrial evolution have been controlled by a linear consumption which

has reached its limits. The linear concept aims to manufacture from raw materials, sale and

disposal waste in different way such as incineration or landfill. Additionally, the general tax on

polluting activities such as incineration or landfill is EUR 40 per ton in 2015 (OECD Economic

Surveys: France 2011). This disposal methods cause lack of space for waste disposal, in the

same time, it effects global competition for resources and expenditure for companies. Financial

and economic crises over the last decade cause merchandise prices increase by nearly 150%

from 2002 to 2010. Recently, Many companies and organizations realize that the traditional

linear system rise their resources prices. At the same time, populations grow and resource

extraction price continue to rise.

The linear model is reaching its limits for example; agricultural efficiency is growing more slowly

than before, soil performance and the nutritional value of foods are declining. Many production

demand resources such as water, land or atmosphere are struggling to renew resources to

generate production. These limits show us to change our economic model to circular economic


The circular economy aims at the value of the materials and energy used in products for the

optimal duration and minimizing waste and resources. It can provide a high level of protection

for humans and environment, and bring economic benefits. It can promote consumers with more

innovative products and contribution to better growth and enhanced job opportunities.

How to adopt circular economy?

The easiest way for companies and organizations to change their operations and processes

from a linear to a circular concept. A circular economy is an industrial system that is

regenerative by redesign. It ensures using renewable energy, reuse and recycle waste and

eliminates the toxic chemicals which residue materials reuse and return to biosphere.

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The circular economy requires challenge for all stages of the life cycle products; from the raw

materials, product design, production, distribution, remanufacturing and reuse to waste

management and recycling, thus, waste from all the stage can participate the production

process. In 2010, there are 65 billion tonnes of raw materials entered the economic system by

circular model. (Macarthur E., 2014)

Structure of the report

Following this introductory chapter, Chapter 1 subsequently summarizes the circular economy

concept, its principles, barriers and circular economy loops. Chapter 2 includes an overview of

the strategy and plan of waste management in Europe. Chapter 3 covers a brief description of

industrial waste generation, prevention and recycling identified and collected in a case study.

The report ends with the synthesis of findings as well as suggestions for prevention of industrial


My hypothesis is that the policy and legislation of waste management is enough to reduce the

landfill and incineration in European or whether we should apply different methods like creation

of new industrial zone to adopt the concept of circular economy?

Part 1

Chapter 1

The Differences between Linear and Circular Economy

The economic and population growth increased amounts of waste, where, the demand of space

for waste create ideas for recycling entered the political agenda in many countries. Many

countries show interest in waste as a material resource, this is the reason for investment of

recycling and reuse technologies.

Companies that are already engaged in the concept of the circular economy are facing up to

these challenges and in doing so, are finding new opportunities from sharing ownership of the

production, use and renewal of goods and services. (Macarthur E., 2014)

Today, circular economy contain as a green economy because of social aspect, and green

economy extent the content of circular economy; to achieve sustainable development the

ecological, economic and social aspects must consider in green economy.

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Today, Circular Economy is considered to be a basic model for a sustainable economy. More

recently, the concept came to be known under the term <Green Economy>.

Green Economy

The green economy is defined « improving human well-being and social equity, while

significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities ».

The purpose of green economy is the growth in income and employment is controlled by public

and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and

resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.

The concept of green economy is such as sustainable economy, a low carbon economy, green

growth, circular economy, resource efficient and ecological economy.

In summary, Green Economy includes four performance perspectives to succeed together, that

make inclusive and sustainable Green Growth (ISGE) a vision of both environmental

management and sustainable development:

Creating added value in the markets;

Maintenance of the common heritage (environmental assets and capacities);

Solidarity with the vulnerable or disadvantaged populations;

Sustainability of results over time.

Green Economy contributed to a social, political and institutional acceptance of the need for


The circular economy principle

A circular economy is one which aims to flow keep products, components and materials at their

highest utility and value.

1. Circular economy is a global economic model that sustainable development from the

consumption of material resources.

2. Separates technical and biological materials, keeping them at their highest value at all


3. Focuses on effective design and use of materials to optimize their flow and increase

technical and natural resource stocks;

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4. Provides new opportunities for innovation such as product design, service and business

models, food, farming, biological feed stocks and products.

5. Provide a flexible system able to work in the longer term.

This principles show the circular economy is based on designing of waste, diversity, renewable

energy and reusing, recycling the waste as resources of raw materials without losing the value

of material, protect the ecosystem, health and society.

Redesign of waste

Waste from companies does not exist the biological and technical materials of a product are

redesigned by a biological or technical materials cycle. The biological materials are from

biological origin such as agricultural, bio-based waste and residues are non- toxic and

renewable and can be returned to biosphere. Technical materials such as minerals, metals,

polymers which are not biodegradable are designed to be used again with minimal energy and

highest quality value.

Using Energy from Renewable Energies

All the systems and processes which engage with circular economy, should utilize renewable

sources for generating production because the concept of circular economy aim to decrease

energy consumption from fossil fuels and reduce impact on the environment. For instance; the

agricultural production system runs with solar income, however, significant amounts of fossil

fuels are utilized in fertilizers, farm machinery. The integrated food and farming systems can

reduce the demand of fossil-fuel and capture more of the energy value of by-products and


Barriers to the circular economy

There are several barriers to the transition of residue materials which include;

In circular product design and production which can facilitate greater re-use,

remanufacture, repair and recycling, however, the skills and investment are not

adequate for circular concept.

The level of resources pricing do not encourage efficient resources use, pollution

mitigation or innovation.

Limited knowledge, know-how and economic incentives to supply and maintenance


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Lack of consumer awareness.

In sufficient investment in recycling and recovery infrastructure, innovation and


Weaknesses in policy.

Circular Economy Loops

The discrimination between technical nutrients and biological nutrients is not always clear (for

example; bio-plastics). Moreover, circularity essential to the capture of such material flows and

apply the concept to the management of energy and water resources within a closed loop

economy. However the management of water require new conditions for this synthesis, and

there is only limited focus on the management of energy. This is because most of the

companies which engage with circular economy, focuses on technical and biological nutrients.

One of the founding principles of a circular economy is that waste should be minimized or

virtually eliminated wastes for economic activities.

This section presents the material loops a circular economy aims creativity processes. It

presents technical nutrients and biological nutrients in turn.

Circular economy loops for technical nutrients

There are 4 definition of achieving a circular economy for technical nutrients;

1. Reuse of goods: A product is reused for the same purpose or for different industries for

different production, therefore, participate in the circularity.

2. Product refurbishment or component remanufacturing:

a. Product Refurbishment: A process of returning products are replaced or

repaired to change products failure and new or remanufactured products consist

less issue than before.

b. Component Remanufacturing: Reusable parts are taken out of a used product

and regenerate into a new product.

3. Cascading of Components and materials: A material can be used different streams. It

include user-friendly, cost effective and quality preserving collection systems such as;

treatment, technologies; For instance; in the textile sector, clothing can become furniture

and insulation materials.

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4. Material recycling: ―Any recovery operation by which waste materials are processed

into products, materials or substances whether for the original or other purposes. It

includes the reprocessing of organic material but does not include energy recovery and

the reprocessing into materials that are to be used as fuels or for backfilling operations‖.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation reports distinguish:

a. ―Upcycling: converting materials into new materials of higher quality and

increased functionality.

b. Functional recycling: recovering materials for the original purpose or for other

purposes, excluding energy recovery.

c. Downcycling: converting materials into new materials of lesser quality and

reduced functionality.‖ (Ellen Macarthur Foundation Report)

Circular Economy loops for biological nutrients

There are three further method to create a more circular economy in the field of biological


i. Extraction of bio-chemicals: The biomass is converted and produce low-volume but

high-value chemical products, and therefore, generating electricity and process heat

fuels, power, and chemicals from biomass.

ii. ii. Composting: Compost includes nutrients and organic carbon which are great soil

conditioners. Composting takes place naturally on a forest floor where organic materials

(leaf litter, animal wastes) are converted to more stable organic materials (humus) and

the nutrients are released and made available for plant. It can be used as a non-toxic

fertilizer. Composting is an aerobic bacterial decomposition process to stabilize organic.

Composting is a process of recycling, a natural way of returning biological nutrients and

it can be used as non-toxic ingredients in agricultural fertilizers.

iii. Anaerobic digestion: Biogas is a potentially important energy source that can be used

for the production of heat, electricity and fuel. It can be produced at wastewater

treatment plants, food wastes, human wastes and animal wastes in the world. The best

way to utilize waste is to produce biogas. Production of biogas is an important part of the

global carbon cycle. When organic refuse decays, it does so in the presence or absence

of air (and hence oxygen) and is referred to as aerobic or anaerobic decomposition. This

decomposition could be naturally occurring or may be artificially induced, under

controlled conditions.

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Priority Materials, Products and Sectors for EU

The circular economy includes material products and different sectors and value chains.

The circular economy classified two resources;

1) Technical Materials; like minerals, metals, polymers, hydrocarbon or plastics which are

not biodegradable.

2) Biological Materials; are from biological origin such as agricultural and forestry, bio-

based wastes and residues which are non-toxic and renewable and can be returned to


Priority Materials; include agricultural products and waste, wood and paper, plastics, metals

and phosphorus.

Agricultural products and waste; It is critical that agricultural products are rising levels

of demand and food price volatility day by day. Food waste is highlighted as a sub-

priority due to the extent of unexploited opportunities such as compost and energy.

Phosphorus is a critical raw materials, which use in agriculture, however, it might be

reduced by substituting phosphorus used for fertilizer with alternative nutrient sources

such as sludge, animal waste or food waste.

Different areas:

Food supply chains; consist large volume biological materials which has high

environmental impacts, significant for economy and environment.

Steel: The volumes of high-strength steel associate for dematerialization within different

products and sectors such as construction or transport.

Plastics; which is generated from packaging and food products as well as structural

applications such as in automobiles.

Material Environmental Impact Potential Savings

Agricultural products and waste High High

Wood and Paper High Medium

Plastics High High

Metals High High

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Phosphorus High High

Figure 1Priority Materials (Circular Economy Scoping Study-Final Report)

Priority Sectors; contain packaging, food, electronic and automotive, transport, furniture,

building and construction. There are numerous potential benefits from the transition to a circular

economy obtaining material cost savings, reducing price volatility and reduced environmental

pressures and impacts. The main purpose of circular economy is that waste must be minimized

or eliminated for economic activities.

A. Food Industry and Waste:

The EU is one of the biggest food producers in the world. Productivity per hectare has gone up

considerably, particularly in the second half of the 20th century. Given its diversity of agricultural

land and climates, Europe produces a wide range of products. But it also relies on imports to

meet its demand for food. Nearly 100 million tons of food are wasted annually in the EU,

moreover, food waste is estimated to rise to over 120 million tons by 2020. Wasting food is not

only an economic issue but it is also consuming the environment of limited natural resources.

The EU is one of the biggest food producers in the world. Productivity per hectare has gone up

considerably, particularly in the second half of the 20th century. Its diversity of agricultural land

and climates, Europe produces a wide range of products. All actors in the food chain have to

prevent and reduce food waste, from those who produce and process foods (farmers, food

manufacturers and processors), who produce foods available for consumption (hospitality

sector, retailers) and ultimately consumers themselves.

The European Commission estimates that in the EU alone 90 million tons of food (or 180 kg per

person) are wasted, most of them occur from municipal consumption.

The European Commission estimates that in the EU alone 90 million tonnes of food (or 180 kg

per person) are wasted, most of them occur from municipal consumption.

B. Textile Industries and Waste:

Every year, there is 5.8 million tons of fabric waste discard from Europeans and only 25 % is

recycled. EPA currently can‘t estimate the amount of re-use textile waste. The textile sector is

significant part of European manufacturing industry. The textile and clothing sector contains 3%

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of total manufacturing sector in Europe. Textile waste include; flannel, corduroy, cotton, nylon,

denim, wool and linen, 75 % of textile waste incinerate or landfill. The recovery rate for all foot

ware, clothing, and other non-durable textiles was 14.8 percent in 2013, 1.8 million tons.

C. Packaging Industries and Waste:

Packaging refers to all materials, fabricated containers and other materials used in the

containment, protection, movement and display of a product. Most packaging is one-way, which

produce packaging waste. There are four basic packaging materials;

The wood based materials are paper, paperboard, cardboard, wood and cork. Paper is the

largest proportion of materials used for packaging. Paper dominates food packaging materials.

Plastics are the second largest material and the third basic materials are glass. It is easy to

recycle but difficult to collect. The fourth basic material is metal the most important metal used

for packaging are steel, tin and aluminum. (Teija Aarnio, 2006). Approximately 51 % of all

packaging placed on the market is recycled with 2 million tons ending up unrecovered waste.

The environmental effects of packaging extend disposal – resources and energy are consumed

and pollutants are released during production and transportation of packaging (EIMPack,2012).

Figure 2 Life cycle of packaging in the food industry (Teija Aarnio, 2006)

D. Construction Industries and Waste :

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Construction and demolition waste (C&D) is one of the heaviest and most voluminous waste

generated in the EU. About 850 million tons of construction and demolition waste is produced in

the EU per year, which consists of numerous materials such as; concrete, bricks, gypsum,

wood, glass, metals, plastic, solvents, asbestos and excavated soil. This amount of waste

represents 31 % of the total waste generation in the EU. (Eurostat, Environmental Data Center

on Waste). Around 30 % of construction and demolition waste is recycled for re-using in the

construction industry. According to a new report from analysts Frost Sullivan, recycling C&D

waste such as PVC, aggregates and recycled glass generated revenue of € 744.1 million in

2010. Furthermore, recycling C&D waste has multiple benefits include, reduced waste, energy

consumption and transportation cost. (Waste Management World)

E. Automotive Industry and Waste: Every year, there is 8-9 million tons of vehicle waste

is generated by end-of- life vehicles in the EU.

Figure 3 Life cycle of packaging in the food industry (Teija Aarnio, 2006)

In twenty years, the automobile manufacturing has accrued and reached about 58 million units

in 2000. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD),

the total number of vehicles will be increased by 32 % from 1997 to 2020. However, automotive

industries comprehend that their productions impact on the environment. Vehicles impact the

environment through their entire life cycle such as; consumption of energy and resources, waste

generation, greenhouse gases, hazardous substance emissions, and disposal at the end of their


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Chapter 2

Circular Economy Strategy –ROADMAP- EUROPE

Resource efficiency is a priority for policymakers across Europe, as the EU underlined when it

designated resource efficiency as one of seven flagship initiatives in its Europe 2020 strategy

for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. There are 31 EEA member and cooperating

countries. This report presents an overview of findings from the analysis of information provided

by countries. Under the Europe 2020 strategy, Member States are required to prepare national

reform programs. Many countries have different strategies or policies dealing with the concepts

of sustainable consumption and production (SCP), sustainable use of resource and the green

economy. Food waste is identified as one of the areas to tackle in the EU‘s Roadmap to a

Resource Efficient Europe.

Resource Efficiency in Economy-Wide Strategies or Action Plans:

Economy-wide strategies and action plans, which affect all economic actions and

sectors such as environmental strategies, sustainable consumption and protection


Sectoral strategies and action plans ; which affect only actors within the target sector

such as ; waste strategy, energy strategy and transport policies.

Resource specific strategies and action plans; which affect resources ( a single

resources or group of resources), its include biomass strategies, forest strategies etc.

Integrating Resource Efficiency in to Economy-wide Policies:

Resource efficiency should aim to the economy as a whole, focus on selected sectors or target

specific priority resources. The New Member States use the process of developing national

reform programs to introduce impacts of resources efficiency into economic policy. The EU

policy appear to be a strong driver of economy-wide resources efficiency policy.

Product-oriented initiatives:

The green product procurement may be a strong driver for growth in the market for sustainable

and resource efficiency products. Belgium‘s Federal Product Policy Plan and the UK‘s Product

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Roadmaps are significant way to influence the resource efficiency of high impact product groups

directly by product supply chains.

Strategic objectives and targets

'Strategic objectives' means that broad strategic policy goals that are neither quantifiable nor

have a specific timeline. 'Targets' are those policy goals that are specific, measurable and set a

deadline or have a specified time limit to achieve.

The most commonly strategic objectives;

Increasing recycling rates

Efficient use of natural resources/raw materials

Improving energy efficiency

Increasing the share of renewable energy

Waste prevention/decoupling waste generation from economic growth

Reducing energy use

Sustainable forest management

Halting biodiversity loss

Reducing water use

Improving the water quality of natural water

Reducing energy use in buildings

Reducing emissions of air pollutants

Promoting sustainable consumption and production

(Resource Efficiency in Europe, 2011 EEA Report No 5)

Example of Strategic Objectives on Resource Efficiency Reported by Countries

« Increasing the use of rain water in the period 2010–2015 to preserve water resources

(Belgium — Flanders).

Increasing resource efficiency significantly by 2050 (Denmark).

Ensuring that all state forests are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) or

the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) (Denmark).

Becoming independent of fossil fuels by 2050 (Denmark).

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Developing solutions to address global mineral chain challenges (Finland).

Having a thriving bio-economy generating high added value (Finland).

Taking initiatives and leading the way on natural resource issues (Finland).

Adopting a new model of sustainable development that respects the environment

combined with lower consumption of energy, water and other natural resources (France)

Reducing land consumption in absolute terms (Germany).

Increasing considerably the energy-related use of biomass (Germany).

Becoming the EU leader in preserving, increasing and sustainably using natural capital

(including managing natural capital, creating market instruments, capitalising natural

assets and promoting sustainable lifestyles) (Latvia)

Meeting the need for food and shelter for 9 billion people globally in 2050. The general

objective is to reduce the environmental impact of this production throughout the whole

value chain (the Netherlands).

Making public procurement 100 % sustainable (the Netherlands).

Achieving continued economic growth without an increase in energy use and reducing

the energy intensity of the Polish economy to the EU‑15 level (Poland).

Effective use of resources, including recycling of secondary raw materials, and energy

recovery, including measures to reduce material and energy consumption in production

processes (Poland)

Reducing to depend on imported energy (Portugal).

Consolidating the industrial cluster associated with wind power and creating new

clusters associated with new technologies in the renewable energy sector, thereby

generating new jobs (Portugal).

Promoting industrial symbiosis (Portugal).

Supporting biomass energy utilisation financially (Slovakia).

Increasing the share of wood use in the primary energy balance (Slovenia).

Recovering food wastes and comparable wastes from food processing plants etc. using

biological treatment by 2010. This target relates to waste that is not mixed with other

wastes and that is of sufficient quality to be suitable, following treatment, for recycling

into crop production (Sweden).

Reducing the consumption of resources to environmentally sustainable levels

(footprint'one'). This is the vision of the Cleantech Master plan (Switzerland).

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Improving environmental product information for consumers (Switzerland). »

(Resource Efficiency in Europe, 2011 EEA Report No 5)

Part 2

Chapter 3

Case Study France

Purpose and objectives of the case study

The purpose of this case study is to enhance the concrete knowledge related to industrial waste

prevention in France, which could be used for the development of circular economy for the

enhancement of industrial waste prevention.

This case study illuminates these following questions:

What is the industrial wastes generated in France ?

How many industrial wastes disposal landfill or incineration in France ?

What is the solution for this issue ?


Among various types of industrial waste, this study focuses on food, textile, automotive,

construction waste and sludge. Items such as furniture, cement and bricks which are integrated

parts of other products are not included in this study.

I have researched current reports and findings to collect data for my case study about the

waste generation by several sectors such as food, packaging, automotive, construction, textile,

plastic recycling, and fertilizers. My research shows that France is the second biggest producer

of waste in the European Union, with a total of 355 million tons. According to a report by the

Department of the Commissioner-General for Sustainable Development (CGDD) published in

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January 2013, only 64 % of waste was recovered. However, there is still 128 million of tons

waste disposal and sending to landfills. More generally, 70 % is mineral waste, mainly from

construction industry (260 million tons). the residual is waste from households (29 million, tons),

the services sector (25 million tons), industry (22 million tons), sewerage (15 million tons) and

agriculture and fishing (1.7 million tons). ( Suez Environnement).

This case study demonstrates that Circular model is a good opportunity for improving recycle

and reuse of waste from companies and industries and flow keep products, components and

materials at their highest utility and value.


Total 355.732.922

Manufacturing 21.431.863

Energy 2.100.589

Construction 246.702.045

Other Economic Activities 42.024.000

Households 29.996.246

Chemical And Medical 5.212.930

Recyclable Waste 33.735.163

Equipment 2.228.258

Animal And Vegetal Waste 11.281.262

Common Sludge 1.470.958

Figure 4 Waste generation by economic activities and households in 2012 tons (Eurostat)

Food waste in France

Food waste is composed of raw or cooked food materials which is provided by household or

process of manufacturing, distribution, retail and food service activities. Food waste is the major

environmental problem for whole around the world. Every country has their specific legislation

about food waste. France has a new strategy for reducing food waste stream in half by 2025,

which ban incineration and landfill food waste stream by supermarkets. The new legislation

obliges that supermarkets should donate to charity or produce livestock feed or compost from

unsold food. According to the French Agence de l‘Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l‘Energie

(Environment and Energy Management Agency), 9 million tons of food waste produce every

year in France, ( Eurostat 2006), However, the main resources of food waste is provided by

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households and Food service and restaurant respectively, 6 322 944, 1 080 000 per year in

France. (Danish Environmental Ministry Food Waste Report (2010).

Figure 5 Total Food Waste Generation in EU MS: Best estimate by Member State1

The environmental impacts of the life cycle of food waste were quantified, not only related to the

treatment of food waste but also those produced during the other steps of the life cycle before

they become waste.

1 Source: 2006 EUROSTAT data (EWC_09_NOT_093), Various national sources

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Figure 6 Life cycle steps considered for each sector

Preparatory study on food waste across eu 27- European Commission (2010)

The environmental impacts of food waste calculated using the selected data are summarized



amounts in


Greenhouse gases


T/ year Tco2 eq / t of

food waste

Mt CO2 EQ.

/year in


SECTOR a b a x b / 106

Manufacturing 626.000 1.71 1.07

Household 6.322.944 2.07 13.1

Others 2.129.000 1.94 4.13

Total 9.078.000 1.9 17.3

Figure 7 Greenhouse gas emissions of Food Waste by sector2

2 Source: calculated based on EUROSTAT data, national sources

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An average of at least 1.9t CO2 eq./t of food wasted is estimated to be emitted in France during

the whole life cycle of food waste. The overall environmental impact is at least 17.3 Mt of CO2

eq. emitted per year in France.

According to the calculation of greenhouse gases emission from food waste, Household sector

presents the most important impact, both per tons of food waste (2.07 t CO2 eq./t) and at level

(13.1 Mt CO2 eq./year), at 76% of estimated annual GHG emissions caused by food waste.

Food waste generated in the Manufacturing sector is responsible for approximately 6 % of

annual GHG emissions.

This case study identifies 3 key areas for circular economy action such as; retailer initiated

actions, reusing food waste (as a leather, fertilizer and energy resources) and policy enabled

contractual reforms.

Retailer Initiated Circular Economy Actions: Large retailers have a high level of control the

food sector. Retailer should make decisions for wastage at producer level, due to products

standards and poor demand forecasting, moreover, retailers can contribute positive influence for

food producers, manufacturers and consumers. The best action in this area is, stocking the

quantities demanded and maximizing shelf life. These solutions require large retailers to

optimize supply chain back to the manufacturer and growers. Other actions are selling

misshaped fruit and vegetables and restaurants may reduce their portions.

Reusing Food Waste: The main purpose of circular model is reusing the waste in the same

sector or different sectors as a raw materials.

Fertilizer and animal feed: Raw food waste can collect from restaurants, retaillers or

producers, pulped, mixed with other feed ingredients and dry-extruded to produce animal feed.

Food waste can be used as an energy resources with biogas tanks, after the food waste can

reuse as a fertilizer. ( Micheal L. Westendorf, 2000)

Biogas: Reusing food waste as a energy resources is so popular and efficient to stabile the

waste and recover as a fertilizer for farms. Composting provides an alternative to landfills

disposal of food waste, it has several benefits such as producing renewable energy and

reducing greenhouse gases emissions, thus, We can prevent uncontrolled emissions of its

breakdown products from landfills. From the calculation of greenhouse gases from food waste;

the overall environmental impact is at least 17.3 Mt of CO2 eq. emitted per year in France.

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Green food waste sectors:

Fruit Leather:

Everyday, tons of fruits thrown away from supermarkets or restaurants. Some of University

Students in Rotterdam, they found great solution for food waste. They collect leftover fruits –

mangoes, oranges, nectarines and apple etc. to manufacture a leather like material. The

process of producing is not so complex, they start by deseeding the fruit and mashing it all up.

Then they boil it to kill bacteria and prevent it from rooting. After cooling it, they spread the paste

on drying process. Once dried, the fruit leather is ready for use in automotive, leather, furniture


LeanPath is a company which has tracking systems and food service operators to save money

and reduce their impact on the environment.

Compost Cab is a company that collect food waste from homes and businesses and takes them

to local farms to be turned into compost.

Fenugreen is an enterprise which is working to reduce global food waste. Fenugreen has a new

product to keep fruits and vegetables fresh more times longer with FreshPaper which is a 5‖ x 5‖

biodegradable sheet infused with organic ingredients.

Bokashicycle is a machine to pulverize food waste and cover into bio pulp in 10 days (which can

be used as a fertilizer).

Textile waste

The consumption of textile is growing over time. Due to the lack of data specifically relating to

textile waste, recycling and reuse in France. According to the report by textile reuse and

recycling players on the status of the industry in Europe (2005), 15% of clothing ends up in

landfill in France, amounting to around 26,000 tons of used clothing. The recycling and reusing

textile waste respectively 45, 40 % in France (the report by Textile reuse and recycling players

on the status of the industry in Europe (2005).

The benefits of recycling through reusing clothing is to extend its useful life, therefore, It cause

to reduce to produce new cotton or synthetic fibres. In order to figure out the difficulties about

the textile waste reuse and recycling sector, it is significant to note the proportion of collected

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textile waste that can be reused for profit, reused at a loss, recycled. Unfortunately, there is not

so many methods to recycle textile waste.

Reusing Textile Waste: The circular concept is essential to the capture of such material flows

and recycle within a closed loop economy. The innovative idea is 60 % of textile waste can

recycle and reuse as an isolation material in automotive, construction and furniture sectors,

which currently account for a reported 60% of the insulation market. (Prevention of Textile

Waste Material flows of textiles in three Nordic countries and suggestions on policy instruments,

2012). Old products can sale or give to a private enterprise in the second-hand business with

the intention of redesign for use in new form (wipers, rags, etc.).

Composting might be an opportunity to collect, sort and compost natural fibres. In theory, cotton

can be composted which is mixed with other organic products. The economic feasibility of

composting would have to be assessed.

Textile Recycle Circular Economy Actions: The best solution for textile waste is collaboration

in business with recycling companies. The circular economy is a system about flows of material

with more than one products, company or sector. The large volume of waste can be processed

and prevent the incineration or landfill in France. For example; the Textile Recycling Valley

Initiative has a great action plan with 5 organization such as; cd2e, t2m, up-tex, team2 and

ecoTLC and this collaboration estimates that 600.000 tons of clothing, shoes and work wear is

separated every year in France, however, only quarter of that volume is collected. Even though

we have a great strategy for recycling waste the collection system should be developed and be

awareness of the importance of collection waste in different way such as; textile banks, charity

shops, door to door or in-store.

Green Textile Waste Sector: The dying and finishing process of fabrics have the most

important impact of textile industry in the environment. About 85% of the water, 75% of the

energy and 65% of chemicals be utilized in textile production just for dying and finishing.

Therefore, green technologies in the textile sector are so significant to reduce the impact of the


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Colorep, AirDye is an innovative method to dye fabric with special dyes that are heat-

transferred from paper to fabric in a one-step process. This technic can save between 7 and 75

gallons of water in the dying of fabric, save energy, and produces no harmful by-products. The

technology uses 85 percent less energy than conventional drying methods.

Digital printing is a process which are applied to fabrics with printers. It can reduce 95% the

use of water, 75% the use of energy, and reduce fabrics waste.

Fongs has new machines which are utilizing air to push the fabrics, consequently

these machines participate to reduce the amount of water used. With this process, the dying of

a t-shirt can use 75 percent less water than conventional drying methods.

Ecotech Zegna solar jacket is a product from fabrics with some percentage of recycled PET.

Automotive Waste: According to the statistics of Eurostat, France has highest rate of

generation vehicle waste in Europe. As the table is below demonstrates that the total weight

waste generation and disposal are respectively, 187.353 and 30.407 tons of vehicles in France.

Figure 8 End-of-life vehicles: Total weight of vehicles ( Eurostat)

The percentage of vehicle waste disposal is approximately 16% in France, however, according

to legislation every European Country should disposal only 5 % of vehicle waste.

Reusing Vehicle Waste: There are several vehicle materials that can be reused in different

sectors. For instance; carpet from the old vehicle can be used as air cleaner and engine fan

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modules and tire rubber material can contribute to manufacture new tires. Moreover, Recycled

tire rubber can be used as a brake pedals or floor mats.

Some of specific household waste can be recycled into materials of new vehicles such as; milk

jugs are recycled to auto trim and recycled plastic bottles are reused as a heating or air

conditioning covers. (Automotive Recycle Associations, Automotive recycling Industry)

Green Sector vehicle waste :

Renault is the first company which is adopted circular concept in France. Renualt changed their

economic concept to reduce consumption of energy, water and waste respectively 80%, 88%

and 77%. (Macarthur E., 2014)

Construction Waste: According to Statistics of Eurostat, the generation of construction waste

is approximately 246.702.045 tons in France (2012). The waste of construction has the largest

weight in France, however, the 70% of construction waste can be recycled and reused in

construction sector. In the New Waste Framework Directive mentions ―preparing for re-use,

recycling and other material recovery including backfilling operations…‖.and the definition of

recycling excludes ―… the reprocessing into materials that are to be used as fuels or for

backfilling operations‖ (Waste Framework Directive 2006/12/EC). (Fisher C., 2009)

Sludge Waste: In France, the generation of common sludge from economic activities and

households is 1.470.958 tons in 2012.

Reusing Sludge: There is not so many way to reuse sludge in different sectors. Sludge can

be used in bricks, cement and asphalt industries as a raw material.

Green Sector for Sludge: Common sludge can be used as a energy resources for biogas


E-Plant: is way to use living plants as a continuous source of clean energy- all that‘s needed is

a light source, carbon dioxide, water and a field. The system works best in wetlands or watery

fields like rice paddies. This process occur with photosynthesis; electrons are released as a

waste product. By providing an electrode for microorganisms to donate their electrons which

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can be harvested as electricity. My idea of reusing common sludge to combine with e-plant to

generate electricity.

Europe 2020 targets – France

I have researched about the targets 2020 - France economic situation and I summarize some

significant point from the European Union Working Documents (2015).

Since 2011, the rate of unemployment increased.

The low job creation causes to rise unemployment rate.

There is no sustainable development in export performance since 5 years.

The performance of French exports decrease over the past seven years.

The manufacturing sectors have to reduce its prices to keep their market shares and

equipment investment is lower in France than in Germany or the euro area.


Increasing waste generation from economic activities and households require a change in waste

management strategy of manufacturing industries towards reducing greenhouse gases, energy

consumption and lesser material resources. The target of 2020 in the France report

demonstrates that the growth of economy is decreasing because of the lack of sustainability in

manufacturing sectors.

My proposed solution for waste management is the establishment of a new industrial zone

similar to the one at Kalundborg (Denmark) - to recycle, reuse and recover manufacturing waste

as raw material for other sectors. This symbiotic industrial zone could potentially include

farming, food, textile, automotive and construction sectors, particularly in the North of

France. For instance; the half of animal waste from farms could use as an energy resources in

biogas system and the rest of animal and food waste is utilized in fertilizer industry as a raw

material. Furthermore, food waste may utilize as an alternative leather in Automotive or furniture

sectors. Construction Industry may obtain to the steel from old vehicles as a raw material. The

best way of closed loops presents in my new industrial zone is between automotive, textile

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construction and isolation sectors such as; textile waste can be used as an isolation material in

construction, automotive or furniture industries. An alternative solution for fish waste could be in

used leather to wallets, shoes or belt.

The main purpose of circular economy is material flow and energy used in products for the

optimal duration and minimizing waste and resources. In this industrial zone, I suggest to install

renewable energy from biogas, wind turbines and solar windows. Solar windows are 50 times

more productive than conventional solar panels. Solar window technologies commit merely

installation from preventing 2.2 million miles of CO2 vehicle pollution. It is 12 times more than

conventional solar panels. We could utilize solar panels in the new proposed industrial zone to

generate electricity. The additional benefit of this symbiotic industrial zone is transportation. All

industries will be in the same zone to reduce transportation costs and greenhouse gases.

This proposed symbiotic solution aims in reducing greenhouse gases, energy consumption and

will also potentially contribute to material resource recovery.

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Wastes from Sectors

Raw Material

Waste Water

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