Members Newsletter . May-June'10

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Members Newsletter of AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE.

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Page 1: Members Newsletter . May-June'10
Page 2: Members Newsletter . May-June'10

Drawn byRicardo Vitorino

Drawn byRicardo Vitorino

Page 3: Members Newsletter . May-June'10

Hey AIESEC...Have you done AIESEC today?

To the Executive Board 2010-2011,

“It is not enough to be the Best, when you have the ability to be Great”

This month we had a few days to celebrate, a deserved reward to all those who came before us but especially to those that this year pushed themselves and became GREAT!

In a month of celebration, we see that there is still a lot of work to be done! And that is our focused, to everyday become Greater!

At the end of the term we start recollecting on everything that has been done, on everything that has been said, wrong and right. We start remembering of all the people that have spent these experiences with us, and big questions come to our minds:

. What impact did I have / do I have daily?

. What experience have I lived / do I live?

. What experiences have I provided / I provide for those around me?

Throughout our days in AIESEC we often forget the reason we are here, and the reason we give so much of ourselves for this organization!

It was our motto to live a great experience this year and provide amazing experiences to others! You have lived doing AIESEC everyday and your best (and for that I Thank You!)

Maybe this one year seemed to be a small thing when we look at the life that lies ahead of us.

But if we draw a life line a small change in the angle can cause a huge difference the further you draw that line. I don’t know how big the change in the angle of our lives it was, but I am sure that it will happen. I know that this year we changed a lot of other angles and by this sooner or later – the angle of the world.

For those of you who are starting or currently in a role in AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE we ask you:

Have you done AIESEC today?

The message we leave to you is…

Don’t lose opportunities – Live a Great AIESEC Experience


For the last time… Your Executive Board 2009-2010,Rui, Marisa, Márcio, Patrícia, Gonçalo, Pedro, Artur

may-june 2010

Drawn byRicardo Vitorino

Drawn byRicardo Vitorino

Page 4: Members Newsletter . May-June'10

In the last newsletter we said that SISCOG matched Jelena, Tracy and Marcos.Marcos and, other trainee/intern Juliano, are dealing with their “VISTOS” and all necessary documents to come to Portugal.Tracy just arrived and Jelena has already started working in the company, on 27thApril. We wish all the luck.

The internal problems continue in CGI, so the company recognizes that can’t matched trainees. They believe that, in 1 or 2 month, they’ll be able to receive them.

Eurovida has a new worker. Zafer started working in the company, on 6th April.

This area sent many invitations for the AIESEC’s anniversary dinner. We all wish having the greatest number possible of companies in this occasion

WHAT’S UP? in our areas

Finance was in control in the discovery II. It was made an investment of € 3,200, and obtained a profit of 200 €. Profit, quality and many good experiences allow us to say that it was a good event. The new members attended and enjoy it. Concerning the promotion of the Global Management Challenge is estimated that, by AIESEC ISCTE, the “event” received 20 teams at least.Finance is working on a new project. They want to change the committee’s appearance. The first stage is to question the members about their thoughts and what they would change if they could do it. They want our opinion and we gonna give it to them

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glossary@ - AIESEC

@XP - AIESEC experience

AI - AIESEC International


AG - Assembleia Geral

AGIO - Assembleia Geral Interna Ordinária

AGIE - Assembleia Geral Interna Extraordinária

Alumnus - Former AIESEC Member

Alumni - Former AIESEC Members

BoA - Board of Advisors

BoD - Board of Directors

CEED - Cultural Education Exchange Development

Comm - Communication

Corp - Corporate

CRM - Custumer Relation Management

DT - Development Traineeship

EB - Executive Board

EP - Exchange Participant

ER - External Relations

FACI - Facilitator

IBXP - Issue-Based eXPerience

ICX - InComing eXchange

LC - Local Committee

LCP - Local Committee President

LDS - Leadership Development Seminar

LTM - Long Term Member

MC - Members Committee

MCP - Members Committee President

MT - Management Traineeship

NatCo - National Congress

NC&P - Non-Corporate and Projects

NST - National Support Team

OC - Organizing Committee

OCP - Organizing Committee President

OGX - OutGoing eXchange

PAI - President of AIESEC International

PAG - President da Assembleia Geral (GAP)

PBOX - Project Based on Exchange

Returnee - Former AIESEC Trainee

RIMT - Reunião de Integração, Motivação e Treino

STM - Short Term Member

TM - Talent Management

TN - Trainee Nominee

TT - Technology Trainee

X - eXchange

Last month, the TM team was busy with the organization of the LC meeting, which was held on the 8th of April and where about 40 members attended! There was a training session about time management, given by Bruno Ferreira, and a quiz was made to all teams in order to test their knowledge about AIESEC. Apparently the Communication team is the one that has been paying more attention!

The Coaching Program was for all new AIESEC’ers that wanted someone, with more knowledge of AIESEC, helping or guiding them through their own AIESEC experience or even their personal life. The goal is to get aware of the member’s potential and personal development with the help of a coach.

Discovery II is a national conference that took place in Sintra from the 23rd till 25th of April. AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE was the OC and also participated with 15 delegates (our largest delegation ever). It was given the opportunity to all members to live a unique experience by contacting with new members and with some exchange participants from the other 9 national LC’s.

For our Managers, OCP’s, and members who want to apply for a leadership experience we had de LDS 2010 – a “Leadership Development Seminar” in which 5 members participated. This conference took place at the same time as START.

START is the national conference for the new directions from all LC’s in Portugal to plan and discuss measures for this next term. This year our LC received the award for Best Performing Committee. @

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For the promotion of our Lc Meeting and for the External Day of Start, the team of External Relevance made the posters above:

Web & VideoThis team created the promotional video for the 27th Anniversary Dinner of AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE, and the video presented during the dinner, summarizing this term of 2009/2010.

Internal SynergiesInternal have been working “The Story” of AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE, on this newsletter and on the interview to Andreia Santos.

OC Comm Discovery II

OC Comm Start

OC Comm Anniversary Dinner

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On April, the 27th, we had the pleasure to welcome Jelena Popovic from Serbia, and on May, the 22th, Tracy arrived from the USA.

Meanwhile, a new match was achieved: Julian Sakai will do an internship at SISCOG.

Nowadays, the team of Exchange is finishing the selection process for the Short Term Members, also known as Exchange Participants (EP’s).

In the last month, the EPs for Summer Abroad were chosen by passing on the last part of the selection process: the Review Boards!

AIESEC Leaders Weekend was a local event organized with “Comandos do Exército”, in which the main goal was for us to experience a Leadership role in a military point of view! After all, they asked us to do an article for their newsletter describing the experience, which we will have the pleasure to do it!

This team organized another important event, the START External Day, on the 7th of May. This involved, during the morning, great names as Manuel Matos, Pedro Vieira and Carlos Vieira. As for the afternoon the presented workshops were about Personal Finances (Kash), Selling Skills (Wilson

Learning), Coaching and Motivation (Lifetraining) and Human Resources (Ray Human Capital). It was a non exclusive event organised for AIESECers but also for all students interested.

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WHAT’S UP? with our members

Miguel CristóvãoLocal Trainers Team

Manager (TM)

Daniel RoseiroLeadership Project


Tânia BártoloOGX


Márcio LúcioRIMT IOCP

Catarina VazER


Ana CabralInstitutional Relations


Inês MartinsICX & Reception


Mafalda GarcêsER


Ricardo LimaSummer eXchange


Cláudia SequeiraExternal Communication


Filipa FilipeER


Nicolae AxenteOGX


Nuno PereiraInternal Communication



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Isa MachadoEnjoying Participation

Cláudia SequeiraActing Sustainable

Daniel RoseiroStriving for Excellence

João CostaLiving Diversity

Ricardo VitorinoActivating Leadership

Hugo MendesDemonstrating Integrity

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testemoni al of the month

The welcome at the airport was the bee’s knees-something I could have never imagined. Then it all started-partying, Xmas holidays, dinners and lots of interesting new people. As you may or may not know I work as a teacher at CCL and I’m really enjoying it-the students are great and some of them have become good friends. I’ve also made a lot of friends among colleagues, mostly British, which also helps me to improve my rusty English. In a nutshell, CCL was a win-win situation for me. Through AIESEC activities I’ve come to realize that AIESEC is an amazing organization because it gives young people an opportunity to experience real life and have lots of fun while doing it. The amount of work you guys put into this organization is simply amazing.

My AIESEC experience started on a frightful rainy day in February 2009... Something really bad had happened to me on that particular

morning and my dear friend Marijana, in an attempt to cheer me up suggested going with her to an AIESEC presentation. Neither of us had heard about it before. After the presentation, I was again in high spirits, ready for a new adventure. Marijana and I first chose Costa Rica to go there together but as she decided she couldn’t go after all I was left to my own devices. I really wanted to go somewhere and since I’ve always considered Portuguese to be the most beautiful language, the choice was easy for me... Portugal! Just to illustrate how excited I was I will tell you that I had packed my bags four weeks before I was supposed to leave!! My friends told me I was a loon-who does their packing that early?!

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testemoni al of the month

The only regret I have is not getting into touch with AIESEC when I was a bit younger because I would have probably soaked up as twice as many valuable lessons than I do now when my opinions have been formed and my student life is at its end. Nevertheless, everyday is a schoolday so no time was wasted J Now that I think about it, I was supposed to leave Portugal on this very day, 7th May. From where I’m standing now, it seems like a nightmare. I cannot imagine leaving this beautiful, sunny city and many dear friends I have made here. So you’ll have to put up with me one more year. Yeah, my Portuguese is improving, slowly but steadily, which I see as a great reward of living

in Lisbon. Então, na próxima vez vou escrever o meu testemunho em português!! A thought that I would like to leave you with is that every cloud has a silver lining. What started as one of the worst days of my life, ended up being an amazing experience I will never forget. Love you all and keep shining the positive AIESEC energy. Bjs.

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WHAT’S UP? in our events

AIESEC Leaders Weekend- comandos do exército

Envision - Aveiro

Discovery II - Praia Grande Village (Sintra)

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Start - Amadora

LDS - Amadora

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Jelena’s arrival

OC - Discovery II

Delivery of the “Top Performing Local Committe” award

OC - Start

Tracy’s arrival

WHAT’S UP? in our events

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Making Of - Video of Anniversary Dinner

After LC Meeting

27th Anniversary Dinner of AIESEC Lisboa ISCTE

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This Month . Interview with Andreia Santos

April . Interview with Pedro Ferreira March . Interview with Rui Duarte


WHAT’S UP? with our directors

-> previous interviews:

<-- click here

<-- click hereclick her

e -->Link



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Drawn byInês Oliveira Filipe