Melinda Pavey Preselection [No Video]

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    . On the road.

    Team player.

    Winning seats.

    Regional health.

    Supporting Communities.


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  • on th

    e ro


    enthusiastic voice for local communities passionate travel hard work dedicated

    Melinda has worked hard on your behalf. As an Upper House MLC, representing all of NSW, Melinda has taken that role seriously in the past 12 years and spent much of her working week travelling to all parts of NSW.

    In opposition it was a well-worn path to her duty electorates of Monaro and down the Pacific Highway to Port Macquarie, as well as initiating travel to many regional communities as deputy Chair of the State Development committee looking at the future of Agriculture, Ports and commercialisation of research in NSW. Melinda has attended branch, electorate council meetings and Party conferences across the State.

    Since the 2011 State election, as the first Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Health she has visited each National Party electorate on a regular basis. In that time Melindas work ethic and willingness to travel to support her lower house colleagues and as Co-Chair of the Rural Health Taskforce, and attending Party functions has meant she has visited villages, towns and cities across regional NSW on 172 separate occasions.

    In 2002 Melinda told Central Council- As a member of the Upper House, my job would be to travel to represent the whole of NSW, I will be prepared to travel it is simply a prerequisite of the job. She kept her promise to Central Council and the Party and has always worked hard on your behalf.

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  • As a proud National, I have been involved with our Party for 25 years. My loyalty and commitment to grow and serve The Nationals has never wavered.

    In 2002 Central Council elected me to fill the casual vacancy as a result of Doug Moppetts untimely passing, as I committed to growing the Party at both a Parliamentary and grass roots level, by reminding country people that we are the best Party to fight for them and to receive our fair share for our communities.

    Winning SeatsWhen I joined the Parliamentary team in 2002, there were only 16 people around our Party room table. Following the 2011 State election there are now 25 of us- its a tight squeeze. The team work required to achieve this momentous growth is a credit to everyone involved. Im most proud of the Members for Port Macquarie and Monaro- my two duty electorates for eight long years in Opposition - I was very pleased to relinquish that job, with the election of two outstanding Nationals MPs in Leslie Williams and John Barilaro.

    team player.

    commitment values family vision regional economies

    The Legislative CouncilI have a good rapport with the cross benches in the Upper House, honed through years of work on the State Development Committee, General Purpose Standing Committees, and currently deputy Chair of the WorkCover Committee and the deputy Chair of the Child Sexual Offences Committee. Being able to negotiate amendments and having a positive working relationship during committee deliberations is an important component of our work in the Legislative Council.

    Parliamentary Secretary for Regional HealthAs the first person to hold this role in NSW it has been both an honour and a challenge. Health access is a vital concern to our communities. For many the MPS, District and Base hospital is the biggest economic driver in our towns. Weve improved IPTAAS, embarked on a $1.7 billion redevelopment of country hospitals and worked with the Commonwealth to ensure our record number of medical graduates is prepared to work in country areas.

    FundraisingAs part of the modernisation of our Party all Parliamentarians have been asked to contribute to a fundraising levy to ensure we are in a strong position to campaign to hold and win new seats. I have always exceeded my fundraising targets early.

    My FamilyThe greatest legacy we have is our children. With Warrens unwavering support for my work on behalf of The Nationals, he has ensured we have had the balance for our family and provided our two children Jack (15) and Emily (11) with every opportunity. Family is the cornerstone of our Party and I have their unconditional support to continue in the Legislative Council.

    The Future

    However there is much more to do as a Government and as a proud National I want to see growth in opportunity and investment in country communities.

    There are still important reforms to tackle in cutting red and green tape for our farmers and small businesses. We need to support innovation and investment in regional communities so we can grow our inland towns.

    Weve done well in better funding country education, rebuilding our hospitals and investing in infrastructure, despite the financial mess left to us by the recklessness of the Labor Party.

    When I last sought the support of Central Council I committed to raise the profile of The National Party, win more seats and fight for a fair go for country people.

    I am pleased to say that as part of a strong team, I have delivered. Now, 12 years later, a little older and a lot wiser, I seek your support again.

  • win




    communication teamwork loyalty integrity belief

    Long years in opposition honed Melindas skills in understanding the grassroots issues which matter in the electorates. A tireless campaigner for The Nationals, Melinda has a unique ability to engage the electorate in a warm and enthusiastic manner, forming genuine relationships with key stakeholders. Her work in supporting Monaro and Port Macquarie in the 2011 election is testimony to her unwavering commitment and determination to see The Nationals win more seats.

    Leslie Williams MPMember for Port Macquarie

    Some six years on from my first introduction to The Nationals, I have never lost sight of the one person who was the catalyst for my entry into politics; a person who seized the opportunity to bolster the team with yet another grassroots community advocate, synonymous with so many other members of the Stoner team. Despite two election losses she remained determined, resolute and optimistic. When I stepped forward for round three, she stepped forward alongside me without faltering. It was then that I sensed victory was on the horizon. Melinda Pavey, I thank you for your unwavering support, dedication and friendship.

    Inaugural Speech, NSW ParliamentHansard May 26, 2011

    John Barilaro MPMember for Monaro

    Melinda Pavey, who has painstakingly represented the Monaro electorate as the duty member of the Legislative Council for the past eight years, with a real enthusiasm for the people of Monaro. It was the work that Melinda did that laid the foundations and formed the relationships that made my job as a candidate easierall of this at the cost of time away from her family, a sacrifice worthy of note. Most importantly, she always believed in me, regardless of the polls or what she was being told. Melinda Pavey is one of the reasons I am part of the strong Nationals team of today.

    Inaugural Speech, NSW ParliamentHansard June 2, 2011

  • regional health.Working in the health portfolio for the past 3 years has enabled Melinda to gain a wealth of experience, knowledge and insights into the regional and rural health system which has shaped her vision for advancing the health and wellbeing of rural people and communities in NSW.

    The NSW Rural Health Plan is an important step in building healthy rural communities and reducing the inequities in health between rural and metropolitan NSW. As Co-Chair of the Ministerial Advisory Committee for Rural Health Melinda has been a passionate advocate for the important role district hospitals play in small rural communities and advancing innovative initiatives such as Paramedic Connect.

    As Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Health Melinda was involved with the development of the Health Professional Workforce Plan 2012-2022 which looked at ways to enhance the rural health workforce.

    The Isolated Patient Travel and Accommodation Service (IPTAAS) received a long overdue boost of $28 million dollars to improve fuel, accommodation and travel subsidies for rural patients and their families needing to travel for specialist health care. This was particularly beneficial for patients who need to travel to access renal dialysis a cause Melinda has championed. She has worked closely with Kidney Health Australia and the Agency for Clinical Innovation to develop new models of care particularly suited for more isolated rural communities.

    The great challenge for many country people is timely access to a GP. With a new government in Canberra there is an exciting opportunity to work with Fiona Nash and the Federal Government to ensure the record number of medical graduates have pathways to work in regional NSW.

    Improvement in Access and Services

    People in rural NSW now receive 85% of their healthcare within their Local Health District.

    In 2014, 95% of the NSW population now has access to a Cancer Centre in rural NSW. In 2002, there was one Cancer Centre in rural NSW, in 2014 there are six.

    Increase in Workforce

    From 2007 to 2012 the NSW rural workforce has increased in Medical (59.3%), Nursing (13.8%), and Allied health (43.2%) services.

    Increase in Funding

    In 2011/2012 the NSW Government spent $3.56 billion on rural NSW health services compared with $1.72 billion in 2002/2003.

    The current NSW Government has made a record investment of $1.7 billion in rural and regional health infrastructure in its first term.

    district hospitals access to services paramedic connect healthy rural communities

  • One of the special qualities Melinda brings to the political arena is her ability to maximise the opportunities and networks available as a Member of Parliament to connect organisations and people, building genuine partnerships which ultimately benefit country communities.

    Aspen Medical developed their training base for their newly created International Centre for Resource Health in the Hunter, steering it away from Queensland - creating a great economic boost for the Hunter, with up to 250 direct jobs for the region. She secured meetings with the Chief Scientist in NSW and ensured as a major start up payroll tax incentives were available to give NSW the competitive edge over Queensland.

    Connecting Royal Far West and The Isolated Childrens Parents Association NSW recently through their common desire to improve early screening in primary schools has led to a partnership of like minds with common goals that now have an opportunity to work collaboratively and facilitate access to services that will enhance the health and wellbeing of country children.

    Similarly, Royal Far West, through Melindas facilitation is now working with Kookaburra Kids who support children living in families affected by mental illness.

    A recent meeting with Cancer Council NSW has opened up the doors for Little Wings to begin discussions regarding ongoing support for this charity which was founded in 2010 by Kevin Robinson to assist children with cancer, by providing a free flight service to and from The Childrens Hospital at Westmead.

    Through the NSW Parliament Spring Ball, which has Melinda championed as a fundraising opportunity for community organisations, many regional and grassroots charities not only received a financial boost but made invaluable connections with key people Kookaburra Kids, Shine for Kids, Bush Education Foundation, Make A Difference, Can Assist, Royal Far West, Friendly Faces Helping Hands to name a few.



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    leadership advocate emergency services partnerships initiative

    She is a woman who does what she says she is going to do. She is completely committed to country people.

    Lindsay Cane, CEO Royal Far West

    It was clear during my first meeting with Melinda, as Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Health, that she was a doer. She opened the doors for our company to the right people in Government to ensure we established our International training centre in NSW. We opened the doors of our international training centre in the Hunter last March to provide training for our medial

    I also wanted to recognise you in front of our membership and your peers, to highlight how instrumental you were in enhancing the recognition of our organisation by the Government and pushing for it to sit under the portfolio for Emergency Services where more value has been places on our lifesaving and emergency services.

    Phillip Vanny AMChief Executive Officer, Surf Life Saving NSW

    workforce in mines across the region, the State, Australia and internationally.

    Glenn KeysManaging Director, Aspen Medical

  • optimistic perseverance determined progressive influence social justice


    Melinda has been a champion of our new innovative project; Paramedic Connect through Melindas hard work and perseverance we have been able to implement this in three towns and we have really seen some big changes in the level of service available to our communities.

    Buck Reed - Paramedic, Boggabri

    She has been a great representative for rural people and she has helped us to greatly increase the amount of hazard reduction done in NSW.

    David Hoadley, Manager for the Canobolas Zone NSW Rural Fire Service

    I have known Melinda Pavey for over a decade now and she has always been a very strong supporter of RFDS and we are very fortunate to have her.

    Clyde Thomson, CEO RFDS South Eastern Sector

    It is very reassuring to ICPA-NSW that you are always willing for discussions and actively work towards achieving positive outcomes for our rural and remote children. The sharing of information on these matters is invaluable.

    Mrs Lindy KittoIsolated Childrens Parents Association - NSW Secretary

    Health is such an important issue for rural people; Melinda has been absolutely fabulous in the work that she has done around the state.

    Cr Ken Keith, Mayor of Parkes Shire Council, Chair of CENTROC

    She is a great performer in the House and is respected by everybodyMelinda has got a great future and I think she is a fantastic asset to the National Party.

    The Hon Charlie Lynn MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Veterans Affairs, Head of Kokoda Foundation

  • As a pre selection candidate in 2002 Melinda committed to you To increase National Party seats in Parliament

    Raise the profile of The Nationals as a modern, relevant Party for country people

    As Shadow Minister for Emergency Services

    Doubled the amount of hazard reduction throughout NSW

    Building safe communities through increased funding to Royal Life Saving and Surf Life Saving NSW

    As Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Health

    Advocated for a stronger role for district hospitals

    Championed the Paramedic Connect program for small rural townships

    More decisions by local people about their health services

    Palliative Care for Regional NSW

    Innovative models of care to support Renal Dialysis in rural and remote areas

    Parliamentary Activity

    September 2002 Member of NSW Legislative CouncilMarch 2003 - March 2011 Duty MLC - Port Macquarie and MonaroMay 2003 - March 2007 Member, Committee for Children and Young People2005 - 2008 Parliamentary Secretary to the NSW Nationals LeaderJune 2006 - Oct 2006 Deputy Chair, Select Committee on the Continued Ownership of Snowy Hydro LimitedMay 2007 - March 2009 Deputy Chair, Standing Committee on State DevelopmentMay 2007 - March 2011 Member, General Purpose Standing Committee No. 1Dec 2008 - March 2011 Shadow Minister for Emergency ServicesMay 2011 Parliamentary Secretary for Regional HealthSept 2011 - Feb 2012 Member, Select Committee on the Kooragang Island Orica chemical spillMay 2011 Elected Deputy Chair, General Purpose Standing Committee No. 1Sept 2011 - Feb 2012 Member, Select Committee on the closure or downsizing of Corrective Services NSW facilitiesAugust 2013 - present Deputy Chair, Joint Select Committee on Sentencing of Child Sexual Assualt OffendersNovember 2013 - present General Purpose Standing Committee No. 1 - Inquiry into Allegations of Bullying in Work Cover NSW

    Click the above stories/video to read/view them.

  • Northern Daily LeaderWednesday, March 12, 2014Page : 12Section :Edition :Region : NSW Regional

    Page : 1 of 1Circulation : 9,935

    Area Of Clip : 190.36 sqcmClip ID : 0000002

    Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) licensed copy or Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth) s 48A copy

    Marshall briefs Melindato pave way for upgradeMEMBER for Northern TablelandsAdam Marshall has enlisted the supportof a parliamentary colleague in his pushto advance the upgrade of Armidalehospital.NSW Parliamentary Secretary for

    Regional Health Melinda Pavey was inArmidale yesterday where she met withhospital management, staff and clini-cians and was briefed on developmentsat the hospital, staffing matters and thefuture hospital upgrade plans.Mr Marshall is seeking funding to

    reinvigorate now outdated upgradeplans for the hospital so its in the bestposition to put its case once federalfunding becomes available.He has already met with state Health

    Minister Jillian Skinner to appeal for thenecessary funds.

    It was good to have the Parliamen-tary Secretary at the hospital today tohear direct from clinicians and staffabout the wonderful work being done in Armidale but also the restrictions existing infrastructure is having on theprovision of healthcare, Mr Marshallsaid.Following today, Ive asked her to give

    the strongest possible message to theminister for the additional funds.This is essential to ensure that the

    Armidale hospital upgrade is the mostadvanced, shovel-ready project and thetop priority in the state when (federal)funding becomes available.Ms Pavey assured the community she

    would be reporting back to Mrs Skinnerabout the importance of the Armidalehospital upgrade.

    DETERMINED: Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall, left, discusses thefuture of Armidale hospital yesterday with Dr David Rowe, Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Health Melinda Pavey and general manager Dona Withnell.

    Clip ID : 9689277




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