Looking back at your prelim what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it, to the final product? Media Evaluation Part 7

Media evaluation part 7

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Looking back at your prelim what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it, to the final


Media Evaluation Part 7

My front cover for my prelim task and my front cover for my final product are quite hard to compare as one of them is a school magazine and one a music magazine. These are completely different genres. Looking back at my front cover for my prelim task, I can tell that I haven't used my space very well as all my features on my front cover are places very randomly. Also, the features on the front cover, barely stand out and to be honest I don't know what I was doing. The red is a bright colour, but compared to the background I used they blend in far more than they should. I should have used bright contrasting colours like I have in my final product in order for each feature to stand out. Therefore, I have learnt that it is important to use bright colours so that front cover features do stand out. Overall, my final product is defiantly more visually appealing than my school magazine is. I have also learnt that my front cover for my prelim task needed to be on a background which was more of a neutral colour as I feel even though the red is a bright colour because of the busy background, the writing itself is not standing out to the audience. I have used a different model on my two front covers, as Laura (prelim model) wasn't available for my actual pop magazine. Therefore, I have learnt that it is good to have a reliable model who is going to carry through the whole task and not let you down.

I feel that my contents page for my prelim task was very poor, looking at my final contents page for my pop magazine. My prelim contents page is very bare and I cant believe how bare it actually is. Although, I have used a range of bright colours for the different boxes, the fact that is against a boring white background makes it just plain and simple. Personally, this would not stand out to me if I saw it in a magazine. I have learnt that pictures and contrasting bright colours are very important in making a magazine attractive. If I had included pictures on my prelim contents page, I believe this would have made a massive difference. In contrast, my final contents page, is much improved, as the masthead especially is very bright and eye catching immediately pulling in an audience. Also, having the numbers in a large font really stands out to a reader and it would make it much easier for them to find the pages quicker. I have learnt that first impressions and quick access to the magazine are very important.

Overall, I have learnt that research is an extremely important aspect of making any magazine whether its a music magazine or a school magazine. The research I carried out for my prelim task was not as thorough as it should have been in order to have achieved a better result, and so when I was producing my final magazine, I made sure that I did high detailed research in order for my product to be of a higher and better standard. The amount of posts on my blog for my prelim task was sufficiently lower than my final pop magazine and I think that shows overall in my final product. Time management is something else I have defiantly learnt about through the process of my as coursework. I learnt that research is not a quick and simple step in making a magazine, but that it takes time and precise detail in which you carry it out. This certainly reflects in my prelim task and my final product.For my prelim task I did not have to create a double page spread unlike my music magazine task. I certainly enjoyed making the double page spread, but again time management is important because I had to make the time to fit not only a front cover and contents page but a double page as well. Overall, I defiantly feel I have learnt a lot through my coursework, and all the things I did learn I will be using in my future pieces of coursework.