MB Emerging Food Crisis ... a Problem or Consequence 4 18 2011

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  • 8/6/2019 MB Emerging Food Crisis ... a Problem or Consequence 4 18 2011


    The emerging food crisis: Is it a problem or a consequence ?*

    From here on, concern on food self-sufficiency will preoccupy on whoever is in the

    government. In contrast with the 20th century, when food prices fell, the 21st century would seefood prices rise . In early January this yea(2011), the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization

    (FAO) warned that the Food Price Index had attained an all-time high in December, which

    surpassed the price surge in 2007-08. The December record had been breached in January as prices

    increased by an additional 3% and food prices are still increasing. Everyday, the National dailies do

    not fail to tackle the concerns . The world is just one poor harvest away from chaos in world grain

    markets. Food prices will rise to previously unimaginable levels. Food riots will multiply, political

    unrest will spread and governments will fall said by one food amnalyst. Of the top 25 countries

    they found endanger of food crisis, the Philippines ranked 13th, cited by a Japanese investment bank


    To better address the emerging food crisis, it is undeniably necessary to have a continuing

    dialogue with the intention of shaping polices and thinking . Just a week ago(April12,2011) ,almost

    all national dailies front pages carried the National Intelligence Coordinating Council ( NICA )

    concern - the rising costs of basic commodities and a shrinking rice supply the danger of food

    crisis in this country is becoming an issue of national security . A day after these front page

    news came out, the Sec.of Agriculture denied that there was no such NICA report. In his Radio

    interview , and also quoted in the dailies , he claimed that we are having good harvest this

    summer. Those spreading the rumor about rice shortage are presumably those who wanted that

    we import more rice which is detrimental to our rice farmers..

    What are the main factors causing the food crises? It is important that the public know the

    major interconnected factors that threaten food supplies causing food prices increase .They are as


    1. Climate change .It is irrefutable that climate change (drought, flood) is a major factor

    That climate change has affected global supplies and prices of food (wheat, sugar, soybean) and it is

    also affecting the prices of rice and other food items can not be denied. If the drought and scorching

    summer last year (2010) that happened in Russia will happen in the United States that produces 40%

    of corn and supplies 70% corn export, prices of food will rise to unpredictable level. But blaming


  • 8/6/2019 MB Emerging Food Crisis ... a Problem or Consequence 4 18 2011


    the weather as the culprit of our impending food crisis will not help as we can not tame the mind or

    spill the water as the song goes.

    2. Biofuel. In 2006-2007, 75% of the food prices increase was mainly attributed to the use

    of food crops in producing biofuel .Again, this April 8, 2011 (Friday, PDI A18), the UNFAO had

    reiterated once more that biofuel is fueling food prices increase. Thailand cassava flour, a direct

    substitute for wheat flour up to 30%, is exported in Europe mainly for bioethanol production. But

    why food sources for biofuel? It was the former US President Bush who said lets transfer our

    dependence in Middle East oil to the Midwest corn. A political pitch which turned hollow as corn

    biofuel had simply sustained American addiction to fuel energy (bio-energy, or fossil fuel oil

    energy).It did not positively contribute to energy supply as the energy gain from corn ethanol is

    minimal or even negative if all the indirect cost energy to produce ethanol from corn are included .

    3. Oil prices .What is not known to many is how oil price is affecting food production and

    food prices. Oil prices directly and indirectly affect food production. Many field operations (tillage,

    threshing, hauling/transport) are oil based. Indirectly affecting food productions are the inputs

    particularly fertilizer as 1 kg of nitrogen fertilizer consumed 1.80 li diesel oil equivalent (LDOE) to

    manufacture plus the post-manufacture energy bill, it consumes 2.15 LDOE when it reaches the

    Philippine soil. This explains why the prices of fertilizer increase as the oil price increase. To

    produce 1 ton of unmilled rice requires 18-20 kg Nitrogen (N) which translates to 215 LDOE. . At$111/barrel, the price of urea is about P1,300/kg. If the price of oil zoomed up to $150/barrel, the

    price of urea will be at minimum of P2000/bag. The farmers will not be able to apply 100 kg N to

    produce 5 tons/ha. Yield will decrease proportional to the decrease in N-fertilizer input. N-fertilizer

    is 50-60% of crop yield as native soil fertility is low. A 50% decrease in fertilizer use will translate

    to 25-30% decrease in yield. As a whole, this will be about 4.0-4.8 million tons of unmilled rice if

    prorated equally in the 4 Mha (16 Mtons of paddy rice). If this happened, it is far worst than the

    most severe El Nio that hit the country .

    4. Importation. Importing rice is a short term solution or stop gap measure. It is an action

    that any President of the Philippines will do if there is shortage . But the danger of relying on food

    import is clear. One, there are other countries in the region (China, India, Malaysia, Singapore,

    South Korea) which have more money. Money-rich countries will propel greater food price


  • 8/6/2019 MB Emerging Food Crisis ... a Problem or Consequence 4 18 2011


    increases should they fail to produce enough food for their citizens and resort to importation.

    Competing with them, will deplete the countries savings. Indonesia is importing 3.2 million tons

    dethroning Philippines as the largest rice importer (Indonesia, has 230 Million population). What if

    India (1.11B population) and China (1.3 B population) suddenly import rice from rice surpluscountries (Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar). There are many mind bungling issues on importation.

    Why did we import huge amount of rice in the previous decades. In 2008, the country imported

    2.42 million metric tons (see Table 1) which made the Philippines the highest rice importer in the

    world. The data on per capita consumption is instructive. In 2000-2001, our per capita rice

    consumption was only 103 kg . By 2008, it increased to 128 kg. This coincided with the year that

    the Philippines had recorded the highest rice import. In 2009, however , the per capita consumption

    decreased to 119kg/cap and our rice importation was only 1.755 million metric tons . The 21.5

    Mtons target yield considered 100 M Filipinos consuming rice at 139.5 kg/cap. On the population

    @ 100 million as the consumption base , it should be pointed out that there are 11 million Filipinos

    abroad and about 7-10 million are corn eaters. On the per capita consumption@ 139.75 kg/cap, it is

    true that there maybe some Filipinos (those who are working in the fields, athletes) who eat as much

    as 140 kg/cap or even more! But what about the young children ages 1-10 years old; the senior

    citizens; males and females who are so concerned on their weights? It is very crucial to examine

    whether we are using correct data.

    5. Rice yield

    To achieve rice self-sufficiency by 2013, the country must increase yield from 3.6 tons per

    ha to at least 5 tons per ha. Consider the following data :Rice physical area =2.7 million ha ;

    Irrigated area =1.9 million ha, Rainfed area = 1.3 million ha ( BAS (2010).For the last 5

    years (2005-2009), the average yields for irrigated and rainfed areas, respectively, were only 4.3 and

    3.0 tons/ha or on only 3.6 tons/ha for the 2 areas (Table 2) Even in good yielding year, the national

    average yield for irrigated areas (1.4 Mha) was only 4.3 tons/ha (2008). This yield was also attained

    when the price of fertilizer was still low. What about the rainfed areas? The highest yield so far was

    3.27 tons/ha. Rainfed areas occupy 48% of the total area (1.3 Mha 2.7 Mha). Rainfed areas are


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    subjected to varying moisture regime even without the effect of climate change. There is 1.0 ton

    difference in yields between irrigated and rainfed.

    Five( 5) tons/ha yield is achievable as it is already being achieved by a number of farmers.

    In fact, we have farmers harvesting as high as 8 tons/ha or higher . To obtain 5 tons/ha averageyields for the 4.2 million hectare cropped areas, we need to address several constraints. They

    include: BIOPHYSICAL/TECHNICAL(Water shortage --- lack of / deteriorating irrigation facilities,

    El Nio ,declining soil fertility and degraded soils (uplands),pests and diseases, technological

    efficiency at farm level --- low , Shrinking area planted to rice ), SOCIOECONOMIC (farmers

    limited agribusiness management skills ,limited / unavailable capital ,low production incentives )

    and INSTITUTIONAL factors( deteriorating extension support services, weak institutional support ).

    6. Water and rice production

    If our net consuming population will reach 100 Million (less the OCWs) and even if our

    per cap consumption is only 103 kg, still we need about 10.3 million tons of milled rice(15.85Mt

    unmilled rice ) and an additional 2.3 Mt for seeds, feeds, wastes, and 15 days buffer stock; or a total

    of 18.15 million tons unmilled rice. Where shall we get all the water needs of producing 18.15

    million tons of rice requiring 90.75 billion tons of water ?

    Water is essential (1 kg of rice consume 3,000-5,000 kg water).With irrigation, water is

    assured in the various growth stages. Expanding the irrigated areas, could increase yield (1 ton

    more/ha). But there are 3 things to consider in putting more irrigation facilities. One, is the huge

    costs involved to construct irrigation facilities which now costs about P500,000/ha and it may even

    increase. Irrigating 0.5 Mha needs PhP 250 Billion. Two, is how to prevent further conversion of

    prime irrigated areas into other uses (residential, commercial areas). Three, the ideal ratio of forests

    and agroecosystems is 50: 50 (Do reforestation now but the effects will be 10 years after !) The

    condition of our watersheds is manifested by the effectivity of our irrigation systems. Many of our

    irrigation systems are simply river water diversion (Laguna, Iloilo dams). This explains why during

    prolonged drought (El Nio),the irrigation systems have insufficient water to irrigate rice fields.

    6. Support to farmers. The current rice self-sufficiency program of the government is in the

    right direction. Direction setting, however, is different from accomplishing. As pointed out in many

    fora, farmers are unhappy with the support they get from the consumers and the government. The

    retail price of rice @ P34/kg should translate to P17/kg when bought to the farmers direct from their


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    threshers or P20/kg, dry (12-14% moisture content). At harvest time, traders buy rice from the

    farmers as low as P11/kg when the breakeven price is about P13/kg (this crop year 2011). For 2

    croppings, these had happened. The low farm gate price of rice further deepens the heavy

    indebtedness of our farmers . This will make them do input costs cutting decisions as an adaptivemeasure. They will not apply sufficient fertilizers. Yield will be lower.

    It is important to address the unjust price of rice paid to our farmers. The reasons are as

    follows : 9 out of 10 farmers are rice farmers. This means that rural economy revolves around rice.

    The low price of rice sends farmers to the quagmire of poverty. Hence, when we talk about poverty,

    it is a rural phenomenon. Migration is from rural to urban.

    What can be done ?

    Our view is that the looming food crisis should be addressed in the short, medium, and long-

    term, for the benefits of the present and future Filipino generations. For these wet season cropping

    season, let us help the farmers by stabilizing a just price at harvest time . Some possibilities are as

    follows :

    1. Those who could afford should purchase in advance their rice requirement (10 cavans at

    P20/kg = P10,000 @ 1 million families). This is about P10 billion pesos money infusion to the

    farmers which is 30% of the optimum budget necessary to contain the rice traders price manipulation

    at harvest time.

    2. Private corporations who employ more than 400 employees buy the rice requirement of

    their employees. At 1 cavan of rice/month x 400 = 4,800 cavans/yr or 7,500 cavans of unmilled rice

    @ P20/kg. If we have 5,000 corporations who will respond to this call, this translates to P37.5

    billion pesos money infusion to directly purchase rice from the farmers through their cooperatives.

    This money (P37.5 billion) is roughly the needed amount (25-30%) required to cushion the traders

    control on the price of rice during harvest season (Oct to Nov and March to April).

    3. On the production side, there are many who are now advocating Go organic/

    sustainable agriculture .We now have an Organic Agriculture Act (R.A. 10068). But going

    organic is not like going out for picnic ! In addition to the many negative effects of Chemical

    agriculture , it had brought about agricultural addiction. An addict needs to be rehabilitated.

    Going OA/SA needs also soil rehabilitation or soil fertility restoration. An indicator is soil organic


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    matter which is 40-60% lower than before. Restoring it is slow and gradual. Experiences showed

    that 3-5 years are required to re-build the soil. OA/SA is for the medium to long term assuming

    farmers had started already. The practical thing to do is to adopt soil building and cost reducing

    farming practices. Two practices can be done immediately:1)Implement nationwide prohibitingrice straw burning. 1 ton straw = 1 bag urea equivalent ;about 3 tons/ha rice straw are simply burnt

    or about 12 million tons in the 4.0 M ha harvested areas; 2)Integrate urban waste recycling (the

    biodegradable waste) to provide partially the organic nutrient requirements of our fields. More

    than 50% of our population are in the urban areas. However , we can expect our farmers to rebuild

    or restore soil fertility if the land is theirs . The full scale implementation of Comprehensive

    Agrarian Reform with Reform (CARPER)should be done.

    4. There should be SEED and equipment support to OA . As farmers are mostly into

    monoculture, they have lost the bahay kubo crop species. Seeds support to diversified agriculture

    must be designed. Farmers must be re-trained on seed propagation of various seed lots (orthodox

    and recalcitrant) and appropriate planting materials (cuttings, tubers, roots) of various crop species.

    The shift to diverse agriculture requires re-landscaping or re-designing the farms to achieve

    the desired ecosystem or soil condition of the various crops species to be grown by the farmers.

    Equipment for soil digging (backhoe), water reservoir construction (bulldozer, loader) must be made

    available to farmers. The Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Department of

    Public Works and Highways (DPWH) should include in their respective budgetary requirements

    farm machineries for farm landscape improvement. This is also necessary so that nutrient cycling

    (crop + livestock) and water re-use and conservation (crop + livestock + aquaculture) are integrated

    in the farm landscape.

    6. There must be Spending audit as huge sums of money have been poured into agriculture

    from infrastructure like irrigation to subsidies like seeds and fertilizers.

    Should it mean then that many Filipinos will go hungry as an aftermath of the emrging

    food crisis?

    No ! But anchoring our food caloric sufficiency on rice alone is insufficiency. We could

    easily be food caloric energy sufficient with our current production systems by


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    1. Mixing 15% (1.5 million tons) white corn, then, we easily satisfy the demand. Earlier

    studies showed that corn can be mixed with our rice up to 30%.We produce about 7 million metric

    tons of corn But these are mainly yellow corn. We should have a program of growing white corn

    for food. Corn are mostly grown in upland rainfed areas. Growing corn in lowland irrigated areasexpands the service areas 3 to 4 times.

    2. Temper our white rice consumption and shift to brown rice.( American scholars John

    Cavanagh and Robin Broad joined us in the advocacy on brown rice ). Our simple estimate is that

    even if we only mix 50% brown rice to our well milled rice, then, we could be self-sufficient in rice

    (Brown rice leads to 8-10% increase milling recovery and 30-40% reduction in rice

    consumption).Brown rice is more nutritious than well milled rice.

    3. Eat more vegetables and fruits. The Filipinos consume the lowest veggies (40kg/cap)

    while the Chinese consume as much as 225 kg/ cap.

    4. Farm sizes get smaller. Let us implement a small-scale biodiverse, integrated , organic

    (bio) farm . Small-scale Bio farming is the key to achieving food sufficiency in the Philippine

    context .Growing diverse crops in 0.1 ha at least once a week can provide more than enough

    vegetables, herbs, spices, medicinal plants and fruits(guava, citrus) for a family of 6. All able bodied

    people should grow their own food crops . There are still many idle spaces. You need not go far.

    In conclusion, achieving food sufficiency can not be done by pursuing consumption and

    production as usual. First, our data on per cap consumption is revealing. There are many other

    caloric energy sources .Second, eating well milled rice is throwing away more than 1.0 million tons

    of rice along with the many nutrients in it. Not only production but also the way we eat is leading

    us to food crisis. Third, the food production breakthroughs achieved during the period of abundant

    resources (oil, water, land, nutrients) and relatively favorable climate and fewer mouths to feed led

    to our current food consumption pattern, habits, preferences or culture. The same production strategy

    to sustain the increasing demand for food cannot be done . Every body should now put efforts in

    producing food in whatever quantity. Philippine climate is so accommodating for our crops. We

    have no extremes of seasons. We need to implement a small-scale biodiverse, integrated , organic


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    (bio) farm or ahousehold based agriculture integrated into it is recycling biodegradable wastes

    easily composted for our vegetables and fruit tress around the house.

    * Teodoro C. Mendoza is a Professor of Crop Science , College of agriculture,UP Los Baos.Currently, he teaches ecological agriculture and farming systems. He is a food systems analyst. In

    2001, as an awardee of SEARCA professorial Chair, he delivered lecture on Pursuing Debates of

    Food Security in the New Millennium. Since then, he has been advocating policies and practices

    to achieve sustainable food security. A farmer by birth, he has been an advocate and practitioner ofSmall-scale biodiverse organic farming.

    Table 1. Per capita rice consumption, population , and rice import (Year 2000-




    Per Person



    ConsumptionImported Rice


    (kg) (1) (million) (X1000 tons) (*tons)

    2000 103.16 76.95 7938.16 616,518

    2001 103.17 78.56 8105.04 745,378

    2002* 108.03 80.20 8664.01 1,238,366

    2003 107.02 81.87 8761.73 697,8362004 116.09 83.56 9700.48 983,976

    2005 118.80 85.26 10128.89 1,838,884

    2006 118.70 86.97 10323.34 1,627,700

    2007 126.24 88.71 11198.75 1,790,269

    2008 128.10 90.45 11586.65 2,432,000

    2009 119.92 92.50 11092.60 1,755,000

    Source of Data : BAS (2010)

    Table 2 Philippines : Rice output year 2005 to 2009 *


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    Ave. Yield



    (2.7Mha) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 for 5 years per ha

    Irrigated Area

    (1.4 Mha) 11,233,793 11,594,933






    4 11947506 4.3Rainfed area

    (1.3 Mha) 3,369,212 3,731,773 3,970,804 4,259,398 4,183,153 3902868 3.0

    Total 14,603,005 15,326,706








    4 7.33.6

    Source: BAS(2010); Yields are in metric

