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The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

FOREWORDPraise we render to Allah SWT thanks to Allah grace, We can finish this paper entitled The Equation of Continuity . This paper was created to fulfill the duties of subjects Physics. In the manufacture of this paper, we get a lot of challenges and obstacles but with the help of various parties we can finish these papers well. Therefore, we say thanks to everyone who helped me so that this Physics assignment can be completed with the best. We are aware of this paper has not been perfect. Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions that are built for the sake of completeness this paper. Hopefully this paper provides information for the reader and rewarding for us all. Bogor, November 17, 2012



The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

TABLE OF CONTENTSFOREWORD..............................................................................................................................................I TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................................II CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................1 A.Background........................................................................................................................................1 B.The Formulation of the Problem .......................................................................................................1 C.Purpose..............................................................................................................................................2 CHAPTER II. DISCUSSION....................................................................................................................3 A.Dynamics Fliud ................................................................................................................................3 B.The Current Line ..............................................................................................................................5 a. The Current Line and Flow tubes................................................................................................5 C.THE EQUATION OF CONTINUITY...............................................................................................6 a. The Definition Of The Continuity Equation ................................................................................6 b. Teori and Formulation.................................................................................................................6 Debit.................................................................................................................................................7 CHAPTER III. APPLICATIONS...............................................................................................................9 A.Water Hose........................................................................................................................................9 B.River .................................................................................................................................................9 C.Mosquito Sprayer.............................................................................................................................10 CHAPTER IV. EXAMPLE PROBLEM..................................................................................................11 CHAPETR V. CLOSING.........................................................................................................................13 A.CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................13 BOOK LIST.............................................................................................................................................14


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTIONA. BackgroundIn physics, fluid dynamics is a sub-discipline of fluid mechanics that deals with fluid flowthe natural science of fluids (liquids and gases) in motion. It has several subdisciplines itself, including aerodynamics (the study of air and other gases in motion) and hydrodynamics (the study of liquids in motion). Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and reportedly modeling fission weapon detonation. Some of its principles are even used in traffic engineering, where traffic is treated as a continuous fluid. Fluid dynamics offers a systematic structurewhich underlies these practical disciplinesthat embraces empirical and semi-empirical laws derived from flow measurement and used to solve practical problems. The solution to a fluid dynamics problem typically involves calculating various properties of the fluid, such as velocity, pressure, density, and temperature, as functions of space and time.


The Formulation of the Problem1. What is the equation of continuity ? 2. What is the formula of the equation of continuity ? 3. How to decrease the formula of equation of continuity ? 4. How the equation of continuity with debit? 5. What are the applications of the continuity equation applied in daily life? 6. How the principle of the application?


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5


PurposeThis paper made aims to: 1. To implement the task of physics subjects 2. To be that the reader knows what the continuity equation 3. To be the reader to know the benefits of continuity equation in daily life


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

CHAPTER II. DISCUSSIONA. Dynamics FliudIn fluid dynamics, performed analysis on fluid when the fluid is moving. Fluid flow in general we can distinguish two kinds, i.e. straight flow or commonly called aliminar and turbulent flow. Centrifuge can be referred to as flow seamlessly, as each particle of the fluid flow is not mutually intersect. One example of a centrifuge is the rising smoke from the burning end of a cigarette. At first the smoke rising regularly (smooth), a few moments later smoke was not moving on a regular basis again but turned into a turbulent flow. Turbulent flow is characterized by the presence of small circles and resembles a whirl. Another example of a turbulent flow is the whirlpool. Turbulent flow to absorb huge energy.

Centrifuge followed the straight lines which are in line

The flow of turbuler marked with an whirlpool-like currents there


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

General characteristics of fluid flow:1. Fluid flow can be a flow of steady (steady) and the flow is not steady (nonsteady). Fluid flow is said to be a steady stream if the speed of each particle at a point is always the same. Let's say the fluid particles flowing past the point A with a certain velocity, the fluid particles then flows with particular speed at point b. When other fluid particles follow from behind passing through point A, the flow velocity is equal to the fluid particles that move preceded them. This occurs when fluid flow rate is low. An example is the water that flows with ease. The flow is not steady in contrast to a steady flow. So the speed of the fluid particles in a same point is always changing. The speed of the fluid particle comes first in contrast to the speed of the fluid particle the next. 2. Fluid flow can be compressed flow (compressible) and flow is termapatkan (incompressible). If fluid flows changing the volume (or density) when the fluid is pressed, then the fluid flow is called the flow of termapatkan. Otherwise, once if the fluid flow is not changing the volume (or density) when pressed, then the fluid flow is said to flow is not compressed. Most of the liquid that flows are not compressed. 3. Fluid flow can be a flow of berolak (rotational) and the flow is not berolak (irrotational). For example, a mill of toys thrown into running water. If the mill is moving but not spinning, then it is not flow berolak. Conversely, if moved while rotating the movement is called the berolak flow. Another example is the whirlpool. 4. Fluid flow can be a flow of viscous (viscous) and the flow is not condensed (non-viscous). Viscosity in fluid it similar to friction on a solid object. The more viscous the fluid, friction between the fluid particle counting.


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

The Fluid Nature Of The Ideal:1. can not be pressed (fixed volume due to pressure) 2. Can switch without experiencing friction 3. Have a stationary flow (fixed alirnya line for each particle) 4. The speed of the particle-particle together on the same cross-section


The Current LineThe definition of the line current is the flow of the fluid following a line (a straight curve) is

definitely the tip and the base.


The Current Line and Flow tubesThe Current Line (stream line)

In addition to the Flow Lines, there is also called with the current Line. A B On steady flow, the speed of each particle of the fluid at a point, say point A (see figure) is always the same. When passing through the point B, the speed of the fluid particles may change. However, when you arrive at point B, the fluid particles follow from behind flowing at the same speed as the fluid particles that preceded it. Likewise when arriving at point C and so on. The Current line is a curve connecting point A, B and C (Note: the speed is different with a speed of. Velocity has a direction) Flow Tube

Basically, each line of the flow can be described through every point in a fluid flow. If we observers thought traditionalism was steady fluid flow, a number of the current line that passes through a given point on an imaginary surface area (surface area of delusion) forms a tube of flow. There is no fluid particles that intersect each other but always parallel to the flow tube and will resemble a pipe whose shape is always the same. The fluid entering at one end of the tube will come out of the tube in the other end.


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5


THE EQUATION OF CONTINUITY a. The Definition Of The Continuity Equation

The equation of continuty expresses that at ideal fluid flow, the cross product of fluid flow speed with its section area is constan.


Teori and Formulation

The Decrease Formula Equation Of Continuity If a fluid flows in a steady flow through a pipe with different section areas, then the volume of fluid that passes at each section is equally large in the same time interval. Suppose a fluid flows in a steady flow through one part of a pipe. During time interval t, the fluid at part 1 moves rightward and travels the distance L1 at velocity v1 ( L1 = v1 t ) while the fluid at part 2 moves rightward and travels L2 at velocity v2 ( L2 = v2 t ).

A fluid flow through part of a pipe 1 and 2 The volume of fluid paasing through part 1 is V1 = A1 L1 , while that of passing through part 2 is V2 = A2 L2 Therefore the mass of iquid passing through part 1 during time interval t is : m1 =

1 . V 1

m1 m1

= 1 (A1 . L1 ) = 1 . A1 (v1 . t)

While the mass of fluid passing through part 2 during time interval t is :


The Equation Of Continuity m2 =

Group 8 Class 11-5

2 . V 2

m2 m2

= 2(A2 . L2 ) = 2 . A2 (v2 . t)

Because the fluid flow is steady, then the mass of fluid entering or passing through part 1 is equal to that of coming out or passing through part 2. So that obtained the following equation :

m1 1 . A1 . v1 . t

= =

m2 2 . A2 . v2 . t

By dividing both sides of equation with t, then :

m1 1 . A1 .v1

= =

m2 2 . A2 .v2 .t 2 . A 2 . v 2

1 .A1 . V1 . t =

For incompressible fluids, then the density of fluid during flowing is constant (1 = 2), so that the equation above can be written as follows :

A1 .v1


A2 .v2

Because the multiplication between speed of fluid flow and section area (A.v) is known as debit (Q), then the equation of continuity in ideal fluid can also be expresses as flows : Q1 Q1 = = Q2 k

Debit If a fluid flows in a pipe with section area A and the velocity of fluid v, then the amount of fluid (volume) that flows passing that section per unit of time is called debit. In the form of equation, debit is formulated as follow : Q= V t

Because the volume of fluid V = section area A x length of part l


The Equation Of Continuity Q= Al t

Group 8 Class 11-5

Because the length of part l divided by time t is the velocity of fluid flow, then the equation above can be written as follows :

Q= Av


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5


At times you will spray water using a hose, try to push the end of the hose, the water that comes out will be routed for enough. Conversely when the hose is returned to normal then the distance jets of water will be reduced. The physics of the fenomenon, we get that the area of the pipe affecting fluid.



Have you ever rafting or boat ride on the river ? If we look at when people boating on a river. You will feel the flow when the river narrows getting heavier.


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5


Mosquito Sprayer

Mosquito Sprayers have working prinsiple similar to carburetors. When the piston is pumped, the air from the cylinder tube is forced out trough the narrow hole. The air coming out from this narrow hole has high velocity so that decreasing the air pressure above the nozzle.


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

CHAPTER IV. EXAMPLE PROBLEM1. The average velocity of water flow in pipe with diameter 4 cm is 4 m/s. Calculate the amount of fluid (water) flowing per second (Q)! Known : d = 4 cm= r = 2 cm = 2.10-2 m v = 4 m/s Asked : Q? Answer : Q=A.v = phi r2v = 3,14 (2.10-2)2(4) = 5,024.10-3 m3/s Thus, the amount of fluid floowing per second is 5,024.10-3 m3/s. 2. A pipe with diameter 7 cm and the narrowing end point with diameter 14 cm. If the velocity of flow in the large diameter is 10 cm/s, calculate the velocity of flow at the narrowing end! Known: d1 = 7 cm r1 = 3,5 cm d2 = 14 cm r2 = 7 cm A1 = phi r12 = 22/7(3,5)2 = 38,5 cm2 A2 = phi r22 = 22/7(7)2 = 154 cm2 v1 = 10 cm/s Asked : v2 ? Answer : A1 v1 = A2 v2 v2 = 38,5 . 10 154 = 2,5 cm/s = 250 m/s


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

3. A pipe has two different section. In the longitudinal with area of 10 cm2 flows an ideal fluid with speed 4 m/s. Calculate: a. fluid speed at longitudinal section with area 5 cm2 b. debit of fluid flow c. volume of fluid flowing in 5 minute Known : A1 = 10 cm2 = 10-3 m2 v1 = 4 m/s Asked : a. v2 if A2 = 5 cm2 = 5.10-4 m2? b. Q? c. V if t = 5 minute = 3.102 s? Answer : a. A1 v1 = A2 v2 v2 = 10-3 x 4 5.10-4 = 8 m/s b. Q =A.v =10-3 . 4 = 4.10-3 m3/s c. Q = V/t V = 4.10-3 . 3.102 = 1.2 m3


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

CHAPETR V. CLOSINGA. CONCLUSIONThe equation of continuty expresses that at ideal fluid flow, the cross product of fluid flow speed with its section area is constan. Compressed fluid velocity is inversely proportional to the crosssectional area of pipes in which fluid flows.


The Equation Of Continuity

Group 8 Class 11-5

BOOK LIST Sunardi. 2006. Fisika Bilingual. Jakarta : YRAMA WIDIA