EQ UIPMENT NEWS ECO-Seal ~ systems from Graham Precision Pumps use lubricants as a seal fluid. B Liquid ring vacuum pump needs no cooling water Graham Precision Pumps has introduced ECO-Seal ®, a new design of total recirculation system which uses lubricants rather than water as a seal fluid. This eliminates the need for a constant supply of water (supplied at 15°C ideally) to pull and maintain the desired level of vacuum demanded by a conventional liquid ring pump installation. Even if a full recovery system is used, water sealed pumps require water to make up for evaporation and also as a cooling source to maintain the liquid tempera- ture in the circuit. ECO-Seal systems use ambient air as the cooling source. The systems are supplied as self-contained units pre-wired and ready for operation. They increase capacity at high vacuum due to the low vapour pressure characteristics of the lubricant seal fluid, redu- cing the power requirements. The system has only one moving part, the impeller shaft assembly, and requires mini- mum maintenance. The seal fluid requires replacement after approximately 10 000 hours of continuous or intermittent op- eration in most cases. ECO-Seal systems have low noise levels and minimal vibration measure- ments giving a comfortable en- vironment for working. Most of the seal fluids provide corrosion protection of the inter- nal parts and prevent scale forming. Any solids carried over to the vacuum system are filtered out to stop erosion of the unit. Contact: Graham Precision Pumps Limited, The Forge, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4HQ, UK. Tel: +44 260 274721; Fax: + 44 260 276965. Vertical pumps made sealless and bearing free Sethco has introduced a new line of vertical pumps. The ZSX series pumps are constructed of corrosion resis- tant stainless steel 316 and ZSX series vertical pumps' opposing twin-impeller design eliminates leakage up the pump column. are recommended for transfer- ring, recirculating and agitating a wide range of chemical, lab- oratory and industrial process applications. Typical uses for the new stainless steel pumps are sol- vents, alkaline solutions, some acid solutions, electroless nickel plating, alkaline cleaning tank, photo resist solutions, pharma- ceuticals, cosmetics, agricultur- al chemicals, nickel acetate seal solutions to 210°F and hydrau- lic fluids. The stainless steel models incorporate a unique opposing twin-impeller design. This de- sign feature provides high vo- lume circulation and eliminates leakage up the pump column. The absence of bearings or seals permits dry running. The pumps are engineered to provide flows up to 100 gpm and heads up to 20 m. Other features include self priming start-up, and compact construction. Contact: Sethco, a division of Met-Pro Corporation, 70 Arkay Drive, Hauppauge, New York 11788-3773, USA. Tel: +1 516 435 0530; Fax: +1 516 435 0654. Advanced high temperature diaphragm for food pump A food grade fluorosilicone/ FFFE bonded diaphragm devel- oped by RE Components has enabled 1Tr Jabsco to design a pump capable of operating at temperatures up to 200°C in flash frying equipment. The pump is based on the company's existing Pureflo 24 series of positive displacement rotary pumps and has been designed to circulate flash fry- ing oils through a filter to purify them for re-use. RE Compo- nent's diaphragm forms part of a pressure relief valve which fits directly on to the pump in place of the end cover with the face meeting the oils. The pressure relief valve helps to protect the pump against excessive peak pres- sures and against blocked pipes, WORLD PUMPS JANUARY 1997 (

Liquid ring vacuum pump needs no cooling water

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ECO-Seal ~ systems from Graham Precision Pumps use lubricants as a seal fluid.

B Liquid ring vacuum pump needs no coo l ing water

Graham Precis ion Pumps has in t roduced ECO-Seal ®, a new des ign of t o t a l r e c i r c u l a t i o n sys tem which uses lub r i can t s r a t h e r t h a n w a t e r as a seal fluid. This e l imina tes the need for a cons t an t supp ly of wa te r ( supp l i ed a t 15°C ideal ly) to pul l and m a i n t a i n the des i red level of vacuum d e m a n d e d by a c o n v e n t i o n a l l i q u i d r i n g p u m p ins ta l la t ion . Even if a full recovery sys tem is used, w a t e r sea led p u m p s requi re wa te r to make up for evapora t ion and a lso as a cool ing sou rce to ma in t a in the l iquid t e m p e r a - ture in the circuit. ECO-Seal systems use a m b i e n t a i r as the cooling source.

The sys tems are supp l i ed as se l f -conta ined un i t s p re-wired and ready for opera t ion .

They i n c r e a s e c a p a c i t y a t high vacuum due to the low v a p o u r p re s su re charac te r i s t i c s of the lubr ican t seal fluid, redu- cing the power requi rements .

The sy s t em has on ly one

moving par t , the impe l l e r shaft assembly, and requ i res mini - m u m m a i n t e n a n c e . The sea l fluid requi res r ep l acemen t af ter a p p r o x i m a t e l y 10 000 hours of con t inuous or i n t e rmi t t en t op- e ra t ion in mos t cases. ECO-Seal systems have low noise levels and min ima l v ib ra t ion measure - men t s giving a comfor tab le en- v i ronment for working.

Most of the seal fluids provide corrosion protec t ion of the inter- na l p a r t s a n d p r e v e n t sca le forming. Any solids carr ied over to the vacuum system are fil tered out to s top erosion of the unit.

Contact: Graham Precision Pumps Limited, The Forge, Congleton, Cheshire CW12 4HQ, UK. Tel: + 4 4 260 274721; Fax: + 44 260 276965.

Vertical p u m p s made sea l less and bearing free

Sethco has in t roduced a new line of ver t ica l pumps .

The ZSX series p u m p s are cons t ruc ted of cor ros ion resis- t a n t s t a in l e s s s tee l 316 and

ZSX series vertical pumps' opposing twin-impeller design eliminates leakage up the pump column.

are r e c o m m e n d e d for t ransfer - ring, rec i rcula t ing and ag i ta t ing a wide range of chemical , lab- o ra to ry and indus t r i a l p rocess appl ica t ions .

Typica l u se s for t h e new s ta in less steel p u m p s are sol- vents, a lka l ine solut ions, some acid solut ions, e lec t ro less nickel p la t ing, a lka l ine c leaning tank, pho to res is t solut ions, p h a r m a - ceuticals , cosmetics , agr icul tur - al chemicals , nickel ace ta te seal so lu t ions to 210°F and hydrau- lic fluids.

The s t a in less s tee l mode l s i nco rpo ra t e a un ique oppos ing twin- impel le r design. This de- sign fea ture provides high vo- lume c i rcula t ion and e l imina tes leakage up the p u m p column. The absence of bear ings or seals pe rmi t s d ry running.

The p u m p s are eng ineered to provide flows up to 100 gpm and heads up to 20 m.

Other fea tures inc lude self p r iming s ta r t -up , and c o mpac t const ruct ion.

Contact: Sethco, a division of Met-Pro Corporation, 70 Arkay Drive, Hauppauge, New York 11788-3773, USA. Tel: +1 516 435 0530; Fax: +1 516 435 0654.

• Advanced high temperature diaphragm for food pump

A food g r a d e f l u o r o s i l i c o n e / FFFE bonded d i a p h r a g m devel- oped by RE Compone n t s has enabled 1Tr Jabsco to des ign a p u m p capab le of ope ra t ing a t t e m p e r a t u r e s up to 200°C in flash frying equipment .

The p u m p is based on the company ' s ex is t ing Pureflo 24 series of posi t ive d i sp l acemen t ro t a ry p u m p s a n d h a s been des igned to c i rcula te flash fry- ing oils t h rough a f i l ter to purify t h e m for re-use. RE Compo- nent ' s d i a p h r a g m forms pa r t of a p ressu re re l ief valve which fits d i rec t ly on to the p u m p in p lace of the end cover wi th the face mee t ing the oils.

The p r e s s u r e r e l i e f va lve h e l p s to p r o t e c t t h e p u m p a g a i n s t excess ive p e a k p res - sures and aga ins t b locked pipes ,