CONTENTS J i MINISYMPOSIUM .................................................................. Emerging Materials Technology 1 H. M. Burte Advanced Computational Research in Materials Processing for Design and Manufacturing ..................................................................... 23 T. Zacharia .............. Special Session: The Information Highway: Hype and Substance 31 R. Newton J Section A. Elastic Wave Scattering Ultrasonic Reflection by a Planar Distribution of Surface Breaking Cracks ................................................................................................ A. S. Cheng 59 Relationship between the Two-Point Correlation of Elastic Constants and Backscattered Ultrasonic Noise in Two-Phase .......................................................................................... Titanium Alloys 67 K. Y. Han and R. B. Thompson Single Scattering and Diffusive Limits of the Ultrasonic Radiative Transfer Equation ........................................................................ 75 1. A. Turner and R. L. Weaver ....................................... Ultrasonic Backscatter from Embedded Cylinders 83 M. K. Hinders, 1. L. Williams, and P. H. Jonston

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.................................................................. Emerging Materials Technology 1 H. M. Burte

Advanced Computational Research in Materials Processing for Design and Manufacturing ..................................................................... 23 T. Zacharia

.............. Special Session: The Information Highway: Hype and Substance 31 R. Newton

J Section A. Elastic Wave Scattering

Ultrasonic Reflection by a Planar Distribution of Surface Breaking Cracks

................................................................................................ A. S. Cheng 59

Relationship between the Two-Point Correlation of Elastic Constants and Backscattered Ultrasonic Noise in Two-Phase

.......................................................................................... Titanium Alloys 67 K. Y. Han and R. B. Thompson

Single Scattering and Diffusive Limits of the Ultrasonic Radiative Transfer Equation ........................................................................ 75 1. A. Turner and R. L. Weaver

....................................... Ultrasonic Backscatter from Embedded Cylinders 83 M. K. Hinders, 1. L. Williams, and P. H. Jonston

Text Box
Ref. 620.1127 REV V.14A-14B

Comparison of Calculated Ultrasonic Scattering with Experimental Observations in Welded Samples with Various Defects ............................... 91 D. K. Rehbein and T. A. Gray

Scattering from an Interface Defect Between Fiber and Matrix .................... 99 S. Hirose and M. Kitahara

Generalized Spring Boundary Conditions and Scattering Coefficients for Interface Imperfections with Arbitrary Orientations ............................... 107 W. Huang and S. I. Rokhlin

Impulse-Response Method to Predict Echo-Responses from Defects in Solids: A First Approach ........................................................................ 1 15 A. Lhemery

An Improved Ultrasonic Technique for Three Dimensional Inclusions ......... 123 0. I. Lobkis, K. I. Maslov, T. Kundu, and P. V. Zinin

An Experimental Study of Ultrasonic Beam Reflection from Fluid Loaded Cylindrical Shells ............................................................................ 13 1 T. Cloutier, A. Safaeinili, D. E. Chimenti, S. Zeroug, and L. B. Felsen

Predictions of Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Signals from Inner Wall Cracks in BWR Nozzles ............................................................................. 139 A. Minachi and R. B. Thompson V. F. Godinez-A

An Efficient Approximate Model for Elastic Wave Scattering in Plates ...................................................................................................... 147 A. Safaeinili and R. A. Roberts

Size Estimation of Interface Crack by Interference Effect ............................ 155 M. Kitahara and J.-H. Yin

Section B. Guided Wave Propagation

Analysis of the Wedge Method of Generating Guided Waves ...................... 163 J. J. Dim and K. M. Rajana

Analysis of the Generation of Guided Waves Using Finite Sources: An Experimental Approach ......................................................................... 17 1 K. M. Rajana, D. Hongerholt, J. L. Rose, and J. J. Dim

Floquet Analysis of Lamb Waves Propagating in Periodically-Layered Composites ................................................................................................. 179 A. Safaeinili and D. E. Chimenti

Experimental Generation of Lamb Wave Dispersion Using Fourier Analysis of Leaky Modes ............................................................................ 187 D. M. Benson, P. Karpur, T. E. Matikas, and T. Kundu

Guided Elastic Waves in Pre-Stressed Solids for the Ultrasonic ........................................................... Characterization of Interfacial Zones 195

D. A. Sotiropoulos

................................................ Digital Measurement of Ultrasonic Velocity 203 I, Fujii and K. Kawashirna

New Absorbing Boundary Conditions for Finite-Difference Modeling ......................................................................................... of Elastic Waves 2 1 1

N. Saffari and J. Zhou

Elastic Wave Propagation and Scattering in Austenitic Steel ....................... 219 S. Klaholz, K. J. Langenberg, P. Baum, and F. Walte

.......... Guided Wave Energy Distribution Analysis in Inhomogeneous Plates 227 K. Balasubrarnaniam and Y. Ji

Wave Propagation in a Layer Containing a Random or Periodic ............................................................................ Distribution of Inclusions 235

N. A. Day, C. Zhu, and V. K. K i ~ a

Theoretical Simulation of Experimental Observations of Surface ............................ Wave Propagation on a Fluid-Saturated Porous Material 243

V. F. Godinez-Azcuaga and L. Adler

The Ultrasonic Modeling Code EFIT as Applied to Inhomogeneous ............................................... Dissipative Isotropic and Anisotropic Media 25 1

R. Marklein, R. Barmann, and K. J. Langenberg

A Model Quantifying Pulse Propagation Through Layered ...................................................................................... Attenuative Media 259

M. G. Wisrner and R. Ludwig

Section C. Eddy Currents

Boundary-Integral Equations in Eddy-Current Calculations ......................... 267 K. Murphy and H. A. Sabbagh

Two Dimensional Inversion of Crack Signal in Surface Electromagnetic ..................................................................... Field Measurement Technique 275

S. H. H. Sadeghi and D. Mirshekar-Syahkal

Application of Volume-Integral Models to Steam Generator Tubing ........... 283 H. A. Sabbagh, R. K. Murphy, J. C. Treece, and L. W. Woo

Analysis of Eddy Current Distribution and Resulting Flaw Detection .............................................................. Mechanism for Self-Nulling Probe 29 1

B. Wincheski, J. Fulton, S. Nath, and M. Narnkung

Automatic Generation and Execution of Eddy Current Scan Plans .............. 299 C. N. Hebbalae, R. Atthivarapu, D. Lehther, N. Nakagawa, and J. C. Moulder

Automated Eddy Current Detection of Edge Defects in a Complex Geometry Using a Magnitude Approach ..................................................... 307 R. T. KO and S. J. Pipenburg

............................. Magnetic Permeability and Eddy-Current Measurements 315 J. H. Rose, E. Uzal, and J. C. Moulder

Low Frequency Eddy Currents with Magnetic Saturation for In-Line ........................................ Detection and Sizing of Stress Corrosion Cracks 323

R. J. Davis and D. T. Hayford

Anomalous Models of Defect Interactions in Electromagnetic Testing ........ 33 1 B. J. Mergelas, D. L. Atherton, and A. Shadat

Section D. Radiographic and Optical Techniques

Calculation and Measurement of Exposure Buildup Factors for .................................................................................... X-Ray Radiography 339

T. L. Aljundi and J. N. Gray

Low-Cost X-Ray Inspection of Highly Attenuating Materials ...................... 347 D. M. Stupin, K. H. Mueller, D. A. Viskoe, B. Howard, R. W. Poland, D. Schneberk, K. Dolan, K. Thompson, and G. Stoker

RTSIM: A Computer Model of Real-Time Radiography ............................ 353 T. Jensen and J. N. Gray

Tangential Radiography Detectability Improvement by Tomosynthesis ................................................................................................. Techniques 36 1

P. Rizo, M. Antonakios, and P. Lamarque

Optimizing Compton Backscattering Parameters Using a Simulation Code .......................................................................................................... 369 J. Gray, T. Aljundi, and A. Tumbull

Algorithm for Dual-Energy Radiographic Analysis ...................................... 377 R. A. Moms and T. Chancellor

COBRA: New Interferometric Inspection Design Software ........................ 385 M. Valley, G. Carhart, J. Genin, W. Xu, and X. Wu

P. R. Emeric and A Comparative Study of Speckle Interferometric Techniques ...................... 393 T. C. Chatters, B. F. Pouet, and S. Krishnaswamy


Analysis of Thermal Stressing Techniques for Flaw Detection With Shearography ..................................................................................... 401 J. L. Champion, J. B. Spicer, R. Osiander, and J. W. M. Spicer

Optical Measurements of Interface Acoustic Waves Guides by the Boundary Between Two Elastic Substrates ................................................. 409 C. Matte'i, X. Jia, and G. Quentin

Initial Studies on the Use of Laser Velocimetry in the Inspection and Health Monitoring of Aircraft ..................................................................... 417 B. Hansche, G. James, D. Roach, N. Pride, T. Schmidt, and J. Webster

Section E. Thermal Techniques

............................................................ Pulse-Echo Thermal Wave Imaging 425 L. D. Favro, X. Han, Y. Wang, P. K. Kuo, and R. L. Thomas

Cumulative Fatigue Disbond of Adhesive Joints and its Detection Using Thermal Wave Imaging ..................................................................... 43 1 H. Aglan, S. Shroff, Z. Abdo, T. Ahmed, L. Wang, L. D. Favro, and R. L. Thomas

Characterization of CFRP with Lockin Thermography ................................ 439 D. Wu, R. Steegmiiller, W. Karpen, and G. Busse

Observations on Image Formation in the Line Scanning Thermal Imaging Method ........................................................................................ 447 J. Varis, M. Oksanen, J. Rantala, and M. Luukkala

Thermographic Detection of Conducting Contaminants in Composite Materials Using Microwave Excitation ........................................................ 453 M. W. Bowen, R. Osiander, J. W. M. Spicer, and J. C. Murphy

Thermal Wave Imaging of Aircraft Structures ............................................. 461 L. D. Favro, T. Ahmed, X. Han, L. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Wang, P. K. Kuo, R. L. Thomas, and S. M. Shephard

Investigation of Thermal Diffusivity of Composite Material by "Mirage Effect" .......................................................................................... 467 X. R. Zhang, C. M. Gan, J. Y. Zhou, F. C. Wang, and M. F. Ying

Thermal Characterization of Multilayer Structures from Transient Thermal Response ...................................................................................... 475 P. R. Erceric and W. P. Winfree


F. Magnetic Techniques

The Effects of Remanent Magnetization on Magnetic Flux Leakage Signals .......................................................................................... 483 J. B. Nestleroth and R. J. Davis

The Effects of Flux Leakage Magnetizer Velocity on Volumetric Defect Signals ............................................................................................. 49 1 R. J. Davis and J. B. Nestleroth

Velocity Effects and Their Minimization in MFL Inspection of Pipelines - A Numerical Study .................................................................... 499 G. Katragadda, Y. S. Sun, W. Lord, S. S. Udpa, and L. Udpa


Section A. Laser Based Ultrasonics

Laser Ultrasonic Generation at the Surface of a Liquid Metal ...................... 507 J. B. Walter, K. L. Telschow, and R. J. Conant

Multiple Cavity Laser Array Source for Laser Generation of Ultrasound .............................................................................................. 5 13 J. W. Wagner and T. W. Murray

Generation and Detection of Single Mode Lamb Waves Using Laser-Based Ultrasound.. ............................................................................ 52 1 R. C. Addison, Jr. and A. D. W. McKie

A Two-Layer Model for the Laser Generation of Ultrasound in Graphite-Epoxy Laminates ......................................................................... 529 M. Dubois, F. Enguehard, and L. Bertrand

Investigation of Interfacial Losses in Concrete with Laser Ultrasonics ................................................................................................ 537 L. J. Jacobs and D. A. Bruttomesso

Laser-Ultrasonic Inspection of the Composite Structure of an Aircraft in a Maintenance Hangar ................................................................ 545 M. Choquet, R. Heon, C. Padioleau, P. Bouchard, C. Neron, and J.-P. Monchalin

Narrow-Band Hybrid Pulsed LaserEMAT System for Non-Contact Ultrasonic Inspection Using Angled Shear Waves ....................................... 553 D. A. Oursler and J. W. Wagner

Lamb Wave Tomography Using Laser-Based Ultrasonics ........................... 561 Y. Nagata, J. Huang, J. D. Achenbach, and S. Krishnaswamy

Effect of Surface

Section B. Micr

C. Huber and R

Section C. CT

Effective 3D Geo G. A. Mohr and F.

Exact Image Rec K. C. Tam


Effect of Surface Coatings on Generation of Laser Based Ultrasound ......... 569 V. V. Shah, K. Balasubramaniam, and J. P. Singh

Study on SAW Attenuation of PMMA Using Laser Ultrasonic Technique .................................................................................................. 577 D. Fei, X. R. Zhang, C. M. Gan, and S. Y. Zhang

Laser Ultrasonic and Photoacoustic NDE Using Front-Surface ............................................................................... Piezoelectric Detection 585

M.-C. Wu, F. R. Parker, and W. P. Winfree

Section B. Microwaves

Experimental Techniques in Microwave NDE ............................................. 593 A. J. Bahr

Microwave Imaging of Defects in Solids ..................................................... 601 K. Mayer, K. J. Langenberg, and R. Schneider

Coherent Microwave Imaging for Buried Objects ................................. 607 H. C. Han and C.-S. Wang

Microwaves for Raster Imaging of Local Anisotropies in Polymer Materials ....................................................................................... 61 5 L. Diener

Ultra Wide Band Millimeter Wave Holographic " 3-D Imaging of Concealed Targets on Mannequins .............................................................. 623 H. D. Collins, T. E. Hall, and R. P. Gribble

A Comparison of Millimeter Wave and Eddy Current Detection of Surface Breaking Defects in Conducting Materials ............................... 629 S. Ross, M. Lusk, and W. Lord

Higher Order Modes as Indicators of Surface Cracks Under Stratified Dielectric Coatings Using an Open-Ended Waveguide ................. 637 C. Huber and R. Zoughi

A Step-Frequency Radar System for Broadband Microwave Inverse Scattering and Imaging ................................................................... 643 W. H. Weedon, W. C. Chew, and C. A. Ruwe

Section C. CT and Laminography

.................. Effective 3D Geometry Extraction and Reverse CAD Modeling 65 1 G. A. Mohr and F. Little

Exact Image Reconstruction in Cone Beam 3D CT ..................................... 657 K. C. Tam

Computer Simulation of Radiographic Process - A Study of Complex Component and Defect Geometry .............................................................. 665 G.-R. Tillack, C. Bellon, and C. Nockemann

High Speed, High Resolution and Low Cost Digital Radiography and Computed Tomography System ........................................................... 673 K. Rangarajan and T. Jensen

Quantitative X-Ray Tomography for the Development of a Piston .......................................................................................... Casting Process 68 1

C. J. Dasch, C. C. Jones, and W. L. Dunn

Dimensional Measurement of Internal Features in Complex Castings ...................................................................................................... 689 S. T. Neel, D. S. Eliasen, and R. N. Yancey

X-Ray Quantitative Evaluation of Multi-Layered Objects from Few Projections: A Multiresolution Technique .................................................. 695 C. Icord, P. Rizo, and J. M. Dinten


Section A. Signal Processing

Attenuation and Porosity Estimation Using the Frequency-Independent ............................................................................................... Parameter Q 703

K. I. McRae and C. A. Zala

.................... Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Using Signal Matching Techniques 7 11 K. Srinivasan, C.-P. Chiou, and R. B. Thompson

Creating Noise-Cormpted Flaw Signals for Ultrasonic .......................................................................... Nondestructive Evaluation 7 19

S. P. Neal and D. 0. Thompson

Ultrasonic Signal-To-Noise Ratio Enhancement Using Adaptive Filtering Technique ..................................................................................... 727 C.-P. Chiou, R. B. Thompson, and L. W. Schrnerr

Utility of Split Spectrum Processing to Improve the Detection .................................................................. of Inclusions in Titanium Alloys 733

M. Bashyam

Feature Extraction and Classification in Automated Inspection of NDE Images ........................................................................................... 741 Z. Zhang and J. P. Basart

Knowledge-Bas L. M. Brown and

Neural Network Defects with Sp D. L. Schmoldt

Flaw Classificati

Flaw Depth Clas by Using Neural H. Hoshiiawa and

Neural Network ~j( J. Yirn, S. S. Udpa,]

An Evaluation of k Thennography Inspi H. Trktout, D. Dad and I. Avenas-Paym

Neural Netw0rk.B~ of Load/Lock Slots. J.-H. XU and D. L. I

Covering Thickness Bars by Eddy Cum J. Koido and H. Hor

An Interactive Tool for Bayesian Inference ................................................. 747 G . S. Cunningham, K. M. Hanson, 6. R. Jennings, Jr. and D. R. Wolf


Automated Eddy Current Detection of Flaws in Shot-Peened Titanium Materials ...................................................................................... 755 R. T. KO and S. J. Pipenberg

Measurement Model-Based Prediction of Correlated Flaw Signal ......................................................................................................... 763 P. Jeong, T. Gray, and L. Schmerr

Section B. Neural Nets

An M ~ c i a l Intelligence Technique to Characterize Surface-Breaking Cracks ............................................................................ 77 1 M. Takadoya, Y. Yabe, M. Kitahara, J. D. Achenbach, Q. C. Guo, and M. L. Peterson

Crack Sizing Using a Neural Network Classifier Trained with ................................................. Data Obtained from Finite Element Models 779

K. Zgonc, J. D. Achenbach, and Y.-C. Lee

.................................................................. Knowledge-Based NDE System 787 L. M. Brown and R. DeNale

Neural Network Classifiers to Grade Parts Based on Surface Defects with Spatial Dependencies ............................................................. 795 D. L. Schmoldt

Flaw Classification Potential in Tubing with Guided Waves ......................... 803 M. K. T. Hansch, K. M. Rajana, and J. L. Rose

Flaw Depth Classification in Eddy Current Tubing Inspection by Using Neural Network ........................................................................... 8 11 H. Hoshikawa and K. Koyama

Neural Network Approaches to Data Fusion ........................................ 819 J. Yim, S. S. Udpa, L. Udpa, M. Mina, and W. Lord

An Evaluation of Neural Networks Applied to Infrared Thermography Inspection of Composite Aerospace Structures .................... 827 H. Tretout, D. David, J. Y. Marin, M. Dessendre, M. Couet, and I. ~venas-payan

Neural Network Based Pattern Recognition for Defect Detection ..................................................................................... of LoadLock Slots 835

J.-H. Xu and D. L. Birx

Covering Thickness and Diameter Measurement of Reinforcing Bars by Eddy Current Testing Using Neural Network ................................. 841 J. Koido and H. Hoshikawa


Section C. Imaging and Reconstruction

Inversion of Transient Eddy-Current Signals for the Determination .................................................................. of Conducting Plate Parameters 849

M. J. Johnson and J. R. Bowler

Some Inversion Problems in Nondestructive Evaluation .............................. 857 K. Murphy, H. A. Sabbagh, and J. C. Treece

On Phase-Based Imaging of Eddy Current Nondestructive Evaluation .................................................................................................. 863 S. Ross, M. Lusk, W. Lord, and J. Bent

Real-Time X-Ray Image Processing; Techniques for Sensitivity .................................................. Improvement Using Low-Cost Equipment 87 1

R. M. Wallingford and J. N. Gray

In-Situ NDE of Navy Sonar Domes Via X-Ray Backscatter ............................................................................................... Tomography 88 1

E. C. Greenawald, J. B. Nagode, C. F. Poranski, and Y. S. Ham

An Improved Ultrasonic Image Presentation ............................................... 889 E. J. Chern

Acoustic Tomography: Serial Versus Parallel Computation ........................ 893 C. Sullivan, R. Kline, and R. Mignogna

............................................ Ultrasonic Maximum Aper tu~ SAFT Imaging 901 P. J. Howard and R. Y. Chiao

Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique Using the Envelope Function for Ultrasonic Imaging ................................................................. 909 W. Masri, M. Mina, S. Udpa, L. Udpa, and W. Lord

Analysis of Scanning Acoustic Microscopy Images of IC Chips ..................................................................................................... 915 J. A. Khan, M. Mina, L. Udpa, and S. S. Udpa


Section A. Ultrasonic Transducers

Finite Element Modeling of Binary Acoustic Fresnel Lenses ........................ 923 S. C. Chan, M. Mina, S. S. Udpa, W. Lord, L. Udpa, and T. Xue

Interferometric Measurement of Ultrasonic Velocities with .............................. Line-Focusing P(VDF-TrFE) Transducer: V(f) Curves 931

M. Hirao, K. Yokota, and H. Fukuoka

Method .................

Model-Based Ch Ultrasonic Transduc T. A. Gray


Basic Principles of Ultrasonic Time Reversal Processing in ............................................................................... Nondestructive Testing 937

N. Chakroun, M. Fink, and F. Wu

Characterization of the Field of an Air-Coupled Ultrasonic .................................................................. Silicon Capacitance Transducer 945

D. A. Hutchins, A. G. Bashford, W. M. D. Wright, and D. W. Schindel

Gas-Coupled, Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Crack Detection and Thickness Gaging ....................................................................................... 95 1 C. M. Fortunko, R. E. Schramrn, C. M. Teller, G. M. Light, J. D. McColskey, W. P. Dube, and M. C. Renken

Detection of Ultrasonic Fields in Air with an Optical Heterodyne Probe ....................................................................................... 959 H. Cao, Z. Q. Wang, and S. Y. Zhang

Absolute Sensitivity of Air, Light, and Direct-Coupled Wideband Acoustic Emission Transducers .................................................. 967 E. S. Boltz, C. M. Fortunko, M. A. Hamstad, and M. C. Renken

.................... Analytical Solution to a Voltage Driven Piezoelectric Element 975 A. Ustiindag, R. Ludwig, and P. L. Levin

......................... An Ultrasonic Wheel Probe Alternative to Liquid Coupling 983 B. Drinkwater and P. Cawley

Testing Method for Air Ultrasonic Transducers Using a Photoacoustic Pulse Source ........................................................................ 99 1 M. Oksanen, J. Hietanen, and M. Luukkala

Section B. Ultrasonic Transducer Fields and Ray Tracing

Transient Fields Radiated by Nonuniform Transducers in a Solid Calculated by an Approximate Model and the Finite-Difference Method ....................................................................................................... 997 A. Lhemery and R. Stacey

Theory of Transducer Radiation in Transversely Isotropic Media Introducing the Generalized Rayleigh Function ........................................ 1005 M. Spies

Application-Directed Modeling of Radiation and Propagation of Elastic Waves in Anisotropic Media: GPSS and OPOSSM ..................... 1013 M. Spies and F. Walte

Model-Based Characterization of Planar and Focused Immersion ............................................................................... Ultrasonic Transducers 1021

T. A. Gray


Mapping of Three-Dimensional Radiation Field of Ultrasor~ic Transducers ................................................................................................ 1029 N. K. Batra, K. E. Simmonds, H. H. Chaskelis, and R. B. Mignogna

Section C. Sensor

Injection Locked L; J. A. Smith and C. I

Finite Size and Specimen Thickness Influence in Acousto-Ultrasonic NDE ........................................................................................................... 1037 B. Pavlakovic, J. L. Rose, and J. J . Ditri

Stabilized Fiber Op J. Dorighi, S. IGish

............................................... Wave Analysis for the Acoustic Microscope 1045 T. Xue, W. Lord, M. Mina, L. Udpa, and S. Udpa

Microwave Sensor! Polymers.. .............. M. J. Werner and R

........................ Numerical Modeling of Air-Coupled Ultrasound with EFIT 1053 M. Rudolph, P. Fellinger, K. J. Langenberg, and D. E. Chimenti

An In-Line Ultrasoi S. H. Sheen, H.-T.

Modeling the Radiation of Focused and Unfocused Ultrasonic Transducers Through Planar Interfaces ....................................................... 1061 L. W. Schmerr, Jr., T. P. Lerch, and A. Sedov

Detection of Concc Z. W. Bell

The Paraxial Approximation for Radiation of a Planar Ultrasonic Transducer at Oblique Incidence Through an Interface ............................... 1067 T. P. Lerch, L. W. Schmerr, and A. Sedov

Real-Time Nondes~ Compaction and Fc L. J. Bond, A. R. C J. H. Brewster, and

The Ultrasonic Field of Focused Transducers Through a ................................................................................. Liquid-Solid Interface 1075

M. El Amrani, P. Calmon, 0. Roy, D. Royer, and 0. Casula

NDE Applications Fracture.. .............. D. Manos, A. Fried

Investigation of Focused Ultrasonic Beam Refraction on the Plane Interface between Two Media .......................................................... 1083 A. Ptchelintsev

Sensitivity of Shear of Residual Stress. Y. W. Park. P. H. (

Directivity Analysis of Angle Probes and Surface Defects by ................................................................. Ultrasonic Visualization Method 1091

Y. H. Nam and K. Date

Laser Ultrasonics: 0. Petillon, J. Dup

........... An Ultrasonic Ray-Trace Code for Complex Geometry Applications 1099 R. E. Beissner, K. A. Bartels, J. W. Brophy, J. F. Crane, and J. L. Jackson

A Hybrid Laser UII S. K. Sahay and R.

Microwave Based 1 M. Oksanen and H

.......................... Ultrasound Ray Tracing in Arbitrary Complex Geometries 1105 A. Turnbull and M. Garton

.................... Ray-Modeling for Computer Simulation of Ultrasonic Testing 11 11 T. Furukawa and K. Date

Validation 3D Ray Tracing for UT Examination of the Nozzle .................................................................... Inner Blend Region.. ...........A. 1 1 19

D. MacDonald, Greg Selby, M. Koshy, and J. Isenberg

Section C. Sensors and Process Control

Injection Locked Lasers as Surface Displacement Sensors ........................... 1127 J. A. Smith and C. P. Burger

Stabilized Fiber Optic Sensor for Ultrasound Detection ............................... 1135 J. Dorighi, S. Krishnaswamy, and J. D. Achenbach

Microwave Sensors for In Situ Evaluation of Moisture in Polymers ................................................................................................. 1 143 M. J. Werner and R. J. King

An In-Line Ultrasonic Viscometer ............................................................... 1151 S. H. Sheen, H.-T. Chien, and A. C. Raptis

............................ Detection of Concealed Mercury with Thermal Neutrons 1159 Z. W. Bell

Real-Time Nondestructive Characterization of Membrane Compaction and Fouling ............................................................................. 1167 L. J. Bond, A. R. Greenberg, A. P. Mairal, G. Loest, J. H. Brewster, and W. B. Krantz

NDE Applications of Radio Wave Emission from Stress and Fracture ................................................................................................. 1 175 D. Manos, A. Friedman, M. Hinders, B. Smith, and T. Venhaus

Sensitivity of Shear Process in Metal Cutting to the Development of Residual Stress ....................................................................................... 11 83 Y. W. Park, P. H. Cohen, and C. 0 . Ruud

.................................... Laser Ultrasonics: A Non Contacting NDT System 1189 0 . Petillon, J. Dupuis, D. David, H. Voillaume, and H. Tretout

A Hybrid Laser Ultrasonic Based System for Composite Molding ............... 1197 S. K. Sahay and R. A. Kline

Microwave Based Sensor for Detecting Water in Alcohol ........................... 1205 M. Oksanen and H. Raikkijnen




Combined Investigati for Composite Maten C. W. Davis, S. Nath

Section A. Composite Properties Section B. Composi

Ultrasonic Measurements of Elastic Constants in Polymeric .................... MatridGlass Fibers Composite Materials Versus Temperature

B. Hosten and S. Baudouin

Measurement of Elastic Moduli in Ceramic Compacts and Ceramic Matrix Composites as a Function of Porosity Content ................................. H. N. Sudheendra, V. Saini, D. K. Hsu, and H. Jeong

Identification of Anisotropic Elastic Constants of Aluminum Composites Reinforced with Short Alumina Fibers by the Double Transmission Ultrasonic Method ...................................................................................... K. Kawashima, M. Watanabe, I. Fujii, and F. Gomi

Frequency Dependences of Ultrasonic Wave Velocity and Attenuation in Fiber Composites: Theory and Experiments ........................................... W. Huang and S. I. Rokhlin

Model Applications to Predict Ultrasonic Signals from Honeycomb Panels ..................................................................................... I. Yalda-Mooshabad, F. J. Margetan, and R. B. Thompson

Horizontally Polarised Shear Wave Resonances in Carbon-Fiber~Epoxy Composites ................................................................................................. J. Ogilvy, D. Price, and B. Martin

Acousto-Ultrasonic Source Influence in an Anisotropic Layer ..................... S. P. Pelts and J. L. Rose

A Preliminary Investigation on Fibermatrix Interphase Oxidation in Metal Matrix Composites Using Acoustic Microscopy ............................ S. Hu, P. Karpur, and T. E. Matikas

Effect of Fiber-Matrix Interphase on Low Frequency Ultrasonic Wave Scattering: Spring B. C. Approach ................................................... W. Huang and S. I. Rokhlin

Composite Cure Evaluation Using Obliquely Incident Ultrasonic Waves ........................................................................................ J. E. Eder and J. L. Rose

Modeling Through Transmission Ultrasonics for Controlling the Fusion Bonding of Composites ................................................................... K. D. Tackitt, R. C. Don, and J. W. Gillespie, Jr.

Scattering of Elastic 7 A. K. Ma1 and J. Lee

Wave Propagation in J. S. McIntyre, C. W.

Evaluation of Mechar Matrix Composites U P. T. Madellan, D. 1

In-S itu Ultrasonic Ch Interface in Metal Ma T. E. Matiias, P. Kar

Evaluation of Fiber-R LaserIAir-Transducer W. M. D. Wright, D.

A Numerical Study 01

Anisotropic Carbon F J. Varis, J. Rantala, J.

Evaluation of Alumin Using Magnetic Reso D. D. Palmer, D. J. L

Optical Profiling of D Used in Fiber Cables. R. Vuohelainen, P. R and M. Luukkala

Feasibility of Detecti Metal Mamx Comp R. C. Chives. L. W.

Correlation of NDE I; in a Metal Matrix Cor D. K. Hsu, L. X. He,

Acoustic Emission in E. R. Green


Composites ission ...................... 1225

Combined Investigation of Eddy Current and Ultrasonic Techniques for Composite Materials NDE ..................................................................... 1295 C. W. Davis, S. Nath, J. P. Fulton, and M. Narnkung

Section B. Composite Defects

Scattering of Elastic Waves by Multiple Inclusions and Cracks .................... 1303 A. K. Ma1 and J. Lee

Wave Propagation in a Composite with Wavy Reinforcing Fibers ................ 131 1 J. S. McIntyre, C. W. Bert, and R. A. Kline

Evaluation of Mechanical Fatigue Damage Accumulation in Metal Matrix Composites Using Ultrasonic Surface Waves ................................... 1319 P. T. MacLellan, D. A. Stubbs, and P. Karpur

In-Situ Ultrasonic Characterization of Failure Strength of Fiber-Matrix Interface in Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced by SCS Series Fibers ...... 1327 T. E. Matikas, P. Karpur, N. J. Pagano, S. Hu, and L. Shaw

Evaluation of Fiber-Reinforced Composites Using A Non-Contact .................................................................... LaserJAir-Transducer System.. 1333

W. M. D. Wright, D. A. Hutchins, A. Gachagan, and G. Hayward

A Numerical Study on Temperature Distribution of Line Heated Anisotropic Carbon Fiber Composites ......................................................... 1341 J. Varis, J. Rantala, J. Hartikainen, R. Lehtiniemi, and M. Luukkala

Evaluation of Aluminum Corrosion and Composite Heat Damage Using Magnetic Resonance NDE ................................................................ 1347 D. D. Palmer, D. J. Leopold, D. M. Snyderman, and M. S. Comadi

Optical Profiling of Diffusively Reflective Polyethylene Rods ................................................................................... Used in Fiber Cables 1355

R. Vuohelainen, P. Raatikainen, J. Hietanen, M. Oksanen, and M. Luukkala

Feasibility of Detecting Pre-Cracking Fatigue Damage in Particulate Metal Matrix Composites Using Ultrasonic Techniques .............................. 1359 R. C. Chivers, L. W. Anson, and K. E. Puttick

Correlation of NDE Results with Fiber Density and Porosity Content ....................................................................... in a Metal Matrix Composite 1367

D. K. Hsu, L. X. He, J. P. Basart, P. K. Liaw, G. Y. Baaklini

............................................. Acoustic Emission in a Fiber Composite Plate 1375 E. R. Green


Real-Time Monitoring of Damage Development in Crossply Composite ............ Laminates by Means of Ultrasonic and Acoustic Emission Methods 1383

S.-C. Wooh, I. M. Daniel, and H.-J. Chun

Ultrasonic Techniques for Inspecting Multi-Layer Composite Components ............................................................................................... 1391 R. S. Frankle and D. N. Rose

Ultrasonic Evaluation of Polymers and Composites Using Air-Coupled Capacitance Transducers ............................................................................ 1399 W. M. D. Wright, D. A. Hutchins, and D. W. Schindel

......................... Ultrasonic NDE of Three-Dimensional Textile Composites 1407 R. D. Hale and D. K. Hsu

Section C. Interfaces

...................................... In Tribute and Memory of Dr. Aleksander Pilarski 1415 J. L. Rose

Ultrasonic Guided Waves for Lap Splice Joint Inspection in Aging Aircraft ............................................................................................ 1417 J. L. Rose, A. Pilarski, and K. M. Rajana

Surface Stiffness Measurements on Water-Saturated Porous Solids ............ 1425 P. B. Nagy and G. Blaho

Simultaneous Reconstruction of the Acoustic Properties of a ...................................................... Layered Medium: The Inverse Problem 1433

V. K. Kinra, Y. Wang, C. Zhu, and S. P. Rawal

Measurement of Adhesive-Adherend Interlayer Properties Using .................................................................................. Acoustic Microscopy 1441

Z. Sklar, G. A. D. Briggs, A. J. Kinloch, and P. Cawley

Theoretical Modeling and Experimental Characterization of Fiber-Matrix Interface in Advanced Composites .......................................... 1449 P. Karpur and T. E. Matikas

Ultrasonic Examination of Ti-6-4 and Nitrided Ti-6-4 Materials .................. 1457 J. Mittleman, K. Y. Han, and R. B. Thompson

Characterization of Fiber-Matrix Interface Degradation in a ............................................................................. Metal Matrix Composite 1465

A. K. Mal, R.-B. Yang, and J.-M. Yang

Section D. Bond

Measurement of a

Ultrasonic Evaluati S.-S. Lih, A. K. M

Transducers .........

for Ultrasonic W M. Lowe and P.

Solid ~ocke t ~ o t o r j L. J. Burnett, E. E. d

i QNDE Techniques fd Fiberglass Bonds Sed Extravehicular Mobi R. M. Tapphorn, W. I

and H. D. Beeson

Guided Waves for tlw C.-W. Chan and P. C

Novel Nondestructiw Welds in a Sic-Reinf P. B. Nagy, L. Adler.

Brewster Angle and I G. Avdelas and D. A

Ultrasonic Specuoso A. I. Lavrentyev, W.

Effect of Rivet Rows Fastened Two-Layer K. J. Sun and P. H. I

Characterization of Fiber-Matrix Interphases in High-Temperature ....................................................... Composites: Experiment and Analysis. 1473

Y. C. Chu and S. I. Rokhlin


Section D. Bonded Joints

Measurement of a Sandwich Bond Strength ................................................ L. Singher, Y. Segal, E. Segal, and J. Sharnir

Ultrasonic Evaluation of Thermal Degradation in Adhesive Bonds .............. S.-S. Lih, A. K. Mal, Y. Bar-Cohen

The Analysis of Adhesive Bonds Using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers ................................................................................................ S. Dixon, C. Edwards, and S. B. Palmer

Comparison of Reflection Coefficient Minima with Dispersion Curves .................................................. for Ultrasonic Waves in Embedded Layers

M. Lowe and P. Cawley

Detection of Disbonded Regions in Bonded Aluminum Plates Using an ......................... Ultrasonic 7.5 MHz Linear Array Medical Imaging System

M. R. Holland, P. H. Johnston, S. M. Handley, and J. G. Miller

Solid Rocket Motor Bondline NDE Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance ..... L. J. Burnett, E. E. Magnuson, and E. J. VanderHeiden

QNDE Techniques for Measuring the Dimensions of Adhesive and Fiberglass Bonds Securing the Pivots in the Hard Upper Torso of the Extravehicular Mobility Unit or Spacesuit ................................................... R. M. Tapphorn, W. C. Smith, T. E. Roth, J. L. Peterson, and H. D. Beeson

.......... Guided Waves for the Detection of Defects in Welds in Plastic Pipes C.-W. Chan and P. Cawley

Novel Nondestructive Evaluation Techniques for Inertia-Friction Welds in a Sic-Reinforced High-Temperature Aluminum Alloy .................. P. B. Nagy, L. Adler, W. A. Baeslack 111, T. J. Lienert

................. Brewster Angle and Ultrasonic Evaluation of Bi-Material Bonds G. Avdelas and D. A. Sotiropoulos

Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of a Layer Between Dissimilar Substrates ............. A. I. Lavrentyev, W. Huang, Y. C. Chu, and S. I. Rokhlin

Effect of Rivet Rows on Propagation of Lamb Waves in Mechanically Fastened Two-Layer Aluminum Plates ........................................................ K. J. Sun and P. H. Johnston



Section A. Mostly Metals

An Ultrasonic Study on Anelasticity in Metals ............................................. 1577 J. P. Fulton, S. Nath, B. Wincheski, and M. Narnkung

Angularly-Dependent Ultrasonic Velocity and Attenuation Measurements in an Anisotropic Material .................................................... 1585 D. C. Hurley, D. W. Fitting, and R. Y. Chiao

........................ Ultrasonic Detection of Plastic Yielding in Steel Specimens 1593 Z. Radakovic, K. Willam, and L. J. Bond

Absolute Measurement of Ultrasonic Attenuation by Electromagnetic Acoustic Resonance .................................................................................... 1601 H. Ogi, M. Hirao, T. Honda, and H. Fukuoka

Assessment of Irradiation Damage on Stainless Steel by Acoustic ................................................................................................. Microscopy 1609

L. Robert, A. Le Brun, and 1. Attal

........... Influence of Columnar Microstructure on Ultrasonic Backscattering 1617 S. Ahmed and R. B. Thompson

High Temperature Non Destructive Evaluation of Hydrided .............................................................................................. Metal Tubing 1625

A. G. Bashford, D. A. Hutchins, D. R. Billson, H. D. Mair, M. D. C. Moles

Void Shape in Sintered Titanium ................................................................. 1633 H. Ledbetter, M. Dunn, S. Kim, and R. Fields

............. Enhancements and Extensions to OSEE contamination Inspection 164 1 C. S. Welch and W. T. Yost

Determining Mechanical Properties of Cardboard from ............................................ Photoacoustic Lamb Wave Transmission Data 1649

M. Oksanen, J. Stor-Pellinen, and M. Luukkala

Nondestructive Evaluation of Wood Using Ultrasonic Frequency ......................................................................................... Domain Analysis 1653

U. B. Halabe, H. GangaRao, and V. Rao Hota

Examination of Wave Propagation in Wood from a Microstructural Perspective ................................................................................................ 1661 H. Berndt and G. C. Johnson

Electromagnetic Hysteretic Response Calculation for Superconductors ..................................................................... in Demagnetizing Geometries 1669

L. S. Koo and K. L. Telschow

Evaluation of J. Banchet, J. Jougl

Stress Measurement Magnetic Technique D. Utrata, A. Strom,

J. Catty, P. Fleisch

Detection of Creep i .......... Measurements

Z. J. Chen, A. Mitra,

Barkhausen B. R. Ortquist and

M. Guyon and M.

Relative W. F. Schmidt and

Magnetic Property

Section C. Biome 4 Ultrasonic Imaging the Hearts of Patient J. G. Miller, S. A. W and J. E. Perez 1 Magnetic Resonance Detection ................. S. Kumar, W. F. Av 4 Ultrasound Tissue C

................. Carcasses V. Amin, R. Roberts 1 Computer ~imulatiod B-Mode Images ....... J. Zhang and J. L. Rc


Section B. Magnetic Materials

Evaluation of Stress in Steel via SQUID Magnetometry .............................. 1675 J. Banchet, J. Jouglar, P.-L. Vuillermoz, P. Waltz, and H. Weinstock

Stress Measurement in Railroad Rail Using Ultrasonic and .................................................................................. Magnetic Techniques 1683

D. Utrata, A. Strom, and M. Negley

......................................... Barkhausen Noise Analysis by Surrounding Coil 1693 J. Catty, P. Fleischmann, J. Chicois, and A. LeBrun

Detection of Creep in Cr-Mo Steel by Magnetic Hysteresis ............................................................................................. Measurements 170 1

Z. J. Chen, A. Mitra, S. B. Biner, D. C. Jiles, and M. J. Sablik

.......................................................................... Barkhausen Demodulation 1709 B. R. Ortquist and D. T. Hayford

Nondestructive Evaluation of Fatigue Damage on Steels Using .................................................................................. Magnetic Techniques 17 17

M. Guyon and M. Mayos

....................................... Relative Reluctances in Thick Aluminum Samples 1725 W. F. Schmidt and 0. H. Zinke

Magnetic Property Evaluation of Creep Damaged Cr-Mo Steel .............................................................. Components Used in Power Plants 1733

A. Mitra, Z. J. Chen, and D. C. Jiles

Section C. Biomedical Materials

Ultrasonic Imaging and Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation of .................................................................................. the Hearts of Patients 1741

J. G. Miller, S. A. Wickline, M. R. Holland, S. M. Handley, and J. E. Perez

Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Using SQUID .................................................................................................... Detection 1749

S. Kumar, W. F. Avrin, and B. D. Thorson

Ultrasound Tissue Characterization for Quality Grading of Beef .................................................................................................... Carcasses 1757

V. Amin, R. Roberts, A. Patel, D. Wilson, G. Rouse, and H. Zhang

Computer Simulation of Ultrasonic Scattering and Texture in .......................................................................................... B-Mode Images 1765

J. Zhang and J. L. Rose


The Application of Signal Analysis Techniques to Tissue .................. Characterization and Boundary Determination with Ultrasonics 1773

D. Birx, S. Pipenberg, and A. Schroder

Predictions of Pulse4 Through an Interface Experiments. ............. A. Minachi, M. S. Gn

Application of A-Mode Ultrasound to Characterize Intramuscular Fat Content ................................................................................................. 1781 A. Patel, V. Arnin, R. Roberts, D. Wilson, and G. Rouse

Use of Guided Wava .................. ivlaterials

G. G. Krauss, J. Chef Tissue Elasticity Estimation from Ultrasonic A-Mode Signals and

.......................................................................................... B-Mode Images 1789 M. Bilgen, V. Amin, R. Roberts, G. Rouse, and D. Wilson

Section F. Stress or

Section D. Thin Films and Coatings Measurement of Plan

.............. Transducers A. V. Clark and S. R

Measurements of Thin-Film Elastic Properties by Line-Focus .................................................................................. Acoustic Microscopy 1797

Y.-C. Lee, W. Li, and J. D. Achenbach Measurement of ACOI Scanning Acoustic M M. Okade, K. Mimc

Determination of Rayleigh and Lamb Wave Velocities in Diamond Films Using an Acoustic Microscope .......................................................... 1805 J. C. Johnson, R. B. Thompson, and E. E. Jarnieson

Elastic and Acoustoel R. B. Thompson, S. 1

Elastic Constants of a Stressed Layer from Surface Acoustic Wave Measurements ........................................................................................... 18 13 Z. Sklar, P. Mutti, and G. A. D. Briggs

Absolute Stress Dem Ultrasonic Velocities A. D. Degtyar and S.

Thermoelastic Coating Characterization Using a Superelastic NiTi Alloy .......................................................................................................... 1821 M. J. Zickel and C. S. Welch

Application of Scann Analysis: Theory vs. R. A. Kline, L. Jiang.

Section E. Surface Roughness

A Study of the Transmission of Ultrasound Across Real Rough .................................................................................. Solid-Solid Interfaces 1829

B. Drinkwater, R. Dwyer-Joyce, and P. Cawley

Ultrasonic Signals from "Worst-Case" Hard-Alpha Inclusions .............................................................. Beneath a Random Rough Surface 1837

M. Bilgen and J. H. Rose

Excess Scattering Induced Loss at a Rough Surface Due to .......................................................... Partially Coherent Double-Reflection 1845

P. B. Nagy, J. H. Rose, and M. Bilgen

Measurement of Changes in Surface Roughness Using Ultrasonic ................................................................................. Reflection Coefficient 1853

D. Nicoletti and B. Sorli

Noncontacting Ultra! Anisotropy in Cylind W. Johnson and G. P

Correlation of Earin! of Cubic Metals ....... C.-S. Man

A Comparison of La Measurements in Alli W. Lu, S. Min, L. Pe

Influence of Texture Correlation of Elastic Attenuation and Bac I. Yalda-Mooshabad


Predictions of Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Signals from Cracks Observed Through an Interface with a Step Discontinuity: Comparison with

.............................................................................................. Experiments.. 186 1 A. Minachi, M. S. Greenwood, and R. B. Thompson

Use of Guided Waves for Detection of Interior Flaws in Layered Materials ................................................................................................... 1869 G. G. Krauss, J. Chen, and P. E. Barbone

Section F. Stress and Texture

Measurement of Plane Stress States Using Electromagnetic-Acoustic Transducers ................................................................................................ 1877 A. V. Clark and S. R. Schaps

Measurement of Acoustoelastic Coefficient of Surface Waves with ................................................................... Scanning Acoustic Microscope 1883

M. Okade, K. Mizuno, and K. Kawashima

Elastic and Acoustoelastic Properties of Railroad Rail ................................. 1891 R. B. Thompson, S. J. Wormley, J. C. Johnson, and D. Utrata

Absolute Stress Determination from Angular Dependence of Ultrasonic Velocities in Orthotropic Materials.. ........................................... 1899 A. D. Degtyar and S. I. Rokhlin

Application of Scanning Acoustic Microscopy to Residual Stress Analysis: Theory vs. Experiment ................................................................ 1907 R. A. Kline, L. Jiang, and E. Drescher-Krasicka

Noncontacting Ultrasonic Resonance Measurement of Transverse Anisotropy in Cylinders .............................................................................. 1915 W. Johnson and G. A. Alers

Correlation of Earing and Texture in Weakly Orthotropic Sheets of Cubic Metals .......................................................................................... 1923 C.-S. Man

A Comparison of Laser Ultrasonics and EMAT Texture ............................................................. Measurements in Aluminum Alloys 1931

W. Lu, S. Min, L. Peng, D. Hughes

Influence of Texture and Grain Morphology on the Two-Point Correlation of Elastic Constants: Theory and Implications on Ultrasonic Attenuation and Backscattering .................................................................. 1939 I. Yalda-Mooshabad and R. B. Thompson



Section A. Fatigue Damage and Crack Characterization I

Analysis of Multiple Site Damage with Implications for .......................................................................... Nondestructive Evaluation 1947

K. Buhler and A. F. Grandt, Jr.

Longwave Speeds in Materials with Cracks and Cavities of Various Shapes ........................................................................................... 1955 B. Shafiro and M. Kachanov

Weep Hole Inspection for Radial Fatigue Cracks by Circumferential Creeping Waves .......................................................................................... 1963 M. Blodgett, P. B. Nagy, and M. Golis

Numerical Evaluation of the Reflection of Rayleigh Waves Using a Weight Function Estimation Method ........................................................... 1971 A. S. Cheng

Identification of Distributed Fatigue Cracking by Dynamic ............................................................................................ Crack-Closure 1979

P. B. Nagy and G. Blaho

................................. Ultrasonic Characterization of Defect Root Geometry 1987 A. N. Sinclair, H. Wang, D. Mair, M. D. C. Moles, M. Dolbey

.......................... Acoustic Microscope Image from Round Shape Specimen 1995 T. Mihara, G. Suzuki, K. Date, Y. Udagawa, K. Ikuno, and A. Harazono

................................... Early Fatigue Damage from the NDE Point of View 2003 G. Dobmann

Ultrasonic Characterization of Interfacial Fatigue Damage in Metal Mamx Composites ..................................................................................... 201 1 Y. C. Chu, A. I. Lavrentyev, and S. I. Rokhlin

Artificial Crack in Steel: An Ultrasonic-Resonance-Spectroscopy and Modeling Study .................................................................................... 2019 H. Ledbetter, P. Heyliger, K.-C. Pei, S. Kim, and C. Fortunko

......................... Fatigue Damage Evaluation in Ceramic Matrix Composites 2027 S. ~ a s t e

Application of Self Nulling Eddy Current Probe Technique to the Detection of Fatigue Crack Initiation and Control of Test Procedures .................................................................................................. 2035 S. Nath, M. Narnkung, B. Wincheski, and J. P. Fulton

S. Ross and W. Lo

New Applications of P. M. Gammell I section B. corrmd

Ultrasonic Charac A. K. Mal, S.-S.

The Long Range Waves ............... D. Alleyne and P.

Section C. Hard

Modeling of Large Billets ..................... R. A. Roberts

Mirror ...............

Ultrasonic Signal Titanium Alloys: C.-P. Chiou, F. J.

and R. B. Thompson


IC APPLICATIONS ............... I

Eddy Current Calibration of Fatigue Cracks Using EDM Notches 2043 S. Ross and W. Lord


...................... New Applications of Acoustic Emission to Materials Testing 2051 P. M. Gammell

.......................... 1947

Section B. Corrosion

Ultrasonic Characterization of Defects in Lap Joints ................................... 2059 ......................... 1955 A. K. Mal, S.-S. Lih, and D. Guo

Pulsed Eddy-Current Measurements of Corrosion-Induced Metal Loss: Theory and Experiment .................................................................... 2065 ..................... 1963 J. C. Moulder, M. W. Kubovich, E. Uzal, and J. H. Rose

The Long Range Detection of Corrosion in Pipes Using Lamb Waves ........................................................................................................ 2073 D. Alleyne and P. Cawley

Bragg Grating Corrosion Sensor ................................................................. 2081 I. Perez, V. Agarwala, William R. Scott, and S. D. Tyagi ......................... 1979

Section C. Hard Alpha in Titanium

Design and Fabrication of Forged Ti-6A1-4V Blocks with Synthetic Ti-N Inclusions for Estimation of Detectability by Ultrasonic Signal-to-Noise ......................................................................................... 2089 ........................ 1995 M. F. X. Gigliotti, L. C. Perocchi, E. J. Nieters, and R. S. Gilmore

Modeling of Large Aperture Transducer Focusing in Cylindrical ......................... 2003 Billets ......................................................................................................... 2097 R. A. Roberts

Ultrasonic Inspection of Titanium Alloys with a Time Reversal ....................... 2011 Mirror ........................................................................................................ 2105 N. Chakroun, V. Miette, M. Fink, F. Wu, G. Mangenet, and L. Beffy

A Signal-to-Noise Ratio Comparison of Ultrasonic Transducers .................................................................. for C-Scan Imaging in Titanium 21 13

P. J. Howard, D. C. Copley, R. S. Gilmore

........................ 2027 Ultrasonic Signal Characterizations of Flat-Bottom Holes in ................................................... Titanium Alloys: Experiment and Theory 2121

C.-P. Chiou, F. J. Margetan, and R. B. Thompson

The Practical Application of Grain Noise Models in Titanium ......................... 2035 .................................................................................... Billets and Forgings 2 129 F. J. Margetan, K. Y. Han, I. Yalda-Mooshabad, S. Goettsch, and R. B. Thompson


............................................... A Multizone Technique for Billet Inspection 2137 E. J. Nieters, R. S. Gilmore, R. C. Trzaskos, J. D. Young, D. C. Copley, P. J. Howard, M. E. Keller, and W. J. Leach

............... Operational Performance of a Multizone Billet Inspection System 2145 D. C. Copley and P. J. Howard

Section D. Infrastructure

Applied Stress Measurement in Steel for Fatigue Load Monitoring ............. 2153 P. A. Fuchs, A. V. Clark, and S. R. Schaps

................................ Modeling of Electromagnetic NDE of Civil Structures 2161 I. Elshafiey, L. Udpa, and S. S. Udpa

Ultrasonic Evaluation of Damage in Concrete Bridge Deck Pavements .................................................................................................. 2169 M. L. Peterson, E. Landis, and J. D. Achenbach

Acoustic Tomography for Qualitative Nondestructive Evaluation (QNDE) of Stiuctural Concrete Using a New Ultrasonic Scanner Source ........................................................................................... 2177 F. Jalinoos, L. D. Olson, M. F. Aouad, and A. H. Balch

An Application of Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Ultrasonic To Global Inspection of Bridge Components ............................................... 2185 S. J. Wormley, S. F. Russell, and K. L. Rens

Accuracy Improvement of Ultrasonic Inspection for Civil Structures and Materials ............................................................................. 2193 T. Oshima, S. Mikami, M. S. Rahman, M. Yasuda, and R. D. Kriz

Quantitative Analysis of Acoustic Emission Waveforms and Practical Application to Civil Structures in Japan ....................................................... 2201 M. Ohtsu

Nondestructive Characterization of FRP Composites with Applications for Highway Structures ............................................................................... 2209 J. W. Littles, Jr., L. J. Jacobs, and A.-H. Zureick

.................................. Evaluation of Concrete Using Acoustic Tomography 2215 M. P. Schuller and R. H. Atkinson

Residual Stress Analysis Using Multiparameter Tomographic ........................................................................................... Reconstruction 2223

J. S. Choi and R. Kline

Application of Ultrasonic Phased Arrays to Inspection of Plastic Pressure Vessels ......................................................................................... 223 1 P. W. Lorraine, W. T. Hatfield, and C. A. Nafis


Section A. NDE Sys

Software Package an

Applications of Non C. Edwards, S. Dixo

Field Demonstrations o T. C. Patton and D. K.

Development of Wide Y. Udagawa, K. Date,

and S. J. Wormley I Concept Validation and q Spread-Spectrum Ultrasol M. A. F. Afzal, S. F. Rusl and S. J. Wormley

Calibration of Comrnercia Quantitative NDE ............ B. A. Lepine, and J. C. M

Computerized Automatic of Surface Cracks on Oil- S. Wang, M. Chen, M. Jil

A New Electromagnetic I Conductive Materials ...... J. P. Fulton, B. Winchesk

Magneprobe: A Cornpub Evaluation of Surface COI A. Parakka and D. C. Jile



Section A. NDE Systems

Software Package and Application Systems in Meat Quality Evaluation and Prediction for Live Animals and Carcasses .......................... 2239 H. Zhang, D. E. Wilson, G. H. Rouse, and R. A. Roberts

Ultrasonic Detection System Based on Two-Wave Mixing in Photorefractive GAAS Crystal .................................................................... 2245 A. Blouin, D. Drolet, and J.-P. Monchalin

Applications of Non Contact Ultrasonic Evaluation .............................. 2253 C. Edwards, S. Dixon, A. Idris, J. Reed, and S. B. Palmer

High Performance Scanning System to Explore Llltrasonic Oblique Wave Reflection in Composite Laminates ................................................... 226 1 J. Bennett, K. Balasubramaniam, R. Sullivan, and G. Bennett

Field Demonstrations of the Dripless Bubbler Ultrasonic Scanner ................ 2269 T. C. Patton and D. K. Hsu

Development of Wide Band Pulser with Step-Function Waveform .............. 2277 Y. Udagawa, K. Date, and T. Mihara

Design and Analysis of Two Lab-Grade Prototype Instruments for ......... Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Ultrasonic Evaluation (DSSSUE) 2285

J. K. Kayani, S. F. Russell, K. F. Hoech, M. A. K. Afzal, and S. J. Wormley

Concept Validation and Detectability Limitations for Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Ultrasonic Evaluation System .......................................... 2293 M. A. F. Afzal, S. F. Russell, J. K. Kayani, S. Bae, K. F. Hoech, and S. J. Wormley

Calibration of Commercial Eddy Current Instruments for Quantitative NDE ....................................................................................... 2301 B. A. Lepine, and J. C. Moulder

Computerized Automatic Eddy Current System for Inspection ................................................ of Surface Cracks on Oil-Well Sucker Rods 2309

S. Wang, M. Chen, M. Jiu, Y. Sun, T. Ouyang, and J. Si

A New Electromagnetic Instrument for Thickness Gauging of Conductive Materials .................................................................................. 2317 J. P. Fulton, B. Wincheski, S. Nath, J. Reilly, and M. Narnkung

Magneprobe: A Computerized Portable System for Non Destructive ............................ Evaluation of Surface Conditions in Fenitic Components 2325

A. Parakka and D. C. Jiles


Sherlock, a MS Windows Prototype System for General Purpose I

.............................................................. Image-Based Industrial Inspection 2331 J. Lyseggen and J. P. Basart

Industrial System Development for Volumetric Integrity ............................................................................ Verification and Analysis 2339

M. L. Hsiao, J. W. Eberhard, and J. B. Ross

Neural Network Applications Laboratory Implemented at the San Antonio Air Logistics Center ............................................................... 2347 W. D. Rummel and M. Davis

CIVA Workstation for NDE: Mixing of NDE Techniques and .................................................................................................... Modeling 2353

Ph. Benoist, R. Besnard, G. Bayon, and JL. Boutaine

.......................... Digital Phase Demodulation in Heterodyne Interferometry 2361 J. A. Smith and C. P. Burger

New Progress on Fatigue Monitoring System .............................................. 2369 S. A. Segan, Q. Cao, F. Ling, W. Li, and B. T. Yen

AC Photovoltaic Detection of Buried Structures of Semiconductor Wafers ........................................................................................................ 2375 Z.-L. Qian and S.-Y. Zhang Section B. Reliability and Transferability

Section B. Reliability and Transferability

Statistic Approach Based on "Monte-Carlo Simulation" to Calculate Inspection Reliability for Multiple Site Damage ........................................... 2383 W.-B. Klemmt and G. Tober

........ POD Assessment of NDI Procedures - Results of a Round Robin Test 2391 A. Fahr, D. Forsyth, M. Bullock, and W. Wallace

.............................. Ultrasonic Inspection of Acoustically "Noisy" Materials 2399 R. V. Falsetti

Quantitative Evaluation of Neural Networks for NDE Applications Using the ROC Curve ............................................................. 2405 M. A. E. Okure and M. A. Peshkin

Issues on Reproducibility/Reliability of Magnetic NDE Methods ................. 2413 M. Namkung, J. P. Fulton, B. Wincheski, and S. Nath

Availability of Traini Industry ................... J. N. Riley, E. P. Pal

The Iowa Demonstq Approach to NDE L. Brasche and B.

ATTENDEES ..................


SUBJECT INDEX ...........

Handbook of Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability and ................................................................................................... Reliability 242 1

W. D. Rummel. G. A. Matzkanin


Availability of Training in Visual Inspection for the Air Transport Industry ..................................................................................................... 2427 J . N . Riley. E . P . Papadakis. and S . J . Gorton

The Iowa Demonstration Laboratory for NDE Applications . A New Approach to NDE Technology Transfer ...................................................... 2435 L . Brasche and B . Larson

....................................................................................................... ATTENDEES 2443

CONTRIBUTORS INDEX .................................................................................. 2467

................................................................................................ SUBJECT INDEX 2475
