contents f O re wo rd Another ~rnerica 9 essays Geometric Abstraction in Latin America (1934-1973): RoundTri~Vovaaes. Osbel Suarez 15 Irregular Frame/Shaped Canvas: Anticipations, Inheritances, Borrowings. César Paternosto 33 Magazines, Exhibitions, and Biennials: Snapshots of Abstraction in Argentina and Brazil. Maria Amalia Garcia 43 - - - - - - - - From Construction to Deconstruction. Ferreira Gullar 49 Notes on the Constructivist Art Scene in Venezuela, 1950-1973. Luis Pérez-Oramas 53 Invention and Reinvention:TheTransatlantic Dialogue in Geometric Abstraction. Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro 6 7 works on display 7 7 chronology Notes for a Chronology of Geometric Abstraction in Latin America (1930-1973). Osbel Suarez 346 , artist8' biograp hies ~ i ~ h ~ ~ ~ hiungesser d oc u m e n t s Essays, Manifestos, Letters (1930-1963) Uruguay Vouloir construire / The Will to Construct, Paris (1 930). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 406 Manifesto 1, Montevideo (1934). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 408 Manifesto 2, Montevideo (1938). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 410 Manifesto 3, Montevideo (1940). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 41 4 La Escuela del Sur (1935). Joaquin Torres-Garcia 416 Araentina The Frame: A Problem in Contem~orarv Art (1944). Rhod Rothfuss 420 On Concrete Art (1946). Edgar M. Bayley 422 White Manifesto (1946). Lucio Fontana and students 423 - - - - - Madi Manifesto, Buenos Aires (1946). Gyula Kosice 426 Inventionist Manifesto, Buenos Aires (1946). Edgar Bayley, Antonio Caraduje, Simon Contreras, Manuel O. Espinosa, Claudio Girola, Alfredo Hlito, Enio lommi, Obdulio Landi, Rafael Lozza, Raul Lozza, R.V. D. Lozza,Tomas Maldonado, Alberto Molenberg, Primaldo Monaco, Oscar Nufiez, Lidy Prati, Jorge Souza, Matilde Werbin 428 - - Perceptist Manifesto, Buenos Aires (1949). Raul Lozza 430 Regarding the Frame (1950). Rhod Rothfuss 432 Concrete Art and Meaning (1953). Alfredo Hlito 433

contentsLetter to Carlos Raul Villanueva (1963). Alejandro Otero 458 Cuba A Conversation with Our Abstract Painters (1958). Juan Marinello Letters (1949-1958). Sandu Darie-Gyula Kosice

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Page 1: contentsLetter to Carlos Raul Villanueva (1963). Alejandro Otero 458 Cuba A Conversation with Our Abstract Painters (1958). Juan Marinello Letters (1949-1958). Sandu Darie-Gyula Kosice


f O re wo rd Another ~ rne r i ca 9

essays Geometric Abstraction in Latin America (1934-1973): RoundTri~Vovaaes. Osbel Suarez 15

Irregular Frame/Shaped Canvas: Anticipations, Inheritances, Borrowings. César Paternosto 33

Magazines, Exhibitions, and Biennials: Snapshots of Abstraction in Argentina and Brazil. Maria Amalia Garcia 43 - P P P P P - - - - - - -

From Construction to Deconstruction. Ferreira Gullar 49

Notes on the Constructivist Art Scene in Venezuela, 1950-1973. Luis Pérez-Oramas 53

Invention and Reinvention:TheTransatlantic Dialogue in Geometric Abstraction. Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro 6 7

works on display 7 7

chronology Notes for a Chronology of Geometric Abstraction in Latin America (1930-1973). Osbel Suarez 346

, artist8' biograp hies ~ i ~ h ~ ~ ~ hiungesser

d oc u m e n t s Essays, Manifestos, Letters (1930-1963)

Uruguay Vouloir construire / The Will to Construct, Paris (1 930). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 406

Manifesto 1, Montevideo (1934). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 408

Manifesto 2, Montevideo (1938). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 410

Manifesto 3, Montevideo (1940). JoaquinTorres-Garcia 41 4

La Escuela del Sur (1935). Joaquin Torres-Garcia 416

Araentina The Frame: A Problem in Contem~orarv Art (1944). Rhod Rothfuss 420

On Concrete Art (1946). Edgar M. Bayley 422

White Manifesto (1946). Lucio Fontana and students 423 P P - - - - P - P

Madi Manifesto, Buenos Aires (1946). Gyula Kosice 426

Inventionist Manifesto, Buenos Aires (1946). Edgar Bayley, Antonio Caraduje, Simon Contreras, Manuel O. Espinosa, Claudio Girola, Alfredo Hlito, Enio lommi, Obdulio Landi, Rafael Lozza, Raul Lozza, R.V. D. Lozza,Tomas Maldonado, Alberto Molenberg, Primaldo Monaco, Oscar Nufiez, Lidy Prati, Jorge Souza, Matilde Werbin 428

- -

Perceptist Manifesto, Buenos Aires (1949). Raul Lozza 430

Regarding the Frame (1950). Rhod Rothfuss 432

Concrete Art and Meaning (1953). Alfredo Hlito 433

Page 2: contentsLetter to Carlos Raul Villanueva (1963). Alejandro Otero 458 Cuba A Conversation with Our Abstract Painters (1958). Juan Marinello Letters (1949-1958). Sandu Darie-Gyula Kosice

Brazil -.

Ruptura Manifesto, Sao Paulo (1952). Lothar Charoux,Waldemar Cordeiro, Geraldo de Barros, Luiz Sacilotto and others 43 6

Concrete Poetry (1955). Augusto de Campos 438

Concrete Art: Object and Objective (1956). Décio Pignatari 440

Pilot Plan for Concrete Poetry (1958). Augusto de Campos, Décio Pignatari and Haroldo de Campos 44 1

Neo-Concrete Manifesto, Rio de Janeiro (1959). Ferreira Gullar 44 2

The Death of the Plane (1960). Lygia Clark 444

Venezuela Los Disidentes Manifesto, Paris (1950). Los Disidentes 446

On Painting Today (1950). Narciso Debourg 44 7

Letter to Carlos Raul Villanueva, Paris (1953). Jesus Rafael Soto 44 8

Integration of the Arts (1957). Carlos RaulVillanueva

"Colorhythms" (1 957). Alejandro Otero 452

On Some Statements of Dissent by the Painter Alejandro Otero Rodriguez (1957). Miguel Otero Silva 452

Letter to Miguel Otero Silva (1957). Alejandro Otero 454

The "Los Disidentes" Parenthesis (1988). Alejandro Otero 455

Cover sketch and text for the Calder's catalogue exhibition at the Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas (1955). Alexander Calder 456

Letter to Carlos Raul Villanueva (1958). Richard Neutra 457

Letter to Carlos Raul Villanueva (1959). Alexander Calder 458

Letter to Carlos Raul Villanueva (1963). Alejandro Otero 458

Cuba A Conversation with Our Abstract Painters (1958). Juan Marinello

Letters (1949-1958). Sandu Darie-Gyula Kosice 465

Lines, Rays and a Stingray on L. Martinez Pedro's Lined Paper. José Lezama Lima 476

catalogue of works on display b i b l i O g r a p h y Michael Nungesser, Inés d'Ors Lois
