HAB.'HA V-4 U. S. DEPARTMNT OF GOIvmERGS Letter NAT I ORAL /BUREAU OF STANDARDS Gircular /WASHINGTON/ LG-5^^ / r Octobei^lR, 19 BS. //a - ^ / (Supersedes LO"^^-9o issued April IB, 19^^) GOMivlERGIAL TESTING LABORATORIES EQUIPPED FOR GHFMICAL ANALYSES \/ The National Bureau of Standards, in aocordance with law, makes tests end carries out investigations for other govern- ment departments. Because of the large amount of this official work, pind the desire to avoid comneti tion ”dth commercial laboratories , the Bureau' does not make chemical analyses for the public except under certain uimsual cir- cumstances (see National Bureau of Standards Letter Gircular 209 , "General Policy of the Bureau, of Standards with regard to Testing" . ) This list, alphabetically arranged , h=is been orepared to inform uersone interested in the location of other labors-, toriee and the kinds of chemica.l analyse’s they state they a,re preuared to make. The inforra.'^tion contained herein w^s originally obtained from reolies to a' ouestionnaire , ^nd hp.s been supolemented. in this edition b^^ further information received concerning other laboratories. The Bureau has not attemoted to determine the Qualifications of the laboratories listed for the various- fields of '"urk indicated. The kinds of analyses m.^de by the different laboralories are listed according to the following legend: a. - Gold and silver b - Platinum metals c - Ores and zinc, copper, iron; minerals, cements, 0 eramics , etc . d - Goal, sspha.lt, fuel oils, etc. e - Ferrous materials f - Nonferrous materials g " Oils, paint materials, detergents, rubber, etc. h - Gas

Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

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Page 1: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories



/ r Octobei^lR, 19 BS.//a -


/(Supersedes LO"^^-9o issued April IB, 19^^)


\/The National Bureau of Standards, in aocordance with law,

makes tests end carries out investigations for other govern-ment departments. Because of the large amount of thisofficial work, pind the desire to avoid comneti tion ”dthcommercial laboratories

,the Bureau' does not make chemical

analyses for the public except under certain uimsual cir-cumstances (see National Bureau of Standards Letter Gircular209 ,

"General Policy of the Bureau, of Standards with regardto Testing" .


This list, alphabetically arranged,

h=is been oreparedto inform uersone interested in the location of other labors-,toriee and the kinds of chemica.l analyse’s they state they a,re

preuared to make.

The inforra.'^tion contained herein w^s originally obtainedfrom reolies to a' ouestionnaire , ^nd hp.s been supolemented. inthis edition b^^ further information received concerning otherlaboratories. The Bureau has not attemoted to determine theQualifications of the laboratories listed for the various-fields of '"urk indicated.

The kinds of analyses m.^de by the different laboraloriesare listed according to the following legend:

a. - Gold and silverb - Platinum metalsc - Ores and zinc, copper, iron; minerals, cements,

0 eramics , etc


d - Goal, sspha.lt, fuel oils, etc.e - Ferrous materialsf - Nonferrous materialsg " Oils, paint materials, detergents, rubber, etc.h - Gas

Page 2: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 53^ “ 2.


3i rmin.g:hem

Fertig, George J. Corner Bldg.0 , e , f

Hancock , David Box 226a ,

b , c,

e , f

Hunt, R. W., Go, Ala,bama Po^’^er Bldg,

Branch — see Chicago, 111.

Laverie, R. H. and Son, Inc.Branch - see Nei’^^ York.

Picard Testing Laboratories Clark Bldg,b, c , e , f

, g

Pittsburgh T' sting Laboratoia'" Phoenix Bldg.(Branch - see Pa.)

Southern Testing L-bs., Inc, 2227 First Ave. Southa, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, specirlize in all tvpes of roadand building mat ri^ls and general analysis

tJilliams, A.V/,, Insoection Co, Box 97 >Fairviei"! Sta.

(See Mobile)


iVilliams, A. W., Inspection Co. P.O.Box 31^

Specialize in g


Battle Laboratory 103, S. ’^ourt St.Specialize in -nalysis of fertilizers, cottonseed products


feed '’nd food products.



Alaska Agric. College and School of Minesa, b, c, e, f, g, h, specialize in general analysis ofores for prosnectors and miners

Page 3: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circul^ir 53^ “ 3 Vl'-.:;-; .


Bisbee . .,


Hotz Engineering -Co


a, c, e, f, specialize in gold,


P.O.Box 919silver, cooner, lerodA

Hawley end Hei’'''ley



Householder, E. Ross

P.O.Box 151

,c specialize in gold, silv-r-', conner, lebd end those

metals contained in custom orescustom mills, samplers, etc.


shipoed to smelt ers,

Miller's Assav Officee, c, d, specialize in met.-’llic ores


Ari zona 'Assay Officec

,e , f

315 N. First St.

Arizona Testing' Laboratories '

c , e , f

- '^23 E. Van Buren St.’

Forman, John K.'





Glendale- Ave. at 7 "^^ St

Pellegrin, A. L. end Sona to g inclusive


Little Rock

Barrow-A.gee Laboratories(Branch - see Tennessee)

.339 S. Stone Ave.'

Page 4: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 53^ " ^


Berk el ey

Univ. of Calif. Testing Lab., Dept, of Civil Eng.Make no commercial tests vrhich private comoanies in thelocality can do. Special tests made ’'-hen these companiesare not eauioped.


A. L. Pellegrin & Son(see Tucson, Ariz.)


112 Rockwood Ave.

The Twining Laboratoriesc

, e , f, g.

Los Angeles

2527 Fresno St.

American Gas Association Testing Laboratories, 71^ Towne Ave.(See Cleveland, Ohio)

Atkin and McRae 74-7 S. Hill St.a to g inolusive. Specialize in inorganic

Baverstock and Paynea, b, c, d, e, f, g, h

211 W. First St.

California Testing Laboratories ( Inc . ) 14-29 Santa Fe St.a to h incl.

Gooch, George W. ,Laboratories

c, g.

14-31 1/2 Santa Fe Ave,

Herman, John 771 S. San Julian St.

a,b,c,e,f. Speoialize in analysis connected with the.treatnent of ores.

Hunt, Robert W; Co, Engineers

(Branch - see Chicago, 111)

Laveric, R,H, & Sons, Inc.(Branch - see New York)

551 Chamber of CommerceBldg.

Los Angeles Testing Laboratorya to h incl.

1300 S. Los Angeles St.

Maas, Arthur R, 30g E, Sth St


a to h incl. Specialize in general analytical work.

Raymond G. Osborne Laboratoriesa to g incl.

Riv-^s-St rong Bldg.

Page 5: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circuler 53^ “ 5

Perez, R.A. Co. 120 N. Main St


c ,e ,f ,g ,

Smith, Emery and Co. 920 Sant<'e St.a to h inclusive. Specialize in ^nalvsis of oils, waters,fertilizers, soils, ferrous end non-ferrous metals, rocks, etc

"'estarn Prccipit at ion: Co . .

• '10l6 St.a to g incl . Also special tests with cement and gases.

Oaklan d

Siefert , H.G. Laboratories 464 Twentieth St.a to' h incl



Birt , R.C. Laboratories g04E. California St.c,e,f,g.

San Franai sco -

Curtis and Tompkins Ltd. 236 Front St.c,d,e,f,g,h. Speciel:ize in chemical engineering,- food andagricultural analyses, ores, allo 3^s ,

clays, minersls, oils,coal, coke, etc,

Rsnks,Abbot A. Inc. 624 Sacramento St.

Specialize in Pt,Au

,and noble metals

Hunt, Robt . and Son 251 Kee.rney St.(Branch - see Chicago, 111.)

K^T'^in, Charles C. 639 Mission St. • ''

(Branch - see Chicago, 111.)

Pacific Chemical Lab. 617 Montgomery St.a to h incl. Sped' lize in enalyses of food endagricultural mat-rial and general research in chemistrA3 .

The Shat’''- Laboratory.'" 1155 California St.a to h incl.

Smith-Emery Co. 65I Howard St.Specialize in analysis, especially of oils, waters,fertilizers, soils, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, rocks, etc

Wildberg Bros. Smelting end Refining Co. 742 Market St.a ,b


Page 6: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Girculer 53^ “ ^COLORADO

Colo rn do Springs

Wood’vard, E. G. 26 E. Kiocoa St.

a to f incl


D nver

Ainsworth, William and Sonsd

Burlingame, W.E.c

Blanc ,Victor

c ,e,f ,g

Colorado Apsaying Co.c ,e ,f


Nice, Paul S.a to h incl.

(Inc.) 2151 Lawrence St.

2040 Broadway

2355 Walnut St.

2015 Walton St.

312 17th St.

Parker, Charles 0. Co. I 9OI Lawrence St.c ,e ,f


Piers, W. L. 19^5 Arapahoe St.c , e ,



Pierce Testing Laboratories(Branch at Pueblo) a to h incl.

Richards J. W. and Son 113 19th St.a to h incl. Specialize in b,d,e,g.

Root and Simpson 17^^ Broadwaya,b,c. Specialize in ores •^nd met-illurgy

Wilfley and Bribach ‘ 19^3 Broadwayc ,e ,f


Wilson and Ward( see Chicago

, 111 .


Wood, Henrv E. Aopaying Co. 175^ Arapahoe St.a to g incl. Specialize in minerals, ores, metallurgy

Western Research Corp. l3th St.c to g. Specialize in ore testing.

Idaho Springs

Best , Alexc ,e , f


Page 7: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 53^' “ 7


Smith-Emery Co.( Los Angeles )

Pierce Teeting Laboratories(See Denver)



Bridgeport Testing Laboratory 4l Cannon St.a t o h incl


Rockwell, Stanley P. Co. 296 Homestead Avo


e,f. Specialize on stpcl.

Souther, Henry, Engines ring Co. 11 Laurel St.d,e,f,g. Snecialize in on--^lwpi p of d,e,f,g and of waterand foods.

State Highway Commissioner, Highway Dent,d

New Haven

Yale University, Sheffield Scientific 1^ Mansfield St.School, Hammond Metallurgical Lab.a,b,c,d,e. Specialize in metals ^nd ores.


Connecticut State Highway DepartmentTesting Laboratory, Ma.lborough St.d , e ,f ,g.h.


The Dorr Co. Inc. Dan brry Rd.c

, e , f



W--'- shingt on

Fuller, Henry C., Laboratory, Columbia Medical Bldg. 1335 "Eye St.N.a t o h incl


Lapham , John R


d, e


203s G Ft. N.W.

Page 8: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular ^ 3^ “ 3


Jack sonvi ll


Hunt, R.W.


Co. 716 Professional lldg.a to h incl.

Pittsburgh Tepting Laboratory 2729 College St.(Branch - See Pittsburgh, Pc.)

Southern Testing I,aboratories 127 Talleyrand Ave.a t


h incl



Nutting, H.C. Co.c ,e ,f


1010 N.th 20th St.



Dumas Laboratory 10 l /2 Auburn Ave.All clashes of general and analytical work, except (p).Specialize in foods and beverages.

Georgia School of Tech., Chen.. Dept.c,e,f,g for glyceride oils only.

Law and Co. Inc. Walton Bldg.(Branch - See Wilmington ,N .C



Me C and! ess L a bo r a t o rySpecialize in fertilizers and fertilizer mat-rials.

Pittsburgh T-" sting Laboratorya to h incl


State Highwsy Board of GeorgirOd, e, g,h.

Williams, A.W., Inspection Co.(S''e Mobile, ''. 1 "^.)

721 Angie r Ave.

2 Capitol Souare

P.O.Box 7 ^) Station A


Law and Comoany, Inc.(Branch - See V/ilrnington, N.C.)


Shuey and Co.a to h incl;

115 E. Bay St.

Page 9: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letfc'^'r GiTcul.'-'r h ^4 - 9



Univ^reitv of Ha.i’^ail, Dr-pt . of Clirmlotry.Souiooed to ro'^ko any ordinary chomicnl anp'lvois



Barro^'^-A g r'o La horpt orios(See Memph is, T enn .


Board of 'errde Bldg.


American uireau of Inspection acid Toir

d ,G , f .

sts 5"^ Jackson Blvd.

Armour Institute of Technologya to h incl.

3100 Federal St


Associated Electric Lahoratori ?s

3 -.

10"' 1 ’V. Van Buren St

Benedict Laboratories (Inc.)a to h incl.

64l S. IVrlls St.

Block Laborcatories 43 E. Ohio St.a to h incl. Specialize in orro-nic aiipilypis.

Borrowman Dr, Geoicre 9 3. Clinton St.d,e,f, Pnd general ccn'-'iilt ing chemiot.

Chemical and Engineering Co.a to h inclusive

431 C. Dearborn St.

Chicago Testing Lab. Inc.Specialize in bituminoup products

536 Lake Shore Driveincluding

ropd-Luild ing mst^-^rials, oils, tar products, etc.

The Columbus Laboratoriesc ,d ,g


31 N. Stpte St.

Commercial Testing ^nd Dnfi:ine-ring Co. 3^0 N. Michigan Avo.d,g,h. Specialize in d.

Dearborn Chemical Co. 310 S. Michigan Avp,c,g. SpecipliZc"^ in r-ptrr analysis ^nd v'a.ter tre-^tments.

Deavitt La'boratori


,Ir z . ,

rdok-'r'-, 209 S. LaSalle St.,

a to h incl. Sneciplizu' in -11 kinds of pn'lytical ''"ork.

Page 10: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Gircula.r 53 ^ - 10

Chiceg:o ( cont ' d .


Finishing: Research Lebor^itories (Inc.) 12 ‘" N . Jeffercon St.d , e ,g ,h


Walter H..Flood and Co,d ,f ,h


322 E. 42nd St.(Branch at Jackson, Miss

Gul ick-H?ndersen Co.a to h incl.

431 S. Dearborn St.

E.F. nought on end Co.(See Philadf.'lphia


3516 Shields Ave,

Hunt, Robert W. Co. 175 • Jackson Blvd.B to h incl. Snocinlize in metp.le and buildin^xmaterials.

Kawin ,Charles C. Co.

c ,e ,d ,f


Lewis Institute

4 ^J S. Dearborn St.

(See Structural Materials Research Lab.)

Mariner --^nd Hoskins 111 Monroe St.a to h incl. Sneci^lize in e’encral industrial chemistry

Miner Laborat''. r ies 9 S. Clinton St.f,g. Specialize in foodstuffs and general analyticalwork excepting mineral assay work.

Phoenix Chemical Laboratoryd

3953 Gastello Ave.

Pittsburgh Testing L'^boratory(Branch - see Pittsburgh, Pa.

205 W. Wacher Dj.ive.

Servicised Products Cerp,d.

6051 W. 65th St.

Siebel Institute of Technologyd

95 ^ Montana St


Structural Materials Research Lob.a to h incl. Snecielize in gas

Tin i tod States Testing Co.(See Hoboken ,

N . J .


1951 Modi son St.es

,oil epd general.

E.H.Ward end Co.a ,b ,c ,e ,f ,g.

603 S. Dearborn St.

Wilson and Warda to h incl

60S S. Dea.rborn St.

Page 11: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lett?r Circular 53^- “ HUr jfina

^'ni varsity of Illinois, Dept, of Ghem.e,c,d,e,f,g. Specialize in co-^^l.



The Indi.-^na, Laboratories Co. k-77 Loffan St.a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g


Indi an^poli


Frederick C. Atkinson, Inc. 211 E. S-'-'uth St.c ,e ,f



Pnrdiie University, Dopt . o’f Ghem.-c,d,e,f,g,li and ^’rater.

Terre Haute

Rose Polytechnic Institute, Dept, of Ch-m. Fngr.a ,c ,


,f ,h . Specialize in coals, boiler i.v8tf=r, and




lo^’^p State College, Ghem. Secti-nc

, d ,o',f ,y ,h . Specialize in enrineerine’ and inorvanic

analysis. Commercial work only by snecial arranaismont


Dos Moines

Haffitt, Ho'"ard G. 5^2 Eleventh St.

a t^ h incl


Patzig, Monroe L. 2215 Ingcrsoll Av^..a,f,g. Specialize in sngin- rina and bailding .materials

loi'ire City

University of Iowaa to h incl. Commercial '"ork only by r^ oueet.

Page 12: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circul-rr 5”^^ "


Bpxter Srpringp

"Spring and tjiiiiamsa ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g.


United Laboratories 24-0 North St.



McHargue, J. S. Agricultural Experiment Station.!c


Univ. of Kentucky, Chem. Lab. of Ky . Agric . Expt . Sta. S.Lime St .j

a,c,d,f. Siaecialize in agricultural materials, especially !

soils, limeston-s and ’’fater.l

Loui svill e

Jones and Breck'ler IO 7 S. 4th St.a to h incl. Specialize in creosote and ’’^ood-preservingmaterials



New Orleans

Helm, John C. P. 5^9 Tchonpi toul» s St.c ,f ,g.

Hunt, Robert U. Co. 6'‘^3 Canal Bank Bldg.

Laverie, R. H. --nd Son'' Br-nch - see N --w Yoi’k)

Liepsner, Frank ''R 420 Camp St.a to h incl. Specialize in coal, oil, and sugar -oroducts.

Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory O16 Hoi''ard Ave.c ,e ,f


Shilstone Testing Laboratory 51 O Or-visr St.c ,e ,f ,g.

Tulane University, College of -Engineering

a to h incl.

Page 13: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circul-rr 5 "’^ ~ 13


712 1/2 M^,r8hnll St.BaTTOv^-Agee Laboratories(Br-^nch - s^e Tenn.)

A. . Inspection Co. P.O. Box 32^(•See Mobile, Air.)


Le^vj ston

Andre^’^s ,A, B. I66 M''3 in St.

a to h incl . Specialize in clinical, fuels, paner-mak ingmaterials



University of Mainer ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g ,h.


Hamlin and Morrison(Spv- Phil delphir


. )

11 Exchange St




Cornwell, E. L. and Co. 921 S. '^olfe St.(Branch - see Philrdelnhia


. )

Gascoyne & Co.a to h incl


27 S , Gay St


Hamlin and Morrison(Sec- Philadelphia, Pa.)

Penniman and BrowneGeneral analyses

Laverie, R. H. and Sons, Inc.( Branch - see New York)

Stra sburger and Siegelc to d incl


Wiley and Co.c ,e ,f ,g.


502 E. Pratt St.

215 E. Fayette St.

15 S . Gay St


904 N. Calv-rt St.

The Voris Laboratoriesc ,e ,f


Page 14: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Girculcr 5^^ “


Bo t on

ii-epocif ted Factory Mutual Firef ,g-

Bigelow, Kent, Tillard -nd Co.o t o h incl


Durf'-f^ W. C. Co.


Levari e, R. H, and Sons(Branch - b>-^ N ?'’r York)

Metcalf and Eddy Lahorrtoryc, disinfectants and ’-^ater

Miles, George W.

a to h incl.

Insurance Companies,

1S4 High St


Boston Park Souare Bldy.

Il4 Federal St.

Sts tier Bldg,trc' •: tmont s .

SB Bro d St


Oil Testing Laboretories 3 Beacon St.e,g.h.

Skinner and Shf^rman 2g6 Stuart St.d. ,e,f,g. Specialize in foods, wo.ter, oils, asphalts,pulp "'nd paper, and miscellaneous comiOrcir^l products.

The Thompson and Lichtner Co. Inc. 620 Newburv St.c,e,f and rubber


' _ .

Worcest^^^r J. R. and Co. 79 Milk St.

C ambridge

General Radio Co. TO State St. ''

Gill, Dr. A. H. 222 Ch.^^rl'-s River Rd.c,h,g

Haven, Prof. George B. Textile Lab. Charles River Rd. ..

Little, Arthur D. 3^ Charles River Rd


a to h incl. Specialize in met olurgical I’^ork, fuel

testing, oil, ’"-ater, paper, development of formulasand miscellaneous testing.

Massachusetts Institutv'^ cf Technology, Div. of Metrollography


a to h incl.

69 kass-'chuset ts Ave.Richa.rds and Lockea ,b


Page 15: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circulrr 5^^ “ 15


t^nit.^d Stetee T^eting Co. 59 ”^ept St.^ - e Hoboken

, N . J . )


Lm-'-rll Textile ‘^^chool

d 'ind g. Specialize in textile chemietr^/-, dyeing endbler.ching


United Statee Teeting Co. Croeby St.fSee Hoboken, N. J.)


S. Testing Co. Inc.''Brench - See Ne’'^ York)


The R. and k. Industrial Laboratories, 4- Union St.


Ne”^ England Laboret orie p fine.) 4-4- Che^tnut^St .

a to h incl . Soeci-lize in oap^r, - nd pulo , coal, f U'^l ,

-nd lubriC'ting oils, ^^^ater, sands and cements, -^nd

research problerna.


Weatfield Testing ' nd Research Labs. 102 Elm St.

g, suears and beverages.

Uo rc ester

’Worcester Poly. In^t. Chem. L-^'b.

c,d,e,f,g, Specirlizo in coal, oil, street-pavingma t eri'^ls


Page 16: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 5?^ ^


/^nn Arbor

ITnivereity of Michiycn, Dept, of Eng. Reorarcha to h i-ncl



The Detroit Teeting Laboratory Ba.gley Ave .

a to h incl. Specitjlize in metals, fuel, lubric'^nts.

General Testing Laboratories 5‘^5 ti^oodwa^-rd 'A ve .

a to h incl.

Michigan Eng. Labs. Inc. 2.G47 Grand River Ave.d and g. Specialize in 'n^-lyeis of fuels, lubricants,and paving materials.

Perry Testing Laboratory 201 Third St.c


d,e ,f ,g.

Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory 429 Wayne St.a to h incl.

United Laboratories l6l Lamed Westd, e,f. Specialize in met-ls and coal.

TT. S.rt. cjigtor Corn.Specialize in foundry materia,], s.

^ont iac

Preoious Metals Refining W ,rks S2 Perkins St.a ,c ,e ,f




Minnesota Testing Labs. TlS Glencoe Eldg.a to h incl. Specialize in coal, ores, and steel.


The Howard Laboratory 'iSU- Fourth Ave. Southc,g. Specialize in I'^ho^- t and flour teeting.

University of Minnesota, School of Gh^^m.a, to h incl.

f^niversity of Minnesota, School of Mines, Dmt. of Metallurgya to h incl. These onalyses only m.d- in connection withtesting ores from State of Minnesota and metallurgicalinvestigations. Specialize on iron : nd miengenese ores.

Page 17: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

etter Circular 53^- ~ 17

Minnea-pol jp

Van Cl eve Laboratories 122 S. Fourth St.a to g incl. Snecialise in ore ap^ays and coal.



Bsrrov-Agee Laboratoriesf See Memphis, Tenn.)

301 1/2 W. Pearl St

Flood, Walter H. and Co.(See Chicago)

121 Da.niel Bldg.

Lei and

Barro-^'-Agee Lateral ories(See Memphis, Tenn.)

209 M^in St.


Katz , N. E.


1117 Seventh St.


Jefferson City

Missouri State Higlr’'^ay Commissionc ,e ,f ,g.h.

Capitol A VC.

Jopl in

Bruce Williams Laborptories£ ,b ,c ,e ,f ,g.

Millar Chemical Laboratorya to h i nc 1


620 Joplin St


Waring and Williams 620 Joplin St.a to g incl. Snecialize in minerals

Kansas City

Industrial Testing Laboratoryc , e ,

f .

926 ’Syandotte St


92(3 ’Wyandotte St


Page 18: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lett r Circul'^r 5 "^^- -

Kan P els Cit y (cont ' d . )

Standard Electrical Instrument Laboretories, 15^9 Cherry St


Cniversity of Missouri, School of Mines ^nd Metallurgya to f incl. , also clays.

Sori nyf iel d

Drury College, Deut . of Ch-^mistry.Sof^cializp in ’"yiter an-lysis, detection of noisons andnot ash snriypiG.

St. L ou,is

Cox W. W. snd Co. Inc.e ,f


Gulick-Hends’rson Co. Inc.a t o h incl


Hunt, Robert W. Co.Br-^nch (See Chicego)

Lad ede-Christy Clay Products

Laysrie, R. H. and Son, Inc.(Branch - See Few Yoi‘k)

McMaster, L.c

, e ,f .

Nowak Chemicpl Laboratories

Pittsburgh Testing Laboratorya to h incl


St. Louis Samnling and Testina to h incl,

P’a sh i ng1 0n Un i y . Ch era . Lab.a to h incl.

H. S. Wiedemennc ,d ,g,h.

922 Pine St.

5552 Herbert St.

I’-t-OB Syndicate Trust Bldg

Co. 1711 Ambassador Bldg.

Wr'phington University

721 01 iv- St.

7SI5 Clive St


• Uorks, 211 S. 7th St.

Chemical Bldg.

Page 19: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 5^^ - 19



L i s and Ualk e


c ,e ,f


lOS N. Wyoming

Richard. McCarthy0 ,e ,f.

56 E. Granite !

University of Montana, School ofa ,b ,0 ,d , e ,f ,h . Specialize inanalyses, coal anelvsis

, end



assaying, inorganicfuel testing.


Brunner and P rey0 ,e ,f


11 Brosdv.^ay

Goodell Bros. 46 S . Ms in S t


C ,8 ,f .

Philiu s burg’

^jrnenthal, P.T.

C iB ,f




The Omaha Testing Laboratories 1912 Farnam St.a to h incl.

United Laboratories iSlS Leaven’"orth St.a t 0 h incl



Carson City

State of Nevsda Dept, of Highi”-aysd ,e ,g ,h .


Millar F.W. and Sonc , e , f


6l4 High St.

Page 20: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

L ot t p r C i rc ul r 5"^^* ~


Do^n-r Brothersc and e, Soecielize in e.

4l3 N. Columbia


Lovelock A^cay Offica ,b ,c ,e ,f




Ne’f' Hampshire Hiylr'eay Testing Lab.c ,g.



Conrad, Pm. R. 3^1 High St.c , p ,




Miller, Ch^'S. E. Third 8c JacksonSpeci^’-lizc in conpultinsr ”-ork in dyes, soaps, detergentsnerfumes

,cosmetics, etc.

Carl stadt

May^^ald, Fred'^rick J. 301 Hoboken Rd .

c ,d ,g ,h.


DoV r L abo rat o rv 53-55 McF'irlan St.e,c,d,e. Snecielize in ^^nplysi^ of ores, coal, cok^,limestone, iron, drillings, gold end silver or-^s.


V^an Fame, R. L.a ,b,G ,d,r ,f.

S29 Ne’"erk Ave


( Br.f'nch at Staten Island, H.Y.)

Page 21: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 53^ “ 2l


Conetant , C. L. Co. 226 Gro.nd St.a ,b ,0 , e ,f

S. Te^-ting' Co. Inc. (Brench at Patcreon) l4l5 Park Ave.a to h incl


Jereey City

The -^mlytical Laboratory 921 Bergen Ave.a to h incl


IT ewa rk

B'^k^'r and Co,a ,b


The Blair Treating LaboratorySpecialize in oil?, leather, fura.

Gray Industrial Laboratoriesc

, e ,f


Schrritter, Clov-r and StarkweatherSpecialize in Pt

,Au , etc.

P=^t arson

Riley, Alexander D. Laboratories 70 Ryle Ave.Tin oree, dro'^^s, '^nd liouors only.

Murray and Austin Ste

279 1/2 Mulberry St.

961 Frelinghuysen Ave

320 Pa.asaic Ave.


Contain'^r Testing Labs. Pine -^nd Pickl Sts.a


, 0 ,a

, f


South Orange

Philip 0. Gravelle ll4 Prospect St.a to h incl



Rouae Pnd Shearera , b ,

d , e , f , e:


16B Bloomsbury St.

Page 22: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 53^ ~ 22


Albuquerq ue

Univ. of Neiv Mexico, Chem. Lab.d,f ,g,h. Specialize in vater.

Lae Cruces

New Mexico State Highway Dent. Testing Lab.d , e ,f ,h.


New Mexico School of Mines

a to h incl . Specialize in a ,c,f.

State Collegd

College of Agriculture and ICechanic Arts, School of Eng.c,e,d,f,g. Specialize in soils and water.



Touceda Chemical and Physical laboratories,9^^ Broadwav

a ,b ,0 , e ,f ,g ,h . Both orgenio and inorganic work.


Snell, Foster P . Inc. 305 Washington St.a to h incl.

Bu.f f alo

Bu.ffalo Teating La.bora tor i^s Gerrans Bldg,c ,e ,f


Hallcnbeck Inspection '-nd Testing Laboratories, 5^-62 Pearl ^tc,e,f,g. Corner of Seneca

The A. W. Hoppenstedt Laboratorv (Inc.) 5^ W. Chippewa St.d

Kawin,Chao. c. 110 Pearl St.

(Branch - Chic'^go)

Wiliiains Ls.boratory (Inc.)a to h incl.

11-15 E . Swpn St


Page 23: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lett tirculpr 53^ “ ^3


Pouglo ston Laboratoriesa. to h incl. , oxceiot fire assav, but does notsnecialize in comiTiercial anal ysis.


Cornell University, Dept, of Chem.a to h incl., especially a ,d

,e , f ,

h .

Long' Island Citv

St. John X-Ra.y Service ( Inc .


a to h incl.30 Thomson Ave.

Nev^ York City

Alexander, Je-romeConsulting Chemist

50 E. 4lst St


Banks, John H. and Sona to h incl


26 John St


Bersky and Wilson, Chemists and Chemical Engineers,521 Fifth Ave


Bendiner and Schlesingera t 0 h incl


3 rd Ave. and 10th St

Bull and Roberts 50 Wpst St.a ,c , d , e ,f ,g ,h , Also wnt'r, paints, and chemistrynroblems of marine and land tranpoort ' t ion companies,coutt -afork.

College of City of New York ,School of Tech.

, Convent Avea to h incl. Specialize in and 139 th St.qualitative analysis

Columbia University, Dept, of Civil Eng. Testing Labs.a to h incl


Do rr Co.a to g incl.

2^7 Park Ave


Ekroth Labs


a to h incl.405 Lexington .Ave


Page 24: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 55^ “ 24-

York City (cont’d.)

Flectricdl Touting Laboratorien SOth St. a.nd E. End Avec

,d , e ,i ,e: ,h . S-pccialize in pa-oer, coal, oils, ferrous

and non-ferrous motels and rlloy'^,inks, water., paints.

Food Research Labor-'tori es • 114- E . 32nd St .

Fras^'r Laboratoriesd anc[ g,alsc water, food, drugs,oatholosry and general industrial

50 E. 4-lst St.clinical

Froehlina .and Robertsona to h incl


203 E. I2th St


Fuel Ennine 'ring Co. of IL:’" Yr,rkCoal a.nd petroleum

llo E. iSth St


Gulick-Hendersona to h incl.

19 W. 44-th St.

Hunt, Robert VI. Co.(Branch - see Chicago , 111



53 Park PI .ace

Johnson and Salisbary, In^ • 2511 W. 31st St.Specialize in glue, nel^tin, and lithcgr-^'Ohic processes

Krapp Research Labs.Specialize in minerals

110 W. 4-Oth St .

Laverie, R. H. and Sons, Inc. 17 St a t e St


c,d,e,f,g,h. Specialize in ferrous materie.ls, oilsbitijmens and cements

Lodoux "'nd C'"'. 155 Sixth Ave.8 te f incl . Sped lize in -analysis of/fnineral s


ores, and metallurgical nroductsnon-ferrous


,both ferrous ^nd

N"'w York Produce Exchange 2 BroadwoySpecialize in vegetable sils, flour, feed, etc.

New York Testing Leboratoriosa ,b ,c ,e ,f


SO Wo.shingtan St .

Poaoe Laboratoriesd ,g ,h


39 W. ogth St.

Pitkin, Lucius, Inc.a,b,c,e,f. Chemio-1 c^ripultants

4-7 Fulton St.

,r ef erces


' sampl ing , etc

Purdy 17. S. C-'^. Inc.b,g ,h.

12S W^ter St,

Seil , Putt and Rusbv (Inc.)d,g,h. Sped' lists in andysis '

organic products.

10 E. <4-th St.f f'O'ds, di^ugs

, and

Page 25: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lr-t" ~r Circul' r 5^^'~ “ ^5

York City (C^'Ht 'd . )

Stillmpn ^nd V^n Sicl^n (inc.)d ,ry ,h.

StillT-rell and Gladding ( Inc . )

c ,d ,e ,f ,g ,h.

The Ptill’^'^ell Laboratories (inC.)d

, .

’Talker and L'hyto (inc.)c ,e ,f ,y


Weiap and Dc’^^ns (inc.)c,y,h. Ganarol consultants

^lest r^rn Procinit ti''n Co.(Branch - see Los / nu cl e s


Rochest o r

Rational Testing Laboratories, Inc.c t 0 h i ncl


Whidjehead Bros. Co.d,e,g. Snccialize in foundry ra^" ra

moulding sands and clays



Arsern , Gilliam C


c to h incl


Union College, Chora. Lab.a to h incl. Soecialize in mineral,


K imm a.n and Ghe el o r

a ,b ,c ,e ,f ,g.


William S. Murray, Inc.c

,c , f . .

254 W . list St


130 Ced. r St.

76 1 /2 Pine St


409 Pe^rlSt.

50 E. 4lst St.

25 w. 43d St


135 University Av

P.O.Box 993at ."rials ,

226 State St


food ?- nd ''^ater.

122 Dickerson St


SO5 Watson PI.

Page 26: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lett^'T Circular - 26


Ch^Tcel Hill

Univerpitv of N. Carolina, Dept, of Chem.a to h incl , Specialize in apaay, minerale and coal.


U.S.Teatinsc Co. 255 N. Greene St.(Branch - s^e Hoboken, N. J.)

^^^ilmingt on

Law and Co. (Inc.) Trust Bldg.c,d,e,f,g. Specialize in fertilizer materials, fuels,foods, water and general an'l ytical chemistry.


Grand Forks

Univ. of N. Dakota, College of Eng.a to h incl. Specialize in coal, gas, clays.



Smithers, V. L. (Inc.)g



Bro eman,F . C . and C o


a to h incl.

The Consultins: Co.g. Specialize in asbestos

Hunt, Robert W. Co.a to h incl


Kai'dn. Chas. G.(Branch - see Chicago)

Langdon-Mey er La bo rat or ieeg.

2706 Central To-!'rer

N.’'l. Corner 3^^ andWalnut Sts.

Uni^n Central To’^^^r

and pigments.

509 Gerke Bldg.

222 W. 4th St.

519 Main St.

Page 27: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lett.'^r Circular “ 2


Cincinnati (cont'd.)

Hutting, H. C. Co.(Br^-^nch at Miami, FI''.)c to h incl.

4-120 Davis Lane

Ohio Mechanics Instituted p f p* "hU

j C 1 J.j ^ j •

Central Park^'^ay and WalnutSte.

Robinson, Louis G. Labs,c to h incl


219 McFarland St



Case School of /.'D'olied Sci'^'nce

a only, soecislize in,Univ. Circle

Coimiercial Tecting: and Eng;. Go. Rockefe Her Bldg.(Branch - soe Chicago, 111.)

Cosma Laboratories Co.d,e ,f


154-5 E. iSth St.

The Cremer Caoe Co.d , e


1200 W. 9th St


Cro iyell a.nd Murray S06 Pe rrA/--?avne Bldg.a to h incl. Cnecialize in inorganic.

Forect City Testing Lab. 511 Sonerior Bldga to h incl.

Hunt, Robert W, Co.a to h incl.

6l6 Engineers Bldg.

Herron, James H.c to h incl. Soeci'^lize insn vi'neering mat --"•rials


Lav.- rie, R. H. and SonsBr'^’nch - a- -a H York)

IBoO - 1364 W. 3d St.industrial

Pittsburgh Testing Lab.a to h incl.

404 E. 9th St


Text or Chem. Labs. 1165 W. 6th St.to h incl. Specialize in coal, iron ore and

et eel


Page 28: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 5^^^' “


D. J. Domore^t Ohio State TTnivereity

a - h incl . Specialize in steels, fuels .end refractories.

Lony ,Chas. F. Laboratories 20t E. Ero^d St.



, y



Bowser-Mornor Testing Labs. 139 Bruen St.a to h incl


Lane a st er

Sharc-Schurtz Co.Glass chrmiets and -n^^lysts, conaultiny engineers.

Me n s f i el


Ohio Bra as Co.c to h incl. Soecialize in e and f.

Y ountrstown

Danforth, C. W , Ce. 24l2 S. Avenuec t o h incl


McBride, R.C. Commercial Chem. Lab. 339 • Federal St.c to li incl.


Oklahoma Gity

Locke, Robert Fir^t National Bank Bldg,a to h. Snsci^lize in ore'^, oils, , ^’’-ater and scil^.

Oklahoma Tasting Laboratories ll45 NorthT^e^t 2nd St.c to h incl.


Cochrane Laboratoriesc

De Clue, Leo, Assay Officec

Page 29: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lett 'r Circular 5^^ ~ 29

?ich ( cont ' d .


Picher pay Officec

Orville Rutledye

r i nc p: nd P' i 1


i m


a to gc incl


The 3?uce ’Pilli^^ms L” horat ori ep!

Aiiplyato pind cnneultaiits



Central Inroection .Bureaue ,f


Hunt, Robert W. Co. Enyre.(See Chicago, 111.)

Lviell, E. W.

a to h incl.

Montana Appbj Officed , e ,f


Northwest T^^ctiny Labe.(Branch - see Seattle, '%^h

. )

Oro-g'on Indenendent Test inn Lab.General industrial chemicpG. t

pp ec i al i z ing on fuel s,

w,o, t r,

agento' supolios uith soecialraauirement s


109 S. Cornell Ave.

Bedell 31 d r


720 Corbett Bldn.

537 Roil''uo.y ExchPinne Bldg.

610 Southwest 2nd Ave.

506 Mylar Bldg.

3 rd and Yamhill Sts.•at ing p'nd 'anolysis,paints, P'nd purchasingattentip^n to nure food

S al em

Orenon State Highway Commission Laboratory, Agricultural Bldg,c ,d ,e ,f ,g.h.

Page 30: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 53^ “ 30



Allcnto’vn Teptine; Laboratory 373 Linden St.c


U. S. Teetinn: G^,(See Hoboken, N, J.)

Bethl ehem

Lehigh Univ., Dept, Chem . Eng.a ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g ,h .


Warner Laboratory 617 Firet St.a t^ f incl. Specialize in coal, c^ke, clay, limestone,silica, and waiter.


Erie Latoratory 1519 French St.a ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g ,h.

Greens burg

Gharles D. Klingensmi th 500 Greene St.c ,g.

Ha rri sburg

McGreath, Andrei"' S. ^nd Son 216-2A2 Liberty St.c,d,e, also limestones, cokes, refractory matorials, etc.

Mai yorn

J. Bishop and Go. Platinum Worksa,b,c. Speci'^lize in precious metals and their alloys.

Page 31: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

LSbt-'.r Circul'^r 53^^ - 31

Arnptein Rep.;^arch Labs. 191 E. Roosevalt Blvdc to h incl.

Boll T'nd B^ltz 3340 N. Srop.d St.a ,



, f


Bs'^tb, Gf'rrett and Blaira to h incl. Specialize

22S S. 9tli St.in precious metals and their alloys.

Bre-'^'or rand Gardner S.P.Cor. iSth 5- Cherry Sts.c ,d ,f ,h. SDoci-^lize in petroleum, gas, solid fuel, 'ndconi-t^r by-products industries' an-lytical -’'fork.

Carlitz,Joseph S


c to h incl.339 S. 13th St.

Colem'^.n, W. B. nd O'"'.

a to h incl. Specialize1920 Vi. Indiana Ave.

in d , e , f , h


Connell, S. L. and Go.a ta h incl. Specialize

2024 Arch St


i n c , d , e ,f


Davi s ,George G


c.,d,e,f. Speci-lize in

636 Rac e St.iron and allied, products.

Dean, J. A tiera to h incl.

6l4 S. 4Sth St.

Drexel Instituted,e ,f ,g,h

32nd end Chestnut Sts,

Gunn, Frank R. C^'.

c to h incl


Ont'-rio and Brebant Ste.

Hou'rhton, ‘'i". F. and Co.( Br - nch a t Chic a no



204 W, Somerspt St.

Industrial By-Products and Research Gorp. Oimbel Bids’. Sth andM.arket Sts.

L aWo 11 and Harrisonc ,d ,g ,h.

2l4 3. 12th St.

Metallurgical Labs. (Inc.)f , f ,g.

1116 West Montgomery Ave

Sadtler,Somusl p. & Son. 2105 13 th St.

d,g. Specialize in organic industrial analysis.

Page 32: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

( c ont ' d.


Smith, Rudy rnd Co. 20 N. 3^^^' ^t


c,d, 0 ,f. S-peci^liZv- in fermup, non-ferroup fupln,

IJ . S . Tnpt in,'" Co. Inc.("Brooch - see Hohoken

, I'-I . J.)


Buckma.ster Lnborstories 200 Sixth Ave.a. to h incl.

C rnegie Institute of Tech., Collegf^ of Bng., Schenlev Parka to h inc], . Specialize in general and industrial

Gulick-Henderson Co. S24 Fourth Ave.a. to h incl. Ch.-'mical. consultants



Hall Laboratories, Inc.


Hunt, Robert P. Co.(Branch - see Chicago, 111.)

Laverie, R. H. ? nd Sons, Inc.( Br-'nch - see York)

Rational Certification Lab.

Pittsburgh Teeting Laboratorya to h incl. Snecialize in metConsultant s


Stevens, K. K. C


POO Rops St.

^00 Ivionongahelp St.

F. Fnd Trust Bldg*.-

l^PO Locust St.llurgic il nroducts.

rnegie Inetitute of Technology

Re- ding

United States Testing Co.

Keystone Testing LsborstoriesSpeci lizc in metallurgical

42^1 y. 9th St.

S24 N. IPth St.'-^nd c e r m i c n s t e ri a 1 s .

State College

pa. State C ol 1 eg e , Ch eni . Pep t .

a to h incl


Swa rthmor >:

Swarthmore College, Dept, of Chem.Fouinp-'^d for an-lysis ‘nd certain mat "llographic tests, butpolicy is not to do commercial isork unless in nature of researcl

Page 33: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular 53^ ~ 33


Drakenfield, B.F. & Co.Specialize in glass analysie


Wayne Laboratories 17 F. Main St.c to h incl





Bureau of Science, Chem. Lab.a to h incl.


Mayaguez •

TJniv. of Porto Rico, College of Agriculture andEngineering, Chem. Lab.c,d,e,f,g. Specialize on sugar, fertilizers and soils



Th e Eppl ev L a bo ra t o ry 12 Sheffield Ave.


Saunders, Walter M.c ,e,f ,g.

1S4 Whittier Ave.

U. S. Testing Co.(See Hoboken, N. J.)

101 Blackstone St



U. S. Testing Co.( See Hoboken , N . J .


S5 Fairraount St.

Page 34: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circul-r 5^^ -


Che rle p ton

Parker Laboratory 4-0 Broad St.c t o h incl


Williams, A. Insoection Co. P.O.Box 45 B'

( See Mobile ,Al' . )

C olumbia

Rice, Ch?^rl^P W. and Co. 1110 Taylor St.c to b incl.



Poste, Emerson P. ^09 McCallie Ave.c ,e ,f ,g.


Barrov'-Agee Laboratories 60 N. Brd St.c,d,e,f,g,h. Specialize in org-mic materials,especially cottonsec-^d products, fertilizers, and ’"^ater.


Vanderbilt ^'niversityc to g incl.



The Bellas Laboratories, 24ll S. Harwood St.c , c ,

I, g .

Hunt, Rooert W. and Co. 121B Kirby Bldg.(Branch - se^ Chicago, 111.)

Moore, Landon C. 1713 ’b/2 Young St.a to g incl. Specialize in fetding stuffs ^^nd fertilizers,watc’', oils, fats, petroleum, bevera.ges

,milks, fuels, foods.

Page 35: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lett.-^r Circular - 35

D al 1 a s (Cont*d.)

Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory(Branch - See Pittsburgh)

1112 Commerce St.

Southwestern laboratories(See Fort t^orth)

1105 1/2 Main St.

El Paso

Cameron, Geo. W,

a to f incl. Specialize in

coDoer, lead, zinc, raangane

furnace nroducts.

205 San Franciscoores, meta.lB

,gold, silve:

se, iron, silica, lime.

Critchett ^^nd Fergusonc ,e ,f


El Paso Testing Laboratoriesa to h incl


P . 0 . Box 1565

Rathborn Co.Consulting chemists.

I oho a at Fifth

Fort Worth

Fortworth Laboratoriesa to h incl.

P.O.Box 1379

Southv-est ern Laboratoriesa to h incl. Specialize in

S2S 1/2 Monroe St

cement testing.


Panuin ,Felix 3^5 22nd St.

e to h incl.


Houston L abo ro.t or i e s 120b l/2 Preston Av.^ .

a,b,c,d,g,h; also cottonseed, peanut, oopra, soyabeans,wpter, soils, cements, fertilizers, petroleum oroducts.

Pittsburgh Testing Lab. Merohants end Manufacturers Bid

(See Pittsburgh, P-.)

Rice Institutea to h incl. Speci'd.ize in cement testing.

Shilstone Testing LrOb. BOl Merchants and

(See New Orleans, La.) Manufacturers Bldg.

Southwestern Labor -tories( See Forth Worth)

1206 l/2 Pr'-^ston Ave.

Page 36: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circiilrr 5 ''^ “ 3 ^

Srn Antonio

Sa,n Antonio^ Analytical Lab. Medical Arts Bldg.c,e,f,g.

Southwe: st ••^rn Labs. ^ 0(3 l /2 Navarro St.(See Fort "^orth


Salt Lake City


Ba rdvr el 1,

A 1 onz o F .

a ,c


153 S.U.Temnle St.

Black and Deason,b


,d , e ,



165 S.W. Temple St.

Cowan, C . S


a. to h incl.160 S.W. Temple St.

Crimson snd Nichols 229-2A1 S.W. Tempi 8 St.a to f incl. Soecialize in ae paying of or'^s.

Univ. of Utah, School of Mines ^nd Eng,a to h incl. Speci.''lize in ores of zinc, copper, lead, etc



Froehling p.nd Robertson,(See Richmond)

Inc .


Froehling and Robertson, Inc . C/o Lone Star Cement Co.

Norfolk Testing laboratories, Inc. Bank St.


Froehling and Robertson, Inc. Sl 4 W. Cary St.(Branches at Allentown, . , Norfolk, Fordwick , Va

. ,and

New Y^rk City)c,e,f,g and general cement insoection

Robb and Moodyc to g


North 6th St.

Page 37: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circulpr - 37


Seatt le

F??lkenairg end Co. S6 .Lr di^on St.c to h incl


Geijsb'-ck Engine -'ring Co. Arctic Bldg,a to h incl. Specialize in clrys

Glover, A. L. ,6l9 3^ Ave.

c , e ,f


Leucks Labs, (inc.) Maritime Bldg,a to h incl. Speci-lizs in co-'l, elloys ,

veget"blco,mineral oils, ond food products.

Laverie, R. H. and Sons, Inc.(Branch - soe Neio York)

M-tson, Rogers c>nd M-rkham (Pacific Coast Testing Lab.)Iron, stool, coke, alloys, limestone, or-s, andengineering mat orialp


Northa’est Testing Labs. 2nd ^ nd Jam^%s pts.a to h incl


University of Usshington, Chem, Lab.b to h incl. Spoci-^lize in i^^ood distillation and lowteranerature coal distillation.

Uilliara H. Ott 5^00 Airoort Uayc ,e ,f ,g.


The C. M. F-asett Co. 211 North Wall St.a to g incl. Specialize in met - llurgical anelysisand assaying.

Stowell,W. H. and Co. 421 Sprague Ave.



Bennett's Chemdeal Laboratory 1131 Market St.a to -h incl. Speci-'lize in or^s, esooci lly gold, siivlead, zinc, copner.

Page 38: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Lrtt-r Circular 5


Ch rlcjptov^n

Commerc iai ^Teetiner_

nd Fneineering Co. 426 Morrioon Bldg.(Sr.-^ncK - S-^c Cbicago , 111.)

Morgantown •


^Vcst Virginia Ilniverpity .•

a to h incl . Snocialize in coal, gas, iron, oil, andferrous mim-'rals.


Madis on^

Jones, Wilbur L . 204 Democrat Bldg.Soeci'lize in testing of "oiimal. casein and vegetableglues, p'^stes "nd otlif-' r .adbesivos


Mining and Metallurgical Lab.a 1 0 h i nc 1


State Hign^'u-'y Commission of Wisconsin State Office Bldg,d, e


University of Wisconsin, Chem.. Eng. Labs.d,g,h. Specialize in irons.


The Orthmann Laboratories (Inc.) 647 West "'Virginia St.c ,g .h.

Sommer Chemical Laboratories (Inc.) 152'West Wisconsin Avoc to h incl. Also wroter and foods. Buecialize in fuels,water and toxicological examin'^ t ions for poisons.



W|»-oming State Highway Dept. Capitol Bldg,d 1 0 g incl . ...

Page 39: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories

Letter Circular - ‘^9


3r i t i ch Columbia - Vane ouver

Lauck? Laba., Ltd. 1206 Hompr St.

Ivlpnit ob a - Winnipeg

Milton Herpey Co. Ltd. 213 Fort St.

Ontario - H a ileybury

Bell, J. N. , Assay Office


Canadian Insnection and Testing Co. 100 Jarvis St.c,d,e,f,g. Aipo building materials, ’^ater, paints, foodproducts, rubber, flaxseed, so'^ns, etc.

Ka.win, Ch-s. C. 1^6 Yonge St.

f Branch - see Chicago, 111.)

Quebec - Montreal

Canadian Inspection and Testing Co. 405 Shaughnessy Bldg.(Br'^nch - see Toronto)

Hersey, Milton Go. Ltd. 9^0 St. Antoine St.

H^unt,Robert 17. Go.

(Branch - See Chicago, 111.)1001 McGill Bldg.

Page 40: Letter Circular 534: commercial testing laboratories