This test anxiety happens into the students life because of some causes. First reason for text auxiety is student’s poor study habits. The hot serious with their studies and try to recover all the subject during their last minutes days. It is very bad habit between students now days. Poor past test performance and underlying anxiety problems can all contribute to test anxiety. Now days, students are not good in their time management. This is of the reason for test anxiety. Students who have poor time management skills may face serious consequence because they are unable to prepared well for their exams. Some of students not good or unable to take effective notes in order. Not taking notes also one of the cause for exam anxiety. Poor organization for exam also can give test anxiety. Good organization is crucial for exam success. But some of the students didn’t well organized for their exam, like never set their course materials, organize their computer files and someone others. Students must try themselves for come out from test anxiety. The first way that they can handle their exam anxiety is get enough sleep. Students must sleep more than shows before their exam day. Having a good and enough sleep deficiency can actually make them sharp mentally, which can help them performance well during their exam time. Being well prepared is one of the way for avoid text anxiety. Students must cramming for a test, and they must trying to memorize all of the intricate details. They must test anxiety is a combination of physiological over arousal, tension and somatic symptoms. Its because of along with worry, dread fear of failure and catastrophizing, that occur before or during test situations. Text anxiety can say as psychological condition in which people experience extreme distress and anxiety in testing situation. Many people experience stress or anxiety before an exam. The symptoms of test anxiety can vary considerably and range from wild to severe. some of and range from mild to severe. Some of student will anxiety by some of physical symptoms. For the example, dry mouth, heart beat, sweating, dieria, rapid heart beat, is the physical text anxiety. Some


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This test anxiety happens into the students life because of some causes. First reason for text auxiety is students poor study habits. The hot serious with their studies and try to recover all the subject during their last minutes days. It is very bad habit between students now days. Poor past test performance and underlying anxiety problems can all contribute to test anxiety.Now days, students are not good in their time management. This is of the reason for test anxiety. Students who have poor time management skills may face serious consequence because they are unable to prepared well for their exams. Some of students not good or unable to take effective notes in order. Not taking notes also one of the cause for exam anxiety. Poor organization for exam also can give test anxiety. Good organization is crucial for exam success. But some of the students didnt well organized for their exam, like never set their course materials, organize their computer files and someone others.Students must try themselves for come out from test anxiety. The first way that they can handle their exam anxiety is get enough sleep. Students must sleep more than shows before their exam day. Having a good and enough sleep deficiency can actually make them sharp mentally, which can help them performance well during their exam time.Being well prepared is one of the way for avoid text anxiety. Students must cramming for a test, and they must trying to memorize all of the intricate details. They must test anxiety is a combination of physiological over arousal, tension and somatic symptoms. Its because of along with worry, dread fear of failure and catastrophizing, that occur before or during test situations. Text anxiety can say as psychological condition in which people experience extreme distress and anxiety in testing situation.Many people experience stress or anxiety before an exam. The symptoms of test anxiety can vary considerably and range from wild to severe. some of and range from mild to severe. Some of student will anxiety by some of physical symptoms. For the example, dry mouth, heart beat, sweating, dieria, rapid heart beat, is the physical text anxiety. Some of students will fell a sense of butterflig in the stomach, because of over anxiety it their exams.Emotional symptoms of test anxiety can include depression, low self-esteem, anger and a feeling of hopelessness. Students will feel helpless to change their situation or belittle and berate themselves about their symptoms and poor test performance. Students, facing different kind of emotional problems during, their exam time. For the example is like, cry for no reason, feel very tension, canmt sleep overe night, negative thinking. Lead through the entirety of their all of the notes that will be on the exam. Its scan help you refreshed theirself and can be more focused on their exam.Students must avoiding procrastination during their exam time. The evasion of doing something which must be done cvan result in feelings of guilt and stress, we call it procrastination. Naturally, most bpeople procrastinate occasionally. However, excessive procrastination can have a negative effect on their studies, so its important to be able to identity procrastinating. Students must be unsure how to start a task, or what is expeted of them couplete it.Preparing for an exam can be stressfull. So student musts plan their revision for exam. Students cannot try to rush through the studying process, just spending time studying through their notes help them to memorize. They must do all their revision alltime with proper planner. So that, they can learn best and do best on their exam. It can help them for be more confident for their exam.Do revision for exam is very important. A revision timetable help us to be more productive, keep them motivated and will boost their confidence for the challenge ahead. Once do revision they must set all the information they need. They also plot their, revision sessions and display their planning.Students can approach the exam with confidence for hadle negative effects of test anxiety. They can get somer information about their exam. For example collect move information from other student or tutor for well prepared for exam. By this student can attend the exam with more confidently and peacefully.Student do not go to the exam with an empty stomach. Fresh fruits and vegetables are often recommended to reduce stress. Stressful foods can include processed foods, artificial sweeten, carbonated soft drinks, chocolate, eggs, fried foods, junk foods. They must fried foods, junk foods. They must healthy foods and take a small snack, or some other nourishment.In a conclusion, students must avoiding test anxiety. The must well prepared theirself before exam for avoid test anxiety during their exam time.