Calendar November 8 & 15 Kindergarten orientation November 21 PLAY NIGHT 6pm November 27 P & C meeting 8.15am November 29 Jump Rope for Heart December 4 Presentation Night December 5 Music Concert Kindergarten Orientation The 2019 Kindergarten students all settled in very well last week, with lots of smiles and laughs. We look forward to their continued weeks with us. Professional Learning This Wednesday all staff will be travelling to Metford PS for professional learning. It would be appreciated if all students can be collected by 3:30pm on this day so that staff can attend this training. Mrs Leary will be attending a Budget PL on Friday. Play Night – Save the Date – Wednesday 21 November All students have been working exceptionally hard at learning their lines, songs and creating props for this year’s production of ‘Kid Frankenstein’. All students have a role to play in this evening which will begin at 6pm and should conclude at approximately 7:30pm in the Woodville School of Arts. As all students have a role it is important that all attend this evening, if you are unable can you please advise staff ASAP so that arrangements can be made. A note will go home later this week to advise parents of costuming for the night. We understand this is a busy and expensive time of year so we have tried to limit the costumes to a minimum. Please don’t buy without asking if someone could lend a costume to you first. P&C News The P&C are in the process of designing and creating a garden at the front of the school between the two gates. If any of our parents have any landscaping, bricklaying or gardening experience we would really appreciate your help! We first need some help with a simple design and then some advice on equipment. Once this is in place the P&C would like many hands on deck in a working be for its construction. Please see Mrs Leary if you are able to help. Our next P&C meeting will be on Tuesday 27 November at 8:15am in the library. During this meeting we will be discussing future planning and strategies for the 201820 school plan. Community consultation is a vital part of this process and we value your input. Please put this date in your diaries! Recipe Book Fundraiser The P&C are holding one more fundraiser for the year. We would like you to help us create our own Iona PS recipe book. We would like every student to bring in a recipe of their choice which will then be collated with artworks to make the book. These recipes can be handed to each class teacher. It would be appreciated if they could be in by Friday 16 November. The book will be available for sale by the end of the year. Please keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t forget that we have beeswax wraps for sale. What a great Xmas present they would be!! Prices range from $2:503:50. Learning Together in Harmony Iona Public School Newsletter Term 4 Week 4 Ph: 4930 1415 Fax 4930 1807 Email: iona‐[email protected] Online: www.iona‐p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Learning Together in Harmony - iona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t

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Page 1: Learning Together in Harmony - iona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t


November 8 & 15  Kindergarten orientation 

November 21  PLAY NIGHT 6pm 

November 27  P & C meeting 8.15am 

November 29  Jump Rope for Heart 

December 4  Presentation Night 

December 5  Music Concert 

 Kindergarten Orientation  The 2019 Kindergarten students all settled in very well last week, with lots of smiles and laughs. We look forward to their continued weeks with us.  Professional Learning This  Wednesday  all  staff  will  be  travelling  to Metford PS for professional  learning. It would be appreciated  if  all  students  can  be  collected  by 3:30pm on  this day  so  that  staff  can attend  this training. Mrs Leary will be attending a Budget PL on Friday.  Play  Night  –  Save  the  Date  –  Wednesday  21 November All  students  have  been  working  exceptionally hard  at  learning  their  lines,  songs  and  creating props  for  this  year’s  production  of  ‘Kid Frankenstein’. All students have a role  to play  in this evening which will begin at 6pm and should conclude  at  approximately  7:30pm  in  the Woodville School of Arts. As all students have a role  it  is  important that all attend  this  evening,  if  you  are  unable  can  you please  advise  staff  ASAP  so  that  arrangements can be made. A note will go home later this week to advise parents of costuming for the night. We understand this  is a busy and expensive time of year so we have tried to limit the costumes to a minimum.  Please  don’t  buy  without  asking  if someone could lend a costume to you first.  

 P&C News The  P&C  are  in  the  process  of  designing  and creating  a  garden  at  the  front  of  the  school between the two gates. If any of our parents have any  landscaping,  bricklaying  or  gardening experience we would really appreciate your help! We first need some help with a simple design and then  some advice on equipment. Once  this  is  in place the P&C would  like many hands on deck  in a working be for  its construction. Please see Mrs Leary if you are able to help. Our  next  P&C  meeting  will  be  on  Tuesday  27 November  at  8:15am  in  the  library.  During  this meeting we will be discussing future planning and strategies  for  the  2018‐20  school  plan. Community  consultation  is  a  vital  part  of  this process and we value your  input. Please put this date in your diaries!  Recipe Book Fundraiser The P&C are holding one more fundraiser for the year. We would  like  you  to  help  us  create  our own  Iona  PS  recipe  book. We would  like  every student to bring  in a recipe of their choice which will  then be  collated with artworks  to make  the book. These recipes can be handed to each class teacher. It would be appreciated  if they could be in  by  Friday  16  November.  The  book  will  be available  for  sale by  the end of  the year. Please keep  reading  the  newsletter  for  further information.  Beeswax Wraps If  you  haven’t  bought  any  so  far  please  don’t forget  that  we  have  beeswax  wraps  for  sale. What  a  great  Xmas  present  they  would  be!! Prices range from $2:50‐3:50.    




Ph:49301415 Fax49301807 Email:iona‐[email protected] Online:www.iona‐p.schools.nsw.edu.au

Page 2: Learning Together in Harmony - iona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t

Solar Car Challenge Two eager teams of Iona Public School students tested their engineering and problem‐solving skills against schools from across the region at the Hunter Valley Electric Vehicle Festival at Newcastle Kart Racing Club on Wednesday.  The Stage 2 team of Shaleea, David and Felix K, and the Stage 3 team of Lochlan, Sofia and Fang‐Chiao, were required to build and race small, solar‐powered cars along two specially‐designed tracks. Both teams successfully negotiated the straight track at the start of the day, as well as the oval pursuit track after lunch. Unfortunately, the Iona cars didn’t match the speeds of the top cars but the students showed some impressive design skills and competently made running repairs and modifications to their cars throughout the day. A big thanks to Felix’s mum Violet for helping the students to prepare their vehicles and to parents and supporters who transported the students and provided encouragement on the day. ‐ Ms Hartigan  



  Invoices Invoices have been sent home today.  Please make sure all outstanding monies are paid by Wednesday 28 November.  Please see either   Mrs Mahony or Mrs Leary if you are having trouble paying school fees.  STEAM in the classroom Young minds were put to the test last Thursday when students in Years 3, 4 and 6 were challenged to design and build a catapult using specific materials – a paper cup, six paddle pop sticks, two rubber bands, a plastic spoon, masking tape and string. Working in small teams, the students followed the Design Thinking process to investigate the task (black and white thinking hat), generate ideas (rainbow thinking hat), judge the ideas (red and green thinking hat), plan their design (pink thinking hat), produce and test the catapult (purple thinking hat) and then reflect on their success (orange thinking hat). First‐round success went to the team of Katelin and Shaleea but they were narrowly pipped in round 2 when the team of Marni, Felix and Lochlan launched their LEGO figure the furthest.  The activity was one of a range of STEAM – science, technology, engineering, art and maths – projects students are involved in at school. Another challenge is set for later this week. ‐ Ms Hartigan NOTE: No students or animals were hurt during this STEAM activity. However, one LEGO figurine is now a permanent part of the Iona Public School COLA structure. Oops!   

Page 3: Learning Together in Harmony - iona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t









Hand Foot and Mouth We have had a reported case of hand, foot and mouth disease.  Please keep your child home from school if they are displaying any symptoms.  Woodville School of Arts Woodville School of Arts AGM is on Tuesday 27 November at 6:30pm.  All Welcome.  

Page 4: Learning Together in Harmony - iona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t

Appendix 2 Management Committee member nomination form



I ………………………………….……………of ……………………………………………… (Name) (Address)

being a financial member of the Woodville School of Arts Incorporated do hereby nominate

………………………………………………………………………. to the position of

President/Deputy President/Secretary/Treasurer/Management Committee Member

(Cross out whichever is not applicable)

for the financial year ………………………………….…… ……………… (Signed) (Dated) SECONDER

I ……………………………………..…………of ………………………………………………

(Name) (Address)

being a financial member of the Woodville School of Arts Incorporated do hereby second this


………………………………………… ……………… (Signed) (Dated)


I ……………………………...…………….of ………………………………………………… (Name) (Address)

hereby accept nomination.

……………………………………………………… ……………….

(Signed) (Dated)


Certified that the nominator, seconder and nominee are financial members.

………………… Treasurer 


Page 5: Learning Together in Harmony - iona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t
Page 6: Learning Together in Harmony - iona-p.schools.nsw.gov.au€¦ · keep reading the newsletter for further information. Beeswax Wraps If you haven’t bought any so far please don’t

Woodville School of Arts Inc

Membership renewal form I, ...................................................………………………............................................................................

[full name of member]

hereby apply to renew my membership of the Woodville School of Arts Incorporated

................................................................. …………………………………

[Signature] [Date]

Contact details: Circle Preferred method – phone/text/email/postal ..............................................…………………………………………………........................................

[postal address]



………………….…………………..………….… …………………………..………………….. [telephone]


I wish all information, other than my name, to remain private: YES/NO

I attach $……….. Membership fee


I have deposited a membership fee of $…….. to Woodville School of Arts 637 000 Account 7234 58455 Note: This membership covers both the Woodville School of Arts Inc and the unincorporated Woodville School of Arts. It is the unincorporated Woodville School of Arts for which you are paying an annual fee of Single $20/ Household $30

Return this form to [email protected], drop it into the Store, or mail it to The Treasurer, Woodville School of Arts, C/- Woodville General Store, 229 Clarence Town Road, Woodville, 2321.

Either enclose your membership fee or pay it into our account Woodville School of Arts BSB 637 000 Account 7234 58455 If direct depositing, please send us an email identifying your funds [email protected]

Treasurer Helen McCall Phone: (02) 4938 5308 https://www.facebook.com/WoodvilleSchoolOfA

rinted 28/06/2018