88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected] warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook Newsletter 16th October 2017 Term 4 Week 2 Welcome Back A warm welcome back to all students and Staff for what I am sure will be an extremely busy Term 4, as is usually the case. I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break. There are a few changes for the start of the Term. For those who may not already know, Ms McFarlane has taken a few weeks Long Service Leave from last Wednesday so I will be filling in as Relieving Principal. Mr Newling will be taking over as the PE teacher, and he will be following my program of lessons. Mr Batchelor will fill in as Acting Assistant Principal. Anniversary Celebrations As well as our normal timetable of events for the Term, we have our 125th Anniversary Celebrations which include our Spring Fair on Saturday 11th November from 1.00pm to 6.00pm. There has been an incredible amount of work already undertaken by many people to ensure the success of our Anniver- sary Celebrations, and our Spring Fair promises to be a really exciting afternoon of fun activities with rides, stalls, performances, raffles and much more so please keep the date in mind - as it is not too far off. There is more information about the Fair detailed later in the Newsletter. Orientations Term 4 is also traditionally a very busy time for transition in schools and this can impact on many of our students and staff. Our new 2018 Kindergarten students have their first Kinder Orientation visit starting this Wednesday at 10.00am. They will be supported through their Kinder Train orientation by our wonderful teachers and their supportive Year 5 buddies. This is obviously a very exciting and sometimes stressful time for the little ones and their parents. Later in the Term our Year 6 students will be visiting their local high schools for support programs and orienta- tion days in preparation for transition to Year 7 in 2018. Year 5 students who are in zone for Warners Bay High will also soon have the chance to take part in the ‘Year 7 for a Day’ program. Excursions Our Year 5 and Year 6 students arrived home last Thursday night after experiencing a fantastic Canberra excursion expe- rience. The students who turned up on Friday looked very tired and worn out, but also very excited about their week away together. It really is a wonderful educational experience and one that they will always remember. It is always ex- tremely pleasing to hear our Staff speak so highly of our students, especially when they take them away for an extended time, and once again our teachers were full of praise for the excellent behaviour displayed at Canberra. There were only positive comments from the Staff at all the venues our students visited. A huge thanks to our dedicated Staff who gave up their time to attend – Ms Patrick, Miss Jones, Mr Hull, Miss Wright and Mrs Bird. They also looked very tired last Friday but also very satisfied and proud of our students. Upcoming Events Wed 18 Oct Kindy 2018 Orientation Thurs 19 Oct Speech Pathologist Presentation 9am-10am Wed 25 Oct Glenrock Lagoon—Year 3 Thurs 26 Oct Glenrock Lagoon— Year 4 Sat 11th Nov Spring Fair Thurs 7th Dec Presentation Day Mon 11th Dec Year 6 Farewell Dinner Celebrating 125 years of education at Warners Bay Public School 1892-2017 Gala Night Cancellation Unfortunately due to a lack of ticket sales, the 125th Anniversary Gala Night has been cancelled. After initial consultation with parents, ticket prices were lowered and the venue was changed to suit. A lot of work has gone into planning and organising the event and it’s disappointing that we are unable to go ahead, however it is not viable to hold the event with such low ticket sales. For those that have bought tickets, money will be refunded as soon as possible. The 125th Anniversary is a special occasion for our school and we are now appealing to the school community to throw their support behind our Spring Fair to ensure that this occasion gets the recognition it deserves.

Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

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Page 1: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

Newsletter 16th October 2017 Term 4 Week 2

Welcome Back

A warm welcome back to all students and Staff for what I am sure will be an extremely busy Term 4, as is usually the case.

I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable break. There are a few changes for the start of the Term. For those who

may not already know, Ms McFarlane has taken a few weeks Long Service Leave from last Wednesday so I will be filling in

as Relieving Principal. Mr Newling will be taking over as the PE teacher, and he will be following my program of lessons. Mr

Batchelor will fill in as Acting Assistant Principal.

Anniversary Celebrations

As well as our normal timetable of events for the Term, we have our 125th Anniversary Celebrations which include our

Spring Fair on Saturday 11th November from 1.00pm to 6.00pm.

There has been an incredible amount of work already undertaken by many people to ensure the success of our Anniver-

sary Celebrations, and our Spring Fair promises to be a really exciting afternoon of

fun activities with rides, stalls, performances, raffles and much more so please keep

the date in mind - as it is not too far off. There is more information about the Fair

detailed later in the Newsletter.


Term 4 is also traditionally a very busy time for transition in schools and this can

impact on many of our students and staff. Our new 2018 Kindergarten students

have their first Kinder Orientation visit starting this Wednesday at 10.00am. They

will be supported through their Kinder Train orientation by our wonderful teachers

and their supportive Year 5 buddies. This is obviously a very exciting and sometimes

stressful time for the little ones and their parents. Later in the Term our Year 6

students will be visiting their local high schools for support programs and orienta-

tion days in preparation for transition to Year 7 in 2018. Year 5 students who are in

zone for Warners Bay High will also soon have the chance to take part in the ‘Year

7 for a Day’ program.


Our Year 5 and Year 6 students arrived home last Thursday night after experiencing a fantastic Canberra excursion expe-

rience. The students who turned up on Friday looked very tired and worn out, but also very excited about their week

away together. It really is a wonderful educational experience and one that they will always remember. It is always ex-

tremely pleasing to hear our Staff speak so highly of our students, especially when they take them away for an extended

time, and once again our teachers were full of praise for the excellent behaviour displayed at Canberra. There were only

positive comments from the Staff at all the venues our students visited. A huge thanks to our dedicated Staff who gave up

their time to attend – Ms Patrick, Miss Jones, Mr Hull, Miss Wright and Mrs Bird. They also looked very tired last Friday

but also very satisfied and proud of our students.

Upcoming Events

Wed 18 Oct Kindy 2018 Orientation

Thurs 19 Oct Speech Pathologist

Presentation 9am-10am

Wed 25 Oct Glenrock Lagoon—Year 3

Thurs 26 Oct Glenrock Lagoon— Year 4

Sat 11th Nov Spring Fair

Thurs 7th Dec Presentation Day

Mon 11th Dec Year 6 Farewell Dinner

Celebrating 125 years of education at Warners Bay Public School


Gala Night Cancellation

Unfortunately due to a lack of ticket sales, the 125th Anniversary Gala Night has been cancelled.

After initial consultation with parents, ticket prices were lowered and the venue was changed to suit. A lot of work has

gone into planning and organising the event and it’s disappointing that we are unable to go ahead, however it is not viable to

hold the event with such low ticket sales. For those that have bought tickets, money will be refunded as soon as possible.

The 125th Anniversary is a special occasion for our school and we are now appealing to the school community to throw

their support behind our Spring Fair to ensure that this occasion gets the recognition it deserves.

Page 2: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

Our Year 1 and Year 2 students also had a very exciting day at the Reptile Park last Friday and from all reports this was also

a very successful day and a wonderful educational experience. Ms Hamilton was very pleased with the overall behaviour

displayed by our students.

The majority of our Year 6 students are away again today, this time to the annual Science and Engineering Discovery Day at

St Mary’s Catholic College at Gateshead.

Term 4

Staff will be very busy in the coming weeks organising for the various programs and events that are to take place this

Term. We will endeavour to keep everyone informed as soon as decisions and dates have been decided on. At this stage

our Presentation day is set down for Thursday 7th December.


In Week 3 staff will be reviewing a number of policies currently operating in our schools.

These include:

Working with Children Check Policy

Protecting and Supporting Children and Young People Policy

School Attendance Policy

Student Discipline in Government Schools Policy


Mark Toohey

Relieving Principal

P & C News Welcome to a busy term 4.

Don't forget the Mango Drive, notes went home last week and are due back 26th October.

The P&C will be running a cake stall at the Spring Fair Market on 11th November - a note will go home next week asking

for donations of cakes, biscuits or slices for us to sell.

Thanks you,

Scott Wheeler

P&C President

Library Spring Fair History Display

We are all excited about our spring fair next month. A very special activity in the library will be our History Display. Of

special interest to past and present students will be our extensive collection of class photos, which date back to 1930.

Also of interest will be our collection of videos filmed at school camps, excursions and historical events in which the school


If you know anyone who has attended Warners Bay Public School over the last decades, please let them know all this items

will be here for them to enjoy some nostalgic moments.

MS Readathon

Congratulations to those students who have participated in the MS Readathon this year. You have made a difference to the

lives of people living with Multiple Sclerosis. The Readathon people have asked me to remind you all money and receipt

books must be with them before October 31.

Lost Property

All named lost property in the library bin has been returned its owner. All un-named items are now in separate crates. If

you have lost anything or would like to stock up on spare jumpers and jackets please come and have a look in the next cou-

ple of weeks. Everything left will be disposed of before the end of term.

Roslyn Beard

2019 Year 7 Selective High School

Notes are going home today to year 5 students with information regarding applications for selective high schools in 2019.

Applications are now open to current year 5 students and close on November 13th. If your child is interested in applying,

please see further details in the attached note.

Page 3: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

125th Anniversary Spring Fair

We are all very excited to share some details about our upcoming 125th Anniversary Spring Fair! The Fair will be

held on Saturday 11th November 2017, in the school grounds from 1pm-6pm.

The fair will feature exciting markets stalls such as; Lone Clothing Co, Charlotte Pointing Racing, Candles by Trish,

Bindi’s Flowers and Succulents, Doterra Oils, Sheeny B’s Made by Me, Trending Tarvey, Scrubba, Wild Grace Collec-

tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and

vinegar, Inka jewellery and Printables, Crochet coloured glasses- assorted home decor and baby handmade items,

Dial-a-Doctor, Creations from Deb’s Shed – Quilts and Crochet, Arbonne and many more!

There will be many food options available such as; Youbute Coffee, Newcastle Ice Cream and Coffee, Master Gozle-

me, Crafty Burger Co, Fairy floss, Popcorn, Snow Cones, Sausage Sizzle, Cake Stall and many more.

We have groups performing on the day including; All W.B.P.S. dance groups, WBPS guitar groups, WBPS drumming

groups, WBPS choir, WBPS rock band- Back to Basics, The Rhythm Factory, W.B.H.S student performers and Todd

Haywood. A note regarding times and costuming will be going home this week for school performers

Other entertainment featuring on the day will be kids amusements and rides, face painting, Newcastle Photo Booths

and hopefully a visit from the Fire Brigade. A note regarding the discounted pre purchasing of wristbands for an all-

day rides pass will be sent home this week.

Classes will have fun stalls. They will be selling items or participation activities using donations from our school com-

munity. These stalls will be manned by students, teachers and volunteers from the school community.

Our huge 125th Anniversary celebration Raffle will be drawn with many amazing prizes!

Each child will produce an artwork to be displayed in our Art Gallery.

And finally, ex- students and staff will be able to relive memories from the past at our History Display, with photos

and videos from the last 125 years of Warners Bay Public School.

It is sure to be a jam packed day full of fun! Thank you to the many people involved in making our Spring Fair come

alive! Stall holders, WBPS staff, parent volunteers, WBPS P&C, parent donations, businesses who have donated to

the raffle and other aspects of the day. If there are any stall holders or food stalls who would love to attend our fair

please contact the school office as soon as possible! Spots are filling up fast!

Please go to our school Facebook page Warners Bay Public School, like and share this event with all of your friends

and family.

We hope to see you there!!!!!

The Spring Fair Committee

Page 4: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

Stage One News

Welcome back, Term 4 already! Not much longer left as year 1 students now, Year 2 here we come!!

1D have been learning all about money and grouping this week. All students have loved the hands on activities. 1D have

also been busy creating stories and making their writing more interesting by using the Word of the Day words! But I am

pretty sure the best thing this term has been the excursion to the Australian Reptile Park last Friday. It was the ‘best day

ever’ many have said!

Don’t forget to return any home readers you may still have at home left over from the Holiday Reading Challenge!

All surveys do need to be returned promptly and don’t forget to let Stage 1 teachers know if you can help out with the

Stage 1 at the Spring Fair! It is going to be a great celebration!

Page 5: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

Stage Two News

Thank you to Stage 2 students who have returned to school settled and ready to learn. We have an exciting Term ahead

and the Stage two teachers can’t wait to not only see how much more we will grow, but also reflect on how far we have

come over the course of the entire year.

Some exciting events to look forward to:

Glenrock Excursion (Week 3), Don’t forget to return your notes and money

Spring Fair- November 11th

Presentation Day- December 7th

Party Day (Information to come)

Even though Term 3 seems a while ago, I’d like to thank all the students who attended the Touch Football Gala Day. We

had a successful day or fun and fair play!

What’s happening in 4B? 4B would like to welcome Mrs Lynch, our student teacher from Newcastle University, who will be spending 4 weeks on

our class and she develops the skills of becoming a teacher. 4B are very excited to have her visit and are enjoying the excit-

ing lessons she has already planned for them.

During Term 3, 4B worked hard in small groups to create a colony in Australia after the landing of the First Fleet. Each

group were given a BUILT ENVIRONMENT to construct. They had to research that environment and apply skills from

Mathematics such as 3D Shapes, Area and Position to build that environment. The task involved a lot of problem solving as

they were only allowed to use a limited amount of cardboard and had to stick to a strict scale.

After a meeting with the town planner, we decided where each zone of the colony would be best placed. The zones in-

clude; a jail, farm, marketplace, residential, school, church, hospital, barracks and trades.

Here is our colony as a whole.

Miss Muscat

Page 6: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

Page 7: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

Page 8: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook

Page 9: Newsletter - warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au · tive- beeswax wraps, Luv my Thermmie- Thermomix, Massage Therapist, Slaschengeist – gourmet dukkha, oils and vinegar, Inka jewellery

88 Mills Street, Warners Bay NSW 2282 02 49 488129 [email protected]

warnersbay-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Find us on Facebook