Katy Perry Her name is Katy and her surname is Perry. She is thirty years old and her birthday is on 25 th October. She is from California, USA so she is American. She has a younger brother, David and an older sister, Angela. She is a good singer, songwriter and actress. She is very beautiful, short and slim. She has got long, straight black hair and blue eyes. She is bizarre and happy. Her favourite food is chicken nuggets and her favourite colour is blue. Ana Margarida Pedra n.º 3 6º - 5ª

Katy Perry

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Katy Perry

Her name is Katy and her surname is Perry.She is thirty years old and her birthday is on 25 th October. She is from California, USA so she is American. She has a younger brother, David and an older sister, Angela.She is a good singer, songwriter and actress. She is very beautiful, short and slim. She has got long, straight black hair and blue eyes. She is bizarre and happy.Her favourite food is chicken nuggets and her favourite colour is blue.

Ana Margarida Pedra n.º 3

6º - 5ª