Jyotish_Brighu Prashna Nadi_RG Rao

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BRIGHUPRASHNANADI By RG.Rao PREFACE The BRUGHU PRASHNA NADI isa collection of the Systematic Study of The Great Oriental Sciences of Nadi Systemofthepastwhichisresultoriented(inan incrediblemanner)andwill be a guide line not only for the beginners but also professionals who are interested to adopt The Prashna System of Astrology. Although by the Blessings of the Almighty, I have been able to bring out several books. I am always humble enough to confess that I am only a student of the Oceanic field of the Astrology/ Astra-Palmistry, but Iwould not failto express my deep gratitude for the persons who are extending their helping handsand cooperationandmy thanksalsogoes to M/s SagarPublicationsforbringingoutthisbookata reasonablygoodperiod. R.G.RAO. BrighuPrashna Nadi How torefer tothe BhriguPrashnaNadi 1.The Bhrigu Prashna Nadicontains107predictions, each predictioncommencingon a distinctive page, numbered fium1 to107. 2.Tofmdout,whichof theabove107predictionsis applicabletoaparticularquerent/consultorapplythe followingprocedure: a)Notetheyear of birthof the native. b)Note thecompletednumber of yearsof thenative's age,ason date of the query. c)Subtract the completed number of years of the natives agefiDm107. The remainder will indicate a distinctive number between 0&107. 3.Refertothepredictionwhichisassignedtotheabove distinctivenumber. 4.Occasionally, it may be seen that predictions are assigned todistinctivenumberswhicharefractionssuchas 711/2 etc.In suchcases boththe predictions 71&71i!, or either of them maybe applicable; hence it isadvisable toreadout both. 5.Before reading the predictions, the astrologer should recite the Guru Mantra to which he has been initiated. In absence of this, he may recite the following mantra with complete devotion: OMSRI JAGADEESWARAYANAMAHA BrighuPrashna Nadi Example1 A querent/consultor born on 15-2-1955 approaches for the nadireading on1-4-1993.The procedure tobeemployedisas follows: a)The completed number of years of the native's age is 38. b)Subtract38from107giving remainder 69. c)Refer topage69of thepredictions. Example2 If a query pertains to a person, who has not yet completed one year of age, as on the date of the query, then refer to page 107, fortheprediction. Whileconsultingthe'PrashnaNadi'intheforegoing manner, page No 71should be reffered to and the predictions given there-inshould becommunicated.Occassionally,itsohappens thatthepredictionsgiveninpageNo.71or72applytothe consultant.That iswhy references to page numbersare given as page1/2inmanyof thepagescontainingthepredictionsof horoscopes. Brighu Prashna Nadi3 107 jOM Now, thequestionyouareaskingabout a person whois born under a healthy 'Suyoga'. Regarding the educational aspects andthewelfare,theprosperityandthecareerof lifewillbe enshrinedinaverygoodmanner inallaspectsof life. Further, theperson whom the questionisaskedisalsoa person who hasgot good respect inelders(like allelders,Gurus and over respectable persons) and also the person is a veryhelping personandhedoesnothesitatetocomeforwardtohelpany person, even foregoing his own personal works and sometimes at hiscost too. Theyogakarakas- thatmeanstheY ogasof thisperson startsafter5Samvatsarasandduetothiskindof Y ogasof the aspiarant- i.e.the person- theperson'sparentswillbehighly benefittedin thefieldsof speculations,allkindsof transactions, evenin the fieldof incomes- i.e. thefinancialaspectsandlot of money,wealthwillcome tothem andthiswillcome unfailingly tothem(asstatedabove)andsurprising thingseven the persons whoremainsand happens tobe the guardianswillcome forward tocooperateforthe prosperityandgains. But, unfortunately, the person, due to the previous karmas will have to suffer fium diseases and the disease will be cured fium a doctor whowill be from the East side. All kinds of evils can be eradicated by pooja. Within few monthsallkindsof goodthingsandauspiciousthingswilltake place. Also it can be seen that the said person will be a prominent, influentialpersonin'Raja Dwara'i.e.entrance toa palace. Also,itis tobe notedthat thepersonwillenjoyallsorts of happiness,andprosperitybyperformingthesaidpooja. Thus, it brings him all prosperity, thus by the removal of evil things. 4Brighu Prashna Nadi 106 Thepersonwhoisinquestionnow,isbornwiththe AMSHA what isknown as RASA YOGAandalthough the Rasa Yoga is good, the native, is likely to suffer from the mental worries veryoften(underconstantmentalworries)andthepersonin question has to come up in life only from different I or other places (i.e. away from his birth place) and in order to see that this person can reduce the mental worries, he will have to perform POOJA OF the peron's"Manobhina Devatha,"means the Lord to whom his willingnessandconciousness,hisbentof mindandinclination maypermit,andbyperformingsuchpoojas,thechancesare greater thatthe personcanavoidthementalworriestoalarger extent,whichwillwardoff thementalworries,andinorder to obtainpeace of mindtoalarger extent. Further, it can be seen that the person is a burden to mother andthelater half isa burden tofather.But in order to reduce or lessen the burden oflife in such case, the person will have to place goodof threecolour wherethereisJunctionof theseroadsor pointswithDakshina-Deepa(withofferingsof somethingto deservingpersonandlampa lighten)andthiswillwardoff the evilsandthe personissure toenjoyprosperity. Also, the person enjoys help from a Doctor from the South and the West. After a lapse of 10 months period the health of the person and Poorvadosha (the law karma) will be reduced to a larger extentandtheplaceinwhichthispersonisbornwillbring prosperity from the New Samvatsara- the new year.This person can enjoy intelligence only by patience or slow process. There are chancesof breakintheeducationalfieldbutthepersonwill compensate the loss by change of place "STALANTARE YOGA VRUDIDNASAMSHA YAHA".Afteraperiodof4 SAMV ATSARA, the person will bring wealth in the form ofland, house and the parents or the guardians will flourish by the person's yogas. For immediate relief and prosperity, it can take place now aroundanother three monthsand15daystime. Brighu Prashna Nadi5 105 This person in question although quite powerlul, will have suffer from 'Dusthamsha'- an amsha of evil- what is'Karala' or Karala Dusthamsha - because of thiscirlamsha the personwill have to undergomany problems in the field of education. It also leads to problems in health also like extreme cold, gastric troubles than mentalworries. Andalso,nowfromthe past oneyearandfourmonths there was/is Arishta Yoga and this is likely to continue for a further period of one year. In order to overcome these evils, the person, if prostrates before the Lord SREE PRASANNESWARA SWAMY Archana and if this is conducted for a continuous period of 5 weeks, there is no doubt that the person will be able to ward off the evils. Also the person will have to learn 'the knowledge of Machines' what is called'Yanthra Vidhya Anubhav' and the person can well prosper due to the training, knowledgeandexperience gained in the due course of timeanditisessentialthat the personshouldbevery careful from- i.e. always- or as far as possible to keep away from fire and vehicles and this is to be noted in particulars and avoiding such thingsisalwaysgood to the person. The person in question who wants to know the answer will havetowaitforafurtherperiodof eight. monthsandheenjoys prosperityin hisprofessionandauspiciousandgood thingswill alsotake place.Andin thisconnectiona good friendwillalso come forwardtohelp.Even friends,whoarenot nowin good terms or who are not connected properly or who are disconnected due tovariousreasonswillcomecloser andwillbe helpful. 6BrighuPrashna Nadi 104 Thispersoninquestionisseentobeverypious,very simpleandsimple-heartedperson. Also,it canbeseen that the personisalwaysaffectionate toanybodyandit willnot bedifficult foranypersontoapproach him,- because the person isgenerally easy going, simple thinking andwhencomestoliking,affectionandlove,hecanbeeasily reliableandapproachable. Further,regardingtheeducationalaspects,theperson enjoyseducationalvalueswithoutmuchdifficulties,likethe father,in anassemblyof intellectualsandacademicandeducated people hecanputforth hisprominenceandalwayslike people of good-natured,peopleof intellectualandeducationalvaluesand always desirous of 'Sajjana Sangha'-the union andmingling with goodandclasspersonsandheisveryparticular inselectingand joininggoodfriendsandpeople. Though this person's father will have to suffer by something inthemiddle,thesamewillbeerodedoff orward-off/inearlier stages and the whole familywill enjoy happiness and peacefulness. Also, thispersonwillnot give room to partialitiesandall peoplewillbeabletofreelymovewithhim andbythushewill enjoy a nick-named life and enjoys good "Keerthi"-the prosperous life.Also, will be able to become a good proffessionalist, andalso agoodcommercial/goodbusinessmanandenjoysexperiencein thefieldof justice, Dharma etc. Alsoenjoyshomelife, vehicles andpropertiesof landandwillbewithaffectionwithsistersand brothers. Thispersonislikelytosufferfromnervoustroublesand due tolack of vitaminsandcausing debilityingeneralhealthand unhealthyconditionsandgraduallywillrecoverfromill-health. Afteraperiodof oneSamvatsaratheguardians/personsof this native willenjoy prosperity, profit andgoodnew fromsourcesof variousnature. Thispersonneednotworry.Thepersonisdivine,and enjoysacleanlife. BrighuPrashna Nadi "DWIPANDITYASIIOBHITAHA:LOKAKEERTI VISIIESIIITIIAIIA". This person willenjoygreat Learnedness,andknowledge andbringsprosperitytofather/guardianinprofessiondueto Mangala Yoga and wealth and money will come. The uprise of this willbringgreatprosperity-called'TILAKAPRAYA'andby makingGruhaShanthi- alltheattainmentswillbeachieved. 8Brighu Prashna Nadi 103 Thispersoninquestionisalwaysduty-minded,always thinking of work andisdutiful andalwaysthinking logically, also discussesthingsthroughproperknowledgeandeducation. This person will always strive for self-respect. Also, due to Poorva-Punya, the person enjoys1 ifewithout much difficulty. But alwayssuffersfromcold,andmentalworriesandifthisperson gives proper attention to divinity and it brings prosperity in life and also good health.Also expert in 'Guru Vidhya' and also many will getsanctity-Moksha_- Salvationbecauseof thisperson.Such peoplewillenjoyintellectuallifeduetothehelpofferedbythis person.Alsohecollectslotofwealth,mereisnopaucityfor financialaspects. Becauseof 'StreeNindana'- Doshaorcursefromthe woman/womenfolkinthepreviousbirth(the janma),onlyafter a lapseof 7masa(Months),hecanexpectprosperity.Bythe prostrationbeforetheLordof Prosperity.BytheProstration beforetheLordof 'SreeDattaGuru',Auspiciousactivitieswill takeplaceathome.Also,foranothertwo'Samvatsaras'the personshouldnotconsume food/thingsmingledwithVatha- the gastricandwatery,foranother twoSamvatsarasandthisistobe strictlyavoided.Laterthereisnodoubtof 'Yoga Vridhi'. "TADUNTEYOGAVRIDIIINASAMSIIA YAHA" Brighu Prashna Nadi9 102 The person in question looks delightfully handsome- so to say beautiful in the physical appearance- the one who wants to live the consummation of Yoga- what iscalled'Yoga Jeevi' and also enjoying the'Bogha'the materialaspect of life.Also the person isalwaysspeculative- Vishayanubhavi- amaterialistically enjoyingpersonandisvery muchinterestedin thecollection of articles- maybe antiquesor thingsof high value. Thepersongenerallyoneofall-likedoneandinthe previous -due to'Asambadha Vrithi'-means anoccupation /or/ profession of ill-will, will now, in this birth suffers fium restlessness, diseases,sufferswithout mentalpeaceandalsoconstantlybeing attackedbyenemies,andinordertoward-Dffsuchevils,the personwillhavetoofferfood,Daana,andDakshinafor3 Sumangalis or Mutaidays - means women folk who are auspiciously concernedwithmarriedlifewithchildren - andon every fridays darshanwillhave to taken of'The Goddess Annapurneshwari' andbythatthepersonwillreducethesufferingsduetohis Poorva.JjithaKarmas.Also,thereisSpecialprosperitycalled 'Vishesha Sukha Yoga'.This person brings prosperity not only to the birth place and also for the elders and his surroundings, and also the elderly person will enjoy wealth, homely life, speculations, transactions,andoccupations/professionalfields.,andallthis good things will happen after one Samvatsara and 4 mas as and one Paksha andunfailinglyalltheseShubha willtake place. "SARASARATHISOWBHAGYASAMAYUKTO/JEEVJYOGA BHOOTLAI" DARPAVRITHIVJSJJESIJJTJIAHA;SAKRA VAHANA SAMASSWJTJIAJJA; Alsothepersonwillleadandenjoyalifefullyin cooperationandsatisfaction of guardian/parents.By the time of completionof15thSamvatsara,fromnow,hewillbewell educatedwhilecompletinghiseducation. 10Brighu Prashna Nadi 101 Thispersoninquestionhailsfromahigh-gradefamily. Evenhisancestorsenjoyedgoodyogakarakaperiods.This person, in this present birth, willenjoylot of prosperity, wealth etc. But this person is slow and cumbersome, covers education with stubbornness, and although slow, enjoys educational values. The qualities of this person isslow, mutual faithand self-working type.There isshubha afterthechaithra masamavasya.For a another threeyearsthereisonlymedium results,suffering fium illness but there iseternal happiness.The person enjoysShubha by'Siva Pooja'. The person enjoys an occupation of Sacred and High order seat and enjoysI ife in various c:spects: Suffers from excess of heat, gastric troubles, although not very talkative, will manage in wmks or deeds.Although there isa fire accident to the life, there are chancesof escape andcomes out successfully.In the beginning slow,andless profitableandin futurespecialprofit and benefits will be available. He is adjustable to his parents and cooperative. Disputestothepersonandamongelderbrothersisconstant. Althoughmisunderstandingisthere withfather,it is temporary. Always well mixing with youngsters, a person of wisdom, andnot tobe worried because of Shubha yogas. BrighuPrashna Nadi 11 100 This person in question enjoys'Karnica Yoga'and enjoys anexcellentfacevaluewithShubhaAuspicious- Yogas.This person treats both good and bad persons equally. Enjoys life with 'Buddhi' -means Great wisdom and intelligence. Enjoys proficiency intwotypesof Vidhyas- (theknowledgeintwobranches specially)- anablebodiesadministrator- meansDaksha- and Vilasaya Maya- means quite a materialistic life. But there is Alpa Shrama due totheAmsha of thenativeat the birth time. Thepersonenjoysindependentprofession/occupation-suffersfromcold,andsomeexcessof heatalsobutisableto overcome them. A loves-to travels, and builds a great institution. Willhave tocommitfraudon mediumscaleincorrespondence, transaction at Rajadwara - an entrance to palace or kingdom.The native's mothers suffers from ill-health and the native's parent i.e. fatherenjoysprosperityafterNavamsha(9Months).Butthis personwillovercomealldifficultiestotheabovesaid'Karnica Yoga' and enjoys life.The native's father has little lands, wealth, prominancein profession,allthisin Dasarnarnsatve. In order toward-off theevils,the personcanundertake 'Shivarchana'foramandalaandthisbrings'Parihara'means solution,bringsgoodthings,(meansshubha)andmcommg prosperity(ShubhaAgarnana)andallsuch things. 12Brighu Prashna Nadi 99 Thispersoninquestionhailsfiumafamilyof ancestors whoenjoyedyogicvalues,andthepersonalwaysthinksabout yogasanditsvalues.Thepersonishavinggoodpatienceand always generous and even at the cost of his shortages can offer to help others, Self-righteousin thinking,and overcomes problems duetoabssess(Vrana)andbronchotis/coughtroubles.The intelligence increases to this person fium the10 to11th years after hisbirth,andiscapabletopreventfromill-healthandalways company with people of intellectual knowledge and good capacity insociety.,andbythecooperationsof pious(Satwika)people. Theperson becomesanexpertandextraordinarytalentedwith excellent educational background, and by the end of 21/22 will be able to complete the education and enters to a successful profession and enjoys life.The lift and life with parents, relative and friends isalwayscooperative,goodandenjoyable. Anyhow, asthe person is in conjunction with Rahu Dosha and Chandra, the said person can prostrate himself before the Lord Sree Nrusimha with Asthotras and after twomasas(months)will bewarded off fium evileffects andenjoyslife in allaspects. Also the person enjoys intellectual thoughts and enjoys good travels(for goodcause),andinrespectof homeandwealthallauspicious aspects,andsoundfmancialcondition,areallacquiredbythe person. BrighuPrashna Nadi 13 98 Thispersonin questionisobservedtobe born under the 'Sadyoga'of "SUDHAKARA" and thisperson isborn in a full-fledgedfamilywithhisMoolaand onlyat theagesoFDasama' and'Ekadasa', the personislikelytosuffer fromill-health,due to'Poorvaristha'i.e.poorvakarmaandsufferingfromill-wills andin little timeisdisplacedwhatiscalled' Stana Pallata'. Hence, in order to ward-off from such evils the native will havetoconductpoojasandprostratebeforetheLordSree Vigneswara and thus will be able to overcome all the evils and also byconductingthispooja,willbeabletobringprosperityand happinesstoparentsandalsoenjoysownhome,andfatherwill havelittledisplacementinoccupations/professionsandallgood things of life can be enjoyed. Also income and financial gains from nearbysourcesisalsoavailableand benefit evenin the relations circle and from relations circles. Also the father of this person will be abletoenjoy hislifeandallprevioustroublesaresolvedand newwayforearningswillbegot.Alsotheobstacles of the past islost thusleading to prosperityandhappylife. Aftertheageof 30yearsof thisperson,hewillenjoys vehicles,independenceandgoodlifeandalsothereisKireeta GruhaNirmana Yoga. So by 30 years (between (28-30) the person willenjoyexcellent, happylifeandwithgoodcooperationfrom hisbrothers/sisters_For thisperson: "SIIASTHI BANAMITE VARSHE YOGA VRIDIIIH"will beenjoyed. 14Brighu PrashnaNadi 97 Thequestionpertainingtothispersonwillbethat,the person isscintillation in look,withgreat proudnessand thiswill be the general walk of life. Because of his nature there isDosha forthe fatherbut thisobstaclescan be overcomebyperforming pooja to 'Sri Hari'. This person's desires are almost endless, and this person will not be trapped easily because of the finn will. Will havegoodeducationandbeingeducated,andknowledgeof techniques,enoughcriminalmindedness,willbepossessed. There are sharp obstacles 'Kantaka Yoga' at the age of 3 ,9 ,7and 11but can be overcome due to pooja to Sri Hari and also escapes a 'Ganda'- means danger point, and also escapes once from home, andreturnsby tracing one of the friendsandfor Shada Vimsha are there is lot of improvement, and prashna ]abba from good side will be available. The person will be cared with affection from his unclesides.Themother of thispersonwillbealwayssuffering frommentalworriesandthisdifficultycanbeovercomeby performing pooja to'Maavuda'GouriPooja'. Unfortunately, the birth place of this person offers troubles due to cheating, and the father suffers dissatisfaction in profession/ occupationandobstaclesforprosperityisseen. Anyhow,after7Masa(Months)goodresultscanbe expected.Also by performing the'Hari Pooja'the personissure to overcome by difficulties,obstacles resulting in 'AristhaParihara' andenjoysgoodlife. Benefitsin the educationalsides,happyandcomfortable life.It alsocan benotedthat: "ALPAAHAM,DARPA VARJITE,YOGA JEEVINASAMSHAYAHA" Brighu Prashna Nadi 15 96 The aspect of time of the questionnaire in the context falls underTheAspectof Sun(thefortunatingaspectsof SHASHI DIW AKARAYOGA),andthe followingaresome of results of suchfortunating- aspects. The elders/ ancestors of the native enjoyed great name and fame, and were able to trace out their aspects of benefits and gains by displacement(i.echange of place).The nativein the present contextwillbesufferingduetoindispositions(i.e.ill-health aspects),besidesconsiderablerestlessness.Andbesidesthis, there aresome defectiveaspectsof pre-adult(BALARISHTHA) symptoms,andsomeimpedimental/obstructionalaspectswillbe often peepingin,inlinesof educationalaspectstoo.Anyhow, such unwarrantable inauspicious aspects can well be controlled by the concept of Divine deeds and thoughts, besides worshipping the Lordsof theRespectiveNinePlanets(NAV AGRAHA)inthe worshipping and Japa forms and from the time in which the native questionedandafteraperiod of One year andeight months, the aspects will be good and later on till the subsequent periods of eight yearsandfourmonths, the periodsare good, besides prosperity and developmentsin educationalaspects tooand within that time the parents of the native also will be enjoyingconsiderable good fortunatingaspects,andtheaspectof career_alsowillbeinan ascending order and the aspect of income in the family,alsowill be verymuchsatisfactorywithprofitabilityandgains. Further, the nativeisquite anintelligent person,beside a person of amiable-with-all-minded person, and will be able to earn knowledge, although, if it should be through hardship means, with considerable expertness. There will-be wide travelling aspect too. Anyhow at the ages of3 - ~ 3 1 1 2 the native will have to overcome someoftheaspectsofaccusations,besidesconsiderable indispositions(aspectsof ill-health)andsometrouble-shooting aspectsthroughacquaintancesandalso the aspects of career will be lack-lustre and disappointing too.Later on the prosperity will be considerablyfavourable.Aftertheagesof 25,theaspectof prosperity and gains can be seen, and aspect of career/earning will be quite respectable and will be helpful to the parents. He is always 16Brighu Prashna Nadi well behaving and obedient to elders, while offering his respect to elders. Anyhowsome defective aspect will be there aspecting the progenicalorderandthiscanbeovercomebyworshippingthe planet of TheDragonHead. Brighu Prashna Nadi 17 95 Theaspectof timeof thequestionnaireinthepresent contextfallsundertheaspectsofthe'fortunesofARKA ANGARAKA YOGA'- the aspects of The Kuja- The Mars, and the resultswould be asfollows: The native is quite an intelligent person and will be a duty-bound-minded person, but there will be aspects of stubbornness, besides considerable emotional aspects too. During the course of theinitialstagesoflife,thenativewillhavetoovercome endangeringsituations due toweaponsandsurgicalinstruments. Also,at the timeof question the aspect of Sun andMarswillbe indefectivepositions,andinorder toovercome- someof the inauspicious aspects, besides unwarranted aspects,it isadvisable on the part of the native to worship such respective LORD OF THE RESPECTIVE NINE PLANETS in order to gain further prosperity and gains and also to prevent from obstructional and impedimenta! aspects, by means of conduct Japas, Homas(worshipping toand throughtheLordof Fire- Agni).Thenativewillbequite knowledgeableinaspectsof peace up-bringingaspects. Anyhow, till the ages of 22 years of the native the aspect of educational will be in one aspect and later on will be undergoing studiesin some other aspects of knowledge and after undergoing sucheducationalaspects,andaftera period-of fouryears,there will be some career aspects, but interdependent (not independent) andwheresome cooperation from the governmentalsides can be expected and the aspect of the settlement would, from such times, begin but at the same time, the persons who were responsible and who offered their cooperation while extending their helping hand, may become a cause of accusing the native, but still the native will be able overcoming some of such enimical aspects and fmally will beable tocome out successfully. The native will be able to possess independent - vehicular gains,andwillbeabletoearnself-earningpropertyaspects. Anyhow, some aspects of misunderstanding unharmenous aspects willbe there,aspecting his familylife.Anyhow,fromthe very moment of questioning, there will be some cruel eyeing of some 18Brighu Prashna Nadi of theplanets,- butsomeof theunwarrantable,inauspicious aspectsduetosuchplaneticactions,thenativewillbeableto overcomethembyworshippingtheGoddess- MotherSREE MATH A by Japasand etcand fromthe time of questioning and after a period of four months and18 days, the periods will be good. BrighuPrashna Nadi 19 94 The questionnaire in the context falls under the fortunating aspectsof ARKA BRHUSPATHI SAMYOGA. The Jupiter aspectingisscintillating,andisthe question putundersuchfortunatingtime,andisanindicationthatthe questionnaire will be able to enjoy great commanding respectability in the society with considerable eminance and also he will be well inclined tocommit such noble deeds pertaining tothe concept of divine perception;besideshewillbe abletoenjoyconsiderable supportsfiumeldersandLearnedMastersduringthecourse of such noble deeds and can expect very good cooperation. Besides, he will be a person wellrespected by the society, and the time af whichthequestionwasaskedalsocontainssomeinauspicious aspectslikerestlessnessof mindandsome of the unwarrantable aspects and such aspects can well be prevented by prostrating and worshippingtheGoddessMotherSRIMANONMANIDEVI, who will be able to ward-off all such unwarrantable aspects, while bringing the native peace of mind and good results, besides this a little medicationwillalsobe asupporting factor. Anyhow, the native is quite anintelligent, pious and well behaving mannered type and the aspects of prosperity, development and gains are considerable good, and for a period of nine years i.e. fromthetimeof havingaskedthequestion- willbeenjoying considerableknowledgeinvariousaspects,wellprogressingin knowledge-orientededucationalaspectsandif thewillpermits evenmaygotheextentof relinquishingthemundaneaspects, where his patience, piousness and hiswordswillbe smooth and greatlyfruitful.And alsoinsubsequent periods, he willbe able toenjoyprofitabilityaspectingsomecommandingpositions, besidesopportunitiesforabroadtravelling- too. Also, the native remains a factor of great cooperation to his parents, elders and persons who were responsible for his upbringing, butasfarastherelationshipandharmoniousnessbetweenthe husbandandwifewillbelack-lustre. The native duringtheagesof his30 - 40willbe able to consolidatepropertyaspects(pertainingtolandgains,house 20Brighu Prashna Nadi propertyownernshipetc)besidesvehiculargains(possessing vehiclesetc)andlife tilltheagesof 81are considerably,favour, filledwithhappinessandbesidesconsiderableprosperityand gains. BrighuPrashna N adi21 93 The 'Prashna Kala'- the time of question of this person is auspiciousand good under 'Subhakara'yoga.The person enjoys, happiness, peace of mindand luxury.The father of this personis abouttogetridof bythedifficultiesandsuchperiodisfast approaching. Changes in the household and profession/occupation islikely totakeplace.Inthenext'Samvatsara'meanstheyear, auspiciousthingspertainingtohomeandpeoplepertainingto homewilltake place.The mother enjoysgoodtime and because of her good time- that means good yoga- the entire home enjoys good deeds,a happy time andauspicious thingswilltake place at home. This person comes into contact withinfluential persons for better prospectus, prosperity but presently, thereisasign of bad healthandbadunion/friendshipwhichis'Kantaka'- means inauspicious.Unfortunately,andunnecessarilydisturbancein familyaspectsandunnecessaryblamesandaftera periodsof one year andeight months thereis'SHUBHA PHALA'.Afterwards therewillbe difficultyineducationalfield.There islikely tobe prosperityintechnicallineanddisputeamongbrother/sister relations.Interested in accumulating finance, will be co-operative to parentsandalwaysdivine mindedandenjoyslife till the end of 78yearsand4months.The abovearethemixed'Phalas'of the individual. "PUTRA PAUTRA VRIDHI-TRUJAYATEMANASYANTI NASAMSAYAHA-KUTUMBESOWBHAGYA" This person issuffering from ill-health which can be cured dueto'GODANA'whichbringshappinessandremovalof bad health. The results regarding the family-tree of this person can be seenin the first half.Little effortsin bodilyeffects- till98there isgoodtimeandenjoysthe'DIVINE BLISS'intheend. 22Brighu Prashna Nadi 91&90 This personin question hails froma good family,andin theinitialstage of lifehegivesnormalburdensin thedecision. Although,thispersonisquiteintelligent,sometimeslooseshis wisdom andalthough there iseducationalvalues, because of the 'PoorvaKarma'- meansLawof Deedsof thepastbirthoften introducesobstaclesandbringsunhappinessdisturbanceand unsteadinessinlife.Anyhow,in themeanwhilelittlefmancial benefitscanbeexpected.Eventhatisnotfairlygoodand guaranteed. Still this person has to suffer for 2 years and 8 months andafterwardstherewillbe goodincomeandfmancialposition becomes excellent from a big/large organisation. In the beginning troubles from bad people,unnecessary troubles, worries, difficulties, lossof fmance,lossof educationalvalues,abberationinmind (means unbalance,disturbance inmind)areseen.By constantly makingpooja or offferingprayers/or prostratebeforetheGod, everyday 2 times will bring good results and day-by-day there will be goodimprovement and after sometime, willbe able tolead an independentlifewithindependentprofession/occupation.The person is benefitted in and also there is chanceforforeigntravel.Aftersevenyearsfromnow,happy occasions like marriages, respectable job, andvarious happiness can be seen.Anormal, good life is seen.The beginning isvery bring, and difficult,withdesperate life.There is restlessnessof mindandlater on the lifeisgoodandfmdsindependentlinefor living. By the Archana of KSHUDRA DEY ATH A the person can ward-off his bad things, and drive the dusta-yogasandgood life. Brighu Prashna Nadi23 89&88 Theperson in question, in this Samvatsara, who questions, willhaveadisturbedmindandforfriendshipandloyaltyis unguaranteedandundeserving.Thisperson'smindisalready sufferingfromvariouskindof desiresandisdancingmost imbalancingly.The next questionispertaining toeducation and job/occupation/profession. But inspite of this, this person enjoys goodeducationalvalue bythe Darshanof Kartikeyaandenjoys richbenefitandeducationalqualifications,thougQthereareob staclesinhistrying periodsandby theendof thisyear,hegets profitsin occupation and materialism.Although there is'Amsa' foranoccupation/employment,the person hasyoga forawider experience and prosperity in his life.This person will fmd a way of living who can help many people and also being a guidance to many people, from this period within two years, the person suffers frommentalworriesandalsodueto"PREETIPOOJAYATE PUTRAVA.,NARIVIHINITAYANTI". From this period after 6sixyears the yoga of marriage is seenandfromthereonwardswithinoneyearsandsixmonths, there is stable, and good yoga for a job/occupation/profession and fi:Dmthere-on-wardsthereisimprovementday-by-day.His permananetplaceforimprovement/developmentisfi:DmNew Year. The parent of this person is worried in mind due to 'Vrana'. Thispersonwantstotrytosomespecialthing'(Vishesha karya prayathna) and even in thisaspect,it takesanother 8 monthsand three weeks. Asalreadystated,afteraperiodof twoyears,thereis beginning of a permanent, large establishment for further prosperity withgoodincomeandfinancialstatus:andwillbe married toa goodlooking,goodfamilybrideandalsoenjoysvehicles, benefits,andevenrelativesgetssuprisedatthesuccessof this person's life and good cooperation from the parental side and also good,auspiciousthingsforbrotherandsistersof theperson. Fathergetsfmancialbenefitsandcourtspeculationwillbe successful.After passing the'Panchavimsha'age enjoysvarious sourcesand fmancialgains, benefitswillbe excellent.Success, fame, and happiness in familycircles by children and allkinds of happinesswillbe available to the person. 24BrighuPrashna Nadi OM SRI GANESHAYANAMAHAOM 87&86(1) Thequestionnairehereisquiteintelligent.Althoughthe personisquiteintelligentpersonsuffersduetoobstaclesin the sphere/field of education but there are good yogas and enjoys fame andnamewhichare relatedwith great bravity(Pratapa).Bythe good yo gas of this person, (the family persons,) in their occupations/ professions respectively will enjoy great improvement/development andalsoimprovement inhouse-holdaspectsandonlyinanother 3-4yearsalltheseyogaswillcombinetogetherforagoodand auspicious thingstocomein time andwilltake place indomestic level.Eventhelittledisputenowinunsolvedconditionwith arguements willcome toa peaceful end which solves the problem. This questionnaire, after a period of 8 monthsand15days afterconsultingthisastrologicalaspectswillenjoyalltheyogas and auspicious aspects. Also travelling in wider circle/ on broader scale chancesare alsoavailable.The MANI PAKSHI which isin his thoughts/heart must be kept away from mind, and hence hereby suggested to conduct/perform Archana to Sree Mani MATESWARI andlaterontherearenoobstacles,andachievementsand improvementsare surelyavailable without failand thisalso helps the elders of the family and financial gains can be seen in 2-3 ways. So during 23-24 years of age of this aspirant; the parents will enjoy greatimprovementsduetogoodyogasof theaspirant. SHUBIIAM BrighuPrashna Nadi OM SRI GANESHAYANAMAHA OM 87 &86(2) 25 This horoscopic person is hailing froma noble, respectable family.Althoughsuffers fromsome disgusted periods, the person by hisownintelligenceandshrewdmindisable come upwellin educationalfields,andaswellasfinancialspheres.Anyhow, this person hasegoism that hehimself isthe great andexcept thisone weak point, alltheother yo gasof thepersonaregood.Anyhow, without proper thinking if the person enters dealings, the chances are that hesufferspit-falls.However, there are great chances that theeducationalaspectsareverygood.Theeldersof hisfamily duringthecourseof theyearhasgreaterchancesofgetting financialgainsandauspicioushappeningswilltakeplacein domestic/homelevel.Fromthetimeof questioningnow,the personwithin11/2yearsenjoysgreatsuccess.The personwill enjoyagreatseatofMastershipofgreatinstitution,enjoys independence, fameandname andenjoysa commanding position (DarpaYoga)andregardingoccupation/profession,theperson must complete the age of 25or must enter the 25th age because the YogaKaraka of Saturn/Shukra withtheircombinationswilloffer bytheirblessings,enjoysspecialyo gasandanyhow,faces difficultiesinprofessional/occupation lifebecause of betrayalby this opponents and this kind of betrayal will have to be faced in the next 3rdyear fromnow.Henceinorder toward off thiskindof evilthepersonissuggestedtoconductIperformSRI V ASUNDESWARIPOOJA,sothatthissacredperformance/ poojawillwardofftheevilsbutalsobringstheaspirantgreat success,preventsobstacles,keepsawaytheenemies/opponents andtheambitionsanddesiresgetsfulfilledandbytheend of26th ageallgoodandauspiciousthingswithsuccesswillbeachieved andeventheprofessional/occupationalpositionsgetsstabilised establishedandevenbringsauspiciousnesstotheir brothersalso. Anyhow,thisperson'swifeisabitcapricious,mind-changing type and after marriage she becomesa permanent dependant on the aspirantalone,withgreatbelief,andfaith. SHUBHAM 26Brighu Prashna Nadi COMMERCIAL/BUSINESSQUESTIONS 87&86(3) Thispersoninquestionissufferingfromnot findinga proper path- althoughthereisgoodwill.It isgenerallysaid 'WHERE THERE IS WILL THERE IS AWAY'. But this person has nowaythough there iswill,and isactuallysuffering, due to theaboveproblems.Thispersonislikingtoundertakeabig business/profession/occupation but unfortunately, the person who promised and the person for enterprise are doubtful and is trying tokeep-awayandkeep-quiet.Butthepersonhasgotgood intelligence,andisabletoearnalot by beingmere'talkative' Good talk with knack is the capital for this person. Has got enough educational background also.Unfortunately, even for persons in the familyof this person are now actuallysuffering from various kindsof difficultiesinthefieldof transactions,business,and commercialsandwalk-to-walkthereisdifficulty.Verymuch worried 'What is going to happen to the future' and unfortunately, even the well-wishersandrelativesandclose personswilltry to keepawayfromthe person.But fortunately,allthesetroubles, difficulties/problemswillbe solvedinwithin'Virnsha'masa. From this time at the year end of this year the Sarnvatsara, and bytheGrace of the God,thepersoncanexpectsomegood results and time and such chaya - the shade can be seen here. Not only the person earns through the means in which interest is taken but also from other specialwaysalso the person enjoysbenefits. Brighu Prashna Nadi27 87&86(4) The person in question involvesin more andmore trying tofurthertheprospects,ratherthanthepastyearandthereis 'Yoga'oflJetter fulfilmentof suchyogas.Also,thisperson,if tries and preservers for further venture, will easily get cooperation from various sides.The person should not get dejected or bored, but keeptryingandwillenjoybenefitsineducationalfieldsand manyotheraspects,butmustgiveupor defeatforthewillbut continue to try and try again.Don't stop - you will be successful -and wait andwork patientlyandsuccessisyours, and within 2 1/2 yearsyou gain above things.Be brave and youget famein society and Yogas are good. Love inside heart and lust, and sexual things are in the heart, and give up all these things and success is yours,becausenowaresufferingfrom'Ashanthi-restlessnessin mind.Becareful,judgeyourself andwaitandenjoythings patiently. Even yoga Abyasa - Y ogas will help you and keep mind in God and there is good chance for gifted knowledge.In another 3 months and 2 years, you will settle in life and afterwards you will enjoyhappiness,fame,profitfrommanysidesandanenjoyable life.Bepatientandworkhard.Thatisthesolutionforyour problems. 28Brighu Prashna Nadi 'VIDYA 13HANJA YOGA' ff!&86(5) The person in question prospers in life by self-judgement-intelligence and self-power.The person isstubborn (Hathavadi), Capricousin nature(Chanchala-chitta), non-cooperationandnot guaranteeof extraordinarypanditya-meansnotanexpert- and because ofHatavada the Yogasare not muchtobe seen,what is called 'Kanistha'. Although fium very beginning the person tried for many things in life, not much auspicious, profit, and happiness obtained.Alsogotunnecessaryblamesfiumownpeople, relatives, close-well-wishers.But all these bad things are now to tobecomingtoanendand'Kantakas'- meansdangerpoints crossed.Butunfortunately,stillunderpublicblamesand unnecessarybadname.Unfortunately,badassociation(means NEECHA MITRATWAYOOA)isstillfora period of one year and 2 months in 'GRAHACHARA AMSHA'.Even income from hard-earning is medium only (equal-to-equal)- no extra benefits/ profits.Unfortunately,fiumthebirthplace,fiumthepast two years- 7months,thereisnopeaceof mindinthehouse, negligence, health problems; also, and fium this period within and upto one year (Woman-female) problems will be there- i.e. mental worriesfiumfemale-folks.Inthehomeof thispersongood, auspicious things takes place at home.But again, due to'Dustha Phala'- thebadomen-goodthingscanbeexpectedonlyafter 'Megha Masa'of next year. "MEGAMMASADASHANTARE-SHUBHA YOGA NASAMSAYAHA:" BrighuPrashna Nadi29 "VIDYA BHARATHA YOGA" 87&86(6) This person in question enjoys good wisdom and 'Vishesha Panditya' - means expertise due to wisdom. Already, this person hascrossed2'Kantakas'-meansdanger points.In theentire familycircle thepersonsenjoysverygoodfameand'Vishesha yoga'-specialandgiftedthings.Afterthe birthof thisperson, the father of this person enjoys good 'Yoga' and all bad period 'are removed and enjoysgood lifewith'Shubha Y ogas'. Accidentally the father of this person enjoys success, money ,peace-at-home and within one year enjoys furtherwith prosperity, new place, fame, successinjob/profession/occupation.Alsothepersonenjoys good education then previous period and enjoys/takes good prizes from high/influential persons. In connection with education there arechancesof foreigntravelalso.After3yearsfromnow, associationwithbig people,influentialpeopleandfriendshipof highsocietyisavailable.Inanother4/5yearsscopetoenjoy intellectualknowledgeisavailable.Afterwardsenjoysgreat profession/occupation in 'KIRITA STH ANA' - means a very great position.Aftertwoyearsfromnow,throughafriend,enjoys female I sex life over a girl/woman and gets separated from it soon (a kindof Loveaffair).Afterthisgirl- love-episode,thereis ' Vivaha yoga' - the time for marriage. The wife will be excellent looking, good, educated and from good family also.She has eyes like Deer and the girl comes from good, rich family with excellent behaviourandculture.Hence,thispersonenjoyssomegood 'Yogas' due to her 'GoodYogas'. The person gets prosperity and shinesinlife only out of place- i.e.distant frombirth place. Also,thispersongetsmoregoodresultsthanwhat has been tried; with good influence from great, influential persons, for further prosperityandgoodcooperationisavailable.The father of thispersonhasgotinmindaproject,whichwillbecome successful. But stillthispersonwhoistrying forprosperitythrough friends,maynotgetgoodresultsbut only'Kanistha'. 30Brighu Prashna Nadi ANGARAKAGRUHASHANTHI brings'Parihara - the solutionforaboveproblemsandforgoodresultsandbythis SHANTHIthe personwillenjoygoodhealthandalsopeace-of-mind. BrighuPrashna Nadi 3 1 85 This person in question, is questioning under- 'OORDHW A YOGA'- and hence this person isintelligent, logicalin thinking - ways,andenjoysrespectfromall.Helpfulinnatureand calculates things at a stretch i.e. sit-at calculative. Somehow, with difficulty,enjoys educationalvalues;but stillisinexperienced in worldly knowledge- but the time is not ripe for proper knowledge of world. Trying from past year for betterment of I ife but not with results. But still no problem, because after 5 months -(immediately after 5 months) good relations from distant, unknown place, from a respectable institution, gives good results.Enjoys good period during'OneSamvatsara'-EkadasaMasa- goodresultscanbe expected.Thatgivesacontinuationof respectableposition, commands good respect- even the curricular activities by culture-and Dharmaguna - is enjoyed by a girl-becomes the wife - and the wife willbe splendidly beautiful, soft-in nature and brings wealth also.There islittle vehicle-accident, and marriage withcustoms will take place. After one year of marriage, happiness and benefits can be enjoyed. The birth place of the person brings auspirity to youngstersathomeandwithoutfailandcomfortably'Good Y ogas'willcontinuewithauspiciousthingsathome.Father suffersa little from indisposition (bad health)- good medical care and'Daivika Shanthi'- brings prosperity tolifeandhome.The person enjoys knowledge of oriental nature, and by this person, the wholefamilyenjoysgoodtimeandforfurther resultsplease try to know from129'KundaliKrama'. The personenjoysspecialhelpfromwifeside.Anything the person tries to do will be first successful, intermediate position isordinaryresult,andagainfinallygoodresults.Hencethis personsomehow,inheritswealth,goodfamily,andhelpfulto society- called'DESHASEVADURANDHARA'andenjoys familylifewithchildrentill74 yearsof age. 32Brighu Prashna Nadi 84(1) Thispersoninquestionisquestioningunderthe "SHRUNGA YOGA"- means, the person now fium the past one year is trying for thing - where the results are 'Kanista' - not very successful.Butafterthattherewillbeinvitationfromahigh institution for prosperity, but still unfortunately, the results are not satisfactory.Anyhow,afterwardsthereis'VisheshaYoga' whichbringsgoodluck,enjoysvehicles,andprosperityin profession.The person bringsgoodauspirityfrom birthplace. There is* Sarnsara Y6ga' due to'Alpha Hatha' means yoga due to narrow-mindedness. The love is spoiled in 'Maithuna Amsha' and afterwards there is good Yoga- time after the period, as stated above. Cooperation fiumwife side can be expected. Inspite of lot of efforts,prosperityisonlyafter'27yearsof ageandthisis without fail.Marriage takes placein Blood-relations.The new year brings auspicious thingswith good' Yoga Vridhi'. Undoubtedly the person will have bright future in new year withnewventure,Goldenageswillcontinue 28to35,in these periodsdifferentsourcesof incomewillcome toyou. BrighuPrashna Nadi33 84 Thispersoninquestion,isquestioningunderthe 'NAVODA YA YOGA',andthis person somehowby might has survived.Thereistime-changeinashorttimepertainingto 'Navodaya Yoga'withitsRespectiveAmsha.Thereisray-of-hopein another 2 monthsone Paksha.Anyhow,inanother one year,thepersonenjoysfame,respectabilityinoccupation/ profession,andduringthesame periodspecialbenefits,special fameand'Yoga'formarriagetakesplaceandthewifewillbe educated, but very hasty and short-minded, but still no trouble for familylife. The person enjoys good relationship/friendship, fame andalso leadsa luxuriouslife. Just now, the bad periods have past and now onwards day-to-day prosperity can be expected from the next 2 months onwards. Fromthebirthplaceof thispersonbringsprosperitytofather, improvementintransactionsandprofession,improvementin home-atmosphere,enjoyment-happinessinlifeandhomeand good and auspicious things takes place within one-and-half years fium thispeiod.If the familyworships'SREE ADISESHA'all good things in home, happy familylife, prosperity and health and wealthcan be expected. 34Brighu Prashna Nadi OMSRIGANESHAYANAMAHAOM 83(1) Thispersonisquestioningat thetimewheretheYoga is Charamsha, and itsresultsare:the person has to faceunnecessary blames,lossof financialaspects,andsufferingfrombetrayalof persons who had been trusted, due to cheating, suffers from mental abberation,restlessnessandobstaclesfordevelopments/and improvements. Anyhow, in order toward off this kind of evil, the person, if performs/conducts pooja and ties the Kavacha (to ward off evils) by worshipping the GoddessCHANDRAKESHWARI( aShanthi Homa tobe performed), not only the person but also the members of theentirefamilywillenjoygreathappiness,destructionof enemities,andevendebtsthataretroublingthepersonarealso settled amicably, and elders enjoys peaceful life, the troubles of the familyandclose-circuitedenemiesareallwardedoff,troubles fromrelationcirclesalsogetsclearedoff,andthe personafter8 monthsfromnowon,therelativesandwell-wisherswillcome forwardtohelpandbythatthepersonfeelshappy,feelsheis entering a new sphere of life (with a sign of relief from the troubled periods) andlater on, step by step developments/improvements in allwalks oflife can be seen and enjoyedand benefits from vehicles andmachineriesalsocan beseenandalsoenjoysnameandfame in thesociety and respected fromelated/respectable persons of the society. Thepanorama of lifelooksbeautifulandalsoenjoyslife byconstructinganewhouseandevenenjoysvariouskindsof entertainmentsinlife(dueto- PramatwaYoga)andtheperson remainsasa helping Ihand formany of hisknown personsin the society.Thiskindof yoga canbeseenandenjoyed fora period of- yearswhichispredominants.Later on there willbe peaceful atmosphereathomeandthisalsocanbeachievedbyconstantly worshippingtheLordShiva. SHUBHAM BrighuPrashna Nadi35 83(2) This person is questioning under the 'BH AYAKALARU' yoga,(inBHAGYUDDA)- andisquestioningregardinghealth andduetodesperationinfamilyaffairs- butbytheendof this month- there is auspicious period- and light of candle ofN AND A DEEPA(withnecessary oil)etc- anddue to this- the familytree/ children will enjoy power, improvement, gains in lands, profitability andinnextyeargood/auspiciousthingswilltakeplace- this withoutfail. Andalsopleasenotethatduetosometransactionsin relatives, whichwillbe very fastin the beginning-and ends with happinesswith"DAKSHINESWARAPOOJA"andeverything willbesuccessfulandpeaceful. 36Brighu Prashna Nadi "OM SREEGANESHAYANAMAHA" 83(3) Thispersoninquestion,isquestioningwderthe "UTHISTHA YOOA"- means - this person has alreadysuffered 'VRUTHI YOOA- BHANGA" -means dissappointment on two occasionsalreadysufferedin'Vrithi'- meansprofession/ occupation/job. The badperiod isclosed andwastagesof money will be stopped. There is new * Yoga' - a good from now on and this brings success, and new step in profession. Who will have to overcome some enemies by spiritual poojas. The time now on will be good, happiness in family and Yoga Bhagya' can be enjoyed, fromnow-on-wards. From nowon i.e.the endof 'Dwadasa Masantya'by the endof lOthmonth- will enjoy permanent profession and'Sukha Yoga'- meanshappylife,whowillgainmuchbenefits,fame withoutfail.ThepersoncanenjoyalotbyDaana- offering charities- Dharma- thelawof Justice- andallbringsgood, auspiciousthingstotheperson.Whateverthe person thinksin mind, he gets them with success and enjoys a good and respectable life. Brighu Prashna Nadi37 82 This person in question is enjoying from the past two years only mixed- resultsof goodand bad .Is likely togain popularity fiumthesociety/publics.Thebadperiodsarealreadygone. Anyhow,bytheend of thisyear thereisnewshape I changein professionandenjoysrespectability. Previously,thedesireinMohiniAmshahasbrought dissatisfaction.But still, auspiciousandgood resultscan now be forseen.Gcxxlrelationship,cooperationand'KalyanaYoga'-thingsof goodandauspiciousthingscanbeexpected.Little benefit from vehicles is seen. From now onwards, the time is good forenjoying fame,luxury and happinessin life.The chances for 'Sarva DoshaParihara'isachievedbytakingdailydarshanof KRUTA YUGA HARI SEVAKA', which brings allhappinessin life. 38Brighu Prashna Nadi OM SRI GANESHAYANAMAHA ()M 81(1) The personin thiscasein thepresent yearwillbe happy whencomparedtothe previousyear,wherein the previousyear thepersonsufferedmuchfromthestrainbothmentallyand physically,financialtroubles,sufferingsandtroublesin occupational/professionalcareerandanyhowthepresentdueto theconstantthought/prayerof theLordSriHariwillgivegood results and anyhow the career portion gradually improves and after aperiodof oneyearthereisapowerfulyogaforexcellent prospectsandlifewillbe fullof experiencesandlifeseemstobe like a 'Dawn oflife (Arunodaya) and life will be with peace of mind andsolacewithgreat joyandhappiness.'It isduringthisgood time,negotiationsregardingafemaletakesplaceforallgood results,andlater on vehicles/machinerieswillbe gained,income fromsome(angles/spheres)canbeseen,andthistakesplace during28-30yearsof age,andevenmostunexpectedfinancial gainsalsowillbe enjoyed, gains of house purchasing (newhome) andimprovementsinoccupationalprofessionallifeandgood respect from the career sidessome changesduring theages of32-33in career, and unfortunatelysome suffering due toenemies and fromfamilyclose relatedcircles,unnecessarydisputes,financial troubles,wifesufferingfromill-health. Anyhow,thesetroublesandworriescanbefoundwitha solutionforalltheproblemsbyofferingfoodintheformof 'ANNASANTARPANA'andalsobyworshippingthe Goddess ASTH ALAKSHMI pooja and performing/conducting offerings to VIRGINs--(with fruitsand flowers- PHALA PUSHPA)andsome money offerings and this kind of auspicious performance willward offthe evilsandkeepsawayfromtheenemies,disputes,blames andthe personwillenjoytremendoussuccessinallthewalksof life,enjoysfameandnameandthewholefamily,children, everybodywillenjoyagood,prosperousandhappy,longlife. SHUBHAM Brighu Prashna Nadi39 81(2) This person is questioning under 'PRA TAPA YOGA' and is bornin Pratapa yoga,andthe ancestorssuffereddue toshort-temper andenemity-fium this person's father time-thereisgood service tosociety, mutualaffection or seen.And by the Grace of Godhasexperiencedfourdangerpointsinlifeandinorderto relieve from the physical exhaustion andtoget peace-of-mind,it is possible and making Dhyan ofKruthayuga SRI VISHNU' and chanting'Nama Sankeerthanas', the health and peace- of- mind willbegot.Suffersfiumnervousdebilityandalsodefectsin blood-cells. Anyhow the person must be careful regarding health. At 83,without fail,the personmust do'Dana'andDharmain 'Vishesha- Rithi'which bringsallgood things. 40Brighu Prashna Nadi OM SREEGANESHAYANAMHA 81(3) The person in question,isquestioningunder the yoga of "CHANDRAMANGALA". The person hails from a high, good, respectablefamily.Self-decisionandself-intelligenceisthe capitalforthisperson.But stillthe personishasty,capricous (Chanchala)pruvrithiinnature,andunfortunately hasnot found successinanyventuresandonlydissatisfactionistheresult. Unnecessary blames from relatives, loss of finance, and decieved bytheirownpeoplewhoarewellbelievedandtrusted(HIT A SHATRUTV A).Nowthe personistrying fora venture forhis livelihood, but it requires another seven months and one 'Paksha' and only after that period there is hope. After the said period, there is success, happinessin familylife, mutualfaith,goodresultsin transactions.Nowit isnot happy,but later allgoodresultsand luxury and happinessin life can be seen.Anyhow, now after four months,thechancesof successalsocanbeseenone-by-one. Peacefullife,respectinlife,permanent job,isnextavailable. Income fiumsubsidiaries(Upa Prayatna)andnodoubt,thereis profit fromit.Releaseof worriesinmind. Brighu Prashna Nadi 41 OM SRI GANFSHAYANAMAHA OM 80(1) Thepersonquestioninghereisquestioningatthetime where theMoonwhenin troubleisapproaching the Lord Shiva tryingtotake refugeforthe Blessingsof theLord Shivaandfor the sake of protection. Unfortunately, the person suffers from so-called-well-wisher-enemies in a closed circuit, suffer from constant betrayal by enemies in and persons who were believed where faith wasin stake, willsuffer from unecessary blames (Apavada), will sufferfi:umhurdles,obstaclesinvariousspheres oflife andalso incareer/professional/ occupationalfieldsbyfriendswhotryto underminethegood thingsof thepersoninsecret methods;and alsosuffersfiumdebts(RunaBadhe)andmorrosivenessand disgust in career and besides all these there islittle defect (Dosha) in the familyside also. Hence in order to ward off these evil things thepersonshallconductandperformJapaof theGoddessSri CH ANDRAKESW ARI and wear Kavacha (a symbol of protection) andMantraof andafterconducting2Mandalassuddenlythe person can fmda bright changein lifeand all kinds of obstacles, enemiesandbadthingswillvanishauspiciousthingswilltake place (will be performed) at home for the improvement/development/ prosperity of the whole familyand in all sphere of life and the end of 3yearstheprosperitycanbeobserved -liketheraisingof SHUKLAPAKSHAandenjoyslandgains,improvementand prosperityincareer andlife getssettledforallgood benefitsand alltheseauspiciousandprosperitycan be achievedandobtained during theagesof28-31. SffiJBHA MANGAIAM 42Brighu Prashna Nadi 80(2) The personisquestioning under'DHURITHA KSHYA' AMSHA andina veryshort time this person incooperation and guidance by friendisabout to start a newventure/enterprises and gainsgoodcooperation fromgood people.Due toshubha Yoga, willattainwealth,althoughthereislittletroubleinthemiddle. Thereishappinessinfamilycircles.Allill-willand bad period is past from the past one months,andinjustice caused by friends duetobadtimeisalsoover,andsuchobstaclesarealsoover. Previouslythree-way- attemptswereallfailures.Fromnow-on thereisprosperityday-by-daywithhappiness,shubha-means auspicious things, excellent incomeand financialgains, PU1RA BHAGYA(familyexpansion)andallthesegoodthingscanbe expected, bynow, the two yearsperiod.Benefit in theformof DHRAVYA(means,benefitsfrom lands)canbe seen,andfrom now(within11/2years)specialfamilyaffaircan be seen. Balanced happinessin family/home life.Allthese can be achieved guarantily by performing pooja of 'KANNlKA ROOPA SHIVE' which unfailinglybringsallhappinessinlife. Brighu Prashna Nadi43 80(3) Thispersoninquestion,isquestioningunderthe 'VINOOTANA YOOA' -means, this person, from three previous attempts (Commencing from RUSHI V ATSARA) IS 1RYING for a thingandis failed.PreviousSamvatsara has given onlystrain anddissappointment,andnow thistimeispast.Even relatives, and close person will keep away, troubles in home life, but by the endofthisyear,therewillbegoodcooperationfromallsides, influencesfi:umreputedpersons,income,fmancialposition improvements,happinessin life at home and allthese begins by the end of thisyear (assaid above).In the verynearer months:-ITCHA SUKHALABHAITENNARHA-YOGAVRUDHIDINEDINE-Income,financialgainsfromsubsidaries,side-jobsare likely.Healthwillbe excellent,andfinancialimprovements for another 5 years is a guarantee, in special ways. If this person offers 'BHOJANA' for 7 SANYASIS IS ADHUS, he will get everything inlife,andallproblems/difficultieswillfly-away. You willget SARVAJAYA,SARVASUKHABYSANYASISEVA.As statedabove. 44Brighu Prashna Nadi 79(1) Thispersoninquestion,isquestioningunderthe "SAPrARISHTAYOOA"- meansthatthisperson,dueto Poorva Karma'- meansthe law of deedsin the previous birth -hassufferedalot withfailuresandstrainineducation,financial loss, breach of trust(Nambike-Droha), but allthese bad periods arepast.Butstill,unfortunately,fromthewifeside,thereis troublelikeunnecessaryquarrels,moreofquarrelandless happiness,andprofessionalstatusof thepastareallreduced. Quarrelsamongblood-relations,unnecessaryenemity, misunderstanding,andinspiteof allthesetroubles,theperson tryingwith'BHAGEERATHAPRAYATNA'forfurther prospects.But period for another 7monthsis not good.After 7 monthsthereisgoodgainfromallcomersof life,withlove-affectionandlifegetsabalancedposition. Newprofession,'NAVASUKHAYOGA'means happiness from 9 side can be seen. There is change of place within anyear.Happinessinhome-life,canbe achieved by'GRUHA SHANTHl', which guarantily avoids all evils and brings success, happinessandpeace of mind. BrighuPrashna Nadi45 OMGANESHAYANAMAHAOM 79(2) Thispersonwhoisquestioningcomesunder theYoga of "HAMSAYOGA"andthispersonhailsfromahighlycultured family,andhadtomarryanotherwoman,becauseforwantof expandingthefamilytreeinhisgenes;andunfortunately,he humiliated and teased his firstwife-the result of which he hasnow taken he hasnow taken a rebirth asthe'Sanchitha Karma', but in thisbirth,hehailsfromagoodfamily,andingeneralabroad-minded,gift-minded,kind-hearted,andwhorespectselders,and charitable-minded,respectsGurusandwhorespectsthingsof deservingnature,whohasbeliefanddevotioninspiritual! intellectual things, always spiritual-intellectual- minded, generally liking toassociate/mingle with class people, and respected people, also interested in the way of Moksha - means salvation of the spirit and life, andas said above, due to the' Poorvarjitha' karma-cannot enjoylifeinthefirsthalfoflife- withnomentioningyogas,and onlyafter half-oflife improvement inlife,family,andinthefirst half,thought thereisfamily,thereisunhappiness. "BHARYADRAVYALABETHPUTRAM- ALPADRAVYA NASAMSHA YA II PATNIKEDHABHAVETPUTRA- VRANAMBHITODINE-DINEE-TADOSHA PARIHARTHAMCHANDRALAKSHA, JAPAMKURYAT" Happinessinlife,wealth,childreninharmoneous relationship,littlebenefitwithdoubt-andhenceconduct/perform CHANDRALAKSHJAPA. Andfromnow,insixyears,fourmonths,allthedesires willbe fulfilledand thisperson enjoysa great spiritual knowledge' withgreatthinkingforsalvation-mindedness,withtheGraceof Godandexcellent wealthandallluxuryinlife,happinesstillthe endandwithhappyfamilylife. "PUTRAPOUTRA SAMAYUKTE- BIIODATE BIIUVIMANDALE-VANNASAPTARCMITEMASHE- SOWBIIAGYAM BHUVITAI-" 46Brighu Prashna Nadi 79(3) Thispersoninquestion-Isquestioningunderthe "BHAGANANTARA YOGA". Unfortunately,isalreadydeceivedfiummanypersons whomethe person had trusted - betrayed by hisown people-and hassuffered already a financial lose.The 'Prayatna'- means the cause of deed of this person's has given benefit to the third party and others. The person connected to the birth place of this person willkeep-awayfiumthisperson.Alllove-affectionaffairhas become disappointed: Anyhow, this kind of Kanna will not settle for another one year and 2 months. Afterwards, cooperation from excellent, pious and good people can be expected which also helps tonewway oflivelihood I profession/occupation/jobs.Youwill be married to an excellent fanrilylife. From now, you will be fmd 3-ways of making money and your 42 you will be enjoying a great, luxuriouslifewithchildren,andhappy-fanrily-homelifewitha beautiful house. Anyhow, you are advised to make' Annadana' to Brahniinsof virtue,andbythatyouwillguarantilygetall happinessandsarga-sukha inlife. Brighu Prashna Nadi47 OM GANESHAYANAMAHA OM 78(1) The personasking question here has been from the last four monthssufferingwithgreat lossof hopebecause of the betrayal offaith from whom theywere believed tobe well-wishersand has made the person humble andweak andwith mentalstrain and also theimprovementsinthecareerissufferingfromobstcales/and hurdles due to mischief and cunningness and from close - circuited personsandaddedtoit there are troublesin the family/homeand alsohencethelifeitself hasbeendisgustedanddisgraced.The reason for all these mis-happenings are due to the curse of a female-friendship of the past birth and the results are adverse in the present birth. Hence in order toward off these evilsthe person isadvised to conduct and perform 'SAPTHA SAITHI PARAYANA' and by wearing'KAVACHA'(theworshipisalsocalledSAPTA MATRIKE POOJA)andbythekindnessof theGoddessMother allthe evilscan be ward-off and there willbe successinallsphere of lifeandactivitiesandwithinoneyear thepersoncanobserve prosperityandimprovementwithalldifficultiesandproblems solvedandenjoyshappiness, prosperityandfinancialgainseven thecareer/professionaloccupationalfieldsgetsbenefittedand successful,andfamilyissuesare alsoavailable,cooperation from brothers andsisterscan be enjoyed, allauspicious things willtake place at home/familylevelandfromnow onwithina periodof 3 yearsand15daysalllife aspectsbecomes greatly benefitted with great success and all the unnecessary blames suffered by the person willallvanish like a mist and benefits of 10 timeswhat wasinthe originalcanbeseenwithluck,fameandenjoysmachinery/ vehiclesgains.Lifebecomeshappyandcheerfulwithahappy time. DAIVANUGRAHAMSHUBHAMANGALAM 48BrighuPrashna Nadi 78(2) 'This person in question, is questioning under the" SW ASTI KAMSHA"yogaandthispersonhailsfromahighlycultured family.Onlynow,fromthe past 5years,thereisimprovement. Now,after a fewmonths,thereischangein placeandvery good improvement can beseenin profession/occupation,andalso,due toexcellentcooperationofferedbyknownpersonsand surroundings,theventureisunfailinglysuccessful.Notrouble fromlittlechangeof-place.Infact,thereislotof improvement fromthischangeofplace."JANMAMOOLEKINCIDT KALAHA-ETADMOOLE LABHA YOGAHA". Withlotof strainthereisprofit inthesideof lands.In anotherfewmonths,youwillenjoythebestpartof lifeand auspiciousthingswilltakeplaceathomeandthat happenswith excellent cooperation, mutual-understanding in relations, and by theendofnextyearbenefitfromvehicles,enjoymentfrom women,expansionof familylife,isdefinitelyseen. BrighuPrashna Nadi49 78 Thetimeof puttingquestionnowisregardinganother person andanyhowthe personinquestionisalreadypreviously disappointedinprofession/occupationetc.,withresultsingreat disappointment. He is trying from the past in a reputed institution. Alsointhepreviousyears,thispersonhassuffereddueto disappointments in life, unhappiness, loss of finance, and anyhow innnediately after thisyear is over, the person sees new year with achievements,activeness,brightness,andsolutionforallpast problemsandincomingmonthsenjoysgood periodsdue tothe Darshanof'PANCHAMUKHA'andthisdarshanbringsall happiness. From there onwards,the personenjoysexcellent, happy family life. A new chapter in occupation/profession also available. Of course,thereislittletroubleinhealth,boreinlife, desperation,andunnecessaryquarrels, unnecessaryblames,and onlylittle financialbenefitscanbeseen. After fouryears,fiumnowonwards,and excellent yoga in occupation/profession, change of place and that change of place bringsluckandluxuryandlotof money,fmancialbenefitsand happinessinlifecan be seen. 50Brighu Prashna Nadi 77(1) Thispersoninquestionisagreatself-successor'Karya Sadhaka'andalsoquitelogicalandreasonableinthewayof thinking and also trust-worthy in nature.Any person can believe him andget believedisthe generalnature. Now, there is change in profession and this change is likely to bring more prosperity, fame, benefits, profits and this is definite Evenpersonswhohadcondemnedthisperson,now suddenlygetsurprisedof thismanandsuchistheyoga'a Surprising Yoga'forthispersons,ishighlyenjoyable,whichis fastnearest. Alsothispersonwhosufferedfromlackof freedom,restlessness,disturbance of mindisnow gettinga clean release fromallsuchtroubles. Thepreviouslove-affectionaffairnowtakesagood, permanentshape.Fromnowon,thereisprosperityand improvementin variousways,suchasfamilyexpansion,wealth and this is doubtless. If this person offers 'Vastra Daana' -means offeringof clothesto5Veda Purushas(wellversed punditsin Vedas)withnecessary'KanikaIDakshine'meansofferingof some 'Dana' and gets blessed, all the above things will be hundred-percent to this person and enjoys life with happiness and prosperity andwealth. Brighu Prashna Nadi 51 77(2) Thispersoninquestionfindsadifferencebetweenthe present time and the past three years and now the period has a little relief tothe person.Obstaclesof thepast havefoundasolution now. Thelifebecomeshappyafterthepreviousbadperiodin familylife, unnecessary blames, anddisgust anddisogracepflife. Newcooperation fromnewangles, happy- profitable life can now beseen. Due tothe helpandcooperation fromdivine persons,the personenjoyswealth,profit/benefitfromlandsidesandsuch yogasare seen.People who had affection on this person will help, sothatthepersonwillhelp,sothatthisthatthepersonenjoys successandhappiness.Alsothereisgoodchanceof travels. From now-onwards,wiithin 2 years andseven months, the yogasareallexcellentandalsogetsenlightenedbythedivine thoughtsandanyway,enjoyslifedueto: l)Cooperationfromdivinepersons. 2)Peopleof affectionhelping. 3)Anddivinethoughtsof theperson. Allthese thingsbringshappinesstolifewith..Shubha Phalas. 52Brighu Prashna Nadi 77(3) This person is questioning under 'BHUDH ARKA YOGA' - hailsfium goodfamily-cooperativewithall- withaffection and patience- there were ancestors of brave, highly-intelligent person andhas donegreat deeds- clean- minded persons( not cheating mind.)This person does hisdutywithdutifulness-helps others -inspiteof problems-hassufferedtwiceduetoenemies- and problems solved-expecting only improvement fium 21st year- and fium28onwardsgood period,improvements-andprofitsgained during311/2-321/2 ..weretroublesome,andevenfamilycircle suffered-thoughthereareplentyof relatives- useless- but beginning of age 35 gives powerful time and enjoys life, never seen before- improvements,fmance,landgainsetc.Butdueto previouskarma,one-or-other problemswillbe there,butcanbe overcome tosome extent by the Grace of God-and anyhow till60 the yogas are powerful-but in 63again problem, desperation, etc. Previously4yearsback(fiumnow),sufferedill-healthand unhappinessareallnowpast.Butnowon,thereislittle disturbance in health, there is stiff-will and anyhow not bad till the age of82. Brighu Prashna Nadi53 76 Thisperson under question isquestioning under the yoga of" ANKU SHAMSHA" -means tosay that the person hails from anoblefamily,isgenerallyintelligent,andhasmarathonlyand greatly tried for the enternal happiness.But could not achieve the same due to some obstacles, non-cooperation and all these periods have now been overcome.Suffering due to bad people, loss oflot of financialends,andboringanddesperationof lifehascome to an end. Also three-ways of approach during trying to improvement in profession/occupation hasbeen failedduetoobstacles(Dueto BHANGAYOGA)andtransactions,whichhascomefrom previous year hasnow become very weak.What next has become a problem.Anyhow,fromnow,after one year,fourmonthsand one paksha, there isa change of place andafter that,there willbe permanentfootplaceandafterthat,therewillbepermanent footingandalsogivesachance for the continuationina newway andnodoubtaboutthis. Also the previous familyproblems,difficulties,obstacles to happiness willallenter a Moksha yoga a period forsalvation of problems and the new type of life takes new shape, but in this there islittlemisunderstanding fromthe boss/kingandalittle losslin transactions may take place but after that there is'Shubha'-means auspicious and good period is there. As the very relatives becomes enemies to this person and all this problems, difficulties are solved if 'SREE SIDDI VINA YAKA'pooja withlighting candlesfor 48 daysisperformed,whichwillward-offallevilsandbrings happinessandauspiciousness. 54Brighu Prashna Nadi OMGANESHAYANAMAHA 75(1) Thepersonquestioninghereisquestioningatthetime wheretheLordof Fire(Agnideva)andthiscomesunderthe (Dadda Yoga) aspects which reads that the person on whom he had imposedtrustandfaithbecamebetrayars,lossoffaithand sufferingduetocunningnessofsuchso-called-well-wishing-betraying-persons,and the result of which the person suffersfrom greatinjustices,financialtroublesinthefamilycircle,and becomesafinancial-debtor(Runabade),sufferschange/exchange of places, and unfortunately all these things are seen in another few months.Even persons whoareclosely relatedandpersonsfrom outside (whowere in association with the the person willbecome far off persons) and also suffering in the professional/occupational/ careerisalsoseenandsuffersfromweakness,restlessnessand interest being lost in allactivities of life and even the financial loss due tohealthisseen. lnspite of allthis, this person isan all-loving person,one who generally respects in Masters and elders and also hailing from a respectable noble family.But unfortunately, in the course of the lastbirththepersonhasbetrayed/cheatedhisownmother, brothers andhas knocked-off money andwealth. Hence fromnow onwardsfora further period of another14 months he willhave to repay the signs committed in the past birth in the form of hard and lossof wealthinlife. Anyhow,thepersonisherebyadvisedtoconductand perform the worship to the LORD LAKSHMINARAYAN A with devotionandinterest andon the 48thdayshallvisit The Lordof the seven Hills (SRl VENKATESW ARA) and by taking Dharshan ofthesaidLordalltheevilswillbewardedoffandenjoys extraordinaryprosperityinlifeandenjoysgainsfromvehicles/ machineryandallthedifficulties/sorrow/problemsof lifecomes toanendandinthe14thmonthfromnow,lifebecomesa tremendoussuccessandwifeandchildren willbecome extremely cooperative, I i fe becomes peacefulandwillbe constructing a new Brighu Prashna Nadi55 houseaudenjoysgloriouslife tilltheageof74,withalla happy familyaudchildren'slife. SHUBHAM 56Brighu Prashna Nadi 75(2) Thisperson'squestionisaboutmovementof VRlTHI CHALANA'- themovementandcarryoverof professionaV occupational process, with BHINNAMSH A Yoga- with varieties - and restlessness in family circles with unpleasant and unhappiness infamilyisconcerned. Anyhow,theperiodof unhappiness,andunnecessary fmancial incurrence is over, and even close persons, relations and wellwisherswhoaretryingtokeep-awayinthewelfareof the person's routine life:Due toprevious'Karma'transactions and lifelooksverymiserable.Thelifeitselflooksdesperate, hopelessness, and unhappiness.Also, the familyexpansion (For seekingchildren)isalsohopeless.Thisisduetoprevious 'Karma'. Hence, inorder towardandremovesuchevils, if the persondo'PANCHALINGADARSHAN'withsincerityand devotion, the evils willbe removed, which also brings fame,in a newway,successinprofession/occupation,happyfamilylife, children birth will take place.All these takes place in another10 monthsperiod.Alsoprofitfromlands,andhelpfromblood-relationswithina year can be expected.Even enemiesbecomes friendsandenjoysgoodfamilylife,withhealthandwealthand happylife. Hence,theDarshanofPANCHALINGAisadvisedto removeallevilsandget happinessinlifeinallspheres of life. BrighuPrashna Nadi57 74 Thispersoninquestioniscoming under the "DWITEEYA VRUCHAKANAVlSHAYASAMSARASUKHAYOGA VYAYAHAATATHAPAKSHADWAYA" Meanstosaythat this person hastried tohandlealready 3-4 ways of line/profession/occupation and has seen, unfortunately, onlyfailures,alsosufferedfium'VRINA'Bhade,althoughthe person is quite intelligent. What this tried to achieve success, gave success to others, and added toit even the close-relatives has kept himawayandhencethesuffering.Anyhow,nowallthese obstacles/troubles/difficultieshavecome toanend. But still, now only from the past previous little time, a ray of hope for little benefits is seen, due to cooperation fium different/ distantfriends/acquaintancewhichbringssomehappiness. Anyhow, from now-onwards the time is good for all things. Even previous transactions becomessuccessful.Sudden wealth/money comes. Whatever the previous bad period wassuffered, thesame nowgive10 timesprofit/benefits, buttherewillbe little change of placealso,whichisgoodandbenefitinfuture.Health, hereafterwards will be good and now the progress what gives will give future,long-time benefits and there is nothing toworry also, because the bad period is almost over and the future is quite bright withlotof hopesandforsuccessfullifeandbettermentinall spheresof lifecanbesurelyexpected. 58Brighu Prashna Nadi 73 ThispersonisquestioningunderthetimeandYogaof "PRATHIBHAMSHA"andit can be seenthat there isprogress inlife only from the past 7-8years, the improvementsfrom day todayaffairs.Thisperson'scapitalisbythetalkandmutual affection, which brings success to the person, and also success due topersonality-creationandtheoccupation/professionofthis personcertainlybringsprogress/developmentsandprosperity. By the end of next two years there is change of place and also from twoothersourcesthereisfameinahighreputedplacewith recommendationandinfluencewithrespect andhonour. Allthese thingsaddstoa foreigntravelchancealsoand prosperity/progress in educational field can be seen due to 'GURU PEETHA'amsha.Alsoenjoysown,beautifulhousewith vehicles.etc.There is little health trouble in familycircle and all evils can beovercomebyperformingpoojato 'ADISESHA' which bringsprogressfrommiddle- to- highandhigh-to-higher progress and even familygets flourishedwith children etc, due to 'Vishesha Amsha Yoga'. Anyhow,fromnowonafterthreeyears,thereisa guaranteethatallthehappinessandprosperityof lifecanbe achievedandno doubt isthere regardingallthe above happiness in life. Brighu Prashna Nadi59 72 Thepersonwhoisquestioningnowisaverypeculiar person.Theproverbsays"MakeHAYWHILETHESUN SHINES"- meanstosay(taketheopportunitywhenit comesto you)- but thisperson failstocatchit,andsuffersduetoit.He believes others andsuffersdue to their cheating nature and bad co-operation. Even now, foranotherI1!2years this period continues withresultsbeingminimum. Anyhow, from nowafter a year, andimmediately after that thereischangeforprogresswhichbringssome income(though thereislittle trouble)andanyhowcontinuesforfurtherincome. Incourt casesthe judgement maynot befavourable,butanyhow thereisprosperityin it. Thereisdisputeregardinglandpropertywhichbrings unhappiness,andthiscanbeovercomebyperforming'NA VA GRAH A' pooja andsomehow, there is trouble in family circle and toremove such evilsit isadvised to take the Darshan ofPARASU RAMAKSHETRA which destroys allevilthings.Unfortunately, the person suffers from loss of finance and resulting in unhappiness. Anyhow, thiscondition improvesaftera period of one year.The hopeforbetterlife,andprospectusandprosperityinlifecanbe seenbyperformingNAV AGRAHAPOOJAandDarshanof P ARASU RAMA KSHETRA which certainly brings all happiness, thusremovingtheevils,badperiodsetc. Brighu Prashna Nadi 71 Thispersonisquestioningatthetimeof theYogaof "SHRAMADHIKYA" -who has previously believed some persons who cheated the person and betrayed and has suffered a lot due to such things in life and still has not been able to reach a proper stage in life and at home there is heavy dispute and lot of misunderstanding and money given on faith has no chance of its return and also takes unnecessaryblames.Sothe personisadvisedtobe carefulfor another five months and one week, and any transaction during this period brings unhappiness, mental strain and bad health.There is badomentothethefamily.So,togetridoff fiumsuchevils ASHTHOTHRA TO MAHADEVI VIGRAHAisadvisedwhich takescare of allthe evils andwhich removes allthe bad contents of time, thusresultsin the happy 1ife at home, prosperitytothe entirefamily,andevenbadtimeathomeisalsoremovedand everything becomesset right andhappydaysinlifecanbe seen guarantily andthe pooja,anyhow,isstrictlyadvised. So, in order to achieve prosperity and shubha phala if the performance of such pooja is done, no doubt the person with his familyenjoysexcellentlife. BrighuPrashna Nadi 61 0\1 SRI GANESHAYANAMAHA 0\1 71(1) The timeinwhichthequestionasking person herebyfails in the timewheretheLordAngarakaisapproachingthe Lordof Saturn, the Lord Angaraka carrying with him a dispute approaching the Lord Saturn (Shanideva)where the Lord Saturn issupposed to bethe(DA YADI)the(brother-relations)andhencesuchatime readsasfollows:-Thatthepersonduetotheabovementionedtimehas sufferingsduetobetrayal/miscarriageoffaith(NAMBIKE DROHA)the result of whichwhere there are lossin thefinancial/ wealthaspects,(troubles/cunningness)inthecareerlines,and even thinksof changing/shifiting hisplace of living,andallthese is due to the belief imposed by the questioner on a particular person leadingtoembarrassment(Bikkattu)andalltheseinauspicious thingsarebeingsufferedfromthelast6-7months. Also during this time,some unnecessary arguements were developed in the family circle and hence justice is denied to a larger extent andthisarguementsisdue tolands/wealthaspectsandin order toseesomesolutionforallthese problemsitstillrequires another--7 monthsand11days,andonly here andtheresome settlement can beseen. Hence in order toward off such evils, due to combination/desputeof ANG ARAKA/SHANIDEVI (SATURN) it isadvisedthat the person,if conductsSHANI- ANGARAKA (DANAHOMA)allthetroubleswillvanishlikeamistandone of thewellwisherswillcomeforwardtoextendhishelpinghand andfinancialgainsandimprovementsincareercanbeachieved andallwillbewellwithfameandhappinessandtheposition becomesextremelyimprovedinallwalksof life.Immediately after thisyear isover, most unexpected financialgains can be seen andalldisputes willcome toan end andwhen even the money lost willcomeback and join the handsof thepersonandaroundyour 38-40 agea beautiful house willbe constructed,improvementsin home- familyrelationsandalsoincomefromothersidealsocan beseenandenjoyed.There willbe peacefulness, happinessin the familyI ife.But anyhow, here andthere some health problemsare 62Brighu Prashna Nadi there andthere dosha (defect)due to The Lord Rahu but thiscan be overcome by taking the Darshanof Agna(Established by the Bootharaja) and from 39 to 52 life is excellent, prosperous and full of happiness. SHUBHAM BrighuPrashna Nadi63 70(2) Thisperson isquestioning underthe V AIBARIAMSHA -means tosaythat thispersonisgenuinelya genius,andalways interested in his dutiesandmany people get help, their way oflife and prosperity.This person hails froma cultured familyof 'Yoga Jeevis'andwilltravelverywidely. If this person takeseven littleinterest in Dana- charities, Dharma- theLawof GoodDeedsandDivinethoughts,allthis goodthingsoffershimgreatandexcellentsuccessinlifeand enjoysgoodwealth.Variouskindsof happiness,invarious sphereswithlot of helpers,surroundingswillenjoythe lifewith luxurious/Mansion bungalow, with great pride and fame. Anyhow, somelittlefamilycirclebringsunnecessarymisunderstanding, and'Dosha'-means, defects in child-give-births can be seen.But thiskindof problemcanbesolvedbyperforming'RUDRA HOMA'and'ANNADANA'- offeringfoodtothesouls.This person, from a distance place, in few months, gets very good news. He will be surrounded with lot of servants and enjoys 'VAHANADI YOGA'-means vehicles. Fromnowonforanother25yearsenjoyslifemost powerfully with gay andgaiety and further specialities (Specialities) of suchpersonalitiesareexplainedseparatelyin the pagesof 128 of Treasureof results(PhalaKhanda). 64Brighu Prashna Nadi 70(3) This person whoisquestioning now has just now passed the bad period of his life and by taking sincere efforts and devotion andBhakthi,ifyouperformpoojaforoneMandalathe 'SHIVARCHANA'youwillveryquicklyget relief from allthe bad periods,evilsandother unhappyeffects. The person, nowis trying for annew venture and there is beginning of cooperationfiumcloseperson/friendsandthe time hascomethat'Dreamsbecomestrue'andthereiscertaintyof auspicious periods ahead. Also, profits in the case of lands, home, is fast approaching withgoodyo gas.Expansionof family(withchildren)isseen, success,fame,andprosperity isahead.This person issuffering fium some disease and thiscan be overcome by performing pooja with devotion to"ASTRA DALESWARI"andwhich brings all success, profit,fame,without fail.The problems offamilywill fly-off andfiumnowonafteraperiodof threemonthsandone paksha, thewayisfor happiness,successin lifeandthereshall benodoubt allthesehappiness,prosperityandsuccessinlife. Don't forget to perform pooja to"ASHTHA DALESWARI"and enjoylife. BrighuPrashna Nadi65 69 ThispersonisquestioningunderthetimeandYogaof "STHAGITHA YOGA"- means that this person hasso far made manyachievementsinlifeandgainedlotofinfluence,and affection of many, but somehow, now there is little disturbance in timeandsufferingabit withsomeobstaclesfromsomeunholy people who preventing the progress, and hence could not be much successfulinprofession/occupation.Themoney/financethatis expectedwillcomeattheendof thisyearwithgoodresults. Somethinglikeaconstruction/aprojectwillbeundertakenin another two years. Anyhow, the obstaclesthat is being suffered will become successfulbychangeof placealittle.Theinfantstageof this person'sfamilytreesystematicallydevelops,infuture.The troubleinhealthmoreoftencanbecuredbyHerbal(Bern) medicinesand treatment.Oftenand often youwillhave tosuffer fium disappointments, which can be easily by overcome by divine thoughts,whichcertainly bringsgoodresults. "SARVAKAAME VUAYEE BHAVA"- means, that if this person do 'ANNADANA' - meansoffer foodto others, all his troubles, unhappiness of mind and bad omens will be removed andenjoysprosperityandhappinessin life. 66Brighu Prashna Nadi OMGANESHAYANAMAHA 68(1) The timeinwhichthequestioner hereisquestioningis:-That the Lord Angaraka isapproaching the Mokshakaraka-TheLordof Salvation- anditistimeinwhichthequestionis asked,hence thefollowingaretheresults:-!)Thepersonsuffersfromhurdles/andobstaclesin variousaspects, there willbe disputes, andarguementswhere the personistryingtorseekjusticeandsucharethesituations. Although,fromthelast one year,searchfornewlinesarebeing tried,andalthoughtherewerechancesforimprovementsin career/andprospects,unfortunatelytheresultsarenotbeing favourableduetoobstacles/andhurdles. 2)Hence in order towardoff such evilthings, theperson isadvisedtoconductandperformArchanatotheLordSri MUNESWARA, and also by offering foodto deserving andNoble Saints(SADHUISANTHAS),theproblemsgetssolved,giving way forbetter financialgains,improvementsand prospectiveness incareer andfamilylifehappinessalsocanbeachievedandeven healthproblemsarealsosolvedandpeoplewhoindulgedin unnecessaryblamesalsobecomescooperativedue toANANDA YOGA(TIMEOF HAPPINESS)and these auspicious resultsare gainedwithout fail.Withinaperiodof another4monthsallthe above happinesscan beachievedandyour agesof 40- 4a brings respect-in-career,improvementsingainsintheformof owning vehicles/machineriesarealsoseen.Like thispersonstill48age willenjoyalifewithgoodyogas. Theageof 48bringsauspiciousnessandgooddeedsat home-familylifeandimprovementsin familylifearound41,45 and48canalsobeseen.Again from49 to53rd agethe periodis just ordinary. The age of 54 brings improvements for family trees. The person enjoys great auspicious time with celebrations at house andlifetill78isgood,withhappinessandenjoyablelife. SHUBHAM Brighu Prashna Nadi67 68 Thepersonwhoisquestioningnowisa'Satkarya Pravardhaka'- meanstosaytheperson havinginclination todo noble deeds and enjoysgreat experiencein life.This person, in his hand - a ray whichindicated that this person has offered lot of help tolot of people in hislife. There isa special yoga in his occupation/profession, with goodprofit-cum-benefitandalsolotof fameandallthesein another6monthscan beseen.And forthisperson, during the course of next year,thereischance of entering intoa transaction pertaining tolandswhich brings happinessinallthe future,and there is little troublein this, but not much.All problems will be solved.Theyoungstersof theperson'sfamilytreeenjoysvery good yoga-means time. From now on, within another 3 years, the personenjoys,home,wealth, prosperityetc. Anyhow, thereislittle health problem in the family.But regardingaspectsof wealthandother successthefamilyenjoys good time. Anyhow, the problems now being met withcan be solved by offering pooja I darhsan of 'PANCHA MUCHA'which gives a clean solution for all the problems of the present and the past and thereonwardslifeisgood. 68Brighu Prashna Nadi 67 Thetimeandyogainwhichthepersonisquestioning comesunderthe"SUKARTAMSHA"Yoga-meansthatthis person,hasfrom the past twoyears, hasenjoyedagood period. hrunediately, anyhow, there is a sign of a change of place. This kind of change brings the person, followedby thesituation andcircumstances, andalso from the previous yogas- enjoys lot of wealth andverygood luxury. Not only in this year but also in the next year, all transactions becomes successful- VY AVAH ARE JAYA- KUTUMBESAMITHI- andalsoanydiseasebeing sufferedwillcertainlygetcuredbyconducting' SHIV A J AP A' which eliminates allthe bad omens, andevilsandfrom now- on-wards in another four years, there. is great chance for luck, luxury and manyauspicious thingswilltake place at home. Allthefamilymembers,wifeandchildren allwillenjoy prosperous, happyandgoodlife. Anythingbecomessuccessfulinlife. "YATNAKARYE JAYALABHAPRAPTHIHI". Brighu Prashna Nadi69 66 This person who is questioning now, is questioning under the yoga of "SAMUDAYA" Arnsha- which means to say that this person from thepast8-10yearshasenjoyedgoodyogawhat is called'Shubha Yoga'.This person has enjoyed rare and special successbythehelpof' SURYANAMASKARA'whichhas brought andisbringing him all-successwayoflife. Anyhow,duetosomesituationsandcircumstances,the person suffers fium lack of peace of mind, in the initial stages, and persons fium whom help expectedwas not availableandinstead betrayed by such persons and many happenings are in 'TAT AST A' meansstagnant.But the person bythe help of divine power and practiceof'SURYANAMASKARA'certainlyovercomesall these evils things. Alsothehealthproblemcanbesolvedonlybyproper medication and nursing by the help of a good doctor. For the next 1112 years period, there isguarantee of promotion in profession/ occupation/prosperity, benefits fromsomesources,fameandall enjoyment andhappinessinlifecan be attained. 70Brighu Prashna Nadi 65 This person who is questioning now isquestioning under theyoga of 'AGA'- whichmeansthatthe personin the present situationissufferingfromdisturbance/mentalworriesandany intelligentcannotcooperatenow.Thequestionisinregardto profession/occupation. Betrayal by close persons and unfortunately thiskind of periodislikelytocontinue forafurtherperiodof 9 months. Even if the person now tries to undertake any new venture or try to do fresh/new things, the success is not guaranteed because of unfavourableperiodandthere arechancesof putting one self todifficulties,andalsowillhavetosufferandchancesof unhappiness and involve lot of strain and with no success. There isdisputein familycircle.Anyhowthereis'a'solution forall these problems.If thepersonconductsARCHANAFOR THE "SREESAVARAVANABHAVASWAMY"(whatiscalled NAV APRASHNA MOORTHY), all the problems are solved and good yogas will come, auspicious things takes place at home, and the familytree systematically develops.In his familytwo person enjoysexcellentyogas.Although,thebeginninghas 'SRABHRAMSHA'means'BHANGA'yoga,thecontinuation andfutureisexcellent. Also there is a special yoga in the Amsha after a period of one year andfour months. Anyhow, thefutureprospectsof this person after two years will be explained afterthere is a change of place,whichwillbe explainedin the'PHALITHA KANDA'. Anyhow,presentpositionisonlymediumresults, unsoundness in health is seen. Anyhow, all these obstacles can be overcomebydivinethoughtsandallhurdles,difficultiesand problemswillbe solved. Brighu Prashna Nadi 71 OM GANFSHAYANAMAHA 64(1) Thequestioner hereaskingthequestion,fallsunder the time of what iscalledSOUMYA ANGARAKASAMYOGA and resultsare:-1.Thepersonisquiteintelligentandhailsfroma respectable family. Although a proper thinking person, sometimes, duetohastinesssubjectshimself totroubles.From thetimeof asking the questioning here and 12 years back from this period, the personhasenjoyeddevelopments,nameandfamebutinthe present time, the personisin trouble due tomiscarriage offaith andtrust.Evenacquiredacquaintedpersonshavekeptoff ata distance and unnecessary blames are being suffered and subjecting to humiliations. 2.Duetotheabovesaidcunningnessandbackbiting conditions,thepersonissufferinginhiscareeralso,obstacles hurdlesincareer,troublefromhealthside,also. 3.In ordertowardoff suchevilsforces,if theperson conducts/performsoneMANDALApoojatotheLORDSRI MAHAVISHNUSAHASRANAMAwithSankalpasetc,and NAVAGRAHA JAPA, ROMAS all to be performed, the result of whichallthedifficultiesgetsvanishedlikemistandtakesI assumes a new shape and some good people will come forward for helping thesituations, therewill be improvementsincareer, and day-to-daytherewillbedevelopmentsforbettercareerand prospects.Aroundtheageof 44-45eventherelativeswillbe surprisedwhilewatchingthe upliftment of thisperson. The person enjoys and benefits lot of fameand luxury and finding newavenues of financialgains and even health conditions in family will be good and improvement of life in all spheres of line canbeenjoyed.Thiskindof auspicioustime/periodcanbe enjoyedfora period of 16y