Jurnal Stroke

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PEMBIMBING : dr. Maysam Irawati, Sp. S









Page 2: Jurnal Stroke

American Journal of Epidemiology

Konsumsi kopi dan risiko terjadinya strokeA Dose response Meta Analysis of prospective Studies

Suzanna C. Larsson, Nicola Orsini

Am J Epidemiol. 2011;174(9):993-1001.

Strategi pencarian diidentifikasi dari 138 artikel pada manusia, di mana 124 artikel

dikeluarkan setelah peninjauan judul atau abstrak. Salah satu artikel yang melaporkan hasil

untuk konsumsi kopi dalam kaitannya dengan penyakit kardiovaskular pada kelompok pasien

diabetes dikeluarkan karena data ini dilaporkan dalam publikasi lain dengan ukuran sampel

yang lebih besar (termasuk nondiabetes dan penderita diabetes). Kami juga meneliminasi

studi prevalensi dan 1 studi yang melaporkan perkiraan risiko relatif hanya untuk konsumsi 3

cangkir / hari. Dengan demikian, meta-analisis ini mencakup 11 studi prospektif independen

yang diterbitkan antara tahun 1990 dan 2011. Studi ini mencakup 10.003 kasus stroke dan

479.689 peserta studi. Tujuh studi yang dilakukan di Eropa, 2 di Amerika Serikat, dan 2 di

Jepang. Dua penelitian terdiri dari pasien dengan infark miokard akut, dan 1 penelitian

termasuk pasien diabetes saja. Delapan studi lainnya terdiri dari penelitian terhadap orang-

orang dari populasi umum (tidak ada subkelompok) yang bebas dari penyakit kardiovaskular

atau stroke. Kebanyakan penelitian memberikan perkiraan risiko relatif yang disesuaikan

dengan usia (11 studi), merokok (11 studi), konsumsi alkohol (9 studi), riwayat diabetes (8

studi), indeks massa tubuh (7 penelitian), riwayat hipertensi atau diukur tekanan darah (5

studi), aktivitas fisik (7 studi), dan faktor makanan selain asupan energi total dan konsumsi

teh (7 penelitian).

Asosiasi Antara Konsumsi Kopi dan Stroke

Kami menemukan beberapa bukti adanya hubungan nonlinier antara konsumsi kopi

dan risiko stroke (P untuk nonlinearity = 0,005)(Gambar 1). Dibandingkan dengan tidak

mengkonsumsi kopi, risiko relatif dikumpulkan dari terjadinya stroke adalah 0,92 (95%

confidence interval (CI): 0,89, 0,96) untuk 1 cangkir kopi per hari, 0,86 (95% CI: 0,78, 0,94)

untuk 2 cangkir / hari, 0,83 (95% CI: 0,74, 0,92) untuk 3-4 cangkir / hari, 0,87 (95% CI: 0,77,


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0,97) selama 6 cangkir / hari, dan 0,93 (95% CI: 0.79, 1.08) untuk 8 cangkir / hari. Ada

marjinal antara studi-studi heterogenitas antar-spesifik tren, ditentukan oleh koefisien yang

pertama (I 2 = 12%) dan kedua (I 2 = 20%) spline transformasi dari konsumsi kopi. Uji

regresi Egger ini tidak memberikan bukti substansial bias publikasi (P = 0,14).

Pengecualian untuk 2 studi yang terdiri dari pasien dengan infark miokard akut dan 1 studi

pasien diabetes juga tidak mengubah hasil ini. Kami juga memperoleh hasil yang sama ketika

kami menhapus titik data di atas 6 cangkir kopi per hari, dan masih ada bukti hubungan

nonlinier antara konsumsi kopi dan stroke (P untuk nonlinearity = 0,001). Ketika kami

mengumpulkan risiko relatif untuk kategori sebanding konsumsi kopi, risiko relatif stroke

adalah 0,88 (95% CI: 0,86, 0,90) untuk <3 cangkir / hari, 0,88 (95% CI: 0,77, 1,01) selama 3

- <5 cangkir / hari, 0,87 (95% CI: 0.75, 1.02) untuk 5 - <7 cangkir / hari, dan 0,93 (95% CI:

0,76, 1,12) selama ≥ 7 cangkir / hari.

Gambar 1

Analisis Subgrup

Asosiasi antara konsumsi kopi dan risiko terjadinya stroke hampir sama di seluruh

wilayah geografis dan tahun masa tindak lanjut. Begitu juga dengan pria dan wanita,

meskipun hasil untuk perempuan tidak stabil karena beberapa titik data pada tingkat tinggi

dari konsumsi kopi. Ada bukti dari hubungan nonlinier antara konsumsi kopi dan stroke (P

untuk nonlinearity <0,05) di semua subkelompok kecuali orang Asia dan wanita. Di antara 4

studi yang melaporkan hasil untuk subtipe stroke, asosiasi antara konsumsi kopi dan risiko

stroke adalah sama untuk stroke iskemik dan stroke hemoragik, namun hasilnya secara


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statistik signifikan hanya untuk stroke iskemik.


Temuan dari meta-analisis studi ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi kopi mungkin

secara lemah dapat dikaitkan dengan risiko stroke. Konsumsi 1-6 cangkir kopi per hari secara

signifikan dapat dikaitkan dengan risiko stroke, dengan asosiasi terkuat (risiko 17% lebih

rendah) yang diamati pada 3-4 cangkir / hari. Konsumsi kopi berat (≥ 7 cangkir / hari) tidak

bermakna dengan risiko stroke. Asosiasi serupa untuk stroke iskemik dan stroke hemoragik,

tapi hanya hasil untuk stroke iskemik secara statistik signifikan.

Kopi merupakan campuran kompleks dari zat aktif biologis yang memiliki efek, baik

menguntungkan dan merugikan pada sistem kardiovaskular. Senyawa fenolik dalam kopi,

seperti caffeic, ferulat, dan asam p-coumaric, memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang kuat dan

dapat mengurangi oksidasi kolesterol low density lipoprotein. Selain itu, kebiasaan minum

kopi telah dikaitkan dengan sensitivitas insulin yang lebih tinggi, dan beberapa studi telah

menemukan hubungan terbalik antara konsumsi kopi dengan konsentrasi faktor inflamasi

dalam darah. Di sisi lain, kafein dalam kopi dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah, meskipun

hasilnya tidak konsisten. Dalam uji coba meta-analisis terkontrol secara acak, Noordzij et al.

menemukan bahwa asupan kafein teratur positif berhubungan dengan tekanan darah. Namun,

sebuah studi prospektif lain menunjukkan hubungan berbentuk U terbalik antara asupan

kafein total dan analisis insiden hipertensi. Dalam minuman lain yang juga mengandung

kafein selain kopi seperti cola dapat dikaitkan dengan peningkatan risiko hipertensi, ini

menunjukkan bahwa senyawa dalam kopi selain kafein dapat bersifat sebagai zat-zat

pelindung. Hasil dari uji coba meta-analisis terkontrol secara acak menunjukkan bahwa

konsumsi kopi berkafein dapat dikaitkan dengan peningkatan konsentrasi kolesterol total dan

kolesterol LDL. Temuan dari hasil meta-analisis saat ini menunjukkan bahwa pada tingkat

konsumsi kopi sedang sampai berat, manfaat dari kopi dipertanyakan.

Banyak penelitian dalam meta-analisis ini yang memiliki sampel yang besar dan

durasi follow up yang panjang. Banyaknya jumlah kasus disediakan untuk menilai secara

kuantitatif hubungan antara konsumsi kopi dan risiko stroke. Jumlah studi yang relatif besar

ini memungkinkan kami untuk melakukan analisis subkelompok menurut lokasi dan seks.


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Meta-analisis kami juga memiliki beberapa keterbatasan. Pertama, faktor-faktor

resiko lain terhadap stroke tidak dapat dikesampingkan. Sebuah meta-analisis tidak mampu

mengesampingkan masalah yang melekat dalam studi aslinya. Namun, dalam kebanyakan

studi yang dimasukkan dalam meta analisis ini, para peneliti telah menyesuaikan faktor-

faktor resiko utama, termasuk usia, merokok, indeks massa tubuh, aktivitas fisik, sejarah

diabetes dan hipertensi, konsumsi alkohol, dan faktor makanan. Hubungan terbalik yang

lemah dan tidak signifikan antara kopi dan risiko stroke pada tingkat konsumsi kopi

berpotensi menjadi pengganggu karena perilaku tidak sehat yang berhubungan dengan

konsumsi kopi yang tinggi, seperti merokok.

Keterbatasan lain adalah kesalahan klasifikasi konsumsi kopi. Namun demikian, hasil

dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi kopi dinilai dengan validitas relatif tinggi.

Korelasi antara konsumsi kopi dinilai melalui kuesioner dan konsumsi yang dinilai dari

catatan diet adalah 0,78 wanita di Amerika Serikat, 0,72 pada pria Finlandia, 0,6 pada wanita

Swedia, dan 0,70 pada pria dan wanita di Jepang. Kesalahan klasifikasi konsumsi kopi karena

kesalahan pengukuran atau perubahan dalam konsumsi selama masa follow up kemungkinan

besar akan menyebabkan makin minimalnya hubungan yang sebenarnya antara konsumsi

kopi dan risiko stroke. Oleh karena itu, hubungan antara konsumsi kopi dan risiko stroke

mungkin lebih kuat.

Ketiga, heterogenitas antar studi juga dikarenakan oleh konsumsi berbagai jenis kopi

(misalnya, berkafein vs kopi tanpa kafein), metode yang berbeda dari persiapan kopi

(misalnya, disaring, direbus, espresso), dan perbedaan dalam takaran dan kekuatan kopi itu

sendiri. Dua penelitian melaporkan hasil untuk kedua kopi berkafein dan tanpa kafein. Dalam

Health Professionals Follow-up Study, konsumsi kopi berkafein berbanding terbalik terkait

dengan stroke (untuk ≥ 4 cangkir / hari vs tidak ada, risiko relatif = 0,28, CI 95%: 0,06, 1,26),

tetapi konsumsi kopi tanpa kafein tidak (risiko relatif sesuai = 1,16, CI 95%: 0,26, 5.10).

Dalam studi Nurses 'Health, baik kopi berkafein dan tanpa kafein tidak terkait dengan risiko

stroke. Genotipe yang berbeda dan interaksi gen-lingkungan mungkin juga mempengaruhi

hubungan antara konsumsi kopi dan risiko stroke di antara studi. Misalnya, metabolisme

kafein lebih lambat pada orang Jepang daripada di populasi Barat. Akhirnya, dalam data

meta-analisis dari penelitian yang telah diterbitkan, bias dapat menjadi perhatian. Meskipun

kami tidak menemukan bukti yang signifikan secara statistik untuk bias ini, kita tidak bisa

mengesampingkan kemungkinan bahwa bias publikasi mungkin mempengaruhi hasil.


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Dua penelitian tidak dapat dimasukkan dalam meta-analisis ini. Salah satu penelitian

terdiri dari 499 orang (laki-laki) hipertensi, 76 diantaranya terkena stroke (stroke

tromboemboli 55 dan 13 stroke hemoragik) selama 14,8 tahun periode follow-up. Dalam

penelitian tersebut, konsumsi kopi secara positif berhubungan dengan risiko stroke

tromboemboli (P untuk trend = 0,006) tetapi tidak dengan stroke hemoragik. Alasan untuk

hubungan positif yang diamati tidak jelas, tetapi mungkin karena yang masuk hanya laki-laki

hipertensi saja, dengan ukuran sampel yang sangat kecil, atau karena perilaku tidak sehat

pada laki-laki dengan konsumsi kopi tinggi. Dalam studi lain, Heyden et al. menemukan

bahwa kematian stroke lebih sering pada orang kulit putih dan kulit hitam yang melaporkan

konsumsi kopi seumur hidup yang rendah, sedangkan wanita kulit putih dan hitam yang

merupakan konsumen kopi berat memiliki sedikit lebih tinggi jika disesuaikan menurut umur

mortalitas stroke daripada rekan-rekan mereka yang bukan peminum kopi.

Singkatnya, hasil dari meta-analisis ini menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi kopi sedang

dapat secara lemah dikaitkan dengan risiko terjadinya stroke. Tidak jelas apakah hubungan

ini dikarenakan oleh efek-efek yang tidak diinginkan oleh konsumsi kopi dalam jumlah tinggi

atau dikarenakan oleh faktor-faktor resiko stroke lainnya. Studi di masa depan harus berusaha

untuk menilai apakah hubungan kausal ini dan apakah ada hubungan berbeda dengan subtipe

stroke atau dimodifikasi oleh polimorfisme pada gen yang mengkode enzim yang terlibat

dalam metabolisme senyawa dalam kopi.


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American Journal of Epidemiology

Consumption of coffee and risk of stroke

A Dose response Meta Analysis of prospective Studies

Suzanna C. Larsson, Nicola Orsini

Am J Epidemiol. 2011;174(9):993-1001

The search strategy identified 138 articles on humans, of which 124 articles were excluded after

review of the title or abstract. Fourteen full-text articles were reviewed. One article that reported

results for coffee consumption in relation to cardiovascular disease in a subgroup of diabetic patients

was excluded because data from this cohort were reported in another publication with a larger

sample size (including both nondiabetics and diabetics). We further excluded a prevalence study and

1 study that reported a relative risk estimate only for an increment of 3 cups/day. Thus, the meta-

analysis included 11 independent prospective studies published between 1990 and 2011. Combined,

these studies had 10,003 stroke cases and 479,689 study participants. Seven studies were conducted

in Europe, 2 in the United States, and 2 in Japan. Two studies consisted of patients with a recent

acute myocardial infarction, and 1 study included diabetes patients only. The remaining 8 studies

consisted of persons from the general population (no subgroups) who were free of cardiovascular

disease or stroke at the start of follow-up. Most studies provided relative risk estimates that were

adjusted for age (all 11 studies), smoking (all 11 studies), alcohol consumption (9 studies), history of

diabetes (8 studies), body mass index (7 studies), history of hypertension or measured blood

pressure (5 studies), physical activity ( 7 studies), and dietary factors other than total energy intake

and tea consumption (7 studies).

Overall Association Between Coffee Consumption and Stroke

We found some evidence of a nonlinear association between coffee consumption and stroke risk (P

for nonlinearity = 0.005)(Figure 1). Compared with no coffee consumption, the pooled relative risks

of total stroke were 0.92 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.89, 0.96) for 1 cup of coffee per day, 0.86

(95% CI: 0.78, 0.94) for 2 cups/day, 0.83 (95% CI: 0.74, 0.92) for 3−4 cups/day, 0.87 (95% CI: 0.77,

0.97) for 6 cups/day, and 0.93 (95% CI: 0.79, 1.08) for 8 cups/day. There was marginal between-

study heterogeneity among study-specific trends, defined by the coefficients of the first (I 2 = 12%)


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and second (I 2 = 20%) spline transformations of coffee consumption. Egger's regression test

provided no evidence of substantial publication bias (P = 0.14).

Figure 1

Exclusion of the 2 studies consisting of patients with a recent acute myocardial infarction and 1 study

of diabetes patients did not change the results materially. We obtained similar results when we

removed data points above 6 cups of coffee per day, and there was still evidence of a nonlinear

relation between coffee consumption and stroke (P for nonlinearity = 0.001). When we pooled the

relative risks for comparable categories of coffee consumption, the relative risks of stroke were 0.88

(95% CI: 0.86, 0.90) for <3 cups/day, 0.88 (95% CI: 0.77, 1.01) for 3−<5 cups/day, 0.87 (95% CI: 0.75,

1.02) for 5–<7 cups/day, and 0.93 (95% CI: 0.76, 1.12) for ≥7 cups/day.

Subgroup Analyses

The associations between coffee consumption and risk of stroke were similar across geographic

regions and years of follow-up. Moreover, the associations were similar for men and women,

although results for women were unstable because of few data points at high levels of coffee

consumption. There was evidence of a nonlinear association between coffee consumption and

stroke (P for nonlinearity < 0.05) in all subgroups except Asians and women. Among the 4 studies

that reported results for stroke subtypes, the associations between coffee consumption and stroke

risk were similar for ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke, but results were statistically significant

only for ischemic stroke.


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Findings from this meta-analysis of prospective studies indicate that moderate consumption of

coffee may be weakly inversely associated with risk of stroke. Consumption of 1–6 cups of coffee per

day was significantly inversely associated with risk of stroke, with the strongest association (17%

lower risk) being observed for 3–4 cups/day. Heavy coffee consumption (≥7 cups/day) was not

significantly associated with stroke risk. The associations were similar for ischemic stroke and

hemorrhagic stroke, but only results for ischemic stroke were statistically significant.

Coffee is a complex mixture of biologically active substances that may have both beneficial and

harmful effects on the cardiovascular system. The phenolic compounds in coffee, such as caffeic,

ferulic, and p-coumaric acids, have a strong antioxidant activity and may reduce the oxidation of low

density lipoprotein cholesterol. Moreover, habitual coffee consumption has been associated with

higher insulin sensitivity, and several studies have found an inverse association between coffee

consumption and blood concentrations of some inflammatory markers. On the other hand, caffeine

in coffee may increase blood pressure, although results are inconsistent. In a meta-analysis of

randomized controlled trials, Noordzij et al. found that regular caffeine intake was positively

associated with blood pressure. However, a large prospective study showed an inverse U-shaped

relation between total caffeine intake and incident hypertension. In analysis of specific caffeinated

beverages, consumption of cola but not coffee was associated with an increased risk of

hypertension, suggesting that compounds in coffee other than caffeine might be protective. Results

from a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showed that consumption of caffeinated and

boiled coffee was associated with increased total and low density lipoprotein cholesterol

concentrations. Findings from the present meta-analysis suggest that at moderate to high levels of

consumption, the beneficial effects of coffee overcome the potentially unfavorable effects.

A strength of this meta-analysis was the prospective design of the included studies, which should

have eliminated the selection bias and recall bias that could be of concern in retrospective case-

control studies. Moreover, many studies in this meta-analysis had a large sample and a long duration

of follow-up. The large number of total cases provided high statistical power with which to

quantitatively assess the relation between coffee consumption and stroke risk. The relatively large

number of studies enabled us to conduct subgroup analyses according to study location and sex.

Although evidence from long-term randomized trials is ideal, these studies are difficult to implement

on a practical basis, especially for an exposure such as coffee consumption.


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Our meta-analysis also had several potential limitations. First, because of the observational design,

exclusion of potential confounding from other stroke risk factors cannot be ruled out. A meta-

analysis is not able to address problems with confounding factors that could be inherent in the

original studies. However, in most studies included in this meta-analysis, the investigators had

adjusted for major potential confounders, including age, smoking, body mass index, physical activity,

histories of diabetes and hypertension, alcohol consumption, and dietary factors. The weaker and

nonsignificant inverse association between coffee and stroke risk at higher levels of coffee

consumption could potentially be due to residual confounding from unhealthy behaviors related to

high coffee consumption, such as cigarette smoking.

Another limitation is misclassification of coffee consumption, which was inevitable given that

consumption was self-reported and only 1 study updated information on coffee consumption during

follow-up. Nevertheless, results from validation studies indicated that coffee consumption was

assessed with relatively high validity. The correlations between coffee consumption assessed by

questionnaire and consumption assessed by diet records were 0.78 in US women, 0.72 in Finnish

men, 0.6 in Swedish women, and 0.70 in Japanese men and women. Misclassification of coffee

consumption due to measurement error or changes in consumption during follow-up would most

likely lead to underestimation of the true association between coffee consumption and stroke risk.

Hence, the association between coffee consumption and risk of stroke may be even stronger.

Third, heterogenecity among studies may have been introduced because of consumption of different

types of coffee (e.g., caffeinated vs. decaffeinated coffee), different methods of coffee preparation

(e.g., filtered, boiled, espresso), and differences in serving size and brew strength. Two studies

reported results for both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee. In the Health Professionals Follow-up

Study, consumption of caffeinated coffee was inversely associated with stroke (for ≥4 cups/day vs.

none, relative risk = 0.28, 95% CI: 0.06, 1.26) but consumption of decaffeinated coffee was not

(corresponding relative risk = 1.16, 95% CI: 0.26, 5.10). In the Nurses' Health Study, both caffeinated

and decaffeinated coffee were nonsignificantly inversely associated with risk of stroke. Different

genotypes and gene-environment interactions may also partially account for the variations in

associations between coffee consumption and stroke risk among studies. For example, caffeine

metabolism is slower in Japanese persons than in Western populations. Finally, in a meta-analysis of

data from published studies, publication bias could be of concern. Although we found no statistically


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significant evidence for publication bias, we cannot exclude the possibility that publication bias may

have affected the results.

Two studies could not be included in the present dose-response meta-analysis. One of those studies

consisted of 499 hypertensive men, of whom 76 developed stroke (55 thromboembolic strokes and

13 hemorrhagic strokes) during a mean follow-up period of 14.8 years. In that study, coffee

consumption was positively associated with risk of thromboembolic stroke (P for trend = 0.006) but

not with hemorrhagic stroke. The reason for the observed positive association is unclear, but it may

be due to the inclusion of only hypertensive men, to the very small sample size, or to confounding

from unhealthy behaviors among men with high coffee consumption. In the other study, Heyden et

al. found that stroke deaths were more frequent in white and black men who reported low lifetime

coffee consumption, whereas white and black women who were heavy consumers of coffee had

slightly higher age-adjusted stroke mortality than their counterparts who were low consumers or


In summary, results from this meta-analysis indicate that moderate coffee consumption may be

weakly inversely associated with risk of stroke. It is unclear whether the lack of a linear dose-

response relation between coffee consumption and stroke is due to potentially unfavorable effects

of coffee at higher consumption levels or is due to residual confounding from other stroke risk

factors related to coffee consumption. Future studies should attempt to assess whether this

association is causal and whether the relation differs by stroke subtype or is modified by

polymorphisms in genes encoding enzymes involved in the metabolism of compounds in coffee.