Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a-side tournament. Miss Howell Jamie Tranter’s & Lily Mae Fox’s speech at opening evening. What a pair of stars !! Mr Heeks

Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell

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Page 1: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell

Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student.Mr Heeks

End of Year 7Memories

Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a-side tournament. Miss Howell

Jamie Tranter’s & Lily Mae Fox’s speech at opening evening. What a pair of stars !!Mr Heeks

Page 2: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell


Page 3: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell

Simon Lister And Sam Bailey Worked on a level 10 project Called Vectors in maths and then were able to teach what they had learned to the Y10 students who were starting the same topic.Mr Aston

We had an issue in London re: rooming when we got to the hotel. No one wanted to swap rooms and in the end Danielle Coldicott was the one who agreed to move rooms even though she really didn't want to. It all worked out well in the end but she was a little star!Miss Masters


Page 4: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell


Page 5: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell


Catrin Wheeler got into the county netball squad in May Outstanding commitment from year 7 girls for sport, especially in the winter season. Both Netball teams came 2nd in the annual tournament. Team came 2nd in the Hockey tournament. Eva Kapnisis was named Player of the Match in her first hockey game playing against year 9s. Football girls won both the 5 –a-side tournament and league and made it through to the West Midlands tournament in Coventry. Rounders - team came 2nd in league. Rebecca Mander performed a solo dance in PE this year which took a lot of courage.A very proud Miss Howell

Page 6: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell


Page 7: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell

Year 7 are a strong year group and have been a real pleasure to teach in Design Technology this year. You have all produced some excellent, imaginative design and practical work, and it is really encouraging to see so many of you, who put in work outside of your class time. I believe this cohort, will go on to produce better and better things in Edgecliff. Well done, and I look forward to teaching you again next year. Mr Wilks

Emily Meyrick stepping up to compete in the 1500m at the last minute. Those points may well have won it for Grey.

Phillippa Brookes has made great progress in English. Miss Gaynor YET MORE CASTLES

Page 8: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell


Page 9: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell


Page 10: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell


Page 11: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell




Page 12: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell

Max PD singing “I’m a twisted firestarter” while brazing.

Ellie Jackson


Page 13: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell
Page 14: Izzy Tillby was very kind to another student. Mr Heeks End of Year 7 Memories Our Y7 Girls football team winning their 5-a- side tournament. Miss Howell