it project vikash school

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  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A program to check whether a number is Armstrong or not.

    Program Code:-

    Private Sub Command1_Click ( )

    Dim No, Am, R, Sum As Integer

    No = Val (Text1.Text)

    Am = No

    Sum = 0

    While No > 0

    R = No Mod 10

    Sum = Sum + (R * R * R)

    No = No \ 10


    If Am = Sum Then

    Text2.Text = ARMSTRONG


    Text2.Text = NOT ARMSTRONG

    End If

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click ( )

    Unload Me

    End Sub


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A Program to check whether a number is even or odd.

    Program Code:-

    Private Sub Command1_Click ( )

    Dim X As Integer

    X = Val (Text1.Text)

    If X Mod 2 = 0 Then

    Text2.Text = Even


    Text2.Text = Odd

    End If

    End SubPrivate Sub Command2_Click ( )

    Unload Me

    End Sub

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school




  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Text2.Text = NOT PALLINDROME

    End if

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click ( )Unload Me

    End Sub


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A Program for division of mark.

    Program Code:-

    Private Sub Command1_Click ()

    Dim Mark As Integer

    Mark = Val (Text1.Text)

    If Mark >= 80 Then

    Label2.Caption = Merit Position

    Else If Mark >= 60 Then

    Label2.Caption = First Division

    Else If Mark >= 50 Then

    Label2.Caption = Second Division

    Else If Mark >= 40 Then

    Label2.Caption = Third Division


    Label2.Caption = Fail

    End If

    End If

    End If

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A program to check whether a year is a leap year or not.

    Program Code :-

    Private Sub Command1_ Click ( )

    Dim Y AS Integer

    Y = Val (Text1.Text)

    If ( (Y Mod 4 = 0) and (Y Mod 100 < > 0) Or (Y Mod 400 = 0) ) Then

    Text2.Text = LEAP YEAR


    Text2.Text = NOT A LEAP YEAR

    END If

    End Sub

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Private Sub Command2_Click ( )

    Unload Me

    End Sub


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A Program to display Fibonacci series.

    Program Code:-

    Private Sub Command1_Click ()

    Dim a As Integer

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim b As Integer

    Dim c As Integer

    Dim n As Integer

    n = Val (Text1.Text)

    a = 0

    b = 1

    i = 1

    Print The Fibonacci series is:

    Print a; b;

    Do While (i

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Print c;

    a = b

    b = c

    I = I + 1

    LoopEnd Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click ()

    Unload Me

    End Sub


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A Program to find out factorial of a number.

    Private Sub Command1_Click ()

    Dim X, F As Integer

    X=Val (Text1.text)

    F = 1

    While (X > 1)

    F = F * X

    X = X1


    Text2.Text = F

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click ()

    Unload Me

    End Sub

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school




  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A Program to find out reverse of a number.

    Program Code:-

    Private Sub Command1_Click ()

    Dim X, Z, P As Integer


    X = Val (Text1.Text)

    While (X > 0)P = X Mod 10

    Z = (Z * 10) + P

    X = X \ 10


    Text2.Text = Z

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click ()

    Unload Me

    End Sub

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school




  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A program to find the sum and average of a number.

    Program Code:-

    Private Sub Command1_Click ( )

    Dim A, B, Sum As Integer

    Dim Avg As Single

    A = Val (Text1.Text)

    B = Val (Text2.Text)

    Sum = A+ B

    Text3.Text = Sum

    Avg = Sum \ 2

    Text4.Text = Avg

    End Sub

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Private Sub Command2_Click ( )

    Unload Me

    End Sub


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    A Program to interchange two numbers.

    Program Code:-

    Private Sub Command1_Click ()

    X = Val (Text1.Text)Y = Val (Text2.Text)

    X = X + Y

    Y = X - Y

    X = XY

    Text1.Text = X

    Text2.Text = Y

    End Sub

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Private Sub Command2_Click ()

    Unload Me

    End Sub


  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Create a table (MDB) using MS-Access :-

    Applies to:Microsoft Office Access 2003

    Show All

    Create a table by using the Table Wizard

    1. Press F11 to switch to theDatabase window (Database window: The window that appears when you open anAccess database or an Access project. It displays shortcuts for creating new database objects and openingexisting objects.).

    2. Click Tables under Objects, and then click Newon the Database window toolbar.3. Double-click Table Wizard.

    If the wizard doesn't start

    4. Follow the directions in the Table Wizarddialog boxes.

    (Design view: A window that shows the design of these database objects: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros,and data access pages. In Design view, you can create new database objects and modify the design of existingones.) Create a table in Design view

    1. Press F11 to switch to theDatabase window (Database window: The window that appears when you open anAccess database or an Access project. It displays shortcuts for creating new database objects and openingexisting objects.).

    2. Click Tables under Objects, and then click Newon the Database window toolbar.3. Double-click Design View.4. Define each of the fields in your table.

    a. Open the table inDesign view (Design view: A window that shows the design of these databaseobjects: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Design view, you cancreate new database objects and modify the design of existing ones.).

    b. To insert the field within the table, click in the row below where you want to add the field, and then

    click Insert Rows on the toolbar.

    To add the field to the end of the table, click in the first blank row.

    c. Click in the Field Namecolumn and type a unique name for the field.d. In the Data Typecolumn, keep the default (Text); or click in the Data Typecolumn, click the arrow,

    and select thedata type (data type: The characteristic of a field that determines what type of data itcan hold. Data types include Boolean, Integer, Long, Currency, Single, Double, Date, String, andVariant (default).) you want.

    e. In the Description column, type a description of the information this field will contain. Thisdescription is displayed on thestatus bar (status bar: A horizontal bar at the bottom of the screenthat displays information about the current condition of the program, such as the status of items inthe window, the progress of the current task, or information about the selected item.) when addingdata to the field and is included in the Object Definition of the table. The description is optional.

    5. Define aprimary key (primary key: One or more fields (columns) whose values uniquely identify each record ina table. A primary key cannot allow Null values and must always have a unique index. A primary key is used torelate a table to foreign keys in other tables.) field before saving your table.

    a. Open a table in Design view (Design view: A window that shows the design of thesedatabase objects: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Designview, you can create new database objects and modify the design of existing ones.).

    b. Select the field or fields you want to define as the primary key (primary key: One or morefields (columns) whose values uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key cannotallow Null values and must always have a unique index. A primary key is used to relate atable to foreign keys in other tables.).
  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    To select one field, click therow selector (row selector: A small box or bar that, when clicked,selects an entire row in table or macro Design view, or when you sort and group records inreport Design view.) for the desired field.To select multiple fields, hold down the CTRL key and then click the row selector for eachfield.

    c. Click Primary Key on the toolbar.

    NOTE If you want the order of the fields in a multiple-field primary key to be different from the order of those

    fields in the table, click Indexes on the toolbar to display the Indexes window (Indexes window: In anAccess database, a window in which you can view or edit a table's indexes or create multiple-field indexes.),and then reorder the field names for theindex (index: A feature that speeds up searching and sorting in a tablebased on key values and can enforce uniqueness on the rows in a table. The primary key of a table isautomatically indexed. Some fields can't be indexed because of their data type.) named PrimaryKey.

    NOTE You don't have to define a primary key, but it's usually a good idea. If you don't define a primary key,

    Microsoft Access asks if you want Access to create one for you when you save the table.

    6. When you are ready to save your table, click Save on the toolbar, and then type a unique name for the


    Create a table by entering data in a datasheet

    1. Press F11 to switch to theDatabase window (Database window: The window that appears when you open anAccess database or an Access project. It displays shortcuts for creating new database objects and openingexisting objects.).

    2. Click Tables under Objects, and then click Newon the Database window toolbar.3. Double-click Datasheet View. A blank datasheet is displayed. The default column names are Field1, Field2,

    and so on.4. Rename each column you will use: double-click the column name, type a name for the column, and then press

    ENTER.5. You can insert additional columns at any time: click in the column to the right of where you want to insert a new

    column, and then on the Insertmenu, click Column. Rename the column as described in step 4.6. Enter your data in the datasheet.

    Enter each kind of data in its own column (each column is called a field (field: An element of a table thatcontains a specific item of information, such as a last name. A Title field might contain Mr. or Ms. Databasessuch as Microsoft SQL Server refer to fields as columns.) in Microsoft Access). For example, if you are enteringnames, enter the first name in its own column and the last name in a separate column. If you are enteringdates, times, or numbers, enter them in a consistent format so that Microsoft Access can create an appropriatedata type (data type: The characteristic of a field that determines what type of data it can hold. Data typesinclude Boolean, Integer, Long, Currency, Single, Double, Date, String, and Variant (default).) and displayformat (format: Specifies how data is displayed and printed. An Access database provides standard formats forspecific data types, as does an Access project for the equivalent SQL data types. You can also create customformats.) for the column. Any columns you leave empty will be deleted when you save the datasheet.

    7. When you've added data to all the columns you want to use, click Save on the toolbar to save yourdatasheet.

    8. Microsoft Access asks you if you want to create aprimary key (primary key: One or more fields (columns)whose values uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key cannot allow Null values and must alwayshave a unique index. A primary key is used to relate a table to foreign keys in other tables.). If you haven'tentered data that can be used to uniquely identify each row in your table, such as part numbers or ID numbers,it's recommended that you click Yes. If you have entered data that can uniquely identify each row, click No,and then specify the field that contains that data as your primary key inDesign view (Design view: A windowthat shows the design of these database objects: tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data accesspages. In Design view, you can create new database objects and modify the design of existing ones.).

    1. Open a table inDesign view (Design view: A window that shows the design of these database objects:tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Design view, you can create newdatabase objects and modify the design of existing ones.).

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    2. Select the field or fields you want to define as the primary key (primary key: One or more fields(columns) whose values uniquely identify each record in a table. A primary key cannot allow Null valuesand must always have a unique index. A primary key is used to relate a table to foreign keys in othertables.).

    To select one field, click therow selector (row selector: A small box or bar that, when clicked, selects anentire row in table or macro Design view, or when you sort and group records in report Design view.) forthe desired field.

    To select multiple fields, hold down the CTRL key and then click the row selector for each field.

    3. Click Primary Key on the toolbar.

    NOTE If you want the order of the fields in a multiple-field primary key to be different from the order of those

    fields in the table, click Indexes on the toolbar to display the Indexes window (Indexes window: In anAccess database, a window in which you can view or edit a table's indexes or create multiple-field indexes.),and then reorder the field names for theindex (index: A feature that speeds up searching and sorting in a tablebased on key values and can enforce uniqueness on the rows in a table. The primary key of a table isautomatically indexed. Some fields can't be indexed because of their data type.) named PrimaryKey.

    (validation rule: A property that defines valid input values for a field or record in a table, or a control on a form.Create a table by using the Table Wizard

    1. Press F11 to switch to the Database window (Database window: The window that appears when you open anAccess database or an Access project. It displays shortcuts for creating new database objects and openingexisting objects.).

    2. Click Tables under Objects, and then click Newon the Database window

    Access displays the message specified in the ValidationText property when the rule is violated.)

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school





    Step 1

    Double click on My Network Connections/ Places

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Step 2

    Click on View Network Connections

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Step 3

    Click on Create New Connection

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Step 4

    Click on Next

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Step 5

    Select 1st

    option i.e. Connect to Internet and click next

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    Step 6

    Select Dial-Up Connectionand click Next

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    Step 7

    Write company name as BSNL and click next

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    Step 8

    Enter phone no. 172222and click next

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school



    Step 9

    Check on add a short cut to this connection to my desktop and click finish

  • 8/12/2019 it project vikash school


    STEP 10 :

    Now from your Short at DESKTOP , double Click on the Shortcut and Dial ID and Password as

    mentioned below ..

    D: STDCODE (without ZERO) followed by Phone Number

    (As for Patna users with Phone number 2345678 ; ID will be : 6122345678)

    PASSWORD : bsnl10