Ministry of Housing and Environment Republic of Maldives Scaling-up Renewable Energy Grant No.: TF099659 Reference No.: (IUL)138/INDIV/2011/87 Date: Oct 24, 2011 Invitation for Interested Consultants The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received a preparation Grant from Strategic Climate Fund, administered by the World Bank for the development of Investment Plan for the Republic of Maldives under the program for Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program, and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Trust Fund to payments under the contracts for the services of consultants listed below to undertake data collection and related analysis to aid preparation and drafting of the renewable energy investment plan. The objective of the Project is to assist the Government with the preparation of an SREP investment plan which will support a country level programmatic approach to Scaling up renewable energy and energy security objectives. Under the consultancy service the government seeks the services of consultants in the following capacity as individual or firms as defined in the TORs. 1- Modeller for island power systems 2- Male’ thermal power systems expert 3- Grid weather data collection expert 4- Meteorological Data Advisor 5- Building energy management expert The key functionary of the above selected consultancies is to carry out the tasks outlined in the detailed TORs with guidance and direction from the Renewable Energy Investment Office of the Ministry of Economic Development. The detail TORs are downloadable from the Ministry of Economic Development website www.trade.gov.mv . Each individual TOR provides the scope of work, deliverables and the required qualifications for the consultancy services. The Ministry of Housing and Environment, now invites interested eligible individuals (both international and national) to submit their Expressions of Interest (EoI). Interested consultants must provide a CV including information that demonstrates that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, etc.) A consultant will be selected based on the qualifications, in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May 2004, revised October 2006 and January 2011. Interested individuals may obtain an outline Terms of Reference and further information on request by writing to the address below. The expressions of interest must be submitted to the address by (regular mail, emails or fax) not later than 16:00 hours on October 30, 2011 and shall be available to commence the services no later than November 1, 2011. Permanent Secretary Ministry of Economic Development Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Henveiru Male’, 20125, Republic of Maldives Tel: +960 3323668 Fax: +960 3336922 email: [email protected]

Invitation for Interested ConsultantsInvitation for Interested Consultants ... completedfeasibilityfor constructing a 15 MW wind farm on the Addu atoll; ... on planning, regulation

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Ministry of Housing and Environment

Republic of Maldives Scaling-up Renewable Energy

Grant No.: TF099659

Reference No.: (IUL)138/INDIV/2011/87 Date: Oct 24, 2011

Invitation for Interested Consultants

The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received a preparation Grant from Strategic Climate Fund, administered by the World Bank for the development of Investment Plan for the Republic of Maldives under the program for Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program, and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this Trust Fund to payments under the contracts for the services of consultants listed below to undertake data collection and related analysis to aid preparation and drafting of the renewable energy investment plan.

The objective of the Project is to assist the Government with the preparation of an SREP investment plan which will support a country level programmatic approach to Scaling up renewable energy and energy security objectives.

Under the consultancy service the government seeks the services of consultants in the following capacity as individual or firms as defined in the TORs.

1- Modeller for island power systems 2- Male’ thermal power systems expert 3- Grid weather data collection expert 4- Meteorological Data Advisor 5- Building energy management expert

The key functionary of the above selected consultancies is to carry out the tasks outlined in the detailed TORs with guidance and direction from the Renewable Energy Investment Office of the Ministry of Economic Development. The detail TORs are downloadable from the Ministry of Economic Development website www.trade.gov.mv. Each individual TOR provides the scope of work, deliverables and the required qualifications for the consultancy services.

The Ministry of Housing and Environment, now invites interested eligible individuals (both international and national) to submit their Expressions of Interest (EoI). Interested consultants must provide a CV including information that demonstrates that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, etc.)

A consultant will be selected based on the qualifications, in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May 2004, revised October 2006 and January 2011.

Interested individuals may obtain an outline Terms of Reference and further information on request by writing to the address below.

The expressions of interest must be submitted to the address by (regular mail, emails or fax) not later than 16:00 hours on October 30, 2011 and shall be available to commence the services no later than November 1, 2011.

Permanent Secretary Ministry of Economic Development Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Henveiru Male’, 20125, Republic of Maldives Tel: +960 3323668 Fax: +960 3336922

email: [email protected]

މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ހައުސިންގް އެންޑް އެންވަޔަރަންމަންޓް

މާލެ ، ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެ

ސްކޭލްންގ އަޕް ރިނިއުބަލް އެނާޖީ

TF099659: ގްރާންޓް ނަންބަރު

2011އޮކްޓޯބަރ 24 :ތާރީޚް 138/INDIV/2011/87(IUL):ރެފަރެންސް ނަންބަރު

ރަށްވަނީ ހިލޭ އެހީގެ ދިވެހި ސަރުކާސްޓެރެޓެޖިކް ކްލައިމެޓް ފަންޑުއިން އިއާދަކުރަނިވި ހަކަތައިގެ އިންވެސްޓް ޕްލޭނެއް އެކުލަވާލުމަށް

އިދާރީ ކަންކަން މި ހިލޭ އެހީގެ ފަންޑުގެ. ގެ ދަށުން ލިބިފައެވެ )އެސްރެޕް(ފައިސާ ސްކޭލިންގ އަޕް ރިނަވަބަލް އެނަރޖީ ޕްރޮގްރާމް

އެހީގެ ހިލޭ ލިބިފައިވާ ސްޓެރެޓެޖިކް ކްލައިމެޓް ފަންޑުއިން ދިވެހި ސަރުކާރަށް. ބަލަހައްޓަމުން ގެންދަނީ ވާރލްޑް ބޭނުންކުންނެވެ

ހޭ ޖެކުރަން އެކުލަވާލުމަށް ބޭނުންވާ ޑާޓާ ހޯދުމަށާއި އަދި "ރިނަވަބަލް އެނަރޖީ އިންވެސްޓްމަންޓް ޕްލޭން "ފައިސާއިން ބައެއް

. ޖެހިފައިވެއެވެ ދިރާސާތައްކުރުމަށް ކޮންޓްރެކްޓް އުސޫލުން ހޯދުމަށް ހަމަޖެހިފައިވާ ކޮންސަލްޓަންސީ ޚިދްމަތްތަކަށް ބޭނުންކުރުމަށް ހަމަ

ވި ހަކަތަ ބޭނުންކުރާ އިއާދަކުރަނިޤައުމީ ފެންވަރެއްގައި ގައި މަޤްޞަދަކީ ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ މި ޕްރޮޖެކްޓުގެ ހިލޭ އެހީގެ ދަށުން ކުރިޔަށް ގެންދާ

. ލަވާލުމެވެ މިންވަރު އިތުރުކުރުމަށް މަގުދައްކައިދޭނެ އިއާދަކުރަނިވި ހަކަތައިގެ އިންވެސްޓްމެންޓް ޕްލޭނެއް އެސްރެޕް ޕްރޮގްރާމްގެ ދަށުން އެކު

ޔަތުން ނުވަތަ ކުންފުންނި ތަކުގެ އަމިއްލަ ފަރުދެއްގެ ހައިޘިއް ،ތިރީގައި މިދަންނަވާ ދާއިރާތަކަށް ޤާބިލް ކޮންސަލްޓެންޓުން މިގޮތުން،

. ހޯދަން ބޭނުންވެއެވެގޮތުގެ މަތިން އާރު ގައި ބަޔާންކޮށްފައިވާ.އޯ.ޓީފަރާތުން،

1- Modeller for Island power systems 2- Male Thermal Power Systems 3- Grid weather data collection expert 4- Metrological Data Advisor 5- Building Energy management expert

ނޑު ބަޔާން ގައި )އާރު.އޯ .ޓީ(ޓާމްސް އޮފް ރިފަރެންސް މަސައްކަތްތަކީ މަތީގައި ދެންނެވިފައިވާ ދާއިރާތަކުގެ ކޮންސަލްޓެންޓުންގެ މައިގަ

ގެ ލަފައާއި އިންވެސްޓްމަންޓް އޮފީހުންމިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް އިކޮނޮމިކް ޑިވެލޮޕްމަންޓް ގެ ރިނަވަބަލް އެނަރޖީ ގޮތުގެ މަތިން އަދި ކުރެވިފައިވާ

މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް އިކޮނޮމިކް ކޮޕީއާރު ތަކުގެ .އޯ .ޓީމަސައްކަތްތައް ތަފްސީލުކުރެވިފައިވާ .އިރުޝާދާގެ މަތިން ޚިދްމަތް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމެވެ

ވެސް ބޭނުންވާ އާރު އެއްގައި .އޯ .ކޮންމެ ޓީ. ޑައުންލޯޑް ކުރެވޭނެއެވެ އިން www.trade.gov.mv ޑިވެލޮޕްމަންޓް ގެ ވެބްސައިޓް

އަދި ހުންނަންވީ ފެންވަރުޚިދްމަތް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް ހުށަހަޅާ ފަރާތުގައި އަދިކޮންނިންމަންޖެހޭ މަސައްކަތްތަކާއި ، ޚިދްމަތުގެ ތަފްސީލާއި

. ބަޔާން ކުރެވިފައިވާނެއެވެ ޝަރުތުތައް

ޝައުގުވެރިވާ ރާއްޖެއާއި ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރުގެ މިކަމަށް ޤާބިލް ފަރާތްތަކުން އެކްސްޕްރެޝަން އޮފް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް ޚިދްމަތްތައް މި

އަދި މިކަމަށް ޝައުޤުވެރިވާ . އިންޓަރެސްޓް ހުށަހެޅުމަށް މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ހައުސިންގ އެންޑް އެނަވަރަމަންޓް އިން ދައުވަތު އަރުވަމެވެ

ހުށަހަޅަ ފަރާތަކީ ޚިދްމަތް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށް ޤާބިލު ފަރާތެއްކަން ހުށަހަޅުއްވައި ސީވީ ގައި އަދި .ހެޅުއްވުން އެދެމެވެފަރާތްތަކުގެ ސީވީ ހުށަ

. ހުނަރު، އަދި މިފަދަ މަސައްކަތްތަކުގެ އަމަލީ ތަޖްރިބާ ހިމަނަންވާނެއެވެ މިގޮތުން ތަޢުލީމީ ފެންވަރު، ލިބިފައިވާ. އަންގައި ދޭންވާނެއެވެ

ނޑައަޅާފައިވާ އު ސޫލުތަކާއި ކޮންސަލްޓެންޓުން ހޮވުމުގައި ލިބިފައިވާ ތަޢުލީމާ ތަޖްރިބާއަށާއި، ވޯލްޑް ބޭންކުން ކޮންސަލްޓެންޓުން ހޮވުމުގައި ކަ

ނޑުތަކަށް ބަލާނެއެވެ އަދި 2006ތައްޔާރުކޮށް އޮކްޓޯބަރު ގައި 2004މިގޮތުން ވޯލްޑް ބޭންކުން ކޮންސަލްޓެންޓުން ހޮވުމަށް މެއި . މިންގަ

. ކޮށްފައިވާ މިންގަޑުތަކަށް ބެލޭނެއެވެއިސްލާހު ގައި 2011ޖެނުއަރީ

ވެރިވާ އަމިއްލަ ފަރާތްތަކުން ޓާމްސް އޮފް ރިފަރެންސް ހޯދުމަށްފަހު ބޭނުންވާ އިތުރު މައޫލޫމާތު ހޯދުމަށް ޤުމިމަސައްކަތްތައް ކުރުމަށް ޝައު

. ން އެދެމެވެތިރީގައިވާ އެޑްރެސްއަށް ލިއުމަކުން ހުށަހެޅުއްވު

ގެ ކުރިން ލިޔުން ތިރީގައިވާ 16:00ގެ 2011އޮކްޓޯބަރު 30ވީމާ، މިކަމަށް ޝައުޤުވެރިވާ ފަރާތްތަކުގެ ޝައުޤުވެރިކަން ފާޅުކޮށް

އަންގާ ގައި އެކަން 2011ނޮވެމްބަރު 02ތައް ކުރުމަށް ހޮވޭ ފަރާތްތަކަށް އަދި މިމަސައްކަތް. އެޑްރެސްއަށް ފޮނުއްވައިދެއްވުން އެދެމެވެ

. ކޮންޓްރެކްޓް ގައި ސޮއި ކުރެވޭނެއެވެ

ޕާމަނެންޓް ސެކެރެޓަރީ

މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް އިކޮނޮމިކް ޑިވެލޮޕްމަންޓް

ބޮޑުތަކުރުފާނު މަގު، ހެންވޭރު

ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ ، 2015މާލެ،

3336922 960+: ފެކްސް 3323668 960+: ފޯނު

[email protected] : އީމެއިލް

TF099659-MV M o d e l l e r f o r I s l a n d P o w e r S y s t e m s 1

Ministry of Economic Development

Republic of Maldives

Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs

Grant No: TF099659

Modeller for Island Power Systems-Terms of Reference

1. BACKGROUND The Government of Maldives (GOM) has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2020 while enhancing greater energy security and reaping economic, social and environmental benefits. Towards achieving this goal, the Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) formulated theMaldives National Energy Policy & Strategy in October 2010 to ‘Provide all citizens with access to reliable and sustainable energy services at lowest possible cost’; ‘Achieve carbon neutrality in the energy sector by year 2020’; ‘Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency’ and ‘Increase national energy security’. Energy security is a key concern as the country spent 15% of GDP on fossil fuel imports in 2009.

The Government has taken up a number of initiatives, including a carbon audit. A road map for attaining carbon neutrality and a framework for clean energy investments on the basis of previously conducted studies and reports available in the Maldives has also been prepared.The Renewable Energy Investment Framework(REIF) developed by the Renewable Energy Investment Office, and approvedin principle, by the Cabinet,provides broadpolicy directions and a road map for de-carbonizing the energy sector. This document is expected to form the basis of national energyinvestment policy and should be treated as the framework within which the Investment Plan should be embedded. A number of donors are supporting the GOM in their efforts.

Fossil fuels, primarily petroleum provide the majority of energy used in the Maldives for generation of electricity (diesel), road and marine transport (gasoline, diesel), aviation (jet kerosene), and cooking, hot water and other uses (LPG, kerosene).

Renewable energy use in the Maldives is minimal. Per capita electricity consumption is low and relatively uniform except in a few islands due to high industrial activity, higher living standard and economic activity, and higher housing energy consumption in islands affected by the tsunami in 2004. These high energy consuming islands includes Malé Greater Area, Vaikaradhoo, Kudarikilu, Himmafushi, and Vilufushi.

A number of renewable energy (mainly solar and wind) projects have been initiated by the utilities and government, utilizing donor assistance and the private sector.Some of the projects in this area include:

Proposed supply of electricity from 24 MWp, solar PV systems installed in GaafuDhaalu Atoll;

A Finnish companyhas proposed a 25 MW wind farm in the Maldives’ GaafuAlif atoll;

An Indian wind turbine companyhas completedfeasibilityfor constructing a 15 MW wind farm on the Addu atoll;

TF099659-MV M o d e l l e r f o r I s l a n d P o w e r S y s t e m s 2

The Government of Japan has provided financial assistance for a project to install 1 MW of rooftop solar arrays on schools and government buildings in Malé, the country’s capital;

The Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) have developed energy recovery systems for new desalination plants. Such systems provide 50 % energy savings;

There are also initiations, with assistance from IFC, the possibility of waste to energy options while seeking an incineration solution for the waste management solution etc.

A Framework for Clean Energy Investments in the Maldives was prepared recently with technical support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). “Clean energy” encompasses renewable energy and energy efficiency. The document was completed based on reviewing previously conducted studies, other reports and readily available information. It includes an overview of the energy sector in the Maldives and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the role for renewable energy technologies in the Maldives and barriers to its development, provides recommendations on planning, regulation, institutional requirements and detailed studies to be undertaken in order to develop a complete investment plan for the energy sector.

The ADB and the World Bank Group (WBG) managed multi-donor “Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs” (SREP) facility has committed up to US$ 30 millionin grant or highly concessional loan financing to the Maldives. SREP supports investment, policy support and capacity building in low-income developing countries to stimulate economic growth through the scaled-up development of renewable energy solutions. It will catalyze the transformation of the renewable energy markets by obtaining government support for market creation, private sector implementation, and productive energy use. SREP promotes both public and private sector actions to remove barriers that might otherwise inhibit scaled-up private sector investments. SREP with require 3 to 4 times in additional co-financing (other donors, government, private sector etc). Such additional financing would contribute to the GoM goal of achieving carbon neutrality with complementary investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, policy and capacity building.

In moving forward, the Cabinet has recently endorsed, in principle,the Renewable Energy Investment Framework (REIF) to de-carbonize the electricity generation sector. The framework document will provide the necessary guidance and direction for the formulation of the clean energy investment plan, which is expected to be submitted to SREP sub-committee in Jan 2011.


OVERARCHING GOAL The SREP investment plan (SREP IP) will lay out the projects and programmes that will be prioritized for implementation as Maldives moves toward achieving its 2020 carbon neutrality pledge.

In preparation for this, a series of subtasks have been defined, of which this is one. These tasks will each provide one particular component of the proposed SREP IP, in order to enable the GoM to prepare a comprehensive and well-researched document supported by evidence.

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES Theobjective of this assignment isto provide the GoM with working models of the Malé area power systems, and the power system of two typical small islands, against which a series of renewable energy strategies can be evaluated economically and technically.

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3. TASKS OF THE CONSULTANT The tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant under this assignment include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

To build HOMER models of the Malé area power systems, and the power system of a typical small island, against which a series of renewable energy strategies can be evaluated. The deliverable will be the two models in working order with a range of suitable wind, energy storage and solar solutions selected. For Malé the choice of technologies will include large-scale wind and biomass.

The task will have as final output

For the small islands, an algorithm or model for determining the lowest cost of electricity possible for solar/battery/thermal store/diesel hybrids which can be applied to any small island in the Maldives. This task will be intimately linked with the analysis of grid stability under Task 3.

For Malé, a model to determine the maximum penetration of biomass which is economically possible, given the cost and performance parameters supplied by Task 2 and the possible range of wind power introduced under existing contracts.

The report shall be in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan.

4. DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINE The tasks defined in Section 3 above, must be carried out in close consultation with the representative designated by the Renewable Energy Investment Office of the Ministry of Economic Development and a report in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan, should be submitted at the end of the assignment

Thefinal report must be delivered within 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract, in the form as defined in Section 6 on reporting.

5. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE The consultant should have a relevant degree in environmental science or energy management, have direct experience of the HOMER modelling package for renewable energy and be familiar with the characteristics of Maldives energy supply and demand.

6. REPORTING The Renewable Energy Investment Office(REIO) under the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) has the oversight function for the formulation of the investment plan and will act as the lead implementing Ministry that provide the technical guidance for the Consultant to carry out the tasks outlined in the TOR. REIO/ MED will identify a representative to act on its behalf and who will co-ordinate and provide the necessary directions for the Consultant during the course of the assignment. The PMU at MHE, which oversees the fiduciary aspects of the SREP funds, has the overall responsibility for the management of the contract.

All reports and documents will be submitted in English in two (2) hard copy and soft copy by email in Microsoft Word format. All reports and documents will be submitted in draft and in final form to REIO/MED.

7. FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT REIO shall facilitate meeting with the appropriate government agencies, as and when required.

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REIO will obtain, at no cost to the Consultant, multiple entry business visas for the period of the consultancy.

REIO staff will coordinate closely with the Consultant during the process.

REIO will provide, at no cost to the Consultant, travel and accommodation in Government facilities outside Malé as needed.

8. CONTRACT DURATION The successful candidate is expected to be available to commence the assignment immediately or latest by 1st November 2011. The estimated contract duration will be for 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract. Subject to negotiation and budget, some of the services may be provided from the Consultants’ home country and report deliverables through electronic communication.

9. APPLICATION DEADLINE AND SUBMISSION DETAILS The deadline for submitting applications for interested individuals is 1600hrs, Sunday, 30th October 2011.

CV’s and other supporting documents, demonstrating the required competency as stated in Section 5, should be submitted to the following address, either through hard copies or electronically, before the above deadline.

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development, BoduthakurufaanuMagu, Male, Maldives, Email: [email protected] Phone: +960 3323668 Fax: +960 3336922

TF099659-MV M a l é T h e r m a l P o w e r S y s t e m s 1

Ministry of Economic Development

Republic of Maldives

Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs

Grant No: TF099659

Malé Thermal Power Systems -Terms of Reference

1. BACKGROUND The Government of Maldives (GOM) has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2020 while enhancing greater energy security and reaping economic, social and environmental benefits. Towards achieving this goal, the Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) formulated theMaldives National Energy Policy & Strategy in October 2010 to ‘Provide all citizens with access to reliable and sustainable energy services at lowest possible cost’; ‘Achieve carbon neutrality in the energy sector by year 2020’; ‘Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency’ and ‘Increase national energy security’. Energy security is a key concern as the country spent 15% of GDP on fossil fuel imports in 2009.

The Government has taken up a number of initiatives, including a carbon audit. A road map for attaining carbon neutrality and a framework for clean energy investments on the basis of previously conducted studies and reports available in the Maldives has also been prepared.The Renewable Energy Investment Framework(REIF) developed by the Renewable Energy Investment Office, and approvedin principle, by the Cabinet,provides broadpolicy directions and a road map for de-carbonizing the energy sector. This document is expected to form the basis of national energyinvestment policy and should be treated as the framework within which the Investment Plan should be embedded. A number of donors are supporting the GOM in their efforts.

Fossil fuels, primarily petroleum provide the majority of energy used in the Maldives for generation of electricity (diesel), road and marine transport (gasoline, diesel), aviation (jet kerosene), and cooking, hot water and other uses (LPG, kerosene).

Renewable energy use in the Maldives is minimal. Per capita electricity consumption is low and relatively uniform except in a few islands due to high industrial activity, higher living standard and economic activity, and higher housing energy consumption in islands affected by the tsunami in 2004. These high energy consuming islands includes Malé Greater Area, Vaikaradhoo, Kudarikilu, Himmafushi, and Vilufushi.

A number of renewable energy (mainly solar and wind) projects have been initiated by the utilities and government, utilizing donor assistance and the private sector.Some of the projects in this area include:

Proposed supply of electricity from 24 MWp, solar PV systems installed in GaafuDhaalu Atoll;

A Finnish companyhas proposed a 25 MW wind farm in the Maldives’ GaafuAlif atoll;

An Indian wind turbine companyhas completedfeasibilityfor constructing a 15 MW wind farm on the Addu atoll;

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The Government of Japan has provided financial assistance for a project to install 1 MW of rooftop solar arrays on schools and government buildings in Malé, the country’s capital;

The Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) have developed energy recovery systems for new desalination plants. Such systems provide 50 % energy savings;

There are also initiations, with assistance from IFC, the possibility of waste to energy options while seeking an incineration solution for the waste management solution etc.

A Framework for Clean Energy Investments in the Maldives was prepared recently with technical support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). “Clean energy” encompasses renewable energy and energy efficiency. The document was completed based on reviewing previously conducted studies, other reports and readily available information. It includes an overview of the energy sector in the Maldives and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the role for renewable energy technologies in the Maldives and barriers to its development, provides recommendations on planning, regulation, institutional requirements and detailed studies to be undertaken in order to develop a complete investment plan for the energy sector.

The ADB and the World Bank Group (WBG) managed multi-donor “Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs” (SREP) facility has committed up to US$ 30 millionin grant or highly concessional loan financing to the Maldives. SREP supports investment, policy support and capacity building in low-income developing countries to stimulate economic growth through the scaled-up development of renewable energy solutions. It will catalyze the transformation of the renewable energy markets by obtaining government support for market creation, private sector implementation, and productive energy use. SREP promotes both public and private sector actions to remove barriers that might otherwise inhibit scaled-up private sector investments. SREP with require 3 to 4 times in additional co-financing (other donors, government, private sector etc). Such additional financing would contribute to the GoM goal of achieving carbon neutrality with complementary investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, policy and capacity building.

In moving forward, the Cabinet has recently endorsed, in principle,the Renewable Energy Investment Framework (REIF) to de-carbonize the electricity generation sector. The framework document will provide the necessary guidance and direction for the formulation of the clean energy investment plan, which is expected to be submitted to SREP sub-committee in Jan 2011.


OVERARCHING GOAL The SREP investment plan (SREP IP) will lay out the projects and programmes that will be prioritized for implementation as Maldives moves toward achieving its 2020 carbon neutrality pledge.

In preparation for this, a series of subtasks have been defined, of which this is one. These tasks will each provide one particular component of the proposed SREP IP, in order to enable the GoM to prepare a comprehensive and well-researched document supported by evidence.

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES The objective of this assignment is to examine the costs and practicality of using thermal technologies to supply power to the Malé area grid. These would include biomass, heat recovery form existing generator sets, and heat recovery from the proposed new gas fired power station in Malé.

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3. TASKS OF THE CONSULTANT The tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant under this assignment include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

To consider the possibility of using ORC generators to recover heat from the existing generation plant. To consider using biomass fired steam turbines to provide a new source of baseload power.

To consider recovering heat from the exhaust gases of the proposed Malé gas plant to integrate with the boilers from a biomass plant.

To advise on whether this list of options should include other technologies or approaches not outlined here.

In considering these options the Consultant should evaluate the likely range of capital costs, operating costs, and in the case of biomass, fuel costs and sources.

Output from the task shall be a report setting out the alternatives considered, the costs established, and the sources of data and justifications for the same.

The report shall be in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan.

4. DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINE The tasks defined in Section 3 above, must be carried out in close consultation with the representative designated by the Renewable Energy Investment Office of the Ministry of Economic Development and a report in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan, should be submitted at the end of the assignment

Thefinal report must be delivered within 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract, in the form as defined in Section 6 on reporting.

5. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE The consultant should have at least 5-10 years of experience in the biomass sector, and experience of large thermal power systems, including practical experience of gas turbine generation and diesel reciprocating engine generation and control.

6. REPORTING The Renewable Energy Investment Office (REIO) under the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) has the oversight function for the formulation of the investment plan and will act as the lead implementing Ministry that provide the technical guidance for the Consultant to carry out the tasks outlined in the TOR. REIO/ MED will identify a representative to act on its behalf and who will co-ordinate and provide the necessary directions for the Consultant during the course of the assignment. The PMU at MHE, which oversees the fiduciary aspects of the SREP funds has the overall responsibility for the management of the contract.

All reports and documents will be submitted in English in two (2) hard copy and soft copy by email in Microsoft Word format. All reports and documents will be submitted in draft and in final form to REIO/MED.

7. FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT REIO shall facilitate meeting with the appropriate government agencies, as and when required.

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REIO will obtain, at no cost to the Consultant, multiple entry business visas for the period of the consultancy.

REIO staff will coordinate closely with the Consultant during the process.

REIO will provide, at no cost to the Consultant, travel and accommodation in Government facilities outside Malé as needed.

8. CONTRACT DURATION The successful candidate is expected to be available to commence the assignment immediately or latest by 1st November 2011. The estimated contract duration will be for 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract. Subject to negotiation and budget, some of the services may be provided from the Consultants’ home country and report deliverables through electronic communication.

9. APPLICATION DEADLINE AND SUBMISSION DETAILS The deadline for submitting applications for interested individuals is 1600hrs, Sunday, 30th October 2011.

CV’s and other supporting documents, demonstrating the required competency as stated in Section 5, should be submitted to the following address, either through hard copies or electronically, before the above deadline.

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development, BoduthakurufaanuMagu, Male, Maldives, Email: [email protected] Phone: +960 3323668 Fax: +960 3336922

TF099659-MV G r i d S t a b i l i t y E x p e r t 1

Ministry of Economic Development

Republic of Maldives

Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs

Grant No: TF099659

Grid Stability Expert-Terms of Reference

1. BACKGROUND The Government of Maldives (GOM) has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2020 while enhancing greater energy security and reaping economic, social and environmental benefits. Towards achieving this goal, the Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) formulated the Maldives National Energy Policy & Strategy in October 2010 to ‘Provide all citizens with access to reliable and sustainable energy services at lowest possible cost’; ‘Achieve carbon neutrality in the energy sector by year 2020’; ‘Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency’ and ‘Increase national energy security’. Energy security is a key concern as the country spent 15% of GDP on fossil fuel imports in 2009.

The Government has taken up a number of initiatives, including a carbon audit. A road map for attaining carbon neutrality and a framework for clean energy investments on the basis of previously conducted studies and reports available in the Maldives has also been prepared. The Renewable Energy Investment Framework (REIF) developed by the Renewable Energy Investment Office, and approved in principle, by the Cabinet, provides broad policy directions and a road map for de-carbonizing the energy sector. This document is expected to form the basis of national energy investment policy and should be treated as the framework within which the Investment Plan should be embedded. A number of donors are supporting the GOM in their efforts.

Fossil fuels, primarily petroleum provide the majority of energy used in the Maldives for generation of electricity (diesel), road and marine transport (gasoline, diesel), aviation (jet kerosene), and cooking, hot water and other uses (LPG, kerosene).

Renewable energy use in the Maldives is minimal. Per capita electricity consumption is low and relatively uniform except in a few islands due to high industrial activity, higher living standard and economic activity, and higher housing energy consumption in islands affected by the tsunami in 2004. These high energy consuming islands includes Malé Greater Area, Vaikaradhoo, Kudarikilu, Himmafushi, and Vilufushi.

A number of renewable energy (mainly solar and wind) projects have been initiated by the utilities and government, utilizing donor assistance and the private sector. Some of the projects in this area include:

Proposed supply of electricity from 24 MWp, solar PV systems installed in GaafuDhaalu Atoll; A Finnish company has proposed a 25 MW wind farm in the Maldives’ Gaafu Alif atoll;

An Indian wind turbine company has completed feasibility for constructing a 15 MW wind farm on the Addu atoll;

TF099659-MV G r i d S t a b i l i t y E x p e r t 2

The Government of Japan has provided financial assistance for a project to install 1 MW of rooftop solar arrays on schools and government buildings in Malé, the country’s capital;

The Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) have developed energy recovery systems for new desalination plants. Such systems provide 50 % energy savings;

There are also initiations, with assistance from IFC, the possibility of waste to energy options while seeking an incineration solution for the waste management solution etc.

A Framework for Clean Energy Investments in the Maldives was prepared recently with technical support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). “Clean energy” encompasses renewable energy and energy efficiency. The document was completed based on reviewing previously conducted studies, other reports and readily available information. It includes an overview of the energy sector in the Maldives and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the role for renewable energy technologies in the Maldives and barriers to its development, provides recommendations on planning, regulation, institutional requirements and detailed studies to be undertaken in order to develop a complete investment plan for the energy sector.

The ADB and the World Bank Group (WBG) managed multi-donor “Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs” (SREP) facility has committed up to US$ 30 million in grant or highly concessional loan financing to the Maldives. SREP supports investment, policy support and capacity building in low-income developing countries to stimulate economic growth through the scaled-up development of renewable energy solutions. It will catalyze the transformation of the renewable energy markets by obtaining government support for market creation, private sector implementation, and productive energy use. SREP promotes both public and private sector actions to remove barriers that might otherwise inhibit scaled-up private sector investments. SREP with require 3 to 4 times in additional co-financing (other donors, government, private sector etc). Such additional financing would contribute to the GoM goal of achieving carbon neutrality with complementary investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, policy and capacity building.

In moving forward, the Cabinet has recently endorsed, in principle, the Renewable Energy Investment Framework (REIF) to de-carbonize the electricity generation sector. The framework document will provide the necessary guidance and direction for the formulation of the clean energy investment plan, which is expected to be submitted to SREP sub-committee in Jan 2011.


OVERARCHING GOAL The SREP investment plan (SREP IP) will lay out the projects and programmes that will be prioritized for implementation as Maldives moves toward achieving its 2020 carbon neutrality pledge.

In preparation for this, a series of subtasks have been defined, of which this is one. These tasks will each provide one particular component of the proposed SREP IP, in order to enable the GoM to prepare a comprehensive and well-researched document supported by evidence.

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES The objective of this assignment is to help understand the practical limits of grid penetration by solar power in the outer islands, and what should be done to remove or relax this constraint by installing different control equipment, generators, or modest quantities of energy storage.

TF099659-MV G r i d S t a b i l i t y E x p e r t 3

3. TASKS OF THE CONSULTANT The tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant under this assignment include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

To determine the practical limits in place today to installing solar PV in small island power stations which might result in grid stability problems.

To determine what changes should be made to generators and control systems in order to relax the constraints currently in place, and allow efficient penetration of solar PV.

To determine what quantum of energy storage might be needed (both kWh and kW) to allow 100% of mean midday peak demand to be met from solar PV. Note that the objective is not to provide storage outside the hours of sunshine but simply to make the available energy better match the existing demand without creating stability problems

To determine the extent to which the total energy delivered by solar PV may be increased by either the use of tracking or unconventional panel installation geometries, without the addition of storage beyond that needed for grid stability as above.

To consider whether energy storage costs can be reduced by, and grid stability enhanced by, thermal storage devices that allow load to be added and shed from the grid as voltages rise or fall.

The task should be carried out using a detailed analysis of a small number (1-3) of actual island situations from which general conclusions can be extrapolated. Ideally the islands selected should include islands selected for Task 1. It is recognised that there will be limitations on the level of detail that the Consultant may be able to supply in the timescale available, and that some level of generalisation may be needed.

The output will be in the form of a report, setting out the principal conclusions from the study as above. The report should include technical descriptions and justifications for the determinations made. Where relevant and appropriate, budget cost estimates for each of the islands considered should be provided.

The report shall be in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan.

4. DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINE The tasks defined in Section 3 above, must be carried out in close consultation with the representative designated by the Renewable Energy Investment Office of the Ministry of Economic Development and a report in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan, should be submitted at the end of the assignment

The final report must be delivered within 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract, in the form as defined in Section 6 on reporting.

5. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE The consultant should be a recognized expert in the field of power and control systems, with a strong proven interest in renewable energy. The consultant should also be familiar with leading edge academic work in the field so that the Maldives is able to participate in, or anticipate, relevant developments.

6. REPORTING The Renewable Energy Investment Office (REIO) under the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) has the oversight function for the formulation of the investment plan and will act as the lead implementing Ministry that provide the technical guidance for the Consultant to carry out the tasks outlined in the TOR. REIO/ MED

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will identify a representative to act on its behalf and who will co-ordinate and provide the necessary directions for the Consultant during the course of the assignment. The PMU at MHE, which oversees the fiduciary aspects of the SREP funds has the overall responsibility for the management of the contract.

All reports and documents will be submitted in English in two (2) hard copy and soft copy by email in Microsoft Word format. All reports and documents will be submitted in draft and in final form to REIO/MED.

7. FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT REIO shall facilitate meeting with the appropriate government agencies, as and when required. REIO will obtain, at no cost to the Consultant, multiple entry business visas for the period of the

consultancy. REIO staff will coordinate closely with the Consultant during the process.

REIO will provide, at no cost to the Consultant, travel and accommodation in Government facilities outside Malé as needed.

8. CONTRACT DURATION The successful candidate is expected to be available to commence the assignment immediately or latest by 1st November 2011. The estimated contract duration will be for 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract. Subject to negotiation and budget, some of the services may be provided from the Consultants’ home country and report deliverables through electronic communication.

9. APPLICATION DEADLINE AND SUBMISSION DETAILS The deadline for submitting applications for interested individuals is 1600hrs, Sunday, 30th October 2011.

CV’s and other supporting documents, demonstrating the required competency as stated in Section 5, should be submitted to the following address, either through hard copies or electronically, before the above deadline.

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male, Maldives, Email: [email protected] Phone: +960 3323668 Fax: +960 3336922

TF099659-MV M e t e o r o l o g i c a l D a t a A d v i s o r 1

Ministry of Economic Development

Republic of Maldives

Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs

Grant No: TF099659

Meteorological Data Advisor-Terms of Reference

1. BACKGROUND The Government of Maldives (GOM) has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2020 while enhancing greater energy security and reaping economic, social and environmental benefits. Towards achieving this goal, the Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) formulated the Maldives National Energy Policy & Strategy in October 2010 to ‘Provide all citizens with access to reliable and sustainable energy services at lowest possible cost’; ‘Achieve carbon neutrality in the energy sector by year 2020’; ‘Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency’ and ‘Increase national energy security’. Energy security is a key concern as the country spent 15% of GDP on fossil fuel imports in 2009.

The Government has taken up a number of initiatives, including a carbon audit. A road map for attaining carbon neutrality and a framework for clean energy investments on the basis of previously conducted studies and reports available in the Maldives has also been prepared. The Renewable Energy Investment Framework(REIF) developed by the Renewable Energy Investment Office, and approved in principle, by the Cabinet, provides broad policy directions and a road map for de-carbonizing the energy sector. This document is expected to form the basis of national energy investment policy and should be treated as the framework within which the Investment Plan should be embedded. A number of donors are supporting the GOM in their efforts.

Fossil fuels, primarily petroleum provide the majority of energy used in the Maldives for generation of electricity (diesel), road and marine transport (gasoline, diesel), aviation (jet kerosene), and cooking, hot water and other uses (LPG, kerosene).

Renewable energy use in the Maldives is minimal. Per capita electricity consumption is low and relatively uniform except in a few islands due to high industrial activity, higher living standard and economic activity, and higher housing energy consumption in islands affected by the tsunami in 2004. These high energy consuming islands includes Malé Greater Area, Vaikaradhoo, Kudarikilu, Himmafushi, and Vilufushi.

A number of renewable energy (mainly solar and wind) projects have been initiated by the utilities and government, utilizing donor assistance and the private sector.Some of the projects in this area include:

Proposed supply of electricity from 24 MWp, solar PV systems installed in GaafuDhaalu Atoll; A Finnish company has proposed a 25 MW wind farm in the Maldives’ GaafuAlif atoll;

An Indian wind turbine company has completed feasibility for constructing a 15 MW wind farm on the Addu atoll;

TF099659-MV M e t e o r o l o g i c a l D a t a A d v i s o r 2

The Government of Japan has provided financial assistance for a project to install 1 MW of rooftop solar arrays on schools and government buildings in Malé, the country’s capital;

The Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) have developed energy recovery systems for new desalination plants. Such systems provide 50 % energy savings;

There are also initiations, with assistance from IFC, the possibility of waste to energy options while seeking an incineration solution for the waste management solution etc.

A Framework for Clean Energy Investments in the Maldives was prepared recently with technical support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). “Clean energy” encompasses renewable energy and energy efficiency. The document was completed based on reviewing previously conducted studies, other reports and readily available information. It includes an overview of the energy sector in the Maldives and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the role for renewable energy technologies in the Maldives and barriers to its development, provides recommendations on planning, regulation, institutional requirements and detailed studies to be undertaken in order to develop a complete investment plan for the energy sector.

The ADB and the World Bank Group (WBG) managed multi-donor “Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs” (SREP) facility has committed up to US$ 30 million in grant or highly concessional loan financing to the Maldives. SREP supports investment, policy support and capacity building in low-income developing countries to stimulate economic growth through the scaled-up development of renewable energy solutions. It will catalyze the transformation of the renewable energy markets by obtaining government support for market creation, private sector implementation, and productive energy use. SREP promotes both public and private sector actions to remove barriers that might otherwise inhibit scaled-up private sector investments. SREP with require 3 to 4 times in additional co-financing (other donors, government, private sector etc). Such additional financing would contribute to the GoM goal of achieving carbon neutrality with complementary investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, policy and capacity building.

In moving forward, the Cabinet has recently endorsed, in principle, the Renewable Energy Investment Framework (REIF) to de-carbonize the electricity generation sector. The framework document will provide the necessary guidance and direction for the formulation of the clean energy investment plan, which is expected to be submitted to SREP sub-committee in Jan 2011.


OVERARCHING GOAL The SREP investment plan (SREP IP) will lay out the projects and programmes that will be prioritized for implementation as Maldives moves toward achieving its 2020 carbon neutrality pledge.

In preparation for this, a series of subtasks have been defined, of which this is one. These tasks will each provide one particular component of the proposed SREP IP, in order to enable the GoM to prepare a comprehensive and well-researched document supported by evidence.

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES The objective of this assignment is to provide recommendations on the number and nature of stations needed to collect wind and solar data adequate to build reliable models (using HOMER or equivalent systems) of renewable energy grids for islands across the entire country, and thereafter to support the capital investment needed to build these grids.

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3. TASKS OF THE CONSULTANT The tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant under this assignment include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

Provide recommendations on the number and nature of stations needed to build reliable models (using HOMER or equivalent systems) of renewable energy grids for islands across the entire country. These should consider the need to capture data about direct and indirect insolation, wind resource, and the extent to which the wind and solar resources are correlated or otherwise.

Report on the types of equipment needed, how the wind and solar data should be measured and integrated, potential suppliers, likely costs per weather station, and cost of data collection, validation, and presentation.

Examine the existing weather data, and theoretical models, to determine what may be used as working best estimates until new data is collected. A methodology for integrating these disparate sources of data should also be provided.

The report shall be in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan.

4. DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINE The tasks defined in Section 3 above, must be carried out in close consultation with the representative designated by the Renewable Energy Investment Office of the Ministry of Economic Development and a report in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan, should be submitted at the end of the assignment

The final report must be delivered within 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract, in the form as defined in Section 6 on reporting.

5. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE The consultant should be a firm with an international reputation in the field, supported by evidence of studies or installations carried out elsewhere.

6. REPORTING The Renewable Energy Investment Office (REIO) under the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) has the oversight function for the formulation of the investment plan and will act as the lead implementing Ministry that provide the technical guidance for the Consultant to carry out the tasks outlined in the TOR. REIO/ MED will identify a representative to act on its behalf and who will co-ordinate and provide the necessary directions for the Consultant during the course of the assignment. The PMU at MHE, which oversees the fiduciary aspects of the SREP funds has the overall responsibility for the management of the contract.

All reports and documents will be submitted in English in two (2) hard copy and soft copy by email in Microsoft Word format. All reports and documents will be submitted in draft and in final form to REIO/MED.

7. FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT REIO shall facilitate meeting with the appropriate government agencies, as and when required.

REIO will obtain, at no cost to the Consultant, multiple entry business visas for the period of the consultancy.

REIO staff will coordinate closely with the Consultant during the process.

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REIO will provide, at no cost to the Consultant, travel and accommodation in Government facilities outside Malé as needed.

8. CONTRACT DURATION The successful candidate is expected to be available to commence the assignment immediately or latest by 1st November 2011. The estimated contract duration will be for 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract. Subject to negotiation and budget, some of the services may be provided from the Consultants’ home country and report deliverables through electronic communication.

9. APPLICATION DEADLINE AND SUBMISSION DETAILS The deadline for submitting applications for interested individuals is 1600hrs, Sunday, 30th October 2011.

CV’s and other supporting documents, demonstrating the required competency as stated in Section 5, should be submitted to the following address, either through hard copies or electronically, before the above deadline.

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development, BoduthakurufaanuMagu, Male, Maldives, Email: [email protected] Phone: +960 3323668 Fax: +960 3336922

TF099659-MV B u i l d i n g E n e r g y M a n a g e m e n t E x p e r t 1

Ministry of Economic Development

Republic of Maldives

Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs

Grant No: TF099659

Building Energy Management Expert -Terms of Reference

1. BACKGROUND The Government of Maldives (GOM) has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2020 while enhancing greater energy security and reaping economic, social and environmental benefits. Towards achieving this goal, the Ministry of Housing and Environment (MHE) formulated the Maldives National Energy Policy & Strategy in October 2010 to ‘Provide all citizens with access to reliable and sustainable energy services at lowest possible cost’; ‘Achieve carbon neutrality in the energy sector by year 2020’; ‘Promote energy conservation and energy efficiency’ and ‘Increase national energy security’. Energy security is a key concern as the country spent 15% of GDP on fossil fuel imports in 2009.

The Government has taken up a number of initiatives, including a carbon audit. A road map for attaining carbon neutrality and a framework for clean energy investments on the basis of previously conducted studies and reports available in the Maldives has also been prepared. The Renewable Energy Investment Framework (REIF) developed by the Renewable Energy Investment Office, and approved in principle, by the Cabinet, provides broad policy directions and a road map for de-carbonizing the energy sector. This document is expected to form the basis of national energy investment policy and should be treated as the framework within which the Investment Plan should be embedded. A number of donors are supporting the GOM in their efforts.

Fossil fuels, primarily petroleum provide the majority of energy used in the Maldives for generation of electricity (diesel), road and marine transport (gasoline, diesel), aviation (jet kerosene), and cooking, hot water and other uses (LPG, kerosene).

Renewable energy use in the Maldives is minimal. Per capita electricity consumption is low and relatively uniform except in a few islands due to high industrial activity, higher living standard and economic activity, and higher housing energy consumption in islands affected by the tsunami in 2004. These high energy consuming islands includes Malé Greater Area, Vaikaradhoo, Kudarikilu, Himmafushi, and Vilufushi.

A number of renewable energy (mainly solar and wind) projects have been initiated by the utilities and government, utilizing donor assistance and the private sector.Some of the projects in this area include:

Proposed supply of electricity from 24 MWp, solar PV systems installed in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll; A Finnish company has proposed a 25 MW wind farm in the Maldives’ Gaafu Alif atoll;

An Indian wind turbine company has completed feasibility for constructing a 15 MW wind farm on the Addu atoll;

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The Government of Japan has provided financial assistance for a project to install 1 MW of rooftop solar arrays on schools and government buildings in Malé, the country’s capital;

The Malé Water and Sewerage Company (MWSC) have developed energy recovery systems for new desalination plants. Such systems provide 50 % energy savings;

There are also initiations, with assistance from IFC, the possibility of waste to energy options while seeking an incineration solution for the waste management solution etc.

A Framework for Clean Energy Investments in the Maldives was prepared recently with technical support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). “Clean energy” encompasses renewable energy and energy efficiency. The document was completed based on reviewing previously conducted studies, other reports and readily available information. It includes an overview of the energy sector in the Maldives and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the role for renewable energy technologies in the Maldives and barriers to its development, provides recommendations on planning, regulation, institutional requirements and detailed studies to be undertaken in order to develop a complete investment plan for the energy sector.

The ADB and the World Bank Group (WBG) managed multi-donor “Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Programs” (SREP) facility has committed up to US$ 30 million in grant or highly concessional loan financing to the Maldives. SREP supports investment, policy support and capacity building in low-income developing countries to stimulate economic growth through the scaled-up development of renewable energy solutions. It will catalyze the transformation of the renewable energy markets by obtaining government support for market creation, private sector implementation, and productive energy use. SREP promotes both public and private sector actions to remove barriers that might otherwise inhibit scaled-up private sector investments. SREP with require 3 to 4 times in additional co-financing (other donors, government, private sector etc). Such additional financing would contribute to the GoM goal of achieving carbon neutrality with complementary investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy, policy and capacity building.

In moving forward, the Cabinet has recently endorsed, in principle, the Renewable Energy Investment Framework (REIF) to de-carbonize the electricity generation sector. The framework document will provide the necessary guidance and direction for the formulation of the clean energy investment plan, which is expected to be submitted to SREP sub-committee in Jan 2011.


OVERARCHING GOAL The SREP investment plan (SREP IP) will lay out the projects and programmes that will be prioritized for implementation as Maldives moves toward achieving its 2020 carbon neutrality pledge.

In preparation for this, a series of subtasks have been defined, of which this is one. These tasks will each provide one particular component of the proposed SREP IP, in order to enable the GoM to prepare a comprehensive and well-researched document supported by evidence.

ASSIGNMENT OBJECTIVES The objective of this assignment is toassess the scale, costs and extent of energy savings that might be achieved in the Government estate using practical techniques and technologies appropriate to the facilities, available human resources, and local costs of energy.

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3. TASKS OF THE CONSULTANT The tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant under this assignment include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

Examine the existing Government estate, based on a combination of visits to field sites and data gathered by others, and make recommendations on the priority areas for potential energy savings.

Estimate the possible savings that could be made, the timescale for making them, the capital costs involved and their respective payback periods.

Separate the savings into those that could be made in, and those that could be made outside the hours of peak solar resource.

Propose any potential cost saving models that might replace the need for government capital expenditure with a mechanism by which the capital costs are incurred by others, and the energy cost savings are shared between Government and the equipment installer and manager.

Consider the Human resource implications of the proposals, and recommend approaches to overcoming any limitations seen.

The output from the task will be in the form of a report setting out the estimated savings, their economic value, and the cost of delivering them. The report should also estimate the level of savings that can be made during and outside the hours of peak solar resource.

The report shall be in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan.

4. DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINE The tasks defined in Section 3 above, must be carried out in close consultation with the representative designated by the Renewable Energy Investment Office of the Ministry of Economic Development and a report in a format that could be directly annexed to the Investment Plan, should be submitted at the end of the assignment

The final report must be delivered within 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract, in the form as defined in Section 6 on reporting.

5. QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE The consultant should be a firm with an established track record of implementing energy saving measures in large organisations with numerous sites spread over large geographical areas. Experience in tropical countries where cooling rather than heating is the principal thermal load is critical. Experience in small grids and island situations would be an advantage.

6. REPORTING The Renewable Energy Investment Office (REIO) under the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) has the oversight function for the formulation of the investment plan and will act as the lead implementing Ministry that provide the technical guidance for the Consultant to carry out the tasks outlined in the TOR. REIO/ MED will identify a representative to act on its behalf and who will co-ordinate and provide the necessary directions for the Consultant during the course of the assignment. The PMU at MHE, which oversees the fiduciary aspects of the SREP funds has the overall responsibility for the management of the contract.

All reports and documents will be submitted in English in two (2) hard copy and soft copy by email in Microsoft Word format. All reports and documents will be submitted in draft and in final form to REIO/MED.

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7. FACILITIES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT REIO shall facilitate meeting with the appropriate government agencies, as and when required.

REIO will obtain, at no cost to the Consultant, multiple entry business visas for the period of the consultancy.

REIO staff will coordinate closely with the Consultant during the process.

REIO will provide, at no cost to the Consultant, travel and accommodation in Government facilities outside Malé as needed.

8. CONTRACT DURATION The successful candidate is expected to be available to commence the assignment immediately or latest by 1st November 2011. The estimated contract duration will be for 30 calendar days from the date of signing the contract. Subject to negotiation and budget, some of the services may be provided from the Consultants’ home country and report deliverables through electronic communication.

9. APPLICATION DEADLINE AND SUBMISSION DETAILS The deadline for submitting applications for interested individuals is 1600hrs, Sunday, 30th October 2011.

CV’s and other supporting documents, demonstrating the required competency as stated in Section 5, should be submitted to the following address, either through hard copies or electronically, before the above deadline.

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Male, Maldives, Email: [email protected]

Phone: +960 3323668 Fax: +960 3336922