INTRODUCTORY SUPERVISOR WORKSHOPS (ISW) 13-14 March … · Level 3 (Transfer; measuring to what extent what was learned is ... A reflective log containing 3 x 500 word personal accounts

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13-14 March 2019

Page 2: INTRODUCTORY SUPERVISOR WORKSHOPS (ISW) 13-14 March … · Level 3 (Transfer; measuring to what extent what was learned is ... A reflective log containing 3 x 500 word personal accounts

AIMS FOR THE MORNINGForparticipantsto:


Page 3: INTRODUCTORY SUPERVISOR WORKSHOPS (ISW) 13-14 March … · Level 3 (Transfer; measuring to what extent what was learned is ... A reflective log containing 3 x 500 word personal accounts

Tracey SmithTom Cliffe

Katherine HildyardKate RaynerLiza MonaghanJo Burrell

Anjula GuptaPhilip MolyneuxSusanne Vosmer

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◦ 2+2days◦ BPSLearningOutcomes◦ PeerSupervision◦ SupervisionPracticeandSupervisedPractice◦ Allpresentationsfromthisresidentialeventwillbefound invariouswaysthroughthethreedifferentUniversities(seepack)

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Assessment Strategy◦But encouraged us to look at:◦ Level 3 (Transfer; measuring to what extent what was learned is

transferred to the job.) ◦ Level 4 (Results; measuring whether there is an effect on the

business/environment resulting from the learner’s performance.)◦As a result, we have a strategy which was published in 2016:◦http://e-learning.coventry.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/pblh/article/view/346

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◦ Self Evaluation of Learning Outcomes Questionnaires (1 pre training and 1 post training)

◦ Goal Attainment Scaling Exercise

◦ Peer Supervision Contract (and commentary)

◦ Presentation of the Problem Based Learning Exercise

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◦ A reflective log containing 3 x 500 word personal accounts considering◦ An issue of difference and diversity◦ The relevance of a theoretical model of supervision◦ An ethical aspect of supervisory practice

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◦ Structured feedback received from someone the participant has supervised during the course of the programme using ◦ the Supervisory Relationship

Questionnaire (SRQ) developed in Oxford,

◦ the Short Form of the SRQ on a minimum of 6 occasions

◦ the Leeds Alliance in Supervision Scale (LASS) on a minimum of 6 occasions

◦ (plus commentary)

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Portfolio of Assignments

◦ Feedback from your supervisor of supervision, after Day 2 and after Day 4. This must include direct observation (live or recorded delivery of your supervision)

◦ Baseline measures:

Self evaluation of learning outcomes


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Review of Portfolio by course

Portfolio submitted by the end of the Year

Certificate issued for CPD records

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THE CONTEXT OF SUPERVISIONTheneeds/expectationsof:◦ - Research◦ - National◦ - theTrainingInstitution◦ - theTeam/Organisation◦ - theSupervisor◦ - theSupervisee◦ - theServiceuser

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Research ◦ Variety of evaluation tools used in studies- self completion, semi structured

interviews, focus groups, Delphi technique etc◦ RCTs very scarce.◦ What outcomes to measure and how to measure them◦ Bulk of studies focus on quality and outcome of the supervision relationship

and its focus◦ Improving ability to reflect and improve situations, improve satisfaction and

retention◦ Recent moves to what enables effective supervision (Ladany, Mori and Mehr,

2013) and the impact of poor supervision (Ellis et al, 2013l Wilson, Davis and Weatherhead, 2016).◦ Process and outcomes of supervision

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Research • Areviewofthetheefficacyofsupervision(notsatisfactionwithsupervision)wasconductedbyWatkinsin2011

• Thispaperbuiltonpreviousreviewse.g EllisandLadany,(1997)&Freitas (2002),WheelerandRichards(2007).


• Alfonsson et.al.(2017)ReviewofimpactofCBTsupervisionontherapistcompetencyandclientoutcome

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The National Context◦DROSS/STAR/CSAG◦BPSandCPD◦HealthandCareProfessionsCouncilstandardsofproficiency◦BPSaccreditationcriteria◦ Traineesmust‘developskillsintheprovisionofsupervision’◦BPSGuidelinesforClinicalSupervision(2010)◦AgendaforChange◦NewWaysofWorking◦ IAPT

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SUPERVISION COMPETENCIES◦AnIAPTsupervisionexpertreferencegroupwasestablishedinFebruary2008◦Thisgroupwasmulti-disciplinaryandaimedtodeviseacompetencyframeworkforsupervision◦Thesecompriseof:◦ - Genericsupervisioncompetencies◦ - Specificsupervisioncompetencies◦ - Applicationsofsupervisiontospecificmodels/contexts◦ - Metacompetencies◦ - https://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/research/clinical-educational-and-health-psychology/research-groups/core/competence-frameworks-8

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MetacompetencesCompetencies used by supervisors to work across all these levels and to adapt supervision to the needs of each individual supervisee

Generic Supervision Competences

used in any form of supervision

Specific Supervision competences

specific supervision tasks

Application of supervision to specific models

techniques employed to supervise in a particular modality

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◦Averyhelpful(andbrief)paper◦ Selectedhighlights:◦ - whocansupervise:doesn’talwayshavetobeaCPbutqualityneedstobemaintained◦ - aimsoftheplacementshouldbeagreedwithinthefirsttwoweeks◦ - thesupervisorshouldplananinductionforthetrainee◦ - traineeneedssharedofficespace,telephoneandadesk,plussecretarialandITsupport

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◦ - supervisorshaveclinicalandlegalresponsibilityfortheirtrainees◦ - supervisionmustbeatleast1hour(11/2!)perweekwithtotalcontacttimeof3hours◦ - traineesandsupervisorsmustobserveeachotheratwork◦ - therearemechanismsformonitoringtheplacementandfordealingwithpotentialfailedplacements


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RAPPS◦TheRegisterforAppliedPsychologyPracticeSupervisors◦ Startedin2010◦Costs:£50toapply,plus£35peryear◦Youcanapplywhenyouhavecompletedyourportfolio◦Membershiplastsfor5years,whenyouwillhavetoshowevidenceofsupervisorpracticeandCPD


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Local Registers◦ Thethreeprogrammeskeeptheirownregistersasaqualityassuranceprocess.◦ Informationheldonthesevariesbetweenprogrammesbutmayinclude:◦ Datesofintroductorytraining◦ HCPCregistration◦ Supervision-relatedCPD◦ Informationaboutpreferredmodelsofworking◦ Datesofplacementprovision

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Your supervisory contextTalk together on your table in small groups to consider the following questions:

◦What is the reality of supervision in your service?◦What are the important considerations for you when thinking about being a supervisor? (eg what are the barriers, what might facilitate, what is the local context)

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Team/ organisational context◦ Local service guidance◦Context to the work◦Culture of supervisory practice◦ Learning cultures Hawkins and Shohet 2006

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Supervisor and supervisee◦Skills◦Style◦Preferences◦Previous experiences◦Expectations◦Responsibilities

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Service user◦How does supervision benefit the service user/ client/ patient?

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◦Thethreecoursesdidsomeworktogetherbetween2011- 15,basedontheevidencethattherapistslearnmoreeffectivelywhentheyaregivenregularserviceuserfeedback.◦Thisresultedinachangeofculturewheretheuseofoutcomeandsessionalmeasurestogetfeedbackfromserviceusersandtoinfluencepractice,hasbecomemuchmoreprevalent◦TheHullandLeedsprogrammecontinuetouseCORE-NETastheirloggingsystemfortrainees.SheffieldusePebblepad.