KRANJI IN TOUCH Newsletter Issue 1, August 2014 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK I am happy to be back in Kranji to start my teaching career. It has been an enriching learning experience so far and I look forward to a fulfilling teaching journey in Kranji. Looking back at my experience in Meranti project, I recreated a quote from Dan Rather about teaching: The dream begins with a teacher who believes and cares, like a tug-of-war, a teacher tugs, pushes, guides and ultimately develops confident individuals Ms Nur Afnie Safrianie Miswari (Mathematics Teacher) WELCOMING NEW STAFF I graduated from NTU with B.A Sociology. I am an ardent fan of Barcelona FC and Arsenal FC. Coming back to teach in my alma mater is an exhilarating experience. My most awesome memory as a Kranjian was clinching the West Zone Inter-School Badminton ‘B’ Girls Champion on our home ground. I love all sports and strongly believe sporting excellence and character development are inextricably linked. Ms Chin Wan Yee Christine (Physical Education Teacher) Hi Kranjians! I believe by now, most of you should know me as a D&T and CPA teacher. I started as a contract teacher at West Spring Secondary School in 2011. I am happy to be part of the big Kranji Family. Although I have about 16 years of working experience prior to becoming a teacher, I am very new to the teaching profession. I strongly believe that every child is mouldable and can learn, so I will never give up on any student! I look forward to learning and working with all of you here in Kranji. Mr Chua Leng Huat (D&T/CPA Teacher) It has been an amazing journey and a wonderful experience joining the Kranji family. Ever since I started my teaching career, my teaching philosophy has always been: “Every child has potential to succeed. Every child deserves a second chance.” Failure is not the end of the world, but a lesson for us to work towards success. I want to help my students discover their talents and equip them with practical skills that will prepare them for life. Mdm Grace Maria Lourdes M Lee Jingru (English Language Teacher) I am new in Kranji, but certainly not new to teaching. I enjoy being a teacher because I get to pursue my passion of leading the young ones. I strongly believe that every child can learn, and that it all lies in one’s attitude towards learning. Working with awesome students and colleagues in Kranji has made my teaching journey a fulfilling one, and I hope to continue to inspire and nurture Kranjians to become the best that they can be. Ms Mah Rui Jing Felicia (Physics Teacher) I feel fortunate to start off my teaching career in Kranji, where I get to work with supportive colleagues and motivated students. I strongly believe that all students have the potential to succeed and will be able to reach their goals with the support and guidance from teachers. I hope for my students to identify and harness their strengths to realise their aspirations, and at the same time, to face and overcome their fears and weaknesses with courage and determination. Ms Tan Wan Yi Regina (English Language Teacher) I graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts with a Diploma in 3D Design. I am normally shy around people whom I am not familiar with. Even so, I was a physically active student back in my school days. I was active in three sports – martial arts, sprinting and netball. I have many other interests as well, and one of them is teaching. I do hope I can be part of the Singapore teaching force one day, as I believe that the teaching profession entails a continuous learning journey that is enriching and meaningful. Syafiqah Mohamed Khir (School Programme Executive) 做一个公平、认真、活泼的教师;带给学生容量丰富、生动有趣的课 程;让学生学在其中、乐在其中。 Teaching philosophy: Happy teaching! Happy learning! 龙若希 (华文老师 ) Dear Kranjians, At this moment in time, as you receive this newsletter, we would have passed the half-way mark of 2014. As in all academic years, the first half of the year has been bustling with an abundance of activities, and I hope that you have found them to be enriching, purposeful, and full of learning. My deepest thanks to all staff who have been inspirational in igniting such drive and passion in our Kranjians. More importantly, I am heartened by the many accounts from teachers that our sportspeople displayed remarkable resilience and sportsmanship in the zonal and national competitions. We are proud of the hard work that you have put in, and for upholding our schools values of ‘Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Compassion, Integrity and Passion for Learning’ within and beyond the competition arena. As we approach the finishing line of 2014, I hope that you would take some time to contemplate and take a look at the distance that you have covered – How has the journey been so far? What went smoothly and what caused the stumbles? How would you want to cross the finishing line? As we reflect, let’s also remember to celebrate the people who have always been there for us – our parents, teachers, and friends, who have supported us along the way. As for me, one thing that I am always grateful for is the commitment and resilience of the staff and parents who are dedicated to championing the best possible holistic education for Kranjians, so that we may pass the torch on to build a better and brighter future for all. Together, we can keep the Kranji spirit ablaze. Thank you. Miss Tan Hwee Pin Principal (Kranji Secondary School) Newsletter Issue 1, August 2014

IN TOUCH - Kranji Secondary School Us/Our Newsletters... · IN TOUCH Newsletter Issue 1, August 2014 FROm THe PRINCIPAl’s DesK I am happy to be back in Kranji to start my teaching

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KRANJI IN TOUCH Newsletter Issue 1, August 2014


I am happy to be back in Kranji to start my teaching career. It has been an enriching learning experience so far and I look forward to a fulfilling teaching journey in Kranji. Looking back at my experience in Meranti project, I recreated a quote from Dan Rather about teaching: The dream begins with a teacher who believes and cares, like a tug-of-war, a teacher tugs, pushes, guides and ultimately develops confident individuals

Ms Nur Afnie Safrianie Miswari (Mathematics Teacher)


I graduated from NTU with B.A Sociology. I am an ardent fan of Barcelona FC and Arsenal FC. Coming back to teach in my alma mater is an exhilarating experience. My most awesome memory as a Kranjian was clinching the West Zone Inter-School Badminton ‘B’ Girls Champion on our home ground. I love all sports and strongly believe sporting excellence and character development are inextricably linked.

Ms Chin Wan Yee Christine (Physical Education Teacher)

Hi Kranjians! I believe by now, most of you should know me as a D&T and CPA teacher. I started as a contract teacher at West Spring Secondary School in 2011. I am happy to be part of the big Kranji Family. Although I have about 16 years of working experience prior to becoming a teacher, I am very new to the teaching profession. I strongly believe that every child is mouldable and can learn, so I will never give up on any student! I look forward to learning and working with all of you here in Kranji.

Mr Chua Leng Huat (D&T/CPA Teacher)

It has been an amazing journey and a wonderful experience joining the Kranji family. Ever since I started my teaching career, my teaching philosophy has always been: “Every child has potential to succeed. Every child deserves a second chance.” Failure is not the end of the world, but a lesson for us to work towards success. I want to help my students discover their talents and equip them with practical skills that will prepare them for life.

Mdm Grace Maria Lourdes M Lee Jingru (English Language Teacher)

I am new in Kranji, but certainly not new to teaching. I enjoy being a teacher because I get to pursue my passion of leading the young ones. I strongly believe that every child can learn, and that it all lies in one’s attitude towards learning. Working with awesome students and colleagues in Kranji has made my teaching journey a fulfilling one, and I hope to continue to inspire and nurture Kranjians to become the best that they can be.

Ms Mah Rui Jing Felicia (Physics Teacher)

I feel fortunate to start off my teaching career in Kranji, where I get to work with supportive colleagues and motivated students. I strongly believe that all students have the potential to succeed and will be able to reach their goals with the support and guidance from teachers. I hope for my students to identify and harness their strengths to realise their aspirations, and at the same time, to face and overcome their fears and weaknesses with courage and determination.

Ms Tan Wan Yi Regina (English Language Teacher)

I graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts with a Diploma in 3D Design. I am normally shy around people whom I am not familiar with. Even so, I was a physically active student back in my school days. I was active in three sports – martial arts, sprinting and netball. I have many other interests as well, and one of them is teaching. I do hope I can be part of the Singapore teaching force one day, as I believe that the teaching profession entails a continuous learning journey that is enriching and meaningful.

Syafiqah Mohamed Khir (School Programme Executive)


Teaching philosophy: Happy teaching! Happy learning!

龙若希 (华文老师 )

Dear Kranjians,

At this moment in time, as you receive this newsletter, we would have passed the half-way mark of 2014. As in all academic years, the first half of the year has been bustling with an abundance of activities, and I hope that you have found them to be enriching, purposeful, and full of learning. My deepest thanks to all staff who have been inspirational in igniting such drive and passion in our Kranjians. More importantly, I am heartened by the many accounts from teachers that our sportspeople displayed remarkable resilience and sportsmanship in the zonal and national competitions. We are proud of the hard work that you have put in, and for upholding our schools values of ‘Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Compassion, Integrity and Passion for Learning’ within and beyond the competition arena.

As we approach the finishing line of 2014, I hope that you would take some time to contemplate and take a look at the distance that you have covered – How has the journey been so far? What went smoothly and what caused the stumbles? How would you want to cross the finishing line? As we reflect, let’s also remember to celebrate the people who have always been there for us – our parents, teachers, and friends, who have supported us along the way.

As for me, one thing that I am always grateful for is the commitment and resilience of the staff and parents who are dedicated to championing the best possible holistic education for Kranjians, so that we may pass the torch on to build a better and brighter future for all. Together, we can keep the Kranji spirit ablaze. Thank you. Miss Tan Hwee Pin

Principal (Kranji Secondary School)

Newsletter Issue 1, August 2014



1 2

GCe ‘O’ AND ‘N’ level ResUlTs 2013

GCe ‘O’ level ResUlTs (4 exPRess)

% Pass in at least 5 subjects (4 express)

Aggregate el, ma, B3 (4 Normal Academic)

% Pass in at least 5 subjects (5 Normal Academic)

% Distinction (2013)

Aggregate el, ma, B1 (4 Normal Technical)

GCe ‘N’ level ResUlTs (NORmAl TeCHNICAl)

GCe ‘N’ level ResUlTs (NORmAl ACADemIC)

GCe ‘O’ level ResUlTs (5NA)

GCe ‘N’ level ResUlTs (NORmAl TeCHNICAl)

What were some difficulties and challenges you encountered and how did you overcome them?

The amount of homework that I had to complete daily was a huge challenge. This is on top of the mock papers that were conducted on a regular basis. Sometimes, I was caught between completing the daily assignments and studying for the mock papers. As such, I had to prioritise, considering the limited time I had. I would complete the assignments that were due the very next day and thereafter commit at least two hours to prepare for the mock papers. I focused on my weaker topics during the two-hour revision. That was an efficient way for me to cope. Stress is another challenge. Stress could come from teachers, parents, peers and even myself. Hence, I have learnt to take stress in my stride. I always aim to do my best in all areas of work. When the going gets tough, I have a close group of friends who provide me with the emotional support I need.

Goh Han Song (5R2, 2013)

Who are some people who have helped you achieve academic success and what would you like to say to them?

I would like to thank my teachers and my friends who are always there for me when I have doubts or when I encounter problems. I would like to tell them that without their help, I would not have achieved academic success at the ‘O’ Level Examination. From the bottom of my heart, I thank them for being by my side throughout the most challenging period in my life so far.

Chan Hao Wai (4K5, 2013)

What is your success formula? Please share with us some effective strategies that you have adopted to achieve academic success.

The most effective way to excel academically is to always clarify doubts and listen attentively during every lesson. I take down notes, highlight important key words and consult my teachers when I need further clarification. To me, clearing my doubts before the next lesson is important. In this way, I will be able to absorb new knowledge more easily because I have already understood what was taught in the previous lesson. Next, I make it a point to organise my notes and worksheets regularly, since it is easier to revise when all my materials are in order. Finally, time management is the key to success. With heavy CCA commitments, supplementary lessons and family obligations, it is important that I utilize my time fruitfully. I use free pockets of time that I have to study a concept or complete a worksheet. As time is precious, I make sure that I get as much revision done whenever possible. At the same time, I ensure that I get sufficient rest so that I will not burn out before the all-important examination in October. Of course, I do occasionally indulge in my favourite sport or hobby, but I make sure I am not consumed by it such that I lose focus.

Muhammad Aliff Karya Johari (4K3, 2013)

What advice do you have for your juniors, especially the current batch of graduating students?

Start your revision early so that you are aware of your weak areas and you will have time to clarify and catch up. Practice really makes a difference. The more you practise your Math sums, the better you get at it. The more essays you write, the better the quality of your essays will be. Pay careful attention to your teacher when mistakes are highlighted. Make it a point not to repeat the same mistakes in the next assignment, test or mock paper. Slowly but surely, you will see improvement in your results.

Soo Hui Xian (4K1, 2013)

2 3|Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014 Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014|

The Skilful Teacher Series, as part of Kranji’s professional development since 2012, has helped to build our teachers’ capacity to bring about improved student learning. Based on the resource book ‘The Skilful Teacher’ by Jon Saphier and Robert Gower, the Senior Teachers (STs) share with our teachers a repertoire of strategies and approaches on various aspects of teaching and learning, such as management, instruction, motivation and curriculum. The STs also relate their own teaching experiences to highlight or illustrate a point. Teachers also collaborate within departments and reflect on how they would like to implement these strategies in their lessons to better cater to the learning needs of their students.

Ms Karen Wong (Senior Teacher/Biology)

The STs shared on the use of analogies as an analytical reasoning skill. I have come to love using analogies in my teaching as the students are able to relate what they are learning to their daily lives. This helps them to better retain information and understand Food and Nutrition better. One good example is the practical lesson on baking rock cakes with my Secondary 1 classes. I taught them the skill of ‘rubbing-in’ where they need to rub butter and flour using their fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs. I gave them different analogies for the different stages of making the rock cakes, for example, rubbing the flour and butter until it looks like the parmesan cheese commonly found on pizzas. After incorporating analogies, I was able to achieve 100% consistency in the final product. Their Rock Cakes Assessment was very well done!

Ms Siti Khatijah Bte Jaini (Food and Nutrition Teacher)

I have learnt about incorporating analytical reasoning skills into my lessons from the Skilful Teacher sessions conducted by the STs. Two of the skills which I find beneficial are ‘Comparing and Contrasting’ and ‘Determining Cause and Effect’. These are helpful especially when students practise comprehension or composition writing for Malay Language. These skills have helped students to answer compare-and-contrast questions in comprehension. My students could also craft an effective narrative plot when they elucidate clearly the cause and effect of various events or actions taken by the characters in their compositions.

Ms Sahibah Farha Binte Salihoddin (Malay Language Teacher)


D H Muhammad Sawfiyyullah(1K1)

Muhammad Syahir (1K4)

Pada penggal pertama yang lalu, Unit Bahasa Melayu telah mengadakan beberapa program pengayaan untuk para pelajarnya sempena Program Dwimingguan Bahasa Ibunda dari 21 Januari hingga14 Februari 2014. Antara kegiatan-kegiatan yang diadakan ialah:

1) Bengkel Bahasa dan Budaya – 4 Februari 2014 (Men.1)

2) Jejak Budaya di Taman Warisan Melayu/ Kampong Glam – 28 Januari 2014 (Men.2)

3) Darmawisata ke Singapore Press Holdings/ Berita Harian – 14 Februari 2014 (Men.3)

Berikut merupakan pandangan para pelajar setelah mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan yang diadakan.

Melalui bengkel ini, kami berpeluang belajar cara melukis batik dengan menggunakan canting. Guru yang mengajar kami merupakan sepasang suami isteri yang berpengalaman dalam bidang melukis batik. Mereka telah menyiapkan cairan lilin dan juga stensil-stensil yang berbeza corak untuk kami. Apa yang harus kami lakukan adalah untuk melukis mengikut rangka stensil itu dengan canting sebelum mewarnakannya. Kami perlu berhati-hati sewaktu melakukan aktiviti ini kerana cairan lilin yang digunakan amat panas. Bau cairan lilin itu juga agak kuat dan memeningkan. Namun begitu, kami berasa amat seronok ketika melakukan kegiatan ini kerana inilah kali pertama kami mencanting batik. Bukan itu sahaja, kami dapat menyimpan hasil kerja kami setelah selesai melukis dan mencanting batik masing-masing.

Selain belajar melukis batik, kami juga berpeluang belajar menulis puisi dalam bentuk lagu daripada kumpulan Nuradee. Mereka menyanyikan puisi-puisi Melayu yang telah dilagukan kepada kami seperti ‘Gurindam Lama’. Lagu ini hasil penulisan Raja Ali Haji. Saya terpegun mendengar nyanyian kumpulan Nuradee yang begitu merdu.

Nur Hidayati Binte Mazlan (1K5)

Murid-murid Bahasa Melayu diberi peluang untuk pergi ke Taman Warisan Melayu dan Kampong Glam. Saya berpendapat bahawa aktiviti ini sungguh menarik kerana kami dapat mencari informasi tentang Taman Warisan Melayu dan Kampong Glam. Saya dan dua orang teman saya memasuki muzium di Taman Warisan Melayu untuk melengkapkan lembaran kuiz yang diberikan guru. Kami sempat bertanya kepada pekerja yang berada di situ untuk mendapatkan maklumat lebih lanjut. Kami juga berjumpa dengan seorang warga emas yang mempunyai kedai menjual kerepek yang memberitahu kami tentang Arab Street pada zaman dahulu. Masa yang diberikan untuk menjelajahi Kampong Glam dan Taman Warisan cukup kerana kami dapat melengkapkan lembaran kuiz tersebut dalam masa yang diberikan dan menjadi pemenang kuiz itu. Saya pasti akan menyertai aktiviti seperti ini dengan senang hati jika guru menganjurkannya lagi.

Amirah Bte Mohammad Shamsi (2K3)



Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based approach to integrating the development of students’ thinking with content learning across subject matters. An extensive and adaptable collection of practices, Visible Thinking has a double goal: to cultivate students’ thinking skills and dispositions and deepen content learning.

Thinking routines operate as tools for promoting thinking. It is important to choose the right tool for the job. As teachers, we must first identify what kind of thinking we are trying to elicit from our students and select the particular thinking routine as the tool for that job. The 21 Thinking Routines are grouped into 3 major categories: Introducing and Exploring, Synthesizing and Organizing, and Digging Deeper. These categories reflect the way teachers often plan for and attend to the different parts of a unit of study.

In the first instalment of the ThR workshops conducted by teachers for teachers, 2 routines – Think-Puzzle-Explore and Circle of Viewpoints were introduced. Think-Puzzle-Explore is useful for introducing and exploring new ideas. It is often used at the beginning of units to develop interest and begin the process of inquiry. To go a step further and push students to go below the surface of things and consider the complexity of issues and ideas, Circle of Viewpoints could be used.

Thinking Routines are powerful tools to help support and structure students’ thinking. They act as natural scaffolds that lead students’ thinking into higher levels. For example, Circle of Viewpoints and Compass Points are often used to solicit ideas and identify different perspectives around an issue. With the use of these routines, students provide more substantial and convincing arguments in their essays.

Ms Yong Siew Chin (English Language Teacher)

I used See-Think-Wonder at the beginning of a unit (e.g. Geography of Food) to stimulate students’ curiosity and interest in the topic. The routine encourages students to make careful observations of the photographs shown and back up their interpretation with reasons.

Ms Nor Zamzarina Kamis (Geography Teacher)

mAlAy PROGRAmmes

In line with the school niche Nurturing Communities of Reflective and Independent Learners through Thinking Curriculum, our teachers participated in a series of in-house workshops over the past year to learn how to design lessons systematically so as to give students rich opportunities to build 21st century skills. Underpinning these workshops is the 21st Century Learning Design framework by the Stanford Research Institute International. This framework articulates six dimensions along which learning opportunities can be strengthened. The six dimensions are namely collaboration, knowledge construction, self-regulation, real-world problem-solving and innovation, the use of ICT for learning, as well as skilled communication. Our teachers displayed a lot of enthusiasm and had a great time learning with one another. Working sessions were also conducted for teachers to put their learning into actual practice.

Mr Koh Yi-Huak (HOD/Curriculum Innovation)


4 |Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014 5Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014|

科中学生制作贺卡 布置课室 多种活动迎新春t







今年中二的学生们也参与了马年风筝的制作。28日上午,他们在品德教育课上用画笔以及五彩缤纷的颜料在空白的风筝上绘画, 绘出了各式各样的马和新年祝福, 并于下午在学校的草地上放飞风筝,同时也放飞着对新一年的祝福和期待。

中一的学生则在礼堂里参加了农历新年的文化走廊。现场有许多由家长会(Parents Supporting Group)成员所摆设的文化摊位,向学生们介绍中





吴小滢 (3K5)

sTUDeNT leADeRsHIPWith the school philosophy ‘A Leader In Every Kranjian’ in mind, the new school year kicked off with the Student Leadership programmes which were customized for all Kranjians. Our student leaders and Alumni organised the annual Secondary 1 Orientation with much success. The Secondary 1 students and their parents truly enjoyed themselves.

The Inaugural Ceremony for the Monitorial Board warmly welcomes the elected Class Chairpersons and Class Vice-Chairpersons. The Kranji Curriculum Innovation Team trained the members of the Lower Secondary Monitorial Board to spearhead their School Improvement Projects.

Newly nominated prefects and sports leaders were officially appointed during the Selection and Training Camps held in March this year, after a rigorous nine-month probation period. Kranjians have benefited from numerous leadership opportunities, such as the National Secondary School Student Leaders Conference, Planning Outdoor Experiential Programme, Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) Youth Leaders Conference, A Leader’s Journey conducted by Outward Bound Singapore, and Youth Leaders Camp organised by Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

Ms Janne Low (SH/Student Leadership, covering duties)

On 6 to 7 January 2014, the Secondary 2 students attended their cohort camp. This year, the camp was held at Changi Coast Adventure Campsite. There were numerous high element facilities such as the suspended rope course, rock wall and confidence jump for the students to conquer.

For many students, this camp was their first camping experience where they get to take part in various high element activities. Despite being fearful initially, it was heartening to see Kranjians demonstrating the school value of resilience when they faced their fears and conquered the high elements. Through the unwavering support of the Class Mentors, the students forged strong bonds and had a meaningful and enjoyable camping experience with their peers. The beautiful sceneries around the campsite and the joy on the students’ faces definitely made this camp an unforgettable one for the students and teachers alike!

Mr Gerald Seet (Physical Education Teacher, Secondary 2 Camp Commandant)

I enjoyed the Secondary 2 Camp tremendously! The rope activity was definitely the highlight of the camp. I had to work with my friends and encourage one another to overcome our fear of heights. We were initially full of anxiety, worried that we might fail in the midst of the activity. However, after completing the activity with sheer courage and determination, it gave me a new sense of confidence. Now, I am definitely ready to take on any challenges that I may face in the future!

Mariah Franzciel (2R1)

The three-day-two-night camp was a success with the Secondary 3 students as not only did they enjoy themselves thoroughly, but more importantly they developed confidence, honed leadership skills and demonstrated teamwork in all that they did.

The first day of the camp was held in school. The students participated in many team bonding games and night activities. There were countless opportunities for them to collaborate in order to accomplish their missions. Through the various activities, they bonded with their peers and also got to know their Class Mentors better!

On the second day, the students and their Class Mentors travelled to Changi Coast Adventure Campsite, where they had a chance to be involved in high element activities, rock climbing and kayaking! Kranjians had to learn to deal with their fear of heights and water, and commit to working well with their classmates to complete their assigned tasks.

It was indeed a unique experience for all students and teachers to spend time in the great outdoors and cultivate important life skills. This is definitely a camp that all participants will remember fondly for a long time!

Mr Nicholas Soh (Physical Education Teacher, Secondary 3 Camp Commandant)

Despite the rainy weather, I really enjoyed myself during the Seconday 2 Camp. I remember staying under the shelter and participating in team-bonding games with my classmates. These activities brought my classmates and I closer as we learnt more about one another as well as explored ways to bring about teamwork in all that we do. Through this camp, I have also learnt values such as resilience and responsibility. I recall the moment when I attempted the rope activity, which required me to overcome my fear of heights. Before climbing the log ladder, I was really afraid and I could feel the chill down my spine! However, with cheers of encouragement from my classmates, I was able to brave it all and overcome my fear. In all, participating in the camp was a very fun and memorable experience!

Daisy Anne Masangque (2R1)

6 7|Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014 Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014|


“Ready, set, go!” Upon the command, the runners made their final dash towards the finishing line. It was 28 March 2014, the day when the Kranji Family gathered at Choa Chu Kang Stadium for our Annual Sports Meet. The heat of the sun did not stifle the students’ roaring cheers, neither did it dull the high spirits and excitement that hung in the air throughout the event. A number of students, dressed in unique costumes, held up boards to support their runners. It was evident that everyone enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The annual mass run was one of the highlights of the event, where students and teachers united to play their part in contributing to the victory of their respective houses. The staff race also saw many supporters cheering for their favourite teachers and team. The finale of the event was when Rhino House was crowned the Champion as well as winner of the cheering competition.

The Sports Meet events were fun and interesting. Throughout the entire morning, the sun was scorching hot but the competitors showed perseverance and did their very best in running for their respective houses. The spectators were also very supportive and cheered loudly for the competitors. Indeed, the values of teamwork and sportsmanship were well demonstrated by Kranjians on this unforgettable day!

Woo Shu Ya Cheyenne (2K2)


This year’s Sports Meet was electrifying! During the mass run event, the intensity of the race kept everyone moving forward despite the unbearable heat. Values such as determination and resilience were displayed as runners gave their best effort in the race. It was heartening to see students from the different houses cheering for the runners. I am sure everyone could feel the true Kranji Spirit on that day!

Wong Kai Hunn Isaac (3K4)

When we were asked to sit according to our houses, the fun was just beginning. Just like in previous years, Rhino House was high on energy and was cheering loudly! Members of my house, Kestrel, put in our best effort to cheer for our representatives too. I represented my house in a few of the field events which were conducted in school about a month before the actual Sports Meet. Overall, I really enjoyed the whole experience as I earned points for my house and had a wonderful time with my friends.

Kwok Shi Min, Sarah (4R1)


CHARACTeR AND CITIzeNsHIP eDUCATION (CCe)‘Know Good, Love Good and Do Good’. That is Kranji’s CCE framework. CCE lessons help to mould the character of students through the teaching of school values – Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Compassion, Integrity and Passion for Learning (R3CIP). Students participate actively during CCE lessons and reflection sessions, which in turn help them gain awareness of the importance of developing the school values. [Know Good]

In-Conversation with Class Mentors (ICM) is time set aside for Class Mentors to interact with their students and check on their well-being. This enables Class Mentors to identify and help resolve any pressing issues the students may have. Through ICM, teacher-student relationship is strengthened. [Love Good]

Value-In-Action (VIA) projects serve as a platform for students to demonstrate the school values. Through VIA activities, students get the chance to interact with people from different organisations as they serve to give back to the community. In the process, students internalise the school values by learning to show empathy and care towards the people around them and the environment they live in. We are confident that Kranjians will develop a proactive attitude towards contributing to the society. [Do Good]

Mr Tan Nian Kai (SH/CCE, covering duties)

ICM is a useful platform for my Class Mentor to know more about the students in my class. By conducting ICM, Class Mentors find out more about our home environment and the issues that some of us face in our studies and personal life. At the same time, they provide us with valuable advice on how to handle the difficulties and challenges we encounter. Thus, ICM helps to build rapport between teachers and students, and ensures that our well-being is taken care of.

Lee Jun Jie (4K5)

The visit to the elderly home has taught me a few important lessons. Through my interaction with the old folks, I realise that most of them are quite lonely as their children rarely visit them. Talking to them makes me understand their plight better as I get to find out more about their stories and life in the elderly home. I feel very happy that I am able to spread some joy to them through small gestures such as talking to them and accompanying them for a few hours. At the same time, I also learn to be more compassionate and accepting towards elderly folks.

Tan Choon An Andersen (2R1)

All Secondary 4 and 5 students had the opportunity to contribute to keeping East Coast Park and the surrounding beach areas litter-free as they embarked on a Values-In-Action(VIA) Project in February this year. Each class had to clean a designated part of the park. Each group also had to conduct a Litter Audit, where they categorised the rubbish collected. Most groups found plastic bottles as the main litter in East Coast Park.

The beach cleaning was a fun experience for me and my classmates. It was also a very meaningful activity as we had the chance to make the beach cleaner by picking up rubbish and sorting them for recycling purposes. I feel that beach cleaning is very important because if the rubbish gets washed into the sea, it will harm the aquatic life and also contribute to water pollution. Ultimately, it is us humans who will suffer due to our own careless and irresponsible behaviour.

Tan Wei Jie Gavin (4R1)

It was a meaningful and fulfilling experience being able to contribute to making the environment a better place for everyone. We picked litter that we found in the area designated to us and realised that most of the items were actually plastic bottles! Through this activity, it reinforced our understanding that littering is detrimental to the environment and that all of us have a shared responsibility to maintain a clean and green environment.

Chin Ray Kang Ryan (4R1)

As a member of the Students Sports Committee (SSC), I have been involved in organising the Sports and Fitness Fiesta for two consecutive years. The experience I gained over the two years is really invaluable. As a sports leader, I put into practice the values of responsibility and respect as I discharge my duties. I also hone my leadership and organisational skills. I remember how everyone geared up to run the 3.2 km race under the blazing sun. I truly admire those who had the determination to complete the entire route without taking breaks and I applaud their effort and will. Furthermore, true sportsmanship was evident as I observed the participants encouraging one another throughout the run. It was really heartwarming. Organising the Sports and Fitness Fiesta gives all SSC members an opportunity to develop our skills and learn to be excellent leaders.

Jackie Lim Wei Chao (4K3)

Having participated in the Sports and Fitness Fiesta for two years, I have learnt many values that every sports leader should possess. The event aims to educate Kranjians on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Kranjians, staff members and parents heartily took to the run, spurring one another to reach the finishing line. 3.2 km is not a short distance, thus it was very heartening to see everyone persevering to complete the run despite the scorching sun and unbearable humidity. I could feel the Kranji Spirit in everyone as we put in our 100% effort in the race. Sports and Fitness Fiesta is definitely a meaningful event for all Kranjians, the perfect occasion for us student leaders to gain more experience and most importantly, the best platform to learn more about one of our school core values – Responsibility.

Lai Si Qi (4K5)

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The Parent Support Group of Kranji Secondary School, PSG@Kranji was formally formed on 1 September 2005. Currently, we have 30 active and committed members overseeing the running of PSG initiatives and activities. Kranji PSG strives to be a pro-active partner and one of the key stakeholders in the holistic education of all Kranjians. We actively support the school programmes and activities so that students, through the parents’ involvement, get to enjoy and benefit from enriching and memorable learning experiences in Kranji.


Kranji was a busy educational hub as she played host to several international delegates from February to March. The delegations consisted of educators from a range of countries such as Saudi Arabia, Taiwan and Japan. All the groups showed immense interest in Singapore’s world class education system. They were fascinated by our school’s teaching and learning


ACHIevemeNTs DAy

processes, co-curricular programmes and the milestones we have achieved in various domains.

A highlight among all the international visits was the visit by Harvard University’s Global Education Innovation Panel. The school’s key personnel and senior teachers had a delightful afternoon discussing key ideas and

challenging assumptions regarding thinking and innovative educational programmes and how to best prepare students for the 21st century. Both the Harvard delegation and Kranji staff certainly agreed on one fact – both groups definitely had an enriching and meaningful day learning from each other!

Being a PSG member enables me to be more involved in the school’s activities and hence, gain a better understanding of the school values and directions. Besides, I get to know more people who have children of about the same age as my son, and we can discuss and exchange pointers on parenting.

Helena Cheong

The Sports and Fitness Fiesta is one of Kranji PSG’s major fund raising events. The funds we raise during this event are channelled to the Needy Students’ Fund as well as to fund PSG activities. This is my third year participating in the Sports and Fitness Fiesta since my son was enrolled in the school in 2012. The PSG set up food stalls that offer a variety of food and thirst-quenching drinks for the students after their run. Some parents also join in the race with their children. The atmosphere is a merry and joyful one as members of the Kranji Family come together to have fun in a healthy way.

Angela Chow

My husband and I are members of Kranji PSG. We strongly believe that the PSG is an excellent platform for parents to obtain first-hand information about the school as well as its programmes and activities. This is where we could share common concerns with a group of responsible and devoted parents. Above all, Kranji has a pool of dedicated teachers to guide and accompany our children in their learning journey. We have

enjoyed our involvement in many school events, and we will continue to support by coordinating and participating in school events so as to strengthen the bond amongst students, parents and teachers. We hope that more parents will join us to become a part of Kranji PSG. Let us walk in our parenting journey together!

Ronald and Callie

Achievements Day was held on 17 April 2014 to celebrate the achievements and contributions of our students, staff and stakeholders. On this day, we acknowledged our students’ excellent results in the school and national examinations. In addition, we also recognised our staff’s passion, hard work and dedication to the education service as well as their innovation and creativity in developing new and engaging teaching materials.

This year, a new Bilingual Award was presented. It was accorded to students who have distinguished themselves in both the English Language and their Mother Tongue. We also awarded our outstanding student leaders the School Colours Award to recognise their strong leadership qualities in leading their CCA to greater heights.

Besides the award presentations, our guests were entertained by our Choir and Modern Dance members with excellent performances. The ceremony ended on a high note with a motivating speech delivered by our valedictorian who highlighted a compelling message – “Kranji educates not just the Mind, but also the Heart.”

Initially I was pleasantly surprised to know that I had been chosen to receive the Kranjian Award as I felt that there were others who were also deserving of this prestigious award. When I was still in Secondary 4, I often joked with my friends telling them that one day I would receive the Kranjian Award, one that was much sought-after by many outstanding Kranjians among us. Never did it ever cross my mind that I would actually receive it!

Being accorded such a distinguished award is indeed a great honour, and I attribute my success to my parents’ encouragements as well as their unrelenting support for me. Also, I was very fortunate to have great teachers who believed in me and were always there for me. They pushed me to my limits and helped me to realise my dreams. Last but not least, I need to thank my peers who created wonderful memories with me in Kranji.

Muhammad Aliff Karya Johari (4K3)

Receiving the Colours Award has been a great honour and I am truly grateful to the school for my achievement. I am happy that my leadership skills are recognised in such a meaningful way. This award has affirmed me as a leader of the Media Innovation Club, and that I have done a good job in leading my fellow members to greater heights. As John Maxwell has eloquently put, “Leaders become great not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others”.

Shalani Devi D/O Dayalan (4K4)

“From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.”

- Arthur Ashe

I have served the school as an Alumni member since I graduated from Kranji Secondary School in 2007. As the President of the Kranji Alumni, I would like to share with all of you what it means to be an Alumni member.

I joined the Alumni because I would like to give back to the school that has done so much for me. The Kranji Experience played a major role in nurturing me into who I am today. Till this day, l strongly believe that the Kranji Experience has moulded many batches of Kranjians after me into well-rounded and confident young people.

The Alumni contributes actively during school events such as the Sports and Fitness Fiesta and Cultural Fiesta Nite. I am sure you have seen us manning the booth at this this year’s Sports and Fitness Fiesta. The Alumni also shows appreciation to our dear teacher at the Teachers’ Day Celebrations. For instance, we arranged breakfast for the staff. I hope the Alumni will continue to engage you by sharing the Kranji Experience from different batches.

We hope to strengthen the bond between the school and ex-Kranjians.

Let’s keep the Kranji Spirit alive and spread it around! Once a Kranjian, always a Kranjian!

Chua Jie Heng (Kranji Alumni President)

10 11|Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014 Kranji IN TOUCH Newsletter 2014|

Immersion Programme at Nanyang Polytechnic

education and Career Guidance (eCG)

Course Advising by Nanyang Polytechnic

Feedback Form

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The 4NA students enjoyed two exciting and enriching days during the March school holidays at Nanyang Polytechnic’s Immersion Programme. I was attached to the School of Chemical and Life Sciences. We learnt about the different components of a Panadol pill through paper chromatography. It was also thrilling to try making our own ice-cream using different types of ingredients! Through this programme, we acquired some skills and understood the various life science courses better. We were introduced to the various hands-on experiments and theories which gave us the opportunity to get a feel of what it would be like if we choose this career in future. Through this programme, we are in a better position to decide on our future careers.

Julien Tan (4R1)

During the Immersion Programme at Nanyang Polytechnic, we were also briefed about the Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP), one that enables us to choose to go straight to Polytechnic without sitting for the ‘O’ Level Examinations. During the two-day programme, I was attached to the School of Business and Management where I learnt how to invest money wisely. We also learnt how banks from all over the world function and how they get information for their investments. This programme gave me a better insight into the business course module, its challenges and prospective career options upon completion of the diploma. It has given us a better understanding of the realities of the business world! We are indeed fortunate to be given this opportunity to understand our options and make informed decisions about our future career path.

Rafael Mercado (4R1)

The Course Advising was a fruitful experience for me as I got an insight of what life would be like in Nanyang Polytechnic. The lecturers not only helped to clarify misconceptions and myths about the courses, they also encouraged us to pursue what we truly enjoy learning. We were advised to make decisions regarding our post-secondary education carefully. In addition, they shared their experiences and motivated us to study hard for our examinations. The experience made me more determined to work harder to get to the course of my choice. Thus, apart from the Junior College pathway, I would also consider polytechnic as an option to further my studies.

Nikhil Lingampalli (4K5)

The Course Advising is very useful for me to decide on my post- secondary education. It was worth attending the session as lecturers who specialise in the various fields were present to give us valuable information and advice. They answered all our questions with much patience. I have an interest in social work. I realise that to be a professional social worker, not only would I need a degree in Social Work, but also have to undergo a series of training and complete a number of different modules. The lecturer also shared specific details about Social Work course in Nanyang Polytechnic, such as the curriculum, work attachment, further studies at the university and job prospects. It is certainly an eye opener for me as I have gained a lot of information that will help me decide on the type of post-secondary education that best suits my interest and aptitude.

Noor Mustikha Bte Noor Khalid (4K5)

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