A JULY 271809 J1IltV ILygmf mlsf1tt flAYCO ESCAPES FROM LOCKED CUFFS GIVES PRIVATE EXHIBITION AT SHERIFFS OFFICE MONDAY- Air Come Crowded Last Night to Wit- ness This Feature of the Show Which Is Good Hayco known extensively us an ex- pert In DroolIng loose front all forms of contrivances designed to keep crim foals from getting away lias arrived In the city and will be here for the next several nights at the Kkctrlc Theatre Ate Dome At a public demonstration yesterday afternoon In Sheriff Kanisoyt office i clearly demonstrated to a crowd i ability to slip the iron iiujdes fiom his wrist no matter in what flaps lock him lie does any iumber of difficult feats with appar- ent roar and baffles the people that ou s I ¬ ¬ ¬ Hayco the Handcuff King him On Friday evening he will divulge his secrecy as to how he man- ages to get away from the Iron wrist Lands made to hold criminals The tame handcuffs that were used in the afternoon at the sheriffs office and which were his personal proH rty were used again last night at the Makes Two solid cars of the r WETTER STOVES and 3AHGES just received vVith our five years experience and con ant use and sale of sees goods we hesitate in giving ou a Five Years Guar 3 itee with each Range vou purchase from us Wears longer cooks easier looks nicer than any other make manu- factured GAINESVILLE HARDWARE CO Cook- ing Easy L era do- t ti i rt- M ¬ > ¬ Poor Foolish Woman Think of b r at to melee 1 ic cream in tLo- M old dismnointini JELLO ICE CREAM Powder she can make tho most delicious ice cream in ten minute fivcziug rind ell at a covet of one cent a dish and near the ttttte Your grocer will tell all about It or you can get a book from tbo Pnro Food Co Lo Boy K Y if yon will write them Ice Cream Pow der two luxckagvs for 25 centn Electric Theatre to letter prove tr till audience that It makes no differ nc as to what niako of liandcuffh lire Used Hosldes the Iron hnndcuffs and shncklos ho also has a straightjacket which he will place on and lot out eiders and within a thort tints la works out of it NOTICE OF RECEIVING BIDS FOR SEWER WORK TIll Hoard of Public NVorkt of tin City of Galnosvlllo Florida will re mliH reeled hidf until noun on Thursday August tilt furnishing uf manrial and con Ktruetlon of approximately IflWt fret jf x inch Sanitary Sewer Tho Hoard reserves the right to it any or all bids I Plans and siioclHcatlona on file in tin office of the Secretary V V HAMPTON i Secretary Hoard Public Work July 27th iifli Resolutions of Thanks Ai a rnuctlng of a committee ap- lutntcd by Major Floyd acting preei lent of the Uaincuvllle Summer Normal the following resolutions were adopted Kenulved That the HIUICU the Gainesville Summer Normal tend er our thanks to the Gainesville Ep vorth league through its preHldent- Mrtt R E Huffman fur the pleasant veiling afforded us on July ICth and to Mr and Mrs J U Padgett for heir hospitality in throwing oM n he doors of their beautiful home for the entertainment of the Normal tstu Tents lit It further resolved That a copy af these rcsolutlonB be published In The GalncMvllle Sun Gainesville Ele- vator The Exponent and The Times Union MISS UNA MILLER MSS JIMMIE GREEN MR VM Committee A Golden Wedding Means that man and wire have liv- ed to a good old age and consequently hoc kept healthy The beat way to keep healthy Is to sec that liver does Its duty 3C5 days out of The only way to do this la to keep Unllard6 Herblne in the house and ake It whenever your liver gets In tctlve 50 coats per bottle Sold by W M Johnson Has Saved Much Fodder Hun J G Dampler chairman of tin county was a visitor to the city Monday Ho says that lie has saved more fodder tide your thou ht ovor in his life during any one year and hUN un abundance ti with his friends iio and want to feed their animal Till bud weather her caused him to IOM Hiantitlos of fodder but fur four days during the jmst week he hall fifteen huiuU busy gathering It which gives him nil tlmt will l used tor hit stock with suuu to upure If you lees utii In the back wtmk lArk or troy other Imllontlon uf n weaktnml or illiwrdurod oonilltkin of tilt kklney or hhuidor you nhouUl K t- DvWlttM Kidney uMtl Dladilttr PIIU rl ht away whwH you uxpurluncM the 4t KU of kidney ur bladder ones l Unt hut b ur tkut you lhVittM Kidney and Illutldttr ltlU- V know what tU y will do fur ywi and It you will nam r ItoWlil IV CHlw ytM will HwVM a r Mi trial by all It U prtat 4 UUoo ri yow east ru 8m o9o U to pU M tu l 6 lt about nnt JO Gr fasten tInt lxth for- th no- t I bed of E our com mitul lorlrlJ hUM hun p l l t t our f kid Iatlddr Tkat ukl tlrulalrtr 4 i s I a rero Jell 0 1fA tip tau I rte r If rood ro- t dt bttz a tkrtrw nYl sell plllr queer QTY v 1 1 < > ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > ++ + MICANOPY NOW HAS BETTER MAIL SERVICEN- OW HAVE THEIR MAIL EX CHANGED ON TRAINS 9 AND 10 Shortens Time From Twelve ThirtySix Hours and Is a Great Convenience to All Mcanopy people err a determined set and through their efforts ire now receiving the mail on trains Nos and 10 which privilege has men denied them for some time past and which brought forth strenuous protest from the citizens generally Acting at once following the re- fusal to exchange the pouches the leading citizens got together and through two or three of their numI- KT made the request for title service with the result that they now enjoy the double mail service and are en ibled to get the snore from twelve to thirtysix hours earlier thou they lid under the former arrangement Hesldes securing this privilege thv ire anticipating making the train that i running temporarily in and out to he Junction n permanent one it the Commission can assist them In their t fforlH Without nny extra expense to the Government they have raised a sub irription among themes hf uul art paying for the mall to be carried from the office to the trains Congregation Disappointed- The members and officers of the First Baptist church were rather soy priced on Sunday evening when they cord that the M reu of Kentucky had failed to till hit announced appointment with tin church Arrangements had been made foi this gentleman to conduct both the morning and evening service and It his subjects for the two ser- mons When the hour for the oven ng service arrived it was learned that he had suddenly left the city no reason for his departure The officers desire to state that It was no fault of theirs and that they were as much disappointed ns the large congregation that had assembled to hear the minister Rev Harry Shaw of stand Grove filled the pulpit although a oung man he deliver a very creditable sermon Starved to Death Is what could truthfully be raid o many children who till They harp worms poor little things they don know It and you dont realize It T your child Is rOilS fretful pastycorn- plexioned and loses weight for no ap- parent reason sire It Whites Creaiu- Vermifuge you v 111 bo surprised a the results and how quickly it pick up Sold by W M Johnson GAINESVILLE FLA CAPITAL 57508019 SURPLUS 2586900 OFFICERS- W R Thomas President G K Oroome First E D Turner Cashier W B Taylor Second VlcoProsldtnt DIRECTORS 0 K Broom J 8 PadQttt H F Dutton J A MaulUby J Nichols M Venabla W R W B Taylor 4 Per Cent Paid Savings Department to the 9 to Ill I War sent In Had ed 4- TUt DUHon DAnn Q in gl- Int x t I M- w w til Vice Proeidont Thomas > ¬ < + Surprising What Kodol Will DoF- or you when you need But longer you lest Indigestion the more you will before Kodol can restore Good Digestion it the I 111 ¬ And of course indigestion If neg lected long enough brings on seri- ous diseases In which Kodol cannot benefit you Some of these there la no help tor at all There are In fact very tea all mcnts which cannot bo traced dl rectly to Impure blood And Im- pure blxxi Is always duo to a dis- ordered stomach Use Kodol and prevent Nervous Dyspepsia Kodol wJH effectually assist Na- ture to secure a complete restora- tion of good digestion It docs this by at onco digesting all food in the stomach and keeping it di- gested until the stomach is rested and can resume Us own work Ko dol removes the cause and the effect quickly removes Itself Whnn it is recalled that Heart Dlaeaso Cancer and even Consumption are duo to poor digestion and poisons thus transmitted to the blood and throughout the system tho impor- tance of maintaining good diges- tion la at once realized Apo- plexy ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ We knew what Kodol would da before ever tho first bottle wa sold It we did not know lust what It will do wo would not guarantee it the way wo do It la easy for you to prove Kode the next or the first time yoa have an attack of Indigestion Asi will certainly be surprised at the results It Is perfectly harm less There can be no harm la trying something that may do yoa a great deal of It cotta yoa nothing if It doesnt Our Guarantee ou have need that U roes aa Ion or We will then tie 4mr Bint tor tlie bottle punt all IrJinrNU know that arantw In only And to Lot ont a smile Tie Urn a much aa tie Bftf cent bottle Kodol Is prepared at the labora tories of E C DeWItt CoChlcago ou goodwhen 00 to drugI a del tar bottle I or Lottle Ir roes bunfSI tae due rood tie boUle to tile dru I arA be will mont d IR1 btSI one olftr to the lar tI tontaln Jone today and set ties entire cunreata the esa ear sot return refund our wltioet applies FOR BALm DRUGGJ TS ICY LL J J WILLIAMS H and RETAIL LIQUORS 211 Went H y S P O Ilex 401 JAKifO TlUEl FIA WILLIAMS PAYS THE EXPRESS CASE GOODS EXPRESS PAID Old Homestead Corn Whiskey DeSoto Rye 1gallon jug express paid 9250 I full quarts 500 Special Otter Williams No 10 Rye 4 full quarts full quarts full quarts Old Halifax Rye 4 full quarts full quarts 12 full quarts Sunny South Rye 4 full quarts 6 full quarts 12 toil quarts 26 full pints Yellowstone Bourbon I Hottlcs 320 4 0 900 420 GOO 1200 275 400 800 1200 Old coons Express Paid Bottled In bond by the U S Govmt 4 full quarts express paid9 500 12 full quarts express paid 1275 24 full pints express paid 1375 48 full half pintsexpress paid 1500 BottllngExprcss Paid 00 halt pints In drum 3600 Sold only by drum will not break Corn WhlskeyExprw raid Rocky Fork per bottle ox paid 140 Kork per case ex paid 1275 1 gal corn ex paid 260 i gal corn ex paid 275 1 I N corn ex paid 325 Rye Whiskey Exprtw Paid Per Gallon Queen city ex paid 260 sunny Soath ex paid 275 Malt ex paid 325 Rica Hill ex paid 450 Planter ex paid 600 Old Boone ex paid GOO Williams Private Seal ex paid 00 l Ono grade only and jug ox paid 450 Gin ex paid250 325 and 45- 0TJ a Trial Order Lt L t till qunrt Idlebrook Whiskey la umSDlstll I rull gttart 15 ll full quarts freight paid 1200 100 pints In drum drum- I Rock G gal d r Hurdle Ryc ox patti 1131 Overholt ex paid Case liatd 17G Send I e G 7 UU Icry G00 460 express 40 46A exlireae A > > > = TELEPHONE TALKST- he Long Distance System t On af vshuMt fMfem- cj our service to our subscriber and to the public generally Is our scenes i tlon with the extensive long distance I lines of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the other as eclated loll Telephone companies We own thousands of miles of long distance lines In the seven States hi which we operate and In addition can connect any telephone In our system with lines extending to any other city In which a cell Telephone system Is peiatcJ- These long dlaianu n a are of the roost modern and Improved cenetruc tieR and are maintained at a high Kato of efficiency The tell system the Meet operating In variew ttl fIM country are ttntftrm hi their oatily meet and hi their method e Der- ating Only fry ruMon f skies tntffti- arrangtment between Ute felt companies la It pessiWe te ge to a ell Telephone a I meet anywhere ask for Long Pittance and be put I communication with almost any pefett In the country This vast network of wire urinat- ing throughout the nation to we dally In commerce and tar social put poses by the banker the farmer wed citizens In all walks of life and aw plant here Is an Important link In tMo great chain I T- Ithe 1 r r flit x 4 > Southern Bell Telephone- and Telegraph Company Send your orders for Job Printing to THE SUN JOB OFFICE lIniN MM 11 r Lll Jil 1M 1111 IIIJ lU J J j I FIN IM M w NN

ILygmf mlsf1tt ESCAPES Poor Foolish FROM LOCKED CUFFS

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Page 1: ILygmf mlsf1tt ESCAPES Poor Foolish FROM LOCKED CUFFS

A JULY 271809J1IltV ILygmf mlsf1ttflAYCO ESCAPES




Air Come Crowded Last Night to Wit-

ness This Feature of the Show

Which Is Good

Hayco known extensively us an ex-

pert In DroolIng loose front all formsof contrivances designed to keep crimfoals from getting away lias arrivedIn the city and will be here for thenext several nights at the KkctrlcTheatre Ate Dome

At a public demonstration yesterdayafternoon In Sheriff Kanisoyt officei clearly demonstrated to a crowdi ability to slip the iron iiujdesfiom his wrist no matter in whatflaps lock him lie does anyiumber of difficult feats with appar-

ent roar and baffles the people that







Hayco the Handcuff King

him On Friday evening he willdivulge his secrecy as to how he man-ages to get away from the Iron wristLands made to hold criminals

The tame handcuffs that were usedin the afternoon at the sheriffs officeand which were his personal proH rtywere used again last night at the


Two solid cars of the


3AHGES just received

vVith our five years

experience and con

ant use and sale of

sees goods we

hesitate in giving

ou a Five Years Guar

3 itee with each Range

vou purchase from us

Wears longer cooks

easier looks nicer than

any other make manu-





ing Easy





ti i





Poor FoolishWoman

Think of b r atto melee

1 ic cream in tLo-

M old dismnointini


she can make tho most delicious icecream in ten minute fivcziug rindell at a covet of one cent a dish

and near the ttttteYour grocer will tell all about

It or you can get a book from tboPnro Food Co Lo Boy

K Y if yon will write themIce Cream Pow

der two luxckagvs for 25 centn

Electric Theatre to letter prove trtill audience that It makes no differ

nc as to what niako of liandcuffhlire Used

Hosldes the Iron hnndcuffs andshncklos ho also has a straightjacketwhich he will place on and lot outeiders and within a thort tintsla works out of it



TIll Hoard of Public NVorkt of tinCity of Galnosvlllo Florida will re

mliH reeled hidf until noun onThursday August tilt

furnishing uf manrial and conKtruetlon of approximately IflWt fret

jf x inch Sanitary SewerTho Hoard reserves the right to

it any or all bids

IPlans and siioclHcatlona on file in

tin office of the SecretaryV V HAMPTON

i Secretary Hoard Public WorkJuly 27th iifli

Resolutions of ThanksAi a rnuctlng of a committee ap-

lutntcd by Major Floyd acting preeilent of the Uaincuvllle SummerNormal the following resolutionswere adopted

Kenulved That the HIUICUthe Gainesville Summer Normal tender our thanks to the Gainesville Epvorth league through its preHldent-Mrtt R E Huffman fur the pleasantveiling afforded us on July ICth and

to Mr and Mrs J U Padgett forheir hospitality in throwing oM nhe doors of their beautiful home for

the entertainment of the Normal tstu

Tentslit It further resolved That a copy

af these rcsolutlonB be published InThe GalncMvllle Sun Gainesville Ele-

vator The Exponent and The TimesUnion



A Golden WeddingMeans that man and wire have liv-

ed to a good old age and consequentlyhoc kept healthy The beat way tokeep healthy Is to sec that liverdoes Its duty 3C5 days out ofThe only way to do this la to keepUnllard6 Herblne in the house andake It whenever your liver gets Intctlve 50 coats per bottle Sold byW M Johnson

Has Saved Much FodderHun J G Dampler chairman of tin

county was a visitorto the city Monday Ho says thatlie has saved more fodder tide yourthou ht ovor in his life duringany one year and hUN un abundanceti with his friends iio

and want to feed their animalTill bud weather her caused him toIOM Hiantitlos of fodder but furfour days during the jmst week hehall fifteen huiuU busy gathering It

which gives him nil tlmt will l usedtor hit stock with suuu to upure

If you lees utii In the back wtmklArk or troy other Imllontlon uf nweaktnml or illiwrdurod oonilltkin oftilt kklney or hhuidor you nhouUl K t-

DvWlttM Kidney uMtl Dladilttr PIIUrl ht away whwH you uxpurluncM the

4t KU of kidney ur bladder onesl Unt hut b ur tkut you

lhVittM Kidney and Illutldttr ltlU-V know what tU y will do fur ywi

and It you will namr ItoWlil IV CHlw ytM will

HwVM a r Mi trial

by all

It U prtat 4 UUoo ri yow eastru 8m o9o U to pU M tu l 6 lt

aboutnnt JO



tInt lxth for-





bed of



com mitul lorlrlJ



l l tt


f kid

Iatlddr Tkat ukltlrulalrtr





rero Jell 0




I rte r


rood ro-

t dt

bttz a tkrtrw

nYl sell plllrqueer

QTY v 1 1

< >













Shortens Time From Twelve

ThirtySix Hours and Is a Great

Convenience to All

Mcanopy people err a determinedset and through their effortsire now receiving the mail on trainsNos and 10 which privilege hasmen denied them for some time pastand which brought forth strenuousprotest from the citizens generally

Acting at once following the re-

fusal to exchange the pouches theleading citizens got together andthrough two or three of their numI-

KT made the request for title servicewith the result that they now enjoythe double mail service and are enibled to get the snore from twelveto thirtysix hours earlier thou theylid under the former arrangement

Hesldes securing this privilege thvire anticipating making the train thati running temporarily in and out tohe Junction n permanent one it theCommission can assist them In their

t fforlHWithout nny extra expense to the

Government they have raised a subirription among themes hf uul artpaying for the mall to be carried fromthe office to the trains

Congregation Disappointed-

The members and officers of theFirst Baptist church were rather soypriced on Sunday evening when they

cord that the M

reu of Kentucky had failed to till hitannounced appointment with tinchurch

Arrangements had been made foithis gentleman to conduct both themorning and evening service and It

his subjects for the two ser-mons When the hour for the ovenng service arrived it was learned

that he had suddenly left the cityno reason for his departure

The officers desire to state that It

was no fault of theirs and that theywere as much disappointed ns thelarge congregation that had assembledto hear the minister Rev HarryShaw of stand Grove filled the pulpit

although a oung man he delivera very creditable sermon

Starved to DeathIs what could truthfully be raid o

many children who till They harpworms poor little things they donknow It and you dont realize It T

your child Is rOilS fretful pastycorn-plexioned and loses weight for no ap-

parent reason sire It Whites Creaiu-Vermifuge you v 111 bo surprised athe results and how quickly it pickup Sold by W M Johnson


CAPITAL 57508019SURPLUS 2586900


W R Thomas PresidentG K Oroome FirstE D Turner CashierW B Taylor Second VlcoProsldtnt

DIRECTORS0 K BroomJ 8 PadQtttH F DuttonJ A MaulUby

J NicholsM VenablaW RW B Taylor

4 Per Cent PaidSavings Department





Ill I War

sent In



TUt DUHon DAnn










Vice Proeidont






SurprisingWhat Kodol Will DoF-or you when you need But longer youlest Indigestion the more you will before Kodolcan restore Good Digestion

it theI

111 ¬

And of course indigestion If neglected long enough brings on seri-ous diseases In which Kodol cannotbenefit you Some of these therela no help tor at all

There are In fact very tea allmcnts which cannot bo traced dlrectly to Impure blood And Im-pure blxxi Is always duo to a dis-ordered stomach

Use Kodol and prevent NervousDyspepsia

Kodol wJH effectually assist Na-ture to secure a complete restora-tion of good digestion It docsthis by at onco digesting all foodin the stomach and keeping it di-gested until the stomach is restedand can resume Us own work Kodol removes the cause and theeffect quickly removes Itself

Whnn it is recalled thatHeart Dlaeaso Cancer and

even Consumption are duo topoor digestion and poisons thustransmitted to the blood andthroughout the system tho impor-tance of maintaining good diges-tion la at once realized











We knew what Kodol would dabefore ever tho first bottle wasold It we did not know lust whatIt will do wo would not guaranteeit the way wo do

It la easy for you to prove Kodethe next or the first time yoa

have an attack of Indigestion Asiwill certainly be surprised at

the results It Is perfectly harmless

There can be no harm la tryingsomething that may do yoa a greatdeal of It cotta yoanothing if It doesnt

Our Guaranteeou have need

that U roes aa

Ion or We will then tie 4mrBint tor tlie bottle punt allIrJinrNU know that arantw In

onlyAnd to Lot ont a smile Tie Urna much aa tie Bftfcent bottle

Kodol Is prepared at the laboratories of E C DeWItt CoChlcago



00 to drugI a deltar bottle Ior Lottle Ir roesbunfSI tae duerood tie boUle to tile dru I arAbe will mont

d IR1btSI

oneolftr to the lar

tI tontaln

Jone today and settiesentire cunreata the esaear sot

returnrefund our wltioet




211 Went H y S P O Ilex 401 JAKifO TlUEl FIA


CASE GOODS EXPRESS PAID Old Homestead Corn WhiskeyDeSoto Rye 1gallon jug express paid 9250

I full quarts 500 Special Otter

Williams No 10 Rye4 full quarts

full quartsfull quarts

Old Halifax Rye4 full quarts

full quarts12 full quarts

Sunny South Rye4 full quarts6 full quarts

12 toil quarts26 full pints

Yellowstone BourbonI Hottlcs

3204 0900





Old coons Express PaidBottled In bond by the U S Govmt

4 full quarts express paid9 50012 full quarts express paid 127524 full pints express paid 137548 full half pintsexpress paid 1500

BottllngExprcss Paid

00 halt pints In drum 3600Sold only by drum will not break

Corn WhlskeyExprw raidRocky Fork per bottle ox paid 140

Kork per case ex paid 12751 gal corn ex paid 260i gal corn ex paid 2751 I N corn ex paid 325

Rye Whiskey Exprtw PaidPer Gallon

Queen city ex paid 260sunny Soath ex paid 275

Malt ex paid 325

Rica Hill ex paid 450Planter ex paid 600Old Boone ex paid GOO

Williams Private Seal ex paid 00l

Ono grade only and jug ox paid 450Gin ex paid250 325 and 45-

0TJ a Trial Order

Lt Lt

till qunrtIdlebrook Whiskey la umSDlstllI rull gttart 15ll full quarts freight paid 1200 100 pints In drum




d r Hurdle Ryc ox patti1131 Overholt ex paidCase liatd 17G

Send I


G 7 UU


460express 40 46A




> >



he Long Distance System


On af vshuMt fMfem-cj our service to our subscriber andto the public generally Is our scenes

i tlon with the extensive long distanceI lines of the American Telephone andTelegraph Company and the other aseclated loll Telephone companies

We own thousands of miles of longdistance lines In the seven States hiwhich we operate and In addition canconnect any telephone In our systemwith lines extending to any other cityIn which a cell Telephone system Is

peiatcJ-These long dlaianu n a are of the

roost modern and Improved cenetructieR and are maintained at a highKato of efficiency The tell system

the Meet operating In variew ttl fIMcountry are ttntftrm hi their oatilymeet and hi their method e Der-ating

Only fry ruMon f skies tntffti-arrangtment between Ute felt

companies la It pessiWe te ge toa ell Telephone a I meet anywhereask for Long Pittance and be put Icommunication with almost any pefettIn the country

This vast network of wire urinat-ing throughout the nation to wedally In commerce and tar social putposes by the banker the farmer wedcitizens In all walks of life and awplant here Is an Important link In tMogreat chain






flit x



Southern Bell Telephone-

and Telegraph Company

Send your orders for Job Printing to


lIniN MM


r Lll Jil 1M 1111 IIIJ lU J J
