News of Cente reach and Lake Grove Mrs. Ethel Smith. ROnk. 9-8752 Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Stordeur of Anne Road celebrated their twenty-sixth wedding anniversary Saturday night. They enjoyed the •Jackie Gleason show "Take Me Along " at the Westbury Music Fair , Westbury. followed by din- ner at the Ganvmah Restaurant , Westluiry. Mi and Mrs . Josep h Geiser of Woodside spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. llany Brow n of Someiset Street. The Centereach Fire Depart- ment ambulance answered the fol- low mu mi' s hist w eek ; Jul y 18. Mis. Carpeck of 21 Mineiva Lane was taken to the Ursiiline Nur- sing Home, Oakdale , b y order of Di. Ti oy. Duver was Bob Ed- waids . lust aid man Otto Wolz. On Julv 2)5 Stev en Takets of 56 Gould Koad was taken to Mather Memoiul Hospital b y driver Otto Wolz . tirst-aul man Fred Kirsch- enheitei , and assistant Bob Bur- low s . Michael Alan Rumpf , infant son of Mr. and Mrs . Edward Rump f of North Washington Avenue was ehiistened at the Assump tion of the BL ssed Viigm Mary R. C. Chuuh at ' A p. m. Sunday b y the Rev. Thomas Taylor . God parents are Mis . Richard Boy le of I^ake Ronkonkoma and William Batsche ol Richmond Hill and Centereach. A l eeeption was held following the loi emony for about 30 rela- tives and f I iends . Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oles and thildion . Diane , Linda and Susan , of Sni'th Street returned home af- lei spending eight days ' vacation at Canton, with Mr. Oles ' brother- in-law and sister . Mr. and Mrs. Bernaid Williams of Patchogue , who haw a cottage there. Miss Diane did not return with her patents but is also spending this week there. M' . and Mrs. Otto Lubrich of Elliot Avenue celebrated their seventh w ediling anniveisary July 2 1 l \v having a Chinese dinner at Mei Tmg Rostaaiant in Hunting- ton. Afioi dinnei they attended the II I ' > I o ( ' ooi erence at Stony Biook Si hool and then were guests of Ah. and Mis . Amc Ramsland ot c ^ Bei naid Place, where a ga- tht nng was held m honor of their annuel s;u \ Attending w ith them weie M' and .Mis. Alfred Fridland of \\ ond Road. .Mis. Ernest Overton of Middle Countiv Re ul and her nieces and mp hews , Shaion. Beth Ann , V. .r iU' and Johnny Hallock . of Conim.u k spent Thuisday, Friday and thi v\et ko'id at the Daniel ll.tToi k Cottage at Cedar Beach . Sunt 1, oln Mi . Ov erton came dow n foi the w eekend. A s t ppii^e seventieth birthday Pi.it v was held for Mrs. Marv C.e. si . of AsN.ua at Roe^ch Hall n ( o ' _:e Point Jul y 15. Mrs . G< i s t i i- the mother of Mrs . Hari y Blow n . Si . of Soniei set Street. 1 host ttt ' idiijg liom here w ere Mi. an , Mi- . Hairy Brow n . Sr.. Mi. and Alls David Brown , and Mi. ami Mrs . Calvin Bl y denburgh. On Sundav Jul y 2' A Mr. and Mis Hairy Blown. Sr., of Som- eisct Sinet entiitaimd at a bar- becue at then home. Their guests weie Mr. and Mis . Calvin Blyden- bi I Ji ami chi 'dren , Mary, James. Mid Thomas . Mi and Mrs. Dav id Brown and childn n , Linda and Dav,d , Ji Mi and Mis. Hairy Blown and children. Edward and Dcl.ia. Mr* . . Stanley Herzfeld of Ridge- field Paik. N J., air.ved Saturday and is spending this week with hev paienis , M T aIU ] ^Irs . Albert ^Reynolds of South Colman Road. Miss Esther Williams , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralp h Williams of Plymouth Street , returned home Sunday after spending two weeks visiting relatives , Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Anderson of Bay Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper in Brooklyn. Their son , David Wil- liams , is counselor at the Percy Crawford Camp at Showderbrook , Stroudsburg, Pa. , for the Summer. Mr. and Mrs . John Niblock of McGaw Avenue returned home Jul y 24 after spending some time visiting Mrs. Niblock' s father , Morris Hackett at New Brunswick, Canada , and other relatives. They were accompanied by their niece , Miss Maura Laverty of Williston Park. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinmann left Thursday and spent Friday and the weekend in the Pocono Mountains , where they visited friends. Mrs. Edwin Overton and daugh- ter , Miss Linda Overton of Lake Grove , and Miss J. Mabel Hallock of Smithtown spent Monday vis- iting Mrs. Charles Ahlschlager of East North port. A special call is being made to all Overton families and their de scendants to attend the Overton reunion to be held Saturday at the Edwin Hawkins ' home on Mill Road. Coram. Bring your lunch and spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobin of Woodland Boulevard celebrated their eleventh wedding anniver- sary July 23 by having dinner at Mlimi's Restaurant in Bay Shore. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Max Becker of Holbrook. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuefner of Reizen Avenue entertained at a family dinner part y July 24 in honor of their daughter Donna ' s second birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Marino Francioni and children , Daniel and Diane , of Lin- denhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Focrtsch of Springfield Gardens; Mrs. Mildre d Moore and daughter. Lynn , of Isli p Terrace , and Don- na ' s brothers , Bruce and John. Mr. and Mrs. William Nolan of Jonas Boulevard celebrated their seventeenth wedding anniversary Jul y 23 with a dinner part y at the Villa Pace in St. James. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Fedofsky, also of Jonas Boulevard. The Middle Country Youth As- sociation are holding a buffet sup- per and dance at the Assumption of the Blessed Vi rgin Mary hall on Crown Acres Road at 8:30 p. m. August 19 to raise money for the Babe Ruth Leagues. All-Star games will be hold at the Unity Drive School August fi , 8 and 10: the opening day for the season ' s activities was Jul y 25. A fashion show is being planned for Sep- tember. Joseph Fraticelli of 106 Stan- ley Drive , chairman for the Can- cer drive , is still asking for vol- unteers to help canvass several areas which have not been covered. If you have a few hours you can spare , call him at JU 8-9393. Herbert Lindroth of Flushing is spending- his two weeks ' vaca- tion from his duties with the Tex- as Company with his father , Al- fred Lindroth of Hawkins Avenue. Last week they visited Timothy Morrissey. who has been confined at the S. F. Doyle Nursing Home in Boonton , N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey have been spending some time there with their daugh- ter , Mrs. Francis Doyle. While there Mr. Morrissey was a patient at the hospital where he underwent surgery and has since been con- fined at the nursing home , which his daughter operates . Mr. and Mrs. Morrissey are residents of Hawkins Avenue and hope to re- turn home soon. Kevin Schwamb. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schwamb, Jr., of McGaw Avenue celebrated his fourth birthday with a beach party at the cottage of his grand- parents , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Over- ton at West Meadow Beach July 26. Others present were Mi's. Step hen Barnett and children , Bonnie , Nancy, Step hen and Sally, Miss Linda Overton and Mrs. John Overton and Kevin 's sister , Peggy, and brother , Freddy. A baby shower was given in honor of Mrs. Harold Rand of Middle Country Road July 20 at the home of Mrs. Henry Steinmann of McGaw Avenue. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Doreen James of Cen- tereach and Mrs. Ann Kuhlmey of Smithtown. The room was trimm- ed in p ink and blue. The guest-of- honor sat under a decorated um- brella to open her many gifts. Other guests attending were Mes- dames Sidney Duck , Walter Za- kaly, George Cast , Marie Wade and Robert Marlborough of Lake Ronkonkoma; Mrs. Robert Mc Carrol and Mrs. Ralph Lavinia of Smithtown ; Mrs. Leslie Rhodes of Richmond Hill; Mrs. Fred Jackson of Greenlawn and Mesdames Marie Bailey, E. Rand , George Kingey, Hannah Blydenburgh , Mae Busch , Frances Wlash , Dorothy Moller , June Carbone , Betty Helf , Dolores Regan , all of Centereach. The Secret Pal Club enjoyed luncheon at the home of Mrs. Al- ma Wendel of Boyle Road , Selden , Jul y 26. Those attending were Mesdames Albert Reynolds , George Kennedy, Si* ., George Bingay, Fos- ter Overton , Julius Hahn , Percy Peters , Jeanne Bingay and Alvin Smith. Mrs. George Bingay of Curtis Street attended a bridal shower for her niece , Miss Jayne Kircher , at the home of Miss Penny Weil of Valley Stream Jul y 22. Miss Kircher will be married Septem- ber 2 to Richard Mackie at the St. Boniface Church in Elmont. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sorenson of St. James Road ce T ebrated their eighth wedding anniversary July 25 by having a dinner party at the Gateway Restaurant in Hun- tington. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. David Overton of Middle Country Road. Mr. and Ma's. Alfred Fridlund and children , Tor , Grethe , and Kenneth , of Wood Road left Sat- urda y for a week' s vacation in Canada and to visit other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Schor of Sycamore Street celebrated their daughter Lorene ' s first birthday with a party Jul y 23. Guests were her brother , Gary, Shane Fergu- son and grand parents , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bunnenberg of Ronkon- koma. Word has been received here of the death of Elmo Johnson of De- land . Fla. Many old timers will remember Mr. Johnson and his wife , Betty, who ran a restaurant on the corner of Middle * Country Road and Hawkins Avenue for many years. CHURCH NEWS The First Congregational Church of New Village has Sunday School at 9:45 a. m., worship at 11 a. m., Youth Fellowship ' at 6:30 p. m., gospel service at 7*30 p. m. Sunday. Daily Vacation Bible school will be held for the week of August 21 at 9 a. m. All childre n of all ages are invited to attend. The Rev. Erich Wever holds a Bible class at 8 p. m. Thursday at the Sunday School building and M^rs. Marjorie Thom- as has a Bible class every Tuesday at 10 a. m. The Centereach Community Churc h holds Sunday School at 10 a. m. and worship at 11:15 a. m. Sunday. Hol y Communion will be observed Sunday morning. During the month of August the pastor , the Rev. Norman Minard , will be speaking on "Worship. " The pastor also will be the spea- ker at the Farmingville, Holtsville Church at 9 a. m. during the mj on th of August. The Centereach Mennonite Church holds worship at 10 a. m., Sunday School at 10:45 a. m., gos- pel service at 7:45 p. m. Sunday. Bible study hour at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday with a special class for young people. Closing exer- cises of the Vacation Bible School will be held tomorrow at 7:45 p. m. Our Savior Lutheran Church holds Sunday School at 9 a. m., worship at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Sun- day. Holy Communion will be ob- served Sunday at both morning services. In the absence of the pas- tor , the Rev. Kenneth Hoener , who is on vacation , the Rev. August Herbert of Smithtown will bring the message Sunday. The Mr. and Mrs. Club of the church will hold their annual outing at Cedar Beach Saturday . St. Andrew ' s Reformed Episco- pal Church has Sunday School at 10 a. m., morning prayer and ser- mon at 11 a. m. and evening prayer and sermon at 8 p. m. Sun- day. Evening prayer and Bible study at 8 p. m. Wednesday. On August 13 , Erich Wever , assign- ment secretary of the Eastern &uffolku Camp of Gideons , will speak"at "both services. The Rev. Mr. Wever is active as a Bible teacher in Smithtown and at the First Congregational Church of New Village. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary R. C. Church holds masses at 8, 9 , 10:30 and 11:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. Sunday. A daily mass at 8 a. m. The Rosary Altar Society will meet at the church Monday night. BLUE POINT NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Gcorae Densiiuz. EMerton 3-6279 GOLDEN AGE CLUB The Golden Age Club met July 25 at the Blue Point Firehouse with Mrs. Mary George , president , in charge. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Mrs. Helen Miller and the salute to the flag led by Mrs. Emma Ruhl. There will be a cake sale and bazaar August 18 on the grounds next to the post office and everyone is welcome. The committee for the bazaar is Mesdames Julia Carl- son , Helen Miller , Mae Cozine, Emma Ruhl , Frieda Boyd and Mary George , president. There will be a lawn party and covered dish supper at M;rs. Ruhl' s home in Bayport August 3. In case of rain , it will be held on the follow- ing day. Mrs. Frieda Boyd was pleasant- ly surprised at the end of the meeting when her daughter , Mrs. William Weyhrauch , brought a large birthday cake and ice cream in honor of her birthday. Other birthdays of members celebrated during July were Mesdames Isabel Boyd , Gertrude Bruck , Adelaide Dyker , Lena Francour and Adelaid Roberts and also Clarence Oste- yee and Fred Waldbauer. Mrs. Isabel Boyd was reported ill. Games were played. The next meeting will be held at the fire- house on August 8. B. P. FIRE DEPARTMENT The Blue Point Fire Depart- ment Drum and Bugle Corp s and Ladies ' Auxiliary partici pated July 25 in the annual parade and ba- zaar of the Sayville Fire Depart- ment. The Drum and Bugle Corps received second prize in their di- vision and the Ladies ' Auxiliary won for the most women in line. On Friday about 4 p. m. the firemen were called out to extin- guish a blaze in the kitchen of the Town-Line Tavern on Montauk Highway. A meeting of the committee for the annual bazaar was held at the firehouse Monday night with Leon Swezey, chairman of the affair. The vamps have been busy erecting the stands in back of the firehouse. The bazaar will be held on the ni ghts of August 9, 10, 11 and 12 and Firemens ' night with a par- ade will be held August 10. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shene and daughter , Linda , of 8 Nelson Court returned home July 24 after a week's vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eberhardt of Norway, Me., and also with friends in Easthampton , Conn. Mr. and Mlrs. Clarence Craw- ford and children , Pamela , Robert and Paul , formerl y of Blue Point , spent a few hours here Sunday visiting former neighbors and friends on their return home to Salisbury , Md. after vacationing in Massachusetts. Pamela remained to spend a few weeks visiting Linda Gray at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray of Blue Point Avenue. Paul Clough , son of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Clough of Winthrop Court , re- turned with the Crawfords , to spend some time with Robert and Paul. For the finest in self-service meats try Shand' s Food Market in Bayport. Good parking—quick service. —Adv. Chery l Densing of 45 Namkee Road returned home Jul y 25 after spending a week visiting Wendy Maxson at the home of her par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller in Cornwall. Mrs. Miller and Wendy drove Cheryl home and re- turned to their home the same day. Mr. and Mrs. George Damm, Sr., of Walker Valley and Florida spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Weyh- rauch and sons , Richard and ALan , and Mrs. Frieda Boyd of 36 Arthur Avenue. Bruce Andrew Thyberg, infant son of Mr. and M^s. Harry Thy- berg of Rowland Avenue , was bap- tized in Our Lady of the Snow R. C. Church July 23. The Rev . Edward Phillips of Jamaica , great uncle of the infant , officiated at the baptism. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. George Huether of Sayville. A son , Joseph Edward , weighing 7 pounds , 3 and a half ounces , was born July 22 in Mather Mem- orial Hosp ital , Port Jefferson , to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flanagan. Mrs. Flanagan , the former Miss Victoria Sevenliss , was a former fourth grade teacher in the Blue Point Elementary School. The name of Susan Sanders was omitted from those listed last week who had attended Girl Scout Camp Edey for that week. Mrs. John Siebus of Montauk Highway is now convalescing at her home after an operation per- formed a few weeks ago at South- side Hospital. Jeffrey Bevis , son of Mr. and Mrs. Mlilton Bevis of Paumanake Road , returned home Friday after spending the month of July at Camp Paquatuck in East Mori- ches. When he arrived home , his neighborhood friends had a huge sign , "Welcome Home Jeff " and a party for him. Those who made the arrangements and attended the party were Carolyn , Michael, James , Cathy and Edward Tra- vel's , David Johnstone and Milton , Drew and Lawrence Bevis. Mrs. Raymond Bevis of Vero Beach , Fla., is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bevis , and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lyford Rome of Dobbs Ferry are spending the Sumjmer in a cottage at Bradley Beach. Mrs. Rome is a sister of Mrs. Mary Beglin of Montauk Highway and also has many friends in this vicinity. Their daughter , Miss Bernadette Rome , spent the weekend here with them. Dr. and Mi's. Gustave Reich and son , Larry, of Mount Vernon spent three days last week visiting Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Reich and sons , David , Step hen and And y, of Nam- kee Road. Airman 3/c Frank LePre left from International Airport July 26 for Seattle , Wash., where he will remain until he leaves for Alaska where he expects to be for 18 months. Airman LePre had been home on a 30 day leave with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Le- Pre of Division Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kirouac and son , Guy, and Orlene King of Pheasant Way, returned home Monday after spending a week with Mr. Kirouac ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Kirouac in West- port , Conn. The week previous , Orlene visited her uncle and aunt , Mr. and Mrs. Albert King and family and her brother , Dale , at their cottage at Long Cove. OUR LADY OF SNOW On the afternoon of July 26 the Rev. Francis Nuss , Mrs. Robert Romaine and Daniel Mooney, a Seminarian , drove the following altar boys to New York City to the Yankee Stadium to see the Yankees win the game with Chi- cago: James Mulligan , Owen Healy, Owen , Daniel and James Harren , Jeffrey, Kevin and John Lynch , Alfred Kuntz , Joseph Rettig, Thomas Cochrane , Terrence and Edward (Jay ) Smalling, Drew Bevis , Scarsfield and Step hen Tur- ley and Dennis McCarthy. Daily masses are held at 8 a. m. Sunday masses are at 8, 9 , 10 and 11 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. with Holy Communion for the Rosary- Altar Society on the first Sunday of the month and for the Holy Name Society at the 8 a. m. mass on the second Sunday of each month. Baptisms are held at 2 p. m. Sundays. Confessions are from 4:30 to 6 p. m. and 7:30 to 9 p. m. Saturday. The Rev. Thom- as J. Brennan is the pastor and the Rev. Francis Nuss , assistant pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH Eighty-two persons , including teachers and students of the Va- cation Bible School and the Sunday School and also some parents , at- tended the annual Sunday School picnic July 25 at Sunken Meadow State Park. Childrens ' Day, with swimming races , talent show , run- ning races , a treasure hunt and then free ice cream for all children participating, was held on the same day. The following children from the Sunday School won awards: Nancy Densing, third place in swimming and Timmy Mahler , second place in water race; Oscar Reksten , first p lace in running race and Robert McCavv, third place in running race and first place in crab race. Several of the children found money awards in the treasure hunt. An enjoyable time was had by all who attended. The calendar for this week is as follows : White Cross Mission- ary Society meeting from 10:30 a. m. to 3 p. m. and Midweek Bible Study and Prayer at 8 p. m. today. The Young People are spon- soring a beach picnic at Sunken Meadow State Park. Young and old of the church are invited to come; one group will leave at 2:30 p. m, and the rest at 6 p. m. tomorrow ; also meeting of the church board at 8 p. m. to- morrow; Bible School hour with a class for every age at 9:45 a. m., Morning worship and Lord' s Sup- per , the Ri ght-hand of Fellowship will be extended to the following who were baptized in June : Mrs. Cecilia Nickelsen , Miss Cecelia Nickelsen , Elizabeth Coners , April Grieshammer , Nancy Worrad and Cay Connell y, at 11 a. m.; Even- ing Gospel Service with a 15 minute hymn sing at 7:30 p. m. all on Sunday. Young Peop le' s meeting is held in the Fellowship room at 7:30 p. m. and Sunday School teachers meeting in the church at 8 p. m., both on Monday, and choir rehearsal at 8 p. m. Tuesday. |lllllllllllllllllll ]|lllllllllllllllfilH I FOR i I PATCHOGUE DAYS i H = 1 $ YOUR OLD MOWER IS WO RT H DOLLA RS $ I 1 m TRADE-IN SPECIAL I ( 3 DAYS ONLY \ i yours Now At New low I960 Pricei I I % LA WN-BOY I jj§ la^X jMk. l*§v ^^ l L \f l % &^S&m^ &F^ * >±. fences! Activated Pilot Wheel elimi- M I \3H \ \\ ^mmmlmm fLmmWr WtfM S ITI^HOC 1 W \ , , n Jl|p H*lg^^^ ^81 M %m JT& I I ]^P§Ek***^^ mw QNL Y ^ ^ g jf^ TERMS I = , (Even less with trade-in.) M 55 ¦«—» * ii II i ii I I " ' " ' ¦¦ i —>»——————w«^ ' i -^ f—^—«^——¦———— ¦ S3 II I Famous IAWN-BOY Quietflite LAWN-BOY Automower. Self- LAWN-BOY Special* Ruggedly 1 H mows whisper-quiet! Guaranteed propelled! No chains, gears, or built—yet low-priced! Recoil g H non-bendable crankshaft. 2V6 h.p.! dutch. / 4 h.p.! Wide 21" cut! starter! 2 h.p.! Full 18" cut! 1 jj 19" cut. U 1 N0W *999S NOW $ M 50 NOW $ 59 95 I £=: ' Hi | DON'T BE SORRY AFTER YOU BUY..., 1 | SEE A LAWN-BOY BEFORE YOU BUY , ATs 1 1 WE WANT YOUR OLD MOWERS I 1 TRADE THEM IN NOW AT ] I CARL S LAWN M OWER SHOP I | 175 MEDFORD AVENUE , PATCH OGUE :: :: GRover 5-4105 I JllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllll M Administrator Attends Curriculum Conference CENTEREACH J. A. Lon- cao , assistant district principal for curriculum at Middle Country Central School District 11 , was among 150 New York state edu- cators who attended the third Su- pervision - Curriculum Conference July 19-21 at the State University College of Education in Potsdam. The conference was sponsored jointl y by the college and the New York State Association for Supervision and Curriculum De- velopment . Among the topics dis- cussed were the 12-month school , the ungraded school , language arts in elementary and secondary school , and team teaching. EASTWOOD VILLAGE and DAWN ESTATES Mrs. Ethel Smith, ROnk. 9-8752 A baby shower was held for Mrs. Walter Palmer of Noel Drive July 15 at the home of Mrs. John Turin of 12 East Court. Co-hos- tesses were Mrs. Grace Logan and Mlrs. Marie Gareau. The room was trimmed in pink and blue and a large white shower cake adorned the refreshment table. A large white crib , a gift from the three hostesses , held the many gifts. Others present were Mesdames Ann Duffy, Betty Erstein , Carol Duswalt , Doroth y Rogers , Mar- garet Breslin , Rosemary Hagerty. Mae McCaffrey, Elizabeth Mc- Hugh , Doris McHugh , Loretta Bock , Cleo Jay, Adele Rauch , Grace Settl e, Mary Gareau , Ann Palmer , Catherine Durkan , Louise Keeler , Medeline Keeler and Mis- ses Terri, Catherine and Joan Turin. Patricia Reilly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reilly of 66 Tree Road , celebrated her third birth- day with a family dinner party Thursday. Mir. and Mrs. Victor Morales of 23 Jay Road celebrated their son Richard' s second birthday with a party July 26. Guests were Mrs. Zenia Tully and children , Laurie and Roger , also Richard ' s bro- thers , Edward and Jimmy, and sister Norma. Joseph Fraticelli of 106 Stan- ley Drive , chairman of the Cancer Drive , is still asking for volun- teers to help cover several areas which have not been canvassed in Eastwood Village and Dawn Es- tates. If anyone can spare a few hours to cover a street or so , please contact Mr. Fraticelli at JU 8-9393. A family dinner party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Fraticelli of 106 Stanley Drive July 24 in honor of their son Dominic ' s fourth birthday. Mr. and Mrs . Leonard Battifar- ano of 193 Tree Road are parents of their third son , Russell Patrick , weighing 6 pounds , 7 and a half ounces , born at Mather Memorial Hospital , Jul y 14. Russell' s two brothers are Ernest and. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson of 145 Dawn Drive announce the ar- rival of a daug hter , Cathy Mary, weighing 7 pounds , 1 ounce , born at Huntington Hospita l July 16. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have three other children , Jimmy, eight year*, old , Chris , three years old and Valerie , one and a half years old. Robert Dal y Preston , infant son of Mr . and Mrs. Robert Preston of 91 West Court Drive , was chris- tened at the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary R. C. Churc h Sunday by the Rev. Thomas Tay- lor. Godparents are Miss Kath- leen Preston and Peter Preston , aunt and uncle of the baby, of Huntington. A small family din- ner party was held following the ceremony. When Gene Krupa , Buddy Rich and Mickey Sheehan bring their jazz combos to the famous Stony Brook Music Festival Saturday night , Jack Ellsworth , Radio Station WALK , personality disc jock- ey, will act as master-of-cere- monies. This will be some- what of an histoi'ic occasion because never before hav e Mr. Krupa and Mr. Rich , gen- erall y re garded as the top drummers in jazz history, ever worked together in person , according to Mr. Ellsworth . It will also be a reunion for Mr. Krupa and Mr. Ellsworth who w r ere associated about 12 years ago in a series of big band broadcasts emanating from New England. Jack handled the announcing chores and also worked with Tom - my Dorsey, Benny Goodman and other name bands of that era. Nowadays, in addition to his duties as program direc- tor at WALK , Jack features the big bands on his daily program at 10 a. m. Krupa, Rich To gether At Stony Brook Sat. GUEST SPEAKER at meeting last week of 10 South Shore Republican Clubs was John P. Cohalan , Suffolk County district attorney, left , shown in friendl y handshake with Avery Walker, president of Blue Point Republican Club , while Mrs. Walker looks on. Meeting was to kick off Brookhaven Town candidates in campaign. It was termed as " great success" by spokesmen. i ¦ ¦ "¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^¦^¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ fg * . j, i j Our Floor Coverings Are ^^ S I We Have Bought Out the Entire Stoc k of CARROL'S FLOOR COVERING j j DRASTIC REDUCTIONS FOR YOUR SAVINGS! S I 3 ¦ 301 Continuous Filament TEXTURED ^^^ m\ ¦ \ NYLON 100% WOOL ^^LW^. \ I Pal!hmenV Vear GUarantCe Solids and Tweeds f^^^^^^ ' I ( of?ee mCnt tf£-95 Hides Footsteps M .95 WK^^^^^ S ¦ Gold %3 !i? n K faring *M- M^M^^ ^SW^^T'^' ¦ ! Sandal Wood T^ VJ J \ de Ran of ^ I ^S ^L W mWM ^ * S Turquoise S( l- Yd - Colors Sq. Yd. &W^^^^^^^ ^^ " I 1 00% NYLON 9xl2_Reg. $79.95 SALE 49.95 ^^^L :^|f S : BROADLOOM 12xl2~Re s- ^-^ SALE 59.95 ^ WmmM ' ¦ ; - >S5fe s \ ix;- »L r D 1 12x15—Re*. 109.95 SALE 79.95 ^^^^^& - ' * ' X! ®S' I 5 With r oam Back 12x18—Reg. 1.39.95 SALE 99.95 ^&M$W$S L ' ' ^* ' ¦ j COME IN BROWS E AROUND ¦ " Asw KENTILE ASPHALT \ ¦ «liS ^' A^ mn «« B COLORS $3.80 full carton J ¦ fe^^^^to^. » 1 ILr S C COLORS 5.40 full carton ¦ ¦ ^^^^^^^^ M "-i *^ D COLORS 6.80 full carton 5 ¦ ^^^mW ^^^F r. CORKTONE 5.80 full carton \ ¦ ^^^ W^^^^f Vinyl Asbestos, Marble or Spatter 10c ea. —$7.90 carton J ¦ ^W^W^^W ^ Vinyl Asbestos Metalics 12c ea. —$9.60 carton ¦ ¦ 4kw-W* %£*W Linoleum Tile , Marble or Spatter , 9" x 9" 5c ea . ¦ 5 ^%0^%^ i Plahtic Wall Tile 4 colors lc ea. S S ^i^S^Ww A * r J' * ' J £ v f> c t S ¦ K 0§ ^ l ^ h J k 'j Alr Conditioned for Your Comfort ¦ ¦ ^^^^^^ k^s^^ *^ yc * s# Heavyweight Linoleum, reg. 98c 59c yd. ! 5 ^^^^^^^ B' 200 y ds - Inl ' d Linoleum, std. gauge , reg. 3.95 , $1.99 yd. \ ¦ ^^B6l^^^^ a 275 yds. Linoleum, reg. 69c y d 3 y ds. for 1 .00 ¦ i ^^^^^^ ®^ 150 yds. Plastic Runner 3 yds. 1 .00 S 5 ^^^^^^^» 9 x 12 Heavyweight Rugs , reg. I 1 .95 7.95 ¦ ¦ ^^^^^^^^^P^ 9x12 Lightwei ght Rugs, some for as low as 4.95 | 8 ?S^V^f ^# 9 x 12 Fibre Rugs, reg. 18.93 ea. 12.95 S S /V ^ ~ J tf /J4t 400 yds. Wall Covering, reg. 59c lin. ft 39c lin. ft. « iBamila^ B ¦ ¦^^^ ^^^ ¦^¦^¦¦¦¦¦¦¦iH^HHMflHHHHMHHBHBHHH BHHHHHBBBn i ¦

i yours Now I % LAWN-BOY - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071025/1961-08-03/ed-1/seq-26.pdf · •Jackie Gleason show "Take Me Along" at the Westbury Music

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News of Centereach and Lake GroveMrs. Ethel Smith. ROnk. 9-8752

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Stordeurof Anne Road celebrated theirtwenty-s ixth wedding anniversarySaturday night . They enjoyed the•Jackie Gleason show "Take MeAlong " at the Westbury MusicFair , Westbury. followed by din-ner at the Ganvmah Restaurant ,Westluiry.

Mi and Mr s . Josep h Geiser ofWoodside spent the weekend withMr. and Mrs. l l any Brow n ofSomeiset Street.

The Centereach Fire Depart-ment ambulance answered the fol-low mu mi ' s his t w eek ; Jul y 18.Mis . Carpeck of 21 M i n e i v a Lanewas t aken to the Ursii l ine Nur-sing Home, Oakdale , by order ofDi . Ti oy. Duver wa s Bob Ed-w a i d s . l u s t aid man Otto Wolz.On Ju lv 2)5 Stev en Takets of 56Gould Koad wa s taken to MatherM e m o i u l Ho sp i t a l by driver OttoWolz . t i r s t -au l man Fred Kirsch-enheitei , and assistant Bob Bur-low s.

Michael Alan Rumpf , infant sonof Mr. and Mrs . Edward Rump fof Nor th W a sh i n gt o n Avenue wasehi i stened at the Assump tion ofthe BL ssed V i i g m Mary R. C.C h u u h at 'A p. m. Sunday by theRev. Thomas Taylor . God parentsare M i s . Richard Boy le of I^akeRonkonkoma and Will iam Batscheol Richmond Hill and Centereach.A l eeeption was held followingthe lo i emony for about 30 rela-t i v e s and f I iends .

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Oles andt h i l d i o n . Diane , Linda and Susan ,of Sni 'th Street returned home af-lei spending eight days ' vacationat Canton , w i t h Mr. Oles ' brother-i n - l a w and sister . Mr. and Mrs.Bernaid Wil l iams of Patchogue ,w h o haw a cottage there. MissDiane did not re turn with herp a t e n t s but is also spending thisweek there .

M ' . and Mrs. Otto Lubrich ofEl l io t A v e n u e celebrated theirs e v e n t h w ed i l ing annive isary July2 1 l \v h a v i n g a Chinese dinner atMei Tmg R o s t a a i a n t in Hunt in g-ton. A f i o i d i n n e i they attendedt h e II I ' > I o ( 'ooi erence at StonyBiook Si hool and then were guestsof A h . and M i s . Amc Ramslandot c Bei n a i d Place , where a ga-t h t nng w a s held m honor of theira n n u e l s;u \ A t t e n d i n g w ith themw e i e M' and .Mis . Alfred Fridlandof \\ ond Road.

. M i s. Erne st Over ton of MiddleC o u n t i v Re ul and her nieces andm p h e w s , Sha ion . Beth A n n ,V. .r iU' and Johnny Hallock . ofConim.u k spent Thuisday , Fridayand th i v \e t ko 'id at the Daniell l . tToi k Co t t a g e at Cedar Beach .Sunt 1, oln M i . Ov erton came dow nfoi the w eekend.

A s t p p i i ^ e s even t i e th b i r thdayP i . i t v was held for Mrs. MarvC.e. si . of A sN.u a at Roe^ch Halln ( o ' _ :e P o in t Jul y 15. Mrs .G< i st i i- the mother of Mrs . Hari yBlow n . Si . of Soniei set Street.1 ho st t t t ' id i i j g l i om here w ereM i . an , M i - . Ha i ry Brow n . Sr..M i . and A l l s David Brown , andM i . ami Mrs . Calvin Blydenburgh.

On Sundav Jul y 2'A Mr. andM i s H a i r y B l o w n . Sr., of Som-ei sct S i n e t e n t i i t a i m d at a bar-becue at t h e n home. Their guestsw e i e Mr . and M i s . Calvin Blyden-bi I Ji ami c h i 'dren , Mary , James.Mid Thoma s . Mi and Mrs. Dav idBrown and ch i ldn n , Linda andDav , d , J i Mi and Mis . H ai ryBlown and chi l dren . Edward andDcl .ia.

Mr*.. Stanley Herzfeld of Ridge-field P a i k . N J., a i r . v e d Saturdayand is spending th is week w i t hhev p a i e n i s , M T aIU ] ^Irs . Albert

^Reynolds of South Colman Road.Miss Esther Williams, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williamsof Plymouth Street , returned homeSunday after spending two weeksvisi t ing relatives , Mr. and Mrs. Al-bert Anderson of Bay Ridge andMr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper inBrooklyn. Their son , David Wil-liams , is counselor at the PercyCrawford Camp at Showderbrook ,Stroudsburg, Pa., for the Summer.

Mr. and Mrs . John Niblock ofMcGaw Avenue returned homeJul y 24 after spending some timevisiting Mrs. Niblock' s father ,Morris Hackett at New Brunswick,Canada , and other relatives. Theywere accompanied by their niece ,Miss Maura Laverty of WillistonPark.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinmannleft Thursday and spent Fridayand the weekend in the PoconoMountains , where they visitedfriends.

Mrs. Edwin Overton and daugh-ter , Miss Linda Overton of LakeGrove , and Miss J. Mabel Hallockof Smithtown spent Monday vis-iting Mrs. Charles Ahlschlager ofEast North port.

A special call is being made toall Overton families and their descendants to attend the Overtonreunion to be held Saturday atthe Edwin Hawkins' home on MillRoad. Coram. Bring your lunchand spend the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tobin ofWoodland Boulevard celebratedtheir eleventh wedding anniver-sary July 23 by having dinner atMlimi's Restaurant in Bay Shore.They were accompanied by Mr.and Mrs. Max Becker of Holbrook.

Mr. and Mrs. John Kuefner ofReizen Avenue entertained at afamily dinner party July 24 inhonor of their daughter Donna 'ssecond birthday. Guests were Mr.and Mrs. Marino Francioni andchildren , Daniel and Diane, of Lin-denhurst; Mr. and Mrs. JacobFocrtsch of Springfield Gardens;Mrs. Mildred Moore and daughter.Lynn , of Isli p Terrace , and Don-na 's brothers , Bruce and John.

Mr. and Mrs. William Nolan ofJonas Boulevard celebrated theirseventeenth wedding anniversaryJul y 23 with a dinner party atthe Villa Pace in St. James. Theywere accompanied by Mr. andMrs. John Fedofsky, also of JonasBoulevard.

The Middle Country Youth As-sociation are ho lding a buffet sup-per and dance at the Assumptionof the Blessed Vi rgin Mary hallon Crown Acres Road at 8:30 p. m.August 19 to raise money for theBabe Ruth Leagues. All-Stargames will be hold at the UnityDrive School August fi , 8 and 10:the opening day for the season 'sactivities was Jul y 25. A fashionshow is being p lanned for Sep-tember.

Joseph Fraticelli of 106 Stan-ley Drive , chairman for the Can-cer drive , is still asking for vol-unteers to help canvass severalareas which have not been covered.If you have a few hours you canspare , call him at JU 8-9393.

Herbert Lindroth of Flushingis spending- his two weeks' vaca-tion from his duties with the Tex-as Company with his father , Al-fred Lindroth of Hawkins Avenue.Last week they visited TimothyMorrissey. who has been confinedat the S. F. Doyle Nursing Homein Boonton , N. J. Mr. and Mrs.Morrissey have been spendingsome time there with their daugh-ter , Mrs. Francis Doyle. Whilethere Mr. Morrissey was a patientat the hospital where he underwentsurgery and has since been con-

fined at the nursing home , whichhis daughter operates. Mr. andMrs. Morrissey are residents ofHawkins Avenue and hope to re-turn home soon.

Kevin Schwamb. son of Mr. andMrs. Frederick Schwamb, Jr., ofMcGaw Avenue celebrated hisfourth birthday with a beachparty at the cottage of his grand-parents , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Over-ton at West Meadow Beach July26. Others present were Mi's.Stephen Barnett and children ,Bonnie , Nancy, Stephen and Sally,Miss Linda Overton and Mrs. JohnOverton and Kevin 's sister, Peggy,and brother , Freddy.

A baby shower was given inhonor of Mrs. Harold Rand ofMiddle Country Road July 20 atthe home of Mrs. Henry Steinmannof McGaw Avenue. Co-hostesseswere Mrs. Doreen James of Cen-tereach and Mrs. Ann Kuhlmey ofSmithtown. The room was trimm-ed in pink and blue. The guest-of-honor sat under a decorated um-brella to open her many gifts.Other guests attending were Mes-dames Sidney Duck , Walter Za-kaly, George Cast, Marie Wadeand Robert Marlborough of LakeRonkonkoma; Mrs. Robert McCarrol and Mrs. Ralph Lavinia ofSmithtown ; Mrs. Leslie Rhodes ofRichmond Hill; Mrs. Fred Jacksonof Greenlawn and Mesdames MarieBailey, E. Rand , George Kingey,Hannah Blydenburgh, Mae Busch,Frances Wlash , Dorothy Moller ,June Carbone, Betty Helf , DoloresRegan, all of Centereach.

The Secret Pal Club enjoyedluncheon at the home of Mrs. Al-ma Wendel of Boyle Road , Selden,Jul y 26. Those attending wereMesdames Albert Reynolds, GeorgeKennedy, Si*., George Bingay, Fos-ter Overton , Julius Hahn, PercyPeters, Jeanne Bingay and AlvinSmith.

Mrs. George Bingay of CurtisStreet attended a bridal showerfor her niece , Miss Jayne Kircher,at the home of Miss Penny Weilof Valley Stream July 22. MissKircher will be married Septem-ber 2 to Richard Mackie at theSt. Boniface Church in Elmont.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sorensonof St. James Road ceT ebrated theireighth wedding anniversary July25 by having a dinner party atthe Gateway Restaurant in Hun-tington. They were accompaniedby Mr. and Mrs. David Overtonof Middle Country Road.

Mr. and Ma's. Alfred Fridlundand children , Tor , Grethe, andKenneth , of Wood Road left Sat-urda y for a week's vacation inCanada and to visit other pointsof interest.

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Schor ofSycamore Street celebrated theirdaughter Lorene's first birthdaywith a party Jul y 23. Guests wereher brother , Gary, Shane Fergu-son and grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Fred Bunnenberg of Ronkon-koma.

Word has been received here ofthe death of Elmo Johnson of De-land . Fla. Many old timers willremember Mr. Johnson and hiswife , Betty, who ran a restauranton the corner of Middle* CountryRoad and Hawkins Avenue formany years.

CHURCH NEWSThe First Congregational Church

of New Village has Sunday Schoolat 9:45 a. m., worship at 11a. m., Youth Fellowship' at 6:30p. m., gospel service at 7*30 p. m.Sunday. Daily Vacation Bibleschool will be held for the weekof August 21 at 9 a. m. All

children of all ages are invited toattend. The Rev. Erich Weverholds a Bible class at 8 p. m.Thursday at the Sunday Schoolbuilding and M^rs. Marjorie Thom-as has a Bible class every Tuesdayat 10 a. m.

T h e Centereach CommunityChurch holds Sunday School at10 a. m. and worship at 11:15a. m. Sunday. Holy Communionwill be observed Sunday morning.During the month of August thepastor, the Rev. Norman Minard ,will be speaking on "Worship."The pastor also will be the spea-ker at the Farmingville, HoltsvilleChurch at 9 a. m. during themjonth of August.

The C e nt e r e a c h MennoniteChurch holds worship at 10 a. m.,Sunday School at 10:45 a. m., gos-pel service at 7:45 p. m. Sunday.Bible study hour at 7:45 p. m.Wednesday with a special classfor young people. Closing exer-cises of the Vacation Bible Schoolwill be held tomorrow at 7:45 p. m.

Our Savior Lutheran Churchholds Sunday School at 9 a. m.,worship at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Sun-day. Holy Communion will be ob-served Sunday at both morningservices. In the absence of the pas-tor , the Rev. Kenneth Hoener , whois on vacation, the Rev. AugustHerbert of Smithtown will bringthe message Sunday. The Mr. andMrs. Club of the church will holdtheir annual outing at CedarBeach Saturday .

St. Andrew's Reformed Episco-pal Church has Sunday School at10 a. m., morning prayer and ser-mon at 11 a. m. and eveningprayer and sermon at 8 p. m. Sun-day. Evening prayer and Biblestudy at 8 p. m. Wednesday. OnAugust 13, Erich Wever , assign-ment secretary of the Eastern&uffolku Camp of Gideons , willspeak"at • "both services. The Rev.Mr. Wever is active as a Bibleteacher in Smithtown and at theFirst Congregational Church ofNew Village.

The Assumption of the BlessedVirgin Mary R. C. Church holdsmasses at 8, 9, 10:30 and 11:30a. m. and 12:30 p. m. Sunday. Adaily mass at 8 a. m. The RosaryAltar Society will meet at thechurch Monday night.

BLUE POINT NEWS ITEMSMrs. Gcorae Densiiuz. EMerton 3-6279


The Golden Age Club met July25 at the Blue Point Firehousewith Mrs. Mary George, president ,in charge. The meeting was openedwith a prayer by Mrs. HelenMiller and the salute to the flagled by Mrs. Emma Ruhl. Therewill be a cake sale and bazaarAugust 18 on the grounds nextto the post office and everyoneis welcome. The committee for thebazaar is Mesdames Julia Carl-son, Helen Miller , Mae Cozine,Emma Ruhl , Frieda Boyd andMary George, president. Therewill be a lawn party and covereddish supper at M;rs. Ruhl's homein Bayport August 3. In case ofrain , it will be held on the follow-ing day.

Mrs. Frieda Boyd was pleasant-ly surprised at the end of themeeting when her daughter, Mrs.William Weyhrauch, brought alarge birthday cake and ice creamin honor of her birthday. Otherbirthdays of members celebratedduring July were Mesdames IsabelBoyd , Gertrude Bruck, AdelaideDyker, Lena Francour and AdelaidRoberts and also Clarence Oste-yee and Fred Waldbauer. Mrs.Isabel Boyd was reported ill.Games were played. The nextmeeting will be held at the fire-house on August 8.


The Blue Point Fire Depart-ment Drum and Bugle Corps andLadies' Auxiliary participated July25 in the annual parade and ba-zaar of the Sayville Fire Depart-ment. The Drum and Bugle Corpsreceived second prize in their di-vision and the Ladies' Auxiliarywon for the most women in line.

On Friday about 4 p. m. thefiremen were called out to extin-guish a blaze in the kitchen ofthe Town-Line Tavern on MontaukHighway.

A meeting of the committee forthe annual bazaar was held at thefirehouse Monday night with LeonSwezey, chairman of the affair.The vamps have been busy erectingthe stands in back of the firehouse.The bazaar will be held on thenights of August 9, 10, 11 and 12and Firemens' night with a par-ade will be held August 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shene anddaughter, Linda , of 8 Nelson Courtreturned home July 24 after aweek's vacation at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Martin Eberhardtof Norway, Me., and also withfriends in Easthampton, Conn.

Mr. and Mlrs. Clarence Craw-ford and children , Pamela , Robertand Paul , formerl y of Blue Point ,spent a few hours here Sundayvisiting former neighbors andfriends on their return home toSalisbury , Md. after vacationingin Massachusetts. Pamela remainedto spend a few weeks visitingLinda Gray at the home of herparents , Mr. and Mrs. NormanGray of Blue Point Avenue. PaulClough , son of Mr. and Mrs. Char-les Clough of Winthrop Court , re-turned with the Crawfords , tospend some time with Robert andPaul.

For the finest in self-servicemeats try Shand's Food Marketin Bayport. Good parking—quickservice.—Adv.

Cheryl Densing of 45 NamkeeRoad returned home July 25 afterspending a week visiting WendyMaxson at the home of her par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Millerin Cornwall. Mrs. Miller andWendy drove Cheryl home and re-turned to their home the sameday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Damm, Sr.,of Walker Valley and Floridaspent Sunday visiting at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. William Weyh-rauch and sons, Richard and ALan ,and Mrs. Frieda Boyd of 36 ArthurAvenue.

Bruce Andrew Thyberg, infantson of Mr. and M^s. Harry Thy-berg of Rowland Avenue, was bap-tized in Our Lady of the SnowR. C. Church July 23. The Rev.Edward Phillips of Jamaica , greatuncle of the infant, officiated atthe baptism. The godparents wereMr. and Mrs. George Huether ofSayville.

A son, Joseph Edward , weighing7 pounds, 3 and a half ounces,was born July 22 in Mather Mem-orial Hospital , Port Jefferson , toMr. and Mrs. Daniel Flanagan.Mrs. Flanagan, the former MissVictoria Sevenliss, was a formerfourth grade teacher in the BluePoint Elementary School.

The name of Susan Sanderswas omitted from those listed lastweek who had attended Girl ScoutCamp Edey for that week.

Mrs. John Siebus of MontaukHighway is now convalescing ather home after an operation per-formed a few weeks ago at South-side Hospital.

Jeffrey Bevis , son of Mr. andMrs. Mlilton Bevis of PaumanakeRoad , returned home Friday afterspending the month of July atCamp Paquatuck in East Mori-ches. When he arrived home, hisneighborhood friends had a hugesign , "Welcome Home Jeff " anda party for him. Those who madethe arrangements and attended theparty were Carolyn , Michael,James, Cathy and Edward Tra-vel's, David Johnstone and Milton,Drew and Lawrence Bevis.

Mrs. Raymond Bevis of VeroBeach , Fla., is visiting her son anddaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.Milton Bevis , and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyford Rome ofDobbs Ferry are spending theSumj mer in a cottage at BradleyBeach. Mrs. Rome is a sister ofMrs. Mary Beglin of MontaukHighway and also has manyfriends in this vicinity. Theirdaughter, Miss Bernadette Rome,spent the weekend here with them.

Dr. and Mi's. Gustave Reich andson , Larry, of Mount Vernon spentthree days last week visiting Dr.and Mrs. Arthur Reich and sons ,David , Stephen and Andy, of Nam-kee Road.

Airman 3/c Frank LePre leftfrom International Airport July26 for Seattle, Wash., where hewill remain until he leaves for

Alaska where he expects to be for18 months. Airman LePre had beenhome on a 30 day leave with hisparents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Le-Pre of Division Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kirouacand son, Guy, and Orlene Kingof Pheasant Way, returned homeMonday after spending a weekwith Mr. Kirouac 's parents , Mr.and Mrs. E. V. Kirouac in West-port , Conn. The week previous ,Orlene visited her uncle and aunt ,Mr. and Mrs. Albert King andfamily and her brother , Dale , attheir cottage at Long Cove.


On the afternoon of July 26 theRev. Francis Nuss , Mrs. RobertRomaine and Daniel Mooney, aSeminarian, drove the followingaltar boys to New York City tothe Yankee Stadium to see theYankees win the game with Chi-cago: James Mulligan , Owen Healy,Owen, Daniel and James Harren ,Jeffrey, Kevin and John Lynch,Alfred Kuntz , Joseph Rettig,Thomas Cochrane, Terrence andEdward (Jay ) Smalling, DrewBevis, Scarsfield and Stephen Tur-ley and Dennis McCarthy.

Daily masses are held at 8 a. m.Sunday masses are at 8, 9, 10 and11 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. withHoly Communion for the Rosary-Altar Society on the first Sundayof the month and for the HolyName Society at the 8 a. m. masson the second Sunday of eachmonth. Baptisms are held at 2 p. m.Sundays. Confessions are from4:30 to 6 p. m. and 7:30 to9 p. m. Saturday. The Rev. Thom-as J. Brennan is the pastor andthe Rev. Francis Nuss, assistantpastor.


Eighty-two persons, includingteachers and students of the Va-cation Bible School and the SundaySchool and also some parents, at-tended the annual Sunday Schoolpicnic July 25 at Sunken MeadowState Park. Childrens' Day, withswimming races, talent show, run-ning races, a treasure hunt andthen free ice cream for all childrenparticipating, was held on thesame day. The following childrenfrom the Sunday School wonawards: Nancy Densing, third placein swimming and Timmy Mahler ,

second place in water race; OscarReksten, first place in runningrace and Robert McCavv, thirdplace in running race and firstplace in crab race. Several of thechildren found money awards inthe treasure hunt. An enjoyabletime was had by all who attended.

The calendar for this week isas follows: White Cross Mission-ary Society meeting from 10:30a. m. to 3 p. m. and MidweekBible Study and Prayer at 8 p. m.today. The Young People are spon-soring a beach picnic at SunkenMeadow State Park. Young andold of the church are invited tocome; one group will leave at 2:30p. m, and the rest at 6p. m. tomorrow ; also meeting ofthe church board at 8 p. m. to-morrow; Bible School hour with aclass for every age at 9:45 a. m.,Morning worship and Lord's Sup-per , the Ri ght-hand of Fellowshipwill be extended to the followingwho were baptized in June : Mrs.Cecilia Nickelsen , Miss CeceliaNickelsen , Elizabeth Coners , AprilGrieshammer, Nancy Worrad andCay Connell y, at 11 a. m.; Even-ing Gospel Service with a 15

minute hymn sing at 7:30 p. m.all on Sunday. Young People'smeeting is held in the Fellowshiproom at 7:30 p. m. and SundaySchool teachers meeting in thechurch at 8 p. m., both on Monday,and choir rehearsal at 8 p. m.Tuesday.

|lllllllllllllllllll ]|lllllllllllllllfilH



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Administrator AttendsCurriculum Conference

CENTEREACH — J. A. Lon-cao, assistant district principal forcurriculum at Middle CountryCentral School District 11, wasamong 150 New York state edu-cators who attended the third Su-pervision - Curriculum ConferenceJuly 19-21 at the State UniversityCollege of Education in Potsdam.

The conference was sponsoredjointly by the college and theNew York State Association forSupervision and Curriculum De-velopment . Among the topics dis-cussed were the 12-month school ,the ungraded school, language artsin elementary and secondaryschool , and team teaching.


Mrs. Ethel Smith, ROnk. 9-8752

A baby shower was held forMrs. Walter Palmer of Noel DriveJuly 15 at the home of Mrs. JohnTurin of 12 East Court. Co-hos-tesses were Mrs. Grace Logan andMlrs. Marie Gareau. The room wastrimmed in pink and blue and alarge white shower cake adornedthe refreshment table. A largewhite crib, a gift from the threehostesses, held the many gifts.Others present were MesdamesAnn Duffy, Betty Erstein , CarolDuswalt, Dorothy Rogers, Mar-garet Breslin, Rosemary Hagerty.Mae McCaffrey, Elizabeth Mc-Hugh, Doris McHugh, LorettaBock, Cleo Jay, Adele Rauch,Grace Settle, Mary Gareau , AnnPalmer, Catherine Durkan , LouiseKeeler, Medeline Keeler and Mis-ses Terri, Catherine and JoanTurin.

Patricia Reilly, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Joseph Reilly of 66 TreeRoad, celebrated her third birth-day with a family dinner partyThursday.

Mir. and Mrs. Victor Morales of23 Jay Road celebrated their sonRichard's second birthday with aparty July 26. Guests were Mrs.Zenia Tully and children , Laurieand Roger, also Richard 's bro-thers, Edward and Jimmy, andsister Norma.

Joseph Fraticelli of 106 Stan-ley Drive, chairman of the CancerDrive, is still asking for volun-teers to help cover several areaswhich have not been canvassed inEastwood Village and Dawn Es-tates. If anyone can spare a fewhours to cover a street or so,please contact Mr. Fraticelli atJU 8-9393.

A family dinner party was heldat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo-seph Fraticelli of 106 StanleyDrive July 24 in honor of theirson Dominic 's fourth birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Battifar-ano of 193 Tree Road are parentsof their third son, Russell Patrick ,weighing 6 pounds , 7 and a halfounces, born at Mather MemorialHospital , Jul y 14. Russell's twobrothers are Ernest and. Leonard.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson of145 Dawn Drive announce the ar-rival of a daughter , Cathy Mary,weighing 7 pounds , 1 ounce , bornat Huntington Hospita l July 16.Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have threeother children , J immy, eight year*,old , Chris , three years old andValerie , one and a half years old.

Robert Daly Preston , infant sonof Mr . and Mrs. Robert Prestonof 91 West Court Drive, was chris-tened at the Assumption of theBlessed Virgin Mary R. C. ChurchSunday by the Rev. Thomas Tay-lor. Godparents are Miss Kath-leen Preston and Peter Preston,

aunt and uncle of the baby, ofHuntington. A small family din-ner party was held following theceremony.

When Gene Krupa , BuddyRich and Mickey Sheehanbring their jazz combos to thefamous Stony Brook MusicFestival Saturday night, JackEllsworth, Radio S t a t i o nWALK , personality disc jock-ey, will act as master-of-cere-monies. This will be some-what of an histoi'ic occasionbecause never before haveMr. Krupa and Mr. Rich , gen-erally regarded as the topdrummers in jazz history, everworked together in person ,according to Mr. Ellsworth.

It will also be a reunion forMr. Krupa and Mr. Ellsworthwho wrere associated about 12years ago in a series of bigband broadcasts emanatingfrom New England. Jackhandled the announcing choresand also worked with Tom -my Dorsey, Benny Goodmanand other name bands of thatera. Nowadays, in addition tohis duties as program direc-tor at WALK, Jack featuresthe big bands on his dailyprogram at 10 a. m.

Krupa, Rich TogetherAt Stony Brook Sat.

GUEST SPEAKER at meeting last week of 10 South ShoreRepublican Clubs was John P. Cohalan, Suffolk County districtattorney, left, shown in friendly handshake with Avery Walker,president of Blue Point Republican Club, while Mrs. Walkerlooks on. Meeting was to kick off Brookhaven Town candidates incampaign. It was termed as "great success" by spokesmen.

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