Hyundai Motors New

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  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    A Project Study Report



    Conducted at

    P.L. Hyunda! "apur

    For the partial fulfillment of the degree

    Master Of Business Administration

    (Two Years Full Time Management Course)

    Faculty of Management Studies

    Maharishi Arvind nstitute of engineering ! Technology"#ai$ur

    (Affiliated to %a&asthan Technical 'niversity)


    Mrs. Divya Ahuja Umesh Gour

    MAIET,aipur M!A "em#$rd%&'($#&'()*

    +TU +oll '.- (&mmt/00


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    ST'+T,S C-A%ATO+

    I Umesh Gour student of M!A "EM $rd %&'($#&'()* here1y de2lare that I have 2ompleted a

    proje2t as summer training on the topi2 3CUSTOMER PROFILING & PURCHASE

    PARAMETERS4 for the partial fulfillment of the degree of M!A 2ourse.It is my original 5or6

    and it has not 1een 2opied from others.

    7la2e- Umesh Gour

    Date- %"ignature*


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    Summer training project on the essence of gaining practical knowledge and

    experience on the role of trainee. I was able to get familiarized with the field

    component that will help me in the future.

    As rightly uote !It is good to ha"e enthusiasm but it is essential to ha"e training

    #raining can be in all way of life.


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    I epress my sin2ere than6s to my proje2t guide, Mr. Mu6esh Agar5al, Manager, 7.8. 9yundai

    for guiding me right from the in2eption till the su22essful 2ompletion of the proje2t. I sin2erely

    a26no5ledge him for etending their valua1le guidan2e, support for literature, 2riti2al revie5s of

    proje2t and the report and a1ove all the moral support he had provided to me 5ith all stages of

    this proje2t.

    The true 2redit of my 2ompleting the 5or6 su22essfully goes to my fa2ulty guide Mrs1 ivya

    Ahu&a 5ho 5ith her patien2e and 6no5ledge guided me through the proje2t. "he helped me

    to understand tele2om industry, mar6ets, proje2t o1je2tives and ee2ution.

    I 5ould also li6e to than6 the supporting Fa2ulty for their help and 2ooperation throughout her



  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Executive Summary

    In today:s 5orld of highly 2ompetitiveness and 2hanging atmosphere, it is

    not so easy to 2arve a ni2he for oneself and stand on your o5n feet. As perthe rule of the nature and "urvival of the fittest, this "I7 has taught me many

    important things that one needs to in2ul2ate 5ithin himself to fa2e the 2ut#throat

    2ompetition. In my opinion the internship program of this 2urri2ulum is very

    pra2ti2al and important for learning the ne2essary s6ills for a 1right future of a

    student and it 5ill surely 1e helpful in the value addition to the 6no5ledge 1ase.

    The study demonstrates ho5 e2hanges are versatile institutions, 5or6ing

    a2ross a variety of developing 2ountry 2ontets, addressing a diverse range

    of 2hallenges some rooted in a 2ountry;s histori2al lega2y, other arising

    5ith the glo1ali

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    S1+O1 C2A3T% 3A0 +O1

    4 ndustry 3rofile 456

    7 Com$any 3rofile 8578

    9 %esearch Methadology 7:

    ; Analysis and nter$etation 9;5

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    The Indian automotive industry has witnessed an unprecedented oom in recent year owin! theimprovement in "ivin! standards o# the midd"e c"ass$ and a si!ni#icant increase in their disposa"e

    incomes% The industry is e&pected to touch the '( mi""ion mar)$ to which the commercia" vehic"e

    se!ment wi"" e a ma*or contriutor% Industry e&perts pe! the Indian +utomoi"e Sa"es !rowth at

    a compounded annua" !rowth rate ,-+.R/ o# 0%1 2 y end o# 3('(%

    India is the second "ar!est two4whee"er mar)et in the wor"d%

    Fourth "ar!est commercia" vehic"e mar)et in the wor"d%

    E"eventh "ar!est passen!er car mar)et in the wor"d%

    Fi#th "ar!est us and truc) mar)et in the wor"d ,y vo"ume/%

    Envisa!ed to e the seventh "ar!est automoi"e mar)et y 3('5$ and wor"d6s third "ar!est

    y 3(7( ,ehind on"y -hina and the US/%

    Domestic Sales

    The Society o# Indian +utomoi"es 8anu#acturers6 +ssociation ,SI+8/ estimates the sa"es

    #i!ures o# 9%1 mi""ion motorcyc"es$ 3 mi""ion cars ,inc"udin! 8P:s$ SU:s ; 8U:s/ and 0

    mi""ion two4whee"er For year 3((

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New






    20&''4 3'"&430 35'&04' 4!&""2 4#0&4#4 3"4&'22

    T%ree (%eelers 2"4&0!" 30!&"2 35# 403# 34&!"' 34#&!'#

    Total T(o


    5&34&24# &20#&!5 !&052&3#' !&"5!&54" !&24#&2!" !&43!&!0



    &"'0&53! !&"#!&2# "&42" '0&'0#&03! #&54&435 #&!23&3#

    Source/ www%osec%ch

    Passen!er :ehic"es '1%052

    -ommercia" :ehic"es 7%012

    Three >hee"ers 7%52Two >hee"ers 95%?02

    Source/ www%osec%ch

    *ro(t% and Develo$ment o t%e 1ndustry

    Auto sales in 200" and 200#/


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Com$any December





    aruti Suui 13$(30 9'$((( 79

    6yundai '1$5(3 33$313 ?7a%indra 7


    9$935 '5$000 '3(

    *eneral otors ?$(?'

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    in India Operatin!


    USA '%?9 i""ion

    in 3((1




    + -% Cir"a

    !roup #"a!ship

    and one o# the

    o"dest auto

    companies in


    -apacity @


    units pa

    :o"umes @


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    -a"ier$ Pu"sar$



    4 Spirit$ Sa##ire$


    7 P"ants at


    >a"u*$ -ha)an%

    Source/ www%osec%ch

    8roile o ey =oreign 8layers/

    ,ame o t%e




    ut$ut odels odels 8lants


    >dyog .td

    Suu)i o#

    Gapan ho"ds

    a 1?%3 per

    cent sta)e in

    the company

    -apacity 4

    1((6((( units


    :o"umes 4

    ?936'33 units


    e&ports in




    USA 3%? i""ion

    in 3((1


    ownedsusidiary o#



    -ompany$ S%


    -apacity 4

    '1(6((( unitspa

    :o"umes 4

    '9'60(1 units

    Santro$ +ccent$

    Sonata$ Terracan$i4'($ i43($


    ,Tami" Nadu/


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New






    '(( per cent

    susidiary o#




    -apacity 4

    '(6((( units pa

    :o"umes 4

    '65?( units

    E c"ass$ S c"ass$

    - c"ass



    =iat otors Susidiary o#

    Fiat +uto Sp+

    -apacity 4

    1(6((( units pa

    :o"umes 4

    '(6?3< units

    Uno$ Siena$


    Pa"io +dventure



    =ord otors


    Ford 8otor

    -ompany$ the

    wor"ds second



    -apacity 4

    '((6((( units


    :o"umes 4

    ?16937 units

    I)on$ 8ondeo -hen!aipattu

    ,Tami" Nadu/

    *eneral otors




    .enera" 8otors

    -orporation and

    -%% Cir"a .roup

    o# companies

    -apacity @


    units pa

    :o"umes @


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    Soda Auto


    S)oda +uto$

    ased in -ech

    Repu"ic$ is a


    o# :o")swa!en


    -apacity @


    units pa

    :o"umes @

    769'3 units

    Octavia$ Laura +uran!aad


    6ero 6onda Goint venture

    etween ero

    .roup$ the

    wor"ds "ar!est




    the onda 8otor

    -ompany o#


    -apacity 4 3%ith the openin! o# this venture$ customers may #ee" ease as

    they are havin! options to ta)e the view #rom either o# the show room% It seems 8r% C%D%8ishra


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    decided to open this showroom in -has ,Co)aro/ area as there is no any passen!er vehic"e

    showroom in this area and it is !oin! to e the #uture usiness area o# the Co)aro%

    Shree yundai6 wor)in! phi"osophy is particu"ar"y ased on KPrepare emp"oyees #or the #uture

    deve"opments with deve"opments in their persona"ity% +s competition is very much intense

    hence the mana!ement is wor)in! hard #or customer re"ationship to achieve #uture usiness


    +s it is new"y opened or!aniation hence as every other or!aniation it is a"so #acin! some

    mana!ement pro"ems% 8ana!ement is tryin! to overcome a"" these pro"ems and achievin!

    systematic wor)in!s here% Each and every department is distin!uished #or the emp"oyees% Every

    emp"oyee is havin! its own desi!nation and *o pro#i"e and heMshe has to wor) under that pro#i"e

    on"y% For each se!ment o# the vehic"es$ Shree yundai is havin! its separate e&ecutives%

    Departments are connected throu!h "oca" area networ)s%

    The main aim o# mana!ement here is se"# deve"opment o# emp"oyees% So that$ they can e

    empowered #or the ene#it o# the or!aniation and e a"e to ta)e #uture responsii"ities% It starts

    with the *oinin! o# the emp"oyee in the or!aniation% Initia""y$ they have to wor) under various

    departments ti"" hisMher proation period wou"d e over% They have to start their wor)s #rom the

    !round "eve"$ so that they can understand the rea"ity o# the usiness here% Dai"y reportin! at themornin! and the evenin! ma)e them up to date with the o*ectives and their #uture tar!ets% The

    senior mana!ement )nows that how they are doin! their wor) and in which way they have to e


    +COUT 8IL

    yundai 8otor India Limited ,8IL/ is a who""y owned susidiary o# yundai 8otor

    -ompany$ South orea and is the "ar!est passen!er car e&porter and the second "ar!est car

    manu#acturer o# India% 8IL present"y mar)ets 1? variants o# passen!er cars across se!ments%

    These inc"udes the Santro in the C se!ment$ the i'($ the .et Prime ; the premium hatchac)

    i3( in the C se!ment$ the +ccent and the :erna in the - se!ment$ the Sonata Trans#orm in the

    E se!ment and the Tucson in the SU: se!ment%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    yundai 8otor India Ltd$ continuin! its tradition o# ein! the #astest !rowin! passen!er car

    manu#acturer$ re!istered tota" sa"es o# 110$

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    yundai 8otor India remains one o# the #astest !rowin! car manu#acturers in the country% The

    company6s overa"" per#ormance in the automoi"e sector was reco!nied y the media as it was

    awarded with the presti!ious 8anu#acturer o# the Year6 award y oth UT:i +utocar -ar and

    NDT: Pro#it4-ar ; Ci)e in 3((0

    8IL has invested to e&pand capacity in "ine with its positionin! as 8-s !"oa" e&port hu

    #or compact cars% +part #rom the e&pansion o# production capacity$ 8IL current"y has 31'

    stron! dea"er networ) across India$ which wi"" e #urther o"stered in 3((0%

    ;9 ,ature o ;usiness Carried/

    Shree yundai is a dea"er o# cars o# yundai motors% The usiness carried y Shree

    yundai is o# dea"ership% It is an a"so an authoried service centre and it tota""y aims in

    se""in! cars oth passen!er and SU: vehic"es as per demand o# customers%

    C9 :ision& ission and uality 8olicy/


    The mission o# the Shree yundai is committed to deve"op the #irm as a i!

    competitor and service provider in the Ghar)hand Passen!er car mar)et%


    The dea"er announced Innovation #or -ustomers as our mid@to "on!@term vision with

    #ive core strate!iesQ !"oa" orientation$ respect #or human va"ues$ customer satis#action$

    techno"o!y innovation$ and cu"tura" creation% They desire to create an automoi"e cu"ture

    o# puttin! customer #irst via deve"opin! human@centered and environment@#riend"y

    techno"o!ica" innovation%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New





    Cased on a

    respect #or human di!nity$ it ma)e e##orts to meet the e&pectations o# a"" sta)eho"ders

    inc"udin! customers and usiness partners y ui"din! a constructive re"ationship

    amon!st mana!ement$ "aor$ e&ecutives and emp"oyees% +"so$ they #ocus on

    communicatin! their corporate va"ues oth interna""y and e&terna""y$ and !ainin!

    con#idence #rom a"" sta)eho"ders%

    D9 8roducts 8roile/

    DE. :A+1A,T Ex-S%o(room 8rice

    ?As on '#0220'0@

    ?1n +u$ees@


    ,on AC ?S@ 2&524

    ,on AC ?@ 2&!2"5

    *. ?S@ 3&34!'

    *. ?@ 3&3"&432

    *.S ?S@ 3&22&'"

    *.S?@ 3&5"&2"

    D-.ite ?S@ 3&3"&2!

    D-.ite ?@ 3&4'&!5!

    Era '9'. ?S@ 3&!3&5'4


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Embera T ?=abric@ '2"&!"

    T>SC, C+Di '&''4

    E9 Area o $eration/

    The #irm operates re!iona""y in the Ghar)hand circ"e% The showrooms are situated

    in the important mar)ets o# Ghar)hand that are Co)aro,ead o##ice/$ Dum)a$

    Ram!arh$ Ranchi and Puru"ia ,Cen!a"/% Cut the 8IL under which the dea"ership

    situated operates !"oa""y in oth Passen!er cars se!ments and SU:s se!ment%

    =9 (ners%i$ 8attern/

    The #irm is private "imited #irm and the dea"ership is direct"y under the 8IL%

    (ner G r9 ;9D9 is%ra

    CE- r9 ,ites% umar is%ra

    ;ranc% anager and anager SalesG r9 anis% 8rasad

    *9 Com$etitors 1normation/

    Car segment G aruti Suui


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    There was a de"ay in settin! up o# a p"ant in India #or manu#acturin! diese" en!ines and

    transmission systems #or cars% The en!ines #or its diese" variants were imported #rom other

    countries$ and there were "imits on the =uantities it cou"d import% In the mar)et$ 8ULs

    mode"s "i)e the Hen$ +"to$ >a!onR$ and Ca"eno were showin! mi&ed resu"ts%

    >tility :e%icle segment G a%indra

    Marketing Strategy of Mahindra and Mahindra Limited for Scorpio

    In Gune 3((7$ Scorpio$ a sports uti"ity vehic"e ,SU:/ #rom 8ahindra and 8ahindra Ltd% ,8;8/$

    a "eadin! Indian automoi"e company$ ce"erated the #irst anniversary o# its "aunch%

    This one year *ourney had een =uite #ruit#u" #or Scorpio$ which had impressed many industryoservers and customers%

    + year a!o$ within the #irst ei!ht days o# its "aunch$ Scorpio had attracted over '($((( customers

    to its dea"er showrooms and over 7$((( customer en=uiries$ resu"tin! in '((( order oo)in!s%

    +ccordin! to company sources$ y the time it comp"eted its #irst irthday$ Scorpio had so"d

    '1$((( units across India%

    8edia reports$ automoi"e enthusiasts and industry ana"ysts had a"" !iven the SU: e&treme"y

    positive reports% >ith demand #or the vehic"e !rowin! steadi"y$ 8;8 even had to increase its

    production #rom '$

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    o It is situated in the main mar)et p"ace o# the Co)aro Stee" -ity%

    o The showroom has !ood #aci"ities such as P"ayin! area #or chi"dren who are

    comin! with the customers$

    o .ood servicin! #aci"ities #or cars with advanced techno"o!ies$

    o .ood entertainment #aci"ities avai"a"e #or customers who were wait durin! the

    servicin! o# their car$

    o The showroom uses new techno"o!y in their mana!ement in#ormation


    19 Ac%ievement and A(ards/

    o +chieved the most car se""er dea"ership in Ghar)hand%

    o >in the est car se""er award in Co)aro #rom -has -hamer o# -ommerce%

    H9 )or lo( odel/






    78I9: 6

    ,0SSI9: 6

    rder to


    Supply of cars

    from /anufacturer

    4eli"ery toShowrooms

    ;it in & days

    405I car

    finance or cash.

    After all


    the car is finally

    deli"ered to


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    There are three road processes at a showroom%



    Post @sa"es

    +"" these are inter4re"ated to each other%

    The pre4sa"es process is very important ecause i# a customer has a satis#yin! e&perience durin!

    this process$ it !reat"y increases the chances o# him purchasin! the car #rom your showroom% +t

    this sta!e$ the customer is indecisive as to which car to uy and #rom where to uy%

    T%e $re-sales activities include/


    ;alk in 0nuiry #elephonic 0nuiry



    #est 4ri"e

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    -o"d -a""in! and Identi#ication o# Prospects

    -reation o# -ustomer -ard

    +c=uire now"ed!e aout 8UL s ran!e o# cars$ competitor cars now"ed!e aout other a""ied services "i)e #inance$ insurance$ pre owned cars$ e&tended

    warranty etc%

    now"ed!e aout accessories$ ran!e o##ered$ prices etc% and aout preventive

    maintenance o# the car%

    T6E SA.ES ACT1:1T1ES 1,C.>DE/

    :isit the prospects

    Understandin! needs o# the prospects

    .ive a proposition to the customer%

    -reate interest and pre#erence #or 8UL

    .ive a detai"ed demonstration and test drive

    Provide c"ari#ication to =ueries and hand"e o*ections

    Fo""ow4up with the customer

    Secure order #rom customer

    O##er a""ied services "i)e #inance$ insurance$ accessories etc%

    +dvice customer on a"" matters re"ated to his car%

    In case there are too many Sa"es cases$ a specia" #ocus is re=uired to serve these customers

    since u"timate"y$ the customers are a"so the showroom6s customers and there are su!!ested ways

    to hand"e them%

    9 =uture gro(t% and $ros$ects/

    Shree yundai6s #uture !rowth is very ri!ht ecause it is the new"y !rowin! #irm in the

    Co)aro mar)et% It is the division o# Ran*u automoi"es ,Pvt%/ Ltd% which is a"ready a we""


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    esta"ished Ca*a* showroom in the Co)aro mar)et% The customers o# Co)aro is a"ready

    aware aout the Ran*u +utomoi"e ecause this is the very o"d #irm and dea"ership in

    Ghar)hand% Due to this customers are committed toward this dea"ership and due to this

    customers do not !o #or any other showroom o# yundai%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    29 cinseyIs !S rame(or /


    Shree yundai6s mar)etin! strate!y is di##erentiated mar)etin!%

    Its primary consumer tar!et is midd"e to upper income pro#essiona"s who need true va"ue

    #or their money and com#orta"e ride in city conditions% Its primary usiness tar!et is

    midsied to "ar!e sied corporates that want to he"p their mana!ers and emp"oyees y

    providin! them a car #or ease o# transport%

    Its secondary usiness tar!et is entrepreneurs and sma"" usiness owners who want to

    provide discounts to mana!ers uyin! a new car


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    verall Structure o t%e S%ree 6yundai/


    Shree yundai product is Passen!er -ars$ so they shou"d e hand"ed care#u""y% So it re=uired

    s)i""ed manpower #or hand"in!$ and s)i"" in the sense testin! o# cars%

    Trainin! wi"" e conducted in yundai Gamshedpur ,Ghar)hand/% For new"y recruited emp"oyees

    wi"" e !iven asic trainin! pro!ram #or '( wee)s% +nd '( wee)s trainin! wi"" e !iven #or

    emp"oyees #or *unior technica" o##icer$ aout machines% Trainin! wi"" e !iven to emp"oyees to

    )now aout the tota" #eatures o# cars in Shree yundai%


    0mployee 1

    0mployee 2

    0mployee $

    Managing irector

    #ranc$ Mana%er and Mana%er 'a(e' &


    Corporate&E,c$an%e !

    HyundaAd-anta%e Pre

    O/ned Car'


    G0MSand #ac*


    Acce''ore' &



    S.0. 1

    S.0. 2

    S.0. $

    S.0. %

    S.0. &

    S.0. '




    C$e1 E,ecut-e


    S.0. (



    0mployee 1

    0mployee 2

    0mployee $

    Ser"ice 0mployees +1 to $+

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    To$ do(n A$$roac%

    The mana!ement acts with autonomy and independence in e&cercisin! strate!ic

    supervision$ dischar!in! its #iduciary responsii"ities$ and in ensurin! that the company oserves

    the hi!hest standards o# ethics$ transparency and disc"osure%

    8artici$ating A$$roac%

    +t Shree yundai the mana!ement is participatin! in nature% +nyone in the company canput in their view points e#ore the mana!ement #or any improvement in the prospects o# the

    company$ manpower$ wor)in! environment$etc%


    The mar)etin! department is divided into 1 Teams% For a"" the di##erent mar)etin! teams$ one

    Team Leader is assi!ned% The team "eaders ta)e care o# their team6s activities and report to themar)etin! mana!er that is #urther reported to the -EO% The mar)etin! is tota""y tar!et ased and

    ased on tar!ets !iven y 8IL$ the tas) is distriuted to di##erent teams%

    The customers are hand"ed y the same personne" #rom the e!innin! to the end% Spot incentive

    Schemes etc is p"aced in the system to motivate the emp"oyees% The conversion and Tar!et

    #u"#i""ment is traced out via the so#tware%


    CATE*+B ,9 = STA== TB8E = )+

    Sa"es -onsu"tants '( .enerate sa"es #rom mar)et

    Cac) O##ice (3 8aintain the data o# customers


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Finance Dept% (5 8aintain the #inancia" data

    Spares +nd +ccessories (? 8aintain the data and Stoc) o#

    parts and spares

    -orporate and E&chan!e (7 Dea" in a"" the pre4owned carso# yundai

    Service Dept% ?( Servicin! o# cars and data

    maintenance o# Serviced cars

    in service station o# Shree


    EDP (5 8aintain Showroom data and

    customers comp"aints$ etc


    To report himM her to duty at the p"ace to which heMshe posted%

    To under!o the prescried proation under speci#y period and under!o such trainin! and#or a period has may e arran!ed #or himMher and ac=uit himMher se"# credita"y in the

    trainin! imported to himMher%

    To oey and aide the ru"es$ re!u"ations$ service conditions and standin! orders whichthe may adopt$ prescrie$ #rame are issue #rom time to time to !overn its emp"oyees%

    S6A+ED :A.>ES

    +evie( o Customer Care Activities9

    The review o# customer care activities is done throu!h mornin! meetin!s and wee)"y meetin!s

    on customer care% The documents that are necessary durin! the wee)"y review areQ PSR re"ated$

    Interna" SSI #orms re"ated$8IL re"ated and other in#ormation re"ated%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Customers or .ie

    + wee) a#ter the de"ivery$ the concerned sa"es person must #i& an appointment with the customer

    and visit him a"on! with the service advisor% e shou"d persona""y hand over the photo!raphs

    c"ic)ed a"so the vehic"e6s re!istration certi#icate and try to ecome the customer6s car advisor #or

    "i#e and never "ose touch with the customer%

    S%o( +oom Ambience

    The hours o# operation$ outside and insides o# the showroom a"on! with reception$ car disp"ay

    area$ se""in! area$ customer "oun!e and de"ivery area shou"d e ta)en care o#%

    Customer eets

    Or!aniin! customer meets he"ps in improvin! SSI$ he"ps in introducin! the wor)shop sta## to

    the customers and in !ettin! re#erra"s and there are !uide"ines #or the same%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Analysis o =inancial Summary


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    Partcu(ar' 233435

    6n (ace'7


    6n (ace'7

    Sales ? nos@ 2+(+1%( 2'21%++

    :rowth in Sales ?nos@ ?@ 2$.% 2'.'

    #otal Income &**( (&'$

    :rowth in #otal Income ?@ 1&.& 2'.1

    rofit before #ax 1+(2 121(

    rofit after #ax (2) )1+

    Share ,apital $*.*% $*.*%

    eser"es and Surplus 1+** 1%&$

    #otal 4ebt 1(& 2+2

    9et 6ixed Assets &)* (1&

    #otal Assets?9et@ 1$1% 1'*&

    /arket ,apitalisation *(*( 1+*%$


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    8articulars Corres$onding nine mont%s


    December 3'& 200"

    Bear ended

    arc% 3'& 200#


    ,o9 o =our-(%eelers Sold '#"' 2&2'&400

    .ross sa"esM Income #romoperations


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    8roit or t%e

    $eriod beore tax

    #'49'" '&2'!925

    Provision #or ta& 4 -urrent 309%'' 701%33

    4 De#erred '7%9' ''%15

    ,et $roit ?"-#@ 0393 "'094!

    Paid4up E=uity

    Share -apita"

    70%0? 70%0?

    Face va"ue per e=uityshare ,Rs%/

    3%(( 3%((

    Reserves e&c"udin!reva"uation reserve


    CasicMdi"uted earnin!sper share

    7(%33 ?(%10

    +!!re!ate o# non4promoters shareho"din!

    ,Rs% 3%(( per share/ ,Rs% 3%(( per share/

    Numer o# shares

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    There was a !reat opportunity #or me to do my research wor) there% I was a part o# many

    promotiona" schemes in sa"es% Learnt aout the automoi"e sector$ company6s history$ how they

    promote the company$ how to mana!e sa"es dept to !et more sa"es$ etc%

    I started my research in the company and as we"" as I was "oo)in! at other wor)s that was

    a""otted to me% The est "earnin! e&perience was that I started #rom the very asics o# !ettin! the

    overa"" idea%

    This he"ped me !et use#u" insi!ht and understandin! o# various automotive products$ the mar)et

    detai"s aout them and the ene#its provided y them to the customers% +part #rom the assi!ned

    ro"es and responsii"ities$ the Cranch mana!er #aci"itated me with a trainin! which covers the

    sa"es and permotiona" schemes o# Shree yundai% and how they are arran!in! sa"es and how they

    ma)e strate!ies to increase sa"es$ aout their corporate cu"ture$ or!aniationa" structure%

    I had a very p"easant "earnin! their$ I !ot to )now aout corporate and its wor)in! sty"e o#

    di##erent departments% The !uide he"ps me to understand the customers in the Co)aro mar)et% In

    conc"usion$ I wou"d "i)e to state that y the e&perience o# this trainin!$ the theoretica" )now"ed!ehas no meanin! without the practica" approach% Coth theoretica" and practica" )now"ed!e serves

    as the two #aces o# the same coin% This "earnin! e&periences is va"ua"e #or me ecause I !ot a

    opportunity to understand the mar)et situations and customer va"ues%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    +esearc% et%adology

    A9 Statement o t%e $roblem/

    The research is ased on the KStrate!y to Increase the Demand #or yundai

    motors Products and Services% >hy their competitor6s sa"es are more than Shree

    yundaiW ow to mana!e our company to win #rom these competitors6W

    ;9 b

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    To study aout the e##ectiveness ; e##iciency o# Shree yundai in

    re"ation to its competitors

    C9 Sco$e o t%e study/

    Shree yundai6 wor)in! phi"osophy is particu"ar"y ased on KPrepare emp"oyees #or the

    #uture deve"opments with deve"opments in their persona"ity% +s competition is very

    much intense hence the mana!ement is wor)in! hard #or customer re"ationship to achieve

    #uture usiness !rowth%

    +s it is new"y opened or!aniation hence as every other or!aniation it is a"so #acin!

    some mana!ement pro"ems% 8ana!ement is tryin! to overcome a"" these pro"ems and

    achievin! systematic wor)in!s here% Each and every department is distin!uished #or the

    emp"oyees% Every emp"oyee is havin! its own desi!nation and *o pro#i"e and heMshe has

    to wor) under that pro#i"e on"y% For each se!ment o# the vehic"es$ Shree yundai is

    havin! its separate e&ecutives% Departments are connected throu!h "oca" area networ)s%

    The main aim o# mana!ement here is se"# deve"opment o# emp"oyees% So that$ they can e

    empowered #or the ene#it o# the or!aniation and e a"e to ta)e #uture responsii"ities%

    It starts with the *oinin! o# the emp"oyee in the or!aniation% Initia""y$ they have to wor)under various departments ti"" hisMher proation period wou"d e over% They have to start

    their wor)s #rom the !round "eve"$ so that they can understand the rea"ity o# the usiness

    here% Dai"y reportin! at the mornin! and the evenin! ma)e them up to date with the

    o*ectives and their #uture tar!ets% The senior mana!ement )nows that how they are

    doin! their wor) and in which way they have to e directed%

    Shree yundai tries to #ind out the answer o# ? critica" =uestions whi"e doin! its usinessB

    '% +re we easy #or customers to do usiness withW

    3% Do we )eep our promisesW

    7% Do we meet the standards$ we setW


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    ?% +re we responsive to customer needsW

    D9 et%odology/

    The nature o# the pro*ect wor) has een descriptive as no hypothesis$ is ta)en

    to e tested% Thou!h the conc"usions drawn cou"d e ta)en as the hypothesis

    and #urther tested y the research wor) underta)en in the re"evant #ie"d% The

    reason #or choosin! the descriptive research desi!n is the #act the pro*ect report

    has een primari"y ased upon the secondary sources o# data and whose

    authenticity cou"d e assured o#%

    The re"uctance o# the companys personne" in partin! with much o# in#ormation

    "ed the pro*ect report to e ased sustantia""y on the secondary source o# data%

    The sources o# data used in data co""ection are the #o""owin!Q

    Pr)ary 'ource'

    In order to !ather in#ormation aout the various products o# Shree yundai$ I

    persona""y visited a numer o# Showrooms and co""ected data pertainin! to the

    prices o# the cars o##ered% The mar)et visi ts were use#u" in )nowin! the

    comparative prices and =ua"ity o# the o##ered rands vis4versa the competitive

    rands % Detai"s re!ardin! the de"ivery o# the cars were co""ected and I a"so

    in=uired aout the various sa"es promotion schemes #o""owed y the three car

    showrooms in Co)aro%

    Cy interviewin! these dea"ers va"ua"e in#ormation was co""ected% I in=uired

    #rom them aout their mar)etin! advertisin! and sa"es strate!ies%

    Secondary 'ource'

    In#ormation was co""ected #rom secondary sources such as customer survey$

    newspapers advertisements$ +utomoi"e news"etters$ etc%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Ceside these the use o# Internet was a"so made in co""ect in! re"evant

    in#ormation% The data co""ected #rom the aove mentioned sources has een

    ade=uate"y structured and used at appropriate p"aces in the report% The

    in#ormation !athered inc"udedQ

    Their annua" reports%



    Press c"ippin!s%

    News re"eases%



    E&chan!e schemes%

    Loan #air%

    E9 Sam$ling /


    The popu"ation considered #or this research type is the overa""!enera" uyers whoQ4

    a% P"annin! to uy #our whee"er,one time payment or E8I/ #or the

    #irst time%

    % +re p"annin! to rep"ace their o"d #our whee"er with a more

    satis#yin! product type%

    c% Fi"" the need o# #our whee"er%

    d% -an a##ord a car however do not #i"" the need o# uyin! one%

    In short we can mathematica""y say that it is a !enera" set which

    inc"udes a"" the set and su4sets o# potentia" uyer o# #our uyers%

    ,on $robability sam$ling/


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Non4proai" ity samp"in! provide a non4 scienti#ic techni=ues o#

    drawin! samp"e #rom the popu"ation accordin! to non4particu"ar "aws o#

    chance in which each unit in the universe has ,o deinite $re-assigned

    $robability o# ein! se"ected in the samp"e% in short it is the purposes o#

    su*ective or *ud!ment samp"in!%

    The samp"in! desi!n I used here is convenient sam$lingecause

    it is ased on the se"ected customers i%e%$ previous customer o# yundai$ the

    customers who are p"annin! #or new cars and customers who came in

    showroom #or en=uiry o# yundai -ars% I was se"ected the convenient

    samp"in! ecause it was not easy to survey a"" customers%

    Sam$le sie/

    The samp"e sie shorted out #rom the popu"ation ,universe set/ is

    '(( nos% to draw the conc"usion o# the study%

    =9 .imitations o study/

    Since the road to improvement is never endin!$ so this study a"so su##ers #rom

    certain "imitations% Some o# them are as #o""owsQ

    Cecause o# i""iteracy$ it was a time consumin! method in which

    continuous !uidance was re=uired%

    Juestionnaire method invo"ves some uncertainty o# response% -o4

    operation on the part o# in#ormants$ in some cases$ was di##icu"t to


    The pro*ect was "imited to a period o# '( wee)s and is done pure"y #or the

    academic purpose%

    It is possi"e that the in#ormation supp"ied y the in#ormants may e

    incorrect% So$ the study may "ac) accuracy%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    T%e data given belo( (as based on t%e Juestions (%ic% are ased during t%e


    9'9 )6B S6>.D B> 8T A =>+ )6EE.E+K

    Table ,o '/ S%o(ing (%y $eo$le o$t a our (%eeler/

    ,o9 o +es$ondents 8ercentage

    ,eed 7' 7'%(

    Comort '' ''%(

    Status ?< ?

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    929 6) B> A)A+E A;>T 6B>,DA1 CA+SK

    Table ,o9 2/ 6o( Customers are a(are o 6yundai carK

    ,o9 o +es$ondents 8ercent

    T: Ads 77 77%(

    Existing customers 3' 3'%(

    againes 3? 3?%(

    =riends '3 '3%(

    1nternet '( '(%(

    Total '(( '((%(

    *+A86 ,o92/ s%o(ing6o( Customers are a(are o 6yundai car/

    1nter$retation/From the aove !raph shows that 772 o# the respondents came to )now o#

    yundai car throu!h T: ads$ 3?2 o# the respondents throu!h ma!aines$3'2 o# the respondents


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    throu!h the e&istin! customers and '32 o# respondents #rom #riends$'(2 o# respondents

    throu!h internet% The aove !raph e&p"ained that ma*ority o# respondents are T: ads and


    939 )%at is your $erce$tion about 6yundai motorsK

    Table ,o9 3/ S%o(ing Customer 8erce$tion about 6yundai otors/

    8articulars ,umber o +es$ondent 8ercentage

    ;EST ?7 ?72

    *D 35 352

    +D1,A+B '9 '92, CE,T ( (2

    8+ '? '?2

    )+ST ( (2

    8+EST ( (2

    TTA. '(( '((2

    *+A86 ,o93/ S%o(ing Customer 8erce$tion about 6yundai otors


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    The aove !raph revea"s that est perception comes #rom ?72$ 352 have !ood perception aout

    the yundai car and rest y '92 have ordinary $'?2 have poor perception%

    949 )%at is t%e standard o cars in 6yundai otorsK

    Table ,o9 4/ S%o(ing result about standard o 6yundai cars/

    8articular ,umber o res$ondent 8ercentage

    Excellent '3 '32

    ;etter 73 732

    *ood 37 372

    ,o Comments (<

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    1nter$retation/ The aove !raph showin! the standard o# yundai cars%'32 customers says the

    standard is e&ce""ent$ 732 says etter$ 372 says !ood standard$ .A+S ,o9 o res$ondents $ercentage

    Extremely Agreed 3( 3(2

    6ig%ly agreed 7( 7(2Agreed 31 312

    ,o Comments '3 '32

    Disagreed '7 '72

    6ig%ly disagreed ( (2

    Extremely disagreed ( (2


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    *+A86 ,o9 5/ S%o(ing is 6yundai cars are economical according to its $rice and eatures/

    1nter$retation/ The aove !raph showin! is yundai cars is economica"% 3(2 o# pu"ic is

    e&treme"y a!reed with this statement$ 7(2 is hi!h"y a!reed$ 312 is a!reed and rest o# peop"es

    answer is ne!ative%

    99 )%at is your $erce$tion about t%e maintenance cost o 6yundai carsK

    Table ,o9/ S%o(ing Customers 8erce$tion about t%e aintenance Cost o 6yundai /

    8articulars ,umber o +es$ondent 8ercentage

    >nder Customer Strengt% 7( 7(2

    Economical 37 372

    Trendy 70 702

    Saety 1 12


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Etc 7 72

    TTA. '(( '((2

    *+A86 ,o9 / S%o(ing Customers 8erce$tion about t%e aintenance Cost o 6yundai /

    1nter$retation/ ere 7(2 customer6s says maintenance cost is under customer stren!th$ 372

    says it is economica"$ 702 says trendy$ rest o# customers says sa#ety and others%

    9!9 )%ic% eature o 6yundai cars attract you moreK

    Table ,o9!/S%o(ing (%ic% eature attract more customer/

    8articulars ,umber o +es$ondent 8ercentage

    .uxurity 7( 7(2

    8rice 3( 3(2

    Saety 3( 3(2

    Style 7 Trend '5 '52

    Etc '? '?2


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    *+A86 ,o9!/ S%o(ing (%ic% eature attract more customer/

    1nter$retation/ 7(2 peop"e "i)e yundai cars due to "u&urity$ 3(2 due to price$ 3(2 due to

    sa#ety and rest due to sty"e ; trend and rest o# others%

    9"9 =or $assenger segment& (%ic% is t%e %ig%ly considerable com$etitor or 6yundai


    Table ,o9 "/ S%o(ing (%o %ig%ly considerable com$etition (it% 6yundai/

    Com$etitors ,umber o +es$ondent 8ercentage

    aruti ?1 ?12

    6onda '( '(2

    Tata '? '?2

    Soda (<

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    *+A86 ,o9"/ S%o(ing (%o %ig%ly considerable com$etition (it% 6yundai/

    1nter$retation/ 8ost o# pu"ic6s perception aout competition was$ 8aruti is the i! competitor

    o# yundai$ rest o# companies has "itt"e competition due to the mode" o# cars$ yundai is on"y

    passen!er car manu#acturer this is the reason%

    9#9 1n term o ne( designs o car& (%at is t%e status o 6yundai motorsK

    Table ,o9#/ S%o(ing t%e $erormance o ne( car design/

    8articulars ,umber o +es$ondent 8ercentage

    Excellent '9 '92

    ;etter ?9 ?92

    *ood 3' 3'2

    ,o Comments 3 32

    8oor 7 72

    )orst 9 92

    8oorest 7 72


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    *+A86 ,o9#/S%o(ing t%e $erormance o ne( car design/

    1nter$retation/ +ove !raph showin! the per#ormance o# yundai6s new car desi!n%

    '92 pu"ic says its new mode"s are e&ce""ent per#ormance$ ?92 says etter and 3'2 says !ood

    per#ormance rest o# says not !ood or poor per#ormance%

    9'09 6o( (ould you rate 6yundai otors on t%e ollo(ing $arameterK

    Table ,o9'0/ +ating o S%ree 6yundai /

    8articular Strongly


    Disagree ,o


    Agree Strongly


    now"ed!ea"e Sa"es Person ( ' ( 7 (

    Emp"oyees spent enou!h timewith you KCe#ore Sa"es

    ( ( ( 7 '

    Emp"oyees spent enou!h time ( 3 ( ' '


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    with you KDurin! Sa"es

    Emp"oyees spent enou!h timewith you K+#ter sa"es

    7 ( 7 ' '

    Disp"ay o# 8erchandise isattractive

    ' ' 3 3 (

    +vai"ai"ity o# the product 7 ( ( 7 3:arietyMSe"ection o# merchandise ( ( ( ( (

    :ehic"es in !ood condition ( ( ( 3 '

    Prices are a##orda"e 3 ' ( 7 7

    +ttractive discounts o##ered ( ( ( 1 7

    DXcor o# the waitin! area isp"easin!

    7 ( ( 3 '

    O##ered a test drive ( ( ( 7 3

    Post sa"es #o""ow ups are donere!u"ar"y

    ( 3 ' 3 '

    Responds to comp"aints =uic)"y ( ' 3 3 '

    Service at yundai servicestation is e&ce""ent

    ( ( 3 7 7

    -are#u" with persona"in#ormation

    ( ( ( ( (

    +"" the commitments are #u"#i""ed ( 7 ' 3 1

    :a"ue #or money ( ( ( ' ?

    TTA. '2 '0 '' 3" 2#

    *+A86 ,o9 " +ating o S%ree 6yundai /


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Com$aring 6yundai Santro (it% )agon +& 1ndica And =iat 8alio/



    6yundai Santro

    Fing *.S

    aruti Suui

    )agon + .F

    Tata 1ndica :2 D.E

    G ;S 111

    =iat 8alio Stile '9'


    8rice ?Ex-



    +s9 3&"&""# +s9 3&24&!# +s9 3&'3&553 +s9 3&3&3!

    =eatures6yundai Santro

    Fing *.S

    aruti Suui )agon

    + .F

    Tata 1ndica :2 D.E- ;S


    =iat 8alio Stile '9'


    Air Conditioner

    8o(er )indo(s

    8o(er Steering


    ;raing System

    .eat%er Seats

    CD 8layer


    verall .engt%

    ?mm@355 3520 3!5 3"2!

    verall )idt%

    ?mm@'525 '4!5 '5 '20


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    verall 6eig%t

    ?mm@'5#0 '0 '4"5 '440

    erb )eig%t

    ?g@ "54 "25 ##5 ##0

    ileage verall '!9 '3 '394 '2924

    Seating Ca$acity

    ?$erson@5 5 5 5

    ,o o Doors 5 5 5 5



    '0" '0' '405 ''0"


    ?8SLr$m@3L5500 4L200 54L5500 5!L5250

    TorJue? ,mLr$


    "#L3000 "4L3500 "3L2500 #2L2!50


    Ty$eanual anual anual anual

    *ears 5 5 5 5


    Turning +adius


    494 49 49# 59'

    Tyres '55!0 +'3 '55"0 +'3 '55 +'3 +adial '5"0 +'3


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    )%eel ;ase

    ?mm@23"0 230 2400 23!3


    Clearance ?mm@ '5 '5 '!0 '!0

    =ront Trac

    ?mm@'3'5 '2#5 '4'5

    +ear Trac?mm@ '300 '2#0 '3!"

    =ront .egroom


    '0"0 #"5 '2#0

    +ear .egroom

    ?mm@"00 "#0 #!0 "30

    ;oot S$ace

    ?liter@2'" 2'! 20

    *ross :e%icle

    )eig%t ?g@'250

    =uel Economy




    209' '! '!94 '59

    ileage City

    ?mliter@'9" '2 '29! ''94

    ileage verall

    ?mliter@'!9 '3 '394 '2924


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    Seating Ca$acity

    ?$erson@5 5 5 5

    =uel Tan

    Ca$acity ?liter@35 35 3! 4!

    ,o o Doors 5 5 5 5


    aximum S$eed

    ?m$%@ '4' '45 '35 '3'


    ?seconds@'9# '!94 259! 2'

    '4 ile

    ?seconds@209 2'92 229 2095

    '00m$%-0;raing ?meters@

    !293 5'9


    ;raing ?meters@5592 39 33




    6yundai E$silon


    =C Engine

    4!5 1D1 (it%

    icro$rocessor based

    Engine anagement

    System ?EC>@

    '9' . =1+E


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    ?cc@'0" '0' '405 ''0"


    ec%anism S6C D6C S6C

    ;ore ?mm@ "95 !0

    Stroe ?mm@ !! !2 !2


    +atio"9# # 22 #9

    ,o o Cylinders

    ?cylinder@4 4 4 4


    Coniguration1nline 1nline 1nline 1nline

    :alves $er

    Cylender ?valve@3 4 2 2

    1gnition Ty$e


    1gnition System


    ;loc 6ead


    =uel Ty$e 8etrol 8etrol Diesel 8etrol

    =uel System 8=1 8=1

    Electronic ulti$oint

    (it% 32 bit



  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New





    Ty$eanual anual anual anual

    *ears 5 5 5 5

    Clutc% Ty$eStic gear s%iting

    7 =reJuent clutc%

    =inal +eduction

    *ear +atio39"




    c8%erson Sturt

    (it% Stabilier bar

    c8%erson Sturt (it%

    torsion ty$e roll

    control device

    1nde$endent& (is% ;one

    ty$e& (it% c8%erson

    Sturt& Antiroll bar

    1nde$endent )%eel&

    c8%erson ty$e (it%

    lo(er (is%bone

    anc%ored to cross

    member& coil s$ring

    +ear Sus$ension

    Torsional ;eam

    Axle& 3 .in oset

    coil s$ring

    Coil s$ring& gas illed

    s%oc absorber (it% 3

    lin rigid axle and

    isolated trailing arms

    1nde$endent& Semi

    trailing arm (it% coil

    s$ring mounted on

    %yduralic s%oc


    Torsion axle& coil

    s$rings& stabiliing

    bar and telesco$ic

    dual eect s%oc



    Steering Ty$e+ac 7 8inion (it%

    8o(er Assist,on-$o(er steering +ac 7 8inion +ac 7 8inion

    8o(er Assisted Standard ,A ,A Standard


    Turning +adius

    494 49 49# 59'


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New





    ;rae Ty$e A;S "M booster- assistedDual circuit& diagonally

    s$lit& vaccum assisted

    (it% 8C+ valves

    6ydraulic& dual-

    diagonal s$lit& servo


    =ront ;raes :entilated Disc Discs :entilated Disc :entilated Disc

    +ear ;raes Drum brae Drum DrumDrum brae& Auto


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New





    AC (it%

    one- riendly

    +'34a gas


    4 S$eed ;lo(er


    +emote uel lid


    +emote tail

    gate release

    Clutc% oot rest

    8o(er steering



  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Com$etition (it% )agon +& 1ndica :2 and $alio/

    +s we can see #rom the avai"a"e data$ Uni=ue Se""in! Points can e created #or Santro &in!% The

    points cou"d e created #rom the #o""owin! aspectsB

    a% On"y in Santro$ we are havin! +- with Oone #riend"y with ? speed

    "ower #an which a"ways ta)e #reshment in oth Driver and passen!ers%

    % On"y in Santro$ we wi"" #ind +$ C ; - pi""ar trims$ which shows interior

    more "u&ury%

    c% >e are eatin! other mode"s in overa"" "en!th% In overa"" hei!ht on"y

    >a!on R is eatin! us% Cut we can convince our customers y showin!

    them that this much o# hei!ht is use"ess #or Indian customers%

    d% The actua" se""in! point wou"d e Santro mi"ea!e capacity$ which is the

    hi!hest as compared to competitors% +nd our Indian customers are very

    much )een aout this #actor%

    e% Power and tor=ue is hi!hest #or the Santro$ which ma)es it "ucrative option

    #or thri"" "overs%

    #% .round c"earance is hi!hest #or Santro$ which is very much suita"e #or

    Indian roads%

    !% For on"y Santro$ we are havin! rac) and pinion steerin! with power

    assisted whi"e others are havin! either rac) and pinion or power steerin!%

    h% On"y #or Santro$ we are havin! +CS$ which ma)es it suita"e #or each and

    every type o# road condition%

    The i!!est cha""en!e #or every mar)eter is that K-ustomers cou"d not e satis#ied

    aso"ute"yB this is or!aniation peop"e responsii"ity to convince the customer to purchase

    our product% To e compati"e in these descried situations we have to #o""ow the e master

    word #or every or!aniation to compete with riva"s @ KFee" that we a"" are memers o# the

    #ami"y in this or!aniation and we wi"" he"p to each other as a #ami"y memer%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    S)T A,A.BS1S


    Second "ar!est manu#acturer o# Passen!er vehic"es in India due to this customers

    are attracted towards the company in Co)aro%%

    Ran*u +utomoi"es Pvt% Ltd% is very o"d #irm in Co)aro due to this customers o#

    Co)aro area and its surroundin!s aware aout this%


    SU: car has on"y two mode" i%e%$ TU-SON and TERR+-+N which is #ewer

    avai"a"e in India due to uneconomic and out o# reach #or midd"e c"ass Fami"ies%

    8anu#acture on"y Passen!er vehic"es ut some mode"s are not economic such as

    :erna$ +ccent$ etc



  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    Shree yundai has opportunity to !row as a i! competitor in Ghar)hand

    automoi"e sector%

    I# the cars are more economic then the sa"es wi"" e more oom and the company

    turn into #irst position in Indian automoi"e sector and win #rom their competitors

    i%e%$ 8aruti Suu)i$ Tata 8otors$ .8 and 8;8%


    +is =actors

    In the course o# its usiness$ yundai is e&posed to a variety o# mar)et and

    other ris)s inc"udin! the e##ects o# demand dynamics$ commodity prices$ currency

    e&chan!e rates$ interest rates$ as we"" as ris) associated with #inancia" issues$

    haard events and speci#ic assets ris)% >henever possi"e$ we use the instrument

    o# insurance to miti!ate the ris)%

    T%reats rom Com$etitors

    o 8aruti Udyo! Limited

    8aruti Suu)i6s is a"so the o"d car showroom in Co)aro due to thisthe competition is hi!h with Shree hyundai


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    =1,D1,*S =+ S>+:EB

    +ccordin! to the survey the customers who are a"ready the customer o# yundai cars are

    satis#ied with the service o# Shree yundai$ and the pu"ic who are p"annin! to purchase a new

    car shou"d !o #or yundai ecause the cars in yundai is economica" in price$ "u&urious in "oo)$

    com#orta"e$ and trendy in desi!n% These #eatures a"so attract our youn! a!e !roup due to thenew desi!n$ trendy "oo) and sty"e%

    The #o""owin! are the #indin!s I point out #rom my studyQ

    '% -ustomers are a"ways demandin!$ ut they don6t have to "oose their patients$ ecause

    customer is the .od #or us% I# they are creatin! pro"ems$ then a"so we have to c"ear a""

    matters with smi"e and patients% 8a)e them understand #u""y that what are the pro"ems

    and avai"a"e so"utions #or that pro"em%

    3% They are not here to provide comparisons% They have to provide test drive to those

    customers on"y which seem to e the competent customers%

    7% They have to ma)e their customers understand aout their own need and avai"a"e

    options to satis#y their needs% -ustomers shou"d e )nown that money discount is not as

    important as their persona" satis#action%

    ?% They have to inte!rate the operations o# our a"" departments$ so that each and every

    department can he"p in operation o# every department and understand other department6s


    1% Each and every emp"oyee shou"d e havin! wor)in! )now"ed!e o# each and every

    department$ hence *o rotation is etter option #or this%

    5% The mana!ement has to understand persona" needs o# the sa"es and mar)etin! peop"e$

    hence wee)"y !et to !ather with top mana!ement shou"d e there aout technica" and

    persona" pro"ems #or the emp"oyees where everyone wou"d e #ree to e&press hisMher


    9% >hen they shou"d e havin! #irst meetin! with customer$ initia""y they have to ma)e

    them understand aout #inancia" conditions #or avai"a"e an)in! and non an)in!

    companies% Then a#ter they have to !ive them p"an #or #inancia"%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    '9 S>**EST1,S/

    A%%re''-e Ad Ca)pa%n

  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    The report has hi!h"i!hted the importance o# providin! the hi!hest customer

    satis#action and how it a##ects the sa"es% Thou!h in the month o# Decemer$ the sa"es

    were down$ y deve"opin! competitive strate!ies and y de"iverin! hi!h c"ass products

    and services$ Popu"ar :ehic"es and Services were a"e to )eep their sa"es momentum%

    The report emphasies the importance o# customer "oya"ty to deve"op the usiness%

    The study which we conducted on the Four whee"er automoi"e sector is a very

    important topic o# automoi"e sector%

    +#ter deep research$ ana"ysis and !ettin! in#ormation aout companies as

    #ormu"ated that the #our whee"er automoi"e companies achieved success in the mar)et%

    Throu!hout the study we #ound the #our whee"er manu#acturer havin! very new and

    modern techno"o!y in their i)es$ they have a !ood mar)et share in India$ many o#

    +utomoi"e companies "i)e 8aruti Suu)i$ Tata 8otors$ 8;8$ Fiat$ Ford$ etc are a"so

    !ivin! "ar!e competition%

    -onc"udin! the per#ormance o# the company re"ated to #our whee"er sector inIndia$ !ettin! their mar)et share and !rowth and what are services they are providin!

    a#ter sa"es%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    yundai 8otors has mana!ed to put in spectacu"ar per#ormance !oin! #rom

    stren!th despite increase in competitionB the companys sa"es have witnessed an uptrend$

    re!isterin! an avera!e !rowth o# ?32 in the three years under review%

    yundai 8otors has mana!ed to achieve this ecause its stron! rand ima!e and

    proven product =ua"ity underpinned the per#ormance !rowth in recent years% +part #rom

    the stron! rand Santro the companys per#ormance across the spectrum o# the

    Passen!er car mar)et he"ped it e&p"oit the !rowin! demand #or 14stro)e -ars%


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    Than6 you for your 6ind 2ooperation

    ame >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


    Age >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    ?onta2t o. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    (. =hi2h 2ar have you pur2hased@ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    &. =hat 5as the pur2hase mode@

    a* ?ash

    1* Finan2e, 5hi2h 2ompany

    I?I?I "!I

    9DF? MMF"8

    AB CT9E+ >>>>>>>>>>

    $. This is your-

    2* First 2ar, you had a t5o 5heeler earlier

    d* First 2ar, 1ut you never had a t5o 5heeler earlier

    e* +epla2ement 2ar %if yes, please spe2ify the previous 2ar and the model*

    f* Additional 2ar

    ). This 2ar primarily 5ould 1e driven 1y >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    0. Bou 2hoose this 1rand 1e2ause -

    7lease ran6 in order of importan2e %( 1eing most important*

    7ri2e "2hemes


    +esale value 8oo6s

    After sales servi2es

    +eferen2e Advertisement



  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    !rand image +epeat pur2hase

    /. =hi2h are the three 1rand %2ompanies* that 2ome to your mind 5hen you thin6 of a 2ar@

    g* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    h* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    i* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    . =hi2h t5o T 2ar 2ommer2ials %Ads* 2an you re2all right no5@

    j* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    6* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    H. =hat 5ere the sour2es of information 5hen you pur2hase the 2ar@

    "ports 2hannels

    "tar sports E"7

    Ten sports

    Any other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    e5s 2hannels

    Aaj Ta6

    ee ne5s

    "tar e5s

    Any other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Entertainment 2hannels



    Any other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    e5s papers

    Times of India 9industan Times

    E2onomi2 Times Amar Ujala

    !aini6 !has6ar av1harat Times

    Any other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New



    India Today Cutloo6

    Auto 2ar India !usiness Today

    Any other >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    J. Are there any suggestions that you 5ant the 2ompany to implement@

    K('. =hat is your overall opinion a1out Maruti@



    +espondents 7er2entage

    ery 1ad


    either 1ad nor good


    ery good


  • 8/13/2019 Hyundai Motors New




    Bi?liogra$hy *

    eithmal . A., Grem1lerD.D., !itnerM.j., and 7anditA.-"ervi2eMar6eting Integrated 2ustomer Fo2us A2ross The Firm4 , Fourth Edition

    illur+ahman, 3"ervi2e Kuality- Gap in the Indian !an6 Industry4 The

    I?FAI ournal of Mar6eting Management.

    areshL.Malhotra - Mar6eting +esear2h An applied orientation, Fifth


    +i2hard I.8evin,David".+u1in "tatisti2s For Management, "eventh


    /e?sites *




