Hudan Taufiq Prodi Farmasi FK Unissula

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Hudan Taufiq

Prodi Farmasi FK Unissula

Page 2: Hudan Taufiq Prodi Farmasi FK Unissula

Survey di AS dan UK: 20 % populasi memiliki sejarah gangguan depresi dalam hidupnya

Kejadian depresi pada wanita lebih sering dibandingkan pria (5:2)

Bisa terjadi pada setiap umur, tetapi paling banyak terjadi pada usia 25-44 tahun

pasien depresi juga beresiko terhadap terjadinya alcoholism, penyalah-gunaan obat, kejadian bunuh diri, gangguan kecemasan, dll.

Ada kecenderungan hubungan famili dengan kejadian depresi 8-18% pasien depresi memiliki sedikitnya satu keluarga dekat (ayah, ibu, kakak atau adik) yang memiliki sejarah depresi

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Depression is a common mental disorder

that presents with depressed mood, loss of

interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low

self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low

energy, and poor concentration.

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Etiologinya sangat kompleks banyak faktor dapat terjadi bersama menyebabkan gangguan depresi

Pasien depresi menunjukkan adanya perubahan neurotransmitter otak antara lain : norepinefrin, serotonin, dopamine

Pada pasien dengan “bakat” depresi : kemampuan menerima musibah (kematian, kehilangan kerja, sakit, kehilangan fungsi pada usia produktif) lebih kecil dibanding orang normal depresi

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Depresi sembuh dalam 3 bulan,

jika tidak bisa sampai 6-12 bulan

Walaupun menggunakan obat 20-35% pasien

mengalami gejala residual dan gangguan fungsi


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Untuk menegakkan diagnosis depresi, perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan mengenai kemungkinan penyebab yang berasal dari masalah medis, psikiatrik, atau disebabkan karena obat/alcohol

Rasa tertekan/sedih karena kehilangan/kematian orang yang dicintai pada orang normal akan sembuh dengan sendirinya sedangkan jika gejala tetap bertahan sampai 2 bulan dan diikuti keinginan bunuh diri, kemunduran psikomotor, kegagalan fungsional, perasaan tidak berguna dan gejala psikotik maka mengarah pada penyakit depresi(major depressive episode)

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Diagnosa depresi ditegakkan jika :

Terdapat sedikitnya 5 gejala yang terjadi dalam waktu

2 minggu

Gejala-gejala tsb menyebabkan rasa tertekan yang

signifikan atau menyebabkan gangguan fungsi sosial,

okupasional, atau fungsi lainnya

Gejala bukan disebabkan karena adanya kondisi

medis tertentu atau penggunaan obat tertentu

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Gangguan depresi ditandai oleh satu/lebihmajor depressive episode

Satu major depressive episode ditandai oleh 5 atau lebih gejala, antara lain:

perasaan tertekan/depresi sepanjang hari, hampir setiap hari

kehilangan interes atau kesenangan terhadap hampir semua aktivitas

berkurangnya berat badan secara signifikan, atau bertambah BB, dengan penurunan atau kenaikan nafsu makan hampir setiap hari

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insomnia atau hipersomnia hampir setiap hari

kemunduran psikomotor

kelelahan atau kehilangan energi

perasaan tidak berguna atau perasaan bersalah yang

berlebihan atau tidak semestinya

tidak bisa konsentrasi berpikir, daya ingat menurun

secara berulang berpikir tentang ingin mati atau

bunuh diri, atau usaha bunuh diri

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Kumpulan gejala depresi adalah

gangguan vegetatif (tidur, nafsu makan, berat badan dan dorongan seksual);

gambaran kognitif, (perhatian, toleransi terhadap frustrasi, memori, distorsi negatif);

kontrol impuls (pembunuhan, bunuh diri);

gambaran perilaku, (motivasi, perasaan senang, minat, kelelahan)

gambaran fisik (somatik) misalnya nyeri kepala, nyeri perut dan tegang otot.

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Major depressive disorder, single episode Major depressive disorder, recurrent Dysthymic disorder gejala lebih sedikit, tapi

kronis, dg gejala terjadi hampir pada sepanjang waktu sedikitnya 2 tahun

Depressive disorder not otherwise specified Subklasifikasi lain berdasarkan gejala: melankolis lebih berat, kadang tanpa pemicu dari


atipikal BB naik, hipersomnia

psikotik tjd halusinasi, delusi

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Depresi kronis termasuk berat, terjadi

sepanjang waktu, responsive terhadap obat

Depresi musiman (seasonal) timbul pada

saat/musim tertentu (puncak di musim dingin,

sembuh di musim semi atau panas)

Depresi post partum onset terjadi dalam

jangka waktu 1 bulan setelah melahirkan bisa

ringan(blue baby syndrome) atau

berat(postpartum major depression)

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Sasaran : perubahan biologis/efek berupa mood pasien Karena mood pasien dipengaruhi kadar serotonin dan nor-epinefrin di otak sasarannya adalah modulasi serotonin dan norepinefrin otak dengan agen-agen yang sesuai

Tujuan : menurunkan gejala depresi dan memfasilitasi pasien untuk kembali ke kondisi normal.

Strategi : menggunakan terapi nir-obat dan atau obat anti depresan yang dapat memodulasi kadar serotonin dan nor-epinefrin di otak

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PSIKOTERAPIinterpersonal dancognitive –

behavioral therapy

Terapi interpersonal berfokus pada konteks sosial

depresi dan hub pasien dengan orang lain

Terapi kognitif-behavioral berfokus pada mengoreksi

pikiran negatif, perasaan bersalah yang tidak rasional dan

rasa pesimis pasien

intervensi psikoterapi sama efektifnya dengan obat

antidepresan, tidak ada efek samping, murah

merupakanfirst-line therapy pada depresi ringan

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aman dan efektif, namun masih kontroversial

Adverse effect : disfungsi kognitif, disfungsi

kardiovaskuler, dll.

ECT diindikasikan pada :

▪ Depresi yang berat diperlukan respons yang cepat,

▪ treatment lain lebih besar resiko drpd manfaatnya,

▪ respon terhadap obat jelek, dan

▪ merupakan pilihan terakhir jika treatment lain tidak berhasil

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Pada penggunaan obat antidepresi, sulit diprediksi sebelumnya mana yang akan paling efektif karena itu, pilihan awal dilakukan secara empiris

Bbrp faktor yg mempengaruhi pemilihan obat anti depresan antara lain: riwayat respons pasien terhadap obat

farmakogenetik (riwayat respons keluarga thd obat)

jenis depresi

kemungkinan interaksi obat

profil adverse event obat

Harga obat

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Available Antidepressants

• 1) Tricyclics and Tetracyclics (TCA)

Imipramine Doxepin Desipramine Amoxepine Trimipramine

Maprotiline Clomipramine Amitriptyline Nortriptyline Protriptyline

• 2) Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs)

Tranylcypramine Phenelzine Moclobemide

• 3) Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Fluoxetine Fluvoxamine

Sertraline Paroxetine Citalopram

• 4) Dual Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI)

Venlafaxine Duloxetine

• 5) Serotonin-2 Antogonist and Reuptake Inhibitors (SARIs)

Nefazodone Trazodone

• 6) Norepinephrine and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor (NDRI)


• 7) Noradrenergic and Specific Serotonergic Antidepressant (NaSSAs)


• 8) Noradrenalin Specific Reuptake Inhibitor (NRI)


• 9) Serotonin Reuptake Enhancer


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Contoh : amitriptilin, klomipramin, imipramin, nortriptilin

ATS terbukti efektif dalam mengatasi semua tipe depresi, terutama gangguan depresi jenis melankolis yang berat

Semua ATS mempotensiasi aktivitas NE dan 5-HT dengan cara memblok re-uptakenya

ATS juga mempengaruhi system reseptor lain, maka selama terapi dengan ATS sering dilaporkan adanya efek samping pada sistim kolinergik, neurologik dan kardiovaskuler efek samping umum : antikolinergik dan hipotensi orthostatik

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A synapse that uses norepinephrine (NE)

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Reuptake of NE

Monoamine oxidase, located on outer membrane

of mitochondria; deaminates catecholamines free in

nerve terminal that are not protected by vesicles

Selective inhibitor,

reboxetine Cocaine blocks the NET


MAO Inhibitors


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A synapse that uses serotonin/5-HT

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Re-uptake of 5-HT/serotonin

Fluoxetine/Prozac blocks the SERT

Treatment of depression.

anxiety disorders,

obsessive-compulsive disorders

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1. Depression: that is unresponsive to more commonly

used antidepressants )SSRIs or SNRIs)

2. Panic disorder

3. Control bed-wetting in children (older than 6 years) by

causing contraction of the internal sphincter of the

bladder (Imipramine)1

4. Treatment of migraine headache and chronic pain

syndromes for which the cause of the pain is unclear


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1. Antimuscarinic SEs: dry mouth ,constipation, urinary

retention, blurred vision, and confusion

2. Life-threatening arrhythmias: The TCAs are class 1A

antiarrhythmic agents

3. Sedation (H1 antagonism)

4. weight gain

5. Sexual dysfunction 6. At therapeutic doses, the TCA drugs lower the seizure

threshold and at toxic doses can cause life-threatening

seizures (especially Maprotiline)

7. Amoxapine has dopamine receptor antagonist

properties and can induce EPS, gynecomastia, lactation,

and neuroleptic malignant syndrome

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Acute poisoning with tricyclic antidepressants or MAO inhibitors is potentially life-threatening

Compared with TCAs and MAOIs, the other antidepressants are generally much safer in overdose

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A 1500 mg dose of imipramine or amitriptyline is enough to be lethal in many patients

Symptoms: ventricular tachycardia, fibrillation and seizures are sometimes seen

Management: cardiac monitoring, airway support, and gastric lavage. Sodium bicarbonate is often administered to uncouple the TCA from cardiac sodium channels

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If a patient is severely depressed, potentially

suicidal, impulsive, or has a history of substance

abuse, prescribing a relatively safe antidepressant

agent with close clinical follow-up is appropriate

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contoh : fluoksetin, fluvoksamin, paroksetin dan sertralin

SSRI memiliki spektrum luas (sama seperti ATS) Efikasinya setara dengan ATS pasien yg gagal

dengan ATS mungkin akan berespon baik terhadap SSRI atau sebaliknya

Memunculkan dugaan : ada perbedaan populasi pasien depresi berdasar patofisiologinya (NE-mediated vs5-HT-mediated)

Efek samping sedative, antikolinergik, kardiovaskuler tidak ada

Tidak/sedikit sekali diekskresikan melalui ASI

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• Stimulation of 5-HT3 receptors is suspected to

contribute to common ADRs, including GIT (NV)

and sexual effects (delayed or impaired orgasm)

• Stimulation of 5-HT2C receptors may contribute to

the agitation or restlessness sometimes induced

by serotonin reuptake inhibitors

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SSRIs- Clinical uses

1. Major Depression: the primary indication

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

(fluvoxamine, clomipramine)

2. Panic disorder

3. Generalized anxiety disorder

4. Posttraumatic stress disorder (Sertraline and


5. Social anxiety disorder (SAD): fluvoxamine,


6. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (fluxetine &


7. Bulimia nervosa (only fluoxetine)

8. Premature ejaculation

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1) GIT: nausea, GIT upset, diarrhea.

2) Sexual dysfunction: loss of libido, delayed

orgasm, or diminished arousal.

3) CNS: Sleep disturbances. For this reason,

fluoxetine is usually administered in the morning

after breakfast

4) Weight gain particularly paroxetine

5) SSRIs have also been associated with

extrapyramidal side effects, especially those with

Parkinson’s disease

6) There is an association of paroxetine with cardiac

septal defects in first trimester exposures

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SSRIs- D/D interactions

A. Pharmacokinetic interactions:

• The SSRIs are potent inhibitors of the CYP450

• The potential for drug-drug interactions differs

significantly across the SSRIs

• Paroxetine and fluoxetine are potent CYP2D6

inhibitors responsible for the elimination of TCA

drugs, neuroleptic drugs, and some

antiarrhythmic and β-adrenergic antagonist drugs

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SSRIs- D/D interactions

A. Pharmacokinetic interactions:

• Fluvoxamine, a CYP3A4 inhibitor, may elevate

the levels of concurrently administered

substrates for this enzyme such as diltiazem and

induce bradycardia or hypotension

• Citalopram and escitalopram have the least

effect on the cytochrome P450 system & have

the most favorable profile regarding D–D


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SSRIs- D/D interactions

B. Pharmacodynamic interactions:

• The most serious interaction with the SSRIs are

with MAOIs that produce a serotonin syndrome

• Fluoxetine* has to be discontinued 4 to 6 weeks

before an MAOI can be administered to mitigate

the risk of serotonin syndrome

* Fluoxetine is metabolized to an active product, norfluoxetine. The elimination half-life of norfluoxetine is

about three times longer than fluoxetine and contributes to the longest half-life of all the SSRIs

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Contoh : venlafaksin, trazodon, bupropion

Contoh: fenelzin, moklobemid (di Ind), tranilsipromin

MAO inhibitors memiliki spektrum aktivitas yang berbeda dengan ATS lebih bnyk digunakan untuk depresi atypical (dgn tanda-tanda: mood reactivity, irritability, hypersomnia, hyperphagia, dll)

Keterbatasan penggunaan MAOI : banyak interaksi dengan obat dan makanan (keju, daging, MSG, kecap, coklat, apokat, dll (yang kaya akan tiramin) serangan hipertensi

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SNRIs- Clinical uses

1. Depression: in patients in whom SSRIs are


2. chronic joint and muscle pain: duloxetine

3. Fibromyalgia: milnacipran

4. Urinary stress incontinence (duloxetine in


• Off-label uses include autism, binge eating disorders, hot

flashes (desvenlafaxine), pain syndromes, premenstrual

dysphoric disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorders


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• SNRIs have many of the serotonergic adverse

effects associated with SSRIs

• In addition, SNRIs may also have noradrenergic

effects, including increased blood pressure and

heart rate, and CNS activation, such as insomnia,

anxiety, and agitation

• All the SNRIs have been associated with a

discontinuation syndrome resembling that seen

with SSRI discontinuation

• The SNRIs have relatively fewer CYP450

interactions than the SSRIs

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MAO inhibitors

• Agents: selegline, phenelzine, and


• MAO exists in the human body in two

molecular forms, known as type A and type B

• Norepinephrine and serotonin are

preferentially metabolized by MAO-A. MAO-B

is more likely to be involved in the catabolism

of human brain dopamine

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MAO inhibitors

• The MAO inhibitors inactivate the enzyme,

permitting neurotransmitter molecules to

escape degradation and, therefore, to both

accumulate within the presynaptic neuron

and leak into the synaptic space

• Selective MAO-A inhibitors are more

effective in treating major depression than

type B inhibitors

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MAO inhibitors

• MAOIs are classified by their specificity for MAO-

A or -B and whether their effects are reversible or


• Phenelzine and tranylcypromine are examples of

irreversible, nonselective MAOIs

• Moclobemide is a reversible and selective

inhibitor of MAO-A

• Selegiline is an irreversible MAO-B–specific agent

at low doses, but at higher doses it becomes a

nonselective MAOI similar to other agents

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MAO inhibitors

• Despite their efficacy in treating depression,

because of their risk for drug-drug and drug-

food interactions, the MAO inhibitors are

considered to be last-line agents in many

treatment venues

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MAO Inhibitors-Clinical use

• Depression:

–Reserved for treatment of depressions that

resist therapeutic trials of the newer, safer


–Selegiline is the first antidepressant available

in a transdermal delivery system

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MAO Inhibitors-ADRs

• Orthostatic hypotension, weight gain, edema, and

sexual dysfunction are common during MAOI


• Sexual SEs: highest rates are associated with the

irreversible nonselective MAOIs (phenelzine and


• Phenelzine tends to be more sedating than either

selegiline or tranylcypromine

• Hepatotoxicity is likely to occur with isocarboxazid

or phenelzine

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MAO Inhibitors-D-D interactions

1) Pharmacodynamic interaction

• These combinations of an MAOI with a

serotonergic agent (SSRIs, SNRIs, and most

TCAs) may result in a life-threatening serotonin


• Most case reports of serotonin syndrome (and

most fatalities) have occurred with a combination

of an MAOI and an SSRI

• It is caused by overstimulation of 5-HT receptors

in the central gray nuclei and the medulla

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MAO Inhibitors-D-D interactions

1) Pharmacodynamic interaction

• Serotonin syndrome consists of a constellation of

psychiatric, neurological, and CV symptoms

• Symptoms range from mild to lethal and include

a triad of cognitive (delirium, coma), autonomic

(hypertension, tachycardia, diaphoreses) and

somatic (myoclonus, hyperreflexia, tremor)


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MAO Inhibitors-D-D interactions

• Most serotonergic antidepressants should be

discontinued at least 2 weeks before starting a


• Fluoxetine, because of its long half-life, should be

discontinued for 4–5 weeks before an MAOI is


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MAO Inhibitors-D-D interactions

• Serious interaction with MAOIs occurs when an

MAOI is combined with tyramine in the diet (e.g.

smoked, aged, or pickled meat or fish, aged

cheeses, etc)

• MAOIs prevent the breakdown of tyramine in the

gut resulting in high serum levels that enhance

peripheral noradrenergic effects, including raising

BP dramatically (Hypertensive crisis)

• Can be minimized with a low-tyramine diet that

begins several days before starting the MAOI &

continues for 3-4 weeks after stopping the MAOI

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Youdim et al. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 7, 295–309 (April 2006) | doi:10.1038/nrn1883

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MAO Inhibitors-D-D interactions

• Serious hypertension can occur with concomitant

administration of OTC cough and cold

medications containing sympathomimetic amines

(pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine)-


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5-HT2 antagonists

• Agents: Nefazodone, Trazodone, mirtazapine and

mianserin (not marketed in the U.S.)

• Inhibition of 5-HT2A receptors in both animal and

human studies is associated with substantial

antianxiety, antipsychotic, and antidepressant


• Nefazodone is a weak inhibitor of both SERT and

NET, whereas trazodone is also a weak but

selective inhibitor of SERT

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5-HT2 antagonists

• Trazodone’s primary metabolite, m-cpp, is a

potent 5-HT2A antagonist, and much of

trazodone's benefits as an antidepressant might

be attributed to this effect

• Trazodone also has weak-to-moderate

presynaptic α-adrenergic–blocking properties and

is a modest antagonist of the H1 receptor

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5-HT2 antagonists

• Mirtazapine has a complex pharmacology:

1) It is an antagonist of 5-HT2 and 5-HT3


2) By blocking presynaptic α2-adrenoceptors

and enhances the release of both

norepinephrine and 5-HT

• Mirtazapine is a potent H1 antagonist, which is

associated with the drug's sedative effects

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5-HT2 antagonists- Clinical uses

• Depression: Mirtazapine can be advantagous

in patients with depression having sleep


• Low doses of trazodone (50-100 mg) have

been used widely both alone and concurrently

with SSRIs or SNRIs to treat insomnia

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I.5-HT2 antagonists- ADRs

1) Sedation (trazodone & mirtazapine): probably

because of their potent H1-blocking activity.

Sedation necessitates dosing at bedtime

2) Dose-related GIT SEs

3) Priapism: uncommon but serious side effect

requiring surgical intervention in one-third of the

cases reported

4) weight gain (mirtazapine)

5) Nefazodone has been associated with

hepatotoxicity, including rare fatalities and cases

of hepatic failure requiring transplantation

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II. Bupropion

• It acts as a weak dopamine and norepinephrine

reuptake inhibitor to alleviate the symptoms of


• Bupropion has virtually no direct effects on the

serotonin system

• Unlike the SSRIs, bupropion does not cause

sexual side effects

• It does not block muscarinic, histaminergic, or

adrenergic receptors

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Bupropion- Clinical uses

1) Depression

2) Bupropion is approved as a treatment for

smoking cessation • The mechanism by which bupropion is helpful in

this application is unknown, but the drug may

mimic nicotine's effects on dopamine and

norepinephrine and may antagonize nicotinic


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Bupropion & Mirtazapine- SEs

• Bupropion is occasionally associated with

CNS stimulations (agitation, insomnia, and


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Bupropion- D/D interactions

• Bupropion is metabolized primarily by

CYP2B6, and its metabolism may be altered

by drugs such as cyclophosphamide

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Block of Amine Pump for:


Sedation Anti-muscarinic Serotonin Norepinephrine Dopamine

Amitriptyline +++ +++ +++ ++ 0

Amoxapine ++ ++ + ++ +

Bupropion 0 0 +, 0 +, 0 ?

Citalopram 0 0 +++ 0 0

Clomipramine +++ ++ +++ +++ 0

Desipramine + + 0 +++ 0

Doxepin (Sinequan) +++ +++ ++ + 0

Fluoxetine (Prozac) + + +++ 0, + 0, +

Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 0 0 +++ 0 0

Imipramine (Tofranil) ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Maprotiline ++ ++ 0 +++ 0

Mirtazapine2 +++ 0 0 0 0

Nefazodone ++ +++ +, 0 0 0

Nortriptyline ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Paroxetine (Seroxat) + 0 +++ 0 0

Protriptyline 0 ++ ? +++ ?

Sertraline (Zoloft) + 0 +++ 0 0

Trazodone (Mesyrel) +++ 0 ++ 0 0

Venlafaxine (Efexor) 0 0 +++ ++ 0, +


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Block of Amine Pump for:


Sedation Anti-muscarinic Serotonin Norepinephrine Dopamine

Amitriptyline +++ +++ +++ ++ 0

Amoxapine ++ ++ + ++ +

Bupropion 0 0 +, 0 +, 0 ?

Citalopram 0 0 +++ 0 0

Clomipramine +++ ++ +++ +++ 0

Desipramine + + 0 +++ 0

Doxepin (Sinequan) +++ +++ ++ + 0

Fluoxetine + + +++ 0, + 0, +

Fluvoxamine 0 0 +++ 0 0

Imipramine (Tofranil) ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Maprotiline ++ ++ 0 +++ 0

Mirtazapine2 +++ 0 0 0 0

Nefazodone ++ +++ +, 0 0 0

Nortriptyline ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Paroxetine + 0 +++ 0 0

Protriptyline 0 ++ ? +++ ?

Sertraline + 0 +++ 0 0

Trazodone (Mesyrel) +++ 0 ++ 0 0

Venlafaxine 0 0 +++ ++ 0, +


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Block of Amine Pump for:


Sedation Anti-muscarinic Serotonin Norepinephrine Dopamine

Amitriptyline +++ +++ +++ ++ 0

Amoxapine ++ ++ + ++ +

Bupropion 0 0 +, 0 +, 0 ?

Citalopram 0 0 +++ 0 0

Clomipramine +++ ++ +++ +++ 0

Desipramine + + 0 +++ 0

Doxepin (Sinequan) +++ +++ ++ + 0

Fluoxetine + + +++ 0, + 0, +

Fluvoxamine 0 0 +++ 0 0

Imipramine (Tofranil) ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Maprotiline ++ ++ 0 +++ 0

Mirtazapine2 +++ 0 0 0 0

Nefazodone ++ +++ +, 0 0 0

Nortriptyline ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Paroxetine + 0 +++ 0 0

Protriptyline 0 ++ ? +++ ?

Sertraline + 0 +++ 0 0

Trazodone (Mesyrel) +++ 0 ++ 0 0

Venlafaxine (Efexor) 0 0 +++ ++ 0, +


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Block of Amine Pump for:


Sedation Anti-muscarinic Serotonin Norepinephrine Dopamine

Amitriptyline +++ +++ +++ ++ 0

Amoxapine ++ ++ + ++ +

Bupropion 0 0 +, 0 +, 0 ?

Citalopram 0 0 +++ 0 0

Clomipramine +++ ++ +++ +++ 0

Desipramine + + 0 +++ 0

Doxepin (Sinequan) +++ +++ ++ + 0

Fluoxetine (Prozac) + + +++ 0, + 0, +

Fluvoxamine (Luvox) 0 0 +++ 0 0

Imipramine (Tofranil) ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Maprotiline ++ ++ 0 +++ 0

Mirtazapine2 +++ 0 0 0 0

Nefazodone ++ +++ +, 0 0 0

Nortriptyline ++ ++ +++ ++ 0

Paroxetine (Seroxat) + 0 +++ 0 0

Protriptyline 0 ++ ? +++ ?

Sertraline (Zoloft) + 0 +++ 0 0

Trazodone (Mesyrel) +++ 0 ++ 0 0

Venlafaxine (Efexor) 0 0 +++ ++ 0, +

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor

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Chronic, severe

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SSRI lebih sering digunakan sebagai pilihan pertama karena efek sampingnya yang lebih rendah daripada TCA

Penggunaan TCA (desipramin dan nortriptilin) juga bisa dilakukan karena range kadar plasma, efikasi dan profile ADRnya sudah diketahui, tetapi harus diberikan dengan hati-hati

Trazodon, nefazodon, dan bupropion juga dapat dipilih karena efek samping anti kolinergik dan efek kardiovaskulernya relatif rendah

Dosis inisial pada pasien geriatri sebaiknya setengah dari dosis inisial untuk dewasa, dan kemudian bisa ditingkatkan pelan-pelan

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Data yang mendukung penggunaan SSRI

maupun TCA pada anak-anak masih sangat

sedikit, tetapi SSRI nampaknya lebih bisa

ditoleransi dan lebih aman

Perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan ECG sebelum

memulai terapi

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Secara umum, lebih baik digunakan terapi non-obat Tetapi jika diperlukan obat, harus dipertimbangkan

risiko dan manfaat Beberapa studi melaporkan bahwa : untreated

depression during pregnancy appears to carry substantial perinatal risks, which include suicidal ideation; increased risk for miscarriages, hypertension, preeclampsia, and lower birth weight; and, importantly, an increased risk for postpartum depression perlu diatasi

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SSRIs merupakan obat antidepresan yang paling banyak dipakai wanita ada bukti bahwa ia bekerja lebih efektif pada wanita

Laporan menunjukkan tidak ada gangguan pada janin jika digunakan pada kehamilan

Beberapa SSRI yang banyak dipakai pada kehamilan: fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil).

Fluoxetine : paling banyak diteliti pemakaiannya pada kehamilan tidak ada efek negatif terhadap janin maupun perkembangan selanjutnya

Sertralin, paroxetin dan citalopram juga telah diteliti aman bagi kehamilan

Dari golongan TCA : Nortriptilin atau desipramin bisa dipilih karena sudah banyak data tentang obat ini dan kadar terapetik plasmanya sudah diketahui dgn baik.

Jika penggunaan TCA akan dihentikan, harus dikurangi dosisnya secara perlahan untuk mencegah gejala putus obat. Jika mungkin tappering dapat dimulai 5-10 hari sebelum hari perkiraan melahirkan.

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Jika respon tidak tercapai dalam waktu 6 – 8 minggu terapi, maka ganti dengan antidepresan lain dg golongan sama, jika belum berhasil, diganti ke antidepresan golongan yang lain

Evidence: > 50% pasien yang gagal terhadap sertralin, memberikan respon baik terhadap fluoksetin(J Clin Psychiatry. 1997 Jan;58(1):16-21.)

Evidence: diperoleh manfaat positif untuk mengganti (switch) obat dari SSRI ke TCA atau sebaliknya pada pasien yang mengalami depresi kronik dan resisten terhadap antidepresan, misalnya switching antara sertralin dengan imipramin(Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002 Mar;59(3):233-9.)

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Untuk respon yang parsial, American Psychiatric Association menyarankan penambahan antidepressant dengan klas terapi lain, seperti : lithium, thyroid supplementation, atypical antipsychotics, dan dopamine agonists.

Symbyax : contoh kombinasi olanzapine-fluoxetine (Zyprexa-Prozac) telah disetujui di US untuk mengatasi depresi bipolar

Strategi kombinasi meliputi penggunaan 2 atau lebih anti depresan dari golongan yang berbeda dengan sasaran satu atau lebih neurotransmiter dengan tujuan mencapai hasil yang lebih menguntungkan

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Sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pasien yang mendapat terapi dengan nefazadone (Serzone) plus suatu bentuk short-term psychotherapy yang disebut Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) memberikan hasil terapi yang lebih baik secara signifikan (85 % response, 42 % remission) dibandingkan dengan pasien yang mendapat terapi dengan Serzone saja (55 % response, 22 % remission) atau CBASP saja (52 % response, 24 % remission).N Engl J Med. 2000 May 18;342(20):1462-70.)

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Sebuah studi meta-analysis terhadap percobaan pada 31 placebo controlled antidepressant menjumpai bahwa penggunaan antidepresan secara berkelanjutan mengurangi resiko kambuh sebesar 70 %. (Lancet. 2003 Feb 22;361(9358):653-61.)

The American Psychiatric Association menyarankan untuk terapi lanjutan selama 4-5 bulan setelah hilangnya gejala.

Untuk pasien yang punya riwayat depresi kambuhan, the British Association for Psychopharmacology's 2000 Evidence Based Guidelines for Treating Depressive Disorders with Antidepressants menyarankan untuk tetap meneruskan terapi antidepresan sedikitnya 6 bulan sampai lima tahun, atau tidak terbatas (seumur hidup).

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Fase akut : 6 – 8 minggu pada dosis terapi penuh dengan tujuan mengurangi dan menghilangkan gejala

Fase lanjutan(continuation): terapi selama 4-9 bulan berikutnya pada dosis terapi penuh dengan tujuan mencegah kekambuhan dan kembalinya gejala depresi

Fase pemeliharaan :

untuk pasien dg riwayat 3 atau lebih episode depresi pelihara terapi pada dosis penuh selama 1-2 tahun berikutnya

Untuk pasien dengan riwayat 2 atau lebih episode dalam 5 tahun pelihara dengan terapi dosis penuh seumur hidup

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Hilangnya gejala depresi, perbaikan fungsi sosial dan okupasional

Adverse reaction, spt: sedasi, efek antikolinergik, disfungsi seksual

Pasien di atas 40 th sebaiknya diperiksa ECG sebelum memulai terapi TCA, dan ECG dapat dilakukan secara periodik selama terapi

Pantau masih/tidaknya ide untuk bunuh diri Jika pasien mendapat venlafaksin atau TCA yang

diberikan bersama antihipertensi yg memblok saraf adrenergik harus dipantau tekanan darahnya