Horary Vedic Astrology (Tajika)

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  • 8/9/2019 Horary Vedic Astrology (Tajika)



    Horary Vedic Astrology


    This is an example lesson from the advanced course Applied Vedic Astrology. For more information click here

    Questions? Send email to: roelanddirah.org

    There are three important !ranches of Vedic Astrology: "arashari Astrology on #hich the main part of this course is !ased$ %aimini

    Astrology and Ta&ika Astrology.

    For someone #ith a !ackground in 'estern Astrology Ta&ika Astrology is particularly interesting !ecause it makes use of aspects in

    almost the same #ay that 'estern Astrologers do. (nly the terminology is different. )nstead of *aspects+ the Ta&ika Astrologers

    speak of *yogas+. Ta&ika Astrology is mainly practised in ,orthern )ndia. )t is a product of the mixture !et#een Ara!$ -reek and

    )ndian culture. uriously enough it is almost never used for analysis of the !irthchart$ !ut mainly for horary astrology or Varshaphal

    chart analysis /solar return chart0.

    Some non1traditional Vedic Astrologers make not only use of "arashari aspects !ut also of the aspects #hich are used in Ta&ika

    Astrology #hen analy2ing a !irthchart. Some people think they are using something out of 'estern system in Vedic Astrology.

    3o#ever$ Ta&ika Astrology is a truly )ndian system. Therefore it is not really that strange to use 'estern or Ta&ika aspects in Vedic


    4. 567AT)(,S3)"S A,8 AS"6TS 96T'66, "7A,6TS

    )n Ta&ika Astrology planets #hich have a kendra relationship to each other have a hostile relationship. endra relationship means

    they are either in the same sign$ four$ seven or ten houses from each other.

    "lanets #hich are ; signs or 44 signs from each other have a friendly relationship.

    "lanets #hich are < or = signs from each other have a very friendly relationship.

    "lanets #hich are >4> or @ signs from each other have a neutral relationship.

    3o#ever$ they only form aspects if they are #ithin a certain or! of influence from each other.

    ontrary to modern 'estern Astrology the or! depends not on the nature of the aspect$ !ut on the planets #hich are making theaspect. )t is interesting to kno# that this system #as also used in Bedieval 'estern Astrology.

    This is an overvie# of the or!s of influence: Sun 4< degrees$ Boon 4> degrees$ Bars degrees$ Bercury C degrees$ %upiter =

    degrees$ Venus C degrees$ Saturn = degrees.

    )n traditional Vedic Astrology Dranus$ ,eptune and "luto are not used. 3o#ever$ if you use them ) #ould advice an or! of C degrees.

    ,o# the maximum or! that an aspect !et#een t#o planets is allo#ed to have is calculated !y adding the t#o or!s of influence and

    then dividing it !y >.

    An example: for the Sun and the Boon to have an aspect the maximum or! should !e /40:> 4;.

  • 8/9/2019 Horary Vedic Astrology (Tajika)


    )thasala yoga: This yoga is made if a faster planet has a lesser longitude than a slo#er planet. This yoga is !eneficial$ !ecause the

    planets approach each other and in the future the aspect #ill !e exact. This is the moment #hen the promise of the aspect #ill !e

    fullfilled. )n 'estern astrology this is called an applying aspect.

    An example: 7et us say #e have the Boon at @ degrees Taurus and Saturn and 4I degrees apricorn. The Boon is the faster planet$

    !ecause of this there #ill come a time #hen the aspect #ill !e exact /pro!a!ly #hen the Boon has reached 4I degrees Taurus0. )n

    this case the aspect is a trine /!eneficial0 and the yoga is !eneficial. Hoga and aspect are !eneficial$ therefore good results may !e

    expected. The results are even !etter !ecause the t#o planets are in good shape. The Boon is in its sign of exaltation and Saturn is

    in its o#n sign. Therefore the results may !e outstanding.

    )f Saturn #ould !e at 4I degrees in 7eo$ then #e also have an )thasala yoga. 3o#ever$ the aspect is a sGuare and therefore not

    !eneficial. The results #ill !e reached #ith more difficulty. )t is also nota!le that Saturn is not in its o#n sign and therefore in less

    good shape than in the previous example. Some authors feel that if the aspect #ould !e an opposition results may !e even more

    difficult to o!tain$ !ecause the opposition is considered !y these authors to !e the most malefic aspect.

    6asarapha yoga: This yoga is formed #hen a faster moving planet has a greater longitude than a slo#er moving planet. )n this case

    the planets are seperating /in 'estern Astrology this is called the seperating aspect0. 9ecause the planets are seperating loss is

    indicated. This is a malefic aspect.

    An example: )f the Boon is at @ degrees Taurus and Saturn is at > degrees apricorn #e have an 6asarapha yoga$ !ecause the

    Boon is seperating from Saturn. Bay!e in the past there have !een positive developments !ut not much ne# developments are

    indicated. Some authors feel that if the or! is less than 4 degree developments are possi!le. That means that if the Boon is at @

    degrees Taurus and Saturn at < degrees apricorn good results may !e expecte$ especially since in this case the aspect is a trine

    and is !eneficial. )f the yoga and the aspect are good than outstanding results are possi!le.

    ,akta yoga: ,o# #e come to yogas #hich are a !it more complicated. )t is possi!le that there is no aspect !et#een t#o planets !ut

    that a faster moving planet$ in most cases the Boon aspects them !oth. 6specially if these t#o aspects are )thasala Hogas results

    may !e expected.

    An example: )f #e have Saturn and 4I degrees apricorn and %upiter at 44 degrees AGuarius then there is no aspect !et#een these

    planets. 3o#ever if the Boon is at C degrees Taurus the Boon makes a trine to Saturn and then a sGuare to %upiter.

    This particular situation may indicate success !ut also some struggle and disappointment !ecause of the sGuare #hich the Boon

    makes to %upiter.

    )n horary astrology the Boon may represent a third party #hich tries to help. 3o#ever$ the result #ill not !e fully satisfying !ecause

    of the sGuare aspect.

    Hamaya yoga: This is the opposite of the ,akta yoga. )n this case a slo#er moving planet makes aspects to t#o faster moving

    planets that do not aspect each other.

    Suppose #e have Saturn at 4I degrees apricorn. The Boon is at < degrees Taurus and Bars is at @ degrees Aries. The Boon and

    Bars do not aspect each other$ !ut they do aspect Saturn. The Boon makes a trine to Saturn and Bars makes a sGuare.

    Again in horary astrology Saturn may represent a third party !ut especially in this case it is dou!tful #hether he #ill succeed

    !ecause the sGuare !et#een a strong Bars and a strong Saturn may suggest a fight.

    There are all kind of special cases$ #hich also have their o#n yogas. 3o#ever$ the principle is al#ays the same. )t is auspicious if

    someho# energies of t#o planets come together. 6specially if this happens !y making auspicious aspects. Although the con&unction

    in Ta&ika astrology is not regarded as favoura!le ) do think that in the astrology of Guestions #e can consider the con&unction cases

    as favoura!le.

    ) do not intend to pay attention to all the Ta&ika yogas as this is mentioned to !e an introduction only$ !ut pay attention to the

    follo#ing cases:

    1 'atch #hether planets are going retrograde or change direction in the near future. )t is possi!le that !ecause of this an )thasala

    yoga develops in an 6asarapha yoga or the other #ay around.

    1 )t may !e possi!le that planets make an auspicious aspect and that this aspect is an )thasala yoga$ !ut that !efore this aspect is

    full a third planet makes inauspicious aspects to !oth. 6specially if that third planet is a malefic the *intervention+ of the third planet

    may cause failure. Bay!e you kno# the experience that you #ere planning a date #ith someone !ut !efore the date materiali2ed he

    or she ran off #ith someone else.

    ;. (,S)865AT)(,S '36, A,A7HJ),- A 3A5T

    'hat is important in a horary chart is that the first dasa or !hukti is auspicious. This is not al#ays done #hen a Guestion isans#ered$ !ut it is #hen #e have an election chart. )t is important that the first dasa or !hukti is not too !ad. That means the dasa

    and !hukti lord should !e strong in the chart /not com!ust$ in fall$ in dushtana houses or !adly aspected0 and they should rule good

    houses$ #hich prefera!ly have something to do #ith the activity for #hich the electionchart is made.

    K. 6LAB"76 (F A 3(5A5H 3A5T /ATTA (, D'A)T )TH0

  • 8/9/2019 Horary Vedic Astrology (Tajika)


    9elo# you can see an example of a horary chart. This is the horary of the attack of )raG on u#ait ity. )t is not the horary of the

    attack on u#ait$ !ut a horary of the attack on the capital. The attack on the capital sym!oli2es the fall of the country.


    | Name: Attack on Kuwait City Prepared By: Roeland De Looff |

    | Birt Date: !"-!#-$%%! &eekday: 'ur(day |

    | 'ime: ":!!:!! )*': ":!!:!! |

    | 'ime one: ! &e(t ' Name: )reenwic *ean 'ime |

    | Latitude: "% "!,!! Nort Location: Kuwait |

    | Lon.itude: /0 1%,!! 2a(t Ayanam(a: Lairi "3 /3,/4 |

    | |

    | Ra(i An.le and 5i.n Nak(atra6 Lord6 Pada6 5ound 7elocity |

    | -------------------------- --------------------------- -------- |

    |A(cendant: $3 !#,"# Cancer Pu(yami 5aturn 3 89 !#4 |

    | 5un: $1 /%,!1 Cancer Pu(yami 5aturn / DA !%4 || *oon: "/ !#,"3 5corpio ;ey(ta *ercury 3 Ketu e.innin. on ""-!$-$%%# at a.e 0y 1m "!d for /m "0d |

    | K2'> 7enu( e.innin. on $%-!4-$%%# at a.e 0y $!m $0d for $/m !d |

    | K2'> 5un e.innin. on $%-!#-$%%% at a.e %y !m $0d for /m 4d |

    | K2'> *oon e.innin. on "1-$"-$%%% at a.e %y /m "3d for 0m !d |

    | K2'> *ar( e.innin. on "1-!0-"!!! at a.e %y $$m "3d for /m "0d |

    | K2'> Rau e.innin. on ""-$"-"!!! at a.e $!y /m "!d for $"m $#d |

    | K2'> ;upiter e.innin. on $!-!$-"!!" at a.e $$y 1m #d for $$m 4d |

    | K2'> 5aturn e.innin. on $4-$"-"!!" at a.e $"y /m $/d for $3m %d |

    | K2'> *ercury e.innin. on "1-!$-"!!/ at a.e $3y 1m "3d for $$m "0d |

    )n a horary chart the first house sym!oli2es the person #ho takes the initiative. )t can !e the Guestioner$ the person #ho pays you a

    visit or in this case the attacker.

    The attacker is sym!oli2ed !y a lot of planets #hich contain different messages. First #e see an exalted %upiter in the first. This

    could sym!oli2e the fact that )raG #as stronger than u#ait and captured the city Guickly. 3o#ever$ )raG is also represented !y a

    Sunetu con&unction. This sym!oli2es mistakes$ deceipt and #rong decisions. 6specially since etu is close to the ascendant and

    therefore has the strongest influence of all the planets in the first house. )raG is also sym!oli2ed !y the lord of the first house$ #hich

    is a fallen Boon in Scorpio.

  • 8/9/2019 Horary Vedic Astrology (Tajika)


    u#ait is sym!oli2ed !y 5ahu in the seventh house$ #hich is not great either and !y Saturn /lord C0 in the sixth$ a dushtana house.

    The country seems to !e in a poor condition and #as not a!le to resist the attack. Saturn seems to !e an appropiate planet to

    sym!oli2e a rather conservative country. Saturn is retrograde. u#ait cannot do anything a!out the situation.

    The first dasa1!hukti is Bercury15ahu. Bercury is lord of the t#elfth /loss0 and third /energy and courage0. (f course in an attack a

    lot of energy is !eing used$ !ut in this case it only led to loss. Bercury$ the lord of the t#elfth$ is in the second. Hes$ the attack

    meaned a #aste of resources and money.

    5ahu in the seventh is appropiate for a country /u#ait0 #hich is more or less raped.

    )f #e look at the aspects it is interesting that a strong Bars in the tenth makes an )thasala trine to Saturn /lord C0. Therefore help is

    on the #ay for u#ait in the form of a strong Bars /maximum or! for aspect made !y Bars $ for aspects made !y Saturn =$

    therefore the maximum or! is .0 and Saturn /lord of the C in the @0. 9ecaue

    this is an )thasala yoga it tells therefore a!out the future. 3o#ever$ it is not auspicious since it is an opposition. The opposition is

    the #orst aspect.

    Venus is lord of the fourth house and sym!oli2es the soil and environment of u#ait. 'e all kno# that #hen the )raGi army

    retreated they opened the oil #ells #hich created an enormous polution. This seems to !e descri!ed !y this particular aspect.

    6specially since loss$ polution and fluits all have to do #ith the t#elfth house in #hich Venus is located.

  • 8/9/2019 Horary Vedic Astrology (Tajika)


    kno#ledge in #hich case it falls under the second house. )f you are mainly interested in this course !ecause it ena!les you to get a

    certificate$ it may even fall under the fourth house. Boreover$ if you see as astrology mainly as !eing *an occult science+ it may fall

    under the eighth house. Therefore$ !efore you start making the exercise comtemplate on #hat astrology means for you.

    )nterprete the chartM

    eep in mind that especially #hen #e are dealing #ith su!&ects #hich have to do #ith spirituality /for most ho#ever not all people

    astrology is a spiritual discipline0 the th and 4>th houses are not completely inauspicious. )ndeed$ they are moksha houses and

    can !ring spiritual li!eration. They may not !e easy houses for daily activities$ !ut in this case if you encounter them during the

    interpretation do not see them as &ust inauspicious. For an astrologer these may !e very valua!le houses.