MHOO53  Q1. Define HMIS. Discuss its benefits in detail. Health Management Information System is an information system specially designed to assist in the management and planning of health programmes, as opposed to deliver.  1. Better Resource Utilization !ele"diagnostic features allo# for $etter utilization of ph ysicians and related hospital staff% there$y e&pediting diagnoses. 'otential effects include greater satisfaction of  providers, patients and their families, and possi$le increased retenti on rates of staff. (. Increa sed )iagnosti c *ccuracy )iagno sis accuracy is al#ays a huge concern for the medical community% therefore, the !ele"diagnostic phase of a HMIS pro+ect is considered a primary $enefit. It is easier for '' s -'rimary are 'roviders to get e&peditious diagnoses, for doctors to get second opinions and for educators to correctly train our ne&t generation of physicians. !his greater access to specialists helps ensure that more patients #ill get the appropriate level of care and therefore $e treated correctly, the first time. /.0reater isi$ility and !rac2ing HMIS allo#s for greater visi$ility and trac2ing of patient health information, provid es 3uality infor mation, popula tion trends, and $usiness transactions. loser  patient monitoring results in decisions at earlier disease states and earlier interventions, #ith less associated costs and fe#er hospitalizations. !rac2ing physician diagnostic accuracy can reduce malpractice claims and related medical errors% furthermore population trend trac2ing more rapidly resolves epidemic and health issues. 4. Inc rea sed 'roduc ti vit y of the Healt h Sys tem HMI S all o#s for the routi ng of cons ult s to a specialty hospital rather than to a general net#or2 hospital or provider. *t sites #here specialists are not utilized to capacity, the health system can eventually shift the #or2load to improve utilization. !his #ould allo# for $etter utilization of physicians at remote sites, #ith the potential for primary care providers providing the needed care #ith guidance and evaluations from the specialists. 5. Increased *$ility to 6nhance and Measure Health and 7itness of ' atients By improving access to tele"evaluations in a timely manner, technology ena$les the early coordination and treatment of learning disa$ilities and associated health conditions, thus improving the health status of patients. 8. Increased 6conomic 'roducti vity !he provi sion of ade3uate healt hcare services to the citizens #ill provide a healthier, happier citizenship. In addition, any efficient system #ill reduce stress and therefore $etter serve your nation. 9. Improved Utilization of Health System Staff ing Model !he opportunity to $ette r use specialis t care $y consulting at remote clinics and the a$ility to fill unproductive do#ntime is a possi$le HMIS $enefit. )epending upon the magnitude and span of the final pro+ect, a reduction in the size and s2ill mi& of the health system"staffing model is pro$a$le. Improved access may result in shortened or avoided hospital stays, and a mar2ed increase in health status of the patient and family. :. Increas ed *$i li ty to 'romote and Measur e 'at ie nt - it izen Sati sf acti on HMIS ena$l es colla$oration $et#een physicians, patients, and ancillary professionals #ith access to specialists and impro ved access to inform ation. !his colla$oration #ill impr ove provid er satisfaction and lead to improved retention rates and enhanced patient care. !he improved information directly relates to considera$le improvements in the 3uality of care and patient satisfaction.


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 Q1. Define HMIS. Discuss its benefits in detail.

Health Management Information System is an information system specially designed to assist in the

management and planning of health programmes, as opposed to deliver. 

1. Better Resource Utilization !ele"diagnostic features allo# for $etter utilization of physicians andrelated hospital staff% there$y e&pediting diagnoses. 'otential effects include greater satisfaction of 

 providers, patients and their families, and possi$le increased retention rates of staff.

(. Increased )iagnostic *ccuracy )iagnosis accuracy is al#ays a huge concern for the medical

community% therefore, the !ele"diagnostic phase of a HMIS pro+ect is considered a primary $enefit.It is easier for ''‟s -'rimary are 'roviders to get e&peditious diagnoses, for doctors to get

second opinions and for educators to correctly train our ne&t generation of physicians. !his greater 

access to specialists helps ensure that more patients #ill get the appropriate level of care andtherefore $e treated correctly, the first time.

/.0reater isi$ility and !rac2ing HMIS allo#s for greater visi$ility and trac2ing of patient health

information, provides 3uality information, population trends, and $usiness transactions. loser  patient monitoring results in decisions at earlier disease states and earlier interventions, #ith less

associated costs and fe#er hospitalizations. !rac2ing physician diagnostic accuracy can reduce

malpractice claims and related medical errors% furthermore population trend trac2ing more rapidly

resolves epidemic and health issues.4. Increased 'roductivity of the Health System HMIS allo#s for the routing of consults to a

specialty hospital rather than to a general net#or2 hospital or provider. *t sites #here specialists are

not utilized to capacity, the health system can eventually shift the #or2load to improve utilization.!his #ould allo# for $etter utilization of physicians at remote sites, #ith the potential for primary

care providers providing the needed care #ith guidance and evaluations from the specialists.

5. Increased *$ility to 6nhance and Measure Health and 7itness of 'atients By improving access to

tele"evaluations in a timely manner, technology ena$les the early coordination and treatment of learning disa$ilities and associated health conditions, thus improving the health status of patients.

8. Increased 6conomic 'roductivity !he provision of ade3uate healthcare services to the citizens

#ill provide a healthier, happier citizenship. In addition, any efficient system #ill reduce stress and

therefore $etter serve your nation.

9. Improved Utilization of Health System Staffing Model !he opportunity to $etter use specialist

care $y consulting at remote clinics and the a$ility to fill unproductive do#ntime is a possi$leHMIS $enefit. )epending upon the magnitude and span of the final pro+ect, a reduction in the size

and s2ill mi& of the health system"staffing model is pro$a$le. Improved access may result inshortened or avoided hospital stays, and a mar2ed increase in health status of the patient and family.

:. Increased *$ility to 'romote and Measure 'atient -itizen Satisfaction HMIS ena$lescolla$oration $et#een physicians, patients, and ancillary professionals #ith access to specialists and

improved access to information. !his colla$oration #ill improve provider satisfaction and lead to

improved retention rates and enhanced patient care. !he improved information directly relates toconsidera$le improvements in the 3uality of care and patient satisfaction.

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;. 'rovision of 6arlier Intervention !he importance of early intervention in evaluation and

treatment cannot $e stressed enough. <ormally, the initial patient presentation is in a primary care

setting. Referral to a specialist adds a time delay, a stress factor to the patient and the potential thatthe patient #ill not return.

Q2. Explain the steps involved in desinin and i!ple!entation of Hospital Info"!ation


 1. System )esigning " System design is the creative, technical process of converting information

system re3uirements into a detailed set of specifications for a system. Selection of a design

approach for a health services information system should $e $ased upon completed systemsanalysis, and should $e carried out in accordance #ith the master plan for information systems

development. Systems design is the technical process of converting information system

re3uirements into a detailed set of specifications for the ne# systems.

(. 7orms )esigning* form designing is the process of preparing the re3uired format of the forms to capture the data

and to present reports. !he designing of the forms should $e of standard chronological order anduser friendly, so that capturing and 2eying of the data $y the end users #ill $e made easy. !he forms

should have a clear heading as to the forms are meant for, and the data la$eling #hich identifies the

data name for the data to $e entered. )ata capturing area should $e highlighted in such a #ay thatno data #ill $e left an entered. * data chec2 system should also $e made to see if any data is left

free #ithout $eing entered. !here should a mechanism that should give a caution message $efore

going for the ne&t process.

/. )ata )esigning -!a$le )efinition!he )ata designing is the selection of the data to $e used. !he names given to the data should $e

closely related to the item #hich is going to $e stored -e.g. the data name in #hich the patient=s

name is to $e stored can $e >ptname>. !hen for each data item, the type of the data should $edecided. !he type of data can $e alpha$etic, numeric or alphanumeric, etc. !he data items list,

involved in the #hole information system has to $e prepared along #ith the information such as the

name of the data, data type, description -for #hat it is going to $e used #ith e&amples. !he datathat is selected should $e supported #ith detailed description to clarify the data used #ith e&amples.

4. )ata 7lo# )iagram

)ata 7lo# )iagram is a graphic tool and analyzes the movement of data through a system, manual

or automated, including the process, storing of data and delays in the system. )ata flo# diagramsare the central tool and $asis from #hich the other components are developed. !he transformation

of data from input to output, through the process, may $e descri$ed logically and independently of 

the physical components. 7or e&ample computers, file ca$inets, dis2 units and #ord processorsassociated #ith the system. !hey are termed as logical data flo# diagrams. In contrast, the physical

data flo# diagrams sho# the actual implementation and the movement of the data $et#een people,

departments, and #or2 stations.

Q3. Explain tele!edicine. Discuss the cu""ent scena"io of tele!edicine in India.

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!elemedicine is a part of 6"health. !elemedicine is the e&change of medical

information through an audiovisual medium. It is usually done #hen the distance $ecomes a crucial factor for medical consultations. !elemedicine is ma2ing rapid

 progress in the field of medicine.

urrent scenario of telemedicine in India.

India, #ith its diverse landmass and huge population, is an ideal settingfor 

telemedicine. !elemedicine activities #ere started in 1;;;. !he IndianSpace Research

?rganization has $een deploying a S*!?M"$ased tele"medicine net#or2 across thecountry since that year. arious government agencies@)epartment of Information

!echnology and Ministry of Health 7amily Aelfare, state governments, premier 

medical and technical institutions of India@have ta2en initiatives #ith the aim to

 provide 3uality health"care facilities to the rural and remote parts of the country. !he0overnment of India has planned and implemented various national"level pro+ects and

also e&tended telemedicine services to South *sian and *frican countries. 6fforts areta2ing place in the field of medical e"learning $y esta$lishing digital medical li$raries.

Some institutions that are actively involved in tele"medicine activities have started

curriculum and no curriculum telemedicine training programs. !o support telemedicineactivities #ithin the country, the )epartment of Information !echnology has defined the

Standards for !elemedicine Systems and the Ministry of Health 7amily Aelfare has

onstituted the <ational !elemedicine !as2 7orce. !here are various gov" ernment and

 private telemedicine solution providers and a fe# societies and associations activelyengaged to create a#areness a$out telemedicine #ithin the country. Aith its large

medical and I! manpo#er and e&pertise in these areas, India holds great promise and

has emerged as a leader in the field of telemedicine.

Q$. Desc"ibe the facto"s that have led to "evie% the cu""ent health polic#.

!he follo#ing factors have led to revie# the current health policy

• !he decentralisation program planned $y the government includes the division of health

services. !his plan also directs the transfer of authorities and responsi$ilities to variousdivisions of health service systems.

Rise in the num$er of donor agencies that operate in their o#n #ay, needs a $etter co"ordination

!he paradigm of ho# #e vie# chronic diseases is also shifting. !he relationship $et#een chronicdiseases and non"communica$le diseases has often $een confused as synonymous, or at least

closely lin2ed% ho#ever, this notion is increasingly $eing e&posed as outdated. !oday, #e 2no# that

infectious agents such as human papillomavirus -H', hepatitis B virus -HB, and Helico$acter

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 pylori can cause cancer of the cervi&, liver, and stomach, respectively. Moreover, as life

e&pectancies rise in most countries due to $etter and more availa$le healthcare, chronic disease

 prevalence is increasing in populations that perhaps #ould have had shorter life e&pectancy in the past, presenting ne# demands for struggling health systems to improve the health of the middle"

aged and the elderly. Ci2e#ise, our 2no#ledge on ho# to com$at some diseases such as HID*I)S,

is gradually transforming once fatal infectious diseases into long"term chronic conditions.

!hese trends, together #ith the #orld#ide increase in hypertension and cancer due to population

aging and modifications in health $ehaviors, contri$ute to the sharp rise in the prevalence of chronicdiseases. !hese pathologies no# cause the greatest share of death and disa$ility in the #orld. In

(EE5, at least /5 million people of all ages, nationalities, and socioeconomic levels died from heart

disease, stro2e, cancer, dia$etes, respiratory disease, and other chronic diseases.4 In this paper, #e

have chosen to focus on three ma+or chronic conditions cardiovascular disease -) -heartdisease and stro2e, cancer, and dia$etes. !ogether, these conditions are not only responsi$le for

most chronic disease mor$idity, $ut also around 45 percent of total mortality #orld#ide.

Q5. Explain the sinificance of health info"!ation s#ste! in nu"sin education.

Health Information System in the nursing education helps the future nurses to analyse, ho# this

type of an information system #ould assist them in their day to day activities, #hich #e discussedin the previous section. Before discussing a$out the significance of Health Information Systems in

nursing education, let us 3uic2ly get an understanding of the Health Information System.

Health Information System is defined as, >* com$ination of health statistics from various sources,

used to derive information a$out health status, health care, provision and use of services, andimpact on health>.

Health Information System is an information system that refers to the science of management ofinformation in health care, and its application to support clinical research, decision ma2ing, and

 practice. It deals #ith the conditions under #hich data and records are shared #ith other fields, or

areas that improve patient care. It is e&tensively used in the fields of nursing, clinical care, medicalresearch, and pharmacy. It includes information and communication systems, clinical guidelines,

and formal medical terminologies. In short, it applies to all su$+ects that involve information

technology, health care, and the interaction of information.

 <urses must $e educated in Health Information Systems, to prepare them to participate in theimplementation of the system. !hey must also $e informed a$out the importance of data integrity, to

support decision ma2ing related to patient care. *ppropriate methods must $e implemented to train

this #or2force, #ith the recognition that an investment in training can $ring a$out the $est of allthat is already $eing invested in highly s2illed and specialised nurses. !his also tells us that, it is

important for nurses to $e familiar #ith the potential influence that the Health Information Systems

implementation, can have on nursing practice, the nursing profession, and on advancing nursing2no#ledge.

!he significance of Health Information System in nursing education for the nurses #ill assist them

in their prospective career in the follo#ing #ays

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F It helps them to ta2e initiative in the adoption of a successful electronic Health Information


F It helps them to analyse the importance and use of Health Information Systems.

F It helps them to analyse ho# the healthcare industry is $ecoming more reliant on technology to

manage patient records, compare and store diagnosis, and to 2eep trac2 of patients= medications.F It helps to learn the #or2ing of medical soft#are programs, em$edded in Health Information


F It helps them to 2no# the procedure to assist the doctors to revie# any patients= full medical

 $ac2ground. !his revie# is needed in order to ma2e a diagnosis, prescri$e medications, recommendsurgery or ma2e changes to patient care.

Q&. 'he Hospital !anae!ent is at c"oss"oads ( the dile!!a faced b# the! is %hethe" the#

should auto!ate the !edical "eco"ds depa"t!ent in the hospital o" continue usin the !anual

"eco"ds sto"ae s#ste!. )ith #ou" *no%lede about elect"onic !edical "eco"ds+ ho% %ill #ou

help the! in ta*in the "iht decision in this "ea"d,

-dvantaes of EM 6MR contains medical history of your patients #hich include treatment or medical procedure, drugs

they are allergic to and so on. 6MR provides completeness in the patientsG data, #hich consists of $oth past and current medications.

Some of the advantages of implementing 6MR soft#are are

F Repository of vital clinical information *n integrated electronic medical record system helpsyou to access medical records at the speed of modern computer. It can also manage, share, collect

and protect all the vital medical information #ithout lose.

F Manage ris2 at lo#er cost !he 6MR systems provide (4"hour information, #hich help to ma2e $etter decision, reduce errors, improve results, and lo#er the ris2 of negligence. Information such as

admission, service delivery, codingD$illing accuracy, treatment, la$, and all other

information of the clinical operations are #ell maintained at the lo#er operating costs. 6&ample!he Medical 0roup Management *ssociation recently calculated that staffing per physician can $e

reduced after implementing an 6MR system.

F uality of care uality patient care is o$tained $y integrating and retaining your patients=

information. 6MR maintains privacy re3uirements $y providing the $usiness professional an

appropriate access to its patient data. It offers clinical treatments on time and good tools to managethe entire process.

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F Information Integration apa$ility Integrated solutions create a clinical healthcare system that

com$ines the critical patient information #ith the varied departments. !he 6MR system interacts

#ith e&ternal system such as Ca$oratories, 'harmacies, Imaging entres and Hospitals via HC9interfaces. Aith this information integration capa$ility, you can facilitate $etter 3uality care and

manage ris2s.

'he !a/o" "easons to bu# an EM a"e0

F !o help general practitioners at remote locations in see2ing e&pert specialists= advice locatedelse#here in the #orld.

F !o have 3uic2 and easy transfer of patient details for sharing #ith other doctorsDinstitutes.

F !o have more afforda$le private practice.

F !o develop the 3uality of care.!o help general practitioners at remote locations in see2ing e&pert specialists= advice located

else#here in the #orld

0lo$alisation and interopera$ility of 6MR systems in different countries has helped general

 practitioners to see2 guidance from specialists located in other cities or a$road. 6MR assures thataccurate medical record and history are availa$le to physicians and medical e&perts regardless of

their geographic locations.

etu"n on Invest!ent OI0

!he concept of Return on Investment -R?I is similar to that of ost Benefit *nalysis. !his is

considered as final steps in the selection process. ou must $e overloo2 the pu$licity of some

vendor=s claims and must concentrate on some practices that have e&perienced their R?I related

claims.*t the same time, you must loo2 after the general costs in 6MR implementation such as $illing,

net#or2ing and other computer systems. Implementation of 6MR soft#are #ill also incur some

additional costs such as hard#are and soft#are maintenance and upgradation.