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Hermanus Times 05/12/2013

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Hermanus Times 05/12/2013

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  • Jou Koerant Your Newspaper


    THURSDAY, 5 DECEMBER 2013 | Tel 028 312 3717 | Fax 028 312 4316 Hermanustimes.mobi/www.hermanustimes.co.za


    Hyundai Hermanus

    Hermanus Business Park


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    Pottie Potgieter

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    Jake se



    Bl. 2

    Tiaan Boshoff is sy

    fiets, rystoel en

    kunsbeen kwyt.

    Dit word nie

    gebruik nie s


    Bl. 5

    KARATE KICKS GALORE: SA JKAs yearend event was held outdoors at the Old Boys Club on Saturday afternoon. The team event

    format gave parents the opportunity to see their children perform. The Tatami mats were laid out, and parents got to watch two hours

    of quality karate. The black belt demonstration was the highlight and Sensei Ronnie performed a kata demonstration to finish off the

    event. Many awards were handed over too, including best junior woman Mignon Van Zyl; best junior man Robert Altona de klerk,

    best senior James Janse van Rensburg, most improved man Luhann van Dyk, and most improved woman Elana Coetzee. The over

    all Top Achiever was Chloe Knott, who made the JKA South African team and achieved Western Province colours for KSA 2014. More

    photos on the back page. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER


    Matrieks terug inHermanus


    Dis great om die matrieks terug te h.

    Daar was n lekker vibe in die dorp, die

    jongklomp het hulle goed gedra en hulle

    het heelwat geld ingebring.

    Dit is die mening van Ramon Celliers, be-

    stuurdervanCocos, en talleanderbesigheids-

    eienaars met wie Hermanus Times hierdie

    week gesels het, nadat honderde matrieks se-

    dert die naweek op die dorp toegesak het om

    die einde van hul skoolloopbaan te vier.

    Daar is hierdie jaar vir die eerste keer n

    Hermanus Vac 2013 gerel deur n plaaslike

    inwoner, Alan de Kock, ommatrieks terug te

    lok na Hermanus, wat in vroer jare n gewil-

    de bestemming vir matriekjolyt was.

    Maar die inwoners was nie altyd so geluk-

    kig oor die insidente van vandalisme en rus-

    verstoring nie. Die owerhede is onder druk

    geplaas omstrenger op te tree endiematrieks

    het groener weivelde gaan soek.

    Plettenbergbaai is die afgelope paar jaar n

    gewilde keuse, en na wat verneem word is n

    groot aantal matrieks van Horskool Herma-

    nus ook vanjaar Plett toe.

    De Kock en sy vriendin Jasmine Lane het

    besluit om die Hermanus Vac te rel omdat


    vir die matrieks was nie en daar nie kontrole

    was nie. Hy wou ook goeie waarde bied teen

    slegs R350 per persoon vir n weeklange pas

    (of R250 vir die Early Birds), in vergelyking

    met die Plett Rage wat meer as R1 000 kos.

    Dan moet jy nog jou petrolgeld, kos en ak-

    kommodasie ook bytel, s De Kock.

    Sowat 120 matrieks het by die Onrus-woon-

    wapark oor die naweek gekamp. Volgens

    RhynPotgieter, bestuurder vandie kamp, bly

    diemeeste nog aan tot die einde van dieweek.

    n Groep matrieks van Boland-landbou-

    skool shulledinkdieHermanusVac isgreat,

    want mens weet nie altyd wat aangaan of

    waarnatoe jymoet gaannie.Nou is alles geor-

    ganiseerd en ons weet waar ons kan kuier.

    n Groep meisies van Horskool Montana

    in Worcester s Plett is te ver en te duur.

    Hier geniet ons die markies, die strande

    en die kuierplekke soos Cocos en Shimmis

    waarmens lekkerkandans.Die tuk-tuk isook

    gerieflik en bied ons n spesiale tarief aan.

    Hulle geniet dit om te kampeer, s die jong-

    klomp, maar ongelukkig was hulle ook die

    slagoffers van diefstal in die Onrus-woonwa-

    park. Vervolg op bl. 4 en 5

  • 2Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



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    OSCAR -

    What a


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    who mixes

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    & madly


    About 2 yrs.

    ABBEY - a gorgeous looking 5 mth

    old X-breed teen who has grown up

    at kennels never knowing a home.

    Med size. Great mixer.

    ROCCO -

    Sharpei X,

    although very

    friendly, he

    needs to be an

    only pet as not

    good with other

    dogs. High

    energy - loves

    his walks! Now

    on DEATH


    QUEENIE - a

    teeny tiny



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    - the


    thing & so


    Lost & never


    Please help


    CAESER, a

    goofy playful

    social med size

    X-breed boy to

    find a home as

    his is on our



    SMOKEY - one of many

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    adoption. He is a 10

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    who loves human


    JakeWootton saak:




    Nadat n man van Hermanus n jongman

    met sy voertuig gestamp het, het hy ges:

    Kyk na die skade aan my motor.

    S het Bradley Cacela Maandag in die

    Strand-streekhof getuig oor die gebeure van

    4 April 2012 in Hermanus toe n motor sy

    vriend Jake Wootton (18) getref het.

    Wootton, n oud-hoofseun van die Hor-

    skool Milnerton, is drie dae n die ongeluk

    breindood verklaar.

    Schalk Lubbe (25) van Hermanus staan te-

    reg op aanklagte van strafbare manslag en


    Cacela het getuig hy het Lubbe n die stel-

    ling voor die bors gegryp. Ek het aggressief

    en kwaad geword. Hy (Lubbe) het nie eens

    berou getoon f gevra hoe dit met Jake gaan

    nie. Ng twee vriende van Wootton, Jamie

    Forknall en Daniel Stockell, het ook gister

    oor die gebeure daardie aand getuig.

    Volgens Cacela het hulle agt vriende daar-

    die aandeersbyCocos endaarnabyBarneys

    gaan shots drink. Hulle het daarna na n

    vriendin se huis op die dorp gestap.

    Cacela, Wootton en Forknall het in Dirkie

    Uysstraat in die baan vir aankomende ver-

    keer gestap. Ek het tussen die stormwater-

    voor en die pad gestap. Jake het in die voor

    gestap en Jamie het in die laaisone (n inham

    langs die padwaarmense op- en afgelaai kan

    word) gestap.

    Hy het omgekyk en nmotor agter hulle ge-

    sien. Ek het die enjin se geluid gehoor. Ek

    het nie die toeter gehoornie.Cacelahet ges

    die motor het tussen hom en Jake deurgery.

    Ek het meer na die middelste baan, weg

    van die voertuig beweeg. Toe sien ek hoe die

    motorvirJakevanagter tref dathy tweekeer

    in die lug tol.

    Ekhet nahomgehardloop. Daar het bloed

    by sy mond uitgekom en sy tande was ge-

    breek. Die eerste ding wat Lubbe ges het,

    was dat hy nie dronk is nie.

    Ek kon die alkohol aan sy asem ruik.

    Op nvraagvan streeklanddrosFranceline

    Mouton oor sy eie toestand daardie aand, het

    Cacela ges hy, en sy vriende, was taamlik


    Cacela het getuig dat hulle die polisie gebel

    het,maar dat niemandnadie ongelukstoneel

    gekom het nie.

    Toe ons die polisie by die hospitaal vra of

    hulle die bestuurder se bloed gaan toets, het

    hulle ges dis nie Kaapstad nie, dit is Herma-


    Hy het gehou by sy weergawe van die ver-

    loop van gebeure toe Lubbe se regsverteen-

    woordiger dit aanhomgestel het dat sy getui-

    enis nie met ander getuies se verklarings

    strook nie.

    Cacela het ook emosioneel geraak toe hy


    gevra is wat die impak van Wootton se dood

    op hom was.

    Dit het n impak gehad. Ons was saam in

    matriek... Daar was tye dat ek nie eens skool

    toe wou gaan nie, het Cacela getuig.

    Tydens Forknall se getuienis het Lubbe se

    regsverteenwoordigers dit aan hm gestel

    dat sy getuienis nie met sy bedigde verkla-

    ring strook nie.

    Daar is verskille oor die alkohol wat hy


    ton endie ander gestaphet, en of hydie toeter

    gehoor het.

    Die saak is Dinsdag voortgesit en is uitge-

    stel tot 7 April 2014. Lubbe is uit op waarsku-


    BO: Jake Wootton se ma Sue en

    pa Steve buite die hof.


    LINKS: Schalk Lubbe het Maan

    dag in die landdroshof in die

    Strand verskyn in verband met

    die dood van Jake Wootton. By

    Lubbe is sy ma.



    Tel: 028 312 3717

    Hermanus Times

    Weslander n eiendomsbylaag wat in die laaste

    uitgawe van die jaar van beide koerante gaan

    verskyn.Die fokus is Kus-eiendomme.

    Weslander publikasiedatum:

    19Desember 2013



    19Desember 2013

    Spertyd vir besprekings:

    9Desember 2013

    publiseer in samewerking met

  • 3Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013





    Saturday, 7 December 2013 at 09h30

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    Vir skuld, Garnishees,


    Kan nie bekostig om hulle te

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    Hoe? Bel Ons.

    Ons gee ook kontant lenings.

    Arno 072 067 0917

    Ons is geregistreerd by die NCR.



    Twee verdagtes is die naweek in hegtenis

    geneem nadat drie persone die afgelope

    twee weke deur kitsbankbedrog besteel


    n Bejaarde man in n rolstoel is voorverle-

    de Sondagmiddag deur die verdagtes van

    R4000beroof terwyl n 96-jarigemandieweek

    voordi voorval ookdeurdieboosdoeners ge-

    teiken is.

    Die derde geval was ook by Gateway-sen-

    trum, waar die verdagtes niksvermoedende

    bankklinte wat nie hulp benodig het nie glo

    probeer help, en in die proses hulle bank-

    kaarte gekloon of gesteel het.

    Gerald Cloete, hoof van sekuriteit by Gate-

    way-sentrum, is die man wie se bankkaart

    daar gesteel is. Cloete het die twee verdagtes

    agterna gesit en die polisie laat weet.

    Die verdagtes het tot by die Checkers-sen-

    trum gejaag, waar die polisie hulle voorge-

    keerhet,maarditwas reeds te laatwanthulle

    het intussen van die bewysstukke, soos die

    gesteelde bankkaart, ontslae geraak.

    Die polisie het die twee mans in hegtenis

    geneem, maar vier uur later is hulle vryge-

    laat. Die man wie se kaart gesteel is het nie

    n klag by die polisie ingedien nie en die poli-

    siehet geenverderebewysegehadomdiever-

    dagtes in aanhouding te hou nie.

    Die slagoffer kon gelukkig daarin slaag om

    sy kaart te stop voor daar enige geld uit sy

    rekening getrek is.

    Dieafgelope jaar ismeeras 40ATM-bedrog-

    sake by die Hermanus-polisie aangemeld,

    waarvan die meeste by Gateway-sentrum

    plaasgevind het.

    Road blockswill continue

    The big roadblock on the R43 during last weekend was

    not to scare off visitors, Larenzo Isaacs, senior superin-

    tendent in chargeof traffic operations in theOverstrand

    said on Tuesday.

    Thevehicle checkpointsheld fromFriday29Novem-

    ber to Sunday 1 December were not aimed at visitors,

    but at all drivers and vehicle owners alike, and specifi-

    cally at motorists who have outstanding fines as well

    as warrants of arrests.

    We would like to encourage motorists to get into the

    goodhabit of payingoutstanding traffic fines as thiswill

    have a positive effect when the AARTO demerit system

    becomes law in the near future.

    These demerit system administration marks will be

    captured on the E-Natis system against those with out-

    standing warrants of arrests who will then not be able

    to renew their motor vehicle or drivers licenses.

    Anyonewhosuspects thathe/shehasanyoutstanding

    fines can contact the Overstrand Traffic Department on

    028 313 8174 to make enquiries and effect the necessary

    arrangements for payments.

    A festive season plan was launched earlier this week

    and roadblocks and safety measurements will continue

    in an effort to keep road users in the Overstrand safe,

    Isaacs said.

    SANTA SHOEBOX: The children from Masibulele Educare Centre in Zwel

    ihle were overjoyed with the beautifully wrapped and personalised Christ

    mas presents they received from the Santa Shoebox Project last Wednes

    day. The gifts were delivered by Sandy Fairclough (centre) and Zelda Lip

    man (right) from the Overstrands Santa Shoebox Project. With them is

    Sweetness Rwexana, principal of Masibulele. PHOTO: KERRY VAN RENSBURG

    HERMANUS VAC 2013: This large truck has been parked on

    Grotto beach in front of Dutchies since Monday and provides music

    every day from 12:00 until 17:00 while the matrics enjoy different

    activities on the beach. Joke Gonggrijp from Dutchies says it is most

    unfortunate that she was not informed as she had a party of 40

    people for a Christmas lunch on Monday and the noise was very

    disturbing. It was impossible to sit outside and we had to keep all

    the windows closed in this heat. Several people called us to ask if

    the loud music was coming from the restaurant. However, she says

    the organiser of the Hermanus Vac, Alan de Kock, was very accom

    modating and turned the music down. Gonggrijp says she supports

    the initiative as its a good thing for the town, but would prefer

    the truck to be parked a little further down or on another beach like

    Kammabaai where there are no businesses to disturb. Please just

    not right in front of my restaurant! she said. PHOTO: HEDDA MITTNER

  • 4Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



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    Its the11thyear forGrottobeach, the7th

    for Kleinmond beach, and the 5th for

    Hawston beach.

    It isnowbecominganannual event tohoist

    Blue Flags denoting the prestigious status of

    Overstrand beaches, said deputy mayor Pie-

    ter Scholtz at the flag hoisting ceremonies

    on Friday 29 November.

    The three ceremoniesmayhavebeen short

    but it was an arduous process to get to this



    er for the Wildlife and Environment Society

    ofSouthAfrica (WESSA)said theapplication

    process by various municipalities starts in

    May already, followed by an assesment proc-

    ess by national and international juries.

    This is a long process but our real work


    Members of these juries do unannounced in-

    spections during the Blue Flag season to

    makesuretherequirements forBlueFlagsta-

    tus are met throughout.

    A total of 41 beaches have been awarded

    Blue Flag status in South Africa this year,

    alongwith fivemarinas, twowhale-watching

    boats Whale Whisperer (Marine Dynamics

    in Gansbaai) andDamara, Gaia (Ocean Blue

    Adventures in Plettenberg Bay) one com-

    mercial boat and one private boat.

    To achieve Blue Flag status, 33 main crite-

    ria spanning four aspects of coastal manage-

    ment have to be met: water quality, environ-

    mental education, information and manage-

    ment, and safety and services.

    ) TheBlueFlag statuses are for these peri-

    ods: Grotto: 1 December to 31 March 2014.

    (Full season).

    Hawston and Kleinmond: 15 December to

    15 January 2014. (Peak season only, due to

    the decline of visitors outside peak season.)

    Among the many repre

    sentatives from the Over

    strand Municipality envi

    ronmental management

    department, WESSA and

    Working for the Coast at

    the Blue Flag ceremonies

    were Stephen Mller (direc

    tor: infrastructure and

    planning); Rudolph Smith

    (ward councillor), Deputy

    Mayor Pieter Scholtz, Don

    Kearney (area manager:

    Hermanus administration),

    ward councillor Kari Brice,

    Karin Coetzee and David

    Beattie (chairperson of Cliff

    Path Management Group).


    Lifeguard duties at Grotto Beach and Klein

    mond beach are under the umbrella of See

    enSand lifesaving, while Overstrand Com

    munity lifeguard services does duty on Haw

    ston beach. Kenneth Block (right), area

    manager for Jive (sponsors), handed over the

    kit to Henk Esterhuysen from SeeenSand.

    Law Enforcement officers

    Nelson Kanuna and Fron

    wen Marais hoisting the

    Blue Flag at Grotto Beach.

    Working for the Coast employees.



    (vervolg van bl. 1) Matrieks terug in Hermanus

    Potgieter meen ons plaaslike inwoners be-

    hoort n bietjie meer verdraagsaam te wees.

    Mens moet onthou dis 18-jariges wat wil

    pret h en ontspan n n stresvolle jaar en

    eindeksamens. Daar is altyd die moontlik-

    heid van alkoholmisbruik en wangedrag,


    word. Hy s die matrieks het hulle di jaar

    oor die algemeen baie goed gedra en dat hy

    geen klagtes ontvang het nie.

    Wetstoepassingbeamptes byGrotto- enOn-

    russtrand, beaamdathulle geenproblemege-

    hadhet nie. Die kindershet hulle nogal goed

    gedra, s wetstoepasser Dimitri Bermedie.

    Die bestuurder vanCocos, RamonCelliers,

    s hulle was baie besig oor die naweek, van

    ontbyt tot laat in die aand. Ek dink die Her-

    manusVac is n goeie idee, want enige inisia-

    tief wat besigheid na Hermanus bring is n

    positiewe een. Daar was n goeie vibe in die

    dorp en die jong klompwat hierwas het hulle

    goed gedra.

    Celliers meen ook mens moet realisties

    weesenverwagdat sommigesonverantwoor-

    delikgaanoptree. Juisdaarommoetdie inisi-

    atief deuralle rolspelersondersteunwordom

    teversekerdat dit goedgeorganiseer is endat

    n veilige omgewing geskep word.

    Ek dink nie daar is genoeg fasiliteite nie

    en onsmoet n gesamentlike poging aanwend

    om die matrieks te akkommodeer. Lede van

    die polisie, verkeersafdeling en wetstoepas-

    sing moet sigbaar ontplooi word om n ogie

    te hou oor die matrieks en plaaslike besighe-

    de te beskerm.

    DeKock s hywil die konsepuitbrei en vol-

    gende jaar groter gaan.

    Die Hermanus Vac 2013 eindig Saterdag

    met n partytjie by Grottostrand.

  • 5Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



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    Rola Volkswagen Hermanus

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    Rola Volkswagen Hermanus: 028 313 6084

    Volkswagen Alert: 0800 111 992





    n Saak van diefstal is Woens-

    dagoggendteen nadministra-

    teur van die Tiaan Boshoff

    Fonds by die Hermanus poli-

    sie geopen nadat Tiaan se

    kunsbeen, handfiets en ten-

    nisrolstoel van hom wegge-

    neem is.

    Tiaan (14), n leerling van

    Horskool Hermanus, is sonder

    n linkerbeen gebore en die mis-

    vormde voetjie van sy regter-

    been is n geboorte geamputeer.

    Danksy ruim bydraes van

    goedhartige mense van Herma-

    nus tot inGauteng,kondieTiaan

    Boshoff Fonds genoeg geld insa-

    mel om vir hom buiten n nuwe

    handfiets en tennisrolstoel, ook

    n prostese van meer as R100 000

    te koop.

    Tiaan is n uitblinker in hand-

    fietswedrenne en het reeds sy

    WP-kleure verwerf.

    Tiaan se pa, Bossie Boshoff,

    wat ook sy afrigter is, het besef

    sy seun het n beter handfiets no-

    dig om by te hou met die tegnolo-

    gie, enmetdiehulpvan finansile

    bydraes van die Hermanus-ge-


    die legendariese handfietskampi-

    oen Ernst van Dyk se fiets koop.

    Die eerste handfiets en tennis-

    rolstoel was n geskenk van

    Schalk Burger Senior, maar die

    administrateur van die fonds het

    n bedrag uit die Tiaan Boshoff

    Fonds aan Burger Senior oorbe-


    Die administrateur word nou

    vandiefstal beskuldignadat syna

    bewering die handfiets en tennis-

    rolstoel indie afgelope jaar, en toe

    verlede Donderdag ook sy kuns-

    been, gekonfiskeer het omdat

    Tiaan, volgens haar, nie meer

    daarvan gebruik maak nie.

    Die Trustfonds wat ongeveer

    twee jaar gelede by FNB gestig is,

    het aanvanklik twee administra-

    teurs gehad, die beskuldigde en

    JC Smit. Smit het intussen weens

    persoonlike redes onttrek.

    Ekwas baie geskok om te hoor

    dat Tiaan se prosteseweggevat is.

    Die fondsewat ons ingesamel het,

    was vir Tiaan alleenlik. Nie vir

    ander mense of organisasies nie

    en ek wil baie graag h dat die

    been aan hom terugbesorg word

    voor Kersfees, het n ontstoke

    Smit ges.

    Die trustdokumente wat by

    FNBgehouword, stipuleerdatdie

    fonds aangewend moet word om

    vir Tiaan n handfiets en prostese

    aan te koop, dat daar geen bedrag

    of tydsbeperking op die fonds is

    nie en dat daar geen ander voor-

    waardes van toepassing is nie.

    Tiaan sukkel al vir maande

    met die nuwe prostese en dit is n

    reuse aanpassing vir hom. Maar

    die feit dat hy dit nie nou perma-

    nent gebruik nie, beteken nie hy

    gaan oor n paarmaande nieweer

    probeer nie, het Bossie ges.

    Die handfiets en tennisrolstoel

    is sowat n jaargeledeop tweever-



    Die tennisrolstoel,wathynie in

    daardie stadium gebruik het nie,

    het die administrateur vir ander

    mense met gestremdhede gegee.

    Dieselfdehetmetdiehandfiets ge-


    Tiaan se kunsbeen, wat sken-

    kers meer as R100 000 gekos het,

    is verlede Donderdag uit sy fisio-

    terapeut se kantoor deur die ad-

    ministrateur verwyder.


    fisioterapeut wat hom gratis be-

    handel, verduidelik Bossie.

    Tiaan was besig ommet n onbe-

    kende vrou te gesels in n vertrek

    toe die administrateur inhard-

    loop en sy been, wat in n ander

    vertrek was, vat en wegjaag.

    Sy het dieselfde rede gegee as

    met die verwydering van die fiet-

    se: As Tiaan dit nie wil gebruik

    nie, is daar ander mense wat dit

    kan benut.

    Maar volgens die bepalings van

    die trust blyalleswatuit di fonds



    Die mense wat geld geskenk

    het, het dit vir Tiaan geskenk, s

    Bossie. Nie vir iemand oorkant

    diebergof iewersandersnie.Baie

    moeite is gedoen met die fondsin-

    samelings om genoeg geld byme-


    Die feit dat hy nie dadelik met sy

    kunsbeen regkom nie, beteken

    nie dat hy opgee nie en hy sal wel

    later weer probeer. Hy sukkel net

    omsonder sykrukke,waaraanhy

    sy lewe lank gewoond is, oor die

    weg te kom.

    DieHermanus Times hetMaan-

    dagmiddag vrae oor die bewe-

    rings per e-pos aan die admini-

    strateur gestuur. Sy het gevra dat

    die koerant die artikel uitstel met

    n week.

    Woensdagoggend het sy n brief

    by die Hermanus Times kantoor

    kom aflaai wat onder meer s sy

    voel dat sy nie genoeg tyd gegee

    is omteantwoordopdiekomplek-

    se saak nie en sy vra vir verdere


    Tiaan Boshoff en sy pa Bossie by n handfietsresies verlede jaar in


    Diefstal bederf matrieks se pret

    Die matrieks se feesvieringe is nie


    nie,maar ook deur enkele insidente

    van diefstal.

    n Groep meisies van Horskool

    Montana in Worcester wat in die

    Onrus-woonwapark kampeer, s

    hulle geniet hulle tydjie in Herma-

    nus, maar dis regtig jammer oor al

    die diefstal.

    Verskeie items is glo die naweek

    uit hulle tente in die park gesteel.

    Mon Victor s sy het Sondagnag

    wakker geword en n vreemde man

    inhul tent gesienmet haar handsak

    in sy arms.

    Die indringer het op die vlug ge-

    slaan en hulle het Maandagoggend

    agtergekom dat hul tent met n mes

    oopgesny is en dat haar selfoonweg

    is. Sy s dit was te donker om n be-

    skrywing van die dief te kan gee.

    Daar is oor die naweek van die

    ander mense se goed ook gesteel,

    s sy, soos n i-foon, kampeerstoele

    en toksakke met klere in.

    Hierdie voorvalle het hul pret

    nogalbederf, ssy.Asonsin nhuis

    was kon ons sekermaak alles is toe-

    gesluit,maarhoe beveilig jy n tent?

    Ons is nou bang om in die aand te

    gaan slaap.Ditmaakdat eknie som-

    mer gouweer hier sal komkampeer


    Bart Nel van Boland-landbou-

    skool, wat ook saammet vriende in

    die Onrus-woonwapark kampeer,

    s sy Samsung S4 en n sak vol klere

    is ook Sondagnaguit sy tent gesteel.

    Die saak is by die polisie aangegee.

    Die bestuurder van die kamp,

    Rhyn Potgieter, s hy doen sy bes

    omdie kampeerders te beveilig. Die

    munisipaliteit het n kontrak met

    ADT en daar is pal wagte aan diens,

    maarPotgieter sdismoeilikombe-

    heeruit teoefenoorelkevoetganger

    wat in en uit die kamp gaan.

    Die wagbestuurder van ADT, Ja-

    son Botes, wou nie kommentaar le-

    wer nie, maar hulle is glo besig met

    n ondersoek. Potgieter s hulle oor-

    weeg dit om volgende jaar n stelsel

    in werking te stel waar elke kam-

    peerder n bandjie sal kry om te dra

    en niemand anders in die kamp toe-

    gelaat salwordsonder toestemming


    Dis lekker by die see, s di klomp meisies van Horskool Montana in

    Worcester, wat Maandag by Onrusstrand ontspan het. Van links is Justine

    Otto, Elandi Uys, Madel van der Westhuizen, Kayla Steyn, CharlotteAn

    ne Conradie, Mari Boshoff, Mon Victor en Elna Gerber.


    Terwyl die mei

    sies aan hulle

    sonbruin werk

    op die strand,

    pak die manne

    solank die


    met behulp

    van n bietjie

    Klippies en Co

    ke. Van links is

    Dirk Botha,

    Bart Nel, SJ

    Roux en Anro

    Human, almal

    van Boland


  • 6Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013




    NG Kerk Hermanus


    vanaf 2-20 Desember 2013

    WEEKSDAE: 09:00 - 18:00

    SATERDAE: 09:00 - 17:00

    Kom koop u tuisgemaakte


    Lekker eetgoed,

    ligte middagetes, tee, koffie, ens

    MAANDAG 16 Desember 11:00 tot 17:00

    Kontakpersoon: 074 165 6794

    Seagrill & Sushi Bar

    Harbour Rock

    The Harbour Rock is proud to

    present a food a wine dinner with

    Kevin Grant of Ataraxia Wines on

    Saturday, 7th December.

    We will present a superb four course

    dinner, paired with Ataraxia's

    fantastic wines.

    Very limited seating available.

    R300 per person excluding gratuity.

    Season se

    seisoen verby

    Andr vanVuuren (foto), een van die bekend-

    ste sjefs in Hermanus, het bevestig dat sy res-

    taurant Season in die Hemel-en-Aarde Villa-

    ge, verkoop is.


    om nie my huurkontrak met die eienaar van

    die gebou te hernieu nie, s Andr.

    Die besigheid is sedertdien verkoop,maar

    ek behou die naam Season.

    Volgens Andr is die restaurantbedryf n

    tawwe besigheid en het hy en sy vrou Anli,

    wat ook n sjef is, besluit om te fokus op die


    Hulle bestuur die restaurant by die klub-


    se voor te sit.

    Ditwas ngrootbesluit omSeasonsedeure

    n vyf jaar te sluit, s Andr.

    En ek wil graag baie dankie s aan al my

    lojaleklintewatmydeurdie jareondersteun

    het.Maarnouisditeers tydomtekonsentreer



    Still time to register for


    Around 60 to 80 people are expected to attend

    the Marketing Hermanus Internationally

    Workshop on 11 December.

    Economist Chris Hart will present a fore-

    cast of the SA Economy for 2014 and also deal

    with the National Development Plan (NDP)

    and its application to municipalities and to

    Hermanus in particular. Carolyn Martin of

    Creation Wines, will be discussing the bring-

    ing together of the different communities in

    Hermanus. The workshop is at the Whale

    Coast Hotel and starts at 09:00.

    To participate, email Stacey Farao at sta-

    [email protected] or call 021 671 9233

    to receive an invitation.

  • 7Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013










    JANES 083 412 8794 / HESTER 083 308 3002

    DANIE 028-312 2336


    In-house Architect

    Granny flats from R200 000

    Contact Joe

    072 635 4070

    PLAN & BUILD with


    Quality Home Builders since 1988

    NHBRC registered registered 7328

    [email protected]

    NEW R400 000-00from excluding plot.


    Christmas Street Market

    Ietsie virIetsie vir AlmalAlmalIetsie vir Almal

    We are closing our high street and opening it up for a fabulous

    Christmas Street Market. Bring the children to meet Father Christmas and

    enjoy the fun activities planned for them. Buy beautiful gifts from the street

    and in our shops. Find fabulous decorations.

    Buy your fresh Christmas tree and some mouth-watering Christmas fare.

    There is definitely Ietsie Vir Almal, so come and enjoy!

    Please bring cash as our ATMs sometimes run out when demand is high.

    16 December

    10am - 6pm

    Anyone interested in taking a table or stall, please contact

    Pamela 082 341 0105 or Shirley 028 341 0553


    keersknoop Saterdagoggend by die Sand

    baaikruising, vanwe n padblokkade, het

    daartoe gelei dat mense kort links ge

    draai het en tyd by die verskeie markies

    spandeer het. By die nuwe At the Village

    Stall by HemelenAarde village het Lindi

    en Antonie Prinsloo n verskeidenheid ra

    me gekoop. Sowat 70% van die items te

    koop is die handewerk van plaaslike ver

    skaffers. FOTOS: CILENE BEKKER

    Susters Martina en Hendrika du Toit het

    vir oulaas tyd saam spandeer voordat

    Martina weer vertrek het na Switserland,

    waar sy nou bly.

    Ten spyte van druppels ren het mense

    ook by die HemelenAarde tuinmarkie

    rondgesnuffel op soek na kersgeskenke,

    en ietsie tuisgebak. Therese Rabe het n

    tafel vol snuisterye en oudhede, en ver

    koop ook van haar unieke kindertruitjies.

    By haar is haar seun Bjrn en kleinseun,

    tweejarige Eli.


    sjefs kook

    Irene van Zyl is die

    wenner van die Her-

    manus Times/Kokke-

    door SMS-kompetisie

    en verdien s n plek

    aan die langtafel om te

    smul aan disse deur

    KykNET Kokkedoor-

    sjefs Nic van Wyk en

    Toitnette du Toit.

    Drie sessies word

    aangebied by die Har-

    bour House-hotel

    Vrydag 6Desember en

    Saterdag 7 Desember

    om 18:30, en op 8 De-

    sember om 12:00.

    R300pp. E-pos in-

    [email protected]

    of besoek www.har-


    manus.co.za vir meer


    OK MINIMARK: In die plek van die 7/11 by

    die Onrushandelspos is n nuwe OKminimark wat

    verlede week sy deure oopgemaak het. Die winkel

    is opgeknap en die eienaar, Willem Joubert, en sy

    span is reg vir die feesseisoen. Voor is Mandy An

    drews, Myra Booysen, Margaret Parsley, Amy Ja

    cobs en Richardine May. Agter, langs Willem, is

    Francois Harmsen, Steven Murray (winkelbestuur

    der), David Mandoyi (bakker) en Mandy Kees. Wil

    lem besit ook OKwinkels in Barrydale en Paarl.

    Hy en sy vrou Esmarie het onlangs kom nes skop

    in Onrus met hul twee kinders. Hoewel Esmarie

    nie op die foto is nie, s Willem sy is die dryfveer

    agter alles! FOTO: HEDDA MITTNER

  • 8Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



    028 214 5100 | thecaledon.co.za

    Tickets R120pp Show Only

    Doors open 7:30pm - Show starts at 8pm

    Tickets available at The Caledon Hotel Reception

    & Casino Cash Desk.

    Contact: 028 214 5100










    SAT 7 DEC









    Name of Business: .

    Owner/Manager ..

    Email: ..

    Contact Tel No: ..

    Paid cash


    Light up Hermanus with a

    Festive Window Competition

    Entry Form

    Terms and Conditions:

    R20 per entry

    Photographs of the winning shop/restaurant windows will be published in

    the Hermanus Times and feature on the HTB Facebook page. The winning

    shop/restaurant will receive a certificate and floating trophy, which can be

    displayed throughout the year.

    Closing date for entries: 09 December 2013

    Final date for window display: 12 December 2013

    Judging of windows: 13 December 2013

    COMPETITION: Light yourwindowwith festive cheer

    There are only four days left to dress those

    windows and enter your creative handiwork

    in the Hermanus Tourism/Hermanus Times


    es are invited to create a festive and welcom-

    ing atmosphere for Christmas visitors and


    Thecompetition isopen toall shopsandres-

    taurants from Fisherhaven to Volklip.

    There is only one category of entry and the

    theme for this year is: Light up Hermanus

    with a Festive Window.

    The judgingof the shop/restaurantwindow

    displays will be done on Thursday 13 Decem-

    ber and certificates will be given to each of

    the winners to display in their windows.

    Window displays should be in place from

    Thursday 12 December until at least Thurs-

    day 2 January until 22:00.

    Photographs of the winning shop/restau-

    rant windows will be published in the Her-

    manus Times.

    See the entry formadjacent, or collect entry

    forms at the Hermanus Tourism office at the

    Old Station building, or at the Hermanus

    Times in Aberdeen Street. Completed entry

    forms must be handed in at the Hermanus

    Tourism office by 9 December.

    DANS DIE JAAR UIT: Hermanus Dansskool het op 30 November

    sy jaareindfunksie gehou. Die tema was Great Gatsby. Van links

    is die instrukteurs Michelle Gleimius, Clint Fouche, Lani Nel, Katiso

    Mbikwana en Tawani Naude.


    KIDBROOKE: Follow

    that Star was per

    formed by the residents

    of Kidbrooke Place on

    Monday under the

    guidance of Penny

    Charteris, who pro

    duced and wrote the

    play. Charteris started

    her career in theatre at

    the young age of 17,

    worked in London for

    about seven years and

    then started her own

    company, Penny Char

    teris Management, managing actors for about 30 years. Char

    teris is also a resident at Kidbrooke Place for the past six years.

    In the play Alistair Walker played the part of Joseph and Cyn

    thia Fernandaz was Mary.


    Penny Charteris thanking the audience

    with members of the cast in the back


    CHECK THOSE MOS: The Hermanus Round Table Mo Bros who faced

    up to the Movember challenge pulled into the Cansa office in Onrus on

    29 November to show off their moustaches and their new Mo Bro style.

    Doing their part for mens health are (from left) Nico Swart, Francois Be

    zuidenhout, Wiaan Bishop, Jacques du Toit, Pieter Joubert and Gerhard


    COURT SOCIAL: Attorneys Adrian

    Louw & Associates hosted an annu

    al braai for attorneys, prosecutors,

    the sheriffs department and the

    court personnel on Friday 22 No

    vember. Thirty guests attended rep

    resenting the largest firms, the

    court and sheriffs office, including

    the new sheriff, Errol Boltney, and

    acting court manager Margeretha

    Steyl. Derek Fourie (left) was the

    master braaier while Adrian Louw

    took care of the marinating.


    Relaxing and socialis

    ing with colleagues at

    the court braai

    were (from left) Ger

    hard Louw, Christa

    Siebrits and Nico


    Among the guests at

    Adrian Louws braai held

    at his house in Sandbaai

    were (clockwise from left)

    Andre Hartnek, Olivia

    Ramsie, Tina Gcwabe,

    Trifina Maki and Tasmin


  • 9Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



    Walter Battiss Watermelon Eater

    Sold for R909 440, November 2013

    StephanWelz, Managing Director of Strauss & Co

    We are currently inviting consignments for

    our March 2014 auction. Should you be

    thinking of selling, we would be delighted

    to assist you with a free and confidential


    Entries close mid-December

    Cape Town Monday 9 December

    Strauss & Co, The Oval

    1 Oakdale Road, Newlands

    Hermanus Tuesday 10 December

    The Marine Hotel, 9 Marine Drive

    SomersetWest Wednesday 11 December

    The Lord Charles Hotel

    cnr Main Road M9 & Broadway Blvd R44

    To book an appointment, please call:

    021 683 6560 / 078 044 8185


    Indulge in the fruits

    of success be part

    of Strauss & Cos

    superior yield

    Art Valuation Days with Stephan Welz & Colleagues

    Still Cooking for Izibusiso


    Platbank mussel soup, Kwaaiwater

    prawn curry and sesame yoghurt carda-


    es and desserts, and a whole lot more can

    be found in the pages of the new Izibusiso

    cookbook Still Cooking.

    The book, with its lovingly shared and col-

    lected recipes with cameos of Hermanus in-

    troducing each delicious chapter, was



    Dr Michele van Niekerk, who has been in-

    volvedwith Izibusiso a fosterhome inZwel-

    ihle for babies and toddlers arranged the

    Still Cooking launch event.

    Glenda Furst, the quiet driving force be-

    hind Izibusio, says: The reasonwe produced

    this recipebook is simple toexplain weneed

    funds to run the home. Our first recipe book,

    Hermanus Cooks served us well for almost

    three years as amajor source of income, even

    going to two reprints.

    When the last copy was sold but the de-

    mandfor thebookcontinued,webegantopon-

    der about a third reprint, but finally decided

    that a new book would be a better long-term

    source of income.

    We went through a long process of collect-

    ing recipes from Hermanus residents, collat-

    ing these recipes, combining them with arti-

    cles on Hermanus, and adding appropriate


    aged to create byweaving all these aspects to-

    gether is , I think, a small but beautiful tapes-

    try which faithfully reflects how we live and

    eat in Hermanus, says Glenda.

    Still Cooking is available at selected book-

    stores, hotels and lifestyle shops at a retail

    selling price of R160.

    Joining forces for the wellbeing of the little

    children cared for at Izibusiso Foster Home,

    and an integral part of the launch of Still

    Cooking are (from left) Glenda Furst, Dr

    Michele van Niekerk and Rina Louw (manag

    er of Child Welfare Hermanus).


    Still Cooking features an insert and a recipe

    or two for abalone from Abagold. At the

    launch Christo du Plessis, managing director

    of Abagold (left) read out a recipe for La

    Hei a traditional Chinese dish usually pre

    pared as part of a New Year ritual while

    Rudolf van der Berg combined all the ingre

    dients for the guests to enjoy. Each ingredient

    has symbolic significance, for example the

    salmon pieces symbolise abundance and ex

    cess throughout the year, carrots symbolise

    blessings of good luck, shredded cucumber

    symbolises eternal youth and sesame seeds

    symbolise a flourishing business.

    HermanusArt Circle presents exhibition at newgallery

    The Hermanus Art Circle celebrates its 10th

    birthday and its newname withanexhibi-

    tion that opens at their new gallery in Village

    Square on Friday 13 December at 17:30 for



    ed to change their name from Vermont Art

    Circle to Hermanus Art Circle because their

    members are no longer primarily from Ver-

    mont. The Vermont Art Circle was estab-

    lished in 2003 by a group of enthusiastic local

    artists, many of whom had been members of

    the Hermanus Art Society, which operated

    from the Old Station Gallery.

    Two years ago they opened The Little Gal-


    ing to their present gallery on the first floor

    of Village Square (behind Ocean Basket) in

    June this year.

    The group has grown fromamodest six art-

    ists in 2003 to a membership of over 20.

    Throughout the years they have held annu-

    al exhibitions andmembers competitions, as

    well as several workshops, art courses and

    visits toestablishedartists studios.Theyalso

    meet regularly for coffee morning crits and

    DVD afternoons.

    There are many treats in store for guests

    at their birthday exhibition, says Solomon.

    Wine and snacks will be served, well have

    olive tasting, a raffle for a Mother and Child

    sculpture in support of Child Welfare and a

    Bid and Buy auction.

    At a Bid and Buy exhibition each artist is

    assigned a letter (e.g. A, B, C) and each of his/

    her paintings is numberedA1,A2,A3, etc. En-

    velopes are marked A, B, C, etc and when an

    interested buyer wants to bid on an artwork

    he/she fills in a form (name and contact de-

    tails of buyer, bid amount, name of artist and

    number of painting), which is then placed in

    the relevant envelop.On theclosingdayof the

    auction, 20 December, each artist decides if

    the bid is acceptable.

    The gallery is open from 10:00 to 16:00 daily.

    Local artist Carol Carver, one of the members

    of the Hermanus Art Circle who will be tak

    ing part in their upcoming exhibition.


    GAMERANGER, extracts fromaGame

    RangersNotebook by RodneyHenwood

    Here is an opportunity to armchair-snack

    on wildlife conservation and adventures,

    delivered in bite-size esca-

    pades and incidents of a ca-

    reer that spanned over 30


    Tasters include:HarryTen-

    nison (of Coca-Cola fame in

    the USA) being approached

    by the Natal Parks

    Board (NPB) in 1983 to export

    a breeding group of endan-

    gered black rhino.

    Rodney Henwood was the


    Its fascinating reading

    catchingthegroupof fiverhi-

    nos, preparing them for trav-

    el, transporting them to Jo-

    hannesburg, loading them

    onto the plane and then the

    trip itself. The journey from

    Umfolozi to the ranches in

    Texas took 4 days and cul-

    minated with Henwood on a

    celebratory over-the-border

    to Mexico tequila outing.

    In another, he is tasked

    with transporting animals to

    the Karoo game farms of Dr

    Chris Barnard and author

    Wilbur Smith.

    Henwood now lives in Her-

    manus but spent his forma-

    tiveyears intheEasternCape


    lege, he realised scholastics

    was not his fort.

    He started his career in the early 70s as

    a section ranger in the Mkuzi Game Re-

    servewithhiswife, Barbara, and their two

    children.His final postingwas that ofWar-

    den of Game Capture. Henwood had in his

    heyday caught as many as 17 white rhino

    in a day, and also pioneered a capture

    methodforgiraffes that is

    still standard practice to-


    With some melan-

    choly, he says in the con-

    clusion that his bush ca-

    reer was at a time when

    everyone was passion-

    ate about their work and

    would happily work a 24-

    hour day with little or no

    encouragement if it


    mals life.

    It isclear thatHenwood

    knewhis trade, and loved

    it. After he resigned from

    theNPBhewas still often

    approached to assist in

    game-related escapades,

    one of which was to help

    source and capture nu-

    merous species of Afri-

    can game for a park in

    mainland China.

    This was a huge opera-

    tion, involving a Singa-

    pore Airlines Boeing 747-

    400F mega ark, 14 low-

    bed trucks, and

    ultimately 43 army

    trucks filledwithwildan-

    imals traversing roads

    and passes in a country

    where not much English

    was spoken.

    This is ahands-on read,writtenwithdry

    and wry wit. It is highly informative, edu-

    cational, entertaining and easy to read

    with B/W photos throughout.

    Cilene Bekker

  • 10

    Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



    028-312 3717

    Editor: Annelien Dean

    News Editor: Cilene Bekker ([email protected])

    Photo Journalists:

    Kerry van Rensburg ([email protected])

    Janine van der Riet ([email protected])

    Hedda Mittner ([email protected])

    Advertising: Olivia Dickson, ([email protected])

    Ester Schultz, ([email protected])

    Michelle van Zyl ([email protected])

    SUPERsmalls: Tania Fisher ([email protected])

    ([email protected]

    PO Box 96

    Hermanus 7200


    According to the editorial policy of Hermanus Times we invite readers to comment about the newspaper's contents, and

    we correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please send information about correction ofmistakes in the newspaper to

    the ombudsman ofMedia24's Community Press, GeorgeClaassen, at [email protected], or call him at 021

    8513232 or 083 5432471. Readers can also complain about the contents to the SouthAfrican Press Ombudsman, Mr. Joe

    Thloloe. In that case, please phone 0114843612/8, send a fax to 011 484 3619or e-mail to [email protected].




    Janine vd Riet

    082 885 0226

    Share the gift

    In just over two weeks time it will be

    Christmas,aseasonof joyandgoodwill

    to all men.

    However, it is certainly not a season

    of joy for everyone, with some people

    finding the loneliness of everyday life

    amplified by the seasons exhortations

    to be merry. Some of these people

    will find the seasonunbearable and, as

    has been reported before, the suicide

    rate will unfortunately go up.

    Christmas is a time of joy, yes, but

    also a time of deep and penetrating

    loneliness for some.

    Those of uswho have the gift of com-

    fort, company and happiness at this

    timeshouldseehowwecanspread this

    gift around. Is there someone you

    know who does not have a Christmas

    lunch to go to? Invite them to yours.


    need to get in touch with? Do it now.

    Christmas is not only about the bau-

    bles and the ribbons, but about the

    heart. Share what you have, and feel

    that special part of Christmas once


    Slawerny nog met ons

    Ek is namens n paar huiswerkers van Stan-

    ford gevra om hul frustrasies aan u oor te dra

    omdat hul nie e-posse of selfs fone het nie.

    Laasweek het Suid-Afrika 100 jaar gevier se-

    dert afskaffing van slawerny.

    Slawerny is nog baie lewendig in Herma-


    Baie van ons ry dag in en dag uit, winter

    en somer, om by ons werk te kom en word

    ook uitgelewer aan die taxis se nukke en gie-

    re. Voorbeelde van die uitbuiting is: werkers

    werk twee dae by een werkgewer, en een-een

    by twee ander sodat hul nie permanente voor-

    dele soos siekverlof, vakansie, en werkloos-

    heidvoordele kry nie, want diewet s so. Baie



    ons weet is dat God nie blind is nie.

    Baie van die werkgewers gee wel sulke

    voordele al werk jy net een dag per week. Ons

    het al baie gevalle gehad waar getroue wer-

    kers van Stanford na Hermanus reis om voor

    n toe deur te kom aangesien die werkgewer

    met vakansie is, oorsee of wildtuin toe is son-

    deromdiewerkerinte lig.Boonopsitdiehuis-

    hulp sonder inkomste vir twee tot vier weke.

    Verder is daar van die slawedrywers wat

    hul werkers verskree en beledig. Ook is som-

    mige so suinig dat hul nie n sny brood en n

    eiersalaanbiednie.Teeofkoffie is totaalbuite

    die kwessie.

    Ons werkers praat baie oor ons base, en

    sommige het net die bestes gekry met n oop

    hand en n Christelike hart. Ons moedig ook

    ons mense aan om nie vir die uitbuiters te

    werk nie, want ons weet wie diegene is.

    Dis hoekomdie ordentlikes sewerkers lang

    jare by hul bly terwyl die ongeskiktes kort-

    kort ander moet kry en dan ook nie altyd die

    bestes nie.

    Miskien sal sommige werkgewers hul hou-

    ding verander, maar baie se menslikheid is

    nou al so verrot dat dit te laat is.



    Concerned Resident is confused resident

    I thank Concerned Resident for the

    prompt reply to my letter. I do not under-

    stand the reasoning in the first two para-

    graphs though. What is certain, is that

    Concerned Resident does not understand

    the Constitution.

    With the first free and fair elections in

    SouthAfrica, theANCused the principles

    of the Reconstruction and Development

    Plan (RDP) as their election manifesto.

    With the acceptance of the Constitution

    of theRepublic of SouthAfrica by theCon-

    stitutionalAssembly on 8May 1996, South

    Africa had, as recognised by the Western

    World, the most comprehensive and ad-

    vanced Constitution in the world.


    lation to give effect to it, for eg: Promotion

    ofAdministrativeJusticeAct; Intellectual

    PropertyAct; RentalHousingAct; Promo-

    tion of Access to Information Act.

    Now to theHousingAct (Act 107 of 1997):

    Within this Act all South African citizens

    are guaranteed the right to free housing

    bymeans of a once-off grant under certain

    conditions. I will name a few.



    2. The applicant must have dependants

    3. The combined family incomemust be

    less than R3 500.00 per month

    4. The applicant must be a first time

    home owner

    This application is open to all races that

    qualify.Gansbaaihousingdevelopment is

    a perfect example of an inclusive housing

    project where all race groups benefited.

    The Municipal Infrastructure Grant

    (MIG) is exactly what it says a grant to

    a municipality. The municipality must in

    their three-year planning identify MIG

    projects and apply to National Govern-

    ment; obviously if they do not plan or ap-

    ply for this grant they will not receive it.

    I consider it a case of bad planning if they

    did not plan for it with all the data availa-

    ble to them.


    Plan (NDP) that was accepted and lauded

    by all political parties in parliamentmust

    go the sameway. For it towork legislation

    must be put in place by Government and


    Regarding Concerned Residents re-

    mark on the Eastern Cape, I have the fol-

    lowing observation: I am certain Govern-

    ment will be very thankful if Concerned


    the massive economic growth potential

    in the Eastern Cape. Furthermore, I am

    certain that Trevor Manuel will most cer-

    tainly want to have Concerned Resident

    as a Special Advisor in his office.


    (Pleasenote thatwenowconsider thisdis-

    cussion closed. - Ed.)

    What todoabout


    Blue FlagGrotto?

    You may not be aware that yesterday, at mid

    day, opposite Dutchies, an appallingly loud

    sound of music emanated from an enormous

    truck. This continued until 17:00.

    The new owners of Dutchies spent hours

    trying toget throughtosomebodyresponsible

    at the council offices, but to no effect. There

    was a Christmas party at Dutchies for 40 peo-

    ple. They had to sit inside the restaurantwith

    all the doors and windows closed as the noise

    was intolerable. It was impossible for anyone

    to carry on a conversation. People sitting out-

    side left and the loss of business to the owners

    was unacceptable, particularly as they pay

    rent to thecouncil.Asaresident,andfrequent

    customer of Dutchies, I am no longer able to

    patronise the restaurant with such noise. Al-

    so the truck obstructs part of the view of the

    sea. One visits Dutchies for the beauty, peace

    and tranquillity and not to be blasted by loud

    thumping sounds. In fact the Blue Flag status

    ofGrottoBeachiscompromisedasit iscontra-

    ry to the European Standards of Control.

    I dohope that youdonotmindmy troubling

    you on this matter and I trust that you will

    be able to ensure that noise pollution is not

    allowed anywhere in Hermanus.

    A few months ago, close to the Burgundy

    Restaurant, thenoise coming fromamarquee

    was absolutely shocking. The owners were

    not able to obtain any assistance from the

    council to have the loudness of the thumping

    music reduced and they lost business.



    Emma kan gaan dans!

    Ek wil graag my dank en waardering uit-

    spreek teenoor die NG Kerk Onrusrivier en

    die NG Kerk Hermanus vir al die hulp en on-

    dersteuningwat ek gekry hetmet die aanbied

    van die Kersmelodrama op 15 November in

    die Gemeentesentrum, Onrusrivier. Ek is


    Dankie ook aan al die kunstenaars wat

    hulle tyd opgeoffer het om te oefen en deel te

    neem. Julle was skitterend!

    Baie dankie aan die publiek wat die verto-

    ning bygewoon het.

    Danksy julle kan Emma op 14 en 15 Desem-


    stad deelneem.

    Ek sien uit daarna om die volgende Melo-

    drama aan te bied in November 2014.



    EN HIERDIE DRIE WOEFIES IS MARK TOE... Izak Kenney het di prentjie gesien

    Sondagoggend by Pick n Pay. Ons verkeershoof sal bly wees om te sien dat hulle al

    mal veiligheidsgordels dra, het Izak gegrap. FOTO: IZAK KENNEY

    Visitor expresses concernat treatment in frail-care facility

    I was deeply shocked when we visited our

    cousin in this frail-care hospital. The care

    given to the dementia patients was good.

    We were told that to fill the place they also

    have place for a few general patients. We

    spoke toonewellpreservedbutelderlygentle-

    man (war veteran). He was confused after be-


    toldhimhewouldonlybe there for a fewdays.

    It seems he has been there for several weeks

    andhe seemed depressed and also frightened.

    There is a dementia patient there who had

    a fight with another patient. This poor man

    is now in hospital and has to have a hip re-


    itwasagainst the lawtokeepanormalpatient

    (one who does not have Alzheimers) at this


    Thedoctorsaid thepneumonia (of theveter-

    an) was cured. Hewas, however, too busy but

    would try and go to the frail care, and get the

    patient the help he needed to get out.

    I have to go back to the UK and nobody

    seems tohave time tohelp thisman.He fought

    in World War II and was allowed to go to the

    paraderecently.Bigdeal. Is thathowyoutreat

    people who were willing to die? He says he

    cannot stand this place. He calls it a prison.

    Shame on Hermanus, and sympathy for

    poor healthy patients who cannot get out.

    Thevisit tomycousin later leftmewithcon-

    cern for my cousin and patients who do not

    have serious health problems. Nobody cares.

    He says he likes his lawyer who has power

    of attorney to pay this prison R7 000 a month.

    I hope his legal advisor reads this, but he is

    too busy and has not been to visit him. Shame

    on this frail care hospital and all who have

    made an intelligent man like this give up.



    Colin Woodhatch from SOFCA:

    The main subject of this letter is a 90-year

    old war veteran who was admitted to Sofca


    ed not with antibiotics but with Warfarin,

    Lasix and vitamins. He has previously asked

    the writer to be allowed to return home. I told

    him it was the opinion of two medical doctors,

    a non-medical doctor and a social worker that

    he should not return to his flat as he is incapa-

    ble of looking after himself. Furthermore, the

    flat is unhygienic, but I told him he was free

    to go at any time provided he sign a self-dis-

    chargenote.Hechosenot todothatandremains

    here of his own free will. The probable instiga-

    tor, if not writer, of the letter has also been in

    my office to seek the release of the man and has

    been told the same facts. There are many inac-

    curacies in the letter, but one we cannot pass

    is the allegation that it is illegal to care for suf-

    ferers from Alzheimers disease together with

    non-sufferers of the disease. That is not true.

    In conclusion, we invite readers to visit Sofca

    at any time to see the professional care and re-

    spect that all our residents receive.

  • 11

    Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



    T I D E T A B L E

    W E A T H E R




    Information supplied by the

    Hydrographer SA Navy.

    The Hydrographer is not

    responsible for any

    transcription errors.

    25 Dec

    3 Dec

    17 Dec

    9 Dec





    Temp: 16/24

    Partly Cloudy




    Temp: 19/23

    Partly Cloudy

    Temp: 15/23




    Coldest day: 14.3C on 2nd December Warmest day: 27.9C on 3rd December

    Rainfall: 3.3mm on 27 November Total rainfall for November: 124,6mm

    De Bos dam level: 100.6% Average rainfall for December: 23.1mm

    Weather forecast info website: www.infosight.co.za/weather/SouthAfrica/WesternCape/Hermanus/

    06 Fri

    07 Sat

    08 Sun

    09 Mon

    10 Tue

    11 Wed

    12 Thu

    13 Fri

    0529 1744 1137 2357

    0621 1837 1236 ----

    0719 1937 0050 1342

    0824 2049 0152 1457

    0937 2211 0307 1615

    1048 2330 0428 1727

    1151 ---- 0541 1827

    0033 1244 0640 1914

    ) In response to Anne Clarks sms on

    Afrikaans in the Hermanus Times, I

    would like to know from her whether

    she would prefer us to sing God save

    the queen again. JOHAN VAN


    ) I read an article saying cant we al

    ways unite as we do in crisis. A home

    is more than a house, lets not wait for

    the next crisis. Do to others as u wish

    them to do to u. There are homes with

    little or no food, clothes, help, until a

    crisis comes again maybe your next

    door neighbour.

    ) Congrats on Fisherhavens new

    name. Port Jacksonville. LEON

    )AgPastoor, as jy so swakna jou hond

    kyk, hoe gaan dit met jou kudde by die

    kerk. Ek dink n sensus is nou die regte


    ) That man who sits on the bench in

    front of Pick n Pay was retrenched, put

    out of his flat and had to sell his car

    andbelongings. Is looking for company

    a crime? MARION

    ) Pieter Vermaak, die man wat op die

    bank voor Pick n Pay sit, is BennieHenn.

    Nou inwoner van Hermanus. Hy het sy

    werk verloor, o.a. oor die feit dat hy

    moet gaan vir n korneaoorplanting,

    en nie die geld het nie. Toe ek laas met

    hom gepraat het, sou hy sy motor ook

    verkoop het om sy agterstallige huur te

    betaal, want hy moes twee weke terug

    al uit die woonstel gewees het. Herma

    nus Staan Saam het hom gehelp met

    kos en basiese behoeftes. Ons het orals

    probeer om vir hom blyplek te kry, of

    nwerk.Asenige iemandvir Bennie kan

    help, sal ek so bly wees. TRONEL


    ) I did not buy your paper today. I

    heard from several people about rob

    beries inWestcliff.Why is there nothing

    in Hermanus Times? Also no news on

    Noreens killer and the lady fromNorth

    cliff who was sent over the mountain

    with injuries? Just news on mostly sport

    and functions. (We covered both these

    attacks. Ed.)

    ) Hoekom kla oor windpompe. Hoe

    veel plaaskombuise het windpompe?

    Plaaskombuise het ook ou wynvatte en

    ek hoor nie dat hulle daaroor kla nie.


    ) Dis n lieflike pad vanaf Vermont na

    Hermanus, net jammer baie mense ken

    nie die verskil tussen 80 km/h en 60

    km/hnie en karring danmaar aan teen

    60 km/h. JP

    ) Is daar ooit n beperking vandie hoe

    veelheid honde op n plot? Die drie hui

    se om ons het saam het 11 honde.

    ) Daar sal regtig iets gedoen moet

    word aan die mense wat so jaag op

    die pad tussen Rheezichtkafee en die

    Onrusverkeersligte. Veral die rooi

    BMWmotorfiets en die ou wat midder

    nagtelike ure ref en jaag en nie by een

    stopstraat stop nie. Dit is nie Kyalami

    nie. A

    ) Eienaars wat Onrus toe kom oor na

    weke en hulle bome snoei, ek wonder

    net wie moet dit wegry. INA

    )Sitasseblief indienmoontlik vullissak

    keDinsdaeuit. Die honde skeur die sak

    ke oop.

    )Volgens koerantberigte dink Herma

    nus se matrieks die eindeksamen bete

    ken suip. Sies man. En hulle ouers

    keur dit goed. Ek kan dit nie glo nie.


    )Dankie Hermanus Provinsiale Hospi

    taal vir jullegoeiediens.Veraldr. Baart

    man. Op 27 November het ek in n

    naald getrap en dit het diep in my voet

    gegaan. Met die goeie diens en harde

    werk het hulle die naald uitgekry.


    ) Dankie aan dr. Truter, susters Vrey

    & Groenewald van Mediclinic met die

    geboorte van Jano Ritter op 16Novem

    ber tydens die storm. Julle was great.


    ) Thank you Mathew from Fruit & Veg

    for your friendly and kind help with my

    trolley on Friday. Your are a star. God

    bless. T. VORSTER

    ) Kan die bestuur van Super Spar in

    Gateway nie meer gereeld na die toe

    stand van die vloer omsien en iets daar

    aan doen nie?

    ) A huge thank you to Pick n Pay and

    Gateway Spar for their generous dona

    tions towards the Santa Shoebox

    Project parties.

    ) Theo Krynauw, thank you for those

    gems of wisdom in last weeks letter

    page. Joy to the world.

    Somer, son en strand

    Hy wil nie sy lyf weerprofeet hou nie, s Willa

    Venter van Volklip, maar hoor wat ek vir julle

    s; ons gaan n jollie vakansietyd tegemoet. Nie

    met glasies,musiek en lawaai niemaarmet heer-

    like sonskyn, soosmensdieOverstrandopsybes-

    te ken.

    En as daar n prys vir die beste weervoorspel-

    lingvirdievakansie is, vatWilladiekoek, soom

    Langfaan toe n paar manne Maandag by Weer-

    haan inloer.

    Weerhaan sien ook netmooi dae vorentoe. Ons

    kan dit sien aan die stabiliteit in die bolug. Die

    wes-noordwes wat soos renweer wil lyk maar

    te erg deur lugstrome uit die weste gepla word,

    asook die lugdruk, is die sedert Dinsdagaand ti-

    piese voorlopers vanOverstrandsemooiweerdae

    vorentoe. Die wolke wat padgee en die lugdruk



    gesteek het so glad loop sy grafieke en wys eers

    teen Saterdagaand n duik wanneer almal slaap.

    Dit beteken dat die noordwes wat oor Worcester

    kom, n bietjie vog uit die ooste optel omomtrent

    2 mm oor die Overstrand uit te gooi. Maar teen

    agtuur is die son weer uit en almal kan afsit hen-

    gelwaters toe of die sonsambrele gaan opslaan.

    Volgende Vrydag die dertiende Desember,

    doen die noordwesweer presies dieselfde ding en

    val daar weer bietjie water.

    Langfaan s op Vrydag die dertiende bly hy

    anyway in die huis al speel die walvisse op die

    grasperke rond. Hy steek nie sy neus by die deur

    uit nie.

    Die grafiek wys dit sal daai dag dalk die hele

    dag en miskien die hele naweek ren. Jammer

    dat die vakansiegees so gedemp moet word, sug


    Vandag se jongklomp het lankal bygelofies af-

    geskud as dit by kansie kom. Die blitse kanmaar

    staan maar as die branders reg is, is hulle met

    hul branderplanke tussen hulle.

    Weerhaan se skermpie vertel egter dat die dei-

    nings endie stroomrigtingnie saamspeelnie.Die

    branders dryf landwaartsmaarmet diewindvan

    voor. Vandag (Donderdag) is die deinings nog

    rondom 4 meter en 14 sekondes uitmekaar wat

    byna te vinnig is vir die groot deinings om op

    te bou.

    En toe kom Willa met die res van sy voorspel-

    ling. Die wind kan Saterdagmiddag begin lol. Dit


    aan Sondag se lekker sonskyn nie. Dis net daai


    gaan waai.

    Sunny weather ahead, only a few drops of rain expected

    onSaturdaynight. So, get outyour sunblock, fishing rods

    and beach umbrellas and enjoy!

    Hermanus groet veteraanmotorman, oomDanie


    Danie Loubser, jarelange inwoner vanHerma-

    nus en stigterslid van die jaarlikse Whales &

    Wheelsklassiekemotorskou, is indievroeog-

    gendure van 2 Desember in die ouderdom van

    89 in die Stellenbosch Mediclinic oorlede.

    Danie het vroer vanjaar n beroerte gehad

    en n sy ontslag van die Hermanus-hospitaal,

    het hy en syvrouJoan (81),wat self aangesterk

    het n n operasie, hul intrek by Sofca geneem.

    Hulle is sowat n maand gelede oorgeplaas na


    waar Danie op 29 November n ernstige terug-

    slag gehad het en opgeneem is in die Medicli-

    nic. OomDanie, sooshyaanalmalbekendwas,

    was nmerkwaardigekennervanoumotors en

    het sy unieke kennis en talent aangewend om

    klassieke, veteraan en antieke motors te res-


    wing van n ou voertuig sou gee, kon hy vir

    jou die maak, model en jaartal verstrek en in

    besonderheid daaroor begin gesels.

    Daniehet altyd n oor gehadvir ander sepro-

    bleme en het dadelik sy werk opsy gesit om ie-

    mand anders te help. Daar pryk baie motors

    regoor die land wat deur Danie gerestoureer

    is. Sy pynlike deeglikheid sal deur almal wat

    homgekenhetmetgroot respekenwaardering

    onthou word.

    Danie (Danil Teubus) Loubser was n boor-

    ling vanVredenburg. Hy het aan die Universi-

    teit Stellenbosch studeer en die graad BA Tale

    verwerf asookdiedestydse senioronderwysdi-



    in 1913 in Vredenburg gevestig is, aangesluit,

    en later oorgeneem.

    Gedurende 1986 het Danie met sy eggenote

    Joan (neRoux), nboorlingvanHermanus,na

    haar geboortedorp verhuis. Hulle het hulle in-

    trek geneem in Joan se familiehuis in Luyt-

    straat, Eastcliff. Hier het Danie oor die jare n

    pragtigemuseumgevestigwat ondermeermo-

    delle van veteraan voertuie, ou gereedskap,

    memorabilia en lektuur ingesluit het.

    Gedurende 1998 het Danie, in samewerking


    de TV-program Drive Time-faam), die Herma-

    nus Whales n Wheels Veteraan en Klassieke

    Motorskou tot stand gebring.


    an, drie seuns Johan, Ian en Dant, dogter Es-

    terna en vier kleinkinders.

    n Gedenkdiens sal Donderdag 12 Desember

    om 11:00 in die NG gemeente Hermanus gehou


    Danie Loubser met sy 1928 Model A Ford

    wat hy sowat n jaar gelede gerestoureer



    Op 23 November tussen 03:00 en

    04:00 was daar ingebreek in ons

    kantoor. Gelukkig het ons n


    anders kon die dief/diewe met

    baie meer as net twee skootreke-

    naars weggekom het.

    Die polisie en speurders was

    hier om ons verklaring te neem.

    Op 27 November toe ons Herma-

    nus-polisiekantoor skakel om te

    hoor of hulle asseblief n voertuig

    naonsperseel kan stuur en nplan

    maakmet die vingerafdrukke ens.

    is daar ges daar is net twee voer-

    tuie beskikbaar wat reeds op an-

    der tonele besig is.

    Maar op 28 November om 10:00

    stopdaar npolisiewa indie indus-


    uitmet ntelevisievirdietelevisie-

    tegnikus om na te gaan.

    So hulle televisie is belangriker

    asmy goedwat gesteel is? Is dit be-

    langriker as die diewe wat op

    straat rondloop met my goed?

    Hoe werk dit dan?

    Die vingerafdruk-department

    het eers teenVrydagmiddag29No-

    vember by ons aangekom.


    Lieutenant Fadila Septem-

    ber, spokesperson for the Her-

    manus Police comments:

    The local criminal record centre,

    situated in Somerset West ex-

    plained that they had a shortage of

    manpower at the time of the inci-

    dent. The management of Her-

    manusPolice have takennote of the

    allegations concerning members

    using state vehicles for private use.

    The incident will be investigated

    and members disciplined accord-

    ingly if found that members used

    the vehicle illegally.

    The fingerprint experts are not

    stationed at the Hermanus Police

    Station and travel daily from Som-

    erset West to attend scenes here.

    n Leser het hierdie foto ingestuur

    waar lede van die polisie in

    werkstyd n televisie inneem om

    reggemaak te word.

  • 12

    Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



    Newweather radar


    A team of scientists and engi-

    neers from theSouthAfricanNa-

    tionalSpaceAgency (Sansa) ison

    theirway toAntarctica to install

    a state-of-the-art new High Fre-

    quency Digital Radar system at

    the SA Antarctic research base.

    This system, built in Hermanus,

    forms part of the Super Dual Auro-

    ral Radar Network, otherwise

    known as SuperDARN, an interna-

    tional network of over 30 radars

    used to monitor the dynamics of

    space weather.

    The group left Cape Town on the

    SA Agulhas II on 28 November for

    this milestone 53rd expedition.

    Onarrival inAntarctica, the team

    will spend six weeks on installation

    and also perform routine mainte-

    nance on other equipment used to

    monitor the space environment.

    WhileAntarcticamaybe the cold-

    est, driest and windiest place on

    earth, it is one of the best locations

    to conduct space weather research

    due to the earths magnetic field

    lines converging at the pole and act-

    ing as a funnel for space plasma to

    travel into the earths atmosphere.

    Just like police radars that send out

    beams which reflect from vehicles,


    position and speed of plasma in the

    Earths ionosphere.

    Thenewradarwill go a longway

    in contributing to the SuperDARN

    network as it is one of the most ad-

    vanced digital radars in theworld,

    said Dr Lee-Anne McKinnell, man-

    aging director of Sansa Space Sci-

    ence in Hermanus.

    Monitoring the space environ-


    service to the nation by providing

    forecasts and warnings on space

    weather activity, playing an impor-

    tant role in protecting satellite tech-


    tion systems as well as electrical

    power grids.

    The Sansa team on their way to install the new digital radar at the South

    African base SANAE IV in Antarctica includes (back from left) Stefan Lotz,

    Roger van Schie, Gert Lamprecht and Francois Olivier. In Front are Nicky

    Knox, Cornelia Oberholzer, Jonathan Ward and Catherine Paverd. Also

    included in the team is Lumka Msibi, who was not available when the

    photo was taken. The five men and Cornelia are from Hermanus, while

    the other team members are from Gauteng.

    Action plan inmotion to curb crime in Vermont

    More than a hundred residents,

    service providers and members of

    the police attended the Vermont

    Ratepayers and Environment As-

    sociation (VREA) at the public

    meetingheldon26Novemberat the

    De Wet hall in Onrus.

    A comprehensive plan to curb

    the crime rate in Vermont was set

    in motion with the primary objec-

    tive being to form a task group to

    establish a safety and security net-

    work before February next year.

    Other objectives are:


    on safety and security, bymeans of

    the VREA, the Ward 13 committee

    and the planned network.

    To encourage all security serv-

    ice providers to attend the meet-

    ings of the community police fo-


    Tosupport the lobbygroupseek-

    ing toexpedite theestablishmentof

    a police station in Hawston.

    To strive for the erection of sur-

    veillance cameras at strategic loca-

    tions in Vermont.

    To source statistics on crime in

    Vermont fromthe lawenforcement


    To have alien vegetation in the

    area removed, with the assistance

    of the VREA and the Vermont Con-

    servation Trust.

    Themeetingwas informedof sys-

    tems to curb the unacceptable

    crime rate in the area, beinghouse-

    breaking, assault and theft, that

    should be implemented as soon as

    possible. These systems are sup-

    ported by security services such as

    ADT, Capital and Safe Security.

    Residents were again urged to re-

    port incidents to the authorities.

    The Association wishes to thank

    the residents of Vermont for their

    overwhelming support at themeet-

    ing, saidPaulPfister,VREAportfo-

    lio manager for Safety and Securi-


    For enquiries, contact Paul

    Pfister on 082 573 6808.


    YouthAstronomyClub visits Cape Town

    Fifteen members of the Hermanus

    Youth Astronomy and Space Club

    were taken on a trip to Cape Town

    by John Saunders and his wife

    Irene recently.

    This was the first time any of

    themhadbeen toCapeTown, so the

    trip was a huge eye-opener, says


    All the club members are learn-

    ers fromGrades 4 to 7 at Lukhanyo

    Primary School in Zwelhile.

    Accompanied by their two sci-

    ence teachers ZukieNgoloame and

    Douglas Stuurman, they took the

    schools mini-bus and visited the

    National Science Centre, the Noon

    Gun on Signal Hill, the Planetari-



    They spent twohours at the Sci-

    ence Centre thoroughly enjoying

    all the interactive games available

    along with the space capsule used

    by Mark Shuttleworth on his trip

    into space in 2002.

    They then went up to the top of

    SignalHill to see theNoonGunand

    witnessed thehugebangas the gun

    automatically fired at 12:00 noon

    upon receipt of a signal from the

    clock at the observatory.


    The Sky Tonight.

    They also attended a tour of the

    Astronomical Observatory includ-

    ing the library and conference hall

    where they viewed a Stellarium

    presentation about the solar sys-

    tem. They drove

    home tired, butwith

    very happy memo-

    ries of a super day,

    says Saunders.

    Members of the Hermanus Youth Astronomy and Space Club, accompa

    nied by their science teachers from Lukhanyo Primary, and John Saun

    ders from Hermanus Astronomy, next to the Noon Gun on Signal Hill in


    Great fun was had

    sitting astride the

    Noon Gun.



  • 13

    Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



    Mag daar nog vele


    uitsaai jare wees

    [email protected] / www.jaydees.co.za

    028 312 3846

    Happy 5th Birthday -

    wishing you many more

    broadcasting years.

    Stanford and Gansbaai



    on a successful 5 years!

    Hospital Street HERMANUS

    Tel 028 312 1196

    BAIE GELUK MET 5 JAAR - mag daar

    nog baie voorspoedige jare wees.

    087 550 2790

    Cnr Main & Mimosa Street, Hermanus


    Gateway Centre,

    VW Hermanus

    Trots om met julle

    geassosieer te word

    c/o Main Rd / Mimosa Str,

    Gateway Centre

    Tel: 028-312 2066 / 028-313 0428

    Baie geluk - net goeie wense

    vir die toekoms toegewens.


    Begrafnisdienste - Funeral Services

    Diens met trots Volkome Gemoedsrus

    We serve with pride Total Peace of Mind

    086 722 7706

    Argonstraat Besigheids Park HERMANUS

    Arum Street, Hermanus

    Tel: 028 312 2270

    Cell: 082 772 7657

    Baie geluk -

    dankie vir

    uitstekende diens.

    Congratulations on the

    first five years of

    broadcasting and


    128 Main Road, Hermanus

    BAIE GELUK MET 5 jaar.

    Baie dankie vir goeie diens.


    Approved Repairer

    Happy 5th Birthday

    May there be many more


    18 Arum Street, Hermanus 028-312 3704

    Go Further


    Alle voorspoed

    met nog baie jare.

    55tthh BBiirrtthhddaayy CCeelleebbrraattiioonnss5th Birthday Celebrations

    A very

    Happy Birthday!

    TheBIG5 for

    WhaleCoast FM

    Whale Coast FM, the Overstrands very own

    Community Radio Station, turns five this

    month. Who would have thought that a con-

    versation around a braai in 2007 would lead

    to the issuing of a five-year licence the follow-

    ing year!

    Since December 2008, for 18 hours every

    day, Whale Coast FM has been the Rhythm

    of theOverstrand.With two transmitters, one

    above Hawston, the other above Hermanus

    Heights, WCFM covers the Overstrand from

    Hangklip to Pearly Beach.

    Catering to theneedsof adiverse communi-

    ty like that of the Overstrand isnt always

    easy, but our eclectic mix of Afrikaans, Eng-


    struck a happy balance for all our listeners.

    This is certainly reflected by the many calls

    the station and its pre-

    senters receive on a dai-

    ly basis.

    Over these last five

    years, a dedicated team

    of presenters, producers

    and administrative staff has come together to

    ensure the smooth running of Whale Coast

    FM.However, the advertisers alsoplayavital

    role in making sure the station has sufficient

    income to flourish. Without advertisers, the

    station would not exist.

    AhugeBaieDankie to allwhouse thepower

    of radio to market their businesses.

    ) The time has now come for WCFM to re-

    new its broadcast licence, refurbish some

    equipment and carry out general mainte-

    nance. Unlike the SABC, Whale Coast FM re-

    ceives no licence fees or other official suste-

    nance for this purpose. We have therefore

    launched our Donasie vidi Stasie (Donation

    for the Station) campaign to give listeners the

    opportunity to supportWCFMandmake sure

    the Rhythmof theOverstrand stays on air for

    the next five years.

    Find out more on Facebook, www.whale-

    coastfm.co.za or by keeping your ear glued to

    WCFM.Better still, deposit yourcontribution

    into our bank account: Breakthrough Adven-

    tures, Nedbank Hermanus, 1345044585.

    From left: Agnes Steyn (admin manager), Dr Nelia Louw (director), John Mathew (founder), Dr

    Martin Fisher (director) and Mari Geyer (production manager).

    Janet Marshall and Dayne Nel in the onair

    studio of Whale Coast FM.

  • 14

    Hermanus Times

    5 December, 2013



    For all tourism queries and bookings.

    Monday to Friday 08h30-17h00

    Saturday 09h00-16h00

    Sunday 10h00-14h00

    Interesting and informative displays

    Curios, maps, postcards and books

    Gateway Centre

    028 3841439 / 072 2915564

    [email protected]


    Haweweg 2, Gansbaai, 7220

    Best Seaview and Seafood



    Although the legal use for the existing



    proved by Overstrand Municipalitys

    GansbaaiAdministrationrecently, itdoes

    not mean that they are going to use it to

    fly in corporate clients.

    The landingstrip isabout 8mwideand1 km

    long and no new infrastructure associated

    with the landing strip will be constructed.

    At this stage the landing strip will not be

    used for corporate clients to fly in and out of

    Grootbos because of its condition. The strip

    is basically an old gravel road which is not

    tarredand isalsonot even, saysMichaelLut-

    zeyer, Grootbos owner.

    With the landing strips incline together

    with the southeaster fromtime to time, I dont

    think many pilots will feel comfortable land-

    ing here.

    The only pilot using the landing strip at

    themoment is EvanAustin, owner of African

    Wings in Stanford, who will take clients on

    whale watching trips.

    During thewhale watching seasonwe do

    approximately 100 trips. In the past I used

    to take my guests to Stanford for a whale

    watching flight, but now with the landing

    strip being legalised for small aircraft, we



    With fires being a great danger for the

    Overberg region, Lutzeyer is also looking at

    possibilities for a water pick-up spot.

    If I canmanage to put a pipeline from the

    dam to the landing strip, we canmaybe look

    at using it for planes to pick up water when


    approximately800 lofwater,aplanecaneas-

    ily carry up to 2 000 l, says Lutzeyer.

    It is expected that the landing strip will

    provide a significant boost to business and

    hence the local economy, conservation and

    social projects that Grootbos is driving.

    Grootbos is an ecotourism destination

    with two 5-star lodges and a luxury villa

    overlooking Walker Bay.

    Gansbaai events

    6 December Switching on Christmas

    street lights from 18:30 (stalls and enter-


    7 December Fees van die Ganse Street

    Festival 09:00 21:00 (Stalls, entertain-