Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Renewable Energy Approval Clarification Document April 10, 2015 Gunn’s Hill LP 19 Bold St, Unit 2B Hamilton, ON L8P 1T3 Phone: (905) 5281747 Fax: (866) 2036516 Email: [email protected] Web: www.prowind.ca

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Page 1: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!





Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Renewable  Energy  Approval  

Clarification  Document                  



April  10,  2015          


Gunn’s  Hill  LP  19  Bold  St,  Unit  2B  

Hamilton,  ON    L8P  1T3  

 Phone:  (905)  528-­‐1747  

Fax:  (866)  203-­‐6516  Email:  [email protected]  Web:  www.prowind.ca

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Table  of  Contents  

1.0     Introduction  .............................................................................................................................  1  

2.0     REA  Application  Timeline  .........................................................................................................  1  

3.0     Details  of  Additions/Changes  ..................................................................................................  2  

3.1     Additional  Documents  Submitted  .................................................................................  2  

3.2   Additional  Species  Studies  .............................................................................................  3  

3.2.1   Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat  (wetlands)  Survey  ...............................................  3  

3.2.2   Maternity  Bat  Colony  Survey  ............................................................................  4  

3.3     First  Notice  of  Project  Change:  Removal  of  Overhead  Cable  ........................................  9  

3.4     Second  Notice  of  Project  Change:  Nameplate  Capacity  Change  and  Turbine  Model  Change  .........................................................................................................................  29  

3.5   Clarifications  during  Technical  Review  ........................................................................  37  

3.5.1   Cement  Wash  Water  Ponds  ............................................................................  37  

3.5.2   Size  of  Auxiliary  Generators  ............................................................................  38  

3.5.3   Ice  Accumulation  and  Shedding  .....................................................................  38  

3.6     Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Report  Addendum  ........................................................  39  

3.7       Third  Notice  of  Project  Change:  Addition  of  Access  Road  Construction  Option  .........  46  

3.8   Revisions  to  the  Noise  Assessment  Report  .................................................................  48  

3.9   Change  in  Ownership  of  the  Project  ............................................................................  49  

4.0   Consultation  Update  ..............................................................................................................  50  

4.1   Federal  Agency  Consultation  .......................................................................................  50  

4.1.1     Nav  Canada  .....................................................................................................  50  

4.1.2     Transport  Canada  ...........................................................................................  50  

4.2   Municipal  Consultation  ...............................................................................................  51  

4.2.1   County  of  Oxford  ............................................................................................  51  

4.2.2   Township  of  Norwich  ......................................................................................  51  

4.3   Community  Stakeholder  Consultation  ........................................................................  51  

4.4   Aboriginal  Consultation  ...............................................................................................  51  

 List  of  Appendices  

Appendix  A:  Supplemental  information  for  Table  5  

Appendix  B:  Senvion  Ice  Letter  

Appendix  C:  Consultation  Update  Documentation  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


1.0     Introduction  

Prowind  Canada  Inc.  on  behalf  of  Gunn’s  Hill  LP  is  proposing  a  ten-­‐turbine  project  in  the  northwest  corner  of  Norwich  Township,  Oxford  County  called  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  (Project).    The  Renewable  Energy  Approval  (REA)  was  received  from  the  Ministry  of  Environment  and  Climate  Change  (MOECC)  on  April  9,  2015  and  the  entire  REA  package  including  this  document  are  available  for  inspection  on  the  project’s  website.      During  the  course  of  the  REA  application  completeness  review  and  technical  review,  additional  information  was  provided  to  the  MOECC.    In  addition,  changes  were  made  to  the  Project  scope  following  the  MOECC’s  change  process.  This  document  provides  a  comprehensive  summary  of  the  clarification  information  provided  to  the  MOECC  during  the  technical  review,  the  changes  made  to  the  project  scope,  and  the  resulting  adjustment  to  the  text  of  the  submitted  REA  reports.        This  Clarification  Document  has  been  prepared  to  highlight  and  summarize  the  changes,  clarifications,  and  additions  that  have  been  made  to  the  REA  application  since  the  original  submission  was  made  in  June  2013.  This  document  presents  the  originally  submitted  text  adjacent  to  the  revised  text  that  now  represents  the  wording  for  the  REA  application  as  a  result  of  these  changes.      This  document  is  part  of  the  REA  application.  It  is  posted  along  with  the  rest  of  the  REA  reports  to  be  viewed  in  tandem  with  the  entire  REA  application.  

2.0     REA  Application  Timeline  

Below  is  a  timeline  of  the  REA  application  process  to  date  including  all  project  additions  and  changes.  Each  item  is  explained  in  more  detail  in  the  identified  section.    Table  1   Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  REA  application  timeline    Date   Addition/Change   Ref  Jun  10,  2013   REA  application  submitted  to  MOECC      

Jul  19,  2013   Additional  documents  submitted    -­‐  Municipal  Reports  and  EEMP  comments   3.1  

Dec  18,  2013   Additional  documents  submitted    -­‐  Bat  Maternity  Colony  Survey  Report  and  Amphibian  Wetland  Breeding  Survey  Report  


Feb  3,  2014   First  Notice  of  Project  Change:  removal  of  overhead  cable   3.3  

Feb  7,  2014   REA  application  deemed  complete/EBR  Posting  -­‐  45  day  public  comment  period    


Apr  10,  2014   Second  Notice  of  Project  change:  project  nameplate  capacity  change,  turbine  model  change    


Jul  7,  2013   Additional  EBR  Posting  -­‐  30  day  public  comment  period    Sept-­‐Mar,  2014   Clarifications  as  part  of  technical  review   3.5  

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Oct  10,  2014   Heritage  Assessment  Report  Addendum     3.6  

Jan  26,  2015   Third  Notice  of  Project  Change:  access  road  construction  option   3.7  Various   Noise  Assessment  Report  Revisions   3.8  

  Project  Ownership  Change   3.9  Apr  9,  2015   Renewable  Energy  Approval  received    

3.0     Details  of  Additions/Changes  

3.1     Additional  Documents  Submitted    When  the  REA  application  was  submitted  to  the  MOECC  in  June  2013,  neither  the  upper  tier  municipality  (Oxford  County)  nor  the  lower  tier  municipality  (Township  of  Norwich)  had  completed  the  suggested  Municipal  Consultation  Form.  Both  organizations  opted  instead  to  prepare  a  Municipal  Planning  Report  and  present  recommendations  to  Council.      The  Township  of  Norwich  held  their  Council  meeting  on  May  14,  2013  where  the  Planning  Report  was  received  as  information  and  comments  were  approved  for  inclusion  in  the  Oxford  Council  Planning  Report.      The  County  of  Oxford  held  their  Council  meeting  on  June  12,  2013  where  the  Planning  Report  recommendations  were  adopted.    Additionally,  at  this  time  there  was  ongoing  consultation  with  the  Ministry  of  Natural  Resources  and  Forestry  (MNRF)  regarding  the  Environmental  Effects  Monitoring  Plan  (included  as  part  of  the  Design  and  Operations  Report).  A  final  approval  letter  was  received  for  this  Plan  from  the  MNRF  on  July  9,  2013.    The  above  noted  documentation  was  submitted  to  the  MOECC  on  July  19,  2013,  once  all  necessary  documentation  was  available  for  distribution.    Table  2   Changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  Additional  Documents  Submission    Report  reference  

Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  

Consultation  Report  Vol.  1,  Section,  Page  5.28  

The  County  was  coordinating  responses  on  the  draft  REA  for  the  municipalities  and  the  County.  With  respect  to  County  comments  as  part  of  the  MCF,  a  Municipal  Report  has  been  prepared  by  the  County;  however  it  has  not  yet  gone  to  County  Council  for  approval.  Upon  receipt  of  the  comments,  Prowind  will  work  with  the  County  to  address  any  concerns  that  may  be  raised  and  will  keep  the  MOE  informed  of  the  process.  

The  County  coordinated  responses  on  the  draft  REA  for  the  municipalities  and  the  County.  With  respect  to  County  comments  as  part  of  the  MCF,  a  Municipal  Report  was  prepared  by  the  County  and  presented  to  County  Council  on  June  12,  2014.  All  recommendations  in  the  Municipal  Report  were  accepted  by  Council.  Prowind  will  continue  to  work  with  the  County  with  regard  to  these  recommendations  and  other  ongoing  correspondence  and  will  keep  the  MOECC  informed  of  the  process.  

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Consultation  Report  Vol.  1,  Section,  Page  5.29  

In  January  2013,  the  draft  REA  reports  were  provided  (along  with  the  updated  MCF)  and  Prowind  offered  to  meet  with  Township  staff  to  assist  with  their  review,  receive  feedback,  and  answer  any  questions.  A  Report  to  Council  (dated  April  23,  2013)  was  prepared  in  response  to  the  MCF  which  identified  comments/requests  from  the  Township  to  Prowind.  *  The  main  request  was  for  Prowind  to  enter  into  an  agreement  with  the  Township  of  Norwich  to  address  matters  relating  to  requirements  of  the  Township,  financial  services,  and  otherwise  regarding  municipal  drainage,  building  permits,  roads  and  traffic  control,  emergency  servicing  and  facility  decommissioning,  all  of  which  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Township  of  Norwich.  Prowind  is  committed  to  working  with  the  Township  to  address  these  concerns  and  will  continue  to  provide  updates  to  the  MOE  with  regards  to  the  status/content  of  these  discussions.  

Sentence  added  at  *    The  Municipal  Planning  Report  was  presented  to  Township  Council  on  May  14,  2013  and  comments  for  the  County  Council  report  were  approved.      

Consultation  Report  Vol.  1,  Appendix  G5  

  Municipal  Planning  Reports  and  corresponding  Council  Meeting  Minutes  added  to  appendix  as  supporting  documentation.  


3.2   Additional  Species  Studies    As  a  condition  of  approval  of  the  Natural  Heritage  Assessment  Report  from  the  Ministry  of  Natural  Resources  and  Forestry,  two  species  studies  were  conducted  after  the  approval  letter  was  received  on  May  8,  2013.  Both  studies  were  required  for  the  appropriate  time  of  year,  and  therefore  conditional  approval  was  granted  by  the  MNRF  prior  to  these  studies  being  completed.  Both  the  reports  discussed  below  were  submitted  to  the  MNRF  for  review  and  acceptance  before  submitted  to  the  MOECC.    

3.2.1   Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat  (wetlands)  Survey  

The  majority  of  the  amphibian  survey  was  conducted  in  the  summer  of  2011  and  did  not  identify  any  significant  amphibian  breeding  habitat.  One  additional  location  was  identified  as  necessitating  amphibian  surveys  near  Turbine  5.  This  additional  survey  was  conducted  over  April  -­‐  June  2013.  The  results  of  this  survey  did  not  find  any  significant  amphibian  breeding  habitat.  No  additional  requirements  were  necessary.  The  report  was  finalized  on  August  23,  2013  and  submitted  to  the  MOECC  on  December  18,  2013  once  the  Bat  Maternity  survey  report  was  finalized.    

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3.2.2   Maternity  Bat  Colony  Survey  

Two  woodlots  near  Turbines  1,  2,  and  3  were  identified  as  potential  Maternity  Bat  Colony  habitat.  Surveys  for  this  habitat  type  should  be  done  in  June  when  bats  are  breeding.  This  survey  was  conducted  on  June  5,  2013  and  no  significant  habitat  was  observed.  The  results  were  compiled  into  a  final  report  dated  December  17,  2013  and  was  submitted  to  the  MOECC  on  December  18,  2013.    The  changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  the  above  are  detailed  in  Table  3  below.  

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Table  3   Changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  Additional  Species  Studies  Submission    Report  reference   Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  Executive  Summary  Section  2.4.3  (pg  14)  

Section  2.4.3  in  its  entirety   Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  No  significant  wildlife  habitats  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation.    Potential  Effects  There  are  no  identified  significant  wildlife  habitats  in  the  project  area  therefore  there  are  no  potential  effects.    Mitigation  Measures  No  potential  effects  are  anticipated  during  operation  and  therefore  no  mitigation  measures  are  necessary.  Net  Effects  No  net  effects  are  anticipated.    

Project  Description  Report Section  (pg  29)  

Amphibian  Wetland   Breeding   Habitat   and   Bat  Maternity   Colonies   are   identified   as  Significant  Wildlife   Habitat   within   the   Zone   of   Investigation.     These   habitats   were  unable   to   be   confirmed   as   significant   with   previous   field   studies   and   further   pre-­‐construction   field   studies   are   required   to   confirm   significance.   Details   on   site  investigation,   evaluation   of   significance,   upcoming   pre-­‐construction   surveys   are  presented  within  the  NHA.  

Paragraph  removed  in  its  entirety.  

Design  and  Operations  Report  Section  2.3.2,  Table  7  (pg  14)  

For   the   purposes   of   this   summary   Table   7   was   reduced   to   only   show   relevant  columns.  

Turbine  ID  #   Significant  Natural  Features  Closer  than  120  m  (m)  

1  78  -­‐  woodland  78  -­‐  wildlife  hab.  33  -­‐  wildlife  hab.  

2   116  -­‐  woodland  3   n/a  4   n/a  5   1  -­‐  wildlife  hab.  6   n/a  7   n/a  8   n/a  9   n/a  10   n/a  



Turbine  ID  #   Significant  Natural  Features  Closer  than  120  m  (m)  

1   78  -­‐  woodland  2   116  -­‐  woodland  3   n/a  4   n/a  5   n/a  6   n/a  7   n/a  8   n/a  9   n/a  10   n/a  

Section  5.3.6  (page  37-­‐39)  

Section  5.3.6  in  its  entirety   Significant  Wildlife  and  Wildlife  Habitat  No  significant  wildlife  habitats  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation.  Due  to  the  absence  of  Any  Significant  Wildlife  or  Wildlife  Habitat,  no  potential  effects  will  

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occur;  therefore  no  mitigation  measures  are  required.    

Section  6.3.3  (page  74-­‐75)  

Section  6.3.3  in  its  entirety   Section  6.3.3  removed  in  its  entirety.  

Appendix  A   Site  Plan  Maps   Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  removed  from  Site  Plan  Maps  

Appendix  F,  Section  2  

Section  2  in  its  entirety     Section  2  removed  in  its  entirety.  

Appendix  F.  Section  3  

For  wildlife  habitats  determined  to  be  significant  based  on  the  results  of  the  surveys  described  above,  post-­‐construction  monitoring  will  also  be  conducted.      For  significant  amphibian  breeding  habitat,  one  year  of  post-­‐construction  monitoring  will   be   conducted   following   the   pre-­‐construction   methods   described   above.   A  monitoring  report  will  be  provided  to  the  MNR  within  3  months  of  the  completion  of  surveys.  The  number  of   species  and   the  number  of   individual  breeding  amphibians  will  be  monitored  and  compared  to  pre-­‐construction  conditions.      For   significant   bat   maternity   roost   habitat,   three   years   of   post-­‐construction  monitoring   will   be   conducted   following   the   pre-­‐construction   methods   described  above.  A  monitoring  report  will  be  provided  annually  to  the  MNR  within  3  months  of  the   completion   of   surveys   each   year.   The   number   of   species   and   the   number   of  roosting  bats  will  be  monitored  and  compared  to  pre-­‐construction  conditions.      Results  of  post-­‐construction  wildlife  habitat  monitoring  will  be  reviewed  collectively  by   the   proponent,   MNR   and   other   relevant   agencies   to   determine   if   and   when  additional  monitoring  and/or  mitigation   is  required.    The  best  available  science  and  information  should  be  considered  when  determining  appropriate  mitigation.    For   post-­‐construction   mortality   monitoring   for   birds   and   bats,   please   refer   to  Appendix   B   “Post-­‐Construction   Environmental   Effects   Monitoring   Plan:   Birds   and  Bats”.  

For   post-­‐construction   mortality   monitoring   for   birds   and   bats,   please   refer   to  Appendix   B   “Post-­‐Construction   Environmental   Effects   Monitoring   Plan:   Birds   and  Bats”.  

Natural  Heritage  Assessment  Report  Section  C  Pg  46    

WO2   contains   significant  wildlife   habitat.   This  woodland  meets   the  minimum   area  threshold   for   this   criteria   in   this   municipality   and   can   therefore   be   considered  significant  for  proximity  to  significant  habitat.    

WO2   is   located   within   30   m   of   a   significant   woodland.   This   woodland   meets   the  minimum  area  threshold  for  this  criteria  in  this  municipality;  therefore  this  woodland  can  be  considered  significant  for  proximity  to  significant  habitat.    

Section  7.4.1  50  

To  evaluate  the  significance  of  these  areas,  a  Roadside  Call  Count  for  anuran  species  was  conducted  during  the  breeding  season  over  three  surveys  from  May  to  June  of  2011.  Details  and  maps  showing  the  locations  of  these  surveys  are  provided  in  Appendix  H.  This  was  conducted  for  four  of  the  five  sites.  C7  was  not  surveyed.  The  locations  of  the  previous  and  upcoming  surveys  are  shown  in  Appendix  A  –  Map  18  

To  evaluate  the  significance  of  these  areas,  a  Roadside  Call  Count  for  anuran  species  was  conducted  during  the  breeding  season  over  three  surveys  from  May  to  June  of  2011  and  in  April  to  June  2013  for  C7.  Details  and  maps  showing  the  locations  of  these  surveys  are  provided  in  Appendix  H.    

Section  7.4.1     Results  of  this  Roadside  Call  Count  for  Frogs  and  Toads  conducted  on  May  4,  May  25   Results  of  this  Roadside  Call  Count  for  Frogs  and  Toads  conducted  in  2011  and  2013  

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(pg  51)   and  June  20,  2011  observed  only  two  species  -­‐  Spring  Peeper  and  Northern  Leopard  Frog.   Call   Counts   from   each   Candidate   Significant   Amphibian   Breeding   Habitat   is  listed  in  Table  18.    

observed   three   species   -­‐   Spring  Peeper,  Northern   Leopard  Frog  and  Grey  Treefrog.  Call  Counts   from  each  Candidate  Significant  Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat   is   listed   in  Table  18.  

Section  7.4.1,  Table  18  (pg  51)  

Habitat  Area  ID  

Frog  Species  Recorded*  Spring  Peeper  

Northern  Leopard  Frog  

C3   -­‐   -­‐  C4   -­‐   -­‐  C5   3   1  C6   3   -­‐  


Habitat  Area  ID  

Frog  Species  Recorded*  Spring  Peeper  

Northern  Leopard  Frog  

Grey  Treefrog  

C3   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  C4   -­‐   -­‐   -­‐  C5   3   1   -­‐  C6   3   -­‐   -­‐  C7   -­‐   -­‐   1  


Section  7.4.1  (pg  51)  

Only  C5  and  C6  observed  any  frog  species.  Both  C5  and  C6  are  Candidate  Significant  Wetland  Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat  which  can  be  identified  as  significant  with  the  observation   of   2   or   more   species   listed   species   with   more   than   20   individuals  observed.    Neither  C5  nor  C6  meet  the  above  criteria.    

None   of   the   surveyed   areas   were   found   to   be   Significant   Amphibian   Breeding  Habitat.   One   identified   Candidate   Significant   Amphibian  Wetland   Breeding   Habitat  (C7)   has   not   been   surveyed   for   frog   calls   and   therefore   a   determination   of   its  significance  cannot  be  identified.  Pre-­‐construction  monitoring  of  this  feature  will  be  conducted  in  the  upcoming  spring  breeding  season  following  the  same  methodology  as  outlined  above.    

For   the   purposes   of   this   report,   it   will   be   assumed   the   un-­‐surveyed   feature   is  significant  and  will  be  carried  forward  to  the  Environmental  Impact  Study.  

Only   C5,   C6,   C7   observed   any   frog   species.   All   three   are   Candidate   Significant  Wetland  Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat  which  can  be  identified  as  significant  with  the  observation   of   2   or   more   species   listed   species   with   more   than   20   individuals  observed.    None  of  the  above  habitats  meet  the  criteria.  

None   of   the   surveyed   areas   were   found   to   be   Significant   Amphibian   Breeding  Habitat.  

Section  7.4.2    (pg  53)  

If   a   maternity   roost   is   found,   the   entire   ELC   stand   is   considered   bat   SWH   for   the  maternity  colony  roost.  

The  surveys  were  conducted  on  June  5,  2013  for  both  C1  and  C2  habitats.  Zero  bats  were  seen  entering  cavity  trees  during  this  survey  period.  Therefore,  this  habitat  is  not  significant.      The  detailed  results  of  this  survey  can  be  found  in  Appendix  G.    

Section  7.5    (pg  53)    

None   of   the   candidate   significant   wildlife   habitat   was   identified   as   significant,   but  three  (3)  habitats  will  be  carried  forward  to  the  Environmental  Impact  Study  because  insufficient  fieldwork  was  conducted  to  establish  significance.    

None  of  the  candidate  significant  wildlife  habitat  was  identified  as  significant.    

Section  7.5,  Table  19      (pg  53)  

Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  x  Count  of  features;  IDs  0  confirmed  3  unconfirmed  (C1,  C2,  and  C7)  7  Generalized  (G1,  G2,  G3,  G4,  G5,  G6,  G7)  

Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  x  Count  of  features;  IDs  0  confirmed  7  Generalized  (G1,  G2,  G3,  G4,  G5,  G6,  G7)  

Section  8.3    (pg  60-­‐62)  

Section  8.3  in  its  entirety   Section  8.3  removed  in  its  entirety  

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Section  8  Table  21    (pg  63-­‐71)  

  Remove  references  to  C1,  C2  and  C7  from  table  

Section  9.3.3    (pg  85)  

Four  of   the   five  Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat  were  evaluated   through  Roadside  Call  Count   surveys   and   determined   not   to   be   significant.   The   last   Amphibian   breeding  habitat  area  was  not  surveyed,  but  will  be  in  the  upcoming  breeding  season  prior  to  construction.  This   last  amphibian  breeding  habitat  area   is  assumed  to  be  significant  and  carried  forward  to  EIS.    

The   Bat  Maternity   Roost  Habitats  were   unable   to   be   evaluated   properly   as   no   bat  exit   surveys   were   conducted   at   the   site.   These   studies   will   be   conducted   in   the  upcoming   season,   prior   to   construction.   These   habitat   areas   are   assumed   to   be  significant  and  carried  forward  to  EIS.    

The   Amphibian   Breeding   Habitats   were   evaluated   through   Roadside   Call   Count  surveys  and  determined  not  to  be  significant.    

The   Bat   Maternity   Roost   Habitats   were   evaluated   and   determined   not   to   be  significant.  

Section  9.4  (pg  83)  

Four  woodlands   (WO1,  WO2,  WO3,  and  WO4),  5  wetlands   (WE3,  WE4,  WE5,  WE8,  and  WE9),   7  Generalized   Significant  Wildlife  Habitats   (G1,  G2,  G3,  G4,  G5,  G6,   and  G7)   and   3   Significant   Wildlife   Habitats   (Bat   Maternity   Colonies   C1   and   C2   and  Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat  C7)  were  evaluated  for  environmental  impacts  from  the  construction,  operation  and  decommissioning  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.    

Four  woodlands   (WO1,  WO2,  WO3,  and  WO4),  5  wetlands   (WE3,  WE4,  WE5,  WE8,  and  WE9),   7  Generalized   Significant  Wildlife  Habitats   (G1,  G2,  G3,  G4,  G5,  G6,   and  G7)  were  evaluated  for  environmental  impacts  from  the  construction,  operation  and  decommissioning  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.    

Section  9.4  (pg  83)  

Post-­‐construction  monitoring  for  bird  and  bat  mortality  will  be  used  to  determine  the  actual   impacts   of   the  wind   farm.     Post-­‐construction   disturbance  monitoring   of   any  significant  wildlife  habitat  (which  could  include  bat  maternity  colonies  and  amphibian  breeding   habitat;   however,   this   will   be   determined   by   the   results   of   the   pre-­‐construction   surveys)   will   also   be   conducted.   This   plan   is   outlined   in   the  Environmental   Effects   and   Monitoring   Plan   (EEMP)   in   the   Design   and   Operations  Report.  

Post-­‐construction  monitoring  for  bird  and  bat  mortality  will  be  used  to  determine  the  actual   impacts   of   the  wind   farm.   This   plan   is   outlined   in   the  Environmental   Effects  and  Monitoring  Plan  (EEMP)  in  the  Design  and  Operations  Report.  

Appendix  A  Map  17    

  Remove  all  Significant  Wildlife  Habitats  from  Map  17.    

Appendix  G       Add  Bat  Maternity  Colony  Exit  Survey  Report  


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3.3     First  Notice  of  Project  Change:  Removal  of  Overhead  Cable    Due  to  consultation  with  the  Ontario  Power  Authority  (now  Independent  Electricity  System  Operator)  and  Hydro  One  Networks  Inc.  a  change  in  the  Project  connection  point  was  required.  The  original  connection  point  discussed  in  the  REA  was  at  the  Woodstock  Transformer  Station  (Woodstock  TS)  in  Southside  Park  in  the  City  of  Woodstock.  This  connection  point  required  a  long  cable  route  on  shared  poles  with  Hydro  One  to  connect  the  project  to  the  Woodstock  TS.  This  portion  of  the  cable  route  is  called  the  tap  line  and  was  planned  to  be  overhead  cable  for  the  length  of  the  tap  line.      The  revised  connection  point  determined  through  consultation  with  the  above  noted  agencies  is  now  at  or  very  near  to  the  Project’s  substation  on  Firehall  Road.  This  change  resulted  in  the  overhead  cable  tap  line  becoming  redundant  and  therefore  removed  from  the  project  scope.      An  addendum  letter  was  prepared  and  submitted  to  the  MOECC  on  January  8,  2014.  Once  the  letter  was  deemed  satisfactory  by  the  MOECC,  a  Notice  was  prepared  and  publicized.  This  Notice  was  posted  in  the  Woodstock  Sentinel-­‐Review  and  the  Turtle  Island  News,  was  mailed  out  to  all  landowners  within  550  m  of  and  adjacent  to  the  Project  location  (including  the  Project  location  for  the  removed  overhead  cable),  was  mailed  to  agency  and  Aboriginal  stakeholders  and  emailed  to  all  contacts  on  the  stakeholder  email  list.  The  Notice  was  also  posted  on  the  Project’s  website  with  a  description  of  the  change.  The  above  was  all  done  on  or  before  February  3,  2014.  The  addendum  letter  to  the  MOECC  is  available  on  the  Project  website  for  review.    The  REA  package  was  updated  to  include  a  one  page  memo  at  the  front  of  each  report  noting  that  the  tap  line  was  removed  from  the  Project  scope  and  to  ignore  any  reference  to  the  overhead  cable  line  in  the  reports.    The  change  resulted  in  a  decrease  in  Project  impacts  because  infrastructure  was  removed  from  the  Project  scope.  Therefore,  this  change  was  considered  a  technical  change.    The  changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  the  above  are  detailed  in  Table  4  below.      

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Table  4   Changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  First  Project  Change      Report  reference  

Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  

Executive  Summary  Section  1  (pg  1)   The  27.6  kV  underground  collector  lines  will  transport  the  electricity  generated  from  

each   turbine   to   the   substation   located   along   Firehall   Road,   just   east   of   the  buried  cable  to  Turbine  1.    As  this  is  a  distribution  connected  project,  a  27.6  kV  feeder  line  will  be  required  to  connect  into  the  local  distribution  system.  The  overhead  lines  will  be  owned  and  maintained  by  the  proponent  and  installed  on  rented  space  on  poles  owned  by  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro.  

The  27.6  kV  underground  collector  lines  will  transport  the  electricity  generated  from  each   turbine   to   the   substation   located   along   Firehall   Road,   just   east   of   the  buried  cable  to  Turbine  1.    The  Project  will  connect  to  the  distribution  grid  at  the  substation  or   approximately   350  m  west   of   the   substation   at   the   existing   overhead   poles   on  Firehall  Road.    

Section  1.1  (pg  2)  

• An   approximately   6.5   km   underground   and   overhead   dedicated   feeder   line  (27.6   kV)   on   Hydro   One   and   Woodstock   Hydro   poles   to   connect   to   the  provincially   controlled   electrical   grid   (through   the   Woodstock   Transformer  Station);  

Approximately  350  m  of  underground  and  overhead  dedicated  feeder  line  (27.6  kV)  to  connect  to  Hydro  One  electrical  grid  along  Firehall  Road;  

Section  1.7.1  (pg  7)    

A  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  for  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  to  identify  any  Built  Heritage  features  or  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  in  the  project  area.    This  assessment   involved   desktop   historical   land-­‐use   studies   and  windshield   surveys   of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  The  assessment  concluded  that  there  would  be  no  impacts  from  the  wind  farm  on  heritage  features  or   landscapes   in   the   project   area.     An   additional  Heritage   Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  and  completed   in  Nov  2012  to  address   the  additional  overhead   lines   to  the   Woodstock   Transformer   Station.     The   assessment   determined   that   the  properties,   roads,   railway   and   other   heritage   resources   in   the   area   would   not   be  negatively   impacted   by   the   project.     Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   has  reviewed  and  provided  comment  on  both  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Reports  and  has  released  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

A  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  for  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  to  identify  any  Built  Heritage  features  or  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  in  the  project  area.    This  assessment   involved   desktop   historical   land-­‐use   studies   and  windshield   surveys   of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  The  assessment  concluded  that  there  would  be  no  impacts  from  the  wind  farm  on  heritage  features  or   landscapes   in   the   project   area.   Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   has  reviewed  and  provided  comment  on  the  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Report  and  has  released  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

Section  2.1.3  (pg  11)  

A  tap  line  will  be  used  to  connect  the  project  substation  to  the  existing  provincially  controlled   grid.   The   routing  of   the   tap   line  was   selected   to   follow   the  most   direct  path   that  has  existing  hydro  poles  back   to   the  point  of   common  coupling  with   the  provincial  electrical  grid.  The  selected  route   follows  Hydro  One’s  M4   feeder   to   the  low   voltage   bus   of   the  Woodstock   TS.  Where   the  M4   feeder   traverses   the   Cedar  Creek   Golf   Club,   alternate   routes  were   considered   along   Juliana   Dr,   Norwich   Ave,  and  Parkinson  Rd,  as  well  as  through  other  nearby  residential  streets.  However,  the  route  through  the  golf  course  was  deemed  preferable.  The  tap  line  will  be  buried  for  a  length  of  approximately  350  m  from  the  substation  west   to   the  existing  overhead  Hydro  One  poles.  The   line  will   share   the  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  poles  up  to  the  point  of  common  coupling  at  or  adjacent  to  the  Woodstock  TS.    The  overhead  wires  will  have  a  rated  voltage  of  27.6  kV,  which  is  common   on   Hydro   One’s   distribution   network   in   the   area.   Hydro   One   and  Woodstock  Hydro  will  determine  whether  upgrades  are  needed  to  the  existing  poles  to   support   the   additional   cables   and   perform   the   upgrades   at   the   cost   of   the  

The  Project  will  connect  to  the  distribution  grid  at  the  substation  or  approximately  350  m  west  of  the  substation  at  the  existing  overhead  poles  on  Firehall  Road.  

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proponent.    The  portion  of  the  tap  line  that  will  traverse  the  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club  lands  may  be  overhead   or   underground   depending   on   the   needs   of   the   golf   course   owners   and  Hydro  One.  

Section  2.4.1  (pg  13)    

Two   HIAs   were   completed   for   this   project:   1   -­‐   wind   farm   area   excluding   the  overhead   cable   route,   2   -­‐   overhead   cable   route.     The   results  of   both   reports  have  been   merged   for   the   following   summary.   The   Heritage   Impact   Assessments  determined  that:    • There  are  no  protected  properties  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 32  properties  with  potential  Built  Heritage  resources  are  within  the  Study  Area  

(32   of   which   are   of   Cultural   Heritage   Value   or   Interest);   these   will   not   be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

• 3  potential  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  are  within  the  Study  Area;   these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    

An  HIA  was  completed  for  this  project.  The  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  determined  that:    • There  are  no  protected  properties  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 26  properties  with  potential  Built  Heritage  resources  are  within  the  Study  Area  

(none   of  which   are   of   Cultural   Heritage   Value   or   Interest);   these  will   not   be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

• No  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  are  within   the  Study  Area;   these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    


Section  2.4.3  (pg  14)  

Wetlands  There  were  five  (5)  wetlands  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation.  None  of  the  wetlands  will   be  directly   impacted  by   the  Project   and   therefore   assumed   to   all   be  significant   features.     There  will   be   no   impacts   to  wetlands   from  Operation   of   the  wind   farm,   so   there  were  no  mitigation  measures   suggested   for   this  period  of   the  wind  farm  life  cycle.  

Wetlands  There  were  four  (4)  wetlands  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation.  None  of  the  wetlands  will   be  directly   impacted  by   the  Project   and   therefore  assumed   to   all   be  significant   features.     There  will   be   no   impacts   to  wetlands   from  Operation   of   the  wind   farm,   so   there  were  no  mitigation  measures   suggested   for   this  period  of   the  wind  farm  life  cycle.  

Section  2.4.3  (pg  16)  

Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  In  addition   to   the  significant  wildlife  habitats,   the   following  Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitats  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation:    

• Species  of  Conservation  Concern  –  River  Bluet  (Damselfly)  (2  locations)  • Terrestrial  Crayfish  (4  locations)  • Seeps  and  Springs  (1  locations)  

Potential  Effects  Potential   effects   to   Species   of   Conservation   Concern   –   River   Bluet,   Terrestrial  Crayfish   or   Seeps   and   Springs   from   the   Construction,   Operation   and  Maintenance  and   Decommissioning   periods   of   the   wind   farm   life   cycle   include   general   habitat  disturbance  such  as  soil  erosion,  vegetation  removal,  surface  water  contamination.  

Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitat  In  addition   to   the  significant  wildlife  habitats,   the   following  Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitats  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation:    

• Species  of  Conservation  Concern  –  River  Bluet  (Damselfly)  (1  location)  • Terrestrial  Crayfish  (3  locations)  

Potential  Effects  Potential   effects   to   Species   of   Conservation   Concern   –   River   Bluet,   Terrestrial  Crayfish  or  Bat  Maternity  Colony  from  the  Construction,  Operation  and  Maintenance  and   Decommissioning   periods   of   the   wind   farm   life   cycle   include   general   habitat  disturbance  such  as  soil  erosion,  vegetation  removal,  surface  water  contamination.  

Section  2.4.4  (pg  17)  

Eight  REA  water  bodies  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation.  Two  will  be  crossed  by  underground  collector  lines  and  five  will  be  crossed  by  overhead  feeder  line.  One  Water  Body  is  more  than  30  m  from  the  overhead  feeder  line  and  does  not  require  environmental  effect  and  mitigation  measures  analysis.  No  access  roads  are  located  within  120  m  of  a  water  body.  

Two  REA  water  bodies  were   identified  within  the  Zone  of   Investigation  that  will  be  crossed  by  underground  collector  lines.  No  access  roads  are  located  within  120  m  of  a  water  body.  

Section  3.0  (pg  19)  

The   land   proposed   to   host   the   wind   turbines,   buried   cable,   access   roads   and  substation   is   bounded   by   Firehall   Road   to   the   north,   Oxford   Road   14   to   the   east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    This  land  is  privately  owned,   agricultural   land   neighbouring   the   Hamlets   of   Oxford   Centre   and   Curries,  Ontario;  located  southeast  of  the  City  of  Woodstock,  Ontario.  The  overhead  cable  is  proposed  within  municipal  road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways  within  The  Township  of  Norwich  and  

The   land   proposed   to   host   the   wind   turbines,   buried   cable,   access   roads   and  substation   is   bounded   by   Firehall   Road   to   the   north,   Oxford   Road   14   to   the   east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    This  land  is  privately  owned,   agricultural   land   neighbouring   the   Hamlets   of   Oxford   Centre   and   Curries,  Ontario;  located  southeast  of  the  City  of  Woodstock,  Ontario.  

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the  City  of  Woodstock.  Section  3.1  (pg  19)  

All  project  activities  will  be  undertaken  according  to  current  guidelines  provided  by  governmental   agencies,   Township   of  Norwich,   City   of  Woodstock,   Electrical   Safety  Authority,  Hydro  One,  Woodstock  Hydro  and  the  turbine  manufacturer.  

All  project  activities  will  be  undertaken  according  to  current  guidelines  provided  by  governmental  agencies,  Township  of  Norwich,  Electrical  Safety  Authority,  Hydro  One  and  the  turbine  manufacturer.  

Section  3.1.7  (pg  22)  

A   feeder   line   will   be   used   to   connect   the   project   to   the   existing   provincially  controlled  grid.  The  routing  of  the  feeder  line  was  selected  to  follow  the  most  direct  path   that  has  existing  hydro  poles  back   to   the  point  of   common  coupling  with   the  provincial  electrical  grid.  The  selected  route   follows  Hydro  One’s  M4   feeder   to   the  low   voltage   bus   of   the  Woodstock   TS.  Where   the  M4   feeder   traverses   the   Cedar  Creek   Golf   Club,   alternate   routes  were   considered   along   Juliana   Dr,   Norwich   Ave,  and  Parkinson  Rd,  as  well  as  through  other  nearby  residential  streets.  However,  the  route  through  the  golf  course  was  deemed  preferable.  The   feeder   line   will   be   buried   for   a   length   of   approximately   350   m   from   the  substation  west   to   the   existing   overhead  Hydro  One  poles.   The   line  will   share   the  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  poles  up   to   the  point  of  common  coupling  at  or  adjacent  to  the  Woodstock  TS.    The  overhead  wires  will  have  a  rated  voltage  of  27.6  kV.  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  will  determine  whether  upgrades  are  needed  to  the  existing  poles   to  support   the  additional  cables  and  perform  the  upgrades  at  the   cost   of   the   proponent   Appropriate   permits   and   agreements   will   be   obtained  prior  to  the  construction  phase.  The  portion  of  the  feeder  line  that  will  traverse  the  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club  lands  may  be  overhead  or  underground  depending  on  the  needs  of  the  golf  course  owners  and  Hydro  One.  

The  Project  will  connect  to  the  distribution  grid  at  the  substation  or  approximately  350  m  west  of  the  substation  at  the  existing  overhead  poles  on  Firehall  Road.  

Project  Description  Report  Section  1  (pg  1)     The  27.6  kV  underground  collector  lines  will  transport  the  electricity  generated  from  

each  turbine  to  the  substation  located  along  Firehall  Road,  just  east  of  buried  cable  to   turbine  1.    As   this   is  a  distribution  connected  project,  a  27.6  kV   tap   line  will  be  required   to   connect   into   the   local   distribution   system.   The  overhead/underground  tap   lines  will   be  owned  and  maintained  by   the  proponent   and   installed  on   rented  space  on  poles  owned  by  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro.  

The  27.6  kV  underground  collector  lines  will  transport  the  electricity  generated  from  each   turbine   to   the   substation   located   along   Firehall   Road,   just   east   of   the  buried  cable  to  Turbine  1.    The  Project  will  connect  to  the  distribution  grid  at  the  substation  or   approximately   350  m  west   of   the   substation   at   the   existing   overhead   poles   on  Firehall  Road.    

Section  (pg  4)    

PROJECT  AREA  -­‐  This  is  the  study  area  that  was  has  been  used  from  the  early  stages  to   do   preliminary   surveys   and   inquiries.   This   includes   the   entirety   of   all  participating  properties  and  the  overhead  cable  route.      

PROJECT  AREA  -­‐  This  is  the  study  area  that  was  has  been  used  from  the  early  stages  to   do   preliminary   surveys   and   inquiries.   This   includes   the   entirety   of   all  participating  properties  and  buried  cables.      

Section  (pg  4)  

The  project   is   proposed  on  privately   owned,   agricultural   land   as  well   as  municipal  right-­‐of-­‐ways   (electrical   lines   only)   in   the   Township   of   Norwich   and   the   City   of  Woodstock   in   Oxford   County,   Ontario.   The   Project   Area   (excluding   the   overhead  cable)  is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road  to  the  north,  Oxford  Road  14  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill   Road   to   the   south   and   Oxford   Road   59   to   the   west.   The   Project   Area   is  approximately  455  ha.     The  Project   Location   (including   turbine   foundations,   roads,  cables,  and  temporary  construction  areas)  is  approximately  18  ha  in  area.    …  Approximately  4  km  of  buried  cables  (27.6  kV)  will  run  within  road  easements  along  a   portion   of   Firehall   Road   and   a   portion   of   Middletown   Line.   Additionally,  

The  project   is   proposed  on  privately   owned,   agricultural   land   as  well   as  municipal  right-­‐of-­‐ways   (electrical   lines   only)   in   the   Township   of   Norwich   in   Oxford   County,  Ontario.  The  Project  Area  is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road  to  the  north,  Oxford  Road  14  to   the   east,   Gunn’s   Hill   Road   to   the   south   and   Oxford   Road   59   to   the   west.   The  Project   Area   is   approximately   455   ha.     The   Project   Location   (including   turbine  foundations,   roads,   cables,   and   temporary   construction  areas)   is   approximately   18  ha  in  area.    …  Approximately  4  km  of  buried  cables  (27.6  kV)  will  run  within  road  easements  along  a  portion  of  Firehall  Road  and  a  portion  of  Middletown  Line.    

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


approximately  6.5   km  of  buried  and  overhead   line   (27.6  kV)  will   run  along  a   short  section  of  Firehall  Rd  and  along  Highway  59,  Pattullo  Ave,  Athlone  Ave,   Juliana  Dr,  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  Parkinson  Ave,  and  South  St  to  the  Woodstock  Transformer  Station  (TS).    The   final   decision   on   the   connection   point   will   be   made   in   conjunction   with   the  Ontario   Power   Authority   and   Hydro   One   prior   to   construction.   If   the   connection  point  changes  from  the  location  proposed  at  the  Woodstock  TS,  it  will  be  announced  to  all   stakeholders  and   local   landowners   through   the   standard  notification  process  and  posted  on  the  Proponent’s  website.  

Section  3.2,  Table  5  (pg  8)      

For  the  sake  of  this  summary,  the  table  has  been  reduced  to  only  the  relevant  rows  

Agency   Description  

Ministry  of  Transportation   o Oversize/Overweight  Permit  o Encroachment  Permit  (Highway  401)  

City  of  Woodstock   O Road  Allowance  &  Road  Use  Agreements  

Hydro  One  

O Joint  Use  Agreement  to  share  existing  utility  poles  in  the  project  vicinity  

o Connection  Impact  Assessment/System  Impact  Assessment  

o Connection  Cost  Recovery  Agreement  

Woodstock  Hydro   o Joint  Use  Agreement  to  share  existing  utility  poles  in  the  project  vicinity  

Township  of  Norwich,  City  of  Woodstock  

O Municipal  Consultation  Form  


For  the  sake  of  this  summary,  the  table  has  been  reduced  to  only  the  relevant  rows  

Agency   Description  

Ministry  of  Transportation   o Oversize/Overweight  Permit  

Hydro  One  o Connection  Impact  Assessment/System  

Impact  Assessment  o Connection  Cost  Recovery  Agreement  

Township  of  Norwich   O Municipal  Consultation  Form    

Section  4.1  (pg  10)  

• An   approximately   6.5   km   underground   and   overhead   dedicated   feeder   line  (27.6   kV)   on   Hydro   One   and   Woodstock   Hydro   poles   to   connect   to   the  provincially   controlled   electrical   grid   (through   the   Woodstock   Transformer  Station);  

Up   to   approximately   350   m   of   underground   and   overhead   dedicated   feeder   line  (27.6  kV)  to  connect  to  Hydro  One  electrical  grid  along  Firehall  Road;  

Section  4.1.4  (pg  14)  

The   tap   line   (27.6   KV)   is   used   to   connect   the   project   to   the   existing   provincially  controlled  grid.  This  line  will  be  buried  for  a  length  of  approximately  350  m  from  the  substation  west  to  the  existing  overhead  Hydro  One  poles.  This  line  will  be  strung  on  existing  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  poles  up  to  the  point  of  common  coupling  at  or  adjacent  to  the  Woodstock  TS  where  the  cable  will  connect  to  the  low  voltage  bus.     The   overhead   cable   is   approximately   6   km.   The   overhead   wires   will   have   a  rated  voltage  of  27.6  kV.  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  will  determine  whether  upgrades   are   needed   to   the   existing   poles   to   support   the   additional   cables   and  perform  the  upgrades  at  the  cost  of  the  proponent.    A  portion  of  the  tap  line  will  traverse  the  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club  lands.  This  portion  of  the   cabling  may  be  overhead  or   underground  depending  on   the  needs  of   the   golf  course  owners  and  Hydro  One.  

The  Project  will  connect  to  the  distribution  grid  at  the  substation  or  approximately  350  m  west  of  the  substation  at  the  existing  overhead  poles  on  Firehall  Road.  

Section   The  electrical  cables  will  exit  the  substation  below  ground  for  approximately  350  m   The  Project  will  connect  to  the  electrical  at  the  substation  itself  or  350  m  west  of  the  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


(pg  20)   then  will   be   strung   on   above   ground   electrical   poles   located  within   the  municipal  road  easement  along  the  remaining  portion  of  Firehall  Road  and  then  north  to  the  Woodstock  TS.  Existing  poles  within  this  easement  may  be  upgraded  as  determined  by   Hydro   One   or   Woodstock   Hydro   to   accommodate   the   additional   lines.     Road  easement   permits   will   be   obtained   from   the   City/Township/County,   where  necessary.    Overhead   lines  will  be   strung  along  existing,  new  or  upgraded  poles   in  the   road   allowance.     Road   User   Agreements   will   be   needed   from   Township   of  Norwich,   City   of  Woodstock   and  Oxford   County   for   placement   of   the   cable   in   the  road  allowance.  Consultation  with  these  three  agencies  is  ongoing.    Once  the  electrical  system  reaches  City  of  Woodstock  boundaries  it  will  extend  along  Pattullo  Avenue  and  pass  over  Highway  401   to  Athlone  Avenue  and   then  north   to  Juliana   Drive.     The   Ministry   of   Transportation   will   be   consulted   regarding   an  Encroachment   Permit   to   cross   Highway   401.   The   line  will   head   north   through   the  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club  as  an  overhead  line  or  underground    line  to  Parkinson  Road,  and   then   continue   overhead   north   on   South   Street   to   connect   to   the  Woodstock  Transformer  Station.  An   alternative   route   around   the   golf   course  was   considered   that   continued   along  Juliana  Dr,  north  of  Norwich  Ave  and  west  of  Parkinson  Road.  It  was  determined  that  the   route   through   the   golf   course   would   have   the   least   impact   to   surrounding  residents  and  at  this  time,  is  the  preferred  route.  

substation.  If  the  connection  point  is  not  directly  at  the  substation,  the  electrical  cables  will  exit  the  substation  via  buried  cables  or  overhead  cables  for  approximately  350  m  and  will  connect  to  the  existing  distribution  lines  along  Firehall  Road.    

Section  (pg  24)  

It   is   expected   that   any   overhead   lines   running   along   the   roadways   connecting   the  substation   to   the   Woodstock   TS   will   be   removed.     Electrical   cables   will   be   sold,  recycled,   or   disposed   of   appropriately.     Consultation   with   the   local   distribution  company  and  the  Municipality  owning  the  road  allowance  will  determine  if  work  is  necessary.  

Electrical   cables  will   be   sold,   recycled,   or   disposed   of   appropriately.     Consultation  with  the  local  distribution  company  and  the  Municipality  owning  the  road  allowance  will  determine  if  work  is  necessary  for  the  remainder  of  the  buried  cable.  

Section  4.3  (pg  25)  

The   project   is   located   on   privately   owned,   agricultural   land  within   Oxford   County  and  is  described  in  the  table  below.    This  land  has  been  leased  by  the  Applicant  for  the  purposes  of  constructing  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  private  landowners.  The  majority  of  land  area  contracted  for  this  project  is  located  within  the  Township  of   Norwich,   in   Oxford   County.     The   feeder   line   will   be   located   within   City   of  Woodstock   and   Oxford   County   municipal   road   easements,   as   well   as   the   Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club  for  which  a  private  land  lease  has  been  secured.  County  and  Township  road  allowances  will  be  used  for  components  of  the  electrical  collection   system.   Consultation   with   the   appropriate   municipal   authorities   is  ongoing.  Existing   utility   poles   owned   by   Hydro   One   and  Woodstock   Hydro   will   be   used   to  string  the  overhead  electrical  cabling  between  the  substation  and  the  Woodstock  TS.    Joint  use  pole  agreements  will  be  secured  with  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro.    

The   project   is   located   on   privately   owned,   agricultural   land  within   Oxford   County  and  is  described  in  the  table  below.    This  land  has  been  leased  by  the  Applicant  for  the  purposes  of  constructing  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  private  landowners.  The  majority  of  land  area  contracted  for  this  project  is  located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich,  in  Oxford  County.    County  and  Township  road  allowances  will  be  used  for  components  of  the  electrical  collection   system.   Consultation   with   the   appropriate   municipal   authorities   is  ongoing.  

Section  4.5.1,  (pg  28)  

In   summary,   seventeen   (17)   Water   Bodies   as   defined   subsection   1(1)   of   O.   Reg  359/09   were   identified   in   the   Zone   of   Investigation   through   the   Records   Review  process  including  sixteen  (16)  streams  and  one  water  body  (not  an  REA  Water  Body).  Through  the  site  investigating  process  several  corrections  to  the  above  were  needed  

In  summary,  eleven  (11)  Water  Bodies  as  defined  subsection  1(1)  of  O.  Reg  359/09  were   identified   in   the   Zone   of   Investigation   through   the   Records   Review   process  including  eleven  (11)  streams  and  zero  water  bodies  (not  an  REA  Water  Body).  Through  the  site  investigating  process  several  corrections  to  the  above  were  needed  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


including  the  removal  of  the  water  body  feature,  the  removal  of  9  watercourses  and  the  addition  of  a  seepage  area.    After  site  investigation  the  number  of  Water  Bodies  within  the  relevant  study  area  include  1  seepage  area,  and  7  streams  (2  intermittent  streams  and  5  permanent  streams).  Of   the   above   noted   Water   Bodies   identified   on   site,   the   seepage   area   was   not  required  to  be  considered  for  environmental  effects  due  to  its  location  greater  than  30   m   from   the   project   location.   The   remainder   of   the   features   (7   streams)   were  carried  forward  to  discuss  environmental  effects  and  mitigation  measures.  

including   the   removal   of   the  water   body   feature,   the   removal   of   9   watercourses.  After  site   investigation  the  number  of  Water  Bodies  within  the  relevant  study  area  include  1  intermittent  streams  and  1  permanent  stream.  The  2  streams  were  carried  forward  to  discuss  environmental  effects  and  mitigation  measures.  

Section  (pg  29)  

There  were  five  (5)  wetland  areas  identified  within  the  project  area  through  records  review   and   site   investigation.     One   of   these   wetlands   is   a   Provincially   Significant  Wetland  –  the  Cedar  Creek  Swamp.    

There  were  four  (4)  wetland  areas  identified  within  the  project  area  through  records  review  and  site  investigation.    

Section  (pg  30)  

A  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  for  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  to  identify  any  Built  Heritage  features  or  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  in  the  project  area.    This  assessment   involved   desktop   historical   land-­‐use   studies   and  windshield   surveys   of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  The  assessment  concluded  that  there  will  be  no  impacts  from  the  wind  farm  on  heritage  features  or  landscapes   in   the   project   area.     An   additional   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   was  conducted  and  completed   in  Nov  2012  to  address   the  additional  overhead   lines   to  the   Woodstock   Transformer   Station.     The   assessment   determined   that   the  properties,   roads,   railway   and   other   heritage   resources   in   the   area   would   not   be  negatively   impacted   by   the   project.     Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   has  reviewed  and  provided  comment  on  both  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Reports  and  has  released  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

A  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  for  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  to  identify  any  Built  Heritage  features  or  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  in  the  project  area.    This  assessment   involved   desktop   historical   land-­‐use   studies   and  windshield   surveys   of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  The  assessment  concluded  that  there  will  be  no  impacts  from  the  wind  farm  on  heritage  features  or  landscapes  in  the  project  area.  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  has  reviewed  and  provided  comment  on  the  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Report  and  has  released  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

Section  4.5.6  (pg  31)  

The  site  and  surrounding  area  of  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  has  been  intensely  altered  over   the   past   century-­‐and-­‐a-­‐half   to   fulfill   agricultural   needs.     The  main  wind   farm  area   is   presently   used   for   production   of   cash   crops   including   corn,   wheat   and  soybean   along  with   dairy,   pig,   and   poultry   farming   facilities.   The   cable   route   runs  through  a  low  density  commercial/industrial  area  and  into  the  south  end  of  the  City  of   Woodstock   that   is   medium-­‐density   residential.   The   overhead   cable   route   also  runs  through  a  golf  club  which  has  an  existing  Hydro  One  easement  and  line  through  the  centre  of  the  gold  course.    

The  site  and  surrounding  area  of  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  has  been  intensely  altered  over   the   past   century-­‐and-­‐a-­‐half   to   fulfill   agricultural   needs.     The  main  wind   farm  area   is   presently   used   for   production   of   cash   crops   including   corn,   wheat   and  soybean  along  with  dairy,  pig,  and  poultry  farming  facilities.      

Appendix  A     Remove  Overhead  Cable  from  map  Construction  Plan  Report  Section  2  (pg  2)   • Approximately  6.5  km  of  underground  and  overhead  tap  line  (27.6  kV)  on  Hydro  

One   and   Woodstock   Hydro   poles   to   connect   to   the   provincial   electrical   grid  (through  the  low  voltage  bus  on  the  Woodstock  Transformer  Station);  

• Approximately  350  m  of  underground  or  overhead  tap   line  (27.6  kV)  to  connect  the  project  to  the  distribution  grid  along  Firehall  Road;  

Section  2  (pg  2)   The   land   proposed   to   host   the   wind   turbines,   buried   cable,   access   roads   and  substation   is   bounded   by   Firehall   Road   to   the   north,   Oxford   Road   14   to   the   east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    This  land  is  privately  owned,   agricultural   land   neighbouring   the   Hamlets   of   Oxford   Centre   and   Curries,  Ontario;  located  southeast  of  the  City  of  Woodstock,  Ontario.  The  overhead  cable  is  proposed  within  municipal  road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways  within  The  Township  of  Norwich  and  the  City  of  Woodstock.  

The   land   proposed   to   host   the   wind   turbines,   buried   cable,   access   roads   and  substation   is   bounded   by   Firehall   Road   to   the   north,   Oxford   Road   14   to   the   east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    This  land  is  privately  owned,   agricultural   land   neighbouring   the   Hamlets   of   Oxford   Centre   and   Curries,  Ontario;  located  southeast  of  the  City  of  Woodstock,  Ontario.    

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Section  3  (pg  4)   Wind   farm   construction   activity   can   occur   year-­‐round   while   observing   certain  seasonal   restrictions,   but   is   generally  most   heavily   focused   in   spring,   summer   and  fall.     The   earliest   proposed   construction   activity   at   the   Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   is  anticipated   to   be   late   2013,   pending   all   necessary   approvals.   The   Township   of  Norwich   noise   bylaw   impacts   construction   times.   During   peak   times,   construction  can   occur   up   to   7   days   per   week   between   the   hours   of   7:00   to   22:00.   Typically,  construction  will  be  conducted  6  days  per  week  between  the  hours  of  7:00  to  17:00,  with   activities   producing   high   levels   of   noise   commencing   after   08:00.   The   City   of  Woodstock   (portion  of   the  electrical   system)  noise  bylaw  permits  noise  generation  from  construction  activities  during  the  hours  of  7:00  to  21:00.    A  schedule  indicating  the  relative  sequence  and  duration  of  construction  activity  is  outlined  in  more  detail  in  Section  4.1.  

Wind   farm   construction   activity   can   occur   year-­‐round   while   observing   certain  seasonal   restrictions,   but   is   generally  most   heavily   focused   in   spring,   summer   and  fall.     The   earliest   proposed   construction   activity   at   the   Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   is  anticipated   to   be   late   2013,   pending   all   necessary   approvals.   The   Township   of  Norwich   noise   bylaw   impacts   construction   times.   During   peak   times,   construction  can   occur   up   to   7   days   per   week   between   the   hours   of   7:00   to   22:00.   Typically,  construction  will  be  conducted  6  days  per  week  between  the  hours  of  7:00  to  17:00,  with   activities   producing   high   levels   of   noise   commencing   after   08:00.   A   schedule  indicating   the  relative  sequence  and  duration  of  construction  activity   is  outlined   in  more  detail  in  Section  4.1.  

Section  3  (pg  4)   All  project  activities  will  be  undertaken  according  to  current  guidelines  provided  by  governmental   agencies,   Township   of  Norwich,   City   of  Woodstock,   Electrical   Safety  Authority,  Hydro  One,  Woodstock  Hydro  and  the  turbine  manufacturer.  

All  project  activities  will  be  undertaken  according  to  current  guidelines  provided  by  governmental   agencies,   Township   of   Norwich,   Electrical   Safety   Authority,   Hydro  One,  and  the  turbine  manufacturer.  

Section  3.8  (pg  15)  

A  tap  line  will  be  used  to  connect  the  project  to  the  existing  provincially  controlled  grid.  The  routing  of  the  feeder  line  was  selected  to  follow  the  most  direct  path  that  has  existing  hydro  poles  back   to   the  point  of  common  coupling  with   the  provincial  electrical  grid.  The  selected  route  follows  Hydro  One’s  M4  feeder  to  the  low  voltage  bus  of  the  Woodstock  TS.  Where  the  M4  feeder  traverses  the  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  alternate  routes  were  considered  along  Juliana  Dr,  Norwich  Ave,  and  Parkinson  Rd,  as  well  as  through  other  nearby  residential  streets.  However,  the  route  through  the  golf  course  was  deemed  preferable.  The  tap  line  will  be  buried  for  a  length  of  approximately  350  m  from  the  substation  west   to   the  existing  overhead  Hydro  One  poles.  The   line  will   share   the  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  poles  up  to  the  point  of  common  coupling  at  or  adjacent  to  the  Woodstock  TS.    The  overhead  wires  will  have  a  rated  voltage  of  27.6  kV.  Hydro  One   and   Woodstock   Hydro   will   determine   whether   upgrades   are   needed   to   the  existing  poles  to  support  the  additional  cables  and  perform  the  upgrades  at  the  cost  of  the  proponent  Appropriate  permits  and  agreements  will  be  obtained  prior  to  the  construction  phase.  The  portion  of  the  feeder  line  that  will  traverse  the  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club  lands  may  be  overhead  or  underground  depending  on  the  needs  of  the  golf  course  owners  and  Hydro  One.    

There  is  potential  for  the  requirement  of  an  approximately  350  m  tapline  to  connect  the  Project  to  the  distribution  grid  along  Firehall  Road.  This  will  be  overhead  or  underground  cable  to  extend  the  existing  overhead  cables  to  the  project  substation  location.  Alternatively,  the  connection  point  will  be  at  the  substation  directly.    

Section  5.4.3  (pg  30)  

An   additional   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   was   undertaken   for   the   additional  overhead  collection  route  to  connect  with  the  Hydro  One  substation  in  Woodstock.    The   Heritage   Assessment   work   was   completed   in   May   2012   and   the   report  submitted   to   the   Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   (MTCS)   for   concurrence  with  the  recommendations.    The  recommendations  indicated  that  there  would  be  no  direct  or  indirect  impacts  that  would  negatively  affect  any  of  the  heritage  attributes  (properties,   Old   Stage   Road,   Great   Western   Railway   or   Southside   Park)   of   the  resources   present.     Similarly,   results   of   this   study   can   also   be   found   in   the  Archaeological  and  Heritage  Resources  Assessment  Report.  

First  paragraph  removed  in  its  entirety.    Having  the  above  survey  and  assessment  completed  prior  to  construction,  decreases  the   already   low   potential   for   disruption   of   cultural   heritage   resources   within   the  project  area.  MTCS   provided   a   letter   of   Concurrence   with   the   recommendations   of   the   initial  heritage   assessment   on   July   28,   2011   and   indicated   that   further   heritage   analysis  would  not  be  required.    

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Having   the   above   surveys   and   assessments   completed   prior   to   construction,  decreases   the   already   low   potential   for   disruption   of   cultural   heritage   resources  within  the  project  area.  MTCS   provided   a   letter   of   Concurrence   with   the   recommendations   of   the   initial  heritage   assessment   on   July   28,   2011   and   indicated   that   further   heritage   analysis  would  not  be  required.    MTCS  sign-­‐off  on  the  Heritage  Assessment  Report  from  May  2012   was   received   on   December   11,   2012   and   no   further   heritage   analysis   is  required  and  no  negative   impacts  are  anticipated  from  the  project  on  the  heritage  resources  present.    

Appendix  A     Overhead  cable  removed  from  Map  1,  Map  2,  Map  2a.  Design  and  Operations  Report  Section  1.2  (pg  5)  

The   overhead   line   that   connects   the   wind   farm   to   the   Woodstock   Transformer  Station   will   use   existing   poles   along   Firehall   Rd,   County   Road   59,   Patullo   Ave,  Athlone  Ave,  Juliana  Dr,  Cedar  Creek  Gold  Club,  Parkinson  Rd  and  South  St.  

Remove  paragraph  in  its  entirety.  

Section  2  (pg  7)   Approximately  6.5  km  of  underground  and  overhead  tap  line  (27.6  kV)  on  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  poles  to  connect  to  the  provincial  electrical  grid  (through  the  low  voltage  bus  on  the  Woodstock  Transformer  Station);  

Approximately  350  m  of  underground  or  overhead  tap  line  (27.6  kV)  to  connect  the  project  to  the  distribution  grid  along  Firehall  Road;  

Section  2.4.1  (pg  15)  

A  tap  line  will  be  used  to  connect  the  project  substation  to  the  existing  provincially  controlled   grid.   The   routing  of   the   tap   line  was   selected   to   follow   the  most   direct  path   that  has  existing  hydro  poles  back   to   the  point  of   common  coupling  with   the  provincial  electrical  grid.  The  selected  route   follows  Hydro  One’s  M4   feeder   to   the  low   voltage   bus   of   the  Woodstock   TS.  Where   the  M4   feeder   traverses   the   Cedar  Creek   Golf   and   Country   Club,   alternate   routes   were   considered   along   Juliana   Dr,  Norwich  Ave,  and  Parkinson  Rd,  as  well  as  through  other  nearby  residential  streets.  However,  the  route  through  the  golf  course  was  deemed  preferable.  The  tap  line  will  be  buried  for  a  length  of  approximately  350  m  from  the  substation  west   to   the  existing  overhead  Hydro  One  poles.  The   line  will   share   the  Hydro  One  and  Woodstock  Hydro  poles  up  to  the  point  of  common  coupling  at  or  adjacent  to  the  Woodstock  TS.    The  overhead  wires  will  have  a  rated  voltage  of  27.6  kV,  which  is  common   on   Hydro   One’s   distribution   network   in   the   area.   Hydro   One   and  Woodstock  Hydro  will  determine  whether  upgrades  are  needed  to  the  existing  poles  to   support   the   additional   cables   and   perform   the   upgrades   at   the   cost   of   the  Proponent.    The  portion  of  the  tap  line  that  will  traverse  the  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club  lands  may  be  overhead   or   underground   depending   on   the   needs   of   the   golf   course   owners   and  Hydro  One.    

There  is  potential  for  the  requirement  of  an  approximately  350  m  tap  line  to  connect  the  Project  to  the  distribution  grid  along  Firehall  Road.  This  will  be  overhead  or  underground  cable  to  extend  the  existing  overhead  cables  to  the  project  substation  location.  Alternatively,  the  connection  point  will  be  at  the  substation  directly.  

Section  2.4.1  (pg  15)  

The   project   requires   that   buried   cables   or   overhead   lines   be   permitted  within   the  municipal   road   allowance   for   a   3.6   km   stretch   along   Firehall   Rd   (between  Middletown  Line  and  County  Road  59)  and  a  <1  km  stretch  along  Middletown  Line  (heading  south  from  Firehall  Rd).  Any  driveways  impacted  by  cable  burial  along  this  route  will  be  promptly  repaired  at  the  expense  of  the  Proponent.  Overhead  Cables  will  also  require  road  allowance  permission  for  2.8  km  along  Hwy  59,  0.6  km  along  

The   project   requires   that   buried   cables   or   overhead   lines   be   permitted  within   the  municipal   road   allowance   for   a   3.6   km   stretch   along   Firehall   Rd   (between  Middletown  Line  and  County  Road  59)  and  a  <1  km  stretch  along  Middletown  Line  (heading  south  from  Firehall  Rd).  Any  driveways  impacted  by  cable  burial  along  this  route  will  be  promptly   repaired  at   the  expense  of   the  Proponent.  All  distances  are  approximate.    

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Pattullo   Ave,   0.7   km   along   Athlone   Ave,   0.2   km   along   Juliana   Dr,   0.2   km   along  Parkinson  Rd,  and  0.3  km  along  South  St.  All  distances  are  approximate.    The  alternate  tap  line  outlined  above  would  result  in  the  elimination  of  the  sections  along  Hwy  59,  Pattullo  Ave,  Athlone  Ave,  Juliana  Dr,  Parkinson  Rd,  and  South  St.  

Section  2.7  (pg  19)  

All   structures   within   300   m   of   project   infrastructure   are   shown   on   the   site   plan  diagram   via   aerial   imagery.   Setbacks   from   turbines   to   the   nearest   structure   are  provided  in  Table  7  in  Section  2.3.2.    These  structures  are  all  agricultural  buildings  or  residences.  There  are  no  residences  or  buildings  within  300  m  of  a  turbine.  There  are  residences  in  Woodstock  that  are  within  300  m  of  the  tap  line  (which  is  proposed  to  be   mainly   upgraded   overhead   lines   connecting   to   the   existing   Woodstock  Transformer   Station).     The   buried   portion  will   run  within   road   easements   along   a  portion  of  Firehall  Road  and  a  portion  of  Middletown  Line.  The  overhead  portion  will  run  along  a  short  section  of  Firehall  Rd  and  along  Highway  59,  Pattullo  Ave,  Athlone  Ave,   Juliana   Dr,   Cedar   Creek   Golf   Club,   Parkinson   Ave,   and   South   St   to   the  Woodstock  Transformer  Station.  

All   structures   within   300   m   of   project   infrastructure   are   shown   on   the   site   plan  diagram   via   aerial   imagery.   Setbacks   from   turbines   to   the   nearest   structure   are  provided  in  Table  7  in  Section  2.3.2.    These  structures  are  all  agricultural  buildings  or  residences.   There   are   no   residences   or   buildings   within   300   m   of   a   turbine.   The  buried   electrical   cables  will   run  within   road   easements   along   a   portion   of   Firehall  Road  and  a  portion  of  Middletown  Line.    

Section  2.8  (pg  20)  

A  high  voltage  Hydro  One  transmission  line  runs  along  the  west  side  of  South  St  and  along   the  north  side  of  Parkinson  Rd.  The   lines  are  built   to  a  230  kV  standard,  but  currently  operate  at  115  kV.  The   corridor   is   shown   in  Appendix  A.   The  project   tap  line  will  cross  this  corridor  in  accordance  with  Hydro  One  and  ESA  specifications.  

Remove  paragraph  in  its  entirety  

Section  4.2.4  (pg  26)  

Local  Emergency  Services  consist  of  the  fire  department  in  Norwich  Township  (four  districts),   Woodstock   Fire   Department,   the   Ontario   Provincial   Police   (OPP),   and  ambulance  service  from  the  Oxford  County  Board  of  Health.    

Local  Emergency  Services  consist  of  the  fire  department  in  Norwich  Township  (four  districts),   the   Ontario   Provincial   Police   (OPP),   and   ambulance   service   from   the  Oxford  County  Board  of  Health.    

Section  4.2.4,  Table  9  (pg  27)  

  References   to  Woodstock   Fire   Department   should   be   removed   from   title   and   from  table   contents,   specifically   row   4   regarding   the   Woodstock   Fire   Department   on  Parkinson  Road.  

Section  5.2.1  (pg  34)  

Two   HIAs   were   completed   for   this   project:   1   -­‐   wind   farm   area   excluding   the  overhead   cable   route,   2   -­‐   overhead   cable   route.     The   results  of   both   reports  have  been   merged   for   the   following   summary.   The   Heritage   Impact   Assessments  determined  that:    • There  are  no  protected  properties  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 32  properties  with  potential  Built  Heritage  resources  are  within  the  Study  Area  

(32   of   which   are   of   Cultural   Heritage   Value   or   Interest);   these   will   not   be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

• 3  potential  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  are  within  the  Study  Area;   these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    

MTCS   provided   a   letter   of   Concurrence   with   the   recommendations   of   the   initial  heritage   assessment   on   July   28,   2011   and   indicated   that   further   heritage   analysis  would  not  be  required.    MTCS  sign-­‐off  on  the  Heritage  Assessment  Report  from  May  2012   was   received   on   December   11,   2012   and   no   further   heritage   analysis   is  required  and  no  negative   impacts  are  anticipated  from  the  project  on  the  heritage  resources  present.  

An  HIA  was  completed  for  this  project.  The  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  determined  that:    • There  are  no  protected  properties  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 26  properties  with  potential  Built  Heritage  resources  are  within  the  Study  Area  

(none   of  which   are   of   Cultural   Heritage   Value   or   Interest);   these  will   not   be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

• No  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  are  within   the  Study  Area;   these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    

MTCS  provided  a   letter  of  Concurrence  with   the   recommendations  of   the  heritage  assessment  on  July  28,  2011  and  indicated  that  further  heritage  analysis  would  not  be  required.    

Section  (Pg  34)  

As   operational   and   maintenance   activities   will   not   occur   on   the   properties  containing   the   Built   Heritage   resources   and   Cultural   Heritage   Landscapes,   no  

As   operational   and   maintenance   activities   will   not   occur   on   the   properties  containing  the  Built  Heritage  resources,  no  adverse  effects  on  heritage  resources  are  

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adverse  effects  on  heritage  resources  are  anticipated  during  operations.       anticipated  during  operations.      Section  5.3.1  (pg  36)  

There   were   5   wetlands   identified   within   the   Zone   of   Investigation.   None   of   the  wetlands  will   be  directly   impacted  by   the  Project   and   therefore  assumed   to   all   be  significant  features.      

There   were   4   wetlands   identified   within   the   Zone   of   Investigation.   None   of   the  wetlands  will   be  directly   impacted  by   the  Project   and   therefore  assumed   to   all   be  significant  features.      

Section  5.3.1  (pg  39)  

In  addition   to   the  significant  wildlife  habitats,   the   following  Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitats  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation:    

• Species   of   Conservation   Concern   –   River   Bluet   (Damselfly)   (2  locations)  

• Terrestrial  Crayfish  (3  locations)  • Seeps  and  Springs  (1  locations)  • Bat  Maternity  Colony  (1  locations)  

In  addition   to   the  significant  wildlife  habitats,   the   following  Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitats  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation:    

• Species   of   Conservation   Concern   –   River   Bluet   (Damselfly)   (1  location)  

• Terrestrial  Crayfish  (3  locations)  • Bat  Maternity  Colony  (1  locations)  

Section  5.4.2  (pg  41)  

Eight  REA  water  bodies  were  identified  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation.  Two  will  be  crossed  by  underground  collector  lines  and  five  will  be  crossed  by  overhead  tap  line.  One  Water  Body  is  more  than  30  m  from  the  overhead  tap  line  and  does  not  require  environmental  effect  and  mitigation  measures  analysis.  No  access  roads,  turbines  or  transformers  are  located  within  30  m  of  a  Water  Body.  

Two  REA  water  bodies  were   identified  within  the  Zone  of   Investigation  that  will  be  crossed   by   underground   collector   lines.  No   access   roads,   turbines   or   transformers  are  located  within  30  m  of  a  Water  Body.  

Section  5.  7  (pg  50)  

The  tap  line  will  cross  over  Highway  401  along  an  existing  electrical  cable  crossing.    Municipal   infrastructure   in   the   Study   Area   includes   County   and   Township   roads,  Municipal   water   and   sewage   networks   (near   tap   line   only),   and   Municipal  groundwater  supply.  The   Proponent  will   continue   to   consult  with   the   Township   of  Norwich   and   City   of  Woodstock,  regarding  any  potential  effects  to  municipal  interests.    The  Proponent  is  committed  to  obtain  all  necessary  permits,  approvals,  and  agreements  related  to  the  Project.    

Municipal  infrastructure  in  the  Study  Area  includes  County  and  Township  roads  and  Municipal  groundwater  supply.  The  Proponent  will  continue  to  consult  with  the  Township  of  Norwich  regarding  any  potential   effects   to  municipal   interests.     The  Proponent   is   committed   to  obtain  all  necessary  permits,  approvals,  and  agreements  related  to  the  Project.    

Section  (pg  66)  

Coordination  with  Norwich   Township   and  City   of  Woodstock   fire   departments  will  occur  to  determine  the  course  of  the  response.  

Coordination  with  Norwich  Township   fire  departments  will  occur   to  determine   the  course  of  the  response.  

Appendix  A     Overhead  cable  should  be  removed  from  Map  1  (Proposed  Project  Layout),  Map  2  (Site  Plan  Overview),  Map  3  (Overhead  Cable  and  Turbine  1),    

Appendix  B,  Section  1.2  (pg  2)  

The  project   is   located  within   the  Township  of  Norwich  and   the  City  of  Woodstock,  both   within   Oxford   County.   The  majority   of   the   project   is   proposed   on   privately-­‐owned,  agricultural   land  near   the  villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within   the  Township   of   Norwich.     An   overhead   cable   that   connects   the   project   to   the  Woodstock   Transformer   Station   (TS)   is   located   along   Municipal   and   County   road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways  (ROWs)  and  is  located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich  and  the  City  of  Woodstock.  The  primary   land  base   is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road   to   the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    The  overhead  electrical  cable  to  the  Woodstock  TS  will  run  from  the  project  area  north  along  County  Road  59,  Pattullo  Avenue,  Athlone  Avenue,  Juliana  Drive,  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  Parkinson  Ave  and  South  Street.      

The   project   is   located  within   the   Township   of   Norwich  within  Oxford   County.   The  majority   of   the   project   is   proposed   on   privately-­‐owned,   agricultural   land   near   the  villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within  the  Township  of  Norwich.  The  primary  land  base  is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road  to  the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    

Appendix  B,  Appendix  A  

  Overhead  cable  should  be  removed  from  Map  1  (Proposed  Project  Layout)  

Appendix  F,  Section  1  (pg  1)  

The  project   is   located  within   the  Township  of  Norwich  and   the  City  of  Woodstock,  both   within   Oxford   County.   The  majority   of   the   project   is   proposed   on   privately-­‐

The  project  is  located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich  within  Oxford  County.  The  majority  of  the  project  is  proposed  on  privately-­‐owned,  agricultural  land  near  the  

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owned,  agricultural   land  near   the  villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within   the  Township   of   Norwich.     An   overhead   cable   that   connects   the   project   to   the  Woodstock   Transformer   Station   (TS)   is   located   along   Municipal   and   County   road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways  (ROWs)  and  is  located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich  and  the  City  of  Woodstock.  The  primary   land  base   is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road   to   the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    The  overhead  electrical  cable  to  the  Woodstock  TS  will  run  from  the  project  area  north  along  County  Road  59,  Pattullo  Avenue,  Athlone  Avenue,  Juliana  Drive,  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  Parkinson  Ave  and  South  Street.      

villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within  the  Township  of  Norwich.  The  primary  land  base  is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road  to  the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    

Appendix  F,  Appendix  A  

  Overhead  cable  should  be  removed  from  Map  1  (Proposed  Project  Layout)  

Decommissioning  Report  Section  2  (pg  2)   Approximately  6.5  km  of  underground  and  overhead  tap  line  (27.6  kV)  on  Hydro  One  

and  Woodstock  Hydro  poles  to  connect  to  the  provincial  electrical  grid  (through  the  low  voltage  bus  on  the  Woodstock  Transformer  Station);  

Approximately  350  m  of  underground  or  overhead  tap  line  (27.6  kV)  to  connect  the  project  to  the  distribution  grid  along  Firehall  Road;  

Archaeological  Assessment  and  Cultural  Heritage  Resources  Report  Section  2  (pg  2)   The  project   is   located  within   the  Township  of  Norwich  and   the  City  of  Woodstock,  

both   within   Oxford   County.   The  majority   of   the   project   is   proposed   on   privately-­‐owned,  agricultural   land  near   the  villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within   the  Township   of   Norwich.     An   overhead   cable   that   connects   the   project   to   the  Woodstock   Transformer   Station   (TS)   is   located   along   Municipal   and   County   Road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways   (ROWs)   and   is   located  within   the   Township   of   Norwich   and   City   of  Woodstock.  The  primary   land  base   is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road   to   the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    The  overhead  electrical  cable  to  the  Woodstock  TS  will  run  from  the  project  area  north  along  County  Road  59,  Pattullo  Avenue,  Athlone  Avenue,  Juliana  Drive,  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  Parkinson  Ave  and  South  Street.    

The   project   is   located  within   the   Township   of   Norwich  within  Oxford   County.   The  majority   of   the   project   is   proposed   on   privately-­‐owned,   agricultural   land   near   the  villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within  the  Township  of  Norwich.  The  primary  land  base  is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road  to  the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    

Section  5.1  (pg  7)  

A  Stage  1  Archaeological  Survey  was  completed  for  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  in  July  2009   by   AMICK   Consultants   Limited.     Note   that   at   the   time   of   the   initial   survey,  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  did  not  include  the  overhead  cable  to  the  Woodstock  TS,  nor  were  collector  system  lines  included  in  this  initial  Stage  1  survey.    

A  Stage  1  Archaeological  Survey  was  completed  for  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  in  July  2009   by   AMICK   Consultants   Limited.     Note   that   at   the   time   of   the   initial   survey,  Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   did   not   include   the   collector   system   lines   included   in   this  initial  Stage  1  survey.    

Section  5.2.1  (pg  7)  

A  Stage  1/2  survey  dated  June  2010  was  prepared  for  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  and  incorporated  the  Stage  1  report  noted  above  and  completed  a  Stage  2  assessment  on   the  same  area.    Again,   the  overhead  cable   route  and   the  some  of   the  collector  system  cabling  was  not  included  in  this  assessment.  

A  Stage  1/2  survey  dated  June  2010  was  prepared  for  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  and  incorporated  the  Stage  1  report  noted  above  and  completed  a  Stage  2  assessment  on   the   same   area.     Some   of   the   collector   system   cabling  was   not   included   in   this  assessment.  

Section  5.2.2  (pg  8)  

A  Stage  1  and  2  Archaeological  Assessment  was  conducted  for   the  Overhead  cable  route   and   additional   cabling   along   road   Right-­‐of-­‐Ways   (ROWs)   within   the   project  area.   This   survey   was   conducted   during   September   and   December   of   2012.   This  survey   looked   at   the   overhead   cable   route   along   Firehall   Road,   County   Road   59,  Patullo  Ave,  Athlone  Ave,  Juliana  Dr,  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  Parkinson  Rd,  and  South  St  and  ROWs  within   the  wind   farm  area  along  Firehall  Road  and  Middletown  Line.  This   survey  consisted  mostly  of   test-­‐pitting  or  professional   judgement  was  used   to  determine  disturbed  areas.  

A   Stage   1   and   2   Archaeological   Assessment   was   conducted   for   additional   cabling  along  road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways  (ROWs)  within  the  project  area.  This  survey  was  conducted  during   September   and  December   of   2012.   This   survey   looked   at   ROWs  within   the  wind   farm   area   along   Firehall   Road   and   Middletown   Line.   This   survey   consisted  mostly   of   test-­‐pitting   or   professional   judgement  was   used   to   determine   disturbed  areas.    

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Section  6  (pg  10)  

Two   Heritage   Impact   Assessments   (HIA)   were   conducted   by   heritage   consultants  Archaeological  Research  Associates  Ltd  (ARA),  based  in  Waterloo,  Ontario.    The  first  HIA  was   completed   in   July   2010   to   assess   the  HIA   impacts   to   the  wind   farm  area,  (that   is   the   project   location),   excluding   the   overhead   cable   route.   The   second  HIA  was  completed  in  Nov  2012  to  assess  the  HIA  impacts  to  the  overhead  cable  route.    A   background   study  was   completed   to   establish   protected   properties   and   historic  overview  of  the  land  use  in  the  project  area.  Additionally,  a  windshield  survey  of  the  area   was   completed   to   identify   any   existing   built   heritage   features   or   cultural  landscapes.  Both  reports  have  been  submitted  to  the  MTCS  for  comment  and  both  have  been  released  from  further  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  analysis.    

A   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   (HIA)   was   conducted   by   heritage   consultants  Archaeological  Research  Associates  Ltd  (ARA),  based  in  Waterloo,  Ontario.    The  HIA  was  completed  in  July  2010  to  assess  the  HIA  impacts  to  the  wind  farm  area,  (that  is  the  project  location).  A   background   study  was   completed   to   establish   protected   properties   and   historic  overview  of  the  land  use  in  the  project  area.  Additionally,  a  windshield  survey  of  the  area   was   completed   to   identify   any   existing   built   heritage   features   or   cultural  landscapes.  The  report  has  been  submitted  to  the  MTCS  for  comment  and  has  been  released  from  further  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  analysis.    

Section  (pg  11)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety.  

Section  (pg  11)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety.  

Section  6.3.1  (pg  12)  

Both  of  the  HIAs  were  submitted  to  the  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  and  received   comments   back   releasing   the   project   from   further   Heritage   Impact  Assessment  analysis.    The  Heritage  Assessment  Report,  Prowind  Canada  –  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm”  which  discusses   the   wind   farm   area   excluding   the   overhead   cable   route   was   originally  submitted  to  the  MTCS  in  April  2010.  Comments  were  received  back  from  the  MTCS  requesting   changes   and   a   revised   report  was   sent   to   the  MTCS   on   June   24,   2010.  Again,   comments   were   received   back   from   the  MTCS   requesting   changes.   A   final  version  was  submitted  on  July  16,  2010.    A  letter  from  MTCS  on  July  28,  2010  stated:  

 “Given   the   lack   of   heritage   features   with   CHVI   in   the   study   area,   it   is   not  necessary   to   analyze   project   impacts   to   them.   Accordingly,   it   is  recommended  that  the  project  be  released  from  further  heritage  concerns.  The  Ministry  is  satisfied  with  these  recommendations.”  

The  Heritage  Assessment  Report,  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  –  Overhead  Cable  Route  was  submitted  to  the  MTCS  on  Nov  5,  2012.  A  letter  was  received  from  the  MTCS  on  Dec  11,  2012  stating:  

“Based  on   the   information  contained   in   the  Report,   the  Ministry   is   satisfied  that   the  heritage  assessment  process   and   reporting  are   consistent  with   the  applicable  heritage  assessment   requirements  established   in   s.  23  of  O.  Reg.  359/09.”  


The  HIA  was  submitted  to  the  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  and  received  comments   back   releasing   the   project   from   further   Heritage   Impact   Assessment  analysis.    The  Heritage  Assessment  Report,  Prowind  Canada  –  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm”  which  discusses   the  wind   farm   area  was   originally   submitted   to   the  MTCS   in   April   2010.  Comments   were   received   back   from   the  MTCS   requesting   changes   and   a   revised  report  was  sent  to  the  MTCS  on  June  24,  2010.  Again,  comments  were  received  back  from  the  MTCS  requesting  changes.  A  final  version  was  submitted  on  July  16,  2010.    A  letter  from  MTCS  on  July  28,  2010  stated:  

 “Given  the   lack  of  heritage   features  with  CHVI   in   the  study  area,   it   is  not  necessary   to   analyze   project   impacts   to   them.   Accordingly,   it   is  recommended  that  the  project  be  released  from  further  heritage  concerns.  The  Ministry  is  satisfied  with  these  recommendations.”  

Section  7.2  (pg  14)  

Two  Heritage  Impact  Assessments  (HIA)  were  conducted  by  Archaeological  Research  Associates   (ARA)   -­‐   an   HIA   was   conducted   for   the   wind   farm   area   excluding   the  overhead   cable   route   and   a   separate   HIA   was   conducted   for   the   overhead   cable  route.    The  HIA   for   the  wind   farm   area   did   not   identify   any   Built   Heritage   (BH)   resources  with   Cultural   Heritage   Value   or   Interest   (CHVI),   nor   did   it   identify   any   Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  (CHL).    

The   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   (HIA)  was   conducted   by   Archaeological   Research  Associates  (ARA).  The  HIA   for   the  wind   farm   area   did   not   identify   any   Built   Heritage   (BH)   resources  with   Cultural   Heritage   Value   or   Interest   (CHVI),   nor   did   it   identify   any   Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  (CHL).    The  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  (MTCS)  is  satisfied  with  the  HIA  report  as  submitted   and   allowed   the   Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   to   proceed   without   further  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


The  HIA  for  the  overhead  cable  route  identified  several  BH  resources  and  CHLs  with  CHVI.   Impact   analysis   did   not   identify   any   negative   impacts   to   these   heritage  resources  from  the  development  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.  The  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  (MTCS)   is  satisfied  with  the  HIA  reports  as   submitted   and   allowed   the   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm   to   proceed   without   further  heritage  concerns.  

heritage  concerns.  

Appendix  A     Overhead  cable  should  be  removed  from  Map  Appendix  D     Appendix  should  be  removed  in  its  entirety  Appendix  E     Report  relating  to  the  overhead  cable  route  should  be  removed  from  Appendix.  Appendix  F     MTCS  letter  dated  Dec  11,  2012  and  May  22,  2013  are  no  longer  relevant  to  this  

report  and  should  be  removed  from  the  Appendix.  Water  Bodies  and  Assessment  Report  Section  2  (pg  1)   The  project   is   located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich  and  the  City  of  Woodstock,  

both  within  Oxford   County.   The  majority   of   the   project   is   proposed   on   privately-­‐owned,  agricultural   land  near  the  villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within  the  Township   of   Norwich.     An   overhead   cable   that   connects   the   project   to   the  Woodstock   Transformer   Station   (TS)   is   located   along  Municipal   and   County   Road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways   (ROWs)   and   is   located  within   the   Township  of  Norwich   and  City   of  Woodstock.  The  primary   land  base  is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road  to  the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    The  overhead  electrical  cable  to  the  Woodstock  TS  will  run  from  the  project  area  north  along  County  Road  59,  Pattullo  Avenue,  Athlone  Avenue,  Juliana  Drive,  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  Parkinson  Ave  and  South  Street.      

The  project  is  located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich,  Oxford  County.  The  majority  of  the  project  is  proposed  on  privately-­‐owned,  agricultural  land  near  the  villages  of  Curries   and  Oxford  Centre.   The  primary   land  base   is   bounded  by   Firehall   Road   to  the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    

Section  3.2  (pg  4)  

PROJECT  AREA    -­‐  This  is  the  study  area  that  was  has  been  used  from  the  early  stages  to  do   preliminary   surveys   and   inquiries.   This   includes   the   entirety   of   Participating  Properties  and  the  overhead  cable  route.  

PROJECT  AREA    -­‐  This  is  the  study  area  that  was  has  been  used  from  the  early  stages  to  do  preliminary  surveys  and   inquiries.  This   includes   the  entirety  of   the  Participating  Properties.  

Section  4.1  (pg  6)  

Records   of  Water   Bodies   identified   in   Table   1  were   requested   from   the   following  sources:  • Oxford  County  

o Township  of  Norwich  o City  of  Woodstock  

• Upper  Thames  River  Conservation  Authority  o Grand  River  Conservation  Authority  o Long  Point  Region  Conservation  Authority  

• Ministry  of  Natural  Resources  o Land  Information  Ontario  o Natural  Heritage  Information  Centre  

• Natural  Resources  Canada  Please  note  that  the  planning  board,  municipal  planning  authority,  local  roads  board  and   local   services   board   for   Oxford   County,   Township   of   Norwich   and   City   of  Woodstock  were  all   contacted   through   those  contacts   listed   in  Table  2.  No  unique  information  was  available  from  these  departments.  These  boards  are  all  part  of  the  same  municipal  office  where  responsibility,  staff  and  data  crossover  is  common.  

Records   of  Water   Bodies   identified   in   Table   1  were   requested   from   the   following  sources:  • Oxford  County  

o Township  of  Norwich  • Upper  Thames  River  Conservation  Authority  

o Grand  River  Conservation  Authority  o Long  Point  Region  Conservation  Authority  

• Ministry  of  Natural  Resources  o Land  Information  Ontario  o Natural  Heritage  Information  Centre  

• Natural  Resources  Canada  Please  note  that  the  planning  board,  municipal  planning  authority,  local  roads  board  and  local  services  board  for  Oxford  County  and  Township  of  Norwich  were  all  contacted  through  those  contacts  listed  in  Table  2.  No  unique  information  was  available  from  these  departments.  These  boards  are  all  part  of  the  same  municipal  office  where  responsibility,  staff  and  data  crossover  is  common.  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Section  4.  1,  Table  2  (pg  7)  

  Remove  reference  to  City  of  Woodstock  from  table  

Section  4.2.4  (pg  8)    

There  are  sixteen  (16)  records  of  permanent  and  intermittent  streams  within  120  m  of   the  project   location.  These  Water  Bodies  are   labelled   in  Appendix  A  –  Map  4  as  ST1  to  ST16.  

There  are  eleven  (11)  records  of  permanent  and  intermittent  streams  within  120  m  of   the  project   location.  These  Water  Bodies  are   labelled   in  Appendix  A  –  Map  4  as  ST6  to  ST16.  

Section  4.3.1  (8)   Preliminary  site  visits,  were  completed   in   July  2010  of   the  general  wind   farm  area.  This  area  includes  the  wind  turbines,  access  roads  and  collector  system,  but  does  not  include   the   overhead   cable   route   along   County   Road   59   to   the   Woodstock  Transformer   Station   (TS).     The   objective   of   this   early   visit   was   to   understand   the  landscape  to  aid  in  future  project  decisions  making.    

Preliminary  site  visits,  were  completed   in   July  2010  of   the  general  wind   farm  area.  This   area   includes   the   wind   turbines,   access   roads   and   collector   system.   The  objective  of  this  early  visit  was  to  understand  the  landscape  to  aid  in  future  project  decisions  making.    

Section  4.3.2,  Table  3  (pg  9)    

  Remove  information  related  to  overhead  cable  route,  specifically  rows  related  to  data  collected  for  dates  31/05/12  and  07/09/12  

Section  (pg  10)  

The   site   investigation  of   the  Water  Bodies  at   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm   identified  one  new  Water  Body  that  was  not  identified  during  records  review.  A  seepage  area  was   identified   along   the   overhead   cable   route   that   is   referred   to   as   SA1   in   this  report.    This  is  included  in  Table  3  and  discussed  further  in  Section  

There  are  no  additions  to  the  records  as  a  result  of  field  surveys.    

Section  4.4.1,  Table  4  (pg  10)  

  Remove  rows  regarding  water  feature  additions/corrections  related  to  the  overhead  cable  route  (SA1  and  WB1)  

Section  4.4.2  Table  5  (pg  11)  

  Remove  rows  regarding  existing  water  features  located  along  overhead  cable  route  (ST1,  SA1,  ST2,  ST3,  ST4,  ST5)  

Section  (pg  11)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety  

Section  (pg  12)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety  

Section  (pg  12)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety  

Section  (pg  13)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety  

Section  (pg  13)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety  

Section  (pg  14)  

  Remove  section  in  its  entirety  

Section  5.1  (pg  17)  

There  are  seven  (7)  locations  in  the  project  area  where  project  infrastructure  comes  within   30   m   of   an   identified   Water   Body   where   there   is   potential   for   negative  environmental  effects.    

There  are   two   (2)   locations   in   the  project  area  where  project   infrastructure  comes  within   30   m   of   an   identified   Water   Body   where   there   is   potential   for   negative  environmental  effects.    

Section  5.1,  Table  7,  (pg  19)  

  Remove  rows  regarding  existing  water  features  located  along  overhead  cable  route  (ST1,  ST2,  ST3,  ST4,  ST5)  

Section  6  (pg  24)  

In   summary,   17  Water   Bodies   as   defined   subsection   1(1)   of   O.   Reg   359/09   were  identified   through   the   Records   Review   process   including   16   streams   and   1   water  body.  Through  the  site  investigating  process  several  corrections  to  the  above  were  needed  including   the   removal  of   the  water  body   feature   (ponded  area)   ,   the   removal  of  9  watercourses   and   the   addition   of   a   seepage   area.     After   site   investigation   the  

In   summary,   11  Water   Bodies   as   defined   subsection   1(1)   of   O.   Reg   359/09   were  identified   through   the   Records   Review   process   including   11   streams   and   0   water  bodies.  Through  the  site  investigating  process  several  corrections  to  the  above  were  needed  including  the  removal  of  the  water  body  feature  (ponded  area)  and  the  removal  of  9  watercourses.     After   site   investigation   the   number   of   Water   Bodies   within   the  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


number  of  Water  Bodies  within  the  relevant  study  area  include  1  seepage  area,  and  7  streams  (2  intermittent  streams  and  5  permanent  streams).  Of   the   above   noted   Water   Bodies   identified   on   site,   the   seepage   area   was   not  required  to  be  considered  for  environmental  effects  due  to  its  location  greater  than  30  m  from  the  project  location.  The  remainder  of  the  Water  Bodies  (7  streams)  were  carried  forward  to  discuss  environmental  effects  and  mitigation  measures.  All  of  the  above  noted  Water  Bodies  came  within  30  m  of  electrical  infrastructure  for  the  project,  either  overhead  cabling  or  buried  cabling.  There  were  no  Water  Bodies  within  30  m  of  access  roads,  turbines,  substation  or  other  infrastructure.  

relevant  study  area  include  1  intermittent  stream  and  1  permanent  stream.  The  Water  Bodies  (2  streams)  were  carried  forward  to  discuss  environmental  effects  and  mitigation  measures.  All  of  the  above  noted  Water  Bodies  came  within  30  m  of  electrical  infrastructure  for  the   project.   There   were   no   Water   Bodies   within   30   m   of   access   roads,   turbines,  substation  or  other  infrastructure.  

Appendix  A    Map  1,  Map  2  

  Overhead  cable  should  be  disregarded/removed  from  the  map  

Appendix  A    Map  4  

  Overhead  cable  should  be  disregarded/removed  from  the  map  along  with  water  features  labelled  WB1  and  ST1-­‐ST5  

Appendix  A    Map  5  

  Overhead  cable  should  be  disregarded/removed  from  the  map  along  with  water  features  labelled  SA1  and  ST1-­‐ST5  

Natural  Heritage  Assessment  Report  Section  2  (pg  2)   The  project   is   located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich  and  the  City  of  Woodstock,  

both  within  Oxford   County.   The  majority   of   the   project   is   proposed   on   privately-­‐owned,  agricultural   land  near  the  villages  of  Curries  and  Oxford  Centre,  within  the  Township   of   Norwich.     An   overhead   cable   that   connects   the   project   to   the  Woodstock   Transformer   Station   (TS)   is   located   along  Municipal   and   County   Road  Right-­‐of-­‐Ways   (ROWs)   and   is   located  within   the   Township  of  Norwich   and  City   of  Woodstock.  The  primary   land  base  is  bounded  by  Firehall  Road  to  the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    The  overhead  electrical  cable  to  the  Woodstock  TS  will  run  from  the  project  area  north  along  County  Road  59,  Pattullo  Avenue,  Athlone  Avenue,  Juliana  Drive,  Cedar  Creek  Golf  Club,  Parkinson  Ave  and  South  Street.      

The  project  is  located  within  the  Township  of  Norwich,  Oxford  County.  The  majority  of  the  project  is  proposed  on  privately-­‐owned,  agricultural  land  near  the  villages  of  Curries   and  Oxford  Centre.   The  primary   land  base   is   bounded  by   Firehall   Road   to  the  north,  Oriel  Line  to  the  east,  Gunn’s  Hill  Road  to  the  south  and  Oxford  Road  59  to  the  west.    

Section  4.2  (pg  5)  

ZONE  OF  INVESTIGATION    -­‐  This  is  the  area  surrounding  of  the  wind  farm  location  that  is  required   to  be   studied  during   field   investigation.   For   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm,  this   is   50  m   from   a   distribution   line   (overhead   cable)   and   120  m   from   all   other  wind   farm   infrastructure   (turbines   with   blade   swept   area,   buried   cables,  substation,  laydown  area,  access  roads,  etc.).  PROJECT  AREA    -­‐  This  is  the  study  area  that  was  has  been  used  from  the  early  stages  to  do   preliminary   surveys   and   inquiries.   This   includes   the   entirety   of   Participating  Properties  and  the  overhead  cable  route.  

ZONE  OF  INVESTIGATION    -­‐  This  is  the  area  surrounding  of  the  wind  farm  location  that  is  required   to  be   studied  during   field   investigation.   For   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm,  this   is   120   m   from   wind   farm   infrastructure   (turbines   with   blade   swept   area,  buried  cables,  substation,  laydown  area,  access  roads,  etc.).  PROJECT  AREA    -­‐  This  is  the  study  area  that  was  has  been  used  from  the  early  stages  to  do  preliminary  surveys  and   inquiries.  This   includes   the  entirety  of   the  Participating  Properties.  

Section  5.1  (pg  7)  

Records  of  features  identified  in  Table  1  were  requested  from  the  following  sources:  • Oxford  County  

o Township  of  Norwich  o City  of  Woodstock  

• Upper  Thames  River  Conservation  Authority  o Grand  River  Conservation  Authority  o Long  Point  Region  Conservation  Authority  

• Ministry  of  Natural  Resources  

Records  of  features  identified  in  Table  1  were  requested  from  the  following  sources:  • Oxford  County  

o Township  of  Norwich  • Upper  Thames  River  Conservation  Authority  

o Grand  River  Conservation  Authority  o Long  Point  Region  Conservation  Authority  

• Ministry  of  Natural  Resources  o Aylmer  Regional  Office  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


o Aylmer  Regional  Office  o Land  Inventory  Ontario  

• Natural  Heritage  Information  Centre  • Ministry  of  Northern  Development  and  Mines  • Natural  Resources  Canada  • Fisheries  and  Oceans  Canada  (via  Conservation  Authorities)  

Please  note  that  the  planning  board,  municipal  planning  authority,  local  roads  board  and  local  services  board  for  Oxford  County,  Township  of  Norwich  and  City  of  Woodstock  were  all  contacted  through  those  contacts  listed  in  Table  2.    

o Land  Inventory  Ontario  • Natural  Heritage  Information  Centre  • Ministry  of  Northern  Development  and  Mines  • Natural  Resources  Canada  • Fisheries  and  Oceans  Canada  (via  Conservation  Authorities)  

Please  note  that  the  planning  board,  municipal  planning  authority,  local  roads  board  and  local  services  board  for  Oxford  County  and  Township  of  Norwich  were  all  contacted  through  those  contacts  listed  in  Table  2.    

Section  5.1,  table  2  (pg  8)  

  Remove  reference  to  City  of  Woodstock  from  table,  row  2,  column  1  

Section  5.2.4  (pg  12)  

One   Provincially   Significant   Wetland   –   the   Cedar   Creek   Swamp   –   was   identified  adjacent   to   the   Project   Location   based   on   records   received   from   Upper   Thames  River   Conservation   Authority   and   Oxford   County;   this   was   located   along   the  overhead   cable   route.     According   to   the   NHIC   (NHIC   2010),   this   Provincially  Significant  Wetland  is  composed  of  90%  swamp  and  10%  marsh.  It  is  dominated  by  deciduous   trees   on   organic   soil.   Drumlins   are   also   present   as   a   unique   geological  feature.  

Remove  paragraph  in  its  entirety.  

Section   Records   from   the   MNR   Aylmer   District   indicated   that   there   are   two   records   of  species  of  conservation  concern  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation  along  the  overhead  electrical  cable  route.  The  Milksnake  is  a  Special  Concern  Species  and  the  River  Bluet  is   a   damselfly  with   an   S2   ranking.   Both   have   records   of   documented   observations  within  the  general  area  of  the  project,  although  specific  locations  were  not  available.    Site   investigation  will  be   required   to  determine   if   suitable  habitat   is  present   in   the  project  area.    

Records   from   the   MNR   Aylmer   District   indicated   that   there   are   two   records   of  species  of  conservation  concern  within  the  Project  Area.  The  Milksnake  is  a  Special  Concern   Species   and   the   River   Bluet   is   a   damselfly  with   an   S2   ranking.   Both   have  records  of  documented  observations  within  the  general  area  of  the  project,  although  specific  locations  were  not  available.    Site  investigation  will  be  required  to  determine  if  suitable  habitat  is  present  in  the  project  area.    

Section  5.2,  Table  3  (pg  13)  

  Remove  features  from  table  located  along  overhead  cable  route  (WE3).  

Section  6.1.1,  (pg  14)  

Preliminary  site  visits  and  Ecological  Land  Classification  (ELC)  was  completed  in  July  2010   of   the   general   wind   farm   area.   This   area   includes   the  wind   turbines,   access  roads   and   collector   system,   but   does   not   include   the   overhead   cable   route   along  Hwy  59  to  the  Woodstock  TS.    The  objective  of  this  early  visit  was  to  understand  the  landscape  to  aid  in  future  project  decision  making.    

Preliminary  site  visits  and  Ecological  Land  Classification  (ELC)  was  completed  in  July  2010   of   the   general   wind   farm   area.   This   area   includes   the  wind   turbines,   access  roads  and  collector   system.  The  objective  of   this  early   visit  was   to  understand   the  landscape  to  aid  in  future  project  decision  making.    

Section  6.1.3  (pg  15)  

Wetland  delineation  was  conducted  for   the  entire  project  area   in  conjunction  with  the   ELC   surveys.   Dan   Westerhof   of   Beacon   Environmental   (see   Appendix   B   for  qualifications)  conducted  wetland  surveys  for  the  entire  project  area  and  overhead  cable  route.    

Wetland  delineation  was  conducted  for   the  entire  project  area   in  conjunction  with  the   ELC   surveys.   Dan   Westerhof   of   Beacon   Environmental   (see   Appendix   B   for  qualifications)  conducted  wetland  surveys  for  the  entire  project  area.    

Section  6.1.3,  Table  4  (pg  16)  

  Remove   information   related   to   overhead   cable   route,   specifically   rows   related   to  data  collected  for  dates  31/05/12  and  07/09/12  

Section  6.2.1,  Table  9    (pg  30)  

  Remove   information   related   to   overhead   cable   route,   specifically   Row   2   (WO1),  Column  6  (Distance  from  Project  Location).  

Section  6.2.2,  (pg  31)  

One  wetland  had  been  previously  designated  at   a  Provincially   Significant  Wetland,  WE3,  south  of  Patullo  Ave,  along  the  overhead  cable  route.  The  wetland  is  identified  as  the  Cedar  Creek  Swamp.    

Remove  paragraph  in  its  entirety  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Section  6.2.2,  Table  10,  (pg  32)  

  Remove   information   related   to   wetlands   located   along   overhead   cable   route,  specifically  Row  2  (WE3).    

Section  6.3,  Table  11  (pg  37)  

For  the  purposes  of  this  summary  only  the  rows  requiring  changes  will  be  presented.    

Seeps  and  Springs  


Candidate  habitat  feature  G1  identified  which  contains  >2  seeps/springs.  This  feature  is  located  outside  of  the  Project  Location.  It  will  be  treated  as  Generalized  Candidate  SWH  because  is  it  not  located  within  120  m  of  a  Project  components  with  an  operational  impact.  

Generalized  (G1)  

G1:  35  m  –  overhead  cable  


River  Bluet   Yes  

This  species  inhabits  slow-­‐moving  streams  and  rivers  in  open  country.  This  habitat  was  identified  within  120  m  of  the  Project  Location  at  two  creeks.  Both  of  these  habitats  are  not  located  within  120  m  of  Project  components  with  an  operational  impact.  This  habitat  will  be  considered  Generalized  SWH.  This  species  was  not  observed  during  Site  Investigations.  Note  that  habitat  G2  will  be  spanned  by  an  overhead  transmission  line  and  this  project  component  will  not  be  in  the  habitat.  

Generalized  (G2  and  G3)  

G2:  1  m  –  overhead  cable  G3:    

1  m  –  buried  cable  


For  the  purposes  of  this  summary  only  the  rows  requiring  changes  will  be  presented.    

Seeps  and  Springs  

No  No  seeps  or  spring  were  identified  during  ELC  surveys  in  and  within  120  m  of  the  Project  Location.  

No   N/A  


River  Bluet   Yes  

This  species  inhabits  slow-­‐moving  streams  and  rivers  in  open  country.  This  habitat  was  identified  within  120  m  of  the  Project  Location  at  one  creek.  This  habitat  are  not  located  within  120  m  of  Project  components  with  an  operational  impact.  This  habitat  will  be  considered  Generalized  SWH.  This  species  was  not  observed  during  Site  Investigations.    

Generalized  (G3)  

G3:    1  m  –  buried  



Section  Table  12,  (pg  39)  

  Remove   information   related   to   wetlands   located   along   overhead   cable   route,  specifically  Row  2  (WE3).    

Section  (pg  39)  

Several   new   features   were   identified   during   site   investigation.   Two   (2)   additional  wetlands   were   identified   and   14   candidate   significant   wildlife   habitats   were  identified,   which   includes   7   candidate   significant   wildlife   habitat   of   various  categories  and  7  generalized  wildlife  habitats.    

Several   new   features   were   identified   during   site   investigation.   Two   (2)   additional  wetlands   were   identified   and   12   candidate   significant   wildlife   habitats   were  identified,   which   includes   7   candidate   significant   wildlife   habitat   of   various  categories  and  5  generalized  wildlife  habitats.    

Section,  Table  13  (pg  40)  

  Remove   information   related   to   natural   feature   additions   located   along   overhead  cable  route,  specifically  Row  12  (G1)  and  Row  13  (G2).    

Section  7  (pg  41)  

One  wetland  in  the  relevant  study  area  had  been  previously  identified  as  significant.  The  wetland  identified  as  WE3  which  is  located  on  the  south  side  of  Patullo  Ave  is  a  Provincially-­‐Significant   Wetland   as   determined   by   the   MNR.   No   other   wetlands  within  the  relevant  study  area  of  the  project  location  have  been  previously  identified  as  Provincially  Significant.    

No   wetlands   within   the   relevant   study   area   of   the   project   location   have   been  previously  identified  as  Provincially  Significant.      

Section  7.1  (pg  41)  

  Remove  section  7.1  in  its  entirety  

Section  7.5  (pg   Feature  Type   Count  of  features;  IDs   Resulting  Project   Feature  Type   Count  of  features;  IDs   Resulting  Project  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


53)   Location  changes  

Significant  Wetlands   5;  WE3,  WE4,  WE5  WE8,  WE9   None  

Significant  Woodlands   4;  WO1,  WO2,  WO3,  WO4   None  

Significant  Wildlife  Habitat   0  confirmed  3  unconfirmed  (C1,  C2,  and  C7)  7  Generalized  (G1,  G2,  G3,  G4,  G5,  G6,  G7)  

Location  of  turbine  5  was  adjusted  to  maintain  proper  setback  at  feature  C7  


Location  changes  

Significant  Wetlands   4;  WE4,  WE5  WE8,  WE9   None  

Significant  Woodlands   4;  WO1,  WO2,  WO3,  WO4   None  

Significant  Wildlife  Habitat   0  confirmed  3  unconfirmed  (C1,  C2,  and  C7)  5  Generalized  (G3,  G4,  G5,  G6,  G7)  

Location  of  turbine  5  was  adjusted  to  maintain  proper  setback  at  feature  C7  


Section  8.2.1  (pg  58)    

POTENTIAL  EFFECTS  Cables   along   Pattullo   Avenue   will   be   installed   on   existing   utility   poles,   in   close  proximity  to  WE3.    As  no  direct  encroachment  into  the  wetland  is  proposed,  direct  impacts   are   not   anticipated.     However,   there   is   potential,   although   unlikely,   that  accidental   encroachment   into   the   wetland   could   occur,   resulting   in   damage   to  wetland  vegetation.  

Remove  paragraph  in  its  entirety.  

Section  8.2.1  (pg  59)  

MITIGATION  MEASURES  Work   area   adjacent   to   WE3   and   wetlands   along   Firehall   Road   will   be   clearly  delineated  using  a  barrier  such  as  siltation  fencing  to  avoid  accidental  encroachment  into   the   wetlands.     Care   will   be   taken   to   avoid   accidental   encroachment   into  wetland,   or   damage   to   wetland   vegetation.     In   the   unlikely   event   encroachment  occurs,  rutting  will  be  restored  to  grade.    If  accidental  damage  to  tree  limbs  or  root  zones  occurs,  trees  will  be  pruned  using  proper  arboricultural  techniques.  

Remove  paragraph  in  its  entirety.  

Section  9.1  (pg  82)  

The   Records   Review   completed   for   the   Zone   of   Investigation   identified   four  woodlands   and   three   wetlands   (one   Provincially   Significant   Wetland   and   two  unevaluated  wetlands).  

The   Records   Review   completed   for   the   Zone   of   Investigation   identified   four  woodlands  and  two  unevaluated  wetlands.  

Section  9.2.2  (pg  82)  

Corrections   were   made   to   the   boundaries   of   three   wetlands.     Two   additional  wetlands  were  identified  through  site  investigation.  

Corrections  were  made  to  the  boundaries  of  two  wetlands.    Two  additional  wetlands  were  identified  through  site  investigation.  

  Fourteen   (14)   Candidate   Significant   Wildlife   Habitat   were   identified   through   site  investigation.   Theses   habitats   included:   5   Amphibian   Breeding   Habitat   –   Wetland  and   Woodland,   2   Bat   Maternity   Roost   Habitat,   and   7   Generalized   Candidate  Significant  Wildlife  Habitat.  

Twelve   (12)   Candidate   Significant   Wildlife   Habitat   were   identified   through   site  investigation.   Theses   habitats   included:   5   Amphibian   Breeding   Habitat   –   Wetland  and   Woodland,   2   Bat   Maternity   Roost   Habitat,   and   5   Generalized   Candidate  Significant  Wildlife  Habitat.  

Section  9.3.2  (pg  83)  

One  wetland,   the  Cedar  Creek  Swamp,  was  previously  designated  as  a  Provincially  Significant   Wetland.   All   other   wetlands   (WE3,   WE4,   WE5,   WE8,   and   WE9),were  assumed  to  be  significant  because  there  are  no  direct  impacts  and  Appendix  C  from  the   Natural   Heritage   Assessment   Guide   can   be   applied   so   that   a   full   wetland  evaluation   is   not   necessary.   This   was   applied   to   all   wetlands   within   the   Zone   of  Investigation.  

All  wetlands   (WE4,  WE5,  WE8,   and  WE9)  were   assumed   to   be   significant   because  there  are  no  direct   impacts  and  Appendix  C   from  the  Natural  Heritage  Assessment  Guide   can   be   applied   so   that   a   full   wetland   evaluation   is   not   necessary.   This  was  applied  to  all  wetlands  within  the  Zone  of  Investigation.  

Section  9.3.3  (pg  83)  

Seven   of   the   14   Candidate   Significant   Wildlife   Habitat   were   evaluated   for  significance.  Generalized  habitat  is  not  required  to  be  assessed  for  significance.  

Seven   of   the   12   Candidate   Significant   Wildlife   Habitat   were   evaluated   for  significance.  Generalized  habitat  is  not  required  to  be  assessed  for  significance.  

Section  9.4  (pg  83)  

Four  woodlands  (WO1,  WO2,  WO3,  and  WO4),  5  wetlands  (WE3,  WE4,  WE5,  WE8,  and  WE9),  7  Generalized  Significant  Wildlife  Habitats   (G1,  G2,  G3,  G4,  G5,  G6,  and  G7)   and   3   Significant   Wildlife   Habitats   (Bat   Maternity   Colonies   C1   and   C2   and  Amphibian  Breeding  Habitat  C7)  were  evaluated  for  environmental  impacts  from  the  construction,  operation  and  decommissioning  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.    

Four  woodlands   (WO1,  WO2,  WO3,   and  WO4),   4  wetlands   (WE4,  WE5,  WE8,   and  WE9),   5   Generalized   Significant  Wildlife   Habitats   (G3,   G4,   G5,   G6,   and   G7)   and   3  Significant   Wildlife   Habitats   (Bat   Maternity   Colonies   C1   and   C2   and   Amphibian  Breeding   Habitat   C7)   were   evaluated   for   environmental   impacts   from   the  construction,  operation  and  decommissioning  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.    

Appendix  A     • Cable   route  should  be   removed/disregarded   from  Map  1,  Map  2,  Map  3a,  Map  

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3b,  Map  6,  Map  7,  Map  8,  Map  9,  Map  10,  Map  11,  Map  13,  Map  17,  Map  18.  • Map  12  and  Map  14  should  be  removed  from  the  report  entirely  

Appendix  C       Beacon  Environmental  ELC  maps:  Maps  titled  “ELC  Survey  –  Overhead  Cable  Route”  (1),  (2),  and  (3),  should  be  removed  from  the  report  entirely  

Appendix  D     Cable  route  should  be  removed/disregarded  from  Wetlands  Map  Information  related  to  WE3  should  be  removed  from  the  wetlands  table  

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3.4     Second  Notice  of  Project  Change:  Nameplate  Capacity  Change  and  Turbine  Model  Change  

 During  the  process  of  Project  development  it  was  determined  that  the  turbine  model  for  the  Project  needed  to  change  in  order  to  account  for  a  constrained  supply  of  Ontario  Domestic  Content  compliant  turbines  from  Siemens.      Prowind  negotiated  a  turbine  procurement  agreement  with  Senvion  (formerly  REpower).  The  turbines  procured  from  Senvion  are  1.88  MW  MM92  units.  The  Project’s  nameplate  capacity  was  officially  reduced  to  18  MW  from  25  MW  when  the  turbine  change  was  announced.      The  proposed  Senvion  turbines  are  smaller  and  quieter  than  the  originally  proposed  Siemens  machines,  so  Project  impacts  were  reduced  from  the  original  proposal.  The  turbine  change  did  necessitate  a  revised  Noise  Assessment  Report  (R3)  and  a  Turbine  Specification  Report,  and  was  deemed  to  be  a  technical  change.    A  Modification  Document  was  prepared  and  submitted  to  the  MOECC  on  March  4,  2014.  After  some  revisions,  the  MOECC  accepted  the  finalized  document  and  the  Modification  Document  and  Notice  of  Project  Change  were  released  for  public  review  on  April  10,  2014.    The  Notice  was  posted  in  the  Woodstock  Sentinel-­‐Review  and  the  Turtle  Island  News,  mailed  to  all  landowners  within  550  m  of  and  adjacent  to  the  Project  location,  mailed  to  agency  and  Aboriginal  stakeholders,  and  emailed  to  all  contacts  on  the  stakeholder  email  list.    At  this  time,  the  REA  reports  were  posted  to  the  Environmental  Registry  again  for  a  30-­‐day  public  comment  period.  This  was  due  to  the  revised  and  updated  Noise  Assessment  Report  that  came  as  a  result  of  the  turbine  change.  It  also  allowed  the  opportunity  to  reiterate  the  project  changes  and  provide  the  public  a  chance  to  review  and  comment  on  these  changes.      The  changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  the  above  are  detailed  in  Table  5  below.      

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Table  5   Changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  Second  Project  Change      Report  reference   Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  Executive  Summary  Section  1  (pg  1)   Prowind  is  proposing  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  (The  Project)  that   is  categorized  

as  a  Class  4  facility,  which  will  consist  of  up  to  ten  (10)  turbines  from  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113   family.   The   turbines  will   have   a  maximum  nameplate   rating   of   2.5  MW  each  and  the  project  will  have  a  maximum  total  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  25  MW.    These  wind  turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  99.5  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  113  m  for  a  total  height  of  156  m.    

Prowind   is   proposing   the   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm   (The   Project)   that   is   categorized   as   a  Class   4   facility,   which   will   consist   of   up   to   ten   (10)   turbines   from   the   Senvion   MM92  family.   The   turbines  will   have   a  maximum  nameplate   rating   of   1.88  MW  each   and   the  project  will  have  a  maximum  total   installed  nameplate  capacity  of  18  MW.    These  wind  turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  100  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  92.5  m  for  a  total  height  of  146.25  m.    

Section  1.1  (pg  1)   • Up  to  10  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  wind  turbines  (2.5  MW  maximum  power);     • Up  to  10  Senvion  MM92  wind  turbines  (1.88  MW  maximum  power);    Section  2.1.1  (pg  10)  

Up  to  ten  (10)  turbines  from  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  family  will  be  used  for  this  Project.   The   turbines  will   have   a  maximum  nameplate   rating   of   2.5  MW.   These  wind   turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  99.5  m  and  a   rotor  diameter  of  113  m  for  a  total  height  of  156.5  m.    

Up  to  ten  (10)  turbines  from  the  Senvion  MM92  family  will  be  used  for  this  Project.  The  turbines  will  have  a  maximum  nameplate  rating  of  1.88  MW.  These  wind  turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  100  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  92.5  m  for  a  total  height  of  146.25  m.    

Section  3.1.4  (pg  21  

• 5  for  tower  sections     • 4  for  tower  sections    

Project  Description  Report  Section  1  (pg  1)   The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  (The  Project)  will  consist  of  up  to  ten  (10)  turbines  

from  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  family.  The  turbines  will  have  a  maximum  nameplate  rating  of  2.5  MW  each  and  the  project  will  have  a  maximum  total  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  up  to  25  MW.        

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  (The  Project)  will  consist  of  up  to  ten  (10)  turbines  from  the  Senvion  MM92  family.  The  turbines  will  have  a  maximum  nameplate  rating  of  1.88  MW  each  and  the  project  will  have  a  maximum  total  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  18  MW.          

Section  3.1.4  (pg  5)  

The   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm   is   a   25  MW  project   that   is   categorized   as   a   Class   4  Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  Siemens  wind  turbines  from  the  SWT  3.0-­‐113  family.    The  turbines  will  have  a  maximum  nameplate  capacity  of  2.5  MW  or  less  for  this  project.    The  2.5  MW  model  is  a  distinct  model  of  the  SWT  3.0-­‐113  family   with   its   own   nameplate   designation,   rated   power,   and   broadband   and  octave   band   source   sound   power   characteristics.   The   total   maximum   installed  nameplate  capacity  of  all   turbines  will  not  exceed  25  MW  in  order  to  match  the  Feed-­‐In  Tariff  contract  capacity.    

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm   is  an  18  MW  project   that   is   categorized  as  a  Class  4  Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  Senvion  wind  turbines  from  the  MM92  family.    The  turbines  will  have  a  maximum  nameplate  capacity  of  1.88  MW  for  this  project.    The  1.88  MW  model   is  a  distinct  model  of  the  MM92  family  with  its  own  nameplate  designation,  rated  power,   and  broadband  and  octave  band   source   sound  power   characteristics.   The  total   maximum   installed   nameplate   capacity   of   all   turbines   will   not   exceed   18  MW   in  order  to  match  the  Feed-­‐In  Tariff  contract  capacity.    

Section  3.1.4,  Table  3  (pg  5)  


Operating  Data   Specification  

General  Manufacturer   Siemens  Model   SWT  3.0  113  Name  plate  capacity  (MW)   2.5  MW  Cut-­‐in  wind  speed  (m/s)   3-­‐5  m/s  (10.8  –  18  km/hr)  Cut-­‐out  speed  (m/s)   25  m/s  (90  km/hr)  Frequency  (Hz)   50  or  60  Hz  Sound  power  (dBA)   102.5  dBA  Tonal  audibility     <2dB  


Operating  Data   Specification  

General  Manufacturer   Senvion  (formerly  REpower)  Model   MM92  Name  plate  capacity  (MW)   1.88  MW  Cut-­‐in  wind  speed  (m/s)   3  m/s  (10.8  km/hr)  Cut-­‐out  speed  (m/s)   24  m/s  (86.4  km/hr)  Frequency  (Hz)   60  Hz  Max  Sound  power  (dBA)   102.0  dBA  Tonal  audibility     no  audibility  La,k>0  for  (v10  ≥  6  m/s)  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Rotor  Blade  length  (m)   56.5  m  Rotor  diameter  (m)   113  m  Rotor  swept  area  (m2)   10,000  m2  Rotational  speed  (rpm)   6.0  –  15.5  rpm  Tower  Hub  height  (m)   99.5  m    Maximum  total  turbine  height  (m)   156  m  


Rotor  Blade  length  (m)   46.25  m  Rotor  diameter  (m)   92.5  m  Rotor  swept  area  (m2)   6,720  m2  Rotational  speed  (rpm)   7.8  –  15.0  rpm  Structure  Hub  height  (m)   100  m    Maximum  total  turbine  height  (m)   146.25  m  


Section  4.1  (pg  10)  

Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  wind  turbine  generators  that  combine  to  produce  a  maximum  of  25  MW  of  electricity.      The   proposed   project   layout   is   shown   in   Appendix   A   -­‐  Map   1   and   includes   the  major  components  of  the  Project  listed  below:  

• Up  to  10  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  wind  turbines  (2.5  MW  maximum  power);  

Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   will   employ   the   use   of   up   to   ten   Senvion  MM92   wind   turbine  generators  that  combine  to  produce  a  maximum  of  18  MW  of  electricity.      The   proposed   project   layout   is   shown   in   Appendix   A   -­‐   Map   1   and   includes   the   major  components  of  the  Project  listed  below:  

• Up  to  10  Senvion  MM92  wind  turbines  (1.88  MW  maximum  power);  Section  4.1.2  (pg  11)  

The   Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   will   incorporate   wind   turbines   with   a   total   height  (tower  +  blade)  of  156  m,  a  rotor  diameter  of  113  m  and  a  guaranteed  maximum  sound  power   level   of   102.5   dB(A).     The  Applicant  will   ensure   that   all   applicable  noise   and   setback   regulations   have   been   met   in   the   wind   farm   design.     All  modeling   will   incorporate   the   guaranteed   sound   power   level   presented   by   the  turbine  manufacturer.    The   project   will   consist   of   up   to   ten   Siemens   SWT   3.0-­‐113   wind   turbines   each  producing  a  maximum  total  power  output  of  2.5  MW.    Tables  2  and  3  summarize  the  key  parameters  of  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  as  requested  in  table  1  of  O.  Reg  359/09.     Additional   turbine   specifications   are   presented   in   the   Turbine  Specification  Report.  The   acoustic   emission   specification   document   included   within   the   Turbine  Specification  Report  states   that   the  maximum  sound  power   level   for   the   turbine  (Lwa)   measured   in   accordance   with   IEC   61400-­‐11   is   102.5   dB(A).   The   Noise  Assessment  Report,  which  demonstrates  project  compliance  with  provincial  noise  regulations  is  presented  in  the  Design  and  Operations  Report,  Appendix  E.  

The  Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm  will   incorporate  wind   turbines  with   a   total   height   (tower   +  blade)  of  146.25  m,  a  rotor  diameter  of  92.5  m  and  a  guaranteed  maximum  sound  power  level   of   102.0   dB(A).     The   Applicant   will   ensure   that   all   applicable   noise   and   setback  regulations   have   been  met   in   the  wind   farm   design.     All  modeling  will   incorporate   the  guaranteed  sound  power  level  presented  by  the  turbine  manufacturer.    The   project   will   consist   of   up   to   ten   Senvion   MM92   wind   turbines   each   producing   a  maximum  total  power  output  of  1.88  MW.    Tables  2  and  3  summarize  the  key  parameters  of   the   Senvion   MM92   as   requested   in   table   1   of   O.   Reg   359/09.     Additional   turbine  specifications  are  presented  in  the  Turbine  Specification  Report.  The   acoustic   emission   specification   document   included  within   the  Turbine   Specification  Report   states   that   the  maximum   sound   power   level   for   the   turbine   (Lwa)  measured   in  accordance   with   IEC   61400-­‐11   is   102.0   dB(A).   The   Noise   Assessment   Report,   which  demonstrates   project   compliance   with   provincial   noise   regulations   is   presented   in   the  Design  and  Operations  Report,  Appendix  E.  

Section  4.1.2  (pg  12)  

The  wind  turbine  will  have  three  blades  mounted  to  the  hub  that  will  not  exceed  a  rotational  speed  of  15.5  revolutions  per  minute  (0.26  Hz).    The   nacelle,   which   contains   much   of   the   mechanical   and   electrical   conversion  equipment,  will  be  insulated  to  reduce  sound  emissions.  The  nacelle  and  rotor  sit  on  top  of  a  tower  that  will  be  made  of  steel.  The  hub  height  of  the  tower  will  be  99.5  m  above  ground  level  and  will  be  assembled  from  sections  on-­‐site.  The  base  of  the  tower  will  be  approximately  4.2  m  wide.    

The   wind   turbine   will   have   three   blades   mounted   to   the   hub   that   will   not   exceed   a  rotational  speed  of  15  revolutions  per  minute  (0.25  Hz).    The  nacelle,  which  contains  much  of  the  mechanical  and  electrical  conversion  equipment,  will  be  insulated  to  reduce  sound  emissions.  The  nacelle  and  rotor  sit  on  top  of  a  tower  that  will  be  made  of  steel.  The  hub  height  of  the  tower  will  be  100  m  above  ground  level  and  will  be  assembled  from  sections  on-­‐site.  The  base  of  the  tower  will  be  approximately  4.6  m  wide.    

Section  (pg  22)  

Due   to   the   intermittent  nature  of  wind,   turbines  will   only  produce  power  when  the   speed  of   the  wind   is   greater   than  a  minimum  threshold.  Based  on   the  wind  distribution  determined   from   the  meteorological   sampling  period,   it   is   expected  that   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind   Farm  will   produce  electrical   power   approximately   80-­‐90%  of  the  time.    The  maximum  rotational  speed  of  the  blades  is   limited  to  15.5  revolutions   per   minute.   The   minimum   wind   speed   required   for   the   turbine   to  operate  is  3-­‐5  m/s.    At  25  m/s,  the  turbine  will  automatically  shut  down.  

Due  to  the  intermittent  nature  of  wind,  turbines  will  only  produce  power  when  the  speed  of   the   wind   is   greater   than   a   minimum   threshold.   Based   on   the   wind   distribution  determined  from  the  meteorological  sampling  period,   it   is  expected  that  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind   Farm   will   produce   electrical   power   approximately   80-­‐90%   of   the   time.     The  maximum   rotational   speed   of   the   blades   is   limited   to   15   revolutions   per   minute.   The  minimum  wind  speed  required  for  the  turbine  to  operate  is  3  m/s.    At  24  m/s,  the  turbine  will  automatically  shut  down.  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Construction  Plan  Report  Section  2  (pg  2)   The   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm   is   a   25  MW  project   that   is   categorized   as   a   Class   4  

Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  family  with  a  total  power  output  of  2.5  MW.  These  wind  turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  99.5  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  113  m  for  a  total  height  of  156  m.    …  

• Up  to  10  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  wind  turbines  (2.5  MW  maximum  power);  

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm   is  an  18  MW  project   that   is   categorized  as  a  Class  4  Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Senvion  MM92  family  with  a  total  power  output  of  1.88  MW.  These  wind  turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  100  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  92.5  m  for  a  total  height  of  146.25  m.    …  Up  to  10  Senvion  MM92  wind  turbines  (1.88  MW  maximum  power);  

Section  3.5  (pg  9)   • 5  for  tower  sections     • 4  for  tower  sections    Section  3.7  (pg  13)  

The  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  turbines  to  be  used  at  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  have  a  nacelle  that  weighs  approximately  73,000  kg  and  requires  a  500  tonne  conventional  crane  or  a  1000  tonne  mobile  crane  for  installation.      

The  Senvion  MM92  turbines  to  be  used  at  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  have  a  nacelle  that  weighs  approximately  72,000  kg  and  requires  a  500  tonne  conventional  crane  or  a  1000  tonne  mobile  crane  for  installation.      

Design  and  Operations  Report  Section  1.2  (pg  5)   The   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm   is   a   25  MW  project   that   is   categorized   as   a   Class   4  

Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  family  with  a  total  power  output  of  2.5  MW.  These  wind  turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  99.5  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  113  m  for  a  total  height  of  156  m.    

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm   is  an  18  MW  project   that   is   categorized  as  a  Class  4  Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Senvion  MM92  family  with  a  total  power  output  of  1.88  MW.  These  wind  turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  100  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  92.5  m  for  a  total  height  of  146.25  m.    

Section  2  (pg  6)   Up  to  10  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  wind  turbines  (2.5  MW  maximum  power);   Up  to  10  Senvion  MM92  wind  turbines  (1.88  MW  maximum  power);  Section  2,  Table  2  (pg  7)  

For  the  purposes  of  this  summary,  only  the  relevant  rows  are  presented  below.    Ontario  Regulation  359/09  Setback  Distances  

Setback   Distance  (m)  


Property  line  

Hub  height  (99.5)  

Setback  can  be  reduced  to  blade  length  plus  10  m  (66.5  m  total)  measured  from  the  centre  of  the  turbine’s  base  to  the  nearest  property  boundary  if  a  property  line  setback  assessment  report  demonstrates  that  siting  turbines  closer  will  not  cause  adverse  effects.  

Roads  And  Railway  

Blade  length    plus  10  m  

Blade  length  plus  10  m  (66.5  m  total)  measured  from  the  centre  of  the  turbine’s  base  to  the  boundary  of  the  right-­‐of-­‐way.  


For  the  purposes  of  this  summary,  only  the  relevant  rows  are  presented  below.    Ontario  Regulation  359/09  Setback  Distances  

Setback   Distance  (m)  


Property  Line  

Hub  height    (100)  

Setback  can  be  reduced  to  blade  length  plus  10  m  (56.25  m  total)  measured  from  the  centre  of  the  turbine’s  base  to  the  nearest  property  boundary  if  a  property  line  setback  assessment  report  demonstrates  that  siting  turbines  closer  will  not  cause  adverse  effects.  

Roads  And  Railway  

Blade  length    plus  10  m  

Blade  length  plus  10  m  (56.25  m  total)  measured  from  the  centre  of  the  turbine’s  base  to  the  boundary  of  the  right-­‐of-­‐way.  


Section  2.3.1  (pg  10)  

The  project  will  consist  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  family   rated   for   a   maximum   output   of   2.5   MW.   Full   turbine   specifications   are  included   in  Appendix  C.    The  wind  turbines  are  3-­‐bladed,  upwind  horizontal–axis  turbines  that  utilize  direct  drive  technology,  which  avoids  the  need  for  a  gearbox.  This   reduces   sound   output   and   increases   efficiency.   The   turbines   have   a   113  m  rotor  diameter  with  a  swept  area  of  10,000  m2.    Table   4   summarizes   key   turbine   parameters,   Table   5   summarizes   the   Siemens  SWT   3.0-­‐113   acoustic   emission   data   used   in   the   Noise   Assessment   Report  

The  project  will  consist  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Senvion  MM92  family  rated  for  a  maximum  output  of  1.88  MW.  Full  turbine  specifications  are  included  in  Appendix  C.    The   wind   turbines   are   3-­‐bladed,   upwind   horizontal–axis   turbines.   The   turbines   have   a  92.5  m  rotor  diameter  with  a  swept  area  of  6720  m2.    Table   4   summarizes   key   turbine   parameters,   Table   5   summarizes   the   Senvion   MM92  acoustic  emission  data  used   in  the  Noise  Assessment  Report   (contained   in  Appendix  D),  and   Table   6   details   certain  wind   conditions   under  which   the   turbine  will   automatically  shut  down  as  a  protective  measure.  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


(contained   in   Appendix   D),   and   Table   6   details   certain   wind   conditions   under  which  the  turbine  will  automatically  shut  down  as  a  protective  measure.  

Section  2.3.1,  Table  4,  (pg  10)  

 TABLE  4   SIEMENS  SWT-­‐3.0-­‐113  -­‐  WIND  TURBINE  SPECIFICATIONS    General  Manufacturer   Siemens  Model   SWT  3.0  113  Name  plate  capacity  (MW)   2.5  MW  Cut-­‐in  wind  speed  (m/s)   3-­‐5  m/s  (10.8  –  18  km/hr)  Cut-­‐out  speed  (m/s)   25  m/s  (90  km/hr)  Frequency  (Hz)   50  or  60  Hz  Max  Sound  power  (dBA)   102.5  dBA  Tonal  audibility     <2dB  Rotor  Blade  length  (m)   56.5  m  Rotor  diameter  (m)   113  m  Rotor  swept  area  (m2)   10,000  m2  Rotational  speed  (rpm)   6.0  –  15.5  rpm  Structure  Hub  height  (m)   99.5  m    Total  height  (m)   156  m  Diameter  of  tower  base  (m)   ~4.2  m  


 TABLE  4   SENVION  MM92  -­‐  WIND  TURBINE  SPECIFICATIONS    General  Manufacturer   Senvion  (formerly  REpower)  Model   MM92  Name  plate  capacity  (MW)   1.88  MW  Cut-­‐in  wind  speed  (m/s)   3  m/s  (10.8  km/hr)  Cut-­‐out  speed  (m/s)   24  m/s  (86.4  km/hr)  Frequency  (Hz)   60  Hz  Max  Sound  power  (dBA)   102.0  dBA  Tonal  audibility     no  audibility  La,k>0  for  (v10  ≥  6  m/s)  Rotor  Blade  length  (m)   46.25  m  Rotor  diameter  (m)   92.5  m  Rotor  swept  area  (m2)   6,720  m2  Rotational  speed  (rpm)   7.8  –  15.0  rpm  Structure  Hub  height  (m)   100  m    Total  height  (m)   146.25  m  Diameter  of  tower  base  (m)   ~4.6  m  


Section  2.3.1,  Table  5,  (pg  12)  

See  Appendix  A  of  this  document   See  Appendix  A  of  this  document  

Section  2.3.1,  Table  6,  (pg  12)  

Cutout  Wind  Speed    at  Turbine  Hub  

Restart  Wind  Speed  at  Turbine  Hub  (after  cutout  event)  

Approximately  25  m/s   Approximately  20  m/s    

Cutout  Wind  Speed    at  Turbine  Hub  

Restart  Wind  Speed  at  Turbine  Hub  (after  cutout  event)  

Approximately  24  m/s   Approximately  22  m/s    

Section  2.5   Siemens  requires  the  roads  to  have  a  bearing  capacity  of  9072  kg  (20,000  lbs)  per  axle  plus  any  applicable  safety  margin.  

Senvion  requires  the  roads  to  have  a  bearing  capacity  of  12,500  kg  (27,558  lbs)  per  axle  plus  any  applicable  safety  margin.  

Section  (pg  63)  

• Tornadoes  –  the  blades  will  stop  moving  at  wind  speeds  greater  than  25  m/s,  and  generally,  the  structural  integrity  of  turbines  is  designed  to  withstand  gusts  of  greater  than  59  m/s;  

• Tornadoes   –   the   blades   will   stop   moving   at   wind   speeds   greater   than   24   m/s,   and  generally,  the  structural  integrity  of  turbines  is  designed  to  withstand  gusts  of  greater  than  59  m/s;  

Section  6.3.5  (pg  75)  

Siemens  has  guaranteed  the  maximum  sound  power  level  from  the  turbines.   Senvion  has  guaranteed  the  maximum  sound  power  level  from  the  turbines.  

Appendix  B  Property  Line  Setback  Assessment  Report,  Section  1.2  (pg  2)  

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  25  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which   is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind   facility  with  a  nameplate   capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The   project  will   employ   the   use   of   up   to   ten   (10)   Siemens   SWT   3.0   -­‐   113  wind  turbine   generators.   The   3.0   MW   turbines   will   be   customized   to   a   nameplate  capacity   of   2.5   MW   or   less   for   this   project.   The   total   maximum   installed  

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  18  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which  is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  (10)  Senvion  MM92  wind  turbine  generators  each   with   a   nameplate   capacity   of   1.88  MW.   The   total   maximum   installed   nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  18  MW  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  25  MW.    Appendix  B,  Section  2.0  (pg  4)  

The   Siemens   SWT   3.0   -­‐   113   will   be   used   for   this   project.   The   relevant  specifications  for  the  wind  turbine  generator  are  as  follows:    • Tower  height,  excluding  the  length  of  any  blade:     99.5  metres  • Blade  length:     56.5  metres  The   above   specifications   are   relevant   because   they   directly   determine   property  line   setbacks.   The   required  property   line   setback   is   the  maximum   tower  height,  excluding  the  length  of  any  blade,  which  is  indicated  as  99.5  m  for  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind   Farm.     Prowind   is   proposing   the   reduced   property   line   setback   of   blade  length  plus   ten  meters  at  5  of   the   turbine   locations.     The   reduced  property   line  setback  cannot  be  less  than  66.5  m  (56.5  m  +  10  m  =  66.5  m),  measured  from  the  centre   of   the   base   of   the   turbine   to   the   property   line   in   question.     In   all   cases  turbine  setbacks  from  property  lines  are  greater  than  66.5  m.    

The  Senvion  MM92  will  be  used  for  this  project.  The  relevant  specifications  for  the  wind  turbine  generator  are  as  follows:    • Tower  height,  excluding  the  length  of  any  blade:     100  metres  • Blade  length:     46.25  metres  The   above   specifications   are   relevant   because   they   directly   determine   property   line  setbacks.  The  required  property  line  setback  is  the  maximum  tower  height,  excluding  the  length  of  any  blade,  which  is  indicated  as  100  m  for  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.    Prowind  is  proposing  the  reduced  property  line  setback  of  blade  length  plus  ten  meters  at  5  of  the  turbine  locations.    The  reduced  property  line  setback  cannot  be  less  than  56.25  m  (46.25  m  +  10  m),  measured  from  the  centre  of  the  base  of  the  turbine  to  the  property   line   in  question.    In  all  cases  turbine  setbacks  from  property  lines  are  greater  than  56.25  m.    

Appendix  B,  Appendix  B,  Section  3  (pg  5)  

There  are  5   turbines   located   less   than   tower  height,  excluding   the   length  of  any  blade   (99.5  m)   from   non-­‐participating   properties   in   the   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm.  Table   1   identifies   the   turbines   infringing   the   property   line   setback,   the   affected  property   and   the   proposed   setback.   All   of   the   setbacks   are   equal   to   or   greater  than  blade   length  plus  ten  meters  (66.5  m)  from  the  property  boundaries  as  per  regulations.    

There   are   5   turbines   located   less   than   tower   height,   excluding   the   length   of   any   blade  (100  m)  from  non-­‐participating  properties  in  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.  Table  1  identifies  the  turbines  infringing  the  property  line  setback,  the  affected  property  and  the  proposed  setback.   All   of   the   setbacks   are   equal   to   or   greater   than   blade   length   plus   ten  meters  (56.25  m)  from  the  property  boundaries  as  per  regulations.    

Appendix  B,  Section  4  (pg  6)  

This  section  will  discuss  the  details  of  each  property  line  infringement,  organized  according  to  the  “Setback   ID”   letter  given   in  Table  1.  Each  case  will  consider  the  land  uses  within  the  total  turbine  height  setback  (99.5  m)  outlined  by  a  thin  green  line   in  each   following   figures.   It  will   also  examine   the  potential   adverse   impacts  and  proposed  mitigation  measures.  

This   section   will   discuss   the   details   of   each   property   line   infringement,   organized  according  to  the  “Setback  ID”  letter  given  in  Table  1.  Each  case  will  consider  the  land  uses  within   the   total   turbine   height   setback   (100   m)   outlined   by   a   thin   green   line   in   each  following   figures.   It   will   also   examine   the   potential   adverse   impacts   and   proposed  mitigation  measures.  

Appendix  B,  Section  4  

  All  images  in  Section  should  be  updated  to  reflect  the  new  setbacks  as  determined  by  the  turbine  dimensions  .Red  circle  should  have  a  radius  of  56.25  and  green  circle  should  have  a  radius  of  100  m.  

Appendix  B,  Section  4.1.1  (pg  6)  

Turbine  1   is   less   than  99.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property   line,  but  greater  than  66.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line  as  permitted  in  O.  Reg  359/09  and  explained  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  A  at  Turbine  1   is  proposed   to  be  69.9  m  from  the   rear   (south)  property  line  based  on  a  professional  survey;  29.6  m  less  than  99.5  m.  

Turbine   1   is   less   than   100   m   from   a   non-­‐participating   property   line,   but   greater   than  56.25   m   from   a   non-­‐participating   property   line   as   permitted   in   O.   Reg   359/09   and  explained  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  A  at  Turbine  1  is  proposed  to  be  69.9  m  from  the  rear  (south)  property  line  based  on  a  professional  survey;  30.1  m  less  than  100  m.  

Appendix  B,  Section  4.2.1  (pg  8)  

Turbine   6   is   less   than   99.5   m   from   a   two   non-­‐participating   property   lines,   but  greater   than   66.5   m   from   both   non-­‐participating   property   lines   as   outlined   in  Section  1.1.  Setback  B  at  Turbine  6   is  proposed   to  be  69.1  m   from  the   side   (north)  property  line;  30.4  m  less  than  99.5  m.  Setback  C  at  Turbine  6  is  proposed  to  be  82.2  m  from  the  rear  (east)  property  line;  17.3  m  less  than  99.5  m.  

Turbine  6  is  less  than  100  m  from  a  two  non-­‐participating  property  lines,  but  greater  than  56.25  m  from  both  non-­‐participating  property  lines  as  outlined  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  B  at  Turbine  6  is  proposed  to  be  69.1  m  from  the  side  (north)  property  line;  30.9  m  less  than  100  m.  Setback  C  at  Turbine  6  is  proposed  to  be  82.2  m  from  the  rear  (east)  property  line;  17.8  m  less  than  100  m.  

Appendix  B,  Section  4.3.1  (pg  9)  

Turbine  7   is   less   than  99.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property   line,  but  greater  than  66.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line  as  outlined  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  D  at  Turbine  7   is  proposed   to  be  68.8  m   from  the   rear   (north)  property  line;  30.7  m  less  than  99.5  m.  

Turbine   7   is   less   than   100   m   from   a   non-­‐participating   property   line,   but   greater   than  56.25  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line  as  outlined  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  D  at  Turbine  7  is  proposed  to  be  68.8  m  from  the  rear  (north)  property  line;  31.2  m  less  than  100  m.  

Appendix  B,   Turbine  10  is  less  than  99.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line,  but  greater   Turbine   10   is   less   than   100  m   from   a   non-­‐participating   property   line,   but   greater   than  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Section  4.4.1  (pg  11)  

than  66.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line  as  outlined  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  E  at  Turbine  10  is  proposed  to  be  72.2  m  from  the  rear  (south)  property  line;  23.3  m  less  than  99.5  m.  

56.25  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line  as  outlined  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  E  at  Turbine  10  is  proposed  to  be  72.2  m  from  the  rear  (south)  property  line;  23.8  m  less  than  100  m.  

Appendix  B,  Section  4.5.1  (pg  13)  

Turbine  4   is   less   than  99.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property   line,  but  greater  than  66.5  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line  as  outlined  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  F  at  Turbine  4   is  proposed   to  be  82.4  m   from  the   rear   (south)  property  line;  17.1  m  less  than  99.5  m.  

Turbine   4   is   less   than   100   m   from   a   non-­‐participating   property   line,   but   greater   than  56.25  m  from  a  non-­‐participating  property  line  as  outlined  in  Section  1.1.  Setback  F  at  Turbine  4  is  proposed  to  be  82.4  m  from  the  rear  (south)  property  line;  17.6  m  less  than  100  m.  

Appendix  B,  Section  5  (pg  15)  

As  required  by  O.  Reg  359/09,  turbines  must  be  setback  from  property  lines  by  a  distance  equivalent   to   the   tower  height,   excluding   the   length  of   any  blade.   This  distance  at  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  99.5  m.  Five   turbines  have  been   identified  within   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  design   that  do   not   meet   this   99.5   m   setback   requirement   from   non-­‐participating   property  lines.    The  positioning  of  these  turbines  has  been  studied  in  the  report  above,  and  application  is  made  for  approval  to  reduce  these  setbacks  accordingly.  In   all   cases,   the   reduced   turbine   setbacks   are   greater   than   the   minimum  permissible   setback   of   blade   length   +   10  m;   for   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind   Farm,   the  assumed  maximum  blade  length  is  56.5  m,  so  the  minimum  setback  considered  is  66.5  m.  This  “minimum  allowed  setback”  requires  a  supporting  report  to  discuss  impacts  and  mitigation  strategies,  for  which  this  document  is  purposed.    

As  required  by  O.  Reg  359/09,  turbines  must  be  setback  from  property  lines  by  a  distance  equivalent   to   the   tower   height,   excluding   the   length   of   any   blade.   This   distance   at   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  100  m.  Five   turbines  have  been   identified  within   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  design   that  do  not  meet   this   100   m   setback   requirement   from   non-­‐participating   property   lines.     The  positioning   of   these   turbines   has   been   studied   in   the   report   above,   and   application   is  made  for  approval  to  reduce  these  setbacks  accordingly.  In   all   cases,   the   reduced   turbine   setbacks   are   greater   than   the   minimum   permissible  setback  of  blade   length  +  10  m;   for   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm,   the  assumed  maximum  blade  length  is  46.25  m,  so  the  minimum  setback  considered  is  56.25  m.  This  “minimum  allowed   setback”   requires   a   supporting   report   to   discuss   impacts   and   mitigation  strategies,  for  which  this  document  is  purposed.    

Appendix  B,  Appendix  A  

  Map  2  should  be  updated  to  reflect  the  new  setbacks  as  determined  by  the  turbine  dimensions  .The  red  circle  should  have  a  radius  of  56.25  and  he  green  circle  should  have  a  radius  of  100  m.  

Appendix  C,  Turbine  Specifications  Report  

  Appendix  C  should  be  replaced  in  its  entirety  with  the  updated  Turbine  Specifications  Report  dated  February  2014  that  was  released  with  the  Modification  Document  issued  for  this  project  change.  

Appendix  D,  Noise  Assessment  Report  

  Appendix  D  should  be  replaced  in  its  entirety  with  the  updated  Noise  Assessment  Report  rev  3,  dated  February  19,  2014  that  was  released  with  the  Modification  Document  issued  for  this  project  change.  

Appendix  F,  Environmental  Effects  Monitoring  Plan,  Section  1  (pg  1)  

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  25  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which   is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind   facility  with  a  nameplate   capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of   ten   (10)  Siemens  SWT  3.0  -­‐  113  wind  turbine  generators.  The  3.0  MW  turbines  will  be  rated  at  a  nameplate  capacity  of  2.5  MW.    

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  18  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which  is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  ten  (10)  Senvion  MM92  wind  turbine  generators  each  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  1.88  MW.    

Appendix  H,  Local  Aerodrome  Assessment  Report,  Section  1.1,  (pg  1-­‐1)  

Prowind  Canada,  Inc.  is  proposing  to  develop  a  25-­‐MW  wind  farm  near  Woodstock,  Ontario.  

Prowind  Canada,  Inc.  is  proposing  to  develop  an  18-­‐MW  wind  farm  near  Woodstock,  Ontario.  

Appendix  H,  Section  1.2  (pg  1-­‐1)  

The  proposed  Gunns  Hill  wind  farm  project  is  located  near  Curries  Ontario.  There  are  to  be  ten  2.5  MW  wind  turbines,  each  with  a  total  height  of  151  metres  from  ground  to  blade  tip.  The  rotor  diameter  is  103m  and  height  to  hub  is  99.5m.  The  base  ground  elevations  range  from  295  to  330  metres  above  mean  sea  level.  

The  proposed  Gunns  Hill  wind  farm  project  is  located  near  Curries  Ontario.  There  are  to  be  ten  1.88  MW  wind  turbines,  each  with  a  total  height  of  146.25  metres  from  ground  to  blade  tip.  The  rotor  diameter  is  92.5  m  and  height  to  hub  is  100  m.  The  base  ground  elevations  range  from  295  to  330  metres  above  mean  sea  level.  

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Appendix  H     The  remainder  of  the  report  will  not  be  updated  as  the  dimensions  of  the  turbine  used  for  this  report  are  greater  than  the  Senvion  turbine  dimensions,  therefore  the  existing  report  is  a  conservative  case  that  considers  greater  impacts  than  necessary.  The  dimensions  of  the  Siemens  turbines  are  used  in  this  existing  report  and  are  deeply  entwined  into  the  analysis,  therefore,  the  updates  would  require  a  complete  revision  of  the  document;  because  this  report  looks  at  a  more  conservative  case  than  what  is  proposed  for  this  Project,  Prowind  will  not  request  a  report  revision.  

Decommissioning  Report  Section  2  (pg  2)   The   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm   is   a   25  MW  project   that   is   categorized   as   a   Class   4  

Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  with  a  maximum  power  output  of  2.5  MW.  These  wind   turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  99.5  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  113  m  for  a  total  height  of  156  m.    The  proposed  major  components  of  the  Project  are  listed  below:  

• Up  to  10  Siemens  SWT  3.0-­‐113  wind  turbines  (2.5  MW  maximum  


The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm   is  an  18  MW  project   that   is   categorized  as  a  Class  4  Facility  that  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  wind  turbines  from  the  Senvion  MM92  family  with  a  maximum  power  output  of  1.88  MW.  These  wind   turbines  have  a  hub  height  of  100  m  and  a  rotor  diameter  of  92.5  m  for  a  total  height  of  146.25  m.    The  proposed  major  components  of  the  Project  are  listed  below:  

• Up  to  10  Senvion  MM92  wind  turbines  (1.88  MW  maximum  power);  

Water  Assessment  Report  Section  2  (pg  1)   The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  

capacity  of  25  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which   is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  (10)  Siemens  SWT  3.0  -­‐  113  wind  turbine  generators.  The  3.0  MW  turbines  will  be  customized  to  a  nameplate  capacity  of  2.5  MW  or  less  for  this  project.  The  total  maximum  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  25  MW.  

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  18  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which  is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  (10)  Senvion  MM92  each  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  1.88  MW.  The  total  maximum  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  18  MW.  

Natural  Heritage  Assessment  Report  Section  2  (pg  1)   The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  

capacity  of  25  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which   is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  (10)  Siemens  SWT  3.0  -­‐  113  wind  turbine  generators.  The  3.0  MW  turbines  will  be  customized  to  a  nameplate  capacity  of  2.5  MW  or  less  for  this  project.  The  total  maximum  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  25  MW.  

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  18  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which  is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  (10)  Senvion  MM92  each  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  1.88  MW.  The  total  maximum  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  18  MW.  

Archaeological  Assessment  and  Cultural  Heritage  Resources  Report  Section  2  (pg  1)   The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  

capacity  of  25  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which   is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  (10)  Siemens  SWT  3.0  -­‐  113  wind  turbine  generators.  The  3.0  MW  turbines  will  be  customized  to  a  nameplate  capacity  of  2.5  MW  or  less  for  this  project.  The  total  maximum  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  25  MW.  

The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  a  wind  energy  generation  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  18  MW.  This  project  is  classified  as  a  “Class  4”  wind  facility  in  O.  Reg.  359/09,  which  is  defined  as  an  on-­‐shore  wind  facility  with  a  nameplate  capacity  greater  than  50  kW  and  a  sound  power  level  greater  than  102  dB(A).    The  project  will  employ  the  use  of  up  to  ten  (10)  Senvion  MM92  each  with  a  nameplate  capacity  of  1.88  MW.  The  total  maximum  installed  nameplate  capacity  of  all  ten  turbines  will  not  exceed  18  MW.  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


3.5   Clarifications  during  Technical  Review    During  the  technical  review  of  the  REA  application,  several  comments/questions  were  received  from  the  MOECC  that  required  the  text  of  some  REA  reports  to  be  clarified.  This  process  began  on  September  17,  2014  and  was  ongoing  until  a  decision  was  received  on  the  Project.      Below  is  a  table  that  summarizes  the  items  that  were  clarified/updated  as  a  result  of  technical  review  questions/comments  from  the  MOECC.  

3.5.1   Cement  Wash  Water  Ponds  

Cement  wash  water  ponds  were  originally  planned  to  contain  a  filter  cloth  to  trap  solids,  but  allow  water  to  filter  through.  In  order  to  mitigate  the  potential  for  alkaline  water  to  enter  the  water  table,  this  process  was  modified  to  use  an  impermeable  liner  that  will  prevent  water  from  filtering  into  the  ground.  Instead,  the  water  will  be  pumped  out  and  disposed  of  by  the  cement  supplier  in  a  manner  consistent  with  their  operations  and  regulatory  requirements.      Table  6   Changes  to  REA  reports  based  on  Technical  Review    -­‐  cement  wash  water  ponds    Report  reference  

Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  

Project  Description  Report,  Section  4.1.9,  (pg  15)  

During   construction   of   the   turbine   foundations,   two  concrete  wash  ponds  will   be  established  at   strategic  locations  within  the  project  area.    These  wash  ponds  serve   to   contain   waste   produced   as   trucks   are  cleaned  following  concrete  pouring.    A  shallow  hole  is  dug   in   the   ground   and   is   then   covered   with   a   geo-­‐textile   membrane   to   filter   solids   from   the   water.  External   parts   of   the   truck   are   washed   above   the  membrane.     Excess   concrete   will   solidify   on   that  membrane.  

At   the   end   of   the   construction   or   when   the  membrane   is   filled   with   hardened   concrete,   it   is  disposed  of  at  an  authorized  site.    

During   construction   of   the   turbine   foundations,   two  concrete  wash  ponds  will   be  established  at   strategic  locations  within  the  project  area.    These  wash  ponds  serve   to   contain   waste   produced   as   trucks   are  cleaned  following  concrete  pouring.    A  shallow  hole  is  dug   in   the   ground   and   is   then   covered   with   an  impermeable   liner   to   contain   solids  and   rinse  water.  External   parts   of   the   truck   are   washed   above   the  membrane.     Excess   concrete   will   solidify   on   that  membrane.  

At   the   end   of   the   construction   or  when   the   pond   is  filled,   the  pond  will   be  pumped  out  and  disposed  of  by  the  cement  supplier  at  an  authorized  site.    

Project  Description  Report,  Section  (pg  20)  

Two  concrete  wash  ponds  will  be  constructed  on  site  to   facilitate   minimal   washing   of   truck   chutes   after  delivery  of  concrete   for   the   foundations.  This  will  be  constructed   as   a   shallow   pit   lined   with   geo-­‐textile  membrane   to   allow   water   to   pass   through   while  sediment  is  contained  within  the  membrane.  

Two  concrete  wash  ponds  will  be  constructed  on  site  to   facilitate   minimal   washing   of   truck   chutes   after  delivery  of  concrete   for   the   foundations.  This  will  be  constructed  as  a   shallow  pit   lined  with   impermeable  liner   that   will   collect   the   rinse   water   and   concrete  solids.  When   full,   the   Pond  will   be   pumped   out   and  disposed  of  by  the  cement  supplier.    

Construction  Plan  Report,  Section  3.6  (pg  11)  

Cement   will   be   brought   in   from   a   privately   owned,  off-­‐site  concrete  batch  plant.    The  majority  of  rinsing  and  washing  of  cement  trucks  will  take  place  off-­‐site,  but   a  minimal   amount   will   be   necessary   on   site.   To  this  end,   two  cement  wash  water-­‐settling  ponds  will  be   constructed   in   the   project   area   as   seen   in  Appendix  A  –  Map  2.    The  ponds  will  be  a  shallow  pit  approximately  5  m  x  9  m  x  0.5  m  in  size  and  lined  with  a   fine   filter   cloth   that   allows   the   water   to   drain  through  while  the  cement  sediments  are  collected  in  the   pond.     The   wash   ponds   will   have   straw   bales  placed   around   the   edge   to   mitigate   any   overflow  impacts.    

After  construction,   the   filter  cloth  and  cement  solids  

Cement   will   be   brought   in   from   a   privately   owned,  off-­‐site  concrete  batch  plant.    The  majority  of  rinsing  and  washing  of  cement  trucks  will  take  place  off-­‐site,  but   a  minimal   amount   will   be   necessary   on   site.   To  this  end,   two  cement  wash  water-­‐settling  ponds  will  be   constructed   in   the   project   area   as   seen   in  Appendix  A  –  Map  2.    The  ponds  will  be  a  shallow  pit  approximately  5  m  x  9  m  x  0.5  m  in  size  and  lined  with  an   impermeable   liner   that   collects   the   rinse   water  and   cement   solids   and   sediments.   The   wash   ponds  will   have   straw   bales   placed   around   the   edge   to  mitigate  any  overflow  impacts.    

After  construction  and/or  when  full,  the  pond  will  be  pumped  out  and   the  wash  water  will  be  disposed  of  

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will   be   removed   from   the   pond   and   disposed   of  appropriately,   in   consultation   with   the   municipality.  The  pits  will  be  backfilled  and  re-­‐vegetated.  

by   the   cement   supplier   at   an   authorized   site.  At   the  end   of   the   construction   period,   the   liner   will   be  removed  and  hole  back  filled  and  returned  to  regular  usage.  


3.5.2   Size  of  Auxiliary  Generators  

The  original  REA  application  was  prepared  with  the  larger  Siemens  turbine  specifications  and  to  be  conservative,  Prowind  stated  that  up  to  two  1500  kW  generators  may  be  needed  for  turbine  commissioning.  After  the  turbine  change,  Senvion  confirmed  that  only  70-­‐100  kW  generators  would  be  needed.      Table  7   Changes  to  REA  reports  based  on  Technical  Review    -­‐  generators    Report  reference  

Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  

Construction  Plan  Report,  Section  3.10  (pg  16)  

The  commissioning  process  may  require  the  use  of  up  to   two   1500   kW   portable   diesel   generators   and  associated  load  banks.  

 The   commissioning   process   may   require   the   use   of  up   to   two   100   kW   portable   diesel   generators   and  associated  load  banks.  


3.5.3   Ice  Accumulation  and  Shedding  

Information  from  Senvion  on  “Radius  of  Area  Where  Ice  Might  Fall”  from  MM92  turbines  with  a  100  m  hub  height  was  used  to  update  the  Ice  Accumulation  and  Shedding  portion  of  the  Design  and  Operations  report.    Senvion  has  provided  Prowind  with  updated  documentation  indicating  that  the  “Radius  of  Area  Where  Ice  Might  Fall”  for  an  operational  MM92  with  100  m  hub  height  is  within  a  290  m  radius  around  the  turbine.  There  are  no  structures,  public  roads,  or  public  areas  within  290  m  of  any  project  turbine.  For  the  MM92,  ice  build-­‐up  can  be  detected  through  deviation  of  turbine  power  curve  from  turbine  anemometer  readings,  deviation  of  heated  and  unheated  anemometer  readings,  and  rotor  imbalance.  If  ice  is  detected  on  turbines  that  are  within  290  m  of  non-­‐participating  land,  those  turbines  will  initiate  shut  down.  Shutting  down  turbines  with  ice  accumulation  will  substantially  mitigate  the  “Radius  of  Area  Where  Ice  Might  Fall”  by  preventing  ice  from  being  thrown.    This  information  was  added  to  the  section  in  the  Design  and  Operations  Report  discussing  Ice  accumulation  (Section  5.9.2)  and  contributes  to  the  existing  information  in  that  section  that  looks  at  ice  fall/throw  in  a  more  general  context.    A  letter  from  Senvion  confirming  the  above  is  attached  to  this  Clarification  Document  in  Appendix  B.            

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Table  8     Changes  to  REA  reports  based  on  Updated  Ice  Throw  Information    Report  ref  

Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  

Design  and  Operations  Report,  Section  

The   potential   ground   area   affected   by   falling   ice  depends  to  a  large  extent  on  the  blade  position  and  the  prevailing   wind   speed   and   direction.   Garrad   Hassan  Canada  (2007)  estimated  that  only  very  high  winds  …    

The   potential   ground   area   affected   by   falling   ice  depends  to  a  large  extent  on  the  blade  position  and  the  prevailing   wind   speed   and   direction.   Information  received   from   the   turbine   manufacturer,   Senvion,  indicates  that  the  “Area  Where  Ice  Might  Fall”  is  within  a  290  m  radius  of  the  turbine  base.  A  letter  from  Senvion  confirming  this  radius  can  be  found  in  Appendix  I.  

A  2007  study  of  ice  fall  was  conducted  by  Garrad  Hassan  in   2007,   a  worldwide  wind   energy   consulting   firm  now  part   of   DNV   GL.   The   results   of   that   study   are  summarized  below.    

Garrad  Hassan   Canada   (2007)   estimated   that   only   very  high  winds  …    

Design  and  Operations  Report,  Section  

Unlike   telecommunication   towers,   the   turbines  proposed   for   this   Project   will   have   a   solid   conical  tower.    This  design   reduces   the  potential   for   ice  build-­‐-­‐up   on   the   tower   since   there   is   no   lattice   or   crevices  where  ice  can  accumulate.          

In  terms  of  ice  shed,  several  control  mitigation  strategies  are   available   to   turbine   operators.    For   example,  when  the  rotor  becomes  unbalanced  due  to  a  change  in  blade  weighting    (e.g.  caused  by  ice  buildup),  the  turbine  brake  is   automatically   applied   to   stop   the   blades   from  turning    (i.e.  it   shuts   itself   off).    The   blades   would   not  restart   their   movement   until   the   imbalance   is  removed    (e.g.   the   majority   of   ice   is   removed).    This  design  feature  greatly  reduces  the  potential  for  ice  shed  from  the  turbines  on  the  few  days  per  year  when  icing  is  possible.  

Unlike   telecommunication   towers,   the   turbines  proposed   for   this   Project   will   have   a   solid   conical  tower.    This  design   reduces   the  potential   for   ice  build-­‐-­‐up   on   the   tower   since   there   is   no   lattice   or   crevices  where  ice  can  accumulate.          

In  terms  of  ice  shed,  several  control  mitigation  strategies  are   available   to   turbine   operators.    For   example,  when  the  rotor  becomes  unbalanced  due  to  a  change  in  blade  weighting    (e.g.  caused  by  ice  buildup),  the  turbine  brake  is   automatically   applied   to   stop   the   blades   from  turning    (i.e.  it   shuts   itself   off).    The   blades   would   not  restart   their   movement   until   the   imbalance   is  removed    (e.g.   the   majority   of   ice   is   removed).    This  design  feature  greatly  reduces  the  potential  for  ice  shed  from  the  turbines  on  the  few  days  per  year  when  icing  is  possible.  

Additionally,   there   are   no   structures,   public   roads,   or  public  areas  within  290  m  of  any  project  turbine.  For  the  MM92,   ice   build-­‐up   can  be  detected   through  deviation  of   turbine   power   curve   from   turbine   anemometer  readings,   deviation   of   heated   and   unheated  anemometer   readings,   and   rotor   imbalance   caused   by  ice  accumulation.   If   ice   is  detected  on  turbines  that  are  within   290  m   of   non-­‐participating   land,   those   turbines  will   initiate  shut  down.  Shutting  down  turbines  with   ice  accumulation   will   substantially   mitigate   the   “Area  Where   Ice   Might   Fall”   by   preventing   ice   from   being  thrown.  

Design  and  Operations  Report,  Appendix  I  

  Add   Ice   Letter   to   Design   and   Operations   Report   as  Appendix  I.  


3.6     Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Report  Addendum    

During  the  course  of  the  REA  technical  review  an  omission  in  the  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  (HIA)  was  identified.  A  Protected  Property  that  is  a  participating  property  was  overlooked  in  the  original  Heritage  Impact  Assessment,  along  with  another  property  that  was  not  surveyed  in  its  

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entirety.  These  two  parcels  are  the  parcels  containing  Turbine  1,  and  Turbines  2  &  3.  At  the  same  time,  an  additional  property  was  added  to  the  Project  location.  This  additional  property  will  host  a  short  section  of  buried  cabling  between  the  properties  for  Turbine  1  and  Turbines  2  &  3.    

Additional  field  studies  were  conducted  in  September  2014  to  look  at  the  new  parcel,  the  amended  parcels  and  the  parcels  abutting  each.  A  HIA  Addendum  Report  was  prepared  and  submitted  to  the  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  (MTCS)  for  review.  An  approval  letter  was  received  from  the  MTCS  on  Nov  6,  2014  and  was  subsequently  submitted  to  the  MOECC.    

A  letter  from  the  agency  that  designated  the  Heritage  property  was  also  required.  In  this  case  the  designating  authority  was  the  Township  of  Norwich.  A  letter  was  received  from  the  Township  stating  that  they  have  no  objection  to  the  Project  works  with  regard  to  the  Heritage  designation  of  the  home.  The  letter  was  received  on  Nov  7,  2014  and  was  forwarded  to  MOECC  and  MTCS.  

The  changes  to  the  REA  as  a  result  of  the  above  are  detailed  in  Table  6  below.

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Table  9   Changes  to  the  REA  as  a  result  of  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Addendum    Report  reference   Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  Executive  Summary  Section  1.7.1  (pg  7)  

A   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   was   conducted   for   Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   to  identify  any  Built  Heritage  features  or  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  in  the  project  area.    This  assessment  involved  desktop  historical  land-­‐use  studies  and  windshield  surveys  of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  The  assessment   concluded   that   there   will   be   no   impacts   from   the   wind   farm   on  heritage  features  or  landscapes  in  the  project  area.    An  additional  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  and  completed  in  Nov  2012  to  address  the  additional  overhead   lines   to   the   Woodstock   Transformer   Station.     The   assessment  determined  that  the  properties,  roads,  railway  and  other  heritage  resources  in  the  area   would   not   be   negatively   impacted   by   the   project.     Ministry   of   Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  has  reviewed  and  provided  comment  on  both  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Reports  and  has  released  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

The   following   update   includes   an   earlier   update   from   Table   5   of   this   Clarification  Document.  Previous  updates  are  in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.    A  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  for  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  to  identify  any  Protected   Properties,   Built   Heritage   features   or   Cultural   Heritage   Landscapes   in   the  project  area.    This  assessment  involved  desktop  historical  land-­‐use  studies  and  windshield  surveys  of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  While  one  Protected  Property  was  identified  within  the  project  location,  the  assessment  concluded  that   there  will  be  no   impacts   from  the  wind   farm  on  heritage   features  or   landscapes   in  the   project   area.   Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   has   reviewed   and   provided  comment   on   the   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   Report   and   has   released   the   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

Section  2.4.1  (pg  13)  

Two   HIAs   were   completed   for   this   project:   1-­‐   wind   farm   area   excluding   the  overhead  cable  route,  2  -­‐  overhead  cable  route.    The  results  of  both  reports  have  been   merged   for   the   following   summary.   The   Heritage   Impact   Assessments  determined  that:    • There  are  no  protected  properties  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 32  properties  with  potential  built  heritage  resources  are  within   the  Study  

Area  (32  of  which  are  of  cultural  heritage  value  or  interest);  these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

• 3   potential   cultural   heritage   landscapes   are  within   the   Study  Area;   these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    

Potential  Effects  As   operational   and   maintenance   activities   will   not   occur   on   the   properties  containing   the   built   heritage   resources   and   cultural   heritage   landscapes,   no  adverse  effects  on  heritage  resources  are  anticipated  during  operations.      The  Heritage   Impact   Assessment   Reports   determined   that   the   proposed   Project  infrastructure  will  not  result  in  the  direct  or  indirect  obstruction  of  any  significant  views   or   vistas   within,   from,   or   of   built   or   natural   features   associated  with   the  built   heritage   resources   or   cultural   heritage   landscapes.     Significant   views   and  vistas  are  not  heritage  attributes  of  any  of  the  properties  with  identified  heritage  resources.    

The   following   update   includes   an   earlier   update   from   Table   5   of   this   Clarification  Document.  Previous  updates  are  in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.  An  HIA  was  completed  for  this  project.  The  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  determined  that:    • One  protected  property  is  located  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 36  (26  +  10)  properties  with  potential  Built  Heritage  (BH)  resources  are  within  the  

Study  Area  (10  of  which  are  of  Cultural  Heritage  Value  or  Interest  (CHVI));  these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

• No   Cultural   Heritage   Landscapes   are   within   the   Study   Area;   these   will   not   be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    

Potential  Effects  The   majority   of   BH   resources   will   not   be   located   near   operational   or   maintenance  activities  and  therefore  will  feel  no  adverse  effect  from  the  Project.    The  Protected  Property   is   a   participating  property   and  will   house   turbines  1   and  2   and  other  associated   infrastructure.  The  protected  heritage  home   is  816  m  from  the  closest  turbine  and  is  visually  separated  from  the  wind  farm  by  a  surrounding  tree  stand.  There  will  be  no  adverse  effects   to   the  Protected  Property   from   the  wind   farm  activities.   The  designating  heritage  authority,  The  Township  of  Norwich,  provided  authorization  for  the  wind  farm  development.      

Appendix  A     The  newly  added  parcel  should  be  added  to  the  map  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.  Project  Description  Report  Section  4.3,  Table  6  

  The  following  row  should  be  added  to  the  table:    

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Part  of  Lot  17,  Concession  5,  being  Part  1  on  Plan  41R-­‐9168  

Township  of  Norwich,  County  of  Oxford    

Section  (pg  30)  

A   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   was   conducted   for   Gunn’s   Hill   Wind   Farm   to  identify  any  Built  Heritage  features  or  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  in  the  project  area.    This  assessment  involved  desktop  historical  land-­‐use  studies  and  windshield  surveys  of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  The  assessment   concluded   that   there   will   be   no   impacts   from   the   wind   farm   on  heritage  features  or  landscapes  in  the  project  area.    An  additional  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  and  completed  in  Nov  2012  to  address  the  additional  overhead   lines   to   the   Woodstock   Transformer   Station.     The   assessment  determined  that  the  properties,  roads,  railway  and  other  heritage  resources  in  the  area   would   not   be   negatively   impacted   by   the   project.     Ministry   of   Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  has  reviewed  and  provided  comment  on  both  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  Reports  and  has  released  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

The   following   update   includes   an   earlier   update   from   Table   5   of   this   Clarification  Document.  Previous  updates  are  in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.    A  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  conducted  for  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  to  identify  any  Protected   Properties,   Built   Heritage   features   or   Cultural   Heritage   Landscapes   in   the  project  area.    This  assessment  involved  desktop  historical  land-­‐use  studies  and  windshield  surveys  of  the  area  for  identification  of  culturally  significant  heritage  features.  While  one  Protected  Property  was  identified  within  the  project  location,  the  assessment  concluded  that   there  will  be  no   impacts   from  the  wind   farm  on  heritage   features  or   landscapes   in  the   project   area.   Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   has   reviewed   and   provided  comment   on   the   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   Report   and   has   released   the   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind  Farm  from  any  further  concerns.      

Appendix  A     The  newly  added  parcel  should  be  added  to  the  map  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.  Construction  Plan  Report  Section  5.4.3  (pg  30)  

A  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  was  completed  in  April  2010  by  registered  heritage  consultants,   Archaeological   Research   Associates   Ltd.     This   assessment   surveyed  for   built   cultural   heritage   features   within   the   project   area   as   well   and   heritage  landscape  features.  The  assessment  concluded  that  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  will  not  have  a  negative   impact  on  any  cultural  heritage  features   in  the  project  area.  Similarly,  results  of  this  study  can  be  found  in  Appendix  D.  An   additional   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   was   undertaken   for   the   additional  overhead   collection   route   to   connect   with   the   Hydro   One   substation   in  Woodstock.    The  Heritage  Assessment  work  was  completed  in  May  2012  and  the  report   submitted   to   the   Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   (MTCS)   for  concurrence   with   the   recommendations.     The   recommendations   indicated   that  there  would  be  no  direct  or   indirect   impacts   that  would  negatively  affect  any  of  the   heritage   attributes   (properties,   Old   Stage   Road,   Great   Western   Railway   or  Southside  Park)  of  the  resources  present.    Similarly,  results  of  this  study  can  also  be  found  in  the  Archaeological  and  Heritage  Resources  Assessment  Report.  Having   the   above   surveys   and   assessments   completed   prior   to   construction,  decreases   the  already   low  potential   for  disruption  of   cultural  heritage   resources  within  the  project  area.  MTCS  provided  a   letter  of   Concurrence  with   the   recommendations  of   the   initial  heritage  assessment  on  July  28,  2011  and  indicated  that  further  heritage  analysis  would  not  be   required.    MTCS   sign-­‐off  on   the  Heritage  Assessment  Report   from  May  2012  was  received  on  December  11,  2012  and  no  further  heritage  analysis  is  required  and  no  negative  impacts  are  anticipated  from  the  project  on  the  heritage  resources  present.  

The   following   update   includes   an   earlier   update   from   Table   5   of   this   Clarification  Document.  Previous  updates  are  in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.  A   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   was   completed   in   April   2010   by   registered   heritage  consultants,   Archaeological   Research   Associates   Ltd   and   amended   in   November   2014.  This  assessment  surveyed  for  Protected  Properties,  built  cultural  heritage  features  within  the  project  area  as  well  and  heritage   landscape  features.  While  one  Protected  Property  was  identified  within  the  project  location,  the  assessment  concluded  that  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  will  not  have  a  negative  impact  on  any  cultural  heritage  features  in  the  project  area.  Similarly,  results  of  this  study  can  be  found  in  Appendix  D.  Having  the  above  survey  and  assessment  completed  prior  to  construction,  decreases  the  already  low  potential  for  disruption  of  cultural  heritage  resources  within  the  project  area.    MTCS  provided  a  letter  of  Concurrence  with  the  recommendations  of  the  initial  heritage  assessment   on   July   28,   2011   and   indicated   that   further   heritage   analysis  would   not   be  required.    

Appendix  A     • Map  1  and  Map  2  should  include  the  newly  added  parcel  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.  • Map  2a  and  Map  2b   should   include   the  newly  added  parcel   between   turbine  1  and  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


2/3  and   the   redirected  buried  cable   that  will   cut  across   the  northwest  corner  of   the  new  parcel.  

Design  and  Operations  Report  Section  2.2  (pg  8/9)  

  The  following  row  should  be  added  to  the  bottom  of  the  table:    

P13   00073-­‐0028  

Prospect  Hill  Farms  

Part  Lot  17,  Concession  5,  being  Part  1  on  Plan  41R-­‐9168,  Township  of  Norwich  (formerly  Township  of  East  Oxford),  in  the  County  of  Oxford  


Section  5.2.1  (pg  34)  

Two   HIAs   were   completed   for   this   project:   1-­‐   wind   farm   area   excluding   the  overhead  cable  route,  2  -­‐  overhead  cable  route.    The  results  of  both  reports  have  been   merged   for   the   following   summary.   The   Heritage   Impact   Assessments  determined  that:    • There  are  no  protected  properties  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 32  properties  with  potential  built  heritage  resources  are  within   the  Study  

Area  (32  of  which  are  of  cultural  heritage  value  or  interest);  these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

• 3   potential   cultural   heritage   landscapes   are  within   the   Study  Area;   these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    

MTCS  provided  a   letter  of   Concurrence  with   the   recommendations  of   the   initial  heritage  assessment  on  July  28,  2011  and  indicated  that  further  heritage  analysis  would  not  be   required.    MTCS   sign-­‐off  on   the  Heritage  Assessment  Report   from  May  2012  was  received  on  December  11,  2012  and  no  further  heritage  analysis  is  required  and  no  negative  impacts  are  anticipated  from  the  project  on  the  heritage  resources  present.  Potential  Effects  As   operational   and   maintenance   activities   will   not   occur   on   the   properties  containing   the   Built   Heritage   resources   and   Cultural   Heritage   Landscapes,   no  adverse  effects  on  heritage  resources  are  anticipated  during  operations.      The  Heritage   Impact   Assessment   Reports   determined   that   the   proposed   Project  infrastructure  will  not  result  in  the  direct  or  indirect  obstruction  of  any  significant  views   or   vistas   within,   from,   or   of   built   or   natural   features   associated  with   the  Built   Heritage   resources   or   Cultural   Heritage   Landscapes.     Significant   views   and  vistas  are  not  heritage  attributes  of  any  of  the  properties  with  identified  heritage  resources.  

The   following   update   includes   an   earlier   update   from   Table   5   of   this   Clarification  Document.  Previous  updates  are  in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.  An  HIA  was  completed  for  this  project.  The  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  determined  that:    • One  protected  property  is  located  within  the  Project  Study  Area;    • 36  (26  +  10)  properties  with  potential  Built  Heritage  (BH)  resources  are  within  the  

Study  Area  (10  of  which  are  of  Cultural  Heritage  Value  or  Interest  (CHVI));  these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project;  and,  

No  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  are  within  the  Study  Area;  these  will  not  be  negatively  impacted  by  the  Project.    MTCS   provided   a   letter   of   Concurrence   with   the   recommendations   of   the   heritage  assessment   on   July   28,   2011   and   indicated   that   further   heritage   analysis  would   not   be  required.    Potential  Effects  The   majority   of   BH   resources   will   not   be   located   near   operational   or   maintenance  activities  and  therefore  will  feel  no  adverse  effect  from  the  Project.    The  Protected  Property   is   a   participating  property   and  will   house   turbines  1   and  2   and  other  associated   infrastructure.  The  protected  heritage  home   is  816  m  from  the  closest  turbine  and  is  visually  separated  from  the  wind  farm  by  a  surrounding  tree  stand.  There  will  be  no  adverse  effects   to   the  Protected  Property   from   the  wind   farm  activities.   The  designating  heritage  authority,  The  Township  of  Norwich,  provided  authorization  for  the  wind  farm  development.    

Appendix  A     • Map   1   (Project   Layout)   and   Map   2   (Site   Plan   Overview)   should   include   the   newly  added  parcel  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.  

• Map  3  (Overhead  Cable  Route  and  Turbine  1)  and  Map  4  (Turbine  2-­‐10)  should  include  the  newly  added  parcel  between  turbine  1  and  2/3,   labelled  P13,  and  the  redirected  buried  cable  that  will  cut  across  the  northwest  corner  of  P13.  

Appendix  B,  Appendix  A  

  Maps  should  include  the  newly  added  parcel  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.    

Appendix  D     The  Noise   Assessment   Report  was   updated   in   Rev   6   (dated  Oct   8,   2014)   to   change   the  

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


designated  of  P13  from  Vacant  Lot  Surrogate  Receptor  to  Participating  Receptor.  Water  Assessment  Report  Appendix  A     The  newly  added  parcel  should  be  added  to  the  map  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.  Natural  Heritage  Assessment  Report  Appendix  A     The  newly  added  parcel  should  be  added  to  Map  1  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.  Archaeological  Assessment  and  Heritage  Resources  Report  Section  4     The   Heritage   Impact   Assessments   (HIA)   conducted   by   Archaeological   Research  

Associates   Ltd.   (ARA)   did   not   find   records   of   protected   properties   within   or  adjacent  to  the  project  area.      For   this   process   ARA   engaged   both   provincial   and   municipal   heritage  representatives   and   investigated   several   online   heritage   resources.   The   former  MTCS’s   Protected   Properties,   Archaeological   and   Heritage   Resources:   An  Information  Bulletin  for  Applicants  Addressing  the  Cultural  Heritage  Component  of  Projects  Subject  to  Ontario  Regulation  359/09  Renewable  Energy  Approvals  (2011)  was  referred  to  for  guidance  on  this  process.  

The  Heritage  Impact  Assessments  (HIA)  conducted  by  Archaeological  Research  Associates  Ltd.  (ARA)  found  one  Protected  Property  discussed  in  the  HIA  Addendum  Report  prepared  in  November  2014.  The  Protected  Property   is   owned  by  one  of   the  Participating   landowners   and   is   on   the  same  property  that  will  house  turbines  2  and  3.  The  Protected  Property  was  designated  as  a  heritage  feature  by  The  Township  of  Norwich  under  By-­‐law  41-­‐86.    Remove  last  paragraph  in  its  entirety.  

Section  6  (pg  10)   Two  Heritage   Impact  Assessments   (HIA)  were  conducted  by  heritage  consultants  Archaeological   Research   Associates   Ltd   (ARA),   based   in  Waterloo,   Ontario.     The  first  HIA  was  completed   in  July  2010  to  assess  the  HIA   impacts  to  the  wind  farm  area,   (that   is   the   project   location),   excluding   the   overhead   cable   route.   The  second  HIA  was  completed  in  Nov  2012  to  assess  the  HIA  impacts  to  the  overhead  cable  route.    A  background  study  was  completed  to  establish  protected  properties  and  historic  overview  of  the  land  use  in  the  project  area.  Additionally,  a  windshield  survey  of  the  area  was  completed  to  identify  any  existing  built  heritage  features  or  cultural  landscapes.   Both   reports   have   been   submitted   to   the   MTCS   for   comment   and  both  have  been  released  from  further  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  analysis.    

The   following   update   includes   an   earlier   update   from   Table   5   of   this   Clarification  Document.  Previous  updates  are  in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.    A   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   (HIA)   was   conducted   by   heritage   consultants  Archaeological  Research  Associates  Ltd  (ARA),  based  in  Waterloo,  Ontario.    The  HIA  was  completed  in  July  2010  to  assess  the  HIA  impacts  to  the  wind  farm  area.  A   background   study   was   completed   to   establish   protected   properties   and   historic  overview  of  the  land  use  in  the  project  area.  Additionally,  a  windshield  survey  of  the  area  was  completed  to  identify  any  existing  built  heritage  features  or  cultural  landscapes.  The  report  has  been  submitted  to  the  MTCS  for  comment  and  has  been  released  from  further  Heritage  Impact  Assessment  analysis.    

Section  (pg  10)  

Twenty-­‐Six   (26)   BH   resources   were   considered   for   CHVI   and   none   of   these  features  within  the  study  have  sufficient  Cultural  Heritage  Value  or  Interest  (CHVI)  to  merit  designation  under  the  Ontario  Heritage  Act.    None   of   the   above   noted   criteria   were   applicable   to   any   BH   resource   at   the  project   site.    Therefore  no  BH  resource  either  on  project   land  or  on  an  abutting  property  will  be  negatively  impacted  by  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.      Further  details  of  these  results  can  be  found  in  the  “Heritage  Assessment  Report,  Prowind  Canada  –  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm”  in  Appendix  E.  

Thirty  six  (36)  BH  resources  were  considered  for  CHVI  and  10  of  these  features  within  the  study  have  are  of  Cultural  Heritage  Value  or  Interest  (CHVI).      None  of  the  above  noted  criteria  for  direct  or  indirect  impacts  were  applicable  to  any  BH  resource  at   the  project   site.     Therefore  no  BH   resource  either  on  project   land  or  on  an  abutting  property  will  be  negatively  impacted  by  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.      Further  details  of  these  results  can  be  found  in  the  “Heritage  Assessment  Report,  Prowind  Canada  –  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm”  in  Appendix  E.  

Section  7.1  (pg  14)  

A   thorough   study   of   available   records   concluded   that   there   are   no   protected  properties  within  or  abutting  the  project  area.  


One  protected  property  was   found  within   the  project   location.  The  assessment  by  ARA  determined  that  there  will  be  no  impacts,  direct  or  indirect,  from  the  development  of  the  wind   farm.   Additionally,   the   designating   authority,   the   Township   of   Norwich,   has  provided  their  consent  for  the  development  of  the  wind  farm  on  the  protect  property.      

Section  7.2  (pg  14)  

Two   Heritage   Impact   Assessments   (HIA)   were   conducted   by   Archaeological  Research   Associates   (ARA)   -­‐   an   HIA   was   conducted   for   the   wind   farm   area  excluding   the   overhead   cable   route   and   a   separate   HIA   was   conducted   for   the  overhead  cable  route.    The  HIA  for  the  wind  farm  area  did  not  identify  any  Built  Heritage  (BH)  resources  

The   following   update   includes   an   earlier   update   from   Table   5   of   this   Clarification  Document.  Previous  updates  are  in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.    The   Heritage   Impact   Assessment   (HIA)   was   conducted   by   Archaeological   Research  Associates  (ARA).  An  addendum  was  submitted  in  November  2014.  

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with   Cultural   Heritage   Value   or   Interest   (CHVI),   nor   did   it   identify   any   Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  (CHL).    The  HIA   for   the   overhead   cable   route   identified   several   BH   resources   and   CHLs  with  CHVI.  Impact  analysis  did  not  identify  any  negative  impacts  to  these  heritage  resources  from  the  development  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.  The  Ministry  of  Tourism,  Culture  and  Sport  (MTCS)  is  satisfied  with  the  HIA  reports  as  submitted  and  allowed  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  to  proceed  without  further  heritage  concerns.  

The  HIA  for  the  wind  farm  area  identified  10    Built  Heritage  (BH)  resources  with  Cultural  Heritage  Value  or   Interest   (CHVI),  and  did  not   identify  any  Cultural  Heritage  Landscapes  (CHL).    The  Ministry   of   Tourism,   Culture   and   Sport   (MTCS)   is   satisfied   with   the   HIA   report   as  submitted   and   allowed   the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind   Farm   to   proceed  without   further   heritage  concerns.  

Appendix  A     Map  should  include  the  newly  added  parcel  between  turbine  1  and  2/3.  Appendix  E     Add  HIA  Addendum  Report  to  appendix    Appendix  F     Add  letter  from  MTCS  dated  November  6,  2014  confirming  acceptance  of  HIA  addendum  



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3.7       Third  Notice  of  Project  Change:  Addition  of  Access  Road  Construction  Option  

In  order  to  account  for  an  alternative  road  construction  methodology,  an  option  to  use  “cement  stabilization”  in  the  construction  of  access  roads  was  added  to  the  REA  application  as  an  alternative  to  the  traditional  gravel  road.  

Cement-­‐stabilization  entails   the  use  of  a  highly  compacted  mixture  of   soil,   cement  and  water,  during   road   construction,   rather   than   the   traditional   construction   method   outlined   in   the  Construction   Plan   Report   [i.e.,   strip   and   stockpile   surface   material   (topsoil   separate   from  subsoil)   followed   by   the   placement   of   a   geotextile   layer   beneath   a   granular   ‘B’   base   and   a  finished   surface   of   granular   ‘A’   material].   The   cement-­‐stabilization   process   for   access   road  construction  involves  the  following  steps:  

• Vegetation  and  organic  material  will  be  removed  to  a  depth  of  at  least  1  inch,  depending  on  soil  conditions  encountered,  and  stockpiled;  

• Dry  cement  powder  (stored  in  a  56  ft  Tanker  on  the  municipal  right-­‐of-­‐way)  is  transferred  to  the  site  using  a  small  tracked  tractor;  

• Soil,  water  and  cement  would  then  be  thoroughly  mixed  using  a  soil  stabilizer;  and,  

• Access  road  will  be  finished  with  grade  ‘A’  gravel  to  the  required  grade  by  means  of  a  grader.  

The  use  of  this  option  would  reduce  the  overall  Project  footprint  and  impact  of  the  Project  on  natural  features.  No  new  impacts  are  anticipated.  Prowind  remains  committed  to  the  original  mitigation  and  monitoring  proposed  in  the  REA  reports.  

A  Modification  Document  was  prepared  and  released  for  public  review  along  with  a  Notice  of  Project  Change  on  January  26,  2015.    The  Notice  was  posted  in  the  Woodstock  Sentinel-­‐Review  on  two  separate  days  and  the  Turtle  Island  News,  mailed  to  all  landowners  within  550  m  of  and  adjacent  to  the  Project  location,  mailed  to  agency  and  Aboriginal  stakeholders,  and  emailed  to  all  contacts  on  the  stakeholder  email  list.  

The  inclusion  of  this  option  is  considered  a  Technical  Change  by  the  MOECC  and  required  a  Notice  of  Project  Change  to  be  publicized  in  a  local  newspaper  with  general  circulation.  The  Notice  and  Modification  Document  was  be  posted  to  Prowind’s  website  for  review  on  the  same  date.  

The  changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  the  above  are  detailed  in  the  table  below.  

Table  10     Changes  to  the  REA  reports  as  a  result  of  Third  Project  Change    

Report  reference  

Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  

Executive  Summary  Section  2.1.2  (pg    10)  

Access   roads   to  project   turbines  will   be  5  m  wide  during  the  operational  phase  and  will  have  a  foundation  of  ‘grade  B’   gravel   and   a   finished   surface   of   ‘grade  A’   gravel.     The  access   roads   provide   access   to   properties   for   equipment  during   construction   and   for   maintenance   during  operations.  

Access   roads   to  project   turbines  will   be  5  m  wide  during  the   operational   phase   and   will   be   constructed   using  cement   stabilization   method   (dry   cement   pack   powder  laid   down   and   finished  with   stabilizer   vehicle   that  mixes  water  into  powder)  or  the  traditional  method  (foundation  of   ‘grade   B’   gravel   and   a   finished   surface   of   ‘grade   A’  gravel).    The  access  roads  provide  access  to  properties  for  equipment   during   construction   and   for   maintenance  during  operations.  

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Section3.1.2  (pg  20)  

Access  roads  will  have  a  foundation  of  ‘grade  B’  gravel  and  a  finished  surface  of  ‘grade  A’  gravel,  sourced  from  a  local  aggregate  quarry  and  delivered  to  the  site  in  dump  trucks.    The   access   roads  will   be   built   to   a  width   of   6  m   and   be  slightly   graded   to   self-­‐drain   toward   each   edge.   Access  roads   will   be   built   such   that   the   edge   of   the   road   is  roughly   flush   with   the   field   surface   to   maintain   existing  drainage  patterns  and  farming  operations.  

Access   roads   will   be   constructed   using   cement  stabilization  method   (dry  cement  pack  powder   laid  down  and   finished  with   stabilizer   vehicle   that  mixes  water   into  powder)   or   the   traditional  method   (foundation   of   ‘grade  B’  gravel  and  a   finished  surface  of   ‘grade  A’  gravel).    The  access  roads  will  be  built  to  a  width  of  5  m  and  be  slightly  graded   to   self-­‐drain   toward   each   edge.   Access   roads  will  be   built   such   that   the   edge   of   the   road   is   roughly   flush  with   the   field   surface   to   maintain   existing   drainage  patterns  and  farming  operations.  

Project  Description  Report  Section  4.1.5  (pg  14)  

Access  roads  to  project  turbines  will  have  a  foundation  of  ‘grade  B’  gravel  and  a  finished  surface  of  ‘grade  A’  gravel.  To  construct  the  roads  within  agricultural  fields  the  topsoil  will   be   stripped   and   either   redistributed   over   the  landowners  adjacent  field  or  stored  adjacent  to  each  road  in   low-­‐lying   windrows   for   replacement   if   roads   are  narrowed  after  construction  is  remediated.    

Access  roads  to  project  turbines  will  be  constructed  using  cement   stabilization   method   (dry   cement   pack   powder  laid   down   and   finished  with   stabilizer   vehicle   that  mixes  water  into  powder)  or  the  traditional  method  (foundation  of   ‘grade   B’   gravel   and   a   finished   surface   of   ‘grade   A’  gravel).     To   construct   the   roads  within   agricultural   fields  the   topsoil  will   be   stripped   and   either   redistributed   over  the   landowners  adjacent   field  or   stored  adjacent   to  each  road   in   low-­‐lying   windrows   for   replacement   if   roads   are  narrowed  after  construction  is  remediated.    

Section  (pg  18)  

Access   roads   to  project   turbines  will   be  5  m  wide  during  the  operational  phase  and  have  a  foundation  of  ‘grade  B’  gravel   and   a   finished   surface   of   ‘grade   A’   gravel.   To  construct   the   roads   within   agricultural   fields   the   topsoil  will   be   stripped   and   spread   over   the   directly   adjacent  field.    In  total  there  will  be  5.6  km  of  access  roads  required  for   all   10   turbines,   of   which   1.6   km   will   utilize   existing  driveways/laneways  and  field  access  paths.  

Access   roads   to  project   turbines  will   be  5  m  wide  during  the   operational   phase   and   be   constructed   using   cement  stabilization  method   (dry  cement  pack  powder   laid  down  and   finished  with   stabilizer   vehicle   that  mixes  water   into  powder)   or   the   traditional  method   (foundation   of   ‘grade  B’  gravel  and  a  finished  surface  of  ‘grade  A’  gravel.  In  total  there   will   be   5.6   km   of   access   roads   required   for   all   10  turbines,   of   which   1.6   km   will   utilize   existing  driveways/laneways  and  field  access  paths.  

Construction  Plan  Report  Section  3.3  (pg  6)  

Access  roads  will  have  a  foundation  of  ‘grade  B’  gravel  and  a  finished  surface  of  ‘grade  A’  gravel,  sourced  from  a  local  aggregate  quarry  and  delivered  to  the  site  in  dump  trucks.    The   access   roads  will   be   built   to   a  width   of   6  m   and   be  slightly   graded   to   self-­‐drain   toward   each   edge.   Access  roads   will   be   built   such   that   the   edge   of   the   road   is  roughly   flush   with   the   field   surface   to   maintain   existing  drainage   patterns   and   farming   operations.   The   total  quantity   of   gravel   required   for   access   road   construction  will   be   determined   by   the   selected   Engineering   and  Procurement  Contractor.   It   is   expected   that  1   km  of  6  m  wide  access  road  is  expected  to  require  up  to  457  loads  of  Grade   ‘B’  gravel  and  130   loads  of  Grade   ‘A’  gravel,  based  on  deliveries  by  dump  trucks  with  10  cubic  yard  capacity.  Less  gravel  is  expected  to  be  used  when  upgrading  existing  laneways.  Access  roads  will  be  reduced  to  a  width  of  5  m  upon  completion  of  construction.  

Access   roads   will   be   constructed   using   cement  stabilization   method   or   the   traditional   method.   The  Traditional  method  places  a  foundation  of  ‘grade  B’  gravel  and  is  finished  with  a  surface  of   ‘grade  A’  gravel,  sourced  from  a  local  aggregate  quarry  and  delivered  to  the  site   in  dump  trucks.    The  access  roads  will  be  built  to  a  width  of  6  m  and  be   slightly  graded   to   self-­‐drain   toward  each  edge.  Access  roads  will  be  built  such  that  the  edge  of  the  road  is  roughly   flush   with   the   field   surface   to   maintain   existing  drainage   patterns   and   farming   operations.   The   total  quantity   of   gravel   required   for   access   road   construction  will   be   determined   by   the   selected   Engineering   and  Procurement  Contractor.   It   is   expected   that  1   km  of  6  m  wide  access  road  is  expected  to  require  up  to  457  loads  of  Grade   ‘B’  gravel  and  130   loads  of  Grade   ‘A’  gravel,  based  on  deliveries  by  dump  trucks  with  10  cubic  yard  capacity.  Less  gravel  is  expected  to  be  used  when  upgrading  existing  laneways.  Access  roads  will  be  reduced  to  a  width  of  5  m  upon  completion  of  construction.  If  the  Cement  Stabilization  method  is  chosen,  this  process  involves  scraping  away  approximately  1  in  of  topsoil  that  is  stockpiled   or   spread   into   surrounding   agricultural   fields.  Dry   cement   powder   is   laid   down   with   a   small   tracked  trailer  into  5  m  widths.  A  soil  stabilizer  is  then  used  to  mix  soil,  water  and  cement  together.  The  road  is  then  graded  with  Grad   ‘A’   gravel   to   the  appropriate   grade  and  height  using   a   grader.   This   method   uses   much   less   gravel   and  therefore   involves   fewer   truck   trips.   It   also   requires  removal  of  less  native  soil  under  the  road  base.    

Design  and  Operations  Report  Section  2.5.1  (pg  18)  

Access   roads   to  project   turbines  will   be  5  m  wide  during  the  operational  phase  and  will  have  a  foundation  of  ‘grade  B’   gravel   and   a   finished   surface   of   ‘grade   A’   gravel.   To  construct   the   roads   within   agricultural   fields   the   topsoil  

The  following  update  includes  an  earlier  update  from  Table  5   of   this   Clarification   Document.   Previous   updates   are   in  green,  new  updates  are  in  red.    

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will  be  stripped  and  spread  over  the  directly  adjacent  field  of  the  same  owner.  The  stored  topsoil  will  be  seeded  with  vegetation  suitable  to  prevent  erosion,  or  covered  with  an  erosion  control  mat,  if  required.      

Geotechnical  testing  will  determine  if  further  excavation  is  required   to   support   the   access   road   and   will   determine  the   thickness   of   each   gravel   layer.   Siemens   requires   the  roads   to   have   a   bearing   capacity   of   9072   kg   (20,000   lbs)  per   axle   plus   any   applicable   safety   margin.   Wherever  possible,  access  roads  will  be  built  such  that  the  surface  of  the  road  is  roughly  flush  with  the  field  surface  to  allow  for  minimal   disruption   of   farming   operations.   Access   roads  during   the   operation   phase   of   the   project   will   be  approximately   5   m   wide   to   accommodate   the  requirements   of   local   emergency   services.   The   extra  gravel  making   up   the   48  m   turning   radii   required   during  the   construction   phase   of   the   project   will   be   removed  during  the  operational  phase.    

Access   roads   to  project   turbines  will   be  5  m  wide  during  the   operational   phase   and   will   be   constructed   using  cement   stabilization   method   (dry   cement   pack   powder  laid   down   and   finished  with   stabilizer   vehicle   that  mixes  water  into  powder)  or  the  traditional  method  (foundation  of   ‘grade   B’   gravel   and   a   finished   surface   of   ‘grade   A’  gravel.  To  construct  the  roads  within  agricultural  fields  the  topsoil   will   be   stripped   and   spread   over   the   directly  adjacent   field  of   the   same  owner.   The   stored   topsoil  will  be  seeded  with  vegetation  suitable  to  prevent  erosion,  or  covered  with  an  erosion  control  mat,  if  required.      

Geotechnical  testing  will  determine  if  further  excavation  is  required  to  support  the  access  road.  Senvion  requires  the  roads  to  have  a  bearing  capacity  of  12,500  kg  (27,558  lbs)  per   axle   plus   any   applicable   safety   margin.   Wherever  possible,  access  roads  will  be  built  such  that  the  surface  of  the  road  is  roughly  flush  with  the  field  surface  to  allow  for  minimal   disruption   of   farming   operations.   Access   roads  during   the   operation   phase   of   the   project   will   be  approximately   5   m   wide   to   accommodate   the  requirements  of  local  emergency  services.  The  extra  gravel  making   up   the   48   m   turning   radii   required   during   the  construction  phase  of   the  project  will  be  removed  during  the  operational  phase.  

Decommissioning  Report  Section  4.3  (pg  4)  

Once   dismantling   of   wind   turbines   is   complete   and   the  turbine   site   rehabilitated,   the   access   roads   will   be  removed   if  desired  by  the   landowner.  Aggregate  material  used   in   road   construction   will   be   given   to   the  landowner/off-­‐taker,  removed  and  reused,  or  disposed  of  in   a   manner   outlined   by   the  municipality   at   the   time   of  decommissioning.    

Once   dismantling   of   wind   turbines   is   complete   and   the  turbine   site   rehabilitated,   the   access   roads   will   be  removed   if   desired   by   the   landowner.   If   aggregate  material  is  used  in  road  construction,  it  will  be  given  to  the  landowner/off-­‐taker,  removed  and  reused,  or  disposed  of  in   a   manner   outlined   by   the  municipality   at   the   time   of  decommissioning.  If  cement  stabilized  roads  are  used,  the  roads   will   be   broken   up   and   disposed   of   in   a   manner  outlined   by   the   municipality   at   the   time   of  decommissioning.  


3.8   Revisions  to  the  Noise  Assessment  Report  

The  Noise  Assessment  Report  is  an  important  part  of  the  technical  review  process  and  is  therefore  updated  frequently  to  reflect  any  change  or  clarification,  large  or  small.  Additionally,  the  level  of  technical  review  for  the  Noise  Assessment  Report  is  high  and  several  changes  have  been  made  to  the  report  based  on  feedback  from  the  MOECC.    

As  of  the  date  of  this  document,  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  on  Revision  6  of  the  Noise  Assessment  Report.    

The  table  below  summarizes  each  Noise  Report  version,  the  date  it  was  released,  and  the  changes  included  within  each  version.    




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Table  11     Noise  Assessment  Report  Revisions  

Noise  Report  version  

Date  Released   Changes  from  previous  version   REA  submission  status  

R0   Jan  2,  2013   N/A     Included  in  Draft  REA  package  made  available  for  public  review  

R1   May  1,  2013   • Turbine  model  change  from  GE  turbine  to  Siemens  turbine.    

• Updated  receptor  data  where  required.  • Explanation  of  VLSR  on  Lot  17,  Con  5.  

Included  in  Final  REA  package  submitted  to  MOECC  

R2   Sept  13,  2013   Correcting  a  transcription  error  in  Northing  turbine  coordinate  that  incorrectly  placed  T5  on  the  map  (last  2  digits  were  switched).    

Submitted  to  MOECC  during  review  of  completeness.  

R3   Feb  19,  2014   Turbine  model  change  from  Siemens  to  Senvion.    

Submitted  to  MOECC  during  technical  review.  Public  notification  published  and  put  online  Jul  17,  2014  

R4   Jul  24,  2014   • Octave  band  source  sound  power  level  updates  

• Topographic  concavity  analysis  conducted  and  included    

Submitted  to  MOECC  during  technical  review.  

R5   Aug  7,  2014   Reverted  to  more  conservative  turbine  octave  band  source  sound  power  level  data  used  in  R3.  

Submitted  to  MOECC  during  technical  review.  

R6   Oct  8,  2014   • Added  receptor  R408  to  account  for  building  with  temporary  building  permit  

• Changed  VLSR  on  Lot  17,  Con  5  to  Participating  vacant  lot  receptor  Q409  

Submitted  to  MOECC  during  technical  review.  


3.9   Change  in  Ownership  of  the  Project  

Ownership  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  is  being  transferred  from  Prowind  Canada  Inc.’s  special  purpose  vehicle  Gunn’s  Hill  Windfarm  Inc.  (“GHWI”),  to  Gunn’s  Hill  LP  (“GHLP”),  a  limited  partnership  formed  with  Oxford  Community  Energy  Co-­‐operative  Inc.  The  Six  Nations  of  the  Grand  River  have  also  voted  to  become  a  limited  partner  of  GHLP.  For  clarity,  Prowind  Canada  Inc.,  through  its  wholly  owned  subsidiary  Gunn’s  Hill  Windfarm  Inc.,  is  a  limited  partner  in  GHLP  as  well  as  the  General  Partner,  GHLP  General  Partner  Inc.,  also  owned  wholly  by  Prowind  Canada  Inc.  

The  appropriate  documentation  has  been  provided  to  the  MOECC  and  the  Renewable  Energy  Approval  for  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  issued  on  April  9,  2015  is  issued  to  Gunn’s  Hill  LP.  

This  change  is  considered  an  Administrative  Change  and  did  not  require  any  public  notification.    


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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


Table  12     Changes  to  REA  based  on  Change  in  Ownership  of  the  Project  

Report  ref  

Original  Wording   Revised  Wording  as  a  result  of  change  

All  reports  cover  page  

Gunn’s  Hill  Windfarm  Inc.    226  ½  James  Street  North,  Unit  A  Hamilton,  Ontario      L8R  2L3  

Gunn’s  Hill  LP  19  Bold  St,  Unit  2B  Hamilton,  ON      L8P  1T3  

Project  Description  Report,  Section  3.1.2  

The  Applicant  for  this  project  is  Gunn’s  Hill  Windfarm  Inc.,  a  special  purpose  Vehicle  (SPV)  created  to  hold  assets  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.    

The   Applicant   for   this   project   is   Gunn’s   Hill   LP,   a   Limited  Partnership   entity   having   limited   partners   Gunn’s   Hill  Windfarm  Inc.  (wholly  owned  by  Prowind  Canada  Inc.)  and  Oxford   Community   Energy   Co-­‐operative   Inc.   The   General  Partner   is   GHLP   General   Partner   Inc.   (wholly   owned   by  Prowind  Canada  Inc.)  


4.0   Consultation  Update  

The  REA  application  was  originally  submitted  to  the  MOECC  in  June  2013.  Included  in  this  submission  was  the  Consultation  Report  that  detailed  all  consultation  regarding  the  Project  up  to  May  1,  2013.    Since  the  time  of  submission  of  the  Consultation  Report,  consultation  has  not  ceased  for  this  project.  Prowind  would  like  to  provide  a  fulsome  update  of  the  consultation  that  has  taken  place  regarding  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  from  May  2,  2013  to  the  date  of  this  report.      

4.1   Federal  Agency  Consultation  

4.1.1     Nav  Canada  

Consultation  with  Nav  Canada  has  resulted  in  an  assessment  indicating  that  mitigation  measures  may  be  required  with  respect  to  Hamilton  Airport  and  London  Airport  radar.  Nav  Canada  has  confirmed  that  this  is  a  common  type  of  mitigation  for  wind  projects.  Consultation  regarding  a  Mitigation  Agreement  for  was  carried  out  during  this  time.  A  Mitigation  Agreement  was  signed  on  February  13,  2015.    Consultation  with  Nav  Canada  over  this  period  is  summarized  in  Appendix  C1.    

4.1.2  Transport  Canada  

Consultation  with  Transport  Canada  has  resulted  in  the  receipt  of  an  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form  for  Obstruction  Marking  and  Lighting  which  indicates  that  8  of  10  turbines  require  obstruction  lighting.  Prowind  is  to  inform  Transport  Canada  once  construction  has  commenced.      Consultation  with  Transport  Canada  over  this  period  is  summarized  in  Appendix  C2.    

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  


4.2   Municipal  Consultation  

4.2.1   County  of  Oxford  

Consultation  with  the  County  is  ongoing  and  primarily  relates  to  County  road  use,  intersection  improvements  and  entrance  permits.  Some  of  this  consultation  overlaps  with  the  Township  as  the  County  Planner  is  also  the  Planner  for  the  Township,  so  some  consultation  will  be  included  in  the  Township  consultation  update.        Consultation  with  the  County  of  Oxford  over  this  period  is  summarized  in  Appendix  C3.    

4.2.2   Township  of  Norwich  

Correspondence  with  the  Township  of  Norwich  has  been  ongoing  since  submission  of  the  REA  application.  Prowind  has  conducted  Drainage  Act  consultation  and  assessment  work,  Road  Use  Agreement  consultation  and  negotiation,  building  and  entrance  permit  submission  and  various  other  consultation  regarding  project  construction,  development,  and  emergency  services.    Consultation  with  the  Township  of  Norwich  over  this  period  is  summarized  in  Appendix  C4.    

4.3   Community  Stakeholder  Consultation    Community  stakeholder  consultation  remains  ongoing.  Since  the  submission  of  the  REA  application  in  June  2013,  community  stakeholders  have  been  sent  several  public  notices  and  updates.  One-­‐on-­‐one  consultation  will  always  continue.    Consultation  with  community  stakeholders  over  this  period  is  summarized  in  Appendix  C5.    

4.4   Aboriginal  Consultation    Aboriginal  Consultation  has  continued  since  submission  of  the  REA  application  with  a  focus  on  three  First  Nations  communities  that  have  responded  and  engaged  Prowind  on  this  Project.  All  Aboriginal  stakeholders  continue  to  receive  Project  notices  and  updates.      Consultation  with  all  Aboriginal  stakeholders  over  this  period  is  summarized  in  an  Aboriginal  Consultation  Report  amendment  document  included  in  Appendix  C6.  

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Appendix  A:  Supplemental  information  for  Table  5  


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Appendix  A  –  Supplemental  Information  for  Table  6  

   SECTION  2.3.1,  TABLE  5  (PG  12)    ORIGINAL  TABLE    TABLE  5   SIEMENS  SWT  3.0-­‐113  ACOUSTIC  EMISSIONS  SUMMARY  Turbine  Make/Model:         Siemens  SWT-­‐3.0-­‐113  Electrical  Rating:     2.5  MW  Hub  Height:     99.5  m  Wind  Shear  Exponent:     0.50  or  higher  (summer  night-­‐time  average)  

  Octave  Band  Sound  Power  Level  (dBA)  Manufacturer’s  Emission  Levels   Generic  Adjusted  Emission  Levels  

Wind  Speed   6   7   8   9   10   6   7   8   9   10  

Frequency  (Hz)                      63   89.5   89.9   91.5   91.6   91.3   89.9   89.9   89.9   89.9   89.9  

125   92.6   93.0   93.0   92.5   91.7   93.0   93.0   93.0   93.0   93.0  250   96.4   96.5   95.4   94.8   94.1   96.5   96.5   96.5   96.5   96.5  500   94.9   94.8   94.4   94.2   94.0   94.8   94.8   94.8   94.8   94.8  

1000   95.0   94.9   95.0   94.9   95.2   94.9   94.9   94.9   94.9   94.9  2000   94.1   94.0   95.1   95.2   95.9   94.0   94.0   94.0   94.0   94.0  4000   91.2   91.8   91.8   93.6   93.9   91.8   91.8   91.8   91.8   91.8  8000   81.8   81.9   84.1   84.1   84.1   81.9   81.9   81.9   81.9   81.9  

Weighted    Total   102.4   102.5   102.5   102.5   102.5   102.5   102.5   102.5   102.5   102.5  

   REVISED  WORDING  AS  A  RESULT  OF  CHANGE    TABLE  5   SENVION  MM92  (1880  KW,  102.0  DBA)  ACOUSTIC  EMISSIONS  SUMMARY  Turbine  Make/Model:         Senvion  MM92  (1880  kw,  102.0  dBA)  Electrical  Rating:       1.88  MW  Hub  Height:       100  m  Wind  Shear  Exponent:     0.50  or  higher  (summer  night-­‐time  average)  

 Octave  Band  Sound  Power  Level  (dB)  

Manufacturer’s  Emission  Levels   Adjusted  Emission  Levels  Wind  Speed  (m/s  @  10m  a.g.l)  

6   7   8   9   10   6   7   8   9   10  

Frequency  (Hz)                      63   110.0   110.2   110.4   110.4   110.8   110.2   110.2   110.2   110.2   110.2  

125   106.2   106.6   106.5   106.3   106.4   106.6   106.6   106.6   106.6   106.6  250   103.7   103.7   102.9   102.9   102.6   103.7   103.7   103.7   103.7   103.7  500   100.3   100.4   100.1   100.0   99.8   100.4   100.4   100.4   100.4   100.4  

1000   96.3   96.2   96.6   96.7   96.7   96.2   96.2   96.2   96.2   96.2  2000   90.4   90.4   91.1   91.3   91.8   90.4   90.4   90.4   90.4   90.4  4000   84.8   85.5   87.0   86.4   87.7   85.5   85.5   85.5   85.5   85.5  8000   73.6   74.1   74.9   77.2   76.4   74.1   74.1   74.1   74.1   74.1  

A-­‐weighted   102.0   102.0   102.0   102.0   102.0   102.0   102.0   102.0   102.0   102.0  


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Appendix  B:  Senvion  Ice  Letter  


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Senvion Canada Inc.

1250, Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, bureau 3610, Montréal, Québec, Canada, H3B 4W8

Prowind Canada Inc. 19 Bold St, Unit 2B Hamilton, ON, L8P 1T3 Canada Attn. Juan Anderson Toronto, December 05, 2014

RE: Radius of area where ice might fall __________________________________________________________________________ Dear Mr. Anderson, Senvion will be supplying ten MM92/60Hz/CCV, Maximum Power 1.88 MW wind turbines with a 100 metre hub height for the Gunns Hill Wind Park project. Senvion hereby confirms to Prowind Canada Inc. the indicative Radius of area where ice might fall is 290 m for this model and hub height.

We remain at your disposal should you require any further details. Sincerely,

Andrew Rabeau, P.Eng Sales and Project Engineer REpower Systems Inc.

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Appendix  C:  Consultation  Documentation  


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Appendix  C1:  Nav  Canada    


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Row Date Type From To Re Content  Summary Attachments

1 20-­‐Mar-­‐14 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Updated  Land  Use  FormA  resubmission  of  the  Land  Use  Form  was  sent  via  email  to  update  the  turbine  model  and  dimensions  as  well  as  reapply  for  a  the  one  year  approval  from  NAV  Canada.  

NavCan  Land  Use  Application  Form,  Project  Map,  Turbine  Coordinates,  Previous  NavCan  Assessment  Letter

2 31-­‐May-­‐14 Email   NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Updated  Land  Use  Form Request  to  verify  turbine  coordinates  for  T1  and  T3

3 2-­‐Jun-­‐14 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Updated  Land  Use  Form Discussion  of  T1  and  T3  coordinates  and  locations

4 2-­‐Jun-­‐14 Email NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Updated  Land  Use  Form Map  showing    location  of  coordinates

5 2-­‐Jun-­‐14 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Updated  Land  Use  FormResponse  confirming  T1  was  correct,  1  T3  coordinate  value  corrected

 Updated  Turbine  Coordinates

6 14-­‐Aug-­‐14 Email NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Land  Use  Form  Letter A  letter  was  received  stating  that  some  of  the  turbines  are  visible  on  the  London  Radar  and  Hamilton  Radar  and  that  an  agreement  for  cost  recovery  for  mitigation  will  be  required.  

Letter,    Construction  Start  Notice  Form,  Turbine  coords

7 21-­‐Aug-­‐14 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Letter  and  mitigation  details

to  discuss  the  wording  in  the  letter  above  and  it  was  confirmed  that  this  is  standard  response  and  they  are  now  asking  all  wind  farms  to  enter  into  an  agreement  in  case  mitigation  is  required.  Cost  estimates  can  be  received  if  a  written  request  is  sent  in.  It  was  also  mentioned  that  due  to  the  nature  of  some  of  the  media  articles  on  this  topic,  the  wording  of  the  letter  may  be  adjusted  in  the  future  to  avoid  unnecessary  alarm.

8 21-­‐Aug-­‐14 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Cost  recovery  agreement  detailsadditional  information  on  the  cost  recovery  agreement  content,  estimated  costs  and  the  mitigation  measures  required.  

9 25-­‐Aug-­‐14 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  M.  Pinon Cost  recovery  agreement  details Voice  message  with  contact  details

10 25-­‐Aug-­‐14 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  M.  Pinon Cost  recovery  agreement  details Follow-­‐up  to  voice  message  indicating  availability

11 25-­‐Aug-­‐14 Email NavCanada  -­‐  M.  Pinon Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Cost  recovery  agreement  details Follow-­‐up  to  email  above  indicating  will  call  after  morning  meetings

12 25-­‐Aug-­‐14 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson NavCanada  -­‐  A.  Trandafilovski Cost  recovery  agreement  detailsEstimated  costs  for  mitigation  are  typically  $50,000  to  $60,000.  Mitigation  solutions  are  all  engineering  and  software  based.  A  sample  agreement  will  be  emailed  over  to  Prowind.  

13 26-­‐Aug-­‐14 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Cost  recovery  agreement  details Confirmation  that  information  requested  will  be  sent  to  Prowind  by  Sept  5th.  

14 5-­‐Sep-­‐14 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Cost  recovery  agreement  detailsA  sample  wind  farm  mitigation  agreement  was  provided.  It  was  noted  that  costs  has  historically  a  maximum  of  $56,000  for  mitigation.  Contact  information  was  provided  for  additional  questions.   Mitigation  Agreement

15 9-­‐Sep-­‐14 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details

Additional  details  were  requested  on  process,  section  4  of  the  agreement  was  referenced.  Typically  invoicing  is  a  single  invoice  for  the  amount  incurred  to  fix  the  issue,  which  is  up  to  or  less  than  the  maximum  amount  provided  in  advance.  In  order  to  satisfy  anticipated  lender  due  diligence  questions,  Prowind  also  requested  details  on  the  legal  basis  for  cost  recovery  to  be  fully  covered  by  the  proponent.  Nav  Canada  offered  to  provide  in  writing.

16 9-­‐Sep-­‐14 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Cost  recovery  agreement  detailsStatement  from  Nav  Canada  that  mitigation  should  be  covered  by  the  proponent  and  if  Prowind  refused  Nav  Canada  would  oppose  the  project.  A  general  reference  to  the  Civil  Air  Navigation  Services  Commercialization  Act  was  provided.

17 9-­‐Sep-­‐14 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  detailsRe-­‐statement  that  Prowind  has  no  intention  to  resist  or  avoid  mitigation  and  that  the  Act  will  be  investigated  further  for  the  appropriate  section.

18 10-­‐Sep-­‐14 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Cost  recovery  agreement  detailsApology  for  tone  of  previous  email,  reference  made  to  Technical  Guide  for  REA  with  reference  to  Nav  Canada  being  private  company  requiring  compensation  for  mitigation  required  to  maintain  air  safety  

19 14-­‐Nov-­‐14 Vmail Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Request  more  information/details  on  mitigation  plan

20 14-­‐Nov-­‐14 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Request  more  information/details  on  mitigation  plan,  provide  S.  Shaw  contact  information

21 14-­‐Nov-­‐14 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Response  to  email NavCan  requests  to  defer  response  for  2  weeks

22 01-­‐Dec-­‐14 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Prowind  asked  if  Nav  Can  was  ready  to  discuss

23 01-­‐Dec-­‐14 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Nav  Can  asked  for  another  week  before  they  can  address  this.

Prowind  Canada  Inc.    -­‐  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  -­‐  Nav  Canada  Correspondence  Update

Page 61: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

24 22-­‐Dec-­‐14 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Pricing  for  mitigation  will  be  available  the  week  of  Jan  5

25 06-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Asking  if  pricing  is  on  track  for  this  week

26 06-­‐Jan-­‐15 email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Yes  it  is

27 06-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Exchange  of  joke  about  "standing  by"

28 06-­‐Jan-­‐15 email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Exchange  of  joke  about  "standing  by"

29 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Asking  about  pricing  availability

30 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Yes,  later  today

31 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Asking  if  hourly  rates  will  be  included

32 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details No,  not  standard  practice,  but  there  is  a  cost  breakdown

33 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Cost  of  mitigation  measures  

34 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Question  about  antenna  tilt  activity

35 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Explanation  of  antenna  tilt

36 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  question  about  antenna  tilt

37 09-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Response  about  antenna  tilt

38 13-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Comments  to  agreement

39 19-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Receive  email  of  13th?

40 19-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Yes,  comments  with  legal  dept.

41 19-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details OK,  thanks

42 26-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Any  update?

43 26-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details NavCan  needs  to  change  the  agreement  template  to  latest  version.

44 26-­‐Jan-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Question  on  timing

45 03-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.Shaw Nav  Canada  -­‐  J.  McCarthy Cost  recovery  agreement  details Requesting  update

46 03-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Response  from  Legal  Dept.

47 03-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details Question  on  response

48 03-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Question  on  LP  structure

49 03-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details Response

50 03-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  response

51 04-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Response  on  assignment/  new  LP

52 05-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details Please  prepare  final  agreement

53 05-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  regarding  LP  assignment

54 05-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details Please  proceed;  further  questions  on  LP

55 05-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  response  on  LP

56 05-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  question  on  LP

57 05-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  response  on  LP

58 05-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  question  on  LP

59 06-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details Further  response  on  LP

60 11-­‐Feb-­‐15 Emai NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details To  set  up  conference  call

61 11-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details To  set  up  conference  call

62 11-­‐Feb-­‐15 Emai NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Cost  recovery  agreement  details To  set  up  conference  call,  transmit  agreement

63 11-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Cost  recovery  agreement  details To  set  up  conference  call

Page 62: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

64 13-­‐Feb-­‐15Conf  Call

Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw,  J.  AndersonNavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey,  Terry  Harris

Assignment  of  CRA  to  LPNo  assignment  at  present.

65 13-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey Assignment  of  CRA  to  LP Summary  of  call

66 13-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey CRA Transmittal  of  signed  version

67 13-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email NavCan  -­‐  Kelvin  Hickey Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw CRA Response  on  potential  future  assignment

68 13-­‐Feb-­‐15 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw NavCan  -­‐  K.  Hickey CRA Thanks

Page 63: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  







Appendix  C2:  Transport  Canada    


Page 64: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Row Date Type From To Re Content  Summary Attachments

1 Feb  7  2013 email Transport  Canada  -­‐  M.  Lucking YRH  (Prowind  Consultant)  -­‐  R.  Dastous Aeronautical  Assessment  FormAeronautical  Obstruction  and  Lighting  form  indicating  which  turbines  are  to  be  equipped  with  obstruction  lighting  (7  of  10  total) Aeronautical  Obstruction  and  Lighting  Form

2 Jun  17  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Transport  Canada  -­‐  M.  LuckingUpdated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

Submitted  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form  indicating  revised  turbine  parameters

1.  Previous  Assessment  Form  from  Transport  Canada2.  New  Aeronautical  Obstruction  and  Lighting  Form3.  Turbine  Dimensions,  Coordinates,  Elevations,  Proposed  Lighting  Scheme4.  Map

3 Sept  4  2014 email Transport  Canada  -­‐  M.  Lucking Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonUpdated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

Apologized  for  previous  non-­‐response,  indicated  application  must  be  sent  to  CASO-­‐[email protected],  new  form  req'd,  old  file  is  closed  and  new  file  will  be  opened

4 Sept  9  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson 'CASO-­‐[email protected]'Updated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

Submitted  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form  indicating  revised  turbine  parameters

1.  Previous  Assessment  Form  from  Transport  Canada2.  New  Aeronautical  Obstruction  and  Lighting  Form3.  Turbine  Dimensions,  Coordinates,  Elevations,  Proposed  Lighting  Scheme4.  Map

5 Sept  9  2014 email Transport  Canada  -­‐  A.  Chen Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonUpdated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

Indicated  revised  application  form  required

1.  Previous  Assessment  Form  from  Transport  Canada2.  New  Aeronautical  Obstruction  and  Lighting  Form3.  Turbine  Dimensions,  Coordinates,  Elevations,  Proposed  Lighting  Scheme4.  Map

6 Sept  9  2014 email

Transport  Canada  -­‐  A.  Chen

Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonUpdated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

Indicated  revised  application  form  required,  distance  now  required  in  feet  and  metres

1.  Previous  Assessment  Form  from  Transport  Canada2.  New  Aeronautical  Obstruction  and  Lighting  Form3.  Turbine  Dimensions,  Coordinates,  Elevations,  Proposed  Lighting  Scheme4.  Map

7 Sept  10  2014 call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Transport  Canada  -­‐  A.  ChenUpdated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

Clarified  subtle  difference  in  form  content  to  ensure  nothing  was  being  missed  (no  new  info  required)

8 Sept  11  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Transport  Canada  -­‐  A.  ChenUpdated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

Thanked  for  clarifications,  confirmed  feet  and  metres  provided.  

1.  Previous  Assessment  Form  from  Transport  Canada2.  New  Aeronautical  Obstruction  and  Lighting  Form3.  Turbine  Dimensions,  Coordinates,  Elevations,  Proposed  Lighting  Scheme4.  Map

9 Sept  11  2014 email 'CASO-­‐[email protected]' Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonUpdated  Aeronautical  Assessment  Form

System  email  indicating  application  accepted,  new  file  number,  contact  info,  and  latest  response  to  be  dec  8  2014

10 Oct  30,  2014 email Transport  Canada  -­‐  M.  Lucking Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Assessmment  Complete Assessment  is  complete  and  attached1.  Aeronautical  Obsturction  Marking  and  Lighting  Form  

Prowind  Canada  Inc.  -­‐  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  -­‐  Transport  Canada  Correspondence  Update

Page 65: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  







Appendix  C3:  Oxford  County  


Page 66: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Row Date Type From To Re Content  Summary

1 April  17,  2013 Email Oxford  -­‐  V.  Likins Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney,  J.  Segal Norwich  Council  report Detailed  reports  and  dates  to  be  presented  to  Oxford  and  Norwich  councils

2 April  18,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  H.  St.  Clair Building  Permit  locationQuestion  regarding  the  suitability  of  a  property  for  a  building  permit  where  there  is  a  wetland/woodland.

3 April  18,  2013 Email Oxford  -­‐  H.  St.  Clair Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Building  Permit  locationindicated  attachment  could  not  be  opened,  suggested  a  call,  asked  about  name  of  prowind's  partner

4 April  18,  2013 Call Oxford  -­‐  H.  St.  Clair Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Building  Permit  location

discussed  property,  indicated  that  the  location  is  not  presently  excluded  from  a  potential  building  location,  however,  woodlot  is  in  the  process  of  being  deemed  significant,  which  would  exclude,  an  application  would  have  to  be  reveiwed  and  may  not  be  supported,  county  arborist  would  need  to  be  contacted.    

5 April  18,  2013 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  County  Arbourist Building  Permit  location

discussed  property,  indicated  that  she  would  not  support  an  application  to  cut  trees  for  a  residence  in  that  location  but  that  she  could  not  provide  anything  in  writing  without  an  application  for  a  residence.  

6 April  19,  2013 Email Oxford  -­‐  H.  St.  Clair Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  Council  report

indicated  a  deferal  of  the  Township  council  meeting  date  to  occur  post  final  public  meeting  to  allow  residents  to  provide  comment.  Acknowledged  that  90  day  comment  period  has  been  exceeded.

7 May  13,  2013 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich/Oxford    -­‐  H.  St.  Clair Norwich  Council  report Called  to  discuss  item  in  Norwich  Council  report.  Details  in  follow-­‐up  email  below.

8 May  13,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich/Oxford    -­‐  H.  St.  Clair Norwich  Council  report

Confirm  mutual  interpretation  of  the  following  bullet  point  in  Report  No:  CASPO  2013-­‐77  from  Norwich  Planning  to  Staff  to  Norwich  Council  on  the  Gunns  Hill  Wind  Farm  Draft  REA.  On  page  3  the  5th  bullet  reads:·∙                It  is  agreed  that  Ministry  of  Environment  approval  of  the  REA  will  be  contingent  upon  the  issuance  of  the  proper  permitsTo  ensure  there  was  no  misunderstanding,  confirmed  that  this  point  was  intended  to  ensure  that  Prowind  obtains  necessary  permits  (building  permit(s)  etc)    before  commencing  construction.  Prowind  agrees  that  necessary  municipal  permits  will  be  obtained  prior  to  commencing  construction  activity.  Prowind  also  wanted  to  ensure  that  there  was  no  misunderstanding  of  the  quoted  bullet  point  with  respect  to  either  Norwich  Township  or  Prowind  being  able  to  make  commitments  on  behalf  of  MOE.  When  we  spoke  we  agreed  that  the  REA  approval  process  is  controlled  by  MOE  and  they  have  the  responsibility  to  define  conditions  of  REA  approval.  The  present  process  as  we  understand  it  is  that  REA  approval  is  given  prior  to  obtaining  building  permits,  but  that  building  permits  are  required  before  construction  can  occur.

9 June  6,  2013 Email Oxford  -­‐  L.  Buchanan Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Oxford  County  CouncilAdvising  that  Oxford  County  Council  planning  report  CASPO  2-­‐13-­‐145  is  going  to  council  on  June  12,  2013

10 June  12,  2013 Email Oxford  -­‐  L.  Buchanan Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Oxford  County  Council

Advised  that  Oxford  County  Council  held  a  Council  meeting  on  June  12,  2013  and  endorsed  the  recommendations  outlined  in  the  planning  report  for  the  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  (report  #  CASPO  2-­‐13-­‐145)

11 July  19,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney MOE  -­‐  S.  Raetsen Oxford  Council  decision

Provided  additional  information  to  S.  Raetsen  for  review  with  the  REA.  Provided  Norwich  Township  planning  report  regarding  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  and  Oxford  council  minutes  approving  planning  report  recommendations.  

12 Nov  4,  2013 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  H.  St.  Clair Project  Scope  Change

Informed  County  of  pending  scope  change  of  project  wrt  to  removal  of  overhead  line.  Project  is  no  longer  in  Woodstock  boundaries  but  remains  within  Oxford  scope  of  work  because  of  County  roads  in  project  area.  Will  provide  mapping.

13 Nov  4,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  H.  St.  Clair Project  Scope  Change Mapping  provided  wrt  to  earlier  call  about  pending  project  scope  change.  

Prowind  Canada  Inc.  -­‐  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  -­‐  Oxford  County  Correspondence  Summary  Update

Page 67: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

14 Nov  4,  2013 Email Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Project  Scope  ChangeInformed  County  Public  Works  of  change.  No  issues  from  County  of  Woodstock  perspectives.  

15 Nov  4,  2013 Email Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Project  Scope  Change

Routing  of  cables  still  crosses  County  Roads  and  that  the  County  still  may  have  interest  in  the  Project  by  way  of  the  Road  User  Agreement,  no  significant  impact  for  rerouting.  County  will  advise  regarding  anything  further.  

16 March  5,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton Road  Use  Agreement

Provided  current  draft  of  road  user  agreement  and  highlighted  outstanding  items.  Proposed  date  to  meet  to  discuss.  

17 March  12,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton Road  Use  Agreement request  for  call  to  discuss  road  agreement18 March  12,  2014 Email Oxford  -­‐    R.  Walton Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  Use  Agreement call  logistics19 March  12,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton Road  Use  Agreement confirmation  of  call  logistics20 March  12,  2014 Email Oxford  -­‐    R.  Walton Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  Use  Agreement call  reschedule21 March  12,  2014 Email Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Update  Meeting meeting  logistics

22 March  13,  2014 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton Road  Use  Agreementconfirmed  that  Oxford  County  would  like  to  use  the  same  road  agreement  as  Norwich,  discussed  possibility  of  burying  cables  directly  adjacent  to  road

23 March  20,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton Update  Meeting

Meeting  confirmed  for  March  26th.  Agenda  items  include:  Project  update,  compensation  for  road  user  agreement,  proposed  haul  route  and  logistics.

24 March  25,  2014 Email Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Update  meetig meeting  logistics

25 March  26,  2014 Meeting Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich,  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  S.  Boughner Road  User  Agreement Discussed  Road  user  agreement  and  outstanding  items.  

26 April  4,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich,  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner Road  User  Agreement

Provided  draft  Road  user  agreement  with  changes  based  on  March  26th  meeting.  Still  awaiting  feedback  from  township  on  cable  separation  requirements  and  temporary  gravel  turning  radii.  

27 April  22,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner   Road  User  Agreement

Road  user  agreement  outstanding  items  including  -­‐  buried  cabling  setbacks,  trench  width,  ideal  location  of  buried  cable,  entrance  construction.  Hoping  to  get  final  draft  by  the  weekend.  

28 April  23,  2014 Email Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  Agreement Agree  with  Norwich  R.  Smith  comments  -­‐  show  proposed  offset  from  property  line.  

29 May  5,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner Road  User  Agreementquestion  on  whether  the  county  arborist  has  reviewed  the  road  user  agreement  draft  as  was  indicated  would  be  desired

30 May  16,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner   Road  User  Agreement

Options  for  setback  of  cable  from  road  edge/property  -­‐  no  specific  setback  in  force.  There  is  a  need  to  have  detailed  survey  for  consistency  with  property  boundary.  Minimum  recommended  setback  from  other  parallel  services  is  1  m.  Option  to  bore  under  other  services  if  very  constrained.  

31 Nov  12,  2014 Meeting Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson,  S.  Shaw Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough Road  User  AgreementDiscussed  Road  Usage  Agreement,  County  would  probably  want  to  be  party  to  Norwich's  agreement  rather  than  separate  one.  Not  sure  if  County  vote  is  required.

32 February  23,  2015 Voicemail Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner County  Permits meeting  request33 February  23,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner County  Permits meeting  request

34 February  27,  2015 Meeting Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson,  S.  ShawOxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  S.  Boughner,  M.  Abercrombie County  permits

Process  and  procedures  for  entrances,  over  dimension  vehicles  and  municipal  consent  for  cable  locations

35 March  5,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  ShawOxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  S.  Boughner,  M.  Abercrombie County  permits Minutes  of  Feb  27th  meeting

36 March  12,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  ShawOxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  S.  Boughner,  M.  Abercrombie County  permits Any  comments  on  minutes

37 March  16,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  ShawOxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  S.  Boughner,  M.  Abercrombie County  permits Can  County  issue  overdimension  permits  for  township?

38 March  17,  2015 Email Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw County  permits Please  ask  M.  Abercrombie  or  S.  Boughner39 March  18,  2015 Email Oxford  -­‐  M.  Abercrombie Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw County  permits No40 March  18,  2015 Call Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Oxford  -­‐  M.  Abercrombie County  permits Request  clarification

Page 68: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  







Appendix  C4:  Township  of  Norwich  


Page 69: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Row   Date Type From To Re Content  Summary Attachments

1 May  13,  2013 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich/Oxford    -­‐  H.  St.  Clair

Norwich  Council  report Called  to  discuss  item  in  Norwich  Council  report.  Details  in  follow-­‐up  email  below.

2 May  13,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich/Oxford    -­‐  H.  St.  Clair

Norwich  Council  report

Confirm  mutual  interpretation  of  the  following  bullet  point  in  Report  No:  CASPO  2013-­‐77  from  Norwich  Planning  to  Staff  to  Norwich  Council  on  the  Gunns  Hill  Wind  Farm  Draft  REA.  On  page  3  the  5th  bullet  reads:·∙                It  is  agreed  that  Ministry  of  Environment  approval  of  the  REA  will  be  contingent  upon  the  issuance  of  the  proper  permitsTo  ensure  there  was  no  misunderstanding,  confirmed  that  this  point  was  intended  to  ensure  that  Prowind  obtains  necessary  permits  (building  permit(s)  etc)    before  commencing  construction.  Prowind  agrees  that  necessary  municipal  permits  will  be  obtained  prior  to  commencing  construction  activity.  Prowind  also  wanted  to  ensure  that  there  was  no  misunderstanding  of  the  quoted  bullet  point  with  respect  to  either  Norwich  Township  or  Prowind  being  able  to  make  commitments  on  behalf  of  MOE.  When  we  spoke  we  agreed  that  the  REA  approval  process  is  controlled  by  MOE  and  they  have  the  responsibility  to  define  conditions  of  REA  approval.  The  present  process  as  we  understand  it  is  that  REA  approval  is  given  prior  to  obtaining  building  permits,  but  that  building  permits  are  required  before  construction  can  occur.

3 May  22,  2013 EmailNorwich/Oxford    -­‐  H.  St.  Clair

Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  Council  report"I  agree  with  your  interpretation  noted  below,  and  confirm  that  was  the  intent  of  the  statement  and  was  relayed  to  Township  Council  as  such,  during  a  presentation  of  the  report  on  May  14,  2013.  "  

4 June  3,  2013 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich/Oxford    -­‐  H.  St.  Clair

REA  circulation Confirmation  of  REA  circulation

5 June  3,  2013 EmailNorwich/Oxford    -­‐  H.  St.  Clair

Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson REA  circulation Confirmation  of  REA  circulation  to  Woodstock  public  works  and  engineering  on  Jan  30,  2013

6 July  4,  2013 Meeting

Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson,  R.  Rumney  Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves,  D.  Kramer

Drainage  Act  PermitsInformal  meeting.  Discussed  work  necessary  if  drainage  act  permits  are  required,  looked  at  mapping  for  drains  in  the  project  area.  

7 July  9,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Norwich  -­‐  D.Kramer Drainage  Act  Permits Timing  of  drainage  reports  and  council  meetings

8 July  10,  2013 Email Township  -­‐  D.  Kramer Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Drainage  Act  PermitsProvided  idea  of  municipal  drainage  report  timing  and  council  meeting  timing.  Also  provided  overview  of  municipal  drains  at  each  turbine  location.  

9 July  18,  2013 Call Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Norwich  -­‐  H.  St.  Clair Norwich  Council  minutesRequested  copy  of  Norwich  Council  minutes  of  April  23,  2014  where  Gunn's  Hill  planning  report  was  presented  and  voted  on  by  Council.  

10 July  18,  2013 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Armstrong Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Norwich  Council  minutes Provided  link  to  April  23,  2013  Council  minutes

11 July  18,  2013 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Armstrong Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Norwich  Council  minutes Provided  link  to  May  14,  2013,  when  the  Gunn's  Hill  project  was  actually  discussed.  

12 July  19,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney MOE  -­‐  S.  Raetsen Norwich  Council  decisionProvided  additional  information  to  S.  Raetsen  for  review  with  the  REA.  Provided  Norwich  Township  planning  report  regarding  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  and  Norwich  council  minutes  approving  planning  report  recommendations.  

13 August  15,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Road  Usage  Agreement Request  on  timing  for  draft  of  previously  discussed  road  allowance  agreement

14 September  3,  2013 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Road  Usage  AgreementRequest  on  timing  for  draft  of  previously  discussed  road  allowance  agreement,  Indication  that  Norwich  and  Oxford  to  use  same  form  of  Road  Uasage  Agreement

15 September  24,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Road  Usage  Agreement Request  on  timing  for  draft  of  previously  discussed  road  allowance  agreement,  meeting  request

Prowind  Canada  Inc.  -­‐  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  -­‐  Township  of  Norwich  Correspondence  Summary  Update

Page 70: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

16 September  27,  2013 Email Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  Usage  AgreementIndicated  that  agreement  needs  to  be  reviewed  by  city  of  Woodstock,  meeting  logistics  discussed

17 October  8,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Road  Usage  AgreementNotification  of  likely  scope  change  to  remove  connection  line  from  Woodstock  boundary  ,  meeting  logistics  discussed

18 October  10,  2013 Email Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  Usage  Agreement Meeting  logistics

19 October  21,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Norwich  -­‐  D.Kramer Drainage  Act  PermitsAdvised  Township  of  contracted  third  party  for  drainage  act  work  and  informed  them  of  their  upcoming  contact  with  Township  on  behalf  of  Prowind.  

20 October  23,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Road  Usage  Agreement Meeting  logistics21 October  24,  2013 Email Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  Usage  Agreement Meeting  logistics22 October  26,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Road  Usage  Agreement Meeting  logistics23 November  4,  2013 Email Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  Usage  Agreement Road  Usage  Agreement  Draft,  Meeting  logistics,  Notification  of  CAO  staffing  change

24 November  5,  2013 Meeting  Norwich  -­‐  M.  Graves  and  K.  ArmstrongProwind  -­‐  J.  Anderson

Road  Usage  Agreement

Norwich  informed  that  there  will  period  where  Kim  Armstrong  acts  as  CAO,  Introduced  co-­‐op,  Norwich  and    Oxford  to  use  same  road  agreement,    Prowind  to  cc  Gord  Hough  upon  draft  mark-­‐up,  council  vote  on  road  agreement  likely  in  January  2014,  crossing  road  with  cables  ok  with  justification

25 Dec  4,  2013 MeetingProwind  -­‐  R.  Rumney  and  consultant  M.  GerritsNorwich  -­‐  D.Kramer

Drainage  Act  PermitsInformal  meeting.  Met  to  go  over  maps  of  drains  and  photo  copy  township  maps  of  drains  for  site  visit.

26 Dec  4,  2013 Email Township  -­‐  D.  Kramer Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Drainage/Severance Forwarded  information  regarding  a  pending  severance  on  one  of  the  project  properties.  

27 Dec  4,  2013 Email Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Township  -­‐  D.  Kramer Drainage/SeveranceInformed  Township  that  we  are  aware  of  the  severance  and  thanked  him  for  the  maps  provided  for  the  drains.  

28 Jan  20,  2014 EmailProwind  (consultant)  -­‐  M.  Gerrits

Township  -­‐  D.  KramerDrainage  Act  Permits  -­‐  Teeple  Drain

Provided  sketch  of  Teeple  Drain  to  get  more  information  from  Township  on  this  drain.Teeple  Drain  map  and  other  drain  maps

29 February  12,  2014 MeetingNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson  and  R.  Rumney

Introduction  and  Update  Meeting

Introductions,  Project  Overview,  Project  Change  Notice,  Buried  Cables  in  Township  Road  Allowance,  Project  Infrastructure,  Technology,  Opposition,  Aerodrome,  Road  Usage  Agreement,  Road  Restrictions,  Timeline,  Building  Permits,  Co-­‐op,  Preliminary  Haul  Routes,  Emergency  Services,  Next  Steps

Meeting  Notes  

30 March  5,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton

Road  Use  AgreementProvided  current  draft  of  road  user  agreement  and  highlighted  outstanding  items.  Proposed  date  to  meet  to  discuss.  

31 March  20,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton

Update  meetingMeeting  confirmed  for  March  26th.  Agenda  items  include:  Project  update,  compensation  for  road  user  agreement,  proposed  haul  route  and  logistics.

32 March  25,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Update  meeting Meeting  logistics

33 March  25,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  KrugerProwind  -­‐  J.  AndersonOxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton

Update  meeting Meeting  logistics

34 March  26,  2014 Meeting

Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich,  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  G.  Hough,  R.  Walton

Road  User  Agreement Discussed  Road  user  agreement,  Preliminary  haul  routes  and  outstanding  items.  

35 April  4,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich,  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner

Road  User  AgreementProvided  draft  Road  user  agreement  with  changes  based  on  March  26th  meeting.  Still  awaiting  feedback  from  township  on  cable  separation  requirements  and  temporary  gravel  turning  radii.  

Page 71: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

36 April  22,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner  

Road  User  AgreementRoad  user  agreement  outstanding  items  including  -­‐  buried  cabling  setbacks,  trench  width,  ideal  location  of  buried  cable,  entrance  construction.  Hoping  to  get  final  draft  by  the  weekend.  

37 April  23,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  R.  Smith Prowind    -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  AgreementBest  location  for  buried  cable  is  off  of  property  line  and  not  at  road  edge.  Entrances  should  be  built  to  manufacturer's  specs  and  then  scaled  back.  

38 April  30,  2014 Email Prowind    -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  Agreementindicated    that  a  copy  of  a  previously  discussed  agreement  from  another  jurisdiction  was  in-­‐hand,  no  need  to  provide

39 April  30,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind    -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  Agreement thanks  for  above40 May  2,  2014 Email Prowind    -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  Agreement call  logistics

41 May  16,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  R.  Smith,  Oxford  -­‐  S.  Boughner  

Road  User  Agreement

Options  for  setback  of  cable  from  road  edge/property  -­‐  no  specific  setback  in  force.  There  is  a  need  to  have  detailed  survey  for  consistency  with  property  boundary.  Minimum  recommended  setback  from  other  parallel  services  is  1  m.  Option  to  bore  under  other  services  if  very  constrained.  

42 May  16,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  AgreementFollow  -­‐up  on  road  user  agreement.  Discussed  options  for  compensation/km  comparison  to  other  municipalities,  process  for  township's  legal  review.  

43 May  20,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  R.  Smith Prowind    -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  Agreement Confirming  that  collector  lines  will  be  placed  1  m  from  property  line  as  discussed.44 May  29,  2014 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  Agreement call  to  discuss  latest  draft  of  roach  user  agreement,  path  forward

45 May  29,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  Agreementshared  township's  latest  road  agreement  draft,  indicated  that  township  may  require  deposit  if  legal  costs  are  to  be  incurred  prior  to  MOE  approval

46 July  10,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  Agreementindicated  that  previous  road  agreement  was  outdated  and  substituted  with  a  completely  new  draft  from  township  legal

47 July  17,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  AgreementReviewed  draft  road  user  agreement  and  found  it  quite  reasonable.  Since  there  are  few  changes  on  Prowind's  side,  imagine  that  legal  fees  will  be  less  than  $X.  Please  confirm.  Hope  to  establish  a  schedule  for  finalization.  

48 Aug  8,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  AgreementForwarded  Prowind's  comments  to  solicitor  for  review.  Please  provide  deposit  for  solicitor's  fees.  Amount  to  be  discussed.  

49 August  11,  2014 call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  Agreement discussion  of  deposit50 August  11,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  Agreement As  discussed,  Prowind  will  forward  a  cheque  for  solicitor's  deposit.  51 August  11,  2014 Mail Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  Agreement Letter  and  cheque  for  solicitor's  deposit52 Sept  10,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  User  Agreement Requested  update  on  status  of  road  user  agreement.  

53 Sept  10,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Road  User  AgreementProvided  revised  draft  road  user  agreement  that  has  been  revised  by  Township  solicitor.  Requesting  feedback  from  Prowind.  

54 Sept  11,  2014 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  B.  Reid Building  PermitsDiscussed  property  in  project  area  with  temporary  building  permit.  Valid  from  Mar  2012  to  Mar  2017.  

55 Sept  11,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  B.  Reid Building  Permits Follow-­‐up  email  to  verify  information  from  call.  

56 Sept  11,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  B.  Reid Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Building  PermitsVerified  information  was  correct  and  that  the  temporary  structure  is  actually  factory  made.  Extension  of  permit  can  be  applied  for  with  planning  application.  

57 September  17,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Update  meeting Update  meeting  logistics58 September  17,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Update  meeting Update  meeting  logistics59 September  19,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Update  meeting Update  meeting  logistics60 September  22,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Update  meeting Agenda  request61 September  23,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Update  meeting  agenda Proposed  meeting  agenda  items  62 Sept  25,  2014 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Update  meeting  agenda Suggestion  to  invite  Township    planner  to  join  meeting

63 Sept  25,  2014 Meeting

Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson,  R.  RumneyNorwich,  K.  Kruger,  Reb.  Smith

Update  MeetingMeeting  to  discuss  Heritage  Property  and  letter,  Road  User  Agreement,  REA  comments,  emergency  services,  decommissioning,  other  updates

Meeting  Notes  

64 September  30,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Site  Plan  Control Site  Plan  Application  Form  forwarded

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65 Oct  1,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Norwich  -­‐  Reb.  Smith Heritage  Property Provided  mapping  of  heritage  property  to  Township  plannerMap  of  wind  farm  infrastructure  on  Start  land

66 Oct  6,  2014 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Reb.  Smith Heritage  Property follow-­‐up  on  heritage  property,  advised  process  to  be  handled  by  Norwich,  contact  Kyle  Kruger

67 Oct  7,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  R.  Rumney Heritage  Property Provided  Township  by-­‐law  protecting  the  David  Start  FarmhouseTownship  of  Norwich  By-­‐aw  41-­‐86

68 October  10,  2014 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Heritage  Property Heritage  Property  discussion

69 October  15,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Heritage  Property written  request  for  permission  letter,  provided  sample  draft  letter  for  referenceSample  letter  template

70 November  4,  2014 call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  B.  ReidBuilding  Permit  Procedure

discussion  of  building  permit  processing  time,  expected  delivery  timing,  comitment  to  work  in  good  faith,  discussion  of  potential  costing  methodology

71 November  4,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  Reb.  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson REA  timing indicated  that  she  was  aware  of  a  call  to  the  CBO,  question  on  expected  REA  timing72 November  4,  2014 call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Reb.  Smith REA  timing voice  message  left73 November  4,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Reb.  Smith REA  timing follow-­‐up  to  voice  message,  request  to  call  back

74 November  4,  2014 call Norwich  -­‐  Reb.  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson REA  timingdiscussion  of  potential  REA  timing,  indication  that  Prowind  cannot  predict  process  and  MOECC  cannot  provide  specific  timeline,  discussion  that  Heritagre  letter  still  outstanding,  commitment  to  follow-­‐up  on  heritage  letter  to  move  it  along

75 Nov  7,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger call  requestAsked  for  call  today  to  discuss:  Road  Usage  agreement,  site  plan  control,  Heritage  letter,  set  up  call  btween  Prowind  engineers  and  Roads/building  dept.

76 Nov  7,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson call  request Busy  today,  Proposed  alternate  meeting  time

77 Nov  7,  2014 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson call  requestClarified  meeting  time.  Asked  for  Heriage  Letter  to  be  provided  since  it  had  been  5  weeks  and  there  are  no  impacts  to  heritage  property.

78 Nov  7,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Heritage  Letter question  if  attached  will  sufficeNorwich  Hertitage  Statement  Letter  

79 Nov  7,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Heritage  Letterindication  that  the  letter  should  suffice  and  if  there  are  ministry  comments  Prowind  will  communicate  those  back  to  Norwich

80 Nov  10,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger call  request call  logistics

81 Nov  12,  2014 Email Prowind  -­‐  J  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger call  requestconfirmation  of  call  timing  and  dial-­‐in,  agenda  of:  road  use  agreement,  cable  marking,  site  plan  control  and  GEA,  contractor/engineer  meeting  with  roads  manager

82 Nov  12,  2014 PhoneProwind  -­‐  J  Anderson,  S  Shaw,  R  Rumney

Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger call  heldConference  call  to  discuss:  Road  Usage  Agreement  revisons,  site  plan  control  is  no  longer  applicable  under  GEA,  Cable  marking  in  road  allowance,  upcoming  council  schedule  for  road  usage  agreement

83 November  12,  2014 call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith call  held

discussion  of  entrance  permit  process  and  application  scope,  discussion  of  meeting  with  contractor  and  potentially  engineers  for  cable  micrositing,  indication  that  1  m  from  outer  road  allownace  property  line  still  prefered  for  cable  location,  discussion  that  in  some  cases  this  may  result  in  interference  with  trees  and  woodlots  and  Prowind  would  like  to  shift  inward  at  those  locations,  commitment  to  mark  proposed  path  and  have  evaluation

84 November  17,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

indication  that  locates  mapping  completed,  meeting  logistics

85 November  17,  2014 email Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Andersoncable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

question  on  procedure

86 November  17,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

confirmation  of  procedure  as  agreed

87 November  17,  2014 email Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Andersoncable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics

88 November  21,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

update  on  timing  of  work

Page 73: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

89 November  21,  2014 email Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Andersoncable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics

90 November  21,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics

91 November  21,  2014 call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

92 November  25,  2104 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

93 December  1,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  AndersonNorwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith,  K.  Kruger

intro  to  engineersintroduction  to  engineers  performing  road  and  electrical  work,  indication  that  they  may  reach  out  in  case  of  specific  questions

94 December  8,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

95 December  10,  2014 email Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Andersoncable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

96 December  15,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

97 December  16,  2014 vMail Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

98 December  16,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

99 December  16,  2014 email Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Andersoncable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

100 December  16,  2014 email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

101 December  17,  2014 email Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Prowind  -­‐  J.  Andersoncable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

meeting  logistics  update

102 December  18,  2014on-­‐site  meeting

Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smithcable  route  micrositing  and  evaluation

cable  routing  directed  by  Ron  Smith

103 January  12,  2015 vMail Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  Use  Agreement Request  meeting

104 January  15,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  Use  Agreement Request  meeting

105 January  15,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Road  Use  Agreement Checking  on  dates

106 January  16,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Road  Use  Agreement Suggesting  dates  for  meeting

107 January  16,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  Use  Agreement Suggesting  dates  for  meeting

108 January  19,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Road  Use  Agreement Suggesting  dates  for  meeting

109 January  20,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  Use  Agreement Suggesting  dates  for  meeting

110 January  20,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Road  Use  Agreement Suggesting  dates  for  meeting

111 January  20,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Road  Use  Agreement Transmitting  new  Road  Use  Agreement  template

Page 74: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

112 January  30,  2015 MeetingNorwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger,  B.  Card

Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw,  J.  Anderson

Road  Use  AgreementDiscuss  changes  and  process,  presented  cable  routing  engineering  -­‐  some  revisions  were  requested

113 February  5,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind Cement  Stabliized  Roads Not  for  use  at  entrances

114 February  11,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Cable  Routing updated  cable  routing  drawings  were  presented,  approval  of  location  was  requested

115 February  11,  2015 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Overdimension  permits Will  not  be  issued

116 February  11,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Call Summary  of  call

117 February  13,  2015 call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Lenaers Overdimension  permits request  for  firehall  road  construction  specs,  over  dimension  permit  application  process

118 February  13,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Lenaers Overdimension  permits call  followup,  request  for  permit  information

119 February  13,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  M.  Lenaers Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Overdimension  permits indicated  that  instruction  given  to  refer  to  K.  Kruger

120 February  13,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  M.  Lenaers Overdimension  permits indicated  already  in  contact  with  K.  Kruger,  will  follow-­‐up

121 February  13,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Overdimension  permits request  for  any  additional  requirements  for  an  application

122 February  17,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Call  Summary Clarifications  on  call  summary

123 February  17,  2015 Email Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Overdimension  permits referenced  email  directly  above  for  response

124 February  27,  2015 meeting Norwich  -­‐  Mayor  MartinProwind  -­‐  J.  Anderson,  S.  Shaw

Gunn's  Hill  project Introduction,  project  status

125 March  3,  2015 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Cable  Routing  Email discussed  updated  drawings,  request  made  to  resend  previous  email

126 March  3,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Cable  Routing  Email email  resent,  request  for  location  approval  re-­‐iterated

127 March  5,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Overdimension  permits Suggest  contact  with  MOT

128 March  11,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Overdimension  permits Request  results  of  dialog  with  MOT

129 March  11,  2015 Email Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  Use  Agreement Transmit  mark-­‐up  and  request  meeting

130 March  13,  2015 Email   Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Overdimension  permits Results  of  discussion  with  MOT

131 March  13,  2015 Call Prowind  -­‐  S.  Shaw Norwich  -­‐  K.  Kruger Road  Use  Agreement Set  meeting

132 March  18,  2015 Call Prowind  -­‐  J.  Anderson Norwich  -­‐  Ron  Smith Cable  Routing  Emaildrawings  discussed,  R.  Smith  indicated  no  objection  to  location  and  will  request  further  detail  in  drawings,  approval  in  writing  to  be  sent  in  1  day

Page 75: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm:  REA  Clarification  Document  







Appendix  C5:  Community  Stakeholders  


Page 76: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Row Date Type From To Re Content  Summary Attachments

1 May  6,  2013 Comment  card Prowind/Stantec Public  meeting  commentsStop  the  turbine  until  health  studies  are  completed,  property  values  will  decrease,  impact  on  community  environment  (in  this  case,  runway  will  be  impacted  by  turbine  locations  and  turbulence)

2 Nov  14,  2013 Email R.  Rumney Website  link

Thanks  for  passing  my  message  on  Juan,  we  had  a  nice  chat  the  other  night  and  I  hope  to  hear  from  him  again  soon.    I  went  onto  your  website  and  noticed  there  was  updated  noise  receptor  info  but  when  I  clicked  on  the  link  it  said  page  could  not  be  displayed.    I  also  tried  it  on  my  iPhone  and  got  the  same  error  message.    If  the  problem  is  on  your  end  can  you  re-­‐load  it  to  your  website  and  let  me  know  when  it's  ready  to  be  viewed?    

3 Nov  15,  2013 Email R.Rumney Re:  Website  link

I'm  glad  you  had  a  good  talk  with  Juan.Sorry  about  that  file  on  the  website,  thanks  for  pointing  that  out.  I'll  take  a  look  at  it.For  now,  I've  attached  the  kml  file  here  for  you,  so  you  can  download  it  and  view  it  on  Google  Earth.I'll  look  into  the  website  version  and  let  you  know  when  that  is  back  up  and  running,  but  the  attached  file  will  be  the  same  thing.  

Google  earth  file

4 Nov  18,  2014 Email R.Rumney Website  link I  can  see  it  now,  quite  interesting!5 Nov  18,  2014 Email R.Rumney Re:  Website  link Great!  The  weblink  is  fixed  up  now  as  well,  in  case  you  want  to  direct  anyone  else  there.  

6 Feb  3,  2014Email/Mail/Web/Newspaper

ProwindAll  Community  Stakeholders

Notice  of  Proposed  Change  -­‐  removal  of  overhead  cable

7 Feb  13,  2014Email/Mail/Web/Newspaper

ProwindAll  Community  Stakeholders

Notice  of  EBR  Posting

8 Feb  27,  2014 Email Prowind relationship What  is  the  relationship  between  Prowind  and  Boralex?  Please  explain.

9 Mar  4,  2014 Email J.  Anderson re:  relationshipThanks  for  your  question.Boralex  and  Prowind  have  no  formal  relationship  at  this  time.

10 Mar  9,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Google  Earth  mapping

The  link  on  Prowind’s  website  for  the  Google  Earth  mapping  tool  appears  to  be  no  longer  working.    The  inability  of  the  public  to  review  this  information  impedes  our  ability  to  review  the  REA  documents.We  would  appreciate  your  response  to  this  matter.

11 Mar  11,  2014 Email R.Rumney re:  Google  Earth  mapping

I  looked  at  this  yesterday  and  as  far  as  I  can  tell  this  link  is  functional.  The  download  at  that  location  is  a  .kml  file  that  needs  to  be  saved  to  your  computer  and  opened  with  Google  Earth,  a  free  piece  of  software  you  can  download  from  the  Internet.If  you  need  further  instruction  on  how  to  use  this  file,  please  don't  hesitate  to  contact  me.I  can  also  email  the  file  to    directly  if  you  still  are  not  able  to  access  the  file.Please  let  me  know  if  any  of  the  above  option  are  desirable.Thank  you  for  your  email.  

12 Mar  11,  2014 Email R.Rumney Re:  Google  Earth  mapping

Further  to  my  earlier  email,  I  have  some  additional  information,  which  may  be  the  cause  of  the  problem.If  you  are  using  Internet  Explorer  as  your  web  browser,  you  may  need  to  right  click  on  the  link,  click  "Save  as"  or  "Save  target  as"  to  save  the  file  to  your  computer  and  then  open  it  up  from  there  with  Google  Earth.If  you  are  using  Google  Chrome  or  Mozilla  Firefox,  it  should  download  automatically  or  prompt  you  to  open  or  save.  This  is  what  we  are  using  at  the  office,  which  is  why  I  didn't  notice  the  problem  earlier.I  will  update  the  website  to  provide  instructions  for  each  web  browser,  so  other  Internet  Explorer  users  can  navigate  this  link  easier.I  have  attached  the  file  to  this  email  for  your  ease  of  use.Please  let  me  know  if  I  can  help  with  anything  else.  

Google  earth  file

Prowind  Canada  Inc.    -­‐  Gunn's  Hill  Wind  Farm  -­‐  Public  Correspondence  Update

Page 77: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

13 Mar  11,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Google  Earth  mapping

Forwarded  above  email  and:As  of  this  morning  Keith  McKay  had  not  yet  received  a  response  to  his  inquiry  below.    Prowind’s  Gunn’s  Hill  website  does  not  contain  an  operational  link  to  the  mapping  of  receptors  (see  screenshot).Are  you  aware  of  this  problem  and  its  impacts  on  residents  to  properly  review  the  REA  documents?

14 Mar  11,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Google  Earth  mapping

Thank  you  for  your  email.I  have  responded  to  Mr.  McKay  with  some  instructions  on  how  to  use  the  .kml  file  web  link.  If  you  are  having  problems  accessing  that  file  as  well,  I  have  copied  the  instructions  for  you  below.-­‐  If  you  are  using  Internet  Explorer  as  your  web  browser,  you  may  need  to  right  click  on  the  link,  click  "Save  as"  or  "Save  target  as"  to  save  the  file  to  your  computer  and  then  open  it  up  from  there  with  Google  Earth.-­‐  If  you  are  using  Google  Chrome,  Safari,  or  Mozilla  Firefox,  it  should  download  automatically  or  prompt  you  to  open  or  save.The  website  has  been  updated  to  include  the  above  instructions  for  those  using  Internet  Explorer  and  needing  assistance.The  noise  receptor  mapping  tool  is  not  a  part  of  the  REA  and  was  included  on  the  Prowind  Canada  website  as  a  useful  tool  for  those  living  near  the  proposed  wind  farm.Please  let  me  know  if  you  need  any  further  assistance  with  anything.

15 Mar  11,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Google  Earth  mapping

Thanks  for  your  response.It  does,  however,  raise  an  additional  question.    If  the  mapping  tool  is  not  part  of  the  REA  documents,  how  are  the  noise  assessments  and  associated  receptors  validated  during  review  of  the  REA?    Is  there  some  other  method  or  map  provided  to  the  Ministry  of  the  Environment  for  their  review?I  look  forward  to  your  response.

16 Mar  11,  2014 Email R.Rumney Re:  Google  Earth  mapping

I  looked  at  this  yesterday  and  as  far  as  I  can  tell  this  link  is  functional.  The  download  at  that  location  is  a  .kml  file  that  needs  to  be  saved  to  your  computer  and  opened  with  Google  Earth,  a  free  piece  of  software  you  can  download  from  the  Internet.If  you  need  further  instruction  on  how  to  use  this  file,  please  don't  hesitate  to  contact  me.I  can  also  email  the  file  to    directly  if  you  still  are  not  able  to  access  the  file.Please  let  me  know  if  any  of  the  above  option  are  desirable.Thank  you  for  your  email.  

17 Mar  12,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Google  Earth  mapping

Thanks  for  you  additional  questions.The  MOE  is  provided  with  the  same  noise  report  that  is  attached  to  the  REA  in  the  Design  and  Operations  Report.  The  Google  Earth  file  is  on  our  website  to  allow  access  to  the  receptor  information  in  an  accessible  file  size.  The  MOE  has  asked  for  a  spreadsheet  with  receptor  coordinates  for  their  analysis.I  hope  that  answers  your  question.  

18 Mar  12,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Google  Earth  mappingThank  you.    So  it  seems  the  MOE  looks  only  at  a  spreadsheet  and  does  not  reference  a  map?

19 Mar  13,  2014 Email R.  Rumney RE:  Google  Earth  mapping

To  date,  the  MOE  has  requested  the  spreadsheet  and  we  provided  that  information  to  them.  We  are  unable  to  comment  on  the  specific  methodology  used  by  the  MOE  in  evaluating  the  noise  report.  If  you  have  questions  on  this  methodology,  please  contact  the  MOE  directly.

20 Mar  14,  2014 Email R.  Rumney RE:  Google  Earth  mapping Thank  you.    This  is  useful  information.

21 Apr  10,  2014Email/Mail/  Web/Newspaper

ProwindAll  Community  Stakeholders

Notice  of  Project  Change  and  Turbine  Supplier  Announcement

Page 78: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

22 Apr  21,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Noise  Report  versions

I've  been  reviewing  the  various  versions  of  Noise  Assessments  for  the  Gunn's  Hill  project  for  comparison  purposes  and  have  a  question.    I  have  seen  the  following  versions:

Revision  0  -­‐  02  Jan  2013  -­‐  signed  by  Jeff  SegalRevision  1  -­‐  01  May  2013  -­‐  signed  by  Jeff  Segal  &  Carl  BrothersRevision  3  -­‐  19  Feb  2014  -­‐  signed  by  Juan  Anderson

However,  I  do  not  recall  having  seen  Revision  2.    Is  there  a  Revision  2?    I  would  appreciate  a  response  ASAP.  

23 July  17,  2014Email/Mail/  Web/Newspaper

ProwindAll  Community  Stakeholders

Notice  of  EBR  Posting  and  Project  Change  Summary

24 July  17,  2014 Email R.  Rumney TimelineI  enjoy  receiving  your  updates  but  none  of  them  say  just  when  you  will  begin  construction.  When  is  the  estimated  time  to  begin  construction?

25 July  17,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Re:  Timeline

Thanks  for  your  email.  The  current  estimation  for  construction  start  is  possibly  as  early  as  this  fall,  which  would  only  include  roads  and  some  other  small  infrastructure.  The  majority  of  construction,  including  turbines,  is  expected  to  begin  next  spring/summer  when  the  road  restrictions  are  lifted  in  May.

I'd  be  happy  to  provide  you  with  additional  information  on  the  expected  timeline  of  the  project  and  the  current  status  if  you'd  like  more  info.  Please  don't  hesitate  to  let  me  know.  

26 Aug  6,  2014 Email R.Rumney REA  process

Comments/concerns  about  consultation  process  regarding  changes  to  REA  scope.  Concerned  about  turbine  model  change  being  noisy  due  to  older  technology.  Wonders  why  the  Noise  report  isn't  signed  by  an  engineer  as  requested  previously.    Requested  that  REA  be  denied  and  FIT  contract  be  revoked.

27 Sept  19,  2014 Email Prowind Current  StatusHas  a  connection  point  been  established  for  the  Prowind  Gunn’s  Hill  project  to  be  connected  to  the  grid  and  if  so  where  will  that  be  and  where  is  the  power  cable  route  going  to  be  from  the  substation  to  the  connection  point?

28 Sept  23,  2014 Email Prowind Current  StatusLast  week  I  inquired    about  the  connection  status  of  the  Gunn’s  Hill  project.  Where  will  the  connection  point  be  to  the  grid    and  what  routing  will  the  line  take  from  the  substation?  

29 Sept  26,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Re:  Current  Status

Thanks  for  your  email.  As  stated  in  the  Notice  of  Project  Change  issued  February  3  2014,  the  new  connection  point  will  be  at  the  substation  itself,  or  350  m  west  of  the  substation  at  the  end  of  the  existing  overhead  lines.  The  connection  point  has  not  been  changed  since  that  date.

As  identified  in  the  REA,  the  substation  is  proposed  to  be  located  south  of  Firehall  Road  between  the  access  road  to  Turbine  1  and  the  access  road  to  Turbines  2  and  3.

Please  let  us  know  if  you  have  any  other  questions.

30 Oct  4,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Investment  in  project Requested  information  on  investing  in  project  after  seeing  report  on  local  news.

31 Oct  4,  2014 Email R.Rumney OCEC Fwd:  Investment  in  project forwarded  request  to  OCEC

32 Oct  6,  2014 Email R.Rumney Investment  in  project Requested  information  on  investing  in  project

33 Oct  6,  2014 Email R.Rumney OCEC Fwd:  Investment  in  project forwarded  request  to  OCEC

34 Oct  8,  2014 Email R.Rumney Mailing  List Requested  to  be  placed  on  project  mailing  list

35 Oct  8,  2014 Email R.Rumney Re:  Mailing  List Thank  you,  you  have  been  added  to  the  mailing  list

36 Oct  17,  2014 Email R.Rumney Mailing  List Requested  to  be  placed  on  project  mailing  list

Page 79: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

37 Oct  17,  2014 Re:  Mailing  List Added  to  mailing  list

38 Oct  19,  2014 Email R.Rumney Mailing  List Requested  to  be  placed  on  project  mailing  list

39 Oct  19,  2014 Re:  Mailing  List Added  to  mailing  list

40 Nov  4,  2014 Email R.  Rumney Research  studyRequested  Prowind's  involvement  in  University  of  Western  Ontario  study  that  look  at  community  involvement  in  wind  energy  projects.

41 Nov  11,  2014 Email R.Rumney Project  status Requested  info  on  status  of  project  and  start  of  construction

42 Nov  13,  2014 Email R.Rumney Re:  Project  status Construction  is  expected  to  begin  in  Spring  or  Summer  of  2015

43 Nov  23,  2014 Email R.Rumney Mailing  List Requested  to  be  placed  on  project  mailing  list

44 Nov  26,  2014 Email R.Rumney Re:  Mailing  List Thank  you,  you  have  been  added  to  the  mailing  list

45 Dec  11  2014 meeting J.  Anderson Research  study Participated  in  research  interview,  discussed  project,  discussed  co-­‐op

46 Jan  26,  2015Email/Mail/  Web/Newspaper

ProwindAll  Community  Stakeholders

Notice  of  Project  ChangeNotice  of  Project  Change  regarding  an  additional  road  construction  methodology  was  sent  to  all  stakeholders.

47 Jan  28,  2015 Email R.Rumney Project  status Requested  info  on  status  of  project  and  start  of  construction

48 Feb  19,  2015 Email R.Rumney Investment  and  Project  status Requested  information  on  the  status  of  the  project  as  an  interested  investor  of  the  project

49 Feb  20,  2015 Email J.  Anderson Re:  Investment  and  Project  Status

Thank  you  for  your  email.  REA  is  expected  very  soon  as  all  outstanding  issues  have  been  addressed.  Project  expects  appeal  after  REA  is  received,  which  may  take  up  to  6  months  to  resolve.  Recent  decisions  on  other  REA  appeals  did  not  overturn  any  MOE  decisions,  so  that  is  encouraging    for  this  project.  Let's  set  up  a  time  to  discuss  further.  

50 March  13,  2015 Phone J.  Anderson Curries  AerodromeFollow-­‐up  up  to  social  media  contact  request,  contact  was  part  of  mass  request,  no  specific  inquiry  or  issue.

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Appendix  C6:  Aboriginal  Stakeholders  


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Consultation Report

Volume 2: Aboriginal Consultation

of the June 2013 Renewable Energy Approval

March 25, 2015

Prepared for:

Prowind Canada Inc. 19 Bold Street, Unit 2B Hamilton, ON L8P 1T3

Prepared by:

R. Allan & Associates, 54 Dallimore Circle,

Toronto, ON M3C 4C5 Ph: (416) 435-8716 Fx: (416) 385-3890

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Table of Contents

1.0   INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1.1  1.1   PROJECT OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................... 1.1  1.2   REPORT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................. 1.1  1.3   ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION APPROACH .................................................................. 1.1  

2.0   COMMUNICATION ACTIVITIES ...................................................................................... 2.2  2.1   IDENTIFICATION OF ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES WITH AN INTEREST IN THE

PROJECT ......................................................................................................................... 2.2  2.2   REGULATORY NOTICES: JUNE 2013 - PRESENT ........................................................ 2.3  

3.0   SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND RIVER FIRST NATION, ELECTED COUNCIL ............ 3.4  3.1   SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION: 2008 TO APRIL 2013 ................................................ 3.4  3.2   REVIEW OF DRAFT REA REPORTS .............................................................................. 3.4  3.3   ECONOMIC BENEFITS: APRIL 2013 TO DECEMBER 2013 .......................................... 3.4  3.4   SIX NATIONS COUNCIL: DECEMBER 10, 2013 ............................................................. 3.5  3.5   GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL STUDENT BURSARY .................................. 3.5  3.6   SIX NATIONS INTERNAL COMMUNITY MEETINGS: .................................................... 3.6  JANUARY 23, FEBRUARY 1 & 12, 2014 .................................................................................. 3.6  3.7   SIX NATIONS COUNCIL: FEBRUARY 26 AND MARCH 11, 2014 .................................. 3.6  3.8   DUE DILIGENCE REVIEW AND APPROVAL: MAY 21, 2014 ......................................... 3.6  3.9   ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT .................................................................. 3.6  3.10   INVESTMENT DEPOSIT .................................................................................................. 3.6  3.11   CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 3.7  

4.0   SIX NATIONS OF THE GRAND RIVER HAUDENOSAUNEE CONFEDERACY CHIEFS COUNCIL .......................................................................................................................... 4.1  

4.1   SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION: 2008 TO APRIL 2013 ................................................ 4.1  4.2   PROWIND HCCC/HDI: MEETING FEBRUARY 2013 ...................................................... 4.1  4.3   MARCH 2013 – MARCH 2014 .......................................................................................... 4.1  4.4   PROWIND HCCC/HDI MEETING: MARCH 26, 2014 ...................................................... 4.1  4.5   HDI LETTER WITH REVIEW OF PROWINDS’S REA APPLICATION ............................ 4.2  4.6   PROWIND RESPONSE TO HDI REA REVIEW DOCUMENT ......................................... 4.2  4.7   PROWIND RESPONSE TO EQUITY REQUEST: LETTER APRIL 15, 2014 ................... 4.2  4.8   FOLLOW-UP REQUESTS FOR A MEETING: APRIL-OCTOBER 2014 .......................... 4.3  4.9   HDI LETTER AND AGREEMENT: OCTOBER 6, 2014 .................................................... 4.3  4.10   CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 4.4  

5.0   MISSISSAUGAS OF THE NEW CREDIT FIRST NATION .............................................. 5.1  5.1   SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION: 2008 TO APRIL 2013 ................................................ 5.1  5.2   REVIEW OF DRAFT REA REPORTS .............................................................................. 5.1  5.3   ECONOMIC BENEFITS: MARCH 2013 TO APRIL 2014 ................................................. 5.1  

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5.4   EQUITY POSITION IN THE PROJECT: APRIL 2014 ...................................................... 5.2  5.5   FOLLOW-UP TO AN EQUITY POSITION: APRIL 2014 ................................................... 5.2  5.6   CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 5.2  


6.1   PROJECT UPDATE .......................................................................................................... 6.3  6.2   CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 6.3  

7.0   AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION .................................................................................... 7.1  7.1   SUMMARY OF CONSULTATION: 2008 TO APRIL 2013 ................................................ 7.1  7.2   AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION REPONSE TO REA REVIEW: APRIL 17, 2013 .......... 7.1  7.3   PROWIND RESPONSE TO AFN REA REVIEW: JULY 12, 2013 .................................... 7.1  7.4   AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION REPONSE TO DRAFT LETTER: MAY 15, 2013 ........ 7.1  7.5   PROWIND FOLLOW-UP TO AFN COMMENTS AND CONCERNS: LETTER:

JULY 25, 2014 .................................................................................................................. 7.1  7.6   AAMJIWNAANG FIRST NATION LETTER: MAY 29, 2014. ............................................. 7.2  

8.0   MÉTIS NATION OF ONTARIO ......................................................................................... 8.1  8.1   CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 8.1  

9.0   CONCLUSIONS AND COMMITMENTS .......................................................................... 9.1  

10.0   CLOSURE ...................................................................................................................... 10.1  


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1.0 Introduction


Prowind Canada Inc. (Prowind) on behalf of Gunn’s Hill LP, is proposing to develop the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm (the Project) in the Township of Norwich, Oxford County, Ontario, in response to the Government of Ontario’s initiative to promote the development of renewable electricity in the province. The Project was awarded a Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) contract with the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) on July 5, 2011. Further information on the Project can be found on the Project-specific website at www.prowind.ca.


The purpose of this Aboriginal Consultation Update is to provide the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) with an overview of consultation activities since the Project’s REA application was submitted in June 2013.


Aboriginal consultation is integral to Prowind’s project planning process. Consultation plays a critical role in allowing Prowind to learn about, understand and address the priorities and concerns identified by aboriginal communities throughout the life of a project.

Consultation for the Project began early in the planning process (2008) and will continue throughout the design, development, construction, operation and decommissioning of the Project.

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2.0 Communication Activities


Prowind received a letter from the MOECC on February 22, 2010 that confirmed the list below as aboriginal communities with a potential interest in the Project:

• Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, Elected Council;

• Six Nations of the Grand River Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council;

• Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation;

• Oneida Nation of the Thames ;

• Chippewas of the Thames First Nation;

• Munsee-Delaware First Nation;

• Kettle and Stony Point First Nation;

• Aamjiwnaang First Nation;

• Walpole Island First Nation (Bkejwanong Territory);

• Hamilton-Wentworth Métis Council; and,

• Grand River Métis Councils.

Prowind will continue to consult with these communities for the life of the Project.

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The Aboriginal communities listed in Section 2.1 were provided with the following Notices on the dates listed below:

• Notice of Project Change (Removal of Overhead Cable): February 3, 2014,

• Notice of Posting on Environmental Registry: February 7, 2014,

• Notice of Proposed Change (Turbine Supply and Nameplate Capacity): April 10, 2014 and

• Notice of Posting on Environmental Registry and Overview of Proposed Changes: July 16, 2014

• Notice of Proposed Change (Access Road Option): January 26, 2015

Each of the above Notices were mailed and emailed to each of the Aboriginal communities and posted in the Turtle Island News.

Notices and updates will continue to be sent to each of the Aboriginal communities listed in Section 2.1, for the life of the Project.

These Notices can be found in Appendix B-5.

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, Elected Council


3.0 Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, Elected Council

The Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation Elected Council (Six Nations) were contacted by Prowind at the onset of the Project. This community was identified as being in close proximity to the Project Study Area (approximately 33 kilometers to the periphery of the Project) and the area is within the Six Nations Haldimand Treaty Area of 1701. The Project is within the traditional lands of the Six Nations and the Six Nations have an interest in the Project.


The Six Nations process for consultation with proponents is described in the Six Nations of the Grand River Consultation and Accommodation Policy. From 2008 to April 2013 Prowind and Six Nations developed a transparent communications process based on mutual trust. Key activities over these years included: meetings with the Six Nations Consultation and Accommodation Policy (CAP) team, Chief and Council, capacity funding, reviewing the REA and participating in planning discussions. Correspondence since that time is summarized in the tracking included in Appendix A1.


In April 2013, Six Nations retained an external reviewer to review and provide recommendations on the Gunn’s Hill REA application. The CAP team approved their internal review, discussed the findings with Prowind and after several meetings agreed the Project had dealt adequately with Six Nations concerns. Six Nations was now in a position to discuss economic benefits.


Six Nations and Prowind worked on an Economic Benefits Strategy over eight months, with copious meetings, telephone calls and correspondence. The final result was a Term Sheet signed by both parties on December 3, 2013 at the Six Nations Council Meeting. The Term Sheet was presented to the community. This term sheet is included in Appendix B 1-1. The Term Sheet provided two options:

1. Joint Equity Partnership: the Six Nations having a 10% ownership of the Project, or

2. Royalty Position: annual payments over the twenty years of the FIT contract.

In addition, both options also provided the Six Nations community with:

• Educational funding through the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Aboriginal Student Bursary,

• Hiring of Six Nations members for additional Archaeological Monitoring,

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, Elected Council


• Six Nations members to assist with Bird and Bat Post Construction Monitoring,

• Support in hiring during construction and operations, and

• Ongoing reporting.

Upon signing the Term Sheet, Six Nations began developing an internal community consultation process for the Project. This process would include mailing information packages, and holding meetings to provide information and answer questions on both the Royalty and Equity options.

The Prowind and Six Nations meetings were held on:

• May 9, 2013 – minutes attached as Appendix B 1-3

• August 13, 2013 – minutes attached as Appendix B 1-4

• September 5, 2013 - minutes attached as Appendix B 1-6

• November 6, 2013 - minutes attached as Appendix B 1-7

• April 3, 2104 - minutes attached as Appendix B 1-10

The Six Nations internal communications meeting were held on January 23, 2014, February 1, 2014 and February 12, 2014. Documentation from these meetings is attached as Appendix B 1-8.


Six Nations Council passed a resolution on December 10, 2013 to begin Six Nations internal community consultation to determine which choice (royalty or equity) the community prefers for the Project. This is attached as Appendix B 1-2a.


Six Nations requested that the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Aboriginal Student Bursary be revised to accommodate the large population of the Six Nations members. After several meetings Prowind agreed to two annual bursary’s; one specifically for a Six Nations student and the second open to any (including Six Nations) Aboriginal students in the vicinity of the Project. The Bursary will be managed with representation from Six Nations on the Committee. The Bursary is attached as Appendix B 1-9.

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, Elected Council



JANUARY 23, FEBRUARY 1 & 12, 2014

Six Nations held three community meetings on the Project on January 23, February 1 and 12, 2014. Prowind was invited and attended each of these meetings; to answer any Project related questions. Over 100 people attended with lively discussions, which resulted in a recommendation to Council to proceed with the Joint Equity Partnership option.


The result of the Six Nations internal communications was to proceed with the development of a Joint Equity Partnership. On February 25, 2014, Six Nations Council passed a motion to proceed with Prowind’s Equity Offer, which was then waived of a second reading on March 11, 2014 and passed. The Council directed the Economic Director to retain a due diligence third party for a review of the Project and determine next steps. These Council decisions are attached as Appendix B 1-2b and B 1-2c respectively.


The Due Diligence process involved reviewing the Project’s proforma, Limited Partnership Agreement, Economic Participation Agreements, other necessary agreements, Project status and development risk, etc. On May 21, 2014, Council voted to confirm their interest in the Equity position.


Final drafts of the Economic Participation Agreement, Support Agreement, and Limited Partnership Agreement that make up the Equity Partnership were reviewed by Six Nations Council. Final approval was received during a Council meeting on March 24, 2015. Executed copies of the Agreements will be received from Six Nations which will formalized and finalize the equity partnership.


On August 29, 2014, Prowind met with the Economic Development Officer at the Six Nations Tourism building to receive a cheque that equals 10% of the Six Nations total equity investment, an amount corresponding to an initial capital contribution under the terms of the Limited Partnership Agreement. This signified that the Six Nations are committed to the Equity Partnership and that both parties can move forward comfortably knowing that level of commitment is secured. The funds are held in trust pending Project approval. Prowind gave a

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, Elected Council


credit against the deposit equal to an amount agreed to as capacity funding for equity option due diligence.

The investment entity for the Six Nations of the Grand River participation in the Gunn’s Hill LP was created on March 6, 2015. It is through this numbered Canada Ltd company that the Aboriginal partner will invest and own a portion of the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm.


Prowind has worked closely with the Six Nations, following the: “Six Nations of the Grand River Land Use & Consultation and Accommodation Policy”. This process had led to an ideal outcome for both parties: Prowind and the Six Nations as Equity Partners in a renewable wind project that will benefit the community for years to come. There are still conversations regarding agreement terms taking place; legal due diligence has begun and an indemnity agreement was accepted recently. Both parties are excited about the partnership and are working in good faith to finalize the outstanding agreement.

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of The Grand River Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council


4.0 Six Nations of The Grand River Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council

The Six Nations of the Grand River Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC) and Haudenosaunee Development Institute (HDI) provide for the perpetual care and maintenance of the Haudenosaunee people by evaluating potential infringements to the HCCC Treaty Rights.


Prowind began consultation with the HCCC/HDI in 2010 and in February 2013 signed the HDI application form and provided capacity funding to review the Project’s REA application. Correspondence since that time is summarized in the tracking included in Appendix A2.


In February 2013 Prowind and HCCC/HDI met; Prowind introduced the Project and learn how the HCCC/HDI wish to be engaged on the Project. HDI outlined the HCCC Treaty Infringement by the Project, HCCC’s Treaty Rights and requested a 50% equity position in the Project. HDI would manage the third party review of the REA application and provide written feedback to Prowind. HDI confirmed that if equity was not an option that a royalty structure may be negotiated. Prowind representatives agreed to take HDI’s position back for discussion with senior management.

4.3 MARCH 2013 – MARCH 2014

Over the next twelve months (March 2013 and March 2014) HDI did not provide the REA Review. A follow-up meeting was not successfully arranged.


On March 26, 2014 a meeting was held with Prowind and HCCC/HDI. HDI stated they had reviewed the Gunn’s Hill REA and would send the REA Review Report by the end of the week. Prowind provided an update on the Project and described potential Project partners: local neighbours (Oxford Community Energy Co-op) with up to a 49% Equity position and Six Nations Elected Council with a possible 10% Equity position. Prowind offered HCCC/HDI: an expansion of the 10% Equity investment opportunity to all Six Nations members to individually invest in the Project under a Six Nations Community Partnership Agreement.

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of The Grand River Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council


The HCCC/HDI rejected this offer and explained they did not want to participate with Six Nations, instead wanted their own separate and distinct Equity Partnership Agreement. HCCC/HDI stated they wanted a larger Equity position and would discuss with the HCCC tomorrow and report back to Prowind. HCCC/HDI stated that if a larger Equity position was not an option, a Royalty structure could be negotiated. Prowind described the Project’s Aboriginal Student Bursary, and received positive feedback from HCCC/HDI. The minutes from this meeting are attached as Appendix B 2-1.


On April 1, 2014 HDI emailed Prowind a copy of their Prowind REA Review document dated March 27, 2014. This letter and document are attached as Appendix B 2-2a and B 2-2b.


On April 9, 2014 Prowind thanked the HDI for the REA Review and would follow-up if there were questions that needed to be resolved.


In a letter to HDI Prowind stated: “Prowind Canada offered HCCC and HDI members an opportunity to invest and own equity in the Project through the Six Nations partner. The total equity that was previously made available for that initiative would be increased to facilitate the Haudenosaunee members’ investment.

Prowind understood HCCC and HDI had no interest in the above noted offer and requested a separate and independent equity partner option to own 10% or more of the project. Prowind agreed to consider this request and to consult with our other partners on the project.

At this time we are unable to offer independent equity ownership to HCCC and HDI. The opportunity for Haudenosaunee members to invest through the Six Nations community channel or through the Oxford Community Energy Co-op (OCEC) is still available.

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of The Grand River Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council


The financials for this Project will be shared with individual members if they choose to invest in the project through the OCEC offering statement or the Six Nations community offer. This should be available in the upcoming weeks.

Prowind is also prepared to discuss job opportunities during the construction process and during the post-construction monitoring process. Construction tenders will be sent to HDI in advance of the general public to give HDI members and businesses an opportunity to be awarded these construction contracts. Additionally, as mentioned in the Environment Report responses, an HDI member will be facilitated to participate in the post-construction monitoring of birds and bats and other environmental impacts.

We have attached the summary of the two $4000 annual Aboriginal Bursaries that we discussed during our meeting. One bursary will be available exclusively to Six Nations community members; the other is open to all local Aboriginal students.

Additionally, we have attached our response to the Environmental Review Report you provided to us via email on April 1, 2014. Thank you very much for those comments; we appreciate your feedback and review. If you have any question on our responses, please let us know.

We have also attached the minutes from our meeting on March 26, 2014 for your review.”

This email and Environmental Review Report (dated April 9, 2014) can be found in Appendix B 2-3a and B 2-3b, respectively.


Following the March 26, 2014 meeting Prowind continued to contact HDI to book a meeting to discuss Royalty options. A letter to this effect dated September 15, 2014 is attached as Appendix B 2-4.


A letter was sent to Prowind from the HDI on October 6, 2104, and copied to both the Provincial Ministers of the Environment and Energy. The letter stated Prowind had not provided HDI with an opportunity to participate in an Equity position, and took exception to the suggestion of an Equity position through the Six Nations or the Community Co-op. Attached to the letter was an Engagement Agreement completed by the HCCC requesting: an annual contribution, employment opportunities, ability and funding to conduct archaeological monitoring, and a base payment for negotiation of the agreement.

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Six Nations of The Grand River Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council


The letter can be found in Appendix B 2-5. The Engagement Agreement is still under negotiation and will be not be available for public review until the final terms are agreed upon.

Prowind was informed that the annual contribution amount was accepted by HCCC Council and a Negotiation Fee was agreed upon between both parties via email. The wording of the Engagement Agreement is currently being finalized.


Prowind values HCCC/HDI involvement in the Project and will provide early notification of employment and contracting opportunities, archaeology monitoring and ongoing updates on the Project. In addition, opportunities for Aboriginal youth will be provided through the Gunn’s Hill Aboriginal Student Bursary Program. Negotiations for economic benefits are ongoing.

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5.0 Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation

At the onset of the Project, Prowind contacted the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation (MNCFN), as this community was identified as being in close proximity to the Project area, approximately 43 kilometers from the periphery of the Project. The traditional land of the MNCFN encompasses the area of Metropolitan Toronto.


The Consultation and Outreach (CAO) department manages the MNCFN process for consultation. From 2008 to April 2013 Prowind and CAO representatives developed a transparent communications process based on mutual trust. Key activities over these years included: meetings with the CAO, Chief and Councillors, reviewing the REA Application and participating in planning discussions. Correspondence since that time is summarized in the tracking included in Appendix A3.


In March 2013, MNCFN provided recommendations based on their review of the Gunn’s Hill REA application. All issues were satisfactorily resolved and MNCFN was now in a position to discuss Economic Benefits.


MNCFN and Prowind worked on an Economic Benefits Strategy over eight months, with meetings on:

• October 31, 2013 – minutes attached as Appendix B 3-1

• March 26, 2014 – minutes attached as Appendix B 3-2

• April 11, 2014 – no minutes taken

In addition, telephone calls and emails were exchanged resulting in a draft Term Sheet that included:

• An annual payment per megawatt for the life of the Feed In Tariff (FIT) contract of twenty years for the Gunn’s Hill Project (once production has begun).

• Archaeological Monitors will be hired to support the construction crews where land will be disturbed during construction, and if there is a need for MNCFN Monitors to receive field training, the Project will support trainees on site.

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• Employment and contracting opportunities will be provided to the community.

• All Archaeological Studies will be provided to the community.

• Updates on the Project will be provided to the community.

The Term Sheet is attached as Appendix B 3-3. At this time the MNCFN was not interested in an Equity position in the Project.


During a discussion with the MNCFN in April 2014, the option for an Equity position in the Project was again raised. The community was in the process of hiring a new Economic Development Manager and there was renewed interest in an Equity position in profitable renewable projects. The CAO would take this opportunity to the new Manager.


In April 2014 via a telephone call, the CAO clarified that at this time the MNCFN was not in a position to develop an Equity position, however, would discuss further the Royalty offer. This was also confirmed via email on May 6, 2014. Prowind made an email inquiry on December 10, 2014 to follow-up the Term Sheet and inquire about the status of the offer. A reply from the MNCFN on the same day indicated that they are developing a new department and do not have any updates on the status of the Term Sheet at this time.


Prowind values MNCFN involvement in the Project and to date the offer of Royalties is being discussed. In addition, Prowind will provide the community with early notification of employment and contracting opportunities, Gunn’s Hill Aboriginal Student Bursary Program, environmental and archaeological monitoring opportunities during construction and operations and ongoing updates.

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GUNN’S HILL WIND FARM ABORIGINAL CONSULTATION UPDATE Oneida Nation of the Thames First Nation, Munsee-Delaware Nation, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, Moravian of the Thames First Nation, Caldwell First Nation, and Walpole Island First Nation (Bkejwanong Territory)


6.0 Oneida Nation of the Thames First Nation, Munsee-Delaware Nation, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, Moravian of the Thames First Nation, Caldwell First Nation, and Walpole Island First Nation (Bkejwanong Territory)


Oneida Nation of the Thames FN, Munsee-Delaware FN, Chippewas of the Thames FN, Kettle and Stony Point FN, Moravian of the Thames FN, Caldwell FN, and Walpole Island FN have not requested further community engagement at this time.


The Project will continue to provide Project updates to these communities.

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7.0 Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Prowind contacted the Aamjiwnaang First Nation (AFN) at the onset of the Project. This community was identified as being in close proximity to the Project area, approximately 140 kilometers from the periphery of the Project.


Prowind began consultation with the AFN in 2010 and has been ongoing since that time. Prowind has met with been in contact with the Environmental Coordinator since the beginning of the consultation process. Correspondence since that time is summarized in the tracking included in Appendix A4.


After receiving the Gunn’s Hill REA Application, on April 17, 2013, AFN sent Prowind an email with the attached document: “Comments and Concerns Regarding Wind Power Projects”. This document is attached as Appendix B 4-1.


On May 15, 2013 Prowind responded to the AFN document: “Comments and Concerns” with a draft version of Prowind’s response for their review and feedback. This email is attached as Appendix B 4-2.


On July 12, 2014 an email was received from AFN indicated that they had reviewed the draft letter and one comment to make. The key issue to resolve was if trees were removed there would be a tree replacement program, which Prowind agreed to. This email is attached as Appendix B 4-3.


On July 25, 2013 Prowind replied to AFN’s concerns regarding the Project with a final letter. In this letter Prowind confirmed they would replace any trees that have been removed. The final version of this letter addressing the AFN comments and questions is attached as Appendix B 4-4.

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On May 29, 2014 Prowind received a letter from the AFN, which stated that they do not wish to engage in a full consultation process at this time. This letter is dated in the year 2013, but this is a typo as the content of the letter clearly refers to a 2014 date. This letter can be found in Appendix B 4-5.

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8.0 Métis Nation of Ontario

In 1993, the Métis Nation of Ontario (“MNO”) was established through the will of Métis people and Métis communities coming together throughout Ontario to create a Métis-specific governance structure. Correspondence with the MNO since REA submission is summarized in the tracking included in Appendix A5.


Prowind is committed to maintaining ongoing communications with the Métis throughout the life of the Project. Prowind values Métis involvement in the Project and will communicate early employment and contracting opportunities. In addition, opportunities for Aboriginal youth will be provided through both the Prowind Aboriginal Student Bursary Program. The Project will remain interested in any issues and concerns that the MNO might raise as the Project moves forward.

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9.0 Conclusions and Commitments

Prowind is committed to maintaining ongoing communications with the Aboriginal Communities in close proximity to the Project. Prowind commitments include:

• Employment and contracting opportunities will be communicated to the Aboriginal Communities during the early phase of community notification;

• Any archaeological artifacts found on the Project site will be communicated to the Aboriginal Communities;

• Aboriginal Monitors will be retained during the construction period where undisturbed land will be disturbed;

• Opportunities for Aboriginal youth will be provided through the Gunn’s Hill Aboriginal Student Bursary Program;

• Provide documentation to those Aboriginal Communities wishing to be copied on Environmental Reports;

• Continue to engage with the Aboriginal Communities regarding any issues and/or concerns that might arise as the Project moves forward; and

• Partnering with those communities interested in Equity Partnerships or Economic Benefits.

Prowind is proud of their diverse relationships with their Aboriginal neighbours.

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Appendix A1

Six Nations of the Grand River

Updated Tracking Sheet

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

60 April 5, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Reminder of Final Open houses in April 2013.

61 April 12, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas

Confirm received draft REA Reports, Executive Summary, additional Archaeology Reports sent March 4, 2013 and Invitation to Open Houses and looking forward to next meeting.

62 April 23, 2013 Meeting

Bomberry, C. Smith, P. General, A. Lickers, R. Rumney, R. Allan

Review of Draft REA Reports

63 April 26, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Thank you for providing feedback on Draft REA Reports

64 April 29, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Minutes from Draft REA Review Meeting


65 April, 29, 2013 Telephone R. Allan J. Thomas Discuss next steps.

66 April 30, 2013. Telephone J. Thomas R. Allan Finalize next steps.

67 May 7, 2103 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Agenda for May 9th meeting.

68 May 7, 2103 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Confirm our meeting for May 9th.

69 May 9, 2013 Meeting CAP Team Prowind Develop strategy for Term sheets and Council approval. App B 1-3

70 July 9, 2103 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Conference call re: Bursary.

71 July 9, 2103 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Bursary discussion.

72 July 10, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Conference call re: Bursary.

73 July 10, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Confirm call.

74 July 12, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Cancel July 17 meeting.

75 July 12, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Dates for meeting.

76 July 17, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Student Bursary updates. App B 1-9

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

77 July 17, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas CAP meeting agenda.

78 July 18, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Book a meeting for accommodation agreement.

79 July 23, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Tentative meeting dates.

80 July 23, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Vacation schedules.

81 July 24, 2103 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Tentative meeting dates.

82 August 2, 2103 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Meeting confirmed August 13th.

83 August 1, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Confirmed meeting agenda.

84 August 9, 2103 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Draft Wind Farm Benefits Agreement for meeting.

85 August 13, 2013 Meeting Six Nations and Prowind Prowind Discuss Economic Benefits Appendix and Bursary. App B 1-4

86 August 14, 2013 Email J. Thomas Prowind Plan for Sept. CAP: Meeting.

87 August 14, 2013 Telephone R. Allan J. Thomas Review next Steps.

88 August 15, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Confirmation of next CAP meeting.

89 August 16, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Confirm September 5th meeting.

90 August 16, 2013 Letter Prowind L. Bomberry Accept SN counter offer. Appendix x attached. App B 1-5

91 August 19, 2013 Email R. Rumney L. Bomberry Review of meeting minutes.

92 August 23, 2103 Email R. Rumney P. Monture College requirements for wind technicians.

93 August 28, 2013 Email L. Bomberry R. Rumney Approval of agenda for September 5th.

94 August 28, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Follow-up on offer, need to sign off on benefit offer.

95 August 28, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Absent if you require immediate attention please contact Lonny.

96 August 28, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Thank you I will contact Lonny.

97 August 28, 2013 Email R. Rumney L. Bomberry Follow-up on offer, need to sign off on benefit offer.

98 September 3, 2013 Email L. Bomberry J. Anderson Term sheet must go to the community.

99 September 3, 2013 Email J. Anderson L. Bomberry Confidentiality Agreement.

100 September 5, 2013 Meeting CAP Team Prowind Plan Prowind and SN strategy. App B 1-6

101 September 5, 2013 Email R. Rumney L. Bomberry Today’s Agenda.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

102 September 18, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Final meeting minutes and term sheet.

103 September 19, 2013 Email J. Anderson Six Nations Financial Model Update.

104 September 27, 2013 Email J. Anderson Six Nations Financial Model Update.

105 October 23, 2013 Email R. Rumney M. Jamieson Financial summary on Project.

106 October 23, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Thank you.

107 October 23, 2013 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Project revised Financial summary and SN Royalty Agreement.

108 November 1, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Confirmation of Prowind Meeting.

109 November 1, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Confirm agenda for meeting.

110 November 1, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Confirm agenda.

111 November 6, 2013 Meeting Prowind CAP Team Discussed consultation, Project Update, royalties and equity position. App B 1-7

112 November 18, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Meeting minutes review.

113 November 18, 2013 Telephone R. Allan J. Thomas Sign off on minutes.

114 November 19, 2013 Email R. Rumney Six Nations Term sheet, Performa RE Power, Nov .6th meeting


115 November 26, 2013 Meeting R. Allan M. Jamieson Equity position in Project.

116 Nov 27, 2013 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Revised Term Sheet.

117 November 27, 2013 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Update on news of Draft Statement of Claim against


118 November 27, 2013 Email J. Anderson J. Thomas Local opposition claim has not been filed.

119 November 28, 2013 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Feedback Revised Term Sheet.

120 November 29, 2013 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Revised Term Sheet looks good.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

121 November 29, 2013 Email R. Rumney M. Jamieson Revised Term Sheet with minor changes and appendices.

122 November 29, 2013 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Revised Term Sheet.

123 December 2, 2013 Email J. Anderson Six Nations Revised Term Sheet.

124 December 2, 2013 Email J. Anderson Six Nations Revised Term Sheet.

125 December 3, 2013 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Revised Term Sheet.

126 December 3, 2013. Email R. Rumney M. Jamieson Signed Term Sheet.

127 December 3, 2013 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Revised Term Sheet.

128 December 3, 2013 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Revised Term Sheet.

129 December 3, 2013 Council Meeting Six Nations Prowind Signing of SN and Prowind Term sheet. App B 1-1

130 December 6, 2013 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Revised Term Sheet.

131 December 6, 2013 Email N. Kohoko J. Anderson General Council Meeting Dec 10, 2013.

132 December 10, 2013 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Revised Term Sheet.

133 December 10, 2013 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Revised Term Sheet.

134 December 10, 2013 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Revised Term Sheet.

135 December 10, 2013 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Revised Term Sheet.

136 December 10, 2013 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Revised Term Sheet.

137 December 10, 2013 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Revised Term Sheet.

138 December 10, 2013 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Revised Term Sheet.

139 December 10, 2013 Council Meeting Moved/passed Gunn’s Hill Term Sheet. App B 1-2a

140 December 18, 2013 Email N. Kohoko Prowind Logo for communications brochure.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

141 December 18, 2013 Email J. Thomas Prowind Re: Logo.

142 December 18, 2013 Email J. Anderson J. Thomas Logo.

143 December 18, 2013 Email N. Kohoko Prowind Logo.

144 January 13, 2014 Email N. Kohoko Prowind Executed Term Sheet.

145 January 14, 2014 Email R. Rumney N. Kohoko Executed Term Sheet.

146 January 19, 2014 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Checking in Re: Shmoozefest Mohawk College.

147 January 19, 2014 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Will attend and discuss update on Prowind.

148 January 19, 2014 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Confirm attendance

149 January 20, 2014 Email J. Anderson J. Thomas Term Sheet.

150 January 20, 2014 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Community consultation questions.

151 January 20, 2104 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Call tomorrow.

152 January 20, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Community meetings.

153 January 20, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Confirm call time.

154 January 20, 2104 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Call tomorrow.

155 January 21, 2014 Email J. Thomas J. Anderson Meet prior to Community Meeting to answer any questions.

156 January 21, 2014 Telephone J. Anderson M. Jamieson Telephone re: Performa and LP Agreement.

157 January 22, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Performa and LP Agreement.

158 January 22, 2014 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Co-op membership questions.

159 January 23, 2014 Community Meeting

Six Nations Reserve Community Information Session. App B 1-8 a to d

160 January 24, 2014 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Next payment installment.

161 January 24, 2014 Email J. Thomas R. Rumney Next payment installment.

162 January 30, 2014 Meeting R. Allan L. Bomberry J. Thomas Six Nations is pleased with equity position.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

163 February 1, 2014 Community Meeting

Six Nations Reserve Community Information Session. App B 1-8 a to d

164 February 3, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind Six Nations Notice of Proposed Project Change: Removal of Overhead Cable.

165 February 11, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Performa and LP Agreement.

166 February 12, 2014 Community Meeting

Six Nations Reserve Final Community Information Session. A B 1-8 a to e

167 February 13, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind Six Nations Notice of the Posting to Environmental Registry.

168 February 25, 2014 Email R. Rumney J. Thomas Questions for Council.

169 February 25, 2014 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Council Meeting.

170 February 26, 2014 Email R. Allan J. Thomas Council Resolution. App B 1-2b

171 March 3, 2014 Email J. Thomas R. Allan Council Resolution passed.

172 March 4, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Performa and LP Agreement.

173 March 4, 2014 Email N. Kohoko Prowind SNEC Resolution.

174 March 4, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson SNEC Resolution.

175 March 4, 2014 Email J. Anderson N. Kohoko SNEC Resolution.

176 March 4, 2014 Email J. Thomas R. Allan SNEC Resolution.

177 March 4, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson SNEC Resolution.

178 March 4, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson SNEC Resolution.

179 March 5, 2014 Telephone M. Jamieson J. Anderson Performa and LP Agreement.

180 March 6, 2014 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Council second review dates.

181 March 7, 2014 Email N. Kohoko Prowind March 11 date for Council approval.

182 March 7, 2014 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Time of meeting.

183 March 11, 2014 Council Meeting M. Jamieson Prowind Project passed 2nd reading waived. App B 1-2c

184 March 11, 2014 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Passed Council with 7 of 10 Councilors in support.

185 March 12, 2014 Email N. Kohoko Prowind Council Resolution hard copy.

186 March 14, 2014 Email J. Anderson N. Kohoko Sign off on press release.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

187 March 17, 2014 Email J. Anderson J. Thomas Overview of meeting with Co-op and Six Nations.

188 March 20, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson OCEC offering statement final attached.

189 March 27, 2014 Email R. Rumney M. Jamieson Table of contents from web site.

190 April 2, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Meeting tomorrow.

191 April 3, 2014 Meeting Six Nations Prowind Discussion of Aboriginal Adder under FIT. App B 1-10

192 April 4, 2014 Email J. Anderson L. Bomberry Materials for Aboriginal Adder under FIT.

193 April 7, 2014 Email M. Jamison Prowind Equity offer.

194 April 7, 2014 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Re: Meeting minutes.

195 April 7, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Re: Meeting minutes.

196 April 8, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Re: Project Schedule.

197 April 9, 2014 Email M. Jamieson Prowind Project Schedule.

198 April 10, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind Six Nations Notice of Proposed Change: Turbine Supply and Nameplate.

199 April 10, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Introduction Paul Robinson S.N. due diligence on Project.

200 April 11, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Information background.

201 April 11, 2014 Telephone J. Anderson P. Robinson Book meeting.

202 April 14, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Book meeting.

203 April 14, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Book meeting.

204 April 14, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Book meeting.

205 April 15, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Book meeting.

206 April 15, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Unable to assist on LPA as no lawyer’s comments.

207 April 15, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Need comments to proceed.

208 April 16, 2014 Meeting J. Anderson P. Robinson Due Diligence on Project.

209 April 17, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson SN CFA.

210 April 17, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Meeting follow-up.

211 April 17, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson SN CFA.

212 April 17, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson SN CFA.

213 April 22, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Follow-up on due diligence.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

214 April 25, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Response to key DD items.

215 April 25, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Follow-up.

216 April 25, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Follow-up.

217 April 25, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Clarification.

218 April 25, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Clarification.

219 April 30, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Summary of discussion.

220 May 6, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Due diligence discussion.

221 May 6, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Due diligence discussion.

222 May 8, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Due diligence discussion.

223 May 13, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Meeting logistics.

224 May 13, 2104 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Draft Statement of Claim.

225 May 13, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Gunn’s Hill Proforma.

226 May 13, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Gunn’s Hill Proforma.

227 May 13, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson MPAC article.

228 May 15, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Clarification of management fees.

229 May 16, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Due diligence discussion.

230 May 16, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Clarification of management fees.

231 May 16, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Clarification of management fees.

232 May 16, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Clarification of management fees.

233 May 16, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Six Nations will receive their proportional share.

234 May 20, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Proforma analyses on excel.

235 May 20, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Clarification of adder.

236 May 20, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Lets talk.

237 May 20, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson 10% Equity approved by Council.

238 May 21, 2104 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Council confirmation on Equity pursuit.

239 May 21, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Meeting logistics.

240 May 21, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Logistics for meeting.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

241 May 27, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Lets talk?

242 June 3, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Request for additional information.

243 June 3, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Draft Support Agreement, Economic Agreement is under review.

244 June 3, 2014 Telephone P. Robinson J. Anderson Support Agreement.

245 June 3, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Request for construction costs.

246 June 5, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Construction costs.

247 June 5, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Additional information.

248 June 10, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson, P. Robinson Need additional information to go to Council.

249 June 10, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Additional information.

250 June 10, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Update model and capacity funding needed for Council.

251 June 10, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Extended June 15 contribution deadline for co-op.

252 June 13, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Drafted financial statements with SN equity position.

253 June 13, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Received statements.

254 June 13, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Agreement to extend contribution deadline to June 29.

255 June 17, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Zip file confirmation.

256 June 18, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Zip clarification.

257 June 18, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Zip files work.

258 June 18, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson DD materials need to be resent.

259 June 24, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson 2013 Financial statements.

260 June 27, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Extension of time line.

261 June 27, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Council meeting dates.

262 July 2, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Outstanding matters.

263 July 7, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Finalize outstanding matters.

264 July 7, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Will check tomorrow.

265 July 7, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Support Agreement, with edits.

266 July 8, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Conference call with Matt.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

267 July 8, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Works for me.

268 July 8, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Introduction to Co-op.

269 July 11, 2014 Email P. Robinson H. Schneider Contact information.

270 July 11, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Tuesday July 15 conference call.

271 July 14, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Capacity Funding.

272 July 14, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Plan to talk tomorrow.

273 July 14, 2014 Email P. Robinson M. Jamieson Confirm call.

274 July 14, 2104 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Call confirmed.

275 July 15, 2014 Telephone J. Anderson SN Representatives DD and agreements.

276 July 15, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson FIT documents.

277 July 15, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Agenda for call.

278 July 15, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Statements.

279 July 16, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Support agreement amendments and draft revenue letter.

280 July 17, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind Six Nations Notice of Posting to Env. Registry & Overview of Proposed Changes.

281 July 22, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Breakdown of constructions.

282 July 22, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Lets talk to day.

283 July 22, 2014 Telephone J. Anderson P. Robinson Construction costs.

284 July 30, 2014 Email J. Anderson Six Nations Draft Transfer Agreement.

285 July 30, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Invoice for deposit of net capacity funding.

286 July 30, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Will do.

287 July 30, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Draft Transfer Agreement.

288 July 30, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Out of office to August 5.

289 July 31, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Deposit.

290 July 31, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Name of entity.

291 August 1, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Invoice and escrow account.

292 August 1, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Invoice and escrow account.

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

293 August 1, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Invoice and escrow account.

294 August 1, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Invoice and escrow account.

295 August 7, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Trust account options.

296 August 7, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Trust account options.

297 August 13, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Separate accounts?

298 August 14, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Invoice ready waiting for account number from bank.

299 August 19, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Draft Transfer Agreement and invoice.

300 August 19, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Draft Transfer Agreement and invoice.

301 August 19, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Plans for tomorrow.

302 August 20, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Invoice final draft.

303 August 22, 2104 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Deposit payment.

304 August 22, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Logistics planning.

305 August 27, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Meeting tomorrow.

306 August 28, 2014 Emails M. Jamieson J. Anderson Meeting Friday 29th.

307 August 28, 2014 Emails M. Jamieson J. Anderson Meeting location.

308 August 29, 2014 Meeting J. Anderson M. Jamieson Next steps.

309 September 5, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Update.

310 September 8, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Agree let’s talk.

311 September 8, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Agree: tomorrow.

312 September 9, 2014 Telephone P. Robinson J. Anderson Update.

313 September 9, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Update notes.

314 September 9, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Update attached LP and Support Agreements.

315 September 12, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Indicative Term Sheets.

316 September 12, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Indicative Term Sheets.

317 September 24, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Equity guarantee Economic Participation Agreement


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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

318 October 7, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Economic Participation Agreement.

319 October 7, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Will review.

320 October 7, 2104 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Guarantee Economic Participation Agreement Update.

321 October 17, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Indemnity issue remains outstanding and requires resolution.

322 October 20, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Proposed a call to discuss previous email.

323 October 20, 2014 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Confirmed that a call is a good idea. Meeting logistics.

324 October 21, 2014 Call M. Jamieson, P. Robinson

J. Anderson, J. Busmann

Discussion of preferences and counter proposals of indemnity structure. Prowind to provide updated language for consideration. Six Nations to respond to all other legal documents after receiving this language.

325 October 21, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Confirmation request that Economic Participation Agreement was sent

326 October 21, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Re-send of Oct 7, 2014 email with Economic Participation Agreement

327 October 21, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Requested confirmation that re-sent email was received

328 October 21, 2014 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Confirmed that the re-sent email was received. Indicated that review off all documents will progress upon receipt of indemnity language.

329 October 23, 2014 Call P. Robinson J. Anderson Comments on Economic Participation Agreement and Support Agreement provided.

330 October 28, 2014 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson, P. Robinson

Updated Economic Participation Agreement with proposed indemnity language and changes based on Oct 23, 2014 comments.

331 Week of Nov 3, 2014 Call P. Robinson J. Anderson Indicated that indemnity structure is acceptable,

requested separate Indemnity agreement.

332 November 13, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson

Draft Indemnity Agreement was attached. Request made for update on anticipated Six Nations legal review timing. Indication that legal due diligence for the lender is commencing soon and a response is required ASAP.

333 November 19, 2014 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Requested confirmation of receipt of Nov 13, 2014 email.

334 November 20, Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Receipt confirmed. Indication that comments on legal

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

2014 documents have been forwarded to Matt Jamieson for review. Legal review timing unknown.

335 November 24, 2014 Call J. Anderson M. Jamieson, P.

Robinson Voice messages left with each individual requesting update on legal review.

336 November 29, 2014 Call P. Robinson J. Anderson Indication that six nations legal review will commence.

Name of lawyer provided, assurance that he is fast.

337 January 5, 2015 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Requested update on status of legal review

338 January 5, 2015 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Provided comments on all agreements from Six Nations’ lawyer

339 January 12, 2015 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Provided Prowind response to Jan. 5 comments

340 January 13, 2015 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Clarification on Six Nations proposal with respect to the Economic Participation Agreement

341 January 13, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson Clarification on Economic Participation Agreement

342 January 13, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson Have call to discuss?

343 January 15, 2015 Call P. Robinson S. Shaw Discussion on assignment provisions of LP agreement

344 January 26, 2015 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson, S. Shaw Clarified that Six Nations assumes it will be an investor

345 January 26, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson LP Agreement questions

346 January 26, 2015 Email P. Robinson S. Shaw To schedule a call

347 January 26, 2015 Call S. Shaw P. Robinson Economic participation agreement

348 January 29, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson Economic participation agreement

349 January 29, 2015 Email P. Robinson S. Shaw Economic participation agreement and LP agreement amendments

350 January 29, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson Economic participation agreement

351 January 29, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson LP agreement amendments

352 January 29, 2015 Email P. Robinson S. Shaw Clarification on advisor roles

353 January 30, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson Apology for delay

354 February 11, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson Apology for delay

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Appendix A1: Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation

Row Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

355 February 11, 2015 Email P. Robinson S. Shaw Thanks for update

356 February 17, 2015 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson Request for specific legal language for an agreement

357 February 17, 2015 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Provided updated financial model and financing documentation

358 February 23, 2015 Email J. Anderson P. Robinson Provided clarification FIT contract provisions

359 February 23, 2015 Email P. Robinson J. Anderson Thanked for clarification. Indicated other items are being reviewed.

360 March 9, 2015 Email S. Shaw P. Robinson Transmittal of revised documents

361 March 9, 2015 Call S. Shaw P. Robinson Status of document review

362 March 9, 2015 Email S. Shaw R. Francis Transmittal of documents

363 March 11, 2015 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson, P. Robinson

Provided clarification that agreements are required prior to NTP request

364 March 11, 2015 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Request for timetable for execution of agreements

365 March 11, 2015 Email J. Anderson M. Jamieson, P. Robinson Indicated that end of next week is required for execution

366 March 11, 2015 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Indication that due to need for a council meeting, next week can’t be done

367 March 11, 2015 Email M. Jamieson J. Anderson Execution date can be March 25th with hard push

368 March 11, 2015 Call M. Jamieson J. Anderson Asked for clarification on provision in LP agreement

369 March 11, 2015 Email R. Francis S. Shaw Transmittal of revision

370 March 11, 2015 Email R. Francis S. Shaw HDI

371 March 11, 2015 Email S. Shaw R. Francis HDI

372 March 12, 2015 Email S. Shaw M. Jamieson, R. Francis LP share purchase form

373 March 12, 2015 Email R. Francis S. Shaw LP share purchase form

374 March 12, 2015 Email s. Shaw M. Jamieson Transmittal of LP resolution

375 March 12, 2015 Email M Jamieson S. Shaw Acknowledgement

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Appendix A2

Six Nations Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council and Haudenosaunee Development Institute

Updated Tracking Sheet

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Appendix A2: Six Nations of the Grand River (Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chief Council)

  Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication



 Contents of Correspondence

 Project Response

32 Feb. 19, 2013 Mail Prowind H. Hill Notice of Final Public Meetings ROC 33 Feb. 28, 2013 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Additional Archaeology's studies will be sent to HDI. ROC


 Feb. 28, 2013


 H. Hill

 R. Rumney

Will pass on to HDI consultants, lets discuss meeting in a few weeks.



 March 4, 2013



 Chief MacNaughton

Additional Archaeology Reports, please comment by April 23, 2013.


36 March 19, 2013 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Can we book Draft REA Review meeting?  37 April 5, 2013 Email R. Allan H. Hill Can we book Draft REA Review meeting?  38 April 5, 2013 Email R. Allan H. Hill Reminder of Gunn's Hill Open House in April 2103.  




 April 12, 2013




 R. Rumney


 H. Hill

Confirm receipt of draft REA Reports (2 CD's and 1 hard copy) Additional Archaeology Reports, and Invitation to Open Houses in April. If you would like to meet please let us know.


40 April 12, 2013 Telephone H. Hill R. Rumney Clarify meeting requests.  41 April 12, 2013 Mail R. Rumney H. Hill Summary of telephone call.  


42 April 15, 2013 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Bursary, Province Project Review Response.

43 May 28, 2013 Email H. Hill R. Rumney HDI will send REA feedback.

44 July 9, 2013 Email R. Rumney H. Hill REA Review update, awaiting feedback.

45 August 8, 2013 Email R. Rumney H. Hill REA Review Update, awaiting feedback.

46 February 3, 2014 Letter (Email and mail) Prowind HDI Notice of Proposed Project Change: Removal of

Overhead Cable.

47 February 13, 2014 Letter (Email and mail)

Prowind HDI Notice of Posting and Environmental Registry.

48 February 19, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Set up a meeting re: Treaty Infringement. 49 February 20, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Pleased to meet to discuss next steps. 50 February 21, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Dates for meeting.

51 February 28, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Dates for meeting.

52 March 3, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Dates for meeting.

53 March 4, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill March 26 meeting date?

54 March 26, 2014 Meeting Prowind HCCC/HDI Comments of REA Review, Aboriginal Bursary, and infringement

App B 2-1

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Appendix A2: Six Nations of the Grand River (Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chief Council)

  Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication



 Contents of Correspondence

 Project Response

55 April 1, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney REA review comments. App B 2-2 a and b

56 April 9, 2014 Email R. Allan H. Hill Thank you and will respond to your comments.

57 April 15, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Provided March 26 Meeting minutes, REA review response and Bursary Document

App B 2-3 a and b

58 April 10, 2104 Letter (Email and mail) Prowind HDI Notice of Proposed Change: Turbine Supply &

Nameplate Capacity.

59 July 17. 2014 Letter (Email and mail) Prowind HDI Notice of Posting to the Env. Registry & Overview of

Proposed Changes.

60 August 25, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Book a meeting.

61 September 15, 2014 Letter R. Rumney H. Hill Book a meeting. App B 2-4

62 October 6, 2014 Letter H. Hill Prowind Letter cc. Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy App C 2-5

63 October 6, 2104 Email H. Hill Prowind Letter and Engagement Agreement. App C 2-5

64 October 24, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Revised Engagement Agreement

65 October 27, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney

HDI are prepared to accept annual payment offer, but would like to further negotiate the Negotiation Fee and provided counter offer. If Prowind agrees to these terms, HDI is willing to take these terms to Council on Nov 1.

66 October 28, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Thank you for your email. Prowind will discuss and get back.

67 October 31, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Happy to hear that the annual payment is satisfactory, provided counter offer for negotiation fee.

68 November 10, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney

HDI has accepted the annual payment at Nov 1 council meeting, but uncertain about negotiation costs, required clarification on timing of payment.

69 November 14, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Provided clarity on timing of payment

70 Dec 10, 2014 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Check on status of recent conversation regarding negotiation fee.

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Appendix A2: Six Nations of the Grand River (Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chief Council)

  Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication



 Contents of Correspondence

 Project Response

71 Dec 29, 2014 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Proposed alternative negotiation fee for Prowind’s consideration. Will work on draft Engagement Agreement and get it back for Prowind’s review and signature.

72 Jan 5, 2015 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Prowind agrees to recently proposed negotiation fee. Wanted to ensure timing of payment was acceptable. Prowind is happy to sign revised agreement with these terms.

73 Jan 6, 2015 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Fine with timing of payment.

74 Jan 19, 2015 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Attached latest draft of Engagement Agreement with revised terms as discussed previously. Advise of on-going work, archaeology, to prepare necessary monitoring.

75 Jan 20, 2015 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Thank you for the revised agreement, we will get back to you as soon as we can with any revisions.

76 Mar 3, 2015 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Please provide response or edits to engagement agreement in order to get it endorsed. Recent Notice of Change was sent to environmental supervisor for comment.

77 Mar 5, 2015 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Thanks for the email. Prowind is working on edits and will get the document back to HDI shortly.

78 Mar 5, 2015 Email H. Hill R. Rumney Thank you

79 Mar 13, 2015 Email R. Rumney H. Hill Sent engagement agreement back with a few edits, to “Engagement and Cooperation”, “Monitoring”, project capacity, office address. Let us know if there are any questions.

80 Mar 20, 2015 Phone R. Rumney H. Hill

Called to ensure agreement had been received and check on process timing. Ms. Hill indicated that review would happen early next week and hopes to have it signed quickly afterwards as long as wording is accepted by legal.

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Appendix A3

Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation

Updated Tracking Sheet

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Appendix A3: Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation

  Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication



 Contents of Correspondence



43 Feb 28, 2013 Email   Prowind C. King Additional Archaeology Reports

44 March 1, 2013 Meeting     Prowind C. King, F. Sault Tour of Project Site, review of Draft REA.

45 March 4, 2013 Email   Prowind Chief B. Laforme Additional Archaeology Reports

46 March 5, 2013 Email   R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Meeting minutes for review.

47 March 21, 2013 Email   R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Term sheet for Project.

48 April 5, 2013 Email   R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Looking forward to hearing results from meeting on term sheets.

49 April 12, 2013 Email   R. Rumney C. King, F. Sault Invitation to public meeting.

50 April 23, 2013 Public  Meeting     Prowind C. King, F. Sault Update on Project, review storyboards discuss term sheet.

51 April 27, 2013 Email   R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Thank you for attending public meeting.


52 May 6, 2013 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Do we need to book next meeting?

53 June 18, 2013 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Do we need to book next meeting?

54 August 13, 2013 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Book next meeting?

55 October 1, 2013 Email R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Lets book a meeting?

56 October 31, 2013 Meeting Prowind MNCFN Term sheet discussed. App B 3-1

57 December 18, 2013

Email Mail

C. King R. Allan Initiation to Consultation and Outreach Christmas Open House

58 January 20, 2014 Meeting R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Mohawk College Aboriginal Shmoozefest.

59 February 3, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind MNCFN Notice of Proposed Project Change: Removal of Overhead Cable.

60 February 13, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind MNCFN Notice of Posting & Environment Registry.

61 March 18, 2014 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Book next meeting.

62 March 20, 2014 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault, M. Sault Update on Project interest.

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Appendix A3: Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation

  Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication



 Contents of Correspondence



63 March 26, 2014 Meeting Prowind C. King, F. Sault Develop agenda for next meeting on Term Sheet. App B 3-2

64 March 27, 2014 Email R. Rumney C. King, F. Sault Confidentiality Agreement.

65 April 4, 2104 Email R. Rumney MNCFN Minutes of March 26 Meeting, signed Confidentiality Agreement.

66 April 10, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind MNCFN Notice of Proposed Change: Turbine Supply & Nameplate Capacity.

67 April 11, 2014 Meeting Prowind MNCFN Discuss Term Sheet for Project.

68 April 15, 2104 Email MNCFN Prowind Feedback on Term Sheet.

69 April 15, 2014 Email Prowind MNCFN Amended Term Sheet, Proforma, and LP Agreement. App B 3-3

70 April 24, 2014 Email R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Feedback on Term Sheet?

71 May 5, 2014 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Confirm interest in Equity position.

72 May 5, 2104 Email R. Rumney MNCFN Support Equity position with capacity funding, if required.

73 May 6, 2014 Email F. Sault R. Rumney MNCFN unable to pursuit an Equity position.

74 July 1, 2014 Employment Fair R. Allan MNCFN Update at MNCFN Career Fair.

75 July 17, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind MNCFN Notice of Posting to Env. Registry & Overview of Proposed Changes.

76 August 12, 2014 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Update of community interest to participate in Project.

77 September 4, 2014 Telephone R. Allan C. King, F. Sault Update of community interest to participate in Project.

78 December 10, 2014 Email R. Rumney F. Sault Status of term sheet for Gunn’s Hill project.

79 December 11, 2014 Email F. Sault R. Rumney No update on term sheet, new department is being formed

as Carolyn King is leaving.

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Appendix A4

Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Updated Tracking Sheet

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Appendix A4: Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Date of Correspondence

Method of Communication

From To Contents of Correspondence Project Response

31 April 12, 2013 Email R. Rumney S. Johnston

Confirm receipt of Draft REA Reports, Executive Summary, Additional Archaeology Reports, Invitation to Open Houses and Prowind Aboriginal Youth Bursary Program.

32 April 19,2013 Email W. Plain Jr. R. Rumney Committee and we will let you know if we wish a meeting, Bursary information has been sent to our Education department.



April 17, 2013


S. Johnston

R. Rumney

Comment and Concerns Statement based on April 15, 2013 email from Prowind.

App B 4-1

34 May 15, 2013 Email Prowind S. Johnston W. Plain Draft comments on Comments and Concerns letter. App B 4-2

35 July 9, 2103 Email R. Rumney S. Johnston Draft letter response.

36 July 12, 2013 Email W. Plain Jr. R. Rumney Reviewed draft, concern is replacement of trees. App B 4-3

37 July 25, 2013 Letter R. Rumney S. Johnston W. Plain Final version of letter with replacement of trees. App B 4-4

38 February 3, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind AFN Notice of Proposed Change: Removal of Overhead Cable.

39 February 13, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind AFN Notice of Posting & Environmental Registry.

40 April 10, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind AFN Notice of Proposed Change: Turbine Supply & Nameplate Capacity.

41 May 29, 2014 Letter AFN Prowind AFN will not engage in full consultation. App B 4-5

42 July 17, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind AFN Notice of Posting to Env. Registry & Overview of Proposed Changes.

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Appendix A5

Métis Nation of Ontario

Updated Tracking Sheet

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 Appendix A5: Métis Nation Of Ontario   Date of

Correspondence Method of




 Contents of Correspondence

 Project Response

34 Feb. 19, 2013 Mail Prowind J. Young Notice of Final Public Meetings. ROC 35 Feb. 19, 2013 Mail Prowind C. Bunn Notice of Final Public Meetings. ROC 36 Feb. 28, 2013 Email Prowind J. Wager Additional Archaeology Reports. ROC 37 Jan. 13, 2013 Mail Prowind J. Wager Correction to Notice of Draft Site Plan. ROC


Mar. 4, 2013



J. Young and C. Bunn

Additional Archaeology Reports to follow up Draft REA Reports; reiterate comments required by Apr 23, 2013, location for download, offer to meet.



Mar. 5, 2013


R. Allan

J. Wager

Confirm receipt of past correspondence, available to meet when MNO is ready.

40 April 5, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Wager Reminder of Open House April 23 and 24. ROC


April 12, 2013



J. Wager

Confirm receipt of Draft REA Reports, Executive Summary, Additional Archaeology Reports, Invitation to Open Houses and Prowind Aboriginal Youth Bursary Program.


42 April 5, 2013 Email R. Allan J. Wager Invitation to Open Houses.  

43 December 13, 2013 Telephone R. Allan J. Wager Project Update.  

44 January 7, 2104 Meeting R. Allan J. Wager Project Update.  

45 February 3, 2104 Letter (Email) Prowind MNO Notice of Proposed Change: Removal of Overhead Cable.


46 February 13, 2014 Letter (email) Prowind MNO Notice of Posting to Environmental Registry.  

47 April 10, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind MNO Notice of Proposed Change: Turbine Supply & Nameplate Capacity.


48 July 17, 2014 Letter (Email) Prowind MNO Notice of Posting to Env. Registry & Overview of Proposed Changes.



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Appendix B

Supporting Documentation Table of Contents

1. Six Nations

1. Prowind Canada Inc. and Six Nations of the Grand River Term Sheet for the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm (Original August 2013, final Signed December 3, 2014) 2

2. Six Nations Council Motion Memorandum: a. December 10, 2013 4 b. February 26, 2014 5 c. March 11, 2014 6

3. Six Nations CAP Team and Prowind Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2013 8

4. Six Nations CAP Team and Prowind Meeting Minutes August 13, 2013 10

5. Prowind letter To L. Bomberry Re: Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Economic Benefits Agreement Offer August 16, 2013 12

6. Six Nations CAP Team and Prowind Meeting Minutes

September 5, 2013 14

7. Six Nations CAP Team and Prowind Meeting Minutes November 6, 2013 15

8. Six Nations Future: Story boards for Six Nations Community Engagement Dates: January 23, February 1, and February 12, 2014.

a. Presentation Boards from meetings 17 b. Press Release 26 c. Gunn’s Hill project handout for meetings 27 d. Community meeting advertisement poster 29 e. Final meeting (Feb12) powerpoint slides 30

9. Prowind Canada: Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Aboriginal Student Bursary

Draft Final: Approved by Six Nations 43

10. Six Nations CAP Team and Prowind Meeting Minutes April 3, 2014 46

2. Haudenosaunee Development Institute

1. Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council, HDI and Prowind Meeting Minutes: March 26, 2014 49

2. Haudenosaunee Development Institute to Prowind a. Letter: Project Review Summary: March 27, 2014 51 b. Document: Project Review Report 52

3. Prowind REA Response to Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council & HDI

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a. Email: April 15, 2014 56 b. Environmental Report response document: April 15, 2014 58

4. Letter from Prowind to Haudenosaunee Development Institute

Re: Book Meeting: September 15, 2014 64

5. Haudenosaunee Development Institute to Prowind Letter: October 6, 2014 65

3. Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation

1. Prowind and Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation

Meeting Minutes: October 31, 2013 68

2. Prowind and Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation Meeting Minutes: March 26, 2014 70

3. Prowind and Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation

Term Sheet: April 15, 2014 72

4. Aamjiwnaang First Nation

1. Aamjiwnaang First Nation Re: Comments and Concerns for REA

Email: April 17, 2013 74

2. Prowind to Aamjiwnaang First Nation Re: Comments and Concerns Email: May 15, 2013 77

3. Aamjiwnaang First Nation Re: Draft Prowind Letter

Email: July 12, 2013 78

4. Prowind response to Aamjiwnaang First Nation Re: REA Letter Final Version: July 25, 2013 79

5. Aamjiwnaang First Nation Re: No Further Consultation. Letter: May 29, 2014 (Please note: this letter is dated 2013, but this is a typo as can be clearly seen by date references within the letter of 2014) 82

5. Project Notices

1. Notice of Project Change (Removal of Overhead Cable) 84

2. Notice of Posting on Environmental Registry 85

3. Notice of Proposed Change (Turbine Supply and Nameplate Capacity) 86

4. Notice of Posting on Environmental Registry and Overview of Proposed Changes 87

5. Notice of Proposed Change (Access Road Option) 88

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Appendix B1

Six Nations of the Grand River

Supporting Documentation


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Six  Nations  CAP  and  Accommodation  Team  and  Prowind  Meeting  Minutes  May  9,  2013  

 Attendees: Six Nations: Lonny Bomberry Prowind: Juan Anderson Dawn LaForme Rochelle Rumney Joanne Thomas Randi Allan Caron Smith Amy Lickers 1. Prowind Update:

• Prowind provided the history of Prowind Canada, (owned by a German Company), small (two employees in Canada) and believes in renewable energy with wind projects in several countries.

• Prowind is planning to submit their REA Application within the next two weeks and has provided the Six Nations (as requested) with a copy of the Draft Aboriginal Consultation Report. The REA has been held up as Prowind waits for a letter from the MTCS.

• Prowind held their final Open Houses in April and hopes to have all comments returned to the interested parties in the next week. In addition, Prowind has had feedback from the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation and the Aamjiwnaang First Nation. Prowind provided the Six Nations with comments received from the Aamjiwnaang First Nation, which is a form for all wind projects. The HDI have received the Draft REA Reports and to date have not provided a meeting date with Prowind.

• Prowind appreciated the feedback from Dr. Hostovsky and is in the process of finishing the recommended changes and once completed will send to Six Nations for review.

• Prowind described how the Project is planned to be a 25 MW Project however, may have to be downsized to 18 MW.

• Jeff Segal will be replaced by Juan Anderson as President of Prowind Canada as of the end of May 2013.

2. Six Nations Update:

• Six Nations Accommodation Process consists of developing an agreement with

the Proponent and then taking the recommended agreement to the community. For Prowind (due to its small size) would require 2 or 3 community meetings and Prowind may be asked to attend these meetings. This process should take 4 to 6 weeks, and once approved by the community, the agreement would go to Chief and Council. The meetings may be combined with meetings for another project due to the small size of Gunn’s Hill. It may be useful to have a Prowind rep attend


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the meetings. • Six Nations is presently engaged in this process with NextEra, • Six Nations does not think this would be a difficult Project to discuss with the

community because we have consulted together early in the process.

3. Prowind Accommodation Agreement Recommendations: Prowind provided the following offer:

• per MW; • Six Nations Aboriginal Student Bursary that can be reworded by Prowind and Six

Nations staff to best meet the needs of the community; and • Potential partnership in the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm through First Nations adder


4. Next Steps: • Six Nations will review the Prowind Accommodation Agreement

Recommendations and get back to Prowind, • Prowind and Six Nations will develop wording for the Aboriginal Bursary, and • Prowind will discuss potential ownership opportunities with the owner in



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Six  Nations  CAP  Team  and  Prowind  Meeting  Minutes  

August  13,  2013  at  1:30  pm    

Attendees: Six Nations: Lonny Bomberry Prowind: Juan Anderson Dawn LaForme Rochelle Rumney Joanne Thomas Randi Allan Caron Smith Paul General Phil Monture 1. Prowind provided Six Nations with a written offer that included:

• per MW; • Six Nations Aboriginal Student Bursary that was reworded by Prowind and Six

Nations staff to best meet the needs of the community; and • Various work opportunities; and • Notification commitments.

 2. Six Nations countered with the following offer:

• per MW • Requested some changes to the wording in the Benefits Agreement • Six Nations Aboriginal Student Bursary be either:

o annually to support a student for one year or o Increase of annual amount of bursary from 2x per year to 2 x

per year. • Meet with Matt Jamieson to continue discussion of equity position • Offer is either annual amount (Benefits Agreement) or equity position.

3. Discussion initiated by Six Nations of a possible equity position in the Gunn’s Hill

Wind Farm and the additional First Nation adder. This was follow up to a conversation on this topic from an earlier Prowind/Six Nations meeting. Prowind noted that the offer may still be on the table if they are still interested, Prowind will have to get the current strategy from the company owner. Public co-op ownership is currently being offered. Aboriginal ownership would be a 10% equity position.

4. Next Steps:

• Six Nations will review equity position and meeting will be booked for early September

• Prowind will respond to Six Nations counter offer. • Prowind will prepare confidentiality agreement required to review term sheets for

equity position. • Prowind will discuss internally the Six Nations Aboriginal Bursary and report


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back to Six Nations. • Prowind will prepare a summary of colleges offering Wind Turbine Technician

programs and requirements for admission and send to CAP team.  


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  Lonny Bomberry Six Nations of the Grand River 2498 Chiefswood Rd. P. O. Box 5000 Ohsweken ON, N0A 1M0 August 16, 2013 To: Lonny Bomberry, Lands and Resources Director Re: Gunn’s Hi l l Wind Farm Economic Benefits Agreement Offer Dear Mr. Bomberry, I’d like to thank you and the CAP team for meeting with us on August 13, 2013 to discuss the Economic Benefits appendix for the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm (Project). During the meeting, Six Nations made a counter-offer of in annual payments as part of the Capacity Funding Agreement, Economic Benefits appendix between Prowind Canada and Six Nations. The counter-offer also recommended that the bursaries currently offered by Prowind (2 x

) be increased (2 X ). It was previously agreed that due to the population of Six Nations, one of the two bursaries would be made available exclusively to Six Nations community members. We have evaluated your counter-offer internally and with our upper management and we are pleased to inform you that we accept your counter-offer as described above. We have included with this letter the updated Economic Benefits appendix that reflects the agreed upon annual payment and some additional revisions to the wording that were discussed during our meeting. We have also included the updated Aboriginal Student Bursary document that reflects the increased value of the bursaries. We look forward to meeting with you on September 5, 2013 to discuss the opportunity of an equity partnership in the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm. As Six Nations stated, if the option for an equity partnership is chosen, acceptance of this counter-offer and the Economic Benefits appendix will become null and void in favour of the equity position.


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Page  2  of  2  

Thank you again for your time spent on this project. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or my colleague, Rochelle Rumney, at 905 528 1747. Sincerely, Juan Anderson Vice-President


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Six  Nations  CAP  Team  and  Prowind  Meeting  Minutes  September  5,  2013  

 Attendees: Six Nations: Lonny Bomberry Prowind: Juan Anderson Matt Jamieson Rochelle Rumney Joanne Thomas Randi Allan Caron Smith Nicole Kohoko 1. Prowind and Six Nations confirmed agreement on the written offer that was reviewed

at the meeting which included: • per MW; • Six Nations Aboriginal Student Bursary; and • Training, employment and contractor opportunities.

It was agreed this would be referred to as the “Six Nations and Prowind Royalty Agreement for the Gunn’s Hill Project”.

 2. Discussion of an equity position for the Six Nations in the Gunn’s Hill Project. Both

parties signed a Confidentiality Agreement prior to discussion of Gunn’s Hill finances. It was agreed that Prowind would discuss with the President of their company how best to send Matt Jamieson a Term Sheet for review of the Project’s economics by the Six Nations. This is to be sent within the next two weeks. It was reiterated that if the Equity position is the preferred route, the Royalty Agreement would become null and void.

3. The schedule for Six Nations internal Community Consultation was discussed, and the

Prowind Agreement would be vetted to the community with another project, either solar or wind. Consultation could be completed within 30 days, followed up with Chief and Council Endorsement. Prowind is seeking to complete this process by early December to meet their obligations. The agreement will either be a Royalty Agreement or a Royalty and Equity Agreement.

4. Prowind described the Project, 2 possible turbine providers and review of their

financials. The REA was submitted in June, turbine contracts need to be signed and a Community Equity position in the Project to be finalized.

5. Next Steps:

• Prowind will provide term sheet information within two weeks. • Six Nations will review and determine if there is an interest in Six Nations

entering into an equity position. • Prowind will draft and send out a Draft Royalty Agreement for all to review.


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Six  Nations  and  Prowind  Meeting  Minutes  November  6,  2013  

 Attendees: Six Nations: Lonny Bomberry Prowind: Juan Anderson Matt Jamieson Rochelle Rumney Joanne Thomas Randi Allan Caron Smith Paul General Phil Monture 1. Six Nations provided an update that included:

• Six Nations election is on November 16, 2013. • Many Councilors will not change, as they have not been challenged in their

districts. • Five people are running for Chief including the existing Chief and a long term

Councilor. • Currently involved in a “Residential” community engagement process, which had

a very interesting dialogue last night with 7 attending, several participants representing larger groups.

• Updates on community engagement can be found on Six Nations website: sixnationsfuture.com.

• Matt met with Council and there is interest in pursuing Prowind’s offer of a 10% Equity position in the Gunn’s Hill Project (with either 100% Council support or 100% community funding, or a mix of both, the preference is community funding).

• Default would be to accept the offer of royalties and bursaries. • Six Nations needs to meet with the lawyers to determine the best model the board

layout and by-laws. • The financials need to be conservative.

2. The discussion reviewed the existing royalty offer which included:

• per MW,  • Over 20 years, • Aboriginal Student Bursary is for $ per year x 2 students per year, one of

which is exclusive to Six Nations members.

3. Prowind agreed to work with Six Nations on providing 2 options to the Six Nations community:

1. 10 % equity or 2. Royalty and bursaries.


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4. Six Nations added the following: • Both the equity and royalty offers would include the bursaries • Both the equity and royalty offers would include employment and contracting

opportunities for the members and include a Job/Contractors Fair. • Prowind agreed

5. Discussion on Schedule:

• Prowind is planning to submit NTP application in April 2014, • Submission will require a financial plan to demonstrate how the funding is in

place including all equity positions. • Six Nations needs to raise in equity and would prefer to offer shares to

the community vs funding all through Chief and Council and the banks. • This will require 30-day community engagement process followed up with several

equity meetings. • Community engagement will begin on January 10, with meetings starting the

week of January 13-17. • The engagement would end the week of February 6th with additional equity

meetings to follow if required. • After Community engagement the feedback would be vetted through the Chief

and Council.

6. Prowind needs to: • Discuss with their owner the Six Nations 10% equity and where it would come

from; either Prowind’s 51% or the Community Co-op 49%. • Develop the term sheet and submit to Six Nations, with place on bottom for

signatures by Chief and Prowind Representative. • Provide Matt with an excel version of the Project’s financials • Ensure that the Aboriginal Adder is pulled into the Project’s Profits.

7. Next Steps:

• Six Nations will review financials and term sheet and the next meeting will be booked for December.

• Six Nations will take final term sheet to Council for approval on December 9. • Prowind will provide Six Nations with the information on here the 10% equity

will come from. • Next meeting will outline the details of the community engagement plan

scheduled for January, ensure the Term Sheet is signed off and next steps.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JANUARY 13, 2014 Two wind energy projects to be discussed via Six Nations community engagement process Six Nations of Grand River Territory – Six Nations Elected Council is pleased to announce the launch of community engagement to determine community support for two (2) proposed wind projects: Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm and Port Ryerse Wind Project. Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm is anticipated to generate 25 megawatts in renewable energy which will be sold to the Ontario Power Authority under the Feed in Tariff (FIT) Program. This project will be owned and operated by Gunn’s Hill Windfarm Inc. and will be located in the Township of Norwich, Oxford County. The proposed benefits include a potential 10% equity investment in the project which is estimated to generate revenue in excess of over 20 years, or a default royalty payment of for the 20 year term of the FIT Contract ). In addition, the developer is offering two (2) annual post-secondary bursaries for the 20 year term of the FIT contract.

“I am very pleased that Six Nations Elected Council has been engaged by both of these renewable energy proponents; our willingness to present these opportunities to our community demonstrates our ongoing commitment to work with our neighbor’s and partners to support net positive contributions to our environment and community”, said Chief Ava Hill. The community engagement process has been designed to educate the Six Nations community about the financial, economic, and environmental impact associated with the project, and provides a community wide mechanism to gather feedback that will help guide the Six Nations Elected Council now and in the future. The community engagement process will run from January 13th to February 14th, 2014; the community meetings are scheduled to occur on January 23rd, February 1st and 12th. The community meetings will provide further information and will include the opportunity for community members to have one-on-one discussions with staff. Community members can visit www.sixnationsfuture.com to get more information about the project and to share their feedback.

Thursday, January 23, 2014 Information Session Six Nations Tourism Assembly Room 1-6pm

Saturday, February 1, 2014 Information Session Six Nations Sports Den 11am-3pm

Wednesday, February 12, 2014 Final Community Meeting Six Nations Community Hall 7-9pm

* * * For more information please contact: Amy Lickers or Nicole Kohoko Six Nations Economic Development 519-753-1950 www.sixnationsfuture.com


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Your Voice Is Important

Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Project

Project Information

Community Benefits


Upcoming Meetings

Prowind Canada is proposing to develop the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm on

privately owned, agricultural land as well as municipal easements (electrical

lines only) in the Township of Norwich, Oxford County, Ontario. The Project

was awarded a Feed-In-Tariff contract with the Ontario Power Authority.

The project is 25 megawatts with 10 wind turbines which will be owned

and operated by Gunn’s Hill Windfarm Inc.

Joint Equity Partnership: Prowind is inviting Six Nations to be a 10% Equity Partner in the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm. Six Nations Capital Contribution will be approximately , which is estimated to generate revenue in excess of over 20 years. In the event, Six Nations is unable or unwilling to proceed with an equity interest, the community benefit will default to a royalty stream as follows:

Royalty Default provision: for 20 year term of FIT Contract ( ).

Other project benefits, regardless of Equity or Royalty: a. per year for 20 years from the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Aboriginal Student Bursary for post secondary education will be exclusively available to Six Nations of the Grand River members. b. If Six Nations members are interested in employment Prowind will ensure all resumes are passed to the hiring offices and considered for employment.

* Thursday, January 23th, 2014 Information Session Six Nations Tourism Assembly Room, 1:00pm-6:00pm

* Saturday, February 1st, 2014 Information Session Six Nations Sports Den, 11:00am-3:00pm

* Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 Final Community Meeting Six Nations Community Hall, 7:00pm-9:00pm

Coffee and refreshments provided.

Contact: Amy Lickers or Nicole Kohoko, Six Nations Economic Development

P: 519-753-1950


A Project for Discussion by Six Nations Community Members

FACT Monitoring at all turbines will be conducted

twice weekly (3-4 day intervals) from May 1- October 31 and once weekly from November 1- November 30 for three years

following start of operation.

FACT Six Nations Capital Contribution will

be approximately , which is estimated to generate revenue in excess

of over 20 years.

FACT The project would be located in the

Township of Norwich and City of Woodstock, Oxford County, Ontario.


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Your Comments_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________













Contact Information

All comments must be submitted by February 13th, 2014. Please drop off comment cards to the following locations:Six Nations Economic Development2498 Chiefswood Rd. Ohsweken, ON N0A 1H0

Six Nations Elected Council1695 Chiefswood Rd. Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0

Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________________


City ______________________________________________________________ Postal Code _______________________________

Phone _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Email ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Age _____________

Sex ______________

Community Member

Non-Community Member




q q

Please contact me regarding other future projects and community engagement sessions.


Do you support this project? YES NO

Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm ProjectA Project for Discussion by

Six Nations Community Members

It’s Our Community’s Future, Let’s Talk About It.


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Your Voice Is Important

Learn about community options for the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Project and the .

It’s your community and your voice should be heard.

For more information please contact Amy Lickers or Nicole Kohoko, Six Nations Economic Development

It’s Our Community’s Future, Let’s Talk About It

Information Sessions

Thursday, January 23th, 2014 Six Nations Tourism

Assembly Room 1:00pm-6:00pm

Saturday, February 1st, 2014 Six Nations Sports Den


Final Community Meeting

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 Six Nations Community Hall


Coffee and refreshments provided.

P: 519-753-1950 www.sixnationsfuture.com29

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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Project  

January  13th  –  February  14th,  2014  

A  Project  for  Discussion  by  Six  NaIons  Community  Members  


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A  Project  for  Discussion  by  Six  NaIons  Community  Members  

Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Project  

January  13th  –  February  14th,  2014  


January  13th  –  February  14th,  2014  


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WHAT  IS  SIX  NATIONS  FUTURE?  •  Six  Na'ons  Future  was  created  to  inform  Six  Na'ons  members  of  communica'on  and  accommoda'on  opportuni'es  for  projects  happening  within  the  Haldimand  Tract  and  1701  Nanfan  Treaty  territory.  

•  The  inten'on  is  to  provide  a  vehicle  for  open  proac've  dialogue  concerning  projects  within  our  areas  of  interest.    


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WHY  ARE  YOU  TELLING  ME  THIS?  •  The  Supreme  Court  of  Canada  has  determined  that  there  is  the  legal  Duty  to  Consult  First  Na'ons  communi'es.  

•  This  means  that  when  projects  are  being  developed  within  the  areas  that  land  rights  exist,  a  First  Na'on  community  has  the  right  to  be  involved  in  discussions  about  that  project.  


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•  Six  Na'ons  Elected  Council  staff  (CAP  Team)  first  review  the  project  within  their  professional  lens,  then  they  bring  the  best  nego'ated  proposals  to  the  community  for  input  and  resolu'on.    

•  You  have  the  right  to  be  involved  in  discussions  that  involve  your  future  and  your  children’s  future.  



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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Project  January  13th  –  February  14th,  2014  

A  Project  for  Discussion  by  Six  NaIons  Community  Members  


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THE  FACTS  •  Prowind  Canada  is  proposing  to  develop  a  ten  turbine  25MW,  wind  projects  in  the  Township  of  Norwich,  Oxford  County.  

•  The  project  will  be  owned  and  operated  by  Gunn’s  Hill  Windfarm  Inc.  


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NATURAL  ENVIRONMENT  •  The  project  is  located  primarily  on  privately  owned  

agricultural  land,  with  electrical  lines  being  located  on  municipal  easements.  

•  The  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  was  designed  to  avoid  vegeta'on  removal  so  that  limited  habitat  is  lost  during  construc'on.    

•  Opera'onal  monitoring  at  all  turbine  will  be  conducted  twice  weekly  from  May  1  –  October  31,  and  once  weekly  from  November  1  –  November  30  for  three  years.    

•  If  needed  mi'ga'on  measure  might  include  periodic  shut  downs  or  blade  feathering  


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ARCHAEOLOGY  •  Stage  1  and  Stage  2  archeology  was  conducted.  Six  Na'ons  monitors  were  present  for  the  Stage  2  study.  

•  During  Stage  2  a  single  First  Na'ons  findspot,  with  an  isolated  individual  ar'fact  was  encountered.  No  further  work  was  required  for  the  surveyed  area.    


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PROPOSED  BENEFITS  JOINT  EQUITY  PARTNERSHIP  =  10%  Equity  Partner  in  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm.    investment  for  an  es'mated    revenue  genera'on  over  20  years.  

OR  ROYALTY  PAYMENT  =   MW/Year  (es'mated  

)  Plus  •   Post  Secondary  Bursary  per  year  for  20  years  •  Employment  opportuni'es  


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A  CALL  TO  ACTION  •  Let  us  know  what  your  thoughts  and  concern  are  about  the  development  and  benefits  being  offered.  


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OPPORTUNITIES  TO  PARTICIPATE  •  WWW.SIXNATIONSFUTURE.COM  •  Facebook  –  Six  Na'ons  Future  •  Comment  Cards  •  Contact  

–  Amy  Lickers  or  Nicole  Kohoko    (519-­‐753-­‐1950)  Tourism  Building  -­‐  2498  Chiefswood  Road  

•  Mee'ngs  –  January  23,  2014  1pm-­‐6pm  –  Tourism  –  February  1,  2014  11am-­‐3pm  –  Sports  Den  –  February  12,  2014  7pm-­‐9pm  –  Community  Hall  


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Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm

Aboriginal Student Bursary


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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Aboriginal  Student  Bursary     August  15,  2013  


Summary Prowind Inc. (“Prowind”) presents a bursary intended to promote the success of Ontario’s Aboriginal

students involved in post-secondary education and job training for Ontario’s renewable energy industry.

Bursary awards will be granted in the first year following successful commissioning of a wind farm and

annually thereafter for the lifetime of the project (estimated to be 20 years). Details of bursary allocation

and eligible persons are included in the sections below.

Bursary Details Two bursaries, each totaling CAD will be awarded annually, following successful commissioning of

the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm.

• One bursary annually) will be available exclusively to Six Nations of the Grand River members.

• One bursary ( annually) will be available to any Aboriginal student living in Ontario.

The awards will be granted to two Aboriginal students (as outlined above) who are either entering or

attending post-secondary education or job training in the renewable energy industry or related field. The

renewable energy industry can be broadly applied and may consider any aspect of the process including, but

not limited to: policy development, project development, technology design, environmental assessment,

environmental monitoring, construction, electrical, engineering, operation and maintenance, etc.

Application Details Application criteria:

1) Aboriginal person living in Ontario.

2) Registered in post-secondary education or job training that is related to renewable energy or related

field (submit program details and proof of registration).

3) Submit short essay (maximum one page) explaining how your education or training can be applied to

the renewable energy industry.

Application deadline:

All application information must be submitted by June 30 and bursary will be awarded on July 31 of each


Additional information:

The successful candidates will provide documentation to support the requirements above along with a cover

letter to the address noted under the Contact Information section.


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Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Aboriginal  Student  Bursary     August  15,  2013  


If a student is applying for a bursary for their second, third, etc. year in the program, please submit previous

year’s program grades along with application.

Bursary recipients will be chosen by the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Aboriginal Student Bursary Advisory

Committee. The Advisory Committee reserves the right to withhold one or both bursary awards if no

suitable candidate is identified in a given year. If funds are withheld in a given year, those funds will be held

in reserve and offered the next year in addition to those bursaries originally intended to be offered that year.

Contact Information For further details, or to apply for this bursary, please contact Prowind as noted below.

Prowind Canada Inc.

19 Bold St, Unit 2B

Hamilton, ON

L8P 1T3

Phone: 905-528-1747

Fax: 866-203-6516

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.prowind.ca

Please ensure that the letter, fax or email subject identifies that the application is for “Gunn’s Hill Wind

Farm Aboriginal Student Bursary”.


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Six  Nations  CAP  and  Accommodation  Team  and  Prowind  Meeting  Minutes  April  3,  2014  

Six Nations: Lonny Bomberry Prowind: Juan Anderson Matt Jamieson Rochelle Rumney Joanne Thomas Randi Allan Phil Monture 1. Update re: HCCC and HDI; •

2. Update re: MNCFN: •

3. Multi-proponent meeting: •

4. Equity Schedule As outlined in the draft LP agreement provided, the following dates are to be met by Six Nations for the equity position to be solidified

• April 30, 2014 - 10% of initial capital contribution in escrow with a binding commitment for the full amount (Section 7.3)

• June 30, 2014 – provide intension (if any) to increase capital contribution (Section 7.4) • July 30, 2014 – 10% of total promised capital contribution held in escrow with a binding

commitment for the full amount (Section 7.4) 5. Next Steps: • Prowind to investigate Six Nations access issue to data room,


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• Provide schedule for financial milestones required by Prowind • FIT 1.5 conditions for the aboriginal adder. • Six Nations will determine if they wish to call a multi-proponent meeting.


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Appendix B2

Six Nations Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council and Haudenosaunee Development Institute

Supporting Documentation


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Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council (HCCC), HDI and Prowind to discuss Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm

Meeting Minutes

Date: March 26, 2014 Time: 10:00 am Location: GREAT Boardroom, 16 Sunrise Crt., Ohsweken, On In attendance: Chiefs: Peter Sky, Arnold Hill, Brian Doolittle, Toby Williams, Herb Williams and Director HDI Hazel Hill. Prowind: Juan Anderson, Rochelle Rumney, and Randi Allan. Hazel Hill outlined the HCCC Treaty Infringement by the Project, HCCC’s Treaty Rights and the 50% equity position suggested in March 2013. She also stated that the HDI had reviewed the Gunn’s Hill REA and would send the Report by end of week. Juan Anderson provided an update on the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm (Project) and described potential Project partners: local neighbours (Oxford Community Energy Co-op) at up to 49% equity, Six Nations Elected Council at 10% equity. HCCC/HDI were aware that Six Nations Elected Council plan to offer 49% of the 10% equity share to individual Six Nations community members. Prowind offered HCCC/HDI: An expansion of the 10% equity investment opportunity to all Six Nations members to individually invest in the Project under a Six Nations Community Partnership Agreement. The HCCC/HDI rejected this offer and explained they did not want to participate with Six Nations, and wanted their own separate and distinct Equity Partnership Agreement. Prowind discussed the potential opportunity to invest, the percentage that would likely be available and the timeline, which includes an initial investment of approximately

held in escrow by April 30, 2014, as a commitment to provide the balance of by July 31, 2014. Prowind would always retain 51% voting rights, which is

required by the banks for lending of money. HCCC/HDI stated they wanted a large equity position and would discuss with the HCCC tomorrow and report back to Prowind. Prowind will see if a pro forma of the project’s financials is available to share at this time. Prowind described the Project’s Aboriginal Student Bursary, and received positive feedback from HCCC/HDI.


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March 26, 2014 HCCC/HDI and Prowind Meeting Minutes


Prowind outlined the approach that will be taken to promote the employment opportunities relating to the Project. HCCC/HDI confirmed that if equity was not an option that a royalty structure could be negotiated. Prowind representatives agreed to take HCCC/HDI’s position back for discussion with management and Project ownership group. Next Steps:

1. HDI will send the Environmental Review Summary Report.

2. Prowind representatives will take HCCC/HDI’s position back for discussion with management and Project ownership group.

3. Prowind will see if a pro forma of the Project’s financials is available to share at this time.

4. The next meeting date will be discussed via email.


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HDI  Project  Review  Summary    

Gunns  Hill  Wind  Farm  Project  

Wind-­‐Environmental  Concerns:  

Concern:    Erosion  and  sedimentation  problems  at  waterways  during  construction,  due  to  vegetation  removal  and  topsoil  stockpiling  

Remediation:  HDI  Environmental  Monitor  to  ensure  construction  mitigation  measures  for  erosion  and  sedimentation  are  functional  and  stockpiles  within  floodplains  identified/protected  




Concern:    Potential  negative  effects  from  all  the  turbines  in  the  area,  on  birds/bats/wildlife  during  operation  

Remediation:    Radar  monitoring  and/or  other  mitigation  measures  approved  by  MNR  


Rationale:  Radar  monitoring  can  detect  bird/bats,  can  be  used  to  monitor  behaviour,  identify  potential  mortalities,  and  optioned  to  control  (star/stop)  turbines  to  lower  bird  mortalities.    Also,  radar  signals  have  been  proven  to  repel  bats  from  operating  wind  farms.  


Concern:    Potential  displacement  of  birds/wildlife  from  the  turbine-­‐generated  noise  (specifically,  amplitude  modulation)  

Remediation:  Conduct  Pre  &  Post  Construction  wildlife  studies  (mortality  and  displacement)  with  HDI  involvement  


Rationale:    The  amplitude  modulation  phenomenon  is  characterized  as  periodic  amplified  “thumping”  which  is  claimed  as  unpredictable  but  occurs  when  the  speed  of  the  turbine/blades  increases  as  the  wind  speeds  increase.    This  phenomenon  has  the  potential  to  displace  birds/wildlife  adjacent  to  wind  farms/turbines  


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Concern:    Concrete  foundations  and  buried  electrical  cables  not  being  removed  when  project  is  decommissioned  

Remediation:    Complete  removal  of  all  concrete  foundations  and  all  buried  electrical  cables  


Rationale:    Complete  restoration  and/or  enhancement  of  project  area  is  preferred  


Concern:    Potential  fire  at  wind  turbine’s  nacelle  from  a  lightning  strike    

Remediation:    Fire  suppression  system  and  containment  curb  around  tower  base  


Rationale:    Potential  release  of  toxins  into  surrounding  environments  (air,  water,  and  soil).  Containment  curb  would  also  contain  any  accidental  spills  during  turbine  maintenance    


Transmission  Line/Electrical  System  Concerns:  

Concern:    Exact  locations  of  electrical  components  (cables,  poles,  and  cable  junction  boxes/pull  boxes)  not  yet  confirmed,  may  interfere  with  archaeological  sites  

Remediation:    Provide  map  showing  exact  locations  and  coordinate  construction  activities  with  HDI  Archaeology  Group  




Concern:    Potential  electrocution  of  birds  and  wildlife  from  high  voltage  lines  and  equipment  

Remediation:    Incorporate  insulator  covers  at  potential  perching  and  nesting  locations  


Rationale:    High  voltage  lines  are  bare,  exposed  aluminum/steel  conductors  and  equipment  have  exposed  contact  points  both  with  minimal  clearance  distances  between  lines/points  and  generate  heat  which  could  attract  birds  and  wildlife    



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Concern:    High  voltage  circuit  breakers  emitting  greenhouse  gas  (SF6)  into  atmosphere  

Remediation:    Use  low  leakage  SF6  circuit  breakers  or  an  alternate  type  of  high  voltage  circuit  breaker  






• HDI  requests  a  copy  of  final  REA  application  that  Prowind  submits  to  MOE  

• With  the  amount  of  wind  turbines  expected  to  be  in  operation  throughout  southern  Ontario,  can  the  bird,  bats  and  wildlife  co-­‐exist  without  increasing  mortality  rates?;  there  may  be  a  saturation  level  with  the  amount  of  turbines  when  too  many  may  be  causing  too  much  of  a  negative  impact.    Pre-­‐  and  Post-­‐construction  bird/bat/wildlife  mortality  monitoring  should  be  included  in  HDI  Environmental  Monitoring  responsibilities    

• Request  assurance  that  high-­‐voltage  fault  currents  of  overhead  power  lines  will  not  affect  fish,  wildlife,  and  soil  

• HDI  to  monitor  project  progress  for  changes  and  environmental  compliance  

• Request  that  HDI  receive  a  copy  of  project’s  tender  documents  before  construction  starts  and  an  Operation  &  Maintenance  manual  before  construction  is  complete,  both  documents  should  be  reviewed  for  HDI  environmental  compliance  

• Vegetation/flora  to  be  removed  should  be  surveyed  by  HDI  representatives  for  presence  of  rare  traditional  medicines  before  removal  

• Collaborate  with  MNR,  local  Conservation  Area  authority  and  project  wildlife  studiers  to  identify  potential  areas  where  habitats  could  be  improved/enhanced  to  allow  area  fauna/wildlife  to  flourish  (i.e.  improving  wildlife  movement  corridors,  where  wildlife  underpasses  may  be  needed)  

• Turbine  lighting  be  strobed  as  per  MNR  turbine/bird  lighting  recommendations  

• Use  transformers  with  high-­‐flammability  coolant  to  mitigate  the  fire  potential  or  the  use  of  dry-­‐type  transformers  


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• Ensure  all  high-­‐voltage  electrical  equipment  containing  insulating  oil  has  containment  basins  to  contain  any  leaks  

• Alternative  solutions  may  be  required  if  antenna  users  lose  TV  signals  coming  from  USA  and  Toronto  because  of  signal  interference  turbines  may  create  when  in  operation  

• Eight    REA    water    bodies    were    identified    within    the    Zone    of    Investigation.    Two  will  be    crossed  by  underground  collector  lines  and  five  will  be  crossed  by  overhead  feeder  line.    Monitoring  of  these  waterways  during  and  post  construction  required.  

• MNR’s  Approvals  and  Permitting  Requirements  Document  (APRD)  for  renewable  energy  projects  report  contains  information  pertaining  to  endangered  and  threatened  species  identified  in  the  project  area;  HDI  requests  a  copy  for  our  review  

• Project  location  is  within  MNR’s  Wildlife  Management  Unit  (WMU  90B),  published  total  harvest  number  for  WMU  90  in  2010  was  2083  deer  and  687/17  wild  turkey  (spring/fall);    Harvest  numbers  for  fish  or  ducks  are  not  made  available.    HDI  requires  post  construction  reports  for  comparison  to  ensure  habitat  not  affected  by  turbines.  

• A  copy  of  the  completed  REA  application  should  be  requested  and  reviewed  for  areas  of  environmental  concern.  

• HDI  also  requests  that  all  contractors  be  provided  advanced  notice  of  HDI’s  participation  in  the  pre  and  post  monitoring  program  prior  to  work  commencing  to  ensure  our  involvement.  




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Subject: Gunn's Hill Wind FarmFrom: Rochelle Rumney <[email protected]>Date: 14-04-15 2:48 PMTo: "Hazel E. Hill" <[email protected]>CC: Juan Anderson <[email protected]>, Randi Allan <[email protected]>

Hello HCCC and HDI, Thank you for meeting with us on March 26, 2014 to discuss the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm. At that time Prowind Canada offered HCCC and HDI members an opportunity to invest and own equity in the Projectthrough the Six Nations partner. The total equity that was previously made available for that initiative would be increased tofacilitate the Haudenosaunee members’ investment. We understand from our meeting that HCCC and HDI has no interest in the above noted offer and requested a separateand independent equity partner option to own 10% or more of the project. Prowind agreed to consider this request and toconsult with our other partners on the project. At this time we are unable to offer independent equity ownership to HCCC and HDI. The opportunity for Haudenosauneemembers to invest through the Six Nations community channel or through the Oxford Community Energy Co-op (OCEC) isstill available. The financials for this Project will be shared with individual members if they choose to invest in the project through theOCEC offering statement or the Six Nations community offer. This should be available in the upcoming weeks. Prowind is also prepared to discuss job opportunities during the construction process and during the post-constructionmonitoring process. Construction tenders will be sent to HDI in advance of the general public to give HDI members andbusinesses an opportunity to be awarded these construction contracts. Additionally, as mentioned in the EnvironmentReport responses, an HDI member will be facilitated to participate in the post-construction monitoring of birds and bats andother environmental impacts. We have attached the summary of the two annual Aboriginal Bursaries that we discussed during our meeting. Onebursary will be available exclusively to Six Nations community members, the other is open to all local Aboriginal students. Additionally, we have attached our response to the Environmental Review Report you provided to us via email on April 1,2014. Thank you very much for those comments, we appreciate your feedback and review. if you have any question on ourresponses, please let us know.

We have also attached the minutes from our meeting on March 26, 2014 for your review. Please let us know if you have any questions and if you’d like to set up a meeting to discuss this further. Thank you, Rochelle Rumney

--Rochelle RumneyEnvironmental Coordinator

Please note our new office address:Prowind Canada Inc.19 Bold St., Unit 2BHamilton, ON L8P 1T3

Office: 905.528.1747Cell: 905.745.4719Fax: 866.203.6516



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Prowind Canada Inc.’s Response to HDI Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm Project Summary Review

Prepared: April 9, 2014 Wind-Environmental Concerns: 1. Concern: Erosion and sedimentation problems at waterways during construction, due

to vegetation removal and topsoil stockpiling. Remediation: HDI Environmental Monitor to ensure construction mitigation measures for erosion and sedimentation are functional and stockpiles within floodplains identified/protected. Prowind Response: Mitigation measures for sedimentation of surface water is addressed in the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm REA, Construction Plan Report, Section 5.10, page 37. Prowind is prepared to hire an HDI environmental monitor during the construction period when land is being disturbed.

2. Concern: Potential negative effects from all the turbines in the area, on

birds/bats/wildlife during operation.

Remediation: Radar monitoring and/or other mitigation measures approved by MNR. Rationale: Radar monitoring can detect bird/bats, can be used to monitor behaviour, identify potential mortalities, and optioned to control (star/stop) turbines to lower bird mortalities. Also, radar signals have been proven to repel bats from operating Wind farms. Prowind Response: Potential negative impacts to birds, bats and wildlife are addressed throughout the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm REA Natural Heritage Assessment Report. Prowind has conducted Radar monitoring for bats to determine abundance and diversity of bats in the Project area. Results indicate that the area is low in bat habitat and numbers. Results of this survey can be found in the Natural Heritage Assessment Report, Appendix G. Several bird studies were also conducted to determine abundance and diversity of bird species. Again, there was limited bird habitat and numbers in the project area. Results of these surveys can be found in the Natural Heritage Assessment Report, Appendix F.


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Prowind will participate in Post-construction Bird and Bat Mortality Monitoring as required and approved by the MNR. The methodology for this survey can be found in the Environmental Effects Monitoring Plan in the REA, Design and Operations Report, Appendix F. Prowind is prepared to hire a HDI monitor to participate in these surveys.

3. Concern: Potential displacement of birds/wildlife from the turbine-generated noise

(specifically, amplitude modulation).

Remediation: Conduct Pre & Post Construction wildlife studies (mortality and displacement) with HDI involvement.

Rationale: The amplitude modulation phenomenon is characterized as periodic amplified “thumping” which is claimed as unpredictable but occurs when the speed of the turbine/blades increases as the wind speeds increase. This phenomenon has the potential to displace birds/wildlife adjacent to wind farms/turbines. Prowind Response: Several bird/wildlife studies were conducted to determine abundance and diversity of species. Birds/Wildlife were observed, but with low abundance and diversity. The results of the studies can be found in various locations in the Natural Heritage Assessment report. Prowind will participate in Post-construction Bird and Bat Mortality Monitoring as required and approved by the MNR. The methodology for this survey can be found in the Environmental Effects Monitoring Plan in the REA, Design and Operations Report, Appendix F. As discussed in item 2 above, Prowind is prepared to hire a HDI monitor to participate in these surveys.

4. Concern: Concrete foundations and buried electrical cables not being removed when

project is decommissioned

Remediation: Complete removal of all concrete foundations and all buried electrical cables Rationale: Complete restoration and/or enhancement of project area is preferred Prowind Response: Turbine foundations are removed in consultation with the landowner at the time of decommissioning. This is outlined in the REA, Decommissioning Report, Section 4.4.

5. Concern: Potential fire at wind turbine’s nacelle from a lightning strike.


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Remediation: Fire suppression system and containment curb around tower base. Rationale: Potential release of toxins into surrounding environments (air, water, and soil). Containment curb would also contain any accidental spills during turbine maintenance. Prowind Response: The turbines are typically equipped with fire suppression systems in the nacelle of each turbine. An Emergency Preparedness Plan will be prepared in consultation with the local emergency services to deal with fire, spills and other emergencies. An example emergency preparedness plan is included in the REA in the Design and Operations Report, Appendix E.

6. Concern: Exact locations of electrical components (cables, poles, and cable junction

boxes/pull boxes) not yet confirmed, may interfere with archaeological sites.

Remediation: Provide map showing exact locations and coordinate construction activities with HDI Archaeology Group. Prowind Response: All electrical cables internal to the project will be buried and locations have been identified as illustrated in the map provided in the REA, Design and Operations Report, Appendix A. Any area that will be disturbed during construction, including all electrical works, have been surveyed for archaeological sites as outlined in the Archaeological and Heritage Resources Assessment Report.

7. Concern: Potential electrocution of birds and wildlife from high voltage lines and


Remediation: Incorporate insulator covers at potential perching and nesting locations Rationale: High voltage lines are bare, exposed aluminum/steel conductors and equipment have exposed contact points both with minimal clearance distances between lines/points and generate heat which could attract birds and wildlife. Prowind Response: The Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm will not have any high voltage lines, only low voltage lines (27.6 kV). All electrical lines used for the Project, with the exception of a very short section (300 m) at the grid-tie location, will be buried and pose no risk to birds/wildlife.

8. Concern: High voltage circuit breakers emitting greenhouse gas (SF6) into


Remediation: Use low leakage SF6 circuit breakers or an alternate type of high


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voltage circuit breaker. Prowind Response: The Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm will not have any high voltage lines or equipment (>50 kV) and therefore no high voltage circuit breakers are required.

Recommendations: 1. HDI requests a copy of final REA application that Prowind submits to MOE.

Prowind: The final REA Reports are available on our website and if requested, Prowind can provide CDs copies of the REA.

2. With the amount of wind turbines expected to be in operation throughout southern

Ontario, can the bird, bats and wildlife co‐exist without increasing mortality rates? There may be a saturation level with the amount of turbines when too many may be causing too much of a negative impact. Pre- and Post- construction bird/bat/wildlife mortality monitoring should be included in HDI Environmental Monitoring responsibilities.

Prowind: Prowind will include HDI in the Post-construction Mortality Monitoring for

birds and bats. 3. Request assurance that high-voltage fault currents of overhead power lines will not

affect fish, wildlife, and soil.

Prowind: No high voltage (>50 kV) lines will be used for this Project. 4. HDI to monitor project progress for changes and environmental compliance

Prowind: Prowind will continue to engage with HDI over the life of the Project. 5. Request that HDI receive a copy of project’s tender documents before construction

starts and an Operation & Maintenance manual before construction is complete, both documents should be reviewed for HDI environmental compliance.

Prowind: Prowind will provide HDI with construction documents and O&M

materials, and will continue to engage on the availability of contracts.

6. Vegetation/flora to be removed should be surveyed by HDI representatives for presence of rare traditional medicines before removal

Prowind: The Project site is on agricultural land and municipal road allowance and

therefore no naturally occurring vegetation will be required to be removed. 7. Collaborate with MNR, local Conservation Area authority and project wildlife studiers

to identify potential areas where habitats could be improved/enhanced to allow area fauna/wildlife to flourish (i.e. improving wildlife movement corridors, where wildlife underpasses may be needed)


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Prowind: The Project area is exclusively agricultural and municipal road allowance

and does not remove any existing wildlife habitat from the area. 8. Turbine lighting be strobed as per MNR turbine/bird lighting recommendations

Prowind: Turbine lighting will comply with all lighting requirements as per NAV Canada and any MNR requirements.

9. Use transformers with high-flammability coolant to mitigate the fire potential or the use

of dry-type transformers

Prowind: The type of transformers used at this Project will be supplied by the turbine manufacturer (Senvion). Prowind will pass along your recommendation to Senvion.

10. Ensure all high-voltage electrical equipment containing insulating oil has containment

basins to contain any leaks

Prowind: No high voltage electrical equipment (>50 kV) will be used in the Project. 11. Alternative solutions may be required if antenna users lose TV signals coming from

USA and Toronto because of signal interference turbines may create when in operation.

Prowind: Telecommunications interference is addressed in the REA in the Design

and Operations Report, Section 5.7.3 and Appendix G. 12. Eight REA water bodies were identified within the Zone of Investigation. Two will be

crossed by underground collector lines and five will be crossed by overhead feeder line. Monitoring of these waterways during and post construction required.

Prowind: The overhead electrical line has been removed from the Project scope as

per a Project Change notification dated January 31, 2014. The buried lines will pose no impacts to waterways during operation.

13. MNR’s Approvals and Permitting Requirements Document (APRD) for renewable

energy projects report contains information pertaining to endangered and threatened species identified in the project area; HDI requests a copy for our review.

Prowind: The Species at Risk report is confidential in order to protect the location of

these species. Prowind will discuss with the MNR whether that confidential document can be shared.

14. Project location is within MNR’s Wildlife Management Unit (WMU 90B), published

total harvest number for WMU 90 in 2010 was 2083 deer and 687/17 wild turkey (spring/fall); Harvest numbers for fish or ducks are not made available. HDI requires post construction reports for comparison to ensure habitat not affected by turbines.

Prowind: Prowind will provide all available data to the MNR to be used for these



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15. A copy of the completed REA application should be requested and reviewed for

areas of environmental concern.

Prowind: Prowind provided a copy of the REA application and capacity funding for its review on February 15, 2013. The final versions the REA application can be found on our website www.prowind.ca.

16. HDI also requests that all contractors be provided advanced notice of HDI’s

participation in the pre and post monitoring program prior to work commencing to ensure our involvement.

Prowind: Prowind will inform all contractors of HDI’s participation in Post-

construction Monitoring Programs.


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  Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council RR2 Ohsweken, ON N0A 1M0

September 15, 2014 Attn: Hazel Hi l l , Director RE: Gunn’s Hi l l Wind Farm discussion Dear Ms. Hill, Thank you for your email of August 25, 2014. Prowind would be happy to meet with you to discuss the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm further. We are available to meet with you at the end of September. Please let us know dates and times you have available to meet with us around that time. We look forward to meeting with you. Thank you,

Rochelle Rumney Environmental Coordinator


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Appendix B3

Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation

Supporting Documentation


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 Mississaugas  of  New  Credit  First  Nation  (MNCFN)  and  Prowind  Meeting  Minutes  

 October  31,  2013  

   Attendance:        Carolyn  King,      MNCFN       Randi  Allan,        Prowind            

 The  following  topics  were  discussed:    

1. Question:  What  is  the  status  of  Prowind’s  Term  Sheets  provided  to  the  MNCFN?  

 Answer:    MNCFN  has  hired  consultants  to  help  alleviate  some  of  the  gridlocks  when  working  with  Proponents.  Carolyn’s  department  is  over  worked  and  there  has  been  confusion  on  roles  and  responsibilities.  A  new  committee  has  been  developed  and  has  yet  to  have  its  first  meeting.    

2. Question:  Who  is  on  the  Committee?    

Answer:    Chief,  two  Councilors,  Margaret  Sault  and  the  Economic  Development  Director.  

 3. Question:  What  is  the  mandate  for  the  Committee?  

   Answer:  The  Duty  to  Consult  and  Accommodate  is  the  key  accountability  of  the  Committee,  and  to  review  and  negotiate  Term  Sheets  developed  through  the  consultation  with  proponents  that  is  managed  by  Carolyn.      

4. Question:  Will  the  Committee  like  the  Prowind  Term  Sheet?    

Answer:    The  Project  at  Gunn’s  Hill  is  small  and  the  Term  Sheet  seems  to  fit  the  size.  Carolyn  has  recommended  acceptance  to  the  Committee.    

 5. Question:  Will  Prowind  need  to  meet  with  the  Committee?    

Answer:  Not  necessarily,  only  if  there  are  concerns.    

6. Question:    When  will  Prowind  hear  from  the  Committee?    


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Answer:  The  Committee  is  new  and  has  several  Projects  to  discuss,  so  at  this  time  Carolyn  is  not  sure.  As  well,  an  election  is  planned  for  December,  which  may  slow  the  process  down.    

 7. Question:  Will  there  be  employment  and  contracting  opportunities  for  the  

MNCFN  members?    Answer:  The  Project  will  create  a  job  for  a  Siemens  maintenance  technician  and    if  members  are  interested  in  working  with  the  turbine  manufacture  the  Project  team  will  ensure  all  resumes  are  passed  to  the  hiring  office.  Construction  contracting  opportunities  will  be  discussed  with  the  community.    

Next  Steps:    It  was  agreed  to  wait  till  the  election  is  over  and  Prowind  will  contact  Carolyn  and  or  the  Economic  Development  Director  to  discuss  the  Prowind  Term  Sheet.    





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Mississaugas  of  New  Credit  First  Nation  (MNCFN)  and  Prowind  Meeting  Minutes  March  26,  2014  

 In  attendance:      Carolyn  King,          MNCFN                  Fawn  Sault,                MNCFN                  Margaret  Sault,  MNCFN                  Don  Richardson,    Shared  Value  Solutions                  Rochelle  Rumney,    Prowind                  Randi  Allan,      R.  Allan  &  Associates          Prowind  provided  a  brief  update  on  the  Gunn’s  Hill  Project:  

 • The  Project  will  be  10  turbines,  this  is  unchanged  • Recent  project  changes  have  reduced  output  to  18  MW  • Received  REA  completion  by  MOE,  currently  under  technical  review  • Prowind  is  prepared  to  discuss  Term  Sheet  delivered  on  March  20,  2013,  and    • Reviewed  the  Prowind  Aboriginal  Student  Bursary.  

 MNCFN  discussed:    

• Project  is  on  MNCFN  traditional  lands/territories  and  not  on  Six  Nations  traditional  lands  

• New  consultation  protocol  was  approved  in  Dec  2013,  but  not  yet  available  on  their  website  

• Based  on  the  Term  sheet  provided  to  MNCFN,  the  offer  is  less  than  Six  Nations  and  offer  should  be  higher  for  MNCFN  than  for  Six  Nations,  

• Understanding  is  that  Six  Nations  has  been  offered  an  equity  position  that  Six  Nation  will  provide  funding  toward  or  royalties  of  $  1,000/MW  per  year  

• Employment  and  contracts  important  to  the  community  however  Project  is  small  and  there  are  no  long  term  employment  opportunities  

• Any  future  work  tenders  available  for  the  construction  of  the  wind  farm  will  be  vetted  through  the  MNCFN  Employment  Department,    

• Don  Richardson  discussed  habitat  mitigation  and  riparian  corridor  creation  along  access  roads.  

• A  REA  review  had  been  provided  by  MNCFN  staff  and  a  third  party  review  may  be  considered.  

 Group  discussion:    

• MNCFN  concern  that  only  one  aboriginal  artifact  was  found  during  the  2010  AMICK  archeology  fieldwork  and  that  the  Stage  2  should  be  redone  with  MNCFN  monitors.    Prowind  will  consider  the  logistics  of  redoing  the  Stage  2  work  and  report  back  to  MNCFN.  

• Equity  position  may  be  of  interest  to  the  MNCFN  community  and  discussions  will  be  held  with  the  new  MNCFN  numbered  company  to  determine  if  there  is  an  interest  is  pursuing  this  option.  Prowind  stated  this  option  needs  to  be  finalized  for  Prowind  by  mid  April  to  ensure  funding  is  in  place  for  bankers  by  April  30,  2014.  



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Next  Steps:    

• It  was  agreed  that  MNCFN  would  discuss  internally  the  equity  and  royalties  position  and  get  back  to  Prowind  in  the  near  future.  

• Prowind  would  research  an  additional  Stage  2  field  study  and  get  back  to  the  MNCFN  in  the  near  future.    



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Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation and Prowind Canada Inc.

Confidential Term Sheet Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm

April 15, 2014

Prowind Canada Inc. (Prowind) is pleased to offer the following term sheet options to the Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation (MNCFN): A. Prowind is inviting the Mississaugas of New Credit First Nation to be an Equity

Partner in the Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm (Project). The Equity offer is 10% ownership of the Project, which is a total buy-in of approximately . A 10% security of approximately is expected by April 30, 2014 if the MNCFN wishes to go forward with this opportunity.

OR B. An annual amount of $ per megawatt for the lifetime of the Feed-in Tariff contract

of twenty years for the Project, once production has begun. $ /MW x 18 MW = $ /year

The following opportunities will accompany either of the above options: • An archaeological monitor will be hired to support the construction crews where land

will be disturbed during construction, and if there is a need for MNCFN monitors to receive field training, the Project will support trainees on the site.

• Employment and contracting opportunities will be communicated to the community. • All archaeological studies will be provided to the community. • Updates on the Project will be provided to the community.

• One annual bursary of will be available to a local Aboriginal student for

education or job training.


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Appendix B4

Aamjiwnaang First Nation

Supporting Documentation


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Subject: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm - draft letter for reviewFrom: Rochelle Rumney <[email protected]>Date: 13-05-15 2:56 PMTo: Sharilyn Johnston <[email protected]>, "Wilson Plain Jr." <[email protected]>CC: Randi Allan <[email protected]>

Hi Sharilyn and Wilson,

As per my earlier voicemail, I wanted to send over a letter we have prepared in response to your feeback on the Gunn's Hill Wind Farmproposal.

We received your letter dated April 17, 2013 regarding the Gunn's Hill Wind Farm proposal and wind energy concerns. Thank you verymuch for sending that letter over, we really appreciate having some feedback from the Aamjiwnaang First Nation.

We have reviewed the letter and prepared a thorough response. We'd love to have you review it before it becomes a finalizeddocument. We want to ensure the responses are adequate and address all your concerns.

I have attached the letter as a word file, please have a look and provide any feedback or make edits. If you need more information onany topic, please let me know. I have also attached a document that provides additional information on wind turbines and healtheffects, which is an meant to be an attachment to Prowind's response.

If you'd like to call to discuss, my office number is 905-528-1747 or email anytime ([email protected]).

Thanks again for your feedback. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely,Rochelle Rumney

--Rochelle RumneyEnvironmental Coordinator

Prowind Canada Inc.226 1/2 James St. N., Unit AHamilton, ON L8R 2L3www.prowind.ca

Office: 905.528.1747Cell: 905.745.4719Fax: 866.203.6516


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Subject: RE: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm - Draft letter follow-upFrom: "Wilson Plain Jr." <[email protected]>Date: 13-07-12 9:59 AMTo: "Rochelle Rumney" <[email protected]>CC: "Sharilyn Johnston" <[email protected]>

Hi  Rochelle,  I  have  had  a  chance  to  review  the  a3ached  dra4.One  ques:on  I  had  is  regarding  the  removal  of  “a  few  trees”  to  allow  for  an  access  road.  There  is  no  men:onof  any  these  trees  being  replaced.  Understanding  the  area  around  the  turbines  is  an  agricultural  area,  anequal  or  greater  number  of  trees  could  be  replaced  in  another  suitable  loca:on.  Once  the  final  version  of  the  le3er  is  issued,  it  will  be  forwarded  to  our  Environment  commi3ee  for  theirreview  and  any  other  comments.Those  comments,  if  any,  will  be  forwarded  to  you.  Thank  you,Wilson  

From: Rochelle Rumney [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: July-09-13 3:12 PMTo: Sharilyn Johnston; Wilson Plain Jr.Subject: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm - Draft letter follow-up Hi Sharilyn and Wilson,

I just wanted to follow-up a draft letter we sent over to your office regarding the Gunn's Hill WindFarm. This was sent to you via email on May 15, 2013 asking for any feedback you had on the draftversion.

This draft letter was prepared in response to your letter of April 17, 2013 outlining some concernsabout wind energy and the Gunn's Hill Wind Farm.

I wanted to send over a draft version first to ensure it addressed your comments appropriately andadequately.

At this time we hoping to finalize this letter for our records, so we are looking for any feedback youmight have. If none, we can just remove the word Draft from the letter and send you the final version.

Please let me know if you have any comments or not. If I haven't heard back by the end of this month,I'll assume there are no comments and I'll issue a final version of the letter to your office.

I've attached the May 15, 2013 draft letter to this email for ease of reference.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comments.


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     Aamjiwnaang  First  Nation  978  Tashmoo  Ave.  Sarnia,  ON        N7T  7H5      July  25,  2013      Attn:    Sharilyn  Johnston,    Environmental  Coordinator  RE:  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Renewable  Energy  Approval  Report      Dear  Ms.  Johnston,      Thank  you  for  your  letter  dated  April  17,  2013  providing  feedback  from  the  Aamjiwnaang  First  Nation   Environmental   Committee   on   the   Gunn’s   Hill  Wind   Farm   Renewable   Energy   Approval  reports.     We   appreciate   your   feedback   and   have   provided   the   following   responses   to   the  document   attached   to   your   letter   entitled   “Comments   and   Concerns   Regarding  Wind   Power  Projects”.      This  letter  is  a  revised  version  of  the  draft  letter  we  sent  to  you  on  May  15,  2013.    Bird  and  Bat  Studies    Prowind   has   sent   the   Aamjiwnaang   First   Nation   all   Environmental   Reports   that   have   been  submitted   to   the   Ontario   Government   to   date,   including   any   bird   and   bat   studies   and   will  continue   to   send   Reports   as   they   are   made   available.   This   will   include   the   upcoming   Bat  Maternity  Roost  Survey  and  all  post-­‐construction  monitoring  surveys.    Impacts  to  Earthworm  and  Snakes    Prowind   has   not   been   able   to   identify   scientifically   reviewed   information   or   documented  accounts  of  impacts  to  earthworms  and  snakes  due  to  operational  vibration  from  the  turbines  and/or   electrical   impacts   from   buried   cables.   Given   the   number   of   operational   turbines  worldwide,  we  had  hoped  information  would  be  available.  If  the  Aamjiwnaang  First  Nation  has  any  suggestions  on  Reports  in  this  area,  please  let  us  know.      


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     RE:  Gunn’s  Hill  Wind  Farm  Renewable  Energy  Approval  Report   July  25,  2013  


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Additionally,  any  species  that  are  listed  under  the  Species  At  Risk  Act  have  been  considered  at  the  Project   site  and  appropriate   studies  have  been  conducted   to  evaluate   their  presence  and  abundance.  No  Species  at  Risk  snake  species  or  habitat  were  identified  in  the  Project  area.        Vegetation  Restoration  around  Turbines    The  Project   is   located  in  agriculture  fields,  therefore  only  agricultural  crops  will  be  required  to  be  restored  once  construction  is  complete.  There  will  not  be  any  temporary  removal  of  natural  vegetation.  A  few  trees  will  need  to  be  removed  for  the  construction  of  access  roads;  the  trees  will   be   replaced   in   a   nearby   location   and   similar   tree   species   to   that  which  was   removed   or  native   tree   species  will   be   used.   The   area   immediately   surrounding   the   turbine   is   exclusively  agricultural  and  will  be  replaced  with  agricultural  crop  of  the  landowners  choosing.      Animal  Corridors    Animal  corridors  were  considered  during  the  design  and  impacts  assessment  of  the  wind  farm  and  are  discussed   in   the  REA  documents,   specifically   the  Natural  Heritage  Assessment   report.  Animal   corridors   such   as   deer,   amphibian   and   bat  movement   corridors  were   considered   and  none  of  the  three  movement  corridors  were  present   in  the  Project  area.  The  Project  area  has  very  little  remnant  natural  habitat  remaining  and  the  wind  farm  will  not  directly  impact  any  of  the   remaining   natural   vegetation   in   the   area.     The   MNR   confirmed   that   there   are   no   deer  wintering  areas  in  the  project  area.      Vegetation  Removal      Natural   vegetation   will   be   avoided   wherever   possible.   Very   little   vegetation   will   need   to   be  removed   for   construction,   only   a   few   trees   will   need   to   be   removed   from   hedgerows   to  facilitate   access   roads.   Trees  will   be   replaced   in   a  nearby   location   and   similar   tree   species   to  that  which  was  removed  or  native  tree  species  will  be  used.  Wetland  areas  were  avoided  during  the   construction   process   and  will   not   be   directly   disturbed   during   construction   or   operation.  There  are  two  areas  where  a  vegetated  area/watercourse  will  be  crossed  by  buried  cable  and  in  these  locations  the  buried  cable  will  be  bored  under  the  stream  to  prevent  surface  disruption.  Entry  and  exit  point   for  the  underground  boring  process  will  be  a  minimum  of  30  m  from  the  edge  of   the   feature  wherever  possible.  Any   impacts   that  do  occur   to  natural   features  will   be  restored  to  pre-­‐disturbance  condition.      Human  Health    In  response  to  your  comments  about  health  issues,  we  have  retained  the  services  of  Dr.  Loren  Knopper   of   Intrinsik   Environmental   to   address   questions   regarding   wind   turbines   and   health  effects.  Dr.  Knopper  is  an  expert  in  this  field  and  has  done  extensive  research  on  this  topic.  The  general  understanding  at  this  time  is  that  if  sited  properly  (more  then  550  m  and  less  than  40  dBA)  from  homes,  there  will  be  no  direct  impacts  caused  by  the  wind  turbines.  I  have  attached  a  brief  summary  that  Dr.  Knopper  has  put  together  that  will  go  in  the  final  REA  documents.  I  hope  that  it  addresses  your  questions  on  human  health  impacts  from  wind  turbines.  


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Appendix B5

Gunn’s Hill Wind Farm

Project Notices



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Project Name: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm

Project Location: Township of Norwich, Oxford County, Ontario

MOE Reference Number: 8529-98KMYC

OPA Reference Number: FIT-F565PX8

Dated at: the Township of Norwich, this the 31st of January, 2014.

Prowind Canada Inc. on behalf of Gunn’s Hill Windfarm Inc. is planning to engage in a renewable energy project in respect of which the issuance of a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) is required. The project is subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act (Act) Part V.0.1 and Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Regulation). This notice must be distributed in accordance with Section 16.0.1 of the Regulation. This notice is being distributed to make the public aware of a proposed change to the project.

Project Description:Pursuant to the Act and Regulation, the facility, in respect of which this project was originally proposed to be engaged in, consisted of a Class 4 wind facility with 10 turbines generating a maximum nameplate capacity of 25MW. The Project will also include electrical collector and data lines, a substation, temporary construction areas, and other ancillary facilities such as turbine access roads.

Proposed Change:A change is being proposed to the project as a result of a change in connection point based on consultation with Hydro One Networks Inc. As the connection point for the project has changed, the majority of the above-ground pole-mounted tap l ine connecting the project to the Woodstock Transformer Station (TS) will no longer be required. The new connection will be at the Project substation, or 350 m west of the substation at the end of the existing overhead lines. The buried portion of the tap line as proposed in the o r i g i na l REA may be necessary and will therefore remain a part of the scope of the project. Prowind is removing infrastructure from the REA scope that will then exclude all of the City of Woodstock, all of County Rd 59, and a portion of Firehall Rd. (see map adjacent).

Documents for Public Inspection:Further details regarding the proposed change to the Project are provided in the Modification Report on the Project's website at: http://www.prowind.ca/?page=projects-gunns-hill.

Project Contacts and Information:To learn more about the proposed Project changes or to be added to our Project distribution list, please contact the Project team:

Prowind Canada Inc.19 Bold St., Unit 2BHamilton, ON L8P 1T3Phone: (905) 528-1747Fax: (866) 203 6516Email: [email protected] Website: www.prowind.ca



Page 215: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!































Project Name: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm

Project Location: Township of Norwich, Oxford County, Ontario

MOE Reference Number: 8529-98KMYC

OPA Reference Number: FIT-FS6SPX8

Dated at: the Township of Norwich, this the 13th of February, 2014.

Project Description and Documents for Public Inspection:

Environmental Bill of Rights 1993:

Project Contacts and Information:

Prowind Canada Inc.19 Bold St., Unit 2BHamilton, ON L8P 1T3Phone: (905) 528-1747Fax: (866) 203 6516Email: [email protected] Website: www.prowind.ca

Prowind Canada Inc., on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc., is planning to engage in a renewable energy project in respect of which the issuance of a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) is required. The proposal to engage in the Project and the Project itself are subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act of Ontario (Act) Part V.0.1 and Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Regulation). This notice is being distributed in accordance with Sections 15.1 and 15.2 of the Regulation following posting of the Project on the Environmental Registry.

Pursuant to the Act and Regulation, the facility, in respect of which this project is proposed to be engaged in, consists of a Class 4 wind facility with 10 turbines generating a maximum nameplate capacity of 25 MW. The Project will also include electrical collector and data lines, a substation, temporary construction areas, and other ancillary facilities such as turbine access roads (see map).

Prowind Canada Inc. has obtained or prepared, as the case may be, supporting documents in order to comply with the requirements of the Act and Regulation. Copies of all final submitted documents are available for p u b l i c i n s p e c t i o n a t www.prowind.ca/?page=projects-gunns-hill.

A proposal for a Renewable Energy Approval in respect of this renewable energy project has been posted on the Environmental Registry (www.ebr.gov.on.ca; Registry Number: 012-1069) referred to in Section 5 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 and comments in respect of the proposal may be submitted to the Director. All comments received prior to March 24, 2014 will be considered as part of the decision-making process by t h e M i n i s t r y o f t h e Environment if they are submitted in writing or electronically using the form p r o v i d e d i n t h e Environmental Registry notice.

To learn more about the proposed Project or to be added to our Project distribution list, please contact the Project team:


by Prowind Canada Inc. on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc. regarding a Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project


Page 216: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!






































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Project Name: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm

Project Location: Township of Norwich, Oxford County, Ontario

MOE Reference Number: 8529-98KMYC

OPA Reference Number: FIT-FS6SPX8

Dated at: the Township of Norwich, this the h of April, 2014.

Prowind Canada Inc., on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc., is planning to engage in a renewable energy project in respect of which the issuance of a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) is required. The proposal to engage in the Project and the Project itself are subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act of Ontario (Act) Part V.0.1 and Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Regulation). This notice is being distributed in accordance with Sections 15.1 and 15.2 of the Regulation following posting of the Project on the Environmental Registry.

Project Description and Documents for Public Inspection:Pursuant to the Act and Regulation, the facility, in respect of which this project was originally proposed to be engaged in, consisted of a Class 4 wind facility with 10 turbines generating a maximum nameplate capacity of 25MW. The Project will also include electrical collector and data lines, a switching station, temporary construction areas, and other ancillary facilities such as turbine access roads.

Proposed Changes:1. The nameplate capacity

o f t h e p r o j e c t i s decreasing from the original value of 25 MW to an amended final value of 18 MW.

2. The proposed turbine model is changing from the Siemens 3.0-113 2.5 MW mode l to the Senv i on ( f o rme r l y REpower) MM92 1.88 MW model.

The 10 proposed turbine locations remain unchanged and the 10 Senvion MM92 1.88 MW turbines will have their total output limited to18 MW. There are no new environmental or noise impacts due to this change. No turbines have moved, and the turbines are quieter; for the f ive receptors with the highest estimated sound pressure levels attributed to the Project, the sound level drops between 0.3 and 0.5 dBA with the switch to the Senvion turbine.

Documents for Public Inspection:Further details regarding the proposed change to the Project are provided in the Modification Report on the Project's website at: http://www.prowind.ca/?page=projects-gunns-hill.

Project Contacts and Information:To learn more about the proposed Project changes or to be added to our Project distribution list, please contact the Project team:

Prowind Canada Inc.19 Bold St., Unit 2BHamilton, ON L8P 1T3Phone: (905) 528-1747Fax: (866) 203-6516Email: [email protected] Website: www.prowind.ca



by Prowind Canada Inc. on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc.regarding a Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project


Page 217: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

Project Name: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm

Project Location: Township of Norwich, Oxford County, Ontario

MOE Reference Number: 8529-98KMYC

OPA Reference Number: FIT-FS6SPX8

Dated at: the Township of Norwich, this the of July, 2014.

Prowind Canada Inc., on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc., is planning to engage in a renewable energy project in respect of which the issuance of a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) is required. The proposal to engage in the Project and the Project itself are subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act of Ontario (Act) Part V.0.1 and Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Regulation). This notice is being distributed in accordance with Sections 15.1 and 15.2 of the Regulation following posting of the Project on the Environmental Registry.

Project Description:Pursuant to the Act and Regulation, the facility, in respect of which this project was originally proposed to be engaged in, consisted of a Class 4 wind facility with 10 turbines generating a maximum nameplate capacity of 25MW. The Project will also include electrical collector and data lines, a switching station, temporary construction areas, and other ancillary facilities such as turbine access roads.

Environmental Bill of Rights 1993:A proposal for a Renewable Energy Approval in respect of this renewable energy project has been posted on the Environmental Registry (www.ebr.gov.on.ca; Registry Number: 012-1069) referred to in Section 5 of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 and comments in respect of the proposal may be submitted to the Director. All comments received prior to August 07, 2014 will be considered as part of the decision-making process by the Ministry of the Environment if they are submitted in writing or electronically using the form provided in the Environmental Registry notice.

The purpose of this posting is to inform the public of an error in the Noise Assessment Report, to allow public comment on both the Noise Assessment Report and documentation of other technical project changes that have occurred since the REA application was submitted to the Ministry of the Environment.

Proposed Changes:1. The nameplate capacity of the project is

decreasing from the original value of 25 MW to an amended final value of 18 MW.

2. The proposed turbine model is changing from the Siemens 3.0-113 2.5 MW model to the Senvion (formerly REpower) MM92 1.88 MW model.

The 10 proposed turbine locations remain unchanged and the 10 Senvion MM92 1.88 MW turbines will have their total output limited to 18 MW. There are no new environmental or noise impacts due to this change. No turbines have moved, and the turbines are quieter; for the five receptors with the highest estimated sound pressure levels attributed to the Project, the sound level drops between 0.3 and 0.5 dBA with the switch to the Senvion turbine.

Documents for Public Inspection:Further details regarding the proposed change to the Project are provided in the Modification Report on the Project's website at: http://www.prowind.ca/?page=projects-gunns-hill.

Project Contacts and Information:To learn more about the proposed Project changes or to be added to our Project distribution list, please contact the Project team:

Prowind Canada Inc.19 Bold St., Unit 2BHamilton, ON L8P 1T3Phone: (905) 528-1747Fax: (866) 203-6516Email: [email protected] Website: www.prowind.ca



by Prowind Canada Inc. on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc.regarding a Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project


Page 218: Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm! Renewable!Energy!Approval ...€¦ · Gunn’s!Hill!Wind!Farm:!REA!Clarification!Document!! 3! Consultation Report!Vol.! 1,!Section!,!Page! 5.29!

























Project Name: Gunn's Hill Wind Farm

Project Location: Township of Norwich, Oxford County, Ontario

MOE Reference Number: 8529-98KMYC

OPA Reference Number: FIT-FS6SPX8

Dated at: the Township of Norwich, this the of January, 2015.

Prowind Canada Inc., on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc., is planning to engage in a renewable energy project in respect of which the issuance of a Renewable Energy Approval (REA) is required. The proposal to engage in the Project and the Project itself are subject to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act of Ontario (Act) Part V.0.1 and Ontario Regulation 359/09 (Regulation). This notice is being distributed in accordance with Section 16.0.1 of the Regulation. The notice is being distributed to make the public aware of a proposed change to the project.

Project Description:

Pursuant to the Act and Regulation, the facility, in respect of which this project was originally proposed to be engaged in, consisted of a Class 4 wind facility with 10 turbines generating a maximum nameplate capacity of 18MW. The Project will also include electrical collector and data lines, a substation, temporary construction areas, and other ancillary facilities such as turbine access roads.

Proposed Change:

Prowind proposes a second road design and construction option to the Project; the use of the cement-stabilization technique in access road construction. Cement-stabilization entails the use of a highly compacted mixture of soil, cement, and water, in access road construction, rather than the traditional construction method outlined in the Construction Plan Report [i.e., strip and stockpile surface material (topsoil separate from subsoil) followed by the placement of a geotextile layer beneath a granular 'B' base and a finished surface of granular 'A' material]. The location of the access roads and the overall Project Location remain unchanged. This option is being added as an alternative for design and construction flexibility and significant schedule and cost benefit

Documents for Public Inspection:

Further details regarding the proposed change to the Project are provided in the Modification Document on the Project's website at: http://www.prowind.ca/?page=projects-gunns-hill.

Project Contacts and Information:

To learn more about the proposed Project changes or to be added to our Project distribution list, please contact the Project team:

Prowind Canada Inc.19 Bold St., Unit 2BHamilton, ON L8P 1T3Phone: (905) 528-1747Fax: (866) 203-6516Email: [email protected] Website: www.prowind.ca

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by Prowind Canada Inc. on behalf of Gunn's Hill Windfarm Inc.regarding a Proposal to Engage in a Renewable Energy Project