Global warming in the public sphere BY J AN CORFEE-MORLOT 1, * ,† ,MARK MASLIN 1 AND JACQUELIN BURGESS 2 1 Geography Department, University College London, Pearson Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK 2 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK Although the science of global warming has been in place for several decades if not more, only in the last decade and a half has the issue moved clearly into the public sphere as a public policy issue and a political priority. To understand how and why this has occurred, it is essential to consider the history of the scientific theory of the greenhouse effect, the evidence that supports it and the mechanisms through which science interacts with lay publics and other elite actors, such as politicians, policymakers and business decision makers. This article reviews why and how climate change has moved from the bottom to the top of the international political agenda. It traces the scientific discovery of global warming, political and institutional developments to manage it as well as other socially mediated pathways for understanding and promoting global warming as an issue in the public sphere. The article also places this historical overview of global warming as a public issue into a conceptual framework for understanding relationships between society and nature with emphasis on the co-construction of knowledge. Keywords: global warming; climate change; social theory and the environment; co-construction of knowledge; environmental policy 1. Introduction A 1959 Scientific American article by Gilbert Plass suggested that the world’s temperature would rise by 38C by the end of the century and featured a photograph of coal smoke belching from factories (Plass 1959). The caption read ‘Man upsets the balance of natural processes by adding billions of tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year’ (as cited in Weart 2003). This coverage resembles what has become routine media coverage of global warming in recent years. Yet global warming, as a clear social and political issue, did not emerge until much later in time. The question investigated here is: why did global warming emerge as an issue in the public sphere at all and how did this occur? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A (2007) 365, 2741–2776 doi:10.1098/rsta.2007.2084 Published online 30 July 2007 One contribution of 9 to a Theme Issue ‘Climate change and urban areas’. * Author for correspondence ([email protected]). Jan Corfee-Morlot currently of the Environment Directorate at the OECD; the article was written while she was on academic leave with UCL. The views contained in this article are solely those of the co-authors and do not represent the views of the OECD or of its member countries. 2741 This journal is q 2007 The Royal Society on May 9, 2018 http://rsta.royalsocietypublishing.org/ Downloaded from

Global warming in the public spherersta.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/roypta/365/1860/2741.full.pdf · Global warming in the public sphere BY JAN CORFEE-MORLOT 1,*,†,MARK MASLIN

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Global warming in the public sphere




1Geography Department, University College London, Pearson Building,Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK

2School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia,Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK

Although the science of global warming has been in place for several decades if not more,only in the last decade and a half has the issue moved clearly into the public sphere as apublic policy issue and a political priority. To understand how and why this hasoccurred, it is essential to consider the history of the scientific theory of the greenhouseeffect, the evidence that supports it and the mechanisms through which science interactswith lay publics and other elite actors, such as politicians, policymakers and businessdecision makers. This article reviews why and how climate change has moved from thebottom to the top of the international political agenda. It traces the scientific discoveryof global warming, political and institutional developments to manage it as well as othersocially mediated pathways for understanding and promoting global warming as an issuein the public sphere. The article also places this historical overview of global warming asa public issue into a conceptual framework for understanding relationships betweensociety and nature with emphasis on the co-construction of knowledge.

Keywords: global warming; climate change; social theory and the environment;co-construction of knowledge; environmental policy


*A† Jawhithe

1. Introduction

A 1959 Scientific American article by Gilbert Plass suggested that the world’stemperature would rise by 38C by the end of the century and featured aphotograph of coal smoke belching from factories (Plass 1959). The captionread ‘Man upsets the balance of natural processes by adding billions of tons ofcarbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year’ (as cited in Weart 2003). Thiscoverage resembles what has become routine media coverage of globalwarming in recent years. Yet global warming, as a clear social and politicalissue, did not emerge until much later in time. The question investigated hereis: why did global warming emerge as an issue in the public sphere at all andhow did this occur?

Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A (2007) 365, 2741–2776


Published online 30 July 2007

e contribution of 9 to a Theme Issue ‘Climate change and urban areas’.

uthor for correspondence ([email protected]).n Corfee-Morlot currently of the Environment Directorate at the OECD; the article was writtenle she was on academic leave with UCL. The views contained in this article are solely those ofco-authors and do not represent the views of the OECD or of its member countries.

2741 This journal is q 2007 The Royal Society

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Much of the scientific knowledge needed to understand global warming hasbeen in place since the early 1960s (Weart 2003; Maslin 2004). Following earlyscientific discoveries on the ‘greenhouse effect’ at the end of the nineteenthcentury, the basic physical science underlying the theory and empirical evidencefor global warming was supported through wartime and post-World War IIscientific enterprise to master nuclear weaponry and understand how nuclearradiation and fallout would travel throughout the atmosphere and terrestrial andmarine environments. Given this basic set of scientific facts about globalwarming available by the 1960s, the issue of global warming could have emergedat least on the western social and political agenda much earlier than it did.At this time, media attention had also begun to include coverage of globalwarming as an emblematic public environmental issue.

This article traces the emergence of global warming in the public sphere.1 Oneof the common themes throughout is the role that science plays in policydecisions. In tracing the relationship between science and climate change policyover time, one sees a transition from ‘policy for science’ to ‘science for policy’(Agrawala 1999).2 Climate change policy originates in a policy for science modewhere the aim of initial policy is to ensure that relevant scientific research movesahead in a coherent manner to better understand the nature of the problem. Bycontrast, emphasis in the policy agenda has more recently shifted away fromproblem recognition to problem solving. In this context, one aim of scientificendeavour to answer relevant policy questions. Both models for thinking aboutthe science–policy relationship are important for answering questions aboutemergence of global warming in the public sphere.

We conclude that science and scientists shape the understanding of globalwarming in the public sphere but their influence alone is insufficient to explainthe timing of attention to global warming as a policy issue. Rather the emergenceof climate change as a public policy problem is a result of a variety of sociallymediated pathways that interact with scientific knowledge to shape publicunderstanding and drive political attention to the issue.

The article begins with a brief outline of social theory as background for thisdiscussion. Next, the article reviews key scientific developments in theirhistorical context with a particular focus on the science community in theUnited States (US). This is followed by an exploration of three different yetintertwined socially mediated pathways that shape global warming in the publicsphere: (i) political and institutional processes and change, (ii) the rise ofenvironmentalism as a mass social movement, and (iii) heightened attention inthe mass media. The article has a particular focus on developments in theUnited States and on the international context; reference is also made to keydevelopments in the United Kingdom as a point of comparison. The article

1We use here Habermasian notion of the public sphere as the area of public life which mediatesbetween and connects the political system to the private sphere on key ‘public’ issues such as theenvironment. While the private sphere operates largely behind closed doors through face-to-faceinteractions that are outside of public scrutiny, the public sphere is ‘a highly complex network thatbranches out into a multitude of overlapping international, national, regional, local and subculturalarenas’ (Habermas 1998, p. 373).2 These terms were originally introduced by Brooks (as cited in Agrawala 1999): Gieryn (1999),Guston (2001), Jasanoff (1990).

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closes by returning to the discussion of social theory to relate the emergence ofglobal warming in the public sphere to theoretical questions about relationshipsbetween society and nature. We conclude that social understanding of climatechange and its prioritization as a public policy problem is co-constructedthrough an intertwining of growing scientific knowledge and a variety of socialand cultural practices.

2. Science, society and climate change interactions: a conceptualperspective

Theory regarding interactions between science, environment and society is messyat best and conflicting at worst. The conflict stems in part from the nineteenthcentury origins of social and political theory, which aimed to distance itsinterests and central tenets from the positivism that had dominated socialthought during the Enlightenment. At this time, contemporary social andpolitical theory placed culture and society in opposition with biological thinkingand nature (Benton & Redclift 1994; Goldblatt 1996). Humanist social thoughtemerged in part as a reaction to positivism, as part of a conscious effort tocounter pervasive biological thinking, which was dominant at that time. Theprimary ecological concern in this classical social theory was to understand hownature constrains society and, more particularly, how to separate and transcendsociety from the constraints of nature (Goldblatt 1996).

Understanding of global environmental change is built upon interdisciplinaryresearch (Chen et al. 1983; Parson & Fisher-Vanden 1997; Liverman 1999;Edwards 2001). In the area of climate change, the authoritative IPCC reportsdemonstrate efforts made by governments to bring together key research findingsin areas ranging from physical climate modelling to economic dimensions of theproblem and possible solutions. Despite much breadth of coverage, however,IPCC’s limited treatment of social science literatures on the subject of climatechange demonstrates the dominance of techno-rational or predictive analyticaltraditions in the field of environmental policymaking. A techno-rationalapproach is based on a ‘linear’ model of decision making, aiming to informpolicymakers about the latest available expert information so that they mayimprove their decisions. An open question is what insights for policy, if any,might derive from the ‘missing’ pieces of social research, notably the interpretiveand constructivist views which give a more central role to societal processes forunderstanding policy problems. From this perspective, society defines and directsscientific endeavour to some extent (Kuhn 1962; Latour 1987). More importantlyfor policy, environmental decision making is part of a social and cultural struggleto bring lay knowledge together with expert knowledge in the policy process tocollectively reflect on problem definitions and to define priorities for policy(Fischer & Forester 1993; Hajer & Wagenaar 2003; Jasanoff 2003; Wynne 2003;Jasanoff & Martello 2004).

Several authors now argue that to understand and better advance responses toglobal environmental change problems, it is necessary to find a middle ground thatcombines interpretive, constructivist views with the power of scientific discovery(Latour 1987; Benton & Redclift 1994; Stern & Fineberg 1996; Jasanoff & Wynne1998; Woodgate & Redclift 1998; Lorenzoni et al. 2000; Wynne 2002).

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Table 1. Dimensions of social theory and the global environment.

positivist/realist interpretive/constructivist co-construction—hybrid

characteristics ofglobal environmentalchange

science—identifies the ‘problem’,characterizes the environmentalrisk—which must then be dealtwith by society

GEC—risk problem—what isenvironmental risk is sociallyand culturally based;communicated through languageand discourse

coevolution and coexistence of the physical andsocial world. Physical environment shapesintellectual development and needs and viceversa

science and expertknowledge

science as the source of truth—uncertainty and complexsystems as risk problems

‘claims’ rather than ‘truths’—allknowledge is socially created

circular interaction between science (rationalist)and policy (socially constructed understand-ings of science). Science for policy has influence

policy process linear process where scienceinforms policy; policy acts uponnew science as it emerges.Strong state required. Top-down

calls for more deliberative,participatory approaches—expert knowledges not ‘trusted’,bottom-up

iterative, recursive model; emphasis on insti-tutional change and interaction between socialand natural systems

methods/approaches world systems modelling;pressure-state response;ecological modernization—economic efficiency(optimization)—benefit–costassessment

discourse analysis, communicativerationality, deliberativedemocracy; analysis of discoursecoalitions and storylines.Identification of narrativeinterpretation in policyprocesses—framing incontroversial problem solving

analytic deliberative process is a starting point—allowing interface between people and place,science and understanding to identify andmanage risk. New institutionalism (moredescriptive than explanatory) combined withethnographic approaches (interpretive, quali-tative). Aim to understand how global changeoccurs, to actively design policy process toframe problems and solutions that are mean-ingful in local/regional contexts

some keycontributors

this is the dominant view inclimate policy and sciencecommunity working togetherin the IPCC process. Ehrlich;Holdren; Sabatier (on policyprocesses); Spaargen and Mol(on ecological modernization)

Douglas and Wildavsky (on cul-tural theory); Hajer; Kuhn;Burgessand Harrison; Beck (reflexivemodernization); Giddens;Foucault, Habermas

Woodgate and Redclift; Norgaard; Ostrom;Dietz; Stern and Fineberg; Rydin; Jasanoff andWynne; Liverman; Schneider Hajer; Schon andRein; Fairhead and Leach; Fischer










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social change and environment meanings of nature co-constructed through scientific

and social knowledge

natural systems

human systems

science bounds society neo-realist, objectivist theory

society bounds science interpretive, constructivist theory

Figure 1. Conceptual context for understanding social change and the environment.

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An unproductive divide also exists within different strands of social theoryaccompanied by different methods and languages. The ongoing struggles, bothwithin communities of social researchers and between the social science and sciencecommunities, mean that potentially important connections can be completelyignored or drowned in discussions that focus on differences rather than areas ofagreement. These conceptual perspectives are outlined in figure 1 and table 1. Thisconceptual background provides a starting point for this review and we will returnto it to conclude.

3. Scientific discovery and confirmation of global warming

(a ) Early science of global warming

Global warming was officially discovered more than 100 years ago. Thepioneering work of a Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius in 1896 is attributedwith the discovery of the greenhouse effect (Bolin et al. 1986; Weart 2003; Maslin2004). Two other early scientific efforts had also discovered elements of thepuzzle that eventually became the theory of the atmospheric greenhouse effecttheory, French scientist Joseph Fourier and British scientist John Tyndall. Earlyin the nineteenth century, Fourier pointed to the Earth’s atmosphere as thereason for the Earth’s mild temperature compared to the heat of the Sun’s rays(Hart & Victor 1993; Weart 2003). In 1859, Tyndall investigated how theatmosphere of the Earth stayed warm and was the first to show that theatmospheric gas of CO2 was opaque to infrared radiation from the Sun and couldthus warm the atmosphere. Tyndall’s conclusions were independently confirmedby Arrhenius and Thomas Chamberlin between 1897 and 1899 when they

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calculated that human activity could substantially warm the global atmosphereby adding carbon dioxide to it (Hart & Victor 1993; Weart 2003). However,Arrhenius was the first to identify the link between climate change, fossil fuelburning and rising atmospheric concentrations of CO2. He estimated that cuttingconcentrations into half would cool the world by 5–68C (Bolin et al. 1986; Weart2003; Maslin 2004). This theory still stands today.

Maslin (2004) points out that the discovery of the greenhouse effect was an‘accidental affair’. The major aim of both Arrhenius and Chamberlin’s work wasto offer a theory that might explain the rise (and fall) of the great ice ages. It wasnot until 1987 that the Antarctic Vostok ice core results confirmed the pivotalrole of atmospheric CO2 in controlling past global climate (Maslin 2004). As noone else took up the issue in their time, Arrhenius and Chamberlin turned theirattention to other challenges and the theory of a greenhouse effect was laiddormant for several decades. From 1938 to 1942, a true theory of the greenhouseeffect began to emerge in a series of lectures and papers to the RoyalMeteorological Society by British engineer Guy Stewart Callendar. Usingmeteorological data, Callendar showed that warming was already occurringand identified links between global warming, CO2 emissions and fossil fuelburning to raise concern about the potentially harmful greenhouse effect (Bolinet al. 1986; Hart & Victor 1993; Weart 2003). Despite the prescient nature ofthese findings, neither the broader scientific community nor the public at largehad much interest in the greenhouse effect at this time.

Nascent scientific concern about the influence of human activities on theclimate did not initially raise public alarm about the greenhouse effect. At leastthree reasons may explain this. First, scientists had identified many natural andhuman-induced influences on global climate, including sunspots and watervapour in the atmosphere to ocean circulation, thus influences by human beingswere considered insignificant when compared with greater natural forces (Maslin2004). Second, western society’s attention was fixed on World War II andscientific enterprise was overwhelmingly focused on wartime issues, such asnuclear physics, weaponry and weather modification. Third, the prevailingscientific belief was that any climate change resulting from human-madeemissions was likely to be benign, relatively small and easy to control with thevast technological means available to humans (Hart & Victor 1993). Indeed, in1957, Roger Revelle, one of the pre-eminent scientists working on the carboncycle, wrote: ‘Our attitude towards the changing content of carbon dioxide in theatmosphere that is being brought about by our own actions should probablycontain more curiosity than apprehension’ (Hart & Victor 1993, p. 656; citingRevelle 1966).

(b ) Cold War fuels global warming research

These fundamental questions about the nature of global warming wereeventually debunked through scientific discovery. In particular, with the adventof World War II, new techniques and technologies emerged to refine under-standing of the radiative properties of CO2 in the atmosphere as well as the roleof oceans in removing atmospheric CO2. In large part, these advances came inthe pursuit of military interests—either in the use of weather modification as astrategic weapon for geopolitical warfare or in the need to understand diffusion of

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potentially destructive agents—e.g. chemicals and nuclear radiation—inatmospheric and marine environments (Hart & Victor 1993; Kwa 2001; Weart2003; Maslin 2004).

Wartime scientific advances provided carbon dating tools that helped topropel climate change science forward by providing insights into the carbon cycleand atmospheric–oceanic exchange of CO2. Three scientists were notable in theseefforts: Swiss scientist Hans Suess and two American scientists Roger Revelle andCharles Keeling, with Revelle becoming a main research entrepreneur out ofScripps Institute in La Jolla, California (Hart & Victor 1993). Using carbondating in the 1950s, Hans Suess showed that the oceans were acting as the hugesink for atmospheric CO2 that had been predicted; in what became the ‘Suesseffect’, he concluded that atmospheric concentrations of CO2 were on the rise(Hart & Victor 1993; Weart 2003). From 1955, Revelle and Suess collaborated toshow the limits to oceanic–atmospheric exchange of CO2, raising concern aboutthe possibility for an unprecedented rise of CO2 in the atmosphere (Weart 2003);they noted the ‘large-scale geophysical experiment’ being carried out by humanbeings with the Earth’s atmosphere and climate and advocated a programme ofmonitoring to understand and track developments (Hart & Victor 1993;Agrawala 1999; citing Revelle & Suess 1957; Weart 2003). In the late 1950s,Revelle hired Charles Keeling to measure the concentration of atmospheric CO2

in Antarctica and in Mauna Loa, Hawaii. These Keeling curves have become oneof the major icons of the global warming debate documenting the annualclimbing trend of CO2 concentration since 1958 when measurement began(Hecht & Tirpak 1995; Maslin 2004).

Revival of CO2 theories of climate change came in 1956 when Gilbert Plasspublished a paper estimating that global mean temperature (GMT) couldincrease 1.18C per century and, in 1959, updated estimates to 38C (Hart & Victor1993; Weart 2003). Plass concluded that adding more CO2 to the atmospherewould indeed intercept more infrared radiation and warm the atmosphere(Weart 2003). Interestingly, these climate change predictions, already availablefrom mid-1950s, are in the range of those that we have today built upon muchmore sophisticated modelling tools.

Also in the 1950s–1960s, an atmospheric modelling community began toprovide corroborating evidence on global warming (Hart & Victor 1993; Edwards2001; Weart 2003). Research originally focused on war-time possibilities forweather modification and John von Neumann, at Geophysical Fluid DynamicsLaboratory (GFDL) in Chicago, was a main research entrepreneur in this area.He gathered sufficient government research funding to institutionalize researchon mathematical modelling of meteorology and weather modification techniques(Hart & Victor 1993; Weart 2003). Atmospheric modelling was built upon therapid increases in computing power in this period, which increased severalthousand fold from the 1950s into the mid-1970s (Weart 2003). Emerging‘general circulation modelling’ (GCM) tools provided initial results relevant toclimate change published in the mid-1960s. Although the models ignored manyimportant factors, the crude general circulation modelling exercises corroboratedPlass’ conclusion that global warming would accompany human-inducedincreases in atmospheric CO2 (Maslin 2004) and by the end of the 1960s, thismodelling community had confirmed the usefulness of this tool for globalwarming research (Edwards 2001).

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Cold War politics in the 1950s also opened the way for internationalcooperation on relatively neutral topics of scientific interest. In a perioddominated by policy for science the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)was created in 1950 (Agrawala 1999). In 1957/1958 with the leadership of RogerRevelle, the WMO worked with other government organizations to support theInternational Geophysical Year; this significantly boosted funding and attentionto climate change science, even prior to any formal recognition of climate changeas a political or social issue, within a much broader programme focused onmeteorological issues (Hart & Victor 1993; Agrawala 1999). This period was alsoknown for competing theories and debate about causes of the rise and fall of thedifferent ice ages and whether shifts between ice ages were gradual or rapid(Weart 2003; Maslin 2004).

(c ) Global warming in the public sphere: 1960s

The 1960s ushered in a range of scientific results to confirm the greenhouseeffect or global warming theory as well as the beginning of broad-scale interactionbetween scientific and policy communities on this issue (Weart 2003). Keeling’sAntarctica and Mauna Loa data amassed to show a rapid rise in atmosphericCO2. These data provoked first signs of concern about global warming within thescientific community. In a 1965 scientific meeting hosted by the National Centeron Atmospheric Research, MIT scientist Lorenz showed that the climate may notbe a stable system or ‘deterministic’ system, while other scientists advancedtheories about how radical climate change had occurred at the close of the last iceage, 11 000 years ago (Weart 2003). Scientists showed that climate had warmed5–108C in less than 1000 years, marking the end of this ice age. Revelle summedup by highlighting the ability of slight, transitory changes in the atmosphere toflip the climate to quite radically different states and calling for pluridisciplinaryapproaches to climate change research. Shortly after, in 1967, the InternationalCouncil for Science (ICSU) and WMO created a collaborative internationalresearch programme on the global atmosphere, which included climate changealong with weather prediction (Weart 2003).

A number of other trends also emerged in the 1960s to link a policy discourseto the scientific discourse. First, scientists began to interact more closely withcivil society and policymaker audiences, thus marking what could be consideredthe first phase of science for policy collaboration.3

Second, also in the United States, military sources of funding for climate-relevant scientific research were cut back and civilian sources, such as theNational Academy of Sciences which oversaw the National Science Foundation(NSF), emerged to replace the military sources of previous decades (Hart &Victor 1993; Weart 2003).

Finally, government-sponsored analysis of the science began to emerge,linking the rise in CO2 and global warming to fossil fuel use and receivingseparate attention in government budgets (Hart & Victor 1993).

3 For example, Weart (2003) notes a workshop hosted by Conservation Foundation in 1963 mayhave been the first of its kind on climate change featuring scientists interacting with non-governmental organizations and policy analysts in the US. The workshop conclusions warned thatclimate change could be harmful to society.

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From the end of the 1960s, the fundamental nature of scientific endeavour onclimate change issues became more intertwined with the public sphere. Agrawala(1999) explains this transition as a shift away from policy for science to sciencefor policy. In this transition, the science and the politics of the issue becomeclosely intertwined and affect one another. Thus the account of scientificdevelopments that follow can only be understood in the context of other socio-political developments.

(d ) Global warming confirmed as a problem: 1970s on

Palaeoclimatological investigations began to reveal evidence that radical shiftsin climate had occurred in the distant past. For example, palaeooceanography(study of past oceans) demonstrated that there were at least 32 glacial–interglacial (cold–warm) cycles in the last two and a half million years, not fouras had been previously assumed (Weart 2003; Maslin 2004). However, there wasno possibility of estimating how quickly the ice ages came and went (Maslin2004). Perhaps due to evidence of multiple ice ages, many scientists and themedia ignored convergence about the science of global warming. Even as late as1980, in part due to the cooling trend shown by GMT data over the period1940–1970, conventional wisdom as reported in government science-basedreports was that cooling would be as likely as warming (Hart & Victor 1993;Mazur & Lee 1993).4

The intense scientific drive to understand past climate change eventually led todevelopments in the 1980s that began to dispel theories about global cooling infavour of warming. Technical advances led to high-resolution past climate recordsfrom deep-sea sediments and ice cores, which in turn shaped understanding abouthow past climates had changed (Maslin 2004). These records showed that icesheets are slow to build up, taking tens of thousands of years, but that a transitionto warmer climates can be geologically quick—of the order of one to a fewthousand years. This is due in part to positive feedbacks that accelerate thewarming process, for example, sea-level rise which can lubricate and help destroylarge ices sheets. As Maslin (2004) notes, ‘the realisation occurred in thepaleoclimate community that global warming is much easier and more rapid thancooling. It also put to rest the myth of the impeding next ice age.’ In 1985,Broecker and others at Lamont Laboratories had linked the start of the YoungerDryas ice age to the shutdown of the Atlantic Ocean’s heat conveyor belt, knownas the thermohaline circulation. This suggested that multiple equilibrium states ofthe climate may have existed across time (Weart 2003).

In the mid- to late 1970s, other scientific investigations led to improved GCMmodels. This included taking into account the role of particles, clouds and oceanexchange of CO2 in affecting the global climate. Despite the cooling effectthought to be associated with particle pollution (Weart 2003 citing Rasool &Schneider 1971), new ocean–atmosphere coupled GCM tools emerged withrevised and higher estimates of the warming that would be associated with adoubling of CO2 in the atmosphere (Weart 2003 citing Manabe & Bryan 1975).5

4 Both citing Global 2000 report commissioned by the Carter administration and issued in 1980.5This parameter is known as ‘climate sensitivity’ and is a key input in climate change modellingtoday (see van der Sluijs et al. 1988).

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By the 1980s, scientific concern had emerged about CH4 and other non-CO2

greenhouse gases as well as the role of the oceans as a carrier of heat. GCMcontinued to improve and the numbers of scientific teams working on suchmodels increased over the 1980s and the 1990s (Hecht & Tirpak 1995). In 1992, afirst overall comparison of results from 14 GCM models was undertaken; theresults were all in rough overall agreement, confirming the prediction of globalwarming (Weart 2003).6

(e ) Convergence and contestation in climate science

Scientific developments since this time have largely confirmed the theory ofglobal warming and increasingly documented observed effects (e.g. IPCC2007). However, the remaining uncertainties in the exact nature of climatechange as it is expected to play out in the future and the scientific explanationsof past developments have left room for climate sceptics to influence thedebate. The advent of climate sceptic arguments has strengthened the vigourand debate about the science in the public domain and may have stimulatedgrowth in non-governmental organization activities to support action onclimate change (Carpenter 2001; Gough & Shackley 2001; McCright & Dunlap2003; see also below).

Perhaps the most persuasive of scientific developments came in the 1980s withthe emergence of a clear warming signal from interannual data on GMT. GMTdata were compiled in the early 1980s in the US by Hansen, Madden andRamanthan (Weart 2003). The data showed a low point in mean temperaturesfrom the Northern Hemisphere in mid-1960s to 1980s, but an upturn beginning in1981. By 1986, British scientists Wigley and Jones also succeeded in compiling134 years of GMT data to show an unprecedented global warming trend startingin 1980, with the first 3 years the warmest on the record (Jones et al. 1986). Theyhad used different data and methods from those of the Lamont team, anapproach that served to increase confidence within the scientific community thatglobal warming was underway. By 1990, it was generally accepted in thescientific community that human-induced global warming was underway andlikely to continue in the future. In addition, it appears that scientists were alsoincreasingly worried about the risk of climate ‘surprises’ or abrupt change(Weart 2003 citing Chagnon et al. 1992, survey of scientific experts), as the rateof warming observed over the last century was unprecedented historically. Thisraised the question of whether such an alarming rate could potentially lead toabrupt change.

Although the upturn in the global annual mean temperature and its link tohuman activities is still contested by some, it is an issue around which themajority of scientific opinion has converged and become a benchmark indicatorof global warming (Hecht & Tirpak 1995; Maslin 2004). This GMT trend is basedon sea surface and land–air temperature measurements from disparate measuringstations and these data must be manipulated and combined to discern a singleaverage trend of annual change. A number of critiques of these data haveemerged in the last decades, but each has been addressed so as to strengthenconfidence within the international scientific community in the overall

6 For a different perspective on GCM see Shackley & Wynne (1995) and Demerritt (2001).

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conclusions that the Earth’s climate is warming at an unprecedented rate(Maslin 2004).7

Known as the ‘hockey stick’ graph of GMT change, a new round of criticismrecently raised questions about the quality of data and accuracy of methods used toestimate trends in GMT (McInytre & McKitrick 2003; IPCC 2007). This debatehas taken place between experts but in an unusually public manner (Crowley2005). One US scientist—Michael Mann, who has widely published on GMTtrends—has been the centre of the criticism and active in responding to it (Mannet al. 1999, 1998, 2003).8 DespiteMann’s strong rebuttal and theweight of scientificevidence that bring into doubt the validity of the critique (National Academies ofScience et al. 2005), both the media (WSJ 2005a,b; Revkin 2006b) and US andBritish politicians (Crowley 2005; House-of-Lords 2005) have continued to bringattention to the questions raised by McInytre & McKitrick in their critique.

There are two possible explanations for this extraordinarily public scientificdebate. First, political sceptics who do not want to see political action to addressclimate change may find this debate about methods and scientific uncertainty aconvenient hook on which to hang their case for delay (McCright & Dunlap 2003;Crowley 2005). The GMT millennium scale trend is a particularly importanttarget for such criticism owing to its emblematic role in the policy debate.Second, the media’s ethical commitment to the balanced reporting mayunwittingly provide unwarranted attention to critical views, even if they aremarginal and outside the realm of what is considered ‘good’ science (Boykoff &Boykoff 2004; Antilla 2005).

This case demonstrates the public nature of scientific enterprise especially onissues that are politically relevant. When combined with increased ease ofcommunication, from conventional media, such as newspapers, radio andtelevision to more informal websites, what is normally a relatively privatedebate among scientists and experts can easily be shifted into the public arena.Overall such exchanges contribute to a public image that the science of globalwarming is ‘contested’ despite what many would argue is an overwhelminglystrong scientific case that global warming is occurring and human activity is amain driver of this change (IPCC 2001, 2007; Kolbert 2005; National Academiesof Science et al. 2005).

7As highlighted by Maslin, several of the main criticisms of the data are: (i) many of the landmonitoring stations have subsequently been surrounded by urban areas, thus increasing thetemperature records because of the urban heat island effect, (ii) there have been changes inthe ways ships measure the sea-water temperature, (iii) there was not an adequate explanation forthe cooling trend in the 1970s, (iv) satellite data did not show a warming trend from 1960 to 1990and (v) the global warming model overestimated the warming that should have occurred in theNorthern Hemisphere over the last 100 years. Since the early 1990s, the urban heat island andvariations in sea-temperature measurements have been taken into account. We now know that thecooling trend of the 1970s is due to the decadal influence of the sunspot cycle. It turns out thesatellite results for a number of reasons that were spurious and greater understanding of the systemand recalibrated data shows a significant warming trend. Lastly it was discovered that otherpollutants such as sulphur dioxide aerosols have been cooling industrial regions of the globe and asthe models of the early 1990s did not take them into consideration they were overestimating theamount of warming.8 See also Mann’s website: http://holocene.meteo.psu.edu/Mann/ [accessed 2 November 2005].

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The IPCC’s most recent Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) demonstratesoverwhelming scientific consensus about global warming and its links to humanactivities. The assessment shows an ‘unequivocal warming trend’ that hascontinued from for more than a century until the present day. Extending therecord over roughly the last millennium (and more for the Northern Hemisphere)the temperature increase observed in the twentieth century is likely to have beenthe largest of any half a century in ‘at least 1300 years’. Importantly, most of theunprecedented warming observed in the twentieth century is attributed tohuman causes (IPCC 2007).

4. Scientific leadership, political and institutional change

The foregoing discussion highlights the emergence of leadership among scientificelites on climate change, calling initially for more research and eventually forpolicy attention to the issue. Hart & Victor (1993) argue that by 1957, twodistinct scientific discourses and elite scientist followings were firmlyestablished, working quite separately, but both responding to researchopportunities offered by the Cold War to create new political alliances and togather resources to establish autonomous research institutions. One was on thecarbon cycle, led by the oceanographer Roger Revelle of Scripps and the otherwas on atmospheric modelling which was led by the mathematical meteorol-ogists, particularly the ‘father of modern computing’ John von Neumann andmeteorologist Smagorinsky at GFDL. Research and leadership from both thegroups helped to propel the science of climate change forward often in indirectways and, eventually, to pull the issues of global climate change onto the publicagenda (Hart & Victor 1993).

From the 1970s onwards, these leaders joined others in an increasingly activepolicy debate and policy process, both in the US and internationally, wherescientists joined political leaders, government and civil society groups (non-governmental organizations) to promote first research and later action on climatechange. This was intertwined with media attention to global warming asscientists, politicians and activists, acting as entrepreneurs, often promotedclimate change through the media (Hart & Victor 1993; Mazur & Lee 1993;Bodansky 1994). Although it was the same scientific elites still leading thecharge, with essentially an unchanged message from previous years, by the late1970s, the political audience had started to listen (Hart & Victor 1993, p. 665).The US government also increased funding by 400% between 1971 and 1975 forclimate change research (Hart & Victor 1993). In 1978, the US National ClimateAct was passed, establishing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis-tration (NOAA; Weart 2003). However, all this came at a time when there wasperhaps more uncertainty than ever before about the nature of the greenhouseeffect. Given the decline in GMT from 1940 to 1970, some scientists still believedthat a cooling effect of particles was outweighing the warming effect of CO2 andthere was ongoing disagreement between cooling and warming advocates (seebelow; Hart & Victor 1993; Weart 2003).

Despite ongoing scientific debate, the 1970s marked the start of closecollaboration between scientific experts and policymakers. Two examples ofcollaboration between science and the policy-relevant discourse, or science for

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policy in the US, were the 1970 Study of Critical Environmental Problems(SCEP) and the 1971 Study of Man’s Impact on Climate (SMIC; Hart & Victor1993; Bodansky 1994; Weart 2003). Neither study was particularly novel fromtechnical or scientific viewpoints, but both were interdisciplinary efforts to drawtogether science and policy perspectives and had an environmentalist tone.Critical leadership had been provided for each of these studies from well-knownscientists and academics, notably Roger Revelle, Thomas Malone, Caroll Wilsonand (on SMIC) Bert Bolin. Thus, a number of research ‘entrepreneurs’ emergedin the relatively new role of mediating between the scientific and policycommunities. Hart & Victor (1993, p. 663) suggest that these developments markparadigm shifts, where scientists were increasingly seeing their work as part ofthe social community and providing new insights for policy.

The UN Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE) in Stockholm in1972 was a landmark event for the politics and policy of climate change (Hart &Victor 1993; Bodansky 1994; Weart 2003). Although the weight of the meetingwas on local and regional environmental and pollution problems (Liverman1999), it was the first high profile, intergovernmental conference to addressthe global environment. Both SMIC and SCEP had been designed to contributeto this international conference and both reports called for the establishmentof global atmospheric monitoring networks. Swedish scientist Bert Bolin emergedfrom both the SMIC and the UNCHE as an international team leader and adiplomat within the climate science community (Weart 2003). This is aleadership role that he continued as the first chairman of the IntergovernmentalPanel on Climate Change when it was created in 1988 by WMO and UNEP(see below). At the close of the 1972 international conference, global warmingwas recognized as a potential public threat and pledges of public fundingwere forthcoming to support further research and international sciencecooperation.

In 1979, the first World Climate Conference sponsored by the WMO resultedin the establishment of a World Climate Programme, establishing internationalcollaboration for monitoring and data collection (Hecht & Tirpak 1995). Thedeclaration of the conference, cited by Hecht & Tirpak (1995, p. 378), concluded‘there is serious concern that the continued expansion of man’s activities..maycause significant extended regional and even global changes of climate.’ At aboutthe same time, UNEP initiated a small climate impact programme (Hecht &Tirpak 1995). In addition, the (unrelated) energy crises of the 1970s were used topromote arguments for renewable energy and energy efficiency during the Carteradministration in the US in what Carter had termed the ‘moral equivalent of war’(on imports of foreign oil; Carter 1977).

From the 1980s onwards, science for policy emerged to blur the boundariesbetween the climate change science on the one hand, and policy on the other, in theUS and elsewhere (Agrawala 1999). In 1983, twoUS government-sponsored sciencereports had conflicting conclusions about the need for policy action to addressglobal warming. AUSEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA; EPA 1983) reportstressed the urgency of dealing with global warming problems, while a NationalAcademyof Sciences (NAS) report sawnoneed for immediate steps despite concernabout the issue (NAS 1983). Despite differences in interpretation of the science andits implications for policy, by 1988 the United States Congress was debating detailsof legislation to address climate change through the window of energy policy; by

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1992, the National Energy Policy Act was signed into law by President Bush (Sr)(Hecht &Tirpak 1995). This followed earlier US legislation acknowledging climatechange as a policy problem (i.e. the US National Climate Act).

In parallel developments in Britain, the Thatcher government identified globalwarming as a key issue (Weart 2003, p. 157). In a speech to the Royal Society in1988, Prime Minister Thatcher echoed Revelle’s earlier warnings when shehighlighted that we have ‘unwittingly begun a massive experiment with thesystem of this planet itself’ (as cited in Bodansky 1994). A principal response bythe Thatcher government to the threat of global warming was to set up theHadley Centre at the British Meteorological Office, a centre for scientific researchon climate change that is world-renowned today.

International attention also began to turn to the issue of climate change in the1980s. A series of landmark international scientific conferences were organized byUNEP, WMO and ICSU in Villach, Austria between 1980 and 1987 and finally inBelagio, Italy in 1987. These meetings brought policymakers together withscientists to debate the policy implications of climate change.9 In Belagio, theinternational scientific community called for political action on climate change,focusing on responses rather than on the nature of the problem (Ramakrishna &Young 1992; Hecht & Tirpak 1995). These were significant meetings from ascientific point of view, as they helped to lay out for the first time in a comprehensivemanner the emerging science of climate change. However, they were also viewedwith scepticism from some official quarters, especially within the US government,where there was suspicion that the meetings’ conclusions were driven by greenpolitics rather than by science (Bodansky 1994; Hecht & Tirpak 1995).

In 1988, another turning point came in the Canadian-hosted internationalconference on the ‘Changing Atmosphere: Implications for Global Security’,focused almost entirely on climate change and brought international politicalrecognition to the subject of global warming. It concluded with a non-bindingstatement of government participants to work towards a 20% reduction in CO2

emission reduction by 2005 compared with 1988 (WMO/OMM 1988). This was asignificant political development as it was the first internationalmeeting of westerngovernments to call for restrictions on greenhouse emissions (Hecht&Tirpak 1995)and it sent shockwaves throughout the energy establishment that the issue of globalwarming could no longer be ignored.10 This was the first of what was to become aseries of intergovernmental meetings to call for international action to mitigateclimate change (e.g. Noordwijk, Netherlands 1989; Second World ClimateConference 1990). Looking across these events in the 1980s, Haas & McCabe(2001) attribute the new focus on the policy dimensions of climate change science toleadership from a handful of experts and scientists that tied the various eventstogether through their consistent participation. Inadvertently, the attentionbrought to climate change by the Toronto, Villach and Belagio meetings may alsohave led to the creation of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimateChange (IPCC)in its present institutional form.

9 In personal communication, both Renate Christ (currently head of the IPCC) and Dennis Tirpak(formerly with USEPA and UNFCCC climate change secretariat) have indicated that the Villach1985 meeting was a landmark event.10Note this observation is based on the lead author’s own experience, as she was working at theInternational Energy Agency on energy and environmental issues at this time.

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The IPCC was created in 1988 by the UNEP and WMO to lead internationalscientific cooperation on climate change and in particular to conductcoordinated assessment of impacts and response strategies (Bodansky 1994;Agrawala 1998). Some analysts interpret the creation of the IPCC, and itsparticular institutional design as a direct result of governmental interests tolimit non-governmental, scientific control over the policy debate on climatechange (Hecht & Tirpak 1995; Haas 2004). In this design, governments exertcontrol and oversight over the scope for and the content of its assessmentproducts (Agrawala 1999; Haas 2004). Since its establishment in 1988, IPCChave broadly assessed science and other expert literatures on climate changeresulting in a series of assessment reports in 1990, 1996, 2001 and now 2007, allof which confirm the human footprint on the Earth’s climate with increasingcertainty over time. These reports are shaped by the scientific elite from aroundthe world, but they have also benefited from important leadership of successivechairmen, first Bert Bolin from Sweden, then Robert Watson from the US(though he is British national, he is a naturalized US citizen) and now DrPachauri from India. IPCC reports helped to provide the basis for internationalpolitical negotiations on climate change which began in the late 1980s (Hecht &Tirpak 1995). Given their mandate to work between science and policycommunities, the IPCC functions as a boundary organization11 and continues tohave significant influence over climate policy discourse in different parts of theworld and internationally today (Agrawala 1999).

International negotiations on a climate change convention were begun shortlyafter establishment of the IPCC, under a UN General Assembly mandate (agreedin 1990). Rather than being initiated under UNEP, the UNGA established a self-standing Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) (Hecht & Tirpak1995; Agrawala 1999). This may be due to the broad scope of the climate changeproblem and its obvious relation to other social and economic issues as well as tothe environment (Hecht & Tirpak 1995). However, it may also be attributed tothe interest of certain powerful governments (e.g. those in the OECD) to limitthe influence of environmental coalitions and green politics in these negotiations.Negotiations eventually led to the formal signature of the United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the Rio EarthSummit in 1992 and which entered into force in 1994. Subsequently at the ThirdConference of the Parties (COP) in Kyoto in 1997, the Kyoto Protocol wasformally signed by 186 countries and eventually entered into force in February2005 (Depledge 2000b; Yamin & Depledge 2004).

The period from 1970 to late 1980 was also characterized by a rise in post-warmultilateralism, East–West diplomacy and detente (Levy 1993). One of thedrivers for the relatively early multilateral environmental agreements in the1970s, such as Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, was the overallpolitical environment that advanced science cooperation—and eventually theprotection of the environment—as an area for neutral exchange andcollaboration between the East and the West in this Cold War period (Levy1993). This rise in multilateralism was particularly noticeable on environmentalissues. Keohane et al. (1993) observed that more than half of 140 international

11 For a discussion of boundary organizations and their functions as mediators between these twocommunities, see Gieryn (1999), Guston (2001), Jasanoff (1990).

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regulatory frameworks/ economic drivers/ political constraints

professional meaning making practices,embodying technological,institutional and social capacities



texts 1


texts 2

producers 1 producers 2 producers 3

consumers 2consumers 1





personal meaning making practices, embodyingsocial subjectivities and everyday actions

regulatory frameworks/ economic drivers / political constraints






















Figure 2. Circuits of culture. Adapted with permission from Carvalho & Burgess (2005 Risk Anal.25, 1457–1470).

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environmental agreements instituted since 1921 entered into force after 1972.12

The dramatic rise in the number, and scope of the participation, in internationalenvironmental agreements supports social theory suggesting that this period ofsociety is characterized by human–nature relationships taking a more central anddefining role in society (Giddens 1991; Beck 1992).

Shabecoff (1996) highlights the end of the 1980s as a turning point where therewas a fundamental shift in the appreciation for the interlinkages betweeneconomic well being and the environment. Rio was a landmark event as itconfirmed a shift in understanding among developing and developed nations alikethat local and global environmental issues were central to international relations,security and development. While he attributes this change to a variety ofsources, ranging from the media to political leadership from a few individuals andinternational organizations, he sees much of the pressure on the political systemas coming from grass-roots organizations (Shabecoff 1996).

12 Brown et al. (1992) in International Environmental Law estimate a much larger total number ofmultilateral environmental agreements, putting the number at 900 agreements in force in 1992;however these include regional and bilateral treaties. The author is grateful to the CIESEN websitefor pointing to these sources: http://www.ciesin.org/TG/PI/TREATY/envagree.html. See also,UNEP, GEO Yearbook 2006; http://www.unep.org/geo/yearbook/yb2006/084.asp—[last accessed13 September 2006]—documenting trends in the participation in multilateral environmentalagreements since the 1970s.

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5. The environmental social movement

The environmental social movement of the 1970s and 1980s played a significantrole in establishing climate change as an issue in the public sphere. A focus in thenon-governmental organization sector on global environmental issues isrelatively recent and follows much earlier political interests in natural resourceconservation and local environmental issues. Hajer (1995) traces the origins ofgrowing environmental awareness to a few key metaphors or emblematic issues inenvironmental discourse over the last 150 years. This starts with nineteenthcentury concern about deforestation. At the end of the nineteenth century, publicconcern had moved on to focus on the destruction of the countryside in the UK orwilderness in the US. In the 1930s, the predominant concern was soil erosion, forexample, during the post-dustbowl drought period in the US. And in the 1960s,the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring in 1962 raised widespread publicconcern over the extent and pathways for chemical pesticide pollution. Earlyecologists were politically marginal; however, the political constituenciessupporting the environmental movement shifted over time crossing andrecrossing the boundaries from left to right and back again, eventually gainingstrength in numbers and political influence (Bramwell 1994; Brulle 2000; Weart2003). Carson’s book was important in part because it united different strands ofthe US environmental movement, encompassing both the conservationists’ andthe preservationists’ concerns about ecosystem threats with other public concernabout human health (Brulle 2000).

The advent of human space travel followed and the widespread diffusion of theimage of Earth seen from the Moon came in 1969. Ultimately this powerful imageis attributed with help to change the way lay publics see themselves, and society,in relationship to the Earth and the global environment (Dryzek 1997; Jasanoff2001). This may have helped to spread the view that humans were but a smalltiny part of a much greater Universe. In this period, the influential notion of‘spaceship Earth’ emerged from Kenneth Boulding (Boulding 1966; Dryzek 1997;Brulle 2000), who stated ‘man must live in the whole system, in which he mustrecycle his wastes and really face up to the problem of the increase in materialentropy which his activities create. In a space ship there are no sewers.’(Boulding 1965).13 A spate of other influential books on environment and societyalso emerged starting in the late 1960s (Brulle 2000) including BarryCommoner’s Science and Survival (1966) and The Closing Circle (1971) as wellas Garret Hardin’s influential article on ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ whichlinks overexploitation of common resources to problems of overpopulation(Hardin 1968). Also in 1968, Paul Ehrlich published his Malthusian predictionsabout similar issues in The Population Bomb. In the 1970s, resource depletionbecame the chief metaphor following the publication of the Club of Rome’s 1972report on Limits to Growth and British scientist Schumacher’s vision of theworld as outlined in his Small is Beautiful (Bramwell 1994; Hajer 1995; Dryzek1997). Dryzek considers these developments as part of a broader environmentaldiscourse which he refers to as ‘survivalism’ (Dryzek 1997).

13 Interestingly in the same essay, Boulding also implies that putting a person on the moon wouldbe a waste of intellectual resources and a low-priority achievement compared with the challenge(and apparent urgency) of understanding how social systems interact with the physical systems ofthe Earth.

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Survivalism recognizes finite stocks of resources and the limited carryingcapacity of ecosystems along side of the risks of overpopulation. Beyond thespaceship Earth image, key metaphors include the commons, images of overshootand collapse as well as doom and redemption. This view of environmentalism isconsistent with Yearley’s (1994) observation that one of the specific features ofthe environmental social movement is its critique of capitalism and theseinfluential works substantiate this view. Bramwell (1994, p. 2) also notes ‘ascientific basis for ecological ideas was an essential precondition for the growth ofenvironmentalism, which postulated a sickness, a wrongness about Westernindustrialised society’. These perspectives demonstrate a confluence of social,political and scientific thought that shape understanding of environment, and thefinite nature of natural resources, from this period of the late 1960s on.

From the 1960s onwards, a number of events continued to reinforce ournotions about the quality and sustainability of human life being intertwined anddependent upon natural resources. In the 1970s, the environmental movementfocused attention on conventional, yet transboundary, pollution issues. Oneemblematic issue was that of acid rain which was found to be widespread andtransboundary in its causes and effects (Levy 1993; Hajer 1995). Industrialemissions from the UK, Central and Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union werefirst suspected of affecting the health of ecosystems in Sweden in 1968. Later, in1982, acid rain was also identified as the cause of forest dieback in Germany. TheLong-Range Multilateral Agreement on Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP)was established in 1979 as the international legal framework to manage thisproblem and this led to a series of international protocols to control emissions ofacidic pollutants.

In 1989, the ‘Exxon Valdez’ oil spillage had dumped 35 000 tonnes of oil into thePrince William Sound of Alaska (Mitchell 1993). This disaster, along with thediscovery of acid rain, had exposed the fragility of natural systems to regionalpollution from human industrial activities and raised awareness about dependenceof human systems on natural resources. The Valdez disaster also stimulated abroadening of the environmental social movement to include socially andenvironmentally responsible investment as a theme for progressive businessinterests through the signature of the ‘Valdez Principles’ (CERES 2004).14

The 1980s ushered in a new set of concerns grounded in scientific knowledgeabout global environmental issues, and these were the subject of increasing presscoverage (Mazur 1988; Mazur & Lee 1993) and attention from non-governmentalenvironmental organizations (Liverman 1999). The 1980s was a time of rapidexpansion of the membership and influence of environmental organizations inleading OECD countries (Brulle 2000). A dramatic demonstration that the globalenvironment is affected by humans came with the 1985 discovery through theBritish Antarctic Survey of the ozone hole over this part of the world (Maslin 2004;Weart 2003). This was later confirmed by the US Antarctica scientific expeditionin 1987 (Hecht & Tirpak 1995). These discoveries confirmed the destructive effectsof chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) on the Earth’s atmosphere, an idea that had beenadvanced more than 10 years earlier by Mario Molina and Sherwood Roland

14 This movement has become increasingly active on climate change issues, with activities such asthe Carbon Disclosure Project starting to yield results that include a range of shareholderinitiatives calling for companies to act to manage emissions even where governments have notmandated them to do so (see CERES 2004; Innovest 2005).

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(Molina and Roland 1974; Weart 2003). In 1987, an international protocol onlimiting the production and emissions of CFCs as the main instigator of depletionof stratospheric ozone was signed in Montreal. Thus, the ozone issue had not onlyraised the spectre of public attention and awareness about the global environment,but also opened the way for multilateral cooperative responses to manage theglobal atmosphere (Litfin 1994; Hecht & Tirpak 1995).

Beyond scientific developments, the environmental social movement built partof its raison d’etre upon student social unrest and calls for nuclear disarmamentof the late 1960s (McCormick 1989; Brulle 2000). Antinuclear sentiment wasfurther boosted in the 1970s and 1980s due to two high profile and high-riskaccidents in civilian nuclear power facilities, first, in 1979 at Three Mile Island inPennsylvania (Patterson 1983) and later, in 1986, at the Chernobyl facility inwhat was then the USSR (Wynne 1992a). These events fed pre-existing publicscares about the risk of a nuclear winter (Mazur & Lee 1993). In addition,technocratic approaches to managing nuclear risks and lack of public debateabout nuclear power and the risk of radiation from these accidents furtheredpublic fears and scepticism about the ability of humans to effectively controlnuclear power (e.g. Wynne 1992b). Thus the rise of the environmental movementwas stimulated in part by growing public fear and opposition to nuclear power aswell as opposition to technocratic control over public choices concerning nuclearpower (McCormick 1989; Brulle 2000), an issue that eventually came to belinked to climate change mitigation policy questions.

Environmentalism, at least in western nations, gained momentum andmembership from the 1960s on, and by the 1980s had become well recognizedas a mass social movement (McCormick 1989; Yearley 1994; Shabecoff 1996;Liverman 1999). Tracing developments from Stockholm in 1972 to Rio in 1992indicates a shift in environmental attention from local and regional issues toglobal issues, which was also accompanied by a broadening of the environmentaldebate to include participation in international negotiations from a range ofpreviously unheard voices (Shabecoff 1996; Liverman 1999). These extendedbeyond business and scientific communities to include environmental non-governmental organizations, women and local communities as well as socialscientists.

Post-Cold War environmental awareness grew in parallel with rapidglobalization of economic development characterized by the emergence of globalmarkets for goods and services and interdependence of national economies withina major global network of supply and demand (McCormick 1989; Liverman1999). Liverman (1999, p. 112) writes that the global environmental movement‘can also be seen as a response to economic and political restructuring associatedwith the internationalizing of trade and the Cold War. Environmentaldegradation changes comparative advantage, and domestic environmentalpolicies can influence competitiveness and create nontariff barriers to trade.’The structural changes of the world economy in this period was accompanied bya large number of international environmental agreements (see above),reinforcing stable conditions for globalizing economic development, while alsoproviding international platforms for public debate that continued to raise globalenvironmental awareness. In part due to the transboundary nature of theproblems and their solutions, and to the international institutions that havedeveloped to manage these problems, environmental social movements came to

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be characterized by an international structure, unlike other forms of socialmovements (e.g. labour movement; Yearley 1994). The environmental socialmovement is associated with a powerful transnational networking amongindividuals and organizations within which rapid and spontaneous communi-cation is facilitated by the growth and ease of access to internet and telephony(Giddens 1990; Yearley 1994; Hajer & Wagenaar 2003; Betsill & Bulkeley 2004).

Public support for non-governmental environmental activities intensified inthe 1980s and increasingly environmental organizations were calling for policytargeting CO2 reductions. In the US, this was through organizations, such asSierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists and Environmental Defense Fund(with Michael Oppenheimer in the lead who was an ozone activist). These callswere challenged by the Bush administration, which had by the late 1980s,realigned themselves with industry dissenters. Public awareness also grew duringthis period. A public survey, reported on by Weart (2003, p. 156), showed publicawareness of global climate change had doubled since 1981 when compared with1989: 79% of Americans had heard of the greenhouse effect by 1989 whencompared with 38% in 1981. Commenting on how extraordinarily novel it is thatglobal warming became a public issue at all, Weart (2003, p. 156) notes how‘discourse had in many ways grown more sophisticated.’ Although globalwarming was an invisible and distant threat based on complex science and databy the end of the 1980s, it had clearly moved into the public sphere and had beenestablished as a problem of public policy.

Given the complexity of these global issues, science plays a central role inpolitical debate about climate change; science is also a main source of theexpertise offered through the environmental social movement (Bramwell 1989;Yearley 1994; Gough & Shackley 2001; Weart 2003). Yearley (1994, p. 162)reminds us that ‘many objects of environmental concern are only knowablethrough science. Without a scientific worldview we would know nothing of theozone layer and would certainly be unable to measure its diminution; the same istrue of the greenhouse effect.’ Yet the science of global change can be used topromote quite different ends by friends and foes of environmental action alike(Yearley 1994; Herrick 2004). Although scientific knowledge is essential to globalenvironmental problem identification and to solution design, there is malleabilityin the way it is interpreted and used. This was demonstrated by Carson in SilentSpring where she criticized the politics of science and exposed scientificcontroversy about the effects of chemicals to public scrutiny (Brulle 2000,p. 183). This points to the importance of argument and interpretation in the useof science by both the environmental social movement and more broadlypolicymakers and other representatives of civil society to bring about change(Yearley 1994; Herrick 2004). In the public sphere, the media is anotherimportant pathway for relaying scientific knowledge to the lay public and forpromoting political debate and understanding about global warming.

6. The role of the media grows

Climate change first emerged as a media issue in the late 1970s, stimulated by afirst round of ‘popular’ books that targeted the general public (Schneider &Mesirow 1976; Bryson & Murray 1977; Weart 2003). These generated scientific

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and public debate and increasingly media attention about whether climatechange was a warming or a cooling issue (Weart 2003). Combined, thesebooks boosted public interest and credibility in climate change as a publicissue, which in turn led to public sector consensus that it warranted furtherresearch attention.

The media was vacillating at this time between different scientific views oncooling versus warming. For example, in 1976, a Business Week reporthighlighted scientific convergence around global cooling as a result of the changeatmosphere; 1 year later they confirmed that warming would occur (Weart2003). The world energy crises of 1973 and 1979, stemming from disruption in oilsupplies and related price hikes, also acted as a driver for public attention to theenergy–climate linkage. A number of academic studies on the influence of mediaon the climate change policy debate indicate that science combined withemblematic events and wide media attention has also helped to raise publicconcern about local and the global environmental issues (Mazur 1988; Mazur &Lee 1993; Dunlap 1998; Weingart et al. 2000).

Media coverage does not tell people what to think; however, it is able todirect public attention towards specific policy concerns and in this way toinfluence agenda setting for social concerns and policy issues. Mazur & Lee(1993, p. 682) note that agenda setting is not powerful per se rather it is ‘limitedto raising an issue to salience’. Most viewers and readers will carry away simpleimages, thus it is also important to distinguish in media coverage between the‘substantive’ content and a ‘simple image’, which is conveyed from visuals andfrom lead text in reporting (Mazur & Lee 1993, p. 683). Cognitive psychologytells us that simple images repeated often become ‘availability heuristics’ of realand potent danger (Tversky & Kahneman 1973; Mazur & Lee 1993). A similarnotion is that of ‘affect heuristics’ where affect refers to a person’s feelings abouta particular risk; when combined with images, this notion describes how aperson may draw on experience and feelings to quickly bring meaning to animage (Leiserowitz 2006a). Further, the ‘quantity of coverage theory’ says thatincreased coverage turns public opinion in a negative direction, increasing thefear of environmental hazards or technology, whether or not the reporting of anenvironmental or technology issue is positive or negative (Mazur & Lee 1993).This implies that even when media coverage of global warming may reporton the potential benefits of global warming in certain regions for agriculturalcrops or people’s lifestyles, there is a tendency for lay publics to interpretthis negatively.

Burgess (1990) and later Carvalho & Burgess (2005) present a ‘circuit ofculture’ model to understand social change with respect to global environ-mental issues and the role of media (figure 2). Such a model starts from mediaproduction of news stories (in a private sphere with respect to methods, dataand opinions), moving on to public dissemination, for example, throughbroadcasts, internet, newspapers and finally to a consumption stage wheredifferent kinds of specialist and non-specialist audiences mediate interpretationof the news stories (Carvalho & Burgess 2005). Media attention and politicalaction have also been shown to be closely interrelated (Mazur & Lee 1993;Carvalho & Burgess 2005).

In a review of key events inmedia coverage of global warming in theUS,Mazur&Lee (1993) show that variation in quantity of coverage is linked to other issues of

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social importance, such as extreme weather or other emblematic external events(table 2).15 They also show that from the 1970s,media attention paralleled politicalattention to global warming in the US. For example, the 1979 energy crisis isconsidered by many analysts to be a turning point in media and political attentionin the US, as global warming arguments were promoted in tandem with energysecurity issues to urge consideration of new alternative energy options (Hart &Victor 1993;Mazur&Lee 1993;Weart 2003). In 1981, a front page story in theNewYork Times (NYT) featured James Hansen, a NASA scientist, documenting the100-year increase in GMT from 1880 to 1990, and boldly predicting that ‘almostunprecedented’ warming would occur in the coming century (Mazur & Lee 1993;Weart 2003). The timing of this unusual science media coverage was a direct resultof Hansen’s entrepreneurship, working with the NYT reporter to share findings asthey were released in Sciencemagazine. The NYT article also cites a counterpointby Stephen Schneider of NCAR in Boulder. The event marked emergence of high-profile media exposure of scientists in an increasingly public debate about globalwarming (Mazur & Lee 1993).

Despite the ‘scientific’ controversy that remained about global warming,there was a drop in media attention in 1984 due in large part to vanishingenergy crisis. This may explain in part why the scientifically importantmeetings in Villach and Belagio in 1985 received relatively little mass mediacoverage. Oil prices had dropped and cheap oil was plentiful and overall therewas less attention in the media to the risks of synthetic fuels (which had beenpromoted as alternatives to oil during the energy crisis), CO2 and globalwarming (Mazur & Lee 1993). In parallel, other issues began to dominate theenvironmental coverage in the media, including a debate about banning sale andstockpiling of nuclear weapons. In the mid-1980s, leading scientific authoritiesthat had previously been pushing the global warming agenda advanced the riskof nuclear winter (Mazur & Lee 1993). The nuclear weapons freeze and thediscovery of the ozone hole may have competed with climate change in the mid-to late 1980s as well as carried it along with them as ‘sister issue’ (Mazur & Lee1993; Weart 2003).

Another turning point year came in 1988. A first event was when James Hansentestified before the US Congress (Mazur & Lee 1993; Bodansky 1994; Weart 2003).SenatorTimWirth had scheduled congressional hearings on the greenhouse effect onthe anniversary of the hottest day ever recorded, 23 June 1988 and the weather set anew record high for Washington DC. In another bold interpretation of the science,Hansen linked the drought with high probability to global warming (Mazur & Lee1993;Weart 2003, p. 155). There had been a series of heat waves and droughts in theUS that had devastated certain regions. Prominent coverage of the story was carriedby leading newspapers, notably on the first page of the NYT and in television news(NBC; Mazur & Lee 1993). A few days later, the press descended upon theinternational Toronto Conference on theChangingAtmosphere (Weart 2003, pp. 54and 155),whichwas the first internationalmeeting of governments onclimate changeto receive widespread media attention.16

15Mazur & Lee (1993) look in-depth at the US roughly over the period 1980 to 1990, focusing oncoverage in the New York Times as it is shown to be influential with respect to overall nationalmedia coverage.16 The Toronto Conference was held on 27–30 June 1998; see WMO/OMM (1988).

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Table 2. Key events in global warming media coverage in the US: 1979–1989. (Adapted fromMazur & Lee (1993); also Weart (2003) and Bodansky (1994).)

time frame major US media coverage of global warming emblematic external events

1979 energy security issues linked to global warmingand need for alternative energy options

1979 energy crisis—the ‘moralequivalent of war’; Carter (1977)

1981 NYT front page coverage of James Hansen’sscientific work (published in parallel inScience) documenting a 100-year increase inglobal mean temperature; Hansen predictsthat an ‘almost unprecedented warmingsignal’ will emerge before end of the century

1984–1987 decline in media attention to global warming.Villach and Belagio (1985) meetings receivelittle media coverage

cheap and plentiful oil returns;nuclear arms ban and ozonedominates ‘environmental’ media

1988 NYT front page coverage of Hansen’stestimony in front of the US Senate(23 June 1988); Hansen links drought withhigh probability to global warming.Extensive media coverage of TorontoConference on the Changing Atmosphere,calling on developed countries to reducecarbon dioxide emissions

series of heat waves and droughts inthe US, devastating fire inYellowstone National Park

1989 NYT reports on Bush administration attemptto influence Hansen’s testimony beforeOMB—on the question of uncertaintyrelated to human-induced climate change;Gore leads to bring media and politicalattention to this issue

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Meanwhile Hansen and Schneider were highly visible scientists in the US mediacoverage of the blistering hot 1988 summer temperatures with images portrayingpolluted beaches and a devastating fire in Yellowstone National Park (Mazur & Lee1993; Weart 2003). AsWeart (2003, pp. 155–156) states: ‘The story was no longer ascientific abstraction about an atmospheric phenomenon: it was about a presentdanger to everyone, from elderly people struck down by heat to the owners of beachhouses. Images of blasted crops and burning forests seemed like a warning signal, avisible preview for what might hold.’ These images combined to amplify the publicimage of (human induced) global warming in the US and elsewhere.

Growing public concern about the issue was further stimulated in 1989coverage when the NYT reported that Hansen had been pressured by the Bushadministration to alter testimony before Office of Management and Budget(OMB), a federal watchdog agency for internal management of the USgovernment operations, to emphasize the uncertainty of human-induced climatechange. Thus by 1989, the media was confirming the role that global warminghad in the public sphere and playing a watchdog role to publicize politicalmeddling with the science. Reports of such meddling continue today (Revkin2006a) but with less influences on political developments. In 1989, this mediaattention helped to propel global warming onto the US political agenda.

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Bodansky (1994) suggests that heightened media coverage in this period,combined with rising public concern, to lead to President Bush Sr’s 1988election year pledge to respond politically to global warming. In 1988, Bushpublicly stated that the greenhouse effect would be countered by the ‘WhiteHouse effect’ (Hecht & Tirpak 1995). Under criticism led by Senator Gore in anincreasingly public forum, the White House shifted positions on the issue ofglobal warming and this eventually opened the way for negotiations on the RioAgreement on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. However,the US has now flip-flopped by several times on its willingness to engageinternationally to address climate change, with events eventually leading totheir walking away from the Kyoto Protocol in 2001 (Depledge 2000a,b;Yamin & Depledge 2004). This raises a question about whether media attentionis able to increase the long-term salience of an issue in the political realm(Kingdon 1984) and its interaction with shifts in public preferences and norms(Mazur & Lee 1993; Carvalho & Burgess 2005).

Carvalho and Burgess studied UK media coverage of global warming to tracethe interactions between science, politics and media on the issue over roughly a20-year period (Carvalho 2002; Carvalho & Burgess 2005). They point to themedia’s role in framing the public sphere issues and show how the mediaroughly tracks social learning and socio-political developments on the climateissue through time. Carvalho (2002) identifies a pattern in British broadsheetpress coverage with the number of articles rising and falling with keyinternational conferences or scientific/expert publications, such as the releaseof IPCC reports.

In an update of this study to 2003, Carvalho & Burgess (2005) underscore theoverall role of the media and social contexts in shaping public risk perceptions,where culturally mediated views of risk a shape social action especially on global‘mega-hazard’ issues such as global warming (citing Beck 1992). Three ‘critical’discourse moments are identified from 1985 to 2003 (table 3). Carvalho &Burgess (2005) believe that media representations of climate science–policynexus show signs of social learning having taken place by 1997, when the mediabegan to focus less on risk construction and more on issues associated withmanaging or limiting the risks of climate change (Carvalho & Burgess 2005,p. 15). The media itself is responsive to social learning and changing politicalagendas, and UK political developments and institutional, editorial biases of thenewspapers have largely driven quantity and type of media representation givento climate change (Carvalho & Burgess 2005, p. 18). Finally, although the trendsin media attention to global warming show that problem recognition wasachieved over this period, it also indicates that solution formulation in the publicsphere is still in very early stages of development (Carvalho & Burgess 2005).

The media not only appears to follow key events, but also appears to play animportant role in shaping risk perception about climate change and publicunderstanding. Despite ongoing scientific and political debate, media attentionto global warming has served to legitimize it as a public issue and to establish itas a mainstream concern within society. Media have also influenced our use ofwords. From 1988 onwards, the use of global warming and climate change gainedsupport, while greenhouse effect has lost its appeal and by 1997 it is rarelymentioned at all in the press (Maslin 2004). Yet how issues are presented in themedia is shaped by the institutional position and biases of the particular media

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Table 3. Temporal trends in UK broadsheet coverage of climate change (based on Carvalho &Burgess 2005).

1985–1990 from silence to the political construction of risk and problem recognition1991–1996 back to the future as climate change risks recede; belief in win–win

sustainable development policies and outcomes to address the problem1997–2003 ‘danger comes close to home’; a renewed sense of urgency; more frequent

and intense extreme events observed; recognition of need for moreradical shift in society to address climate change; potential conflicts andtrade-offs with some options, e.g. nuclear

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player(s) in question (Carvalho & Burgess 2005), and by disciplinary biases, suchas the notion of ‘balanced’ reporting (Boykoff & Boykoff 2004).

Figure 3 shows that worldwide major newspaper coverage of global warmingrose rapidly in the last decade or two. Consistent with the studies noted earlier,these data show that the quantity of media coverage tracks well with majorinternational climate change developments such as in the internationalnegotiations (e.g. 1997 Kyoto Protocol signature; 2001 US pulls out of Kyoto)and the release of major IPCC reports (e.g. 1996 and 2001). They also show theinfluence of major weather-related extreme events such as Hurricane Katrina latein 2005. Yet reporting that links climate change with shifts in patterns ofextreme events have risen only slightly in recent years as a share of total globalnews coverage of climate change, suggesting that reporting of major world newservices has followed the lead of the scientific community to be cautious aboutmaking these links.

Perhapsmorepowerful thannewspapercoverageare other formsofmedia that relyon visual information, such as film, television and the internet. Recently researchershave studied the effects of the Hollywood blockbuster 2004 film The Day AfterTomorrow. With a huge viewing public (estimated at 21 million people in the USalone),The Day After Tomorrowwas a commercial success and also appears to havehelped to promote climate change from an obscure scientific issue to one of popularpublic concern (Leiserowitz 2004; Reusswig & Leiserowitz 2005). Leiserowitz,Reusswig and others surveyed public opinion in several different western countriesand concluded that the film shifted public risk perceptions on climate change amongthe viewing public. In addition, the media coverage in glossy magazines (e.g.VanityFair, May 2006, and Time magazine, 3 April 2006 has begun to convey a sense ofurgency about climate change).17 Finally, widespreadmedia coverage of emblematicimpacts of climate change has also been stimulated by the international release of thedocumentary film An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore and by a growing number oftelevision documentaries on climate change (e.g. ‘60 Minutes’, ABCNews and HBOdocumentaries in 2006).18This rise in ‘visual’media coverage suggests that in the lastdecade the ‘availability heuristics’, such as melting mountain glaciers and Arctic icesheets, stranded polar bears andflooded river basins and coastal zones, for promotingpublic understanding of climate change have risen dramatically.

17Time magazine of 3 April 2006, where the cover page headline read: ‘Special Report: ClimateChange—Be Worried, Be Very Worried’.18 For details and internet resources on each of these, see www.net.org/warming/earthday.vtml[accessed 6 June 2006].

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Figure 3. Worldwide newspaper coverage of climate change and extreme events linked to climatechange from 1993 to 2006. Notes: each year comprises September to August, 12 month cycles. Thesearch covered major news reports in major global newspapers, excluding internet reports andother media. Adapted from Lexis-Nexis database, major global newspapers, September 2006.

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Ungar (1992) and others have shown how public awareness is enhancedthrough chance events or ‘scares’, such as experience of extreme weather eventsof droughts or heat waves or, alternatively, independent events in linked areas(Mazur & Lee 1993; Ungar 1992, 1995, 2000). Examples noted above include theenergy crises in 1973 and 1979, which heightened attention to energy–climatelinkages, and the discovery of the ozone hole in the mid-1980s, generally raisingawareness about the potentially destructive nature of human activities for theglobal atmosphere.

Social research in the US also suggests the existence of different ‘interpretive’communities. These communities have implications for the debate about howsevere and immediate the problem of climate change is and what should be doneabout it (Leiserowitz 2005, 2006b). Interpretive communities range from‘naysayers’ to ‘alarmists’ but even for those people who believe climate changeis real, its risks are largely perceived as distant in both space and time. Toovercome this dilemma, Leiserowitz (2005, 2006b) suggests a need for activecommunication on regional implications of climate change risk and on its links toshorter-term issues, such as human health and extreme events. In this view, therise in media attention to extreme weather events and climate change moregenerally (figure 3), combined with increasing use of images, may play a criticalrole to sway public opinion in coming years.

7. Discussion

This review of science–society interactions on climate change demonstrates theintertwining of parallel streams of different types of information, expert and lay

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understandings, social and scientific knowledge to co-construct understanding ofthe issue of global warming in the public sphere (table 4). Scientific discoveriesand theories accumulate and are corroborated by physical evidence of observedclimate changes. Leadership provided by the scientific and political elite, alongwith growing media and political attention, combine to promote public concernand policy initiatives. Additionally, the force of the environmental movement ofthe 1970s and 1980s swept climate change forward as an emblematic issuedemonstrating the risks of uncontrolled economic development and humanpressure on Earth systems. And growing media coverage of the issue, with anincreasing use of visual media, has kept climate change in the public eye. All ofthese forces have helped to propel climate change into the public sphere and ontothe public agenda.

Looking across early scientific discoveries, it is clear that the science of globalwarming has leapt forward in fits and starts. A base of knowledge was built throughcareful empirical and theoretical analysis of very small components of largerquestions that may not even be directly related to climate change (Weart 2003).Theory, built on new data and concepts, may be used to forge ahead in onedirection, while awaiting confirmation or defamation from the next study. Errorsin a previous study become the inspiration for one that follows. Meanwhileattention and efforts of the scientific community are not fixed on climate changequestions alone, butmay be diverted to new pressing issues that are raised by socialdevelopments (such as wartime efforts). In this dynamic and often unpredictableway, science is a process of trial and error, repetition and confirmation, slow andmethodical in its efforts to build knowledge about the physical world.

Although a global environmental problem is initially identified and advancedby science, it inevitably becomes intertwined with society, with politics andpolicy. Scientific research is also inevitably shaped by society, as demonstratedby the close relationship between wartime politics and public funding forscientific research in the 1940s and 1950s. These contextual issues demonstratethe give and take recursive relationship that exists between society, science andthe policy-making process.

Some explanation for the delay in public concern about climate change can befound in the ambiguity of early scientific knowledge about the greenhouse effect. Upuntil the 1960s, competing scientific views and recognition of general uncertaintyabout the greenhouse effect prevented much of the scientific elite fromcommunicating latest scientific findings to both the press and the policy elite(Weart 2003;Maslin 2004). The elite scientific community transformed its concerninto pleas for more funding and attempted to set up autonomous researchinstitutions to pursue greater understanding (Hart & Victor 1993), leading to apowerful interface between science andpoliticswhich continues today.Almost all ofthe earliest climate policy initiatives were ‘policy for science’, aiming to facilitateresearch and collaboration amongst researchers to clarify the nature of climatechange and its causes (Agrawala 1999).

One or two decades later that the same scientific leadership, more and moreconvinced about the ability for human activity to warm the Earth’s climate,worked hand in hand with political elites to advance climate change as a policyissue. In the 1980s, a scientific consensus converged with a series of meetingsproviding opportunities for experts to convey and discuss scientific findings withpolicymakers. In the 1990s, a human fingerprint was identified in the overall

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Table 4. Key developments in climate change across scientific, political, media and environmental movement domains: 1950–2000

1950s–1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s

science advances in carbon cycleresearch. Suess and Revellequestion extent of oceans asa sink for atmospheric CO2.

Revelle notes the ‘large-scalegeophysical experiment’ thathumans are conducting withthe Earth’s atmosphere.Keeling data reveal rise inatmospheric CO2; Plasspredicts links between globalwarming and fossil fuel use

cooling trend (1940–1980) inglobal mean temperaturescontinues to muddle thescientific case for globalwarming. Attention to roleof non-CO2 greenhousegases, particles and clouds

ozone hole discovered (1985).Concern about abrupt cli-mate change emerges frompalaeoclimatology. ObservedGMT data show rapid globalwarming. Contested natureof climate science emerges

IPCC 1988 report establishesscientific basis for policyconcern. IPCC secondscientific assessmentconfirms human fingerprinton the Earth’s climate(1998). Openly politicaldebate about the ‘hockeystick’ millennium trend inGMT (1998 ongoing.)

leadership andkey politicalevents,institutionaldevelopments

scientists begin working withpolicymakers and NGOs toraise awareness about scaleand nature of the greenhouseeffect; 1963—ConservationFoundation workshop joinsenvironmental organizationeffort with science to gainpolicy attention to climatechange

scientific elite entrepreneurssucceed in raising funds forclimate change research.SMIC and SCEP studies1972 UNHCE—recognizesclimate change risk. FirstWorld Climate Conference.Government consensusemerges on need for researchon climate change

early 1980s: science–policyadvice split about the needfor immediate climate policyaction. Late 1980s: science–policy advice converges onthe gravity of global warm-ing problem and need forpolicy attention. Villach andBelagio Conferences. Tor-onto statement—govern-ments pledge to achieve CO2

emission reductions. WMO/UNEP (governments) createIPCC. UNGA resolutionbegins internationalnegotiations on climatechange

Second World Climate confer-ence calls for a convention.1992 Framework Conven-tion: enters into force.1994–1997 Kyoto Protocol:entry into force 2005. Policygap widens: scientificconsensus on scale andmagnitude of problem andneed to respond versuslimited levels and types ofpolicy action











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Table 4. (Continued.)

1950s–1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s

media coverage little or none on the greenhouseeffect per se or to globalwarming

popular books on climatechange issued by Schneiderand Bryson—first scientiststo publicly bring attention tohuman role in greenhouseeffect

political construction climatechange as a risk problem andas part of broader set ofglobal environmentalchanges. Climate changelinked to energy (e.g. followon from 1970s energy crises).Hansen in NYT linksobserved warming trendsand extremes to humancauses

high level of media attentionreturns—focusing on sense ofurgency and problemsolving. Climate changeincreasingly linked toextreme events

environmentalsocial move-ment

stimulated by antiwar andnuclear arms protest, theenvironmental movement ofpast times establishes thebeginnings of a mass socialmovement. Rachel Carson—Silent Spring. First imagesof the Earth from orbit—K. Boulding terms‘spaceship Earth’

survivalist discourse emerges,e.g. Club of Rome’s Limits toGrowth, Erhlich’s Popu-lation Bomb, Hardin’s Tra-gedy of the Commons.Concern focuses on environ-mental degradation, popu-lation and development

massive growth in the environ-mental movement. Acidrain, ozone and global cli-mate change become emble-matic issues. Recognition ofglobal environmental risksand rise in multilateralenvironmental cooperation.Progressive business goes‘green’

environmental movementincreasingly institutiona-lized, politically fracturedand weak. Action on climatechange characterized bytransnational/internationalaction, working from withinpolicy institutional processes










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scientific assessments conducted under the auspices of the IPCC. Majorinternational political agreements followed, starting with the signature andentry into force of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1994and the Kyoto Protocol in 2005. These agreements build not only on the sciencebut also on the social and political momentum that has grown up around climatechange in recent decades (Yamin & Depledge 2004). It was in this period, 1980s–1990s, that science for policy emerged as a major force in the climate change policydebate (Agrawala 1999).

This review outlines a variety of socially mediated pathways that build onscientific knowledge to develop and expand social understanding about climatechange. These pathways combine and interact with the science of climate changeto explain the emergence of climate change in the public sphere. They operate inthe public sphere, interfacing between the core political system and the privatesphere touching on individual lives and perceptions as well as collective, socialinstitutional activities and norms (Habermas 1998). The pathways includeenvironmental social movement and the media as well as individual leadershipfrom scientific elites and other policy entrepreneurs championing ideas onclimate change (Kingdon 1984). Examples highlighted here show how thesepathways intertwine and sometimes merge, for example, when scientific leadershave stepped forward to influence policy debate working through the newsservices and other forms of mass communication.

The rise of environmentalism, as a mass social movement in the 1980s, helpsus to understand the timing of the emergence of global warming as an issue in thepublic sphere. This is not to comment on questions about the ‘effectiveness’ ofthe environmental social movement, which is a relatively new area of socialresearch (e.g. Hall & Taplin 2005). A number of researchers are raising questionsabout the ability of the movement to promote change and appropriate policyresponses to issues such as climate change (Yearley 1994; Gough & Shackley2001; Shellenberger & Nordhaus 2004).

Accompanying the emergence of the mass environmental movement is thegeneral rise in prominence of non-state actors—from environmental and businessorganizations to local and regional governments and other social organizations—that promote a particular ‘take’ on climate change (Newell 2000; Carpenter2001; Gough & Shackley 2001; McCright & Dunlap 2003; Levy & Newell 2005).To some extent, this pathway for knowledge production and understandingexerts its influence through sub-politics, remaining outside of the domain offormal political scrutiny and beyond responsibility in the public sphere fortransparency (Beck1992). This occurs in part through transnational and nationalnetworks of non-state actors and organizations (Smith 2002; Betsill & Bulkeley2004). Through these transnational subpolitical networks, the environmentalsocial movement has played a fundamental role to help raise the salience ofglobal warming as policy issues.

Transnational networks also extend to government and scientists forming partof what Haas has called epistemic communities (Haas 1990, 2004). For climatechange, these networks began to emerge in the 1980s and have played anincreasingly important role in global and local politics of climate change (Haas1990, 2004). Much activity and interaction within the epistemic community onclimate change is formally institutionalized through the IPCC, which is operatedas an intergovernmental institution. As such it is clearly in the public sphere. Yet

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the essential practice of climate change science as a knowledge generatingactivity remains in the private sphere, operating independently of public scrutinyand debate. Thus, there exist transnational epistemic networks on climatechange that exercise their influence through political and subpolitical processes.These transnational networks traverse the public and the private spheres, andvarious scales of governance.

Finally, the media is another distinct pathway to promote social under-standing of an issue, often working forward from scientific discovery to help makeexpert information accessible and relevant to a lay public. The media operatethrough formal social and institutional means, but they affect individualconsumption and reproduction of knowledge in the private sphere (figure 2).The studies reviewed here highlight the media’s capacity to reflect social learningon climate-change issues and the adeptness of certain actors, such as thescientific elite, in learning to use the media to achieve desired ends. Beyond therole played by the media is the question of ‘take-up’ of expert knowledge by laypublics. This ‘consumption process’ is mediated by cultural parameters and localknowledge, such as understanding and experience with pollution or globalenvironmental issues (Wynne 1992b; Dunlap 1998). This includes understandingthrough heuristics—images, metaphors and metronyms—which in recent yearsinclude melting glaciers, stranded polar bears, heat waves and hurricanes. In thisway, public (mis)understandings of climate change have also helped to propelclimate change into the public sphere and onto the political agenda (Carvalho2002; Antilla 2005; Carvalho & Burgess 2005).

This review confirms the intimate relationship between science and societyespecially on complex issues such as global environmental change. The interactionsbetween science and society argue for a hybrid model of social theory on theenvironment where the power and influence of scientific discovery anddevelopments are mediated through social means. Tracing the emergence ofclimate change in the public sphere supports the notion of co-production ofknowledge and understanding, a process which combines the strengths of realist,scientific discovery with contextual insights and knowledge, where society andscience co-construct meanings of global warming (Latour 1987; Benton & Redclift1994; Stern & Fineberg 1996; Jasanoff &Wynne 1998; Woodgate & Redclift 1998;Lorenzoni et al. 2000;Wynne 2002). These pathways advance meaningful framingsof climate change as a policy problem and a range of responses that are meaningfulin local and regional contexts through structured interface between a wide varietyof stakeholders (human agency), institutional change and scientific endeavour(table 1; figure 1). Though likely to be slow and cumbersome, these pathways alsoshape understanding at the international level of action.

The conceptual model outlined here suggests opportunities to promote sociallearning and adaptive responses to climate change over time as knowledge,individual preferences and social norms shift. A key question for policy then iswhether co-constructionist perspectives have potential to help improve policyoutcomes. For example, many have commented on the ‘policy gap’ between thescale and type of policy action being taken today and the action needed toadequately respond to climate change. How can social theory and the rich rangeof social research be used to help tackle this and other questions most relevant toglobal environmental policymaking? What can be done differently in the policyarena to build a more reflexive ‘policy spaces’ that lead to effective collaborative

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