Page 1 of 21 Revised 9/1/2012 Employee Q&A Overview 1. What is the Community Partnership program? Community Partnership engages our employees around the world in giving back through individual donations, team-oriented volunteering, fundraising and individual volunteering. To encourage employee participation, the company offers incentives that include company donations, Paid Volunteer Time and employee recognition programs. 2. Who is eligible to participate in the Community Partnership program? All active, full- or part-time employees eligible to receive benefits from BNY Mellon or one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries may participate in Community Partnership. 3. What types of charities are eligible for a company match or donation through the Community Partnership program? BNY Mellon recognizes the worthiness of the many organizations. In the U.S., the organization must have an IRS designation of 501(c) (3) or be recognized as tax- deductible under Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. In England and Wales, the organization must be a charity registered by the Charity Commission or accepted or exempt according to the Charities Act of 1993. Organizations in other countries must meet requirements for their respective country’s governance. All charities must meet certain other requirements, including the U.S. Patriot Act and our company’s eligibility guidelines. Eligible organizations include: Powering Potential (BNY Mellon’s charitable giving focus, Powering Potential, is designed to help others by concentrating on basic needs and workforce development); Cultural Organizations (e.g. performing arts organizations, museums, historical societies, arts funds or councils, cultural centers, libraries, parks, zoos, botanical gardens and conservancies); Economic Development (e.g., organizations and agencies that develop and support economic growth within a specified geographic area by providing necessary resources and assistance); Educational Institutions (e.g., any school recognized by its local government and accredited by appropriate national or regional accrediting association); Environment (e.g., organizations dedicated to preserving the earth's natural resources, or committed to promoting conservation issues and/or providing education about environmental issues); Health and Human Services (e.g. charities whose primary concern is around health and health-related causes, including charities committed to alleviating homelessness and poverty); Other (additional charity categories may be eligible based on local practices).

Global Giving Campaign - Double the Donation

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Employee Q&A


1. What is the Community Partnership program?

Community Partnership engages our employees around the world in giving back through individual donations, team-oriented volunteering, fundraising and individual volunteering. To encourage employee participation, the company offers incentives that include company donations, Paid Volunteer Time and employee recognition programs.

2. Who is eligible to participate in the Community Partnership program? All active, full- or part-time employees eligible to receive benefits from BNY Mellon or one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries may participate in Community Partnership.

3. What types of charities are eligible for a company match or donation through

the Community Partnership program?

BNY Mellon recognizes the worthiness of the many organizations. In the U.S., the organization must have an IRS designation of 501(c) (3) or be recognized as tax-deductible under Section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code. In England and Wales, the organization must be a charity registered by the Charity Commission or accepted or exempt according to the Charities Act of 1993. Organizations in other countries must meet requirements for their respective country’s governance. All charities must meet certain other requirements, including the U.S. Patriot Act and our company’s eligibility guidelines.

Eligible organizations include: Powering Potential (BNY Mellon’s charitable giving focus, Powering Potential, is designed to help others by concentrating on basic needs and workforce development); Cultural Organizations (e.g. performing arts organizations, museums, historical societies, arts funds or councils, cultural centers, libraries, parks, zoos, botanical gardens and conservancies); Economic Development (e.g., organizations and agencies that develop and support economic growth within a specified geographic area by providing necessary resources and assistance); Educational Institutions (e.g., any school recognized by its local government and accredited by appropriate national or regional accrediting association); Environment (e.g., organizations dedicated to preserving the earth's natural resources, or committed to promoting conservation issues and/or providing education about environmental issues); Health and Human Services (e.g. charities whose primary concern is around health and health-related causes, including charities committed to alleviating homelessness and poverty); Other (additional charity categories may be eligible based on local practices).

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Ineligible organizations and donations include: Organizations and donations that are not eligible to receive a company match are donations to or for: individuals rather than registered charities; charities with the sole purpose of providing support to a named individual or a named family; influencing legislation or electing candidates to public office; religious programs of churches, temples, mosques or other sectarian organizations; services; tuition; dues; subscriptions; preferential seating; sponsorships; payments for tickets/tables for benefit functions; payments for auction merchandise; donated goods or services; insurance premiums; clubs and groups such as membership associations, sororities, fraternities and boosters; gifts made to private foundations; bequests or life income trust arrangements; cumulative gifts from several individuals reported as one contribution; any contribution not made through Community Partnership; any organization not aligned with the Code of Conduct or our corporate values, or which may involve BNY Mellon in controversial issues. Also note that double counting is not permitted; requests for contributions can be matched by only one component of Community Partnership.

4. How can I find out which charities are part of Community Partnership and Powering Potential?

You may view the current list of eligible charities through the Search for Agency link on Community Partnership Online. You will need your Employee ID number to log in.

The list includes charities that are eligible, ineligible and those for which eligibility is pending. It will also indicate if the charity is classified as Powering Potential or another eligible charity.

5. A charity that I want to donate to or volunteer with fits within the

eligibility requirements but I don’t see it listed on the Search for an Agency feature. How can I put in a request that a charity be considered eligible for Community Partnership?

BNY Mellon recognizes the worthiness of the many organizations. To find out which types of charities are eligible or ineligible for the program, please refer to question 3.

U.S. employees: Individual Matched Giving during the Community Partnership Campaign: If you would like to make an individual donation to a new charity and request a company match during the Community Partnership Campaign you can submit the name of the new charity as you go through the donation or pledge process on Community Partnership Online. The new charity will then go through a vetting process. This process can take up to several weeks to complete depending on the responsiveness of the organization. Once the charity has been vetted and it has been confirmed that it is eligible, it will be added as an eligible charity for future use and your funds and any company matching donation will be disbursed in accordance to the Community

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Partnership match disbursement schedule. If the charity is not eligible, you will be contacted and asked to redirect your funds to an eligible organization.

Team Volunteering/Team Fundraising: Team Captains may submit the name of a new charity for consideration at the time they submit their team project using Community Partnership Online for pre-approval. The new charity will then go through a vetting process. This process can take up to several weeks to complete depending on the responsiveness of the charity. You will be notified by your Community Partnership Representative if your charity is eligible or ineligible.

Individual Volunteering: New charities will be evaluated for eligibility when volunteer hours are submitted using Community Partnership Online. You will be notified if your charity is ineligible.

International Employees: Individual Matched Giving during the Community Partnership Campaign, Team Fundraising, Team Volunteering and Individual Volunteering: You may submit a new charity for consideration for Community Partnership anytime during the year by sending the name of the charity and contact information to International Community Affairs at [email protected]. If the charity meets the eligibility requirement of the Community Partnership program and completes the required application, it will be added to the list of eligible Community Partnership charities. Because of the length of time required to determine the eligibility of international charities, to be eligible for a company match a charity must be listed as eligible under Community Partnership when you make an individual donation during the Community Partnership Campaign; submit your team volunteering or team fundraising project for pre-approval or submit your individual volunteer hours on Community Partnership Online.

UK Payroll Giving: You may donate to any UK charity registered under the UK Charities Commission through the UK Payroll Giving Programme. To be eligible for consideration for a company match, the charity must also fall under Community Partnership eligibility guidelines.

6. What is BNY Mellon’s focus area of Powering Potential, and why should I support it?

Powering Potential uses our values and our collective impact to power the potential we recognize in hardworking families and people who simply need a chance to secure basic needs and skills today, so that they can build for tomorrow.

Many charities are eligible for Community Partnership. Some are considered Powering Potential charities. In most cases, the company will double its matching donation when you choose to support a Powering Potential charity through Community Partnership. You may view the Powering Potential charities and all other eligible charities through the Search for Agency link on Community Partnership Online.

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7. Why is our company encouraging charitable giving during such difficult economic times? Our company has a strong commitment to the communities in which we live and work, and this commitment is all the more critical in difficult times. Community Partnership was developed and has been refined based on employee input and provides employees with many options for giving, including the opportunity to volunteer or raise funds for a charitable organization if they cannot afford to make a monetary donation. We certainly recognize that any campaign of this kind is more challenging given the current economy. However, charities and the clients they serve are being especially hard hit as a result of the economic situation, and our support through donations, volunteering and fundraising is needed more than ever. By continuing to invest in our community programs, we are demonstrating that we continue to be a strong company with a global outlook. Our clients, staff and shareholders expect this and support it. Remember that our program is completely voluntary; employees may choose whether to participate. Our goal for the campaign is to make sure all employees have been informed about the program, so they can determine if they would like to be involved.

8. What is Community Partnership Online, and how do I use it?

Community Partnership Online is a Web-based tool with centralized resources and information. The URL is www.easymatch.com/bnymelloncommunitypartnership. Employees can log on from any computer to access their personal giving page, where they can research, designate, manage and track contributions to eligible organizations. During the Community Partnership Campaign, all employees can make decisions about their individual charitable giving to eligible charities using Community Partnership Online in order to receive a company match. When a major disaster strikes, employees can use Community Partnership Online to make an individual donation to designated disaster relief organizations and receive a company match. Employees who wish to participate in Individual Volunteering can use Community Partnership Online to submit their individual volunteer hours. All employees can also use the site for participation in team volunteer and team fundraising projects.

9. What are the Community Partnership Solicitation and Communication


The Community Partnership Solicitation and Communication Guidelines address when and how employees can solicit each other in the workplace to support charities. The guidelines can be found on the Community Partnership site on MySource.

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10. What are Regional Community Partnership Committees?

These committees help plan the Community Partnership Campaign in their respective geographic regions outside the U.S., develop regional volunteer opportunities and provide recommendations for charities to receive grants and be included in the company’s team volunteering, fundraising and individual matched giving programs. Each committee is chaired by a local manager and includes a cross-section of employees.

Paid Volunteer Time

11. What is Paid Volunteer Time (PVT), and how do I request it? All active full- or part-time employees who are eligible to receive benefits from BNY Mellon or one of its wholly owned subsidiaries are eligible to receive Paid Volunteer Time (PVT). All PVT must be approved in advance by the employee’s manager. Learn more about PVT on MySource .

Team Volunteering and Team Fundraising

12. What is the definition of a team under the Community Partnership program?

To qualify for a company match for team volunteer time or fundraising, a team must include at least three eligible employees. Teams may also include an employee’s family and friends, but the company’s matching donation will be based solely on employee volunteer time or fundraising. Employees who form a team may be from the same work group, different work groups, members of an affinity network, etc. A higher cap on the company match is available for teams of 10 or more who volunteer more than 125 hours or raise more than US$2,500. Note: For the UK, fundraising also may be done by individuals.

13. May I participate on multiple teams within the same year?

Yes. You can participate on as many teams as you want.

14. Will you provide a company match for employee team projects using PVT as well as projects that an employee team participates in during non-business hours?

Yes. Both types of employee team projects will be considered for a company match.

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15. How can I find out about local team volunteer or fundraising projects?

Look at the Volunteer Opportunities posted on the Community Partnership site on MySource.

16. Where can I find ideas for other team volunteer or fundraising projects?

You can view the Volunteer and Fundraising Photo Gallery on MySource, which lists projects that have been completed by BNY Mellon employees around the world.

17. I would like to be a team captain and request pre-approval for a team

volunteering or team fundraising project. How do I begin the process? Please refer to the Team Captain Toolkit for a step-by-step guide.

18. How does the program match team volunteering and fundraising?

To recognize and support employee teams, the company provides a 50 percent match for team volunteering and fundraising for all eligible charities. If your team chooses to support a Powering Potential charity,* the company will double its match to 100 percent. Sample match calculations can be found in the team captain toolkit on the Community Partnership site on MySource. To qualify for a matching donation, the employee team must include at least three eligible employees.


Effective for team projects approved starting on December 15, 2011.

Company donations will be disbursed in country-specific currencies.

* You may view the Powering Potential charities and all other eligible charities through the Search for Agency link on Community Partnership Online.

Size of Team Match

10 or more employees volunteering more than

125 hours or raising more than $2,500

$10/hour or 50 percent of the amount raised,

up to $10,000. This match rate and cap

doubles for Powering Potential charities.

Three to nine employees volunteering fewer

than 125 hours or raising less than $2,500

$10/hour or 50 percent of the amount raised,

up to $500. This match rate and cap doubles

for Powering Potential charities.

Company Match for Team Volunteering and Team Fundraising

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19. When will the charity receive the company matching donation?

Company matches for team volunteering and team fundraising will be paid out on a quarterly basis. BNY Mellon must approve all final projects before company matching donations can be disbursed. Matching donations for approved projects will be disbursed to your organization in accordance with program guidelines.

20. How are employees reimbursed for team volunteer project expenses?

Employees may purchase supplies for their team volunteer projects such as paint, paint brushes, food to serve to residents at a homeless shelter or lunch for team members. Travel expenses for team members are not eligible for reimbursement. If an employee incurs an expense they should complete an online travel and expense request, record the expense in the “Staff Other” category, charge it to the cost code provided by their Regional Community Partnership Representative and send a copy of their expense diary to their Regional Community Partnership Representative.

Please note that when an expense request is imported from MyWallet, the system defaults into the “Other” category. Even if an employee marks it as “Staff Other” in MyWallet the system changes it when it is imported, so employees need to double check the expense is recorded as “Staff Other” before submitting it for approval.

21. What are examples of ineligible team projects and program limitations?

We are unable to approve requests for team projects that:

pose a potential conflict of interest for BNY Mellon;

are not aligned with the Code of Conduct or our corporate values;

may involve BNY Mellon in controversial issues;

pose safety or security risks to employees (e.g. clean-up work at a disaster site; construction or remodeling work not under the supervision of a trained professional; or any type of volunteer activity not under the supervision of an eligible charity or school);

consist of fundraisers for individuals rather than registered charities;

benefit charities with the sole purpose of providing support to a named individual or named family;

influence legislation or involve electing candidates to public office;

involve religious programs of churches, temples, mosques or other sectarian organizations; and,

are programs offered by clubs, membership associations or sororities/fraternities.

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22. What rules and requirements do charities typically have for volunteers?

Volunteers working with children are often asked to allow for a criminal background check. Volunteers who will be driving as part of their activity are required to have a valid driver’s license and carry up-to-date automobile insurance. Employee volunteers must work under the supervision of the charity and follow all rules and regulations set by the charity and applicable laws related to the volunteer activity. Travel time to or from a volunteer activity does not count toward the number of eligible volunteer hours.

23. My Community Partnership team is hosting a pot luck lunch fundraiser.

We have several contractors working in our business, can we invite them to participate in the event? All active, full- or part-time employees eligible to receive benefits from BNY Mellon or one of its wholly-owned subsidiaries may participate in the Community Partnership Team Volunteering and Team Fundraising Program. The benefits of this program are not available to interns, temporary employees, contractors, vendors or retirees. However, for employee initiated team fundraisers, such as a pot luck lunch, blue jeans day or a used book sale, if the manager wishes to invite a contractor, temporary employee and/or intern who is currently working in their business to attend the event the contractor, temporary employee and/or intern may be invited. However, the money donated by the contractor, temporary employee and/or intern may not be submitted for a company match.

Individual Volunteering

24. What is the Individual Volunteering component of Community

Partnership and how can I participate?

In recognition and support of the ongoing individual volunteer efforts of BNY Mellon’s employees, Community Partnership provides donations to eligible charities where employees volunteer significant hours.

Employees may enter individual hours/volunteer activities completed for charitable organizations during the calendar year using Community Partnership Online.

25. What is the required number of individual volunteer hours and the

corresponding donation amounts?

Employees must volunteer a minimum of 25 hours per submitted charity to be eligible for a company donation. The amount of the donation will vary depending on the number of volunteer hours and if the charity is a Powering Potential charity or another eligible charity.

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Donations for individual volunteer activities

Powering Potential charities

Other eligible

charities 50 hours or

more US$1,000 US$500 25to 49 hours US$500 US$250

Note: Company donations will be disbursed in country-specific currencies.

26. What are examples of eligible individual volunteer activities? Individual volunteer activities that are eligible for a company donation include providing administrative help, such as answering phones; caring for animals; designing art, media or websites; serving on the board of a charity; helping with business or strategic planning; serving as a guest or career day speaker; farming, gardening or landscaping; helping in a classroom; providing computer training; participating in an environmental cleanup; collecting goods; mailing; preparing, serving or delivering meals; mentoring; event planning or coordination; packing goods; remodeling; scouting; translating; writing or editing; and performing data entry.

27. What are examples of ineligible individual volunteer activities and program limitations? We are unable to approve requests for individual volunteer activities that:

pose a potential conflict of interest for BNY Mellon;

are not aligned with the Code of Conduct or our corporate values;

may involve BNY Mellon in controversial issues;

pose safety or security risks to employees (e.g. clean-up work at a disaster site; construction or remodeling work not under the supervision of a trained professional; or any type of volunteer activity not under the supervision of an eligible charity or school);

include time spent on any other BNY Mellon Community Partnership component;

are related to fundraising, such as walking or running in a fundraising race;

are associated with fundraisers for individuals;

influence legislation or involve electing candidates to public office;

involve volunteer activities of religious programs of churches, temples, mosques or other sectarian organizations; or

involve volunteer activities of programs offered by clubs, membership associations or sororities/fraternities.

Note: Employee volunteers must work under the supervision of the charity and follow all rules and regulations set by the charity and applicable laws related to the

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volunteer activity. Travel time to or from a volunteer activity does not count toward the number of eligible volunteer hours.

28. What rules and requirements do charities typically have for volunteers?

Volunteers working with children are often asked to allow for a criminal background check. Volunteers who will be driving as part of their activity are required to have a valid driver’s license and carry up-to-date automobile insurance.

29. I will be participating in a fundraising walk/race hosted by a charity

(e.g., the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk, British Heart Foundation Bike Ride or Tokyo FIT for Charity Run). Is this type of activity eligible under the Individual Volunteering component of Community Partnership? It would be considered as an eligible activity if you were volunteering at the event registration desk, helping to set up or clean up, or serving on the event planning committee. However, it would not be eligible if you were running/walking in the event and collecting donations. If you are fundraising, you may be eligible to participate in Team Fundraising; please see the global Team Fundraising guidelines. Employees in the UK may also be eligible to participate in UK Individual Matched Fundraising. Guidelines and forms are available on the Community Partnership site on MySource.

30. I am participating in a Community Partnership Team Volunteering

project at a charity where I also volunteer as an individual. May I submit my team volunteer time for company donations for Individual Volunteering? Double-counting is not permitted; volunteer hours/requests for donations may only be submitted for one component of Community Partnership. If, however, you undertake two completely different volunteer activities for the same charity with some volunteer hours as part of a Community Partnership team and some individual hours, you may submit the appropriate hours under both the Team Volunteering and Individual Volunteering components. For example, your Community Partnership team project may be sorting food at a food pantry for one afternoon, while your individual volunteer activity involves performing administrative work for the same food pantry one day each month.

31. May I use one day of Paid Volunteer Time (PVT) for the Individual

Volunteering component of Community Partnership? Employees may include hours spent volunteering outside of work and up to one day of manager-approved PVT. Please review PVT Guidelines on the Community Partnership site on MySource.

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32. How do I register my individual volunteer activities and hours and

request a company donation? Employees who wish to participate may now submit their 2012 individual volunteer hours through Community Partnership Online, following a few simple steps.

1. Review the Individual Volunteering guidelines and Q&As;

2. Log on to Community Partnership Online at www.easymatch.com/bnymelloncommunitypartnership, using your Employee ID number.

3. From the left navigation, click Volunteer/Fundraise. 4. From the left navigation, click Submit a New Individual Activity. Then:

select your charity;

add the individual volunteer activity details;

review the verification screen and select the certify check box; and

log off or submit a second activity.

33. While I was entering my Individual Volunteering activity using Community Partnership Online, I was asked to select the Activity Type from a drop list. My activity type is not listed. What should I put in this field?

Select Other. A blank box will display where you can describe your activity type.

34. While I was entering my Individual Volunteering activity using Community Partnership Online, I was asked to select the Activity Type from a drop list. I perform many volunteer activities for this charity. What should I select in this field? Please select the one activity that best describes your most prominent or time- consuming activity. For example, you may provide event planning support for the charity’s annual fundraising gala and volunteer several times each year giving tours of the facility. If you spend the most time helping to plan the annual fundraising gala, you should select Event Planning and Consulting.

35. While I was entering my Individual Volunteering Activity using Community Partnership Online, I was asked to indicate the Activity Name. What should I enter in this field and how does this differ from Activity Type? The Activity Name may be different from the Activity Type or it may be similar. For example, if your Activity Type is Event Planning and Consulting, the Activity Name would be the name of the charity hosting the event and the name of the event (e.g. Community Links Gala). Or, if your Activity Type is Advisory/Board Roles your Activity Name would be Member of advisory board for the Red Cross.

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36. I volunteer with several charities each year. May I submit the hours I

volunteer for all of these charities? Employees are encouraged to not only volunteer, but to show the world how our employees support their communities. Community Partnership will process a maximum of one donation for up to two charities per employee for individual volunteer activities each calendar year. Employees must volunteer a minimum of 25 hours per submitted charity to be eligible for a company donation. Each time employees enter their volunteer hours, they will be asked to certify online that their volunteer activities fall under Community Partnership guidelines and that they performed all volunteer hours entered.

If individual volunteer hours for more than two charities are submitted, the two charities with the highest number of hours will be processed for a donation unless the employee contacts Community Partnership Online at [email protected] to instruct otherwise.

37. What is the deadline for submitting individual volunteer hours and, if

my charity and individual volunteer activity are eligible, when will the charity receive the donation? Employees may enter individual hours/volunteer activities completed for eligible charitable organizations during the calendar year using Community Partnership Online. The deadline for submitting volunteer hours for 2012 volunteering is January 31, 2013. Company donations for 2012 individual volunteering will be distributed to the charity in the second quarter of 2013.

38. Who should I contact if I have questions about the Individual

Volunteering component of Community Partnership?

If you have questions, please contact Community Partnership Online at [email protected].

Community Partnership Campaign

39. What is the Community Partnership Campaign, and how can I participate?

The Community Partnership Campaign is about harnessing our company’s collective generosity to bring about positive societal change, especially for those in need. It was created with your input and incorporates what is most important to you – more giving choices and more opportunities for meaningful engagement. The Community Partnership Campaign allows employees around the world to participate in our charitable fundraising efforts and is designed to foster a culture of giving and community engagement at BNY Mellon.

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During the campaign (September through October), employees receive information describing all options related to individual matched giving, Paid Volunteer Time (PVT), team volunteering, team fundraising and individual volunteering. There are many ways to participate. During the campaign, employees can:

o make an individual donation using Community Partnership Online, our web-based giving tool, and your selected charity will receive a company match;

o support Powering Potential; and o participate in or lead a team volunteer or fundraising project.

More information about the Community Partnership Campaign can be found on the Community Partnership site on MySource.

40. What are the match rates and match caps for individual donations made

during the Community Partnership Campaign?

For all eligible charities you choose to support during the campaign, the company will match your giving at a 50 percent rate. If you choose to support a Powering Potential charity, the company will double its match to 100 percent. The company will provide a maximum US$10,000 match per year for your individual gifts made through the Community Partnership Campaign. Of this, US$5,000 can be used for our company’s focus on Powering Potential and US$5,000 can be used for all other eligible charities.

41. How do I participate in team volunteering and fundraising during the


Team volunteering and fundraising are encouraged year-round and throughout the campaign. During the campaign, employees are eligible for a third day of Paid Volunteer Time for team volunteering projects.

42. What is the minimum donation in order to receive a company matching

contribution for an individual donation made during the campaign?

The minimum individual donation to receive a company match is US$24 per charity.

43. How are nonprofit organizations notified of my individual donation and the company match?

An agency portal is available to any eligible nonprofit organization that receives employee donations and company matches through the Community Partnership Campaign. Organizations are invited to access the portal, using a login/verification process, after the close of the annual Community Partnership Campaign. The portal allows the organization to obtain donor information, if authorized by the employee, including name, address, pledge amount, applicable company match amount, type of payment, payment status and recognition preference. The portal also

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offers the organization the ability to update its mission statement and contact information and choose whether it will send tax/acknowledgement information directly to the donor or allow the donor to access this information through his or her Giving Profile on Community Partnership Online.

44. What is the Community Partnership Campaign Concierge Program?

Concierge Program membership is available to BNY Mellon employees who pledge US$10,000 or more in personal funds during the Community Partnership Campaign. Member benefits include direct access to a Marketing and Corporate Affairs representative, enhanced flexibility for pledging and payments and personalized reports.

45. How will I be recognized for my individual donation made during the

Community Partnership Campaign?

The 2011 Community Partnership Campaign Leadership Giving recognition list is posted on MySource. The list shows the names of employees by major giving ranges starting at $250, including the company match. Some other individual nonprofit organizations also have recognition programs. In some cases, the total of your gifts to these organizations and the company match will be used to determine your recognition at the appropriate levels in these programs. Please note that employees who do not want to be recognized can choose to make an anonymous donation.

46. I am an expatriate. How will Individual Matched Giving work for me?

You are eligible for the program in the country where you are on the payroll.

U.S. employees – Individual Matched Giving during the Community Partnership Campaign

47. How do I make an individual donation during the Community Partnership Campaign?

During the Community Partnership Campaign, visit Community Partnership Online to make a donation using any of the following payment methods: Payroll deduction (pledge) In the U.S., payroll deduction is the most popular form of payment – it’s easy and convenient, with a portion of your pledge to an eligible organization deducted each pay period. If you enroll during the 2012 campaign, your payroll deduction began in January 2013 and will continue each year unless you cancel it or provide instructions during the Community Partnership Campaign to change your donation amounts and/or charities.

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Existing payroll deduction (continuous pledge) BNY Mellon has a continuous pledge system. Your payroll deduction will remain unchanged until you instruct otherwise.

Check You may make a one-time donation by check as long as your check is made payable to BNY Mellon Community Partnership, the pledge is made by the close of the Community Partnership Campaign and the check is received by BNY Mellon Community Partnership by the deadline date. When you pledge online and choose the check option, a message displays directing you to send in your check along with a printed copy of the confirmation page.

Within a few days, you will receive a postage-paid envelope in interoffice mail; use this envelope to mail your confirmation page and check made payable to BNY Mellon Community Partnership for processing.

Credit/debit card For employees who donate via credit or debit card, BNY Mellon will pay all processing fees including the fee charged by the card vendor.

Securities You may make a one-time donation via donated securities if the pledge is made during the Community Partnership Campaign. Instructions about how to donate using securities are available when you pledge online and choose the option to donate via securities or by contacting [email protected] or (888) 593-2580. Note: The program does not allow donations to be made with donor-advised funds or via lump-sum payroll deduction.

48. I contribute or would like to contribute to Powering Potential. What are

my giving options?

Option 1: Donate to BNY Mellon’s Powering Potential Fund. Your donation will be allocated among the Powering Potential organizations associated with your work location.

Option 2: Direct your donation to a specific Powering Potential organization associated with your work location.

Option 3: Direct your donation to a specific Powering Potential organization in another location.

If you pledged to BNY Mellon’s Powering Potential prior to the 2010 campaign using payroll deduction and did not make a change during the 2010 campaign, your pledge was automatically rolled over to the “BNY Mellon Powering Potential Fund” at the close of the 2011 campaign and your donation was allocated among the Powering

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Potential organizations associated with your work location. If you want to change your pledge (such as amount or recognition options), renew your pledge during the Community Partnership Campaign and adjust it accordingly.

If your prior payroll pledge was made to an organization that was added as a Powering Potential charity, you must re-select the organization as a BNY Mellon Powering Potential charity to receive the 100 percent company match. To do this, please cancel your current payroll deduction pledge during the next campaign and use the Make a Pledge button to make a new pledge to the organization, using one of the Powering Potential options. If you do not follow these steps, your existing pledge will roll over and your organization will receive a 50 percent company match. If you have donated to Powering Potential in previous campaigns by check, credit or debit card or donated securities and would like to donate to the Powering Potential Fund or Powering Potential charity, select the appropriate option from the Choose Your Organization screen to make your donation during the next campaign.

Donations collected and distributed for BNY Mellon’s Powering Potential program are administered by BNY Mellon through Fidelity® Charitable Gift Fund (CGF), a 501(c) (3) public charity that sponsors a donor-advised fund program. As a participant in the Powering Potential program, you may recommend that your employee and company matching contributions be directed toward eligible organizations selected by the Powering Potential program. All contributions and recommendations are at the discretion and final approval by the Powering Potential program and the Fidelity® CFG.

49. During the Community Partnership Campaign, how are processing fees

handled for donations made by U.S. employees to charities?

BNY Mellon contracts with an outside vendor to handle the processing of employee donations and company matching donations. Under this system, donations are made by the vendor directly to the charity selected by the employee.

BNY Mellon will pay all processing fees, including the fee charged by credit and debit card vendors.

50. What happens to my payroll deduction if I do not submit a new or revised pledge during the Community Partnership Campaign?

BNY Mellon has a continuous pledge system. Your payroll deduction will remain unchanged until you instruct otherwise. If you had a payroll deduction in place prior to 2008 and did not change the amount or indicate the charities to which you wanted to direct your donation during the 2008 campaign, your payroll deduction pledge will continue to go to the United Way in your work location with a company matching donation. If your payroll deduction contribution is currently directed to BNY Mellon’s Powering Potential, you have the option to identify a specific BNY Mellon-supported Powering Potential organization(s) during the Community Partnership Campaign. If you chose

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not to change your existing Powering Potential payroll deduction during the 2011 campaign, your contribution was rolled over to the BNY Mellon Powering Potential Fund and is allocated to the chosen Powering Potential charities in your work location. Note that charities receiving support through Powering Potential may change from one year to the next.

51. How do I discontinue my current payroll deduction in the U.S.?

If you want to discontinue your current payroll deduction during the Community Partnership Campaign, go to the campaign page on Community Partnership Online and click Pledge Now to access the My Current Campaign Pledges page. Click Make a Pledge to access the Choose Your Organization page, then select I do not want to make a pledge during this campaign. On the resulting confirmation page, click Confirm. This will discontinue your payroll deduction effective January 1. If you want to discontinue your payroll deduction after the close of the Community Partnership Campaign, contact [email protected] or (888) 593-2580 and request that your payroll deduction contribution be discontinued. Your deduction will be stopped within one to two pay periods, based on the date of your request.

52. How will tax receipts be handled for Individual Matched Giving

donations or pledges made by U.S. employees during the Community Partnership Campaign?

For payroll deduction donations: If you make a donation by payroll deduction and want to claim a deduction, you must keep your year-end pay statement and the Transaction Detail page from Community Partnership (see below for instructions to access this document on Community Partnership Online after January 31) or a receipt from the charity.

For check/credit card donations: Although you received an e-mail pledge confirmation from Community Partnership, you will need to have a receipt for IRS purposes if you want to claim a deduction.

Note: If you send in a check or credit card donation by the November 2 deadline, the donation will be sent to the charity in 2012 and counted as a 2012 donation.

To receive a tax receipt from the charity, when you pledged or donated during the Community Partnership Campaign, you must have authorized the program to release your name, gift amount and address to the charity. Each charity was then asked to log on to Community Partnership Online and indicate whether it wanted to provide a tax receipt for employee donations or allow BNY Mellon Community Partnership to provide a tax receipt on its behalf.

To view the option selected by your charity, log on to Community Partnership Online and click My History. All donations you made through the Community Partnership

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Campaign display. Go to the last column, Match Amount Request, and click Show Detail to display the Transaction Detail page.

· If your charity gave BNY Mellon Community Partnership permission to create the receipt, the following message displays: Tax Recordkeeping Documentation: Please print this page as your receipt for your charitable donation.

· If the charity wants to produce its own tax receipt, the following message displays: Tax Recordkeeping Documentation: Please contact [charity name] if you need a tax receipt for this donation. Some charities will send the tax receipt automatically; other charities will not send a receipt unless the donor requests one. If you need a receipt and have not received one, please contact the charity directly.

Employees should review IRS Publication 526 Charitable Contributions for information on charitable contributions, deductions and required documentation, and should check with their tax advisors on any tax-related issues. If you have questions, please contact Community Partnership at [email protected] or (888) 593-2580.

53. If my donations translate into a matching amount that is greater than the maximum, how will it be allocated?

The cap for donations and pledges made during the Campaign is $10,000 ($5,000 for Powering Potential and $5,000 for all other charities). If you make a donation to a new charity during the campaign, the charity must be validated before a match amount is indicated on Community Partnership Online. Once validated, a match is automatically applied as long as you have not reached the matching maximum. If you are near the cap, you will be able to reallocate your match amounts after the organization is validated. If you are over your match limits, you will be contacted when the organization is validated so that you can verify your matching preferences.

54. If I contribute during the Community Partnership Campaign, when will

the charity receive the funds and the match?

If you sent in your check /credit card donation by the November 2, 2012, deadline, the donation will be sent to the charity in mid-December. Company matching donations for check/credit card donations received by November 2 will be disbursed to the charity in February of 2013.

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If you give using payroll deduction:

Employee donations and company matches to Powering Potential charities will be disbursed 4-6 weeks after the end of each quarter.

Employee donations to other eligible charities will be disbursed in the month following each quarter.

Company matches to other eligible charities will be disbursed annually in February (i.e. If you donate to other eligible charities via payroll deduction in 2013 the company match of your payroll deduction donations will be sent to the charity in February of 2014.)

Please note that BNY Mellon will disburse a minimum amount of $20 in employee donations or company matching donations to an approved charity. Provided that the $20 minimum is met, donations and company matches will be disbursed as noted above. Otherwise the donation will be disbursed in the month following the quarter when the $20 minimum has been reached or the February after the calendar year has ended.

55. Do the charities I donate to have to be in the U.S.?

If you are employed in the U.S., the charity to which you wish to donate must be an approved U.S. charity in order to be eligible for a company match. However, some international charities or universities have "friends of” chapters located in the U.S with a U.S. 501(c) (3) status to which an employee can donate. In most cases, as long as the employee makes a donation to one of the U.S. chapters, it will be accepted and matched.

56. What happens to my donation if my charity does not cash the check

issued by BNY Mellon Community Partnership? Donations made by employees through the Community Partnership Campaign are disbursed to the charity by BNY Mellon Community Partnership. Charities have 180 days to cash the check issued by BNY Mellon Community Partnership before it is deemed void. If the charity does not cash the check within the first 90 days, they will receive two follow-up communications asking them to confirm receipt. If they have not received the check, a new check is re-issued. If there is no response, the employee is contacted by BNY Mellon Community Partnership and asked to designate their donation to a different eligible charity. Should the employee not respond all funds will be defaulted to the United Way based on the employee’s work location.

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International employees – Individual Matched Giving during the Community Partnership Campaign

57. How can I make an individual donation during the Community Partnership Campaign and receive a company match?

During the Community Partnership Campaign, visit Community Partnership Online to make a credit or debit card donation to eligible charities.

For employees who donate via credit or debit card, BNY Mellon will pay all processing fees, including the fee charged by the credit card vendors.

In the UK, employees may also donate through payroll deduction to UK-registered charities through the tax-efficient UK Payroll Giving scheme. An enrollment form is available on the Community Partnership site on MySource.

58. I do not know my employee ID number. How can I find out this number

so that I can log on to Community Partnership Online?

International employees received employee ID cards in September 2010. If you don’t know your employee ID, please ask your manager.

59. How will tax receipts be handled for donations that I made during the

Community Partnership Campaign?

In order to receive a tax receipt from the charity, you must have authorized the program to release your name, gift amount and address to the charity. Some charities will send the tax receipt automatically; other charities will not send a receipt unless the donor requests one. If you need a receipt and have not received one, please contact the charity directly.

Any potential tax deductibility of donations to any of these charities is dependent on applicable tax laws for their country. International employees are advised to check country-specific laws and restrictions and with their tax advisors on any tax-related issues. If you have questions, please contact Community Partnership at [email protected].

60. How are processing fees handled for donations made by international

employees during the Community Partnership Campaign?

For employees who donate via credit or debit card, BNY Mellon will pay all processing fees including the fee charged by the card vendor.

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61. If I donate during the Community Partnership Campaign, when will the charity receive the funds and the match?

If you make your credit card donation during the campaign, the donation will be sent to the charity in mid-December 2012. Company matching donations will be disbursed to the charities in the first quarter of 2013.

62. Can I donate money to organizations located in countries other than my

home country?

Employees can only donate to eligible charities in the country in which they live and work, with the exception of the Global FoodBanking Network, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, CARE, Doctors Without Borders, Oxfam and Save the Children. Organizations must meet requirements for the country’s governance as well as our company’s eligibility guidelines. The list of eligible charities for each country will be expanded over time. You may view the Powering Potential charities and all other eligible charities through the Search for Agency link on Community Partnership Online.

UK Employees – UK Payroll Giving programme

63. What is the UK Give Payroll Giving programme?

Payroll Giving is an easy and tax-efficient way for UK taxpayers to donate to any UK-registered charity directly from your pay. Donations through Payroll Giving are extremely valuable to charities as they provide a regular income, enabling charities to plan more effectively for the future. Payroll Giving deductions are made before income tax is calculated, so the charity receives the full amount pledged, including the money that would otherwise have been paid in tax. The UK Payroll Giving programme is administered through the Charities and Aid Foundation. UK employees may enroll and change their contribution at any time.

The matching rates are 100 percent for Powering Potential charities and 50 percent for all other eligible charities. The company cap is £6,500 (up to £3,250 for Powering Potential charities and up to £3,250 for other eligible charities). For a list of Powering Potential charities for the UK Payroll Giving Programme visit the Community Partnership site on MySource.

Instructions and forms for the UK Payroll Giving programme are available on the Community Partnership site on MySource.